Batgirl: Adventure at Micronon

Author: Bob Cashman
Time to Read:23min
Added Date:8/22/2024
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Tags: Batgirl

WARNING: The contents of this story contain material of a sexual nature, including graphic descriptions of bondage and non-consensual sex. If you find such material offensive, or are under 18, read no further. This story is for entertainment purposes; it should not be traded in any way shape or form for profit.



It was 4 AM when Barbara Gordon slipped silently through the trapdoor into her apartment from the hidden room where she kept the Batcycle and the other tools of her alter-ego, Batgirl. Geez. I’m bone tired, she thought to herself as she slipped off her cowl, then undid the clasp around her throat that held her mask in place, pulling it and her wig off, revealing a slightly freckled face with short brown hair that was damp as she put the mask aside. Gotta stop being out every damned morning until this time. Just can’t get up in two hours, she sighed, unzipping her top and slipping out of it, then pulling off her boots, gloves and finally her bottoms. In moments she stood in her room, clad only in a bra and underwear, looking at her 27-year-old face in the mirror and noticing the bags under her eyes.

Barbara Gordon was becoming increasingly disillusioned. The police treated her with respect, but not the same as they treated Batman and Robin, and they thought of her more as a rival than a help. Plus, despite her recent battles with Poison Ivy and Joker, Arkham Asylum was a joke. The villains were practically on the street before their first mealtime. She wondered if Batgirl was really making any kind of a dent at all in the overall crime rate of Gotham. Plus, she was 27 and had virtually no social life. After all, it was difficult to sleep with someone, or even date, when you couldn’t explain your frequent nighttime absences. She had become Batgirl some years before to fight crime and make a difference…and she had. Batgirl was as well known as the Dynamic Duo, not to mention lusted after by just about every red-blooded man, and criminal, in the city. Despite the Gotham underworld’s best efforts, Batgirl had always eluded capture and her true identity had remained secret, even from the police.

She slipped into bed and moments later was asleep.

Later that day, her friend at the library, Betty Allen, came up to her as Barbara sat in her office, pecking away at her computer.

"Barbara, are you all right? You seem so tired lately. Is everything ok?" Betty said with a worried look on her face.

"It’s okay, Betty, and thanks for your concern. I’ve been trying to complete this year’s budget and I guess I’m just driving a little hard, that’s all," replied Barbara with a tired smile.

"Okay, but if you’re having problems, I’m always here for you. You know that," said the bespectacled older librarian.

"Thanks, Betty, I appreciate that. I’ll take a couple nights off, I promise," said Barbara.

That evening, Barbara worked late into the night, not as Batgirl but as herself, trying to dig up information on a series of break-ins at hi-tech firms. Computer chips and valuable encryption information had been stolen in each robbery, and the police, and her father, were baffled by the thieves. They had left virtually no traces and despite her best efforts, Barbara could find no leads. Except, she began a list of the companies that had been broken into and the type of information stolen. Then, armed with the list, she discovered only one firm remained in the city that could offer a good target for the thieves.

"Hmmmm," sighed Barbara, sipping her Diet Coke. "This looks like a job for Batgirl," she said as she strode to her secret room.

Moments later, Batgirl sped out of the secret entrance and into the Gotham night, bound for Microron Enterprises.

She parked the motorcycle a distance away and moved in closer on foot, taking up a position on the roof of building next to Microron. She spent the next two nights keeping an eye on the place. Finally, on the third night, just as she was about to call it a night, she saw four men enter the alley behind the building. To Batgirl’s amazement, they shot what looked like a batarang up to Microron’s roof and began to climb up the twin ropes.

I’ve got to let them get inside, then bring them down, she thought, watching as the four intruders ascended the four story building and scrambled onto the roof. She watched as one of them took something out of his belt and put it on the door. BOOM! It was just a short, not to loud boom as the rooftop door blew open and the four thieves quickly entered.

"Got you now," whispered Batgirl as she pitched her batarang onto the roof and quickly swung over, taking a moment to ascertain that all the men had entered and then she herself disappeared into the building.

As Batgirl entered the building, she heard the men, speaking in whispers just ahead of her, heading down a hallway. She followed, at a distance, as they went into another stairwell and began to descend, stopping every few seconds to listen. Batgirl, trained in the martial arts, was also quiet as a church mouse as the men made their way down to the second floor.

"Okay," she heard one of the burglars say to the others. "Soon as we hit the floor, go to room 203. That’s where the library with the new products is. We’ll take everything, including the discs and CDs, then sabotage the mainframe in 205, understand?"

"Yeah, boss," replied one of the men as they opened the stairwell door to the second floor.

Batgirl pondered her line of attack. If she waited until they came out, they’d have the discs and CDs. She could nail them then she decided, with an element of surprise working for her. She trusted her odds against four men who hardly seemed like hardened pros.

Batgirl slipped into the hallway just as the men opened the door to room 203. One of them obviously knew the electronic code to enter the room and they quickly entered as Batgirl slipped around the corner. She moved into the next room and awaited their reappearance.

About fifteen minutes later, Batgirl heard the door open and the sounds of four men spilling out into the hallway.

"Time to rock and roll," she said to herself as she stepped into the hallway, and quickly landed a kick on the man nearest her, sending him sprawling. Before the other three could even react, Batgirl punched another one in the face with a powerful jab, then wheeled around and landed another kick to the third. As the fourth man tried to fight her, she quickly sent him sprawling. The first two were then back on their feet and coming at her in the hallway. Batgirl feinted and kicked, again sending both hard into the wall. Another thug tried to engage her, this time blocking her kick and then the next. As Batgirl concentrated on him she felt something strike her side. She quickly checked to see what it was but before she could react felt her entire body convulse. Every muscle tightened as electricity surged through her lithe body.

Nearby, her assailant watched, holding his stun gun tightly. He had shot her with a cord and probe, then engaged the power, sending a few hundred volts of electricity through Batgirl’s body.

"Dance, bitch…dance!" he commanded as Batgirl fell to the floor in a spasm of unbearable pain, unable to command her muscles. Just as quickly, she felt the jolts end, but was too weak to do anything, lying on the floor, gasping for breath.

"Ugggghhhhhhhhhhhhh…" the electricity struck her body again like a thunderbolt. Her mind went blank as she lay helpless on the floor, her arms, legs and body twitching.

"Okay, enough guys," said the man with the stun gun, smiling. "This is a real bonus. We can have our loot and have Batgirl too. Guys, take her into room 203, strip her, and let’s have some fun with Batgirl, or whoever she is." He released the electricity from the stun gun for a moment.

Batgirl could hardly comprehend what was happening as the men lifted her body off the ground and carried her into the room. The jolts of current were so painful, she was still involuntarily shaking as they laid her on a conference table and began to remove her costume.

She could feel the men remove her utility belt, boots, then her gloves.

"Nuhhhh…nuhhhhh," was all she could moan, as she tried to gather her thoughts. Just then she felt something on her and to her horror, realized it was the probe attached to the stun gun.

"GGGAAAAAAAAA!" was all she could scream as another round of torture flowed through her.

Meantime, as Batgirl shook, the men, who had now donned rubber gloves, began to unzip her top in back, then pulled it off and threw it on the floor, revealing her bra.

"Look at these, Phil," whistled one of the thugs. "Get a load of these jugs. Man, this is gonna be better than getting paid for this job," he said, running his gloved hand over Batgirl’s nipple, as another thug unfastened her bra. Her breasts spilled out, revealing her size 36C tits for all to admire.

The worst part was, the Dark Angel could not even resist. The horrible current pulsed through her body, blocking out most coherent thought, although she could feel what was happening.

"Ggaaaaaaaa…GGGAaaaaaaaaaa," was all she could manage to mouth as she felt her pants being yanked off. The men gathered around her as the man with the stun gun relaxed the trigger.

"Uhhhhhhhhhh…Uhhhhh…pleeeasseee…" Batgirl moaned, feeling someone’s hand on her abdomen.

"Watch this, guys. The great Batgirl…revealed…" he hissed as he grabbed Batgirl’s underpants and tore them apart, revealing her finely trimmed, dark brown pussy hair.

"Well…what’s this," one of the men gestured toward her, "a redhead with brown pussy hair. So Batgirl’s not a natural red, eh?" as the other men laughed, each feeling the throbbing of desire in their manhood for the Dark Angel.


Elsewhere in the building, unknown to the burglars, Robert Houston, the CEO of Microron, had been watching all of this from his office. He had been working late, and unknown to all but a tight circle of his closest associates, had security monitors in his office installed so he could secretly spy on his employees through fiber optic cameras that were virtually undetectable. He had been just about to summon police when he'd seen Batgirl tracking the thieves. He was going to reward her, but when he saw what developed, decided to see what the men would do with her. Never in a million years did he believe he’d ever get to see the great Batgirl naked.

Hell, he thought to himself as he watched the proceedings, I’d have even paid for something like this.


Batgirl lay naked on the table, still dazed by what was happening. She knew she had to regain control of the situation fast, or risk being raped; or even worse, impregnated by these thugs and have her secret identity revealed, ending her crimefighting career forever and quite possibly her life. She knew Gotham’s criminals would pay a high price to learn her secret identity.

"Please…I can get you what you want," she said to the man hunched over her with the gun. She knew she needed to buy some time to regain her strength.

The man leaned over and said whispering into her ear, "Hello Batgirl. I’m Ben. Your worst nightmare." He pulled the trigger again, sending another round of electric hell racing through Batgirl’s body. This time he turned up the setting, and as he did, the Dark Angel’s body tightened so much the middle of her back arched as the muscles in her body seized, sending her breasts pushing out, her eyes wide with terror but seeing nothing.

Batgirl could only gurgle as she lay there, not knowing how much more she could take. She had fought many criminals, but had never experienced anything like this before.

Just as suddenly, the jolts of electricity stopped and the man with the gun handed it to a partner, dropped his pants and crawled onto the table beside her.

As he did, she felt the other men grab her hands and feet and begin tying them apart. Her worst fear was realized as she was tied and spread-eagled, unable to escape what she now knew was inevitable.

"No…" was all Batgirl could gasp as the thug leaned over onto her and she felt the tip of his penis at the entrance to her vagina, the rock hard member parting her lips every so slightly.

"Pleasssseee…nooo…" her eyes pleaded. The just man smiled and she felt his penis move inside of her, working its way up into her defenseless womb, parting her insides as it went.

Batgirl felt him give a final thrust and she took his entire member inside of her. She thought she was going to be sick to her stomach as he began to thrust back and forth in her, her worst fears coming true. Batgirl had always known rape, or even death, was a possibility, but like many, had never given it serious thought, preferring to not think about the consequences of capture.

She knew she was far too weak to overpower her current assailant, much less the other three. Her utility belt had been removed and thrown across the room. The man suckled her breasts, beginning to slam her pelvis into the table as his member worked its way almost all the way out of her, then quickly into her, his pelvic bone meeting hers in a crash of public hair.

"Mmmmmmmm…never thought tonight would be the night I'd conquer the great Batgirl," he said as he kissed her neck. "Who are you under that mask, Batgirl. I wonder," he said slipping fingers of both his hands under her mask.

Batgirl gasped, feeling the man’s hands about to remove her mask. Her last bit of pride or hope.

"Ben…no please…you can’t. What can I do for you…" she pleaded, the last bit of her pride crumbling as she pleaded to keep her mask on.

"Okay, Batgirl, have it your way, at least for awhile," he said removing his hands from her mask.

Just then Batgirl felt him seize inside of her.

"Uuuuuummmmmppppppppppphhhhhhhhhhh," he groaned as she felt him explode inside her womb again and again. "Yessss…Yessssss…" he gasped, pumping her before he finally came to a stop and pulled out of her, leaving a trail of jizz on her legs.

"Who’s next," he laughed. Another thug eagerly dropped his pants, pushed his two colleagues aside and mounted the now naked Batgirl, while another ordered her to put his penis into her mouth and suck him off.

The rape continued for two more hours, each man taking his turn, some taking two or three, with the now dazed Batgirl. She had been jolted several more times by the man calling himself Ben, just to keep her in line. Her dark brown pubic hair became matted and wet with cum.

She wondered how much more she could take, as Ben mounted her again, for only his second time. As he did, he began kissing her passionately, and for the first time that night, Barbara felt the stirrings of desire as he began to stroke her clitoris with his hand, while thrusting into and out of her.

She hated herself for giving into any desire, but she didn’t care at the moment. She didn’t know if she would be alive in a few hours, knew she could not escape. She began to moan as he continued to work her.


"Yeah, come on Batgirl…lose yourself. Let go…I won't hurt you…" he whispered into her ear as she surrendered to her passion.


The two continued to move together, their bodies in sync, one thrusting, the other receiving as her passion rose to a climax.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh…aahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh," she moaned, her breathing increasing. Ben could feel her vaginal canal tighten as she neared climax.

"Uuuuuuuummmmmmmmphhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…Ggaaaaaaaaaaaaaaddddddddd!" Batgirl cried as she climaxed for the first time in years with a man inside of her.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhh…Uuuummmmmppphhhhhhhhhhhh," she seized as she felt herself ripped apart with an orgasm the likes of which she had never experienced.

Ben watched her as she looked up at him with her green eyes. Beautiful green eyes, he had to admit as he leaned down while Batgirl was still coming and grabbed her mask, in one swift motion pulling it up and over her head.

Batgirl’s climax came to an abrupt halt when she felt her mask being removed. Besides dying, perhaps even more so, this had been her greatest fear. Now she felt Ben pulling up on her mask. Powerless to resist, she could only yell "no" as she felt the Batgirl mask leave her face, then her forehead and head. Her hands and legs pulled with all her remaining might on their constraints in an effort to snap them. Sometimes she could swear she could even feel the power leaving her as her mask left her, leaving behind only Barbara Gordon.

The men around Ben watched, entranced as he lifted the mask off the convulsing, climaxing body of the superheroine. They were aghast when they saw the red hair come with it, revealing a very good-looking woman with short brown hair.

"Behold…the mask of Batgirl!" shouted Ben as he held the mask and wig up over his head like a trophy at a football game.

Her last bit of hope destroyed, Barbara surrendered to the men, figuring there was little hope of beating them at the moment. She lay back as one after another raped her, each more brutal than the last as they slapped and beat her about the breasts and buttocks. She was no longer Batgirl, but now just another woman, facing the prospect of death at the hands of these thugs.


In his office, Robert Houston was beside himself. Not only had he videotaped the rape of Batgirl, but now he realized her knew her secret identity. In fact, he had even met the Commissioner's daughter, Barbara Gordon, at some social functions. He smiled and leaned back in his chair, a plan forming in his mind.


Finally, the thugs prepared to leave their room of debauchery. They had taken photos of Barbara with and without her mask, as well as forcing her to leave her fingerprints on a drinking glass, from which they could lift them later. They had decided to leave her tied up and naked, to be discovered in the morning.

"Try to get back at us Batgirl, and we’ll release these pictures of you to the Gotham underworld. I’m sure Bane and Joker would be happy to have these shots of you…for a huge price. In fact, we may sell them anyway, but don’t even think about fucking us over, babe." Then they put her mask back on her.

Batgirl could only stare back, dazed and in shock from the brutal rapes that had followed her unmasking. Apparently it had started a frenzy in the men, who'd been vicious with her, leaving her bruised and beaten.

They hurriedly returned to the roof and repelled down the ropes they'd left, but were unprepared for what then hit them. As soon as the last thug reached the ground in the alley, each man was rapidly gunned down in a burst of automatic fire emerging from the darkness, the noise largely muffled by a silencer.

Robert Houston quickly loaded the bodies onto a gurney and took them to the basement of his building, where they were instantly cremated in the same incinerator used to destroy confidential papers and failed electronics prototypes.

Then he hurried upstairs to begin phase two of his plan.

Barbara lay stretched out on the table, tears flowing from her eyes as she sobbed. After years as one of Gotham’s most notable and successful crimefighters, she knew her career was all but over. She was lying on a table, stark naked, unable to help herself, semen dripping from her mouth and her bruised and matted vagina, after having been brutally gang raped. Even her short brown hair had semen in it. Never had she imagined it would come to this.

She lifted her head when she suddenly heard the door open, and in walked a man she recognized as Roger Houston, the CEO of Microron. As glad as she was to see someone, she was also ashamed for what had happened to the great Batgirl.

"Please…help me. Some men…" But Houston held his hand up.

"I know what happened, Batgirl. I saw it all on my camera system, which if you’ll look very carefully, you can just see if you look almost straight up."

Barbara did and noticed a small wire, but nothing that would have revealed it to be a camera.

"I watched it all, and may I say how horrible your rape was, Barbara."

Barbara froze with horror at the mention of her name. My God…he knows who I am, she thought as she lay there, exposed to Houston.

"I’m going to release you, but not until we have a deal, Miss Gordon. You see, I now know you’re Batgirl. And I have a tape that shows your humiliating defeat and rape. I could make millions just from the tape, but I won’t," he continued, pulling out a German submachine gun from the case he had been carrying when he entered.

Barbara froze, suddenly thinking Roger Houston was going to shoot her.

He saw the fear in her eyes, and smiled. "No," he laughed, "I’m not going to shoot you, only ensure your help in a little business proposition." He took the gun and closed her hands around the pistol grip and stock. "There now. I just used this gun to kill all four of your rapists. Should you decided to decline my offer… let’s just say Barbara Gordon and Batgirl would likely be charged with their killings, since your prints are on the gun, and I have the tape of your…motive, shall we say." Houston took the barrel of the gun and rubbed her clitoris with it, pointing it straight up her pussy.

Barbara let out a breath, as she lay there horrified at the way things were going.

"I want you to work for me. Not as Batgirl, but as a master thief, stealing secrets from my competitors. You can wear a different costume and continue your life as Barbara Gordon, but you will do as I instruct, or else. Now, I have several copies of that tape and the gun will be hidden as well, so I would advise you not to try and do anything to harm me, Miss Gordon, or you’ll end up in jail, and I’ll go after your friends for revenge," he hissed, bending over near Barbara’s ear. "I'll be back in an hour or so. You just make yourself comfortable." Houston laughed as he exited the room.

Barbara tried to work on her restraints, but they were tied too well and as the time passed all she could do was lay there and ponder what the future held for her.

As promised, an hour later Houston returned and untied her. She sat up and quickly put her Batgirl costume back on, unable to even look at her new partner. When she pulled her mask back into place, she failed to feel the familiar power surge come over her. Batgirl was only a defeated and raped librarian, she thought to herself.

"I’ll be in touch, Batgirl," said Houston as she left the room and quickly strode into the night.

Barbara called in sick the next few days at work and sat at home, in the dark, constantly taking showers, trying to cleanse herself of the semen she'd had pumped into her. She was depressed as she sat, wondering how in the world the great Batgirl had come to this. She had no urge to put the Bat costume back on. She had been defeated, and possibly impregnated by the thugs who had raped her. She dared not even answer the phone, knowing that Houston would no doubt try and contact her.

After a week, she returned to work, although her colleagues quickly noted how subdued the once vibrant young librarian was. That night, after she returned home and started preparing dinner for herself, she was startled when she walked in her bedroom and turned the light on. Robert Houston was sitting on a chair in the corner.

"Hello, Barbara. How are you doing," he said, very gentleman-like.

"As well as can be expected," she answered flatly.

"What? Not going to thank me for saving your life?" Houston asked. "Anyway, that’s not important. What is important is that I have a job for you to do tomorrow night. Come by my office," he said. Then he told her about a secret entrance into the building that he wanted her to use.

Barbara dreaded the next night, knowing what she had to do, or else face charges for murder or worse. She drove her personal car to a spot nearby Houston’s building, then followed the instructions and soon discovered the secret entrance. She quickly ascended in a private elevator and was soon in Houston’s office.

"Barbara, so good of you to come," said Houston, smiling as Barbara entered his office. "I have your new costume," he said, handing an outfit to her. "Put it on, please."

"Ah…where do I change?" she asked.

"Right here, honey," smiled Houston back.

Faced with little choice, Barbara began to strip in front of Houston. Soon she was left with nothing on but a bra and panties, before she quickly slipped into the all black costume he had provided. It was not unlike her Batgirl outfit (tightly hugging her body), but instead of a cowl, her head was covered with a hood and mask--like a ninja. The mask covered the lower half of her face, leaving only her eyes and the bridge of her nose exposed. Like Batgirl, she had a utility belt.

"Go ahead, check out the gear," said Houston, motioning to the utility belt.

Barbara quickly checked the various compartments. Sleeping gas, a device for repelling similar to a batarang, a small gun, rope, a knife and various other implements. She felt like a fish out of water. Here she was, in a costume, but not as Batgirl.

"I’ll think we’ll call you 'NinjaLady'," Houston said as he walked around her, looking her over. "Now, down to the business at hand." He began to explain what NinjaLady's assignment was for the night.

When he finished, NinjaLady left and quickly made her way to her first target. It was the offices of a rival software developer, Medtech. Barbara’s assignment was to steal the code for a new program, which would be locked in a vault in the building.

She quickly entered through a window and made her way through the building. Houston had picked an easy target. Other than two night watchmen, there was little or no security. Barbara stationed herself at a corner, then waited for one of the two guards. After only minutes, crouched behind some paper cartons, the guard approached. She leapt up and quickly jumped him, zapping him with her chloroform spray.

She quickly carried his body into the room containing her destination, found the small safe marked "Worldscape" and with the help of her trusty lockpick had the safe open in moments.

As she made her way to the exit, she rounded a corner and came face to face with the second guard.

"Halt…or I shoot," he demanded, leveling the gun inches away from NinjaLady’s ample chest.

Before he knew what was happening, Barbara lunged at him, decking him with a flying kick. Before he could try and reach for the gun, which went skimming down the hallway, NinjaLady subdued him with another jolt of her chloroform spray.


"Excellent…Excellent, Batgirl," said Houston after she returned to his office. He liked to refer to her as Batgirl, knowing it must humiliate her to have to do his bidding. Barbara stood before him, still in her new costume, her mask removed. "Report back here tomorrow night, for your next assignment, he said.

Barbara left without saying a word. She knew she had no choice, but vowed to make up for her misdeeds by working harder as Batgirl later that night.

In the weeks that followed, NinjaLady made a name for herself at Gotham Police Headquarters. She became the most sought after criminal of the moment, as one large company after another reported thefts of their secrets.

As much as she dreaded to admit it, however, she began to actually enjoy her alter-ego persona. There was a certain danger to committing crimes and knowing the police, who were always in awe of Batgirl, were anxious to capture NinjaLady.

One night, Houston sat in his office, pondered his success, and prepared the next part of his plan. He had succeeded beyond even his wildest dreams. He had thought he had everything before…but he had never had the woman he'd dreamed about for years. Batgirl, a woman he'd long admired from afar, was almost his. It had been a stroke of luck that she had fallen into his lap, but he wasn’t going to lose his chance now. He knew Batgirl would be returning soon as NinjaLady, and he added a highly potent aphrodisiac to the bottom of the glass he would offer her. He had studied her now. He'd had her apartment searched, watched her, and bugged her. Knew her likes and dislikes. He knew she was lonely and probably hadn’t had a man in some time, other than the brutal rape she'd endured on the night her identity was revealed to him.

When she returned from her mission and entered his office, he said, "You’re beginning to enjoy it, aren’t you."

"I doubt that, Houston," spat NinjaLady as she removed her mask.

"Careful, my dear. Our setup is based on a unique arrangement," hissed Houston, pouring a drink for himself. "Care for some?"

"Sure," replied Barbara, tired from the night’s work, as she took the drink and gulped down the gin and tonic.

"I hear you’ve been burning the candle on both ends," said Houston as he held his glass up to hers. "Cheers."

"Yeah, cheers," nodded Barbara halfheartedly, taking another drink. She had to admit Houston was good looking. He obviously worked out, and for a man of 52, she found him attractive, although she hated admitting it to herself of the man who was blackmailing her.

"I know you’ve been going out as both NinjaLady and Batgirl. You know," he said learning toward her, "I admit, I wasn’t disappointed when I saw you in the monitor the first time, coming into this building. I’d always been an admirer of yours."

"So much so you wanted to blackmail me," asked Barbara.

"Yes," he replied; then he leaned over and kissed her.

Barbara stood there. Partly in shock, partly out of the pent up passion she hadn’t allowed Batgirl or Barbara Gordon to ever have. Before she knew what she was doing, she put her arms around Houston and embraced him, keeping their lips locked.

Houston and Barbara continued to embrace passionately, as he kissed her neck, then her breasts through her costume. Barbara didn’t know what was happening, only that some locked gate had been smashed open; she began to claw as his clothes.

"Come on, let’s go into the apartment," whispered Houston, leading Barbara into an adjoining room, which led to a stairwell. That in turn led to a large, well-appointed, elegant bedroom.

Houston kissed her as he removed her top, then literally ripped her bra off, taking it with both hands in the space between her breasts and tearing it open. Her ample mounds bounced out of their confinement, jiggling inches from her mouth.

"Hmmmmmm," he murmured, kissing one, then the other breast, slowly working his tongue around each nipple.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhh," moaned Barbara as she unbuttoned his shirt and threw it to the floor.

Houston began to kiss her bellybutton, then ran his tongue lightly around it, before finally plunging right into it. Barbara could feel her insides growing wetter and wetter as his hands and tongue worked their way over her body.

She unzipped his pants, pulled away from him for a moment, then quickly pulled them off, leaving him clad only in his boxer shorts. She fell back onto the bed as he ran his hands under her costume bottoms, sliding them across her pubic hair and against her clitoris.

"Hmmmmmmm…ahhhhhhhhhhhh," she smiled as he fingered her, caressing her gently as he began to remove her pants with the other hand. Within seconds, Barbara was naked. She could see a noticeable bulge in his shorts and she reached in and began stroking his already rock hard member.

The pair began to roll around on the bed, their naked bodies entwined, he feeling her breasts against him, she feeling his cock beside her.

He continued to massage her clitoris, as her breathing grew heavier. She could feel herself at the cusp of passion as the lust welled up in her. She couldn’t understand what was happening, or why, but she knew she wanted to have Roger Houston inside of her more than anything, anything in the world.

As those thoughts raced through her mind, Houston leaned over and began to suck on one of her nipples, his mouth surrounding it, sucking on it as he pushed Barbara over the edge.

"Ohhhh…Ohhhhhhh…OOOHHHHHHH YYYYYEESSSSSSSSS… UUUMMMMMMMPPHHHHHHHH!" she screamed as an orgasm struck her. She had barely finished coming when she grabbed his penis and opened her legs, bringing his stiff cock to the entrance of her vagina.

Houston was ready to come at any minute. Here he was, ready to enter Batgirl. He hesitated for a moment, then plunged himself into her as she screamed in passion.

"AAAAAIIEEEEEEEEE!" Barbara screamed, feeling him flood her, stretching her walls so much she thought she might rip a muscle.

"Oh…you feel so good…more…" she murmured between passionate kisses.

Houston could feel Barbara tighten her muscles around his cock as he pushed himself all the way in. He smiled to himself as he noticed how wet she was. He began to kiss her on the neck, then under the ear as Barbara felt another surge of passion coming onto her like a freight train.

"Ohhhhhhhh…GGGOOOOOODDDDDDDD YYYEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSS!" she screamed, rocking back and forth, exploding inside. She'd had sex very infrequently since college. Her nights as Batgirl precluded any kind of normal love life, lest a man discover her secret, so she'd had to content herself with her favorite dildo…until tonight. Even as she wondered what it was that had come over her, she didn’t care…she only knew the lust that had taken control of her as Houston began to slam her entire body up and down on the bed.

Houston heard her scream then felt her muscles tighten as she came. Then, he allowed himself to lose control, as he too slammed into the helpless body of Batgirl and emptied his seed into her womb.

"Ummmmmphhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh," he sighed as he pumped Batgirl full of his semen and gazed into her loving green eyes.

End of Part 01