Justice Club: Young Justice

Author: Alexi92
Time to Read:49min
Added Date:9/25/2024
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Tags: Wonder WomanSuperboy

Characters copyrighted by DC, Image, and Marvel. Story should in no way be associated with any of these companies. Use of Justice Club is with Yenoc's permission. Sexual Material, story meant for people over 18 although it will probably be read by kids who pretend to be older than they are. For shame.

High profile superheroines were disappearing. Speculations were made that they were just lying low, working undercover, dead, or just disillusioned. After all, who could really blame Batgirl for giving up her tights after all the disturbing features of Gotham City. But then Wonder Woman disappeared. Now it was one thing if Wonder Girl went missing, after all it was Wonder Girl, a little kid with powers that no one was sure about, but Wonder Woman was another matter. But after three months people had begun to give up hope. If someone who could hear a pin drop six countries over couldn't find Wonder Woman, then the NYPD missing persons department didn't stand a chance. As far as the world at large was concerned, Wonder Woman was gone.

To the six teenagers in the Justice League of America's former cave headquarters Wonder Woman was a hot topic, if for no other reason than the new Wonder Girl wouldn't shut the hell up about it.

"I'm telling you guys, Wonder Woman is alive. Nothing could kill her."

"Ah, you're just saying that because she's your idol," said Superboy sourly. "If Superman couldn't find her, then she's not findable."

"What if there's some place Superman didn't look?" asked Secret.

"Impossible," explained Superboy, "Superman can see everywhere, he's got X-ray vision."

"He can't see through lead," said Robin.

"Oh yeah," scoffed Superboy, "someone kidnapped Wonder Woman and just happened to put her in a lead building."

"Not just her," said Robin. "Over the past year, over ten superheroines have mysteriously disappeared, with no explanation."

"What I don't understand," Arrowette piped up, "is why no one really noticed. Wonder Woman was the…what, sixth superheroine to disappear? But I didn't hear anything about the other five until they associated it with the disappearance of Wonder Woman."

"I know, I know," shouted Impulse. "It's like level 84 on Alien Slavers. The evil mind controller is taking women, but he keeps the populace thinking that nothing's happening, and its not until you get the box of revelation that the world starts to take notice."

And on that very odd note, let's leave the six youngsters, since they will spend the next few minutes talking about how silly Impulse is, and explaining to Secret what slavery is. She won't like it, but they'll explain that it's not really a big problem anymore. Those of us that read the Justice Club series know not only what happened to Wonder Woman and the others, but just how naive these kids are. Ah, youth. But I digress.

Instead, this time would be better spent introducing those of you who don't know who these characters in the cave are to Young Justice. They are six young superheroes that have banded together to fight the evils of crime; that, and hang around.

First there's Superboy, 5'7", a.k.a. Superboy. Cloned to be a replacement for Superman when the Man of Steel supposedly died, Superboy took his present name when Superman returned from the dead. His powers stem from tactile telekinesis, as he will tell anyone in his general vicinity. This allows him to fly, pick up heavy objects, and control objects through telekinesis. He wears a jumpsuit with the good old "S" symbol, a leather jacket with the good old "S" symbol, and shades without the good old "S" symbol.

Next there's Robin, 5'1", a.k.a. Tim Drake. He's the third Robin, and not just a sidekick. Nope, this one has developed into a hero in his own right, and even has his own car. He looks a lot like the other two Robins, but imagine if their costumes had kevlar and pants instead of those weird shorts.

The rest are pretty complicated.

Impulse, 5'1", a.k.a. Bart Allen, is the grandson of the Silver Age Flash. He was born in the 30th century, and is actually only two years old, but looks sixteen. It's due to a problem with his metabolism that was fixed when he came to the 20th century. His learning was augmented by virtual reality (realistic video game to the rest of us) and as a result, he has the attention span of a gnat.

He's inherited his grandfather's superspeed. Big hair, big feet, and a white costume with a big jagged red line down the middle indicating lightning. Oh yeah, his mask is red with yellow goggles.

Now to the girls, and if you're reading a Justice Club story for any other reason, you need to look into your thinking process.

Secret, 4'8", is a bit of a mystery. Not much is known about this blue eyed girl, seemingly made of smoke, with blonde hair. She escaped from a secret governmental organization with the help of the three chaps listed above. Her memories are hazy, making her as naive and innocent as someone can be, who inadvertently caused someone to go crazy by looking in his eyes. She scared a guy that wiped the floor with the JLA dozens of times, for cripes sake. Still, she seems quite innocent about everything in the world. She can only maintain solid form for a few moments at a time. Her costume is a brown jumpsuit with matching jacket/cape.

Wonder Girl, 5'1", a.k.a. Cassie Sandsmark, the new Wonder Girl with blue eyes and shoulder length black hair (wig), has only recently stepped onto the scene. She helped Wonder Woman out a few times before the Amazon, uh, disappeared. Headstrong and super strong, Wonder Girl wears a costume of tight red biking shorts, black T-shirt with the Wonder Woman logo and a "G" painted on with red fabric paint, a leather jacket with the sleeves pulled up her forearms, a pair of gloves, tennis shoes, and those riding goggles you see guys wearing in movies set in the 1920s.

Arrowette, 5'7", a.k.a. Cissie King-Jones, was raised to be a hero like her mother, a girl who helped out Green Arrow as the original Arrowette. Cissie was pushed into the role by her mother, but began to pursue it on her own after her mother was sent to psychiatric counseling. Her long blonde hair and blue eyes complement the red thigh high boots, short flowing white skirt that goes about halfway down her thigh before stopping, gold belt, red top that looks a hell of a lot like a sports bra, and red gym shorts worn underneath the skirt. (And that's Japanese gym shorts for you people who think I'm talking about something approaching running shorts.)

If that's not enough of a description, go find a picture; the kids are finally getting to a part of the story that we should listen to…

"We should try and find Wonder Woman," admitted Robin.

See, I told you. Whoops, sorry, back to the story, won't interrupt like this again…

"We should try and find Wonder Woman," admitted Robin.

"I'll do it," Impulse said. Before anyone could stop him, he had already run out of the cave in a blur of motion. Five heads looked at the dust clouds left in the young speedster's wake, all silent as could be.

"You don't think..." Superboy trailed off.

"No..." Wonder Girl said, the slightest touches of doubt creeping their way in.

As fast as he had left, Impulse was back again, holding a poster. "Found her," he proclaimed proudly.

"You found her?" Superboy exclaimed, the skepticism ripe in his voice.

"Yup." Impulse unrolled the poster in his hand to display a gaudy advertisement for something called 'The Justice Club.' The picture on the poster had a Wonder Woman look-a-like giving a sultry come hither glance to any who might pass by.

"Where did you find this?" asked Arrowette.

"It was at this weird restaurant, guys were drinking a lot, and watching Wonder Woman dance on stage."

Superboy had his face in his hands, trying not to look at Impulse. "Impulse, that was a strip club."

"What's a strip club?" Secret asked.

"It's some place where women take off their clothes for money," explained Wonder Girl. "They're degrading, and disgusting, and dirty..."

Secret was confused. "Then why would Wonder Woman be in one?"

"It wasn't her," said Wonder Girl.

"More than likely, it was an establishment catering to clientele wishing to see women in superheroine costumes strip," added Robin. He was studying the poster intently, and not only because of the sexy woman on it. Well, okay, yes, it was because of the sexy woman, but he soon noticed something else.

Robin took the poster to the main computer, conveniently located on the wall. The computer scanned the picture, and compared it against pictures in the database. It came up with a match.

"Oh shit," whispered Robin, his eyes glued to the readout.

"What's up batboy?" inquired Superboy.

"The woman on the poster," mumbled Robin. "I thought she looked familiar. It's Batgirl."

"You're kidding," shrieked Arrowette.

"No, it's Batgirl," Robin repeated. The room was silent, but he spoke up again. "We've got to investigate."

"But what about Wonder Woman?" Wonder Girl pleaded.

"This may tie into that," Robin explained. "We have to investigate the Justice Club."

"Cool!" exclaimed Superboy. "Strippers!"

"Don't be so disgusting," Wonder Girl huffed.

"Hey, one minute with my Tactile Telekinesis..."

"Shut up about the Tactile Telekinesis!" screamed Impulse.

"Quiet!" All eyes turned to Robin. "We'll split up into two teams. Impulse, you get Arrowette and Wonder Girl into the Justice Club undetected. Secret and Superboy, you two investigate the owner of the Justice Club, some guy named Thorne."

"What about you, oh illustrious leader?" asked Superboy. Robin was taking the role of leader again. Superboy could never understand why everyone assumed Robin was the leader; he was Superboy, after all. Superman was in charge of the JLA, shouldn't there be some sort of parallel?

"I'm going to do my own digging, but I have to do it alone."

Superboy and Secret hovered over the city sky, watching for low flying aircraft. Superboy held a map, trying to figure out the location of their journey's goal. Secret watched him struggle with the map, and then turned her attention to the city below.

"What city were we supposed to go to?" asked Superboy for the twelfth time in the trip.

"Manchester, Alabama," Secret answered.

"Right, so that means we go..." Superboy looked at the map again, and found Manchester. He pointed to the east. "That way."

Running at super speed, Impulse went by so fast the bouncers didn't even notice him. He vibrated his molecules so fast that he was able to pass through the door. The real trick was vibrating while carrying Arrowette and Wonder Girl. He raced through the main area of the club, where a blonde woman dressed as Marvel Girl from the X-Men was humping a pole. Impulse finally stopped in the offices of one Mr. Thorne. Thorne was not surprised.


Thorne had sensed the minds of Wonder Girl and Arrowette long before they had entered the club. Delving into their minds, he was surprised to find that there was a new Wonder Girl, and that her team of fellow juvenile heroes had been the ones to weed him out. He would have to be more careful in the future. But no matter, they were here, teenage superheroes, and none of them with any mental training.

As the tendrils of his mind began to worm their way into the minds of Arrowette and Wonder Girl, he looked over the young heroines. Their tight young bodies would be excellent additions to the club. Aside from their superheroine personas, they could also perform as kidnapped schoolgirls, or heiresses that the more mature superheroines could save and the supervillains could torture. The original Wonder Girl was maturing nicely, but she no longer had the appeal of a teenaged youth.

"Where's Wonder Woman?" Wonder Girl demanded.

"Where's Batgirl?" Arrowette demanded.

"Where's your manners?" Thorne demanded. "How dare you young ladies enter my office without an appointment."

"I, uh, we're, uh, sorry," Wonder Girl stammered. She wasn't so sure they were doing the right thing anymore. What if this Thorne guy had no idea where Wonder Woman was? What if they needed him to find Wonder Woman? She looked at Cissie, and could tell that her friend was just as uncomfortable as she was.

Thorne smiled, the girls were already succumbing to his power. Soon they would be totally his. "My dears, my dears, it's no problem. Please, have a seat. And young lady, its not polite to wear a wig when you're talking to someone, it gives the impression of mistrust."

Wonder Girl and Arrowette sat down in the chairs facing Thorne's desk. With complete disregard to her secret identity, Wonder Girl took off her black wig to reveal her natural short blonde hair, which only made the young girl look even more sexy than before.

"There now," said Thorne, "don't you feel hotter without the wig?"

Wonder Girl had to admit that she did feel sexier.

"I'm sure you two girls are interested in the operation I run here, aren't you?" Thorne asked, prodding their minds along.

The teen superheroines nodded eagerly, they were interested, very interested.

"And I'll bet you'd like to be given a tour, to see the excitement of the club in action."

Yes, Arrowette thought, excitement, she wanted the excitement of the club. Oh God, this was such a cool place, and Thorne was a really nice guy. The thought of all the women dressed as superheroines and villainesses dancing, shedding their clothing, arousing the audience... it was all so exhilarating to think about. God, if only she could do something like that, but Mr. Thorne would never let her...

"In fact, why don't I let you meet some of the dancers?"

Oh no, Wonder Girl thought, no. The dancers were so beautiful, not like her. The dancers could go onstage and turn on the entire audience. How she wished she could do that. To be able to get on stage in front of all those men, and share herself with them. To be sexy like the dancers, to be as exciting and glamorous as the dancers. Oh, how she wanted to be a stripper, but she knew she wasn't good enough, and Mr. Thorne would never...

"Who knows, maybe we can even arrange for you to make your dancing debuts in our club?"

Oh please! Arrowette and Wonder Girl thought to themselves. Please let me dance, I want to dance so badly. They would do anything if Mr. Thorne would let them dance. Anything. They would even...

Impulse looked at the blank stares of Arrowette and Wonder Girl as the two went through the entire process of submitting to Thorne. Bart wasn't sure exactly what was going on, but he knew he didn't like it. Especially since Thorne wasn't saying anything that made sense. They were looking for Batgirl, why would he want to become Lord of the Dance and do some Irish Jig in this weird club?

"Where's Batgirl?" interjected Impulse.

Thorne looked up from the two girls. He had completely forgotten about the damned boy. No matter, he would simply reach into the young hero's mind and make him forget all about the two new dancers at the Justice Club.

Thorne's mind reached out to Impulse… and he suddenly passed out, slumping backwards into his seat. In the short seconds Thorne had made contact with the speedster's mind, Impulse had gone through three hundred different thoughts. It was too much, even for Thorne.

The girls suddenly snapped out of their trances, mortified. They had been willing, more than willing, eager, to go out and become strippers for this horrible man. Wonder Girl shoved her wig back on her head, scared witless that she had risked her secret identity simply because Thorne had told her it was impolite. He was a monster, there was no getting around it. Oh no! If Wonder Woman were here, what kind of danger could the Amazon princess be in?

Wonder Girl ran out of the office to search for her lost mentor.

Arrowette sat in her chair, still in shock at what she had been prepared to do. She was still a virgin, yet she had been willing to show an entire group of strangers her most private secrets. Thank God Impulse had been there to stop Thorne. Impulse was always there to help her out. In fact, it was Impulse who had first saved her life when she became a superheroine. She definitely owed Impulse... Why was Impulse staring at her like that?

When Impulse's mind had made contact with Thorne's it allowed some of Thorne's evil lechery to infect Impulse's mind. And while Thorne was a cool, subtle manipulator, Impulse only thought in extremes. The lecherous thoughts compelled him.

Impulse grabbed Arrowette, and pushed her hard against Thorne's desk.

"Impulse? What are you doing?"

The speedster ignored her, and lifted the edge of her skirt up with his hand. She tried to bat his hand away, but Impulse brushed her hand aside with the back of his hand. He lifted the skirt up again, and used his other hand to pull down the shorts she wore underneath.

"God no! Impulse! Stop! Stop!"

Arrowette tried to push him off of her, to hit him, to make him stop, but Impulse was too strong for her. Any time she tried to hit him, he swatted her hand away at super speed, and was back to removing her shorts as if nothing had happened.

"No. Stop. No! Impulse!!!" Arrowette was hysterical trying to get Impulse off of her. "STO-O-OP!"

Once the shorts were down around her knees, Impulse shoved Arrowette completely onto the table. She tried to get away, but in seconds, he was on top of her, his cock hanging out, the pants of his costume around his knees. Holding her down with one hand as she tried desperately to push him off, Impulse's hand went to Arrowette's panties and grabbed them, pulling the white Hanes off with one yank.

Arrowette began to cry. Between sobs, she pleaded futilely for Impulse to stop. The young hero ignored her, focusing on getting his cock between her pussy lips. As she hit him with weak punches, he glided his manhood into her cunt. With super fast thrusts, Impulse fucked Arrowette at superspeed. He tore through her cherry in seconds.

Impulse pumped in and out of Arrowette at twenty-five times a second, his balls slapping against her in a repetitive blur. She screamed at the sensation, her pussy trying to lubricate to prevent friction from setting her on fire. Her mouth opened to protest, but he forced his own mouth over hers, muffling her screams. He shoved his tongue in her mouth, and let it explore her oral canal, just as his cock was invading her vaginal one.

His constant, repeated, near blinding poundings into her cunt was beginning to affect her, and she began to feel an orgasm approach. Pleasure began to overcome the last of her protests, and she began to thrust back, trying to expedite the oncoming rush of bliss.

Arrowette wanted to be fucked by Impulse. It was Impulse who had saved her life, it was Impulse who helped her when she needed it, it was Impulse that was most important to her. Yes, Impulse had ripped away her virginity, and was pushing her harder and harder into unknown pleasures! He had known this was what she secretly wanted, and he had given it to her.

The two heroes were fucking each other with reckless abandon on Thorne's desk. Impulse drove his manhood into Arrowette's now accepting pussy, cramming her cunt with his hard, Speed-Force driven cock.

"Oh God, Impulse! Yes! Yes! Oh God! Impulse!! Fuck me!! Fuck me!!"

Her screams only drove him harder. He began to speed up his hammering of her virgin pussy. His cock was nothing but a blur as it moved in and out of her. The increase pushed her over the edge and she came, shouting loudly as she experienced her first orgasm. Soon, she could feel Impulse's hot cum shoot up her cunt as he came.

Arrowette looked lovingly at her hero. She could feel his cock become limp in her cunt, and loved every second of it. Impulse's cock began to harden as his sped up metabolism let his body react to his lecherous thoughts. He was soon pumping in and out of her again, in a haze of desire.

She was uncertain what to do now. With the way his sped up metabolism worked, he could fuck her for days before he even began to get tired. Arrowette didn't know if she could withstand all that fucking, all that orgasming, all that pleasure. The first time had been exhausting, to do it hundreds of time, thousands maybe, she wasn't sure if she could survive it.

But as she looked into Impulse's determined face, Arrowette decided she would try. If Impulse needed Arrowette, then Arrowette would be there for him. She wouldn't let Impulse down.

Wherever she was, there certainly were a lot of strippers. Wonder Girl looked at them all, dressed as X-Women, Teen Titans, Avengers, and all manner of other costumes. They were all so beautiful in their own way, each one so fit and desirable.

It was a shame she would have to beat them all up if they didn't tell her where Wonder Woman was.

Then She-Hulk walked in. Wonder Girl had to rethink her strategy. If Thorne had been able to brainwash She-hulk, then there was no way Wonder Girl could fight her way out of this ordeal. What if her search brought her up against Wonder Woman herself, and she actually had to fight her mentor?

God, she would just die, first from the anguish, and then again, when Wonder Woman beat the shit out of her.


Wonder Girl turned, and saw a woman in an outfit that suggested dominatrix without being blatant. It bore a striking resemblance to a Catwoman costume.

Wonder Girl pointed at herself. "Who, me?"

"Of course, you," the dominatrix said, annoyed. "What are you doing here?"

"I, ah, I'm new."

"I see Thorne likes them younger now. New at this too, aren't you? No matter."

The dominatrix walked right up to Cassie, and looked her over. Wonder Girl looked the dominatrix over in kind. The dominatrix looked familiar; Wonder Girl puzzled over where she had seen her before. The poster! The woman in the poster. The dominatrix was Batgirl! Oh God, this was Batgirl!

"I'm Anygirl," said Batgirl. "You might do nicely on stage, but change out of those horrible clothes. Come along, I'll find something that suits you better."

Wonder Girl followed the former Batgirl deeper into the dressing room, and wondered what she had gotten herself into.

Arrowette orgasmed once again. Her hero shot another load of his seed into her womb, and was hard again in no time. He thrust into her again. Arrowette had forgotten how many times they had repeated the process, how many times she had orgasmed. She stopped counting at one hundred, fifty-seven. But Impulse needed her, and she would...

Arrowette fainted as Impulse shot another load up her cunt. He looked down at her, exhausted and unconscious. He pulled out of the blonde teen, shoved his cock back in his costume, and ran. He hoped Carol was still at home.

Thorne awoke to find the beautiful Arrowette passed out on his desk, her legs open, and her cunt overflowing with cum. She was mumbling something about Impulse, but he gave it no further thought. The wretched boy was gone.

Thorne had a headache, but he knew the opportunity could not be wasted. Arrowette's mind was near comatose from continuous cumming and orgasming; it would put up little or no defense. He let his mind take over Arrowette's thoughts, her will was dominated by his power. In no time at all, she was his.

Thorne had Catwoman come into his office, and lick out the cum in Arrowette's pussy. Like a cat lapping up milk, Selina's tongue flicked in and out of the unconscious teenager's vagina, slurping out Impulse's slimy seed. Thorne leaned back and watched. Once she was clean and awake, he decided, Arrowette would be able to perform.

"This should do," said Anygirl, holding up a white Power Girl costume. "You're a little scrawny, but the hair match is close enough."

The former Batgirl had made Wonder Girl take off her wig, strip out of her usual costume, and remove all underwear. Anygirl's claim that it wouldn't do for the blonde-haired teen to strip off thrift store clothing in front of the customers sent chills down the young heroine's spine.

Cassie pulled on the sleeved spandex swimsuit and red cape that made up the Power Girl costume onto her naked body, thankful for the covering. The suit clung to her developing, yet well defined, curves. Anygirl smiled at the young girl; the child might be only a teenager, but she looked sexy in the costume, young, fresh and perky. Perhaps, Anygirl thought, she could get Thorne to give her this girl later.

The music from the act on stage stopped, and a dancer dressed like Phoenix ran quickly out of the dressing room, her breasts bouncing in an enticing rhythm. As she left, a black-haired dancer, naked and holding a Huntress costume, walked in.

"Excuse me," Anygirl told Cassie. Wonder Girl watched as Anygirl started berating the returned dancer for not going out into the audience to suck the customers' cocks, or taking any of the men to one of the new back rooms to fuck. With a loud slap, Anygirl rapped the back of her hand against the dancer's cheek, throwing the raven- haired woman back, clutching her face, crying. Fairchild and She-Hulk picked her up, the dancer pleading to be let go, shouting her apologies to deaf ears.

Anygirl came back to Cassie, and started to apply makeup to the young girl's face. "Sorry you had to witness that," said Anygirl, "but Helena just hasn't gotten the hang of things yet."

"W-what's going to happen to her?"

"She-Hulk and Fairchild are taking Helena to a back room, where she'll probably be fucked by some sort of large animal, probably a mule. Don't worry, I'm sure you'll do fine. Now, let's take a look at you."

Anygirl stepped back, and admired the teenage version of Power Girl that she had created. The hair was a little bit shorter than the real Power Girl, but otherwise, the girl looked perfect. Good enough to fuck. The music from Phoenix's act was just dying down. Soon, this blonde bimbo would be dancing and fucking like a whore.

Anygirl smiled at the thought.

If Anygirl had an inkling that the young woman in front of her was the new Wonder Girl, the smile would have been twice as wide, and her cunt would have been twice as wet.



Anygirl pushed Cassie toward the stage. Wonder Girl tried desperately to figure a way out of her situation, while Anygirl gave tips for the young heroine's stripping debut. "Remember that when the music is over, you should be naked and already making your way into the crowd. Suck some cock, and see if you can get anyone to go to the back. Room 17 should be free. When you're done, find me, and I'll help you pick your next costume."

With a final push, Cassie was thrust onto stage. The stares of a dozen men began to roam her adolescent body, some focusing on her firm young breasts pressing against the white material of her adopted costume. Other stares watched her ass, the back of the Power Girl costume digging into the crack between her buttocks. Wonder Girl felt the eyes on her, trying not to make eye contact with any of her new admirers.

The dancer that had been dressed like Phoenix was visible in the audience, naked and sucking the penis of a man with red sunglasses in the front row.

Music, some generic song by a techno-dance group, began to play, and Wonder Girl was momentarily frozen like a deer staring at headlights. Cassie was unsure of what she was supposed to do; if she didn't strip, she could be found out and subjected to one of the odd punishments this club seemed to have, but if she did strip, oh God... her mother would kill her. And how could she ever look Superboy in the eyes ever again?

But fucking a donkey...

Cassie tried to remember what she had seen strippers do on television. Bumping and grinding, Wonder Girl's hands pushed her breasts together temporarily, before slowly moving down her body, pressing the already tight costume to her flesh. Moving along the outline of the costume, her hands made their way to her crotch. She rubbed the material over her pussy, trying to make a sexy expression.

Wonder Girl pulled the material tight against her cunt, allowing her bumping and grinding to push her vagina hard against the white cloth in one moment, and pull it away the next. This constant shifting of the bland white wall of cloth material, naked body visible through the holes the costume provided for her legs, and the image of her cunt straining to break free from a tight prison, went on for half a minute, before she let the costume's crotch go.

Her hands found the pole in the middle of the stage, and Cassie pulled herself toward the metal shaft. Her hips thrust forward to hump the pole, grinding her pussy into the hard rod. Her back arched, and Wonder Girl fell to her knees, cunt sliding down the pole to the ground.

Pausing only for a moment, Wonder Girl pulled herself up, hand over hand, using the pole. The moment Cassie was dreading had come. She faced the audience, her mind racing, but the image of a large donkey invading her body very much a motivator.

Pulling the Power Girl costume from her shoulder, Cassie pivoted on her stiletto-heeled feet so that her back was to the crowd. She bared the other shoulder, and pulled the spandex suit down slowly to her waist, teasing the men behind her with only a glimpse of her back. Wonder Girl could see Anygirl backstage, gesturing madly at her to turn around.

Covering her breasts with her arms, Cassie pivoted again. Gradually, her arms came down, and the audience could see her exposed breasts. Deciding to let it all go for broke, Wonder Girl tumbled back, rolling onto her back, legs shooting up into the air. She pulled the last of the white costume from her hips, and rolled her legs to her reclined body to pull the material from her legs. In doing so, she made visible her asshole and pussy to the leering men of the audience.

Rolling into a sitting position, she let her legs spread to display her cunt for the customers. After letting them get a good look, Wonder Girl got up and began prancing around the stage, trying not to let her distress or embarrassment be too noticeable.

The music ended, and was replaced by a loud scream from the back of the club. Wonder Girl couldn't tell if Helena was yelling from pleasure or pain, but it was probably pain.

Hoping to avoid such a fate for herself, she walked to the edge of the stage, and hopped off the wooden precipice to the floor below. Cassie scanned the customers; if she had to put some stranger's dick in her mouth, she would at least choose who.

The choices weren't appealing by any stretch of the imagination. Of the dozen or so men in the audience two were caked in filth, probably bums from the street. The customer at one table looked like the stereotypical redneck, missing various teeth and grinning like an idiot. The only really handsome man in the bunch was the man in red sunglasses, but the Phoenix dancer was already in the process of taking him to one of the back rooms.

Cassie began to sweat as the choices dwindled down, and it was looking more and more likely that she would have to "perform" on one of the less desirable customers. Then her eyes focused on a table in the corner, almost obscured to invisibility. The guy sitting at it was hunched over, trying to be inconspicuous, unseen. He had short black hair, which had been loosely combed back, and was dressed in sunglasses and a black leather jacket. Although he seemed to be giving off a James Dean, Rebel Without a Cause aura, close examination showed him to be more than a little uncomfortable in his surroundings. He couldn't be more than 18, if that.

Wonder Girl strolled over to his table, quickening her pace after a few gropes and grabs at her naked body touched some rather sensitive areas. She tried to remind herself to be calm, as not to alarm the bodyguards, but it was hard. Stopping in front of the boy, she tried to talk in a sultry voice.

"Do you want some attention?"

The boy looked up at Cassie, and her heart skipped. He was nervous, she could tell.


"Do you mind if I suck on your cock?" Wonder Girl asked, falling to her knees. She pulled the button on his jeans, and quickly unzipped his pants. Her hand reached past the elastic of his boxers, and took out his cock. The male organ felt strange in Cassie's hands, but she needed to do this.

"C-Cassie?" the boy asked, bewildered.

She gasped. Someone had recognized her. Cassie could feel the world crumbling around her. Words began tumbling out of her mouth in a whispered hush.

"Oh God. Look, don't tell anyone, please. I'll suck your dick good, really. I'll let you do anything you want to me, fuck me, hit me, just don't tell anyone. Please. Oh please. I mean it, I'll please you. I can do it."

Cassie kissed his member, causing it to move, hardening. She kissed it again and again, until the cock was hard and erect.

"See, I love your dick, really. Oh god, please don't tell anyone about this. I didn't have any choice, they made me. I..."

"Cassie," the boy whispered forcefully, "it's me, Robin."

"Robin?" Wonder Girl looked up from the Boy Wonder's hard cock, and looked at his face. It was a good disguise, but now that she knew what to look for, she could see it was Robin. He had never seen her without her black wig on, had he? No wonder he was a little put out, and that she had just kissed his cock to hardness couldn't have helped.

"Wonder Girl," whispered Robin, "why is Batgirl looking at us, smiling? What happened to her?"

"Oh God," said Wonder Girl. She had forgotten about Anygirl. The former Batgirl would figure out Robin was in the club if the two of them did nothing but whisper.

"Play along," Wonder Girl told Robin quietly. She focused again on his penis, put her mouth over his cock, and clamped her lips around his manhood. She was shocked at the sensation of a cock in her mouth, but the horrible thought of a donkey making her its mate allowed her to continue. Letting her tongue caress Robin's cock, she pumped the cock in and out of her mouth.

"Wait," Robin tried to say, but before he could stop Wonder Girl, her blonde head was bobbing in his lap. At first, Robin thought she was just going through the actions for appearances sake, but the attentions of her tongue told him she was actually trying to get him off. As Wonder Girl brought him closer to release, Robin wondered is she was going to have him cum in her mouth.

"Anygirl," said Thorne, "this is Arrowette." He presented the young heroine to his dancer-in-charge. Arrowette was still in costume, looking around eagerly. Thorne was in control of her mind again, and she wanted so much to dance on stage like the beautiful dancers around her.

"Hello," smiled Anygirl. She stroked Arrowette's face. "Aren't you a pretty little thing. You're even prettier than that other blonde child that danced."

Arrowette cooed at the attention.

Thorne frowned. "What other blonde child?"

"Why, her," Anygirl said, pointing at the blonde-haired teenaged girl giving a blowjob to a Grease wannabe.

"Excellent," said Thorne. He smiled, his control was obviously over the new Wonder Girl. Now she was just another whore for the club, eagerly giving pleasure to the customers. He wanted to celebrate, and knew the perfect way.

"Barbara, I want you to take Arrowette on stage next. Give the audience a performance they will never forget."

Anygirl ran off to prepare, with a malicious grin on her face.

Thorne turned to his newest dancer, smiling. "Anygirl is going to show you how to entertain the customers."

Arrowette jumped, clapping her hands together, releasing a quick squeal of joy. She kissed Thorne on the cheek. "Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!"

Wonder Girl was grinding her ass into Robin's lap. She could feel his dick reharden, almost pushing into the crack of her buttocks. Cassie tightened her butt cheeks together to prevent an accidental onset of anal sex; oral sex was more than enough. She still had a salty aftertaste from Robin cumming in her mouth. She had swallowed it, unwilling to let his seed run down her body to her pussy. She didn't need to get pregnant from the whole ordeal. She wasn't sure if one could get pregnant like that, but she had heard stories.

When this was all over, the two of them were going to have to reevaluate their relationship. But that was for later. Now, the two teenage heroes were conversing in whisper while Wonder Girl gave Robin the lapdance. Robin was accommodating the illusion, running his hands over Cassie's cunt and golden bush. She wished he would stop, but couldn't bring herself to ask.

"Where are Arrowette and Impulse?"

"I don't know. I left them together in Thorne's office after the bastard collapsed. They seemed okay."

"You don't know."

"I've been kinda preoccupied."


"What're you doing here?"

"I got a lead that a lot of heroines were being kidnapped, brainwashed, and forced to dance here."

"Let me guess, Batgirl, She-Hulk, and Fairchild?"

"And just recently, Huntress and Phoenix. How did you know?"

"I saw them all backstage. Oh God, if Wonder Woman is here..."

"She'll probably be brainwashed and a stripper."

"We've got to save her."

"By ourselves? No, we've got to regroup. Get Arrowette and Impulse, and get out of here."

"But what about... Oh!"

Wonder Girl had let her control relax, and the head of Robin's cock brushed against her asshole, penetrating slightly. Cassie pulled away quickly, and Robin offered a sheepish, "Sorry."

Wonder Girl turned around and straddled Robin's lap, careful that his dick was away from her precious pussy. She began to grind against him again, her tits occasionally brushing past his face.

From a speaker system, a voice announced, "And now, for your enjoyment, the Justice Club is proud to introduce the first performance of the teenaged superheroine, Arrowette, with Justice Club favorite Anygirl!"

"Oh no, Arrowette!" Wonder Girl exclaimed. "Anygirl must have caught her, too."

Robin said nothing. Instead, he watched the show. Eventually, he came to a conclusion--mind control.

"Arrowette," said Anygirl, her red hair tied into a bun. The mistress of the Justice Club was dressed in a mockery of a school marm, white blouse unbuttoned to her navel, occasionally flashing her tits to the crowd as she moved. Her plaid skirt ended just above her buttocks, allowing a liberal view of her cunt. In fact, the skirt resembled a large belt, more than a dress. For shoes, Anygirl wore red fuck-me pumps.

"Arrowette," repeated Anygirl, "why don't you show us your favorite arrow."

"Yes, mistress," said Arrowette, giggling. From the sheath of arrows on her back, she pulled out an arrow shaft with a rubber phallus where the arrowhead should be.

"What do you call that?" asked Anygirl, overacting her lines.

"A dildo arrow, mistress."

"However do you use that?"

"Like this, mistress." Arrowette lifted her skirt, and worked the dildo into her cunt slowly, inch by inch. When she finished, her sex had engulfed the entire dildo, leaving a long wooden arrow shaft protruding from her body.

"Hold it in there, Arrow slut," Anygirl said. She walked up to the young heroine, and grabbed the protruding arrow shaft. Shaking the shaft vigorously, Anygirl caused Arrowette to moan in pleasure as the dildo in her body jerked around the walls of her cunt.

"Is the Arrow slut getting horny?" asked Anygirl.

"Yes, mistress, Arrow slut is very horny!"

"What do you want, Arrow slut?"

"I want to fuck, mistress."

"Then take off your top, slut."

Arrowette took off her pack of arrows, and pulled her top over her head, careful not to take off her mask. Anygirl marveled at the teenager's large breasts. Although the other teenager had normal sized breasts for a developing girl, Arrowette seemed fully developed.

Anygirl pulled the dildo arrow from Arrowette's moist pussy with a barely audible "pop".

"Please let me fuck, mistress."

"Who do you want to fuck, Arrow slut?"

"Anybody. Everybody!"

"Then fuck me, Arrow slut."

"Thank you, mistress."

Arrowette crouched down. She hugged Anygirl's buttocks, allowing her own tongue to flick her mistresses' cunt. Arrowette's own cunt was rubbing against Anygirl's bare leg in a desperate attempt at relief. Cissie continued to please her mistress orally, her tongue bringing the red-haired dominatrix to orgasm.

"Is this the place?" asked Secret.

"That's what the map says," answered Superboy. "But this can't be right."

"It's a statue, isn't it?"

"Yup. Well, this was a bust."

"What's that red blur?"

Secret and Superboy flew toward the oversized statue of some guy in a loincloth holding a torch. While it wasn't too odd that the statue was of Statue of Liberty proportions, the fact that it was on a pillar a hundred feet in the air was. People in Manchester were odd in their statue building days.

The two heroes soon found out the cause of the blur. One teenaged hero named Impulse, fucking at superspeed. His co-participant had at one time been unwilling, but was screaming, "Yes, Bart! Yes!" at the top of her lungs, black hair in disarray, glasses still on her face.

Carol Bucklen had been a little surprised to find her best friend, Bart Allen, at her door in his Impulse costume. He usually preferred to visit her in his secret identity, at the insistence of Max Mercury, Impulse's teacher in super-heroics. She was even more surprised when she was naked two seconds later, undressed by Impulse at super speed.

Before she could ask, "Bart, what are you doing?" Carol was on her back with Impulse's cock ramming in and out of her. At first, she tried to protest, but every time she tried to say something, Bart carried her somewhere else at superspeed, disorienting her. He just continued to fuck.

Impulse carried and fucked Carol in her living room, in her bedroom, his bedroom, the boys room at school, the roof of the mini-mart, a supply closet in some business office, the park, a wing closed for renovation at the museum where her brother worked, the cemetery, and two condemned buildings. Carol had orgasms in half of the buildings of Manchester. When Impulse carried her to the statue in the middle of town, she stopped trying to talk or resist, and simply fucked him back, allowing his superspeed cock to bring her to the heights of ecstasy.


Bart pulled out of Carol, and turned. He saw Secret and Superboy floating, looking at him with confused looks on their faces. He ignored them, and turned his attention back to Carol. She grabbed his cock and he came. His hot semen shot from his cock onto her breasts and face. She shouted in joy, and rubbed Impulse's cum over her skin, licking away what had fallen around her mouth. She smiled and passed out from exhaustion.

Impulse, hard once again, turned to his teammates.

"Dude," said Superboy, "what the hell are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at the Justice Club, not getting your rocks off..."

Impulse lunged at Secret. But the girl was made of mist, a fact which had apparently escaped what passed for Bart's thoughts. He jumped clear through her, and began to fall.

"Shit," said Superboy, who plunged after him. Superboy caught Impulse fifty feet from the ground. "What they fuck's up with you?"

"Pussy," grunted Impulse. "Need pussy."

"You and me both," said Superboy.

Secret floated down to the two. She looked at Bart, and their eyes locked. Impulse was suddenly freed from his lust-clouded state.

"Woah," was all the teenage speedster could say.

"Dude," Superboy groaned, "put your dick away."

"Sorry," said Impulse. He pulled up his costume.

"Where are the others?" asked Superboy.

"I left them at the Justice Club."

"Then let's go," said Superboy, rocketing to New York.

"What's happening to Arrowette?" asked Wonder Girl.

"Never mind," said Robin, flushed. "Is there some way we can get to the back of the club?"

"I can pretend to take you to one of the back rooms."

"Back rooms. Okay, let's go."

Wonder Girl unstraddled Robin's lap, and the Boy Wonder's cock shot straight up. He pulled his pants carefully up over his erection. Wonder Girl took his hand, leading him to the back rooms. As they moved to the back of the club, she got a look at Arrowette on her back, while Anygirl finger fucked the blonde archer.

Robin and Wonder Girl had gotten into the back, to the row of doors for the private rooms, when another girl walked out of Room 35 in front of them. The girl had long black hair and a young body, but not as young as Cassie's, and it looked like it had been fucked a lot. Fresh cum coated the girl's breasts.

Cassie recognized her immediately. "Wonder Girl!"

"Hmm?" the young girl looked up. "What?"

"That's the original Wonder Girl?" marveled Robin.

"She disappeared years ago. I guess Thorne got her, too."

"Hello," the first Wonder Girl said cheerily. "Are you going to fuck?"

"Yes," said Robin, carefully.

"Oh, good. I love to fuck too."

"What happened to her?" Cassie whispered. "She's like an airhead."

"Mind control, I think," whispered Robin.

"Can I join your fuck?" pleaded Wonder Girl. "I promise not to cum until you do. I need to fuck so bad. Put your cock in my cunt."

"Er, no, I want him all to myself," Cassie said.

"Oh drat, can I just give him a blow job? I love the taste of cum. Please? I'm really good."

"Hey, what's that?" shouted Robin, pointing behind the original Wonder Girl.

"What?" The black-haired fucktoy turned.

Seemingly out of nowhere, Robin pulled out a batarang and tossed it at the brainwashed heroine. It hit her in the head, knocking her out.

"God, we've got to stop this guy," Robin declared.

"Not so fast," said a voice behind them.

Robin and Cassie turned to face...

"Wonder Woman!" Cassie shouted.

"Well, if it isn't the little bimbo wannabe," laughed Wonder Woman. "Come to stop Master Thorne, have you? I think not."

"You're under his control, you have to fight it!" shouted Cassie.

"Fuck you." With that, Wonder Woman ensnared the two teenage heroes with her golden lasso.

Back on stage, Arrowette was on all fours, groaning in pleasure as Anygirl's skilled fingers brought the young girl to a rhapsody of sexual relief. The customers watched as Arrowette screamed, her body quivering in the throes of pleasure. A man sitting up close to the stage allowed his hand to fall to his crotch, playing with himself through his pants.

"Now, now, now," Anygirl called out to the masturbater. "We can't have paying customers jacking off in the club. Who knows how messy it could get."

The man's hand shot up from his meddling, a guilty expression drooping his face.

"So you'd better let Arrow slut suck up all your dirty cum," Anygirl continued. "Feed her your cock, compliments of the Justice Club. Arrow slut loves to swallow every little drop. Isn't that right, Arrow slut?"

"Oh, yes, mistress!"

The man climbed on stage, where he promptly pulled out his cock. The hard rod was pushed into Arrowette's mouth, and she began to suck on it, her technique little more than suckling. The action let Arrowette's tongue massage the underside of the strange shaft in her mouth. Although little more than a moist vacuum for his member, Arrowette caused the man to unload his balls in the heroine's luscious mouth. She swallowed it all, gulping quickly as another shot of cum filled her mouth. When his spurts stopped, she let her tongue lick off any cum still on his cock, flicking the peehole to clean out any excess cum. The man groaned, and one final spurt of the salty discharge torpedoed into her mouth.

The cock pulled from Arrowette's mouth, and a strand of cum hung in the air from the cock to her mouth before it fell, splattering lightly onto the girl. Arrowette grunted as Anygirl's fingers continued to play with the teenager's cunt, bringing her closer and closer to orgasm.

Thorne watched, a sadistic smile on his face. He was in Arrowette's mind, suppressing her climax. She wouldn't reach orgasm until he deemed it appropriate; she would just feel herself reaching closer and closer to a sexual rapture that seemed just within sight. The blonde heroine would get hornier and hornier, trying to find the release she desired so desperately.

Already, another customer was getting his cock sucked by Arrowette, a line forming behind him. The masturbater was hard again, but the line for oral pleasure was a little too long. But the heroine's asshole was looking more inviting with each passing second.

Thorne laughed to himself. Mind-controlled sluts was a gift he intended to share.

She-Hulk, her green muscular body hidden under her bouncer's uniform, smiled. The bitch Huntress had put on quite a show for the Jade Giantess and Fairchild. The thought of the oversized animal cock pushing its way into Helena's tight cunt, while the raven-haired heroine screamed at the top of her lungs, filled She-Hulk with a tingling sensation she would have to take care of during her next break.

The emerald skinned bouncer could still see the Huntress' large breasts covered in sweat, swaying chaotically as the heroine jerked from the pain of the equine rapist's cock violating her body. Looking off into the distance, she could still hear the screams, smell the sweat, see a dot in the horizon get closer at an alarmingly fast rate, taste her own anticipation...

What dot?


Superboy's fist slammed into She-Hulk's jaw, enhanced by a mile long flying start and tactile telekinesis. She-Hulk passed out from the pain of a broken mandible.

"Who's the man?" shouted Superboy jubilantly. "Who's the man?"

"Oh, please," muttered Impulse.

"Will she be okay?" asked Secret.

"She'll be fine, just spending some time in slumberland," asserted Superboy. "Now, let's go save our team from this Thorne guy."

Unencumbered by a bouncer, he opened the door and went into the club. The others followed.

Thorne felt a presence enter the club, a superhero. He mentally commanded the customers not to notice anything but the game onstage. Making his way to the false entrance, Thorne cursed his luck. Arrowette was about to lose her anal virginity, and he wouldn't be present to watch.

"Please, Wonder Woman, you have to snap out of it!" pleaded Cassie.

"Oh, shut up," Wonder Woman said. The lasso's effect of making the captive subservient to the captor's commands took hold, and Cassie was unable to continue her pleas.

"Robin and Wonder Girl," scoffed Wonder Woman. "You children just aren't suited to be superheroes. Look how miserably you failed this mission. You're naked, secret identities revealed for anyone to see. You disgust me!"

Wonder Girl hung her head in shame. To be betrayed by her mentor, even if her mentor was under mind control, was more damaging than any strip show. Behind her, Robin said nothing in an uncomfortable silence. He had been made to strip. Cassie hadn't recognized his secret identity, but his hard cock was becoming uncomfortably familiar. Turned around by Wonder Woman to prevent any accidental insertion, he stood bare buttocks to bare buttocks with Cassie as she faced the Amazon Princess.

"You two aren't meant to be superheroes. You're nothing but hormone-ridden teenagers looking for a good time. In fact, you're names are now Robin and Cassie, you were never anything more than regular teens, and you love each other so much that you want to do nothing more than fuck, right here, right now."

The magical lasso did its work, and Cassie tried to resist as she felt her love of heroics, the need to help people, the sense of responsibility to use her super powers to benefit others, drain away. It was replaced by a longing... no, she had to resist... for Robin, to see him, ...No... feel his body against hers, in her...but she would get pregnant... Robin, her beloved ...god no.. Robin and his wonderful cock were all she wanted.

The lasso holding her was pulled off her. She was free. Cassie turned, and came face to face with her lover. Robin was naked, her favorite look.

Robin pulled her into his arms, and kissed Cassie on the lips. The young girl sighed with contentment, her longings disappearing. As long as she was with Robin, everything would be all right. She pulled away from his kiss.



"Oh god, I need you."

"I want you Cassie, here, now."

"Yes, Robin, put it in me. Give me your cock."

Robin scooped up his love in his arms, and laid her against the cement ground. It was cold and a little uncomfortable, but Cassie didn't care. She waited in breathless anticipation as her reason for living, her hero, no not hero, her handsome champion, mounted her body and slowly slid his wonderful manhood into her eager cunt, to form a union that must truly be destined.

Wonder Woman stifled her laughter as she watched the show from the side, bemused at the spectacle. Wonder Girl was becoming a silly, lovelorn slut, and loving every moment of it. Robin plunged his cock into the blonde girl's cunt, and began to gently fuck his perceived beloved.

"Oh yes! Robin, fuck me!"

"I love you, Cassie!"

"I love you, Robin. Oh god! Yes! Fuck me! I want to feel your cum in me."

"You love it!"


It was all Wonder Woman could do not to break into a fit of giggles.

Thorne took over Superboy's mind. It was simple really, no challenge whatsoever. The successor to the Man of Steel floated in the middle of the entrance room, mind blank as a sheet of paper. Impulse and Secret tried to move him, but Superboy could not be budged.

Thorne watched the group, hidden in the walls. He had learned his lesson with Impulse, and was watching this one from one of the Justice Club's many secret rooms. This one looked into the entrance room leading to the stage.

Thorne knew he couldn't take over the mind of Impulse, it was too chaotic. But the floating girl, she was pretty, and if in the company of Superboy and Impulse, no doubt, powerful. He decided to use the girl to get rid of Impulse. With the annoying speedster gone, she would simply become another of his dancers.

Thorne reached out, touched her mind… and passed out.



Arrowette was a sight to behold. She lay on her back, on top of a man with his cock in her ass. She bounced on his cock, while on every side of her body, a man was being pleased by the blonde heroine. A cock penetrated her pussy, another was lodged in her mouth as she attended to it with her tongue. Arrowette gave handjobs to two customers, while others jacked off around her, watching the girl fuck five men at once.

The cock in her cunt pulled out, and hot cum began to splatter over her stomach. Her oral attentions paid off, and that cock removed itself as well, shooting its milky treasure onto her face. Hot cum discharged into her ass, and she was pushed off the flesh mattress she had been using. Tumbling forward, her grip hardened around the two cocks in her hands, and they began to shoot their loads onto her body.

Another cock took up residence in her cunt. Someone shoved their shaft into her mouth, and Arrowette began to fuck and suck anew. Jizz began to hit her from all directions. It didn't stop.

The two brainwashed heroes were fucking faster, their passions inflaming the drive of their lust. Robin's balls struck against Cassie's body as his hips pistoned his throbbing cock in and out of her body.

"Robin, oh Robin!"

"I'm going to cum!"

"Yes, I want to feel your hot cum."

Gods, thought Wonder Woman, they talk like they're in some weird porn video.

Robin's body went rigid, and the Boy Wonder exhaled loudly. He came violently, cum shooting into Cassie's uterus.

"Yes!" shouted Cassie. She could feel her lovers cum fill her, the wonderful thrill of it all. Her body responded by sending a climax through her body.

Robin collapsed onto Cassie's body, both teens exhausted. The boy's white cum dripped out of Cassie's pussy, his deflating cock still in her messy cunt. Cassie's arms embraced her lover, holding him tightly, never wanting to let go. Robin let his cheek rest against her blonde hair.

"I can feel it, Robin, I can feel it in me. It's so wonderful!"

Wonder Woman took her lasso, and carefully looped it over their heads. It was easy, with their close proximity and inert states.

"Now is no time to stop, kids. Robin, get hard again."

Cassie moaned as the cock in her cunt grew to hardness.

"Robin, you love to fuck Cassie in the ass. If you don't cum in her ass, you'll lose her forever."

Robin shook his head weakly. No, he couldn't lose Cassie, anything but that. Robin got up and pulled his erection from Cassie's cunt, causing the girl to emit a whimper.

"Can't lose Cassie."

"Then you'd better cum in her ass. Cassie, if you don't help Robin fuck you in the ass, he's going to lose you forever."

"No," muttered the teen girl.

The rope was taken away. Cassie slowly turned over, and pushed her ass up in the air. Robin placed his cock at the rim of her asshole. He slowly pushed the head of his member into her anus, lubricated by a combination of their cum.

Cassie grunted as Robin's cock shoved into her ass all the way. The pain of her virgin rectum being stretched by her lover's prick was incredible, but it was small cost for his love. In and out, Robin franticly struck away the tightness, until he was able to produce a steady rhythm.

"Why won't he move?" asked Secret.

"I'm not sure," said Impulse. "Maybe it's aliens, or the mind control ray."

Superboy's lack of movement or speech was causing them some concern. The two most naive members of Young Justice weren't the best to combat complex problems, but they knew one when they saw one.

Impulse thought long and hard, a minute for him. "If it's like Martian Maze Monster, then he should snap out of it after we rescue the hostages. The villain gets so preoccupied stopping the heroes, he forgets to maintain control over the secret helpers."

"Do you think it'll work?" Secret asked, concerned.

"Couldn't hurt."

"Where are the hostages?"


Impulse and Secret turned to the doorway leading into the club, the direction of the scream. They ran through it, pushing the doors open with such force that the frame cracked. They stopped upon entering the room, watching the action on stage. The tables were empty, all the customers were on stage, passed out. Each customer had their limp cock hanging out of their pants, some of their hands holding their flaccid members.

In the middle of all the men, Arrowette was on her knees, eyes closed tight, her entire being concentrated in a masturbating frenzy. She was covered in cum, the stuff coating her body in both dry and fresh form, head to toe. Large concentrations of cum dripped from her ass, cunt, and face, but semen glistened light off of every part of her body. The furious action of her hands playing with her cunt was causing small drops of cum to fly everywhere.

The heroine was trying to reach the orgasm she had been awaiting for what seemed like eternity. It felt like an ocean was trying to push through a floodgate, forcing the barrier to breaking limits, building up force, yet still not enough to push through. Her screams were moans as well as pleas for relief, as she hovered on the limits of ultimate pleasure.

"What's Arrowette doing?" asked Secret.

"I'm not sure," Impulse marveled. He could garner a guess, but didn't want to say anything. Arrowette's cunt was filled with the stuff on her body when he had left her in Throne's office, but her current actions were a conundrum to the speedster.

Secret floated over to the stage. "Um, Arrowette?"

Arrowette opened her eyes, to stare into the gaze of Secret. The effects of Thorne's mind control were broken, and the floodgates holding back her orgasm released the effect that had been building up for over an hour. The cry of pleasure she gave was long and loud.

When it was over, Impulse helped Arrowette up. As Arrowette's mind recovered from the effects of the long climax, she was suddenly horrified at the full realization of what she had done. She threw herself into Impulse's arms, much to the speedster's confusion.

Sobbing into Impulse's shoulder, Arrowette tried desperately to explain to him why she was covered in cum, and masturbating like a whore. She hadn't understood what had happened, it was like a bad dream. She didn't mean to do any of it, she just had to. She didn't want to do any of it; she loved Impulse. It would never happen again. Please, she didn't want Impulse to leave her. She was so sorry.

"Please, Impulse, I only want to be with you. Don't leave me," she ended.

"Um, okay," said Impulse, unsure of what was going on.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you," cried Arrowette. She hugged the speedster to herself tightly, smearing his costume with her spunky covering. "I promise, from now on, I'll only let you fuck me."

As confused as Impulse was, Secret was twice so.

He picked Arrowette up. She snuggled her head into his shoulder, but Impulse ignored it. Impulse carried the naked girl into the back, to look for the others. Secret followed, floating behind them.

Robin shot semen up Wonder Girl's anal passage, and pulled out. A thin string of semen hung between Robin's cock and Wonder Girl's asshole, which was already dripping his seed.

"Very good," said Wonder Woman. She lassoed them yet again, and began to issue forth more commands. "Robin, get hard again, you need to fuck another part of your beloved Cassie's body."

Robin's cock sprung up again, causing the teen to grunt at the sudden rush of blood to his penis so soon after it had left. Wonder Woman removed the lasso; by now, their belief of their love for one another was so strong that the lasso was only necessary to get the boy constantly erect.

"Robin, fuck Cassie's tits, and cum all over her face. If you don't, then we'll take her away from you forever, and make her fuck dogs for the rest of her life."

The best part, thought Wonder Woman, is that they actually followed her commands now out of fear of losing one another. She could threaten them to do anything, and their love for each other, which she had given them, would bring them back for more.

Robin turned Wonder Girl over. He gently straddled his beloved Cassie's stomach, and placed his cock between her tits. Taking an orb in each hand, he brought the young girl's breasts together to wrap his cock but...

"Robin?" asked Wonder Girl.


"What's wrong?" asked Wonder Girl, distressed at Robin's worry.

"They're not big enough, Cassie," moaned Robin. "Your beautiful tits aren't big enough. I can't fuck them."

"Oh, no. Robin, no. It's all my fault. I hate my small..."

"No, it's not your fault. Your tits are the most beautiful things I've ever seen."

"What are we going to do? They'll tear us apart."

"I don't know. But it'll be okay. As long as we love..."

"Oh, for Hera's sake," muttered Wonder Woman. She looped the lasso around the self-pitying teens, sick of their talk. "Forget what I said about the tit fucking. Wonder Girl, here's what I want you to do."

"Who's Wonder Girl?" the teens asked in unison. Robin, still straddling Wonder Girl, but hunched over, had Cassie in a loving embrace. Both were afraid they were about to be parted.

"I mean Cassie. Here's what you can do to keep from being separated. Go out into the main part of the club, and get a spoon and a drinking glass. Make sure it's a big one. Then go to each of the customers, and give them a handjob. Collect all their cum in the drinking glass. Once it's full, bring it back here."

Robin got off of Wonder Girl, and she pulled herself up. They gave each other a quick kiss, and she left to complete her task of love.

Robin sat on the floor naked, his cock still hard. Wonder Woman licked her lips, looking at the boy's rigid member, her own programming beginning to kick in.

"Robin, I'm thirsty, come here and let me suck your balls dry."

"But I love Cassie, I couldn't..."

"Your girlfriend is out there getting who knows how many men off with her little hands, not to mention what else they want from her. Get over here."

"She's only doing that so you won't take us away from one another."

"Then get over here, and let me at your cock, or I'll see to it that the only time you two are together is when you watch her fuck a pack of German shepherds for the floor show every Friday."

Resignedly, Robin got up and walked over to Wonder Woman. She got on her knees and glommed her lips onto his cock.

Cassie had found the spoon and the glass, but the customers were proving to be a problem. They were all lying on the stage, exhausted. Fortunately, they had their cocks out, but after getting each penis to hardness (mainly by using her hands, but on a few she found it necessary to use her mouth before an erection could be achieved, and then tugging until they ejaculated), Cassie only had enough cum to fill half the glass. She had even tried to scoop up some of the cum left on the stage, but that barely changed the level of the glass' contents at all.

She was beginning to think that she would never see Robin again, when Cassie glanced through the door to the entrance area. There, floating in the middle of the room, was a boy about Robin's age, dressed in some weird spandex costume.

Cassie went over to the boy and tugged down his pants. His cock was about level with her head, but it was reachable. Her hand held the limp member, rolling it around in her fingers until it became hard. Holding the glass in one hand so it would collect his ejaculation, she used her other hand to tug on the firm cock. In no time at all, the dick quivered and shot out a stream of white cum. She continued to pull on the drooping cock, getting it hard again in a minute. After a few more ejaculations, she had the glass full.

Careful not to spill anything, she hurried back to her lover and their captor.

Wonder Woman swished the cum in her mouth, savoring its salty flavor. Robin was limp once again, sitting on the floor, waiting for Cassie to return.

Cassie walked in, holding a glass full of white cum and a spoon.

Wonder Woman swallowed. "Excellent. Now, give them to Robin."

Wonder Girl handed the glass and spoon to her lover.

"Robin, you are to feed the contents of the glass to Cassie, one spoonful at a time. But just to make sure she doesn't get used to other people's cum, Cassie is to make you cum in her mouth after every spoon. Begin."

Robin dipped the spoon into the glass, and pulled out a large spoonful of cum. Carefully he fed the sticky white liquid to Wonder Girl's open mouth. She closed her jaw around the utensil, and Robin slowly removed an empty spoon. Swallowing, Wonder Girl leaned forward, took Robin's cock in her mouth, and lovingly brought it to hardness.

Impulse didn't want to continue. It was pointless, Robin and Wonder Girl were gone. There was nothing he could do about it. Whatever evil this place held, it did not hold their friends. They had found Arrowette at least, that was enough.

Arrowette didn't want to continue. This was a bad place, staying only made her feel scared. Cassie was gone, the thought made her sad, but she would survive. Even after all the horrible things Arrowette had done, she had Impulse, that was enough.

Secret didn't want to continue. Who knows why, her name's Secret for Pete's sake.

The three disillusioned teen heroes left the club, their spirits shattered. Superboy awoke from his trance when they got back to the entrance.

Arrowette retreated further into Impulse's arms, hiding her body from Superboy. She claimed that she would never let any man but Impulse see her nakedness.

Superboy turned around, and gave Arrowette his leather jacket to cover herself in. Once Arrowette was sufficiently covered, they left, back on the long journey to the Justice Cave.

Thorne let out a sigh of relief. He had been unsure the gambit would work. He had been able to gain a limited presence in Impulse and Secret's minds, but it wasn't something he wanted to try in a long-term situation. Those two children were the most difficult minds he had ever encountered, almost unreal. Thorne still shivered at the traces he felt from Secret's mind.

With luck, they would be too scared to ever talk about what had happened with anyone else, or at the very least, only tell people he could deal with.

Robin held the empty glass tightly in his hand, as Wonder Girl sucked on his swelled cock, trying to coax any sperm remaining in his system to shoot into her mouth. The supply he had was all but exhausted from the night's earlier activities of sex, and then the constant stream of blowjobs. So tired was Wonder Girl from the exhausting strains the Justice Club had inflicted on her that she was all but leaning on his legs for support.

Robin, Tim Drake no more, felt what had to be the last of his cum shoot out of his cock into his lover's mouth. Cassie, never to be known as Wonder Girl again, swallowed the latest offering into her mouth and collapsed against Robin's legs, the cock sliding out of her mouth.

Carefully holding her steady, Robin sat down and held Cassie in his arms, letting her blonde head rest in his lap.

A rope fell around his neck, and the words, "Get hard," were spoken. Wonder Woman whispered into Robin's ear, "Fuck her again," and then took away the rope.

Unable to resist the commands of the rope's holder, Robin gently placed Cassie's head onto the ground, and mounted the unconscious girl's pussy. He grunted as his overused cock pumped in and out of her cunt, only the second time the lovebirds had ever properly fucked one another. In her slumberous state, Cassie gave a slight moan as her body reacted to the machinations of her lover.

He fucked for a long while, his body near depleted of cum. But the sensual feeling of her pussy walls wrapped around his cock proved too much, and he deposited yet another load of semen into Cassie's body.

In the Justice Cave, Arrowette and Impulse were alone in the medical bay, while a computer assessed her condition. Arrowette had specifically asked that Impulse not leave her alone, and he acquiesced.

She had spent their entire time together once again apologizing to Impulse for her behavior at the Justice Club. She may not have been in control of her mind, but it was no excuse for her betrayal of Impulse.

"I don't expect you to forgive me right away, but I want you to know I'll make it up to you, somehow. I promise to be with you alone from now on, to never again let someone come between what we have."

"What are you talking about?"

"You know..."

"No I don't! I haven't understood a word of what you've said since we found you."

"Let me show you, then."

Arrowette removed the wire monitoring her heartbeat from her naked breasts. She scooted off the examining table she was on, to stand before Impulse. Arrowette slowly fell to her knees, pulling Impulse's cock out with her hands.

Her mouth slid over Impulse's member, and Arrowette's tongue circled the shaft, slowly tasting the meat on which she wished to attend for the rest of her life. Arrowette remained on her knees for ten minutes, servicing the cock in her mouth, before the impetuous speedster finally understood what she meant.



So what happened later?

Robin and Cassie lived the rest of their lives together. They were kept in a well-furnished apartment in the back of the Justice Club, where they lived a life of luxury. All they needed was provided for them, and they were together. Every Friday, they were called upon to fuck in odd and kinky ways on stage, whatever Thorne and Anygirl could come up with. Robin and Cassie would fuck each other until one passed out from exhaustion. Then the other would fuck the unconscious body of his or her partner until he/she also passed out. When not performing, Robin and Cassie doted on one another in their apartment, attending to hobbies, exercising, watching television, etc. So happy were they, that they never left the room, never trying the door, which locked from the outside.

Arrowette's medical assessment showed that she was pregnant. Further investigation showed the child to be Impulse's. Both the Flash and Max Mercury were able to convince Impulse of the responsibilities of fatherhood, and to marry Cissie King-Jones (now Cissie Allen). Although both were minors, their guardians filed the necessary paperwork to allow the children to marry, much to Arrowette's delight. Arrowette's mother was overjoyed at the prospect of a grandchild who would inherit the mantel of the Flash, and began designing a costume, much to everyone's dismay.

The child was born displaying traits of superspeed, but not a super metabolism. She did not age at an abnormal rate as did her father, who was only a few years older than her, and was the pride and joy of Arrowette and a somewhat more subdued, mature Impulse. Arrowette kept her promise to only fuck Impulse, which she did at least once a day.

Batman, upon hearing the news that another Robin was lost, went nuts. The Dark Knight broke into Arkham Asylum, where he beat the Joker to death. Also while there, he raped Poison Ivy. Ironically, Batman was released on a temporary insanity plea. Poison Ivy vowed vengeance.

The JLA, upon hearing Young Justice's report of the incident, decided to investigate, but found nothing wrong with Thorne's fine organization.