Batgirl Undercover

Author: Bob Cashman
Time to Read:75min
Added Date:8/20/2024
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Tags: BatgirlDeath

WARNING: The contents of this story contain material of a sexual nature, including graphic descriptions of bondage and non-consensual sex. If you find such material offensive, or are under 18, read no further. This story is for entertainment purposes. It should not be traded in any way shape or form for profit. I write this for my pleasure and yours only.

Comments, ideas, and suggestions are always welcome by the author, who is not a professional writer.



Barbara Gordon sat listening, as her father, Police Commissioner Jim Gordon, complained for what seemed like the fortieth time that evening about the drug trade in Gotham City.

"I just don’t know what else to do, Barbara. I lost two undercover officers last week during a raid. They knew we were coming and planted that bomb. Two men, dead. Just like that," he said as he snapped his finger together.

"Come on, Dad. I know you’re bothered by this, but try and have a good time," whispered Barbara across the table to her father. "After all, how many times do we get together at a place like this," she said glancing around the restaurant.

Too Chez was a very expensive French type bistro. She had treated her father to a night out, to get his mind off his troubles running Gotham’s police force and her mind off her own troubles. She was still trying to forget her ordeal at the hands of Poison Ivy almost a year ago, and had only just begun to consider returning to her role as Batgirl.

"I know, honey. Have I told you how beautiful you look tonight," said Gordon, a smile appearing on his weary, craggy face. "I’m glad you’re finally over that bout with the flu you came down with. I just wish getting rid of these drug dealers was that easy," he said with a sigh.

Later that night, Barbara sat on her couch, overlooking the city from her apartment. She wasn’t ready to return to her former role as the Dark Angel yet. Her nightmares were becoming less frequent, but she was still plagued with doubts about how she might react against a foe, and thus, could not risk the return of Batgirl. Actually, she was thinking of perhaps retiring the Batgirl persona altogether. She felt, much like her father, that even Batgirl couldn’t help win the war against drugs, which was causing most of the crime in Gotham. Perhaps it was time for a new approach, she thought…from the inside.

Two days later, Barbara Gordon handed in her request for a leave of absence from the Gotham Library. The reason she gave was so she could work on a book about crime.

"I’d like to try my hand at writing," she told her supervisor, Mary Prudy.

"Well, ok, Barbara, but this is just a temporary thing, right? You are planning on coming back?"

"Of course, you know I couldn’t leave here, it’s home. I just want to take some time off, write a little…you know. Plus, I’m still a little out of sorts from that battle with the flu bug," smiled Barbara.

Her request for a leave of absence was immediately granted.

Barbara intended to get going that very night on her new plan.

"Ya can serve, can you? Don’t mind a few obnoxious drunks, things like that?" said Frank Celso, as he exhaled a cloud of cigarette smoke toward the table where Barbara was sitting.

"Certainly, Mr. Celso, I can handle those types."

"Why you want to leave a job as a secretary to work at a dump like this," said Celso, eyeing Barbara suspiciously.

"My boss died suddenly, and the new one wanted me to take a large pay cut and work more hours. I’m sick of that, so I told him to stick it and decided I’d like a little more excitement in my life," replied Barbara as Celso looked over the application for a waitress in front of him. She had filled in her name as Barbara Jones, and with her knowledge of computers, had easily faked a social security number and work history. She was betting Celso was too lazy to check it.

"Ok, you start tonight. No funny business though. Keep the customers happy and most of all keep your mouth shut about what you see around here. Ya got that?

"No problem," Mr. Celso replied Barbara in her best Marilyn Monroe type voice.

Barbara had come to the sleazy Mr. B’s to work as a waitress. She knew this was the center of the Gotham drug trade, but the cops had never been successful at busting either Frank Celso or his lieutenants in the drug trade. Perhaps as Barbara Jones, working undercover, she could discover something, then return as Batgirl. Since she didn’t have to work as one of the strippers on stage, she figured no one would recognize her in this out of the way corner of Gotham.

The first night went by in a whir. Barbara hustled one drink after another for dozens of sleazy, drunkards who groped and pinched her every chance they got. She had to resist the urge to use her skills to deck the horny bastards. Instead, according to plan, she kept her mouth shut and worked as hard as she ever had.

After the first week of long nights and an endless parade of drinks, Barbara was beginning to wonder whether the cops complaints about Frank Celso were correct. Sure, she had seen plenty of sleazy types enter the back office, but then, it was a strip club and she hadn’t really seen much amiss. She was aware most of the dancers were doing drugs, and peddling them, but other than that, hadn’t seen much to warrant attention from Batgirl here. She was growing frustrated. Here she was, in the supposed center of the drug deals, and Batgirl couldn’t even get inside.

Several more uneventful nights passed as Barbara grew more irritated with herself. I’m wasting my time here, she thought at the end of her second week. A customer had actually slid one of his hands down the front of her shirt as she bent over to give another customer a drink. Before she knew what was happening, he had grabbed her breast and nipple, giving it a squeeze as he laughed. She was about to karate kick the pervert, but instead, caught herself and just pointed her finger at him, admonishing him never to do it again.

"Barbara, want to come party with us tonight after work," one of the dancers she knew as Desiree asked when Barbara gave her a gin and tonic. "I think Celso is going to show and supply us with some party favors, if you get my drift," she laughed as she stood in front of Barbara, her breasts exposed for all to see.

"Oh, I don’t know," said Barbara shaking her head.

"Come on. I know you’re shy, girl, but let’s party. Celso knows how to party and after work some of us head to his office. He’s got a pool back there, a bar, it’s a great place to hang and relax. Besides, you look like you could use a little loosening up."

Realizing this might be the chance she was looking for to get inside, Barbara said, "Ok, I’ll be there after work. What do I do? Just show up or what?

"Yea…just come to the back office. I’ll be back there and I can escort you back to where the real fun begins. Celso’s a real nut about the cops so he keeps a party room and pool area in out behind the building next door. That way, the cops come to bust us and he’s gone," Desiree said with a laugh.

About 3 a.m. after the bar had closed, Barbara showed up at the office. As promised, Desiree showed her to the back of the building next door. On a rooftop, out of view, was a huge area with a pool, a very large apartment with a well stocked bar, and a number of well-appointed bedrooms. This must be it, thought Barbara as she walked into the party.

Dozens of the girls from the club were there, as were members of Gotham’s underworld.

My God. Just think if they knew Batgirl was here, smiled Barbara as she took a drink of wine from Desiree.

Barbara tried to nurse her wine for the next several hours, but was supplied with a constant re-fill. Frank supplied a large amount of cocaine, speed and every other type of drug was there for the asking. Even so, Barbara had to admit the party was fun. She even wound up in the pool, still in her dress, after getting pushed in. Although there was no shortage of drugs here, she still hadn’t really seen anything Batgirl could arrest and send Celso to jail for.

The next week passed by quickly. Once she figured she passed muster, Barbara was invited almost every night to the "party deck" as the strippers all called it. She knew there must be more going on, but still hadn’t cracked the inside. I’ve got to break in, do something bold, she told herself, or this is just a pleasant diversion.

That night, after being offered some cocaine to snort, this time Barbara drew a breath. It was a tough line to cross, but it was time to nail this criminal or give up, she realized. She knew this was some sort of test. A cop would refuse. But refusal would mean she’d end up on the outside looking in.

"HHHUUHHHH" as she breathed in a heavy snort of coke with one nostril.

"HUUUHHH" as she tooted more coke with the other nostril.

Little did she know, the type of cocaine Celso was offering was mixed with speed and some other synthetic drugs, which made the coke extremely addictive. The effect was almost instant, and wonderful.

My God, so THIS is what it’s like, she thought as she laughed out loud. "I FEEL GREAT!" she shouted to everyone as the girls looked at her and clapped.

That night, despite her best efforts, Barbara snorted more coke, and topped it off with speed. She knew she was high, very high, but could not overcome the complete feeling of euphoria she felt. She was on top of the world, and she would nail Celso now, she just knew it!!!

She got tossed in the pool again about six a.m. as the party was winding down. When she got out, soaking wet, her breasts and nipples were showing through her soaked blouse, Celso approached her.

"Here, Barbara. Some dry clothes. You can use that room over there to change," he said as he tossed them to her.

Barbara, however, was too stoned to stand up straight, much less catch anything. She missed, and the clothes fell to the ground. She quickly bent over, grabbed the clothes, and ran into the room to get out of her dress.

As she changed out of her wet dress and stood there, naked, she was startled to realize that Celso had entered the room behind her and was watching her.

"Mr. Celso…what…" but before she could say more he put a hand around her, began gently kissing her on the lips, and caressing her exposed pussy with his other hand.

"UHHMMM…No…" moaned Barbara, so high and horny she couldn’t resist.

"I’ve been watching you, Barbara," whispered Celso into her ear. " I know you try to hide your assets, but I can see what you have. I need someone I can trust. Someone who’s smart. You’re different, not like the other girls. I haven’t quite figured you out yet, but I will." He pulled her onto the bed and unzipped his fly.

"No…No…" said Barbara as she tried to resist; but her willpower was sapped. She was too woozy to resist much and Celso’s hand felt so good on her bare vagina, which was beginning to get wet, and he fingered her clitoris, gently flicking it with his finger.

"Ohhhhh," moaned Barbara letting out a gasp as Celso entered her with his finger. He probed her inside ever so gently, just rubbing her clitoris gently as she lay on the bed, her eyes closed, kissing one of the Gotham’s most notorious criminals and moaning.

"Ohhhhh…Ohhhhhhhhh…" Celso’s finger continued to slide back and forth across her clitoris.

As high as she was, it didn’t take long for Barbara to climax. She hadn’t had a lover in some time, so the feeling of anything inside her, other than her dildo, was most welcome.

"Ohhhhh…ohhhhhhhhhhh…" She began to breathe heavier as his fingers probed her insides. Celso stopped kissing her on the lips and moved his lips down to her size 36, C-cup breasts, sucking one then the other with his mouth. That, combined with his finger, was enough to bring her to orgasm.

"OHHHHHH…UGGGGHHHHHHHH…" she screamed as she succumbed to a tremendous climax, her back arching as her pussy tried to take in more and Celso’s hand. A number his fingers had moved up inside of her vagina now, as he shook her clitoris and she again was struck by another even stronger orgasm.

"OOHHH…GOOOOODDDDDDDD…UUUUGGGGGGGGGGG…" she wailed as the thunderous orgasm struck her.

The special drugs Celso had given her made her breasts and vagina extra sensitive. It felt to her as though her skin had been stripped away, exposing raw nerves that she never knew were there.

As she lay there, weak from the two orgasms, she put her arms around Celso and kissed him on the mouth; he withdrew his hand and she soon felt his penis touching her labia.

Pleaseee…nooo…can’t let him take me like this, she thought, but it was too late. She felt his full penis penetrate her lips as he slid into her.

Coherent thought was quickly long gone, the drugs had washed most of them away and the orgasms had left her panting like an animal waiting for more.

She fell into rhythm, feeling Celso’s erect penis beginning to throb inside her, filling her. She slid up and down on it while he kissed her, his tongue probing her mouth.

"Ohhh yess…yess…" she moaned as she headed toward another wave of pleasure. "Ohhhh… Gooddddddd…uuugggghhhhhhh," she cried as she felt his pelvis strike hers, his full penis enveloped inside of her.

"AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH…UUUGGGGGGHHH…UGGGGHHHHHHHH…UGGGHHHHHH…" she screamed so loud she thought half of Gotham could probably hear.

Her entire pelvic area seemed to explode as she lay there, screaming in ecstasy, riding Celso’s bone, her vagina throbbing with pleasure, clamping down on Celso’s penis. The pair continued to writhe, her body now glistening with the sweat of passion as she held Celso close so he couldn’t escape her pussy, which was now soaked.

"UGGGGHHHHHHHHH…GGOOOOOODDDD" gasped Celso as Barbara felt him explode inside of her. She tightened her pussy to milk more of his semen from him.

Over the next two hours, the pair continued to make love, Celso feeding Barbara more coke and speed to keep her going. Finally, after three hours of lovemaking in total, she collapsed, unable to get up as she lay on top of Celso, his dick still in her as she slept.

The next night was Barbara’s night off.

Boy, am I tired tonight, thought Barbara. But as she poured herself a glass of wine, she realized she was a little depressed at not being at Celso’s side. Finally, as she sat in her apartment alone, she thought, Why not? Grabbing her car keys, she headed down to the club.

"Hi, Desiree, where’s the boss?" she said as she walked in, dressed in a tight shirt, making the best use of her 36C breasts.

"He’s in the office," she nodded as Barbara headed toward the office in the back of the club.

"Barbara, what are you doing here," Celso demanded when he looked up from some paperwork.

"Just thought I’d stop by, boss," she said flippantly as she batted her eyes at him.

"Well, aren’t I the lucky one," he said as he grabbed her, drew her close to him, and kissed her on the lips. "Ummmm…you feel good," he whispered as he kissed her again and ran his hand down the front of her lightweight shorts, fingering her pussy.

"Here, try some of this. If you think you had a good orgasm last night," he said throwing her a capsule of something.

She looked at it, as Celso laughed and began to explain what to do with it.

"This will enhance your senses, Barbara. REALLY enhance your senses," he explained as he ripped open the capsule and held it up under her nose. "Go on. Take it," he urged her.

Barbara hesitated. She knew one night was not going to mean Celso was beginning to trust her. She took a large noseful of the powerful powder and instantly felt her heart begin racing, her senses heightening.

Before Barbara knew what was happening, Celso placed her on top of the desk, unzipped his pants and pulled down her shorts--all in a matter of a couple of seconds. Barbara was now sitting on Celso’s desk, naked from the waist down as he slid his penis past her lips and into her, causing her to gasp.

"Oh…Frank…" moaned Barbara as she began to thrust her hips, unable to contain her lust. "Slam me, slam me!" she demanded as Celso began to thrust harder and harder on her pelvis.

Barbara felt another incredible climax building in her as Celso began to gently kiss her neck. It was enough to send Barbara over the edge and she seizured with his penis inside her.

"UGGHHHHHHHHHHHH!" she screamed as he pulled her close, muffling her cries. He continued to pound her, pulling almost all the way out of her, then thrusting in, past her clitoris.

"Ahhhhh…ummmmmmphhhhhhhh…" was all she could manage as Barbara climaxed again and again. She lay back on the desk, closed her eyes, and surrounded him with her powerful legs. On her third orgasm she felt Celso throb in her as she clamped down on his penis, eager to keep him in her as long as she could.

Twenty-minutes later, as the pair lay on top of his desk, Celso still inside of her, Barbara lay back weakly on the desk. She was still high. Her body was soaked with perspiration and her brown-haired vagina was matted with cum and sweat.

"Barbara, I don’t want you to leave my side. I’ve never had sex like this with anyone. There’s something about you, something I can’t quite figure yet," smiled Celso, "but I know I want you here with me tonight," as he kissed her again and she felt him cum again in her womb.

Barbara spend the rest of the evening with Celso, accompanying him to the nightly partly on the roof. That night, Barbara stayed high most of the night, inhaling one line after another of potent cocaine. Her mind and heart were racing. She knew it was wrong, but could not believe the high she got from being with Celso. Eventually, her drugged mind fell off to sleep, the body of Celso on top of her, his penis inside of her for the umpteenth time that night.

That next morning, she awoke with a terrible hangover from the partying and drugs. Although her mind was in a semi-fog, Barbara managed to pull herself out of Celso’s bed. He continued to lay on the bed, snoring loudly as she began to rummage through his desk, intent on trying to find something, anything about his business.

Ah, here it is, she thought with glee as she came across a list of suppliers. Although there were no names, there were pager numbers on the list, something Batgirl would be able to trace with no problem.

"Honey, where are you," moaned Celso as he started to wake up.

"Ah, just getting dressed" answered Barbara quickly as she shut the desk. Damm, I’ll have to get in here later, she thought to herself as she returned to Celso.

After Barbara left, Celso called on of his assistants. "Rocko, follow Jones home and toss her apartment. I want to know if she’s legit. I really like her, but I’m not takin’ any chances, got it?"

"Got it, boss," said Rocko with a nod.

Barbara had the next two days off and enjoyed them. She had dinner with her uncle, Commissioner Gordon and relaxed around her apartment. Several times she opened her secret closet, the one containing her Batgirl costume but again decided against returning to the streets yet as Batgirl. The second night she went out with some friends to a hot disco she had heard about and stayed out until closing. Although she had a couple of beers, her close friends weren’t into the drug scene, although while she was in the bathroom she could hear a score going down. She had to admit, she wouldn’t mind some cocaine.

Two days later, Celso called in Rocko.

"Rocko, what did you find when you followed Jones home?

"Boss, er…well…when she left last night to go out with friends we picked the lock on her apartment. She had a pretty good security system, but nothing I hadn’t seen before. We tossed the apartment and came up empty handed, until we found a fake closet. Ah…"

"What, what?" Celso demanded. "Goddamn it, is she some kind of cop or what?"

"Well…we found a Batgirl costume and a utility belt. I think it was the real thing. The belt contained all kinds of devices and gadgets. The costume looked like it was made from a bulletproof material, boss."

"I don’t believe it…Batgirl…Barbara Jones?"

"Actually, her real name is Barbara Gordon, as in Police Commissioner Gordon’s daughter.

"This is too much," gasped Celso. "Gordon is Batgirl and she’s obviously working undercover. Oh boy. Well, little does she know we’re gonna play her like a fiddle," said Celso clapping his hands. "Let’s put a 24-hour tail on her, make sure she’s really Batgirl and not some nut dressed up in a costume, and get Desiree in here."

That night, Celso called Barbara and told her it was slow and not to come in, although she would have to work the next few nights in a row. It was a hot, sultry night. Perfect for some crime in Gotham, Barbara thought as she looked out over the city after putting down the phone. A perfect night for Batgirl to return!

She went into her bedroom and activated the wall in her closet. As it turned, it revealed her Batgirl costume and equipment. She stripped down to her panties and an athletic bra. Then she pulled on the pants of her Batgirl costume.

I’ll wear the lightweight Kevlar tonight, she thought as she zipped up the black pants that clung tightly to her legs and thighs, gonna be a hot one out there.

Then, she donned her upper costume, putting her hands into the arms like a shirt and zipping it up her front. The zipper was cleverly concealed so almost no one could see the seam where it zipped. She stood in front of the mirror. Her breasts made the yellow bat symbol over her chest stick out even more as she admired the costume. Next came the boots and gloves. Finally she was almost ready. Save for the mask, she was Batgirl, although the woman without the mask was still Barbara Gordon with short brown hair. She grabbed her red wig, placed it on her head and positioned it, and then brought down her mask and cowl. Batgirl, the most famous female crime fighter of all, stared back at her.

Unbeknownst to her, as Batgirl left the apartment by a concealed door, several men were watching her apartment at all times with night vision TV cameras, which had been positioned strategically on several nearby buildings. As Batgirl left the apartment building of Barbara Gordon, a team located in a nearby van was watching and taping everything.

Two nights later, at her apartment before her shift, Barbara contemplated the night’s events the last time she had worked. She was in! She hoped that now Celso trusted her, and wanted her. Now, somehow she had to penetrate his inner circle. Find out how he ran the business and distributed the drugs without getting his hands dirty so the police couldn’t touch him. Plus, she had to lay her hands on that list. It was a key to shutting him down.

I’ve got to maintain control, she vowed, shaking her head at the thought of Batgirl doing drugs, as she packed her belongings into her purse and grabbed her car keys before heading to the club.

That night, at the party after work, Barbara managed to drink wine for the first hour, though everyone else was doing speed, heroin and coke. Then, she returned from the ladies room and was shocked to see that everyone was now naked and making love, couples spread out everywhere around the pool.

"Need some of this, dear," smiled Celso, offering Barbara a large glass top with a huge line of coke laced with heroin on it.

"Sure," laughed Barbara, suspecting that Celso was once again evaluating her.

"Smmmmhhh…smmmmhhhhh…ssmmmmmhh," was the sound as Barbara Gordon snorted the potent mixture of coke and heroin. Her mind instantly began to race and the quick high hit her like a freight train, sending her soaring into the heavens as instant euphoria took over.

After several more toots, Barbara was flying high, flush with the excitement of the moment and of getting closer to Celso. "Here, try this," he smiled offering her a small capsule.

"Ah…what’s this?" asked Barbara.

"It’s called ‘Ecstacy,’ a potent sex drug, my dear. It will make you feel like nothing you’ve ever had," he said putting the capsule in her hand.

Barbara knew everyone was looking. "Hey, no problem," she laughed as she quickly downed the capsule. In her already drugged state she didn’t realize how potent this latest drug could be.

"Come on, let’s go into my private office," smiled Celso.

"Well, er, I don’t know," hesitated Barbara, not knowing whether being alone with him would be a good idea. While she desperately wanted to know how his operation worked, she wasn’t sure she wanted to wind up having sex with him again.

"Come on. I really like you, Jones. In fact, I’m thinking of having you run some of my business. That is, if you’re interested.

Trapped between wanting to bust Celso and her own misgivings, Barbara relented, reasoning she was doing what it would take to bust him. Something Batgirl could never do.

"Ok, but you behave yourself," she giggled as he led her into the building and through a series of stairways that eventually led to an inner sanctum. The room was like something out of Playboy, she thought. Part bedroom, party room and office. It contained a large bed, a bar and a traditional desk with some chairs for meetings.

As if he were reading her mind, Celso leaned over and whispered, "This is where I do my real business, the stuff I don’t want the cops to know about." He continued to lean over and kissed Barbara on the neck. He brought her to him and she could feel his hard dick poking through his tight pants as he kissed her on the mouth.

Barbara’s heart was beating fast as Celso’s hand moved over the low-cut blouse she wore at the club, which clung tightly to her upper torso. He quickly undid its buttons. The dress came next, and she pulled it off herself, revealing her body. She laughed as she realized she hadn’t worn a bra that night and was standing there topless, now clad only in her panties, her breasts staring Celso in the face as he pulled her down onto the bed.

She crawled under the silk sheets as Celso removed his clothes and got in beside her.

Had she not been so high, Barbara would have been repulsed at the thought of making love to Celso again and again. In her current condition, however, she was horny and turned on at the idea of having sex as Barbara Gordon in the liar of one of Gotham’s most notorious criminals.

"Come on, honey, I want in!!" cried Celso as Barbara got on top of him and played for a few moments with his penis, her breasts dangling inches away from his mouth. She took Celso in her arms and brought him tight against her chest, as he began to suck her nipples.

"Ahhhhhh…that’s it…ohhhhhhhh" moaned Barbara as she began to breathe heavier. She then took Celso huge member in her hand and squatted up, placing her pussy over his shaft and lowering down onto it, feeling him enter her.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhh…ohhhhhhhhhhhh…" she cried as she began to slide up and down on the blood gorged pole of muscle inside of her, her heart beating faster and faster.

She didn’t notice the other two men enter the room until she was pushed over by a firm hand.

"What?" was all she could utter when she realized another man was standing behind her, pushing her over in order to stick his penis up her anus.

"No, no, not that," cried Barbara.

"Come on, Barbara, relax. It’s just Joe. I told him this would be a great foursome. You and three of us. Relax, babe and enjoy it. I guarantee it’s gonna be unforgettable," Celso said as he pulled her down.

"No!" gasped Barbara.

But it was too late, for even as she said it, she could feel the penis tearing into her anus. She was too woozy from the coke to fight back much, and, she had to admit to herself, was more than a little turned on. She’d never had sex with more than one man before.

"Ahhhhhhh…" she gasped as she felt the penis continue to push into her rectum.

"Ohhhhhhh…noooo…" she cried, but she began to thrust again, trying to please both men who were now inside of her.

Just as she was about to open her eyes, she felt the presence of someone else. What was that about a foursome? she thought as she came face to face with a giant penis. She looked up to see another well- endowed male shoving a cock into her face. He grabbed her by the cheeks with both hands as he pushed his penis into her mouth.

"Gurrr…ummmphhhhhhh…gaaahhh…" was all she could manage as the three men started to pound her. Barbara was suddenly very turned on by the thought of three men having her and she thrust harder and harder until she felt Celso, then the man in her mouth, seize almost at the same instant.

"UUHHHH…YEEEESSSS!" both men sighed, and she felt warm semen enter her womb as Celso’s penis jumped. She was having trouble breathing, and nearly choked when the man in her mouth squirted a wad of cum into her throat. She caressed his penis with her tongue, sucking on it to get the last of his cum.

As she sucked the last of his cum, she felt the man in her anus shoot his warm load into her ass. It was a strange feeling, but one she enjoyed, feeling as though she was in control of three men. It was too much, and she finally lost control as a huge orgasm ripped through her.

"My…my…uuuuggggggghhhh…GGGOOOOOOOODD…GGGOOOOOODDDDDD… UUGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH…" she screamed as she exploded in a fury of passion, sliding up and down on both cocks, taking the third cock in her mouth and trying to bring another orgasm out of the penis there.

Another orgasm followed and another as she rocked back and forth on each penis, each man coming again in quick succession. By this time her naked body shone from the sweat that had formed on her. She glistened in the light, her nipples at attention as she continued to rock back and forth, even in exhaustion.

Finally, she collapsed after a fifth orgasm, lying back onto the bed as the man behind her pulled out and the man whose penis was in her mouth rolled off the bed. She lay there, nude, wet and so tired and spent she couldn’t move as she fell fast asleep. She had never had such intense sex or climaxes before. She had been so turned on, it was as if she was experiencing an orgasm for the first time.

Barbara awoke some time later to find Celso over her, smiling.

"Hello, honey. Have fun" he laughed.

"Yeah, you bet, sweetheart," replied Barbara with a laugh. "What are you doing now?

"I want to bring you down a bit, to discuss some business. Trust me, this will only take a minute and you’ll feel like new," Celso said.

Suddenly, Barbara could feel something in her arm. What? She looked to see Celso pressing a needle into her left arm, a rubber hose around her upper arm.

My God, she thought, he’s injecting me… But as she realized what was happening, she grew very calm. Total calmness. She felt good. Not going at 100 mph, more like 20 miles per hour now, she thought as Celso injected her with a potent, and most addicting, mixture of heroin and other chemicals.

"This will take the edge off, baby," he said calmly as he finished the injection.

"Great," whispered Barbara as she pulled Celso to her and felt his penis enter her. "Great"

Every inch of her pussy seemed to have a nerve. Just the slightest thrust by Celso brought her close to orgasm as he moved on top and her and began to slam her. As he did, he sucked her breasts hard with his tongue.

"My…God…" gasped Barbara in a haze. "This is even better…better uugghhhhh…than before!" Her entire body was sensitive to his touch and as the pair kissed, she allowed another orgasm to wash over her as she wrapped her legs around Celso.

"UGGHHH…Celllll…AAAAHHHHHHH" as she felt herself climax again and again and again.

Barbara awoke, with a terrible hangover, several hours later. It was the middle of the afternoon as she got up from the bed and put a robe on that was hanging next to it.

She went to an adjoining bathroom where she showered. She gazed at herself in the mirror as she dried her short brown hair. She saw that her once noticeably well-defined muscles had shrunken and there were small bags under her eyes.

"What have you become, Barbara Gordon?" she said to her reflection in the mirror. "Someone willing to do what it takes to destroy this man," she answered to herself as she changed into her dress from the previous night. As she did, she heard several people enter the room and begin talking. One of them was Celso.

"Ok, ok, the shipment goes out from Cali tomorrow and we’ll land it in Florida, then transfer it to several smaller planes down there, right Carlos," said Celso.

"Right, boss. We figure the stuff’s worth about $25 million once we cut it," said one of the men.

"Just a minute, I want you guys to meet a new associate of mine. Someone I know we can trust," said Celso. "Barbara, honey, are you in there. Get out here, there’s some friends I want you to meet!"

Barbara opened the door to the bathroom and walked out as the men’s eyes in the room buldged. Even sapped some because of the drugs, her body still cut a good figure.

"Gentlemen, meet Barbara Jones."

"Pleased to meet you all," smiled Barbara.

"Barbara this is Carlos, Guy and Allen," said Celso, holding her close as she shook hands with some of Gotham’s most notorious drug dealers.

"Gentlemen, thanks for coming and I’ll see you all in a few days back here," said Celso dismissing the three.

"Hey, honey, I thought I was going to be involved in this somehow. I’m disappointed," as Barbara tried to feign mock disappointment.

"Don’t worry, honey, your time is coming. We just need to get this shipment in and then I’m going to let you handle some major scores for me. "Come on, let’s go back to bed."

The pair fell on the sheets and began another session of energetic lovemaking.

Barbara took the night off from the club, mainly to relax from the 24-hour high she’d been on. She met her friend Mary Prudy and had dinner at a restaurant near her apartment. As they sat across from each other, Mary put her hand out.

"Barbara, I’m worried about you. I hope you don’t take this wrong, but you look tired. Are you getting enough sleep?"

"Sure, I’m fine, really," smiled Barbara, who actually was feeling better since she’d snorted some coke just before leaving her apartment.

"Well, I’m worried about you. You look like you’re burning the candle at both ends. Is it a guy?"

"Yes," admitted Barbara, "He’s nice, not like the young guys I used to date. He’s got his own business."

Later that evening as Barbara sat in her Jacuzzi, she tried to form a plan for busting Celso. Although she had to admit, she did enjoy the socializing. She thought of Batgirl. This would be the greatest bust ever for the Dark Angel. What a way to come back from the hell of being tortured by Dr. Zed, she thought with excitement. She had mixed feelings, however. Celso treated his employees well. Even if he supplied drugs in large amounts to them, she had never seen him so much as yell at an employee. He was smart, funny and…fun.

The next night, she actually found herself eager with excitement over the prospect of getting back to work at the club. She was looking forward to relaxing after work with some of the girls with whom she had become friendly. It was difficult being a superheroine. Close friends were hard to have since one was always battling crime. Perhaps this was just the break she, and Batgirl, needed.

She knew that night was going to be a big score. She just didn’t know where it would come in. She would have to do her undercover work as Barbara, and then bust in as Batgirl. Barbara figured she would get Celso to talk about it, once he was high and they were in bed.

That night, the party was bigger and noisier than usual. People were everywhere as Barbara made the rounds with Celso. She had worked a full night, and she was getting edgy as Celso took her from one person to the next, talking and playing host. She'd had little to eat, or snuff, and needed to take the edge off the night.

Finally someone offered her a sniff of coke and she snorted several lines. Within moments, she felt great again, on top and in control.

Moments later, Celso offered her a dose of the previous night's chemicals in a needle. She quickly accepted. She didn’t want to admit to herself that she had secretly been looking forward to the feeling it produced. She lost count how many lines she snorted, rationalizing she had crossed the line of trust. She knew Celso was watching as she quickly snorted another line of coke. The last thing she remembered was making love to Celso in his Jacuzzi. The orgasm was so thunderous she had passed out as she fell into his arms in the hot-tub as he slammed her pussy against the walls. Barbara was too stoned to last for more than two orgasms before she passed out from the climaxes, which seemed to grow in intensity each time she made love with Celso.

The next morning she awoke nude on Celso’s bed. It was 11 a.m. She felt terrible as she got up and looked into the mirror. Her eyes were sunken, her hair a mess. She knew she had to find the information on Celso’s drug empire quickly or she would wind up a helpless junkie. Just then the door opened and Celso entered.

"Good morning, angel. Sleep well?" he laughed.

"I feel like shit," she moaned as she began to put her clothes on.

"Well, I’ve got to go somewhere for a meeting. I won’t be back for several hours, so make yourself at home here," he said gesturing around the secret office. "I guess I’ll see you tonight at the club, huh?" he said as he pulled her close to him and kissed her.

"Sure, tonight, honey," said Barbara as Celso closed the door.

Barbara waited a few minutes, then proceeded to search his desk. After a few minutes of searching she found what she was looking for. A book that contained the drop times and places for Celso’s drug shipments, and where those shipments would be transferred.

The large shipment for that night was slated to be delivered to Gotham Truck Terminal 31 about midnight.

"Bingo," she cried. "Batgirl’s back in business."

That night, 'Barbara Jones' called in sick to work.

"No problem, Barbara," said Sandy, who handled the wait staff, "just get better and we’ll see you tomorrow night."

Batgirl waited on a nearby roof for the large truck she knew would soon pull up. Man, am I tired, she thought to herself. Really wiped out. I could almost use some coke, she thought with a laugh. Just the thought of the sex of the past week was enough to get her moist in her costume as she pictured the intense partying and love making. Celso’s limousine had just pulled up next to a door of the terminal. Only he and one other man were around.

A few minutes later, Batgirl heard a rumble and the squeaking of brakes as a large 18-wheeler pulled up and into the terminal.

Party time, she thought as she crept to the window she had opened earlier. Batgirl could hear the murmur of several voices below her, discussing something as she lowered herself to the floor, determined to surprise the men. It wasn’t anything Batgirl hadn’t done dozens of times before.

Batgirl leapt off a crate, and gave a high kick to the trucker, sending him sprawling as she turned to deal with Celso’s assistant. He ducked her kick but she had anticipated it and swung around again, this time sending him to the ground with a hard right.

"Ah, Barbara Gordon, nice of you to join us," shouted Celso.

Batgirl hesitated as she heard that name called.

"Yes, that’s right, Barbara, or should I say Barbara Jones. I’m really disappointed in you, Barbara. Here I thought we were lovers, close friends and you would bust me for the same drugs you yourself were taking?

Batgirl had stopped by this time, unable to speak she was so surprised.

"Let me show you something, honey," said Celso. "Look at that video screen over there."

As she turned to look, she saw what appeared to be her apartment building. As she watched, Batgirl exited out the secret door. Next, the video cut to a very nude Barbara Gordon having sex with three men.

My God…the other night. Oh no…no! she thought, watching the video of herself leaning over to snort a line of cocaine as she fucked Celso, and had a penis implanted up her anus. Then the screen showed Barbara Gordon sucking a large penis into her mouth, as she continued to be fucked in both ends.

"You see, Batgirl. You really have no choice. Bust us, and the world will know you, Batgirl, are a slut, willing to do anything, including fucking three men at once for a hit of coke. Your secret identity will be revealed and the world will know what you really are."

Batgirl was stunned. "I…don’t know what to say," she said, her head looking down, ashamed.

"Nothing’s going to change, Barbara. You and I will still be a couple. You’ll still work for me, only now you’ll just make more money.

Batgirl knew she had to bide her time, until she could gain control of the situation. How many people knew her secret? Where was the video?

"I know what you’re thinking, Barbara. You want to get your hands on that video, then get rid of me because I know your secret. Well, I’ll let you in on a secret. A number of copies of that video have been made, one is in a Swiss bank vault, another in a bank vault here. You really have no choice, so come along." Celso gestured for her to get in the limo.

Sensing she had no choice, Batgirl got into the car and it drove away. Inside the limo, Celso offered her some coke.

"No, can’t," said Batgirl, determined to retain her wits.

"Have it your way, but take that mask off. I know who you are. Besides, your friends will pay for your indiscretions should you decide not to cooperate, Barbara.

Batgirl lifted off her mask and her wig, dropping both on the floor.

That night, Celso held a huge party. He closed his club so everyone could attend the celebration of a new 'partner,' as he called her. The banner over the outdoor patio read "Congrats Barbara Jones" as the dozens of employees and underworld types poured in. The booze and drugs flowed openly as Celso kept Barbara at his side, introducing her to everyone with a big smile on his face.

"Meet, Ms. Jones, I know she’s going to be a great addition to our enterprise."

Barbara steeled herself with copious amounts of cocaine and Ecstacy, which she now took with reckless abandon. Her undercover operation had failed, and now Celso and his associates knew her innermost secret. Worse, they would hurt her friends if she failed to cooperate.

When the party died down, she had sex with Celso several times. After he was done, he passed her off to Rocko and several associates who gang banged her for several hours. She didn’t care. She snorted one line after another and took one penis after another. She was rammed into submission, rocking back and forth, her energy fueled by the potent drugs she had taken. The orgasms were so often, and so thunderous, she finally passed out, falling over on top of one of the men as he pumped away inside of her unconscious body, his arms around her in a bear hug, squirting his semen into Barbara’s dripping pussy. Finally, after sucking her nipples raw, he threw her off of him and her unconscious body went sprawling onto the bed, her light brown pussy wet with the cum of many men, and jism seeping out of her vagina, anus and mouth.

As the sun came up over Gotham that morning, Barbara Gordon lay on Celso’s office floor. Dried cum was all over her body as she lay naked, still passed out from the night’s debauchery, her cowl and wig lying next to her as her breasts moved slowly up and down from breathing.

She awoke around noon when Celso entered and slapped her awake.

"Get up, get up, Batgirl," he said, gently slapping her face as she looked groggily up at him. "Come on, get some clothes on, we’ve got work to do, Barbara," he commanded, throwing her some clothes.

Barbara shook her head to get the cobwebs out, remembering the previous night’s discovery of her Batgirl persona and the gang-bang she had willingly endured.

What have I done? My God... she thought, putting on her clothes as Celso watched.

In a meeting later that day, Celso outlined how Batgirl would protect a drug shipment coming into the city. She would speed ahead and if any sign of trouble appeared, handle it, or summon the police, telling them she was guarding a shipment for Gotham Associates, a legit car wholesale firm Celso owned, although no one could tie him to it. It was a front to launder money through and very useful as a legit for-profit business. There would be a number of cars with drugs in them, but nothing that would appear out-of-the-ordinary for a car wholesaler.

Over the next several weeks, Barbara patrolled the city as Batgirl, spying on Celso’s fellow drug dealers, using her stealth skills to plant false evidence on them, then summoning police. Celso was quickly becoming the most powerful drug figure in the city, only because his rivals were being eliminated. With a "secret weapon" it was rumored.

Celso meantime, continued to feed Barbara a daily diet of coke and Ecstacy, summoning her to his office to make love to him.

"Come on, come on," he yelled at Batgirl one night after closing the bar. It was totally deserted, except for Celso and four of his assistants. The stage was lit and Batgirl was onstage in her black costume, adorned with the Bat logo across her chest and her utility belt hanging from her waist. Her cape, cowl and wig completed the disguise.

Batgirl gyrated to the disco music as she did a strip tease for the men. Slowly, she took off her gloves, then boots, then over the course of an entire Donna Summer song, unzipped and removed her costume, leaving herself naked except for her cape and cowl.

Under the mask of Batgirl, Barbara hardly knew what she was doing. Constantly fueled by cocaine of the purest sort, she was actually enjoying the movement and the whistles of the men who sat mesmerized by her presence.

The music thundered as she teased the men with her mask, reaching up and beginning to remove it several times, only to stop and tease them more as she shoved her well trimmed brown pubic hair into their faces. Then, after three tries, she removed her mask and wig as Celso grabbed her and threw her to the stage, unzipping his pants and savagely inserting his rock hard member into her wet pussy, ramming her over and over.

When he was done, she took on the other four men and for several hours engaged in an orgy of sex and drugs, at times being attended to by all four men. One pounded away with his blood gorged member inside her, another pushing and throbbing inside her anus, while her tongue worked another’s penis deep inside her mouth. Still another would be suckling her breasts. The Ecstacy ensured she was horny for several hours of lovemaking with the men as she took one, then the next into her, draining them of each drop of semen until they had to surrender out of exhaustion. She finally passed out from yet another hit of coke and Esctasy.

As Batgirl, she continued to be successful for Celso. She knew she had to be. He'd had one of her closest friends from girlhood followed and taped as one of Celso’s men took her on a date.

"See how easy it would be to just kill her," Celso said one night as Barbara watched the tape. "You just keep following orders or everyone you know will wind up with their throats slit, my dear," he said.

Celso knew he really didn’t have to remind her and with the constant supply of drugs to Barbara it wasn’t likely, hooked as she was on cocaine and Ecstacy, she would go anywhere or do anything anyway because he had become her supplier.

When Barbara wasn’t guarding a drug shipment, she and Celso were having sex and doing drugs, late into the night and early morning. Barbara couldn’t help herself as the incredible feeling washed over her each time she snorted the potent mixture of coke, speed or whatever other drug Celso cut the coke with. Her heart pounded like it would jump out of her chest as the pair moved and twisted together, Celso’s member deep inside Batgirl as she tightened her muscles around him, drawing every drop of his cum.

One morning, Barbara stared at herself in the mirror of her apartment. Celso had her patrolling every night as Batgirl, she was run down by the drugs and late nights, and was fraying on all ends.

"My God," she gasped.

Her eyes had shrunken, she was thin and pale, and her hands had recently begun to tremble. Barbara put all that out of her mind though as she began to think about the night ahead. Another large drug shipment was due and she was charged with driving it in. The coke would be placed in a specially built black Porsche that Batgirl would be driving. After all, the police wouldn’t bother her.

Barbara flew to a town about a hundred miles west of Gotham and picked up the car from a guy in a sleazy bar outside a small town. But unknown to Barbara, one of the girls from the club, Desiree, was watching the deal go down. Desiree had her own eyes on the top job and Barbara’s sudden appearance had knocked her down in the pecking order. She was determined to do something about that!

After she picked up the stash Barbara drove out of town as it got dark and donned her Batgirl costume for the drive home, in case any cops stopped her. No one would question Batgirl.

Easy night, I’ll be back by midnight, in time for the party, she thought as she hummed to a song as the radio blasted. Batgirl leaned down and picked up a small tin from the seat beside her and opened it, snorting a couple hits of coke. Just the thing to keep me awake, she thought as she added another couple lines for good measure. The Porsche handled great. Much better than the Batcycle she had been using.

The trip was uneventful. The Porsche hummed along, doing over ninety-five most of the time on the almost deserted highway that wound down from the foothills. Batgirl looked at her speedometer as she sped along, confident that any police wouldn’t bother her if she was pulled over.

"Great car," she laughed as she put the pedal down further, hitting 130. As she came around a curve heading downhill she spotted an 18-wheeler ahead and another one, just completing its pass.

Better slow it down a bit, she thought she gently braked. "What the…?" she said as she felt the brake pedal go all the way to the floor without any resistance at all. She let up on the gas, but the accelerator was also stuck. She tried downshifting the car into neutral, but suddenly found the car wouldn’t shift. She knew immediately it must be sabotage.

"Oh, oh," Batgirl said aloud as the car skidding on the road, which was wet from a passing rain shower. She recovered control of the speeding Porsche and zipped around the truck but knew she was in trouble. She was still far from the valley and was now heading downhill at 150 mph. Just then, another turn appeared and she struggled to control the car on the curve. As she came out of it, the car brushed the guardrail, as she tried to slow her speeding bullet. There was merely a loud screeching noise as the passenger side of the car smacked the guardrail sending sparks flying. The car was now doing about 165 and gaining speed as it headed into another turn. As she struggled to keep the car against the guardrail another truck appeared.

Shit! she thought to herself as she pulled around it and struck the outer guardrail, the car bouncing back and forth against it. Although she had no brakes, Batgirl could feel the car suddenly slow.

The impact must have knocked the accelerator loose, she thought to herself, both gloves gripping the wheel and holding it hard against the guardrail. Slowly, through several more turns, the car began to slow; down to 130, then 90, and finally to 85 as Batgirl approached what she knew was the bottom of this part of the freeway.

"Yes!" she hollered out loud as she came around the final curve. The smile turned quickly to dread, however, when Batgirl realized her victory might be short lived--she heard the whistle of an oncoming train. The blinking lights were already warning her to stop, but without brakes she was still doing 80.

"Maybe I can make it…oh please…" she begged as the car burst threw the lowered wooden gates.


The train scored a direct hit on the Porsche, driving it side over side over side and dragging it down the track in a heap of twisted metal and smoke as the train tried to brake. As the train sped on, the car, almost impaled on the front end, broke loose, rolled down an embankment, and came to rest near a small clearing. Inside lay a semi-conscious Batgirl, bleeding from several wounds, metal twisted around her.

"Barbara, Barbara, wake up, wake up…"

Batgirl struggled to consciousness as she lay in the wreckage of the Porsche. Every movement was painful. She knew she had broken several ribs and an arm, not to mention numerous bruises, cuts and contusions.

"Barbara, Batgirl…wake up…"

Barbara focused her eyes as she felt a hard slap to her masked face. Thank God, it was Desiree, her friend from Celso’s club.

"We’ll get you out of here in no time," she smiled as Batgirl began to hear the sound of a jaws-of-life cutting her body out of the wreckage.

Minutes later, Desiree and several men lifted her out of the car.

"Ohhhhhhh…God, God…help…it hurts…arrggghhhhhh!" Batgirl cried as she was lifted out, her body protesting the movement of its broken bones. The men laid her near the car. She was unable to move and still in a state of semi-shock.

As she lay there, she felt her costume being removed until she was totally naked except for her mask. She figured the men were going to provide some sort of medical attention so she didn’t protest. She gasped, however, when she felt what seemed like a penis entering her.

"What? What…are you doing?" she asked, still in shock as she looked up. Batgirl opened her eyes to see a large man astride her, a large smile on his face. She realized she wasn’t being rescued, but raped!

"GRRAAHHHHH" she screamed when Desiree kicked her in the side, at the same time, man atop her began to slam her broken pelvis with his penis.

"No…no…please…aahhhhhhhhh…noo…ohhhhhhhh…" Batgirl screamed as the man continued to slam her, moving her pelvis.

There was little Batgirl could do in her weakened and injured state as the man continued to pummel her pelvis, until she felt him explode inside of her womb.

"Des…why? Please…stop this…I'll do anything…" pleaded the Dark Angel as the next man rolled her over, thrust his penis into her vagina from behind, and pulled off her mask.

"Because Barbara. I know you want to bring down Celso, but I think he’s fallen for you. He knows you’re bad for our business, but I think he actually thinks you won’t double cross him. Bullshit. I know better, honey. So, let’s say I’m just finishing off the competition." She sat on part of the car wreck and smiled as she watched Barbara be raped over and over.

"NNOOOOOO…NOOOOOO…Heellpp…please…please…stopppppp…" Barbara began to cry as she was endlessly gang raped, her broken body thrown around like a rag doll. She was hoisted into the air, a cock still in her, while her assailant held her body and walked over to the splintered back seat, slamming her down on the small part that was left, his penis ramming her repeatedly.

"No…stoppp…the pain…please…" she begged, sweating profusely from the pain of beating she was receiving.

"Shut up, Batgirl. This is something I’ve been wanting for a long time," hissed the fifth man to have her that night. Barbara, slowly wrapped her legs around the man and pulling him closer to her, hoping he would come soon and end her beating.

"AHHHHHHHH!" gasped the man as she felt him spasm inside her womb, emptying his seed into her beaten body.

As the man withdrew himself from her, he shoved her to what was left of the back floor of the wreck.

"AHHHH!" Barbara shouted in pain, unable to dislodge herself from the wedge she found herself in, trapped between the remains of the front and back seats. With a broken arm and pelvis, she was unable to move. She could hear the group laughing as they collected their things.

They’re going to leave me here to die of exposure or internal injuries, she thought to herself.

"Soon long, Batgirl," she heard Desiree say a few feet from her. "To think, a stripper was the person who wound up killing the Batgirl. Who would believe it?"

Barbara looked over to see Desiree and suddenly gasped, fully realizing what was about to happen.

My God, got to get my utility belt…NO! Her brain screamed as she struggled in vain to dislodge herself. The pain from her broken body proved too much as she lay there, unable to move more than an inch.

"Beg me for your life and I may reconsider," said Desiree.

"Please…I’m begging you, Desiree. Please save me, I’ll do anything. Please…please have mercy," begged the defeated heroine, her eyes looking up at Desiree, pleading for mercy.

"Batgirl…Barbara, you just shouldn’t be soooo trusting, heh, heh," laughed Desiree as she tossed a lit match into the wreckage, which had been soaked with gasoline.



Instantly, the entire wreckage was filled with flames, the screams of Batgirl, Barbara Gordon, echoing off the canyon walls as she lay trapped in the wreckage of her Porsche.

Moments later, however, Barbara felt herself being pulled from the wreckage, though she was in too much pain and shock for it to really register.

Desiree and her gang had immediately left the area upon setting the fire and the unknown rescuer, hearing the screams of a woman, arrived just as the others were leaving in another direction.

The stranger hauled the battered and badly burned body of Batgirl out of the Porsche and lay her on the ground. He could see the remains of her Batgirl mask on the ground, and pieces of the costume that had been ripped off of her, and guessed it was the Dark Angel he was now looking at. He quickly gathered up the costume and utility belt, which also lay nearby, and stuffed them in his nearby car. Then he grabbed Barbara, threw her over his shoulder, climbed up to his car and rushed her to the hospital in the nearby small city where he lived.

He didn’t tell the hospital officials who she was, only that she was a friend, and reported the wreck to police. He had taken her wallet and stashed it, suspecting if word got out that Batgirl (or this Barbara Gordon person) was alive, the people that had tried to kill her would certainly come back to finish the job, and quite possibly him.

Barbara, in critical condition, lay in a coma for several days. Her face and parts of her body were badly burned and her other injuries were serious: broken ribs, internal injuries, two broken arms, and a fractured pelvis. Fortunately, the doctors hadn’t looked for signs of rape, or that would have initiated more questions.

After Barbara finally awoke, her burns punished her so much that she moaned constantly, and sometimes yelled for the nurses to kill her. She couldn’t see her face, hands, or most of her body, for they were wrapped in cloth, although on the fifth day, she was ordered to begin undergoing whirlpool baths to bathe the dead skin away. Doctors also told her about the mysterious stranger who had saved her and appeared from time to time to see how she was doing.

When he showed up at her bedside after a week, she looked right at him and said, "So, you’re the bastard who saved me? I wish you hadn’t."

"Geez, a simple thanks would be ok," he replied, leaning over closer to her ear. "Besides, your secret is safe with me, Batgirl," he whispered, Barbara gasping at what he said. "No one knows who you are yet, Miss Gordon, and I won’t tell, but really, I risked my life for you. A simple thanks, maybe?" he grinned.

"Okay, thanks. It’s just that I’m in so much pain," she said, her hands trembling from the withdrawal she was undergoing from her drug use.

The stranger continued to appear every other day or so, Barbara staying mostly in her bed, her condition still critical.

Finally, after weeks of care, she snuck a look at her reflection in the stainless steel of the whirlpool.

"My God…MY GOD…NOOOO!!" she broke down, gazing at the horrible face in front of her. Her right side from her hairline to her chest was almost completely distorted by scar tissue, making Barbara Gordon almost unrecognizable. My God, I can’t even go out in public like this, she thought, crying in horror at what had happened to her.

The next few weeks were filled with excruciating pain for Barbara. She had provided the hospital with a fake identity, one she had prepared for just such an emergency in case she was hurt as Batgirl. She was officially listed as 'Barbara James.' Her days were filled with whirlpool baths, as the dead skin needed to come off, while the doctors tried to graft skin onto her to cover her horrible burns. Gradually, her broken bones mended, and she began to heal physically, although the damage to her psyche was much deeper.

Her stranger began to appear every day, asking about her, helping her. He revealed his name was Brian and that he had just happened on the wreck. He told her was quite a fan of Batgirl and had been infatuated with her for some time. He was a construction foreman who owned his own business and despite Barbara’s constant questions, never asked for anything from her. He only gave her unconditional support.

Barbara was worried, however. She knew Desiree had taken some of the drugs and that there was no body to be found in the wreck. Not only would Desiree be looking for her, but Celso would think she had double-crossed him and he and his minions would be searching for her. There was also the fact, which she mentioned to no one, that she still craved for some coke.

One day, months after her crash, the doctor walked into the room.

"Well Ms. James, I see you’re up and around. It’s time to say goodbye. Although your treatment will continue at home, I see no reason to hold you prisoner here another day," he laughed.

Barbara could only utter a stiffled, "Thank you," as she pondered what going out in public meant. Despite several operations, her face was still a collection of skin grafts, burned and destroyed beyond recognition as Barbara Gordon. Her right hand was only partially usable since it too was stiff from so much scar tissue, and she walked with a pronounced limp from the pelvic injuries she had suffered in the crash.

She also had no idea where to go. She obviously couldn’t return to her former life, or even contact her father who was no doubt being watched by Celso. She had no money, no home and no life. She began to sob, just as Brian walked in.

"Hey, what’s the problem, Barbara?"

"Oh, Brian, forgive me," she sobbed," but I have nowhere to go, nothing…no one."

"What? Surely someone must be around for you to call," he said wrapping his arms around Barbara as she collapsed into his arms.

For the next hour, Barbara told him the real story of how she had come to be in the wreck, and how she couldn’t return to her former identity.

"No problem. My house has a place over the garage. It’s not much, but it’s a bedroom with a full bath. At least it’s a place to hang while you figure out what you’re going to do with the rest of your life."

For the next few weeks Barbara spent most of her days in therapy, both mental and physical, while she tried to cope with her new life. As he had promised, Brian never asked a thing from her. In fact, he pretty much left her alone, although Barbara could see him out mowing the lawn, shirtless.

Not bad, she thought to herself. If I was my former self I might be interested, but he’d never be interested in a cripple like I am now, she thought, looking over her battered body in the mirror, the burned red skin on her right side staring back at her.

One evening, after a particularly trying day, she was exhausted and depressed as she drove back to the apartment. As she had exited the rehab facility, a child walking in had seen her and started screaming as she pointed to Barbara’s face.

Rounding a corner in the seedy part of town, she saw some drug dealers on the corner. Just a little wouldn’t hurt, she reasoned. I need the pick up. She slowed the car and halted at the curb.

"Whooheee…hey what can I do for you, little lady," the man wolf whistled to her as she rolled down the window.

Two minutes later, Barbara pulled over again to inhale the intoxicating mix of coke and speed. After two lines she felt much better, more clear-headed again.

When she returned home, she called out to Brian who was just returning from work.

"Hey, get up here, I need some help, please," she laughed.

"Sure, sure, coming right away," he said as he bounded up the stairs.

He helped her carry in a large box, getting an excellent view of her bountiful breasts when she leaned over. As he watched, she leaned over and kissed him.

"HMMM, that’s nice," he smiled.

"Brian, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that. You, I…it’s just not a good idea," Barbara said.

"Nonsense, it’s a great idea," he said taking her in his arms and kissing her passionately.

As the pair kissed, Barbara could feel the bulge in his pants growing. She was already horny because of the drugs and she began to remove his pants.

Moments later both were naked and in Barbara’s bed. Brian gently kissed her breasts, being careful to be extra tender on her disfigured right mound, then moved up her neck, kissing her lips while caressing her pussy with his other hand, gently fingering her clitoris.

"Oh, Brian…I can’t…please. I’m just not ready," Barbara said, remembering her hideous face.

Brian held up a hand. "Stop, right now. I know you want me. I’ve seen how you look at me. Come on. I know you think you’re some monster or something, but forget these burns. Barbara, it’s time to forget your past and think about the future," he said, kissing her again.

Barbara kissed him and grabbed his penis with her hand, guiding it to her nether lips.

"Ummmm," she murmured, feeling his bulging penis enter her already soaked canal, taking it in and closing her muscles in around him as he gave a push and inserted himself all the way into her as she wrapped her legs around him.

"UMMmm, Brian…"

"Shhhh," he whispered. They both came together, his semen emptying into the womb of Batgirl as the pair thrased about the bed.

Their lovemaking continued for several hours. Barbara got up to go to the bathroom several times, Brian never suspecting that the real reason was so she could snort more lines of coke.

That bastard, she thought as she huddled over another white line of coke. I hate him for doing this to me. I’d kill him…but I do love this stuff, Barbara admitted to herself as she snorted the coke, trying to avoid the reflection of her face in the small mirror she was using to cut the coke.

During the next few weeks, Barbara continued to heal more, spending much of her days in physical therapy. Several times, however, she left town, without telling Brian where she was going.

"Seeing old friends," was the only thing she would say before she drove off in a car she borrowed from Brian. He didn’t suspect Barbara was using these forays to travel the seventy miles back to Gotham so she could spy on Celso. Armed with a black wig and some nerdy glasses, one could hardly tell it was Barbara Gordon. Plus, she had become adept at using large amounts of makeup to conceal her scars.

She could tell Desiree had moved in after her wreck and disappearance. She could watch the nightly parties from a nearby apartment she rented, overlooking the spot. Barbara had also purchased a large microphone dish like the kind television networks used at football games for sound. With it, she could zero in on the pair discussing business. It was tedious work, trying to find just the right moment to reappear and smash Celso and Desiree.

Barbara knew that should Batgirl return, the two could, and would, reveal her secret identity. It didn't matter--she was in no shape to ever return as Batgirl! But Barbara did, however, formulate a plan.

Over the next several months, she and Brian made love frequently, and continued to fall in love. Barbara’s addiction, however, also continued to grow. Several times he asked about her haggard looking appearance, but she dismissed it as just the result of her daily schedule of workouts. She was desperately trying to quit her cocaine abuse. Her plan was about to be unhatched.

"Brian, I have to go out of town for a week or so," she told him one night as she lay on top, rocking back and forth on his rock hard penis.

"What’s the deal? You got another husband or something," laughed Brian.

"No, just some business that the old Barbara has to finish," she said.

"Nothing to do with that Celso character, does it, Barbara," said Brian suddenly, a concerned look on his face.

"No, honey, nothing to do with that. I’m finished with that chapter of my life," she lied, and the pair returned to their lovemaking.

The next day, Barbara left for Gotham. When she arrived at the apartment that she was using as an observation post, she opened her suitcase and took out a costume. Holding it up, she examined it.

Not bad…not bad at all.

Two nights later, Barbara Gordon stood in front of a mirror. Staring back at her was Batgirl, though it was a new costume to be sure. The bat insignia was stretched over her considerable chest and her utility belt was securely fastened around her waist. The suit was a black jumpsuit, not unlike her old costume, made out of an acrylic material that also breathed so she didn’t roast in it. The one main difference was the cowl and mask. The only openings were for her eyes and a small slit for her mouth. Otherwise, her face was invisible, as were her burns. And unlike the old Batgirl, this one walked with a decided limp and with little movement in her right arm.

I’ll have to be careful, very careful, she thought to herself, as she left the apartment and headed out. Without my arm, there isn’t much I can do, but tonight Celso’s going down. She smiled as she moved quickly toward the old club.

"Hurry up, get the stuff in here, quick for Christsakes," Desiree bellowed at the driver of the small truck carrying the drug shipment.

Batgirl crouched nearby. She had gotten a lucky break. Her surveillance had paid off and she'd been able to follow Desiree to one of Celso’s warehouses (which was owned by so many dummy corporations it couldn’t possibly be traced back to him), where this shipment of heroin would be temporarily stored.

The truck departed in a last belching blast of diesel fumes and Desiree turned to enter the building.

"Now or never," said Batgirl as she jumped down to the entrance from her nearby perch.

"So, we meet again, Desiree," said Batgirl.

Desiree turned to see what the noise was about, and saw the heroine standing in the open door.

"Barbara…Batgirl…what the hell are you doing here! I thought you blew town with that shipment. In fact, I ought to kill you right here," she shouted, advancing on the Dark Angel.

"Forget it, Des. You and Celso tried to make an addict out of me, then you tried to kill me in that accident. You’re done. The police will be here shortly. It’s over," said Batgirl not moving an inch.

"Listen, bitch. I know your secret identity. You want to see those tapes of you splattered everywhere, on everyone's VCR? Then YOU do what I say!" she hissed. "Besides, I run the show now, dear. I killed Celso an hour ago. He was a stupid bastard anyway and now I’M gonna control this empire. But first, I’m going to crush you once and for all," she shouted.

"Sorry, Desiree. My life, the identity, Barbara Gordon is dead. Finished. That won’t work anymore."

"Ohhhh, my pretty. You have a new life, do you? A new boyfriend perhaps," smiled Desiree as Batgirl felt the hair on the back of her neck stand up. Desiree advanced, throwing a punch that Batgirl easily deflected, then she spun and kicked Desiree in the ribs.

"Watch out, girl. Watch out or I’ll break you. I did once, this time I’ll kill you, bitch," Desiree spat out as Batgirl smiled beneath her mask.

Desiree leapt towards Batgirl, trying a karate kick, but Batgirl caught her foot and threw the woman down onto her back.

"You really shouldn’t mess with girls you can’t control, Des," Batgirl said as her opponent jumped up for more punishment.

This time Batgirl moved, faking a punch and hitting Desiree squarely in the face and sending her crashing to the ground again. Desiree wiped blood from a cut lip as she got up again, just beginning to breathe heavily.

Never thought it would be so easy, mused Batgirl, as Desiree came at her again. This time, however, the ducked just as Batgirl tried to punch her with her left arm. She grabbed the arm and delivered a hard blow to the heroine's groin.

"Umpphhhhh!" Batgirl gasped, as she bent over trying to get her breath. Desiree wasted no time delivering another crushing kick to her head, sending her slumping to the floor, stars in her eyes.

As Batgirl moved to get up, several more kicks to her chest came in quick succession, breaking a couple of her ribs.

Got to get up, or I’m done for, she gasped to herself as she lay on the floor and tried to catch her breath. Batgirl staggered to her feet but Desiree was ready and slammed her fist as hard as she could into her enemy's stomach, doubling her over before she he kicked her feet out from under her, sending Batgirl slamming into the floor again.

"Come on, Batgirl, what’s wrong? Out of shape. Too much coke and sex…not enough working out. Well I’ve got a little surprise for you, Barbara," she laughed, watching the heroine as she tried to get up.

"Barbara, meet an old friend of yours," said Desiree as she motioned at an open doorway in the warehouse.

One of Desiree’s goons brought in a manacled Brian, who had been badly beaten, his face bloody and swollen.

Batgirl screamed. "NNOOOOOO…NOOOOOOO!!!" She collapsed onto the floor, sobbing.

"As you can see, resistance is futile…that is if you want your new friend here to live much longer," laughed Desiree, who opened a small metal case and took out a large syringe. "I have here a very powerful drug a friend of mine developed--with cash as an incentive, of course. It instantly removes a person's subconscious blocks, unlocking the evil that is in all of us, and allowing very powerful suggestions to be acted upon. In short, I’m taking over your brain, Batgirl. Or, Brian and you both die, right now. What’s it going to be?"

"You bitch," screamed a defeated Batgirl, still lying on the concrete floor, without the energy to even get up. "You win. Me…for his freedom," sighed Batgirl. "But first, let him go."

"Forget it, Batgirl. No deals. You now, or he gets it," said Desiree, pointing a pistol toward Brian, his eyes wide with fear as he gazed toward Barbara.

"NO…NO…me!" cried Barbara.

Desiree, handed the gun to her assistant and turned and walked quickly back to Batgirl, injecting her in the right arm. Instantly, Batgirl felt weak; she attempted to get up but fell down.

"Forget it, Batgirl. Relax, in a few moments you’ll be my slave. Or should I say, what’s left of you will be. "Zach," commanded Desiree to her assistant, "let’s kill this kid."

"No…no…please," begged Batgirl as she struggled to get up.

Desiree grabbed the gun from her assistant and pointed it at Brian.

As Batgirl groped to get up, her hand pulled out a large spike from the rotten wood of one of the main support beams in the old warehouse. Despite her growing grogginess, she hurled the sharp spike and it struck Desiree in the back like a spear.

"AHHHHHH…what?" gasped Desiree. She tried to turn and look at Batgirl, but her legs gave out and she fell to the ground, the spike protruding from her back. "Ohhhh…Goodddd…Zach…help…" she gasped, blood frothing from her mouth.

Batgirl struggled to get up, but was unable to muster the strength.

Just then, Brian came to life and struck Desiree’s assistant on the chin, sending him down to the floor. He got up immediately, however, and ran out of the warehouse to get help.

Brian immediately went over to Batgirl who had begun to have convulsions.

"Brian, get…get out of here, quick…quickly. Her and Celso’s men will be here in…Ugghhhhh…" Batgirl broke off as she suffered another seizure.

"Not without you…I can’t," Brian said, holding Batgirl in his arms.

An alarm suddenly went off, and voices could be heard in the distance.

"Get out…now…please…" begged Batgirl. "GO!!!" Her entire body convulsed and was then silent.

"Barbara. Barbara…" shouted Brian, as he gently removed her mask and kissed her. He could feel no breath and finally lowered her head to the ground and started to run.

The body of Batgirl lay on the floor.



Minutes after Brian fled from the warehouse, Barbara began to moan. Desiree still lay on the floor, blood gushing from her wound. Barbara lifted her head, shook it, and looked around.

"You bitch! I'm going to kill you," she started to scream as she got to her feet and approached Desiree. As she knelt down, she saw that Desiree was smiling.

"I'm going to kill you and you smile?" she yelled.

"Yes…because…" Desiree coughed, blood trickling out of her mouth, "because that injection gave you the strength of Wonder Woman. It's a…powerful combination of steroids, estrogen and some other drugs. Just think the strength of ten men; but it's also designed to destroy your goodness…make you evil…and a slave to the first man who comes along. Ahhhhh…so you see Batgirl…ahhh…I do win." As Desiree made her last boast of triumph, her eyes closed for the final time.

"WHAT!" said Batgirl, taking Desiree's neck and gripping it, choking the now lifeless body.

"Batgirl, stop! You will obey me. Stop!" a voice called from above.

Celso had been watching from a catwalk overhead. Things hadn't worked out like he had planned. He hadn't known about Desiree's double cross until he walked in and found the two women talking. But now, he was going to have a slave that had the strength of ten men, and was Batgirl to boot.

Celso descended and approached Batgirl, who stood in front of him, her mask hanging behind her head, her face and brown hair exposed. He unzipped his pants and brought out his rapidly hardening penis.

Well, I'll know for sure whether that drug really works, he thought, before he said to Batgirl, "Suck this, and enjoy it like you've never enjoyed anything else."

Instantly, Batgirl got down on her knees and put her lips over his cock, taking his member into her mouth and gently sucking it, caressing it with her tongue. She didn't understand what was happening. She was unable to resist Celso's command.

"Ummmmm…ummmmmmmm…ummmmmmmm," she murmured as she rolled her mouth around his large member, then removed her gloves and took his balls in her bare hands, gently rubbing them.

"Yeahhhhh…yeahhh…that's right Batgirl," he said as his penis stiffened and he began to deeply fuck the Dark Angel's burned scarred face. The thought of Batgirl, totally submitting to him, now his slave, was enough to send Celso over the edge quickly. He let out a moan and shot his cum into Batgirl's mouth.

"Uggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…whew. That was a good start," he said as Batgirl continued to suck on his penis. "Ok, that's enough, Barbara. Let's discuss what I'm going to do with you now that you're back."

The next day, Barbara took a device from her utility belt and pressed the bottom. Depending on the code she entered into it, a specially coded signal would be sent to a particular super hero. The code she used was the one for Wonder Woman. It was an urgent signal to aid Batgirl.

Miles away, Diana Prince was in the middle of a phone conversation when her beeper signaled. She glanced at it and the coordinates it displayed. Hmmm…Batgirl in trouble? That's odd, she never calls, she thought as she walked outside and found a deserted area to change into her superheroic guise. She spun around rapidly and within a second Wonder Woman was standing there, resplendent in her costume. Quickly, she summoned her invisible plane and was on her way to Gotham City.

"Here, Barbara. I've got a new costume for you to try on. It'll show everyone you're still Batgirl, but a changed Batgirl."

Celso smiled when Barbara stripped off her T-shirt and stood naked in front of him. Her pert breasts, short brown hair and light brown pubic hair accented her curvaceous body, which, thanks to Desiree's injection, now had well-defined muscles, the wasting effect of her drug addiction having been undone. The only other thing different about her was her burns, which still scarred a great deal of her right side from her face down almost to her waist. Despite her injuries, the drug had given her great strength, though she was still slightly weaker in right arm and leg.

Barbara took several hits of her special coke (which was laced with speed) then began to put on her new costume. First, she put her top on, which was black with a large red symbol of a bat that stretched from one shoulder to the other. The "body" of the bat-figure was right between her ample breasts. The pants and cowl (the new outfit had no cape) were pretty much the same as her old costume, but her new boots were also adorned with the upper part of the red bat symbol. The most marked difference about her new uniform was the utility belt--it included a holster, designed to carry a .44 Magnum pistol.

"Nice touch, Celso," she laughed. "Maybe I'll get in some target practice on Wonder Woman."

Celso grinned. He knew the transformation was all but complete. The injection of the powerful drug had wiped away the goodness in Batgirl's persona, replacing it with pure evil.

I'm going to like this new Batgirl, he thought. "Come on, she should be here any minute now," he said as the pair began striding toward the warehouse.

Wonder Woman made her approach carefully. She set her plane down on a nearby roof, then jumped along several rooftops until she got to the building that contained the coordinates of Batgirl's location.

Ah. An old building. Those bastards must be holding her there, she thought as she spotted several armed men guarding the warehouse. This shouldn't be too hard for Wonder Woman. She dropped down to the entrance, grunting slightly when she hit the ground.

"Wonder Woman?!" the guards said almost in unison. They quickly brought their rifles up to shoot.

But Wonder Woman was too quick. She kicked the gun out of the first man's hand, then kicked him again with her other leg, sending him down. She head-butted the other guard and within seconds both were out cold. However, two more armed guards began firing at her from almost point blank range.

Wonder Woman strode toward both men, easily deflecting the bullets with her bracelets.

"You can't hurt me. I'm not some easily overpowered mortal like Batgirl." Darting forward, she grabbed both guards by their throats. "Now what have you done with her, you fiends," she commanded. "Speak, or by Hera I'll make you both wish you'd never met me."

"Ah…she's tied up in there. The boss wants her to suffer for a couple days before he starts the transformation," choked out one of the guards.

"Thanks," was all Wonder Woman said, before she sent both sprawling with a powerful thrust of her arms.

Once inside, Wonder Woman immediately spotted Batgirl. She was suspended from a large steel beam, her arms tied to a rope that kept them spread apart. The tips of her boots were about two feet off the concrete floor and her legs were also spread-eagled. Wonder Woman also noticed her costume had been changed, but there was no doubt the woman behind the mask was Batgirl. Wonder Woman had met her on too many occasions not to recognize her.

"Ohh…" moaned Batgirl as she looked up. "Wonder Woman. So…glad you're here. Didn't…know…if I could last much longer."

Wonder Woman quickly snapped the strong ropes that held Batgirl suspended, and lowered her to the floor.

"Thank God you're here," Batgirl repeated, but then she suddenly swung her fist and smashed Wonder Woman in the jaw with all the force she could muster.

"UMMMPHHHH!" Wonder Woman cried as she crumpled to the concrete floor, dazed by the tremendous punch that Batgirl had delivered. "Great Hera, Batgirl, why did you do that," she said, rubbing her quickly swelling jaw, amazed that an ordinary human could throw a punch that hard.

Before she could react, Batgirl threw another punch to Wonder Woman's face, sending the half-prone Amazon princess skidding across the floor.

Wonder Woman quickly got up, knowing that something was amiss. "Ok, you want to play, mortal. Play with someone who can beat you," she said confidently, standing her ground.

Batgirl launched a high karate kick, which Wonder Woman attempted to deflect, but she didn't expect such strength from the Dark Angel and was, to begin with, not as skilled a fighter as Batgirl. Trying to deflect the kick threw her off balance, and then Batgirl's arm hit her hard in the head again, sending her staggering.

"I don't think I'M the one who ought to be worried, Wonder Woman," said Batgirl, ramming into the Amazon and running her back first into a brick wall.

"UMMPPPHHHHH!" Wonder Woman groaned when she struck the wall with the force of ten men, creating large cracks in it.

Got to get control…quick, thought Wonder Woman. Batgirl's hand came at her face, this time with such force that Wonder Woman knew she'd be out of the game if it landed.

With superhuman speed, Wonder Woman dodged the punch and Batgirl's hand slammed forcefully into the still-solid wall. Batgirl brought her hand back and cursed, leaving herself temporarily wide open for a counterattack. Wonder Woman took advantage and kicked her in the groin; Batgirl crumpled this time, screaming in agony.

"YOU BITCH. NOW I WILL KILL YOU!!!" Batgirl shouted as she staggered to her feet. This time though, Wonder Woman was faster and kicked Batgirl in the stomach, sending her tumbling across the floor.

Batgirl lay on the concrete, struggling to get up as Wonder Woman strode over to her.

"Why are you trying to kill me, Batgirl? I come to help and you treat me like this? What on earth is going on here? I don't want to hurt you, but I may have to if you persist in this game."

"GAME??" roared Batgirl, losing control. Her legs flashed around, sweeping Wonder Woman's feet out from under her and sending the Amazon to the ground.

"GAME? This is no game!" Batgirl hissed, kicking Wonder Woman in the groin as hard as she could, then kicking her several more times in the ribs.

On the ground, all Wonder Woman could do was try and withstand the blows, which were harder than any she'd ever encountered from a mortal human. Moaning, "umpphhhh…arggghhhhhhhhhh…" was all Wonder Woman could do as Batgirl pummeled her nearly senseless.

When Batgirl finally bent over and lifted her up, Wonder Woman was bleeding from the lip and severely bruised. Batgirl raised her up with her left arm and sent her crashing into a nearby steel beam. Wonder Woman lay there, dazed and bleeding, unable to prevent Batgirl from removing her belt and putting her own magic lasso around her.

"Batgirl…please…whatever it is…fight…" Wonder Woman managed to mumble weakly before she lost consciousness.

"Bravo, bravo," clapped Celso, who had been watching the action from an overhead catwalk. "Batgirl, you are to be commended. You've done well, my dear. Wonder Woman is all ours. Bring her to the laboratory.

Wonder Woman awoke in a white, sterile room. She was strapped to an examining table. Her costume had been removed and she was completely naked. Her breasts rose up and down as she heaved, trying to break free of her straps. However, with her belt removed, her strength was only that of a normal human. Suddenly, Wonder Woman felt a strange sensation.

Wha…WHAT! she thought, realizing her captors had placed a large dildo inside of her that was now beginning to stimulate her. She closed her eyes in an effort to concentrate on something else, anything but how aroused she was becoming. It worked…for a few minutes. Wonder Woman managed to temporarily deaden the arousal, but as the tingling in her inner walls became more intense, it was impossible to ignore. "Got to fight it…can't allow myself to fall to these fiends," she muttered under her breath, even as she began to gyrate her pelvis.

"Wonder Woman, so nice to, ah…see you," laughed Frank Celso as he walked into the room, followed by Batgirl, who had removed her mask and cowl.

"Let me go, or when I get free you'll both go to jail for a long time, that's provided I don't kill you both myself," spat out Wonder Woman.

"Save it, Wonder Woman. You're in no position to bargain," said Celso, holding up a large syringe in his hand. "We're expanding into your territory and I just want to ensure you aren't ever a factor in any of my operations. With this, you won't be."

"What…what's that," said Wonder Woman, now beginning to seriously worry.

"Before I make you my slave, I want to have some fun with you, dear. How about some of my special drug, a little speed mixed with aphrodisiacs? I guarantee once you have this, nothing else will matter," he said, injecting Wonder Woman in the leg. "Ta ta, and have a nice trip."

Instantly, Wonder Woman was floating. Her senses were brilliant and she felt better than ten orgasms at once. The feeling was so incredible, so overpowering, that even as her mind tried to fight it, she found herself surrendering to the stimulation washing over her.

"Now for the next part of our little plan, Barbara," said Celso as the pair walked out of the room, groans of pleasure beginning to sound from the naked Wonder Woman.

FIGHT, FIGHT! the Amazon's mind screamed as she tried in vain to resist the onslaught of the powerful drug and the dildo vibrating deep inside her. But even as she continued to try, Wonder Woman knew her battle would be hopeless. Even while fighting, her juices were beginning to flow from the feeling inside her.

"NO…NO…CAN'T HELLPPPPPPP Gahhhhhhhh…uuuuumppppphhhhhhhh…Greeaattttttt Heerrrraaaaaaaahhhhhhhh," screamed Wonder Woman when an orgasm struck her. Her entire naked body writhed as she gyrated her pelvis, her nipples at attention, her eyes staring into space as she screamed, cumming again and again. One orgasm after another began ripping through her Amazon body. She soon couldn't remember who or where she was. She was a sexual creature, who knew only that she needed more and more sexual pleasure, her well- toned body fighting the straps as she continued to cum repeatedly.

Barbara, sitting in a nearby office, turned on the TV monitor to observe Wonder Woman's initiation. "Ah, it's working, Wonder Woman," grinned Barbara. "You're ours now, Amazon bitch."

She knelt to continue her workout. Although her injured right arm was still somewhat limited, she did possess enormous strength, much more than any normal man. She brought a six thousand pound barbell easily up to her chest. "Jesus, think what I could have done with this kind of strength before," she said to herself.

A few hours later, Wonder Woman lay on the table moaning. Her body glistened with sweat and her pelvis continued making small gyrations. Her eyes stared blankly at the ceiling as Barbara and Celso entered the room.

"Please…please…" said Wonder Woman in a bare whisper. "Whatever you gave me before…I need more…please…"

Batgirl smiled and began to strip. She removed all of her costume, except her mask and cowl. As Wonder Woman watched through her barely open eyes, Batgirl strapped on the largest dildo that Wonder Woman had ever seen.

"Please…" begged Wonder Woman again. "I WANT THAT DRUG!!

As the Amazon lay there, her large breasts heaving, her pussy glistening from the shock of several hours of orgasms, Celso injected her with more of the sex drug.

"Ohhh…yessssss," Wonder Woman smiled, lying back on the table and seemingly relaxing.

As she lay there, Batgirl got on top of her, and undid the straps. "She won't need these, not while I'm in the room," she laughed as she began to kiss Wonder Woman's nipples ever so gently. First one, then the other, then ever so lightly Batgirl began to run her tongue over the nipples.

"Ohhhhh…ohhhhhhh…Batgirlllllllll," gasped Wonder Woman.

Batgirl laughed to herself, thinking how easy it was to dominate Wonder Woman now. She placed the dildo at the entrance to the Amazon's vagina.

"Pleasseee…fuck me. Take me…" groaned Wonder Woman, bringing her hips up in an effort to insert the dildo within her. "AHHHHHHH!" she screamed when Batgirl savagely thrust the dildo deep into her love canal.

"Come on, Wonder Woman. You're mine now…" laughed Batgirl, slamming into her captive time and time again.

"GGGAAAAHHHHH…UUUUMMMMMMPPHHHHHHHHHHH…AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" screamed Wonder Woman as she shook with a huge orgasm. Batgirl leaned over and kissed her passionately.

Batgirl had never made love to a woman before, but dominating a woman like this--Wonder Woman no less--held a sexual thrill for her that she couldn't deny. Batgirl knew she could never go back to the old goody two shoes Barbara Gordon-Batgirl. She now knew she was born to lead.

Still inside of Wonder Woman, Batgirl used her new strength to lift up the body of the squirming Amazon and stand her up against a nearby wall.

"AHHHH…it hurts…stoppppppppppppppp…" gasped Wonder Woman as Batgirl rammed her with all her might. "PLEASE…AHHHHHHHH!" she moaned, now in more pain than pleasure, Batgirl's powerful thrusts moving her about like a rag doll. "NO…AHHHHHH…HEERRAAAAAAA…UUUMMPPPHHHHH!" she shouted, her eyes wide with fear as Batgirl slammed her hard into the wall, breaking several ribs. "AAHHHHH…AHHHHHHHH!"

Batgirl continued the punishment, kissing Wonder Woman, preparing to viciously slam her victim one last time.

"Please…" said Wonder Woman groggily. Even in her drugged state she knew she was in deep trouble. "Batgirl…I'm begging you to stop.

Batgirl merely laughed in triumph, staring into the face of Wonder Woman, who had tears falling down her cheeks.

BAM! The concrete wall shook as Batgirl pounded the body of Wonder Woman so hard in the pelvis that one of the Amazon's hips, and most of her ribs, broke. Batgirl relaxed her hold slightly and Wonder Woman began to slump to the floor, her face contorting with pain until she mercifully passed out. Batgirl grabbed her body again and held her up, slamming into her several more times. Finally, the former heroine was overcome by a massive orgasm and her legs buckled. She leaned against the wall, and the now unconscious Wonder Woman, for support.

During the next week, the new Batgirl shook down every major drug player in Gotham. The Dark Angel, armed with her .44 Magnum, quickly developed a reputation for viciousness, leaving several seriously wounded couriers in her wake. With each day that passed, Batgirl grew more evil as she enjoyed the pain she produced.

"Hold it right there, asshole," she shouted one evening at the three thugs who were stepping from a large truck next to a warehouse.

"Batgirl, what are you doing here," said one thug, raising his arm while reaching for his gun with the other. "We work for Celso. Didn't he tell you?"

Batgirl hesitated for only a moment, but it was enough for the thug to rapidly whip out his large gun and fire it at point blank range into her body. BAM! Batgirl fell back, collapsing into a heap as the thugs laughed.

"That ought to teach her, the bitch. Think of it boys, I just killed Batgirl."

Just then a shot rang out and the man's chest exploded in a fury of red, splattering his two partners.

"Sorry guys, but this Bat has nine lives…or didn't you think my suit was made of Kelvar?" hissed Batgirl, still lying on her back, her right hand holding her smoking pistol. The remaining two thugs began to plead for their lives.

"Save the begging, boys. I just want your truck, and everything in it," she laughed, before she got in and drove the truck away.

Batman and Robin were despondent. The girl they had mentored appeared to have gone over to the criminal side.

"What can we do, Batman?" shouted Robin, slamming his fist into his palm. "We can't arrest her. It would kill her father. If we expose her identity, she'd be worse than dead. But I just can't stand doing nothing."

"I agree," nodded Bruce Wayne, dressed in his Batman costume except for the cowl and cape. "Somehow, she's been drugged or brainwashed. I know this isn't the Barbara Gordon we knew. We've got to get her back here," he said, hatching a plan.

Unknown to the Dynamic Duo, Batgirl and Celso were hatching their own plan to remove the pair of heroes for good. Barbara nodded, with her half smile. Despite her drug addiction and mind change, it still bothered her that her face and body were disfigured. But she knew the old Barbara Gordon was dead, and if she had to live like this, it wasn't a so bad being the most powerful woman in the world.

A week later, Batgirl swooped in with her minions to hijack a drug shipment whose location had been all over the underground grapevine. As the smugglers whispered in the shadows of an old Gotham subway line, Batgirl and several of her men appeared.

"Give it up, boys. Batgirl's here. Finders keepers. Now hand over the shipment or you're all toast," she said in a low menacing voice. The smugglers hesitated, so she warned, "Last chance," and brought her .44 up, pointing it at one of the dealers' head.

Suddenly there was an explosion and flash. Batgirl and her minions were thrown to the grown by the blast and momentarily stunned. As they got up, Batgirl realized, too late, that what was filling the air wasn't dust from the explosion, but some kind of gas. She grabbed for the breathing mask in her utility belt even as she felt her legs buckling. Before she could put on the mask, she stumbled to the ground and fell unconscious.

"Thank you, gentlemen. You're all fine actors. I'm sure you'll find roles when the new shows debut here in Gotham," said Batman as he stepped from the darkness and walked over to the unconscious Batgirl. "Come on, Robin, we've got work to do."

He hoisted Batgirl's body over his shoulder and melted into the darkness of the tunnel.

Back at the Batcave, Batman took the last blood samples from Batgirl, and handed them to the Boy Wonder for analysis.

"So far, Batman, we've got some interesting findings," said Robin, still in his costume, although sans mask, as he gazed at Batgirl's reclining form. "She's definitely doing some pretty potent drugs. I'm getting heroin, coke, speed, aphrodisiacs and some other drug that is omnipresent, but I'm not sure what it is or does."

Batgirl's costume, mask, cowl and wig had been removed and replaced with a hospital gown. The Dynamic Duo had been shocked when they removed her mask and discovered the disfigurement.

"I almost never would have recognized her," Batman said as he shook his head sadly and stared at the short- cropped brown hair and face of Barbara Gordon, her chest rising and falling slightly. Batman had to admit to himself that, despite her burns, Barbara still possessed an allure he found hard to resist.

Batman adjusted the straps holding her in place. "No sense in taking any chances until we know who we're dealing with here," he said as the pair went back to work.

Barbara eventually awoke, lying still at first, trying to reconstruct the events of the past night. She remembered a loud flash and then nothing. She lay still, eyes closed as she took stock of her predicament. She knew her mask had been removed, as had her costume and utility belt. Ahhh… she thought, the sounds of my old friends Batman and Robin at work. She smiled and lay still, listening to their murmurs in the distance. The plan is working exactly as I hoped it would.

"Ohh…ohhhhhhhh," she moaned.

"Batman, it sounds like she's coming around," said Robin. The pair rose from their seats and moved to stand next to Barbara's bed.

"Batman, Robin…help me. I was kidnapped…subjected to drugs…" Barbara began, beginning to sob.

"Now, now," said Batman, taking her hand in his as she continued to sob, "we'll do whatever it takes to get you well again, Barbara."

"I'll continue the tests," whispered Robin; he walked away deeper into the Batcave.

"It was horrible," cried Barbara. "Rape, sodomy, torture…I…I…couldn't resist. They…broke me…" She looked away, tears flowing down her face.

"I'm so sorry, Barbara," said Batman, before he gently kissed Barbara on the lips. To his surprise, she kissed back, and as he pulled away, tried to rise up to continue the kiss.

"Ohhh…Bruce…" she gasped between sobs.

Batman leaned over and untied the cloth that held Barbara's arms and upper torso to the table. She immediately grabbed him and kissed him; Batman felt his passion rise for the wounded crimefighter. He had always harbored a desire for Batgirl/Barbara that he kept in firmly check, largely out of respect for her father. But with her hugging him tightly to her body while kissing him, he resolve faded just a little and he let Barbara pull his head down to the V between her breasts.

He began kissing her breasts as he felt her hand on his cock, gently rubbing it through his costume. He gasped, realizing the implications of what was about to occur.

As the pair kissed, he undid the remainder of the straps. Then she pulled off his pants, his tights and upper costume, and finally, she removed his cowl, revealing Bruce Wayne.

He lay down on the bed beside her and the pair continued their embrace, her probing his rock hard cock with her hands, him gently rubbing her clitoris. She felt her nipples getting very erect, from the passion and from the excitement of literally having Batman between her legs.

"Barbara…uuuuuggghhhhhhh…I've thought of you so often," Bruce stammered, placing his cock at the entrance to Barbara's light brown bush. "I…"

"Shhhhhh" said Barbara, holding up her forefinger to her mouth. "Enjoy the moment," she whispered, as she inserted his massive organ into her. "Ohhhhhhhhhhh…" she moaned when she felt Batman's cock slide up into her canal, her nether lips firmly closing in around Bruce's member as he suckled her breasts.

Bruce began to thrust in and out of her, pausing often just at her lips before plunging his erection back into her. It was enough to send Barbara over the edge; she grabbed Bruce with both arms behind his back and came.

"AAAHHHHHHH…uuummmmmmmmmmmpphhhhhhhhh…ggggaaa…gggoooodddddddd," she screamed as she climaxed again and again.

"Barbbbaaarraaaaaaaa…uuuummmmmmmmmmmmmm," Bruce cried out at virtually the same moment; Barbara felt him spasm inside of her.

Since she had had her orgasm first, she smiled as she felt him pulsate inside her. As he came, she brought her legs up and rested her feet on Batman's back as he throbbed inside of her.

"Ohhhhhh…Gooodddd…Barbara," he moaned into her ear.

"Bruce. I have a surprise for you, honey," Barbara said, holding him.

"What?" said Bruce, still in the throes of his orgasm.

Barbara, still possessing the strength of ten men, clasped down as hard as she could with her vaginal muscles onto Batman's cock. At the same time, she crossed her legs behind his back, crushing him between them and bringing his lips to her mouth in what would be a deadly embrace.

"Ummmm…UMMMMMMM!" was his muffled cry as several ribs cracked and his cock felt like it was about to be squeezed off. Bruce had never in his life, or career as Batman, felt such instantaneous or intense pain as this, especially when contrasted with the previous moments when he had felt himself lost in the passion of Batgirl.

"Baaarrrrr…" he tried to scream as Barbara continued to kiss him, his face betraying the panic he felt.

"UUUUGGHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Barbara cried out, releasing Bruce's lips and throwing her head as an intense orgasm rocked her. She could feel herself literally breaking Batman in two as he lay in her arms and between her legs. The climax caused her to squeeze her pussy and legs even tighter, and she brought her arms into a lock behind his neck. She heard more bones breaking, then Bruce coughing and gasping, his back broken, the life being crushed out of him. She squeezed several more times as hard as she could, but heard nothing more out of the man who was once Batman. She finally released her hold and pushed him away. His body fell off the bed and slumped on the floor, a look of horror etched on his face as his lifeless eyes stared up at her.

Barbara laughed out loud. "I am the BAT, now. You're dead, Batman!"

She made no effort to cover her nakedness as she left the room and headed down the corridor to find Robin.



"Oh Robin, Robin. Where are you!" shouted Barbara as she made her way through the dark passageway, cursing his name under her breath. "I’ll smash the little twerp," she said to herself. She saw a light far down the tunnel and started to run toward it.

When she arrived, she saw Robin, sans mask, bending over some computer equipment. He turned at the sound of her voice.

"Robin…Robin. Come quick. Something happened to Batman. He untied me then just collapsed. I tried to revive him but I think it’s his heart. Please…please come quick," she said, moving across the room towards him.

She was on top of him quickly, wrapping her strong hands around his neck. All I have to do is break his neck and Batman and Robin are both finished, she thought as she began to choke the Boy Wonder.

"Huuugghhhhh…" gasped Robin as he looked in horror at Barbara. She was still naked, with cum oozing down her thighs, and even with her burns, was still a beautiful woman. He noticed, however, that she had a crazy look in her eyes as she glared at him, squeezing his throat.

"Sorry, Grayson. But you’re finished. I killed Batman and now you’re up to bat," she said, squeezing harder.

Just then, Robin brought his hand from behind himself and she felt a sharp pain in her neck. Within a half-second the pain was excruciating. "What…what have you done?!" she screamed as she lifted Robin up and threw him against the far wall of the cavern.

Robin hit the wall with tremendous force, right at his shoulders. His neck was instantly broken and he died moments later, as his body slid to the floor.

"AAHHHHHHHHHH…AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Batgirl issued one long continuous scream as she collapsed on the floor of the cavern, unable to stand because of the intense pain radiating through her entire body. She felt weaker and weaker, then finally slumped completely prone and passed out.

Hours later, she didn’t know how many, she awoke. The drug Robin had injected into her was an antidote for the earlier drug that had given her super strength and robbed her psyche of any goodness. She was now the old Barbara Gordon everyone had known.

She lay on the floor, weak and overcome with horror at what she had done.

"Oh…God…I’m…I’m a monster," she sobbed over and over to herself as she lay alone in the Batcave. She knew she would have to atone for the deaths of her colleagues and began to formulate a plan.

Batgirl returned to Celso’s warehouse behind the club. She knew this was where most of the deals went down and where most of the drugs were transported. Through night-vision goggles, she watched from a nearby rooftop as Celso met with two men that she knew were two of his most important runners. However, there were no drug shipments in sight. Suddenly, in the distance, she saw the unmistakable dust of an approaching convoy.

The drugs? she thought to herself, but the deal had already gone down. She was just there to stake out what was going on. As she brought her binoculars back to her eyes, she could see the Gotham PD drug squad’s cars rapidly approaching, led by her father’s police commissioner's car.

She looked down at Celso. He and his associates were heavily armed. The police cars roared to a stop and entered from all directions, the cops shouting for Celso to halt. He did. Batgirl used her batarang to get closer for a better view. She swung down onto the low roof of a building, only a dozen feet from her father’s side and back. She could see her father talking to Celso. The drug kingpin was laughing and saying the police had no evidence.

"Sorry, Commissioner. You really should try harder, or perhaps you’d like to try some of my fairy dust, heh?"

"Fuck you, Celso. One of these days you won’t be laughing so hard," hissed the Commissioner.

Bastard, thought Batgirl. Dad’s guys are too late for the bust again. As she watched her father turn to leave though, she saw Celso whip out a large pistol and aim it at her father’s head.

"NOOOO!" cried Batgirl, swooping down to put herself between Celso and her father. She couldn’t possibly knock the gun out of his hand, but knew she could get herself, and her bulletproof suit, between them.

If only I can stop this…please… thought Batgirl as she moved like lightning.


A shot rang out just as Batgirl moved between Celso and her father. The bullet struck her squarely in the chest. Unfortunately for Batgirl, Celso was using armor-piercing ammo. Even the batsuit’s Kevlar couldn’t stop the bullet and it struck her just above the heart.

"Ummphhhh!" she grunted. She was knocked backward by the impact, losing her grip on the bat-line and falling to the ground, her body skidding for several feet. Celso was instantly fired upon by a half dozen members of the Gotham PD, but it was too late for Batgirl. She lay mortally wounded, clutching her chest as blood spurted between her fingers.

"Batgirl…Batgirl, are you alright?" asked Gordon. "Oh my God…Help…help. Batgirl’s been wounded. Guys, get an ambulance here. NOW!" he commanded as he knelt down beside her.

"Ughghghg…" Batgirl tried to speak. She could feel herself getting weaker and weaker as the blood drained of her. She knew she was going to die.

"Dad…dad…" she whispered, grabbing at her mask and pulling it over her forehead.

"My God…Barbara? No…No…Why?" The Commissioner began to cry.

"I’m sorry, dad… Tried to get Celso…undercover…and as Batgirl…but his drugs…and he got me…I killed Batman and Robin…Wonder Woman…is in there," gasped Batgirl, pointing to the warehouse, "I think. I love…" Before she could say more, Batgirl coughed up blood, her eyes closed, and she slumped over.

"Barbara…NO!" cried Jim Gordon, as he held his dead daughter in his arms.