Batgirl: The Revenge of Batwoman

Author: Bob Cashman
Time to Read:46min
Added Date:8/21/2024
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Tags: Batgirl

WARNING: The contents of this story contain material of a sexual nature, including graphic descriptions of bondage and non-consensual sex. If you find such material offensive, or are under 18, read no further. This story is for entertainment purposes it should not be traded in any way shape or form for profit.



"Wow, Carol, look at this," exclaimed Lance. "Batgirl took out an entire gang of four hoods and saved this guy and his wife from being murdered during a robbery," he said, reading from that morning’s Gotham Gazette.

"Yeah...great…" sighed Carol. She was getting tired of her boyfriend’s fascination with Batgirl. The pair was engaged and had been dating for two years. During that entire time she had resigned herself to her boyfriend’s fixation with the Dark Angel. Wish I could do what she does, thought Carol to herself. Not that she couldn’t. At 26, the brown-haired, blue-eyed, aerobics instructor regularly worked out at the local Powerhouse Gym and had a physique that she bet even Batgirl would be proud of. Oh well, she thought, let him have his fantasy.

Two weeks later, Carol and Lance were having dinner when he blurted out, "Did the see the paper today, honey?"

"No," Carol replied, "I’ve been at work, then the gym, why?"

"Batgirl busted up some drug ring where they were selling dancers at clubs to men for drugs. Man, she is really something."

"Yeah...I’m sure she is, darling," smiled Carol, but inside she was boiling. What the hell is this fixation on this bitch, she thought. All he seems to talk about lately is her.


The next day, Carol had a day off while Lance was at work in his job as a construction supervisor. Carol was dusting when she accidentally knocked over a book on his nightstand shelf. From between its pages fell a manila folder. "What the heck?" she said as she opened it. Inside it were various pictures and drawings of Batgirl, some were clearly photomanipulated to show a naked Batgirl.

"THAT BASTARD!" she said, throwing down the folder. "I’ve had it with him and her. I’ll show him I’m better than some bitch in some cheap costume."


The next day Carol signed up for karate lessons at the gym and talked with her trainer about increasing her workouts. "I want muscles. I want to be in the best shape of any woman out there," she vowed as she bench-pressed a 120-pound barbell.

Her trainer, Carl, was a great coach, and together with her Ninjitsu instructor Ken, Carol quickly progressed. Within three months even Lance was beginning to take notice.

"I can’t put my finger on it, but something’s different about you, honey," he said as lay on Carol’s bed, their two sweat-soaked bodies still entwined. "You’re stronger, you’re muscles are showing. You seem more...ah confident."

"I am, honey," she said, gently scratching his back with a nail as she continued, "Wait until you see what I have planned for you."

Carol continued to workout daily, increasing her bench presses, running several miles a day and quickly progressing in her karate skills. In addition, she began visiting several costume shops and military surplus stores, searching for the right equipment to launch her plan.

The pair was slated to be married in six months. Carol wanted to ensure her plan was working well before then. Another few months and I should be ready, she thought to herself one night as Lance crowed about another Batgirl escapade.


The sounds of Carol fighting reverberated off the walls of the gym.

" are the best student I’ve ever had. And I’ve had some great students. Guys and women who went on to be in the movies," gushed Ken. "You’ve progressed as far as I can take you, Carol. Hell, you can kick my ass now, you’re so good."

Carol smiled as she thanked Ken and walked from the gym.

Later that night she stood in front of a mirror. Her muscles were well toned, not too prominent, but you certainly noticed them. Her brown hair fell down to a point on her back halfway between her waist and shoulders. She could easily pass for a model, albeit a well-built one, as she admired her breasts, which sagged not an inch.


Several nights later, Carol slipped into an abandoned building near one of Gotham’s deserted alleys and put on her new clothes. It was on a costume almost identical to Batgirl’s, except the bat symbol appeared wide, across her entire chest and the costume was entirely gray. No yellow boots or gloves--all gray. She even carried a military surplus utility pouch with some items not sold over-the-counter. She finished putting on her costume, then pulled down her mask and jet-black wig. Wouldn’t do for anyone to recognize me, she smiled as she pulled down the cowl. Unlike Batgirl, she had no cape…and she carried a double-barreled gun. One chamber was a regular gun, the other fired a stun device that used a 20-foot wire to conduct an electrical charge potent enough to paralyze anyone who came within range and got hit.

Carol had spent months waiting for this moment. She’d become completely enraged by her boyfriend’s fixation with Batgirl. The only way to solve that would be for her to kick Batgirl’s ass and have everyone witness it. Then, she would reveal herself to her boyfriend. She would call herself, Batwoman, since, she reasoned, she wasn’t a girl, but a woman. She was nervous, but confident, as she headed out into the alley. She had also read up on Batgirl and knew this was a frequent area of the Dark Angel’s patrol.

She wasn’t disappointed. Several hours later, she watched as a youth in his late teens accosted a couple. As he threw the man to the ground and pulled a gun, Batwoman appeared.

"No you don’t," she said, knocking the gun from his hand and throwing him to the ground. Before he knew what had hit him, Batwoman had cuffed him.

"Wow, Batgirl...thanks," blurted the woman as she helped her date up.

"Don’t thank Batgirl, thank Batwoman," she said.

"Batwoman...are you any relation to Batgirl," the woman said.

"No...let’s just say this town needs a woman to help a girl," she laughed as she disappeared into an alley.

The next day the Gazette carried a page one story headed, "Is There A New Bat Flying?"

" this…" exclaimed Lance, shoving the paper at her. "Some lady named Batwoman saved a guy’s life last night during a robbery. Same kind of costume as Batgirl, only more bats on it and her hair was jet black. Whoa!!!!"

"Let me see it, honey," said Carol, reading the article.


Over the next couple weeks the paper carried several articles detailing how the new Batwoman had helped a number of people.

Barbara Gordon sat in her apartment, perplexed. What is going on, she thought, reading that day’s paper. Who is this new Batwoman and what does she want. Barbara couldn’t shake the bad feeling in the pit of her stomach. Men and women just didn’t decide to become crime fighters. Worse still, they usually wound up dead or injured without the proper training. Still, she couldn’t decide whether it was jealousy or caution that tugged at her. At 29, she was in top shape, but growing tired of the beatings and mental stress of the job. Her social life was in a shambles, her one recent love interest was dead, largely because of her {NOTE: see ‘What’s Love Got to Do With It’} and she was growing weary of being a protector of Gotham.


Over the next month, Carol’s adventures as Batwoman drew more attention than Batgirl. Papers were having a field day with the new crime fighter. Even Batman was quoted as saying he was interested in meeting, "a fellow crime-fighter."

Carol smiled one early evening as she and Lance lay in bed, the pair still panting from their enthusiastic lovemaking session. She glanced at her watch, a motion that Lance noticed.

"Hey, baby, what’s the hurry. You got somebody else on the line tonight?"

"No, silly. You know I’ve got to teach another private class tonight. I’ll be home later," she smiled as she kissed him and got out of bed.

Carol headed to the small studio apartment she had rented, unknown to Lance or anyone else. Her Batwoman costumes were all kept in a locked closet, and the apartment had its own back entrance, which opened onto an alley. Plus, it was a short jump up to a neighboring building’s roof. She quickly donned her Batwoman outfit. She had come to love the feeling of putting on the Kevlar material. It gave her an incredible rush of power as she stood in front of the mirror, watching the transformation from Carol Hughes to Batwoman.

Not far away, Barbara Gordon was going through much the same procedure. She had just about completed putting her costume on, save for her utility belt and mask. She hooked her utility belt, then brought her mask and wig up and over her head, completing the transformation to Batgirl, the Dark Angel of Gotham.

The old jeweler had just locked his door and checked the alley. He had several hundred thousand dollars in diamonds with him as he rechecked the alley. The coast seemed clear. He smiled as he quickly stepped into the alley towards his nearby car. He was just opening the door to the Mercedes when a jolt of pain surged through him and he found himself sprawled on the ground.

"Going someplace, pop?" asked a voice as several young toughs came out from behind a dumpster, wielding clubs and knives.

"Please...don’t hurt me. The jewels, they are yours. Just leave me," he pleaded.

"Yeah. We’ll leave you all right," hissed one of the men, "dead."

"" was all the old man was able to mutter before the gang attacked him.

"No you don’t," cried out Batwoman as she swung down from a nearby rooftop, taking out two of his attackers at once. "Think you boys can handle a woman," she taunted, facing the remaining four.

"Get the bitch!" one of the toughs yelled as Batwoman swung into action. Her foot caught the first one, knocking him cold. Her lightning-like fists took out the next, then a throw from a batarang-like device in her hand silenced the third.

"Now it’s just you and me, kid," laughed Batwoman at the final thug, enjoying the confrontation. He faked a kick, then quickly swung his club at her. Falling for the feint, Batwoman dodged right into the piece of pipe he was using as a weapon.

"Ummpphhhhhh!" she gasped, taking a hit in the ribs. He swung again, but this time Batwoman was ready and with one move grabbed his free hand and slammed him headfirst into the dumpster.

The old man was on his feet, hugging and thanking her instantly.

"Thank you, thank you, Batwoman. You saved my life. What can I do to repay you...anything...anything…"

"Nothing...nothing. I’m just glad I could help," replied Batwoman. "Now get outta here before these guys decide they want more," she said.

As the old man left, she sensed movement behind her. She whirled and her heart skipped a beat as she found herself face-to-face with Batgirl at last.

"Very good. In fact, very, very good, Batwoman," said Batgirl with a twinge of jealousy. "Just what’s your angle, anyway. Are you looking for praise, to get even with somebody? What?" demanded the Dark Angel, standing face to face with the slightly taller Batwoman.

"Leave me alone," said Batwoman, turning away from Batgirl, hoping the Dark Angel would try something to provoke her.

"Not so fast," said Batgirl, grabbing Batwoman by the left shoulder.

Her training paid off, because what happened next was so quick Batgirl never knew what hit her. First Batwoman countered with a vicious jab to Batgirl’s stomach using her right elbow, followed quickly by a rapid punch with the back of her fist to the stunned Batgirl’s face. Batwoman had inserted a metal plate in the back of her gloves so when she hit her victims, they really felt it. Batgirl grabbed her head, which exploded in stars as she staggered back. Batwoman pressed the attack, landing a thunderous kick to Batgirl’s groin with a steel-toed boot.

"ARRRGGHHHH!!" screamed Batgirl as her legs collapsed. She had never been beaten so quickly by a foe. Before she could begin to regain her breath, Batwoman started to pummel her with one kick and fist after another. Batgirl was so stunned she could only put up her hands as her body absorbed one hit after another.

Batwoman hoisted Batgirl up by the front of her costume, holding her up with one hand, Batgirl’s body limp from the beating.

"I’ve had it with girls, Batgirl," she spat. "You’re finished and I’m the new Bat in Gotham. You..."


"UGGHHHHH!" Batwoman screamed in agony as Batgirl, summoning her last reserves of strength, kicked Batwoman in the groin.

The pair stood back and truly faced each other for the first time. Batgirl’s chest was still heaving from the beating the younger woman had given her, while Batwoman was barely breaking a sweat. Each circled the other, kicking and jabbing for several minutes, trying to gain an advantage, until Batgirl connected, landing a fearsome punch that almost broke Batwoman’s jaw. Batwoman knew that Batgirl was still out of breath however, and she quickly sent a series of punches toward Batgirl that she fended off, but caused her to tire even more. Then, Batgirl leaped high into the air, bringing her classic launch kick into action, a move Batwoman had watched often on tape and was expecting. As her opponent jumped, Batwoman grabbed the top of a reinforced steel trashcan can she saw nearby, and Batgirl’s kick hit only the metal lid.

"OWWWWWWW!" Batgirl cried, landing on one foot as Batwoman counterattacked, grabbing Batgirl’s ankle and twisting it until she heard a distinct CRACK.

Batgirl landed with a thud and Batwoman quickly picked her up and threw her against the wall of the nearby building, slamming her back against it, again and again and again and again. When she finally let go of the crimefighter, Batgirl collapsed in a heap at her feet, blood oozing from her mouth, her busted ankle rendering her left foot helpless and throbbing with shooting pain.

Batwoman took a knife from her utility belt out and sliced Batgirl’s costume down the middle and around her shoulder, revealing her bra. Then, she took her hands and ripped Batgirl’s bra apart, letting her chest spill out.

"Please...what have I done to you that you hate me this much?" mumbled Batgirl, still dazed by her beating, too weak to offer much resistance.

"Nothing, my dear," replied Batwoman. "I want to beat you. To vanquish you. To finish your career right here, once and for all," she said leaning over inches from Batgirl’s still masked face.

She sliced away at Batgirl’s pants and panties, revealing her brown pussy; then she tore away the fabric with her gloves leaving the heroine naked almost to her boots.

Then, she stopped and stood over the beaten heroine. She leaned over and put one hand each on Batgirl’s cheeks.

Batgirl couldn’t stop herself from gasping as she realized what was about to occur. "No, please...don’t," she pleaded, lifting a trembling hand in a feeble attempt to stop her mask from being removed.

Batwoman slapped her hand back, grabbed her mask with both hands, and lifted up. Batgirl cried as her hands grabbed Batwoman’s as she lifted off Batgirl’s mask, along with her wig, revealing the face of Barbara Gordon.

"Noooooooooo!" cried Batgirl, realizing her most closely held secret was now out.

WHAM!!! Another thunderous punch sent Batgirl dropping to the ground from her knees, her eyes wide with fear as she hit the concrete.

Batwoman held up the mask and wig, then flung it next to Batgirl.

"Barbara Gordon?" said Batwoman, smiling. "I recognize you from the pictures of you and your father at charity events. You’re Batgirl? Or should I say, you were Batgirl?" she said, quickly opening a pouch in her belt and taking a picture of the nearly nude body and face of Barbara Gordon staring back at her, the mask and wig of Batgirl heaped beside her.

"I could expose you right here and now, Batgirl, but I won’t. Here’s the deal. You announce your retirement immediately, blaming it on a beating you took from some thugs. Say it was time for you to go, blah, blah, blah. If I see you anywhere, in any shape or form, I will kill you next time, your father and any friends of yours. Or I simply put this picture out on the Internet for anyone to see, including Gotham’s various criminal elements and we’ll see how long you live," she laughed.

Then Batwoman lifted Batgirl up by her still intact belt and ran her into the wall several more times while Batgirl screamed in pain from her broken ankle.

"How you get back is your problem, honey," said Batwoman, loosening Batgirl’s utility belt and draping it over her shoulder. She also knelt down, picked up the mask of wig and Batgirl and said, "I can use this as a trophy. Batgirl, this is a rough neighborhood and you’re very naked. Tah, tah," she said disappearing into the night.


Somehow, Batgirl made it back to her nearby cycle, although she had to crawl most of the way. She had to cover herself with trash several times to hide from several men who walked through the alley. Finally, just as the sun came up, a naked and still bleeding Batgirl made it to her apartment.

At 29, she knew she was finished. The other woman had beaten her easily and convincingly. She went to police headquarters the next evening and announced her retirement to Commissioner Gordon and Chief O’Hara.

The papers screamed the announcement to a shocked Gotham. After more than a decade, Batgirl had retired.

In her apartment, Carol Hughes read the paper to Lance. "Look at this, honey. It says Batgirl has decided to hang it up in favor of her successor, Batwoman."

"Yeah, well I hear that Batwoman is pretty hot," replied Lance gulping down a high protein shake.


That night when Lance came home, the lights were off but the television was on. Curious, he looked at the TV only to see what looked like Batgirl and Batwoman fighting.

What the hell, he thought, sitting down to watch. It was a tape of the events two nights earlier. Batwoman had planned the entire event, including the thugs and had planted the camera to capture her moment of truth. Lance watched the video, not sure it wasn’t some sort of gag tape, when suddenly, Batwoman appeared in front of him.

"Batwoman?" he gasped. "Is this tape real? What are you doing here?’ he could barely squeak out a question as Batwoman grabbed and kissed him deeply.

His thoughts of Batgirl melted as he felt the firm mounds of breast pushing against him, and the hard body. He looked into the eyes behind the black mask.

Batwoman released him, and with one arm, grabbed her mask and threw it off, revealing the face of his girlfriend, Carol Hughes.

"Carol, is this some sort of joke?"

"No joke, honey. I’m Batwoman. That’s what I’ve been doing the past few months."

"Holy shit," he cried as he grabbed her, kissing her. The pair embraced, then soon made their way into the bedroom for some of the most incredible sex Carol Hughes had ever experienced. She had her man back...for good. Now it was on to the next phase of her plan.



To say she loved the attention and accolades of being Batwoman would be an understatement. Carol Hughes got off on seeing Batwoman in the paper. In fact, over the next several weeks, Batwoman drew more ink that Batman (Robin had retired and moved away). Not a word was heard from Batgirl, and from time to time Batwoman checked up on her. Barbara Gordon was still nursing her broken ankle and seemingly was living a quiet life of retirement.

Kicking the asses of criminals was fun, but Carol knew being a superheroine didn’t pay. And neither did her job as an aerobics instructor. Lance barely made anything, so one night she decided it was time to implement her other plan…

Bruce Wayne sat in the Batcave, sipping a Diet Coke as he, minus his Batman costume, focused on any clues to the identity of this new Batwoman. She worried him. The sudden disappearance of Batgirl from the scene as this new superheroine arrived just didn’t smell right to him. But then again…he had been wrong before.

Several nights later, Batman scoped out the underground vault that had once served as a civil defense shelter during the 60s. Long abandoned, he suspected the site might be one that was now being used to store some stolen highly toxic U.S. Army nerve gas. Rubble was strewn across the large room as he entered and walked from one room to the next, the only sounds were the CRINK of his boots on rocks and other debris that had fallen from the ceiling. He stopped as his light caught a glimpse of something shiny. Over there, he thought, shining his light to his left.

Ah...the canisters are here after all, he thought. He heard noises, voices, coming from a nearby room. Batman doused the light and headed for the small room, tucked away in a far corner, one he almost missed.

SHOOM!!! Batman burst into the room, knocking down two thugs who were talking. He quickly turned and punched a third, when he felt something on his arm.

"Croc?" he said, but as he twisted, Croc quickly grabbed Batman in a massive bear hug.

"ARGGHHHHH" shouted Batman as the muscled, massive villain pulled with all his might.

"Ghnnnnnnnn," gasped Batman, unable to break Croc’s mighty hold. Suddenly, just as Batman felt himself losing consciousness, Croc released his hold, throwing Batman away from him as the Bat felt a hammer hit the back of his head with a withering blow, sending the Caped Crusader to the floor in a heap. Batman turned and rolled, even as he felt a massive two by four strike him in the ribs.

"Ummmmphhhhhhhh!" he exhaled as he fought for breath. He landed a punch as Croc tried to pick him up, knocking the large villain into the nearby wall. Batman got to his feet, then jumped, hoping to use his strength and weight to knock the Croc down once and for all. Midway through his leap his face went blank with surprise as the Croc suddenly turned and produced a massive steel beam, which struck Batman squarely in the chest.

"AHHHHHHHHH!!" he screamed as he collapsed into a heap, badly hurt, his ribs broken.

As he struggled to get up, still dizzy, a blur smashed into Croc, sending the giant villain sailing. As Batman struggled to his feet, he saw the figure of Batwoman produce a gun and fire point blank at Croc, sending a massive jolt of electricity into him. The criminal hit the floor and moaned, temporarily paralyzed.

"Thought you might need some help, Batman," said Batwoman, leaning over and helping the Caped Crusader onto his feet full.

"Thanks. It’s Batwoman, I presume," he said extending his gloved hand, but coughing some blood even as he did so.

"We’ve got to get you to a hospital, Batman. I’m afraid you may have some serious internal injuries," Batwoman said.

Batman knew he couldn’t drive home. His chest felt like someone had ripped it apart and he was so weak he could barely move. Plus, he was coughing up blood. He had no choice.

"You drive. I’ll tell you...COUGH...where to...COUGH...go," he said, handing the keys to the Batmobile over to Batwoman, and staggering as he did.

The pair got into the Batmobile, as Batwoman practically dragged the quickly weakening Batman into the car.

"Where to…?" she asked as she started up the car, feeling her insides getting juicy as she thought about the situation that only a few months earlier she couldn’t even imagine herself in.

"Out..." gasped Batman pointing. "Out of the city..." he said shutting his eyes.

Batwoman quickly negotiated the streets, almost losing control of the super-souped up car several times. The tires squealed and Batman’s eyes widened as he opened them at one point when Batwoman went into a skid onto some loose gravel, struggling to save the car. She did, barely missing a tree by inches, sweat forming on her forehead as she headed out of the city.

"There...path...turn..."gasped Batman, unable now to lift his head.

"We’re going to hit the cliff," Batwoman screamed just as the side of the hill opened and she entered the Batcave.

Batwoman braked the car to a squealing halt inside the Batcave, stunned for a moment by the fact she was in Batman’s lair, the Batcave itself.

"Uggggghhhhhhhhh!" moaned Batman, blood forming at his mouth and running down his jaw.

"Better get you some help, big boy," said Batwoman taking the body of Batman and hoisting it out of the car. She was surprised by an elderly gentleman who had quickly appeared.

"You must be Batwoman," the white-haired gentleman said, holding out his hand. "I’m, er, Batman’s assistant," he said helping Batwoman with Batman.

Batwoman watched, as Alfred, a well trained physician in his own right, quickly did several procedures that helped Batman’s collapsed lung and broken ribs. Alfred changed him out of his costume, then finally pulled off his mask, revealing Batman’s most inner secret. Batwoman gasped as the mask came off and she instantly recognized billionaire playboy Bruce Wayne.

Bruce Wayne, she smiled as she she thought, just think what Gotham’s criminal community would pay for that piece of information.

"I think we’d better let him rest awhile, Miss. Why don’t I fetch some food and refreshment for you?"

"Sure," replied Batwoman as the old man left the pair alone, Batman asleep and breathing. Batwoman used the time to search the Batcave. She noticed the alarm devices, the hidden cameras around the entrances. She studied the Batcave closely until Alfred arrived back with food.

"Thank you," said Batwoman, eagerly taking the food, but only after she watched Alfred eat some. She wasn’t about to fall for some ploy, wind up dead or hypnotized.

Finally, as Bruce slept, Alfred said, "Miss, I’d better take you home, or to wherever you wish to go, shouldn’t I?"

Batwoman answered reluctantly, knowing that she had plenty of time to bide, as she ascended the stairs to Wayne Manor.

A week later...

Batwoman had read that Bruce Wayne was on vacation, so one night she decided it was time to pay "Batman" a call. She quietly drove up to Wayne Mansion and parked the modified ZX2 she used as Batwoman. She strode up to the door and knocked. A startled Alfred answered and led her into a study, where she was instructed to wait. Moments later, Bruce Wayne entered, hobbling with a cane and in his robe, as he held out a hand.

"I...I’m afraid I’m at a disadvantage here, Batwoman. I was suspicious of your motives, but without you, I’m afraid Batman’s little tussle with Croc would have been his last. My thanks," he said.

"No problem, Mr. Wayne," replied Batwoman.

", call me Bruce, and why don’t you sit down," he said gesturing to a chair.

The pair talked and talked and talked and talked. Bruce could hardly resist himself, even with all his power he found himself incredibly attracted to this woman. More so than to any other woman ever. He could barely control himself to not throw her down and have her right there in the study.

What the hell is wrong with me? he wondered to himself as he led Batwoman on a tour of the Batcave.

"So you’s everything I need for crimefighting," he said turning to Batwoman, who smiled back.

The pair stood there for a brief moment, before Batwoman kissed Bruce. Bruce, who already had a huge erection, melted as he felt her hands clasp behind him.

"Ummmmmmm," he said, taking her in his hands as the pair lay down on a cot in a corner of the cave.

Bruce was unable to know that part of his attraction was being caused by a chemical similar to the one used by Poison Ivy. Carol Hughes had also majored in pharmacy and chemistry at college and had developed the pheromone herself. It acted as a stimulant to the libido. Not enough to cause a man to go crazy, but enough to cause a breakdown in some control mechanisms.

Batwoman grabbed Bruce’s pajama bottoms and began to remove them as the pair kissed. In seconds, Bruce Wayne was naked, save for his open robe, his cock erect. Batwoman could hardly believe what she was doing, or seeing. Batman, Bruce Wayne. She had conquered Batgirl by force, now she would take Batman as well, as she stroked his penis.

"’s been so long..." Bruce moaned as he kissed her, then located her zipper and unzipped her top.

"Just a minute," whispered Batwoman as she got up and began to do a slow striptease she knew would drive Bruce crazy with passion. She held up her top as she took her arms out, holding the top with her arm over her chest, before letting it drop away at once, revealing her size 34D breasts. Bruce buried his head in her breasts, suckling them as his hand moved down and unzipped her bottoms.

"Just a minute," Batwoman laughed, taking his penis in her right hand and stroking it several times, as Bruce shut his eyes and moaned.

In fact, a fantasy of Batman had always been to be dominated by a woman such as this, a masked woman taking charge as he lay there, his penis throbbing.

Batwoman took her boots off, then teased him some more as she slowly removed her bottoms, revealing a black haired pussy, which Bruce, still laying down, moved up to tongue as Batwoman stood over him, her gloves and mask still intact.

"Ummmm...oooohhhhhhhhhh," she began to moan, almost losing control as her pussy began to swell. His tongue felt so good, she thought as she stood there, her pussy being eaten by Batman.

Suddenly, she felt herself being pulled down by massive arms, right onto Bruce’s erect cock as he impaled her onto him, slowly and firmly. She felt his member at her labia, then move up into her as she lowered herself onto him and the pair began kissing.

"Urrrrggghhhhhhhhhhh...aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh," moaned Bruce as she began to move up and down on his member, now slick with her love juices. The pair locked into a long kiss and she felt Bruce building to orgasm along with her.

She would soon be the most powerful crimefighter ever, she thought to herself, Carol Hughes. It was enough to put her over the edge as she screamed out.

"AAAHHHHHHHH...UUUUMMPPPPHHHHHHHHHHH!!" her body quaking as she stopped moving for a second, unable to move as the orgasms ripped through her.

She could feel herself literally soaked with her own love juices, her pussy wet as she came.

Batman was also about to come, and she felt him stiffen as he held her closer. She regained enough composure, just barely to reach behind Bruce into her utility belt, which lay just behind him, and loosen a pouch.

"ARRRRGGHHHHHHHHH...GGGGGOOOOOODDDDDDDDD!!!" Bruce cried out as she felt him come...just as she plunged a sharp, narrow bladed dagger into his back and through his heart.

"ARRRRGGHHHHHHHHHH!!" Bruce cried, in pain and ecstasy at the same moment, his eyes suddenly going wide as he realized what had happened.

"Sorry, Batman, but there’s room for only one superhero in Gotham, and that will be me. I defeated Batgirl, and now you," she said as Bruce gasped for breath, blood pouring out of his wound in back. She got off his penis and lowered him to the cot so she could see the tip of the knife, which pushed itself completely through his body and emerged from his chest.

"Ahhhh...Ahhhhhhhh!" he gasped for a moment before he took one last breath, his eyes still open.

"YEESSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!" Batwoman screamed as she looked down at the dead body of Bruce Wayne.


A while later, Carol she ascended the stairs to Wayne Manor, found Alfred in the kitchen, and quickly subdued him with knockout gas. She then arranged things so it looked like the faithful butler had gone berserk and killed his master in bed, before shooting himself.

The next day the newspapers had a field day, the headlines screaming about the murder-suicide at Wayne Manor.

Carol Hughes made passionate love to her boyfriend, Lance, that night and began planning their wedding in six months. Lance never suspected that Batwoman was involved in any way in the killing. Carol smiled as she thought of how rich she would become, now that Batman and Batgirl were history.



"My God, no!" Barbara Gordon wailed as she picked up the morning paper, still standing in the entryway of the building where she lived in downtown Gotham. She ran her hand through her brown, short trimmed hair, trying to convince herself it was some sort of April Fools joke. Bruce Wayne was dead. She staggered back into her apartment, her hands shaking, short of breath. It couldn’t, shouldn’t...couldn't be true she told herself as she read the details.

She didn’t know what to think. Perhaps one of Batman’s frequent enemies had discovered his true identity. Maybe Batwoman was even behind it, but she had heard the pair had even become friends rather than rivals. Still...the whistle on her teakettle reminded her that she had better get going or she would be late for her job, even as shocked as she was. She quickly fetched her cane, which she was just learning to live without, thank God, since her ankle was nearly totally healed from her confrontation with Batwoman. Barbara still longed to be Batgirl, but at 29, she knew it was probably time to hang it up before she was killed. She had come close before; Bertha had almost finished her, and did, for a time. Time to have a life and let someone else pull the weight, but now with Bruce gone...


Finally one day, the newspaper headlines screamed banner heads: BATCAVE FOUND UNDER WAYNE MANSION: WAYNE-BATMAN! It now appeared that Wayne had in fact been Batman. There was irrefutable evidence of it. Someone (few believed that his loyal servant done it) had killed Batman-Bruce Wayne in a very brutal way. With criminals now assured of a free reign, crime spiraled out of control.

Batman was dead and even Batwoman couldn’t keep up with it, although her appearances had become less frequent. The truth was ominous. Carol Hughes quickly realized that with Batman gone, Batwoman could control most of the criminals in Gotham, offering to look the other way for a cut of their profits. Batwoman continued to make headlines, busting those who wouldn’t cooperate, but threatening them so much in the process that they all decided it was better to stay quiet about her offered deals than risk certain death, since word had spread (she had pictures) that Batwoman had in fact killed Batman.

Barbara Gordon lay in her bed, unable to sleep. She suspected Batwoman had killed Batman, but to face her again might mean certain death. Crime was out of control in Gotham. Her father had become distant, as he fought to control a city that had more and more places even the police feared to go at night without massive force. She got up and went to her closet, pulled the secret door and revealed the secret area behind her room. There, hanging on a hook, was a spare Batgirl costume. Her utility belt was gone, but she had a spare mask. Even the spare red wig was there. She had never felt so useless. She put on her gloves and began punching the punching bag that hung in the room, again and again and again.

Batwoman stood on the roof of the National City Bank, surveying the city...her city. Her black hair tussled in the breeze of the hot night as she stood in her costume, her muscles rippling out, her arms crossed. "I own this city," she smiled to herself.

In the past few weeks, Batwoman had made almost two million dollars, tax free, from protection rackets. She and Lance would be rich beyond their wildest dreams, although poor Lance didn’t know or suspect how much money the pair had. She would surprise him, saying a long distant rich uncle had passed away. Then, Batwoman would disappear into the night.

"Thinking of the future, Batwoman," said a voice behind her. Batwoman turned, stunned and irritated she had been caught off guard and surprised.

"Batgirl? Batgirl! How dare you approach me like this. You'd better go now for your own good, Miss Gordon, or your secret won’t be secret for very long," she said, standing her ground, although a little uneasy over the sudden confidence and appearance of the woman she thought she had vanquished.

For the first time, Batgirl was almost out of breath, her heart was beating so fast. Her palms were wet under her gloves and the mask felt super hot on her forehead as she faced the woman who had beaten and humiliated her.

Batgirl was a good 15 feet away, too far to do much as Batwoman, with the speed of a striking snake, grabbed her gun, aimed and fired at Batgirl. Batgirl was counting on that, and ducked behind an air vent, the bullet bouncing off the metal. Batwoman suddenly yelled with pain as a batrang struck her hand.

"Ouch!" she yelled, dropping her gun and rolling. She came up quickly, only to face a blow in the face from Batgirl’s boot. She staggered back and ducked as the next blow from her leg passed harmlessly by her.

Batgirl advanced and as she was about to make her move, Batwoman threw some loose sand in her eyes she had picked up while sprawled on the building top.

"Ughhhhhhh" shouted Batgirl, her hands going to her eyes. Batwoman saw her chance and landed a kick to Batgirl’s ribs, sending her sprawling and out of breath. Batgirl knew the tide had turned and she was about to lose again if she failed to get up. Summoning every ounce of strength, she staggered to her feet, and threw her hand up and out, into Batwoman’s jaw, sending her crashing onto her back. Batgirl quickly grabbed one of Batwoman's hands and in one fluid move brought it up behind her back as she rolled her over in a classic police hold.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh!!" cried Batwoman, grimacing beneath her mask from the pain.

"Now, I’ve got you, Batwoman," said Batgirl, removing handcuffs from her utility belt and putting them on Batwoman. "I’m taking you back to my hangout and we’re going to have a long talk, with the help of some truth serum, Batwoman. I have a hunch you’re up to your Batwings in the city’s crime wave."

"I wouldn’t be so sure of yourself," smiled Batwoman, facing the older Batgirl.

"Forget it, get moving," ordered Batgirl, her old confidence restored.

Suddenly there was a sharp CRACK. Batgirl was so stunned she couldn’t move before the stun gun fired its deadly wire into Batgirl’s costume, crippling her with a jolt of electric current that might have killed a normal person.

"AAARRRGGGHHHHHHHHH!!" she cried as her body contorted, a look of surprise and horror in her face as her body arched.

What Batgirl hadn’t known was that Batwoman and her boyfriend Lance had just finished making love on the building’s roof. Lance had gone downstairs to clean up when Batgirl arrived. Once the stun gun had been kicked out of Batwoman’s reach, it landed behind a roof vent, allowing Lance to watch his two favorite heroines before rescuing his wife-to-be, Batwoman.

The pain was horrific, as it coursed through Barbara’s body. Batgirl stood for a second, then collapsed into a heap.

Lance looked down onto the body of the woman he had once fantasized about so much. Batgirl lay at his feet, unconscious as Batwoman approached.

"Thanks, honey. Let’s finish this bitch off once and for all," said Batwoman, picking up the body of Batgirl and walking to the side of the building.

Batwoman held the body up, over her head as she prepared to throw Batgirl off the six-story building, almost guaranteeing Batgirl’s instant death.

"No...ah...let’s make her suffer," said Lance, not wanting to be party to killing someone.

"Ok. Good idea, honey," smiled Batwoman. "Give me some time and I’m sure she’ll wish she was dead."

Batgirl awoke with a start. She could hear the faint humming of equipment in the distance as she focused her eyes. She still hurt. Her muscles were sore from the beating they had taken in the fight with Batwoman. The last thing she remembered was a terrible pain in her body, then blackness.

She tried to get up, but could not. She was tied face up, onto some sort of bench, the type found in locker rooms. In fact, she was in a room with some lockers and a sink. He feet were chained to the floor, spreading her legs, her hands tied beneath her. And, she realized to her horror she was stark naked, save for her mask. Her heart began to race, knowing what surely must be in store for her.

Why didn’t I quit when I was ahead, she thought. Batwoman knows who I am. She could destroy me now and all my friends, she thought as she heard footsteps approaching.

"Batgirl, so glad you're finally awoke. I wanted to kill you like I did Batman. It was soooo nice sticking the knife into him, feeling his life trickle out of him while I fucked him. Fortunately for you, a friend of mine took pity on you. But I think you’ll wish you hadn’t crossed me, soon enough, dear.

"What are you going to do," said Batgirl, feeling more vulnerable than she ever had in her crimefighting career.

"I warned you, Barbara. Now, I’m going to teach you a lesson you’ll never forget...never cross me. Ever," she hissed, producing a cotton ball which she dipped into a bottle she produced from her utility belt.

"What’s that," demanded Batgirl.

"Oh...just something I developed that'll help you get into the mood. It'll make you so horny you won’t care who you’re fucking," she said laughing as she swabbed Batgirl around the nipples and neck.

Batgirl lay there, dreading what was about to happen, Batwoman left the room for a moment. She tried to move her head so she could see behind her, but could only move it an inch or two. Her head was secured to the bench with duct tape. Her heart beat rapidly as she lay there, vulnerable and exposed. Her eyes grew wide with fear as Batwoman reentered the room, carrying a large bag. She put it down next to the bench, then took off her boots, unzipped her pants and tossed them aside. Her black pubic hair was finely trimmed as she stood over the defeated crimefighter. She straddled the bench and Batgirl, looked down at her face and then commanded, "Eat me, Barbara, you batslut!" she said as she ripped the duct tape off Batgirl’s face, "Eat me like you’ve never eaten anything in your life."

Barbara felt her insides getting moist. Her labia aching. How could this be happening, she wondered, amazed at her reaction. While she was revolted at the prospect of giving Batwoman oral sex, she was hornier than she had ever been.

Batwoman sensed the pause and slapped Barbara’s exposed breasts with her open palm.

"Ouch!!!!!!" she yelled.

"Like that, bitch. How about another, SLAP, and another, SLAP, and another, SLAP, and another, SLAP, and…"

"NO...please," cried Batgirl, her nipples red and stinging from the slaps. She brought her mouth up to Batwoman’s pussy, then licked her clitoris with her tongue.

" that’s a good slut," Batwoman cooed, grabbing Batgirl’s masked head and bringing it toward her pussy.

"UMMPHHHH!" Batgirl gasped to get her breath as her head was shoved into Batwoman’s mound of pubic hair. She began probing Batwoman’s clit, tonguing her, then bringing her tongue farther and farther into her love canal.

Batwoman moaned as she held Batgirl’s head in her hand, feeling herself about to come. She loved making love to Lance, but this… this was the ultimate. She had defeated Batgirl a second time, now she would break her.

The potent drug Batwoman had given Batgirl was a special one she had developed on her own. It made its victim think of nothing else, even at the cost of food. It brought about orgasms so intense, the victim was soon enslaved in a never ending quest for more and more.

Batgirl found herself licking Batwoman as the fight in her mind raged. The battle between wanting sex and fighting the woman who had defeated and was humiliating her.

"Yessssss...ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.. .GGGAAAAAAWWWWWDDDDDDDD!!" Batwoman screamed as the shuddered with a huge orgasm.

Batgirl could feel and taste her love juices almost squirt into her mouth as Batwoman screamed in delight. She looked up at her oppressor, Batwoman’s love juices dripping from her mouth.

"Now, let’s try this," Batwoman smiled, bending over and producing the largest strap-on dildo Barbara had ever seen.

"No...please...I can’t...please..." she pleaded, summoning her fast breaking will.

"You will, you will," said Batwoman, holding the giant dildo at Batgirl’s labia for a second before plunging it into Batgirl.

"Arrrrrrggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh!!" screamed Batgirl as she felt the mammoth dildo enter her.

Can’t...must resist...can’t afford to lose again... she thought to herself closing her eyes even as another wave of desire washed over her.

"Got to... AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" she screamed as Batwoman plunged the entire monster up into her.

Barbara was in more pain than she had ever been in, as her vagina tried to accommodate the giant penis. She arched her back and closed her eyes, tears streaming down her face beneath her mask as she lay there, helpless.

Batgirl, now under the control of the love drug Batwoman had used on her, was torn between pleasure and pain. The gigantic dildo inside her was spreading her muscles more than she had ever accommodated, yet the large device was also gently massaging her clitoris.

"’s not right...Uuugggghhhhhhhhhh..." as she let out an involuntary moan of delight as a shiver of pleasure shot through her body.

"Batgirl, feel me...feel the pleasure we can bring each other as I dominate you. I know you secretly want to be dominated, my dear Barbara. I’ve read your diary," she said ramming the dildo with such force into Barbara’s mound she screamed in pain.

"Arrrrrrggghhhhhhhhhh!!" screamed Batgirl. "Please...I beg you..." she cried, a tear flowing down each cheek under her mask.

"You will beg me, bitch...for more!!!" Batwoman screamed, thrusting herself with such force upon Batgirl’s tied up body that the bench creaked.

"Noo...uuugggghhhhhhhhh..." Batgirl cried...

"Or you’ll what? Report me to the Commissioner? Turn me in? Just what the hell are you going to do?" screamed Batwoman slapping Batgirl in the face.

The slap made Batgirl lose her concentration for only a moment but it was enough. The effects of the drug, combined with the huge dildo ravishing her pussy sent her over the edge. Her body seized, her back arched and she climaxed like never before.

"UUUGGHHHHHHH...AAAARRRGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Batgirl screamed, her body shaking.

Batwoman continued her frenzied thrusting, driving Batgirl deeper and deeper into her climax. Batgirl had never experienced anything remotely like this. If an orgasm was like driving an Escort, then this was like going down the road in a Ferrarri.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhh...myyyyyyy GGOOOOODDDDDDDDD!!" she cried, her body still convulsing thirty seconds later from the continuing orgasm.

Finally, a minute later, Batgirl relaxed, her body glistening with sweat, her nipples hard as pebbles as she lay panting, hating herself for what had just occurred, but wanting more of the dildo that was still inside her.

She was exhausted as she lay there. Batwoman could see this and bent over and untied the Dark Angel.

"I want you on the floor, slave," she ordered.

"What?" said Batgirl, still trying to recover some energy.

WHACK!! Batwoman struck her nipples hard with her hand. Batwoman was about to strike her again when Batgirl cried, "Don’t. Don’t…"

"Don’t what, bitch?" Batwoman asked.

"Don’t hit me, please," Batgirl said.

WHACK... "Aarrrggghhhhhhhhhh!" WHACK "Aaarrggggggghhhhhh!"

"Don’t what, Batslut," hissed Batwoman.

"Don’t hit me...mistress," Batgirl said, looking down and averting her eyes.

"That’s better, now on the floor, slave," Batwoman ordered; Barbara complied, getting down on all fours.

Batwoman bent over and before Barbara knew it, she had placed a large dog collar around Batgirl’s neck.

"Beg me for more," shouted Batwoman, enjoying the power over Batgirl she had as she issued a vicious whack to Batgirl’s butt with her hands.

"Uggghhhhhhhh!" cried Batgirl, as a small tear escaped from her right eye under her mask.

"I SAID, BEG ME FOR ME, SLUT!!!! shouted Batwoman, now hopping onto Barbara’s back, covered by her cape. "Giddyup, Bathorse," she laughed.

Batgirl knew resistance was futile, but resisted anyway. Suddenly, she screamed as she felt horrible pain around her neck.

"ARRGGGGHHHHHHHH!!" she screamed, grasping at the collar.

"You’ve discovered by newest gift for you, dear Batgirl. Disobey me and you will be treated like a dog. A small electric current will discharge when I press a button on my utility belt," she hissed as she slapped Batgirl on the butt again, producing another large red welt.

"Pleaseeeeeee...gasped Batgirl. Barbara had never been so humiliated. She was being treated like some circus animal, complete with a dog collar as her enemy made her move around like a dog on all fours. "Please...can...I have some more," said Batgirl softly, lowering her head in defeat and humiliation.

"That’s better, slut," said Batwoman. "Remain in that position," she ordered her as she stood behind Batgirl and placed the dildo at the entrance to her vagina from behind and began to caress her pussy.

Barbara, to her horror, again felt her resolve melting away. She knew it was all but impossible to try and resist the effects of the drug. Even as she shut her eyes, hoping to block out her desires, her pussy was getting wetter and wetter. She felt the didlo enter her, and involuntarily let out a small gasp of pleasure as she felt the large device fill her again.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh" said Batgirl.

Above her, Batwoman smiled. Her plan was working perfectly. She was breaking Batgirl. Soon, the older woman would be her willing slave, unable to form an independent cogent thought.

Batwoman began smacking Batgirl hard in the rear, driving the dildo in with such force it moved Batgirl’s entire body. It didn’t take long for Batgirl to begin to breathe hard and in a few minutes the Dark Angel was writhing with pleasure.

"You like this, don’t you, my slut?" said Batwoman, increasing the pace of her thrusts.

"Yesssss...ohhhhhhhhhhhhh...yeeeessssssssssssssss," groaned Batgirl, hating herself for admitting she wanted an orgasm more than anything in the world at the moment.

"Ahhhhh... Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh..." she gasped as she felt the wave rushing toward her, her arms collapsing as she held herself up on her knees and elbows. AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.....GAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH" she screamed, her body shaking and shuddering with a thunderous orgasm.

"Who’s your master...who gives you more pleasure than anyone!!" shouted Batwoman.

"Yoouuuuuuuuuu...dooooooooooooo!!" screamed Batgirl, another climax washing over her.

Batwoman continued to dominate Batgirl for several more hours, before leaving Batgirl lying in the room, her body soaked by sweat, her pussy matted with sweat and her own juices, lying in the room, naked save for her mask, and defeated.


For the next several days, the same conditioning continued. Humiliation, beatings and rape as Batwoman worked on Batgirl’s mental state. The Dark Angel was slowly slipping into a more subservient mode with each passing day, helped by the passion drug she was now being fed with. Batgirl didn’t know which was worse, the humiliation or the desire for sex that constantly drove her crazy with lust, making her unable to resist Batwoman’s pleasures.

Batwoman was now headquartered in an opulently appointed warehouse. It looked like an old derelict from the outside. Inside, Batwoman, aka Carol Hughes, and her boyfriend moved in, enjoying the fruits of her criminal businesses as crime ran out of control in Gotham. Batwoman continued to catch some small time petty thieves for show, but in large, she ran the vast criminal underbelly of the city, her identity still a secret.

Barbara Gordon was kept in a small, underground corner of the warehouse. She was kept naked and cold most of the time.

One day Batwoman walked in as Barbara got up. "Get into your Batgirl costume," she demanded. "We’ve got business to attend to," she said, throwing her a costume. It was her old Batgirl costume, only the crotch had been cut out, and the utility belt was empty.

Barbara complied without saying a word, quickly putting on her old costume. The once familiar feeling she got putting the costume on, of power and prestige was gone, replaced by a humiliation and almost shattered self-esteem.

"I’ve beaten you, Batgirl. I was ready to throw you off that roof, but my, er, friend decided to take pity on you. Seems he was once actually infatuated with you. So, I’ve decided to make some money off you. You’re what I’ll call my timeshare. I sell time with you to anyone with the money and they, in turn, can do what they want with you. And you WILL follow their orders...or have me to deal with," she said, leading Batgirl into a room equipped with dozens of sexual instruments of torture and bondage. My first customer will be in a minute. By the way, you should be proud. He paid four million dollars for a night with you."

Batgirl stood there, unable to move, even the will to fight, gone as the door opened and Killer Croc entered the room.

"Batgirl, my friend," he hissed, taking her chin with his right hand and admiring her. "I only dreamed of this. So it’s true, you are Batwoman’s playtoy, eh?

"Yes," Batgirl answered softly, her head down. "I am yours."

Croc stood there, unzipping his pants as his huge penis emerged. Batgirl had never seen any penis that large. She stared, wide-eyed, not sure she could even accommodate it without ripping some of her vaginal muscles.

"Batwoman owed me a favor for helping soften Batman up. Now it’s time to soften you up," he said, placing his huge dick at the entrance of her labia, exposed thanks to the special cut in her costume.

"No...I can’t take you...please... Croc..." she begged even as she felt him plunge into her.

"ARRGGHHHHHHHHH!!" she screamed as she felt the huge penis ram into her, spreading her like a butter knife. "God...noooooooooooo...pleaseeeeeeee..." she screamed as the giant penis of Killer Croc invaded the love canal of the Dark Angel, who was not even wet yet. "Nooo...nooooooooo...noooooooooo!!" she screamed as he began to pump her, ramming his pelvis forcefully into her, Batgirl unable to stop the brutal rape.

Batgirl began to sweat and get hot as she felt something happening. The drug was kicking in, causing Batgirl to become aroused now. Her screams of denial turned to screams of pleasure as she felt herself fill with Croc's penis, her clitoris filling with blood as she was stimulated.

She fell into sync with Croc as he continued to ram her, her vagina taking in all of Crocs massive penis as he unzipped the back of her costume and exposed her breasts, her nipples hard as he lightly began to chew on them.

My’t lose...control... she thought to herself in a futile battle to save her sanity.

Croc pumped her, his cock filled with blood and semen as he bit her nipples, shoving his massive member up Batgirl as far as her canal would allow it.

"No...ggggghhhhhhhh...gggggggggaahhh...GGGGGGGAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" she screamed as she unleashed a massive orgasm. She could feel Croc cum inside of her, filling her with semen as he pounded away, in a pelvic passion of fury, Barbara giving herself to the Croc, as she felt his muscles surround her. She came again and again and again in rapid succession, the final time she laid there, her eyes closed as her walls seized around Croc’s cock. She felt her mask being lifted, and she opened her eyes to see her mask and wig lifted off her, exposing her face for the first time to anyone other than Batwoman.

"Barrrrrrrrbrarraa...Gordonnnnnnnn?" Croc asked as Barbara felt more semen pumped into her unprotected womb.

Barbara lay there panting like a dog, semen oozing from her lips onto her thighs as Croc stared back at her. He got off of her, then stuck his cock in her face, signaling her to suck him. She grapsed his penis in her hand and gently placed it in her mouth without a word and began sucking. Croc smiled as he looked into the now unmasked face of Batgirl. The very thought of Gotham’s Dark Angel sucking him was enough to make him cum again in short order as he unleased another river of semen onto the warm tongue of Barbara Gordon. The pair continued to make love for several hours before, Barbara finally fell asleep, exhausted. An unmasked Carol Hughes had videotaped and watched the entire session from a television monitor. Soon, Barbara Gordon would be completely hers.

She picked up a phone and called Lance. “Lance, it’s Carol. I’ll be right up. Pour some champange and a bubble bath...for both of us,” she said.

“So tell me about Batgirl,” said Lance, as he pulled himself off his girlfriend. Ever since he had discovered she was Batwoman, he was totally turned on by his fiance, but although he would never admit it to his girlfriend, he still had a thing for Batgirl.

“She’s nothing but a slut, honey. She’s mine. I defeated her and now I’m going to make so much money from our little business, and from selling her we’ll be so rich we won’t be able to spend all of our money,” she said standing up in the bath to reveal her magnificent 36-D cup breasts, the bubbles clinging to her breasts and matted jet black pussy.

“What will you do with Batgirl,” said Lance, sipping from his flute.

“I haven’t decided. I’d like to beat her to death. One last chance for her. Or sell her to some foreign businessman. Think of that. Batgirl. A sex slave forever.”

“Yea, think of that,” he replied as they both laughed at Batgirl’s fate.

Over the next couple of weeks, Barbara was reaped by almost every criminal to ever call Gotham home. Penguin, Joker, Two Face, Bane, all had their way with the Dark Angel.

Batwoman entered Barbara’s room, or cell which was now Barbara’s home, flanked by two muscled looking hoods. She stood up and looked at the floor. It was not permissible to look at Batwoman unless she gave permission.

“Batgirl,” she said.

“Yes, mistress Batwoman,” Barbara answered, her head lowered.

“I want you to put on your mask and wig and suck these two gentlemen like they’ve never been sucked before. “Yes, mistress,” Barbara answered. Barbara was now almost completely Batwoman’s. She had been placed in a depravation tank for a week, bombarded by music with subliminal messages for a solid week. No light, no contact with anyone, other than foot which appered through a small compartment in the box. She would obey Batwoman now without question.

Barbara put her wig and mask on, as the two hulks gasped, looking at each other. Each had had a previous run in with the Dark Angel and knew this was indeed, the real thing. They could hardly believe what was happening as Barbara unzipped on man’s pants and quickly took his flacid but beginning-to-grow penis in her mouth and began caressing it with her tongue. As she did, she unzipped the second man’s pants and pulled them down. He began to get hard as she lay back (she was already naked) and placed his member at the entrance to her canal.

He stared at the brown pussy hair and her lips as she placed his cock between them and his member disappeared into her with a groan from the masked crimefighter as he slid up into her.

“Come mere bitch,” he ordered, grabbing her pelvis and both sides as he began to pound her pelvis with his, his cock disappearing into her mound of brown pubic hair.

Barbara felt her orgasm build almost instantly as his cock rubbed against her clitoris. She closed her eyes as she lay back, and spread her legs wide as she worked the cock inside her mouth with her tongue, the man moaning as he stood over her, his scrotum just touching her chin as she worked her magic.

Her entire body began to move as the man with his cock in her slammed her about violently. Barbara grabbed the man whose cock she was now sucking with all her might to steady herself as she and the fiend inside of her came at the same instant.

“Hmmmmmmmmmmmm...ugggghhhhhhhh” she gurgled as her insides seized and she felt the hot cum spray into her womb. She barely had time to take a breath before the man whose cock was in her mouth grabbed her mask from behind and mashed her face to his pelvis as he too came inside her mouth.

Barbara smiled to herself, despite herself. She couldn’t deny she was enjoying such depravity. Deep inside of her she had always been the good girl, the good daughter, the A-student. Something about the depravity turned her on even more, even as she was ashamed of it.

Weeks later, Barbara lay on the cot in the sparsely appointed bedroom. She hated herself, but had never felt so worthless. First her defeat, then again at her comeback. Now, every criminal in Gotham was going to fuck her silly. While she enjoyed the idea of one climax after another, she knew it was the effect of the drug on her. A tear dripped down her face as she looked down at her belly. She was noticably pregnant, proably about five months, her belly just beginning to show the rotund shape of things to come. It was useless trying to tell who the father was.

The next day, Carol Hughes went out. She had a workout session with her trainer. Lance watched her as she exited the building. He quickly made her way into the basement where Barbara Gordon was being held. He entered the secrurity code into the pad, then went into her room.

“Who are you,” Barbara said, sitting upright on her bed. She was only wearing a see-through top and was bottomless.

“I’m Lance, and you’re Barbara,” he said, staring at her beautiful body. He had imagined himself in this position a hundred times, as he fingered the device in his pocket that controlled her collar. “I want to make love to you, now,” he said.

“Please,” begged Barbara. Could you help me get out of here. I’ll do anything for you, anything...if you just get me out of here,” she said trembling. She suspected Batwoman didn’t know what was going on. This man called Lance didn’t have the swagger or confidence of a gangster.

“I said, I want you to make love to me, now,” commanded Lance. Barbara began to approach him, and although she was getting wet at the prospect of fucking this hunk, she knew this might be her last chance.

Before she could take another step, Lance pressed the button in his pocket.

“ARRRRGGGHHHHH” screamed Barbara as she fell to her knees. “ARRRGGGHHHH” her eyes bulged from the pain.

“Now, what did I say, Batgirl,” said Lance, quickly removing his pants.

Barbara didn’t say another word as she obediently laid down on her bed and Lance settled on top of her, his growing member already pressing against her lips and spreading her gentle mound. He inserted himself into her as he began to kiss her lightly on the neck.

Barbara began to breathe heavily, as she felt herself being entered, Lance’s penis just touching her clitoris. She could feel herself getting wet as he breathed on her neck, softly pumping her as he leaned down and began to kiss her breasts on the side, near her armpits, slowly thrusting, almost all the way out, then the tip of his penis would rub against her clitoris, before he inserted his member again into her.

Barbara lay on the bed and shut her eyes as she surrenderedd to the rape.

“Oh yes......ummmmmmmmm” she groaned as her nipples stood out and grew hard as rocks.

Although he loved his fiance, Lance had also often dreamed of doing this to Batgirl. Here she was and he could hardly contain himself as he rocked back and forth.

Barbara brought her legs up, her ankles locking behind Lance’s rear as she kissed him back.

“Uuuuuugggghhhhhhhhhh....uuuuuuugggghhhhhhhhh” she moaned as Lance increased his thrusts into her, banging her more forcefully. He could feel her bulging stomach bump into his, her growing womb. The very thought of fucking a pregnant Batgirl was enough to send him other the edge.

“JJJJJJJEEESSSSSUUSSSSSSSSSSS” he screamed, as his hot sperm shot into Batgirl’s womb. He could feel his penis throbbing to deposit every last drop into her as he continued to thrust.

His orgasm was enough to drive Barbara over the edge.

“UUUMMMMPPPPHHHHHH....UUUUMMMMMMMMMMPPPHHHHHH” she screamed as she came, arching her back and holding his penis inside of her as she screamed.

The pair lay there for a minute or two before Barbara rolled over and onto Lance’s belly. She smiled as she gently took his flacid member and began to stroke it.

Lance couldn’t beleive it. She actually was now fucking him. He gazed at her large belly and tits who were noticably swollen. His cock quickly turned hard as Barbara stroked it before she finally straddled him and placed it at between her lips.

Lance sat up and began to suck her breasts. He could taste the milk from her nipples as he felt his cock enter her moist sugar walls again.

Barbara used her knees to lift herself up and down on Lance’s cock, his cock filling her as he sucked her. She grabbed him and brought his face tight to her breasts as the pair both moaned.

“Ohhhh......Lance.........mmmmyyyyyyyyy” she purred as the pair made love.

Suddenly the door burst open and almost off its hinges as Batwoman burst into the room “What the fuck is going on? Lance? You bitch!!!!!! she screamed as she slapped Barbara so hard she fell backward and off Lance’s dick.

“I’ll gut you like a cat” she screamed as she picked up Barbara by her short brown hair as Barbara screamed. “Noooooo” Barbara pleaded as Batwoman struck her several times across the face.

“Honey....don’t,” Lance pleaded, tackling his girlfriend as the pair began to tussle. Barbara saw her one chance and ran. She didn’t know where, she just ran down the hallway, toward what smelled like fresh air until she saw daylight.

Naked, she burst through the door onto a dock where a speedboat was tied up. The key was in it. She didn’t care that she was naked, she merely wanted to escape the wrath of what she knew her master would do -- kill her and her baby. She turned the key, untied the boat and gunned the engine, even as she heard a thump.

Barbara gunned the speedboat, trying to get away from her captors and the house of horrors as fast as she could. She had nothing but she didn’t care...she was free...finally.

Suddenly, she felt a terrible pain on her neck as something hit her. She lost her balance and hit the steering wheel as the boat turned wildly. She grabbed the wheel and she turned around to see Batwomn standing there, her hair blowing in the breeze as she brandished a large steel pipe. Lance had torn her mask off and now,for the first time, Barbara could see her enemy’s face.

She swung at Barabara as Barbara ducked to one side, the boat turning and throwing both women off balance as they went crashing to the floor of the boat.

“I’ll kill you once and for all now,” hissed Carol Hughes bringing her knee to Barbara’s groin.

“Ummmppphhhhh” groaned Barbara as she crumpled from the pain. Carol Hughes brought the pipe up to smash Barbara to the head, almost certainly a fatal blow, but Barbara, out of breath and five months pregnant, heaved herself to one side as the pipe smashed into the floor next to her. Then Barbara brought her hand, palm up, into Batwoman’s face full force as the woman screamed and smashed into the bulkhead’s side, her head striking the steel and dazing her. Both stood up, Barbara’s chest heaving, her shirt outlining the round stomach that showed off her pregnancy. Carol Hughes, her legs like jelly, tried to land one punch after another to no avail. Barbara blocked each one, until Hughes made a mistake and lunged at her. Barbara went right, Hughes left as she fell onto a large grapping hook, impaling herself, as the hook protruded through her right breast.

“ me,” she gasped, blood now flowing everywhere.

“I ought to kill you for what you’ve done to me,” screamed Barbara, still thinking about how good it would feel to beat her foe to death. “But, I want to reveal you for what you really are to Gotham. Batgirl may be dead, since every two bit hood knows my secret identity, but now everyone will know your’s too and what a sinister creep you really are,” she said into Carol Hughes ear.

Barbara pulled the grappling hook out of her, Hughes screaming as the two lay on the bottom of the still speeding boat.

Barbara stood up and grabbed the wheel, straighting the speeding boat.

“ARRRGHHHHHHHH” she suddenly screamed as she felt a knife plunge into her back, her arms outstreched as she screamed with pain.

“I may be dying, but I’m not done yet. You’ll never beat me, Batgirl,” screamed Batwoman standing, the two facing each other.

Superheroines are a special breed. Tougher than you and I. Stronger willed. Barbara proved it as she brought her two arms to her back and pulled out the knife, winching with pain. Just then the boat turned wildly and both women lost their footing. The pair went down as Hughes landed on top of Barbara and screamed. As they fell, the knife Barbara had been brandishing plunged into Carol Hughes chest.

“UUURRGGGHHHHHHH” she screamed with a look of shock on her face as she looked at the knife which had gone through her chest.

Batwoman looked at Barbara in shock, the knife sticking out of her chest as she felt her life draining away. Barbara, also in shock at having mortally wounded someone, scampered out from under the dying Batwoman. Barbara stood up to right the out of control boat and gasped. She jammed the wheel to the right with all her might to miss the large gas barge in front of them but it was too late. Barbara screamed, knowing she would never see her baby, her father, realizing with certainty it was over. She screamed, a scream of defeat as the boat ripped into the barge. In a split second there was a huge explosion and fireball which instantly incinerated both women. The next days papers were filled with headlines and articles that identified both women via their dental records. Lance broke down during interrogration an admitted his girlfreind, Carol Hughes had been Batwoman and that Batgirl was really Barbara Gordon, whom his fiance had kidnapped and sold into sexual slavery. The world soon learned how Batgirl had died, fighting to save Gotham from the Batwoman.

The End