Dancing with Scorpions

Author: Alexandra
Time to Read:21min
Added Date:7/26/2024
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Tags: Softcore

Author's Note: This note will quickly describe the heroine of the story. Her name is Lynx, and she's in her early 20s. She has short brown hair and brown eyes. She stands 5'8, and about 135. Her costume is a grey spandex one piece swimsuit type outfit. She also wears boots, and gloves.

As for her powers, and weaknesses, you'll just have to wait and see.

Now, on to the story...

It was a hot summer night, and I was finishing my patrol, before heading home to a nice cool bath. Suprisingly there hadn't been any problems and I just had a couple blocks to sweep, then I'd be done.

As I hopped onto yet another roof, the best way to patrol, I saw a possible problem. 4 teens, gang members, were on the sidewalk below, bs'ing between harrasing people...deciding that I should send them home, I slid down into an alley across from them, then walked into the street.

As I got closer, one saw me, and they all looked up, eyes moving over my body, as men are won't to do. I got even closer, smiled, with a hand on my hip, and said.

"Why don't you boys head home, now, it's pretty late."

One of them spoke for the 4...he wasn't a bruiser, in fact he wore glasses, and was slightly shorter than I am. "We're not doin nothing, ma'am." he said, "except hanging out."

I was suprised at his politeness, but I replied "Be that as it may...you should still get home."

"We don't want to..and you can't make us Scorpions do anything we don't like."

I'd heard of them..the Scorpions are a gang...a pretty vicious one...who had a rep of 'dealing' with 'intrusive women'. Rumors had linked them to the abductions, and gang rapes, of two police women, one from her own home, and the other from her patrol car.

But, I am a heroine, and there were only four, so I said "I could make you...and you might get hurt...so why not move along peacefully?"

"I don't think so." he said, and then added "In fact, why don't you move along, sweets."

That set me off, and I took a step closer, and lauched a side kick at his belly. It was a good, solid blow, and I gasped when he easily caught my ankle, holding my leg up in the air, well off the ground.

Now, the other three moved in, thinking me helpless, which I wasn't. Using a little move I knew, I twisted my body, pulling my leg free, and landing easily. But, in the meantime, they'd partly surrounded me...well, a fight to end the patrol, then the bath, I decided.

I started to pivot, to keep them in view, and gauge thier style. They seemed pretty suprised at the ease with which I shook free a moment before, and watched me warily.

Except for one..as he left my view, off to my left, for just a moment, he dove at my legs. Hitting my calves with a perfect tackle, he drove me down onto the sidewalk. I rolled with the fall...which wasn't wise in this case, as he moved with it as well, and I was quickly on my belly, with him sitting on my calves.

He grabbed my left wrist, and pulled it behind me, as I felt two of the others tear my boots off my feet. I heard the one with the glasses chuckling, as I braced my right arm under me and started to push myself up again.

Then, to the suprise of the four gang members, I pushed up mightily, and sorta lept into the air. I shook all three of them off me, and ended up on my feet on the sidewalk, as the three of them hit the ground.

Glancing to glasses, I said "Ok, last chance...vamoose now."

"Right." he said, as his pals picked themselves up "Why should we do that, you little slut?"

I hate it when thugs call me that, but it does seem to be a staple of this profession...and it adds to the fun of pounding the snot out of them.

He leaned back, against a car, as one of the others lept at me. But, I caught his arm, flipped him over me, and into a nearby wall. He hit hard..I mean hard...and went down in a heap.

"That could be why." I said, with a smirk.

He looked a little nervous, perhaps even suprised, at the ease with which I dealt with his pal, and said nothing. But, as I turned to deal with the others, one dove, and hit my ankles. I heard his own grunt, as he slammed into the sidewalk, but I was down again, too, sitting on my butt, with his arms around my lower legs.

I started to reach for him, to get him off my legs. He obliged, sitting up, but also tugged a pair of handcuffs from the back pocket of his jeans. I dunno how he thought he'd use them, as my hands weren't in his reach, nor would I allow myself to be cuffed...now, I simply had to deal with him. I did so pretty easily, simply kicking him in the mouth, which knocked him onto his back. Then I rolled up to my feet.

As I got back to my feet, I felt a blow to my lower back, as the other one of the gangers hit me, with what he thought was a hard blow. It wasn't. I spun away, and glanced about. There was no sign of glasses...he'd fled, it seemed, but the other two, let's call them Blondie and Brick, cause one was a blonde, and the other looked like he was built from bricks, were off to my left and right, respectivley, and not looking thrilled. Blondie still had his cuffs, too.

Brick rushed me...he almost grabbed and tackled me, but I avoided that. I was forced, however, to simply retreat before him, and was, for the moment, unable to attack back. I tried to spin away, but he nimbly stayed with me, preventing me from regaining the initiative. So I took a risk. I jumped straight up. He didn't expect that, and I placed my hands on his shoulders, vaulted over his head, and landed on the hood of a nearby car.

It got me away from Brick...but not Blondie. As I landed, he used his arm to sweep my legs out, and I slipped, and fell, with my bottom and legs on the hood, my torso on the widshield, and my head about roof level. I 'Ooofed' and before I could do much of anything else, Brick had grabbed an ankle. He lost the grip pretty quick, though, as I kicked him with my other foot and he let go.

Blondie grabbed my left arm, pulling it out to the side. Before I could do anything, he'd cuffed my wrist, and then snapped the other end shut around the pole of the parking meter the car was next to. I leaned over and reached across, and grabbed at the front of his shirt. I saw Brick getting back up, from where he'd fell when I'd kicked him, and I felt him again grab my ankle.

This was getting tiring...I decided that it was time to put an end to it. While a lot of my powers are subtle, I can call upon my patron Goddess a few times a day, though the more often I do, the more draining it is, and produce, from her blessings, some pretty spectacular effects.

"In Ishtar's Name..." I felt Brick pull my ankle to the bumper of the car, and cuff it there.

"...I call for..." They both looked at me, then began to move around the car, to my right side.

"Lightning!" From the cloudless sky above, lightning shot down, striking the car. It glowed red, then sorta exploded, giving off energy rather than shrapnel. The cuffs disintegrated, and the men collapsed, bowled over by the shock wave. Windows along the street blew in, and my boots were also destroyed, over on the sidewalk. I, and the rest of my outfit, wasn't, though, for Ishtar's blessings never hurt me, nor anyhing I'm wearing...in fact, if my hands had been cuffed behind me, the cuffs wouldn't have been affected either.

I stood up, smiling, and looked about...where had glasses gone, I wondered.

Then I saw the door, just closing, across the way, so I headed for it. As I got there, I kicked it in, and, as a result, knocked the guy hiding behind it out cold...but, it wasn't glasses, just some other goon, with a pipe. Silly boy, hiding beind a door like that.

I was in an entry room, a pretty bland one, with a hallway off of it. I could see a picture of a scorpion painted on one wall, so it was probably a little hideaway of the gang.

Moving to the door, I saw it led into a hallway. The walls were wooden, and there was no carpet. Moving along the hall, I found a door on the left wall, which was open and led to stairs going down, but I stayed in the hall, moving to the door at the end, which was ajar.

Reaching it, I kicked it in, then moved quickly inside. I found myself in what was now a lounge. The room was pretty big, and had some chairs, a coffee table, a couch, a tv and the like.

And a half dozen Scorpions.

"Get her!" they yelled, as I came in the room, and I went to meet them, to deal with them, then find glasses.

I grabbed a chair, and chucked in, and that knocked three over, and twisted around the fourth. Five moved carefully off to my right, but six came right at me, grabbing me around the waist. I managed to squirm free, but it had given four time to get back into the fray, and for the rest to start and stand up.

A quick knee to the nuts took six out, and I rolled backwards...I had to deal with four and five before the rest could get reinvolved. They spread out in different directions, though, so I kicked six hard behind the ear to make sure he'd stay down.

I then ducked backwards, avoiding four, but five pushed me hard, and I staggered back, coming to rest against the back of the couch.

Three, four and five came quickly in at me, grasping at me, as one and two stayed back, circling. I was having a hard time fending off the three of them, with the limited room I had to move in, as the couch kept me from going backwards.

Three feinted at me, and I fell for it, letting four and five get close. Four grabbed my left arm, while five slid to his knees, grabbing at my ankles. I tugged away, for the moment, but three ducked in, and I was out of space, surrounded by the three, and the couch at my back.

So, it was time to call on the Goddess...a little enchantment of Sleep would stop them.

"In Ishtar's name..." I said, fending them off, barely, with my arms.

"...I call for..." I pushed myself even further back sliding up onto the back of the couch, to avoid thier grasps, and, in the process kicked five in the face, and took him out of the fray. Three managed a good hit on me, though, and I gasped loudly.

I then hopped backwards, over the couch, putting it between me, and them, so I'd have time to finish my incantation, which had been interrupted by the gasp. "In Ishtar's name.." I once more began.

Three and four had tugged the couch aside, and one and two were closing from left and right.

"....I call for..." Four came at me to quick, for him, and a right hook sent him crashing down, as I lept away from the others.

"Hmmmmppphhh!" I finished, as, from behind, a rag was slammed over my mouth and nose! I didn't panic, but instead drove an elbow back, and was rewarded by a grunt, as the hand moved away, it's owner staggering backwards.

One of the others hit my lower legs just then, tumbling me forward, to land on my hands and knees, and now I had two to my front, and two to my back..not the best of situations, especially since I felt one of the ones behind me grab an ankle.

I was starting to turn my head, when one of the front ones reached me, and pulled my hair, hard.

"Ow!" I yelled, adding "Bastard" right before I grabbed his nuts, and twisted hard...with a scream a fell backwards, letting my hair go.

"How do you like that!" I shouted at him, as he fell, and pushed up, so I was now kneeling on the floor, with a hand still on my ankle, behind me. Or, there was, as I threw myself hard to the left, breaking the grip, and rolling, once more sorta laying on the floor.

I rolled onto my back, then hopped up to my feet, to see that rag boy had been glasses..so now glasses and two others were still in the fight. I grinned, cracked my knuckles, and headed for them. The two thugs were starting to look a little worried, but glasses seemed calm.

Glasses gestured, as I got closer, and the three of them started to spread out, to be able to attack me from different angles. I wasn't worried...only three were left, and glasses was the only one of them who wasn't quaking.

I went left, and laid one of the goons out with a series of rapid punches, and then spun back to face glasses and the remining thug, who were running for a door on the far side of the room, and I began to chase them. They ran though the door, and closed it behind them, and, moments later I reached it, and pulled it open, then raced through.

I entered a hallway, and could see glasses and friend running away further down it. What I didn't see were the two alcoves in the side of the hall. As I raced into the hall, three more thugs lept from them, and tackled me hard to the ground, where I ended up on my back, them over me.

Glasses and pal turned, and raced back down the hall, towards us. I started to fight with the tacklers. Two of them and I were struggling, while number three grabbed my left ankle, and pulled my leg wide. I kept squirming and struggling, figuring that they had something diabolical in mind.

I felt my right leg hit someone hard, and the heard the groan and thud as one fell...probably glasses or his pal...so 4 left, I figured. But, the two strugging with me had grabbed my arms, and were starting to pull them up, and I felt something cold and metal close around my left ankle.

I started to struggle harder, and began to press my agressors back..when I felt hands caressing the sole of my captive foot, and then a warm tongue began to lick at my toes. With a gasp, I froze, and again my arms were pulled partly over my head.

The tongue continued to assault my sensitive toes, it's warmth gliding over them. Again I gasped, still shocked, as my arms were fully pressed down over my head, wrists together. I fought to ignore the feelings starting to flow from my feet higher, and with an effort, sat up, my arms still held, but now in front of me...but..I had to shake them off me quick, cause I didn't know how much longer I could match strength with them.

They began to bear down once more, as I heard glasses say "Hold her for a moment longer. I could see him past the two I was struggling with, he was kneeling near my leg. I felt the tongue leave my toes as well. I kept stuggling with my two 'partners' but they were pretty evenly matched with me, and I'd been unable to find an advantage.

As we kept struggling, they focused solely, it seemed, on keeping me contained and under control...and they were doing it well. I felt a hand on my inner thigh, of my free leg, as well. I wanted to see what was happening, but, my two..comrades...were in the way.

Now, I didn't like this prolonged defensive struggle, but, with limited mobility, and the two of them grabbing at me, I hadn't been able to get back onto the offensive. I knew I had to soon, or I'd be in real trouble. So, throwing everything I had behind a major tug, I actually managed to pull one arm free of thier grips. Now, if I could only counterattack.

Using my free hand to brace me, I tugged my other arm free, though they were still draped over me. I was starting to feel good..maybe they were more tired than I was. However, I also felt my free leg being pulled to the side, spreading my legs wide...while it braced me, it also even more hindered my mobility.

I had to act fast, and, joining my hands together, to make a large fist, I slammed it along the side of one of the two on me...he fell to the side, rolling into the alcove, pretty out of it. I can hit hard, when I need to. However, I felt cuffs close around my second ankle, which wasn't a good sign.

I saw glasses shift to between my legs, as his buddy again grabbed at my arms, the third one, who I assumed had been the one licking my toes, I couldn't see. I was once more locked in a wresting struggle, though, so couldn't worry much about him. And, I was pretty evenly matched with him, and he was bigger, so he forced me back down a little.

I could see the last of them, he was standing now, holding some strange looking black rope. I didn't like the looks of that. I strained more, and began to once more push up a little, as I kept struggling with my wrestling partner.

Then he suprised me, suddenly kissing me! As his tongue pressed into my mouth, I was stunned, and he slammed me down to the floor, easily pulling my arms over my head. I was still shocked, pinned down, with a tongue exploring my mouth, then, the mouth was pulled away, and a foul smelling pad was pressed to my face...too stunned to try and not breathe, I got a good fill of the ether, and soon slumped into sleep....

After a few minutes, the super chick stopped struggling, the ether soaked pad having knocked her out, and I stood up, and looked around.

"Melvin, what now?" asked Larry, as I adjusted my glasses. Yes, my name is Melvin..not a normal name for a gang leader, I know, but, what can ya do. I'm not one for nom de guerre. I gestured for him to be quiet, and I thought for a moment...this was different than some cop bitch..this was one of them heroines. I couldn't hurt her too much. I wouldn't want Ultra Woman, or Shadow, or one of the other major heroines coming after us for revenge, so, I decided on a different plan.

Assmembling the rest of the gang...those that were up, that is, I issued orders, then went to the command center to watch.

An hour or so later.

The base's camera were all on, and Larry, Johhny, and I watched the super chick wake up. She groaned, and slowly sat up, then gasped, momentarily suprised as she discovered she was naked. She gave herself a once over, and realized pretty quickly that no one had done anything to her.

She stood up, walked around the small room we'd put her in, and got her bearings, then muttered "Well, Lynx, this is a fine mess...better get out of here."

So, now we knew her name, or at least the one she used when fighting crime.

Well, she checked out the room more, then went to the door. Pressing her ear against it for a minute, she then flipped it open...it was unlocked as that was part of the plan, and lept through it. I don't know how she did it, but, she timed it perfectly, the door hitting Zed in the face, hard, and knocking him cold.

Oh well, casualties are part of any battle plan.

The Lynx stopped, gasping again. She saw she was in our gym, and could see the other three guys I'd left there...to play with her when she awoke. With luck, they'd nail her, and we could move forward...if not, well, I had others nearby. What caused her to gasp is that the guys - Morris, Bruno, and Ape, were all huge. Morris was the smallest at 6'6, and they were all well muscled, naked as she was, and hung.

Well, the three of them came at her quickly, already starting to harden as they rushed her. She moved quick too, putting gym equipment between her and Bruno and Ape, leaving her, for the moment, one on one with Morris.

I leaned back in my chair, enjoying the show. Her tits were quite firm, and jiggled wonderfully as she moved.

Morris quickly got to her, grabbed them tits, and then pushed her backwards. Her legs hit a bench, and she fell backwards, legs shooting up, arms flopping over her head, onto the weight lifting bench.

She moved well with it, though, turning her fall into a roll, then flip, and landing nicely on some mats..right in front of Ape, who grabbed her, pinning her arms to her side.

She bent forward, flipping Ape, who crashed into Bruno, as Morris cleared the weight bench. She backed away from Morris, who moved at her quickly, letting Bruno and Ape get back up. Morris made a couple attacks, that she parried away...but that let Ape and Bruno close in on her again.

"Bet she has a tight pussy, sluts like her normally do." Morris taunted.

She growled and lept at Morris, but Bruno cut her off, his arm grabbing her around the waist. He then spun in a circle once, and pushed her at Ape. She managed to arrest her stagger before she got to him, and looked around at the three studs who were surrounding her. Morris chose then to dive at her, and, in a perfect tackle, took her legs out from under her. She fell onto her back, on the mats, as he rolled onto his knees a couple feet in front of her, as he hadn't wrapped her up.

He didn't have to, as Ape dropped down, sitting on her calves, her eyes falling on his prick. He grinned, and stroked it. "Ready for this, slutgirl?" he asksed, with an evil grin.

Well, normally at this point, a chick would fold, and start begging not to be hurt. Not this Lynx chick, though. She sat up, darted forward, and slipped the head of Ape's cock into her mouth...then bit it hard. Ape screamed and rolled off her, clutching himself.

He was out of this fight...2 down.

Morris and Bruno weren't out though. Bruno grabbed her arm, while Morris grabbed both of her ankles. She didn't look intimidated, though. She shot her free arm back, and slammed it into Bruno's face, and, with a crack, his nose broke. He, too, fell back.

Well, I wasn't expecting her to pull off a win here, but, as I'd said, I had planned for it....just in case.

Morris lept back, coming to his feet, looking more mad than horny now. She slowly rose to her own feet, watching him. Then she came at him, but he pulled her earlier move, and flipped her pretty easily. She hit the mats behind him. He turned and dove, but, she rolled left and he hit the mat as well.

The two of them again rolled to thier feet, and faced each other. I could see Morris' respect for her, and her own confidence. Neither of them was speaking now, both sizing the other up. Morris was bigger, but I'd say that Lynx had more skill...still nothing was decided yet.

Then she grabbed a 10 pound weight and chucked it at him. Morris wasn't expecting that...hell none of us were either..It hit him in the belly, and he fell backwards over a weight bench, and hit the floor hard.

Little miss heroine wandered over, and leaned over the bench, and grinned. "Thanks for the workout, I'll be going now."

Then she popped up, and headed for the door of the gym. I hit some buttons to let others know that the gym was a win for her.

She moved out into a hallway and turned to the left, moving quickly down it. She didn't seem to be slowed much, if at all, from the gym, and I kep watching as she reached the end of the hall, and lept through the door, ready for a fight.

Which was good, cause 8 of the gang were there....that she could see, at least..there were really 12, but the 8 were the distraction.

Well, she charged right at them, as fast as could be.

And, just like the plan, they let her. As she hit the lead one, taking him down, the other seven lept on her dragging her to the ground.

Well, she was an alleycat...before I knew it, two more of my boys were down, and she was up to her hands and knees, struggling with the others. They were draped over her, and had her under control...for the moment.

With a headbutt, she dropped another...four were still on her, and tried to push further up.

"Four varlets" she said, and she laid out yet another one "I will defeat..ahhhh!"

I grinned...for my reserve had arrived, naked and had snuck up on her..and the lead one had just pressed a few inches of a bitch tamer roughly into her.

For those of you that don't know, a bitch tamer is a 12 inch long, 2 inch wide, studded vibrator. It's pretty good for distracting, and abusing, girls with.

We could all hear it, here in the control center, as it was turned on, with a buzzing sound.

Well, she flipped out. Her arms grabbed two of the men that were left, and slammed them together, and then mighty punches dropped the last two. She musta thought that it was a mechanical arm that had pressed the toy into her, because, without even looking, she reached behind her with both arms to pull it out...and, they were both grabbed by my men, as more of the toy was pushed inside her.

"C'mon" I said, to Johnny and Larry, and left the room, heading downstairs.

And, when I entered the barracks, I gasped, for she was standing there, my reserve out cold! Damn...this wasn't part of the plan.

Johnny and Larry rushed her...kinda impulsive, really, I thought. She musta been at least winded, though, for while she sidestepped Johnny, Larry managed to slug her across the jaw, and she staggered backwards a bit.

Larry followed up, with another fist to her jaw. She was knocked futher back, and Johhny grabbed her left arm. She seemed a little out of it, but, I only slowly went closer.

"Unhand me." she said to Johhny. He chucked, and that's when she hit him in the solar plexus. He fell like a poleaxed steer. Then she ducked under Larry's next punch. I stopped, watching. As she started to come back up, from her duck, his leg took her ankles out from under her, and she fell to the floor, landing on her ass.

However, she slammed her hands over his ears, and he fell backwards, whimpering...probably with ruptered eardrums. Nice move...and one a lotta heroine's wouldn't make.

I stood there as she stood up, then glared at me.

"We meet again." she said, with a growl.

"Indeed." I said "Name's Melvin...figured since I know yours, you may as well know mine."

"I am going to apprehend you now, you varlet."

"I don't think so." I said, more calmly than I felt. "You're tired and banged up...I'm fresh. So, why not simply surrender."

She stood there for a moment, thinking, breasts heaving. Then she started to stride at me. I took a step back, trying to decide on a strategy. She wasn't giving me that chance, though, as she came in quick, intending to take me out, and, probably, to escape.

And she was fast, she reached me well before I thought she could, and grabbed my right arm. Then, she tossed me over her shoulder with ease, and I crashed into a bed. It didn't hurt much, and I started to come to my feet, hoping for an idea. The bed itself was buying me some time, so I kept it between us, as I glanced around. Then she tossed the bed out of the way...and that suprised me.

Then she hit me across the jaw, and I flew across the room, landing on my back. Ow, that hurt...and little miss prissy was walking my way. She reached me, looking down at me heroically..and I had quite a view of her, too, but that wasn't on my mind.

Then she grabbed me, and tossed me again. I felt pain as my back hit something metal, and I was staggered against it...then the thought hit me...metal. If..if I could time everything right, I had the little super bitch.

As she walked at me again, I pushed back, on the surface behind me, to press myself back to a mostly standing position. I grinned at her. "What a wimp you are." I goaded, "still can't knock out one little guy."

She growled and lept in at me, eyes blazing. I rolled to the side, and she slammed into the object I'd been against. Let me describe it. It looks like a metal T if viewed from the side. It has a small rod sticking out of the front of the | part of the T, and a longer rod that can pop up at an angle from the back of it. Well, her belly hit the back edge of it, and she flopped forward. Her stomach and lower torso fell across the top if it, her breasts and head were past it's edge, and her arms flopped down the front of it.

"Uhhhh" she said, for that impact probably hurt, and I moved to the side of the object. She shook her head side to side, to shake off the impact, and grabbed the front crossbar to push herself back up. Then she looked over at me, angrily. I was waiting for the damn control panel to finish coming on line.

"You will pay for your attacks on me." she said.

"I doubt it." I said, and pushed a button. Two iron cuffs popped out of the crossbar and snapped shut around her wrists. She gasped in suprise, eyes widening. Her expression became even more priceless as she felt a second set of iron cuffs lock shut around her ankles.

"Not so cocky now, are you?" I asked, as I programmed the panel. Where all kinds of brute force had failed, I had succeeded...that's why I'm the boss. As my fingers finished programming, I said "Now, my dear, are you ready to become a little fucktoy?"

She opened her eyes wide..and I grinned, then laughed...and lost her. For just then she also grinned, the said "In Ishatar's name, return me home."

And she vanished. Wham, just like that. I dunno why she hadn't done that sooner...mayber her powers need a recharge time. In any event, next time, I gag her before I gloat.