Batgirl and Nightwing: The Gratham Estate Affair: Chapter 1

Author: Dark Roles
Time to Read:19min
Added Date:7/7/2024
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Tags: CatwomanNightwingBatgirl

WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! This Story contains scenes of violence, rape, bondage, and other sexual situations, which are not appropriate for anyone under the age of eighteen. If you are under the age of eighteen, do not read this story. If you are offended by this material, do not read any further.

Batgirl, Nightwing, Catwoman, Minx, and all other characters, were created by and are copyrighted by and are property of DC Comics. This story has been written solely to occupy my free time. No compensation has been or will be received for this story. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and cannot be redistributed for the purposes of making money or profit. Any similarities between names, characters, and places in this story are purely coincidence.

Prologue: Batgirl and Nightwing have discovered that the Gratham Family Estate is being used by Catwoman and her assistant Minx as a hideout. Suddenly meeting at the estate, they agree to join forces and capture the two feline villainesses.

Accessing the Bat Computer from his town home in the Wayne Foundation building, Dick Grayson in the guise of Nightwing reviewed the recent increase in jewel heists occurring just outside the Gotham City area. The pattern was there, with all the heists being “CAT” related, pointing to Catwoman. But, she was still at Ark ham and wasn’t due for release for three more months. The clues, what few there were, seemed to point to her as well. But she wasn’t out. Sighing heavily, he decided to try one last search. Nightwing asked the mighty computer if there was some central point by which all of these heists connected?

Moments later, the answer in hand, Nightwing was on his way to investigate the Gratham Estate, located exactly in the center from each of the crimes; 12 miles.

Meanwhile, several miles away, Barbara Gordon had tied into the police computer from a secret link she had created in her alter identity, Batgirl. An increase in specific types of crime had gotten her attention, especially since they were all “Cat” related. The police report dismissed Catwoman as a suspect since she was still tucked away at Ark ham. She was there, Batgirl had checked personally. However, what the report didn’t show was the log of visitors reported to have seen Catwoman over the last 2 months. A young college student had been doing a research project on Catwoman and she had access to the feline criminal. Investigating the young woman, Batgirl found out she actually was a college student at Gotham State. She wasn’t staying in the dorms however, as she was hired to watch the Gratham Estate, home of famous computer giant Jeremiah Gratham which was vacant as his family was enjoying a world cruise. That the women wasn’t actually registered in any classes raised a red flag in her mind. She decided this woman needed further investigating and left her town home to do just that.

Moments later, a secret panel opened from under the Wayne Foundation building as Batgirl, on her custom built Predator motorcycle sped off to the Gratham estate. The Predator had been a gift from Bruce Wayne for her continual fight against crime. It had saved her from buying the cycle her self, allowing her to use the money to build the secret panel, which left his building. And it was more than just a bike. It was a weapon, with the latest surveillance and tracking gear, satellite uplink capabilities, four-way communication, computer link ups, night running mode, and most importantly, a stealth mode. She arrived at the estate several minutes later, parked the cycle behind a clump of trees and entered the grounds. Already on the estate’s grounds, she didn’t hear the cycle’s automated warning concerning the disappearance of Catwoman from the Ark ham Asylum just 1 hour before.

Arriving at the estate’s western wall, Nightwing parked the custom made Porsche behind a row of bushes and began the lockdown process. Before setting the final code, however, his attention was alerted to the red flash of a warning light. Obtaining a print out of the message, he discovered that Catwoman had come missing from Ark ham. He completed the lockdown and began to look for a way in. State of the art surveillance cameras protected each gate, so an entrance by these means would be noticed. Using the grappling gun, he sent the ultra-thin bat cord across the wall and climbed over, landing softly near the other side. Making his way to the house, he suddenly heard footsteps, very soft footsteps, just to the left of him. Crouching behind a tree, he allowed the person to walk past. Stepping from behind the tree, Nightwing surprised the lone figure and a fight ensued. It ended moments with Nightwing sitting on top of the figure, her hands pinned, with Nightwing sitting on her stomach, smiling.

“Batgirl, I didn’t know it was you!” Looking up at her assailant, Batgirl viewed his tight muscular body. She had admired that body for some time, lusted after it in fact. Remembering where she was, she replied, “Ok, so now you know it’s me. Do you plan on sitting on top of me all night, or are you going to get off of me and help me up.” Looking down at her, watching the golden bat symbol on her beautiful chest rise and fall, within her extremely tight purple skin-tight latex bat suit, Nightwing smiled as he said, “Well, I’m comfortable.” Her reply, though not verbal, spoke volumes. As her right eye narrowed her left eyebrow raised up. Her lips twisted into a sort of smirk, with the left corner rising slightly. He got off her and helped her up, apologizing for the attack. Discussing what each had found, a plan was devised to possibly capture the villains. Batgirl was not surprised to hear of Catwoman’s escape. “Catwoman is a sensuous woman with a particularly devious criminal mind. She can easily use her body and skills to escape any confinement, given the chance.”

Nearing the house, Batgirl said she would deal with Catwoman, as she had an old score to settle with her. Catwoman had beaten her up pretty badly during their last encounter. Even though she eventually won the fight, Batgirl had spent several days at the Wayne Hospital. Entering the house, we split up searching the ground floor. Meeting back at the stairs, Batgirl took the lead with Nightwing following about 15 steps behind, in case of a trap. Once at the top of the stairs, Batgirl began to open the different doors. When she opened the second door on the left, a woman came up behind her and shoved her into the room. She then ran down the hall towards other rooms. Looking into the room, Nightwing saw Catwoman standing off to one side, her arms folded across her chest, in a carefree mood. Batgirl had just finished stumbling into the room and had now assumed her famous defiant pose; her legs slightly apart, her hands resting slightly on her fabulous hips. They eyed each other coldly as Batgirl, without looking back said: “Go after her, I can handle Catwoman.”

The woman ran to the last door and disappeared. Slowing, Nightwing entered the room and saw her leaning against a cabinet. Thinking it may be a trap, he backed up, just as a net dropped down from above the door. Stepping over the net, Nightwing told her to surrender while asking for her name. “Minx” she said calmly as she began walking to him, her arms rising in defeat. At the last moment however, she lunged for him, knocking his body to the floor. Dazed, taken by surprise, it wasn’t long before she had him pinned. Still slightly dazed by the impact with the floor, he tried unsuccessfully to free himself from her grip. For a young woman she was exceptionally strong and agile. She was also exceptionally beautiful, He started to relax and take in his situation. Her body was on his, her groin next to his, her chest on top of his, their faces mere inches apart. She was breathing heavily, having just run down the hall. She was wearing a costume much like Batgirl’s. A shiny skin-tight latex catsuit, jet-black in color, She was smiling at his masked face, enjoying his discomfort. “You shouldn’t have relaxed Nightwing.” She was saying as she sent her knee into his crotch. Whatever the effect she had intended, didn’t occur. “I have protection down there, Minx is it? Now, why don’t you give up before you get hurt.” Seeing the direct approach wasn’t going to work on him, Minx decided to try a more feminine approach. She noticed Nightwing had been stealing glances at her body. In fact, he had just finished giving her breasts a long stare. Looking at him asking, “You like what you see, Nightwing?” she shifted her body to where her breasts were closer still to his face. Nightwing couldn’t help himself, as he stared at her breasts, her cleavage showing through the opened zipper of the catsuit, heaving since she was breathing rapidly. Her nipples were as hard as they could get. Leaning down, Minx planted a warm kiss on his lips. Shocked back to realization by the sudden turn of events, Nightwing began to struggle, trying to back away from her. Minx could tell he had liked the kiss so she gave him another, this time getting careless and releasing his hands to run her fingers through his hair.

Nightwing indeed enjoyed the kiss and he returned the second one, while running his right hand through her hair. When she leaned down to give a third, more passionate kiss, her hands went for his mask attempting to take it off. He grabbed her hands and gave her a head butt, which dazed her. Taken totally by surprise, Minx’s head fell forward, her eyes fluttering while attempting to recover from the head butt. Nightwing rolled her off his body and unto her stomach, bringing her wrists behind her to apply bat cuffs. Seeing her helpless, the temptation ran through his mind to caress her shapely ass, but Batgirl was still in danger. Gathering up Minx, he walked her back to the second room where Batgirl was fighting Catwoman, arriving just in time to see Batgirl slip into unconsciousness from what appeared to be chloroform. Catwoman threw her limp body to the side, allowing it to drop to the ground as she turned her attention to Nightwing, with narrowed her eyes.

Holding onto Minx, Nightwing knew he had little chance of winning this conflict and forcing Catwoman to surrender. Batgirl was unconscious, at her mercy. It would be only too simple for Catwoman to threaten to harm her if he didn’t release Minx. She was closer to her as well, so there wasn’t any chance of him getting to her side before Catwoman did. It was a no win situation.

Stepping closer to Batgirl’s sleeping body, Catwoman took a small gun from her belt pouch and placed it next to Batgirl’s head, explaining “This is a specially designed gun called a needler, Nightwing. It allows nero-toxins to be injected directly into the body, using a telescoping needle. Placed where it is, the needle will be able to inject the toxins directly into Batgirl’s brain, even through the Kevlar.” Nightwing made a motion as if to attack, but Catwoman pushed the gun hard against Batgirl’s head saying “She will be dead before you can take two steps Nightwing. Want to try me?” Releasing his grip on Minx, Nightwing lowered his arms, watching Catwoman, as she continued: “Remove the bat cuffs, Nightwing.” He unfastened the bat cuffs, placing them back in his utility belt, then raised his hands in surrender. Minx turned, slapping him across the face, “payment for the head butt,” then moved over to stand next to Catwoman.

Handing Minx a second gun and directing her to place it next to Batgirl’s head, Catwoman waited until she was in place, then walking over to Nightwing, saying "You made a good decision, Nightwing". She walked behind him and applied a white cloth to his nose and mouth. He held his breath as long as I could but finally had to breath. The chloroform tasted sweet and the room began to spin. Slowly he too drifted into unconsciousness, vaguely hearing Minx as she was laughing.

Nightwing awoke about an hour later. Checking his surroundings, he found himself bound to some sort of bench with leather straps. his ankles bound to the bench’s legs and his knees bound its side rails, keeping his legs in an open position. Leather crisscrossed his chest holding him firmly in place. His arms, in leather straps as well, were up and behind his head, which was also strapped to the bench with leather. Thinking it would make a great bondage toy, her tried to look around, and was just able to see his utility belt to the left, on a table. Batgirl was on the floor about 20 feet in front and to the right of him. Ropes, tied in a classic spread eagle position, bound her. Nightwing thought he recognized the technique being used on her; but couldn't quite figure where he’d see it. “Batgirl. Batgirl, are you all right?” Keeping his eyes on her, while continuing to call her name got no response. She was still unconscious. Her utility belt and boots had been removed.

A short while later, Catwoman, followed by Minx entered the room. Kicking Batgirl’s body in the ribs to see if she was awake, Catwoman remarked: “The chloroform must have been stronger when I used it on her. The little bitch is still out of it.” Looking in Nightwing’s direction, she continued “What about you Nightwing, enjoy the trip?” Walking over to his body, she moved her left leg across it and sat down, straddling him. She leaned forward, resting her arms on his chest, looking him straight in the eyes. “I’m going to ask you some questions Nightwing. How you answer these will determine the fate of our unconscious friend over there. While I ask you these questions, I want you to pay close attention to Minx. She will be Batgirl her special attention.” Catwoman started asking the questions while Minx lay next to Batgirl’s. She began by running her fingers through Batgirl’s hair. Checking her body over with her eyes, Minx began to caress the side of Batgirl’s body with her hand. Minx caressed Batgirl’s cheeks, playing with the eye flaps of her mask, as if toying with the idea of lifting it off to expose her secret identity. Getting a devilish look oh her face, Minx placed her left hand on Batgirl’s chin, leaned down, and kissed her lips. Next, she ran her tongue the length of her neck, stopping just below her lips, and kissed them again. She was about to repeat the process as an ever so soft “uuuunhhhh” escaped Batgirl’s lips. She was beginning to wake up. Catwoman stopped her questions, telling Minx to take over on Nightwing.

Catwoman stood over Batgirl’s bound body, one leg on either side. Batgirl was still pretty much out of it; letting off several moans as she slowly opened her sleepy eyes. Finally, realizing her situation, she began to struggle violently against her bonds, but to no avail. Watching Batgirl struggle, Catwoman planted her foot between Batgirl’s heaving breasts and told her to stay still. Batgirl relaxed, if only slightly, looking up at Catwoman’s toned body. “What have you done to Nightwing, Catwoman?” asked Batgirl as she was taking in her surroundings. “If you’ve hurt him I’ll……Uuuhhhhhhh.” Batgirl’s left breast exploded in pain as Catwoman placed the point of her heel on top of the mammary and began pushing down. “You’ll do what, Batgirl? Rescue him? I don’t think you’re in any position to rescue anybody, let alone yourself, so shut up!” replied Catwoman sending a swift kick into batgirl’s vulnerable breasts. Another loud “Uuuhhhhhhh” escaping her lips, Batgirl’s head snapped back. Catwoman lowered herself down on one leg looking Batgirl squarely in the eyes, “But, to answer your question, Minx is taking good care of him, aren’t you Minx?” Her eyes blurred by pain, Batgirl saw Minx straddling Nightwing, giving him her full attention.

Minx had been licking Nightwing’s chest and seeing Batgirl’s gaze planted a French kiss on his mouth. This infuriated Batgirl; “Leave him alone Minx, it’s me you want, not Aaaarrrrrgggghhhhh” her sentence cut off, as another swift kick implanted into already sore breasts. Batgirl closed her eyes as she tried to

fight the pain radiating from her abused breasts. Catwoman returned the boot to her chest saying, “You have more things to worry about than Nightwing, Batgirl. Your life for instance.”

Batgirl asked "What are you going to do with me Catwoman?" and Catwoman laughed, saying "Anything I want, Batgirl." She went on and said she was just asking Nightwing about Batman. Then, as Catwoman lowered herself to one knee she asked Nightwing the same question again; while pinching Batgirl's left breast. Batgirl grimaced in pain as Catwoman continued to abuse that one breast, while still looking at Nightwing. He couldn’t stand to see her tortured any more, saying: "ok, if you leave Batgirl alone I'll answer your questions." Several minutes later, all questions answered, Catwoman surmised that Batgirl and Nightwing had come alone. She then told Minx to watch him as she started to work on Batgirl. Nightwing protested, “We had a deal Catwoman. I answered your questions, now leave her…………….” SLAP. Catwoman backhanded Nightwing across the face before he could finish the sentence. Looking at Minx, she motioned for her to keep Nightwing busy and quiet.

Batgirl looked up at Catwoman saying "You won't get away with this Catwoman!" With that, she reached into the pouch hanging on her waist and pulled out a large rubber ball gag, unfastening the straps as she went. “You’re not going to put that thing in my mouth,” protested Batgirl wide eyed, as Catwoman maneuvered the ball in front of her face. Catwoman placed a padded bondage clamp on her nose, cutting of her air and waited for Batgirl to breath. When she opened her mouth to inhale Catwoman inserted the gag, connecting the leather straps around her head. She released the clamp. Nightwing began to protest but Minx was ready for him applying a ball gag to him as well.

Catwoman and Minx then began to caress Batgirl's body. Her sides near the breasts, her calves, inner thighs, the breasts themselves, even her nether region. Batgirl fought the touching and stroking as much as she could but she was still weakened from the Chloroform. Eventually, she started to get aroused and began to let out soft moans. Catwoman removed the gag from her mouth. Then Minx lied down next to Batgirl and began kissing her right breast. This led to the sucking and nibbling of her nipple. Minx did the same to her other breast, until finally she was moving back and forth between both breasts. Watching this, Nightwing was getting very excited and gained an erection. Catwoman, noticing that Batgirl was aroused, began to rub her groin, which brought out several long moans and even shrieks of joy from Batgirl. She couldn't take much more. Even with the variations I began to recognize the devious techniques being applied to Batgirl. The Bat Computer had this technique listed within the files, under “Extreme Bondage”. It had been used by the evil Bondage Master, when he had captured Batman and Robin 3 years ago. Catwoman finished up on Batgirl by licking the region of her costume directly above her womanhood. Batgirl couldn't take anymore letting out a loud "Aaaarrrrrgggghhhhh" as she orgasmed the first time and lay even weaker than before. With this, Catwoman left the room to get a toy for Batgirl. Nightwing knew what was coming and it wasn't good. Minx abandoned Batgirl's breasts, and came over to him. With Batgirl watching, Minx started to lick and kiss his groin, causing Nightwing to get even more excited. He climaxed soon thereafter. Batgirl was furious. Minx kissed him again while stroking his chest. Finally, smacking his groin, he yelled out a muffled “aarrggghhh” before passing out. Her actions did not escape Batgirl's notice.

It was some time later that Nightwing regained consciousness and saw Catwoman came back carrying a back massager. Just like the one shown in the Bat files. As Nightwing’s gag had been removed, he called out to Catwoman asking "Catwoman, please don't use that vibrator on Batgirl." Catwoman ignored his pleas for mercy so he addressed Catwoman again. "Catwoman, I recognize this technique from those used by the Bondage Master. Please, you can't use this on Batgirl. It will destroy her body." Catwoman simply nodded her head and began laughing. She returned the gag to Batgirl's mouth. She then proceeded to place the rounded end of the vibrator onto Batgirl's pussy and turned it on low. Batgirl immediately arched her back while trying to fight the new sensations. Catwoman then switched the control to high and alternated the vibrator between the rounded end and the pointed end. It wasn't long before Batgirl let out a scream in pain "Aaaarrrrrgggghhhhh" as she reached her second orgasm, filling her body and costume with her love juices.

Batgirl was yelling out muffled screams But Catwoman didn't let up, she continued to hold the vibrator on top of Batgirl's pussy but now grabbed her right breast. Batgirl's reaction was a muffled "Mmuuufff??" With the vibrator still on her, Catwoman began to twist her nipple, then she slapped her breasts. As yet another “Aaaarrrrrgggghhhhh” escaped her lips, Batgirl came a third time and virtually passed out. Batgirl was senseless, her head moving from side to side as she tried to fight the sexual torments being applied to her body. Her breathing was ragged and her body continued to jerk as her pelvis moved up and down from the forced sex. Finally, her body having had enough, and with a final “Aaaarrrrrgggghhhhh” escaping her quivering lips, Batgirl fell unconscious. Her tortured body slumped to the floor, melting into the carpet. Not satisfied, turned on by Batgirl's sex, Catwoman, wanted more. She directed Minx to join in and get her to climax yet again. Knowing this new session of forced sex on an unconscious Batgirl would probably kill her, Nightwing gathered all his remaining strength and began pulling on the left wrist strap. It seemed like ages but the strap finally parted freeing his hand. Catwoman and Minx were so engrossed in their sex that they failed to notice it. Unfastening the straps holding his body, Nightwing got up and put his utility belt back on. Next, he walked over to the feline villains, just as Minx was leaning over Batgirl's breasts yet again. He was just able to sneak up behind her and give her a slight cuff to the back of her neck. It didn't knock her out but she rolled over dazed. Nightwing proceeded to give a kick to Catwoman between her legs, which connected to her aroused pussy. Catwoman grabbed her groin and fell over on top of Batgirl. Minx was on her feet but decided she didn't want to chance taking him on alone, as she had lost the last fight, so she helped Catwoman to her feet and they escaped. Being in no condition to fight them and since Batgirl was still

bound and also in no condition to fight, he let them go. Nightwing untied Batgirl and helped her up. She could barely stand, let alone walk. With her arm across his shoulder, they left the estate and headed to a safe house nearby.

Batgirl was a wreck. Arriving at the safe house, Nightwing had to help her out of the car. She had passed out on the way there. She could barely stand and couldn't really walk. Staggering, she attempted to walk to the house but collapsed to the garage floor, emitting a soft groan. He finally had to pick her up in his arms and carry her to the house. Laying her down on the sofa, Nightwing absentmindedly remarked as to how she looked just like a Batgirl from the Halloween picture. He asked her is she could get undressed by herself and she tried but without success. She was really spent. She then asked, "Could you help me undress?" Nightwing just looked at her with raised eyebrows. Then she said: "We've had sex together, sort of, and the only thing left is the body naked. Please, I can't do this alone." As she was saying this he had laid his hand on her stomach and it was cool. Sweat, and the night air did that. Moving his hand to her inner thigh, he found it was warmer. She then picked up his hand and guided it to her groin. He could feel the heat and moisture under the suit, and As Nightwing laid his hand on her womanhood, gently stroking it, she let out an ever so soft "uuuuuuummmmmmmm" and arched her head back slightly. God, it was sensitive.

Nightwing took off her boots, gloves, cape, and cowl, unfastening her utility belt and leaving it there. They then moved to the shower to take the Bat suit off. He unzipped the latex and gently turned her around. Her breasts, though red from the torture, were perfect. The areas around her nipples were no bigger the 3/4 of an inch. Her nipples were rock solid but not very sore. He finished the undressing and moved her to the hot tub. She stepped down into it and fainted away. As she soaked, he cleaned her costume and then his own. After about an hour, Nightwing helped her out of the tub, dried her off and put her to bed. She fell asleep almost instantly.

Early the next morning Nightwing was working on the files, talking to Oracle as a set of hands suddenly touched his shoulders. Offering her a chair, Barbara sat down beside him and listened to the conversation. Later, closing the connection, he turned to Barbara and asked if she was up to the action. Nodding her head, she said "Yes, I am more than ready. Catwoman is going to pay for what she did to me last night." Donning the costumes, they entered the private garage of the Wayne Foundation, got in the modified custom made Porsche and drove to the estate, arriving at 9:00 a.m. They could have called in the police but knew they were no match for Catwoman and Minx. Besides, their pride was hurt. Batgirl thought she had disabled the security cameras and as a result they were surprised again. Batgirl entered the house from the side window and Nightwing went around to the back to prepare a little surprise for Catwoman, just in case. Then he entered the back door and there was Catwoman and Minx, facing Batgirl and getting ready to jump her. Clearing his throat, they both jumped. Catwoman hissed at both of them and took off for the upstairs. Minx just stood there not really knowing what to do. Batgirl made the decision for her.

Batgirl took off after Catwoman and Minx escaped to the outside. Nightwing caught up with the feline, tackling her to the ground. It was a pitched battle between them, but Nightwing gained the upper hand with a kick to her midsection. She was dazed and began to stagger. He connected with a punch to her left breast and she went down. She rolled over unto her back and smiled up at him. This time he was not fast enough as the net came down upon him. As he struggled to free himself, he was knocked out with a blow to the head. Later, as Nightwing awoke, he found myself hanging from a rope with his arms above his head. Minx saw him coming around and started to walk around his body. As she did so, she stroked his legs, ass, chest, and eventually his member. Next, she tied his legs apart so she could just about walk between. Then, she fitted a duo cylinder device to either side of Nightwing’s member. The straps for this device ran up and around the waist, round his back and crisscrossed between his legs. Nightwing had never seen anything like this before. Then she turned on a switch and he realized what the device was, a male vibrator. She had him at her mercy. She continued to walk around his body, grabbing the ass. Nightwing knew he couldn't stand the torment for very long, within minutes, he was excited, and climaxed. Dazed, he simply hung there in a semi-conscious state. Minx left to go find and stop Batgirl. Several minutes later, Batgirl arrived on the scene and was able to release him. His arms were really hurting by this time, as were other parts of him, Batgirl noticed. She helped carry him out of the area and stood guard until he could put blood back into the sore limbs. She explained that she had captured Catwoman and they set a trap for Minx. Batgirl captured her with the net she had used on Nightwing earlier. As they were taking her into house however, Catwoman got the jump on them, shooting each one with a needler, filled with concentrated sleep drugs. Batgirl and Nightwing were asleep before they hit the ground.