The New Adventures of Power Girl #1

Author: Dark J
Time to Read:19min
Added Date:6/28/2024
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Tags: Power Girl

For the first time in her life, Karen Starr felt like she had no purpose. She was the super-heroine Power Girl and a proud member of the Justice Society of America but now that was over. In recent months her powers had begun to fluctuate and ultimately decreased. She had no idea why as her powers were always kind of mystery, anyway. She was still powerful but not the "major player" that she had been and that really bothered her. Quickly, her role in the JSA decreased as her teammates tried to protect her. Sometimes this caused problems between Power Girl and them. She was always hard-headed and proud so she would argue with her teamates in the midst of battle. A couple of times that lead to JSA defeats and injuries to various members. Something had to be done as the situation became untenable. Finally, Power Girl was asked to leave the team. Although she was upset and hurt, she agreed as her confidence was at an all-time low. In two of Power Girl's last three battles with the JSA, she had been captured and needed to be rescued. She knew she had become a liability and had to go.

Karen packed up her belongings and moved out of the JSA brownstone. She could have stayed, but she knew it would hurt her even more to be around the team while not being allowed to participate. She moved to Central City which was just south of Gotham. There was no reason for the move there other than that she found a nice apartment and liked the area. She didn't have to work because she was already very well off from her computer software company that she sold. Besides, how could she ever take a "regular job" after being a part of the action and excitement that was the JSA?

The days became very long for Karen as she just sat in her apartment. She had planned to stay in shape just in case she ever fully regained her powers, but she became depressed and rarely worked out. "God, I'm afraid to even think about what I'd look like in that white leotard now." thought Karen on one of those lonely days.

One night Karen decided that she had to go out. She needed groceries, some bathroom essentials, and just to prove to herself that she could go out. It had gotten that bad for the once proud heroine. After a nice meal alone and some shopping she proceeded back to her apartment on foot. A young girl came up to her and said, "Oh my God it's you!". Karen's first instinct was to deny who she was but instead she just stood "frozen". She didn't think she'd be recognized in glasses and a sweat suit but the girl knew. "How do you know who I am?" asked Karen."I'm a huge fan...and it was hard not to notice those giant boobs, no disrepect!"

Karen blushed for a second then laughed. "So you're a huge fan?" she asked with a smile. "Oh yes. I've followed you since your early adventures. My friends always loved Wonder Woman, Batgirl and Black Canary, but for me, you were always the one. There was just something about had this badass attitude that the other super-heroines lacked. They were all such kicked ass and looked great doing it!"

"Wow, that's, sorry, what's your name?" asked Karen. "Samantha but call me Sam" answered the short, dark-haired teenager."Well, you don't know how good you've made me feel, Sam. Seriously, I really needed that. Hey, this might sound weird but would you like to come up to my apartment? I'm new around here and kind of lonely. I could even give you some souveniers from my career."

"Sure, I would love to" responded Samantha "I have so many questions...I've been wondering where you've been?"

Back in Karen's apartment the two women talked for hours. Karen was hestitant in the beginning, but ended up telling Samantha everything. She couldn't believe how good it made her feel. "I have to give you some stuff,'re such a great fan. Hold on for a sec?". Karen went into her bedroom and came back out with one of her Power Girl costumes. "Here, let me sign this for you."

Samantha was in shock. "For me? This is incredible...thank you so much, Karen!"

"You're entirely welcome" answered Karen with a huge smile. "Just don't put it on and think that you can beat down baddies ha ha." Samantha laughed,"Don't worry about that. I can't exactly fill out the top like you!"

"Ha're funny, Sam. Well it's been great meeting you and I hope that we can keep in touch?". Karen gave Sam a big hug. "I have to ask.." said a somewhat hesistant Sam "Is it over? Are you done with Power Girl?" Karen stood there speechless. "I'm sorry...maybe I shouldn't have asked but I have to know. You've meant so much to me and this city could really use you. We have plenty of criminals. Maybe not on the level that you've faced but that's part of the problem. They're not the big-time criminal types so we never get any super-heroes around here to help. It's just the police and they can't handle them. This could be your city...Power Girl's city. I'll help...I'm great with computers and I've been lived here my whole life. I know this city....gosh, I'm sorry...I should probably just mind my own business"

"No, no, it's fact I'm really honored...and touched that you think so much of me. I have been thinking about being Power Girl again...I can still kick my share of booty! You've really inspired me and perhaps I'm more cut out to be a solo act? Probably so. Would you have the time to help me? Aren't you in school?"

"I just graduated high school" answered Samantha "I didn't have the money for college so I'm just working this deadend office job...I have time, though"

"Great!" answered Karen "You can quit that job then because you'll be working for me here. I already have a great computer set-up...we'll be able to communicate when I'm out on the street. I'll pay you really well...a lot better than you're doing now but you have to promise me that you'll put some money away for college...or I'll kick your booty, too ha ha!"

"It's deal" said Samantha as the two women hugged. "Be here early tomorrow and we'll get started." said Karen.

The next morning, Samantha arrived at Karen's apartment. "Gosh, I hope last night wasn't a dream" she thought as she knocked on the door. As soon as the door opened, she knew it was all real. There stood Power Girl! "Hey, Sam! I was so excited when I woke up this morning that I got right into costume. It feels great! Do I look alright? I've probably been in better shape but it still fits pretty well."

"You look awesome, Power Girl! Never better!"

"Thanks, Sam! Ok, follow me and I'll show you where you'll be working."

"Gosh does she look incredible" thought Samantha "I have to control myself...don't want her to know that I've always had a crush on her. She's just so damn pretty...the blue eyes and shoulder length blonde hair are to die for and that body? Oh my God! I've never seen a more perfect chest...her breasts are huge! And that plump and perfectly round, yet incredibly firm. Damn, I just want to grab those cheeks! What's come over me? It must be seeing her in the costume. She looked good last night but boy does that costume do it for me! It's sooooooooo skimpy...the front is cut out so you can see all of that delicious cleavage. I can clearly see her nipples through the white material. The sides are cut so high leaving those curvey hips totally exposed. And speaking of exposed, I love how her butt cheeks hang out and gosh, is her costume wedged into her butt crack. She must like strutting her stuff...the cleavage is obvious, but that cape always falls to the side so you can see her butt! Calm down, Sam. Pay attention!"

"Ok, Sam, here's your computer" said Power Girl "I'm sure you already know what you're doing. The big thing is this headset...I'll be wearing a small ear-piece so we can be in constant communication while I'm out in the field."

Meanwhile, a TV was on in the background."We interrupt this program with breaking news. The Central City Bank is in the process of being robbed. The notorious Terror Bear is inside and he has hostages. Police are on the scene, but have not been able to negotiate a release...we have our cameras outside the bank...."

"The Terror Bear?" asked Power Girl in disbelief. "Yeah, he's some whacko in a bear suit but he's dangerous." answered Sam "Nobody's positive, but he's said to have armor under the fur and assorted weapons built in....but yeah, he looks like a big kid's teddy bear."

"Well, it's time for Central City to meet its new protector!" Power Girl leaped out of a window taking flight, then sped to the crime scene.

Power Girl touched down in front of the police negotiator."Hello, officer, I'm here to help.""Power Girl?!", answered the surprised female officer Erin Callahan."We never get superheroes around here...I'm surprised to see you.""Well, you'll be seeing a lot more of me around here" answered Power Girl with a big smile. "I'm already seeing a lot of you", said Callahan under her breath as Power Girl headed for the bank entrance. "What sane woman would fight criminals in something that skimpy? And someone with a body like that?".

"Your life of crime is about to end!" said Power Girl as she entered the bank. The stunned Terror Bear shot bullets from one of his paws, but Power Girl was able to avoid them. "I still have a lot of speed" thought Power Girl as she moved in on the criminal. "No more shooting" she said as she grabbed Terror Bear's arm. "Gosh is he strong". With his free arm, Terror Bear grabbed Power Girl around the waist and lifted her up. Then he managed to wrap the other arm around her waste and lifted her even higher. "You've got to be kidding?" thought Power Girl "He has me in a bearhug! Can't break free...I'm not sure what's worse, the pain from the bearhug or the pain from the wedgie he's giving me!"

"Oh my God, what a babe!" thought the man inside the Terror Bear armor "She's coming home with me". As Power Girl continued to struggle, but to no avail, Terror Bear shot sleeping gas out of a vent in his costume. "Oh no!" screamed Power Girl. It took an extra large dose of the gas, but Power Girl stopped struggling and fell asleep in the villain's arms. "Now I'll use her as a human shield for my escape!"

Terror Bear threw the sleeping Power Girl over his shoulder, grabbed the huge sack of money, and left the bank. As if being defeated in her first appearance in a new city wasn't bad enough, Power Girl was subjected to the humiliation of being carried over the villain's shoulder -- never a flattering position anyway -- but her costume was still wedged up her behind from the bearhug. "Baby got back...a LOT of back" said Terror Bear as he glanced over to the side at Power Girl's buttocks.

"Don't shoot!" yelled Office Callahan "You could hit Power Girl!" "How could you miss that fat ass?" said Callahan under her breath. "Damn we could have had this guy, but the big-boobed floozy messed it up!" yelled the fustrated Callahan as Terror Bear threw Power Girl in the back of his getaway car, and sped away from the scene.

Meanwhile back at Karen Starr's apartment, a worried Sam tried to talk to Power Girl through the headset, but the heroine was still out. Sam saw the entire event as the local news was covering it live. "God, this is my fault" thought Sam "I shouldn't have pushed her and now she's in trouble...and did those perverts have to have the camera right on her butt? I guess that was hard to avoid....Power Girl! Power Girl! Come in!"

Back at Terror Bear's hideout...

"Ohhh...where am I?" said Power Girl finally coming out of her slumber."Sam?" "Yeah, I'm here, PG. Are you alright?" "Not really" answered Power Girl "Terror Bear captured me and he's got me tied up...I can break most ropes easily, but these are reinforced with something." "Yeah, I know he has you" said Sam. "How?" asked Power Girl "They showed the whole thing on TV...well, from the part where he carried you out of the bank." "Damn, so much for a good first impression" said a fustrated Power Girl "So what are they saying about me? " "The Police negotiator wasn't happy with you...she said Terror Bear escaped because of you...he used you as a human shield. And you've been the butt of a lot of jokes...and I mean 'butt' literally." "Huh?" asked Power Girl "Terror Bear carried you over his shoulder so all you could see on the screen was your butt." "Oh, just great" said Power Girl "Yeah, and your costume wasn't covering much of looked like Terror Bear gave you a huge wedgie." "Oh, geez...yeah, he did give me giant wedgie in the bank...I have enough problems keeping this costume in place without some dirtbag grabbing me. It's still up my butt...I've been unconcious and tied up since. God knows what he has planned for me...I'm tied up on a bed..."

A young, smallish man walked into the room where Power Girl was being held."Well, well, you're awake...and who are we talking to?" he asked. "Who are you?" asked Power Girl "Wait, you're the guy in the Terror Bear costume? You're a little nerdy guy! You don't look like you could hurt a fly." "Oh brother" said the young man in a very disgusted tone. "Of course, I'm a little guy...why else would I need that costume you stupid cow! All my life, women like you have treated me like crap...wouldn't give me the time of day! But they loved those big, dumb jocks. Growing up for me was a own mother hated me because I was such a loser. My only friend was a teddy bear and one day she tore it apart in front of me! I was scarred for life! But now I have taken a symbol that kids and adults love...find comfort in...and turned it into a symbol of TERROR!!!"

"You have got to be kidding me" said Power Girl in a mocking tone. "Oh yeah!" said the young man who was now incensed "Let's get rid of this!". The young man ripped the earpiece from Power Girl's ear. "Power Girl?! Power Girl?!" yelled a concerned Sam "She's gone. I have to help her...he's so angry. I'm afraid what he might do to her...especially in that skimpy costume. Maybe there's a way I can find her location with the computer?"

"Ohhhh don't worry, Power Girl" said the young man running his hand through her hair "I have no interest in having sex with you. Just capturing a bigtime super hero like yourself is more than enough to get me off. You're one of the beautiful people...someone from the in-crowd. You're the girl everyone guy wants and the strong, powerful jock with the great body who everyone wants to be...and me, a 'little nerdy guy' as YOU called me, has you captured and totally helpless! Ha, ha, look at you" said the young man as he rolled Power Girl on to her belly and put his hand on her bottom. "Tied up with this big, fat butt exposed. And yes, I know that you're still really strong but those ropes are specially treated so you'll never break them."

"Get your filthy hands off me!" yelled Power Girl as she tried to summon enough strength to free herself. "C'mon, I'll show you, nerdboy!" "Oh, you're starting to bore me" said the young man "Yeah, believe it or not, guys do get sick of girls...even girls with huge boobs and big round booties like you. Go to sleep." Once again, the young man sprayed sleeping gas in Power Girl's face, and our heroine was off in "La-La Land" again. "Well, Power Butt won't be going anywhere, so it's time for Terror Bear to strike again!" The young man quickly put on his Terror Bear armor and was off to commit another crime.

About a 20 minutes later, outside of Terror Bear's hideout...

"Looks like I found the place" said Samantha "I'll only know for sure if Power Girl's inside. Of course if I run into Terror Bear, I have no idea what I'll do. I have some mace, but I doubt that will be enough. Still, I got PG into this mess so I have to get her out of it." Samantha entered the hideout which was an old house on the outskirts of the city. Samantha got a nervous feeling in her stomach, but the petitie 18 year old with short black hair knew what she had to do. "This place is awfully quiet...too quiet. Wait it's, it's....WOW!". Of course Samantha was attracted to Power Girl, so she couldn't believe the site before her as the super heroine was still lying face down on the bed. "Gosh, what an incredible ass!" thought Samantha "That wedgie looks very uncomfortable, but I'm not complaining...and she's tied up! Alright, control yourself...this is about being a hero. Plus, I better hurry before Terror Bear comes back."

Samantha shakes Power Girl's shoulders..."Oh, where am I?" says the still groggy heroine "Sa...Sam, what are you doing here?" "I'm here to rescue's my fault you're here." said Samantha as she helped Power Girl sit up. "Don't be silly, Sam. I got myself into this one...I'm even being captured by goofy 3rd rate villains now. I should have stayed retired. Hurry up and untie me...I have to get you out of here. It's too dangerous." While the ropes were extremely strong, Samantha was able to undo the the knots and free Power Girl. "Thanks, Sam, and I know it's not polite to pick a wedgie in front of someone, but this leotard's been up my butt for long enough! There...that feels better. Now, I want you to go back to my place...I'll handle Terror Bear when he gets back." "I'm staying, Karen" said Samantha "Robin helps Batman and he doesn't have any powers...and he's younger than me." "Yes, but he's been trained...trained by the best" countered Power Girl "Please don't argue, just go!"

"Oh, I don't think either of you are going anywhere!" Terror Bear had returned from another successful bank heist! "Stay behind me, Sam" said Power Girl as Terror Bear moved in to attack. "No gas or bullets this time, Power Boobs...I'm just going to knock you out with my paws!" Terror Bear took a big swing at Power Girl, but she easily moved out of the way. "He's powerful but very slow" thought Power Girl "The next big swing will leave him wide open, and then I'll get him." Again Terror Bear threw a wild punch which Power Girl avoided. "Take this!" yelled Power Girl as she hit Terror Bear with a big blow to the body. A loud scream of pain filled the room, but it came from Power Girl. "Ohhh, my hand!" Power Girl dented Terror Bear's armor and smoke was coming from it, but at a price. "I think it's broken" thought Power Girl "I don't think I've ever broken a bone wasn't possible."

Samantha tried to help Power Girl, but the injured heroine pushed her back "Please, Sam, stay out of the way!" Terror Bear was worried about his armor, but it was still working. Again, he grabbed Power Girl around the waist and picked her up. "Not again" said Power Girl "I'm being bearhugged by a giant Teddy Bear! I can only imagine what Guy Gardner would say if he saw this." This time, Terror Bear squeezed as hard as he could. He knew his armor didn't have much time left, so he had to make this one count. Power Girl was absolutely helpless in his arms.

"I have to do something" thought Samantha "PG can't escape...especially with a broken hand. She's even starting to tear up. Of course, that could be from the super-wedgie he's also giving her! That girl's poor tushy! Okay, what can I do? Wait, I see a metal arm over there. It must be a replacement part. Well, whatever it is I'm using it. Samantha grabbed the mechanical arm and hit Terror Bear in the back. He screamed "No!" but refused to release Power Girl. "I have another idea" thought Samantha. She got down low, and swung the arm at his legs. That did the trick as Terror Bear lost his balance, and fell to the ground dropping Power Girl on the way.

"Power Girl, are you alright?" asked Samantha "Yes, yes, thanks to you...he really had me that time. Wait is he down?" "Yeah, PG, he isn't moving." "He's just a scrawny, little guy in there" said Power Girl "He must be out cold. Let's get him out of there before he can do anything else." Power Girl removed the Teddy Bear like-head, then opened the back of the armor and pulled him out. "Oh my God!" said a shocked Samantha "I went to school with this guy! He was such a nerd...he always seemed so quiet and harmless, though." "Great" said Power Girl with a smile "You probably said 'no' when he asked you to the prom, and a criminal was born. He gave me this whole diatribe about how tough his childhood was during the obligatory origin speech." "This is weird" said Samantha with a laugh "And of course he had a geeky sounding name -- Irwin."

"Thanks again, Samantha." said Power Girl while giving her a hug. "I didn't want you putting yourself in so much danger, but I'm glad you did. One piece of advice...if you ever become a super hero, wear a more practical costume ha ha! I'm still pulling this damn leotard out of my butt!" "Yeah I did notice that he gave you another giant wedgie" said Samantha "It would have been pretty funny if not for all of the danger.""Yeah, really ha ha!" said Power Girl with a big grin "Let's call the cops so they can pick this bum up."

After Samantha called the police, Power Girl noticed that Irwin was coming to. "Hey, Sam, geek boy is waking up!" Power Girl bent down over the young man who once wore the Terror Bear armor. "Hiya, Irrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrwin!" she said in a mocking tone. "Oh brother" thought Irwin "this would normally be a dream for any other guy my age...a hot blonde in a ridiculously skimpy costume with her huge breasts hanging in my face, but for me this is a stunning defeat. It might not be over yet, though." Meanwhile, Samantha admired the view from behind "Gosh, when she bends over like that, it's like she's not in the least bit self-conscious. Not that she has anything to be ashamed about...that's a great ass. It's just like 'HELLO, big, sexy booty on display!'. And even though she just pulled that leotard out of her butt, she still has quite a wedgie. I think I'd like to become a super-villain and capture her ha ha."

Meanwhile, as Samatha continued to ponder Power Girl's leotard-eating butt crack...

"Wait a minute, that's how Power Girl knew my name...Samantha!" said Irwin with a big smile. "Let me get's good to see you!" "Yeah, same here...I think" answered Samantha with a nervous smile "Great, the first super-hero case to ever end in a high school reunion!" said Power Girl with a laugh. Suddenly, Irwin began to cry. "I'm sorry, Samantha" said the sobbing young man "I've had such a tough life, but it doesn't give me the right to hurt others". "Awwww..." said Samantha as she gave Irwin a hug. " careful, Sam..." said Power Girl.

"It's a little too late for that, Power Butt!" said Irwin as he sprayed mace into Power Girl's eyes. "Dammit, I can't see!" screamed Power Girl as she desperately tried to clear her eyes. "Why you!" yelled Samantha feeling violated that she fell for Irwin's trick, as he took the mace from her during the hug, "Oh, shut up, dummy!" replied Irwin as he used the mace on his former classmate.

"Where are you, you little punk?!" yelled Power Girl as she swung wildly, hoping to catch the laughing Irwin with a punch. "Wow, look at those giant boobs jiggle!" said Irwin laughing at the seemlingly helpless heroine. "Have you forgotten about this?" said Irwin as he grabbed Power Girl's broken hand and squeezed it. "Owwwwwwwwwwwww!!!" screamed Power Girl. "I think I'd rather squeeze these!" said Irwin as he grabbed Power Girl's breasts. "You sick pervert!" screamed Power Girl. Still blinded, Power Girl spun away escaping Irwin's grasp. "No boobies, but these will do!" said Irwin as he grabbed Power Girl's generous bottom cheeks as she attempted to get away. "Hey, my butt!" Again, Power Girl took a wild swing at Irwin, but he avoided it with ease and continued squeezing the humiliated heroine's glutes. Samantha finally got to her feet, and dived at Irwin in an attempt to help Power Girl, but missed as she still couldn't see.

"Being a high school nerd, I've always wanted to do this to someone else!" exclaimed Irwin. "Huh? Nooooo!!!" screamed Power Girl as she felt the back of her leotard being grabbed, then ripped up into her bottom crack. Irwin was indeed giving Power Girl a massive wedgie! While the earlier wedgies were done by accident, this time it was all about humiliating the legendary heroine. "Ha, ha!" laughed Irwin "This is fun! Well for me, at least. I think I'm about to O.D. on crack! Get it, 'crack'? Ha, ha! This is theraputic..all of those years of torment washed away just by pulling this ridiculous costume up your fat butt!"

"My vision's coming back" thought Samantha. She didn't get nearly as much mace in her eyes as Power Girl. "Oh my God! Now that's what you call a wedgie!" said Samantha as Irwin had Power Girl's costume pulled half-way up her back. While Samantha couldn't help but enjoy this sight, she knew she had to help our humiliated heroine. "Get off her!" yelled Samantha as she grabbed Irwin by the hair, and pulled him away from Power Girl's ridiculously stretched leotard. "The poor girl has enough of a wedgie problem without your 'help', nerd! And her leotard is WHITE for cryin' out loud!" Samantha proceeded to hit Irwin with a flurry of punches knocking him to the ground.

"Easy, easy, you beat him" said Power Girl, whose vision was almost back to normal, as she pulled Samantha off of the fallen Irwin. "Thank you so much!" said Power Girl hugging Samantha. "I should have escaped Irwin's wedgie, but I just kind of froze was so humiliating...guess it will be a while until my confidence returns."

"Police!" yelled Officer Callahan as she kicked in the door with her gun drawn."Not again..." said Callahan with a look of disgust to her partner "It's Power Girl, AGAIN...haven't you screwed up enough today? I knew we didn't need one of you super-types around here. I'm sure you just get off running around in that ridiculous costume with those giant boobs bouncing around and that fat butt hanging out! Speaking of which, have a little dignity and pull that bathing suit out of your ass!"

"Hey!" said Power Girl pointing down at Irwin "He gave me a wedgie! And by the way, he was the guy in the Terror Bear armor...we caught him for you so show a little respect!" "Yeah!" yelled Samantha "Power Girl put her life on the line to stop this creep! The least you could do is thank her."

"Whatever!" said Callahan as she got right into Power Girl's face "Gosh are your boobs huge...just stay out of my way, or a giant wedgie will be the least of your problems." Samantha grabbed Power Girl's arm and pulled her away. "She's not worth it, PG. Let's get out of here." As the two women left, Power Girl stopped for a moment and slapped her own buttocks which was exposed as her leotard was still wedged up like a thong. "Kiss it, bitch!". "That's the Power Girl attitude that I love!" laughed Samantha.

The End