Primal Force

Author: Alix Floryn
Time to Read:37min
Added Date:7/12/2024
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Tags: Poison Ivy

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  1. The Elemental Eater is my creation. All other characters are owned by DC Comics Inc. and I make no claims of ownership. This story is a parody.

2)The following story contains graphic depictions of sex and adult language language. If you are easily offended by such things, maybe you should skip this one.


4)Any questions and comments can be sent to If you send me any rude or insulting e-mails, I will hunt you down and devour your soul.

5)Dedicated to Anna Shoujo Kakumei Silver ^-^

Now, on with the show.........................................................................................................



 Pamela Isley, known to the general public as Poison Ivy, stood in front of a full length mirror, admiring her body. Her mane of red hair, full pouty lips, 36DD breasts, long, luxurious legs......   any man would die to have her-- and they had.

Damn you, Jason, she cursed.

Dr. Jason Woodrue. The man who she thought she would spend the rest of her life with.But it was all a lie-- he took the mousy brunette and turned her into a ravishing redhead with an affinity for,and control over, all forms of plant life. Poison Ivy waged a one woman war against all who would dare to desecrate plant life. But it was a lonely war. The transformation into Poison Ivy had filled her bloodstream with plant -based toxins.....her slightest touch could make a person violently ill or kill them instantly. She had not been with a man since Jason.

Ivy sighed and turned away from the mirror. She surveyed her surroundings--grass grew from the floor, vines covered the walls, the chairs and tables were made of living wood that grew from the floor. This was The Sanctuary, a refuge that she had created to hide from the law and The Batman.

"How are my little angels tonight"? she murmured to the various flowers sprouting all around her. She kissed the nearest one as she pressed a button that caused a light mist to shower the entire "garden". She smiled as the plants soaked up the moisture--if only people could be more like plants. Ivy sat down in a bed of flowers, the mist dampening the only article of clothing she was wearing--a long blue nightshirt.

Actually, there was a man who was like a plant....or was it the other way around? Ivy had heard the stories of the Swamp Thing, a man-like plant creature who lurked in the swamps outside of Houma, Louisiana. The creature had actually come to Gotham and faced off against The Batman. He(it?) wreaked elemental havoc on the city, mentally causing all plant life in Gotham to go berserk. If only I could have seen that, Ivy thought. I was locked away in Arkham Asylum at that time. She sighed and leaned against the trunk of a small tree, closing her eyes....


Poison Ivy opened her eyes with a start. "Who said that"? She looked around....."Where the hell am I? This isn't my Sanctuary". Moss covered trees, grass floating on water--a swamp. She was in a swamp! Ivy rose to her feet as she realized someone was approaching. It was the swamp creature! It was covered in moss, leaves, and vines. The creature was not at all what Ivy expected: it looked smaller than she had heard, and feminine. It slowly ambled towards her, dragging its feet through the stagnant water. Finally, it stood directly in front of Ivy, gazing at her with its bright green eyes. Suddenly, without any warning, the creature violently thrust its hand through its own chest!

"STOP!!!! What are you doing"? Ivy screamed.

The creature reached inside of itself and pulled out a smooth green plant. It was round and covered in small green vines. It throbbed and pulsated in the creature's hand. It was the creature's heart! The creature placed the heart in Ivy's hand and spoke once more:


"Taste? You expect me to eat your heart? But"....... Ivy's words trailed off as she looked down at the heart. It transformed into a golden yellow fruit, similar to a yam. "Nice trick, Ivy said with a grin. "But isn't taking fruit from a stranger what got Snow White killed"? The creature did not respond. Maybe they didn't get Grimm's Fairy Tales in the swamp. She shrugged. "Anyway, I am immune to poison. But you couldn't hurt plant ever could. Ivy raised the fruit to her lips and took a bite. It was sweeter than anything she had ever tasted. In a few bites she finished most of it then she was

A gigantic redwood, majestic and proud, home to birds, insects, and squirrels.

Fields of wheat swaying in a breeze.

The Great Barrier Reef, teeming with millions of microscopic life forms.

The rainforest where plants never seen by human eyes thrive.

Algae, moss, grass, roses, evergreens, pines, house plants, and hundreds of thousands more. She was every plant that ever was or ever will be. She was...The Green.

The remnants of the fruit dropped from Ivy's hand as she stared at the creature. Tears welled up in her eyes.

"Beautiful....that was so beautiful. I-is that what you are?"

The creature smiled and spoke again:


Before her eyes, the creature's skin appeared to melt, flowing like water. Her initial response was panic--had fate delivered the perfect being into her hands, only to cruelly take it away? She tried to run to it, but she was frozen to the spot. All of the muck and mire was finally gone from the creature. Where it had stood, there was now a beautiful young woman. She had short white hair, small breasts, and a slender body. She was completely naked. But what really caught Ivy's attention was the girl's shining green eyes --the same as the creatures.

"It's still you, isn't it"?

The girl smiled and nodded. "This is the other part of me. I am part of both the plant and animal kingdoms, The Green and The Red. I am unique and alone. There is none like unto me in all the Earth...except you."

Ivy was speechless. Who the hell was this girl? Before she could voice her questions, the girl put her index finger to Ivy's mouth.


The girl then put her hands on each side of Ivy's face and looked deeply into her verdant eyes. Before she could resist, the girl kissed Ivy on the lips. The taste of her was like strawberries. Surprisingly, Ivy found herself kissing back. She had never been attracted to women before, but something about this plant-girl was very arousing.

Suddenly, the "Plant-girl" pulled away and started floating away from Ivy. Within seconds , she was miles away. Ivy ran after her, but she could not catch up to her.

"Wait......where are you going??? Come back....PLEASE!!"

"I am coming Pamela Isley. Soon we will be together."


Ivy jumped. She looked around. Back....I'm back in my Sanctuary. She was still sitting in the flower bed. Her nightshirt was unbuttoned, revealing her mammoth breasts.

"Red, you ok?"

A woman with a white painted face stood over her. She was wearing a domino mask, and a red and white jester costume. It was her partner Harley Quinn, the Joker's moll. She was holding a large sack filled to the brim with money.

"I'm fine, Harl." She buttoned her shirt and got to her feet. She put her hand to her lips.....she could still taste strawberries. Had it all really been a dream? It felt so real. "I see you got the money...Did you run into any of Gotham's finest?"

"Nah, but The Bat was up my ass....Like he knew we was plannin' on hittin' New Gotham Bank tonight."

The Batman.....the Dark Angel who haunted her by night and plagued her dreams. He always turned down her advances, which only made her want him more....usually. Tonight, the mysterious white-haired Plant-girl was who she was longing for.

"Harl....I hope you didn't fuckin' lead him here!"

"Relax, Red. I hit him with some o' Mister J's Joker gas. He'll be laughing his ass off for days."

Harley's face broke into an enormous grin as she dropped the money to the floor. Ivy snapped her fingers. Gigantic vines burst through the floor and wrapped around the moneybag. They drug it down into the soil of The Sanctuary.

"You better hope he didn't follow you. I don't want to wind up back in Arkham...If I get taken away from my babies, I'll die!" Ivy stroked a nearby azalea bush, showering it with kisses. Images of the Plant-girl filled her mind.

"Errrr.....riiight. Uhh, Red, mebbe you oughta get a boyfriend or something."

Ivy glared at Harley. "You know what happens when I touch people. Want me to demonstrate?" She reached her hand out to Harley.

"No, Red, NO!!!!" Harley backed away, giggling nervously. "T-This is a joke, right? A little ha ha for Harley? Tell me you're kidding!!!!!"

A smile cracked across Ivy's face. She withdrew her hand. "Of course I'm kidding, Harl. Where would I get my laughs if I killed you?"

Harley sighed. "Damn, Red, you had me worried for a sec." She giggled. "Yer a real barrel of laughs, ya know that?"

Ivy smirked. "I hate to break up this laugh fest, but I'm going to bed. We'll divide the take in the morning."

"Night-night, Red."

Ivy walked through the plant filled hallways to her room. In the middle of every flower she saw the Plant-girl's face. She got to her room and collapsed on her bed of leaves. As she drifted off to sleep, she heard the girl's voice repeating over and over:

"I am coming, Pamela Isley."


Tefe Holland was jarred from her slumber by the bus driver's loudspeaker announcement. She yawned and looked at her reflection in the window: her green eyes were bleary, her short white hair was slightly mussed. God, I look like shit, she thought. She glared at the city outside her window. She hated this place. Years before she was born, Tefe's parents, Abby Arcane and Alec Holland (the so-called Swamp Thing), had come to this dark city. Abby was captured by small-minded people who charged her with immorality for her relationship with the "swamp man."Enraged, Holland used his elemental powers to plunge Gotham City into chaos. Thanks to the assistance of The Batman, the charges against Abby were dropped, but the entire affair led to Holland's death. Eventually, he returned to life, but the event still remained a sore spot for both her parents: it was never to be spoken of.

Tears rolled down her cheeks. Goddamn this place. She told herself when she was a child, hearing the story from her mother, that she would never go to Gotham City. But one day during her travels around the country, she felt a summoning deep within her soul. Somebody in this City of The Bat was calling her...someone connected to The Green. So she booked passage on a tour bus headed for Gotham....hated Gotham.

In the three days it had taken to reach the city, Tefe had thought of killing her fellow passengers at least fifty times. They had come on the tour in the hopes of seeing The Batman in action, or at least one of his colorful villains. Their moronic conversations was what really made her want to massacre them all:

"Batman is gay."

"Dave, man, don't start that shit again."

"C'mon, what straight man would run around with a young boy in tights? If I was Batman, I'd have a Batwoman bouncin' around the rooftops with me, not some stupid ass kid!"

"I heard that the Batman is a vampire.....he lives off the blood of the crooks he catches."

"You dumbass...He's just a lunatic that dresses in a rubber suit. They shoulda locked him away in Arkham Asylum years ago."

Tefe had finally had enough. The Batman had been a big help to her parents. No way in hell was she going to let this Dave guy get away with talking shit about him. She turned and looked at Dave savagely, thinking of his mouth...

"Who'd be afraid of a nut like....mmm....mmmph! MMMMMMMMMMMMMPH!!!! MMMMMMMMM!!"

What, man? What the hell is wrong with....OH SHIT! Driver! DRIVER!!! STOP THE FUCKIN BUS!"

The driver looked back. "We're pulling into the station now......what....OH MY GOD!"

Dave ran up the aisle of the bus, waving his hands wildly. Where his mouth should be, there was only smooth, unbroken skin!

All hell broke loose as the other passengers awoke to the sight. People scrambled for the exits as the driver brought the bus to a screeching halt at the bus station. He grabbed his phone and rapidly punched in three numbers.

"I need an ambulance at the South Kane street bus station and I mean right fuckin' now!"

Tefe got to her feet, pulling on her leather jacket, and calmly made her way through the panicking tourists and stepped off the bus. Seconds later, the horrified passengers poured out, scattering in all directions. She stood for a moment and watched as Dave sat on the curb, weeping. That's what he gets for talkin' shit about The Batman, she thought. I'll leave him like that for a few hours. That'll teach him. A few of Dave's friends hovered over him, waiting for the ambulance. They spoke to each other in nervous whispers:

"I think this is the work of one of Batman's Rogues Gallery....maybe that Faceless dude."

"Naw, man, Batman did this shit....he heard Dave talkin' about him and he put a hex on him. Batman is a dark magician, ya know? I heard he learned the craft from Merlin himself. How do ya think him and Robin stay so young after all these years?"

Ugh! No way am I listenin' to this shit again, Tefe scowled. She grabbed her bag from the storage bin on the side of the bus and stormed off. It was only a few blocks to her hotel, so she decided to walk. The girl was struck by feelings of both revulsion and astonishment as she beheld the sights of the city around her. It was a beautiful, but even in broad daylight Gotham looked dark as midnight.

After a few blocks, Tefe realized that she was being followed. She looked casually over her shoulder. A handsome blonde man with light blue eyes was glaring intently at her. He was tall, well built, muscular.....kind of like Brad Pitt in that "Fight Club" movie. She began walking faster. She heard his pace increase. Before she could run, he caught up to her. Tefe felt his strong hands grab her, one around the neck, another clamping shut around her wrists.

"Now what is a nice young lady like you doin' all alone in this big bad city? Want"

The overpowering scent of alcohol burned her nostrils. "Please...Do you want money? I have money..please don't hurt me."

"Brad" squeezed Tefe's wrists harder, making her wince in pain. "Be nice to me and I won't. Now move."

He forced her into a nearby alley, pushing her violently to the ground. "You gonna be a good little girl?"When she didn't answer, he grabbed her by the hair and pulled. "Answer me, bitch!"

"Yesss....owwww....I'll be good."

"That's better." He smiled and began to unbutton his pants. Tefe, wide eyed with fear, slowly crept away from "Brad," leaning against the back wall of the alley. "Please don't do this," she pleaded. "Let me go."

"Brad" slapped her hard across the face. "Shuddup, you little slut! Don't fuckin' tell me what to do." There was a glint of light in his hand. He was holding a knife on her. "Now behave and daddy won't have to slit that pretty little throat of yours."

Tefe rubbed her face, which was now beet red. This asshole is so fuckin' dead, she thought. Suddenly, she felt another presence in the alley. Beneath her feet there were several blades of grass poking through the concrete. The grass began to sway back and forth like a violent wind was blowing.


Her father, the Swamp Thing, possessed the ability to project his essence into any plant and grow a new body from it. He knew she was in trouble and was coming to rescue her.

"Daddy,"she whispered to the agitating grass. "Dad, I'm ok. I can handle this on my own. Please go back home."

The grass continued to stir violently for a few more seconds, then it stopped. Tefe no longer felt her father's presence. Now it was time to get dirty.

"Who the' hell are you muttering to? You prayin'? Well guess what, little girl-- God ain't listenin'. Now come here." "Brad" grabbed her by the arm and pulled her to her feet, forcing her against the wall. He tore her jacket off and threw it to the ground.

"Now relax, mebbe you'll enjoy this..." Holding the knife at her throat, "Brad" began to kiss Tefe on the neck. He pulled up the tank top she wore, exposing her 25B breasts. He rudely licked and fondled them,simultaneously reaching into her jeans and fingering her pussy. She gasped as several of his fingers entered her. Without any warning, he pushed her down on top of her jacket and pinned her beneath him. He rapidly undid her belt and pulled down her jeans and panties, revealing her fragrant pussy.

He fumbled with his pants, finally pulling out the largest cock Tefe had ever seen. "Brad" positioned himself over her and prepared to slide into Tefe's fuzz covered crotch.....


From out of nowhere, long vines appeared and wrapped around "Brad's" neck, arms, and legs, violently wrenching him off the girl. Tefe angrily got to her feet, pulling up her underwear and jeans. She walked up to "Brad". He was pinned against another wall of the alley, bound with hundreds of tendrils.

"Wh--what?? How d-did you.....Oh shit, you're one o' them metahuman freaks, ain't ya? A superhero!"

Tefe concentrated, and the vines tightened around "Brad's" neck, choking him. "I am a --what did you call it-- a metahuman, but a superhero? When I'm done with you, you're going to wish I was a superhero."

At her mental command, the vines rearranged themselves around their captive. Finally, he hung in mid-air, hanging by his hands before the girl. "Now let me make you a little more comfortable...." Tefe smiled as one of the vines grew sharp thorns and began slicing through his clothes. Shreds of fabric filled the air. He screamed as the thorns tore deep gashes in his skin. Tefe laughed.

Before long, the man hung before her completely naked. Tefe ran one finger up and down the length of his chest, stopping at his still hard cock. " that for me?,"she purred mockingly. She grabbed the member in her hand and began jerking it up and down. A sigh of pleasure escaped his lips, but was soon transformed into a yowl of pain as Tefe squeezed his dick as hard as she could.

"Stop....oh god, please stop.."

Tefe pulled her hand away. "Aww, what's the matter, tough guy? Can't you take it?" She formed her fingers into a fist and hit "Brad" as hard as she could in his balls. He yelped in pain.

"What is your name," Tefe demanded with her arms folded.

He mumbled his name, which she barely heard over his sobs.

Tefe looked down at her right hand. It transformed into solid wood, like the bark of a tree. She backhanded him with her wooden hand. Blood trickled down his cheek, mixing with his tears.


"B-Beau."(pronounced bo)

"BEAU?" Tefe broke out laughing. "What kinda pussy ass name is Beau?" She giggled for a while, then finally regained her composure.

"Anyway....Beau, let me see if I have you figured out. You hang around bus stations waiting for out of town women to prey on. Since they are new to Gotham, they don't know to watch out for sick fuckers like you. So you follow them, rape them at knife point, beat them, and take their money. Am I right?"

Beau nodded silently.

"Now what should I do to you? Turn you over to the cops? Nah, you'll be back out on the streets in a day. "She began to massage his chest again. "Hey, I know....I can send tiny plant spores down your nose and fill your lungs with 'em. Then I can make them expand until they explode your body from the inside! Wouldn't that be fun, Beau?"

Sweat poured down Beau's face.

"No...killing you would be too quick. I want you to suffer for what you've done. Let me think..."

Tefe's hand slid down Beau's body to his now limp cock. At her touch, it got rock hard again. She smiled. She stroked it until she knew he was ready to cum. She raised her other hand in the air, changing her index finger into a long, sharp thorn. At the moment of his orgasm, Tefe swung the blade down at his spurting dick....


Tefe laughed. "You pussy, I only scratched it. You're lucky I decided not to cut it off at the last second." She sighed. "Damn it, what should I do with you?"

"Ummm....let me go?"

She ignored him and kept thinking. Suddenly, her face brightened. "Hey, you ever read Greek Mythology?" Beau shook his head. "Well anyway, once the gods turned a man into a woman for an entire year so he would learn what it was like to be a woman. I always loved that story."

She began to rub Beau's limp cock again, making it immediately stand at attention. She fought the urge to shove it down her throat and suck him dry. She looked up at Beau and smiled. "Haven't you ever wondered what it would like to be a woman?" Beau shook his head. "Not even a little?" He shook his head again.

"Goddamn it, Beau, work with me! You were supposed to say yes!" Spikes popped up all over the hand she was rubbing his cock with. He growled in pain. "Tell me what I want to hear, Beau...."

"YES...I've wondered about it, ok??"

"Good.....cuz today is your lucky day. Not only do I control plants, I can sculpt and mould human flesh into any form I desire. And guess what form I desire right now...."

Beau suddenly felt dizzy. He looked down at himself. His lips and chest began to swell in size. His hips became rounder and more shapely. His legs became slender and hairless. His cock shrank in size, a gaping hole opened between his legs,his balls drew up into his body, and his hair grew down his back.

"Wh-what did you do to...." his voice!!! It sounded high pitched and....FEMININE!!!

Tefe squealed with delight. "I did it!" She doubled over in laughter. She ran over to her bag and pulled out a mirror. She sprinted back to Beau and held it up for him to see his reflection....

"OH MY GOD!!!" Beau couldn't believe his eyes...either he was drunker than he thought, or he had been changed into a woman!! He was now a statuesque beauty with long blonde curls, and large, watermelon sized tits! "You freak!!! What the fuck did you do to me?"

"Ummmm.....I turned you into a woman, DUH!"

Tefe grabbed each of Beau's tits with each eager hand. "MMM...I do good work!" She looked behind Beau and fondled his/her firm round ass....then she slapped it hard. "Goooooood DAMN! You are one sexy ass bitch, do you know that? If I were a guy, I'd fuck your brains out..." Her hands continued to wander over Beau's new body, finally stopping at his/her pussy. She fingered Beau's clit, simultaneously slipping several fingers into his/her snatch as deep as she could.

Beau moaned in pain. " more....."

Tefe pulled out her fingers. They were covered in sticky white fluid and blood. She jammed them into Beau's mouth, making "him" gag.


Beau blubbered incoherently.

Tefe growled angrily. She grabbed Beau's nipples and squeezed as hard as she could. "Answer, or it gets worse."

"T-twenty five...or more."

"You sick son of a've been a very bad boy....or is it bad GIRL now? Bad widdle boys need to be punished." A long thorny vine grew from her palm as she walked behind Beau. She cracked it against the ground. "I think you'll get twenty-five lashes...ready?" Tefe raised the whip and brought it down hard on Beau's back and ass...


The whip came down again and again, drawing geysers of blood from Beau's body. S/he was sure s/he would pass out from the pain. Finally, the last lash landed. Beau slumped forward, exhausted. Tefe ran her tongue over Beau's ass cheeks, lapping up the blood.

"Don't quit on me now, sexy....the fun's just beginning." At her mental command, the plants released Beau. S/he dropped to the pavement face down,a torn, bloody heap.

Tefe suddenly realized that her pants were soaked. "Holy shit...this is really turning me on." She kicked her victim in the ribs with a laugh. The whip disappeared. Beau turned and looked at her pleadingly, expecting the worst.

"Did I tell you to look at me?" Tefe put her foot on the back of Beau's head, jamming it into the ground. Tefe returned her attention to her own body. Her hands wandered down to her pants, unbuttoning them. She pulled them off and tossed them where her jacket lay. Tefe massaged her pussy through her drenched panties. She moaned in ecstasy. She pulled her underwear off, leaving a trail of slime on her legs. Tefe then slipped off her tank top, revealing her small tits. She leaned over and whispered in Beau's ear: "Now we're REALLY gonna have some fun." Tefe licked Beau's earlobe and giggled.

Beau suddenly felt a warm liquid pouring over his/her back and ass. It stung the cuts that had opened there, and s/he hissed in pain. Beau realized what was happening....his/her cheeks reddened in humiliation. The girl was pissing on him! Tefe was holding her cunt open and guiding the stream directly onto Beau's back and ass crack....s/he shook in agony. Finally, the stream ended.

"Hold her."

At Tefe's command, more vines appeared and seized Beau,forcing him/her to his/her hands and knees. They bound Beau tightly.

Tefe stood before Beau and put her pussy directly in the woman's face. "Watch closely, Beau.....I have one last surprise..." As Beau watched, Tefe's clitoris grew in size until it looked like a large dick. Tefe ran her enlarged clit over Beau's face and lips. She jammed it into Beau's mouth, forcing it in and out. Tefe moaned in pleasure. She slowly pulled her clit out, sighing as she did so.

"Now its time for you to find out how it REALLY feels for a woman."

Tefe walked behind the quavering woman. She stood behind Beau and ran her large clit all over his/ her ass.

"What...what are you..."

Without any warning, Tefe violently plunged her clit into Beau's pussy! S/he bellowed painfully. Tefe struggled to shove the entire organ inside.

"Damn, Beau, you're tight....Is this your first time?"

Tefe grunted with effort, vigorously forcing herself inside the narrow hole. She felt delicate tissues tear lose. With a final growl, Tefe burst into Beau's pussy. She pumped in and out, slowly at first, then picking up speed. She noticed a trickle of blood running down Beau's leg...."I think I just popped your cherry.."Beau whimpered.

Tefe continued slamming her engorged clit into Beau's pussy, stretching the pink hole to its limit. She grabbed his/her hair and pulled as the got closer to climax. Thick creamy juice flowed out of Tefe's snatch, and she grunted like a wild beast as the juice streamed down her legs.She dug her nails deep into Beau's ass and pulled him/her towards her, burying her monstrous clit even deeper into his/her swollen pussy.


Tefe felt wave after wave of pleasure wash over her as she hit her climax. Her body shuddered as her pussy shot steaming hot rivers of cum all over Beau's back and ass. No matter how hard she tried to stop it, Tefe's sticky sap continued to flow. She pulled out of Beau, her clit returning to its normal size. She landed on her ass, still shaking. The geyser of white cream continued until she sat in a puddle of it. Tefe screamed as another orgasm ripped through her body, making her snatch squirt even more liquid. After a few more drenching orgasms, Tefe's crotch ceased its contractions, and the tidal wave of juices dwindled to a trickle. She let out a long, lingering sigh.

After a few seconds, Tefe realized that she was alone. Beau had snuck off while she was cumming, taking Tefe's clothes with her.

"Slut.....I wasn't done playing with her yet. Hope Beau likes life as a woman."

Tefe rose to her feet as a string of plants burst from her hands. She seized her bag with them and pulled it to her. She got out a white midriff baring shirt and dark blue slacks and rapidly put them on. She picked up her jacket and put it on. She grabbed her bag and staggered from the alley, smiling broadly.

"Maybe Gotham isn't such a bad place after all...."

Tefe sat up in her bed, trembling and gasping for air. Sweat ran down her body. She felt the familiar surge of juice pooling between her legs.

"Shit....ANOTHER orgasm?"

Tefe sighed and sat on the edge of her bed. Something about her encounter with Beau had awakened a voracious sexual appetite in her, one she could not sate. Her eyes became cloudy with tears....."What's wrong with me?" She thought back to her arrival at The Robinson Hotel earlier that morning, when this nightmare had begun.................

......Tefe walked into the lobby of The Robinson Hotel. She looked around. It was so beautiful...It had a gothic look to it, kind of like an old style church. She strode up to the front desk. A female clerk was sitting at the desk. She smiled as Tefe walked up to her.

"May I help you?"

"Yes I want a room, please."

"Are you here alone? Where are your parents?"

Tefe scowled. People always treating me like I'm a kid... "In a swamp in Houma. Can I have a room now?"

"That'll be $200 dollars, please."

Tefe dug into her pocket and pulled out the money. Her father had a lot of money left from his previous life as a scientist...before he became the Swamp Thing. He had no use for it now, but she did. She plopped the money down and signed her name in the hotel register.The clerk handed her a room key. Tefe grabbed it and stormed off towards the elevator...

Suddenly, Tefe felt an orgasm rip through her body.


She began moaning and fondling herself , reaching into her pants and rubbing her pussy. People stopped what they were doing and watched the spectacle. Tefe sunk to her knees, her pants wet with sauce....


The voice shocked Tefe back to reality. She pulled her hand out of her pants and got to her feet. The hotel manager waddled up to her. "What is the meaning of this? I run a respectable establishment here. I don't allow that type of display! Now where are your parents?"

Tefe smiled, embraced the man, and gave him a long, lingering kiss. Then she whispered in his ear, "I'm all by myself, sir.....Will you be my daddy?" The manager blushed and pulled away from the girl, but not before she felt his stiff prick rub brush against her. "Well..umm..I'll overlook this...incident..this once. Now get to your room. Behave yourself."

Tefe got to the elevator and entered it. As the doors slid closed, she saw a crowd of people, men AND women, looking at the hotel register to see what room she was in....

When Tefe got to her room, she stripped off her soiled clothes and bolted for the bathroom. She turned on the shower and stepped under the stream of water.

My God, what just happened to me out there? I-I couldn't stop myself..

She ran the soap in soft circles around her tits and lathered up her entire body. The feelings of arousal came over her again. She tried to ignore them, but before long she was fingering herself and groping her tits. Seconds later, she orgasmed violently, sinking to her hands and knees, trembling violently. Before she could think, she felt herself getting horny yet again. As she began to masturbate again, a loud banging sound made her jump.


Tefe threw on a towel and answered the door. "Who is it,"she asked breathlessly.

"Room service."

She opened the door. A handsome young man, maybe a year or two older than her, wheeled in a gray cart loaded with food. He stared at Tefe's half naked body.

"H-here is the breakfast you ordered," he stammered. "French toast, milk, orange juice, and a bowl of Sugar Stars cereal. I used to eat that when I was a kid." He chuckled nervously and turned to leave.


The boy tuned around just in time to see Tefe drop her towel to the floor. She walked to him and kissed him deeply on the lips. She stuck her tongue in his mouth and frenched him. She then began to shower his neck with kisses.


"I-I can't....we can't umm...fraternize...with the guests. I could lose my job...Please.."

Tefe nibbled on his earlobe, unbuttoning his pants at the same time. He gasped deeply as her hands found his dick and grasped it firmly. He desperately tried to open the door at his back.

"No...wait....I can't...."

Tefe pulled his pants down, still firmly grasping his cock. She pulled him over to the couch and threw him down on it. She slid onto his massive cock and began to bounce up and down on it. She moaned deeply. The boy (she later learned his name was Rob) sighed and grinded his hips into her gyrating crotch, filling her deeply with his cock. She squealed with delight, impaling herself on the monster cock. Rob reached up and grabbed her tits, squeezing them roughly. "Fuck me......fuck my dirty pussy...harder...HARDER!!" Rob began to thrust in and out of her tight hole like a man possessed. He was close to losing his load when Tefe slid off of his cock. He mumbled disappointedly.

Tefe dropped to her knees beside him. She ran her tongue up and down the crown of his shaft, lapping up the pre -cum that was collecting there. She slurped it down, enjoying the taste of his salty cum. She then licked his cock up and down its base, slowly. At the same time, she massaged his ball sack, finally taking each ball in her mouth and sucking.


Tefe began to jerk his stiff prick up and down. She looked up at him and smiled sweetly. "Still want me to stop?"

"N-no....FUCK NO!"

"I thought so."

Tefe shoved Rob's entire shaft down her throat. She gagged as the mammoth organ hit the back of her throat. She bobbed her head up and down on the meaty organ, salty cum running down her face. Rob ground his hips into her face, making her swallow even more of his manhood. Tefe's hands went down to her snatch which was again leaking its sweet honey. She fingered her clit, while several of her other digits slid into her slit. After a few quick thrusts, she took her fingers out and put them into Rob's mouth. He sucked them dry. Tefe then climbed back onto him, putting her leaking snatch in his face. He began to lick her creamy cunt while she continued to deep throat his dick. Tefe began cumming uncontrollably again, her sweet juices leaking all over the couch. Rob licked up much as he could.

Tefe continued to deep throat Rob's dong till he finally came, firing volleys of steaming hot spunk all over her face and tits. She sucked out the remaining cum and swallowed it all. She rolled off of him and walked over to her breakfast and began eating the cereal. She was almost done when Rob came over and began kissing her on the neck. He began to fondle her tits. Tefe suddenly sprouted thorns all over her body.


Rob pulled his hands off her. The thorns retracted into her skin. Rob staggered backwards in fear.

"Umm....why are you still here? We're done. You banged me. It's over. What do you want now, a medal? GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE!"

Rob ran out the door, not bothering to pull up his pants. She slammed it after him.


Tefe wheeled the breakfast cart to the couch and sat down, naked and covered in slime. She downed the oj in one gulp and then started on the french toast. After her third slice, her face , tits, and stomach were covered in thick brown syrup. She poured herself another glass of milk and swallowed it greedily. It ran down her chin, past her tits, and into her already soaked snatch.


Tefe used her "flesh power" to stretch out her tongue. She flicked the bright pink organ over her tits, lapping up the sweet mix of milk, syrup, and cum. Her nipples immediately hardened. She licked them a few more times before extending her tongue to her belly, and then to her cunt. She licked her still sore clit slow and gently, causing her entire body to tremble. Then she ran her tongue up and down her pussy lips, licking them clean of her own creamy juices. She lingered there for minutes, watching as her labia began to swell and redden from her touch. She finally moved on and began to probe the inside of her pussy. She slowly pushed her tongue in, inch by inch. Finally, she shoved it in as deep as it could, whimpering as she did so. Her eyes began to roll back in her head. She continued to go deeper....


Tefe's snatch erupted like a volcano, firing her fluids high into the air. She screamed at the top of her lungs as her pussy contracted and expanded, pumping out stream after stream of love oil. Finally, after a few more blissful seconds, the geyser stopped. The girl collapsed on the couch, exhausted. She picked up a remote and clicked on the tv. She slowly drifted off to sleep as music videos blared on the tv.....

Tefe's eyes slowly opened. She groaned in pain. Owww....she thought. That boy really worked me over. Then she began to ache worse and worse. It felt like she was being torn apart. It was excruciating , a pain like she had never felt before. At first, she thought that she was being raped, but she slowly realized what was happening to her...The 12 -inch remote was being jammed violently into her her own hand! While she was sleeping, she had taken the device and inserted it into her crotch, fucking herself in her sleep. Tefe looked down at her cunt...It was swollen, red, and bleeding. She wept. She was in agony, but she couldn't stop. Tefe continued to violate her aching slit, pushing the dark plastic remote deeper and deeper into her pink folds.

Tefe whimpered as the device was buried to its hilt inside of her sore pussy. She slid it in and out of herself, fighting hard as she could to end this nightmare. But she couldn't. Her lust was too strong, too overpowering. She continued to fuck her snatch with the remote, growling in pain and ecstasy. For long minutes that stretched into eternity, the unendurable agony continued. She began to thrust her crotch into the remote. She wept as it ripped its way inside her. Finally, she felt another orgasm began to rip through her beleaguered pussy. She bellowed as her vagina began to pulsate and spurt out more cum. This time the juices were tinted red, mingled with her blood. The remote slid out as her cunt expanded. Blood and cum clung to the buttons.Tefe eyed the dripping remote for a few seconds, then she flung it across the room with a growl. It hit the wall and shattered into a million pieces.

She collapsed to her knees, weeping. "What the hell is wrong with me?" She bawled for a good while, then she rose to her feet and staggered to the bathroom. She opened the medicine cabinet and took out a bottle of pink bismuth. She slurped it eagerly, sighing as it calmed her queasy stomach. She got into the shower again, frantically scrubbing the filth from her body. Again she pondered what was happening to her. She had never been like this..something wasn't right. She thought of contacting her father, but she decided not to. I don't want him to see me like this.....a slut, a total whore, blowing boys I don't know and fucking men in alleys....

Wait a minute, she thought. Maybe this is somehow connected to The Green. Plants get pollinated, fertilized, in the spring. Maybe that was what this was. Do I need to be pollinated? She chuckled. She couldn't call her father......the shame was too great. However, maybe the person she had come to Gotham to find could help. After all, she was connected to The Green as well. Tefe sat down in the tub, folding her legs beneath her. She closed her eyes and began to meditate, trying to block out the growing feelings of arousal arising in her. She reached out with mental tendrils to the woman she had come to find...Yes, it was a woman, years older than herself. She could see her, feel her thoughts....The woman, a fiery redhead, was soaking in a tub made of living wood that was rooted to the floor. Plant life grew all around her. The woman was breathtaking...beautiful. Her hands poured water all over her colossal tits. Tefe began to get extremely horny at the sight of the woman's voluptuous body. She fought the feeling and reached out to touch the woman....

"What??" The woman stood up in the tub, her nipples instantly becoming erect. "Who's there? I know somebody's there...answer me!"

Tefe could barely speak. She could feel her juices running again. The mere sight of this gorgeous creature was bringing her to heights of ecstasy she had never reached. She opened her mouth to speak...


"How did you know my name...who are you?"

Tefe briefly appeared before the woman, naked and shivering. "Y-you are of The Green like I am...I know you intimately...Poison Ivy. I came here to...find you....."

Poison Ivy's eyes opened wide with astonishment. "You..the Plant-girl from my dream! I knew you were real!"

Tefe smiled. "I'm the girl of your dreams, huh? Don't call me Plant-girl, ok? My name is Holland...Tefe Holland. Listen, I--AHHH!!!"

"Tefe? What's wrong??"

Before Tefe could reply, she was wrenched back into her body by a violent orgasm. She desperately tried to contain the gusher of sap, but to no avail. She screamed in frustration. "Goddamn it, that was my last hope! What do I do now?"

"Anything I can help you with, young lady?"

That voice! Tefe looked up. Standing by the tub was the hotel manager she had flirted with earlier! She could see his cock bulging against his pants. She covered her tits with her hands and got to her feet. "H-how did you get in here?"

"Somebody seems to have left your door unlocked. Are you ok? You look a little...ill."

Tefe wrapped a towel around her body. "I'm fine". She tried to storm past him, but he blocked her way. She felt the elemental energies seethe within her. Before she could act, she felt herself becoming horny once more....God, oh please no..not with him.... He reached out and pulled her towel off.

She leapt into his arms and kissed him passionately. He held her up by her round ass. He walked backwards from the bathroom, falling to the floor. Tefe mounted him and ripped his shirt off. She was nauseated by his corpulent body, but her lust was overpowering....She could not resist. She began to play with his dick through his pants. After a few minutes, they were soaked with his cum and her saliva. She grabbed his zipper with her teeth and pulled it down. The heady aroma of cock washed over her, making her squirt a fresh batch of snatch juice all over him and the floor.

Tefe pulled his pants down as if he was in a trance. She looked at his medium sized dong for a few seconds, then she devoured it whole. Her eyes bulged as she feasted on the cockmeat. His tangy spunk coated her tongue. He moaned like he hadn't had his dick sucked in years, and by the look of the poor bastard, he hadn't. He grabbed the top of her head and shoved it down onto his rod. Tefe gulped and inhaled the man meat, slurping it down her throat with little effort. Her right hand vigorously massaged her wet pussy, coaxing thick cum from her pink hole. She sighed.

Suddenly, the manager got to his feet. Tefe's lips slid off his wet dick with a loud pop. A string of cum ran from her mouth to his cock. He shook his organ, breaking the chain. He grabbed Tefe by the arm and threw her to her hands and knees. She felt him run his tongue up and down the crack of her ass. Then she felt his massive dong running around her butt cheeks. She trembled with anticipation. He dipped his fingers into her pussy and then put them into his mouth.

"MMMM....sweet as honey. Oh, and yes, I will be your daddy."

Without any warning, the manager shoved his rod deep into Tefe's virgin asshole. Her eyes nearly popped out of her head. As the monster dick violated her asshole, she screamed. She squirmed and twisted beneath him as he savagely pummeled her rectum. Tefe groaned animalistically as the huge member brutally invaded her tight hole, stretching it to its limits. She moaned as she felt her ass being torn apart from the inside. The manager panted as he slid in and out of Tefe's ass cheeks. He fondled her tits, squeezing her nipples tightly between each hand. Tefe fingered her clit as another orgasm rippled through her body. She trembled violently and gasped deeply. Her swollen pussy began to pump its sweet nectar once more, soaking the carpet.

The manager continued to pound Tefe's sore and bleeding ass for a few more painful minutes. Then he abruptly pulled his cock out of her. Tefe sighed disappointedly. He walked around to the girl's face and slipped his throbbing organ into her mouth. It was coated with blood and shit--Tefe greedily swallowed it all. She deep throated the meat stick again. Then, she took it out of her mouth and began jerking it off. She looked up at the man longingly.

"Put it in me....NOW."

The manager violently shoved Tefe onto her back. He mounted her prone body, spreading her quaking legs wide open. Then he vigorously shoved his veiny cock deep into her pussy, easily sliding into the heavily lubricated hole. Her pussy tightened around his dick and he groaned excitedly. The meaty sword continued to stab into her pink hole, which was still sore from that morning's exertions. Tefe gritted her teeth as the cock invaded her, sliding deeper and deeper into her slimy pink valley. Her legs were now up in the air, spread eagle. He held onto her feet as he viciously pummeled her insides.

"Ahhhh fuck...."

The manager pulled his bone out of Tefe's snatch and began to jerk off over her. She looked at his cock excitedly. She fingered her clit and violated her swollen opening which was again spurting fluids. The man grunted and Tefe flinched as a gusher of cock sauce splashed all over her pussy, belly, and tits. Two more explosions of spunk showered her, then it stopped. The manager got to his feet. He did not look at the girl. He quickly pulled his soiled pants up. Without another word, he left the room, slamming the door behind him.

Tefe remained on the floor. She was coated in man cream. Her cunt gushed with juice. She stared blankly at the ceiling. She wanted to scream. She wanted to lash out with her elemental powers and kill everyone in this cursed city. But she didn't move.

Tefe sighed. Now it was 12 AM. She was exhausted, but she could not sleep. Every time she closed her eyes, visions of hardcore sex filled her dreams. She had awoken at least five times, trembling, covered in cum. She continued to sit on the edge of her bed, afraid to move. At this point, her slightest movement had her squirting cream all over herself. She realized she had to do something, get some help. But who?

Poison Ivy.

She's an expert on plants, and since I'm part plant, maybe she can help me...but she's a villain. Why did The Green lead me to her? Tefe prepared to reach out to Ivy's mind once again. She remembered how turned on she had gotten when she saw Ivy's naked body: the red hair, humongous tits, the tuft of red fuzz between her legs...

Tefe jumped to her feet and ripped her nightgown off. Her panties were soaked on both sides. She slid them off and sucked on them, swallowing her own cum. That got her juices flowing again. She collapsed to the floor and began to finger fuck herself. She rolled her hand into a ball and slowly pushed it inside of her pussy. The pink flesh eagerly gave way and her entire fist slid inside her cunt. She yelled as she fisted her wet hole. Juices fired out of her. My god...I can't stop....


"Pamela is not here...may I be of assistance?"

Tefe looked towards the source of the voice. A man dressed entirely in black stood over her. He had long dark hair and was deathly pale.

"The elemental force is strong in you..."

"W-who are....y-you....oooh...."

The man smiled. "Did you know that every creature on earth has another that lives off it? Birds eat flies. Lions eat deer. Humans eat...well, just about everything. Its all about predators and prey. The hunters and the hunted."

Tefe seemed oblivious. She stared at him blankly, still fisting her narrow slit.

"You are my prey.......My people feed off of yours. Elementals, I mean. The special people who draw their powers from the Earth, Fire, Wind, and Water. My kind have subsisted off elemental energy for years."

Tefe moaned as a trickle of white sauce ran from her pussy and onto the floor.

"My people are telepathic...I have been lurking in your thoughts for days, increasing your sexual appetite. I made you the horny slut you are now."

Tefe growled as another geyser of cum shot from her body. She rammed her fist deeper inside her steaming cunt.

"I do that to all my makes your elemental energy taste so much yummier. I can't wait to feast on you and suck you a matter of fact, I think it's dinner time!"

The Elemental Eater seized Tefe by the neck and wrenched her to her feet. He ripped her bra off and began to suckle her left tit. Everything within her urged her to fight back, but she couldn't. Her will was gone. She shrieked. A blue glow surrounded her body. It lit up the room. It was her life force...her chi. The Eater continued to suck. The light began to dim. Her life was draining away. Her eyes began to flutter as she flickered in and out of consciousness....

Suddenly, the window shattered into a million slivers of glass. The Elemental Eater yowled in pain as several shards of glass imbedded themselves deep in his back. Tefe crumbled to the ground. The light surrounding her winked out.


A woman clad in green bolted across the room. There was a rush of air as the woman leapt into the air and delivered a crushing roundhouse kick to the Eater's head, sending him flying across the room.

Tefe weakly looked up at the woman. She was wearing a one piece bikini made of leaves. Long, elbow length green gloves sheathed each arm. Tefe smiled at her.


Poison Ivy smiled back at the girl and whispered to her, "Hold on...we'll be leaving here soon. Let me take care of this son of a...bitch?" Ivy scanned the room. He was gone!

"Not quite."

Before she could react, Ivy was grabbed from behind. The Eater laughed. "So it's a fellow elemental to the rescue,huh? Oh well, the more, the merrier!"

"Elemental? What are you..?"

Ivy shivered as she felt a pair or cold lips on her bare neck. He's going to be sorry he did that, she thought.


The Eater recoiled in agony. "You bitch! What the fuck did you do to me?"

"You must be new in town. I have a lethal touch. Your bloodstream is now filled with my toxins. I doubt you'll live through the night."

The Eater bellowed angrily. He glowed brightly, then seemed to shatter into a thousand pieces of darkness and vanish.


Poison Ivy knelt down beside Tefe and tenderly stroked her face. The girl smiled once more. She wept.

"Y-you came for me..."

"I felt you call me again...I was able to get a sense of where you were somehow."

"T-The Green......"

"Yes, The Green. Now come on, I'm getting you out of here." Ivy grabbed Tefe's leather jacket and draped it over the naked girl. "Ok, let's go....Tefe? TEFE??"

Tefe's eyes were closed. She was no longer breathing.

" c-can't be....."


A hulking man-like creature ambled through a swamp. The creature was covered in moss, tendrils, and leaves. At his side was a beautiful woman with long white hair that had black streaks on each side. Their faces were etched with anxiety. They walked through the swamp hand in hand, completely silent. Eventually, they sat on a nearby grass bank. They stared out at the swamp for a time. Finally, the woman turned and looked at the creature.

"Alec, you should have stayed with her."

"She did not....want me...there, Abby."

"For God's sake, our little girl is in Gotham City! GOTHAM! You know the hell we went through on our visit there!"

"Tefe is not...a child anymore. She can....take care of herself."

"But I don't like her being there alone. Maybe you should....Alec?"

A horrified look had come over The Swamp Thing's face. He jumped to his feet.

"What? Is it Tefe? TELL ME!!"

"Abigail.....TEFE IS DEAD!"

Ooo...ominous, ain't it?

Anyways, here is a list of links if you want more info on the characters in this story:




Now I need the help of all DC fanatics who may be reading this. Help me with the following:

  1. I need more info on Tefe Holland: her powers, personality, likes, dislikes, is she a vegetarian, etc. If anyone can give me a Who's Who type summary of Tefe's entire life from her birth up to the last issue of her series(Swamp Thing vol.3), I will be very grateful. Maybe I'll send you something in the mail :)

  2. Who is DC 's Water elemental? I was going to use Zan of The Wonder Twins, but there was a new water elemental created during an "Elemental War" a few years ago...who was it?

Well that's all for now...I gotta get to work on Chapter Two. Remember, all questions and comments can be sent to See ya next time!
