Clark And Diana

Author: Ann Douglas
Time to Read:54min
Added Date:12/23/2023
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Tags: Wonder WomanSuperman

The following is a work of erotic fiction and includes scenes of sexual activity. It includes characters that are copyrighted by DC Comics. This story is intended for the non-commercial enjoyment of fans and should be considered a parody . No copyright infringement is intended and no profit will be made from the distribution of this story.

It had been just over two years since the chorus had first echoed through the canyons of the city. Twenty-six months during which the simple four sentence litany had become a source of unabashed pride to the people of Metropolis.

"Look, up in the sky," someone would shout as the rush of the wind caught their attention.

"It's a bird," another would add as he looked upward in the direction in the direction the first man had indicated.

"It's a plane," a woman would loudly add, knowing full well that it wasn't.

"It's Superman!" numerous voices would finally chime in, their voices reflecting the admiration they had for Metropolis's premiere resident as he swept over their heads.

A thousand sets of eyes looked skyward as the red and blue-garbed young man soared between the tall buildings of Bessolo Boulevard. Jet black hair and a flowing red cape flared in the wind as the Metropolis Marvel raced across his adopted city. The speed of his flight carried him quickly out of view. Before his admirer's chant could totally fade from their ears, he was already miles away and dropping out of the sky.

With a casual ease, the six foot three hero set his two hundred and twenty-five pound frame down on the center of Star Lab's helicopter pad. His cape draped over his powerful shoulders as the Man of Steel focused on the white-coated woman who had been awaiting his arrival.

"Good afternoon, Doctor Hamilton," Superman said with a broad smile as he stepped off the pad and walked toward the redhead.

"Good afternoon, Superman," the thirty-eight year old said as she met him halfway and extended her hand, "I'm so glad you could stop by and examine our find. I know how valuable your time must be."

"I'm glad to do it, Doctor," Superman replied as he shook her hand, "Especially if the artifact you've discovered does turn out to be Kryptonian in origin."

"Well, that's what we're hoping you can tell us," Phyllis Hamilton said as she guided him to the Institute's side entrance, "and please, call me, Phyllis."

As Superman walked beside the shorter woman, his enhanced senses couldn't help but make him aware of the effect his presence was having on her. It was an effect he had grown quite used to in his life. Their brief physical contact during their handshake told him that Phyllis's body temperature had risen almost a degree, along with an increase in both her heartbeat and respiration. Regardless of the circumstances, it was an almost involuntary response from most women.

"You said in your call to Mr. Kent that the artifact didn't show any sigh of Kryptonite radiation?" Superman asked as they entered the building and passed through a security checkpoint.

"That's what's been puzzling us," Phyllis said as she led Superman through the maze of corridors. "Almost every previous Kryptonian artifact has shown at least trace amounts. It's almost as if, if it is Kryptonian in origin, it left the planet before it's destruction. At least that's the theory some of us have come up with."

"Well, let's see of I can settle the matter," Superman said as they stepped through a final checkpoint and into the lab filled with Doctor Hamilton's associates.

Spotting their distinguished visitor, the small crowd quickly parted to give him a clear path to their prize. Despite their assurances that there was no trace of radiation, the Last Son of Krypton hesitated slightly before approaching it. When he did, Superman's first impression was that it was indeed a relic of his long dead world.

"Well, Superman?" one of the other scientists asked.

"Give him a chance, Donald," Phyllis said as Superman effortlessly picked up the large metal fragment from the table and examined it more closely.

His blue eyes focused on the metal, examining it on a level equaled only by the most advanced equipment. The sub-atomic structure did indeed match that of the rocket that had brought him to Earth some two and a half decades before. The inscriptions on the outside also matched what he had learned of his native language. Deep within his mind, he translated the half erased words into English. The result surprised even him.

"It's part of a spacecraft," Superman finally said. "A ship equivalent to the space shuttle, at least in function."

"And it's Kryptonian?" the scientist repeated his question.

"Yes, definitely Kryptonian," Superman said, making the scientist's face light up. "She must've been in space when the end came."

"Did the ship have a name?" Phyllis asked out of curiosity, not really expecting an answer.

"Yuda," Superman answered with an unaccustomed tremor in his voice, "named after one of the goddesses of ancient Krypton, also one of her moons."

"What must it have been like to have flown her," another of the group asked, "to have been on her at the end ... to watch as your world died beneath you."

"Martin!" Phyllis snapped at her young colleague, thinking the statement to be highly insensitive of their guest's feelings, seeing that it had been his Homeworld as well. "Superman, I'm sorry, that was ...."

But the Man Of Tomorrow was already gone.


Once more high above the city, the fragment of the long destroyed space shuttle dominated Superman's mind. Just the discovery of the artifact would've interested him, but to have it been the Yuda totally shook him to the core.

His mind drifted back, sorting out memories most precious. Recollections of a world that, if fate had been more kind, might've been his. A life filled with people he had loved, and who had loved him in return. Loved him enough to have sacrificed all they had to give him a second chance.

Ever since his emergence as a super hero in his mid-teens, the world had known the story of his origins. Of how his father, Jor-El, one of the greatest young minds of his age, had discovered the impending death of their world. A discovery that Krypton's ruling Science Council had refused to accept. Leaving the young scientist to labor alone to try and save his family.

In the end, he had simply run out of time. On the night that Krypton died, the full sized spacecraft with his experimental stardrive was only half completed. All he had was an unused test drone, fully functional but with only room for one. The decision for Jor-El and his wife was simple -- their son would survive.

Yes, almost anyone who heard of Superman had also heard of Jor-El. A much fewer number, however, had heard of Lara Lor-Van. And that was their loss. A remarkable student and athlete in her school years, Lara had also been one of Krypton's first astronauts. A field of scientific endeavor that had come late to that ancient culture. Prior to her marriage to Jor-El and the birth of their son, Lara had been the commander of one of the first space shuttles. A ship she had named, Yuda.

"Mother," Kal-El of Krypton thought as he remembered the face of the woman who had placed him in the escape rocket and sacrificed her dreams in the hope that he might find his own.


The image of the woman who set the example by which he would judge all others remained in his mind until, faster than the human eye could follow, the Man of Steel entered the Daily Planet building through the open window of a little used storeroom. A quick flash of his x-ray vision seconds before had made sure that the room was indeed empty.

A familiar transformation took place as Superman once more assumed the identity that he had lived most of his life under. That of Clark Kent, the son of Jonathan and Martha who had rescued and then raised him as their own when his lifecraft crashed outside of Smallville, Kansas. Aside from the camouflaging effects of a non-descript blue business suit, the conversion included a change of posture along with a slight voice alteration. The final touch was a pair of ordinary glasses that gave new meaning to the phrase, to hide in plain sight.

Stepping into the newsroom, Clark was greeted by a half dozen good afternoons, all of which he dutifully returned. Sitting down at his desk, he took a moment to scan his terminal for any of the keyword news alerts he had programmed into it. Thankfully, the world seemed to be quiet during his all day absence.

His attention turned to the empty desk situated across from his. The owner of which had been out all day as well. Clark didn't need his super-senses to know when she finally entered the newsroom a quarter hour later. You could just feel her presence by the reaction of those around her.

Lois Lane had already established her reputation as a star reporter by the time Clark Kent appeared on the scene two years before. Yet it still bothered her that the story of the century had gone instead to the unknown reporter. She had no way of knowing of course that Kent would always have the inside track on any Superman story since beneath the shirt of the mild mannered reporter rested the irregular yellow and red pentagon of the Man of Steel.

The competition between the two of them had always been fierce, but it had evolved into a working relationship that Clark worked hard to make something more. Only two months before, the two of them had begun to date, if somewhat irregularly. Lois was, she quickly let him know, not ready to settle down with any one man. At least not with any ordinary man.

That lesson had been driven home to Clark in a dramatic way only the weekend before as his alter-ego decided to check in on Lois towards the end of his late night patrol. The two of them had a few words over a story and it had been his intention to have Clark show up with a peace offering. A quick x-ray check of her apartment to see if she was home quickly put an end to that idea.

Lois had indeed been home, but she hadn't been alone. Superman recognized her guest as Jose Delgado, AKA Gangbuster, the homegrown costumed hero who was doing wonders in cleaning up the section of the city known as Suicide Slum. Not since the disappearance of the Guardian in the early 1950's had that part of Metropolis had a hero to call their own.

Normally, he would've been glad to see Delgado as he greatly respected the work he was doing, both as Gangbuster and as a teacher in one of the local schools. This time, however, that admiration didn't really apply, seeing as both Jose and Lois were nude at the time, with Lois riding his cock on the way to orgasm.

Not really wanting to watch, but yet compelled to do so at the same time, Superman watched as Lois bounced up and down on the Latino Hero. Her large breasts heaved, covered with sweat, as she called out her lover's name along with an demand that he fuck her harder. Jose responded to her order as he grabbed her waist and pulled her down on him hard. The action was repeated again and again until Lois cried out in triumph as her body climaxed explosively.

Delgado's orgasm was only a few moments behind hers, but it was long enough for Lois to do what she had in mind. Sliding off his cock even before the last of the tremors had faded from her flesh, she spun around and slid his cock into her mouth. Less than a heartbeat later, Jose exploded like a volcano, sending a hot white lava into her mouth. A sharp, salty magma that Lois swallowed with enthusiasm.

It was at that point that Superman finally turned away. Even in a situation like that, he thought, Lois still had to be in total control.

People who knew them, tended to think of both Clark and Superman as the world's greatest boy scouts. They were wrong about both aspects of his personality. Either as Clark or Kal-El, he had grown up with the same urges and desires as any other man. Subject to the same temptations, possibly more so because of his amazing abilities. It was just that in most cases he'd learned to become more circumspect in their uses. At least that was the example he tried to impress on other heroes.

As a teenager, Clark had been smitten by Lana Lang, one of his classmates at Smallville High. His relationship with the redhead had been close enough for them to achieve a level of intimacy, up to and including oral sex. Yet it never progressed to a point where for the young visitor from another world was able to lose his virginity. Lana on the other hand had lost hers with Clark's best friend, Pete Ross, whom she also dated at times.

It wasn't until he left Smallville and was a student at Metropolis University that Clark duplicated Pete's accomplishment. Working at a small diner while he attended classes, Clark had become close friends with an older waitress. A friendship that had ended in her bed one night, much to both of their satisfactions.

So far, his relationship with Lois hadn't progressed much further than the one he'd had with Lana, but that wasn't to say Clark lived a life of abstinence. During his previous cold spell with Lois, he'd had a short, somewhat fiery relationship with Cat Grant. The blond bombshell was a gossip columnist over at WGBS who also wrote a column for the Planet. The least that could be said about their nights together was that they had indeed been memorable.

A new chorus of greetings from the far end of the newsroom signaled the late arrival of Lois Lane. At least late from Clark's perspective, but he had learned long ago that allowances had to be made for those who weren't able to simply soar above the gridlock of midtown traffic.

By the time Lois came into view, Clark was waiting with a hot cup of her favorite flavored coffee. He had made it earlier and it only took a brief flash of his heat vision to make it steaming hot. Lois reached her desk just as Clark placed it on a clear section of it.

"Good afternoon, Lois," he said with his patented smile, projecting all the warmth he could manage.

"Afternoon Kent," Lois said with a noticeable frost in her voice as she all but ignored his latest peace offering.

Lois Lane stood five six with shoulder length dark brown hair and blue eyes. An army brat, she had been a take-charge type of woman since her teens, earning her reputation the hard way. Too many people had learned, to their regret, that there was a lot more to her than an attractive woman with a well-defined figure.

"Was there something you wanted, Kent?" the brunette asked as she dropped her carry bag alongside the desk and settled into her chair, turning on her computer as she did.

"No, not really," Clark said, realizing that she was still too angry with him to accept any acts of conciliation.

"Well then some of us have work to do," Lois said as she ignored the tall reporter standing in front of her desk and turned her attention to the story in progress that was reappearing on her screen.

Clark opened his mouth to say something, but was interrupted by an ultra-high frequency beeping that only he could hear. The source of the persistent sound was the belt buckle of his Superman costume, worn under his street clothes. Specifically, the signal device he wore as a member of the Justice League of America. From the pattern of the alert, he could knew it was a call for all available members to report to the group's headquarters as soon as possible.

Seeing as Lois was already ignoring his presence, Clark backed away and closed out the files on his own computer. Just before he did, he logged himself as out checking a story in case the Chief should look for him while he was gone. Luckily the two stories he had been assigned on the previous day were already waiting on Perry White's desk. Despite the age of technology, White was an old time editor who liked to feel paper in his hand and read hard copy.

Heading for his favorite storeroom, Clark couldn't help but overhear his name in a discussion as he crossed the floor. In his case, it didn't matter that the brief conversation had taken place on the far end of the room or had been in Japanese.

"I don't understand what Miss Lane's problem is?" the first girl's voice, which Clark identified as belonging to Kiko Noboru, one of the copy girls. "How can anyone resist those puppy dog looks of Mr. Kent's?"

"I think there's a lot more to him than just being cute," said the second voice that belonged to Susan Mizuka, a photographer. "I bet if you got under those old suits he wears you'd find something rock hard."

"You thing that about every man in this place like that," Miko replied.

"Well you never know until you take the time to check it out," Susan replied.

Both girls quietly giggled at the thought as Clark reached and opened the door to the supply room, a wide smile on his face. He was surprised to almost bump into Jimmy Olsen as the freckled faced teenager stepped out of the small room.

"Jeepers, Mr. Kent, you sure seem to spend a lot of time in the supply room," Jimmy said. "Most of the other reporters just ask me to get what they need."

"Well, some of us appreciate the fact that you have other things to do, Jim," Clark smiled as he stepped past the younger redhead. "Speaking of which, why don't you ask Susan Mizuka out to lunch one of these afternoons. I have the feeling that the two of you might have a lot in common."

"Really, Mr. Kent?" Jimmy asked, his tone showing not a small level of excitement.

"Let's just say I have a hunch," Clark said as he closed the door behind him and Jimmy set out in search of Susan.


The transformation from man to Superman took only a few brief moments, as Clark shed his outer garments to once more reveal a form made more of steel than rock. A running leap sent him out into the late afternoon sky, this time on a vector that had him passing high altitude jets less than a minute later. The sky around him shifted from light blue to darker shades and then finally to black. Scanning the heavens, Superman soon spotted the new Satellite home of the Justice League, resting serenely in geosynchronous orbit over the United States.

Other members of the League usually made use of the teleport tubes that had been hidden in the cities of the major members, but Superman liked to fly up under his own power. The large man-made structure looming before him was a long lifetime away from anything the major Earth powers could dream of putting into orbit. Its construction had involved the combined sciences of several alien members of the League.

As he prepared to enter the airlock, Superman caught sight of a flash of green light streaking up from the Earth's surface, much like a meteor in reverse. The luminescent beam took on human shape as it closed on the JLA Satellite, revealing a man in green and black garb who became clearer as the bright light retreated into an emerald ring he wore on his left hand. The Kryptonian knew him as Hal Jordan, test pilot of some of the world's most advanced aircraft, but to the world at large he was better know as the Green Lantern, a member of an interstellar police force created by the eons old race known as the Guardians of the Universe.

Together the two men entered the airlock, to be greeted by other members who had preceded them through the magic of futuristic technology. The first to welcome them was a man dressed almost head to toe in red, with yellow boots and decorative lightning bolts on the chest and wrists of his uniform. Yellow wings also adorned his cowl denoting speed, a symbol well befitting Barry Allen, the Flash. He and Hal were the best of friends and after a quick hello to Superman, the two went ahead into the conference room to catch up before the meeting.

Behind the fastest man alive had stood a tall blond haired man in orange and green. His face reflected a concern with being so far out of his natural watery environment. King of Poseidonis, he was better known to the surface world as Aquaman. Able to exist in both worlds, if only for a short time out of water, the ruggedly handsome man could also communicate telepathically with most sea life.

Standing on the shoulder of the regal member was another man just six inches tall. Clad in blue and red, Ray Palmer was a physicist who used his discovery of white dwarf matter to shrink his body in size. Able to control his size and density, he fought crime as the hard-hitting Atom.

The only female member of the impromptu reception committee was a young woman dressed in blue and white. Anyone who had spent time at any of the major hotels on the west coast might have recognized her as Zatanna, one of the country's premiere stage magicians. Few realized that the nineteen-year-old Maid of Magic was actually a daughter of the magical race Homo Magi and could actually perform the feats she only mimicked on stage.

Together the small group moved to the main meeting room on the uppermost level of the satellite. There they caught up with the Flash and Green Lantern as well as three more members who had preceded them.

Standing alone in the shadows as seemed to befit him was a tall, athletically built man in gray and black. Without peer as the world's greatest detective, Bruce Wayne had turned a life long obsession to avenge the murder of his parents into a personal war on the underworld of Gotham City. Many would disagree with his methods, but the Darknight had defiantly made a difference in his city that couldn't be argued.

The second woman of the group was a blond haired young woman in her twenties who wore a black outfit that looked as if it belonged to another age. Which in fact it actually did, having been designed by her mother, the original Black Canary who had fought crime decades before. The second heroine to carry that name, she added a shattering sonic beam that she called her canary cry to the martial arts Dinah Lance had learned from her mother.

The final member of the assemblage was like Superman, born of another world. Unlike the numerous light years that the Man of Steel traveled to reach his new home, J'Onn J'Onzz's world was less than fifty million miles away. The Martian Manhunter was one of the last survivors of the now dead planet, and had chosen to carve a new life for himself on her sister world.
Six foot seven and weighing three hundred pounds, the green skinned Martian possessed among his other abilities, one that enabled him to change his physical form at will. This allowed him to blend in among human society.

"Well it looks like no one else is going to make it," J'Onn said in his capacity as the current Chairman of the League. "So we might as well get started."

No one objected and they all took their seats. Automatic recording devices came into play as the meeting was called to order, making a record of the proceedings for any absent member that wished to review it later.


Mundane but necessary matters took up the bulk of their discussions. They agreed on most of the important issues so they moved down the agenda rather quickly. The meeting was running so smoothly that J'Onn was about to call for a break an hour later when a new arrival entered the room. All heads turned in her direction, an action in no way related to her lateness.

The woman standing in the large entranceway stood five eleven and weighed in at a hundred and thirty-five pounds. A size that was quite deceptive when it came to the awesome power her body contained. The only daughter of Hippolyta, Queen of the legendary Amazons, Diana of Themyscira had come to man's world only a half dozen months before. She had immediately captured the public's imagination as Wonder Woman.

Born of the clay of the Earth and given life as a gift of the Olympian gods, Diana wore a form fitting costume that consisted of little more than a red and gold bustier atop a star spangled pair of blue briefs. A gold tiara and belt, as well as white trimmed red boots completed her outfit. Around her wrists were wrapped bracelets of an almost indestructible metal and a glowing lasso, said by some to be magical, hung by her waist.

The Amazon would have drawn the same level of attention if she had been garbed in the proverbial sackcloth instead of the quite revealing costume. Beautiful seemed such an inadequate word to fully describe her. Long black hair hung free down her back, drawing only the slightest of distraction from the deepest blue eyes any of the Leaguers had ever seen. Her face and body seemed more suited to that of a model or movie star. Not a warrior woman who could bench press a tractor trailer or fly among the air currents.

"I'm sorry to be so late," the Princess apologized as she took one of the empty seats.

"I'm sure it was unavoidable, Diana," J'Onn said as he waited for her to sit down. "As it was, I was about to suggest we take a short break."

"Excellent," Diana replied, "it will give me a chance to go over the record and catch up."

With no objection, J'Onn called for a pause in the proceedings. Half the attending membership headed for the gallery to get some refreshments as Diana engaged a small screen by her seat and ran the computer transcribed record at high speed. Watching her, Superman was surprised that she was able to fully digest the information at that rate. He'd thought that only he, J'Onn and probably Barry could read that fast. By the time the others returned a few minutes later, she had read the record all the way through.

After J'Onn called the meeting back to order, Diana made a few comments about what she had read. Basically, she didn't disagree with any of the decisions that had been made, but she did offer a few suggestions. Two of which so impressed other Leaguers that they called for the record to be changed to reflect her input.

"A few more items on the agenda and we can call it a day," J'Onn announced to the accompaniment of a few comments from the gallery. "We received a request from the Daily Star in Metropolis to do a series of features about the League. In deference to our member of their distinguished competition, I was inclined to simply deny the request, but on second thought felt that it should be up to the entire membership."

"I more than agree, J'Onn," Superman said from his seat on the far end of the table. "Matters affecting the League shouldn't be decided over how they might affect any individual member."

"I thought you might feel that way," J'Onn replied, "So I'll leave it open to discussion."

"Well, I'll close the discussion," the Flash said as his mid-western accented voice filled the room. "Wasn't the Star the rag that did that story last year on the sex lives of superheroes?"

"I believe it was," J'Onn said, "but we shouldn't judge a paper based solely on a single story."

"The hell we can't," Green Lantern chimed in, "I might have expected a piece of trash like that from one of those supermarket tabloids, but not from a major paper. I say we tell them no right off."

It was quickly obvious that a majority of the members felt that way so that J'Onn accepted the inevitable and logged a rejection into the computer that would send an e-mail to the managing editor of the Star. It had been his hope, he explained, that a series of articles on the JLA might go a long way in allaying of the fears that some people still seemed to have about super powered beings.

"If that's the case, J'Onn," Superman interjected, aware that being the least human in appearance, J'Onn was sometimes too sensitive about such things, "I'm sure I can get the Planet to do a series like that."

"I didn't want to put you in a position where..." the green hued Manhunter started to say.

"Not a problem," Superman cut him off. "If I can write about my own exploits in the third person, I doubt I'll have any trouble with the rest of you. Besides, I didn't want to mention it before the vote, but the Star had been lacking a certain journalistic integrity of late. We'd be much better off having them run in the Planet, and I say that without any personal bias."

It was only then that the Man of Steel considered that after delivering what would undoubtedly be a Pulitzer Prize worthy series of articles about the JLA, it might be a very long time before Lois talked to him again. If that was the case, he told himself, well then so be it. He had been totally honest in what he had said about the Star and the way they now seemed to handle the news.

It wasn't just that the article the Flash and Green Lantern had referred to had been so far off the mark, although it was. It was that the truth, if they had been able to discover it, which was highly unlikely, would've been so much more interesting.

As the Martian Manhunter went on to the last few and in his mind, unimportant matters of business, Superman allowed his mind to drift and considered what he actually knew about his fellow members around the table. At least what he knew about their sexual interests.

Two of the members sitting at the table were married, the Flash and the Atom, and as far as Superman knew, led pretty much ordinary sex lives. The same could also be said of Green Lantern who despite the fighter jock mentality of his profession, seemed to have one steady love.

Zatanna, he had once discovered inadvertently, was bisexual if not a lesbian. A fact that might be expected of someone as involved in show business as she was. He wasn't being judgmental in any way, just taking note of the truth of the situation.

The same could be said of Aquaman, having lived half his life in a totally alien environment. Orin, which had been his birth name, had once gone out of his way to present that fact to Superman to see if he might be interested. The Man of Steel had been quick to explain that while his own birth culture made no distinction as to gender when it came to love, or even just sex, he himself preferred the company of women.

Dinah Lance made no secret of the fact that she preferred the company of men. Actually, in her case it was a lot of men, to a point where her sexual exploits were on the verge of becoming legendary. If anyone had the opportunity to scan her luggage with x-rays as he had done on several occasions in the interests of security, one might also discover a keen interest in various bondage and discipline paraphernalia.

Bruce Wayne, the Batman, was likewise very straight, but with a constantly revolving variety of women that could make Hugh Hefner jealous. Superman had never been able to decide how much of it all was part of Bruce's Playboy alter-ego or just his desire to live every moment of life to it's fullest.

The most interesting member at the table, at least from a sexual perspective, had to be the current Chairman. All of the members were aware that J'Onn used his shape shifting abilities to live as a human during his long exile on Earth, and that in the three decades he's been here, that had included several different identities.

What would amaze the others was the knowledge that Martians were actually both male and female in their genetic makeup and that for a few years, the Manhunter had lived as a woman as well. Seeing how the other half of humanity lives, he had explained to the Kryptonian when he had mentioned it to him during one of their discussions on being an alien among humans. Additionally, J'Onn had also lived as both a gay man and a lesbian over the years.

Finally, Superman turned his attention to Wonder Woman, the last but certainly not the least of his fellows. From the day she had first appeared, she had fueled numerous sexual fantasies among men and to be honest with himself, the man within the Man of Steel had been no exception. If only on a physical level, Diana would certainly qualify as every man's dream.

Yet, in those times when he allowed himself to think about it, there was much more to the attraction he oftentimes felt for the dark haired Amazon Princess. She was highly intelligent, determined and totally self reliant, all of the things the Metropolis Marvel most admired in a woman.

Still, even if he found himself in a situation where he might want to pursue his attraction, Superman was quite uncertain as to how it might be received. Diana, after all, had grown up in a society of women, in which lesbianism was the norm. To confuse matters more, there was the subject of Major Steve Trevor. Almost since her debut, the Air Force Officer's name had been constantly linked with hers. If she was at least bisexual, she might already be in a relationship.

So focused on the beautiful woman sitting across from him, Superman didn't even realize that J'Onn had declared the meeting adjourned. The brief lapse had gone almost totally unnoticed, except by the member who had caused it.

With no emergencies to occupy their attention, and most of them having already taken care of excusing themselves of any daily responsibilities in their civilian identities, the men and women of the Justice League were all to willing to take the opportunity to just take a break. It was rare that they had the chance to just socialize and talk about the kind of things that only someone else who lived the life behind the mask would understand.

Green Lantern, Flash and the Atom, friends under the masks as well, tended to form their own group. Batman was involved in a conversation with J'Onn J'Onzz about some aspect of a case he was on. Zatanna was following their discussion with some interest. Aquaman had said goodbye as soon as the meeting had ended, as did the Black Canary. Superman was considering making his own goodbye when the last member of the assemblage approached him.

"Superman, may I speak to you for a moment?" the tall, Amazon said in a soft, melodious tone.

"Of course Diana," the Man of Steel replied as he turned to face her. "What can I do for you?"

The dark haired woman smiled as if she was considering a private joke at Superman's choice of words. Then she asked a rather mundane question about a rule of law that she had encountered the previous week. Proficient in both Federal and the local laws in all fifty states, as well as most foreign countries, Superman spent the next few minutes explaining the one she had asked about.

"Society here in your country is very complicated at times," Diana commented after Superman completed his explanation. "On Themyscira we take a much simpler, direct approach to things."

"I guess when you come from a small, closed culture, it doesn't take some getting used to." the Metropolis Marvel replied. "I grew up in America and it was still somewhat of an adjustment to go from small town living to a big city. Don't worry, it will all come to you quick enough. If there is anyway that I can help you, please feel free to ask."

"Well there is something else that I would like to ask you about," the woman in red, blue and gold asked, "but I have hesitated before this because, like I have said, I am still adjusting to the rules of your society."

"Princess, no one knows better than me what it's like to be a stranger in a strange land," Superman said. "So you can ask me anything you like in total confidence, and please, call me Clark."

"Very well then, Clark," the powerfully built young woman said as her body seemed to tense. "Both today, and on a number of previous occasions, I could not help but notice that you seem to have much more of an interest in me than the other male Leaguers. An interest that resides outside of a professional relationship."

The Kryptonian's face went slightly pale. He had never realized it had been so obvious. Had anyone else noticed it as well? His head turned to his left to see if anyone else had overheard her comments. Thankfully, not even J'Onn, whose hearing almost equaled, his own had noticed.

"Princess, I assure you, I've never considered you with anything but the highest respect and if you took it any other way than I most sincerely apologize." he quickly said.

"I'm afraid that you misunderstand why I brought the subject up," Diana said after listening to his apology. "I wasn't voicing my observation as a complaint, but rather an inquiry as to if you plan to act on your interest."

For a man who spoke regularly to Kings, Prime Ministers and Presidents, Superman found himself suddenly speechless before the Princess of Themyscira. The Amazon certainly had been correct when she said her people took a more direct approach to things. Now that it was out in the open, the Man of Steel found her directness even more attractive.

"My experience with men had been somewhat limited," she continued, "but I would like to expand that knowledge."

"I had thought that you and Steve Trevor were ...." Superman started to say in a somewhat flustered tone, suddenly realizing how Doctor Hamilton and other women felt when they were around him.

"Steve and I were more a matter of circumstances than anything else," the warrior woman admitted. "He was, after all, the first man that I had ever known."

It was pretty obvious from her tone that she meant that in the traditional biblical sense. Superman also got the impression that Major Trevor had been found somewhat lacking, at least as far as what the Amazon had expected.

"Relationships between League members are not forbidden, are they?" Wonder Woman said. "That was the impression that Zatanna gave me when she expressed her own interest in such an occurrence."

"You and Zatanna?" Superman said in surprise. "The two of you were ..." he paused, not wanting to say the word.

"No, she merely expressed an interest," Diana replied.

"Oh," was all Superman could say as he again glanced over to the far corner where the Maid of Magic was still continuing to listen to Batman and the Martian Manhunter.

The Man of Steel's concentration slipped for a moment as an image of the two women in bed appeared in his mind. While she didn't have Wonder Woman's perfect build, the young Magician was an extremely beautiful woman in her own right. The thought of her and Diana together was enough to distract any man.

"If I have been wrong in my appraisal of your interest, or there is someone else, I will understand." the Amazon said in response to the Kryptonian's sudden far away look. A look she interpreted as possibly reluctance to her suggestion.

Then an image of Lois appeared in Superman's thoughts as he considered their on again, off again relationship. The initial picture of her sitting at her desk at the Planet faded, to be replaced by that of her and Jose in bed. The image didn't make him angry or upset, but it did remind him that they were both free agents. It would be foolish for him to pass up new opportunities in favor of one that might never be.

"No, there's no one else," he replied. "not really."

A loud klaxon suddenly filled the room, interrupting all of the conversations in the room. It was an automated alert from the Justice League's computerized monitoring system. The large monitor screen in the conference room came to life with a news broadcast of a major fire. The computer system normally monitored all the major networks and reacted to keywords that had been programmed into it. The caption at the bottom corner of the screen read WGBS, Metropolis.

"I think that's my clue to say goodbye," Superman said after watching the screen for a few moments and taking it all in. It was obvious from what little he'd seen that the MFD could use his help.

"Do you need any assistance, Superman?" the Martian Manhunter said as the current League Chairman.

"No, I should be able to manage it myself," Superman replied, appreciating the fact that J'Onn was offering to help despite his fatal weakness to fire.

Before heading for the closest airlock, Superman turned his attention back to Wonder Woman. In a voice low enough that only she could hear, the Man of Steel promised her that they would continue their discussion as soon as they could. Then in a blur he was gone, leaving the Amazon Warrior staring at the empty spot where he had stood.

The remaining members began to say their own farewells as they left under their own power or the transporter tubes. Diana stood by the large window, gazing down at the Earth spinning far below. In her mind she could plot the location of Metropolis on the east coast of the United States and her thoughts went to the man in red and blue who was even now already appearing in the early evening skies above it.

Despite her heritage, the heir to the throne of the Amazons found that she was no more immune to the effect Superman had on the opposite sex than any other woman. It was an experience that was almost disconcerting. Certainly her only previous male lover, Steve Trevor, hadn't possessed anything like it.

He had been interesting enough, she'd thought, and the physical aspects of their relationship had indeed been pleasing. Still, it was nowhere near what her mother had described of her long ago tryst with Hercules, the son of Zeus. The Air Force Officer hadn't been the equal of the Olympian, but Diana found herself wondering if the Last Son of Krypton might well be.

"Diana, can I ..." the Martian Manhunter started to say as he turned to ask if he could give the Amazon Princess a lift back to Earth, remembering her stated dislike of the transporter.

To his surprise, she was already gone.


The flames raged unchecked through what had been only two hours before, Metropolis's premier department store. Standing nine stories tall, R.A. Dawson's had been a city landmark for close to a hundred years. By tomorrow, it would be a memory. Firefighters now fought not to save the old building, which was already half gone, but just to keep the surrounding area from going with it.

The Battalion Chief in Charge told the Man of Steel that they believed everyone had gotten out while they still had some control of the fire, but it never hurt to double check. Using his x-ray and telescopic vision, Superman stood in front of the burning building and searched floor by floor. His muscles tensed almost imperceptibly as he spotted two young women huddling together in a back office. They were still unhurt but their only avenue of escape had been cut off by the fast moving fire. Before another heartbeat passed, the Metropolis Marvel was at their side.

"You're going to be all right," Superman assured the two as he wrapped them both in his protective red cape. "Just take a deep breath and hold it for a few seconds."

He gave them just enough time to take that breath, then carried them through what was left of a plate glass window. A burst of heat vision vaporized falling fragments of glass as he passed out into the open air. By the time his charges finally exhaled, they were on the ground behind the fire line and being checked out by the paramedics.

"That building's not going to last much longer," Chief Ryan told Superman when he landed back at his command post. "It's just too far gone."

"Then the best thing to do is to bring it down on our terms," Superman offered. "Pull all your men back and I'll take care of it."

Not sure what Superman was planning but at the same time trusting him implicitly, the Fire Chief did as requested and ordered all of his men back. Making sure the last man was clear, the Man of Steel took once more to the sky.

Slowly at first, then faster and faster, Superman circled the burning building in ever-contracting circles. He quickly faded from view, becoming a red and blue blur as a vacuum began to form within the ring. High flames that had been visible from a half mile away began to loose their strength as the already shaky walls of the landmark quaked even more. Then, with a deafening roar, the nine-story building collapsed in upon itself, leaving only a pile of no longer even smoking wreckage. Without oxygen, even the smallest of the fires had quickly died out.

"That...was amazing," Tim Ryan said as Superman once more landed by his side.

"I'm sorry I couldn't have done more," the Man of Steel said, almost apologetic in his tone.

"The building was gone before you even got here, Superman," the Chief said with a smile. "We didn't lose any other buildings and more importantly, thanks to you, we had no fatalities. We can always replace a building. All in all, not a bad day's work."

"I guess so," Superman said.

Even a little defeat was to him still a defeat. Superman couldn't help but think that if he hadn't stayed behind at the JLA meeting to socialize, he might've gotten here earlier and managed to save the building as well.

Then the voice of his foster father spoke from his memory and he put such thoughts out of his mind. If there was one thing Jonathan Kent had drummed into him from the day Clark had first put on a costume, it was the fact that while super he might be, he was still just a man. He couldn't be everywhere at once and he couldn't save everyone every time. Even a superman was entitled to a little personal time now and then.

"I know so," the Chief reiterated. "This city is lucky to have you, Superman."

"I agree," said a soft, yet strong voice from behind the two men.

Both turned at the sound but it was Chief Ryan who reacted first when he saw who had agreed with him.

"Mother of God!" he exclaimed.

Not ten feet away, standing in the middle of a field of scattered debris stood the most incredibly beautiful woman he had ever seen in his life. For a woman like that, he found himself thinking, he would gladly leave his wife of thirty-four years.

"Would this be a convenient time to continue our conversation?" Wonder Woman asked as she stepped over a large chunk of debris and walked up to Superman.

"Diana," Superman said in a voice that reflected both surprise and delight.

Those were the only words they had a chance to exchange before the small crowd of reporters who had been covering the fire rushed past the police barricades and swarmed around the two Justice Leaguers. A dozen questions at once were called out to them in a muddle that only Superman was able to sort out.

Two of the shouted questions asked if he and Wonder Woman were involved in a relationship. Once of those had come from a supermarket tabloid, the other from what was considered the best paper after the Daily Planet. Superman ignored them both.

"Wonder Woman, was there a reason why you didn't bother to help Superman put out the fire?" another reporter called out in a voice that was all too familiar to the Man of Steel. "Maybe between the two of you, a city landmark might have been saved?"

Superman was about to say that even with Diana's help, the department store was beyond saving, but the Warrior Woman by his side answered first.

"And you would be?" she asked the reporter.

"Lois Lane of the Daily Planet," the woman in brown replied as she pushed forward a small hand held recorder to tape the Amazon's reply.

Diana waited a long heartbeat before answering. She knew from conversations with the other Leaguers exactly who Lois Lane was, including what her relationship with Superman was. Looking her over, Wonder Woman decided that the reporter would be a worthy adversary, both in love and war. In fact, if it wasn't for the fact that the brunette was a possible impediment to her own relationship with the Kryptonian, the Princess might consider Lois as a possible lover as well.

"Well, Miss Lane," she said in an authoritative tone. "If Superman had needed my help, which of course he didn't being the champion that he is, I would've been more than glad to give it. As it was, and I think Chief Ryan here would agree with me, I think Superman did all that could be hoped for under the circumstances."

The reporter in the Man of Steel couldn't help but note that for someone who said she was having difficulty learning her way in America, Diana certainly seemed to be picking things up pretty fast. She deftly avoided the implied criticism in Lois's question and gave her answer more authority by linking it to the already expressed opinion of the Fire Department Chief.

Seeing that she had failed to throw the Amazon with her question, Lois quickly fired off a second one before any of the other reporters could interrupt her. She addressed it to Superman who she was sure wouldn't ignore her.

"Superman," she called out to get his attention. "Seeing that a few of my esteemed colleagues here seem to have the wrong impression about the actual relationship between you and Wonder Woman, would you care to set the record straight?"

To Lois's dismay, it was again Wonder Woman who answered and Superman made no attempt to interrupt or even correct her. The answer that the, in her opinion, much too beautiful Amazon gave was also not one that gave her comfort.

"Kal and I are of course both members of the Justice League," Diana said, her use of Superman's birth name implying a familiarity that bothered Lois to no end, "so we do have a very close professional relationship. As far as anything beyond that, well I think that even superheroes are entitled to a measure of privacy."

Unwilling to let Lois get a third question in, a half score of her competitors shouted out a half score of other questions. Superman and Wonder Woman both answered a few of them before excusing themselves to attend to what they referred to as important League business. Before the two of them took to the air, Superman glanced back to take a look at Lois. Looking at the expression on her face, he was glad that mind reading wasn't one of his abilities. He definitely didn't care to know what she was thinking at this moment.


Wonder Woman couldn't actually fly, but among the gifts granted to her by the Olympians was the ability to glide on air currents. Once they cleared the view of the reporters, Superman reached out and took her hand in his, letting her fly along under his power. The smile he saw on her face as well as the acceptance of this simple gesture both meant a great deal to him.

Wordlessly they sailed high over his adopted city, neither of them really paying any attention to the vast tableau beneath. The only thing that seemed to matter at this moment was the blue of each other's eyes.

Out beyond the city, Superman guided the two of them down to a landing on a large ledge jutting out from Mount Curtis. Here, far from prying eyes, they could continue the conversation they had starting twenty-four thousand miles above. As much as was on his mind, no words seemed to be forthcoming. All he found himself wanting to do was take the Amazon in his arms. Almost without realizing that he was doing it, it was exactly what he did.

The press of Diana's lips against his own was all he had dreamed it might have been. At first, when he realized what he had done, he was afraid he had gone too far. After all, they were supposed to be finding a quiet place to talk. Then, as he felt the woman in his arms responding to his kiss, that thought faded from his mind as well.

For a woman who, by her own admission, had only been with one man in her life, the Man of Steel thought that Diana was quite skilled as he felt her tongue explore his mouth. Then he realized he was proceeding from a false assumption. While it was true that Steve Trevor had been the only man in her life, the Amazon Warrior doubtlessly had a number of female lovers before that.

From his explorations of his Homeworld's culture, Superman knew that Kryptonian's made no distinction between genders as far as love or even just sex was concerned. While he had never been inclined in that area himself, the discovery of his parents' journals on a high density disk in his escape rocket had volunteered the information that his mother had female lover's before she meet his father. The most notable being her first officer on the Yuda.

"That was pretty nice," Superman said as they broke their kiss.

"Yes it was," Wonder Woman agreed as she felt the energy in the arms around her, confirming that which she had only guessed at before.

"I guess we should have that talk now," Superman said, almost reluctant to let her go.

"Amazons prefer actions over words," the dark haired woman said as she grabbed the back of his head and initiated her own kiss, this one backed with all of her own considerable strength.

Superman felt his head swimming in a pool of desire as the Amazon held him tight. An embrace that he was able to return without, for the first time in his life, the fear of hurting the woman he held.

"That was even better," Superman said as they finally let each other go.

"Yes it was," Diana agreed.

"So where do we go from here?" Superman asked.

The Amazon took a few steps away and looked out over the now darkening horizon. She seemed to be gathering her thoughts when she turned back to face the Man of Steel.

"As I've already said, we Amazons prefer to speak plainly and directly," she began.

"And I respect that," Superman replied.

"So having said that, I will also say that I want you as a lover."

"I was pretty much getting that impression," Superman smiled.

"That woman back at the fire, the one called Lois," Diana continued, "you and she have been lovers in the past."

"Of a sort," the dark haired hero said as he ran his hand across his forehead, brushing back his long curl. "we've dated on and off, but it hasn't gone as far as I might have liked."

"That is a mistake on her part," Diana commented.

"Well she's only seen me as Clark," Superman offered in way of explanation.

"Even in another guise, you are still the same man," Wonder Woman said as she gently ran her hand across his cheek. "She is blind if she can't see that."

Superman's thoughts flashed back to the conversation he'd overheard this afternoon between Kiko and Susan in the Planet offices. There had quite a number of women who had shown an attraction to Clark over the years that went well beyond what his mild mannered image might warrant.

"But we're not here to talk about Lois are we?" he said.

"No, not at all," Diana replied. "but to be honest, this was not exactly the setting I had in mind for the two of us."

"Well, there's always my apartment," he said half jokingly, thinking of what she had said about he and Clark being the same man.

"I was thinking more in line with my home," the Princess said.

"Themyscira?" Superman said in surprise.


"I thought that men weren't allowed there."

"We wouldn't be going to the Themyscira itself," Diana explained. "There is a smaller island nearby that isn't covered by the edict. It is very beautiful, I think you would like it."

"I think any beauty that I would see there would only pale beside that which I see when I look at you," he replied.

"Would you meet me there tomorrow, right after sunrise, Clark?" Diana asked, her face reflecting her reaction to his words.

"I would meet you on the Moon if you asked," Clark replied, thinking of himself as the man beneath the suit for the first time.

"Then I will see you as the sun rises," Diana said as she kissed him one last time and gave him the location of Themyscira.

With that, she leapt off the ledge and caught an air current that carried her off into the now dark sky. Superman stood and watched her fade into the distance, thinking about what morning might bring.


Donning once more the mantle of Metropolis's protector, Superman took to the skies himself. As good as he felt right now, he really wanted to fly. Ever since he had been a teenager, there was no better feeling than the one he got soaring among the clouds. Well, almost no better feeling.

Over the next three hours, the Man of Steel interrupted a half dozen petty crimes and one major one. The perpetrators of each found themselves in no longer empty cells in the closest police stations before they knew what was happening. Additionally, he prevented two automobile accidents and airlifted a traffic-snarled ambulance to the emergency room. Before heading home, he capped off his patrol by rescuing the proverbial stuck cat-stuck- in-a-tree, much to the astonishment of a six-year-old girl and her mother who had been unsuccessfully trying to lure it down with treats.

Superman was just about to zip into his Clinton Street apartment when a precautionary x-ray scan alerted him to the fact that it wasn't empty. Quickly he changed his trajectory and landed in the lane behind the apartment house. Seconds later, Clark Kent left the alleyway to circle the block and walk into 344 like any other tenant.

Clark feigned surprise when he walked into his apartment and discovered he had a visitor. Lois was the last person he expected to find there, even if he had given her a key while they'd been dating.

"Lois, is something wrong?" the mild mannered reporter asked.

"No, nothing's wrong," she said in a voice that said that it was a lie. "I just stopped by to talk to you. Since you weren't home and I still had the key, I figured I'd let myself in."

"Not that I'm not happy, but it's pretty surprising to see you," Clark went on as he tossed off his jacket and tie. "We haven't been on the best of terms lately."

"I know that," Lois answered, "and I guess I should say I'm sorry for that."

"Well I'm glad to hear that," Clark smiled, "but you really didn't have to come all the way up here to tell me. It really could've waited until Monday morning."

"Well, there was another reason that I came up here," Lois said as she came closer to Clark. "I wanted to make up for the lousy way that I treated you. In fact, I was thinking that maybe we might pick up where we left off, see what happens."

With that, she took hold of the lapel of Clark's shirt and pulled his head close to hers. She kissed him softly at first, then with more passion. Under other circumstances, it would've been something that Clark greatly enjoyed. As it was, events made it somewhat less than that.

Lois of course had no way of knowing that Clark knew all about her brief encounter with his alter ego and Wonder Woman. That her ego had been bruised by the possibility that Superman might actually turn to someone else for comfort. A goal she had set for herself.

Or that he knew about her sexual habits and the strong probability that she was only here now because Jose or anyone else she might turn to was unavailable. There was a time that Clark might've taken advantage of the situation regardless of Lois's motive, but tonight wasn't one of those times. Not when tomorrow held such promise.

"Lois, I can't do this," Clark said as he pulled away from her embrace.

"What?" Lois said in surprise. "You're kidding, right?"

"I'm afraid not." he said as he found himself staring at the erect nipples pressing against the confines of her blouse.

"I don't believe this," she said, the touch of anger in her voice betraying the real reason she had come to Clark's apartment.
"You've been trying to get me interested in you for almost two years and when I give you a chance at what you want, you say no."

"Lois, I don't think you're really here because you suddenly developed a desire to be with me," Clark said. "I think the reason has more to do with your being angry with someone else."

"Well, maybe it is," Lois admitted, "but that doesn't mean we can't spend the night together. You can't tell me that isn't something that you've want. You can't tell me that you haven't thought about fucking me at least a hundred times."

"Another time, I would've said yes," Clark replied, "but this isn't another time. The simple truth is that I've met someone."

"You met someone?" Lois repeated.

"Yes, and while I don't know how it's going to work out, it's something that I want to explore."

"Well, Mr. Kent," Lois said, her voice reverting to the cold shoulder mode she'd been treating him to the last few weeks. "I hope she's one hell of a piece of ass, because you're never going to know just how good a piece you just passed up!"

With that, Lois stormed out of his apartment, slamming his door loud enough to be heard by the neighbors. Clark leaned out the window and watching with his x-ray and telescopic vision, made sure she got safely home. When he checked in on her later, he saw that she was spread naked across her bed, still alone but working out her sexual needs with a few favorite toys.

Even if he wanted to, Clark couldn't be mad at Lois. Even if they never wound up lovers, they would always been friends of one kind or another. What happened tonight was her anger talking. By Monday morning, they'd be back at least to what passed for their usual working relationship.

Putting Lois from his mind, Clark decided to get a few hours sleep. His body could go for days without rest, but like any normal man, he liked to just relax once and a while and as the bard said, perhaps to dream.


Shortly before dawn, the Man of Steel did a quick survey of his city before heading high up into the atmosphere where he could make a quick sub-orbital dash to the coordinates that Diana had given him. To his surprise, even with his vision powers, he couldn't spot an island within a hundred miles. Superman couldn't believe that he could be in the wrong place, seeing as he could tell his location anywhere on the globe better than the most precise Global Positioning System.

Deciding that there had to be more to this than what met the eye, even eyes such as his, Superman dropped toward sea level. As he passed the three hundred foot mark, he felt an energy wave of some sort pass through his body. It didn't hurt, but made him feel uncharacteristically light-headed for a moment.

Then, when he looked down at what only a moment before had been empty seas, he saw what could only be Themyscira, the home of the Amazons. The law of the land said he couldn't set foot on the sacred soil, but no one said he couldn't take a look from offshore. Hovering in the empty air, he once again engaged his remarkable vision.

There appeared to be several small enclaves on the island instead of one central community. The architecture was right out of ancient Greece, yet at the same time didn't look to be the hundreds of years old that he knew it to be.

Based on what he saw, Superman put the population at just under a thousand. The gender make up of the island was of course totally female, but what surprised the Man of Steel was that they were a cross section of all races. From the legends he'd heard, he'd expected them to be almost entirely of Mediterranean origin.

They all seemed close to Diana's equal in both beauty and ability. Almost was the key word however as there was only one Wonder Woman. Scanning the length and breath of the island, he couldn't help but see several couples and in a few cases more than couples engaged in morning sexual romps. No one seemed to mind sharing in the least. On other parts of the island, he saw women engaged in combat and exercise drills as well as early morning classes in various sciences and philosophies.

Shutting down his brief peek into the lives of the Amazons, Superman decided to go the long way and circle around Themyscira rather than fly over it. His passage might not be taboo, but it would certainly be more intrusive than an brief telescopic scan.

Setting foot on the island Diana had described, Superman quickly located what appeared to be the only structure on it. Like those on the main island, this one seemed both ancient and ageless. Walking up the paved path to a small building surrounded by a courtyard twice its size, he wondered how he should make his presence known.

The man from a distant world needn't have worried as no sooner had he climbed the marble steps when his hostess appeared in the doorway. As accustomed as he was to seeing Diana in her Wonder Woman garb, the sign of her now caused him to take a step back.

Gone was the swimsuit like costume, replaced by a short almost translucent, simple white toga. An outfit that only covered half her chest, leaving one perfect breast exposed.

"It seems we have a lovely morning for our breakfast," Diana said as she placed a platter of fruits on the small table on the veranda.

"I can't imagine this place having a bad morning," Superman said as he stepped up onto the porch and kissed Diana softly.

"I thought you might like to get out of your work clothes," Diana said after the kiss, "so I took the liberty of laying out something more comfortable for you. You'll find it inside."

The Man of Steel thanked his gracious hostess and stepped into the small single room house. Like it's larger counterparts on the main island, it was decorated in an ancient Grecian style. Laid out on one of the heavily cushioned couches was a white garment made of a material as transparent as Diana's. Holding it up to get a better look, he saw that it a short tunic, much like he seen in history books. Stripping off his uniform, he replaced it with the tunic.

"That's much better," Diana said as the now capeless Superman stepped back onto the veranda and she handed him a fruit drink. "I hope they are comfortable."

"Very," the Man of Steel said as he accepted the drink.

Sitting down in one of the small chairs that looked much to fragile to handle his weight, but were surprisingly strong, he became very much aware that the loose fitting tunic had little in the way of the support he was used to with his tight fitting uniform. He caught Diana's eyes glancing down between his legs as he shifted on the backless chair, a broad smile on her face as she did so.

"You must try the Talava fruit, its very rare and only grows on the main island," Diana said as she held out a small tray with the pear-like fruit on it. "Legend has it that the goddess, Aphrodite, herself planted the trees as a gift to the Amazons."

"This is incredible," Clark, as he thought of himself once the blue suit came off, said as he tasted a slice of the fruit. "I don't think I've ever tasted anything quite so delicious. And I've been just about everywhere on the planet."

"They are also said," Diana added as she fed him another large piece, "to be an unusually strong aphrodisiac."

"I think that would be the last thing I need at this moment," Clark said as he swallowed her offering. "Just your presence is aphrodisiac enough."

Diana smiled even brighter as she put down the tray and sat herself on Clark's lap. Through the thin material of both their garments, their physical attraction for each other was readily apparent. She ran her slender, yet strong finger through the hairs of his chest as once more their lips met.

There was no hesitation in their kiss, nothing to hold back the passion that each felt. Diana's arms wrapped around Clark's neck as her tongue reached deep into his mouth and massaged his own. They lips continued to brush against each other's as she took one of his hands and guided it to her exposed breast. His fingers pressed against the dark areola, bringing her nipple to full hardness.

Diana lifted her body so that she could bring that excited nipple to Clark's mouth. An offering that he accepted eagerly as his lips closed around it. He drank deep of her natural scent, then realized that another now familiar taste had been mixed with that of her flesh. The Amazon's soft mound had been covered with the juices of the Talava fruit.

"Oh yes," Diana cried out as she pressed her breast deeper into the Kryptonian's mouth, feeling a growing warmth spreading out from the center of it as he caressed it with his tongue.

With a free hand, she reached for the small gold clasp that held her tunic together, pulling it free as the thin material that covered her body fell to her waist. Shifting her body once more, she guided the attention of the man beneath her to her other waiting mound.

An attention he gave just as eagerly as he continued to play with her originally exposed breast with his hand. To a man who could see through steel as easily as a normal man could glass, Clark had seen uncounted examples of the female body in the years since his vision powers developed. Without question, he could honestly say that none had ever come close to the beauty and perfection of the woman in his arms.

For a moment he was tempted to think of her as a work of art. After all, she was indeed a statue made of clay brought to life by the gifts of the gods. But that would be to reduce the passion of the living, breathing woman she had become. A work of art, no matter how impressive, was still cold and unfeeling.

Diana reached down under the garment Clark wore and pressed her hand against his manhood. Running her fingers up and down its length, she could feel him growing even more erect. It was only the second time she had touched a man in this way and she found it even more exciting than the first.

"Oh Diana," the man of two worlds said softly as he felt her strong fingers take hold and massage his most intimate areas.

Sliding off his lap onto the sun warmed stone floor, the Princess of Themyscira still held on to the Kryptonian's manhood. She inspected it closely for a moment, a wide smile of approval forming on her red lips. Lips which opened even wider as she brought her head closer and took her prize into her mouth.

It was only the second time in her life she had taken a man in this way, but she had been schooled well in the fundamentals of the act. Throughout history, her sister Amazons had used the talents of their bodies to influence events in the world of man around them.

"Great Krypton!" Clark gasped softly as the wetness of the Amazon's mouth engulfed him.

With a skill that exceeded her experience, Diana took his cock deep within her mouth, her tongue caressing it up and down its length. Clark closed his eyes and leaned back, enjoying the sensations the dark haired heroine was sending throughout his body.

Concentrating on the hardness that filled her mouth, Diana didn't even notice at first that Clark was now actually floating an inch above the chair in which he had been sitting. Although there had been few opportunities to get a blowjob in his Superman identity, Clark had learned quite by accident that the pleasing effects of the act were greatly enhanced while in a weightless state.

Diana slid Clark's cock from her mouth, licking the tip a few times before moving down to his balls as well. Then she swallowed it whole once more. Realizing that the Man of Steel was floating in air, she slid one hand under his ass, balancing the larger man on her palm as she kept her other hand wrapped around the base, pumping him faster and harder.

Drifting in the endless warmth of Diana's mouth, Clark could feel a reaction building deep within him. A build up of erotic energy that was taking on a life of it's own. Even a superman had no more control over that aspect of his physiology than did a normal human. His body shuddered as his cock was again enveloped by the Amazon's soft lips.

A powerful rush filled the Kryptonian's body as he felt himself climaxing. An eruption that filled the daughter of Hippolyta with the taste of his alien seed. A whiteness that she drew in deep as if it was the nectar of the gods.

A few months after his first public appearance, Clark had come across an essay by a noted science fiction author. The subjects of which were Superman's sexual habits and the difficulties his outer worldly abilities would cause in that area. One of the writer's suppositions was, that if he ever climaxed in a woman's mouth, he would most likely blow the back of her head off. The memory of the article brought a small smile to the corner of Clark's mouth as he looked down at the woman on the floor beneath him as she finished her feast.

"That was quite nice," Clark said as Diana released her hold on his and let his still hard manhood slip out of his mouth.

"Yes it was," Diana agreed as she rose back to her full height.

"You have a little on your...." Clark started to say as he lifted the hem of his tunic to wipe away the small spots of whiteness from her mouth.

The Amazon responded by abruptly pulling Clark close to her. Her movement caught him off guard, something that few people ever managed to do. Her lips pressed hard against his as she reached deep into his mouth, sharing the fire that had been building within her as well. With a strength that was only a hit of that held in her supple body, Diana ripped the tunics from both their bodies with single motions.

"Now!" the woman, now nude save for her ever-present bracelets, said in a breathless voice.

"Now?" an equally naked Clark repeated in confusion.

"I want you now!" Diana expanded as she kissed him again, pressing the flesh of their powerful bodies together.

One aspect of Clark's solar charged Kryptonian physiology that did differ from normal men was instant regeneration. In all but the most extraordinary circumstances, any spent energy was immediately replaced. In the hundred heartbeats since his orgasm, his body had again returned to peak form.

Using a strength that he would fear using on Lois or any normal woman, Clark lifted Diana off the ground and kissed her flesh with a fury he hadn't felt since the days Lana had first set his blood on fire. Diana responded in turn, pleased to be able to use her own strength in way she never could with Steve Trevor.

The Last Son of Krypton and the only Daughter of the Amazons shared a blazing passion that grew with each passing moment. No part of the other's body escaped their notice as they gave in to the most universal of human desires. The hunger of two worlds collided to produce a single, lust filled desire. One which both were more than eager to surrender to.

As their feet again touched solid ground, Clark moved behind Diana and spread her legs far apart. He reached around and pressed two fingers within her moist mound. A loud gasp of surprise came from the Amazon as he quickly found her most sensitive of spots and induced a reverberating vibration within it with his fingers.

"Great Hera!" Diana cried out as her body trembled violently with an almost instant orgasm.

Nothing in her limited experience with men or her more extensive knowledge of women had prepared her for what had just happened. Truly, Clark was the equal of the Olympian gods as she had hoped.

A second orgasm followed even before the echoes of the first totally faded from Diana's body. With a force even greater than the previous one, the climax left the powerful warrior woman breathless.

A condition that continued as Clark swept her up in his arms and carried her to the large padded couch on the far end of the garden. He lay Diana on the cushions and reached down to part her legs. Light as a feather, the Man of Steel lifted himself off the ground and then on top of her, kissing her softly on her lips as their bodies met. As second kiss followed as he moved down to her breasts and to the valley between.

Diana reached down and took hold of his erect member, guiding it to her almost virginal womanhood. Gently, and then firmly, her fingers caressed his hardness in anticipation.

An expectation shared by Clark as he replaced her hand with his own, placing his cock just within her. Her level of excitement was such that he slid almost fully inside her with only a minimum of effort. Taking hold of her parted legs, he began to move in and out of her at an ever-increasing pace.

"Blessed Aphrodite!" Diana called out as she felt the Man of Steel fill her.

Reaching up behind Clark, Diana took a firm grip on the man on top of her, adding her own considerable strength to his thrusts. Wrapping her long powerful legs around him, she pulled him closer, an act restricting the length of his strokes but increasing their frequency.

A frequency that was quickly reaching what Diana thought of as the speed of Hermes as each movement was translated to torrid waves of ecstasy buffeting her body. Billows that were duplicated in their own form in the Kryptonian.

Damp sweat covered their bodies from their exertions as they thrashed back and forth atop the narrow couch. A rare situation for each of them that underlined the intensity of their coupling.

Diana continued to hold Clark tightly, his face pressed tightly against her own as they kissed again and again. She murmured soft words of encouragement, alternating them with cries of an urgent need.

"Fuck me, Clark!" she called out in the vernacular of her adopted land as yet another pleasing wave of passion crested across her body. "I need you inside of me so badly."

Clark's only response was to, if it was possible, redouble his efforts. The feelings that passed between them were like his most secret dreams. Yet if it were a dream, it was one he hoped he would never wake from.

With his more enhanced senses, Clark was the first to realize that both of them had reached the edge of a precipice from with there was no turning back. Diana became aware of it a few breaths later.

The nearness of their objective caused her to react even more strongly. Feeling Clark's body tense ever so slightly, she used all of her Olympian-born strength to grab hold and make their two bodies one.

His own greater strength could've broken him free, but that thought was the furthest thing from Clark's mind. Deep within himself, he felt his body again responding to the demands of the Amazon's body. Stronger than before, he exploded within her.

As soon as she felt the quiver of Clark's body, Diana relaxed her hold and let the thundering volcano within her erupt as well. Her womanhood exploded outward as she felt Clark fill her with the energy of his orgasm, adding it to her own as the lightning of Zeus filled the core of her soul.


Drained to a point that neither had felt in years, the two Justice Leaguers laid on the couch, wrapped in each other's arms. Actually, it was Diana who was lying on the narrow couch with an intertwined Clark resting on top a cushion of empty air.

Long minutes slowly passed as her head rested on his powerful shoulders. Diana ran her hand down the length of Clark's body as she listed to the beating of his heart. Reaching his manhood, she was shocked to find that it was already regaining some of its just spent virility.

"Goddesses above," she said in her tired voice, "not even Hercules possessed such stamina. Truly you are the equal of the gods."

"No, I'm just a man," Clark said as he turned his head and kissed her softly, letting his Kansas born humility wash over him once more.

"Well, if not a god, then at least a superman," Diana retorted as she returned his kiss.

Clark just smiled and gave the woman at his side a knowing wink.

"Let the rest of the Justice League take care of the world for a couple of hours," the Man of Steel thought as he looked deep into the Amazon's eyes. "I think I'm going to have my hands full here for quite a while."

As if to underscore his thought, Diana took that moment to demonstrate her own recuperative abilities as she rolled off the couch and onto the floating Kryptonian, their lips meeting once more as her hand closed again around his manhood. With morning sun not a third of the way above the horizon, it was going to be a very long day indeed.


(c) Ann Douglas 2001