Batgirl and Nightwing: The Gratham Estate Affair: Chapter 3

Author: Dark Roles
Time to Read:76min
Added Date:7/9/2024
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Tags: CatwomanNightwingBatgirl


This Story contains scenes of violence, rape, bondage, and other sexual situations, which are not appropriate for anyone under the age of eighteen.If you are under the age of eighteen, do not read this story.If, this material offends you; do not read any further.

Batgirl, Nightwing, Catwoman, Minx, and all other characters, were created by and are copyrighted by and are property of DC Comics.This story has been written solely to occupy my free time.No compensation has been or will be received for this story.This story is purely for entertainment purposes and cannot be redistributed for the purposes of making money or profit. Any similarities between names, characters, and places in this story are purely coincidence.

Prologue: Batgirl and Nightwing, sexually brutalized by Minx have collapsed to the stone floor.They are at Catwoman’s mercy, and she isn’t known to have any.


Several minutes later, Catwoman, blood flowing from the corner of her mouth, staggered in.Leaning against the doorframe, she saw Minx in a fabulous hog tie and smiled.Stumbling into the room she was surprised to see Batgirl’s unconscious body next to Nightwing’s.Smiling inwardly, she walked over to where the two heroes lay.Dropping down to one knee, she touched both heroes ascertaining their conditions.Nightwing didn’t look bad, just exhaustion and possibly some minor internal injuries.On the other hand, Batgirl looked like a rag doll torn apart by a pet. Blood trickled down her battered face. A head wound, Catwoman thought; and looking at the shattered pool table light, her thought was confirmed.Catwoman’s gaze returned to Batgirl’s limp body. Suddenly, her eyes became transfixed on Batgirl’s bloodstained glove, still clutching something sticking out of her womanhood.Moving over to Batgirl’s groin, she reached down and yanked the object from within Batgirl’s torn body; watching Batgirl’s face contort with immense pain, as her whole body arched in the air.Observing the object as Batgirl’s body fell back to the floor, Catwoman recognized it as one of Minx’s stiletto heels from her thigh-high boots.She had wanted Batgirl punished for beating her, but she had never thought of this. Smiling broadly,Catwoman was impressed as she looked over at Minx.

Catwoman walked to Minx and started checking out the hog tie.As expert a tie as she had even seen, she thought; perhaps the best.Looking back at the stricken heroes, Catwoman wondered for a moment which of the two had performed this little bondage feat.Nodding her aching head, she knew she would find out soon enough.Catwoman untied Minx and helped her stand up.Minx, furious about the tie, and her defeat at the hands of Batgirl; proceeded to give Batgirl’s already tortured body a kick to the ribs, causing a slight groan from the heroine’s lips.Batgirl’s eyes fluttered with the kick and she slowly, painfully, regained consciousness.

“Ah, my lovely Batgirl or should I call you Barbara?How nice of you to bless us with your sweet presence. Since we know who you are behind that mask, why do you persist in wearing it?You’ve been a royal pain in the ass and we were just discussing what we should do with you.Since you’re awake, it will be more fun.”

Batgirl just looked at them, too weak from the fight to move.Her head felt like it was closed in a vice.Her groin ached from repeated abuse.She knew she couldn’t do anything now.She would wait and find an opening later, once she was rested.

“I am tired of Batgirl always winning these battles, Catwoman.I want her dead, right now. Let me kill her slowly, in front of Nightwing; so he can remember it was I that killed the woman of his desires.”

“It’s a nice thought.Batgirl punched the lights out of me as well.The diluted Pheromone mist apparently wasn’t strong enough to keep her mind under its power, allowing her to escape its hold and knock me out.I wonder.Each time I gave Batgirl a dose of the mist, her body was able to fight the effects. She’s becoming immune to its effects.”

“So, can I kill her real slowly, in front of Nightwing?”

“No, we’ll keep Nightwing as a boy toy; pumping information out of him to get at the Batman.Course. If I know you, you sexual fireball, you’ll pump him in other ways.As for Batgirl, I’ve got a special treat for the little bitch, a very ingenious device I found on the black market a short while ago.”

Catwoman and Minx picked up Batgirl’s shapely form and placed her on the table where Nightwing had been just a short while earlier. They strapped her down using new rawhide straps.Checking the bonds, Catwoman told Minx to watch her while she prepared the new device.

“Batgirl, this little thumb sized device is called a S.C.U.D.And no it doesn’t stand for the missile.The initials stand for ‘Self Controlled Undulating Device’.It’s a mobile vibrator, Batgirl.I am going to insert this little wonder into your pussy and allow it to sleep for a while.When you have sex with someone, this thing’s internal brain will kick on and it will start moving inside you.It will send out ‘sensations’ to your most sensitive inner recesses and keep you both entertained and occupied with multiple orgasms, each one building on the previous one.If you somehow fall unconscious, it will put itself in hibernation mode until the next time you get excited or have sex; then it starts over again.The neatest part, Batgirl, is that this thing has a memory.When it starts over, it picks up from where it left off. As a result, it develops a sort of virtual ‘self-awareness’ as you are sexed.You’ll kill yourself even as you pleasure yourself.From within. From repeated sex.”

As Catwoman was describing her plans for Batgirl, she had rested her arm on Minx’s right shoulder, fondling Minx’s right breast.Minx, already ‘hot’ from Batgirl’s expertly done hog tie, was in turn caressing her own groin, bringing herself on. Stopping Minx and ending the erotic interlude, Catwoman looked in her steely blue eyes and said,“Later.”

Catwoman put on special gloves on top of her own.She handled the device carefully, allowing Batgirl to see electric-blue colored streamers emitting from the scud; before inserting it into her cunt.Batgirl’s head snapped back to the table as the scud began to “feel” it’s way to her pussy lips.Then it stopped, going into sleep mode.Batgirl was already breathing very heavily from the short experience.

“You……won’t……..get away with this……….Catwoman.All I have…….to do……is keep from…….getting aroused.”

“Well, then my dear little bat, we’ll just have to see that you stay aroused then, won’t we?”

Catwoman reached into the pouch hanging on her svelte hips and pulled out the needler gun.She was filling it up with the required mixture as Batgirl looked on.

“Forget it…Catwoman, I’ve had that stuff…in me already.You already…know my defenses are building an immunity…to its affects.”

“Yes, Batgirl, I noticed that just as you came off of its affects the last time, just before you used me as a punching bag.”

“It felt good, Catwoman.You have used me one to many times in the past.Now untie me before you regret it.”

Catwoman started laughing as she threw the empty bottle of the Pheromone mixture over her shoulder.The bottle bounced off the wall and to the floor, breaking on impact.Catwoman moved to where Batgirl could get a close view of the green stuff in the needler.

“I’ve decided to change the mixture for you this time Batgirl.This is the concentrated form.It should be strong enough to overpower your body’s defenses.It will also last a good deal longer than the older versions.Now, where to stick you?Since you had fun using me as the punching bag, I’m going to return the favor by allowing some fun for myself.”

Smiling deviously, Catwoman removed the safety switch and positioned the needler above Batgirl’s labia.Batgirl began to struggle against her bonds as Catwoman injected the needle into her sex.The needle continued to move inside Batgirl, going deeper and deeper until it found Batgirl’s ultra-sensitive clitoris.Batgirl’s violent struggles against the bonds began to change to a rhythmic one, as the concentrated Pheromone mixture re-awakened her vagina’s memory of her deep-rooted sexual desires. Batgirl’s head was slowly bouncing off the table as a long erotic moan escaped her quivering lips.Sensing her arousal, the scud came alive, sending pulsating sensations to her pussy, causing her to reach her first orgasm.She had barely finished the first one when a second more powerful orgasm began to announce its arrival.She was looking at Catwoman through tear-filled eyes, breathing rapidly, as she tried to fight yet another; still more powerful orgasm.Her fourth orgasm, hit her like a freight train, sending her body into spasms, as she moved her pelvis sideways in the attempt to stop the repeated sexual torments.

Batgirl knew she was losing the battle against the devious little vibrator.She had never experienced one like this in the past.She loved their affect on her body, even had a collection of various kinds, styles, and types.Catwoman had provided most of these but other criminals had “contributed” to her collection as well. She thought Catwoman had out done herself this time.Batgirl knew if she didn’t get her emotions under control, she would be ripped from within. She had to relax; she had to think about something else. But, her body was enjoying the sensations too much and her brain was overpowered with the repeated orgasms. Lost in the heated sex, Batgirl’s

confused mind wandered to the moments beside the pool when she and Nightwing embraced, kissing as they explored each other’s inner recesses with their tongues.This brought renewed feelings and desires to the forefront of her memory.Her brain sent the messages to her pussy, already in the throws of another more powerful orgasm, and the scud reacted by going into hyper mode.The next three orgasms, each one more powerful than the one before, sent Batgirl into a fit of delirium.Her body went into convulsions, as she lost the battle, her body taken over by the thumb-sized vibrator.With a heart-rending cry of indescribable pain, Batgirl’s tortured body jerked violently just before it fell to the table, becoming deathly still.Batgirl was totally out of it.

Catwoman moved over to the fallen heroine and checked her pulse. Batgirl’s pulse, though rapid, was steady and strong.She was alive.Catwoman was amazed that Batgirl could achieve seven orgasms in the short time span often minutes.Motioning to Minx, they released Batgirl’s spent body from the table’s rawhide straps. Turning Batgirl onto her stomach, they tied her wrists behind her back, and tied her ankles together, running a rope connecting the two ties.Next, they tied a rope tightly around her waist.Finally, they ran a knotted rope connecting her wrists to the waist rope. The rope ran between Batgirl’s closed legs, digging deeply into her sex. They picked Batgirl’s sexually weakened, nearly comatose body off the table and carried it to the car.

“We’ll put her body in the trunk of the Whisker and dump it someplace in the city.Whoever she comes in contact with, she’ll make continual love to, ultimately destroying her body, and her reputation.”

Catwoman reached into the pouch hanging on her svelte hip, taking out a small vial of catnip and the needler.Filling the small gun, she placed its point near Batgirl’s neck and fired.The only response from the fallen heroine was an ever so slight twitch as the needle entered her body. Opening the trunk, they dumped her unceremoniously in the back, slamming the hood.Stepping back inside the house, they next picked up Nightwing’s masculine body and carried it to the bedroom.Securing him to a four-poster bed in a classic spread eagle tie, Catwoman injected his body with Catnip, to keep him sleeping and out of danger.

Taking Out The Garbage and Recycled News

Settling in the car, Catwoman and Minx drove off for Gotham City with their sleeping passenger in the trunk.Catwoman wanted to make absolutely sure that whoever found Batgirl would be a person of low repute, someone who would bang the hell out of her, until she burst.

“The question here, Minx, is not how to get rid of Batgirl, but where to get rid of her. We don’t want to just dump her body any place.If we put it in the uptown section, she’ll be rescued.If we put her on the docks, they’ll kill her first, then rape her; which wouldn’t be bad, but where’s the fun in that?No, we need to dump Batgirl where she’ll get the best treatment, by the best people.We’ll take her to the Scab.”

“But Catwoman, I thought the Scab was deserted, all the buildings have been condemned in that sector of the city; waiting for that new development project by Wayne Enterprises.”

“ Oh, it is. They have.But, there are still people who make that area their home.It’s a very dangerous place, for us as well. Even the Batman himself stays out of the Scab.We can dump Batgirl’s body there and get out.”

Catwoman headed the car east, moving through dark, deserted streets, heading for the blighted sector of Gotham called the Scab.That the Whisker, a well-known car, was heading into the Scab, didn’t attract any attention: the few people moving along on the street allowed it to go its way.

Every one knew the car belonged to Catwoman and no wanted to get involved.But the Huntress, seeing the car and its intended destination, did take notice.Catwoman’s car was out of place in this area, as was Catwoman herself.There was nothing to steal in the Scab’s deteriorated economic zone.The Huntress decided to check out why Catwoman would be heading into the Scab, and at this time of night.The Huntress, driving a modified Lamborghini; began following Catwoman’s car in stealth mode, running without lights.She maintained a discreet distance from Catwoman and what looked like an occupant, a woman by the size of her frame.The Huntress knew Catwoman had long since been associated with other women.She thought Catwoman might be a lesbian, but those suspicions had not been confirmed.

Finally, fifteen blocks inside the Scab, Catwoman’s car slowed down. Catwoman acting like she was looking for a specific address.She turned into a vacant alley and came to a stop by a dumpster.The Lamborghini rolled to a stop, just across the street; behind a group of burned-out cars.The Huntress would have liked to get out of the car and move closer to the alley, but she knew the inherent danger involved in this part of the city.She would exit the relative protection of the car only if absolutely necessary.

Catwoman and another woman got out of her car and moved to the trunk. Catwoman was wearing her signature purple second-skin latex catsuit.She had on black latex thigh-high boots and black shoulder length latex gloves.The other woman was new.She was wearing a shiny black latex catsuit, which even in the dark, reflected light when the woman moved.They were both very sexy looking as they stood by the trunk of the car. As Catwoman opened the trunk, the Huntress decided they were getting rid of stolen goods.But instead they stopped and began looking inside the car.The Huntress hated her position.She needed to get a better view of the drop site, but she knew if she showed herself in public, the local residents would take notice; as some had already, throwing bricks at her car.She would have to wait and see what they took out. She could see Catwoman and her partner were talking about something.

“She’s still out of it, Catwoman and that crotch rope is keeping her preoccupied.Are you sure this is the right place?”

“It’s as good as any place else Minx, besides I don’t want to stay in here for long.In the Scab, we are the prey, not the hunters.Listen, across the street someone is paying the price for being where they don’t belong.”

“I still owe this bitch for the pain she gave me tonight. Look, she even ruined my new boots.”

Minx lifted her leg showing the ruined boot, then put her boot back down, causing her to stand lopsided. Gaining an evil grin, she looked at Catwoman and tore off the other stiletto heel.

Catwoman smiled as she understood what Minx intended to do.

“Catwoman, I want to give Batgirl something to remember me by.You took the other heel out of her body.I want to replace it with this one, but I would really like for it to go completely inside her.And what about Batgirl’s mask? Shouldn’t we remove it before we leave?”

“No, it’ll be more fun for whoever finds her to remove it themselves.Leave it on.”

Minx stood by smiling, as Catwoman reached between Batgirl’s shapely legs and found the relief zipper located within her crotch. With Minx holding Batgirl’s legs open, Catwoman pulled the crotch rope away from Batgirl’s costume and opened the zipper exposing Batgirl’s extremely wet pussy, still soaked from the previous sex.Catwoman shoved the broken stiletto all the way into Batgirl’s body, deep into her love canal. Batgirl’s body responded, her legs attempting to close , as her body arched backwards; a long sensual moan escaping her lips.Catwoman closed the zipper on Batgirl’s costume, sealing the stiletto deep inside her sex; replacing the crotch rope, making sure it was tight.Minx and Catwoman reached into the trunk and picked up Batgirl’ sexually excited body, and threw her into the dumpster.Getting into Catwoman’s car, they sped off.

The Huntress couldn’t believe her eyes.She had seen Catwoman and the unidentified woman pick up what looked to be a body and dump it into the dumpster.It was probably just one of her henchmen, but why the Scab?She had to find out.The Huntress moved the Lamborghini to the alley and stepped out of the car.She was just about to look inside when a rough sounding voice froze her in her tracks.

“Step away from the dumpster Bitch.The Cat Witch dumped that there for us, not for yous.”

The Huntress slowly turned around to face ten rough looking men of the Scab.Though they were not trained in actual hand-to-hand combat, the Huntress knew they could be very dangerous fighters.They could overpower a person by sheer numbers alone.One of the men recognized her.

“Hey, she’s one of them Bat people.I think her name is the Huntress. She’s a mean one.Don’t follow all the Batman’s rule.”

“I don’t care who she is.I don’t follow the Batman’s rule either, not here, not in the Scab.Tell you what sweet cheeks, just surrender and I’ll go easy on you.Get in my way, and I’ll come down on yas hard.”

The Huntress knew she couldn’t bluff her way out of this.It would take a fight.She decided to employ an old trick of Batgirl’s, moving into a defiant pose; but ready for the attack.The Huntress

moved closer to the men, standing with her legs slightly apart, her hands resting lightly on her svelte hips.Her head was held high.She was a sight to see.The men stood looking at her magnificent body. She was wearing a Dark-Purple and Black, French cut very shiny latex teddy; unzipped to her chest showing her ample cleavage.They could see every facet of her well sculpted body, her smooth shapely legs, her slim waist, her firm rounded breasts, even her nipples as they poked through the latex fabric.She was wearing Black thigh-high boots, with two-inch stiletto heels; Black shoulder length latex gloves; along Black latex cape covering her beautiful ass, with a black latex mask covering her face.She was wearing a utility belt like the Batman, but she had a cross bow loaded with arrows sitting in a holster on her right thigh. Her rich black hair, lying softly on her shoulders matched the searing black eyes of her beautiful face.She was the hottest babe they’d seen in the Scab for a long time.The men started moving towards her, each wanting a piece of her body for himself.

The men rushed her as she shot the first arrow, hitting the closest man in the leg.He went down just as another man, rushing headlong from the front; attempted to punch her in the face.She blocked the punch with the crossbow, as she connected with a kick to a third man’s unprotected groin.Grabbing his crotch, he fell to his knees, allowing the Huntress to send another kick to his face.A fourth man, taking advantage of the situation, sent a punch to her right temple, blind siding her and sending her to the dumpster.Dazed, the Huntress ducked as the assailant attempted to hit her again, this time from behind.His punch hit the dumpster, breaking his hand. Huntress dropped him with a karate chop to the back of his head.Four down, she thought, with six to go.Two men suddenly grabbed her from behind; each one holding an arm as the ‘leader’ began punching her in the stomach. Stunned after several hard punches, the Huntress began to falter, as her strength abated. She knew the men were too strong for her and she couldn’t escape their grasp.Her only hope was to take the abuse and feign unconsciousness, hoping they would release her. Within moments, her head slumped forward, resting on her chest. Seeing she was out of it, the ‘leader’ stopped his assault and picked up her head.The Huntress’s eyes were barely open as her mouth fell open. Her body was limp in the men’s arms.Smiling broadly, the ‘leader’ was satisfied with the results of his attacks. His order released the Huntress from the men’s grasp and she fell to the ground; falling flat on her face, seemingly unconscious.The men dispersed, checking on their fallen comrades as the ‘leader’ flipped the Huntress’s cape off her beautiful ass.He ran his hand across the latex covering her body, smiling inwardly at the smoothness and shape of the fallen heroine’s form.Turning her over unto her back, he was surprised to see the crossbow aimed at his body; even more surprised when the arrow entered his thigh.The Huntress finished him off by sending a sidekick to his face, already contorted in pain.

Getting to her feet, the Huntress threw a bolo at the closest man knocking him unconscious as the rubber balls made contact with his temples. Another man was dropped as he ran towards her, using the bat-a-rang. The Huntress now had her back to the dumpster,as she looked for the last three men.She could see two, so she attacked.Running towards the man on the right, she ducked as he swung a punch at her face, allowing her to send a kick to his solar plexus.The strong kick sent the man into the Lamborghini and unconsciousness.The Huntress moved to the last standing man, thinking eight down, one unknown and one to fight.She was about to attack the last as a feminine voice coming from her left stopped her dead in her tracks.

“Hey Huntress, if you want this babe alive you had better surrender now!”

The last man had actually been a woman and she had climbed up into the dumpster and was pointing a long knife at whoever was in it.

Her attention was transfixed causing her to momentarily forget the other man.Her mistake cost her as the man sent a kick to her crotch; sending her to the concrete in pain.The woman in the dumpster lowered herself a little and was out of sight for a few moments.The Huntress was just able to send a weakened kick to her attacker, even as she yelled out in pain.A sleep bomb followed the kick.He fell to the ground unconscious.Standing up, the Huntress relaxed, allowing her cape to cover her left hand as she went for her utility belt. The woman in the dumpster was just getting back up, bringing the knife to bear on the victim in the dumpster when an arrow passed through the hand holding the knife. Grabbing her bleeding hand, the woman jumped out of the dumpster and fled for her life.

The Huntress relaxed as she began checking the prone bodies to make sure they wouldn’t be able to cause her any more problems.She wound up standing in front of the dumpster, listening for any new comers when a very soft moan came from inside the dumpster.Thinking it was probably one of Catwoman’s whores, the Huntress stood on a small crate and looked inside.The sight took her breath away. She just stood there, her mouth dropping open as her eyes went wide with shock.Her lips began to move but nothing came out.A thousand questions came to her mind only to be replaced by yet a thousand more and still she just stared. Finally, taking a large breath, she blurted out her first possible words.

“Batgirl?My……..myGod, Batgirl?What the hell you doing here? What did Catwoman do to you?”

The Huntress climbed down into the dumpster and started to raise her head. But, hearing more people coming, she decided to get Batgirl and herself out of the dumpster and to safety.Laying the seat back, she put Batgirl’s body in the passenger seat, buckling her in. Getting into the driver’s side, she was able to get the Lamborghini moving just as a hail of bricks began bouncing off it’s titanium steel shell.Gunning the Lamborghini, the Huntress drove away until they were several blocks out of the Scab and relatively safe.Turning into a parking garage, the Huntress drove to the top level before stopping the car. The Huntress exited the car, scanning the area for possible dangers, before she opened Batgirl’s door and checked Batgirl out.

Batgirl lay on her seat.She had passed out as the Huntress picked her up to carry her to the car. She could see blood trickling down Batgirl’s temple on her left side.Her face was bruised pretty badly, but what really worried her was where Batgirl kept laying her gloves.Catwoman had done something sexual to Batgirl and it may have destroyed her sex.The Huntress knew this could be serious. Minutes later, pulling the car back on the street; the Huntress gunned the Lamborghini back to her building.

Placing the car in the basement garage of her building, the Huntress picked up Batgirl’s

torn body, placing her over her shoulder for the trip up the elevator.Arriving at the house, the Huntress quickly headed for the bedroom and the waterbed.She laid Batgirl down very carefully, trying not to hurt her in any way. The Huntress began to undress Batgirl to check her over better than in the car.She unfastened Batgirl’s cape and utility belt, almost getting shocked by the defense mechanism in the buckle.The Huntress then slowly rolled Batgirl over on her right side to remove the belt and loose cape.Rolling Batgirl’s body onto her back again, she took off Batgirl’s gloves and boots.Batgirl’s soft lips parted as she let out a low moan.The Huntress watched as Batgirl began to stretch like a cat in the first hours of the day,and she leaned closer to Batgirl’s face to see if she was all right.Batgirl’s eyes were open, though glassed over.She looked up at the Huntress even as her body writhed in sexual pleasure, and smiled in recognition of the woman above her.To her surprise, Batgirl grabbed her hair with one hand and planted a desperate; hungry kiss on her lips.The Huntress began to resist, but as she was being kissed; Batgirl reached inside her costume and began to tweak her right nipple, causing it to harden.The Huntress’s struggles became less concerted as her body quickly moved into arousal.Finally, realizing this wasn’t supposed to be happening, the Huntress pulled away, standing up.She was weak at the knees, and her mind was clouded with emotions, long since denied, as she tried to comprehend what was happening.

Batgirl got up, standing in front of the dazed and confused super heroine.Batgirl reached up to the Huntress’s hair, gently running her right hand in the flowing black mass. The Huntress, was transfixed, too confused to move as emotions began to swell up inside her.Batgirl moved her hands down to the collar of her companion’s latex teddy, unfastening the buckles slowly.The Huntress twitched as she tried to resist Batgirl’s advances, but she was already on the verge.Her mind was moving in slow motion as though drugged.Batgirl continued to undress the super heroine, unzipping her costume, exposing her well-developed breasts.Seeing the zipper went between the Huntress’s legs, Batgirl kneeled down as she continued to unzip the costume, finally exposing Huntress’s beautifully bushy mound.Batgirl smiled in delight at the sight of the already moist, glistening sex.The Huntress’s mind, still acting in slow motion, spoke to itself saying ‘No, Stop, this isn’t right’.But, her body knew it wanted more.

Batgirl moved her face in front of the Huntress’s labia and began to softly kiss and lick the outer edges of the Huntress’s womanhood.She moved all around the edges, moving ever so closer to the center of attention.The attention being given to the Huntress’s sexual area was beginning to turn her on to a point she couldn’t control.Her mind, reeling from the attack, began to get into the action herself.

“Ooooooooohhhhh, Batgirl, that…feels…so goooooood.Uuhhhhhh,please…Batgirl, please…don’t stop, …Uuuhhhhhhh…Ooooooohhhhhhh…Uuummmmmm.”

Lost in the blissful feelings of sex, the Huntress reached down, grabbing the back of Batgirl’s cowl; pulling it against her womanhood, just as she allowed her head to fall back, her luscious lips parting as a long groan escaped her mouth.The Huntress’s body was building to a powerful climax, even as her body, responding to the sex became rigid as the particularly powerful orgasm arrived. Her pelvis started thrusting back and forth in Batgirl’s face, filling it with her love juices, and the Huntress screamed in ecstasy as her whole body arched backwards; her hands pulling Batgirl’s cowl off of her cum filled face, exposing Batgirl’s secret identity.The Huntress paid no attention, her mind totally void of all thought, save fulfillment of long suppressed sexual desires.She was completely under her love partner’s control and she didn’t care.The fact that she had removed Batgirl’s cowl didn’t register as her mind, her body sought still more release.

Batgirl slowly rose to her feet, kissing the Huntress’s body as she went.She then began kissing her twin mounds, moving in a circular fashion towards Huntress’s already firm, reddened nipples.Batgirl switched from kissing to licking, from licking to nibbling; moving from one breast to the other in choreographed precision as the Huntress became even more excited than before.She couldn’t believe what Batgirl was doing or how she was doing it.Batgirl was pushing every button she had, sending surges of orgasmic energy through every fiber of her already over-excited body; sending her to the highest levels of excitement she had ever known.The Huntress began to lose her mind in the sex, as Batgirl stood totally erect; their hot bodies touching the others’.Batgirl was rubbing Huntress’s crotch with her latex covered thigh, while giving the Huntress all consuming kisses, their tongues exploring the inner recesses oftheir partner’s mouths.They were hot with an all-consuming passion; as they both climaxed.The Huntress’s screamed again, as her juices flowed unto Batgirl’s costume and down her leg.Her mind, having reached the point of sexual overload, began to melt into the void of sexual ecstasy.She could barely stand, as her heaving breasts collided with those of Batgirl’s, still encased in the steamy hot latex.Batgirl screamed in ecstasy as the sexual fulfillment she so desperately needed found its way to the surface from her subconscious.Her screams of joy turned to sudden screams ofheart-rending agony, as she grabbed her groin falling to her knees.She tried to hold herself up with one hand, still clutching her torn womanhood with the other; as she suddenly lost the battle and fell to the floor unconscious.The Huntress, barely registered Batgirl’s fall as her own body, now devoid of any strength, dropped to the floor as well.She attempted to stay up, balanced on her knees; to see what was wrong with her love partner, with Batgirl, but she collapsed into unconsciousness shortly there after.

Explorations and Obsessions

Returning to the estate several hours’ later, Catwoman felt as though a large weight had been lifted off her chest. Batgirl was dead, or soon would be, and she had Minx to thank for it. Not only that, but she now had a way to get at the Batman.Putting the car away, Catwoman sent Minx to patrol the grounds making sure none of Nightwing’s equipment could be seen by the naked eye.While Minx was taking care of this, she could take care of business.She entered the bedroom where Nightwing was shackled and was surprised to see him still out.Placing a call to an old friend of hers, she was told a doctor would there within the hour. Suddenly, Minx came into the room, out of breath.She had been running up the stairs.

“Catwoman, you would never guess what I found behind some bushes.Batgirl’s Predator Cycle.I brought it in the garage.It’s a beautiful machine.It’s sleek, sexy, and I’ll bet it’s fast.”

“Humm, we might be able to use that.I’ve got old Doc Butler on his way over.Nightwing is still out.What did you do to him anyway?”

“Nothing, except play pool, let him eat lunch, me; and beat him.You know, basic torture stuff.”

“Well, we had better get him ready.”

Catwoman began searching Nightwing’s comatose body for a possible means by which to remove the skin-tight costume.Minx started to get the necessary supplies ready for the doc, as he didn’t carry much of his own.Looking at Nightwing’s crotch, Catwoman smiled.She had found the zipper.She began unzipping his costume, backwards, from the bottom to the top.Opening the costume, she was amazed at the six-pack hidden within.Minx came over and helped Catwoman raise his lifeless body and remove the sweat-slicked costume from his slack arms.Next, they removed the lower portion.Nightwing was now virtually naked, wearing only a jockey brief and his mask.Catwoman played with the idea of removing the mask as well, since she knew his secret identity already, but decided to keep it on; just in case old Doctor Butler got nosy.Catwoman ran her gloved fingers across his very muscular chest, exploring every facet of his strength, as she openly admired his toned body.

Catwoman placed a set of leather collars around his ankles and wrists.She began to expertly run braided cord through the various rings, connecting them to the corners and to each other.When finished, Nightwing was securely bound, but safe.He would not be able to hurt himself as the cord would not pull any tighter as he moved. Getting kinky, she added a spiked collar around his neck, attaching the various ropes to the collar. Finally, she placed a hood over his head to conceal his masked identity from the doctor.She was just finishing with the hood when the doctor walked in the room.The old man, a doctor who had lost his license several years earlier for malpractice, took one look at the patient and became intrigued.

“Who do we have here Catwoman?This isn’t one of your gang members or you wouldn’t have placed a hood on his face.”

“He’s a very important person from Gotham City, that we are keeping for the time being.He knows where something of great value is that I want.But, he tried to escape earlier and fell down the flight of stairs. He’s been unconsciousness for several hours and I began to get worried.”

Placing his bag on the table, the doctor began the examination.He checked every physical part of Nightwing’s upper body for any possible injuries. Catwoman refused to remove the hood so the doctor moved on, checking his lower body parts as well.Having checked what inner areas he could, finishing the examination some three hours later.

“Well Catwoman, physically he’s not too bad.He does seem to have some localized trauma to his groin area.Falling down the stairs could cause this, I suppose.There’s also an indication of a mild concussion, which could also have been caused by that fall. The most serious part as far as I can tell, may be his ribs. There are at least two bruised ribs on his left side with a cracked one on the right. I can bandage the ribs to provide added support, but that’s about all.Does he know you have him?”

The question surprised Catwoman, causing her to turn around instantly; but she was just able to get her composure under control before she answered.

“Does who know we have him?”

“Why the Batman of course.That’s Nightwing on the bed.The hood you placed over his faceis too thin, so I could see his masked face.Also, your little tart over there didn’t put his costume away.If you have Nightwing, it will only make Batman mad.You know that don’t you?”

Catwoman knew this very well.In fact she was hoping Batman would get mad.A mad Batman could be a careless Batman.And if this old fool thought that having Nightwing trussed up would make the Batman mad; it wasn’t anything compared to knocking off Batgirl.

“Yes I know it.In fact, I’m counting on it. If Batman knows we have one of his protégés he’s likely to get sloppy.”

“Oh, by the way Catwoman, there’s also a rumor spreading that you’ve killed Batgirl.Seems to be coming from the lower elements of the Scab. If this is true and if you have Nightwing as well, it won’t just make the Batman mad, it will make him deadly; for all of us.You had better know what you’re doing. Also, my usual fees are doubled for this job.”

Catwoman was seething with rage.Why did every man try to tell her how to run her life.Her claws extracted momentarily as she flexed her hands trying to control her anger.The doctor for his part pretended not to notice, but sweat was beginning to bead on his forehead.

“You’ll get the money you deserve, Butler. But if you want to leave this room with your skin, you should think about loose comments in the future. I could easily enjoy plying your skin apart, piece by ever loving painful piece, while watching you die.”

With that the doctor collected his fees and left.He didn’t want to be any where near Catwoman when the Batman found out about her guest.It was very late when the doctor finally left the grounds.Catwoman had gone to bed a short while later and Minx was in charge of watching Nightwing.She was getting bored sitting there watching Nightwing’s athletically built body sleeping.His chest rising and falling in quiet rhythm was turning her on and she craved action.Checking to see if the door was locked, Minx turned the intercom unit off.She moved over to the bed and the sleeping super hero lightly touching his muscular arm.Taking a final look at the door, she climbed into bed with him.Nightwing was oblivious to her presence as she stroked his well-developed chest.Looking him wishfully in the eye, she began to dream what she would do with this body. Her first thought was to get rid of the silly mask as she reached up and removed it exposing his identity once again. Gradually, Minx moved in for a kiss, the first of many she thought.Nightwing was hers.Batgirl was dead and Nightwing was hers.Batgirl was dead.She thought that had a nice sounding ring to it.With Batgirl out of the way, she could turn Nightwing’s love toward her.She had no doubt that she could do it.She had the body.She had the lust, and she could have the man.

While giving Nightwing another kiss, her hand moved down under the sheets, seeking his maleness.Finding it, she began to stroke it, causing it to come alive, to become erect in her hand.

Minx was still kissing him when he suddenly came around, his eyes going wide at the sight of Minx near him in the bed.Struggling, Nightwing tried to get away from her.Finding his wrists and ankles bound to the bed, Nightwing knew he had no chance of escape.Calming down, he looked her in the eyes, wondering where he was.His thought went to Batgirl and looking around he saw that Catwoman wasn’t in the room with them.

“Minx, Get off of me!And where’s Batgirl?What have you and Catwoman done with her?”

Minx was looking at him, seething with rage that he would be thinking of Batgirl while she was in bed with him.Sitting up, she unzipped her costume, exposing her ample breasts.She started feeling herself, cupping her breasts, pulling on her nipples, causing them to harden.Nightwing wasn’t buying any of it.

“Minx, stop it.Where is Batgirl?What is Catwoman doing to her?

“She isn’t here, damn it!Catwoman and I got rid of her hours ago.But you have me.Remember how you kept looking at my body during our first fight?You wanted me then, and now with Batgirl out of the way; you can have me, all of me.”

“Minx, I’m going to ask you one more time.You had better think about it and answer me.Now, Where is she?Where is Batgirl?”

“I told you Nightwing.She’s gone.She was beat up pretty badly in that last fight.Did you know she broke one of my boots?The heel to my left boot, all six inches of it, was embedded in her love canal. Anyway, she was really out of it.Catwoman injected her with a concentrated, probably lethal dose of the Pheromone Mist.We tied her up and put in the trunk of Catwoman’s car. We drove her body into the city and dumped it.So you see, she’s gone.But, forget about her.You have me now.”

If a bomb had gone off in the room, it wouldn’t have affected Nightwing more.

“You ………….. dumped ………………. Her?Where Minx?Where did you take her?”

“It isn’t important, Nightwing.I love you.I want you and I love you.Who needs Batgirl when you have me?Please Nightwing, forget about her.Love me instead.”

“Minx, I wouldn’t love you if you were the last female on the planet.That’s in the first place, and in the second place, you’re a criminal; I’m a super hero.It would never work.I don’t love you.I don’t love Batgirl either, or at least I don’t think I do, but be that as it may, she is still my partner.Now for the last time Minx, where did Catwoman take her?”

Minx was furious, and hurt.She was better than Batgirl by a long shot.She knew she could satisfy his desires.Batgirl didn’t even know what desires were, let alone how to deal with them.It wasn’t fair.She knew she could change his mind.She would just have to work harder at it; that’s all.

“Ok, damn it.Have your Batgirl.But she’s dead by now.We drove her body to the Scab and dumped her bound body in a dumpster.”

Nightwing was shocked.Fear was edging into his mind.The Scab was the absolute worst place to take Batgirl, or any bound female.Even Batman wouldn’t go in there without the rest of his protégés at his side.Tears swelled up in his eyes as he took in the realization that Batgirl was dead or worse, in the hands of some perverted fiend. Closing his eyes, he tried to think it through, think of a way to help her; but he knew there was none.She was gone.

His partner, maybe his love gone, Nightwing’s mind snapped.Yelling out in indignation, using every once of strength he could muster, he began breaking free of the restrictive bonds holding him to the bed.Minx attempted to hold him down, but he backhanded her to the floor.He was free and mad as hell.Advancing on Minx, he picked her up and began beating her into the wall.She was trying to hit back, but the punches just bounced off.Within moments, she was knocked utterly senseless by Nightwing’s attacks.

Catwoman meanwhile, was trying to get through the door.She was surprised that it was locked, from the inside no less.She tried to push her way through but that didn’t work.She tried to kick the door down, but that just hurt her foot.Finally, thinking ‘damn Oak doors’, she went after Nightwing’s utility belt and the explosives stored with in it.She returned moments later and blew the door off its hinges.As she entered, she saw Nightwing punching the lights out of Minx.Looking at her partner, she could see Minx was out of it, and not putting up any resistance.Finding the closest thing in the room, a brass lamppost, Catwoman brought it down on Nightwing’s head.

To her shock, it had no effect, save letting him know she was there.Catwoman backed up, seeing the look of pure unadulterated, blind rage in his eyes.Wondering what Minx had done to set him off, Catwoman started scrambling in her pouch for something, anything that might be of use.

Finding the needler, she stuck a canister of catnip into the barrel of the needle and cocked it to ready.Now all she had to do was get close enough to use it without getting herself killed.Nightwing was advancing on her slowly, revenge in his burning eyes.Minx was staggering, but managed to gain his attention by using Catwoman’s Cat-O-Nine-Tails on him.He turned, pulling the whip and Minx towards him, giving her a gut wrenching punch to her midsection as she reached his grasp.Minx went down hard, but it gave Catwoman the opening she needed.Catwoman injected the full dose of catnip in his spine; then backed up expecting him to fall down.It slowed him down, that was all.He was advancing on her again and this time Minx couldn’t help.It was a race as Catwoman reloaded the needler, cocking it to the ready just as Nightwing reached around her and began crushing her ribs in an extremely strong bear hug.She injected the second dose into his neck.Slowly, he weakened.Releasing her, he began to stagger.Dropping to his knees, he was still able to give Minx a slight backhanded punch; before falling to the floor.

Breathing heavily, Catwoman sank to her butt as she tried to think through what had just happened.Minx was only now coming around and she looked like death warmed over.Her own ribs were sore from the bear hug.Nightwing was stronger than she thought, but then, he was in a blind rage.She had seen entire clips of 9mm emptied into people in that condition and it hadn’t slowed them down.If anything, it usually made them madder.She would have preferred to let him calm down, but there was no time.Standing up, she went over to Minx and was about to ask her what had set him off, when she noticed Minx’s costume.It was open to the waist.Not torn open as from a fight, but unzipped, as in an act of lust.Catwoman was seeing red when she clamped her hand down on Minx’s head, grabbing her hair and asking what she had done.

“I got bored.I sort of got into bed with him to have some fun.It just got carried away, that’s all.He kept asking about Batgirl, not even seeing me, even when I unzipped my costume. So I got mad and told him what we did to his precious Batgirl.About the drugs and the bondage, and about putting her in the dumpster over in the Scab.He pissed me off and Igot back at him.”

Picking her up by the hair, Catwoman placed her near a support beam in the corner of the room. When she was finished with Minx, she had shackled her to the pole, a ball gag in her mouth.Her arms were placed in a single glove, with one leg raised up to her face.Catwoman picked up Nightwing’s comatose body and shackled him to the bed, using chains this time.She left the room cursing about the problems with teenage puberty.

The next morning Catwoman came into the room in a sour mood.Her sleep had been interrupted last night.Minx was mumbling protests through the gag, but Catwoman just ignored her.Walking over to the bed she looked at Nightwing’s chest.The wounds from last night’s battle would heal ok and she noticed he was awake.Looking at Minx, Catwoman became somber.

“Nightwing.I feel I must apologize for my younger partner’s behavior last night.She shouldn’t have made the sexual advances when you were in a weakened condition.”

Nightwing glared at her but did little else, so she continued.

“It is one thing to beat you to a pulp or battle you sexually, or even to capture you, but Minx was acting on her own, so to speak.She was thinking with her hormones instead of her brain.She is still a child, granted not much younger than you or even Batgirl for that matters, but she still immature.”

Minx was furious.She had agreed to join Catwoman as an equal, not a subordinate.She was not a child.Seething with fury, she wanted to wipe the smug look off Catwoman’s face.She was still bound as she had been when Catwoman placed her in the awkward position late last night.It wasn’t fair. Deciding Minx should have her say, Catwoman removed the gag from Minx’s mouth.

“Catwoman. I am not a child. I can take of myself and in case you have forgotten, I’m the one that beat Batgirl to a pulp. Batgirl’s where she is today because of what I did to her.You’ve tried to destroy or kill her but you’ve always managed to screw it up. You’re just jealous because you want Nightwing for yourself.”

Catwoman walked over to Minx muttering something under breath. She picked up the ball gag again and put back into Minx’s mouth even as Minx struggled in her bonds to resist the gag.Standing in front of her furious partner, Catwoman reached out, grabbing a breast and began to squeeze.Minx went red hot with anger. She started mumbling out screams at Catwoman about how unfair she was being to her.Catwoman changed from squeezing to caressing, occasionally tweaking Minx’s nipple as she began to turn the young woman on.Minx, as her struggling against her bondage began to slow, reacted to Catwoman’s expert touching which aroused her body.Minx couldn’t stand much more as Catwoman continued to inflict pleasure on her body. Her head fell back as her lips emitted a long muffled moan.Catwoman suddenly stopped the caressing, as she noticed with delight the appearance of the damp spot spreading in Minx’s crotch.Catwoman moved her hand down to Minx’s damp patch and began to finger her partner’s sex.She brought Minx on shortly after that.Allowing Minx to sink in her bonds, Catwoman returned her attention to Nightwing.

“I’ve always believed in the old saying that kids are better seen and not heard.Now, as I was saying Nightwing, Minx has acted beyond her permission.If she wants sexual pleasure, I can give it to her.Now, let’s you and I have a talk, shall we?”

“What have you done with Batgirl, Catwoman?Is it true what Minx told me last night?”

Sighing inwardly at her partners’ stupidity and wondering about her continued value, Catwoman shrugged her shoulders and tried to move on.Nightwing wasn’t satisfied with the shrug and pressed the attack.

“Catwoman, if you’ve hurt her in any way, so help me I’ll…….”

“ We are not going to talk about Batgirl.She’s probably dead by now anyway.I’m sure Minx told you everything she was not supposed to; but that doesn’t matter, now does it?Batgirl is gone, dead. There’s nothing any of us can do about it, even if I was willing.”

“You had better hope she’s not dead Catwoman.Because if she is, there won’t be a place on this earth that you can hide.Not from the Batman, not from the police, and certainly not from me.”

Catwoman was about to reply when she stopped, closing her mouth and looked at him, considering his words as if hearing him for the first time.She was still looking at him when Minx began to stir behind her.Minx was over the arousal and had managed to push the ball gag part way out of her mouth.

“Catwoman, Nightwing is too young for you.Besides that, he looked at my body before he even thought about yours.We’ve kissed. Leave him alone.”

“You don’t get it, do you Minx.You haven’t heard a word Nightwing has said. He loves her.Nightwing loves Batgirl.I should have seen it from the start.At the pool when they were kissing,

together in the various bondage positions; in the fights, in every thing.Nightwing simply loves her.It’s my guess, and I’m seldom wrong in the ways of love, that Batgirl loves him as well.She may not know it yet, but soon she will come to realize it just as Nightwing has.”

Nightwing heard the words and began to say she was wrong.But thinking about it, he began to realize that Catwoman was right.He did love Batgirl. He loved her more than life itself.Why had it taken Catwoman to tell him?

“You realize Minx that we have made a tactical error here. By getting rid of Batgirl we have actually lost a valuable bargaining chip. If we had Batgirl, we could persuade Nightwing here to do our bidding, to even tell us where Batman is and how to get him.But with her gone, and with him knowing she is dead, we have no leverage to use against him. Save his own life.”

Catwoman strolled over to her bound partner; removing the gag and releasing the ties and the single glove.Catwoman whispered to Minx.Nodding her head, Minx left the room.

“I have sent Minx out to find out about Batgirl.She could still be alive, you know.”

Nightwing gave Catwoman a look that would have struck fear in the most violent of criminals.

Catwoman not being the average criminal, she didn’t even flinch.But she understood Nightwing better than she ever had in the past.The boy of the past was gone.He was the equal to the Batman in his own way.

“In Batgirl’s condition; if you drugged her, tied her up, and placed her in a dumpster in the middle of the Scab at night, I doubt there is much chance of that, Catwoman.You have condemned her to a horrible death.I only hope, she was so far gone, that there was little pain, and she went fast.”


The Huntress slowly opened her eyes, wondering why she was on the floor.Sitting up, she looked at the wall clock, seeing that it was almost eleven in the morning.Good thing it was a Saturday she thought.She tried to remember what had happened on the last night’s patrol and it hit her.Batgirl. The Scab. Having sex with….Batgirl?Her head became fuzzy and she fell back down. Painfully, she rolled over and saw Batgirl, lying right in front of her, unconscious.Blinking her eyes, she suddenly noticed Batgirl’s cowl was missing.She was looking at Barbara Gordon.Sitting up again, slowly this time, she took in the whole view.It was Barbara Gordon all right, wearing Batgirl’s skin-tight purple latex catsuit.Barbara Gordon was Batgirl?She had never suspected.Seeing the condition of her guest, the Huntress decided she had better get moving and get them both cleaned up.

She had just cleaned up Batgirl’s costume from her now sticky cum, when Batgirl started coming around.Stroking her costume must have awakened her.Batgirl’s soft lips parted as she let out a low moan.The Huntress watched as she began to stretch like a cat in the first hours of the day, when the Huntress suddenly realized that was how the sexual action had started the night before.The Huntress quickly tied her arms to the bedposts and her ankles to the footboard.It was just in time as Batgirl attempted to kiss her yet again.The Huntress was puzzled.When had Batgirl become a sex crazed lunatic?She was still thinking about it when she remembered how Batgirl had come to being where she was.Catwoman and that other woman had dumped her body at the Scab.

“Batgirl. Look at me. I’m the Huntress.Have you heard of me?”

There was no response, save the purring of a cat in heat.Thinking fast, she went to her utility belt and found some of Nightwing’s anti-toxin tablets.She forced two down Batgirl’s throat and left the room to think.It was several minutes later when she had decided to use the illegal connection to the famous Grey Computer at the Wayne Foundation building.She had accidentally

found out that Nightwing used that computer to record all data dealing with criminals he had fought.She just hoped he still updated the intelligence every day like he used to.Several hours later she was looking at the recent files regarding Catwoman when a red-tagged, encrypted file got her attention.Backing up, she entered the file.Reading the file was a challenge.Luckily she was a teacher.It was several minutes into the review when she came upon a description of a young woman, which had made sexual advances on Nightwing during their last encounter. Smiling to herself, she knew she would have to find a way to tell him about being careful with his entries.He put every thing in the file, simply everything.Checking the date, the Huntress was shocked to see the date was only five days old.Researching the woman brought up the name of Minx; but it also brought up a description.Looking at the image, she nodded her head.It was the same woman as the one at the dumpster.

Now her thinking went into a concerted mode.IfNightwing had had an encounter with this young woman, where was he now?She connected with his phone line and listened to his voice messages.Several from the last two days with no replies.Concern creasing her brow, she read further, going deeper into the file.The connecting file’s superimposed link was so small that she went right over it three times before she found the door to enter. Quickly checking the date, she noticed it was only two days old. Very recent.It described his findings on the recent jewel thefts around Gotham City and the young girl’s probable connection.It went further to detail their suspected hiding place, the Gratham Estate on the Upper East Side.She was scanning the massive amount of raw, un-refined intelligence placed in this file when suddenly there it was; Batgirl’s name. She had been with him at the estate.What she saw after that wasn’t pretty.Minx had sexually abused her on several occasions and had tried to kill her several times at the estate.She was still reading the Intel when she came across a phrase she was all too familiar with. “Pheromone Mist.”Searching for definition brought a quote from Catwoman herself.‘Batgirl’s under the influence of a fiendishly new creation of mine Nightwing.When a person is exposed to its effects, their mind melts into a mindless sexual zombie.Anything I suggest to her; she will continue to do until I tell her to stop.If I give her a concentrated enough dosage, she may well become a sex crazed lunatic.’The Huntress was shocked, as she thought those were her very words, only hours ago.The file ended a short while later.There were no new entries.

Walking back into the bedroom, Huntress looked at Batgirl.She now knew what had happened to her.She also knew that Nightwing was in mortal danger.She would have to affect a rescue, but for that she would need Batgirl’s help.But first, she would need a shower.It took her several minutes to refresh herself.Putting on a robe, Helena went to see Batgirl.Sitting down on the edge of the bed, Batgirl looked at her with a perplexed expression.Batgirl was much calmer since she had the anti-drug’s help in her system.Helena, leaned across Batgirl, causing her robe to partly fall open, exposing her left breast.Batgirl’s eyes went wide.Seeing the reaction to her exposure, Helena quickly closed the robe and got up to leave.

“No, wait…, please.I…, I need to talk to you a moment.Where am I? Why have you tied me up?”

“You were brought to me by a friend last night.She said you were sick and could become violent, so we tied you down, until you got well.”

Helena started to leave once more.But Batgirl stopped her.

“You’re Helena Bertanelli aren’t you?Haven’t I met you before.”

“Yes you have Batgirl.Now rest.I’ll be back later and we’ll talk then.”

“ No. please wait. Listen, I need your help.I know this will be hard to believe, but I’m not crazy.I was with Nightwing trying to capture Catwoman and her partner called Minx.They overpowered us.I don’t know how I got here, but Nightwing is still there.I must find someone to get a hold of Batman.I know this sounds crazy. But you’ve got to listen.Please …, just …, listen.”

Tears were streaming down Batgirl’s face even as she pleaded with the woman in front of her.

Her voice was becoming ragged, approaching panic levels as she tried to compose herself to continue talking.

“Catwoman drugged me somehow.There was this woman…..last night, I think…, I made love to her.”

Helena left the room without saying a word. Batgirl closed her eyes as she cried softly.Batgirl knew she sounded crazy.A normal person wouldn’t believe her in a million years.She knew that.She was still thinking about her fate when a different woman came into the room.Batgirl’s eyes went wide as she recognized the woman’s costume.

“Batgirl, I’m called The Huntress. I brought you here last night after following the Catwoman and Minx to a dumpster in the Scab.The Batman and I don’t get along but, if I can be of help,I would be more than willing to try.”

Batgirl was smiling with her eyes closed.She had taken in the costume but had yet to see the masked person’s face.Raising her face to answer the heroine, she was amazed to see the woman was not wearing her mask.She was also amazed to see it was Miss Bertanelli.

“You’re the Huntress?I should have known.Look, I know I sound crazy….”

“No you don’t Batgirl.I’ve searched Nightwing’s files and found his last entry.It mentions this Minx and the Gratham Estate.It also mentioned something called “Pheromone Mist”.I think you were suffering from its affects last night.”

Batgirl and the Huntress looked each other over for a while.Sizing each other up. Looking deep in each other’s eyes.Finally,Batgirl broke the silence.

“Why did you risk revealing your secret identity to me just now?I mean, you don’t know who I am behind this mask, do you?”

“Last night when we were…, when we had our…, when you made…,Umm, What I mean to say is, as you did me…, uh, sorry.Oh hell, when you aroused me as you pleasured me like no one ever has before, I climaxed and I accidentally pulled your cowl off in the process.I didn’t know about you being Batgirl until I regained consciousness this morning.I rolled over on my side and there you were, lying on the floor without your cowl on, wearing that deliciously hot-looking latex costume.I put your cowl back on to make you feel safer, but, I thought, since I know who you are behind the mask; that it’s only fair that you know who I am behind mine. I’m sorry for removing your cowl Batgirl.”

As the Huntress continued relating the hot episodes of the previous night to Batgirl, she moved to untie the heroine’s body. She then reached out her hand and helped the heroine up. The Huntress placed her hands on Batgirl’s shoulders, softly caressing them as she continued to talk to her new- found friend.

“Batgirl, I know Nightwing is in danger back at the Gratham Estate, and I think I have a plan to rescue him; but I will need your help if the plan is to succeed. You know the layout of the Estate’s grounds and the mansion itself.You may know where they are holding him as well.I need you to tell me the plans for the house and what security it has.If I’m to go in there, I will need as much advanced Intel as possible to get Nightwing out safely.”

“You mean, if ‘We’ go in there; don’t you?”

“No, Batgirl.You’re in no shape to go back there.Minx almost killed you already.It would be safer if you stayed here and rested.Also, I don’t know if I could protect you when a fight commenced.”

“Huntress, I thank you for your concern, but I can handle it. It’s like you said, I know the layout of the grounds and the house.I also know the placements for the security, which is state-of-the-art.

Besides, if Nightwing is there and alive, he will be in no condition to help.You may be able to take on Catwoman and Minx by yourself, but you may need my help.And in a fight, I can take care of myself.”

The Huntress released Batgirl’s shoulders and walked towards a window.Thinking for a moment, she turned around and looked at Batgirl once again. Walking back to face Batgirl, she placed her hands back on Batgirl’s shoulders, but held her at arm’s length. The Huntress looked intently into Batgirl’s intense blue eyes for a few moments, trying to access her condition.

“Batgirl, Barbara.I’m just not sure. You’ve been through a lot already. If Catwoman and Minx see you alive, they may well go ballistic and try to kill you again. You may be more of a danger than help, and I…, don’t want to…, lose you.You’re too special.”

Barbara had been looking down, but slowly looked at Helena and saw tears swelling in her eyes. Understanding dawned in Barbara’s mind as she reached up to touch Helena’s face with her right hand.Helena lowered her face, not looking at anything in particular, as Barbara softly wiped the tears from her eyes.Finally, after long moments, she placed her right hand under Helena’s chin and raised it up so she could see her beautiful face.

“Helena, I…, I’m not sure either, but you will need help.Catwoman is a worthy adversary and sexually devious. And Minx, don’t even get me started on her.She’s just plain demented.I Am weak from the drugs and the battles of the last few days but, I know I can help.”

Barbara turned and moved away from Helena for a few steps.She stopped, looking down as she said the last few words, almost at a whisper.

“And you’re special to me as well, and I don’t want to lose you either.But if I’m not there to help, you might get in over your head.It would be two against one.”

Then she turned back around and assumed her famous pose.Even partially out of costume, the Helena thought Batgirl could always gain the upper hand in an argument.

“Besides, you would have to tie me up to prevent me from going there to help, and I don’t think you can do it, Huntress.”

The Huntress started chuckling to herself as she looked at Batgirl in her akimbo pose.

“Ok, You win, Batgirl.But, if you are to go, I need to know how you are feeling?I need to know about this drug Catwoman injected into your system and any other information you can give me to help me plan this attack. Are you still under the drug’s influence?”

Batgirl’s expression turned somber for a few moments, as she relaxed in the pose.Batgirl began to walk around the room with her left arm across her waist and the right elbow resting on the left wrist as she held her chin in her right hand.

“I think I’m still under the Pheromone drug’s influence, because I find you very attractive.I want your body even now, to play with you and to make love to you. I remember most of last night’s sex. It seemed, when I was pleasuring you, you didn’t to mind much.Listen, I’m sorry for sexually attacking you, for virtually fucking you last night.There’s no excuse.”

“Hey, don’t worry about it. It was erotically enjoyable. You had me at your mercy Batgirl.I was totally under your control.But now that you mention it Batgirl, I want to ask you something.You pushed every button on my body, Girl.I’ve never had a man give me sex like that. You’re good.Where did you learn to perform sex like that?To pleasure a person like you did?”

“Would you believe I read a lot?”

With that, the two heroines laughedbecoming instant friends. They started to devise a plan to take the Estate back from Catwoman and Minx, and to rescue Nightwing.They knew it wouldn’t be easy and they knew they had to do something about the drug in Batgirl’s body.

“The first thing we need to do is find out about the drugs in your system, Batgirl.Do you know what they’re made of?Do you know the chemical components?”

“No, but I don’t think that’s the first thing I need to do Huntress.The first thing, I need to do is get out of this sticky latex costume and take a bath.I haven’t had one in four days, and I’m beginning to feel the effects.”

“Of the drug, or the stench?”

Batgirl gave her newfound friend a look that would have stopped a Tiger in its tracks.Instead, it sent the Huntress into a laughing fit.Batgirl joined in the laughing, but soon found it hard to breath. Holding on to the Huntress and gasping for air, Batgirl suddenly grabbed her womanhood as an intense pain overcame her. Her damaged body doubling over with the pain, she collapsed in the Huntress’s arms, unconscious.The Huntress couldn’t understand what had happened.She picked up Batgirl’s pain induced body in her arms and carried her to the waterbed, lying her down gently and checked her over.The Huntress knew something was seriously wrong with Batgirl.It was the second time in two days, she had collapsed after a sudden intense pain hit her. And each time she had grabbed her sex before going down.Without hesitation, the Huntress turned Batgirl over unto her stomach and unzipped the latex suit. Turning her back over, the Huntress began removing Batgirl’s costume. She was surprised, even shocked to find what looked like a leather dildo partially sticking out of Batgirl’s labia. Looking it over in her hand, she decided it was a stiletto heel from some woman’s boot.Had Batgirl been kicked in the groin? Looking down at Batgirl again, she couldn’t believe the amount of cum oozing from within the latex, but the sight of blood scared her.Her heart seemed to miss a beat as she gasped in shock.Picking Batgirl’s body up in her arms, she carried Batgirl’s drenched body to the bathroom, standing her up in the shower.Joining her in the shower stall, the Huntress began to cleanse her body of the excess fluids, blood, and grime.The shower being completed, Huntress attempted to carry her back to the bedroom, but Batgirl grabbed her body again as she doubled over in absolute pain.

“Huntress……..Uunnnnnnn, please……..Unnnnnnnnn………help………me.God, it hurts.It………….Aaaarrrrgggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!”

Batgirl was dead in her arms.The Huntress placed her body on the floor and tried to see what was wrong.She had to give her something for the pain first.Going to her utility belt, she brought out a powerful pain-blocker pill and forced it down her throat.She would have to wait for the pill to take affect, but it was very fast acting. Looking at Batgirl, the Huntress could see she was going into shock; as her eyes glazed over.She didn’t have much time.Rolling her onto her back, the Huntress parted Batgirl’s shapely legs and began to gently feel around her moist labia, checking for anything out of the ordinary.When her hand slowly moved across Batgirl’s sex, the Huntress felt a sensation, shocking her hand. Looking at her hand, she noticed a very small pin prick of blood; her own blood.

Checking Batgirl to make sure she was totally out of it, the Huntress slowly, ever so gently began to explore the inner folds ofBatgirl’s sex.Looking at the opening to her love canal, she was totally appalled to see a small oval-shaped object moving slowly inside Batgirl.This must be what was causing the pain, and it had to come out. Helena put her Huntress gloves on as they could protect her hands from electrical shocks.Taking a deep breath, she reached in with two fingers and attempted to remove the object.Suddenly, her fingers were on fire with excruciating pain, as something touched her; shooting intense pain through her fingers, up to her arm, through her body and to her brain.She pulled her fingers out quickly, but it was too late.She was becoming dizzy, her mind reeling from the intense contact, as it became overloaded from the short burst of massive energy radiating up her body. Her eyes became unfocused, as she tried to fight the continual onslaught being waged against her body, her mind. Clutching her heart, the Huntress found she couldn’t breath, as she fell over on her side, gasping for air; her heart pounding wildly within her chest, as her frazzled mind began to shut down.The Huntress knew she might be facing death and there was nothing she could do about it.She closed her eyes, greeting the warm feelings of darkness as she slipped into unconsciousness.


Several hours later, a groan escaping her parted lips, a weakened Barbara began to stir in Helena’s town home.Her womanhood still hurt as she pushed herself up on the arms.Raising her head, she wondered what had become ofHelena.She remembered the shower, then the pain, then nothing.Standing up, she noticed she was naked, and finding Helena’s robe reached over to put it on.Seeing a mirror, she started to look herself over when she saw Helena on the floor behind her.As quickly as possible, she went to her side and placed her head in her lap. Helena’s breathing was shallow, almost ragged.She couldn’t understand what had become of her or why everyone associated with her life had to suffer pain.Her head lowering in heart-felt grief, Barbara began to weep for her fallen friend.She was still crying when she heard a soft moan, as Helena slowly opened her eyes. Moments later, her eyes blinking slowly; the Huntress looked into Barbara’s face.A slightly pain induced smile came to her face.

“You sure know how to show a girl a good time, Batgirl.When you pleasured me last night you pushed every button in my imagination.Now, you send intense energy through my entire body.What do you…, uuuhhh, oh my aching head. What do you plan to do next?”

Barbara smiled at Helena as she took in her partner’s beautifully sculpted body.She had absent-mindedly been caressing Helena’s right breast as she listened to her new lover.She was about to explore Helena’s lips with her own when Helena asked her another question, stopping her in mid thought.

“What is that thing moving around inside you?It almost killed me when I tried to remove it.It sent some sort of massive sensations through my entire body.”

Barbara’s eyes went wide with fear as she remembered what Catwoman had told her about the ‘Scud’.Her body shaking with increasing fear, she released Helena as she tried to back away from her.Helena slowly got up and began to approach her, but as she did, Barbara told her to stay away; not to get near her and backed away some more.

“Barbara.Batgirl, I know about the Pheromone Mist remember?I gave you two of Nightwing’s anti-toxin pills and they seemed to be helping; although, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to give you more. But please, let me help you, ok?”

“But, if I get excited, aroused, this…..this thing inside me will come alive.It will probably kill me, or in the very least, destroy my body.”

“What the hell is it?What did Catwoman put inside you Batgirl, that would put this much fear in you?”

As panic and fear enveloped Barbara, she cowered in a corner of the bathroom, moving into a fetal position and kept screaming for Helena to stay away.Helena couldn’t believe the amount of raw fear being displayed by Barbara.She had had encounters with the Scare Crow and this was even more intense than that.She had to get Barbara under control.Slowly sitting down on the floor and crossing her legs, to show Barbara she wouldn’t come any closer; the Huntress sat quietly, waiting for Barbara to calm down. The Huntress began to softly talk to Barbara, trying to assure her it would be all right.That she could help if given the chance.

“Barbara, listen to me, please.What ever Catwoman did to you, to your body, it needs to be dealt with.You must calm down or you’ll just succeed in getting aroused from the fright.Please, Barbara, I know I can help if you just tell me what you know about the little gizmomoving inside you.Can you at least tell me about it?”

Barbara, still gripped by fear, refused to take her eyes off of Helena, but she started to focus her thoughts about the scud’s details.

“I…, I was…pretty much out of it when she talked about it.But…, I think she called it a scud.A,Self-Controlled Undulating Device.Sort of a self-thinking mobile vibrator.It comes awake when a person is aroused…, causing it to send out sensations…to the sensitive areas of your sex.The…, the more you are aroused, the more intense the sensations, until you are banging your head off.”

“My God, a device that causes self perpetuating, ongoing, multiple orgasms?”

“Yes. But…, worse than that, it…it has a memory.When I fell unconscious last night I was on my…, I think I was on my eighth orgasm.Each successive orgasm is more powerful than the one before it.Catwoman said it would eventually become self-aware.”

As Barbara began to describe the device, the Huntress slowly got to her feet and backed up, leaning against the doorframe. Trying to take it all in, Helena nodded her head.Holding out her hand as if to stave off any further discussion, she turned and started pacing back and forth in front of Barbara.Finally, she stopped and looked back.

“We have to get that thing out of you, now.Before it kills you.How did Catwoman put it in? I was wearing my gloves and still got the hell shocked out of me.”

“She wore special gloves, on top of her own.They looked like something you would wear to weld metal with.But, I’m not sure.”

“Welder’s gloves huh, I have some.Listen, I’ll go get the gloves, while you take a couple more anti-toxin pills and a knockout pill from my utility belt. But make sure to sit down before you take the knockout pill.It’s very fast acting, and it’s the only way I can think of you not getting aroused when I shove my fingers in your sex.”

Helena returned wearing the gloves a short while later.Entering the room, she saw Barbara sprawled out on the floor, unconscious.Panicking, she dropped to her knees, turning Barbara over to check her condition.She was just sleeping.She had taken the pill and forgotten to sit down first.Putting the gloves on, the Helena separated the outer labia folds of Batgirl’s womanhood and inserted her first two fingers into Barbara’s sex. Trying to get at the vibrator was like trying to stay on a bronco bull.The little thing could really move fast.After a while Helena could see it was hopeless to try any further.She had only one choice.It would hurt like hell, maybe even kill her; but she would have to take the gizmo on with just the gloves she wore as the Huntress..She took out a pad of paper and wrote to Barbara telling what had happened and what she had decided to do.If she succeeded without getting herself killed, or worse, Barbara was to do what ever she could to help.She also left Batman’s private number in case she was in no condition to help Batgirl. Signing her name and a personal message, she placed the paper aside.

Removing the gloves, the young woman watched Barbara’s breathing to gauge her depth in the sleeping pill. Thinking fast, she decided to take one of the special Bat Anti-Toxin pills from her utility belt just as she inserted her two fingers into Barbara’s pussy.Trying to find the little rascal, she didn’t realize the danger until it was on top of her. The scud’s memory had noted its first contact with this other being and it started up right where it left off before. Wrapping two tentacles around the Huntress’s fingers, it sent massive surges of sexually erotic sensations through her glove straight to her brain. The sensations of ecstasy and pain doubled her over, as she fought to stay in control.Concentrating, she managed to keep her fingers inside and finally grabbed onto the deadly device.She was beginning to see double, her whole body shaking as her mind exploded in absolute pain. She was on the verge of passing out, but managed to force all of her remaining energy on the task of pulling the deadly vibrator out of Batgirl’s body.Dazed, barely conscious, Helena pulled the vibrator up to her face to get a closer look at it, not realizing the danger, as the unit sent a powerful signal directly at her brain knocking her to the ground.Struggling to get up, she managed to discard the deadly scud in the bathtub, safely out of range, But the damage had been done. Her frazzled mind instantly shut down, ceasing all functions to her body. Moments later, her mind blank; she keeled over, onto Barbara.

Scant moments later, Barbara awoke to an object hitting her leg. Barbara began to get chilled as her naked body was lying directly under the air conditioner vent.Stretching to get the kinks out of her body, she noticed she couldn’t move her left leg.Looking up she suddenly noticed Helena lying on top of her.Seeing the welding gloves lying on the counter above sent chills of renewed fear and concern up her spine as she realized what Helena had done.Rolling the young woman’s limp body off of her leg, she got to her feet and just saw the note as she was going to her friend’s side.She read it quickly, throwing it aside and began working on Helena.Within minutes, she had managed to massage Helena’s heart and give her several breaths with CPR.She was just about to begin again when Helena started coughing as she greedily inhaled the precious, life giving air. Laying still, her upper body in Barbara’s arms as before, Helena blinked her weary eyes as a mischievous grin started to form on her beautifully young face.Barbara turned her head to the right and slightly downward, as she raised her left eyebrow.

“Ok, Helena, what have you done now?I know that look from Nightwing.”

Increasing the grin, while allowing her eyes to twinkle in total glee, Helena began to chuckle.

“Helena?!?!?!?What have you done?”

Helena slowly, painfully raised her body to a sitting position facing Barbara; while using her arms as support, looking Barbara directly in the eye.Barbara was very suspicious, Helena could tell; as she too had seen that look on Nightwing.

“I managed to get the little monster out of your delicious body, but it put up quite a fight.I think it like it in there; among all those hot juices.So did I..”

Barbara’s expression changed as she slowly took in what Helena had said. She was still thinking about the consequences of the comment when the young woman placed her hand on Barbara’s left breast and started caressing it with her index finger.Barbara looked down at her own breast and became mesmerized at the sudden arousal of her nipple.She didn’t see Helena move closer, didn’t see anything at all, until a hand softly touched her face, turning it towards her love partner.As Barbara turned her head, Helena softly grabbed the back of Barbara’s head and placed a very passionate kiss on her full lips. Separating moments later, Barbara felt her body begin to get hot, as the sensuous young woman expertly serviced her.Barbara lowered her body to the floor, as Helena moved on top of her.Helena began by softly kissing Barbara’s breasts, each one in turn.The kissing turned to licking then to nibbling, as the process moved ever closer to Barbara’s firm nipples.Barbara’s head fell back as Helena pressed the attack.Helena gazed into Barbara’s sex crazed eyes, just as Barbara reached up and pulled Helena’s face down to her own.Their lips softly touching for scant seconds, they attacked with their hot tongues, exploring the inner depths of the others mouths. The kiss ended with Barbara’s head falling to the floor.Having satisfied Barbara’s hunger for the moment, Helena moved down to Barbara’s well rounded mounds, sucking hard on each nipple, forcing small amounts of sweet milk to escape from the super aroused nipples. She continued to suck the right breast; occasionally biting the reddening nipple and pulling on it like a dog.Barbara was moaning softly, her head rolling from side to side in the throws of ecstasy, as she ran her fingers through her own hair,as if trying to absorb the erotic sensations cursing through her body, her mind.

She was breathing very heavily, gasping for breath, as she neared her first orgasm; screaming as it came, filling her body with sensations she had desperately needed, but couldn’t fine.Her breathing relaxed until she felt two of Helena’s fingers slide inside her pussy, fingering her to another, and even more powerful climax. It arrived moments later, sending cum all over the Helena’s fingers and hand.She removed her fingers from Barbara’s hot cunt and licked the sweet cum off her gloves. As Helena was doing this, Barbara rolled Helena onto her back and took over.Barbara took in the sensual feast lying before her eyes, trying to decide where to start.She slowly lowered her face to Helena’s body.Barbara moved to Helena’s feet, as she began to lick the toes on each foot.The feelings sent erotically chilling sensations up Helena’s young body; eliciting groans of purepleasure from Barbara’s attack.

Opening her lover’s legs, Barbara started to lick the sensitive insides of Helena’s calves, moving up to the extra sensitive inner thighs. Barbara noticed she was having the desired affect on Helena’s body, as her breasts became super hard, her nipples standing fully erect.She tricked Helena by slowly licking the inside of the thighs to just below the glistening mound of pubic hairs, covering Helena’s hot pussy; then moving to the other leg and moving down again.Each time she did this, Helena would gasp as she expected Barbara to attack her sex, causing Helena to orgasm; but by moving past the love portal, Batgirl would deny her the release.Finally, after several trips, Barbara noticed her partner’s body didn’t react when her tongue passed from one leg to the other. Barbara knew it was time to attack.On the next trip up Helena’s left leg, Barbara began to pass over the pussy as she had several times before, when her face fell to the Helena’s womanhood, her tongue suddenly attacking the ultra-sensitive pussy itself.Helena, caught completely off guard, lost it, as she dug her fingernails into Barbara’s hair.Her body’s sensations began to build to an extraordinarily powerful orgasm, the likes of which she had never felt before.Helena thrust out her arms, grabbing for anything she could, but Barbara grabbed her flailing arms and held them behind Helena’s back.

Several sexually intense minutes later, Helena exploded in an extremely powerful orgasm, which literally picked her body up off the floor. For what seemed like hours, they pleasured each other, servicing each other’s desires, until, at last, after a series of mind altering climaxes, the two women passed out; their sweat soaked bodies falling limp again to the floor.

Helena woke first an hour later.She just lay on the floor, sensually writhing and moaning to herself as she stretched, getting the kinks out of her relaxed body.She lazily rolled over on left her side, facing the amazing woman called Barbara sleeping next to her, her beautiful chest rising and falling ever so slightly in peaceful rhythms.She moved to Barbara’s side, softly sucking her love partner’s right nipple, bringing it instantly erect. Batgirl awoke soon there after, purring like a cat in absolute sexual bliss.They started discussing what had to be done and when to start the operation.

Getting up, they showered and helped each other dress.Minutes later, Batgirl was riding in the Lamborghini, wondering how a teacher could afford this type of car.She knew she would have to do research on this woman.As it happened, the Huntress was thinking the same thing about Batgirl.Arriving at the Estate, Batgirl directed the Huntress to part the car near her Bat Cycle, only to find it was missing.Looking at the tracks, they surmised it was discovered by one of the villains and taken inside the estate.Following Batgirl onto the grounds, the Huntress switched her mask’s visor to night vision mode, something Batgirl had not seen before.Shaking her head in dismay over how everyone had these fancy gadgets when she didn’t; she led the Huntress to the west wing of the grand house.Climbing a trestle to the second floor, they entered an open window leading into the master bedroom.Batgirl placed her gloved finger to her lips, as they started moving down the hall towards the last bedroom and the sound of an angry voice. Reaching the closed door, the Huntress placed her ear near the door and listened to the one-sided conversation being given by Catwoman.Batgirl joined her moments later as each one prepared to barge in.Nodding their heads in agreement, the opened the doors and walked in.

The Circle Complete

Catwoman was walking around Nightwing who was strapped to an iron bed.Her right arm was hidden but her left arm rested slightly on her hip, as she placed all her weight on her left foot. She was talking about Batgirl’s demise in the past tense, fully believing Batgirl was dead.

“I doubt she went fast Nightwing.The combination of drugs and toys implanted in her sex would make sure of that.She wasn’t quite asleep when we dropped her off and there were already several interested people looking on.In fact, I think a fight broke out between the men converging on the helpless crime fighter.

“If you drove off to save your scrawny Cat butts, how would you know about any fights?”

“Nightwing.Sometimes I wonder about you.Minx and I drove a ways down the alley and stopped to see, of course.Just leaving a hopelessly sex craved Batgirl bound and drugged in a dumpster is no fun.I had to watch her demise.I couldn’t see clearly because of the distance, but I distinctively heard one of the men identify her as one of the Bat people.Of course, being an idiot from the sound of his voice, he called her Huntress instead of Batgirl.”

Nightwing didn’t utter the thought, which had just come to mind.There was no mistaking the Huntress for Batgirl.Two entirely different costumes; two entirely different mannerisms, and two entirely different people.If the Huntress was on the scene, then Batgirl might still be alive. On the other hand, they might both be dead, or worse.Given what Nightwing knew of the Huntress, he was sure it was the former.If that was the case, and he had every reason to believe it was, he would have to be ready for her arrival.He had to save his strength and stall.

“Catwoman. After all these years, why did you resort to killing?You’ve been a high profile thief during your entire career, but you’ve never killed anyone.Why now, and why Batgirl?”

“Batgirl pissed me off. Every time I planned some grand caper to become rich, she’d show up and ruin everything. I would capture and torture her, but she still won in the end.Even the big bad Batman couldn’t do that. Sure he spoils my plans at times, but Batman has never been able to capture me. Batgirl has on several occasions.I simply got tired of her.”

As Catwoman was explaining her reasoning behind her decision to kill Batgirl, Nightwing slowly unscrewed the metal headboard to which he was shackled.Two of the decorative railings were already unfastened and he was working on the third and final railing. Once free, he would be able to launch an attack in the event the Huntress showed up.

“You’re hiding something Catwoman.There’s more to this story than you’re saying, isn’t there?You pride yourself in being the dominant criminal. You can hold your own against any man in a fight and yet every time you get Batgirl in your claws, you proceed to torture her in some sexually deviant way.Note, I said sexually deviant. In fact, that is what you’ve done to me as well, isn’t it?”

“I’d be careful were I you, Nightwing.You’re in no positionto get me pissed off at you.”

Nightwing knew he had pushed the right button. She was starting to see red again.Just like that last time when she attacked him for making that ‘kicking your ass’ comment.Nightwing pressed the attack.

“I have nothing to lose by being reckless, Catwoman.I know you won’t let me leave here alive. But let’s get back to Batgirl, shall we?You go to all the trouble to invent all these ingeniously designed sexual devices to torture her with.You ram dildos into her sex, you hook wires to her nipples while sending electrical current through them, you apply vibrators to her groin, and to top it all off, you kiss, and lick, and bite her sensitive areas.You are constantly looking for bigger and better ways to bring her off.And do you know why you do these things, Catwoman? Because, as you’ve said, Batgirl always wins.You have never been able to defeat her by your sadistic schemes and you’ve never been able to break Batgirl’s spirit by sexual tortures.”

For the moment, Nightwing was in control. He knew he was walking a dangerously high, high wire without a safety net below him; but his talk was having the desired effect.He could see Catwoman’s heart pounding faster within her costume, the super tight latex fabric expanding as her heaving breasts rose and fell.Her face was turning redder by the minute, as she began clenching her fists open and closed.

“Face it Catwoman, Batgirl’s better than you.You parade around in your second-skin latex costume, seeking sexual pleasures with just about anything you meet.You apply every thing known to man to your body, trying to make yourself better looking and more sensual.Yet it still doesn’t help you get laid. You prefer women that are submissive to your domineering ways.But Batgirl is anything but submissive. And unlike you, Batgirl is sexuality personified. She enters the room and all heads turn to face her; not just the victims, but the criminals as well.She finishes on top Catwoman, because she was born on top. You’re just a second ringer, trying to fill a pair of boots you couldn’t fill if you stood on top of the highest mountain in the world.”

Catwoman was furious as she turned to face Nightwing.He had gone to far.No man talked to her that way.Not even the Batman, and certainly not his younger protégé.She wanted Nightwing, and she wanted him dead.Catwoman reached for the ever-present pouch hanging on her svelte hip, bringing out a specially designed, long-range tranquilizer gun, built to project serums over greater distances by means of specially designed darts.It was filled with a lethal dose of the catnip serum; saved for just this situation.

She was still holding it at her side when the door to the bedroom flew open, admitting two costumed women.The Huntress entered first, assuming the pose that Batgirl liked; her smooth, shapely legs spread slightly apart, as her hands rested on her beautifully curved hips.Right after her came Batgirl herself.She entered the room and stood akimbo.Catwoman was dazed.She had really thought Batgirl was dead.But here she was.

The dynamic duo sashayed across the room,keeping an ever-watchful eye trained on Catwoman and the door they had just entered. Inspecting the room’s interior, checking for hidden weapons or traps, the two female crime fighters finally came to a halt near Catwoman.The Huntress then bowed, while maintaining eye contact with Catwoman; in a gesture intended to allow Batgirl to take the lead.

“What’s the matter Catwoman, Cat got your tongue?”

Catwoman was almost too shocked at the sight of Batgirl to move.She shot a quick glance at Nightwing to gauge his position in relation to the trank gun and the two superheroines facing her now.She knew she was trapped, as she couldn’t take on all three heroes. Absently mindedly fingering the gun in her right hand, she formulated a plan that might give her an advantage.

“Catwoman. You might as well face the truth.You will never be able to defeat me by your sadistic schemes or your sexual tortures. No matter how you try, and that’s all you do is try, you’re just second rate criminal.I’ll always win, Catwoman, because I’m the better woman.”

Catwoman shot Nightwing a quick but deadly glance, as she remembered what he had said only minutes before.Her thought of killing Nightwing for his insults were replaced with her overwhelming desires to kill Batgirl. Thinking fast, Catwoman began to formulate possible plans of action to kill Batgirl and capture the new crime fighter.It was Minx that provided the needed distraction by coming through the doors buying Catwoman some time. Batgirl and the Huntress had to move sideways, to keep both Catwoman and Minx in sight.They had to keep looking at both feline villainesses, which made them easy prey for Catwoman’s plan. With out warning, Catwoman raised the lethal weapon and brought it to bear on Batgirl, firing it as she aimed.Batgirl, caught completely off guard stood frozen in fear, unable to move.At the last possible instant the dart impacted in the Huntress’s chest, sending her to the ground in agonizing pain; rolling to a stop at Catwoman’s feet.Looking down at her fallen prey, Catwoman unsheathed her claws and prepared to rake the Huntress’s prone and defenseless body, effectively cutting it in half from her crotch to her neck.As her claws were coming down however, Batgirl’sbody collided with Catwoman’s, propelling them both to the back of the room.

Minx casually walked across the room, surveying the chaotic scene as she went.She stopped near the semi-conscious Huntress, her jerking body already reacting to the lethal poison shot into her by the Catwoman.Kneeling down on one leg, Minx grabbed the weakened heroine’s head by the hair and slammed it back down, knocking the woman unconscious. Finally, she reached into her pouch, pulling out a needler.She filled the small gun while she watched Catwoman and Batgirl fight it out in the corner.Placing the gun near the Huntress’s right temple, she pulled the trigger back, preparing to end the Huntress’s career and her life.

The sudden kick to her ribs sent shock waves to her mind as the gun flew across the room, crashing through a window and disappearing into the night.Minx was stunned as her head slammed into the base of a wall, knocking her momentarily senseless.Nightwing dropped to one knee, checking the Huntress’s condition.Her forehead was burning up with fever as sweat poured profusely from all the exposed parts of her athletically built body. Her eyes wore a heavy glaze, slowly rolling up into the top of her head.She was already in shock and slipping fast into a coma.Reacting on instinct from years of training, Nightwing reached for her utility belt’s secret compartments.Grabbing every anti-toxin pill he could find, he shoved them all into her mouth. He hoped they would be enough.Standing, he faced Minx who was even now picking herself up and rubbing her aching head.

“We have unfinished business Nightwing.Your precious Batgirl seems to be alive, for now; but once I’m through with you, I’ll be able to help Catwoman dispose of her once and for all.”

Nightwing stood still and absolutely quiet, taking in the sounds of the Olympian battle raging behind him; between Batgirl and Catwoman.He occasionally glanced down at the fallen Huntress, closely gauging her breathing.It had slowed quite a bit since he had given her the anti-toxin pills; but she was still sweating heavily.She hadn’t moved since he knelt down beside her earlier and she was still unconscious. Whether the Huntress was in shock or in a coma, he couldn’t tell, nor did he have the time to find out; since the Minx was already on the move, positioning for the attack. Minx, was still talking and very cautiously moving to his side, trying to outflank him and finish off the new female crime fighter.Nightwing moved over to get a better view of the intense battle still being wagedby Catwoman and Batgirl across the room.Minx was also watching that fight, but stopped suddenly after realizing Nightwing had closed the gap between himself and her.

“Uh, Nightwing, about last night. I am sorry for the advances on your manhood while you were asleep.I really thought you liked me, and wanted to have some fun.”

“Minx, you talk too much; and I do like you, in a puppy dog sort of way.”

Minx was furious.Nightwing had actually called her a dog.A bitch.Standing perfectly still, she ever so slowly moved her right arm to her back as she tried to reach a weapon she had secreted there earlier that morning.Grasping the weapon, she began to slowly return her hand to her side, waiting for an opportunity to strike.She then placed both of her arms behind her back and started acting like an innocent schoolgirl, out for a walk in the park.She knew from experience that this type ofbehavior was sensual in nature, and disarming to most men.Nightwing she knew would be no different.

Nightwing stole a quick look at the fight as Catwoman backhanded Batgirl, sending her body flying to a chair, her stomach impacting the chair’s back; knocking the wind out of her.Batgirl was able to use the chairs back as support as she shook her head, trying to clear the cobwebs from her mind. Batgirl’s momentary incapacitation allowed Catwoman to get the upper hand, as she picked up a convenient weapon to end the battle.The sound of crashing glass to his rear caused Nightwing to look behind him and momentarily lose sight of Minx.Turning around he could just see Batgirl dropping to the floor after being hit over the head with a heavy glass vase.The Catwoman was even then dropping to her knee and turning the stunned heroine onto her back; her arms flopping to the floor beside her.Batgirl was in mortal danger, but he couldn’t leave the helplessly vulnerable Huntress lying unconscious on the floor with the Minx on the prowl.Acting on intuition, he dropped suddenly beside the Huntress’s body and obtained her version of the bat-a-rang.In one fluid motion he sent the weapon flying towards the back of Catwoman’s head, connecting with it just as she was bending forward to peel off Batgirl’s costume with her razor sharp claws.Catwoman let out a loud yell as she fell forward onto Batgirl.

As Catwoman fell over, Minx attacked Nightwing, placing her right hand to his neck. He grabbed for the hand but by then it was too late,as Minx, holding a ring-needle, had injected him with Catnip.Looking down at the Huntress, Nightwing noticed his vision was becoming cloudy, as he could now see two Huntress’s lying on the floor. Standing to face Minx, he staggered, his mind reeling from the effects of the drug. He knew he was losing the battle with the drug and he thought it was useless to fight it as he had given all the anti-toxin pills to the Huntress. Several moments later, his body void of any strength; Nightwing collapsed to the floor.Minx looked at her fallen enemy and used her boot to turn him over.Minx began to laugh wildly at the sight of Nightwing and Batgirl lying unconscious on the floor. Seeing the Huntress begin to stir, Minx moved back over to the new superheroine and kneeled down next to her once more.

“Let’s find who you really are behind that mask, Huntress. I want to know before I kill you.”

The Huntress, still senseless from the drug, was helpless to resist her exposure, as Minx removed the seemingly second-skin latex mask from the fallen heroine’s face.Picking the Huntress’s head up by her hair, Minx began to study the unfamiliar woman, trying to figure out who she was. Just as Minx allowed the woman’s head to drop back to the floor, her own head exploded in pain, as a Bat-a-Rang made contact with her skull.Minx barely had time to turn around and see Batgirl cuffing Catwoman before she fell to the floor unconscious.A few moments later, Minx was cuffed as well.

Batgirl moved over to Nightwing and injected him with a strong, fast acting anti-toxin.Seeing his body begin to move, Batgirl smiled.She knew he would be up and around in no time.Next, she moved over to the Huntress, who had just groaned as she had placed a gloved hand at her pain filled head.

“You’d better not move for a while Huntress. Just rest until you’re strong enough to help us.

And, Thank you for saving my life.I owe you one, or two.”

“Uuuuhhhhh, next time, remind me not to…, to take a dart meant for you Batgirl.That thing hurt when it went into my breast.It’ll be sore for days.”

“I know of a way to help the healing along Huntress, that is, if you let me.”

Batgirl gave the Huntress a sly looking smile as she began to giggle softly.The Huntress knew exactly what she meant and started nodding her head even though it hurt to do so.

“I might take you up on that proposition Batgirl, later.”

Nightwing had gotten to his feet and had already picked up Catwoman’s struggling form.He brought her over to the bed and sat her down.Nightwing then retrieved Minx and sat her down next to her boss.Batgirl helped the Huntress to her feet and they both walked over to Nightwing, joining him near Catwoman and Minx.Batgirl spoke first.

“Your crime spree is at an end Catwoman.It was only a matter of time before you went down. As for you Minx, you will now get to see the other side of the law; behind bars.”

Catwoman sat on the bed and struggled against her bonds.She attempted to get to her feet, but Nightwing pushed her back down.Catwoman glared at him, but smiled as she turned her head towards Batgirl.

“You may have captured us Batgirl, but we still win. Your crime fighting days are over.

Remember, we know your secret identities. When we get to jail and tell all the other people who you really are, there will be people coming after you all the time.You’ll both be dead in a matter of days.I don’t know who you are Huntress, but I never forget a face.”

Batgirl and Nightwing just stared at each other for a few minutes, too shell shocked to move. Catwoman was right, she had won. They were as good as dead.For her part, the Catwoman began laughing her heart out as she watched the two heroes come to grips with their fate.The Huntress went back to her mask, picking it up off the floor, and placed it back on her face, sealing it to her skin.She then walked back to where Batgirl and Nightwing were standing, their expressions filled with dread. The Huntress walked up to Batgirl putting her arm around the superheroine’ s shapely waist, and looked at Catwoman with a devious smile; while laying her head on Batgirl’s shoulder.

“Tell me something Catwoman.How are you going to tell anyone about our secret identities when you don’t even know them?”

If wings had sprouted on her back, the Huntress could not have gained their attention any faster.

Catwoman’s laughing ended abruptly as Minx turned her head, much like a dog would,trying to understand the Huntress’s meaning.Batgirl simply stared, perplexed, at the woman beside her,

wondering what the devil she was talking about.The look on Nightwing’s face said it all, as criminals and heroes alike were totally confused. The Huntress, unperturbed by their reactions, went on to explain.

“I mean, if you don’t know who we are behind these masks, how can you say anything?You don’t know who I am, and you don’t know who Batgirl or Nightwing is, or………. at least you won’t.”

“I know who they are Huntress. Batgirl is Barbara Gordon, Police Commissioner Gordon’s daughter, and Nightwing is Dick Grayson, ward of Bruce Wayne, and Bruce Wayne is obviously Batman.I know of their secret identities woman, and I’ll soon know yours. Wait a minute, what do you mean I won’t?”

“I mean simply that Catwoman, you won’t. Neither will you, Minx. You’ll both forget who we are before you leave this room.I have in my utility belt a special little spray bottle containing a fine, sweet smelling gas.It’s called‘Amnesia Gas’.Once sprayed into a person’s face, they forget whatever another person tells them to forget.It acts almost instantly.Here, let me demonstrate it for you.”

The Huntress removed a small spray bottle from her utility belt and positioned it in front of Minx’s face. The Huntress sprayed her face once and stepped back.Not believing the Huntress’s boast, Minx allowed to fine mist to react with her body, inhaling deeply as the fine mist wafted into her face. The Huntress watched until her eyes became glassed over, and she told her to forget the secret identities of Batgirl. Nightwing, and the Huntress.

Moments later, Minx was wrestling with her bonds, and cursing Batgirl’s name in the process.

The Huntress turned the bottle on Catwoman and repeated the process.Within minutes, their secret identities were safe once again.About an hour later, the police took Catwoman and Minx into custody, leaving the heroes to finish up with their investigations. Batgirl was watching the Huntress very closely the whole time and the Huntress knew she was being watched.Finally, letting out a deep sigh, the Huntress put the report she was working on down and walked over to Batgirl.

“Batgirl, why are you watching me? Have I done something wrong?”

“No.It’s just…, well, you could have used the Amnesia Gas on me to protect your secret identity as well, but you didn’t.Why?”

The Huntress sat down beside Batgirl and lowered her head.She remained silent for several minutes, looking at the stone covered driveway, as if searching for the right thing to say. Batgirl thought she had asked something wrong so she placed her arms around the Huntress’s shoulder and pulled her close to her.Slowly, Batgirl reached over and raised Huntress’s chin, turning her face so that they looked each other in the eyes as she did so.She could just see tears forming in the woman’s eyes.


“I don’t know.I thought about it, but, I decided it wouldn’t be fair.Nightwing has known who I am for a long time, but I didn’t know about him until this evening, when Catwoman said his real name.I’ve always thought it was unfair for him to know everything about me without me knowing him.If,…….If I had sprayed you and told you to forget my identity, and yet I knew yours it would make me just like him. But, that’s not all. I,……you’re special to me Batgirl.You’re a friend I can confide in, trust.You made me feel really good the last few days.I haven’t felt another person’s touch on my body that way in years. I didn’t want to lose you.God, you must think I’m a lesbian.”

Batgirl looked at her friend for a long time, searching her own heart for her feelings.She knew the Huntress wasn’t a lesbian any more than she was herself.She was an independent, beautiful,woman, which had chosen a career as a crime fighter instead of a wife. She and the Huntress were very much alike. Batgirl softly wiped away the tears streaming down the Huntresses face, as she leaned over to give her a soft delicate kiss.Pulling back long moments later , Batgirl looked down at the stones a moment herself before she replied; shaking her head as she spoke.

“You’re not a lesbian, Huntress; any more than I am. And you’re special to me as well.I don’t want to lose you either.Not here, not now, not ever.”

The two heroines embraced each other for a long time until their tears subsided.They finallysmiled at each other as they helped fill out each other’s reports.Two hours later, the Huntress turned the reports in to the policeman in charge and left.The sun was beginning to rise in the eastern sky as the last of the policemen left the grounds, now taped off as a crime scene. Batgirl had retrieved her cycle and was checking it over for hidden traps when Nightwing called out.

“Good Morning, Batgirl!”

“Ah, and a Good Morning to you Nightwing.It’s been good working with you on this case.”

Batgirl held out her gloved hand and Nightwing took it in his own an shook it. She turned to leave but Nightwing held on for a moment.Batgirl stopped and turned, looking at him.

“Batgirl, there’s something I need to tell you, if you have a minute.I want to say you are a good partner to fight crime with.I know Batman says this is man’s work, but you did a good job these past few days. You handle yourself quite well.”

“Nightwing.You didn’t stop me to just say that did you?”

“Um, no.I wanted to..., well, I just.Batgirl, I love you. But if you don’t, you know, love me, I can understand.I mean, I saw you and the Huntress a while ago, and you two seem so.”

“Nightwing, shut up. The Huntress and I are very good friends. But you and I are,…… I love you too, Nightwing.I’ve loved you for a very long time.You’re a ‘case’ I wouldn’t mind spending a lot of time on.”

As Batgirl was saying this, her palms had been moving up Nightwing’s chest, resting there as she looked into his masked face.Finally, she became quiet as the two heroes looked into each other’s eyes. Batgirl slowly put her arms around his neck as he put his arms around her waist. Nightwing drew her body close to his, her breasts coming in contact with his chest, even as Batgirl looked up to his handsome face. Their lips hovered scant inches apart from each other, drinking in each other’s scent, as their breathing becomes heavy, then Batgirl’s eyes closed.Nightwing looked

at her full lips a second longer before lowering his lips to hers, beginning a long sensually passionate kiss.The world was fine, Gotham was fine, so too, were they.