Batgirl and Nightwing: The Gratham Estate Affair: Chapter 5

Author: Dark Roles
Time to Read:67min
Added Date:7/10/2024
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Tags: CatwomanNightwingBatgirl


This Story contains scenes of violence, rape, bondage, and other sexual situations, which are not appropriate for anyone under the age of eighteen. If you are under the age of eighteen, do not read this story. If you are offended by this material, do not read any further.

Batgirl, Nightwing, Catwoman, Minx, and all other characters, were created by and are copyrighted by and are property of DC Comics. This story has been written solely to occupy my free time. No compensation has been or will be received for this story. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and cannot be redistributed for the purposes of making money or profit.

Any similarities between names, characters, and places in this story are purely coincidence.


Having defeated Batgirl, Catwoman continues her crime spree and captures a superhero in the process. Barbara must assume the mantle of Batgirl and attempt a rescue.

The weather in Gotham City was sunny and warm as the young woman finished her two-mile run. Barbara had been a guest of the sprawling Wayne manor for the past three months, recuperating from serious injuries sustained by an intense series of battles between Catwoman and Minx. The two feline villainesses were still at large, continuing their crime spree unabated. Richard "Dick" Grayson, also a "guest" of the manor was in the weight room where Barbara was headed for her next workout. The Huntress, a "friend" of the family had been coming around for visits every other week but she seemed to have vanished. Dick, dressed in his Nightwing persona had investigated the disappearance and found nothing wrong. The Huntress's Lamborghini was securely parked in its secret place under Helena Bertanelli' s building and Helena's town home was undisturbed. The affairs of the Gratham Estate were but a distant memory in the public news, at least what the public knew of the affairs was; but to the two heroes it could have happened yesterday. Entering the weight room, Barbara threw a towel at the former "Boy Wonder".

"Good Morning, Dick. Up early today aren't you? I mean, your normal routine is to sleep until noon isn't it?"

"It was, Barbara. But since you've beaten me in the last three matches, I decided I had better get serious. After all, I can't let it be known I've been beaten by a mere woman."

Barbara gave Dick a mock serious look, intended to put fear in his head and make him back off. It delivered the opposite effect as Dick began to laugh. Soon, Barbara was laughing as well, as she walked over to the muscular body of her lover. Putting the weights aside, Dick got up from the bench and held her in his arms. They looked at each other for a few moments, with Dick softly caressing Barbara's cheek, when he suddenly lurched for her, attempting to put Barbara in a scissor hold. Acting on instinct, Barbara ducked under the attempted hold, and sent a kick to Dick's mid-section, knocking the wind out of him. He countered with a feint towards her face, while sweeping his right leg in a move to take her legs out from under her. Barbara rolled into a ball ducking both the feint and the sweep. While still in mid-air, she connected with a swift kick of her own to the side of Dick's head, sending him to the floor. Dick was still lying on the floor, rubbing the back of his head as he looked up at Barbara.

"I thought that move would catch you off guard, Barbara. It's the first time I attempted to combine passion with an approaching fighting session. Guess I was mistaken."

Barbara was standing above Dick's prone muscular figure and smiling in proud victory.

"Yes you were wrong. I knew you would try that trick today Dick. I've been heart to hearting with dear old Alfred. He tells me everything you're planning to do during our workouts. I like Alfred."

"So, I have a spy within my midst, have I. I'll just have to deal with the spy at a later time, a slow torturous death. But first........."

Dick suddenly threw his right leg behind those of Barbara's, sweeping the ground from under her; causing her to fall flat on her back. As she was falling Dick managed to get up, landing on top of her, mere seconds after she impacted with the ground. She was pinned moments later. There bodies were wet with sweat, their muscles tight and ready for action. Dick laid on top of Barbara for several minutes, looking into her eyes. Eventually, he released his grip on her wrists but she didn't move to dislodge him. Her hands moved to his chest as she felt the muscles rippling under his skin. She traced the fine lines of his chest, moving her hands slowly behind his back. Dick was resting on his palms, allowing his chest to heave with each breath.

Dick slowly lowered his eyes to look at Barbara's own heaving chest, He slowly dropped his face to her chest, kissing each of her perfectly rounded breasts in turn. Barbara moaned as he continued to arouse her nipples, which were becoming hard through her shiny spandex bodysuit. Barbara put her arms around his neck and pulled his body down to hers. She caressed his back, slowly moving down to his firm butt. Dick was attacking her breasts with his tongue, sending chills down her spine. Barbara responded by digging her nails into his back. Her moans changed to groans as Dick pressed the attack, sucking her breasts. Her groin was getting damp as he pleasured her. She was on the verge of ecstasy, her breath coming in rapid gasps as he switched from sucking to nibbling. Barbara's arms fell to the floor as she succumbed to his relentless attacks on her hotly aroused body. Dick was just unzipping the bodysuit when a polite voice interrupted the "fighting" session.

"Ahem, Master Richard. There is an important call on line two for Nightwing. Shall I tell them you're busy in a workout?"

Dick's face turned a fine tomato red as he stopped the attack on Barbara's taut body. Reluctantly, Dick rose from Barbara's excited body, grabbed a towel, and headed for the phone. Barbara picked herself up from the floor and took the offered towel. They began walking slowly towards the house. She walked silently for several steps, stealing side glances at Alfred as they walked in silence. Finally, Barbara stopped and looked at the ground. Raising her head, she was surprised to hear Alfred answering the questions she had yet to ask him, but had been asking herself for several weeks.

"Yes Miss Gordon, I feel you are ready to assume the mantle of the Dark Angel. You have followed the strict regimen I set up for you and you have even managed to beat Master Grayson in several fighting sessions. He is not an easy person to beat, I'll tell you that. But that's not what you really wanted to ask me is it? You know you are ready; both physically and mentally; but what you don't know is whether you will freeze up when you confront Catwoman or Minx"

"That's what I'm afraid of Alfred. What if I do freeze up, in the middle of a battle? I could put Dick in danger as a result. I'm scared."

"You have every right to be scared Miss Gordon. You play a deadly game against deadly people. But as Batgirl, you seem to strike a balance. I think once you have assumed the persona of the "bat", your fears will subside, to be replaced by the strength of your will. I don't think you will freeze up. You will be fine."

"You've had this type of conversation before haven't you? With the Batman?"

"With him several times and with Master Grayson only yesterday. He senses your fear, but also knows your courage and your determination to win the fight. He trusts you Miss Gordon, as do I. You will find your costume repaired and hanging in the second vault of the Bat Cave. You will notice I have added some security to it; including up to date Kevlar through out the body and in the cowl. It should protect you better than your previous suit. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have dusting to attend to."

Barbara walked in the yard for several minutes wondering if Alfred was right. She knew she wouldn't really know the answer to these questions until Batgirl faced Catwoman and Minx. Looking one last time at the weight room, Barbara headed for the den and the awaiting Bat Poles. Several minutes later, she had donned her disguise as Batgirl and was viewing the screen of the Bat Computer, as Nightwing searched for up dated files dealing with Catwoman. Nightwing, sensing more than knowing Batgirl's presence, began talking about the phone call.

"Catwoman and Minx paid a visit to the Gratham Estate last night, putting three security guards in the hospital. The police have the grounds surrounded, Batgirl; but don't want to risk more injuries. Commissioner Gordon has asked for my help."

"Are the police sure the two villainesses are still inside? After all, Catwoman would be stupid to stay there again; and we both know she isn't stupid, Nightwing."

"Your father's police force is good, but not totally infallible. They haven't even begun a search of the grounds. They've left that up to me..., to you if you think you're ready. Are you ready, Batgirl?"

Batgirl hesitated for only a moment, but the hesitation was noticed by Nightwing. He turned around, looking up at her face even as she was replying to his question.

"Yes Nightwing, I am more than ready. I am nervous, perhaps even scared, but I won't let you down."

"I never said you would Batgirl. Let's go."

Minutes later, they were heading towards the upper east side and the Gratham Estate in Nightwing's new custom built Lamborghini, a present from the Batman himself. Batgirl's left hand rested on Nightwing's right thigh as he drove. Looking around the inside, Batgirl noticed it was more spacious than the Porsche and quite a lot faster. It was packed with the latest in crime fighting gadgets, some of which he had yet to "play" with. Twenty minutes later they arrived at the west gate. Greeting the captain in charge, Batgirl and Nightwing entered the grounds.

They entered the house and began looking for Catwoman and Minx. However, after searching the house and grounds, the two villainesses couldn't be found. The heroes decided to split up and begin looking for clues as to the feline vixen's where a bouts. Batgirl took the upstairs while Nightwing searched the ground floor. After several minutes, Batgirl called out and he joined her upstairs. In Minx's room, Batgirl had found pamphlets dealing with the Hudson River State Natural Area located 37 miles to the west of Gotham City. Batgirl suggested they investigate this find by driving to the park. Getting back into Nightwing's car, the two heroes headed west. About an hour later they arrived at the preserve and drove up to the front gate. The sign on the office said the park was closed for the season, but the absence of any guard sent red flags to the hero's minds. Searching the surrounding grounds, Nightwing found one of the guards unconscious in the closet, while Batgirl found another one unconscious in the house. Reviving the guards, Batgirl began questioning them what happened.

"I remember a couple of fine looking young women dressed in skin-tight rubber outfits, walking up to me then, nothing."

"I remember them also, great body's but out of place here. The taller one, wearing a purple, skin-tight catsuit; asked if this was the Gratham Ranch, and I told her it was just across the river. The smaller one, dressed in black rubber sprayed something in my face, and I got dizzy. Oh, just before I passed out I remember the smaller one called the other woman Catwoman."

Batgirl and Nightwing knew they were on the right trail. As the park was closed for the season, they figured there wouldn't be any other people in danger. Batgirl tended to the rangers wounds and instructed them to stand guard at the park entrance. Next they began to look through the park but found nothing. Batgirl found tracks heading toward the river and the heroes followed these. As Nightwing approached the river, he heard Minx's voice on the other side. She exclaimed that Batgirl and Nightwing were following them and Catwoman said "good". Being in a canyon, their voices echoed through out the area. Walking back to the car the heroes got back into the Lamborghini and drove to the ranch located across the river.

The heroes arrived at the ranch and looked around. All seemed quiet, in fact too quiet. Upon exiting the car however, the heroes were met by eight large men, all dressed in black with numbers painted across their chests. The men rushed the car even as Batgirl was closing the door, forcing her body onto the side of the car. The first man grabbed her head and smashed it into the roof of the car, knocking her momentarily senseless. Turning Batgirl over, he picked her body up the the front of her costume and prepared to send a punch to her face. A swift kick to his groin ended that attempt. Batgirl followed the kick with a right cross to the man's face, and he went down. Nightwing and Batgirl were backed up against the car with very little room to maneuver. Thinking fast, Batgirl jumped on top of the car, and began sending kicks to the men's faces. Nightwing followed suit and kept the men from climbing on the car. They were still out numbered two to one, with no where to go. Reaching into their utility belts, the heroes threw sleep bombs at the men, while placing gas masks on their faces. Within minutes, each man was unconscious, lying on the ground. Nightwing climbed down from the roof of the car, helping Batgirl down as well. Walking around the car, Batgirl didn't see Catwoman step out from behind a building and shoot Nightwing with a tranquilizer dart filled with catnip. Nightwing fell into the door, then dropped to the ground asleep. The dart had entered through the back of his neck. Alerted to Catwoman's presence, Batgirl had been moving when a dart hit her in the upper arm. Though staggering, Batgirl was able to turn around and confront Catwoman. Seeing this, Catwoman reloaded the gun and shot her again. The second dart entered her body in her stomach and Batgirl doubled over from the pain. She attempted to remove the dart, but it had already taken affect. As Catwoman walked up to her, she fell unconscious into Catwoman's arms. Minx walked up shortly there after, pulling a garden cart and Catwoman dumped Batgirl's comatose body into it. Next, she helped Minx pick up Nightwing's lifeless body and dumped it on top of Batgirl's.

Nightwing awoke several hours later in what appeared to be an old barn. Looking around, he could see Batgirl's hanging body across the way, on the other side of the barn. They were both suspended from a rafter several feet above their heads. Batgirl was still out of it and Nightwing could see the dart protruding from her costume. Catwoman and Minx were no where in sight. Nightwing assessed the situation and decided he could probably escape given enough time. As he was planning the escape, Nightwing heard voices and decided to fake unconsciousness. The ladies walked into the barn and looked the sleeping heroes over. Catwoman climbed a ladder, removed the dart from Batgirl, and injected her neck with yet more catnip. Batgirl didn't even twitch. Next, she moved to Nightwing's side and injected him with the same drug. Then they left. Acting quickly, Nightwing swung his body around and stood on a fence behind him. He was just able to open his utility belt and remove a Bat-Serum Anti-drug pill. After taking the pill, Nightwing used a knife to separate the ropes. Moving to Batgirl's side, Nightwing lowered her body to the ground. After she was down, Nightwing gave her two anti-drug pills as she was more heavily drugged. Several minutes later she came around and started to get up. Nightwing was explaining the situation to Batgirl, when Minx opened the door. Seeing Nightwing, Minx attacked. She was a flurry of activity slapping, hitting, kicking, and even biting. She had Nightwing pinned against a stall until Batgirl came up behind her, puller her off his tired body and delivered a sucker punch to Minx's jaw.

Batgirl tied Minx up and hung her from the same rafter Batgirl had been on earlier. Next the heroes left the barn from the back door. It was raining as Batgirl and Nightwing walked the perimeter of the house area looking for Catwoman. Minx had begun to yell for help and Catwoman ran to the barn. A short while later they both emerged and began looking for the escaped super heroes. Batgirl was still some what weakened from the drugs in her body so Nightwing decided they had better move away from the area. As they did this however, Batgirl stumbled and accidentally knocked over a trashcan causing a noise. Catwoman ran to the house and got the trank gun, while Minx went after them. Minx caught up with Batgirl at the river and a fight ensued. Batgirl was winning until she slipped on a wet stone and fell flat on her back, knocking her senseless. Nightwing had a decision to make. Either capture Minx or save Batgirl. The decision was easy, and Minx escaped. Nightwing lowered his body to Batgirl's and asked Batgirl if she needed any help but she just laid there shaking her head. He helped her up and they assessed their situation. They were weakened by the drugs, tired from the fighting, standing on the lower ground and soaking wet from the rain. With Catwoman and Minx on the higher ground, they could attack at any time. Placing Batgirl's arm around his shoulder, Nightwing began to move up river to a point where they could see the trail. Just as they were passing through a stand of small trees, Catwoman's voice rang out.

"Stop where you are Nightwing. I don't want to shoot you or Batgirl here and have to carry your bodies back to the house. Now turn around and let's have no tricks, shall we Nightwing?"

Nightwing slowly turned around and watched as Batgirl let the tree branch she was holding snap back into Catwoman's face, sending her reeling. Batgirl was on top of Catwoman before she knew what hit her. But Minx attacked Batgirl from behind and was just able to give a karate chop to the back of her head before Nightwing was able to come to her defense. Batgirl's head snapped back at the impact of the blow, just before her body slackened, falling across Catwoman's body. Catwoman was able to roll Batgirl over and straddle her as she began punching Batgirl's body. Minx was about to join in when her body was slammed back from the force of Nightwing's body hitting hers. She fell backwards, but was able to roll to a standing position. For a moment they stood there looking at each other. Nightwing attempted a quick glance at Batgirl to check her condition and in that instant, Minx attacked. She came on so fast, she didn't even see the foot hit her chin until after it connected. She fell back, and into the river. Nightwing looked around and was just in time to see Batgirl send her knee into Catwoman's unprotected crotch, sending her rolling down the small hill and into the river as well. Batgirl then lifted herself up to her knees before falling flat on her face; stunned from the barrage of punches. Crouching next to her, Nightwing watched as Catwoman was helped by Minx and they disappeared further up river. Nightwing then helped Batgirl sit up. Batgirl said she was ok, just winded. He allowed her to rest as he discussed their next move. It was decided they would walk up river after Catwoman and Minx, but not in the river. Nightwing knew they would be sitting ducks in the river. The bank would afford them some protection, though it would be harder going as the river bank was slippery and uneven.

They had walked perhaps 200 yards when Batgirl suddenly began to slip. She grabbed unto Nightwing's utility belt pulling him down with her. They both slid about 12 feet and ended up in a mud filled hole. As Batgirl and Nightwing struggled to regain their footing they began to sink. Batgirl sank up to her breasts while Nightwing, being slightly taller sank to his rib cage. The mud was extremely thick and in minutes they were stuck fast. Neither of them could move. They were trapped, utterly helpless Having heard their excited voices, Catwoman walked over and watched their struggling forms in the mud; her tranquillizer gun drawn. Then seeing they were helpless, put the gun away and called to Minx. Catwoman and Minx moved a log over the top of the mud pit, supported by the banks on either side of it. Nightwing began to reach up, but Catwoman told him to stop and raise his hands in surrender. Being in a hopeless situation, Nightwing did as he was told. Catwoman then slid out on the log and tied Nightwing's hands above the log with rope. Soon she did the same with Batgirl's hands, then scooted back and left. She and Minx were laughing up a storm as they sauntered off. Batgirl attempted to pull herself up to the log, but she couldn't budge. Breathing heavily, Batgirl gave up, allowing her body to sink back down in the thick mud. Her mind reeling from the drugs and her body still weakened from the fight with Catwoman, Batgirl let out a slight moan as she passed out from the strain. Nightwing knew it was up to him to effect an escape. It took a great deal of effort but he was slowly able to pull himself free. Next Nightwing climbed onto the log and moved backwards like Catwoman had, removing his arms from under the log. Looking at the mud covered ropes, Nightwing went to the river to wash off the mud and untie himself, keeping an ever watchful eye on Batgirl's helpless form. As he was doing this, Nightwing saw a large water snake enter the mud pit and begin to slither towards the defenseless Batgirl, still tied to the log. She was just beginning to come around, as soft moans escaped her mud splattered lips. Seeing the snake, Batgirl began to panic, not knowing whether the snake was poisonous or not. Nightwing had to act.

"Batgirl, stay still; whatever you do, don't move a muscle. I'm coming towards you from your right. Just stay still."

Batgirl's panic level had risen to the highest Nightwing had ever seen in her. He was standing a mere ten feet from Batgirl's shaking body as he was trying to figure out what he should do. Just as Nightwing was about to tell her to stay still again, the snake moved up to her chest and seemed to look into her eyes. She became very still, hardly breathing, as the snake's tongue flicked out at her costume several times, softly snapping her left nipple each time. Batgirl's body responded to the attention being delivered to her aroused nipple and she began to moan softly, her helpless body building to a climax. In what must have seemed like an eternity, Batgirl held her breath, her eyes tightly closed from a mixture of fear and sexual bliss, until she couldn't stand any more. She began gasping for breath, even as a powerful orgasm announced its arrival deep in her seed; far below the surface of the mud. The snake had already moved beyond her helplessly bound body and into the river as Batgirl's body went limp, hanging from the log. Moments later, when Batgirl woke out of her stupor, she started to scream in absolute terror. Nightwing was able to move onto the log and cut the ropes binding Batgirl's wrists. Throwing her a rope, Nightwing was finally able to pull her out. Batgirl almost crushed his body as she grabbed on, crying in fear, as her whole body shook from the experience. Catwoman meanwhile, had heard the screams and returned to capture the heroes. She then marched Nightwing and Batgirl back to the barn and tied them up again. This time though, they were tied to support beams with their arms up and behind their heads. As a safety precaution, Catwoman removed their utility belts, throwing them outside the barn. Catwoman threw a coin into the air to see which of the super heroes she would get to play with. Smiling broadly, she turned to face Batgirl. This left Nightwing to Minx.

What happened next was purely deviant. Batgirl's body was still caked with mud, warmed by her body's heat. Catwoman started to slide her hands up Batgirl's thighs. She continued to stroke Batgirl's mud-caked costumed body. She would run her gloved hand up Batgirl's inner thighs and slide it back down her outer thighs. She next began to caress Batgirl's beautiful mounds, both on the outsides and in between her cleavage. Batgirl, still aroused from the snake incident began to respond to her touches. Nightwing yelled out for her to stop, and Minx backhanded him. She then began to work on his body as Catwoman did on Batgirl's. He never knew mud could be so sensual. It sent tingling sensations up and down his spine. Nightwing began to understand what Batgirl was going through. With Minx it was simple. She stroked Nightwing's member with the mud, and whenever she needed to, she went outside for more mud. She kept him on the edge for minutes on end. With Batgirl it was far different. Catwoman stroked and caressed her inner thighs and her breasts in rhythm, sending Batgirl closer to the brink of ecstasy each time. But just before Batgirl would come, Catwoman would stop the caressing. Each time she did this, Batgirl's body would respond in greater and greater sensations. On the third time, Catwoman grabbed Batgirl's womanhood and pulled up on the costume, in effect giving Batgirl a wedgie. Batgirl's body had had all it could take. Her body jerked as her pelvis began thrusting forward and upwards, as an incredibly massive orgasm announced its impending arrival. When she came, she screamed like her heart was being torn out from her body, then she collapsed, her tortured body going into spasms before she fainted.

Catwoman cut the ropes and let Batgirl's body drop to the ground. Kicking Batgirl's now comatose body onto her back, she removed Batgirl's utility belt. Turning Batgirl's body onto her stomach again, she placed Batgirl's arms and wrists in a single glove behind her back; then tied several cords of rope around the crime fightress' slim waist and attached a crotch rope from her stomach through her legs and to the glove behind her. Next, she attached a spreader bar between Batgirl's legs and hoisted her upside down from the rafters. Just before Batgirl was fully suspended, Catwoman washed the crotch of Batgirl's latex costume with soap and water. Finding the hidden zipper, Catwoman unzipped Batgirl's costume, exposing her womanhood. Catwoman finished hoisting Batgirl's body off the ground, until Batgirl's body hung suspended from the ceiling, several feet from the floor. Finally, she reached over and picked Batgirl's head up by her cowl looking into her masked face. Batgirl's voice was a continual series of low earthly groans. She was totally out of it. Catwoman looked over at Nightwing and smiled. Seeing Nightwing's confusion, she decided to explain.

"When a woman climaxes Nightwing, her legs involuntarily slide together, scissor-like, to enclose the feelings of rapture. By spreading the legs, the pussy remembers the sensations and puts her sex in a holding pattern, just this side of ecstasy. The slightest touch will send her into another orgasm. I'm going to work Batgirl over Nightwing, sending orgasm after orgasm through her sex until she can't take any more. Then I'm going to work her over some more. I'm going to break her body and her mind. When I'm through with Batgirl she will no longer be a bat or a girl."

Catwoman reached up and inserted a dark blue pulsating dildo into Batgirl's vagina, sending renewed sensations through Batgirl's body. Batgirl's eyes opened slightly as her head arched back when the dildo rubbed against clitoris. They closed again, as the dildo pushed her over the edge once more. Leaving Batgirl to simmer in her own juices, Catwoman decided to work Nightwing over, since there was nothing else to do. Minx was still caressing his body, causing him to go over the edge two times, but Nightwing managed, only slightly to keep from going insane. Catwoman walked over and picked up a bucket she had placed on a burner as she had entered the barn. The bucket contained very warm mud. When she placed this mud on Nightwing's body, he couldn't fight the sensations at all. Nightwing began to bite his lip in the vain attempt to fight the oncoming climax. Catwoman did to Nightwing what she had done to Batgirl. She brought him to the very edge several times without allowing him to surge over. Nightwing was mentally and physically broken by the time she applied her next devious ploy. She began washing the costume off with hot shampoo. She lathered Nightwing's wrecked body and removed all the mud. She took special care to wash between his legs, using a soft brush to clean the zipper's teeth. Nightwing couldn't take it, as he tried to hold back the scream but failed in the attempt. When it was over Nightwing couldn't even hold his own head up. Just before he passed out however, Catwoman had Minx hold his head up to look at Batgirl. Batgirl had only just ended her groans and was basically lifeless. Catwoman walked up to Batgirl's now limp body and stroked her nether region one time. Batgirl immediately moaned as her entire body stiffened. Her head involuntarily arched itself backwards towards her beautiful ass. Catwoman reminded Nightwing of the spreader bar, and he realized what she had meant. Batgirl's sexual arousal and orgasms were still very recent memories and she was still on the edge. She could climax at any time and probably would with the dildo implanted in her sex. Sensing his understanding, Catwoman thumbed up the power to the dildo, pulsating deep with in Batgirl's upside down body. Batgirl's head snapped back as if shocked by lightning, as another powerful orgasm surged through her body. It was followed by yet another one moments later, as she screamed in agony. The next orgasm hit her body like a Mack truck sending her into unconsciousness. Nightwing watched her, helpless to do anything about it. He wanted desperately to help Batgirl, but he couldn't even help himself. Satisfied with Batgirl's predicament, Catwoman instructed Minx to release Nightwing's body, allowing him to drop to the ground. Nightwing attempted to go to Batgirl's aid. He managed to get to his feet and even sent a weakened backhanded slap to Minx, knocking her down into the mud. But just as Nightwing reached Batgirl's side, he collapsed from sheer exhaustion.

Nightwing regained consciousness some time later. Glancing around the room, he noticed his utility belt, gloves and boots had been removed; and he was tied spread eagle on some form of table. Nightwing couldn't see what types of restraints were used on his body, but they seemed to shrink every time he moved, getting tighter in the process. Looking at Batgirl's agonized form still suspended from the ceiling, Nightwing could hear faint, almost whisper-like moans and whimpering sounds; escaping her gagged mouth. She was breathing very heavily, as though she had just passed over another climax in the long series of orgasms ripping through her body. Batgirl's utility belt was gone, as were her boots, gloves, and cape. The masks were still intact, but Nightwing couldn't be sure they hadn't removed these while they were out. Catwoman seemed to be gone as only Minx was in the room. As Nightwing began to stir, Minx got up and walked over to him. She leaned over and whispered;

"We have some unfinished business, Nightwing. It would be a shame for Batgirl to have all the fun, don't you think?"

She placed a ball gag in Nightwing's mouth and secured it with straps behind his head. She flicked the eye flap on the mask up but didn't take it off. Next, she leaned against him, stroking his chest. Suddenly, she slapped his groin, sending painful sensations through his body. Nightwing tried to scream but the ball gag prevented anything more than a muffled cry to escape his parted lips. Next, Minx smiled and looked at Batgirl. Walking over to Batgirl's inverted and tortured body, Minx ran her hand between Batgirl's open legs, stroking her sensitive inner thighs in the process. Batgirl's body responded instantly as her head arched backwards ever so slightly. Minx placed her hand above Batgirl's extremely sensitive sex for several seconds, allowing her fingers to barely touch Batgirl's pubic hairs, sending renewed sensations through her already oversexed groin. As she was doing this, Minx watched Nightwing's reaction, a deviant smile forming on her face. Nightwing tried to protest, but it was no use, as the gag in his mouth prevented any intelligible words to come from his mouth. Even if he was strong enough there was nothing he could do; there was no way to move without causing his restraints to tighten even further. Finally, Minx lowered her hand and tickled Batgirl's pubic hairs. Batgirl's body jerked as the tickling sent raw energy through her sex, causing an extremely powerful orgasm to wash through her weakened, yet excited body. Screaming out indescribable pain, Batgirl passed out moments later, falling into blissful sleep. Her jerking body finally slowed to miner spasms, then twitches before falling silent, hanging limp in the air.

Minx picked up Batgirl's head by her sweat-matted hair and called her a slut. Batgirl was oblivious to this as she was still out. Laughing, Minx reached up and pulled the still vibrating rod from Batgirl's torn sex. Even unconscious, Batgirl's body responded to the action of the removal, as ever so soft groans escaped her parched lips. Finally, Minx cut the main rope holding Batgirl's body in the air, allowing Batgirl's body to fall breast-first to the hard floor several feet below. Releasing Batgirl's arms from the single-glove and her legs from the spreader bar, Minx then did the un-thinkable; as she began to unzip Batgirl's costume. She unzipped it down to the small of Batgirl's back. Minx then rolled Batgirl over onto her back and removed the upper portion from Batgirl's body, exposing her perfectly rounded breasts. Batgirl's nipples, suddenly exposed to the cooler air, became erect, standing straight up. Minx continued to remove the costume, pausing only to view Batgirl's glistening mound, still wet from the repeated sex. Completing the undressing, Minx laid Batgirl's dark purple latex catsuit beside Batgirl's inert body. Next, Minx unzipped her own costume, removing the black latex catsuit. Minx placed her costume at Batgirl's feet, and began pulling the leggings up Batgirl's limp body. It was a tight fit as Minx was slightly smaller than Batgirl. The zipper running between Batgirl's legs dug deeply into Batgirl's womanhood causing renewed groans to fall from Batgirl's parted lips. Finally, Minx dressed herself up as Batgirl and began to walk around in front of Nightwing. As an after thought, Minx reached down and removed Batgirl's cowl, exposing her secret identity once more. Minx looked at Batgirl's face but didn't recognize it. Placing the cowl on her own head, Minx placed her mask on Batgirl's beautiful face, completing the identity transfer. Nightwing had no idea what Minx was up to, as he continued to watch the transformation. Taking the real Batgirl's body from the floor, Minx tied Batgirl's ankles to the base of a support beam while tying her wrists above her head to an over hanging beam. Minx stretched Batgirl's body tightly between the two beams. Batgirl's round full breasts extending upwards as the weight of her body pulled the rest of her down. Batgirl was just starting to come out of it and Minx decided it was time to play.

"Well Batgirl, or should we call you Minx. I've allowed you to sleep, getting the beauty rest your body so desperately needs, but now its time to play. I'm going to work you over some more and allow you to watch as I work on Nightwing. This should be fun, for me."

Minx, now dressed as Batgirl began to work Nightwing over. Minx started by saying she knew how much Batgirl turned him on, so he should enjoy this. Batgirl's eyes, narrowed with pain, as she weakly responded to Minx's plan.

"Minx. You..., won't..., get away with this. You..., aren't..., me. Nightwing knows it. Now..., untie us and..., I..., I promise you..., I'll do everything in my power..., to help you."

Minx was furious at Batgirl's interruption. Walking over to the bound superheroine, Minx stood before Batgirl, placing her hands on her svelte hips. As Batgirl opened her mouth to speak again, Minx sent a swift kick to Batgirl's chest, causing Batgirl's body to recoil in pain. Batgirl's head snapped back from the impact, colliding with the solid oak beam behind her, knocking her senseless. Batgirl's eyes fluttered as stars appeared in front of her face. Groaning loudly, Batgirl fought to stay conscious, even as Minx delivered a series of punches to her stomach and chest. Minx was still punishing Batgirl when Catwoman re-entered the barn. Seeing her ally tied up and being punished by Batgirl, sent Catwoman into a frenzy. Grabbing a loose burlap sack, Catwoman attacked what she thought was Minx from behind by placing the sack over her head and upper body. The sack fit tightly against Minx's body forcing Minx's hands and arms to her side making her defenseless. Next, Catwoman applied a liberal amount of catnip to the area around Minx's head. Moments later, Minx dropped to the floor unconscious. Discarding the bottle of catnip, Catwoman grabbed Minx's hands and placed handcuffs on her wrists, connecting them behind her back. Satisfied, Catwoman untied the real, and still dazed Batgirl, and allowed her to slowly drop to a chair. She never looked her in the face as she was watching Nightwing, to make sure he was still bound and not a danger. This would later prove to be a big mistake.

Catwoman walked over to Nightwing and began checking his ropes. To her surprise, Catwoman noticed a couple were loose, and she began to make them tighter. Just then, a hand landed lightly on her shoulder and she turned around. Catwoman was suddenly punched across her chin by Minx's right fist, sending her body reeling backwards across the room, landing on the floor. Catwoman was dazed as she propped herself up on her elbows and looked at Minx

"What are you doing Minx? It's me, Catwoman."

As Minx replied, Catwoman began to notice the change in her partner's voice. Catwoman blinked her eyes as she shook her head, trying to get the cobwebs out of her mind.

"I'm taking out the trash, Catwoman. You made the mistake of knocking out the wrong woman. You see, Minx switched our costumes to get at Nightwing."

Catwoman was totally confused. Minx walked over and removed the burlap sack from the prone body of Batgirl and removed the mask as well. Catwoman's eyes went wide. It didn't take long for the realization of just what she had done to her own ally to sink in. Batgirl just laughed. Catwoman was on her feet and attacking Batgirl faster than Nightwing thought she could. The two women exchanged blows and kicks but basically fought to a standstill. Finally, after several minutes of heated battle, Batgirl was able to get in a lucky punch to Catwoman's stomach followed by a blow to Catwoman's chin and this sent Catwoman to the floor. Physically wasted from the fight, Batgirl slowly staggered to Nightwing's bond body and began to untie his hands; but as she was doing this she had her back to Catwoman. Taking advantage of Batgirl's blind side, Catwoman attacked Batgirl from behind by hitting her over the head with a wooden box. Stunned by the sudden blow to the head, Batgirl fell forward, collapsing on Nightwing's chest. Grabbing unto his shoulders for support, Batgirl painfully looked into Nightwing's eyes; before sliding down to the ground. Batgirl didn't move for several minutes. Nightwing tried to see her, but his restraints wouldn't allow for much movement. When he tried to move his head, the ropes around his neck constricted, almost choking him in the process. Groaning in excruciating pain, Batgirl attempted to get up several times, to crawl away, but each time her limbs failed her as she dropped back to the ground. Finally, after several failed attempts, Batgirl gave up and laid on the floor, panting heavily from the effort. She painfully rolled over onto her back, as a series of suppressed moans escaped her trembling lips. Catwoman walked over to the stricken heroine until she towered above the fallen crime fighter.

"Who's laughing now Batgirl? And who's the trash, certainly not me? You should never have come back Batgirl."

Dazed, on the verge of unconsciousness, Batgirl attempted to speak, to find some retort to Catwoman's challenge, but her clouded mind refused to function through the pain. Catwoman lowered herself on one leg and picked up Batgirl's sore head with her right hand. Removing Minx's mask from Batgirl's face, Catwoman looked deeply into the exposed face. Finally, having seen enough, Catwoman dropped Batgirl's head back to the hard dirt floor.

"Your face looks familiar Batgirl. I don't know who you are right now, but I'll find out. I never forget a face. Why don't you save me some time and tell me who you are. I promise to let you go after you tell me."

Batgirl's eyes were unfocused as she attempted to tell Catwoman what she could do with her suggestion. Swallowing hard, Batgirl summoned all her remaining strength and looked at Catwoman with narrowed, pain filled eyes.

"You know what you can do with your suggestion, Catwoman. Drop dead."

Catwoman glowered at Batgirl as disgust rose in her throat. Catwoman had thought she had Batgirl at her mercy, utterly defeated and broken; but Catwoman now knew she was wrong. Batgirl may be weakened even hurt, but she was every bit as strong and determined as she ever was. Rising to her feet, Catwoman looked down at the weakened Batgirl, even as Batgirl struggled to rise. Fury seething from her very being, Catwoman kicked Batgirl's agonized body in the stomach, sending Batgirl's body rolling across the dirt floor. Her body came to a stop several feet away as Batgirl landed on her back. Batgirl's left leg rested in an upright bent position, as her left foot touched the ground; even as her right arm stood on her right elbow. Concern creasing his brow, Nightwing could tell Batgirl had reached her physical and mental limits, as her body, still weakened from the previous sexual torments, the fighting, and now Catwoman's attacks; fought with her mind's efforts to continue. Nightwing watched Batgirl's body fall to the floor in utter pain from the blow to her head. It was the second such blow in the last hour, causing Nightwing to seriously wonder about Batgirl's previous head wound and her decision to come along on this mission. Nightwing watched as Batgirl tried to escape, to reach relative safety by crawling away, only to fall victim to her own injuries. He watched as Batgirl succumbed to Catwoman's kick to her stomach, and the sudden stop several feet away. Nightwing watched Batgirl now, her breasts heaving within the extremely tight black latex of Minx's costume, as she desperately sought to ease her pain, and continue the fight. He knew she couldn't take any more. Nightwing bit his lower lip as his concern increased when Batgirl failed to move. Her body was so still that he thought for a moment that she might be dead. With a final, exasperated gasp, Batgirl's entire body shuddered as a massive wave of pain surged through her body. Minutes later, as her body relaxed, Batgirl attempted to rise again, but a sudden pain-filled groan escaped her lips just before she fell back to the ground, passing out for a short time. In a final movement, Batgirl's right arm fell to the ground beside her motionless body. Nightwing stared at his partner for several seconds before looking at Catwoman. He was mad enough to kill her, but the restraints prevented any movement.

"Catwoman. Enough is enough. If I ever get out of these bonds, you'll wish you were never born. Batgirl may be your enemy but she was already down and hurt. She was defenseless when you sent your boot into her stomach. You had no reason to kick her."

Catwoman had been watching the Dark Angel as well. As she listened to Nightwing's prattle about Batgirl, a satisfied smile formed on her bronzed face. Catwoman knew she may not have broken Batgirl yet, but she had plenty of time. Batgirl wasn't going any where. Seeing Batgirl pass out, Catwoman walked up to Nightwing and planted a wet kiss on his lips, while stroking his member. Nightwing was furious as he struggled to resist Catwoman's advances, even with the leather straps constricting around his body. Catwoman simply smiled as she reached out to touch Nightwing's masked face softly with her right hand. Catwoman looked deeply into his eyes, before backhanding him across the face.

"You are in no position to make threats Nightwing. The leather straps binding your body are made to constrict as you move. They are an idea I borrowed from another deliciously criminal mind. I believe you know the source. The more you move, the more they contract, getting tighter and tighter against your body. Eventually, they will rip your body in half. So, if you wish to live longer, I suggest you remain still and shut up!"

Catwoman walked over to her fallen partner and released Minx from the handcuffs. Turning Minx over, she was surprised at how Batgirl's costume fit so loosely on Minx's body. Catwoman looked at Nightwing for awhile then back at Minx. She started glancing from Batgirl to Minx to Nightwing and back as if trying to understand why Minx had switched costumes. Deciding it was probably some perverted idea of Minx's, Catwoman rose and walked back to Nightwing, who was having a hard time breathing due to the constricting leather around his neck. Reaching up behind Nightwing's head, Catwoman loosened the neck straps slightly. She then turned to look back at Batgirl, who had just begun to move. Batgirl was holding her head with her left hand, moaning from unrelenting pain as she fought to stay awake. She had managed to raise her pain drenched body onto her right forearm. Batgirl's left leg was slowly sliding across her right one as she fought to maintain the delicate balance. Moments later, Batgirl's left arm went to the ground to add support to her shaking body, as her head fell forward. Batgirl breasts continued to heave in Minx's latex catsuit which didn't really fit her. Frowning, Batgirl closed her eyes as she slowly raised her throbbing head to the back of her neck. Batgirl continued to slowly move her head from side to side, trying to get the kinks out of her neck.

Studying the female crime fighter, Catwoman knew Batgirl was far from helpless; that given time, Batgirl would pose a threat to her plans. Catwoman knew she had to erase that threat if she was going to have free reign to getting the power she wanted. Taking one last look at Nightwing, Catwoman smiled and lunged for Batgirl meaning to finish her off, but Nightwing's last minute warning alerted Batgirl to the attack. Batgirl was just able to roll aside, her body coming in contact with something hard and cylindrical as it pressed against her groin. Batgirl reached under her body to remove the object from her sore womanhood just as Catwoman's body made contact with the hard floor, knocking the breath out of her. Catwoman was stunned as she lay on the floor moaning. Viewing the object, Batgirl realized it was Catwoman's discarded bottle of catnip. Thinking quickly, Batgirl painfully rolled back over to face Catwoman, applying the catnip to Catwoman's face. Surprise showing on her face, Catwoman drifted into unconsciousness. Totally spent, Batgirl lay on her back, resting from the continued ordeal. Her chest rose and fell in rapid succession, as she tried in vain to gather her strength. She could barely move and her body ached all over. Her mind, racked with pain kept telling her to go to sleep. Moments later, Batgirl closed her eyes just as her head rolled to the side. Batgirl became deathly still. Several minutes later, as Batgirl continued to lay on the floor Nightwing became more and more concerned. He had every right to be as Batgirl was in grave danger.

"Batgirl, can you here me? Open your eyes Batgirl, please. Batgirl, listen to me. You need to get up. If you can untie me I can help you, Batgirl..., Batgirl!!! For the love of mercy get up! Batgirl, please, listen to me. Minx won't stay down forever, and neither will Catwoman. I know your hurt, in pain, but you have got to try. Please Batgirl."

Painfully opening her eyes, Batgirl let out a deep moan as she slowly rolled onto her stomach. She attempted to push her extremely tired body up by using a stool for support. Batgirl was able to rise to her knees before she fell down, her body colliding with the stool in front of her, knocking the wind out of her before she rolled onto the ground. Resting for a couple of minutes, Batgirl began to crawl across the floor towards Nightwing's bound body. Reaching the horse stalls, Batgirl began to pull herself up, using the slants as support, until she was partially standing. Nightwing could see the pain reflected in her blood-red eyes as she staggered, stumbled towards him. Batgirl reached out to his body, almost falling in the process. She was just able to grab onto Nightwing's shoulders, placing her left arm around his neck; and hold on, trying to gather her strength. Her hold began to slip moments later as her mind, overwhelmed with indescribable pain, tried to deal with the exertions being put on her body. Looking down to Batgirl's red hair, Nightwing began to softly speak.

"Batgirl, you're doing fine. Just hold on a bit longer. Please hold on. Catwoman and Minx are still out so you have some time. Look at me, Batgirl. Come on, raise your head and look at me, please."

Batgirl slowly raised her head to look in Nightwing's face, laying her head against his chest as she did. Nightwing was smiling at her as his eyes made contact with hers. Though he didn't show it, Nightwing was scared. He had seen Batgirl like this before, but it was too soon after her previous injuries. Batgirl's previous battle with Minx, back at the estate, had almost killed her; and came very close to ending Batgirl's career as a crime fighter. Nightwing knew Batgirl wouldn't give up, but would use every once of energy to rescue him. He also knew that if she didn't succeed in freeing him now, there may not be another chance. Batgirl's injuries were even now draining her life's energies away. Nightwing could feel Batgirl's labored breathing from within the over-tight latex costume Minx had dressed her in. Summoning up his resolve, Nightwing softened his look and addressed her again.

"Batgirl. Back at the cave I asked you if you were ready for this and you said you were more than ready. Remember? You have faced Catwoman and Minx and you didn't freeze up. You can still fight them, but you..., we need to escape and rest. If you can't untie me, we may well die. Please Batgirl, I need you to try. I know it hurts. But I need you to try..., Batgirl. I need you."

Batgirl smiled weakly as she stretched her hand up above Nightwing's head, reaching the leather strap holding his right hand. Releasing the leather bond, Nightwing grabbed unto Batgirl, placing his arm around her back, to support her as her strength seemed to fail her once more. Moments later, Batgirl let out a painful groan as she stretched her arm to repeat the procedure, releasing Nightwing's left hand. Almost immediately, Batgirl's eyes rolled into the top of her head as she fainted dead away from the continued effort. Batgirl's body went slack and would have fallen to the floor, if Nightwing had not been holding her. Placing his right hand behind her head, Nightwing drew Batgirl's face to within inches of his own as he looked intently into her sleeping face. With tears swelling in his eyes, Nightwing slowly, deliberately, gave Batgirl's trembling lips a soft kiss. This was followed by a kiss to her forehead. He continued to hold Batgirl's body close to his as he wept. Minutes later, Nightwing lowered his body to the dirt floor while holding the unconscious Batgirl in his arms. Laying her spent body gently on the floor, Nightwing quickly released his ankles from the leather straps.

Resting for a few minutes to get his circulation moving again, Nightwing picked up Catwoman's sleeping form and placed her in a chair. Using bailing wire, Nightwing tied Catwoman's wrists behind her back. He found a length of rope and wrapped it around Catwoman's body several times, securing her to the chair. Next, Nightwing tied Minx's wrists in back of her and threw a rope over a beam. Nightwing pulled on the rope until Minx was suspended from the ceiling with her arms still behind her back. Minx's feet barely touched the floor, as her body was doubled over. Walking to Batgirl's prone body, he lowered his body to hers. Placing his right hand on her forehead, he wiped the sweat and grime from her face as he touched her chest. Several minutes later, Batgirl regained consciousness and looked dazedly into Nightwing's eyes. Nightwing picked up her head and placed it in his lap.

"I....didn't...freeze...did I!?! I faced...their devious tortures and...still survived, didn't I?"

"No Batgirl, you didn't freeze. But you need to rest. Your tired. We'll wait a few minutes then I'll help you to the car."

"Wha....Where is my utility belt Nightwing? I..., can take some energy pills to speed up the process. Unnhhh, my body feels like it's been ripped in half from the continual sex. I orgasmed so many times I lost count. My..., energy is drained from that but, otherwise..., I'm basically all right. Whew, I think I could sleep for days."

Nightwing began looking around for their utility belts, and found them lying outside on the ground some twenty feet away. Laying Batgirl's head back down to the floor, Nightwing retrieved their utility belts. Putting his on, Nightwing walked back to Batgirl's body. Giving her the belt, Nightwing asked her a question which simply dumbfounded her.

"You know I'll have to arrest you when this is over, don't you Minx?"

Batgirl stared up at Nightwing for a moment before looking down at her own body. Realization dawned on her tormented mind as she began to smile. She would love to get out of Minx's costume and back into her Batgirl costume. Shaking her head, Batgirl took two of the specially made energy pills from her utility belt and swallowed them. Scant minutes later, Batgirl began to stir, picking herself up from the floor. Nightwing helped her remove the handcuffs from Minx's wrists. As Nightwing watched Catwoman, Batgirl stripped Minx of the costume she had stolen and changed. Once Batgirl had re-donned her Batgirl costume, She dressed Minx in her own black latex catsuit; making sure to shackle Minx's arms to the support beam. Finally, Batgirl placed the cowl back on her own head protecting her secret identity; before helping Nightwing pick up Catwoman's sleeping body. The heroes carried Catwoman's body to a side railing, in front of the barn, laying her across the rail. Using Bat cord, Nightwing secured Catwoman's ankles while Batgirl tied her wrists. They finished the job by tying a rope from Catwoman's wrists to her ankles. Seeing that Catwoman was secured, the two crime fighters went after Minx. Un-shackling Minx from the beam, the heroes got careless, by assuming Minx was unconscious. As Nightwing and Batgirl carried Minx to the front of the barn, Minx was able to remove a small pouch of catnip powder from a secret compartment in her costume. Stopping in front of the railing, Nightwing lowered Minx's legs to the ground. Batgirl wrapped her arms around Minx's waist, holding her up while Nightwing obtained more rope, making Batgirl vulnerable to an attack.

Taking advantage of the opening, Minx suddenly sprang to life blowing catnip powder into Batgirl's mask. As Nightwing turned to render aid, his face was dusted as well. Minx had the satisfaction of watching Batgirl's body fall back across the railing, then partly to the ground, as her arms rested parallel to the railing. Batgirl's head had just fallen unto her chest as she collapsed. Nightwing collapsed to the ground as well, dazed. To Minx's surprise however, the heroes didn't fall asleep. They were dazed, even groggy, but not out. Minx screamed something about out of date dust, and went to get Catwoman. Minx untied Catwoman and helped her stand up; but seeing that Catwoman was not in any shape for a fight decided to make good their escape. Knowing she needed to buy some time, Minx leaned Catwoman against the railing and walked up behind Nightwing, sending a kick between his legs. Even with the Kevlar reinforced suit, the impact with his groin hurt. Nightwing fell forward, grabbing his throbbing member as he fell. Minx then turned her attention to Batgirl, who was holding her body up by her left arm as it rested across the railing. Batgirl was dazed as she fumbled with her utility belt, attempting to retrieve a Bat antidote pill. Just as Batgirl succeeded in opening the compartment containing the pills, Minx delivered a frontal kick to Batgirl's vulnerable face. The force of the kick propelled Batgirl's body backwards to the ground and certain unconsciousness.

Minx walked to the prone body of Batgirl and looked down at the fallen superheroine. Batgirl was totally out of it, sprawled face down, across the ground. Batgirl's arms were at angles in front of her face while her legs were spread eagle. Minx lowered herself to one leg as she grabbed the back of Batgirl's head picking it up to look into Batgirl's masked face. Batgirl's lower jaw fell open as an ever so soft groan left her mouth. Releasing Batgirl's head, Minx allowed it to drop to the ground, causing renewed pain to flow through Batgirl's mind. Slowly, struggling to move, Batgirl began to pick up her aching body, attempting to get on all fours. Minx stood up and positioned herself behind Batgirl's opened legs, straddling her left one. Pulling her right leg back, Minx prepared to give Batgirl's open and extremely sore crotch a kick which would propel Batgirl's body forward into unconsciousness again.

"Stop Minx. Let Batgirl alone. What is it with you and Catwoman, Minx? Why do you always attack Batgirl when she's down..., when she's helpless? Do you get some perverted satisfaction from attacking Batgirl's sex?"

"Yes Nightwing, I get off attacking Batgirl's sex. It's how I get my kicks. But seriously Nightwing, I still don't understand what you see in this bimbo. Batgirl is a poor despicable excuse for a woman. She's just a weak slut, wearing a second-skin purple and gold latex catsuit."

Minx had begun to walk around Batgirl as she spoke to Nightwing. Batgirl, still struggling to get up, tried to keep her eyes on Minx as Minx walked around her. Batgirl knew she was in no condition to fight, but she knew she had to to be ready to defend herself if Minx suddenly attacked. Batgirl's head hurt from the repeated blows to her skull. That pain and the pain radiating from the various parts of her body kept Batgirl from focusing all her energies on her current situation. Batgirl could see barely see Minx as she continued to move around her. Batgirl's eyes were so clouded with pain and fatigue that she could only hear Nightwing. Batgirl thought he stood only a few feet away from her, but his vague form was a mist before her eyes. Batgirl was still trying to focus her thoughts as Minx suddenly grabbed her from behind, by the neck; pulling Batgirl up to rest on her knees.

"Look at her Nightwing, Look at your pathetic excuse for a woman. Batgirl's not even wearing a bra or panties under the latex. She loves to show off her body just like a whore. What ever do you see in Batgirl that I can't give you? I mean really, Nightwing, what???"

Minx released her hold on Batgirl as she threw Batgirl's body forward. Batgirl had just enough time to put her arms out in front of her as she fell towards the ground. Moments later, Batgirl sank to the ground, resting on her legs, which were now tucked under her body. Batgirl fiddled with her utility belt and took out two more energy pills, swallowing them quickly. Batgirl knew the pills would only afford her a slight respite, as her wrecked body would absorb the limited energy supplied by them. Forgetting about Batgirl, Minx walked over to stand in front of Nightwing. Their costumed bodies stood only scant feet apart, as Minx continued to address Nightwing as to the virtues of her body verses those of Batgirl's. Minx continued to cup and stroke her breasts as she stood in front of Nightwing, hoping to turn him on and put him off guard. Minx knew she was only 3 feet from Batgirl who was still sitting on her legs, trying to clear the cobwebs from her brain. Batgirl was within range and an easy target for her next attack.

"Minx, you could talk about your body until you were blue in the face and I still wouldn't want you. Batgirl is a young, smart, beautiful woman, while you're just a spoiled little girl. The only reason you hate Batgirl is because she has everything you can only wish for. Your breasts are good, I'll give you that, but they're smaller, less rounded than Batgirl's. Your nipples, when they do stand out, are only the size of Batgirl's when hers are at rest. Her skin is smoother than yours, and her body is more shapely. Batgirl is a far sight better to look at than you could ever be, and she's better in the sack."

Minx couldn't believe what she was hearing. Nightwing had the unmitigated gall to insult her and demean her to something below that of Batgirl? Minx was furious, seething with rage as he continued to talk down to her. Minx's costume seemed to stretch as her slightly rounded breasts heaved within the over-tight latex. Minx attempted to slap Nightwing's face to shut him up, but her hand was stopped in mid-stroke as Nightwing reached out and grabbed her wrist. Nightwing held onto Minx's wrist, applying ample pressure to her arm, causing Minx to lean towards Nightwing as her arm exploded in pain. Releasing Minx's arm, Nightwing took a step back, moving into a defensive battle position and waited for Minx to attack. Minx was glaring at Nightwing while rubbing her sore wrist, trying to restore the circulation to the wrist, when she suddenly kicked out behind her expecting to connect with Batgirl's face. To Minx's surprise, her boot hit nothing, causing Minx to lose her balance and fall to the ground.

Picking herself up from the ground, Minx looked around to find what she thought was a helpless Batgirl standing in her famous pose, several feet away; just in front of the barn's left door. Batgirl's legs were slightly apart as her hands resting lightly on her shapely hips. Batgirl's face beheld a look of confidence and strength, but Minx knew she was actually quite weak, as Minx noticed an ever so slight trembling in Batgirl's body. Batgirl was doing all she could to just stand upright. Looking at Nightwing again, Minx stood her ground in the middle of the two heroes. Nightwing made the challenge.

"Well Minx, It's your move. Do we fight or do you surrender? You're surrounded and by yourself."

"She's not alone Nightwing."

Catwoman's entrance into the game was so sudden that Nightwing instinctively turned to look at her. He returned to his defensive stance mere seconds later, but the distraction had given Minx the time she needed to move behind Batgirl. Nightwing knew he was in a no-win scenario as Minx held onto Batgirl's arms while she stood behind Batgirl. Catwoman was laughing, though to Nightwing it seemed to be a weakened laugh. Nightwing continued to glance at Catwoman to make sure she wasn't moving, but his main attention was on Batgirl's face. Batgirl was slowly shifting her eyes to her left as she tried to view Minx. She could just see Minx's body standing slightly to her left. Returning her gaze to Nightwing, Batgirl nodded her head slightly to signal she could handle Minx in a fight. Sighing deeply, Catwoman began talking to Nightwing, but he noticed she didn't make any move to approach him. Nightwing knew he'd been right. Catwoman was still to weak to fight and she was trying to bluff her way through this.

"I said she's not alone Nightwing. Now that Minx has Batgirl in her clutches, I suggest that you surrender. Come on, Nightwing, be a good little boy and do as I say."

"I think not Catwoman. I think what we have here is a standoff. Batgirl may not be strong enough to keep up a fight for very long, but I'm pretty sure you couldn't either Catwoman. Also, I pretty sure Batgirl could take Minx, but I don't think Batgirl will need to. Minx has Batgirl at the moment but as you can see, I have you Catwoman."

As Nightwing was talking, he had been angling towards Catwoman, keeping both Catwoman and Minx in his line of sight. Within moments, he stood just out of range of Catwoman's claws and weaponry. Nightwing also held a formidable weapon in his gloved hand, the Bat-A-Rang. Catwoman knew all too well that his expertise with the weapon was as uncanny as his mentor, the Batman. Catwoman relented and decided it would be better to cut her loses and make good their escape. Catwoman signaled for Minx to release Batgirl, which Minx did with some hesitation, before she sauntered over to Catwoman. They left moments later, with Catwoman supported by Minx.

Nightwing watched the pair of villains as they left. Minx helped Catwoman to the Whisker, Catwoman's car and got into the driver's seat. Gunning the odd looking vehicle, Minx drove off, leaving a path of gravel and dust in her wake. Knowing the pair would be back, Nightwing turned to thank Batgirl for moving out of the way, making his confrontation with Minx easier, only to find her leaning unsteadily against the barn. Batgirl had her right hand against the building as she held her head with her other hand. Before Nightwing could take two steps towards her, Batgirl collapsed to the ground. She raised her head slightly as a deep gravely sounding groan escaped her lips. Moments later, Batgirl slipped into unconsciousness. Running to her side, Nightwing gently turned Batgirl over and held her in his arms. Looking at Batgirl's sleeping face told Nightwing that Catwoman hadn't been the only one bluffing her way through the conflict. Picking Batgirl up in his strong arms, Nightwing made his way to the Lamborghini parked nearby and placed Batgirl's wasted body in the passenger seat. After reclining the seat, Nightwing removed her utility belt and laid it by her side, on the center consol. Getting into the driver's seat, Nightwing locked the doors of the modified car and turned on the ignition. Before he knew what hit him, sleeping gas came billowing out from under the dash, filling the car. Seconds before falling asleep, Nightwing initiated the exhaust system and the lock-down procedure, sealing them safely in the car.

Nightwing woke several hours later, well after dark. Looking at Batgirl, he decided to let her sleep to regain her strength. Thinking quickly, Nightwing reviewed the car's security tapes and saw the whisker return to the ranch compound only one hour earlier. He knew it would be far too dangerous to track Catwoman or Minx in the dark, especially with Batgirl in less than perfect condition. Nightwing settled back in the seat, and set the automated alarm for six in the morning, placing a remote earplug in his left ear; so the alarm, when it sounded wouldn't wake Batgirl. Looking at the clock set in the dash, Nightwing noticed he would have only five hours of sleep before the alarm went off. Putting the car's security on high alert, Nightwing closed his eyes and fell asleep. The alarm sounded in his ear at exactly the right time and Nightwing tried to stretch to get the kinks out of his body. Batgirl was still asleep and as far as Nightwing could tell, she hadn't moved a muscle. Nightwing recorded a message for Batgirl to hear as he replenished his utility belt, making sure he had all the essentials to take the fight to Catwoman. Next, he took Batgirl's utility belt and restored her supplies and weapons as well. Checking the car's onboard computer for possible individuals lurking in the shadows, Nightwing opened his door and exited the car. Shutting the door as quietly as possible, Nightwing set the lockdown codes to protect Batgirl's comatose body.

Nightwing made his way to the back of the house and looked through a window. Getting a specially made stethoscope out of his utility belt, Nightwing placed the larger end near the plate glass and started to hear Catwoman's voice as she explained her plan to snag the jewels and kill the three heroes. Even before Catwoman made reference to the number three, Nightwing's attention had already been drawn to a darkened corner of the room where someone or something was hanging. He was trying to see through the dirty window pane when Nightwing suddenly felt a round object press against his back. The pressure was followed shortly by a man's voice telling him to "freeze". Nightwing was grabbed from behind and led into the house where Catwoman and Minx, surrounded by a host of other men, were talking about the jewels. Pushing the hero into the room, the man with the gun announced his arrival to Catwoman.

"Look what I found at the window, Catwoman. He heard almost everything you said about the plan."

"Ah Nightwing. And where's the darling Batgirl? Minx, remove Nightwing's utility belt for him, would you please?"

Minx came up from behind and removed Nightwing's utility belt. Next, she tied Nightwing's hands behind his back, making sure to loop the rope between his wrists making Nightwing more than helpless. Minx turned him around so he could get a good view of his captor. Catwoman looked at Nightwing as if expecting an answer from the handsome crime fighter. When she got none, Catwoman motioned to the man which had captured Nightwing moments earlier and told him to get the answers she wanted. The man was taller and more heavily built than Catwoman and wearing a pair of black jeans, a black t-shirt with a cat face on it, and a hat. Catwoman had called him Tom. Nightwing was only slightly amused at the name. Shaking his head Nightwing thought Tom....Cat. Give me a break. Tom walked up to Nightwing and proceeded to give him a bear hug. Nightwing's back was on fire as the tom applied extreme pressure on Nightwing's back and ribs. Moments later, at Catwoman's request, the tom released Nightwing, allowing him to fall to the floor, gasping for breath. The man was strong. The tom walked back over to Nightwing's body and picked him up with one hand. Catwoman looked at Nightwing with an expectant look on her face, thinking Nightwing would be willing to answer her questions now. Nightwing didn't utter a sound. As a result, Catwoman made another motion for the tom to continue with his assault. Smiling, the tom tied a rope behind Nightwing's back, securing it to the ropes binding his hands. Throwing the loose end of the rope over an overhead beam, the tom hoisted Nightwing's body up backwards. The tie forced Nightwing's body to lean forward as his arms were brought up at a sickening angel from his back. Nightwing grimaced in pain as his arms felt as though they were being ripped from their sockets. Looking at Catwoman for approval, the tom delivered a solid punch to Nightwing's stomach, picking Nightwing's body off the floor. Nightwing couldn't remember the last time he had received a punch so hard to his body. His entire body was jerking as he tried to cope with the pain radiating from his mid-section. Nightwing knew he couldn't take another punch. When Catwoman asked if he was ready to answer her questions, Nightwing nodded his head yes.

"I'll ask you one more time Nightwing, where's the darling Batgirl? I want her here and I want her alive."

"She's..., still in the car, Catwoman..., asleep. Your tortures drained her more than they did me. She's perfectly safe within the confines of the Lamborghini; safely tucked away from your clutches."

"Well, Batgirl will have to out sometime, and when she does, I'll capture her as well. I have exquisite plans for killing all three of you do gooders. Imagine, in one short day, I'll be able to kill three superheroes and collect three million in jewels. I'm so glad you decided to cooperate Nightwing."

"What..., do you mean..., three superheroes Catwoman. Unless I am mistaken, Batgirl and I only make two."

"Oh that's right Nightwing, you have seen my other guest. Tom, turn the light on in the corner will you."

The tom cat walked to the far wall and turned on a spot light. Catwoman moved Nightwing's body around to where he could see Catwoman's "guest". Catwoman lifted Nightwing's head so he could get a plain view of a battered woman hanging from the ceiling. Her mask had been removed, as had the rest of her costume. She was unconscious, with her head slumped forward, resting upon her chest. Nightwing had seen the Huntress in better condition than this. At least she was breathing. He could tell by the rise and fall of her exposed breasts.

"I believe you know the Huntress, Nightwing. I am still trying to figure out who she really is, but I think I am close to the answer. The Huntress has been my guest for almost three weeks now. Her body gave up on her several days ago, and I'm sure her mind will soon follow."

Catwoman had been walking over to the Huntress as she spoke of her guest. Catwoman took a long, black rod from the table behind the Huntress and inserted the rubber end inside the Huntress's pussy. The Huntress's body squirmed as the rod was pushed upwards, finally coming in contact with her over sensitive clitoris. The rod had four rings attached to it about twelve inches below the Huntress's crotch. Catwoman attached four wires to the rings, two on each side, and ran the wires up to the hook supporting the crime fighter's body. Tightening the wires, Catwoman made sure the dildo could not be removed by the Huntress when her body was in the throws of ecstasy. Catwoman smiled as she gently stroked the Huntress's firm body, running her gloved hand down the woman's skin. She continued to smile as she plugged the dildo into a wall socket, and thumbed up the controls, causing the dildo to pulsate deep within the Huntress's sex. For her part, the Huntress began to moan as her body approached its first climax of the day.

"This is a very special toy Nightwing. I had it specially designed for Batgirl but decided to try it out on the Huntress instead. It has several moving parts Nightwing. The first part is the pulsating rubber buried deep inside her vagina. Every time it reaches its fullest point of expansion, the ribbed rubber sides will rub against her clitoris, sending intense sexual energies through her body. But that's not all, as the energy builds inside her, the rod absorbs and stores that energy within its core. As her climaxes build, the energy stored in the rod's core will begin to surge through the two back wires you see running up her back. These sexual energies will be multiplied in a specially designed box located in the ceiling and then returned down the two front wires, ending up at the rod again. The devious part Nightwing, comes next. As the multiplied energies are returned to the rod, they will be shot into the Huntress's sex, causing her to have ever greater orgasms. This cycle will be repeated every 5 minutes or so, until she literally cries out for mercy. We've been at this for several days now, even when you and Batgirl were having your fun outside. Oh well, I can see by your expression that you don't really appreciate this toy."

Catwoman and Minx made their plans quickly. The tom would wait for Batgirl to wake up as this would give him the element of surprise and he could overpower her. Catwoman would take Nightwing to the river and force him to get the jewels for them, since cats hate the water. Minx would remain behind to act as a rear guard, in case anything went wrong. She would also watch the Huntress, making sure she didn't escape. Taking the dive gear, Catwoman forced Nightwing to head for the river. As they moved past the car, Catwoman made a quick check on Batgirl's prone form. She watched for several minutes looking at Batgirl's chest rise and fall in equal rhythms. Satisfied that Batgirl was still unconscious, Catwoman called back for Tom to remain hidden until Batgirl exited the car, then to nab her and bring her along. As she was saying this, Nightwing thought he saw Batgirl's closed eyes blink. But he wasn't sure. Nightwing, followed closely by Catwoman moved on. It took several minutes to get to the spot where the Jewels were stashed. Catwoman reminded Nightwing that Batgirl's continued safety depended on his cooperation. She then instructed Nightwing to don the dive gear, donning her own as well. Finally, Catwoman had Nightwing tell her how everything worked, the safety features, what to do when and how. Forcing Nightwing to the river's edge, she instructed him to step into the river. Nightwing was up to my knees when Catwoman told him to stop. Next, Catwoman joined Nightwing in the river and made a final check on the gear. As Nightwing turned around to make a final check on Catwoman's gear, he felt a sharp pain in his neck. Using a needler, Catwoman had injected his body with concentrated catnip. Surprise showing on his face, Nightwing slowly sank into the water. Just before he blacked out, Catwoman laughed and said the darkness was the approaching doorway to his death. She lowered her own body into the water and released the air from Nightwing's dive vest, allowing his body to sink below the surface. Catwoman released Nightwing's comatose body and went for the jewels.

Batgirl regained consciousness and slowly, cautiously looked around. Seeing a green lit button flashing on the console, Batgirl pushed the button. Nightwing's voice came on as he explained what he was about to do. Batgirl listened to his plans intently, even as anger rose in her bosom. Batgirl thought Nightwing should have known better than to go after Catwoman and Minx alone. Putting her utility belt back on, Batgirl fished a small bottle of Bat Knock-out spray out of her utility belt and placed it on her wrist using Velcro straps. She then stepped out of the car. Batgirl made it to look like she was looking all around and then began to slowly walk towards the house, continuing to look around. As Batgirl came near the house, however, Tom stepped from behind some bushes and pointed his gun at her telling her to stop. She was taken totally by surprise; which pleased him, and he smiled. Batgirl had never seen this brute of a man before and she could tell he would be hard to beat in a fight. Slowly, Batgirl raised her arms in surrender, hiding the spray bottle in the process. The Tom hadn't notice the bottle anyway as he stared at Batgirl's sexually pleasing body. He was amazed that Batgirl's breasts were separated into two separate areas of the costume and that her nipples could be seen protruding from the latex as well. He was even more amazed that the seam running down the front of Batgirl's ultra-skintight purple latex costume ran between her legs, disappearing deep within her womanhood. He imagined the fun he would have with the zipper showing from between her legs, as he slowly unzipped the costume. After a bit, he instructed Batgirl to remove her utility belt, very slowly, with no tricks. Batgirl did so, slowly moving her hands down to her well rounded breasts and running them over her ample mounds. Batgirl continued to move her hands down her stomach and noticed Tom's reaction as she stroked her vagina. Batgirl slowly unbuckled the belt and let it slide down her shapely ass before dropping it to the ground. Batgirl allowed her left hand to caress her nether region as she placed her right hand behind her neck, forcing her breasts to stick out even further. A few minutes later, Batgirl moved into aa classic innocent girlish position, as her legs crossed. Batgirl kept her arms at her sides, forcing her ample breasts together. Batgirl finished the move by clasping clasped together just in front of her womanhood; with an ever so helpless look on her face.

Putting his gun away, the Tom relaxed and moved in to secure her hands. He never knew what hit him, as Batgirl sprayed him with the knock-out gas. He was out before he hit the ground. The innocent girlish look faded and she was back to being Batgirl. She checked him for weapons and secured him with her Bat Cuffs. Next, Batgirl applied super strong plastic riot-control straps to his ankles and gagged him as well. She was just putting on her utility belt when Minx arrived on the scene. Batgirl was in a crouching position, looking up the point of a nullifier, as Minx stood above her.

"Hello again, Batgirl. Get up very slowly and raise your hands, keeping them away from your utility belt. Then take off the utility belt very slowly without any tricks. Do you understand?"

"I understand Minx. What have you done with Nightwing?"

"Since you won't be around to do anything about it Batgirl, I'll tell you. Catwoman has taken Nightwing to the river with diving gear to retrieve the jewels she's hidden there. When he gets them for her, Catwoman's going to kill him with a lethal dose of catnip. Catwoman's left you for me and I've got some delicious plans for you. Now, get up, Batgirl."

Batgirl slowly brought her body up to a standing position. When she didn't move to take off her utility belt, but instead moved into a defensive position, Minx smiled. Throwing the nullifier aside, Minx attacked first attempting a kick to Batgirl's groin. Batgirl was just able to block this as she spun around and connected with a weak kick of her own to Minx's chin. Minx was slammed against the house's outer wall face first and she pretended to be hurt. Relaxing, Batgirl stepped up behind Minx and tried to handcuff her, but Minx elbowed Batgirl in the face. Caught completely off guard by the sudden attack, Batgirl never knew what hit her as Minx sent her knee into Batgirl's stomach, followed shortly afterwards by her fists, slamming down upon Batgirl's neck. Batgirl doubled over in pain and went down, hitting the ground hard. Batgirl attempted to get back up but Minx took advantage of Batgirl's weakened position by kicking Batgirl's left breast, sending her back to the ground again. Dazed, Batgirl lay on her back, motionless, moaning softly in pain. Minx walked up to Batgirl's prone body and tried to plant a boot on her neck, but Batgirl was able to grab the foot in the nick of time. Batgirl held Minx's foot for a moment then twisted it, sending Minx falling towards the open yard; but Minx was able to recover and delivered a hard sweeping kick to Batgirl's face as she was getting up. Minx continued to punch Batgirl in her face and stomach, pushing the weakened Batgirl back against the wall of the house. Minx gave her everything she had and continued the assault until she was sure the fight was out of Batgirl. When Minx was absolutely sure, she sent a knee into Batgirl's unprotected groin and stepped back. With her head falling back and a final stifled groan, Batgirl slowly slumped to the ground unconscious. Minx laughed then used her foot to turn Batgirl's limp body over onto her back. Testing Batgirl to make sure she was out of it, Minx slapped Batgirl's breasts several times, trying to get some reaction from the fallen superheroine; but Batgirl was momentarily unconscious and didn't feel the attack. Finally, Minx planted a boot between Batgirl's breasts and claimed final victory.

"It was a pleasure doing the business to you Batgirl. Nightwing will share the same fate once he enters the river. Catwoman gets to kill him and I get the pleasure of killing you. We'll leave the Huntress to the toms."

Minx kneeled down beside Batgirl's lifeless body and caressed her cheek. Smiling, she reached up and removed Batgirl's mask with her right hand while she reach into the pouch resting on her hips with her left one. Shortly a newspaper clipping appeared, showing Barbara Gordon accepting a gift for the main library two months before. Placing the newspaper article besides Batgirl's unmasked face, Minx called Batgirl by her real name..., Barbara Gordon. Using her left hand, she then began to draw slow circles on Batgirl's right breast, moving ever so closer to the nipple, while using her right hand to rub Batgirl's womanhood. Even knocked senseless, Batgirl's body began to respond and this delighted Minx. She was just reaching across Batgirl's dazed body to grab the left breast when a bottle of Bat Knock-out Spray appeared in her face, a fine mist emitting from the container. Taken by surprise, she inhaled before she knew what was happening, and fell unconscious across Batgirl's prone body. They both laid there for a few minutes, as Batgirl was too weak to even move. Later, with some effort, Batgirl was able to roll the now sleeping Minx off of her. Batgirl slowly rose and began binding Minx's hands and feet. Hearing the Tom behind her, Batgirl gave him another dose of the knock-out gas.

Batgirl replaced her mask and staggered off towards the river and Catwoman, hoping Nightwing had taken care of her or at least could help. By the time she got to the river, she felt slightly better but was shocked to see Nightwing laying half in the water unconscious, looking pale and wearing dive gear. She looked around and saw bubbles down river and could also see Catwoman heading for the jewels.

Batgirl pulled Nightwing's wet body from the river and turned him over, checking for a pulse and found one. Looking his body over for possible injuries, Batgirl checked Nightwing's ribs and chest for possible sore spots. Batgirl felt his labored breathing and noticed a feint red mark on Nightwing's neck and instantly recognized it as the point of entry for a nullifier. Working fast, Batgirl removed her Bat Poison Analyzer from her utility belt and ran it across the mark on Nightwing's neck, checking for any residue of the drug and discovered it had lethal concentrations. Batgirl was scared as she fished out all 9 Bat Anti-toxin pills and shoved them in Nightwing's mouth, hoping they would do the job. Batgirl knew she couldn't wait for Nightwing to recover as this might allow Catwoman to escape yet again. However, Batgirl also knew she would be no match for the Catwoman in a fight. Underwater, it might be different. She may even have an edge. It was a risk she would have to take. Batgirl unfastened the dive gear from Nightwing's body, and pulled him to higher ground, hiding him behind several fallen rocks. Next, Batgirl removed her cape and placed it under Nightwing's head. Finally, Batgirl took her utility belt off as it would only be in the way, laying it down next to his body. Looking at her lover for a moment, Batgirl leaned down and gave him an ever so soft kiss on his lips. Placing her hand on his chest for a few moments, She donned the dive gear, checking the gauges and other features before diving after Catwoman.

Catwoman was just picking up the first sack of jewels when she heard a splash above her. Thinking it was Nightwing, she turned to fight it out. Catwoman was pleasantly surprised to see Batgirl coming towards her. She dropped the sack and assumed a defensive position, with her back against a large boulder, a dive knife in her right hand. Seeing the knife, Batgirl checked for her knife and found nothing. She began to have second thoughts and hesitated, but with the river's current took Batgirl towards Catwoman and the knife. Batgirl had to think of something, but her head hurt from the earlier fighting and now from the pressure of the water on her skull. Batgirl was lucky, as Catwoman's first swipe missed and Batgirl was able to grab the arm holding the knife. But Catwoman took advantage of this and climbed onto Batgirl's back and began to close off the air supply. Thinking fast, Batgirl flipped Catwoman over, sending Catwoman falling towards the boulder. At the last minute, Catwoman was able to recover by twisting around and sent Batgirl's body face first into the rock instead. Batgirl was stunned and defenseless. Catwoman pulled Batgirl off the rock, twisted her around, and sent her knee to Batgirl's stomach, knocking the regulator out of Batgirl's mouth. Batgirl grabbed for the precious regulator pulling it back to her mouth which left her open for yet another series of punches to her midsection and groin. Batgirl's body couldn't take the punishment and she began to weaken. Every time Batgirl attempted to block a punch Catwoman would simply throw Batgirl's arms aside and deliver one of her own. Soon it was over. Catwoman watched as Batgirl's eyes rolled into the top of her head and she was rendered unconscious.

Catwoman pulled the unconscious superheroine down river to a particularly deep section of the river. Next, she unfastened the buckles holding the dive vest around Batgirl's slack body. Holding onto the vest and Batgirl with her left hand, Catwoman slipped Batgirl's right arm from the opening where Batgirl's arm should have been and placed her arm along side Batgirl's body inside of the vest itself. Catwoman switched hands, holding onto the vest and Batgirl with her right hand as she repeated the procedure until both of Batgirl's arms were along side Batgirl's body inside the vest. Catwoman reconnected the buckles closing the vest around Batgirl's body, sealing her arms at her sides. Being unconscious, Batgirl was oblivious to Catwoman's action and the deadly peril facing her. Catwoman removed the weights from her own dive vest and added them to Batgirl's, adding up the weights as she went. Catwoman counted twenty-four pounds of weights, which Catwoman thought should be more than adequate to do the job. Next, Catwoman held onto the release valve of Batgirl's octopus, allowing the precious life sustaining air to escape from Batgirl's tank. She stopped at three hundred pounds, because it just wouldn't be any fun to have Batgirl die too quickly. Finally, Catwoman released all the air in the vest's bladder and allowed Batgirl's lifeless body to sink to the bottom and certain death. As a final thought, Catwoman dove down to Batgirl's slowly suffocating form and removed the dive fins covering Batgirl's booted feet. She next tied ropes around Batgirl's ankles and knees to prevent Batgirl from escaping even if Batgirl should regain consciousness before she runs out of air. Smiling inwardly as a purely devious thought entered her mind, Catwoman began to stroke Batgirl's costume just above the labia sending chilling sensations through Batgirl's entire body. After several minutes of this, Batgirl came alive as her body orgasmed. Moaning sensually through her regulator, Batgirl kept her eyes closed as her body was absorbed in the total feeling of sexual ecstasy. After several moments, the floating sensations drifted away ands Batgirl slowly opened her eyes. Batgirl's body still writhed in the feelings of afterglow as her eyes began to focus. Seeing Catwoman hovering near her in scuba gear, Batgirl was suddenly shocked into awareness as she became aware of her predicament. Her eyes wide with suffocating fear, Batgirl began to struggle, trying to break free of her bonds, until Catwoman touched Batgirl's shivering body, just above her sex. Catwoman reached behind Batgirl and picked up the consol displaying all the gauges. Placing the consol in front of Batgirl's face, Catwoman pointed to each of the displayed gauges, one at a time, to show Batgirl exactly what she faced. Looking intently at the gauges, Batgirl noticed she was over close to thirty feet down. Now she understood why her head was pounding so much. Looking at the air gauge brought renewed fear to her clouded mind as she read the gauge. It was already in the red, as the gauge displayed two-hundred-fifty pounds of air. Catwoman's face was aglow as she allowed the consol to drop behind Batgirl's back. Batgirl tried to see where the consol went but with her arms secured at her sides in the vest, she knew it was hopeless. Batgirl knew she had to conserve her air supply, as rapid breathing was the enemy here every bit as much as was Catwoman.

Taking a deep breath, Batgirl closed her eyes and relaxed, allowing her heart to slow down to conserve the air. Catwoman watched Batgirl relax and decided that just wouldn't do. Reaching down to Batgirl's legs, Catwoman began to rub Batgirl's costume covering her sensitive thighs. Upon feeling Catwoman's touch on her thighs, Batgirl opened her eyes momentarily as awareness seethed into her brain. Catwoman wasn't going to allow her to relax, but keep her excited, causing Batgirl to expend more of her precious air. Batgirl closed her eyes again as she tried to fight the renewed tingling sensations cursing through body. Catwoman continued her slow rubbing and stroking of Batgirl's thighs, watching with glee as Batgirl tried to control her body's excitement. Catwoman suddenly switched to rubbing her hand across Batgirl's latex enclosed sex, almost bubbling over with excitement when Batgirl's whole body arched backwards as her body's excitement increased ten-fold. Batgirl knew she was losing the battle with her own body. No matter how much she tried, Batgirl could not relieve the pressures building deep within her own sex. Her eyes going wide with excitement and fear, Batgirl gave in to her feelings and climaxed shortly there after. Catwoman felt the surging juices flowing beneath her hand as she continued to stroke Batgirl's womanhood. The area of Batgirl's costume located above her sex, warmed as the hot cum made contact with the latex. Catwoman continued to stroke the over sensitive area, forcing Batgirl's tired body to build with excitement once more. The next orgasm hit Batgirl like a bolt of lightning, sending her body into spasms. Batgirl's eyes fluttered in near semi-consciousness, as Catwoman swam away, leaving Batgirl on the river's bottom, aroused and helpless.

Batgirl was still swimming in ecstasy as her mind slowly began to shut down. Batgirl knew there was no escape as she lay on the bottom, her head splitting from the pressure of depth, as her heart raced from the repeated sex. Any moment now she would run out of air and slip into blissful oblivion and die. Seconds later, just as Batgirl was accepting her fate, a submerged log made contact with her bound body, shocking Batgirl to alertness. Batgirl knew she couldn't give in and she began to formulate a plan to escape. Nightwing was in mortal danger and would need her help to defeat Catwoman. Taking a deep breath to calm her mind, Batgirl started to access her situation. She knew she was thirty feet down, resting on the bottom of a river, in water that was clear and very cold. Batgirl knew she was bound, her arms confined within the dive vest surrounding her purple latex-clad body, with her knees and ankles tied with ropes. What Batgirl didn't know, was the amount of air remaining in her scuba tank. Batgirl looked down at her chest and looked at the three closed buckles, securing the vest to her shivering body. Batgirl tried to move her arms inside the vest, but it was too tight. Exhaling a lungful of air, Batgirl found she could move her arms a little before she inhaled again. Batgirl thought she could escape if she exhaled the air from her lungs, but that was infinitely dangerous as a diver was never to hold their breath under water. Trying to move, Batgirl found it was useless unless her lungs were empty of air. Batgirl had no choice. If she was to escape, Batgirl would have to risk serious injury to accomplish the task. Releasing her air, Batgirl began to move her right arm inside the vest. Batgirl was just able to bend her wrist enough to finger the bottom most buckle before she had to take another breath. Releasing her air once more, Batgirl continued to work on the clasp, trying to release the lock binding her freezing body. Batgirl's fingers, shaking from the intense cold of the water, fumbled with the lock. Stars appeared before Batgirl's eyes before she inhaled a second time, but very little air came from the tank. Fear edged in Batgirl's mind as she realized her air had run out, leaving her helpless on the bottom. She was still no closer to freeing herself and she didn't know how long she could last without air. Batgirl knew she was wasting precious time, but she no other choice. Finally, with one last concerted effort, Batgirl released her remaining lungful of air and worked on the clasp. Batgirl was just able to get two fingers around the clasp long enough to press the sides together, opening the lock. The second and third clasps proved to be no problem as Batgirl was now able to move her arms freely within the vest.

Batgirl removed the vest and was about to let it fall when she remembered that as she went to the surface any remaining air left in the tank would expand and give her at least one more breath. Quickly putting the vest on once more, Batgirl started to climb up a large root covered boulder to the surface and the precious life sustaining air. Halfway up the boulder, the rope binding Batgirl's ankles suddenly became entangled on a small tree root, causing Batgirl to stop in her emergency assent. Batgirl lowered her shivering body and began dealing with the latest peril. Becoming dizzy from the lack of air, Batgirl attempted to inhale from the tank but there wasn't any air to inhale. Panicking, Batgirl gave up on the root and began clawing her way up the root system, as her air-starved brain began seeking the food it so desperately needed to live. Batgirl's last-ditch efforts placed unbearable pressure on the rope surrounding her ankles. At the last possible instant, the rope separated freeing Batgirl's ankles, allowing her to move upwards towards the surface. Batgirl was on the verge of blacking out when she was able to inhale a small amount of air from the tank. Resting a moment, allowing the air to enter her lungs, Batgirl remembered she had yet to release the weights packed into the vest. They were slowing her down. Releasing the weights, Batgirl assumed her assent to the surface, her head pushing its way above the water mere moments later. Hanging onto the roots at the water's edge, Batgirl greedily gulped the air which sustained her life, allowing her brain and her oxygen-starved lungs to regain their strength. Minutes later, Batgirl released the dive vest and scuba tank allowing them to sink to the bottom. Resting a few more minutes, Batgirl scanned the area for Catwoman and looked at the river bank located some twenty feet away. She knew it would be a difficult swim with her knees tied by ropes, so Batgirl leaned down and began pushing the rope down her water-slick latex covered legs. Batgirl climbed up onto the network of roots until she was safely out of the water. Looking around her, she gradually figured out she was still in the middle of the river, as the tree was several feet from the shore. Collapsing to the roots, Batgirl closed her eyes and rested. She knew she was to tired to swim the distance to the bank, so she laid at the base of the tree as she collected her strength. She could just make out Catwoman's laugh up river and in the distance as she fell asleep.

It was near dusk when Batgirl began to stir. Her body ached from head to toe, and she had trouble concentrating for any length of time. Batgirl knew she was wasted and needed more time to recover, but she needed to get out of the river and unto higher, safer ground; as she was a sitting target at the base of the tree. She couldn't believe she had slept that long and upon getting back in the water, she wished she hadn't. The water felt decidedly colder as she had been lying in the hot afternoon sun, and her body, though refreshed from the coolness of the water on her latex catsuit was shocked by its affects. Taking one last look at the distant river bank, Batgirl pushed her tired body of the boulder and began to swim diagonally to the shore. Halfway to the river bank, Batgirl was suddenly caught by unexpectedly strong currents flowing to a series or rapids several hundred yards down river. Batgirl was helpless to resist its force as her exhausted body got caught up in the flow. Entering the rapids, Batgirl thrashed about in the raging river, her wasted body impacting against several large submerged boulders until she made contact with a forked tree trunk. Batgirl hit the tree trunk with her back and her body became tightly wedged upright into the "V" of the trunk. Her body, caught in the tight "V" at her waist, was forced backwards, as the rapidly moving water moved over her chest and shoulders, forcing her body to bend backwards towards the "V". Her legs, trapped below the water were bent back as well. Batgirl found it hard to breath as the rushing torrents continually pushed her head under the water's surface. Fighting the relentless current, Batgirl used all her remaining strength to push herself up onto the drier portion of the tree. Resting a moment to regain her strength, Batgirl took advantage of the tree's position in the river, using the tree's branches to pull herself to shallower water and the dry river bank beyond. Batgirl was wrecked as she crawled up the bank and collapsed to the ground, breathing heavily from the effort.

Even as she rested, Batgirl knew she had to act. Nightwing was unconscious, and should he be discovered, faced deadly peril as he lay unmoving behind the rocks upriver. Pushing her physically exhausted body to her feet, Batgirl began to stagger towards Nightwing and certain danger at the hands of Minx and Catwoman. Batgirl's sluggish mind prevented her from thinking clearly, as she stumbled along the trail falling several times in the process. Unable to maintain her balance, Batgirl fell to the ground, yelling out in agony, as her left ankle twisted back between two small rocks. Picking herself up minutes later, Batgirl moved on towards Nightwing. Hearing a sound to her right, Batgirl pivoted on her sprained left ankle and went down in pain; sliding down the hill again to the same mud-filled hole she was trapped in earlier in the day. Batgirl frantically grabbed at anything as she attempted to arrest her fall, but her efforts were in vain as she slid further and further down the hill. Moments later, her battered body fell into the mud. Trapped and totally helpless, Batgirl lay exhausted as fatigue overcame her and she fell unconscious; just as her tired, spent body sank into the mud.