Batgirl and Nightwing: The Gratham Estate Affair: Chapter 4

Author: Dark Roles
Time to Read:74min
Added Date:7/9/2024
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Tags: CatwomanNightwingBatgirl


This story contains scenes of violence, rape, bondage, and other sexual situations, which are not appropriate for anyone under the age of eighteen. If you are under the age of eighteen, do not read this story. If you are offended by this material, do not read any further.

Batgirl, Nightwing, Catwoman, Minx, and all other characters, were created by and are copyrighted by and are the property of DC comics. This story has been written solely to occupy my free time. No compensation has been or will be received for this story. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and cannot be redistributed for the purposes of making money of profit. Any similarities between names, characters, and places in this story are purely coincidence.


Catwoman and Minx have escaped from the Gotham County Jail and have issued a public challenge to Batgirl to capture them if she can, with disastrous results for Batgirl.

The Challenge:

Reading the afternoon paper while listening to her favorite radio program, Barbara's evening was interrupted by a sudden news flash. Barbara turned up the volume and listened for the information. At the close of the announcement she turned the radio off and shook her head. Barbara sat on the sofa dumbfounded. She couldn’t believe the news of the jail riot at the Gotham County Jail. What caused her more concern was the fact that five inmates were missing, including Catwoman and Minx. Well, county jails were notorious for having lax security, she thought. Barbara wondered if the riot was just a cover, causing enough chaos long enough for the two cats to make good their escape. Putting the paper down on the coffee table, Barbara walked into the bedroom and activated the secret switch, rotating the dresser around to expose her Batgirl equipment. Pulling the costume and cowl off the wall, Barbara looked at Charlie:

“This looks like a job for..., Batgirl, Charlie.”

Batgirl finished putting on her utility belt and was just leaving via the secret exit when a stray thought entered her mind. Walking back to the phone by the sofa, Batgirl called Dick’s number to see if he was home. Getting the answer machine, she left a message instead; telling him she was going to investigate the warehouse Catwoman mentioned during their last fight. Since the Estate was now guarded by the police, that was the one place she might go. As Batgirl waited for message to recycle, she glanced at the newspaper once more and noticed an announcement with Batgirl's name on it. Picking up the paper, Batgirl read the announcement.

    "To Batgirl:

I have escaped your lousy confinement. If you think you are up to it, I challenge you to come after me and try to capture me again. But this time, Batgirl, come alone, if you're woman enough to do it."

Moments later Batgirl was on the specially designed Predator motorcycle, heading for the warehouse district. She remembered Catwoman saying something about a warehouse for cat food being her second hideout, so that was where she would look first. The Estate was out, since the police had it cordon off as a crime scene. Parking her cycle behind a dumpster, Batgirl proceeded to enter the darkened building. Seeing a light on the far end of the room, she cautiously walked across the room. Opening the door, Batgirl entered the well-lit room and disappeared.

Dick was just getting out of the shower, when he turned on the news. He was towel drying his hair, mindful of the sore bruises from his facial beating by Minx, when he heard the news about the riot at the Gotham County lock up. Returning to the main room, he sat down on the sofa to get more information. His attention went to high alert when they announced the disappearance of Minx and Catwoman. Thinking things through, Dick came to the conclusion that county lock ups were pretty bad at security. His attention was suddenly drawn back to high alert as the reporter mentioned the public challenge presented to Batgirl in the Gotham Daily Herald. Throwing the towel aside, Dick went to the secret closet and his Nightwing costume. Moments later, dressed as Nightwing, he was headed for the Gratham Estate, where Catwoman and Minx had been before their capture. The loot from all the crimes was still missing, so he thought it only logical they would go there. A blinking green light on the dashboard of his custom built Porsche signaled a waiting message from the answering machine at his town home. Taking the message, Nightwing was appalled at himself for being so stupid. Gunning the Porsche into a left turn slide, Nightwing was able to turn the car around and start heading for the warehouse district and an endangered Batgirl. If Catwoman and Minx were there, Batgirl would be in way over her head; and it would take him at least forty-five minutes to reach the district and the warehouse. As an after thought, to the dangers facing Batgirl, Nightwing sent out an answerable message to the Huntress, notifying her of the developments and hoping she could get there sooner. The message went unanswered.

Parking the car in a deserted alley, Nightwing hoped his faster car had beaten the Dark Night Damsel to the scene. These thoughts were dashed moments later as he saw her motorcycle hidden behind an abandoned dumpster. Seeking an entrance on the second floor, Nightwing entered the warehouse by accessing a broken window. He began searching the building’s rooms, moving cautiously so as not to endanger Batgirl. Nightwing was just about to give up, having decided that Catwoman had captured Batgirl and had already moved her to another location, when he heard a noise coming from a back room. Rushing into the room Nightwing was just able to grab Minx as she was trying to escape out of an open window.

Nightwing pulled Minx out of the window. She stood in front of her with her arms behind her, since Nightwing has clasped them behind her back. She wasted no time, stretching up to put a warm kiss on his mouth. Then she promised not to try and escape or play any tricks on him, so Nightwing released her hands. He asked her where Batgirl was and she said she was out. Getting frustrated, he asked her again. She placed her hands on his chest, while stroking the muscular contours of the costume, giving him an innocent look. She then put her arms around him and we kissed again. This time Nightwing returned the kiss. Finally, he pushed her away, holding her arms at her side and asked a third time. The only answer Nightwing got was in the shape of a chloroform soaked rag from Catwoman, who had snuck up behind him. Nightwing was so surprised by the sneak attack that he inhaled right away as he gasped. He was semi-conscious, as Catwoman held his upper body, just under the arms and Minx picked up his legs. They carried Nightwing out of the room and onto the upper landing. Laying him down on the floor, Catwoman took off his utility belt and placed the chloroform rag on his face again, finishing the job.

Shaking his head to get rid of the remaining cobwebs in his mind, Nightwing awoke in the darkened room. Moving cautiously, he stumbled over Batgirl’s sleeping form, lying on the floor. Lowering his dizzy body, Nightwing checked for her vital signs. He discovered she was breathing; but she was still unconscious. Feeling her body, he soon noticed her utility belt had been removed. It was some time later, that a low light came on, revealing the interior of the room. They were in a small room, approximately seven feet by eight feet in size. The ceiling was over fourteen feet above his head, and the floor was made from both wooden planks and stone. Nightwing’s thoughts were interrupted by a sound at the door diverting his attention.

“Good morning Nightwing. It’s good to see you awake once more. Too bad Batgirl can’t join you, but she will later, I suppose. The room you’re in is my latest and probably most devious trap to date. You’re locked in a sauna room, located in the basement annex of the Gratham Estate. We thought you might be more comfortable here in the mansion as opposed to the cold, dank warehouse. I’ve noticed that Batgirl has the ‘HOTS’ for you Nightwing, as you do for her. I thought this would help you two realize your love for each other. I’m going to turn on the steam to help you.”

Nightwing clenched his fists, resisting the temptation to talk back. Smiling, seeing Nightwing’s rising anger, Catwoman went on with the details.

“The steam comes from the floor in this room, Nightwing, and it’s going to get very uncomfortable in here, especially with those custom-made skin-tight latex costumes on. I’ve taken the liberty of placing a tiny lock on the zipper closures for your costumes, Nightwing. The lock will prevent you from opening the latex, thus blocking any attempts to cool off as it were.”

As Catwoman was explaining the trap, Nightwing felt around his neck and noticed a lock had been placed on the zipper, preventing him from removing the snug latex costume. Looking down at Batgirl’s resting body, Nightwing took notice of two different locks, one at her neck like his and another within the confines of her crotch.

“The heat will be especially bad for Batgirl I’m afraid. You see Nightwing; I have placed remote controlled stimulators within her costume. Before long, her body will begin to get aroused. Soon after that, Batgirl will be ‘in heat’ as the stimulator activates a tiny vibrator buried deep inside her seed.”

Nightwing was furious. His eyes had narrowed and his knuckles had gone ghostly white, as he tried to maintain control. As he was standing, facing the small window, a small amount of steam began to rise from the floor.

“Why, don’t you just kill us and get it over with Catwoman. Why go to all this trouble just to end our lives?”

“I didn’t say anything about killing you Nightwing. Noooo. I just want to have some fun by watching the two of you writhe in sexual agony. The steam will cause each of you to sweat profusely. Before too long, you will be too weak to stand, hardly conscious, as you use all your remaining strength just to breathe. Just before you pass out, I’ll be back to collect what’s left of you. It’s a purrrrfectly erotic trap. I’m really going to enjoy you sweat.”

With that Catwoman left. Nightwing stared at the door, as if his glaring eyes would break it from its hinges. Lowering his head in concern, Nightwing moved over to Batgirl’s taut body. Slowly dropping down to one knee, he examined the locks on Batgirl’s zippers, both at the neck and again within her legs. By this time, she was had begun to wake up, as soft moans left her slightly parted lips. Nightwing just kept looking at her.

“Stay still Batgirl, let the drug wear off a bit more. You need to save your strength for later.”

Batgirl, looking up at Nightwing, knew something was wrong. She could see that concern creased his brow. Batgirl was about to ask what was bothering him, but seeing Nightwing look away, caused her to hesitate. Instead Batgirl explained how she was captured. She had entered the building as Batgirl and had found Minx. They fought again, exchanging blows, kicks, and throws. Each gave as good as they got. Then Minx picked up a heavy pole from the floor and pummeled her with it. Batgirl was pushed back to a counter top. The continual blows to Batgirl's face and body stunned her, and she fell to the ground, dazed. Minx didn't finish Batgirl off . Turning around, Minx took a few steps back, as she seemed to be caressing her own breasts as if to arouse herself. This gave Batgirl time to recover a little, and begin the attack anew. Minx had turned back around and was still cupping her own breasts together as she continued to back away to a far wall. Finally, Minx bumped into the wall and couldn't go back any farther. Batgirl was then able to grab Minx by her wrists and pin them to the wall behind her. Suddenly Batgirl began to feel faint and noticed Minx was wearing some sort of gas mask. Becoming dizzy, Batgirl looked down and saw that the Minx’s costume was wet with what appeared to be water, but was instead a chloroform gel. Minx had trapped Batgirl, by coating her own costume with chloroform gel around her breasts, just where Batgirl's face would be.

Batgirl began to grow weaker, and tried to escape, but Minx grabbed the back of her head and drew it down into the cleavage of her breasts, the area of the most concentrated chloroform. Batgirl was too weak to resist, the fumes already in her system made sure of that. She slowly started to fall to the ground. However, as she slid down Minx's body, Minx kept a firm hold of her head. When Batgirl’s face was in front of her groin, Minx unzipped her own costume and held Batgirl's face against her pussy a few moments. She then thrust her pelvis back and forth, to bring herself on. Within a few short moments she climaxed in Batgirl’s face. Then Minx released Batgirl's head and let her collapse to the ground. The last things Batgirl remembered were Minx removing her utility belt, and the smell of cum on her face; then nothing.

Batgirl got up slowly as she was still slightly dizzy. Looking around, she started to notice the rising steam and the fact that it was getting hotter. She reached for the zipper at her neck and was surprised to find a lock placed over the zipper. Locking eyes with Nightwing, the steam rising between them; she began to see the reason for his concern. Assessing their situation, the heroes began looking for a way to escape. The door was locked from the outside, but there was a handle on the inside. It wouldn’t budge as a steel bar was placed across the doorframe on the outside; no luck there. Next they tried the vent on the back wall, but it was too small for either Batgirl or Nightwing. The steam was making it unbearable in the small room and Batgirl started to get excited as fear began to rise up in her bosom. Suddenly she felt a slight sensation around her areolas, as her breasts tingled with the anticipation of sex. Reaching for her breasts, she was just about to caress them when Nightwing grabbed her wrists shaking his head no. Batgirl was confused and she plainly showed it. She had an itch, and she was going to scratch it. She wasn’t going to have sex.

“Nightwing, what?”

“I’m sorry Batgirl. I just thought………”

“You thought I was getting excited and wanted to make love? In this heat?”

“No, but it would lead to that. Catwoman put some things in your costume while you were unconscious. Fiber-stimulators around your breasts and labia with a small remote controlled vibrator buried inside you.”

“Why does Catwoman always think about sex? What is it with her anyway?”

The heroes could feel the heat cutting into their strength. It was getting more difficult to breathe and the steam was even making it hard to see. Batgirl noticed a small skylight window in the ceiling. Pointing to it, she gestured for Nightwing to hoist her up to see if it could be opened. If one could get out, they could come back to save the other. The window could be opened but it was too small for either of the super heroes to push through. The heat was unbearable, their bodies showing the signs of fatigue, their costumes slick with sweat. Nightwing was having trouble holding Batgirl up as her costume, was too slippery to hold unto. Just as Batgirl finished with the inspection of the window, she unexpectedly moved. Nightwing lost his grip on her legs, causing Batgirl to slide down his open hands. He tried to adjust to Batgirl's fall by placing his right hand on her thigh, but she slipped around and his hand ended up between Batgirl's hot legs as she was falling. Finally, Batgirl was able to stop her descent just as Nightwing's fingers rubbed her groin. Batgirl’s body, already aroused by the stimulators and the mini-vibrator came alive with sensations. The resulting climax filled her costume with the hot juices of her sex. Grabbing her groin with her right hand and her right breast with her left hand; Batgirl slumped to the floor as she writhed in sexual ecstasy. Nightwing knew they were trapped as he began watching Batgirl squirm on the damp floor, her body filled with emotions too strong for her to resist. Batgirl's sensual movements and continuous moans were getting Nightwing excited. He could feel his manhood growing, becoming erect within his tight latex costume. Batgirl was even now fingering herself as she tried to achieve a second orgasm. It was getting really humid and hot in the room by this time. The gauge on the wall read 102 degrees, a medium setting, but with latex catsuits, one could not expect to last long.

Nightwing couldn’t stand anymore. Slowly dropping to the floor, he laid his hot body at a cross-section to Batgirl's, his chest just off hers, as he delivered a hungry, desperate kiss to her mouth. Batgirl grabbed his head by the hair, and desperately dug her gloved fingernails into his sweat-matted hair, returning the kiss. After several moments, Nightwing moved down to her aroused breasts, tightly encased within skin-tight latex. Cupping Batgirl's right breast in his left hand, Nightwing began to pinch the nipple as it stood up within the latex; while sucking and licking Batgirl's left nipple with his tongue. Batgirl’s head was moving side to side as she was overcome by her body’s passions. Batgirl was purring like a cat as Nightwing continued to pleasure her. When Nightwing moved down to her sex, Batgirl bit her lip in anticipation of what was to come next. Nightwing softly began kissing her costume just above her pubic hairs before moving on deeper between her legs. Batgirl was writhing in pure ecstasy as Nightwing worked her over. She could feel the sensations of an approaching orgasm and was waiting for Nightwing to attack her sex properly. To Batgirl's surprise, Nightwing's tongue traveled across her sex as he proceeded to attack her sensitive inner thighs, making his way back up to her extremely aroused womanhood.

Nightwing attacked the pubic area once more, stroking the area with his tongue. He repositioned his body, laying between Batgirl's opened legs, as he continued the assault; sending rivulets of excitement through Batgirl's spine. Finally, placing his gloved hands on Batgirl's perfectly round mounds, Nightwing's fingers rubbed the latex covering Batgirl's aroused nipples, sending intense tingling sensations across her breasts. Nightwing kept rubbing Batgirl's nipples even as his tongue danced over her sex; moving swiftly from side to side, and back and forth, sending Batgirl to new levels of excitement. The previously anticipated orgasm lay just below the surface of Batgirl's conscious mind, as it continued to build in intensity, signaling that it would be an extremely massive and powerful climax. Hovering for a moment longer, Nightwing raised his eyes to meet those of Batgirl’s. Her eyes were unfocused as she was in the thralls of passion. Batgirl's hair was matted to her face as her ample breasts, heaving from the continued exertion, showed no signs of fatigue. Batgirl’s eyes suddenly became focused, as she peered into Nightwing’s face. Her parched lips exuding her desires.

“Please Nightwing, finish me. I can’t stand………this waiting. Uuunnnnnnnn, Aarrrggggghhhhh, please, please……………just do me, now. Uuunnnnnnnn.”

Taking one last breath, Nightwing smiled as he suddenly dropped to her costume attacking her sex lying secretly below. Batgirl's head snapped back from the unexpected attack on her excited sex as her legs wrapped themselves around Nightwing's hot, latex clad body. The waiting orgasm, now several times more powerful than any Batgirl had ever experienced before, announced its arrival. Batgirl's costume filled with her love juices as her body shivered from the pure voltage of the sensations traveling through her body. The feeling spared no part of Batgirl's body as she screamed out in absolute joy.


Nightwing's face remained buried between Batgirl's legs for a few moments longer, feeling the warmth of her love juices against his face; before getting up on his knees. Nightwing was just reaching for her hair as a powerful climax of his own arrived, sending his body to the ground, breathless. Batgirl turned Nightwing over and climbed on his body, straddling him in a reverse position; with her groin resting near Nightwing's face. Batgirl's mouth hovered above Nightwing's latex enclosed member for several seconds as she took in the length of his erection. Moments later, Batgirl began using her tongue to expertly stroke Nightwing's stiff rod keeping his member erect. He moaned in absolute pleasure as Batgirl serviced his body with her tongue and hands. Seeing Batgirl's open legs in front of him, Nightwing returned the favor as he licked the zipper running between Batgirl's legs. Nightwing could just taste Batgirl's cum along the zipper, so Nightwing changed tactics and began sucking Batgirl's costume where he knew her excited and wet sex should have been. Batgirl's head arched back as Nightwing delivered the new sensations to her already aroused sex. Returning to Nightwing's stiff rod, Batgirl grabbed the latex covering his member's head with her teeth and began to softly nibble on the latex while holding his member with her right hand. Nightwing's eyes went wide with sensations he didn't know existed as Batgirl continued her attack on his excited shaft. For his part, Nightwing continued to suck Batgirl's hot juices from between the zipper's teeth causing Batgirl's sensually hot body to become even more aroused and excited. Batgirl could feel the oncoming surge of another orgasm building deep within her seed as Nightwing continued with his assault. He was rewarded moments later as Batgirl climaxed again, forcing the excess cum through the zipper's teeth and to Nightwing's tongue. Seconds later Nightwing exploded in another climax of his own, sending his hot juices around his member. Batgirl laid her head down on the erect shaft and closed her eyes, moaning in absolute pleasure. Nightwing passed out minutes later.

Batgirl lay exhausted, her entire body floating in the afterglow of the extremely pleasurable sex. Her breathing was shallow as she tried to focus her eyes to the door, seeing Catwoman on the other side of the small window. Batgirl passed out shortly there after. The steam stopped flowing, and the door opened with both Catwoman and Minx looking in. They entered the room, checking the conditions of the two heroes. Both were very hot, sweaty, and weak. They carried Batgirl out first, closing and locking the door behind them. Several minutes later they came back and carried Nightwing's comatose body to the pool. Binding his wrists, they secured him above the pool and dunked his overheated body in the cold water several times; giving a cooling affect to his body while at the same time shocking his groggy mind to consciousness, resulting in a weaker Nightwing. Finally, they forced water down Nightwing’s throat, and carried him to the exercise room.

The Hunter becomes the Hunted

Meanwhile, the Huntress arrived at the warehouse across town, having received Nightwing’s answerable message only minutes earlier, as she had been away from her car. She feared she might be too late as the message was several hours old, a fear that was justified when she walked up to Nightwing’s modified Porsche. The car had a thick coating of dew all over it, signifying it had been there for a while. Noticing Batgirl’s cycle was in the same condition, she entered the warehouse and began a cautious search. The first floor seemed deserted but the Huntress could see signs of movement in the dust covering the floor. Moving up to the second floor, her attention was alerted to a dimly lit room at the end of the landing. Entering the room, the Huntress was on full alert, ready for danger. She found only a ornately decorated box with what looked like Egyptian Cat Motifs and a note addressed to her, sitting on a table, the lone piece of furniture. Placing gas mask onto her face in case there was a trap, the Huntress opened the note. She was right to take the precaution as a small amount a powder blew into her mask as she brought the opened note to her face.

“Dear Huntress,

You were a royal pain in the ass the last time you interfered with my plans so I have set up this little trap for you. The Egyptian Cat is a gift for you, should you survive the note. But, as a warning, be careful how you handle the box. It has been fun, but Batgirl and Nightwing await my particularly skillful attentions. Catwoman”

The Huntress examined the box very carefully, trying to find and hidden panels or traps. Finding none, she began looking for the hidden clasp all such ancient boxes held; finding it in the lower left corner moments later. Opening the box, the Huntress found it to be empty save for a picture of Batgirl and Nightwing; both bound and gagged, and both unconscious. Looking at the date and time, she noticed it was taken only a couple of hours before midnight. Batgirl's body was lying across that of Nightwing's in the back of an open panel van. So, the Catwoman had captured them and driven off some place, but where? Deep in thought, the Huntress returned her gas mask to its compartment in her utility belt without thinking.

The Huntress returned the picture to the box, and set the box down on the table, meaning to search the room for clues when the floor suddenly opened up and swallowed her whole. She fell into a darkened room on the first floor, landing of a stack of very soft pillows. Getting to her knees, the Huntress suddenly realized the box was a ruse, as the real trap lay below. The room contained concentrated levels of Catwoman's own brand of sleeping gas called Catnip. The gas was cursing through her being as she fumbled with her utility belt and her gas mask once more. Moments later, the mask fell from hand as she was overpowered by the sleeping gas. Her head tilted back even as she thought this was the perfect trap. Collapsing to the pillows, she was unconscious before she hit the floor.

Some time later, the Huntress began to stir as she fought off the effects of the catnip. She slowly rose to her knees only to be affected by the catnip once more. Moaning the Huntress succumbed to the gas' effects and fell back to the floor asleep. Several hours later, the Huntress awoke and started to rise, only to drop back down. Resting, she remembered the gas floating just above her head and decided to remain on the floor to plan her escape. Reaching into her utility belt, the Huntress produced a powerful mini-light and started to shine the light around room. She figured the room was relatively small in size. She couldn't see any windows, but there seemed to a door to her left. The Huntress was also able to find her gas mask. Reaching for the mask, the Huntress secured the breathing device to her face and began crawling to the door. Moments later, the Huntress reached the door and located the door knob. She pulled herself up near the door and tested the handle, finding it locked. The Huntress took out the lock pick tools from her utility belt and began to pick the first of three locks. About one minute into the process, she began to feel faint, and noticed her concentration slipping. Shaking her head to remove the cobwebs from her mind, the Huntress took two deep breaths as she continued working the stubborn lock. The Huntress was beginning to get dizzy as she beat the first of three locks keeping her a prisoner within the gas filled room. Reaching for the second lock, she suddenly dropped the lock pick, but was just able to grab the tool with her other hand, keeping it from falling into the darkness below her.

Resting a moment, the Huntress checked to gauge on her mask and was astounded to see the mask working at only seventy-five percent efficiency. Concern edging into her mind, the Huntress returned to the task of defeating the second lock. Holding the mini-light with her left hand, she was able to pick the second lock using her right hand. Closing her eyes for a moment and taking a deep breath to calm herself down, the Huntress checked the gauge again and was shocked to see the efficiency level down to fifty percent. Near panic pressed her mind as she discovered her mask was slowly failing. At this rate, she thought, the mask would be useless before she got through the third lock. Working rapidly, the Huntress began working through the third and final lock. Her chosen pick suddenly became wedged in the lock and she had to break it off to remove it. Cursing herself again, the Huntress fished in her utility belt for the set of mini-pliers and was able to remove to broken shaft of the pick in seconds. She knew she was wasting time, as the catnip was beginning to affect her motor skills as well as her mental capacity. Glancing at the mask's gauge a third time, the Huntress almost choked as she saw the efficiency reading dropping into the red zone. The gas mask could fail at any minute leaving her helpless against the gas.

Returning to the third and final lock, the Huntress began to see double as her legs became weak beneath her. She knew she couldn't stand much more and was just about to insert the pick into the second of two holes in the lock when the alarm on her gas mask signaled systems failure. The mask was useless now as the gas began seeping into her mouth and nose. The Huntress could barely stand as she defeated the final lock. Opening the door, the Huntress fell into the room beyond, landing roughly on the floor. The Huntress lay motionless for a few short minutes, sprawled out on her stomach, before she started to move. Her right leg was straight out below her, as her left leg was bent almost perpendicular to her torso. She held her upper body off the floor, resting on her right fore arm with the rest of her weight held unsteadily on her left hand, laid flat on the floor. The Huntress was struggling to stay awake, knowing the Batgirl and Nightwing needed her help. Moments later, as her left arm buckled, the Huntress slowly lowered her head to the floor in a deep tormented sleep.

She didn't know when she began to wake up, but as she stirred, the Huntress allowed a long deep groan to leave her slightly parted lips. Slowly and with a great deal of effort, the Huntress rolled onto her back. bringing her left leg up towards her waist as she did. Focusing her eyes on the dangling object above her, the Huntress grabbed the hanging chain, resting mere inches from her face. She pulled herself up along the length of the chain, placing all of her weight on her arms as her legs still felt like jello. Holding onto the chain with all her strength, the Huntress suddenly became aware she was not alone.

"Well, Huntress, I thought you were going to take all night to get out of that trap. I hope you slept well because you're going to need it. Although I must admit you don't need any beauty sleep, your body is simple delicious. I took advantage of your stupor to caress your shapely body, exploring every curve, bump, crevice, and valley. That skin-tight French-cut latex teddy is a turn-on I must say; and your ass is to die for."

The Huntress was only hearing half of what the mysterious person was saying. Her mind was still awash in the catnip's after effects. She was trying to find the source of the voice, which she thought was coming from the far left corner of the room. Seeing a large desk to her right, the Huntress fell towards the desk, just managing to reach it. Her legs were still to weak to hold her weight, and she was holding herself up solely by her arms. The Huntress allowed her body to drop to the floor, hiding the motions made by her right hand as she reached for a compartment on her utility belt. Seconds later, she had managed to free two anti-toxin tablets. Bringing her hand back to the desk top, she pretended to lose consciousness for a moment, dropping her face to the desk top, while she downed the tablets. Resting for a moment, she slowly, painfully picked her tired body back up, to stand shakily on her legs.

"I can see you are still under the effects of the drugs Huntress, that's good. It will make my time here that much easier."

"And you are?"

"Hummm, but not too drugged to pump me for information. well, I don't see any problem with telling you Huntress, since you won't make it out of this warehouse alive. My name is unimportant, of course, but in the criminal world, they call me the Procurer. I run a catering service of sorts, for the criminal world. I supply everything a criminal needs to commit a crime or to assault you superheroes. You yourself have come into contact with some of my supplied items. Catwoman contracted me to deal with you tonight, and although I don't really like the bitch, she always pays in cash. My associates and I are going to have quite a bit of fun at your expense. Remember the old saying 'Out of the frying pan and into the fire?' Well, the last room was your frying pan and the three of us are here as Catwoman's guests to make this room the fire."

The Huntress thought she had sensed others in the room, but they all stayed in the shadows. She was getting stronger by the minute but was still too weak to carry the fight to the Procurer or any of his associates. The Huntress was scanning her memory for his face. She had heard his voice before, but she just couldn't place it.

"Gentlemen, please place the Huntress on the desk top and secure her tightly with the leather straps attached to each corner. Oh, and don't forget to remove her utility belt."

Two men approached the Huntress and easily picked her up, laying her still weakened body on the desk. As one man held her down, the other connected the leather restraints around her lithe ankles. Moments later, the man joined the one holding her down as they both connected the leather restraints to her wrists. Finally, one of the men unfastened her utility belt, removing it from her bound body. Hearing foot steps moving towards her, the Huntress turned her head to the sound as the Procurer edged closer to her.

"Gentlemen, let's apply some more catnip to our guest's face, shall we? She looks like she's coming out of the previous stupor and we want her weak for our little games."

A hand appeared in front of her face holding a cloth soaked with liquefied catnip. The Huntress shook here head from side to side in the vain attempt to resist the cloth. The second man grabbed her head in a vice-like hold and prevented her from moving her head, just as the cloth was lowered to her beautiful face. Moments later, her mind swimming in the drug, the Huntress fought to stay awake, though she knew she was losing the battle. Just before she fell into the drug, the Procurer walked up to her and peered into her face. The Huntress stared up at her assailant, her eyes glazed over from the drug. His face, she knew his face, she..., she knew.

It was some time later when the Huntress raised her tired head from her ample chest. She had actually regained consciousness several hours earlier but had faked unconsciousness in order to regain her strength and collect her thoughts. Groaning in pain as she turned her head getting out the kinks to her neck , the Huntress began to look around and take in her surroundings. She was suspended by a thick cable some three feet off the ground in a perfectly round room. The Huntress could see four doors set into the wall about six feet above the floor, one from each side of her. The ceiling was steep and it rose to a point some fifty feet above her bound wrists. At the top were a set of three sprout-like openings, which actually seemed to touch the cable holding her luscious body. Trying to look down, the Huntress saw what she thought to be a floor of seamless red rubber. Upon closer inspection, she noticed the rubber went up the sides of the wall, covering the lower half of the doors as well. Between each door, were two openings, one rounded and one square. The Huntress was just raising her head back towards the ceiling when the thought that she had been in this room before touched her mind. Stopping short for a minute, she began to scan her memories about the room. Several minutes she was still thinking about the past when the memory caught up with her. She had been in this room, as a child. This was the Don's private Torture room, or at least a very close copy. The Gotham City Mob Bosses used this room for their entertainment, as they tortured their victims. Only the head of an organized crime family and their immediate heir were ever allowed to see this room. She had been here many years in the past, in her alter ego Helena Bertanelli, as she accompanied her father for just such entertainment. A smaller hood from Culver City had tried to move-in on a family's operations and been caught. He was tortured along with his whole family in this room. He had been coated in oil from the spouts above and fire had blasted him from the round portals in the walls. The Huntress's thoughts of the past suddenly jolted her to the present as she began to struggle against her bonds. If this was the Torture Room, she may be in deep trouble.

Fun and Games

As Nightwing entered the exercise room, he saw Batgirl in the same position and the same bondage as the previous night. But, she looked different. Then it came to him. She had been stripped of her costume and dressed in a skin-tight shiny red latex teddy and black nylon panty hose. She looked very sensual, in the long-sleeved, high collard teddy. The French-cut teddy showed off her shapely legs very nicely. The chest area was cut out in a circle, revealing her ample breasts. The area of the teddy between her legs was so tight it separated her lips. Her mask was still intact, but they could have removed it while she was unconscious. She looked like she had gone through hell already. Nightwing was told to undress and put on a new outfit. When he hesitated, Catwoman walked over to the struggling Batgirl and lowered her body to one leg. Catwoman took out a taser and placed it in the cleavage of Batgirl’s breasts. Glancing at Batgirl, Nightwing could tell she had been zapped at least one time already as her eyes still showed the painful effects of the electrical charge. Batgirl looked from him to Catwoman and back to him and tears began to form in her eyes. Batgirl was looking at Nightwing, but begging Catwoman not to send another jolt into her.

“Please………Catwoman, don’t hurt me again. Please…………please, I beg you.”

Reluctantly, Nightwing did as he was told. He was instructed to put on a metal studded leather collar, a multi-zippered leather teddy, wrist cuffs, ankle cuffs, and a pair of high-heeled shoes. When he was finished getting dressed, Minx opened a curtain and showed Nightwing his new home. They had added a new apparatus to the room. A bondage cross in the shape of an "X". They placed him on the cross and fastened the straps holding his ankles and wrists. Finally, to keep him quiet, he was gagged with a leather strap. The cross was tilted back to where Nightwing was laying back at a 45-degree angle, barely able to watch Batgirl’s torture. Viewing the bondage once again, Nightwing noticed, Batgirl wasn’t exactly bound as the night before. She had the addition of a crotch rope running between her legs. The rope also had several knots running in a series along its length. Looking at Batgirl again, he could tell she was suffering from the affects of the painful and deviously knotted rope. Batgirl was painfully awake and watching them strap him in.

Catwoman flipped a coin to see who would get her attention first, which Nightwing won. Minx began with the vibrator which she strapped onto him; like before, and turned it on. Nightwing’s body instantly remembered the sensations it brought to his member. Minx placed a gag in his mouth to keep him quiet during the torture. Strapped down to the cross and still weakened from the sauna room, Nightwing was helpless to resist. Minx then leaned over and unzipped the openings covering his nipples. She began licking and biting each one. Catwoman, for her part, was gently stroking Nightwing’s member as the vibrator did its thing. She then began to kiss his inner thighs. Catwoman alternated between kissing them and licking them, while moving ever closer to his crotch. After several torturous minutes of this, Nightwing climaxed. Catwoman just smiled, looking at Batgirl.

"That's how you do it to a man, Batgirl."

Batgirl was absolutely furious. Her eyes narrowed and one could almost see smoke rising from under her cowl. She maintained her silence, knowing it would do no good and would probably only result in Catwoman doing something even worse to Nightwing, or to her. Catwoman ignored her looks and began on Nightwing again. This time however, she reached inside the teddy and grabbed his member. Batgirl’s eyes widened, though they were shimmering with rage. Catwoman stroked his member with her hand and once again Nightwing climaxed until there was absolutely no strength left in his body, which is what Catwoman was after.

Catwoman left Nightwing on the bondage cross, weak and spent from the continued sex; and walked over to Minx, who was sitting down next to Batgirl’s bound body. Minx slapped Batgirl’s inner thighs as hard as she could. Batgirl closed her eyes as she grimaced in indescribable pain from the blows, as her legs, stretched beyond their limit; stung from the repeated blows. Smiling with glee, Minx pulled back the teddy, partially exposing Batgirl’s breasts and began to squeeze them. Then, moving her hands to the top of Batgirl’s sore mammaries, she twisted her nipples until they were hard and pink. This aroused Batgirl as she winced in tortured pain, but could do nothing about it. Nightwing could only look on, as he was way too weak, too well bound to act. Minx then unfastened Batgirl’s collar and unzipped her teddy, fully exposing her breasts, her stomach and her sex. She placed her mouth on Batgirl's left breast and began to lightly kiss and suck it, as Catwoman did the same to her right breast. While they did this, they each placed their closest hand to Batgirl’s pussy and began to finger her. The sight of Catwoman and Minx performing oral sex on Batgirl was erotic; their faces buried in her breasts, sucking her off as they moved her towards a climax with their fingers. The scene was too much for Nightwing and he climaxed again.

Raising her face from Batgirl’s reddened breast, Catwoman smiled as she nodded her head. She was getting the desired results as she was arousing both Batgirl and Nightwing, keeping them both on the edge of their sex. Batgirl had noticed his climax as well, but was too preoccupied to deal with it. She was letting out intense moans with each lick of Catwoman and Minx’s tongues on her breasts, each movement of the villainesses fingers inside her sex. She knew she was building up to yet another orgasm, but she couldn’t do any thing to prevent it. She was barely able to fight the sexual attacks at all, as her mind, dazed by the continual assaults, drifted from the feelings of ecstasy to points well beyond it.

Catwoman returned to the fruit on her plate and began to nibble on Batgirl's voluptuous right nipple. Minx followed suit, and Batgirl’s moans turned to groans. Despite her attempts to resist, her body was responding to the sex, getting excited even more. The two villains continued their assault on Batgirl’s body for several minutes, and then stopped. Batgirl’s tormented body writhed in sexual bliss, her confused mind clouded with intense emotions. Seeing Batgirl’s sensual movements, Minx pulled on the knotted crotch rope passing through Batgirl’s legs, digging it deeper into sensitive groin. The rope having already separated the folds of her labia disappeared altogether as it dug deep into Batgirl’s sex. Batgirl’s body suddenly arched as she screamed in pain.

“Aaarrrrrggggghhhhhhh! Minx, please………………………st, stop…………please, I beg……you.”

Minx then began to move the rope back and forth, massaging the pussy even more, with still more screams from Batgirl and more excitement from Nightwing. Catwoman reached across Batgirl’s torn body and stopped Minx’s pleasure; telling her to remove the crotch rope. She did but the teddy remained embedded within Batgirl's wet sex. Nightwing was concerned. After two days of torment, her womanhood had to be super sensitive, on the verge of collapse if that was possible. Batgirl’s body fell back to the floor, her breasts heaving from the continued torments of the repeated sex. Her eyes were barely able to focus as her confused mind tried to shut out the intense pains radiating from various parts of her abused body. Catwoman walked over to a cabinet and removed a black box from the shelf. She set it down beside Batgirl’s hot body and opened the lid. Looking over, Nightwing couldn’t see what was in it but Batgirl’s eyes grew wide and she began to struggle violently against her bonds, yelling out in protest.

“No! Catwoman, No! You can’t put that thing in me. I’m too sore already. Please……………………please, Catwoman, not that. God No!”

Catwoman removed a long black dildo pump from the box as Batgirl continued her struggles, her attempts at escape. Catwoman pulled the teddy’s crotch piece out of Batgirl’s already wet pussy and moved it to the side, while inserting the dildo into her. She then began to pump the dildo back and forth past Batgirl’s clitoris causing her to get even wetter that she already was. Batgirl’s struggles slowly changed as she began moving in rhythm with the dildo. Her head fell back to the floor, as she continued to emit a series of moans.

“Uuhhhhhhh…, uunnnnnnnnhhh…, oooohhhhhhhh…, uuuhhhhhhhhhh.”

Her back seemed to arch upwards as she tried to fight the oncoming climax, but it was to no avail. All the while, Minx continued to bite and suck her nipples causing Batgirl to finally lose any control of her body. A massive orgasm overcame her as she closed her eyes tightly, yelling out in total agony.


Batgirl’s body went limp as her tightly bound legs tried to come together in the total feeling of afterglow. Her entire body was shaking from the intense experience as her quivering lips emitted a final long torturous moan. Moments later she virtually passed out from the strain. Turning her attention from Batgirl, Catwoman decided to check on Nightwing. She turned the vibrator on again, and got him excited even more than he already was. She removed the gag from Nightwing’s mouth and dropped it. Next, she took the ball gag from her belt, coated it with Batgirl’s cum, and inserted it in his mouth. He was totally surprised by this action and gasped swallowing some of the juices as a result. Catwoman stopped Minx from her continual torment of Batgirl, who had awakened and was even now weakly begging for Minx to stop. Catwoman opened another black box, which had been sitting on the table next to Nightwing. This box held a set of clamps and wires connected to a small control box. It also had what looked like a small bed spring, also connected to the control box. She placed nipple clamps on Nightwing’s chest and turned on a small amount of juice.

The sensations coursing through Nightwing’s body caused him to struggle more than ever. With the help of Minx, Catwoman removed the vibrator from his body, moved the teddy’s crotch section aside, and grabbed his maleness; placing the helical spring upon it. It immediately tightened around Nightwing’s member sending intense sensations though his entire body. Catwoman connected the two clamped electrical manipulators together to form one continual electrical sensation. Nightwing knew he wouldn’t last very long under this torture; as he knew there was no way to fight the sensations running through his already weakened body.

Someplace in the process of watching Nightwing fight these new, more intense sensations, Catwoman removed his mask. Minx did the same to Batgirl, even as the bound superheroine struggled to resist the exposure; her eyes wide with fear. They had once again discovered the heroes’ secret identities. Catwoman backed away from Nightwing to look at both heroes. She continued to look first at Nightwing and then Batgirl, total confusion showing on her face. Catwoman was dumbfounded as she couldn't figure out who these two young people were. Looking at Minx, Catwoman moved her arms away from her body and shrugged her shoulders. Minx walked over to Nightwing's body and grabbed his face by the chin. Turning Nightwing's face from side to side, Minx knew she should be able to recognize him but she drew a blank. Returning to Batgirl's side, Minx knelt beside the helpless crime fighter and looked intently into her gagged face. Minx turned her head sideways while still viewing Batgirl's features, but soon began to shake her head in disgust.

“I..., don't know..., Catwoman. I can't seem to place either of their faces in my mind. I thought I recognized Batgirl for a minute, but I..., I just keep drawing a blank."

“I can't seem to place them either. I feel I should know them, know their faces, but..., but their identities just keep eluding me. But, this gives me a purrrrrfectly fiendish idea. I have a new plan for you two superheroes. I want the Batman. Therefore, I’m going to exert continual sexual tortures on your bodies; keeping you both at the peak of excitement. You, Nightwing will continue to climax until you head explodes, while Batgirl here will achieve orgasm after orgasm after orgasm. Eventually, your minds will melt into mush, as your will power to fight the sensations shooting through your bodies will fade away. The result will be two mindless heroes ready to do my biddings. You two will cease to exist as a fighting force for good and will be transformed into my sexual slaves. I'm going to enjoy watching you crack, Batgirl.”

Nightwing, though relieved that his identity was safe for the moment, closed his eyes at the thought of Catwoman's new plans for their bodies. He knew he could endure hours of torture, even though he would be severely weakened from the effects perhaps even physically hurt, but to be kept at a constant level of sexual arousal...he just didn't know. More importantly, Nightwing was worried about Batgirl's ability to absorb to tortures to her body. Catwoman and Minx seemed to live for Batgirl's sexual discomfort. They loved to see Batgirl aroused and tormented. Nightwing opened his eyes to look at Batgirl as she lay on the floor. Batgirl was already beyond her physical limits. Her body was shivering as she tried to maintain some control over her body. Batgirl's will was even now, slowly evaporating as the continual attacks on her sex broke through her defenses. Nightwing knew Batgirl could absorb several hours of sexual tortures; but to keep her at a heightened level of sex was well beyond anything Batgirl could possibly hope to resist. He knew that Batgirl would fight the advances as best she could, putting up more and more defenses to protect her mind, but Nightwing also knew that Batgirl would expend all her mental energies to fight Catwoman's attacks on her body and mind; leaving very few if any reserves for escape. Batgirl had very few options, as she was hopelessly outmatched by Catwoman and Minx. Nightwing worried that Batgirl was on the brink of a total breakdown as Catwoman returned to her side.

Catwoman knelt down beside her shivering body and softly ran a single claw the length of Batgirl's body. Catwoman started at Batgirl's neck and ran the claw down Batgirl's left breast, continuing down her stomach ending up in Batgirl's snatch. Catwoman twisted Batgirl's pubic hairs around the claw and gently tugged on them, sending intense sensations through Batgirl's womanhood and to her brain. Batgirl's head had already begun to arch backwards at the start of Catwoman's caress, but the tugging of her glistening mound caused Batgirl to become ever wetter.. Batgirl's eyes were glazed over as the sex enveloped her once more. Slowly, Batgirl looked towards Nightwing as she tried to fight the ever growing sensations building within her. Her parted lips said it all, as Batgirl continued to breath in short rapid breaths, gasping for air as she sought to relieve the strain. Batgirl was silently asking for his help; her pleading eyes seeking some way of escape before she fell into a deep dark abyss. Batgirl knew it was hopeless even as Nightwing pulled with all his strength to break free of his bonds, but the leather straps remained firm. Moments later, as a powerful climax surged through his body, Nightwing's head snapped back just before it fell forward, resting on his chest. Nightwing knew he had failed Batgirl in her hour of need. Closing her pain filled eyes, Batgirl returned her thoughts to her own survival. Mustering her reserves, Batgirl began to build a new defense even as the Catwoman worked her over. Batgirl was just able to place a delicate wall between the continual torments and her mind; when the wall exploded inwards from a new and unexpected attack. Minx had knelt beside Batgirl's stretched out body and had begun to suck her reddened nipples, causing Batgirl to climax almost at the start. Batgirl was hardly able to restrain the climax, as she bit her lip, causing it to bleed; while Batgirl's entire body rose off the floor, supported by only her shoulders and the heels of her feet. Batgirl's weary body had scarcely returned to the floor when Minx applied the pulsating dildo to her wet cunt. The dildo's rubber tip pulsated deep within her, rubbing her extremely sensitive clitoris in the process. Batgirl, bereft of strength, exploded in another orgasm, her body jerking in the air. With a final spasm of her body she collapsed, to the floor, weakened and spent.

Almost immediately, the processes began again, as Batgirl’s agonized body came alive once more. She achieved another orgasm within minutes and the process began again. Nightwing, barely conscious, was staying hard, while climax after climax surged through his maleness. Catwoman took the ball gag out of her pouch and force-fed it into Batgirl’s mouth, cutting off the continual screams. Minx did the same to Nightwing, effectively cutting off any possible noises, except for their muffled screams. Catwoman looked them both over and asked Minx if she was hungry. Minx said she was horny, but hungry as well. Catwoman looked at both Batgirl and Nightwing and decided they weren’t going anywhere. She fastened a harness securing the dildo in Batgirl’s sex and turned it up a notch. The rubbing pulsations to Batgirl's clitoris increased instantly as the devilish device tore into her sex. Catwoman walked over to Nightwing’s gyrating body, checking the clamps. She turned up the stimulations on his body as well. They picked up the masks from the floor and left the room.

Ordeals of the Huntress:

The Huntress was still struggling moments later when the Procurer and his associates entered the room. The Huntress, hearing his entrance, stopped her struggling and looked down at her captor. He was wearing a blue pin-striped suit, spats on his shoes, and a fedora. He looked every part the gangster from the old movies. His associates wore grey pin-stripe suits. with the fedoras but no spats. They both carried Tommie Guns. Followed closely behind the trio was another group of individuals. The Huntress instantly recognized each one of them. They were the heads of the crime families in Gotham.

"Huntress. I'm so glad you could join us. When word got out of your capture, these fine gentlemen are asked to witness your demise. Since they are clients of mine, I saw no reason to deny them their enjoyment. Do you have any idea where you are, my dear?"

The Huntress didn't want to admit she knew anything. After all, how would she know of this room unless she was related to the Dons. The Huntress remained silent and allowed her captor to continue his prattle.

"Ah, no reply. I'll take that as a no. This is a special room, where the head of each crime family in Gotham City comes to watch enjoyable events, such as your death. Now, in the old days, they would watch while standing behind one-way glass windows lined along the wall. But they don't like to stand these days. Now, each family has a private booth located upstairs and they can watch by television. However, they can still alter the perils facing the victim in this room. Each of these Dons have made a request tonight as to your entertainment. I've got to tell you Huntress, you must be one mean Bitch, for them come up with a list like this. This little evening will cost me quite a few dollars, but then, it's business."

The Huntress remained silent during the whole speech. As the Procurer continued his oratory, the Huntress's eyes wandered to the other invited guests located below her. Many of the faces she knew. She had even met most of them. But, she was now looking for her cousins and uncles. Yes, standing towards the back were five members of the Bertanelli family; four uncles and her half-brother. Tony Bertanelli was actually her cousin, but his father had adopted her into the family after the brutal, mob-related death of her parents. Whether they recognized her or not she didn't know, but she had to assume they would recognize her before the night was over. Locking eyes, with Tony, her half-brother, the Huntress allowed her face to settle into the same look she had always given him when she had pulled his butt out of the fire as Helena. At first, Tony didn't see the look, didn't make the connection between Helena, his half-sister and the Huntress, but soon Tony raised his eyebrows as he stared up at her. He was flabbergasted. Nodding her head slightly, the Huntress returned his stare. A sharp pain to her left thigh interrupted the small family reunion as the Huntress yelled out in pain. One of the closer Dons had wrapped a leather whip around her leg. Smiling, the Don pulled the whip back towards him sending the Huntress's body spinning like a top. Another Don walked up to the spinning form and planted a wooden board in her midsection. When the Huntress finally stopped spinning, several Dons attacked her by striking her body with four foot leather straps. She was groaning in agonized pain when the last Don, her Uncle walked up to her helpless body and backhanded her across the face. The Huntress was still recoiling from the slap when he punched her left breast. She cried out in sheer pain as her mammary burned from the impact. Moments later, the Huntress lost consciousness. Smiling Helena's uncle reached up to remove her mask.

"Uncle, don't. Let's let the Huntress keep her precious secret identity until the end of tonight's games. Then, we'll expose her secret on television, for the whole world to see."

"Yes. You're right Tony, we should wait till later to find out who she is. I've been dreaming of this moment for a long time Huntress. before this night is through, I want to see you beg for your life, and you will beg, I assure you. You'll beg us to kill you. Then, you'll die. Tony, You are the newest heir to the Circle, and this is your first time at the games. As the newest heir, you are allowed to make a request on her behalf. Do you have one?"

"Yes, I think I do, uncle. The Huntress is pretty well out of it now. She's weakened from the latest attacks on her body, and she still has some of Catwoman's sleeping drug in her system. I think we should make this game more interesting. We should give her her utility belt back. If everything you've told me about this room hasn't changed since I was a little boy, then she will need it."

"I assure you Tony, nothing has changed. Anything else?"

"Yes, uncle. I want to be alone with the Huntress for awhile. I want to torment her personally first, before the rest of the games begin. I want to set an example for the other superheroes in this city, by punching this Bitch."

"Ok, Tony. I believe that can be arranged, can't it Procurer?"

"That will not be a problem Mr. Bertanelli. Your nephew may be alone with her. I'll even allow him to place the utility belt around the Huntress's slim waist if he wishes. Then he can deliver the punch. Gentlemen if you please, you may adjourn to your private boxes. And bring me her utility belt."

Several minutes later, Tony Bertanelli stood alone in the room with his sister. He was still shocked to find out that Helena was the Huntress and his family's greatest enemy. The Huntress, still weakened from the strong punch to her mammary, slowly opened her pain-filled eyes and tried to focus on her brother. Tony reached around her beautiful waist and fastened the utility belt together, allowing it to settle on her svelte hips. Then, as if looking for something extra in the deal he grabbed her swollen mammary and began to fondle the breast. The whole time he was whispering to her in Latin, in case they were listening. He told her what he had to do to fulfill his duties as the newest Don of the Circle. Almost imperceptivity the Huntress nodded her head in understanding, as she became aroused by his breast work. Looking down, her brother could see she was getting wet between the legs causing him to get excited as well. Continuing to massage her breast, he told her he would never tell anyone her secret identity, but while she was in this building he had to treat her as an enemy of the family. Releasing her aroused breast, Tony moved his hand down to her sex and started rubbing the latex between her legs. Already hot, the Huntress allowed herself to become engrossed in the sex, forgetting entirely where she was, as she succumbed to her step-brothers expert care. Her head fell back allowing her long black hair to fall loose down her back as an intense groan escaped her parted lips. He continued to service her body, her sex, bringing her to the point of ecstasy. Finally, Tony said he loved her and honored her for what she was doing in the world. Having said that, Tony continued the rubbing even as he placed a soft kiss upon her forehead, a signal of respect but also one of death, The Huntress was in the middle of a massive orgasm as Tony stepped back and delivered a swift Judo kick to the Huntress's groin. Tony watched for several minutes as she wreathed in excruciating pain from the blow to her aroused and wet sex. She tried to raise her legs to her stomach, trying to ease the pressure on her lower body; but she was too weak to keep them up for long. Scant moments later, the Huntress allowed her legs to drop back down, causing intense pain to shoot up her spine. Tears were flowing down her cheeks as she absorbed the multitudes of pain radiating through her suspended body. Her wrists hurt from the weight of her body hanging from them. She could tell her breathing was labored, as her ample breasts extended upwards while the weight of her body pulled the rest of her down. The Huntress knew the longer she stayed in this trap, the weaker she would get. She was indeed in trouble. She knew she would need a miracle to survive this peril. Her first miracle came from the Procurer himself.

"Huntress. The Dons have requested that they be served dinner before we begin on you. You're to be the dessert. I'm going to give you two hours to think about your fate. Don't try any tricks, and don't bother trying to escape. This room is escape proof. See you in two hours."

Minutes later, the lights went out. The ventilation system kicked in and began blowing intensely cold air upon the Huntress's body. Smiling to herself, the Huntress thought the Dons hadn't changed a bit since she was a young girl. The dinner announcement was a ruse, as the Procurer was only getting ready for the first tortures, which would begin at any moment. She knew if she was to escape and survive this night, she would have to act know. Thinking quickly, the Huntress slowly, painfully became inverted and wrapped her legs around the cable above her wrists. Pulling her wrists up to her face to look at the shackles, the Huntress was able to reach into her utility belt and bring out her lock pick set. The Huntress thought these were a good investment. Freeing her hands, the Huntress rested a moment while the circulation returned to her hands. Then she began climbing up her body until she was upright once more. Holding onto the cable with her hands. The Huntress placed her gas mask on her face, even though it probably wouldn't protect her completely and switched her mask's visor to "night vision" mode. She knew her way around this place like she knew her way around her own town home; that is, if they hadn't changed things in the last twenty years. Climbing up the cable, the Huntress suddenly found herself slipping back down the length of the cable. Glancing up, she became aware that the first spout was spewing out a thick layer of grease. So much for the hour's rest. Taking off her left glove, the Huntress reached into her utility belt and retrieved the grappling gun, attached a small barbed arrow, and shot it up towards the ceiling. The arrow embedded itself in the ceiling and held fast. Pushing the recoil button on the side of the gun, she, let go of the cable and shot upwards towards the ceiling and relative safety above the spouts. The Huntress continued to hold fast to her own cable as she unfastened the clasp holding the ceiling's hatch closed. Moments later, as the other two spouts began to emit their deadly fluids, she was out of the deadly Torture Room. Remembering what her brother had told her, the Huntress started to move to the right, down his selected path until she heard a slight click as her right knee made contact with an almost invisible wire. The Huntress stopped dead in her tracks, holding her breath as she waited for the expected results of the trip-wire. After several tense moments of nothing happening, she turned her head very slowly from side to side. On her left side was an arrow, poised to fire at her head. The arrow had actually fired, but had become hung up on the bulkhead of the support beam running just above it. She had been lucky.

The Huntress moved her leg back very cautiously as she began to back track to the hatch behind her. Reaching the hatch once more, the Huntress very carefully turned her body around and peered down the other possible path. She wasn't at all surprised to find hidden traps hastily erected along the way. Tony may be her brother, and he may keep her secret, but while he was here and she was the Huntress, she would not be able to trust him. He had told her to move to the right after leaving the ceiling hatch, and she had almost died. As Helena, she knew his handiwork, and not only had it not changed over the years, it also hadn't improved. Resting for a moment to collect her thoughts, the Huntress closed her eyes and concentrated her thoughts on the games she had played with Tony as a child. He had always thought in two-dimensional ways where as she played three-dimensional. Opening her eyes again, the Huntress started moving away from the two paths running parallel to the support beam, opting instead to blaze her own path. Thirty minutes later, she dropped down into the outer office of this year's Head Don, her Uncle. Moving cautiously, she entered the hall way and made her way to the Control room, where she expected to find the Procurer. The Huntress was just reaching for the door knob to the Control room when the Procurer's associates opened the door. Taken totally by surprise, the two men were no match for the Huntress as she dropped them both with a fury of Judo and Karate moves, sending them both into unconsciousness moments later. Securing them with riot control wrist and ankle straps, the Huntress moved cautiously into the main room, expecting trouble.

The Huntress entered the soundproofed room to find the Procurer with his back to the door. He was bent over the panel of computerized circuitry which controlled the various tortures which were to be employed on their "guest" for the night. The Huntress assumed Batgirl's famous pose and announced her arrival, telling him to move very slowly, and raise his hands. The Procurer ignored her instructions, so she stepped closer and repeated the demands. Again, the Procurer ignored her, as he continued to work the controls. Glancing into the window beyond him, the Huntress became aware that he was wearing head phones, and had not heard a word she had said. He was just beginning the festivities for his audience when he turned on the security cameras to the infamous Torture Room. Moments later, she stood frozen in shock as he saw the opened shackles dangling from the grease slickened cable. He was still staring in disbelief as he slowly raised his face to look out the control room window. Then he saw her. The Procurer yelled out for his assistants as he turned to face her.

"Your colleagues are sleeping it off for awhile, Procurer. It's just you and me......Nnnnnggggg!"

The Huntress's head exploded in pain as the heavy steel rod impacted with the back of her skull. Staggering, she tried to turn, to face her assailant and came face to face with her brother's bodyguard. Moving towards him, she attempted to put up a fight when he slammed the rod into her stomach doubling her over in pain. Grabbing her abused stomach, the Huntress dropped to her knees in pain as she struggled to breath. Minutes later, she looked up to see the rod coming down on her head once more, driving her to the floor senseless. The man lowered the rod and used his foot to kick the Huntress over on her back. The Procurer, having watched the events unfold, smiled as he walked around the edge of his desk. The two men looked down upon the unconscious superheroine and smiled. Kneeling beside the helpless superheroine, the Procurer reached down and removed her utility belt. Looking the Huntress' fine body over with lust in his eye, he took in the smorgasbord of delectable delights lying before him. Before Tony could even move, the Procurer unzipped her latex Teddy exposing her perfectly rounded breasts and started to caress the left one, bringing her nipple fully erect in moments. Smiling in satisfaction, he began rubbing the latex costume between her slightly parted legs. Minutes, later the Huntress started responding to his expert care as a long sensual moan escaped her lips. Tony's eyes were transfixed on the Huntress's body as she edged ever closer to sexual climax. He was getting excited as well and had difficulty hiding it, as he had always lusted after Helena. Her body began to writhe in ecstasy as the Procurer continued rubbing the latex between her shapely legs, bringing the Huntress closer and closer to climax. Her left nipple was rock solid when he switched to her right one, bringing that nipple erect seconds later. The Procurer could tell the Huntress was building to orgasm when her pelvis began to move with the rubbing. As he continued to service her, the Huntress cupped her own breasts to build the excitement within her body. She continued to moan, as she slowly brought her hands up past her face, accidentally removing her mask in the process, before grabbing her hair. Seconds later, an earth shattering orgasm announced its arrival as her body rocked back and forth on the floor. As the powerful climax subsided, the Huntress fell to the floor, limp and spent, a final sensually exciting groan leaving her slack mouth. The two men were awestruck, as they both knew the face lying exposed on the floor. The Procurer's mouth was moving before he could speak. Several seconds later, the Procurer rose and said her name out loud, while looking at the wet spot appearing on Tony's pants.

"Helena Bertanelli. Helena Bertanelli is the Huntress? Your cousin is the Huntress? And you knew, didn't you? This will make me rich. If this gets out to the other Dons, it will ruin your family's reputation, and end their standing of power within the Syndicate. I own you Mr. Bertanelli."

"You aren't going to tell anyone Mr. Gratham. Yes, I know your real name as well, Mr. Jeremiah Gratham. Your family's secret is every bit as important as mine. You are going to forget you ever saw my sister's face here tonight.

"I don't think so whelp. You're not the head of your family, and there is no proof that my family has any connections with organized crime in Gotham City. Also, I can see you got excited during her sexual experience and I can use that against you if you cause trouble. No, If you want to protect your uncles, your family, you will do as I say. Now step away from the Bitch and raise your hands, Bertanelli "

Tony had been listening to the Procurer aka Mr. Gratham the whole time and he was now seething in rage. Nobody, certainly not this low life, talked to a Bertanelli like this. No one threatened his family. Looking his body guard in the eye, he motioned for the man to grab his gun.

"Mr. Gratham. I suggest you reconsider. No one threatens a member of the Bertanelli clan like you just did. Now, move away from my sister and raise your hands, very slowly."

"Mr. Bertanelli, think what you're doing. She's the Huntress. She's the sworn enemy of your family. Her entire goal in life is to bring people like you and me down. To destroy us."

"She's may be the Huntress, but she's also my sister and a Bertanelli, Mr. Gratham. She may be our enemy, but she's also family. We'll deal with her."

As the men were arguing, the Huntress began to stir. A long, agonized moan escaped her parted lips as she slowly moved her left leg to an upright position, while bringing her hand to her forehead. The Huntress painfully turned over unto her stomach, allowing her right leg to slide across her left one until her upper body was supported by her left forearm. Her head was dangling in front of her chest as she held the rest of her body up by the right hand. Dazed, she could see her mask lying on the floor in front of her. The Huntress was still vulnerable as she fought to remain conscious, breathing rapidly as she tried to absorb the pain flowing through her mind. Moments later, she passed out again, slowly dropping back to the floor. Tony lowered his eyes to the beautiful superheroine. Even though she was the sworn enemy of his family she was a part of that family. Knowing what his father had done to her parents, he could sympathize with her, perhaps even forgive her. Forgetting the situation at hand, Tony knelt beside the Huntress and covered her body with her cape. He gently stroked her sweat matted hair, remembering all she had done for him in the past. He owed her. Tony's attention to the Huntress brought him into direct line of site from the Procurer's desk, causing his body guard be behind him. Noticing the mistake, the Procurer quickly capitalized on the movement as he brought out a gun of his own and fired at the young man. Seeing the movement at the last moment, Tony's body guard fell in front of the on coming bullet, even as he brought his own gun to bear, emptying the gun's entire clip into the Procurer, ending his life and his threatened blackmail.

Thinking fast, the young man fell across the fallen superheroine to protect her. She was still senseless minutes later, moaning in pain as he slowly turned her over. Tony zipped her costume back up, covering her body as he picked up her mask. Looking at the latex mask, he replaced it to her face even as she looked at him with clouded, pain filled eyes. Checking her head, he bit his lip as he brought his eyes back to hers. He could see absolute, total fear in her eyes as he placed his hand on her shoulder.

"Wh..., what are you...going to do to me now, Tony. Kill me?"

"No Helena, I'm not. I'm...I'm sorry he hit you. I should have stopped him. With Mr. Gratham here I didn't know what else to do. But, I'm sorry."

"Gratham? Who's.....Nnnnnggggg."

"The Procurer's real name was Jeremiah Gratham, Huntress. It's his estate where Catwoman has Batgirl and Nightwing right now. Huntress..., Helena, I..., see my father's hatred of you, because of what you do, but..., but you don't really come after us, just some of our activities. I know you should be my enemy here, but I just can't bring myself to see you hurt tonight. I need to get you out of here."

"Gratham was the......Nnnnnggggg, Procurer? And you knew?"

"Not before this afternoon, no. I overhead father talking to the Procurer about Catwoman and her activities regarding Batgirl and Nightwing at his estate. I simply put two and two together. Now Huntress, Helena, we need to get you out of here."

Tony helped the Huntress to her feet and placed her right arm across his shoulder. Peering out into the hall to make sure it was safe, they quickly walked to the emergency exit and the parking garage beyond. Several minutes later, they exited the garage and moved to her parked Lamborghini. The Huntress was still dizzy as she leaned against the car and cycled the unlocking procedures. Sitting her sensuous body in the car, Tony knelt down beside the open door as he caressed her shoulder.

"I've paid my debt to you Helena. After tonight, we are even. You are still an enemy of our family, but I will hold my promise not to reveal your secret identity. You are welcome in my father's house, but not as the Huntress."

"I understand cousin and I thank you for saving my life tonight. Tony..., could you stay here a moment? I..., wish to tell you something."

Tony knelt beside the car, waiting for the Huntress to summon the strength she needed to tell him what she wanted to say. The Huntress lowered her head and remained quiet, as if searching for the right words to say. A single tear was falling down her soft cheek as she raised her face to his. Seeing the tear, Tony reached up and gently wiped the tear away, looking softly into his cousin's beautiful features. He was so intent on her face that he didn't see the small spray bottle until the mist was hitting his face. Minutes later, Tony Bertanelli was handcuffed to a water pipe in the abandoned alley, wondering why he was even there.

The Great Escape

After several minutes, Batgirl's bleary eyes slowly opened and they locked with Nightwing’s. She tried to talk, but the gag in her mouth prevented anything intelligible from coming out. He knew she was trying to see how he was. Nightwing tested the bonds and even though one was loose, it would not give. With stars appearing in front of his eyes from the strain, he gave up and virtually passed out from fatigue and the sensation of yet another oncoming climax. Batgirl knew it was up to her. She closed her eyes, and started a concerted effort to slow her breathing. Her orgasms were coming at an interval of one every five minutes but she didn’t seem to notice them. Softly at first, she began to slowly speak a series of words, like a chant; over and over again. Her eyes remaining closed, her ever alluring lips parted as she spoke the words louder with each passing moment. As Batgirl continued her chant, she raised her arms pulling them against the bonds; forcing them down towards her stretched torso.

Sweat beading on her brow, Batgirl’s Herculean effort was beginning to pay off as the ropes binding her arms began to stretch. Her teeth were clenched tight as two ropes snapped, causing her left arm to fling downward, hitting her stomach hard; the ropes acted like whips as they impacted her left leg's inner thigh. Batgirl’s concentration seemed to waver momentarily from the impacts of her arm and the rope's effects. Increasing her effort, Batgirl concentrated on the remaining ropes binding her right arm. Sweat was pouring down her temples as the remaining ropes finally gave way with a resounding snap. By changing the direction of her pull, Batgirl was able to stop her arm from crashing down upon her stomach, but Batgirl's actions only shortened the distance and angle of the ropes as they impacted with her extremely sensitive groin just as another orgasm announced its arrival, sending immensely powerful shock waves through Batgirl's sex. Grabbing her pain racked sex, Batgirl screamed into her gag, as she unfastened the still vibrating dildo from the inner recesses of her pussy. Batgirl sat on the floor for a moment, balanced on her right arm; as she wavered from the sheer effort of her exertions. She was still holding her head with her left arm, blinking her eyes, when the overexertion caught up with her. Batgirl’s exhausted body suddenly went slack as she temporarily passed out, and fell back to the floor a stifled groan leaving her gagged mouth.

Several quiet minutes later, Batgirl started to move again, as a muffled moan escaped from around the ball gag. Slowly picking up her head, Batgirl reached for the fasteners holding the grotesque rubber thing from her mouth. Laying her head back to the floor, she massaged her jaw for a few moments to put life back into the sorely stretched joint. Getting up, Batgirl began crawling towards her feet, she inched herself closer to the knots holding the ropes to her reddened ankles. Batgirl proceeded to slowly untie herself, stopping several times and placing a hand to her head to ease the light-headedness. Getting to her feet, she explained:

“Whew, still dizzy. I’ve never orgasmed that many times before. That little dildo really takes a lot out of a girl. Please, just give me a few moments Nightwing, ok?”

Nightwing nodded his head, concern deeply etched in his face. Moments later, Batgirl staggered over to Nightwing and began to unfasten his right wrist. She was still shaking her head to fight off the dizziness as she moved to his other wrist. When she had finished, Batgirl rested her head on his chest before she moved to remove both ankle straps. As Batgirl leaned down however, she became overwhelmed by the dizziness and fell to the floor semi-conscious. Nightwing allowed his tired body to slide down the bondage cross and unfastened the straps holding his ankles. Crawling on all fours, he moved to Batgirl’s seemingly lifeless body, Slowly, Nightwing lifted her pain filled body, holding her in his arms; as a deep moan slowly escaped her full lips. Removing his glove, Nightwing softly caressed her lips, her cheek, as he worried about the young crime fighter.

“Batgirl. I need to know if you are strong enough to defend yourself should the need arise. Catwoman and Minx will be back and I may not be able to take them on alone. I don’t want you to get hurt anymore.”

Batgirl’s body shuddered as she dazedly looked into Nightwing’s eyes, trying to answer his question. Finally, summoning her resolve, she was able to try.

“I don’t know. I don’t think so. It took a great deal of effort to just fight Catwoman’s sexual tortures. Uuunnnhhhh, then I used what I had left to escape the bondage. Perhaps, Uuuunhhhh, but no…………that wouldn’t work.”

“What Batgirl? What wouldn’t work?

“I was just thinking about the adrenalin pills Batman created last year. I, I have some in my utility belt, but they only last 30 minutes. If we got into a fight with Catwoman and Minx, i………it would probably be a sustained fight, lasting longer than 30 minutes.”

“True, but didn’t Batman say you could probably combine several of the pills to extend the energy time?”

“Yes, bu………but, Nnnnnggggg, with each additional pill the time per pill would be cut in half. Uuunnnnnnnn, it hurts just to think this much.”

Nightwing thought this information over for a few minutes, looking intently into Batgirl’s fluttering tear-filled eyes as he did. He noticed her breathing was rapid and shallow; her whole body was one immense capsule of pain. She was fighting to stay conscious, but it was costing her dearly. He knew she was in no condition to fight. She could barely stay awake. He also knew he wouldn’t be able to put up a sustained battle for long, and he wouldn’t be able to protect her during the fight. Nodding his head slightly, Nightwing formulated a plan.

“Ok. My first priority is to get you to safety. You are in no condition to fight, Batgirl; and I can barely do so myself. We need to get out of here, rest and regroup, then attack again later. But, I think we should also take some of the adrenalin pills to help us move. And if we meet up with the feline vixens, we’ll just have to do the best we can and hope we come out on top.”

“Ok, but there’s something you Aarrrggggghhhhh, should know about the pills, Nightwing. When I read Batman’s notes, they noted his experiments with multiple pill use and that if they are combined, they pose a danger. Uunnnnnnnnhhh, once their energy is used up, the person using them will fall victim to the power wake. Their body will, Oooohhhhhhhh, for all practical purposes, shut down. We……… ……could…………die Nightwing.”

Nightwing gently lowered Batgirl’s tormented body to the floor. Leaving her for a moment, He stood and transversed the distance to the door, to check on the where a bouts of Catwoman and Minx. Seeing they were undiscovered for the moment, he retrieved their utility belts and went back to Batgirl’s side. She had passed out from the strain. Putting on his utility belt first, Nightwing swallowed three adrenaline pills. Lowering himself to Batgirl’s sleeping body, he fed her six of the pills, reasoning that she was injured more than he was, and if she died, at least she wouldn’t be in any more pain. Sitting her up, he placed and fastened her utility belt around her svelte hips. The pills were taking affect in his body as he felt a sudden surge of energy. Nightwing stood Batgirl up, balancing her body in his strong arms. Her head was resting on his chest as she began to wake up, the first of the pills kicking in within her body. Within moments, they were both able to stand on their own and prepare to leave. They helped each other get their masks back on and started to leave the room. As they were walking down the hall however, the heroes could hear Catwoman's voice. Batgirl stopped short in her tracks and began to look around. She was still considering what to do when Catwoman topped the stairs and saw her. She yelled at Minx to alert her of the escape and attacked.

Batgirl's Big Fight

Batgirl attempted to intercept Catwoman and ended up taking a punch to her stomach. This was followed by a judo hit to the back of her head and Batgirl fell to the ground stunned. Now Catwoman turned her attention to Nightwing. She tried to connect with a punch to his face but he was just able to dodge the hit. Next, she moved sideways and attempted a kick to his ribs. Nightwing was able to block the kick using his left arm but her heel connected with the funny bone putting that arm out of commission. Nightwing couldn’t let Catwoman know this and he countered with weak hit to her thigh. Minx was at the top of the stairs and she began to advance on him; but saw Batgirl begin to stir. She decided to take her out instead. Catwoman rushed Nightwing and ended up pinning him to the wall. His right arm was trapped behind him and she was holding on to his left arm. She gave Nightwing a head butt, which dazed him and he began to see stars. She was about to do it again, when Nightwing kneed her in the groin, doubling her over in pain. He was just able to connect with a punch to her face and she went down on all fours. Finally, Nightwing punched her at the base of her head and she fell to the floor, unconscious. Nightwing stood there, using the wall as support, still dazed from the head butt and the earlier tortures. He could barely stand.

Meanwhile, Minx had witnessed Catwoman’s defeat and decided Nightwing was more of a threat. She kicked Batgirl in her mid-section, hoping it would cause her enough pain to be of no use in the fight, she wasn’t far off. With a wide grin on her face, Minx began to walk up behind the vulnerable Nightwing, meaning to knock him out. At the last moment though, Batgirl was able to grab onto her right leg and Minx fell to the floor. The impact knocked the wind out of her, but she wasn’t through yet. She rolled over onto her back and caught Batgirl on the chin with her boot. Batgirl fell back to the floor dazed. Minx picked up Batgirl by the front of her costume, and held her up for a moment. Batgirl was trying to break Minx’s hold on her costume when Minx sent a solid punch into her chest. The punch sent Batgirl’s body backwards down the stairs to the marble floor below. She didn’t get up. Minx then turned and began to advance on Nightwing again. He had seen Batgirl go down and was just turning around to face Minx when he received a strong punch to his jaw. Nightwing fell back against the wall. He was trying to use the wall for support when Minx connected with a sidekick to his stomach. Nightwing dropped to his knees holding his midsection in pain. Walking up to Nightwing, Minx grabbed his hair and threw his head back forcing him to look into her eyes.

“You could have had me, Nightwing. I am much more suited for you than Batgirl. She’s a tramp that’s just playing at being a super hero.”

Minx kept talking as Nightwing tried to rest a moment. Just as Minx released his hair to deliver a sucker punch, Nightwing, swung around with his elbow, connecting with her groin. She sank to her knees in pain, breathing heavily; even as she screamed.


Nightwing got to his feet and started for Batgirl. He was using the rail for support when Minx sent a punch to his exposed side. Nightwing fell on the railing as he collapsed from the blow. He tried to fight back, but to no avail as he was weakening from the prolonged battle. With a final punch to his face, Nightwing fell unto the railing, his body hanging by his arms as the rested on the rail itself.

Minx stood there, admiring her handiwork. She had defeated Batgirl and Nightwing, without the help of Catwoman. Thinking of Catwoman, Minx went to her side and checked her partner over. She would be ok, with a little help. Picking up Catwoman and carrying her in an across the shoulder carry, she managed to get her to a bed. She was just removing her boots when she heard a noise in the hall. Wondering why superhero’s never stayed down, Minx headed back into the hall. There she found Nightwing slowly moving, attempting to get to the stairs.

Moving behind him, Minx grabbed Nightwing’s arms pulling them back behind and above his head. She began pounding his face into the rail. Several moments later he was still again. Breathing heavily, Minx got off the now slack body of Nightwing and looked over the railing, to check on Batgirl down below. She was amazed to see Batgirl stirring, getting to her feet once more. Looking around for something to throw at her, Minx spied the perfect thing; a piano sitting just down the hall. Giving the piano a shove, Minx was able to move the old piano to the edge of the stairs and gave it a push. Batgirl was just able to look up at the oncoming piano before it hit her head-on her, picking up her body and smashing it through the far wall to the backyard. Minx was so excited by the turn of events that she felt her costume getting moist near her crotch. She had been absentmindedly rubbing her costume when the piano and Batgirl were propelled through the wall to the outside. Nightwing must have seen it too because of his wide-eyed expression and response.

“Batgirl! Oh, my God, No!”

Still rubbing her even wetter groin, Minx walked over to Nightwing’s body. She attempted to fell him with one punch but the adrenaline surge running through his body prevented it. He was already on his feet and heading for the stairs. Grabbing a heavy vase, Minx sent it crashing down on his head, stunning him; but he kept moving towards the destruction and Batgirl. Seeing no other choice, she sent a sideways kick to his solar plexus. The kick sent his body falling down the stairs to the marble floor below, landing scant inches from where Batgirl had been just moments before. He let out a deep groan and was silent. After checking on Catwoman, Minx decided to check on the dear Batgirl herself. She descended the stairs, carefully stepping over Nightwing’s body and walked out of the newly made hole in the wall.

Stepping through the wall to the outside, Minx beheld a ghastly site. The piano was a tangled mess of wood, wires, ivory, and plaster. But it wasn’t the piano that got her attention. It was Batgirl’s position on the ledge. That, and the blood running down Batgirl’s left temple. Walking over to the concrete railing separating the upper balcony of the patio from the lower gardens and pool, Minx looked at Batgirl. Batgirl was bleeding profusely, as her blood dripped down to the flowers far below. Minx couldn’t tell the extent of the wound, as it came from beneath the cowl; but Batgirl was a mess. Her upper body was draped over the railing, her arms and head dangling over the balcony railing itself. Her right leg was stretched straight out at an angle in front of her, while her left leg was bent back an unnatural angle. Pieces of the piano as well as the plaster wall were resting around and on Batgirl’s destroyed body.

Minx wondered how Batgirl had survived the collision with the wall and the subsequent impact with the ledge. She supposed it was the Kevlar reinforced costume; but she didn’t think the Kevlar extended to the cowl. But no matter. Batgirl was broken; beaten as a crime fighter. All that was left was for Batgirl to admit it. Minx began to lean forward, to pick up Batgirl, when an inspiration hit her. Reaching into her belt pouch, Minx brought out a camera and began taking pictures of Batgirl’s demise. Smiling, she returned the camera to the pouch. Minx leaned over and picked up Batgirl’s bleeding body by the front of her costume. As Minx raised Batgirl's broken form to her face, Batgirl's body dropped down to the patio. Minx could now see the blood flowing down Batgirl’s left temple. Her eyes were glazed over as she was already in shock. Holding Batgirl up by the front of her costume, Minx looked at her blood soaked face.

“Well Batgirl, have you had enough this time? Will you finally admit that I am the better fighter, the better woman?”

Batgirl, too stunned, too far-gone to answer, merely looked back at her, trying desperately to stay awake. She attempted to say something, but all that came out was gibberish. Her eyes were smarting from the blood, and her head wound prevented her from thinking clearly. She thought she was lucky to be alive. Minx shook her head in disgust. While still holding on to the ruined form of her nemesis, Minx placed a set of brass knuckles on her right hand. Drawing her hand back, preparing for a final, killing blow, Minx asked Batgirl the question again.

“Batgirl. I am prepared to batter your face into mush with a set of brass knuckles, and even though it would be fun, I simply don’t have the time, so I’m going to ask you one more time. Have you had enough?”

“Ys……………yes,………………I’ve…………had enough..., Uuunnnnnnnn..., please, oooohhhhhhhh, don’t……………Uuunnnnnnnn, hurt m m me…………anymore. Aarrrrrrrrrrggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.”

Minx allowed Batgirl’s battered and torn body to fall back against the ledge. As Batgirl's head slumped against her chest, the blood from Batgirl's head wound started dripping upon her left breast, staining the purple latex. Minx knelt down beside the fallen Batgirl and smeared her blood across her chest, covering the Batgirl symbol as she did it. Rising to her feet, Minx smiled as she thought she had done it. She had actually beaten the Dark Angel. No one had ever been able to do that before. Preparing to walk back into the warmth of the house, Minx hesitated for just one second and decided to check for Batgirl’s pulse. She placed her hand near Batgirl’s Carotid artery, checking to see if she was dead, but no she thought Batgirl still had a pulse. Disgusted, Minx picked up Batgirl and threw her broken body over the ledge, sending her to the lower patio, some twenty feet below. Watching the body fall, she was enthralled to see Batgirl’s body land with a resounding “SPLAT” sound near the concrete. Batgirl didn’t move as a pool of blood quickly began to form near her head. Batgirl was gone, she was dead.. Looking over the ledge, Minx spit at the dead body of Batgirl. Turning, Minx strolled back into the house, dusting off her hands as she went.

“So much for Batgirl.”

Re-entering the house, Minx walked over to Nightwing’s prone body. Lowering herself on one knee, while stroking his chest. Nightwing was even then trying to move, to summon some strength to get to Batgirl’s aid.

“Wh,………what have you d………done to Batgirl, Minx?”

“Batgirl’s dead Nightwing, I just threw her body over the ledge to the gardens below. You should have heard her body land. It went ‘SPLAT’. But forget about her, my love. We can be together now.”

“I wouldn’t be with you if they paid me. You’re nothing but a slut, Minx.”

Nightwing’s comments made Minx furious. She decided since he didn’t want her, she could get rid of him as well. Minx decided to get a little rougher. Reaching into her pouch once more, Minx pulled out Catwoman’s taser. Placing it near Nightwing’s neck, she let loose a full electrical charge. Nightwing’s body jumped in the air as massive volts of electricity surged through his weakened body. His body was still jerking as Minx left him. Toping the stairs, Minx had the satisfaction of knowing she had killed Batgirl and had severely injured, perhaps even killed Nightwing.

It had been over twenty-three hours since she had received Nightwing’s original message, but the Huntress had finally arrived at the Estate. She only hoped she wasn’t too late. Putting the Lamborghini in lock-down mode, she made her way to the South wall as it was closest to the main house. The Huntress had just finished ascending the high wall, preparing to jump down to the Estate’s grounds, when she saw Minx pick up Batgirl’s body at the top of the stairs. Batgirl looked like she was trying to break free of the chokehold she was in, but was too weak to accomplish it. From her lofty vantage point the Huntress couldn’t believe her eyes, as she saw Minx deliver a strong punch to Batgirl’s face; sending her flailing form to the bottom of the stairs and the marble floor below. The Huntress couldn’t see where Batgirl’s body landed but she had a pretty good idea that Batgirl was seriously hurt. She was still sitting on the wall, reacting to the fight, when Minx attacked Nightwing; and draped his body over the stair’s railing. Mere minutes later, the Huntress looked on in shock as a piano was shoved down the stairs. Her shock turned to absolute horror as the piano made contact with Batgirl on the first floor, hitting her head-on as she had just stood up. Her horror was increased ten-fold as she saw the piano explode through the outer wall, disintegrating into a thousand pieces, along with pieces of wood, plaster, glass, and brick. But the sight that caused her greatest grief was that of Batgirl’s body being propelled from that explosion. Her disabled body flew through the air for a good twenty-five feet, landing on the broken concrete ledge, which separated the upper balcony of the garden-patio and the lower grounds themselves.

Tears swelling in her eyes, the Huntress stepped down, almost fell down from the estate’s South wall where she had been perched. Moving quickly, she made the distance to the numbing scene just as Minx was pulling back her hand to deliver the coup-de-taut. Knowing it was no use, that Batgirl was already too far-gone, the Huntress waited for Minx to strike. She was amazed that Minx would even press the attack, forcing Batgirl to weakly beg for her life. That Minx threw Batgirl’s broken body over the ledge moments later, sending it to the ground over twenty feet below, was no surprise. Minx had more than once demonstrated her distaste for the female crime fighter. The Huntress wasted no time in moving to Batgirl’s side. Batgirl was alive but barely. Reaching into her utility belt, the Huntress pulled out a mini-respirator, placing it on Batgirl’s mouth and nose. Next, she injected her body with a combination of anti-biotics and pain relievers. She was still working on her when she heard a soft whisper-like voice, talking in her head. The Huntress turned and glanced at Batgirl’s face. It was Batgirl that was whispering, not a voice in her head. The Huntress had to lean down near her mouth and remove the respirator to hear Batgirl’s words.

“Huntress...Nnnnnggggg, forget..., about me..., I’m dying. Save...Nightwing..., please. Tell him..., tell...Nightwing, I love him. Nnnnnggggg!”

Batgirl’s head arched back as an intense surge of pain ran through her agonized body. She suddenly gasped, her eyes going wide from the pain, as her body tried to absorb the pain making its way down her spine. Smiling weakly, Batgirl closed her eyes again as her head fell to the side, and was gone. The Huntress looked at Batgirl’s blood-stained face for a moment, wondering if she had just lost a friend; when her instincts kicked back into gear. With tears in her eyes, the Huntress began checking Batgirl’s body for broken bones. She placed an emergency splint on Batgirl's left arm figuring it was broken and was just packing some gauze under Batgirl’s cowl to stem the flow of blood; when Nightwing let out a tremendous scream. Looking down once more at the fallen superheroine, the Huntress rose and drew her crossbow. Her eyes narrowed in rage, she walked towards the house and the enemy within.

Upon entering the house, the Huntress discovered Nightwing’s body, jerking slightly. Kneeling next to him, she could see a taser burn on his neck, which only made her madder. She was still kneeling next to him when she heard Minx’s voice as she talked to Catwoman. Catwoman was injured and obviously senseless. They were both coming to the stairs. Standing in a defensive battle position, her body facing sideways to the enemy, the Huntress raised her right arm, pointing the deadly crossbow at Minx and Catwoman. Minx got completely down the stairs before she saw the danger, but it stopped her dead in her tracks; the point of the Huntress’s arrow mere inches from her face. Swallowing hard, Minx tried to remain calm.

“Are we going someplace Minx? Do you really think I’m going to let you two just walk out of here? After what you’ve done?”

Minx was petrified with fear. Minx thought the Huntress was surely dead from the Torture Room by now. That she wasn't put even more fear in her. She had fought the Huntress before and never managed to beat her. Minx knew the Huntress would be willing to shed criminal blood in the name of justice. Thinking fast, Minx came up with a desperate, but she thought, workable plan.

“Yes, I do think you’re going to let us leave, Huntress. In a fair fight, you would easily beat me, especially with Catwoman here in no condition to help out. But you have problems of your own. The longer you delay in getting Nightwing to the hospital, the more serious his injuries may become. And I suppose you’ve seen what’s left of Batgirl. Her lifeless hulk is lying outside on the pavement. So what’s it going to be Huntress? Our capture or Nightwing’s life?”

Her fingers twitching on the trigger, allowing the mechanism to click twice, the Huntress looked at her adversary with a determined eye. She wanted to kill her, here and now, for what she did to Batgirl and Nightwing, let alone for Catwoman had tried to do to her; But Minx was right. If she was to get her colleagues to medical attention fast, she would have to let them go. The Huntress’s reply scared Minx and the fact that she didn’t lower the bow; but kept it pointing at Minx’s face, didn’t help. Minx could feel her crotch getting wet again but this time it wasn’t from sexual excitement.

“You win this time, Minx. I have to let you go to save Nightwing and Batgirl. But, hear me well Minx, this isn’t over. When I’ve taken care of them, I’m coming after you. And if Batgirl dies, I’ll kill you.”

“Batgirl’s already dead, Huntress. I killed her when I threw her body over the ledge. And you’re wasting your time talking to me when you should be getting Nightwing some help.”

“Batgirl’s alive Minx, or at least she was when I found her moments ago. Now get out of my sight while I’m still in a good mood. And remember Minx, if Batgirl dies, so do you.”

Minx was not happy with the idea that Batgirl was alive. It was like part of her victory had been taken away from her. But, Batgirl was still broken, utterly defeated. The Huntress kept the crossbow leveled at Minx’s face while she passed to the side of Nightwing’s body. She kept the weapon aimed at Minx's heart the entire time. Minx carried Catwoman over her shoulder to the awaiting car. The two villains left immediately. Nightwing was starting to come to by this time and he was able to see most of the showdown. Nightwing was thinking he was glad the Huntress was on their side. She would make a formidable opponent. Replacing the crossbow in its holster, the Huntress knelt by Nightwing again.

“Nightwing, Batgirl’s in really bad shape and we must get her to the hospital if we are going to save her. Can you make it to my car, or do you need help? You don’t look to good either.”

“I’ve been better. I think I have a few cracked ribs, maybe some other injuries. But, I’m not sure. Can you help me up?”

The Huntress helped Nightwing stand, the pain clearly showing on his face. Placing one of his arms around her shoulder, they made their way to Batgirl’s position. Nightwing gasped at the sight of her blood. The Huntress sat him down gently near Batgirl’s side. He began looking at her head wound trying to see the extent of the injury.

“Wayne Memorial is the closest Nightwing, and they are dedicated to helping Batman’s allies. Let me get her to my car, and I’ll come back for you, ok?”

“No, not Wayne Memorial. We,………she needs special attention. There is only one person that can help, and keep our identities safe. Take us to Wayne Manor instead.


Alfred came out of the bedroom, softly closing the door behind him. His face held the weathered look of a person used to dealing with serious injuries. Taking a deep breath, Alfred looked first at Nightwing and then, with some concern, at the Huntress.

“Miss Gordon’s in pretty bad shape I’m afraid. She has three broken ribs and a broken arm. I’m not qualified to diagnose possible injuries to her genitalia; but the gravest injury seems to be to her head. The wound itself is doesn't appear to be bad, just messy. There doesn’t appear to be any injury to the skull itself, but I’m still concerned. She took an awful beating these past few days and I'm not sure she'll recover. I am astounded that her cowl didn't have any Kevlar in it. We’ll just have to wait and see I afraid. As for you Master Nightwing, how are you?”

“I’m fine, Alfred. Just a little tired.”

“Quit lying, Nightwing. You know your ribs hurt.”

The Huntress delivered a mild swat to Nightwing’s ribs, doubling him over in pain. Alfred raised an eyebrow showing he understood Master Nightwing very well.

“Ok, Master Nightwing. Into the room across the hall if you please, and I’ll attend to you. You can begin by getting out of that costume.”

“Miss, Huntress is it? May I have a word with you for a moment?”

The Huntress nodded her head as she entered the bedroom where Batgirl was resting. Alfred had removed her costume and had bandaged the head wound. She had several intravenous tubes connected to her right arm and she was hooked up to medical equipment which looked state-of-the-art. Barbara looked so peaceful in her sleep, and the Huntress just stared her eyes swelling, as a single tear slid down her cheek. A tissue appeared in front of her face and she noticed Alfred gazing at her. Taking the offered tissue, the Huntress thanked him.

“Miss Huntress, I don’t know what Master Nightwing has told you, but Master Wayne has always held Master Nightwing close at heart. I am aware that the Batman doesn’t like your style, though I feel he reaches that point at times himself. He feels this is his city and you aren't part of the family as it were. My concern here is two fold in nature. One, you now know Batgirl’s secret identity as that of Barbara Gordon; the Police Commissioner’s daughter, and you know many of the secrets of Wayne Manor as well. I hope it is a trust you can keep. My other concern deals directly with Miss Gordon. I have tended wounds for many years in this house, as I am sure you would understand, But I need your help. Miss Gordon is a woman, as are you. If it wouldn't be too much to ask, I would like for you to check her over; to see if any of her…………private areas are damaged. This is probably too much to ask but there is simply no one else.”

“I understand Alfred. I have done it before and I can do it again. I just hope she's fully sedated before I go poking around inside of her. A woman's body is ultra-sensitive in those, um private parts, and she could easily get aroused if we're not careful here."

"Very good, Miss Huntress. If there is any thing you require, please just touch this button here, and I will come at once. I shall be across the hall tending to Master Nightwing. If you'll excuse me, Miss."

"Certainly Alfred.....Alfred."

"Yes, Miss Huntress?"

"You can trust me to keep Batgirl's secret as well as those of Nightwing and the Batman. Batgirl has my trust in my secret identity as well. Oh, and Alfred, please tell Nightwing that Batgirl said she loved him.”

Alfred’s expression changed to one of surprise, a look he didn’t seem to have very often. He slowly bowed his head and prepared to depart, but the Huntress stopped him. Walking over to the wise Butler, she reached up and removed her mask.

“My name is Helena Bertanelli, Alfred. Barbara and I are friends as are Barbara and Dick. I believe they are in love.”

“My word. That will complicate things around here. Thank you Huntress, Miss Bertanelli. Now, if you please.”

Several hours later it was determined that Nightwing did in fact have two broken ribs and a minor concussion. His neck would heal rapidly but would carry a slight burn for a few weeks. Batgirl’s genitalia though extremely sore were not damaged as feared. The head wound, along with her other injuries would take several weeks, if not months to heal. But she was in the best possible place for recuperation. The Huntress, though protesting that an examination was not necessary, underwent Alfred's close scrutiny on every part of her body he dared to deal with. It was determined that she too had several injuries, including several bruised ribs, a mild concussion, and sore genitalia. The Huntress became a "guest" of the manor just as Batgirl and Nightwing had. Though two weeks into the recuperation period, she disappeared and began her patrols on the Gotham City streets. The Huntress was part of the family now, even if the father didn't know about it....or accept it.