Blue Russian

Author: Blasyrkh
Time to Read:5min
Added Date:6/9/2024
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Tags: Monster sexRyonan/cBlack Widow

Natasha smiled, making her way to the heart of a top-secret Russian weapons facility. She faced some guards and none of them proved to be a worthy opponent for the Black Widow. "They're not even close to the best KGB soldiers I knew before," she thought, moving forward. Her objective was to retrieve vital intel regarding a new weapon being developed by the Kremlin. As she navigated through the heavily guarded labyrinth, she stumbled upon something unexpected - a massive, glowing cage housing an enormous, blue skinned humanoid creature with an ugly, bald head. Intrigued by its captivity, she decided to investigate further.

She tried to gather some intel about the cage and the creature, but as she tried to turn the console one, the cage began to open, releasing an ear-piercing screech that echoed throughout the facility. The creature, clearly agitated and terrified, lunged towards Black Widow. As the massive creature closed in on her, Natasha attempted to defend herself, utilizing her extensive combat training. However, the creature proved to be far stronger than she anticipated, easily overpowering her with each blow. Its massive hands delivered crushing impacts to her torso and limbs, leaving her bruised and bloodied.

"Fuck, this dude is strong. Need to find the way out. Quickly," despite the pain, Black Widow refused to give up, continuing to fight back against the unidentifiable monstrosity that had been imprisoned within the secret facility. Natasha looked for a chance to run away, but it seemed that the only way out was blocked by the monster itself.

After a brutal exchange, the creature seemed to tire momentarily, providing Natasha with an opening to counterattack. It was a chance she was looking for. She managed to land a few well-placed strikes before once again finding herself overwhelmed by the monstrous opponent. With each passing second, she felt more helpless against its relentless assault. Sensing victory, the colossal creature relentlessly pounded Natasha onto the cold, metallic floor of the weapons facility. Each strike sent shockwaves through her already battered body, threatening to render her unconscious. Desperate to survive, Black Widow tried to protect her vulnerable areas with her arms and legs while enduring the merciless onslaught. Yet, despite her determination, there was only so much she could take.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity of pure agony, the creature paused momentarily, catching its breath. Taking advantage of this brief reprieve, Natasha looked around frantically for any means of escape or defense. With nowhere left to hide and no hope of defeating the creature, Natasha's only option was to attempt an escape. She struggled to regain her footing, adrenaline fueling her every move. Just as she turned to sprint away, however, the monster grabbed a fistful of her fiery red hair, yanking her back with bone-chilling force. As she fought against the creature's iron grip, her leather costume started to tear under its immense strength. Stripped bare in moments, Natasha let out a primal scream of terror and humiliation. The cold metal floor chilled her exposed skin, intensifying the pain coursing through her bruised body.

Feeling powerless and violated, Black Widow still struggled, not even wanting to think of whatever fate the creature had in store for her. Feeling a mix of fear and disbelief, Natasha watched as the colossal creature positioned itself between her spread legs. It lifted one of its massive hands, revealing a thick, veiny member dripping with an unknown substance. Without hesitation, it guided its engorged member into her defenseless pussy, causing her to cry out in agony as it stretched her walls beyond their limits.

"Aaaaaahhhh!!!! Please, not therrrrrrrre!!!!" she left out a desperate, animalistic scream. The pain was unlike anything she had ever experienced, made worse by the knowledge that this monstrous creature held her life in its hands. But as the initial agony subsided, she felt another wave of terror wash over her when she realized that the creature's thrusts were growing faster and more powerful. Despite her struggles, there was nothing she could do to resist the relentless invasion of her body. As the monstrous creature continued its savage onslaught, Natasha's screams of pain mixed with tears streaming down her face. Her previously tight pussy felt like it was being ripped apart by the creature's massive member, stretching her to her limit. The intense sensation of pain combined with fear and humiliation left her unable to think straight.

"Ohhhh!!!! Too bigggggg!!!! Stopppp!!!" Her body shook beneath the weight of the creature, each brutal thrust pushing her closer to the edge of sanity. She tried to summon her inner strength, using her combat training to resist the torturous attack. But nothing seemed to work. The creature's massive size and unnatural strength were too much for her to overcome.

Desperately searching for some way out of this nightmare, Black Widow focused on simply enduring the pain until an opportunity presented itself. Feeling the monstrous creature reach climax, Natasha braces herself for the onslaught of pain yet to come. The beast's thrusts become even more furious as it releases its load deep within her, filling her womb with a thick, green liquid. The amount of semen is staggering; some of it seeps out of her stretched pussy, leaving her feeling violated and completely spent.

As the creature finally stopped moving, Natasha was still there, trying to catch her breath amidst the intense pain and humiliation. Shivers run down her spine, making her tremble as the unwanted seed leaked out of her pussy like a river. Still trapped beneath the massive form of the blue monster, Natasha found herself very soon forced into yet another humiliating act. As she tried to catch her breath and regain some semblance of control, the creature grabbed hold of her head, roughly forcing her mouth toward its swollen member. Her eyes filled with tears as she looked up at the alien beast, unsure of what might happen next.

Reluctantly, she opened her mouth, preparing to taste the thick, viscous fluid that leaked from its massive shaft during its orgasm. With great reluctance, she started to lick and suck on the monster's balls, hoping to appease it somewhat before moving on to its erect member. With a mixture of shame and desperation, Natasha took the monster's enormous member into her mouth, using her talented tongue to explore every inch of its length. She sucked and licked vigorously, trying to remove any trace of cum remaining on the shaft while also attempting to please the alien creature. The task proved difficult due to the sheer size and odd texture of the appendage, but she refused to give up, hoping that this will make the beast less aggressive and will eventually help her to run away. Her fingers massaged the monster's heavy balls, keeping them engaged as she continued to servicing its massive member.

Feeling the monstrous creature approach climax again, Natasha braced herself for the unwanted onslaught. This time, instead of releasing its thick, green semen into her womb, the beast decided to shoot its massive load directly at her face and into her hair. The blast of gooey green liquid caught her off guard, splattering her features and drenching her entire upper body and her red hair.

Coughing and spluttering from the vile substance invading her nostrils and mouth, Natasha managed to lift her head enough to look at the creature in anger and disgust. She spit out as much of the goop as possible, her resolve still intact despite the humiliating treatment she has endured. She hoped that the creature, finally satisfied, would let her go now. But to her shock and surprise, the monster grabbed a handful of her hair, dragging her behind it.

"No!!! Let me go!!" she cried. Despite her protests and futile attempts to break free, the colossal creature dragged Natasha towards its cage, holding her tightly against its muscular frame. As they entered the confined space, the monster lowered itself to the ground, its massive form taking up most of the available room. It then proceeds to wrap its strong arms around her, pulling her close as it seems to fall into an unnatural slumber. Natasha tried to free herself, but the monster was too strong. Trapped in the cage with this monstrous being, she knew she was doomed.