Batgirl and Nightwing: The Gratham Estate Affair: Chapter 2

Author: Dark Roles
Time to Read:41min
Added Date:7/8/2024
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Tags: CatwomanNightwingBatgirl


This Story contains scenes of violence, rape, bondage, and other sexual situations, which are not appropriate for anyone under the age of eighteen.If you are under the age of eighteen, do not read this story. If this material offends you, do not read any further.

Batgirl, Nightwing, Catwoman, Minx, and all other characters, were created by and are copyrighted by and are property of DC Comics.This story has been written solely to occupy my free time.No compensation has been or will be received for this story.This story is purely for entertainment purposes and cannot be redistributed for the purposes of making money or profit.

Any similarities between names, characters, and places in this story are purely coincidence.

Prologue: After a devastating defeat at the hands of Catwoman and Minx, Batgirl and Nightwing have been captured and face certain death.

Nightwing painfully regained consciousness, slowly discovering that his wrists were tightly bound above his head.He had the sensation of being pulled apart at the torso, as he was dangling from a hook some 30 feet in the air, his legs and ankles having been tightly bound as well. His legs hurt badly from the blocked circulation and he tried swinging his legs only to discover large weights were attached to his feet.Some one didn’t want him to leave.Testing the bonds, Nightwing realized that escape would be a challenge.Looking around, he could not see Batgirl anywhere and he feared the worst for the female crime fighter.Looking down, he suddenly became aware that he was suspended above a large swimming pool. To the left side of the pool were their utility belts, so he surmised that the adventurous young woman must be close.Hearing footsteps coming into the pool area, Nightwing raised his head slightly and was able to see Catwoman looking up from beside the pool.

“I’m glad to see one of you are finally awake, Nightwing.It would be purrrrfectly shameful to allow you both to drown while asleep.After all where would be the fun, the suspense in that?”

Nightwing was having trouble focusing his thoughts, as the drug was still coursing its way through his body.Trying to get more information from the feline criminal, Nightwing asked:

“And Batgirl? What have you done with her?I can see her utility belt lying beside you.Is the Minx torturing her as we speak? ”

“She’s right behind you Nightwing. In fact, her back is only 6 inches from yours.But, it seems I miscalculated the amount of poison to inject in her system, or did I?She will be out for at least another 3 hours, more than enough time for her to get her feet wet.”

Walking to the door, Catwoman flipped a switch turning on the wench. Their bodies began to descend in a slow and steady motion, towards the water below and certain death.Nightwing had to find an escape.Thinking fast, he remembered that bodies float in water, but the added weights to their feet would make floating impossible.Also, rawhide bound their hands and feet, and even if he could free himself, Batgirl would not be able to do the same in her condition.A plan developed in his mind as they were descending ever closer to the water.But for the plan to work, Nightwing and Batgirl would need to be facing each other.It might be able to work when they were back to back, but the result could be fatal.He had to know exactly what her condition was.Looking up, Nightwing grabbed the hook by which they were suspended and began to pull himself up, using every once of strength he could find.It would be tricky, but if he could just turn himself around on the hook, it would allow the rawhide to fall back down the other way and he would end up facing Batgirl.If he failed in his attempt, they both could die, but for Batgirl’s sake, he was determined not to fail.Still, he would have only one chance.

Several anxious minutes later, still fighting the effects of the drug and profound fatigue, Nightwing was holding his body on the hook by two fingers, and at a critical point in his effort his grip weakened and he almost dropped to the water below.In one swift move, he was able to grab the hook with the other hand.In that moment of tension, the sheer panic overcame the fatigue and any lingering effects of the drug.Several trying minutes later, Nightwing let out a muffled cry of

excruciating pain as the tightening rawhide dropped down in just the right place.He now faced Batgirl, their bound bodies scant inches apart.Resting, trying to regain his strength, Nightwing closed his eyes and tried to concentrate on the next task at hand.

The next part would be infinitely more dangerous as it involved getting a helplessly unconscious Batgirl untied and out of the water before they both drowned.Time was running out as Nightwing felt the cold-water inch up his legs sending chills up his spine.He evaluated Batgirl’s physical condition.He concluded that her body was sound. He could feel the rhythm of her labored breathing against his chest.Her round full breasts extending upwards as the weight of her body pulled the rest of her down.As he was doing this he heard a soft “moan” as Batgirl, her body’s sensitive inner thighs making contact with the cold-water; began to regain consciousness.Seeing the water inch up ever closer to her labia, Batgirl fought to maintain consciousness, but the effects of the drug on her system prevented her from doing so. She was still senseless, as the water rose to just below her breasts. Feeling the cold-water as it made contact with her nipples brought her fully awake and she began to panic.Seeing Nightwing calmed her down.His soothing voice brought her fully attentive; as he told her he had a plan of escape.She listened intently as the water covered her breasts and inched up to her neck.

Her luscious, soft lips quivering from the cold-water, Nightwing began to tell her the plan, which would be divided into two potentially dangerous parts. Taking a deep breath, they would allow the weights attached to their ankles to pull them down into the cold-water below. At the last possible instant, they would resurface, using the hook for support and unfasten their hands from the wench holding them prisoner.Taking another large breath of air, they would allow the weights to pull their bound bodies to the bottom.Nightwing, being fresher, and a stronger swimmer, would untie his wrists first, swimming behind Batgirl to retrieve a scuba tank filled with air.He would then bring the tank to her and they would rest, sharing the precious air before he continued the task of releasing himself from his bonds.Returning to the tank for air, he would then untie the bonds holding her prisoner.Nightwing’s plan involved her staying perfectly still on the bottom, so as to preserve what air she had in her lungs, releasing the air slowly so as not to damage her lungs, as she had learned when Batman had given them Scuba Diver training.Her brow wrinkled in concern, Batgirl nodded her head, understanding the plan.

Nightwing had just finished explaining the plan when the wench suddenly increased in speed, pushing their bodies under the surface of the cold-water, and forcing them to the bottom far below.Inhaling after his explanation, Nightwing had been able to obtain a lungful of air but Batgirl was caught off guard, as her head was forced under the surface and to the bottom.Knowing it would be close; Nightwing instantly began working on his tightening bonds as he watched Batgirl, her eyes edged in panic, slowly releasing the air in her lungs. It took longer than he’d expected to untie his bonds, as the chilling effects of the water played havoc on his already numb fingers, the result only adding to Batgirl’s rising panic.Just as Nightwing escaped from his bonds, Batgirl’s mind, no longer able to take the pressure, exploded in raw fear, her eyes going wide as her helpless body exploded in activity, thrashing about in the death throws of asphyxiation.It took several anxious seconds to bring her under control, as Nightwing allowed her body to greedily suck the precious air from the tank.Moments later, her panic under control, Batgirl allowed the regulator to leave her trembling hands as Nightwing gulped several large takes of air, then offering the regulator back to her, Batgirl surprised herself at how she grabbed it from his hands.Nightwing continued working on the wet rawhide, freeing himself from the deadly bonds, coming back to the tank for additional swigs of air each time.Checking the air gauge for remaining air, Nightwing began working on Batgirl’s rawhide bonds, which had tightened due to her body’s desperate ploy to escape its bondage.It was hopeless, as the rawhide had become entangled and virtually impossible to untie.

Nightwing faced Batgirl and used hand signals to relate the situation.He could just see her eyes widen ever so slightly as the ensuing panic announced its return. Signaling for her to grab the scuba tank, Nightwing removed the weights from Batgirl’s ankles, and began to swim upwards, towards the surface of the pool, with Batgirl in tow.It took all his remaining strength to reach the surface, his body exploding above the water’s edge as he grabbed for the pool’s side.He was exhausted.It was difficult to climb out of the pool with only one hand and at one point he almost lost his hold on Batgirl.Picking her up and out of the water, releasing the tank as they went, Nightwing gently laid her weakened body down on the deck and used the Wing knife from his utility belt to free her hands.

Laying on the edge of the pool, they rested and collected their strength.The air tasted good. A few minutes later, Nightwing helped Batgirl to her feet and checked to see if she was ok.He could see she was cold, as her lips were slightly blue, and her body shivered in the tight latex.Nightwing embraced Batgirl’s shaking body, rubbing her back and arms to warm her up.He was still rubbing her costume when their eyes met for the first time since being captured.Looking up into his eyes, her body longing for his touch; Batgirl touched his face with her gloved hand. Fearing rejection, she lowered her gaze.Nightwing stopped the descent by gently placing his hand below her chin, bringing her face back to his.He looked softly into her intense blue eyes for several minutes, as if seeing her beauty for the first time. Slowly, he lowered his face to hers; their faces mere inches apart. Edging closer still as their lips touched in a desperate, hungry kiss.Their tongues explored the recesses of each other’s mouths; filling their bodies with sensations they had long since denied. The kiss ending, Nightwing gazed into Batgirl’s intoxicating face.Slowly, Batgirl placed her arms around his neck as he drew her closer to him, their lips eagerly awaiting the next kiss, a stronger, more passionate kiss.They were lost in the moment, as their desire began to grow for one another.

Batgirl finished the best kiss she had ever had and rested her head upon Nightwing’s broad chest.She could feel the excited pounding of his heart as it was matched in the race with hers.She felt dizzy, but satisfied for the moment; safe in the feeling that her desires for this man would be met.Nightwing placed his hands upon her head and lower back, holding her in a strong embrace.

After several long blissful minutes, their passions placed on hold; they separated and looked into each other’s faces once again; in the unspoken promise of love,

Batgirl faced Nightwing.

“Catwoman is still on the loose Nightwing. She is our first responsibility. She and Minx pose a great threat to the citizens of Gotham City.”

Nodding his head in agreement, Nightwing watched as Batgirl leaned over to pick up their utility belts, scanning her taut body as she stretched downward; her perfectly rounded breasts falling forward ever so slightly within the tight shiny latex.With a look of pure mischief on his face, he asked:

“Did anyone ever tell you, you looked great in wet latex?”

Walking to the door and the house beyond, Batgirl’s reply was simple and to the point.

“I look good in latex, Period.Wet or dry.”

Nightwing followed Batgirl into the house; thinking to himself, yes she does.

Minx was on the first floor and she invited them to a fight. Batgirl put a gloved hand on Nightwing’s chest as she moved; saying that was a good idea.Minx, a look of shock embedded on her face, pointed to Nightwing showing she meant him. Batgirl just kept advancing.She connected with a right hook to Minx’s face. The punch sent Minx sliding across the room and into the wall.Minx got up and attempted a punch to Batgirl's face. Batgirl blocked the punch and sent one into Minx's stomach, doubling her over in pain.Finally, Batgirl put both hands together and brought them down on the young woman’s head, while at the same time driving a knee into her chin.Minx fell to the floor, unconscious.Batgirl stood over her prone form and made a motion as to dust off her gloves.Bending down beside the battered body, Nightwing brought Minx’s hands behind her back and applied handcuffs to secure her. Picking her up, Nightwing flipped her over his shoulder and carried her out of the room.

Looking over her shoulder, Batgirl told Nightwing to have fun and went to look for her archenemy, Catwoman.Once outside, Nightwing removed the handcuffs, and tied Minx down to the ground in a spread eagle fashion.Checking her athletic body for hidden weapons, he waited for her to regain consciousness, which she did several minutes later.Minx shook her dazed head as she tried to look for a way to escape her predicament.She had to admit to herself that Nightwing tied a mean knot, as she tested her tight bonds, finally deciding she couldn’t budge.She fiercely looked up at Nightwing as she declared the good guys didn’t put women in humiliating bondage.

Remembering the intense moments with Batgirl beside the pool, his hunger began to grow for sexual satisfaction. His desperate need to find release from years of pent-up sexual denial building; Nightwing forgot all that he was, as he surveyed the provocative woman before him.Batgirl had not been able to quench his thirst for sex and he meant to satisfy that thirst here and now.Nightwing smiled down at his captive, looking her seductive body up and down.Kneeling beside her, he slowly unzipped her catsuit exposing her creamy brown skin, showing the cleavage of her breasts and the fine hair of her labia.Minx’s eyes went wide as he lifted the open latex; moving it aside, uncovering her breasts.

Nightwing smiled as he proceeded to work on her body.Caressing her ample breasts, Nightwing tweaked her nipples, pulling them down towards her navel, allowing them to snap back in an ever-hardening manner.In moments her nipples remained firm.Minx, her initial voice one ofprotest, slowly changed as she began to get turned on by Nightwing’s attention.Her head sank back to the ground as Nightwing continued to work her breasts over, as she allowed soft moans to escape her parted lips.Keeping one hand on her aroused mammories, he began to tickle and caress the outer edges of her labia with a fingerprint-dusting tool from his utility belt, sending her undulating body into ecstasy.She reached the point of orgasm several times but never went over the edge, as Nightwing stopped the process just before the final act. Several minutes went by as Nightwing tortured her body this way, never allowing Minx a final release; as he caressed her womanhood. Finally, Minx screamed, yelling in agonized pleasure as her body began to jerk; announcing the impending arrival of a powerful orgasm.Nightwing, anticipating that Minx’s body was close to climax; inserted two fingers into the folds of her clitoris, bringing her body to an explosive orgasm.

Panting heavily, Minx’s weakened body now spent from the sexual release, fell to the ground; as her legs attempted to close in the warm feeling of afterglow.Her legs bound, Minx could not find closure as Nightwing continued to caress her breasts, pinching her nipples to keep her on the brink of ecstasy, while he brought out the next means by which to torment her body.Minx pleaded for Nightwing to stop as her eyes beheld the portable, pulsating vibrator.She virtually begged when he brought it to her body, setting it down between her open legs.Nightwing removed a leather gag from his utility belt and fastened it around her squirming head; connecting the buckles to close and lock the gag.Nightwing placed the vibrator against Minx’s over-sensitive groin and thumbed up the controls, sending wave after wave of pulsating energy through her body.Nightwing used two leather cords to attach the vibrator to her hot body as she began to spasm with the onslaught of new sensations cursing through her vaginal sex.Sweating profusely, she achieved another massive climax just as Batgirl arrived, with Catwoman in tow.

Catwoman’s hands were tied behind her back as she watched Minx with fascination; a slight smile appearing on her sinuous face, as she took in the pleasure being given to her partner.Nightwing stood as Batgirl, looking back to her prisoner, told Catwoman to stay still and not attempt any escapes.Looking down at Minx, a smile forming on her face; Batgirl walked up to Nightwing, placing both of her gloved hands on his chest.She reached up and planted a sensual kiss on his startled face, sending chills up and down his spine.Nightwing was confused as he couldn’t understand what had come over Batgirl.She continued to kiss him right in front of Catwoman, as though she wasn’t even there.Regaining his composure, Nightwing grabbed Batgirl’s delightful body and pushed her back.Unperturbed, Batgirl advanced upon him again, attempting to kiss him once more.Nightwing held Batgirl at arms length, as he tried to talk sense to her.His face went blank as he suddenly noticed that Batgirl’s eyes seemed unfocused, as though clouded by drugs; he sent a glaring eye towards Catwoman, who was even then walking over to Minx and removing the vibrator from her tortured, but excited body.She finished her business by untying the bonds that held her partner to the ground.Catwoman picked her moaning partner off the ground, placing one of Minx’s arms over her shoulder for support.

Seeing Nightwing’s dawning recognition; Catwoman walked up to Batgirl, looking the female adventuress in the eyes, as she slowly caressed Batgirl’s groin with the back of her fingers.Telling Batgirl to hold Nightwing securely for a few moments, Catwoman walked her sexually aroused partner into the house and placed her weakened body on the sofa. Nightwing was too stunned by the turn of events to even move, let alone try to fight Batgirl. Returning moments later, Catwoman walked up behind Batgirl and cupped her breasts, while using her index fingers to arouse Batgirl’s nipples.They instantly became hard as Catwoman continued to apply the unorthodox massage to Batgirl’s breasts, sending a wave of excitement through Nightwing’s body, evident by the growing size of the bulge in his costume.Seeing his excitement, Catwoman looked him straight in the face and smiled.

“You shouldn’t have sexually assaulted my partner, Nightwing.She keeps grudges.Ah, but let’s forget about Minx for a moment and talk about the luscious Batgirl here, shall we?I must admit that I was quite surprised when I saw you climb out of my cold-water death trap earlier today.I was even more surprised to see Batgirl’s lithe form pulled out after that.Do you have any idea how long it took me to devise that death trap, the planning, the materials, time spent in preparation; only to have Batgirl destroy it?”

As Catwoman continued to talk, she began squeezing Batgirl’s breasts, applying a great deal of pressure to each mammary.Batgirl didn’t move; didn’t flinch in any way, asCatwoman continued the abuse.Telling her to handcuff Nightwing to a tree, Batgirl took out her Bat Cuffs and applied them to his wrists, securing his cuffed hands around the tree as instructed. Nightwing was trying to break the spell by talking to Batgirl as she locked the cuffs into place.Watching as she replaced the key in its compartment on the left side of her utility belt, Nightwing was disheartened as she then walked over to stand beside Catwoman.

“Catwoman, It wasn’t Batgirl that escaped your diabolical trap.She was out of it as you well know because of the extra dosage of the drugs you gave her.You wanted her to die in front of me, knowing full well that I wouldn’t be able to save us both.Otherwise, why hang us back to back?

But, you slipped up Catwoman, the pool’s water should have been warmer.It was the cold water itself that brought Batgirl out of her stupor, and allowed her to help me with the escape. And since we’re on the subject of Batgirl, why do you hate her?What do you have against such a fine young woman such as Batgirl, anyway?”

“Shut up, Nightwing.I know it wasn’t her. She’s too weak to escape a locked car, let alone a death trap. She’s an embarrassment to empowered women everywhere.Every time she dons that ridiculous purple costume she embarrasses the women around her.Sure she can fight, but she always needs a man to defend her, to rescue her.The very people she is supposed to be able to fight always capture her. She thinks that by wearing this skin-tight rubber catsuit; with out a bra or panties, that her splendid, sensual body will distract her opponents and give her an edge.”

Catwoman walked up to Batgirl and sent a series of punches and kicks to her body.Batgirl, for her part, didn’t make any attempts at defending herself during Catwoman’s onslaught.Catwoman then grabbed Batgirl by the front of her costume and began slapping her face in both directions.

Nightwing began to see red as Catwoman sent blow after debilitating blow into Batgirl’s mindless body, watching as his partner began to bleed, to stagger defenselessly in the wake of the attacks.

“Catwoman, stop it!Any one can punch the lights out of a mindless zombie.Ifyou hadn’t done something to Batgirl while you two were fighting, before coming out here, would you be able to defeat her now?You two have been enemies ever since your criminal career began.Are you really upset with her because you think she embarrasses woman kind, or is it because she has a better looking body than yours and she can kick your ass?”

Even as he said it, Nightwing knew he had made a grave tactical error; as Catwoman, her eyes narrowing in searing anger, stopped beating the defenseless Batgirl allowing her tortured body to fall to the ground in an insensible sleep. Catwoman walked up to Nightwing and glared in his face.

“How dare you!How dare you compare that, that weak example of a woman, a mere child, to a goddess such as myself.If it weren’t against my very being to kill you here and now, Nightwing you would be dead for saying that to me.As it is, you have just condemned your precious Batgirl, your so-called lover to a life of shame and sexual nightmares.Before I’m through with her, the twat you call Batgirl will be even more mindless than when I drugged her back in the house.”

He didn’t see the slap coming until it made contact with his cheek, nor the sudden thrust of her knee sent to his unprotected groin.Nightwing gasped, as pain ricocheted between his legs; sending him to the verge of unconsciousness.Catwoman grabbed his head by the hair and slammed it against the tree’s trunk behind him.His eyes were unfocused as he fought to stay conscious, knowing Batgirl’s only chance lay with him being awake.Catwoman delivered one more blow to his inert body, before going back to Batgirl.Still seething with hatred for Batgirl, Catwoman picked up her near comatose body from the blood stained ground applied leather bondage straps to her wrists, and quickly raised Batgirl’s tortured body off the ground; suspending it from a set of pulleys waiting in rest above her head.Batgirl’s head snapped back as the weight of her body sent renewed sensations ofoverpowering pain to her arms.Her full, rounded breasts extended upwards

once more cut off the vital airflow to her lungs, making it difficult for her to breath.Satisfied with Batgirl’s temporary discomfort, Catwoman looked back at Nightwing, who was even now attempting to free himself with the use of his utility belt.Slinking to his side, Catwoman removed the belt and threw it aside, picking up his bruised face in her hand.

“My plan Nightwing, was to capture you and have Minx arouse you.But Minx seems to be out of it.That was fun to watch. As for Batgirl, she is under the influence of a devilishly new gasI created; calledArousal Gas.It makes the person exposed to it; a mindless sex slave, willing to do anything I suggest. It also lowers a person’s defenses, as you witnessed earlier. I saw you, Nightwing; I saw you and Batgirl embrace back at the pool.So I had made a suggestion that she come on to you.If and when she wakes up Nightwing, she will continue to come on to you, seeking sexual satisfaction even as she destroys her own body in the process.To make sure of this destruction, I am now going to give her body a few well placed blows, assuring that when she climaxes, her ability to achieve sexual bliss again, will forever be lost.”Catwoman walked over to Nightwing’s bound body, raised his head, and planted a rough kiss on his mouth.Her tongue raked his inner recesses as she bit his lip, leaving a blood stained mark on his face.Nightwing’s head fell forward onto his chest as his numbed mind; flooded with emotions, dissolved into a momentary abyss of defeat.Picking up his head with her gloved hand, Catwoman was amused at how well she had accomplished her task.

Nightwing tried to clear his sluggish mind and focus on escape.Batgirl was in mortal danger and he had to find some way of breaking her Bat Cuffs and rendering aid before Catwoman destroyed Batgirl’s female genitalia.He had no doubt that Batgirl, her mind already reeling from the physical abuse of her body; and faced with sexual impotence, would seek suicide rather than face him.Grabbing the links holding the cuffs together in a concerted effort to stretch the titanium coated steel links, Nightwing was surprised to find something sticking out of the cuffs. Feeling the object with his fingers Nightwing was almost sure it was the key to Batgirl’s Bat Cuffs.But, that was impossible as he saw her put the key back into its compartment on the left side of her utility belt.The realization of what Batgirl had done suddenly hit him like a bolt of lighting.The left side.She put the key in a compartment on the left side of her utility belt.Batgirl was right handed.She kept her Bat Cuffs in a compartment just to the rear of her hip, on her right side.She had been fighting it.Looking at Batgirl now, he could just see an ever so slight twinkle ofenergy in her eyes as she fought to resist the effects of the gas.She wasn’t strong enough to defeat the gas entirely, but she was strong enough to make subtle challenges to its hold on her body, and her mind.

Nightwing began working the lock even as Catwoman picked up a club to deliver the first devastating blow to Batgirl’s stretched body.The first blow connected with Batgirl’s rib cage, sending her body into a fit of spasms, as indescribable pain radiated from her chest.Nightwing fumbled with the key, almost dropping it, as the second blow made contact with her left breast, sending a wave of nauseating pain through her mind.Nightwing was just able to reinsert the key as the third blow connected with her rib cage again, Batgirl’s body jerking with excruciating pain even as she screamed in anguish.The unlocked cuffs broke away just as Catwoman was pulling back, preparing to deliver a debilitating blow to Batgirl’s lower genitalia; as Nightwing, freed from his bondage attacked Catwoman with his own body, propelling them to the ground.The force of the impact between Nightwing and Catwoman, coupled with the impact of Catwoman hitting the hard ground sent her into unconsciousness.

Nightwing lay on the ground exhausted, his body racked in pain.His mind told him to sleep, but his eyes seeing Batgirl’s hanging body, told him to move.Stumbling over Catwoman’s inert body, Nightwing made his way to the rope holding Batgirl’sbody above the ground.Untying the knot holding the rope in place, Nightwing slowly lowered her body to the ground, guiding her legs as they came in contact with the grass-covered lawn.Releasing his grip on the slack rope, Nightwing began to slowly, gently unbuckle the leather strap holding her right wrist to the rope dangling from above.He repeated the procedure, on her left wrist, and threw the leather restraints aside.He inhaled large breaths of air, as much to clear the final cobwebs from his mind; as to calm himself down from seeing the woman of his dreams in so much pain.Nightwing began to gently feel her curvaceous latex-clad body; probing for possible hidden injuries, mindful to keep clear of her injuredribs. Having checked her legs, he concluded they were uninjured.He moved on to her arms and while the wrists were red from the leather straps, and the resulting weight of her body, her arms were not injured.Cautiously, with almost reverent care, he felt her right breast; softly pushing the on the various sides before moving on to the breast itself.The areola didn’t seem overly sensitive, though the nipple was still hard.He was just moving to the left breast, when his eyes glanced to hers, making contact.Her blue eyes though not as intense, due to the drugged effect, were still beautiful to behold. He thought he could see her watching his progress hoping that he didn’t find any serious injuries to her beaten body.Taking a deep breath, he continued with his probe, gently touching her left breast.The sides, though tender from the smack with the club, didn’t seem to be injured.It was the touch to her left areola that produced the first significant results, her body twitching as Nightwing’s hand made contact with the very sensitive area.Her eyes lost all focus as he gently touched the nipple, her body going rigid as though trying to absorb the pain.Ok, he thought; Batgirl’s breast, though not severely injured is extremely sensitive.In a fight, this would make her vulnerable.Taking another look into her eyes, while holding her head with his right hand, Nightwing bit his lip as he prepared to gently probe her rib cage seeking the extent and seriousness of the injury to her bones.

Batgirl’s eyes continued to stare straight ahead as Nightwing’s body; suddenly slack from the unexpected blow to his head from Minx, fell across her body.The sudden impact of his heavy body sending rivulets of un-describable pain; coursing through her drugged body.Kicking him off Batgirl’s body, Minx pulled back to send another blow to his body just as she heard a long groan come from Catwoman.Dropping the club, Minx ran over to her partner in crime and helped her to her feet.

“Catwoman, I’ve taken care of Nightwing here and I was just about to send Batgirl to sleep since she seems to be awake.But, she must be hurt.She’s just staring up at the sky, and Nightwing was feeling her over when I clobbered him.”

“She’s under the influence of my Arousal Gas, Minx.Her body and mind are mine to command.”

Understanding swept through Minx’s mind as she kneeled beside Batgirl’s prone body and sent one finger down her supple body, noticing that while her eyes seemed to move slightly, her lithe body didn’t register any feeling at all. Picking up the club, Minx stood beside Catwoman who was surveying the damage she had done to Nightwing and Batgirl.

“Which one should we beat first, Catwoman?Nightwing is out cold so we would have to wait for him to regain consciousness; while Batgirl is awake but drugged.Either one will be boring in their present conditions.”

“We beat neither of them.When commanded, Batgirl will come on to Nightwing and seek sexual satisfaction.While you were gone my sweet pet, I punished Batgirl’s vulnerable body in key places.When she reaches the point of ecstasy heading to a full climax, she will destroy her own body’s ability to have and enjoy any future sex.I will have destroyed her sex.I will have destroyed her mind.I will also have damaged Nightwing’s mind, knowing it was him that helped destroy her.No Minx, we will leave them alone and let nature take it’s coarse.”

Catwoman looked down at her sex slave.Batgirl had taken all of this in, she knew that, but couldn’t do anything about it.Nightwing was starting to come around with a short groan escaping his lips.The time was right for conquest.

“Batgirl, I want you to make love to Nightwing now.Don’t stop until I tell you to, understand?”

Batgirl nodded her head in abstract understanding. Her body began to move as she got up to her knees, and crawled over to Nightwing’s near senseless body.She ran her hand across his maleness, sending shock waves through his body jerking him instantly awake.With a final smirk, Catwoman walked arm in arm with Minx back to the house.Batgirl didn’t notice, as she was enthralled with Nightwing’s masculine body, which was even now trying to stand.She knocked him down, climbing on top of his body, gently kissing his chest.She wanted him, that’s all she knew.She had to have him, to love him, to be fucked by him.

Nightwing continued to move away, trying to figure out what could be done to break Batgirl out of the Arousal Gas’s spell.Looking around for his utility belt, Nightwing knew that one of Batman’s anti-drug antidote pills would snap her out of it in time, but how much time.If she achieved an orgasm she would destroy her own body, and their growing desire.He saw the belt, but it was too far away.Batgirl’s utility belt was closer as she was wearing it, but to get at the compartments meant going through her.It would be a race against time as he began reaching for her belt.

Batgirl intercepted his reach, guiding it instead to her ass as she lowered herself to him. Breaking her grip, he attempted another reach, this time making it to the compartments, before she grabbed the errant hand once more and drew it down to her womanhood.Nightwing had to fight himself, as Batgirl’s sexual advances were exciting him.Batgirl kept coming.She was like a Tiger advancing on its helpless prey, moving this way and that as the poor, doomed animal tried to escape its fate.Batgirl was all over him and his defenses were beginning to weaken.He was losing the battle of the sexes here, but if he lost, Batgirl would lose as well.

Deciding to take the offensive, Nightwing rolled Batgirl onto her back.He lowered his face to her aroused breasts and gently kissed her sensitive left nipple as he reached for the compartment containing the anti-dote pills.Batgirl placed her arms around the back of his head, a slight moan escaping her hot lips.To keep her off guard, he moved his hand to her shapely ass and gently stroked it’s smoothness.Then, he went back to the utility belt and their escape, the Bat Anti-dote pills.It was still a race as the smell of Batgirl’s hot body, mixed with the smell of arousal began to melt his resolve.Her body was intoxicatingly beautiful.Reaching the pills, he popped one in his own mouth, so as not to be affected by the drug if he came in contact with it.Next, he pushed one into Batgirl’s mouth, forcing her to swallow it.The pill would take several precious minutes to take effect, but they didn’t have the time.Batgirl’s legs had already spread open in anticipation of his entry and raw sex.Her nipples were as hard as they could get.Thinking fast, Nightwing did the only thing he could think of, sending a head butt to Batgirl’s unprotected face, knocking her senseless.She was out of it, sprawled out on the ground.Now, the pill could work its magic.But had he been in time.This he didn’t know as Batgirl began to come out of the stupor of the head butt.Her eyes focused at last as she smiled at him.

“Nightwing, hello.I’m sorry I couldn’t warn you about Minx’s sneak attack from behind. That drug is really powerful stuff.You can feel everything that’s happening to you but you can’t resist its control.I wanted to fight Catwoman when she was beating me, but my mind was locked up in the drug.”

“That’s ok, Batgirl.But more importantly, are you all right?I mean, are there any bones broken?Any sore spots?Catwoman’s club hit your ribs, twice.Are they ok?”

“I’m sore, but that’s to be expected.My chest hurts a bit, and I think I may have some bruised ribs.Parts of my body are extremely sensitive at the moment and any little touch could set me off.

Also, I seem to have a headache from someplace.It took you long enough to figure out about the head butt, Nightwing.”

“Sorry, I was a little preoccupied at the time.By the way, that was a neat trick with your key.It went completely past me and I didn’t even realize it until Catwoman started beating you and I tried to break the links of your cuffs. As for the head butt, I would have done it sooner if your body wasn’t so damned intoxicatingly beautiful.”

That having been said, they laid in the grass for a while longer.Batgirl held onto his strong arms and Nightwing continued to lean across her, resting on his forearm.Nightwing looked into Batgirl’s intense blue eyes as she returned his gaze, focusing on his fine muscular body.Slowly, Batgirl looked up to him as if asking would there ever be time in their crime fighting lives for each other.Nightwing, understood the look, and slowly gave her a nod of his head, a gentle smile forming on his face as he leaned down to give her a enticing kiss.There was a promise of future love in that kiss, and they both reveled in it.

After Batgirl convinced him she was fine, they agreed to go after the two sadistic criminals.This time Nightwing took the lead as they entered the house.The pair of crime fighters came in by way of the balcony leading into the Master bedroom.This allowed them the element of surprise and the high ground.Soon, they heard the villains coming up the stairs.Batgirl waited on the left side while Nightwing waited on the right.As Minx and Catwoman entered the hall they instantly saw Batgirl assume her famous defiant pose. Shocked to see her there, they backed up, with Catwoman backing right into Nightwing.She turned just as he connected with a kick to her thigh, sending her reeling towards Batgirl.Batgirl used Catwoman's momentum against her and threw her face first against the wall sending her into unconsciousness.Minx was next.She tried to escape but her way was cut off.They had her surrounded.She then gave a feint towards Batgirl's head, but ended up connecting with Nightwing’s ribs.He was stunned by the surprise move and went down.Minx was about to hit him when Batgirl blocked her punch and countered with one of her own.Minx slammed back against the far wall and slid down.She then slumped over on her side.She was finished.Looking at each other, Batgirl and Nightwing smiled.They gave each a other "high five" and began to collect the two villains.

Placing Bat Cuffs of Minx's wrists to keep her from moving.Batgirl picked up Catwoman and with Nightwing’s help, carried her downstairs and placed her limp body in a chair.They secured her there by tying her up with Bat Cord from Batgirl’s utility belt.Making sure she was secure, they went back for Minx.She was starting to come around but they felt she was still too dazed to fight.Removing the Bat Cuffs, they escorted her downstairs, to an awaiting chair, placed next to Catwoman’s. Near the bottom however, she lashed out at them by back punching their groins.Nightwing was taken totally by surprise as he was looking at Catwoman at the time, while Batgirl always wary of Minx was able to partially block the punch.Minx finished Nightwing by crashing a vase over his unprotected head.Batgirl turned Minx around and punched her in the face, knocking her against the near wall.Batgirl advanced intending to subdue her, but Minx connected with a kick to Batgirl's already sore breasts sending her falling onto the stairs. She grabbed her throbbing breasts just as her head hit the stairs hard and she was temporarily dazed.Smiling with delight, Minx looked at Batgirl moaning with sharp pain.Glancing at the still unconscious Nightwing, Minx strolled over to finish Batgirl off.She sent a swift kick to Batgirl’s open and inviting crotch, sending Batgirl to the marble floor below, as she grabbed her womanhood.Walking down the stairs, Minx picked up Batgirl’s aching head, connecting with a knee butt to her face; sending Batgirl back to the marble floor on her back, unconscious.The fight was over.

Nightwing woke up several hours later.He was tied, spread eagle; to a snooker table in the game room.Attempting to move his blood-filled head, which was hanging off the edge of the table; he could see Minx standing to his right.Catwoman entered the room followed by Batgirl. Nightwing’s faced burned with indignation at seeing Batgirl under the influence of the Arousal Gas once more.Catwoman began to check the leather bindings securing him to the table.She wasn’t satisfied with one strap and decided to tighten it further.Batgirl just stood there with a blank expression on her lifeless face. Nightwing could see her eyes were glassed over.She was completely under the effects of the gas. Looking at Catwoman, he began to see red.

“Catwoman, you sadistic fiend.Why can’t you leave Batgirl alone?”

Nightwing’s outburst was met by a sharp crack of a whip as it flew across his stretched body.He grimaced in pain as the Cat-O-Nine Tails wrapped itself around his muscular body.Minx took great pleasure in pulling the leather straps off his chest, watching him as he tightly closed his eyes, trying to absorb the pain.

“Nightwing, you arrogant fool, when will you ever learn to keep your stupid mouth shut?If you had given me time, I was going to explain the reasons for my genius with Batgirl.I should allow Minx to have her way with you here and now, but that would be too simple.This cat loves fun.”

Catwoman ran the leather strap she had been tightening under a central bar, which stabilized the snooker table, and placing her thigh high boot against the table’s side proceeded to tighten it.The other ends began to tighten, pulling Nightwing’s arms further up and behind his already aching body.If it had been possible, his head would have sunk into the table from the intense pain now flowing through his arms.Still not completely satisfied, Catwoman went to the straps separating his legs.Testing these leather straps, Catwoman shook her head in dismay.She untied the rawhide holding each leg, and as she re-applied the tension, his legs moved farther apart increasing Nightwing’s discomfort.

“You see Nightwing, I had fun with Batgirl before we came outside.I knew you were having your way with Minx, exploring her taut athletic body, as you had wanted to with Batgirl. Seeing Batgirl reach up to kiss you a second time back by the pool convinced me that Batgirl wanted you as well; so it was a simple matter of blowing Arousal powder directly into her mask, rendering her completely under my control. Now, I could have interrupted your assault at any time; but as I told you, Minx holds grudges; and besides, Batgirl is a good lay.Minx asked me to prepare this fiendish little tie for you.I tried it on her once and she went absolutely insane from the pleasure”

Catwoman laughed, as did Minx.Catwoman then decided to show Nightwing what Batgirl could do.First she ordered Batgirl to remove her cape.She did.Next, she told Batgirl to unbuckle her utility belt, very slowly.She did this as well.Catwoman told her to slowly let the belt slide down her shapely ass and drop it to the floor.Batgirl did as she was told. Thinking for a moment, Catwoman ordered her to remove her mask. Nightwing’s eyes went wide with fear and he began to struggle but it was no use, the leather straps were too tight.Batgirl removed her mask and let it drop to the floor next to her utility belt.Catwoman looked at the face and began laughing again.

“Ah, Barbara Gordon, Police Commissioner Gordon’s daughter.I’ll have even more fun that I’d originally imagined, Nightwing.With Barbara Gordon as my slave, I’ll be able to control all of Gotham City.Batgirl will cease to exist, replaced by my newest accomplice.I’ll have to think of some original name for her.”

Catwoman walked up to Batgirl and planted a warm kiss on her mouth.Batgirl didn't move.Catwoman took a slight step back and began to caress Batgirl's groin.At this, Nightwing protested to Catwoman and swore to get even.Catwoman gave him an evil look and whispered in Batgirl's ear.Turning, Batgirl walked over to stand behind him; and began to remove his mask. He tried to move his head but Batgirl grabbed his chin, holding it firmly in her hand, and removed the mask hiding his secret identity. Next, she positioned her body above his exposed face, leaning forward towards the table, and began to turn herself on. Nightwing had a front row seat as he watched her cup her breasts, squeezing them in turn, and then began to move her left hand down her front to her womanhood. She continued to caress her breasts, her nipples becoming rock hard through her purple colored ultra-skin tight latex catsuit. Batgirl actually brought herself on, grabbing the table’s rail and collapsing sideways to the floor just after she climaxed.Catwoman laughed again and left the room; calling back to Batgirl to follow her and Batgirl did what she was told.

Nightwing was dazed and alone with Minx.She looked him over and began to set up several red balls, placing them in a modified triangle.She then positioned several numbered balls around the table, locating them near his shoulders, waist and head.

“Have you ever played the game of Snooker, Nightwing?It’s a variation of pool, except the pockets are straight instead of rounded.A ball has to be shot straight at it and not banked in.Also, the players have to sink a numberless red ball before they can attempt to sink a numbered ball.Oh, and before I forget, the numbered balls must be shot in the order of their number.A score is kept, according to the number of points scored, you see.Each red ball counts as one point, with the corresponding numbered counting the number of points identified on the ball.”

Minx placed a white, numberless ball near the edge of the table and shot it towards the set of red balls, placed in the triangle. The effect, though painful, was also electrifying.Minx was happy with herself, as she had managed to get one of the balls to hit directly into Nightwing’s groin.

“This is Catwoman’s variation to the game, Nightwing.As you can see, your splendid masculine body blocks most of the pockets.So, instead of sending the red and numbered balls to the various pockets, I send them to the sensitive areas of your body.If you flinch when a ball makes contact, then I score points.If I can send a ball to your pocket, and you can keep from flinching, then you score points.Get it?”

Nightwing lay on the table as Minx continued to send shot after shot at his hopelessly bound body.Minx knew he would not be able to fight the continual sensations hitting his sides, his armpits, and his thighs.She was having fun, extracting retribution for Nightwing’s earlier assault on her womanhood.Getting bored, she threw the pool cue aside and looked around for another toy to play with.Assuming an innocent childlike look, she climbed upon the table and stood on her knees.Nightwing had been able to raise his throbbing head as she was doing this and he wondered what she was about to do to him.Minx reached for the zipper closing the latex catsuit.She slowly tugged at the zipper, pulling it down to expose her rounded breasts, and small firm nipples.She continued to move the zipper down between her legs, exposing her damp, womanhood. Nightwing swallowed hard trying to fight the building excitement of his manhood.His body became even more rigid as Minx stripped out of her costume, naked from the thighs up, and lay down next to him on the table.

“I couldn’t score as many points as I wanted too with the last game Nightwing, so I’ve decided to play another one.Catwoman tells me you’re infatuated with Batgirl, but I know different.It wasn’t Batgirl’s sinuous body you were exploring earlier today.It was mine.You wanted me, not that slut, Batgirl.She doesn’t know how to satisfy your manly wants.Hell, she doesn’t even know how to satisfy her own body’s desires.But I know all these things and more.I’m very experienced in the ways of love, and love making.”

Minx continued talking as she stroked Nightwing’s tight body.She started by caressing his sides, moving her hands over to his front.She ran circles across his heaving chest, exciting him even more.Moving down, she began to lightly kiss his maleness, sending rivers of excitement through his body.He gave himself a headache as his head snapped back hitting the side of the snooker table, knocking him senseless. Seeing this, Minx got off the table and walked around to his face. She slowly, moved unto his face, leaning her upper body onto the snooker table, lying on his body with her face sitting on top of his member.Her fine legs, still draped in the skin-tight latex catsuit framed his head as her wet; glistening mound hovered just above his face.Nightwing knew he was in trouble.No man could refuse such a delectable sight, mere inches from his face for long.Minx was indeed experienced in lovemaking.Nightwing just hoped he would survive it.

Minx waited for Nightwing to attack her excited sex, but nothing happened. She moved her pelvis back and forth above his face, hoping to set him off.But again, he resisted. She knew this would be a fun game. Thinking fast, Minx bit down hard on Nightwing’s maleness, tearing at his member like a dog would worry a bone.The effect of a thousand volts of electricity cursing through his body could not have been more stimulating. Nightwing’s head snapped up directly impacting her pussy, as she closed her legs around his buried head.He was trapped.For the next few minutes Minx worked her body on his, using every trick in her book, as she brought herself to the point of ecstasy in an ever building wave of sensation.Nightwing, for his part, was lost to her body. Any resolve he might have had to fight Minx’s sexual attacks dissolved when she attacked his member.His arms and legs strained against the leather bonds but they held.Catwoman was well adept at tying knots and putting people in bondage.Several torturous minutes later Minx screamed in pleasure as a massive orgasm announced its arrival, filling her love canal and Nightwing’s face with her cum. The torrent over, she collapsed on the table, breathing heavily. But, it wasn’t over for Nightwing, as her massive climax ignited a climax of his own.Nightwing climaxed like never before, screaming in absolute pain into Minx’s womanhood.His whole body jerked, shaking the table under him. He collapsed as sweat and Minx’s cum dripped off of his face.Nightwing could barely breath as Minx picked herself up and off his limp body.The latex was too confining for this kind of treatment, and it was hotter than hell.Getting dressed, Minx felt the area of Nightwing’s groin and smiled.She walked over to his face and looked in his eyes, glassed over from the extreme exertion.She knew she had him just where she wanted him.Minx released the leather straps binding Nightwing to the table.Grabbing his legs, she pulled his ruined body further onto the table, so his head rested on the table as well.Reapplying the leather straps, she noticed they had stretched as he had tried to break loose.Making sure his body was very secure; Minx left the room to get another toy to play with.

Nightwing lay on the table in absolute, uncontrollable exhaustion.He was more than aroused by Minx, and extremely weak from their sex.He was fighting unconsciousness by continually shaking his throbbing head.He knew he was on the verge of a complete collapse.Shock wasn’t too far away, and he thought he might be in it now. He had trouble concentrating for any length of time as spasms of pain continued to rack his destroyed body.How he had managed to survive Minx as she attacked his body was well beyond his ability to reason. Minx re-entered the room carrying the "male" vibrator in her hand.Nightwing was too weak to protest let alone resist her as she placed the vibrator on his member.She fastened the gadget onto his body and turned it on.Slowly she pushed up the power levels on the fiendish device.Within moments, Nightwing was on the edge again, and climaxed into the confines of his costume shortly there after.Nightwing screamed in mortal agony as the massive wave of pleasure surged through his body, arching him upwards off the table, only to collapse back lifeless.

Slipping into deep shock, Nightwing could barely see, as his head lay sideways on the table. He knew he was finished as a crime fighter, perhaps as a man, as his body began to shut down, in nauseating pain.He was sure he was delirious, as he saw an angel standing by his side reaching out to take his soon to be dead body to heaven.Whatever he had tried to tell the angel was unintelligible as he slipped into the arms of death.

Placing her gloved hand on Nightwing’s slackened body, Batgirl seethed with righteous fury. It was one thing for Catwoman to seek her demise, to torture her every time she had the chance, to seek her death.It was quite another thing to allow Minx to do her dirty work for her.Minx hadn’t earned the right, and she never would.Batgirl promised herself that before this day was over, Minx would never be in the position to destroy her life again.Walking to her equipment, Batgirl put her utility belt back in its proper place, sealing the lock, which was only used, in extreme conditions.She fastened the cape around her proud shoulders.Finally, she placed the mask on her face, knowing justice would be served.Moving up to stand near Minx, Batgirl assumed her rightful position as a defender of justice.Grabbing Minx by the back of her hair, Batgirl pulled her back and to the floor.Minx made to stand up, but Batgirl planted her high-heeled boot on Minx’s left breast and applied pressure.Minx screamed in agony.

“You’re only a second rate criminal Minx.Following Catwoman to share in her glory.If it weren’t for her you’d be an ordinary student at Gotham State, a nobody, like you were before she recruited you.You’re her sex toy Minx, not her equal. You’re nobody’s equal, not mine, definitely not Nightwing’s. She tells you what to do, when to eat, how to work.Probably even tells you when to bathe.You’d do best to leave now and never let me see your bitchen face again.You may have destroyed my life today by killing the only man I ever loved, but so help me, if I see you before I leave you’ll wish you had never been born.”

Minx looked Batgirl in the face, a seething rage of her own swelling up within her bosom.Nobody talked that way to her.Not Catwoman, certainly not Batgirl.Minx turned and walked towards the door; but at the last minute made the motion as though to put the vibrator in high, but she was never able to complete the action. Batgirl attacked Minx and literally drove her body to the wall. She sent three rapid punches into her midsection and this forced Minx to the ground, dazed.Stepping away from Minx, Batgirl turned off the vibrator and removed it from Nightwing’s body.She looked at him for a few moments but couldn’t get any response.Her eyes narrowed and she turned to face Minx again.

They fought each other, exchanging blows. Batgirl was winning the contest sending successive punches and kicks to her enemy’s body, but Minx could tell she was weakening, getting tired. Using brass knuckles, Minx backhanded Batgirl across her face and Batgirl fell backwards on top of Nightwing, dazed. She was just able to raise herself on her elbows when Minx connected with a well aimed kick, embedding one of her six-inch heeled boots into Batgirl’s clitoris, sending massive shock waves through Batgirl’s already weakened body.Falling against the table, screaming in absolute terror, Batgirl grabbed for her abused genitalia as she tried using the table’s railings for support.Minx then took the overhead pool light and slammed it into the back of Batgirl's unprotected head throwing her forward and across Nightwing’s legs. Batgirl was stunned, groaning loudly; and barely conscious. She picked up Batgirl by her cape and slammed a punch into her stomach, followed by one to her chin. Batgirl went flying to the floor, landing face down with a thud. Grabbing a nearby table leg Batgirl summoned all her remaining strength as she tried to rise to her knees.

Minx walked over to Batgirl and sent a kick to her face knocking Batgirl onto her back, hitting the floor and knocking her senseless. She let a long low moan, closing her eyes, as her right arm, standing on her elbow, fell to the floor.Seeing Batgirl defeated, Minx looked at Nightwing.She walked over to the table and planted a rough kiss on his mouth.Though dazed, he responded and became excited again.During the kiss however, Minx grabbed Nightwing’s costume just above the cock and pulled upward and forward, giving him a severe wedge. Then, slapping Nightwing’s member she went back to finish off Batgirl.

Minx lunged towards Batgirl, meaning to finish her off, but just as she was about to land on top of her, Batgirl put both legs up in a last ditched effort and kicked Minx in the breasts. This knocked the wind out of Minx and she laid there gasping for air.Batgirl struggled to get up, knowing this would be her last chance to finish the fight. Knowing that if she failed, she would die and so would Nightwing. Batgirl was barely conscious and extremely tired, when she climbed onto Minx’s body straddling her, and began to hit her. Batgirl literally punched her lights out.Batgirl rolled her body over and tied her legs together at the ankles and knees. Resting for a minute to clear her head, as she fought fatigue, Batgirl continued with the tie by placing a single glove on Minx’s arms securing them behind her back.Batgirl fished out additional Bat Cord and connected the various ties into an expertly finished and extremely tight looking “hog” tie.To complete the look, Batgirl reached into Minx’s belt pouch and brought out a red rubber ball gag.With this in place, Batgirl was finished.So was Minx.

Batgirl attempted to get to her feet, only to fall back down again.Using the snooker table’s rails for support, Batgirl pulled her weakened body up from the floor and rested by lying on the table.Moving as if in a fog, she moved to Nightwing’s side and attempted to release him from his bonds.She didn’t have the strength to do it, and her head fell to Nightwing’s chest.A short while later, she raised her head and decided to use the Bat scissors to cut the leather straps holding Nightwing in bondage.Fumbling with her utility belt, her fingers feeling like lead weights, Batgirl was able to remove the scissors and with all her remaining strength cut through one strap.Exhaustion, edging into her very being, feeling faint, Batgirl fell across Nightwing’s chest once more, letting the scissors drop from her grasp.They slipped from her hand and fell to the tabletop on the other side of Nightwing’s prone body.Batgirl tried once more to help; to get up, but the effort cost her as her knees buckled under her weight, sending her abused body to the floor, where she lay groaning softly.

Nightwing sluggishly grabbed the scissors and cut the other leather strap binding his aching wrist.Moving slowly so as not to pass out, he picked himself up, slid his body down towards the end of the table and cut the remaining leather straps binding his legs.Moving, almost falling to his left side, he surveyed Batgirl who was even now trying to get to her feet.Nightwing let himself off the table slowly, testing his limbs.They seemed steady, but he knew they were weak.Pushing himself off the table, Nightwing was able to take two steps before crashing to the floor and unconsciousness.Batgirl meanwhile, was up on her knees and trying, groaning as she went, to move to Nightwing’s aid.Standing straight up, she felt excruciating pain coming from her womanhood, doubling her over.She was unconscious before she hit the floor.The hero’s were at Catwoman’s mercy.