Batgirl and Nightwing: The Gratham Estate Affair: Chapter 6

Author: Dark Roles
Time to Read:92min
Added Date:7/10/2024
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Tags: CatwomanNightwingBatgirl


This Story contains scenes of violence, rape, bondage, and other sexual situations, which are not appropriate for anyone under the age of eighteen. If you are under the age of eighteen, do not read this story. If you are offended

by this material, do not read any further.

Batgirl, Nightwing, Catwoman, Minx, and all other characters, were created by and are copyrighted by and are property of DC Comics. This story has been written solely to occupy my free time. No compensation has been or will be received for this story. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and cannot be redistributed for the purposes of making money or profit.

Any similarities between names, characters, and places in this story are purely coincidence.


Catwoman has finally ended Batgirl's and Nightwing's lives, or so she thinks, and makes plans to take care of the Huntress before retiring to a life of wealth.

Catwoman reached the surface minutes after leaving Batgirl helpless and running out of air on the river's bottom. Climbing out of the water, she removed the dive vest, allowing it to drop to the bottom and removed her fins and dive mask. Throwing the various dive items aside, Catwoman held the recovered jewels in front of her face. She thought it had been a good day, all said and done, as most of her goals had been attained. Nightwing lay defeated, dead from a lethal dose of catnip; Batgirl was thirty feet down in the river, helpless, sexually excited, and running out of air, and she now had three million in jewels in her possession, making her the wealthiest jewel thief around. Catwoman was so exuberant with the current change of events, that she failed to notice Nightwing's missing body.

Looking down from the heights above, Minx silently joined in the celebration as she plotted how to take care of Catwoman. She had her own ideas regarding the jewels and she was getting tired of playing second fiddle to the Catwoman. Looking downriver, Minx smiled as she saw Batgirl's unconscious body, slowly sinking in the mud. Batgirl was Barbara Gordon, that was a fact even the Catwoman didn't know and Minx was going to use that for all its worth. Watching the helpless superheroine sink to her death, Minx wondered if Batgirl knew the Huntress's secret identity and perhaps Nightwing's as well. She didn't really care as she would soon discover their identities before she killed them. Then she would take care of Catwoman; walking away with the coup of her life; three dead hero's and three million in jewels.

Minx made her way down the cliff, while keeping an ever watchful eye on Batgirl's mud caked body. Reaching the pit, Minx lowered her body on her haunches and observed the crime fighter. Batgirl wasn't quite as unconscious as Minx had thought, but was in fact awake, just too weak to escape the trap.

"Batgirl, you look simply delicious down there. You must have enjoyed making mud pies when you were a child."

"Minx..., me. I'm stuck and too weak to get out."

"Yes I know. That's why I came down here actually. I want to watch you sink to your death. Just imagine, sinking below the surface of the thick mud. I wonder, will you drown or will you suffocate?"

"I'm..., not sinking anymore Minx. As I stay perfectly still, my body won't sink. But..., you've got to help me. I can't stay still for long. This mud's warm, and the warmer it gets the more I'll sink. Please..., Minx, I beg you..., help me."

"You need my help? No problem Batgirl. I have just the thing. Hold on a second and I'll be right back."

Batgirl watched Minx as she walked several yards down stream. She hated asking, even begging for Minx's help, but she was desperate. Batgirl knew she was way too spent to get out on her own and having a sprained ankle didn't help. Batgirl watched as Minx started back. By the way she was walking, Batgirl knew she had to be carrying something heavy. Minutes later, Minx returned with a large rock and proceeded to drop it on Batgirl. Stuck fast in the thick mud, Batgirl was totally helpless as the rock descended towards her vulnerable body, screaming out in shear agony as the large rock impacted with her stomach. Batgirl groaned in mind clogging pain as her delicately balanced body began to sink even further into the mud and certain death. Minx started laughing as she rose to her feet. Seconds later, she was still laughing as she left, climbing back up the cliff and disappearing over the horizon. Batgirl could still hear her mocking laugh as her chest sank below the surface.

Meanwhile, Nightwing had regained consciousness. Trying to move, he realized he had a splitting headache and his muscles were extremely stiff. He knew this was a result of the drugs, but he couldn't understand how he had gotten behind the rocks. The last thing he remembered was falling near the river's edge. Thinking to himself, he concluded the only possible solution was Batgirl. But why had she left him and where was she now. Picking himself up, he suddenly noticed Catwoman removing her dive gear and he ducked back behind the rocks again. If he was lucky, she hadn't seen him, as he was still to weak to mount any kind of defense. As he was sitting behind the rock, his hand touched a smooth metal object, which didn't have any business being there. Looking down he saw Batgirl's utility belt and her cape. He knew what Batgirl must have done. Batgirl had gone after Catwoman but was somehow overpowered and was still on the river's bottom. Knowing he had little time, Nightwing watched as Catwoman made her way back up the trail leading to the estate's compound. Moving from behind the rock outcropping, Nightwing began to frantically search the river bank and the river bottom from the shore. Several hectic minutes later he found the discarded dive gear and ropes, lying on the bottom of the river; but not Batgirl. She had escaped, but to where, and in what condition? Nightwing was able to find where she had left the river, several yards below the rapids. Tracking her, Nightwing eventually came to point where they had slid into the mud pit yesterday. He was just turning his gaze to the pit itself when he saw Batgirl's face slipping below the surface of the mud. Running as fast as he could, Nightwing jumped into the mud and slowly pulled Batgirl's head from the goo. Moments later, Batgirl opened her eyes and smiled, thanking him for the save. Wiping the excess mud away from her face, Nightwing asked is she was all right and Batgirl nodded her head. Fighting the mud's hold on his body, Nightwing reached into his utility belt and pulled out his grappling gun. Aiming it at a nearby tree, he fired the weapon, wrapping Bat cord around the tree's trunk. Minutes later he began to pull them both out of the death trap and unto the harder ground. After resting for several more minutes, Nightwing picked Batgirl up and carried her to the river, where he proceeded to wash the mud off her curvaceous body. It was nearly nightfall when Nightwing carried Batgirl's tired body to the spot where she had left him earlier. Setting her down, he looked at her ankle with concern.

"Batgirl, if you remove your boot I can take a look at that ankle."

"No. It actually feels better now. I think the mud helped it. But, can we build a fire here? I'm getting cold."

"No, it's too dangerous. We can use the emergency heat blankets in our utility belts to stay warm and use your cape for an extra blanket. As for a pillow, well, you can lean on me all night. Batgirl, I think I have a plan to capture these two women, But I'll need your help. Do you think you're up to it?"

"I think so, Nightwing. After I get some much needed sleep, I will be."

"Yeah, I'm so tired right now I can hardly keep my head up....."

Even before Nightwing finished his reply to Batgirl's last statement, Batgirl began to giggle. Her giggling only increased when he stopped in mid sentence and stared openly at her. Nightwing was simply dumbfounded as to what was so funny and his expression clearly showed it. Each time Batgirl looked at him her giggling fit would start all over again. Finally having had enough of her giggling at his expense, Nightwing reached out and grabbed Batgirl by the arms.

"What is so funny Batgirl?"

"You said you were so tired right now that you could hardly keep your head up."

"Yeah so?"

"Most men have a hard time keeping their head up for very long."

Finishing her explanation, Batgirl fell into another long giggling session as Nightwing tried to understand what she was talking about. Seeing her glances at his groin, Nightwing suddenly understood and his face turned a bright shade of pink. Nightwing decided to get back at his tormentor and began to tickle Batgirl's body just under her arms. This sent Batgirl into a laughing frenzy, as she tried to fight his advances on her very ticklish body. Before Batgirl could wake up the entire neighborhood with her laughing, Nightwing planted a desperate, hungry kiss on her fully parted lips. Her laughing ended moments later as Batgirl returned the passionate kiss, holding on to Nightwing for dear life. The two hero's renewed their love for one another long into the night, with Batgirl eventually falling asleep, cradled in Nightwing's strong arms.

Discussing the plan the next morning, Nightwing and Batgirl set out to capture first Catwoman then Minx. Catwoman was easily captured as she loaded the whisker for her escape later in the day. She was so shocked by Nightwing's sudden appearance that she never saw Batgirl's punch to her chin until it was too late. Minx was harder to capture as she at first used the Huntress as a shield. Placing a gun the Huntress's head, Minx demanded that Batgirl and Nightwing surrender, but an unexpected movement by the Huntress distracted her long enough for Batgirl to attack. Telling Nightwing to attend to the Huntress, Batgirl rushed Minx, throwing her body at the feline vixen and sending them both to the floor. The two women rolled around on the floor, exchanging punches and kicks to each other's bodies for several minutes. Half way into the fight, Minx was able to get in a lucky blow to the side of Batgirl's head which momentarily dazed the heroine. Rolling Batgirl onto her back, Minx straddled her and began to pummel Batgirl's chest with her fists, until Batgirl sent a hard blow to Minx's stomach, knocking the wind out of the criminal. While still lying on her back, Batgirl delivered a right hook to Minx's chin which sent the young woman to the floor and unconsciousness moments later.

Putting the two criminals in an unused meat locker, Nightwing called the local police and waited for their arrival. Meanwhile, Batgirl attended to the Huntress's injuries and brought her up to date on the action. Leaving the Huntress in the guest bedroom to sleep, Batgirl joined Nightwing as he waited for the officers. They arrived at the Ranch house about an hour later, and were escorted to the meat locker and their prisoners. Nightwing unlocked the door, and led them in, only to have one of the deputies tell him to stop where he was. Nightwing turned around and saw one of the guards holding a knife to Batgirl’s throat. Before he could react, Catwoman walked over and greeted her gang, asking about the real police. The guard with the knife at Batgirl’s throat said they were not policemen any more. Smiling, Catwoman walked up to Nightwing and removed his utility belt, while the Tom cat removed Batgirl’s. He then ran his hand over her latex covered pussy and said they had unfinished business. Catwoman stopped this however, and instructed the toms to bag the hero's.

Using riot control straps, the toms tied Batgirl's elbows tightly behind her back, sending excruciating pain through her arms. Next, they used the straps on her wrists and ankles, completing the tie by connecting each of these with ropes. Before placing Batgirl's hopelessly bound body in the bag, Minx decided to add a rope around her slim waist. Smiling deviously, she attached a knotted rope to the front Batgirl's waist rope. Next, Minx ran the rope between Batgirl's tied legs and then up her back to the hook placed above Batgirl's head. As Batgirl's weight settled on the hook, the knotted crotch rope dug deeply into Batgirl's crotch, sending intense pain through her stretched body. Batgirl was groaning in pain as the toms completed their ties on Nightwing, adding his body to the meat hook resting beside Batgirl's. Checking his bonds, Nightwing knew they were totally helpless and trapped. He could do nothing but watch minutes later as Catwoman placed her trank gun near Batgirl's neck and fired, sending the young heroine into unconsciousness moments later. Walking up to Nightwing, Catwoman repeated the process sending him into a deep sleep seconds later.

Nightwing awoke sometime later and began to access their dilemma. Without their utility belts he knew it was virtually hopeless. There was no way out. Soon however, the door opened and 3 toms came in to get Batgirl. They removed her from the plastic bag and began to leave; but upon Nightwing's protest, they took him instead. He was carried to a large room with only one door and no windows. They removed the bag and allowed Nightwing to stand up. Next, Catwoman sauntered in and described the planned activity. Nightwing was to fight his way out of this room, past the three toms, to rescue Batgirl. If he was successful, they would live and no harm would come to them. But, if Nightwing failed, the toms would go to work on Batgirl. Nightwing knew it sounded easy enough, but there had to be some hidden aspects to the game. But after all, he really had no choice in the matter, and agreed. Catwoman left the room and the trial began.

Nightwing was holding his own well enough since the toms had no combat training, until the rules changed, with the lights suddenly blanking out, even as the fight went on. The toms wore some sort of night vision glasses while Nightwing, fighting without his utility belt, had none. The first blow came to his back which threw him into another punch to his guts. Stunned, Nightwing just stood there and allowed another blow to connect with his chin. This threw him across the room and into the far wall. Moments later a tom turned Nightwing around and delivered three successive blows to his midsection, before Nightwing was able to connect with one of his own to the tom's face. Surprised by the punch, the tom became mad and let out a curse, which provided Nightwing with another chance to attack him. As he was still talking, Nightwing connected with a series of jabs to his stomach and chest, followed by a final one to his face. Dazed beyond comprehension, the first tom cat went down. Almost immediately Nightwing was attacked from behind, as another tom sent a punch to the back of his head, sending the young crime fighter to the floor. Dazed, Nightwing was an easy target for a kick to his stomach as he attempted to get up.

Fighting to stay awake, Nightwing slowly got to his feet only to be grabbed by a tom from behind and held in an arm lock. A third tom used Nightwing as a punching bag, delivering several hits to his face, chin, chest, and stomach. Finally, the attacker told the second tom to release Nightwing, thinking he would go down for the count, but Nightwing surprised them all by delivering a back kick to the second tom standing behind him. Taking advantage of their confusion, he sent two punches to the third tom who had been surprised by the assault. Nightwing continued to switch fighting partners until the second tom was down and out of it. Growing tired, Nightwing knew he had to finish the fight soon, as he was getting weaker by the minute. Even as he was trying to figure out a way to end the fight, the third tom lunged at him and drove his body to the wall.

Stunned by the sudden impact with the wall, Nightwing attempted to bring both hands down on the tom's back to force him to release the hero, but the man held on in a full bear hug, squeezing the air out of Nightwing's lungs. Stars were beginning to appear before his eyes when he finally managed to break the hold; sending a series of hits to the tom's back and neck. This was followed shortly be three knee kicks to his stomach. The tom collapsed to the floor, pulling Nightwing down with him, still locked in the bear hug. Upon impact with the concrete floor, the tom's hold on Nightwing weakened and the hero was able to deliver a finishing blow to his guts, which doubled the tom over, rendering him unconscious. Staggering, Nightwing searched out the door, found it and began to exit. Upon opening the door however, a fist connected to his face, sending him back into the room and into the waiting arms of the refreshed first tom. Too weak from the long fight, Nightwing momentarily lost consciousness and collapsed. Groaning in pain, Nightwing had to be supported by two members of the gang as Catwoman walked into the room. Grabbing Nightwing's sweat-matted hair, she pulled his face up to look in his eyes, which were glazed over. Smiling deviously, she took him from the toms arms and gave him a warm, moist kiss. With the kiss over, Catwoman delivered a swift kick to Nightwing's groin, doubling the young hero over with intense pain. Seconds later, she released him, letting him fall to the ground. Nightwing could barely move as she ordered the men to take him back to the meat locker.

Hearing footsteps by the door, Batgirl moved into a defensive position and prepared to fight. As the door opened, however, two men brandishing guns entered the room protecting two others dragging something behind them. They dropped Nightwing on the floor, backed out and shut the door, securing the locks as they left. Watching the door for a few seconds longer, Batgirl moved to Nightwing's side and began checking him for injuries. Seeing he was totally out of it, Batgirl allowed him to rest while trying to plan some form of escape from the small room. It was nearly 30 minutes before the young hero began to move, and when he did she told him to lay still. Nightwing was more than happy to comply, being to weak and to spent, to sit up; let alone stand. Batgirl began to discuss a possible plan of escape when she heard footsteps approaching the door again. Placing her hand on Nightwing's chest, Batgirl instructed him to stay still and stood up to face the new challenge. Minx entered the room moments later with three toms acting in support, including the original tomcat. Looking down at Nightwing's weakened body, she told the toms to take him for more questioning. Minx then proceeded to walk towards Nightwing, but Batgirl moved in front of his body and assumed her famous pose; with her legs slightly apart, and her hands resting on her hips.

Minx stopped in front of Batgirl, their hot latex-clad bodies only scant inches apart and told her to move aside. Defiant, Batgirl stood her ground as she folded her arms across her chest and glared at Minx. Minx simply looked back at the Dark Angel with a bland expression on her face as she punched Batgirl in the stomach; knocking the wind out of her and doubling Batgirl over in pain. Even as Batgirl grabbed her abused stomach, Minx grabbed her hair, picked her up, and delivered another punch, to Batgirl's chin. The sheer force of the blow sent the young heroine to her knees. Looking behind her, Minx told two of the toms to pick Batgirl up and hold her. Placing brass knuckles on her hand, Minx delivered a solid punch to Batgirl's stomach again, sending excruciating pain up her spine to her brain. Stunned, fighting unconsciousness, Batgirl's head fell forward, resting on her ample chest, as Minx laughed out loud. Walking back over to the weakened superheroine, Minx lifted Batgirl's head by the chin and smiled at her.

"If it wasn't for the toms standing here Batgirl, you'd be dead by now. I've had all I'm going to take from you. The next time I tell you to move, remember your place and obey."

Batgirl tried to offer some retort to Minx's comment, but her mind was too full of pain to comply. All she could manage was to glare at the feline vixen through narrowed eyes, as she tried to keep up the challenge. Seeing Batgirl's continued defiance, Minx motioned for the toms to release her and as they did Minx sent a kick to her chest, sending Batgirl's body flying to the back wall. Her face hit the steel wall with a thud seconds later, knocking the wind out of Batgirl again. Groaning loudly, Batgirl tried to use the wall for support. Walking up to the weakened adventuress, Minx grabbed Batgirl's hair once more and slammed her face into the wall. Next, she turned Batgirl around and held her to the wall by her neck, choking off Batgirl's air supply. Seeing Batgirl's eyes close as her body went slack, Minx released her, and Batgirl slowly slid down the wall to the floor, and blissful unconsciousness.

Minx instructed the toms to carry Nightwing to the bedroom and prepare him for questioning. Looking at the original tomcat, Minx ordered him to leave the room for a few moments and stand outside the door until called upon. Once Minx was alone, she returned to stand above the unconscious Batgirl. Kneeling beside Batgirl's prone body, she took in the delicious view. Since they had first met, Minx had begun to appreciate Batgirl's well defined muscles and shapely body. She could see why Nightwing was attracted to this woman. Minx knew she was slowly becoming attracted to Batgirl as well, a condition taught her by the Catwoman and her lesbian ways. Running her gloved hand down Batgirl's supple body, Minx was delighted with the feel of the skin-tight latex covering Batgirl's skin. Lost in the moment, she found herself fantasizing about having sex with Batgirl. Moments later, Minx stretched out beside the superheroine's sleeping body and licked the latex covering Batgirl's beautiful ass. Remembering her mission, Minx began to search for the concealed zipper enclosing Batgirl's taut body. Finding the hidden zipper, Minx unzipped Batgirl's costume and inserted paper-thin, remote controlled vibrator patches to Batgirl's sleeping body. She positioned the larger one around the edges of Batgirl's womanhood, inserting a specially designed, ultra-thin dildo into Batgirl's sex.

"You'll in for a big surprise Batgirl. When I turn on the little control box in my hand, these super thin vibrators will activate, sending incredibly intense sensations across your womanhood. Soon, their vibrations will run up this specially designed dildo, whipping it against your ultra-sensitive clitoris; sending un-imaginable surges of pain and pleasure up your body. Eventually Batgirl, you'll attack your own body, ripping your costume off with your bare hands, before going after your own genitalia. But to keep you busy, I'm also going to attach these vibrators to your breasts. These little beauties totally surround your nipples, sending miniature electrical charges around the edges of each nipple. Between the nipple vibrations and the pussy vibrations Batgirl, you will eventually be driven stark raving mad. And there's not a thing you can do to fight it. I'm going to enjoy watching you die Batgirl."

Fascinated that such a small, delicate piece of fishing line could be used as a devastatingly lethal dildo, Minx finished up on Batgirl's lower genitalia by implanting the devious little dildo. Next, she very carefully glued the nipple vibrators around Batgirl's perfectly rounded areolas, making sure the electrical fibers made contact with each side of the nipple themselves. Finishing up on Batgirl's body, she re-zipped the costume, only to test the palm-held control box. Moments later, Minx watched in total glee as Batgirl's body started to writhe in complete ecstasy. Calling the original tomcat back in, she instructed him to stay there and watch Batgirl, until called for. He simply smiled and nodded his head.

Meanwhile. the other cats half carried, half dragged Nightwing's body to the bedroom and waited for Minx to arrive. Once there, she told them to place him on the bed and leave. They did as they were instructed and left the room. Looking at Nightwing's semiconscious body lying on the bed, Minx took out several lengths of rope and began to tie him to the bed posts in a classic spread eagle tie. Sitting down beside the helpless hero, Minx looked into his eyes as she caressed his cheek. Trying to resist her advances Nightwing continued to weakly move his head aside but each time she reached for his face and pulled it back. Still fascinated by Nightwing's muscular body, Minx climbed onto the bed and straddled his body. Minutes later, Minx was lying on top of him, stroking his chest with her right hand while she ran her left hand through his rich black hair.

"Nightwing, do you know you look good enough to eat? I can see why Batgirl lusts after this body."

"What have you done to her Minx? If you've hurt her you'll.............Nnngggghhhhh!"

"You should worry less about what I've done to Batgirl and more about what I'm going to do to you, Nightwing."

"I've told you before Minx, you don't turn me on. Now where is Batgirl?"

"Now, now Nightwing. Let's be nice. You'll see her soon enough. As for turning you on, I know I can. It's simply a matter of how to do it."

Minx lowered her face to Nightwing's and began to deliver a series of French kisses to the hero's mouth. Forcing her tongue into his mouth, she explored its inner recesses coming in contact with his tongue seconds later. Finishing the kiss, Minx sat back on his body, allowing her shapely ass to settle on his stomach, and began to remove the upper portion of her costume. Looking down at her own breasts, Minx began to fondle herself bringing her nipples erect almost instantly. Without realizing it, Nightwing started to get excited as he watched Minx play with herself. With her nipples now solid, Minx leaned forward and allowed her small breasts to hang in front of Nightwing's face. she slowly lowered her body to where her breasts rubbed against his face as she moved her body from side to side. Looking at her breasts as they swayed back and forth, Nightwing knew it was impossible to fight the sensations for long and soon his body began to react. Looking down, Minx could see the reaction in his eyes and felt his member grow solid beneath her body as she continued to tease him with her breasts.

Moving her partially exposed body on top of his, Minx began to deliver a succession of small sweet kisses to Nightwing's chest and neck. Nightwing tried to fight the sensations cursing through his body, but he knew Minx would eventually win as he continued to get more and more excited by her presence. Finally, sensing his building excitement, she began to explore the hero's mouth again, planting hot passionate kisses on his mouth, biting his lips, and licking Nightwing's face with her tongue. Knowing Nightwing was close to a climax, Minx slowly moved down his excited body, kissing each part as she went. When Minx finally licked the tight latex covering Nightwing's manhood, he lost all hope of fighting the sensations building deep within his body. Minx continued to kiss Nightwing's jerking body through the costume, alternating between one thigh and the next, bringing him to the point of ecstasy, each time. Nightwing was moaning in pure delight as she moved ever closer to his member with her tongue. After several sexually tense minutes of this, Nightwing couldn’t take any more. His body strained against the ropes as he tried to escape the sexual torment. Knowing Nightwing was hopelessly lost in the heat of the moment, Minx began to lick and suck the costume covering his throbbing member with great intensity. He tried in vain to fight the oncoming climax but to no avail. Moments later, Nightwing came, exploding within his costume, sending cum down between his legs. Sexually weakened from the ordeal, Nightwing fell back to the sheets, physically and mentally exhausted.

Resting a moment with her head laying on Nightwing's chest, Minx came back up to his face, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and began to kiss him anew. Again, Minx's tongue found his and this time they danced within his mouth. Totally spent from the continual sex, Nightwing gave in to her advances and welcomed her passionate, hot kisses. He was at her mercy. Moving down his trembling body again, she began to kiss and suck the costume again, moving back down to Nightwing's thighs which were already ultra-sensitive. She re-applied the methods which had only just recently brought him to the point of sexual bliss. Within seconds, moans began to escape his parched lips as Nightwing announced his pleasure at her advances. Again, she moved her tongue up and down Nightwing's inner thighs, stopping just below his erect member each time. When Minx was mere inches from his throbbing cock, Nightwing expected her to move against his rock solid manhood, but instead she moved back down to his thighs. Allowing his body to relax slightly, Nightwing never expected her sudden attack as she quickly stroked the area just above his already hardened cock with her hot tongue. Using all his control, Nightwing was just able to fight another climax as Minx continued her attack, though he knew he was just delaying the inevitable. Sensing Nightwing's renewed attempts to fight another climax, she leaned down and began to nibble his member with her teeth. This brought him on like never before and he exploded once again into his cum-slick costume. Seconds later, Minx fell across Nightwing's spent body, having climaxed as well.

"I told you I could turn you on Nightwing. But that was just the foreplay. Now the real fun begins. I have a surprise for you Nightwing, something I'm sure you'll remember."

Climbing off Nightwing's prone body, Minx went to a dresser drawer and removed the male vibrator she had used with such devastating effects before. Laying the device on top of Nightwing, Minx fastened the device to his hot, damp body. She plugged the devious device in and thumbed up the controls to a medium setting. Nightwing's head slammed back into the pillows as he remembered the sensations cursing through his body. The ropes became taught once again as Nightwing tried to break them and escape the torture. It was no use however, and he fell back to the bed, in a semi-conscious state. Seeing that all was ready, Minx called for the toms and sent them to get Batgirl. By this time, Nightwing had forgotten all about Batgirl.

After Minx had left the meat locker, the Tom walked over to the prone body of his earlier tormenter. Batgirl had been the only woman to ever defeat him in a fight and he was bent on revenge. Cautiously turning her body over, as if expecting a trap, the tom began to check Batgirl for hidden weapons. He took special care to check between her legs, the cheeks of her beautiful ass, and the cleavage of Batgirl's perfectly rounded breasts. Using both hands, he grabbed Batgirl's tender breasts and started squeezing them. Next he twisted them, occasionally slapping each one in turn. Finally, he began to pinch the already hardening nipples. Noticing no response from his captive, he reverted to grabbing the breasts as a whole again. Eventually, Batgirl’s body began to move, writhing in near ecstasy as the tomcat continued to work her over.

"Uuuuummmmmmmm. Ooohhhhh yes Nightwing..., take me..., you’re turning me on. Please do me..., do me now..., uunuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunhhhhh.”

While emitting more soft moans of pleasure, Batgirl slowly opened her eyes only to realize it wasn’t Nightwing but the Tomcat sexually exciting her. Becoming instantly alert, she attempted to fight, but the tom simply picked Batgirl up by the front of her costume and slammed her head against the wall, knocking her senseless again. Seeing Batgirl was helpless once more, he picked up her body and began to kiss her full on the mouth. At first Batgirl resisted the attack, but her confused and disoriented mind couldn’t hope to fight it, as intense sexual sensations overpowered her already weakened defenses. Within minutes, Batgirl's arms slowly reached up around his neck, as her tongue entered his mouth returning the kiss. Surprised by Batgirl's sudden response, he attacked her with even more vigor. The tomcat continued to French kiss Batgirl, wrapping his tongue around her tongue, while his right hand made its way to the nether region of her costume. Finding her legs closed tightly together, he shoved his hand between them and began to stroke her costume just above her sex. The tom could tell she was excited because the area between her legs was cooler from the dampness held in check below the latex. Laying the sexually excited superheroine on the floor, the tom sent his left hand down to stroke the area of Batgirl's costume just above her womanhood; while nibbling on her latex covered nipples. Batgirl knew it wasn't Nightwing that was arousing her but she was simply too weak, too excited, to resist the man's advances on her body. Minutes later, Batgirl screamed out in excited pleasure as she exploded in a massive orgasm, flooding her tight costume with her love juices. The passionate feeling ending, Batgirl's utterly wasted body fell to the ground.

The tom wasn’t satisfied however, and he turned Batgirl over for some more fun. Not noticing the concealed zipper which ran down the length of Batgirl's back and between her legs, the Tom pulled out a knife and was preparing to cut her suit open when a gloved hand came to rest on his right shoulder and told him to stop. Without thinking, he turned around and back-handed the woman standing behind him. Caught totally by surprise, Catwoman fell backwards to the floor. Blind with rage for being interrupted and told to stop by yet another woman, the Tom attacked her. Dazed, by the blow to the face and by the blow to her head when she hit the floor, Catwoman was too dazed to move. Forgetting all about Batgirl for the moment, the enraged tomcat Lunged for his next victim, landing squarely on top of her body. Grabbing Catwoman's left breast with his teeth, he began to bite down hard. At the same time, he kneed Catwoman in her unprotected groin, further weakening her. With his left hand, he clamped down on her windpipe closing off her air supply. Smiling, he knew it was only a matter of time and he would have her also. With Catwoman's air supply cut off, her struggles became less and less concerted, eventually ending all together, as she slipped into unconsciousness. The tom had defeated another woman. Viewing the delicatessen lying before him, the tom stroked Catwoman's supple body, listening as soft sensual groans escaped her quivering lips. Moving to Catwoman's large breasts, he began to stroke her mammaries back and forth, cupping the beautiful mounds and occasionally squeezing the super hard nipples. His knee, resting near her womanhood suddenly felt cool and he could feel her groin getting damp, then wet. She was enjoying this. Seeing the zipper this time, he unzipped Catwoman's latex costume, exposing her beautiful breasts and her wet sex. Feeling excited by her arousal, the tom inserted two fingers into the opening of her pussy and began to push them back and forth inside her. She climaxed almost instantly, as a mind-boggling orgasm announced it's arrival, and collapsed to the floor unconscious. He was just about to strip Catwoman when the other toms entered the room. Shocked by his actions against their boss, they quickly reached for him, and a fight ensued. He was the strongest of them all, but it was seven against one and he was eventually pinned to the floor. The second tom told one of the others to go get Minx and bring her back quickly. Another tom checked on the boss, Catwoman.

Having been awakened by a loud scream, the Huntress slowly opened her eyes to find herself in a strange bedroom. Lying in the bed, she began to remember what had happened to her and how she had come to be in the room. Nightwing had rescued her as Batgirl fought with Minx. The Huntress was still lying in the bed when a second scream reverberated through the wall to her left. Wrapping a sheet around her naked body, she made her way to the bathroom and the connecting bedroom beyond. She slowly opened the door leading into the next room and was just in time to see a partially naked Minx applying some form of vibrator to a helplessly bound Nightwing. The scene confused the young heroine as she thought Nightwing and Batgirl had captured both Minx and Catwoman, or so Batgirl had said. Something must have gone terribly wrong. The Huntress was still trying to figure out what to do when a knock sounded on the door. Hearing the knock, Minx dressed herself in her costume and told the person to enter.

"Minx, the main tomcat has attacked Catwoman. She's on the floor and unconscious. The second tom told me to come and get you. What should we do?"

"Get back over there, and secure him. I'll be there shortly. What about Batgirl?"

"She's still there. Unconscious. The tom worked her over as well."

"Good. Be sure to secure her somehow. I don't want that bitch to get away."

"What about Nightwing? Should I send one of the other toms to watch him?"

"No. Nightwing's not going anywhere. I'll be back to deal with him later."

As they started to leave the room another tomcat rushed into the room, almost running into Minx. Moving aside at the last moment, she allowed him to pass even as she placed her leg out causing the tomcat to fall to the floor. Getting back up only seconds later, he made an announcement that sent Minx through the roof.

"Boss, the Huntress has escaped, we've looked for her in the house and she's not here."

"Damn. What else. First Catwoman, now Huntress. Are you sure she's not in the house?"

"Very sure boss. We looked everywhere. Should we continue the search?"

"Wait here a minute."

Looking back at Nightwing, Minx walked over to the dresser once more and opened a drawer. Looking inside, she found the Huntress's costume and utility belt tucked safely inside. Closing the drawer, she returned to the waiting tom's and made her plans.

"The Huntress is still around someplace. Her costume is still where I put it. Search the grounds starting from the east side of the compound and moving west. Whatever you do, don't let her get away. I'm not finished with her yet. I want to see what she would do to Batgirl if they were both injected with the Pheromone Mist. Now go, and don't fail me."

Minx left the room seconds later, the tomcat following close on her heels as he shut the door. Waiting a few minutes to make sure they were gone, the Huntress opened the door and rushed to Nightwing's side.

"Nightwing, It's me, Huntress. Are you ok?"

"Hunt...ress? Get..., out of here. Go...get help."

"I can't leave you here like this. And Batgirl, what about her?"

"Huntress, please go. I'm too...Uuunnnnhhhh, weak to move too fast. You'll be..., better off if you leave me. Listen. Go across the river. Find..., find William Greystone. He's a friend. Tell him everything, but hurry. I don't....know...what they'll do to her..., to Batgirl."


"Huntress. If you get captured we're all dead. You've got to get help. Convince Greystone somehow, please. And hurry. The window behind me is on the west side of the house. You should be able to leave without being spotted."

The Huntress began to get dressed even as Nightwing pleaded with her to leave. Checking the door for any approaching sounds, she locked it and returned to Nightwing's side. Thinking fast, the Huntress fished four Bat energy pills from her utility belt and swallowed one. Giving the second one to Nightwing, she hid the remaining two under the latex covering his neck. Taking one last look at the weakened hero, she went to the window. Knowing the danger she was leaving him and Batgirl in, she carefully opened the window and dropped outside. The Huntress managed to avoid capture as she made her way to the river. Crossing it several minutes later, she continued on her way, thinking about what she was going to say to this Greystone person.

Minx entered the room in a run and looked first at the tom and then Batgirl. Catwoman was just starting to come too, moaning softly, as her body writhed in pleasure. Minx zipped her costume closed and got her to talking. She would be all right. Next, she instructed the gang to bind the Tom and hang him from a meat hook. Finally, she looked at Batgirl, who was barely standing but with a smirk on her face. Walking over to her she grabbed Batgirl’s face and asked Batgirl what she was smiling at? Not really able to speak, Batgirl just smiled back at her, so Minx back-handed her across the breasts. Then she punched her in the stomach, doubling her over. Since Batgirl was tied to a pole from behind, the punch hurt more than usual. Looking the bound superheroine over for a few seconds, Minx took a length of rope and tied her head to the pipe as well. Checking the other ropes to be sure they were secure, Minx sent a punch into each breast, knocking the wind out of Batgirl, forcing stars to appear before her eyes. Then, Minx planted her right hand on Batgirl’s throbbing left breast and squeezed hard. While holding on to Batgirl's reddened mammary, Minx turned around and told four toms to carry Catwoman to her bedroom, to check on Nightwing, and to say there. Three toms stayed in the room. Still holding on to the abused breast, Minx turned around quickly, and delivered a knee jab to Batgirl’s already sensitive and vulnerable groin. Totally surprised by the sudden attack, Batgirl let out an agonized scream before slipping into a senseless stupor. Seconds later, Minx released her hold on the breast. Moving behind the helpless Batgirl, Minx held on to her body and took off the Bat Cuffs. Untying the rope securing Batgirl's swimming head to the pole, Minx pushed Batgirl off the pole and to the floor, where she hit hard. Knocked unconscious when she impacted with the floor, Batgirl didn’t move. The toms picked her up and carried her to the bedroom as well.

Thirty minutes later, Minx entered the bedroom carrying two glasses of wine. Handing Catwoman one of these, she instructed the toms to deposit Batgirl’s body on the floor and to leave the room. Catwoman stopped them in mid-stride and instructed them to “play” with the errant tomcat, but not to kill him, yet. Within a few more minutes, Catwoman was strong enough to walk. Getting up from the bed holding Nightwing, Catwoman left the room to deal with the reckless Tom. Before she left however, she helped Minx put Batgirl’s wrecked body on the sofa. With that, Catwoman was gone. Concern for Batgirl's safety edging his thoughts, Nightwing glanced at Batgirl to see if she was at least alive. Counting to sixty, he could tell her chest was rising and falling in a normal rhythm. She was only asleep. By this time Minx was walking back to him and he figured she had made a mistake in not tying Batgirl up. Nightwing was not about to tell Minx this however.

Sitting down on the bed beside Nightwing, Minx placed her hand on the vibrator and felt it's humming sensations run through her hand. Nightwing watched in amazement as her nipples became hard, popping up under the skin-tight latex catsuit she always wore. Rising from the bed moments later, Minx stripped her costume and proceeded to lay on top of the helpless hero. She was just about to kiss him when Catwoman entered the room.

"Don't you ever learn, Minx. Nightwing hates your guts. His love is for Batgirl, not you."

"I can still have fun can't I. He's so helpless. Besides, you won't let me kill Batgirl."

Feeling a draft on her naked skin, Minx got off Nightwing's bound body and strolled to the open window to close it. Glancing outside, she saw what looked like women's boot prints leading away from the house towards the river. Running to the dresser, Minx opened the drawer only to discover that the costume and weaponry were gone. Minx was just looking at Catwoman when Nightwing told her the good news.

"She's gone Minx. Your men didn't search the house well enough. The Huntress was watching you from the bathroom. It's only a matter of time before reinforcements arrive to take you both down. Catwoman wouldn't have been so stupid, allowing lust to overtake her judgment."

Even as he said it, Nightwing decided he shouldn't have. Minx had a bad temper at times and she didn't like her nose rubbed in mistakes. Swallowing hard, Nightwing knew he was in for a whole lot of trouble as Minx walked his way. Seconds later, Minx climbed back on top of the worried crime fighter and began to play with his maleness. Her first action was to send her knee into his open and unprotected crotch as hard as she could. The impact sent indescribably intense pain up Nightwing's spine to his brain. Biting his lip, Nightwing's head snapped back to the pillows as he tried to absorb the incredible pain cursing through his maleness. Knowing he was in pain, Minx began to softly stroke the latex covering his throbbing cock, bringing it erect almost instantly. The erection, followed so closely behind the knee jab sent renewed pain and pleasure through his body. Nightwing was helpless to resist the feelings as a series of loud groans escaped his lips.

"You know Nightwing? In the excitement I've become very horny and I think we should finish the business we had started a few weeks ago. You seemed to enjoy my attentions back at the estate. I'm going to make you pay for helping the Huntress to escape. You've ruined my plans."

"Now you know how I feel about Batgirl, Minx. She always ruins my plans as well. well, I'll leave you three alone. There's a certain tomcat that deserves my special, undivided attention. Have fun Nightwing."

Laughing, Catwoman left the room, closed the door behind her and walked away. Minx didn't even glance at Batgirl as she returned to Nightwing's aching body. Lowering her naked body down to his, she began to kiss and lick his latex costume once more, sending renewed sensations racing through his weakened mind. All the while Batgirl was coming out of her stupor and attempting to rise. She was able to slowly sit up, but felt dizzy and leaned her head back on the pillows. Minx was oblivious to this as she began to give Nightwing passionate kisses on his mouth. With the vibrator still running, and Minx kissing him, Nightwing was helpless to resist the urges building in his excited body. His mind hopelessly confused and disoriented by Minx's sexual attacks, he returned the kisses, getting even more excited with each passing moment. Sensing his excitement, Minx attack his tongue with hers while thumbing up the remote control on the vibrator to the highest level. Screaming out in both pleasure and pain, Nightwing climaxed, filling his already wet latex costume with even more of his cum. Gasping for breath from the intense activity, he fell back into the sheets to await the next climax. Minx's body meanwhile had been building to a climax of her own as her womanhood had been laying on the vibrator as it ravaged Nightwing's maleness. Yelling out in pure ecstasy, Minx climaxed, falling limp to Nightwing's body as her own love juices ran down his latex costume. Feeling his body build to yet another climax, Minx placed a rubber ball gag in his mouth and started to stroke the latex again. Batgirl meanwhile, had gotten to her feet and was sneaking up on Minx, meaning to surprise the evil vixen, but it was Batgirl that was in for the surprise.

Minx pretended to ignore Batgirl while licking and sucking Nightwing off, allowing the superheroine to slowly enter the trap. With Minx's left hand hidden by her body as she lay on Nightwing, Minx turned on a small remote control device and smiled. Sensing the danger, Nightwing tried to warn Batgirl off by shaking his head, but Batgirl thought he was responding to the virtual blowjob and didn’t see the danger. Just as Batgirl reached out to grab Minx's hair she gasped in shock and crumpled to the floor, clutching her womanhood and her breasts. Batgirl fell to her knees seconds before falling on her back, rolling around on the floor, while grasping her already tenderized pussy and breasts. Batgirl couldn’t understand what was happening, as she felt around on her body trying to find the devices causing her so much pain. When something activated deep within her sex, whipping her extra-sensitive clitoris seconds later, Batgirl's body was sent into a frenzy as she desperately tried to stop the attacks.

"You thought I'd forgotten about you, didn't you Batgirl? Well actually I didn't. I can see your confusion. Oh you know there is something attacking your body, but you can't seem to find it. Since you are now helpless, I'll explain. While you were unconscious back in the meat locker, I placed a pair of paper thin vibrators around your nipples. These little darlings are even now sending minute electrical charges around the edges of each nipple, keeping them extremely hard. Within minutes, your breasts will explode, sending whatever juices are stored within your perfectly rounded mammaries outward through those hard nipples. Once the juices make contact with the super-tight latex covering your breasts, it will begin to flow down your body turning you on even more. But that's not all, my dear. I also placed a paper-thin vibrator around the edges of your labia, sending extremely intense sensations through your sex. As you have probably already guessed, there's also something buried deep inside your sex. It's a fiendish new invention of Catwoman's, Batgirl. A fiber optic dildo, no thicker than a normal fishing line. Once activated, the electrical sensations running through it cause it to whip around inside you, constantly making contact with your ultra-sensitive clit. The neat thing, Batgirl, is that it will never stop. Well, not until you're dead, that is. Nightwing and I are just going to lay here and watch you go mad, as you claw at your own costume. Good bye Batgirl....good bye, Bitch!"

Even as Minx explained the reasons for Batgirl's pain, Batgirl struggled to find an escape from the torture. Thinking to herself that Catwoman had really out done herself this time, Batgirl tried unsuccessfully to get at the little demons attacking her body. Like Minx had said, Batgirl began to claw at her costume, desperately seeking to find a way to remove the vibrators dealing her aroused body so much pain. Batgirl continued to rip at her costume, as she frantically sought to ease her torments. She was helpless to stop the attacks however, as her Kevlar reinforced latex catsuit prevented her from tearing the suit apart. After several excruciatingly tense minutes, Batgirl's struggles became weaker and weaker until she looked like a pile of jello without the bowl. Seeing this, Minx got off the bed and knelt down beside the sexually stricken heroine. Rolling Batgirl onto her stomach, Minx straddled her, moving her own ass around on top of Batgirl's, pressing Batgirl's groin into the floor below her body. This only increased the pressure within Batgirl's already tormented body and soon Batgirl started to rock back and forth. Leaning forward on the bucking horse known as Batgirl, Minx reached down and began to caress the heroine's breasts which added yet another level of torture to Batgirl’s body. Feeling Minx's hands on her extremely sensitive breasts, Batgirl's body surged into sexual overdrive as her body's violent rocking increased. Several excruciatingly unbearable minutes later, Batgirl's mind melted into mush as her body exploded in a series of catastrophic orgasms, crushing her body into floor. When Batgirl's body finally came to a rest, Minx got up and turned the sexually devastated heroine over. Taking in the view, Minx could tell she had finally dealt Batgirl a lethal blow. Batgirl's body still trembled severely, even as the Dark Angel tried to maintain consciousness. Looking closely at Batgirl's face, Minx noticed her skin was pale and that Batgirl's lips, shivering from the intense experience, remained parted. Batgirl's breathing was shallow, even forced; as her body began to build to another set of mind-shattering orgasms, which Minx knew would rip Batgirl's sex to shreds. Picking Batgirl's stunned body up by her cowl, she looked closely into the superheroine's face. Batgirl's eyes were out of focus and there was just the slightest hint of blood at the edge of Batgirl's nose and mouth. Smiling in total glee, Minx lowered her face to Batgirl's and planted a sensual kiss to her lips. Too weakened to resist, to even offer any sort of fight, Batgirl allowed the feline vixen to take charge of her body, succumbing to the kiss as it sent renewed passions though her already sexually overloaded mind.

Seeing Batgirl's almost lifeless response, Nightwing knew she had had enough and was on the verge of serious physical trauma. Watching her body as it slowly writhed on the floor, he also knew it was only a matter of minutes before Batgirl's body, aroused and still under the influence of the paper-thin vibrators, exploded from even more violent orgasms. Nightwing wondered if Batgirl could handle them, but he didn't think she could. Seeing the movement as well, Minx released Batgirl's head, allowing it to fall to the floor, as she began to laugh uncontrollably.

"Well, Barbara, it looks like I've finally done it. I thought I had back at the estate when the piano crashed into you, but this time I'm sure. There's no way for you to come back from this defeat. Even now, your body is building to another powerful orgasm, which will surely rip your entire body to shreds."

Though fighting to maintain some form of control on her body, Minx's use of Batgirl's real name brought Batgirl to some form of alertness. Seeing Batgirl's confusion, Minx laughed again as she began to tell Batgirl how she had found out.

"Yes, I know you're Barbara Gordon. When you were momentarily unconscious the other day, just before you sprayed me with that Bat sleeping gas, I compared your unmasked face to a newspaper clipping. You're Barbara Gordon all right. Or at least you were. After today, you'll just be a mindless zombie. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

As if on cue, Batgirl suddenly grabbed her breasts as the little vibrators placed around her nipples activated once more, sending even stronger surges of electricity through her mammaries. Groaning in absolute pain, Batgirl was unprepared for the vibrator near her womanhood as it came alive again, sending instantly hot sexual energy up the dildo to her clitoris. Thinking fast, Batgirl frantically tried to think of some way to fight the sensations devastating her mind. She knew she couldn't withstand another assault, as the last one had nearly destroyed her body even as it came close to ripping her mind in half. Glancing at Nightwing, Batgirl's pleaded with him to help her even as she knew he was as helpless as she was, and could offer very little help. Closing her eyes, Batgirl's head arched back, raising her body off the floor, balanced only by her head and the heels of her boots. Batgirl's entire body trembled as another massively overpowering orgasm began to announce it's arrival.

Watching Batgirl's body as it slowly, inexplicably tore itself apart was more than Nightwing could bare. Knowing she couldn't withstand another massive assault, he glared at Minx. Minx simply returned his glare as she stood above the struggling heroine. Nearing a state of shock, Batgirl was oblivious to their exchange as she continued to struggle through the sexual torments. Looking away from Nightwing, Minx knelt beside Batgirl and started stroking her aroused and trembling body, sending new passions to Batgirl's clouded mind. Feeling Minx's touch on the skin-tight latex, Batgirl instantly opened her eyes as she stared up at Minx. Her eyes wide with ever growing fear, Batgirl pleaded with Minx, begging her to stop the madness.

"Minx....please..., Uuuuunnnnnnnhhhhhhh. I..., beg you.'t nnngggghhhh, take..., any more..., of...this. My body's....being ri..., rip...ripped apart, from the inside. Minx! Please, Minx. You're a wo...woman. You kno..., know what it's like. Aaarrrgggghhhhh."

Moments later, Batgirl succumbed to the sensations tearing through her mind as she fell under the spell of the devious little vibrators. Seething with rage, Nightwing pulled on his bonds as a surge of adrenaline rushed through his body. The aged leather straps, stretched well beyond their limits, separated moments later, allowing him to break free of his bonds. Removing the vibrator from his manhood, Nightwing was off the bed and at Minx's back before she knew he was free. Pleasuring herself as she continued to stroke Batgirl's trembling body, Minx was caught totally off guard as Nightwing attacked. Even if she had been ready for him, Minx would never have stood a chance as Nightwing, blind with pure rage over the lose of Batgirl, pummeled her naked body to the floor. Climbing off the stunned feline vixen minutes later, Nightwing went to Batgirl's side and immediately began to strip her of the costume. Working fast, he laid Batgirl on her back and carefully peeled the paper thin vibrating devices from around her tenderized areolas. Moaning in ecstasy, Batgirl cupped her exposed breasts, trying to sooth her super aroused mammaries, reddened from the continual onslaught of the fiendish little vibrators. Without hesitation, Nightwing moved to Batgirl's labia, but stopped seconds later when he saw what he was up against. Looking up to her face, Nightwing touched her cheek as he described the problem which confronted him.

"Batgirl, we have a problem. The elongated vibrator has been glued to your mons veneris and labia. If I try to take it off, I'll cause you severe pain."

"Ok, just take it off....please."

"But Batgirl, honey. If I remove this thing it'll tear out some of your pubic hairs. I can't even imagine the pain I'm going to cause you. I..., can't do it. There has got to be some other way."

"Nightwing. I'm in severe pain now. I don't think I'll even feel it when you pull the hairs out. At any rate, I don't care. Please..., I beg you, take it off."

"Batgirl. I..., I just..."

"Nightwing, I..., Aaaaaaarrrrggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhh."

Without warning, Batgirl's body jerked as the dildo buried deep inside her sex came alive, sending intense sexual sensations through her body again. Screaming in absolute pain, Batgirl grabbed for the vibrator covering her womanhood, preparing to rip it off of her aroused body. Seeing Batgirl's intended move, Nightwing grabbed her wrists in mid air and fought to keep Batgirl's hands away from her sex. Seconds later, his eyes locked with hers and they looked at each other; both pleading their cause.

"Batgirl, I can't let you do this. I can't let you hurt yourself. I..."

"Night...wing, please. For the love of God, let me go. I'm starting to reach another climax. I...I can't take another one this soon. Please Nightwing. I...I can't...can't, take...any...uuuuuuuhhhhhhh."

Batgirl's struggles ceased moments later as she collapsed out of sheer exhaustion. Gasping for breath, her bare chest continued to heave as her body fought the latest attack being waged deep inside her. Though unconscious, Batgirl's body remained taut, as the devilishly evil dildo brought Batgirl's extremely aroused body to the point of ecstasy once more. Sitting next to Batgirl, Nightwing watched in horror as his love gave in to the incredible device. Looking at her groin, Nightwing lowered her hands to the floor before he positioned his own hands above her sex. Biting his upper lip, he lowered his hands to her womanhood and touched the elongated monster attacking Batgirl's body. Grasping one end of the ultra-thin vibrator he closed his eyes and sought the strength needed to inflict even more pain on the woman of his life. He was just getting second thoughts and pulling his hands away when a pair of soft hand touched his, enclosing them in her grasp. Still biting his lip, he looked at Batgirl who was nodding her shaking head as tears flowed from her eyes. Looking back down at her body, Nightwing began to slowly remove the glued vibrator from her mons veneris. Batgirl's head swayed back and forth as the intense pain cut through her sex like a knife. Applying all her remaining strength, Batgirl grabbed Nightwing's hands and yanked them away from her sex, taking the evil vibrating device, the fiber-optic dildo, and many of her pubic hairs with them. Screaming out in excruciating pain, Batgirl attempted to reach for her abused groin, but was stopped by Nightwing as he grabbed her arms. Holding them fast, he could see the pain in Batgirl's eyes as her entire head shook. She was panting very heavily from the strain even as her delicate lips shivered before him. Pulling Batgirl's trembling body close to his, Nightwing embraced her, giving her the support she so desperately needed. He held on to her for several minutes, whispering in her ear that he was sorry, sobbing uncontrollably as he did. When at last Batgirl's body relaxed, Nightwing lowered her to the floor and watched her gradually fall asleep. Pulling her costume up her beautiful legs, Nightwing began to dress her. He didn't like the look of her groin but.. Thinking quickly, he stopped dressing her and began to look around for his utility belt. Finding it seconds later, he rushed over to it and retrieved a specially created lotion, made to both sooth and heal very sensitive skin abrasions. Nightwing knew it wasn't meant for this type of injury nor was it meant for this area of the body, but he was desperate. After applying a liberal amount of the lotion to Batgirl's groin and breasts, Nightwing dressed her, zipping the latex closed minutes later. Unknown to Nightwing, the moment Batgirl let out her last scream, Catwoman and a particularly large tomcat had unlocked the door and entered the room. Standing to watch as Nightwing attended to Batgirl's wounds, Catwoman remained silent so as not to alert Nightwing of the danger. Nightwing had just picked Batgirl's sleeping body off the floor and was carrying her to the bed when Catwoman made her presence known.

"Very touching Nightwing. Do you perform this service for all injured women? Will you do it for Minx? I think not. Now drop Batgirl and raise your hands. You and I have some unfinished business, and I don't mean sex."

"I'll put Batgirl down, but I won't drop her as you order. She's hurt pretty badly because of your so called partner. I know you hate Batgirl Catwoman, but I can't believe you would allow Minx to use those paper thin vibrators on her areolas. Not only that, but to use that fiber-optic dildo on her..., that's going too far. I'll put her down all right, but I'm not surrendering. You want us, you'll have to take us."

"What vibrators are you talking about Nightwing? I didn't issue Minx any such thing."

"Then what do you call those things lying on the floor?"

"They're.....where the hell did she get those?"

Walking to the center of the room, Catwoman leaned over and picked up the discarded vibrators and the fiber-optic dildo, still whipping about as if it had a mind of it's own. Ripping the sexual devices apart in her hands, Catwoman glared at the unconscious body of her partner. Catwoman knew she would have to deal with the little bitch later, but first she had to secure Nightwing. He was too dangerous to be left alone, especially with the Huntress on the loose.

"She did not have my permission to use these on Batgirl. You're right when you say I hate her. I hate Batgirl with a passion unequaled in modern times, but I would never allow Minx to use these on her. Not when I could use them myself. After all, where's the fun of having someone else use your toys for their pleasure, and not yours? But, back to business. Put Batgirl down and turn around, real slow like; so I can count the muscles under your costume."

"I already gave you my answer Catwoman. Either put up or shut up."

Upon Catwoman's signal the large tomcat which had been hiding behind Nightwing the whole time walked closer to the unsuspecting hero and delivered a sharp cusp to the back of his head. Stunned by the sudden blow to his skull, Nightwing staggered forward and dropped Batgirl, barely making it to the bed as he did. Seconds later, Nightwing fell across Batgirl's body, rendered unconscious by the blow. Batgirl never regained consciousness.

It was late at night when Nightwing regained consciousness. Opening his pain-filled eyes, he could see they were back in the meat locker and hanging from the hooks once again. But there was something decidedly different about the room this time. It was cold. Looking about the small room, Nightwing could see small ice cycles hanging about at different places in the room. He was just looking towards the door when he noticed Batgirl. Calling out to her, Nightwing attempted to ascertain her condition, but he got no response from the superheroine. Studying her suspended body, Nightwing could see her head had fallen forward onto her chest and that she was breathing irregularly, probably from the effect her weight had on her body. Testing his bonds, Nightwing knew if they didn't get free and soon, they would very possibly freeze to death. Using all his available strength, Nightwing hoisted himself up and was able to lock his legs unto the pipe holding the hooks above his head. Biting his lip from the pain, he suddenly realized the uncovered pipe carried liquid nitrogen as it traveled to the freezing machine at the back. working fast, he locked his legs around the deadly pipe and raised his body, freeing his wrists seconds later. Unconsciousness edging into his mind, Nightwing dropped to the floor, groaning in agony as his back made contact with the cold hard steel. Though dazed, he was able to use his teeth to loosen the bonds and moved to help Batgirl. He was beside himself as to how to grab on to Batgirl's hanging body, as his face was level with her womanhood. Taking a deep breath to calm his nerves, Nightwing carefully raised her body off the hook; but as he did so, an ever so soft groan escaped her lips. Lowering her body to the floor, Nightwing checked her over to see if Catwoman had done anything to her after he was knocked out. She hadn't. Watching Batgirl intently, he started looking about for some means of escape. Remembering the overhead pipe, he followed it's path and saw that it went all the way across the room, disappearing through the steel wall to his right.

Nightwing was just about to investigate the pipe in greater detail when a glance at Batgirl's body told him she was in trouble. She was shivering from the cold and her lips had turned a light shade of blue. Batgirl was freezing. Nightwing knew her costume didn't have as much insulation as his, and normally that would be just fine, as it showed off every muscle, every curve, every little bump of her body; but in this locker, it would wind up killing her. Blowing on his hands to put some feeling back into them, he suddenly became aware that his gloves had been removed. Batgirl's had as well. Removing her cape, Nightwing rubbed her body very fast, working her body up to a warmer condition. He then wrapped her shivering body in the heavy latex material, hoping it would help keep her warm until he could find a way out. Returning to the pipe, Nightwing almost didn't hear Batgirl's whisper-like voice as she tried to give him an idea.

"Nightwing. I have an idea. That pipe up there is...."

"It carries liquid nitrogen, Batgirl. We wouldn't be able to hold on long enough to do any good. I've already tried and the pain was intense. I don't think you should try it either; not in your condition."

"No, not the pipe itself, but the wires running along side it. They might provide the freezing unit with its power. If we could just disconnect the power source, this room might get warmer. What do you think?"

"Hummm. Could be. And I think that explains why our gloves have been removed. The wires are not insulated, but bare. One touch and we might not need to escape. But still, it's worth a try. Thanks Batgirl."

That Batgirl had noticed the wires running along side the pipe could possibly spell a means of stopping the room from freezing, told Nightwing that the Dark Angel was feeling much better. She may not be one-hundred percent but she could reason. His concern for her relaxed, if only slightly, as he began studying the wires. Looking at the door, he could just see what looked like the same wires entering a circuit breaker box down the hall. If Nightwing could somehow sever these wires they might not escape, but at least they wouldn't freeze to death. The trick was how to grab the wires without getting electrocuted and without grabbing onto the pipe for very long. As he was pondering this, Nightwing failed to notice Batgirl get up and attempt to do just what he was planning to do. Using her cape for added protection, she had already jumped up to the pipe and was holding on. As she hoisted her legs upwards to kick at the wires however, she let out a muffled cry as crippling pain shot through her groin. Suddenly becoming dizzy, Batgirl's hold on the pipe weakened and she fell to the floor, grasping her groin. Nightwing was there in an instant, holding her in his arms and trying to comfort her, some how. Placing his left arm around her back, he softly caressed her face, thanking her for trying. Even though Batgirl tried to hide it, Nightwing could still see an ever so slight trembling movement in her parted lips. After a few moments, Batgirl took a deep breath and told him she was fine.

Batgirl stood moments later and handed Nightwing her cape. Hesitating for only a minute, he took it from her shivering hand and finished the job she had started. It took three attempts, but the wires came apart and the unit stopped billowing out the freezing air. As the room began to warm up, Nightwing relayed his plan of escape to Batgirl. It would involve one of the oldest tricks in the book, and it depended on her to make it work. Looking at Batgirl's intense blue eyes, Nightwing asked if she was up to it. Thinking the plan over in her head, Batgirl smiled while she slowly nodded her head in a yes.

An hour later, two toms came by to check on their captives and saw Nightwing on the floor apparently unconscious; with Batgirl kneeling down beside him, checking his pulse. Surprised, they unlocked the door, and entered the warm freezer, noticing the separated wires as they came. Frowning at Batgirl, they moved closer to the helpless looking heroine and began to ask her questions. Ignoring their questions, Batgirl rose to her feet and assumed her famous pose, daring them to attack. Surprised even more by a woman they thought should be too weak to stand, let alone fight, the tomcats walked up to her and started to reach for her. They never saw the attack as Nightwing sent a sweeping kick across their legs sending them both to the floor. Rising to his feet, Nightwing was able to knock the first one unconscious without much trouble, but this gave the second one time to recover. Approaching Nightwing from behind, the angry tom pulled back his fist, meaning to send a crushing blow to the back of Nightwing's head and certain unconsciousness; when Batgirl suddenly interceded, receiving the blow meant for Nightwing. It connected at the base of her skull sending her body falling into Nightwing's arms seconds later. Her fluttering eyes revealing the shock delivered to her system, Batgirl never uttered a word as she slipped into unconsciousness seconds later. Shocked beyond words, Nightwing lowered her body to the floor and very carefully held her head in his hand. With concern creasing his brow, Nightwing slowly looked up at the face of a totally shocked tomcat who was kneeling down beside the stricken superheroine as well, asking if she was ok. While he was distracted, Nightwing was able to give him a sucker punch to his guts, followed by a combination knee to the chin and double fisted clobber punch to the side of his head. He was out before he hit the floor.

Turning Batgirl over, Nightwing smiled as he told her the plan had worked and that she could stop pretending to be unconscious. But when Batgirl didn't respond, Nightwing's smile suddenly vanished. Checking the back of Batgirl's head, Nightwing could see the dark bruise forming near the base of her skull. Suddenly realizing what Batgirl had done, Nightwing scooped her up in his arms and carried her out of the house. He knew Batgirl was severely injured and needed immediate medical attention if she was to survive. Carrying her in his arms, Nightwing was able to avoid capture and move to the Lamborghini several minutes later. Placing Batgirl's gas mask on her face in case of a trap, he laid her stricken body in the passenger seat and buckled her in. Placing his gas mask on as well, Nightwing gunned the car and drove out of the compound and to the ranger’s house, located across the river. Since Gotham City was a good forty-five minute drive, it was the closest location for medical help. Arriving at his house several minutes later, Nightwing picked up Batgirl's injured body and quickly made for the door. Taking one look at Batgirl, Mrs. Greystone took over as she led the way to the back bedroom; telling William to get hot water, and the medical kit as she did. Identifying the wound, Mrs. Greystone carefully removed Batgirl's cowl and began to deal with the sickly looking bruise. It was almost an hour before Mrs. Greystone came out of the room, saying she had done all that she could, for the young woman. Seeing Nightwing's unusual concern for a fellow crime fighter, Mrs. Greystone decided it was best to give him a full report on Batgirl's condition.

"Nightwing? You seem to be very concerned for this Batgirl. You love her don't you? Hump, You don't need to answer that question. I can see the answer all over your face. Ok. Her head wound is bad, but I don't think it's severe. Her cowl was able to block most of the blow to her skull and what you're seeing is just her body's normal response to the trauma. If the punch had just been a little more to the right, we wouldn't be having this discussion; as Batgirl would be dead. Fortunately for her, the punch seems to have been a glancing blow which just missed her spine. Are there any other injuries I should know about? Anything at all?"

"Yes, I suppose there are. Minx, the woman that was wearing the black catsuit, attacked Batgirl sexually. I don't know how much damage has been done to Batgirl's um, body, but the attacks were severe. I suppose there could be internal injuries to her, um...uh, body. Also, several weeks ago, Batgirl suffered another severe blow to the back of her head. Minx had sent a piano flying at her, which eventually blasted Batgirl through a wall. She had a concussion from that battle."

"Which side of the head did this blow occur on? The right or the left? It's important."

"The left side, why?"

"Because that's the side that's injured now. It means we have to pay special attention to her reflexes and motor skills. I'll check her out using our portable MRI equipment. That should tell us if any permanent damage has been done. I'll also check her genitalia to see if there has been any damage in those areas as well."

Placing her hand on Nightwing's arm, Mrs. Greystone thanked him for saving her and her husbands' lives. She turned around seconds later and was about to re-enter the bedroom when she suddenly remembered something. Walking back to Nightwing, She noticed the slight trembling of his body and looked him in the eye with a growing concern. She could tell Nightwing was barely holding on, trying to put up a front as they dealt with Batgirl. Signaling for her husband, Mrs. Greystone spoke to him in a language Nightwing had never heard before. It sounded strangely exotic, yet beautiful. Leaning against the wall, Nightwing was still thinking about the beauty of the language when Mrs. Greystone spoke.

"I almost forgot. There's another woman staying here. We've had her locked up in the smoke house these past days. Says she's a friend of yours and Batgirl's. Do you know her?"

"The Huntress? Yes she's a friend. Is she all right? Catwoman and Minx worked her over pretty badly for almost three weeks. She was a wreck when we found her. Her injuries were physical..., mostly sexual as well. I think they were trying to break her mind."

"Hummm. She didn't say anything about injuries. William? Go get the Huntress and bring her to the bedroom. Take Nightwing with you. That way she'll be assured she's amongst friends. Nightwing? I'll check her out as well, ok?"

Nightwing nodded his head as he started after William. He managed to take four steps before he reached out and grabbed the wall, holding his head in his hand. His entire body shook, as if his strength was suddenly giving out. Seeing Nightwing's sudden change, Mrs. Greystone yelled out to her husband even as she advanced on the hero. Dropping his hand away from his head, Nightwing leaned his head back slightly as a long groan escaped his open mouth. Moments later, his eyes rolled up into the top of his head and he collapsed, falling to the floor from sheer exhaustion.

It was mid morning when Nightwing woke up. At least he thought it was morning as the sun shown brightly through an open window. His costume was gone, replaced by pajamas but the mask was intact. Looking himself over, Nightwing decided he had had a bath as well. Several minutes later, William, the Park's Ranger entered the room and nodded his head.

"You look a great deal better, Nightwing. My wife thought you were close which is why she called me in."

"What? Close to what? When?"

"Ha ha ha ha. Close to falling over, that's what. You've been out for almost a week kid. You had us worried."

The idea that he had missed an entire week bothered Nightwing to no end. What had happened to Batgirl? Was she ok? What about the Huntress? Frowning, Nightwing started looking about as he tried to comprehend the bombshell William had just dropped in his lap. The confusion was clearly visible on his masked face and William, seeing the concern, came to the rescue once more.

"Relax, she's fine. Batgirl's injuries had us all scared as well. It was a very close call, but we Iroquois have ways of healing people around here. Techniques your doctor's can only dream of, much less understand. She’s having breakfast and looks great. As for the Huntress, she's a stubborn one. Reminds me of my wife. She's been watching the compound these past few days. I've made sure she didn't go off and do something foolish, like getting herself captured again. I don’t know how you kids do it.”

Touching his mask again, Nightwing wondered what William had done to him as he was unconscious. He didn't really understand what William was talking about in regards to healing and Iroquois, but he wanted to make sure his secrets were safe. William was still looking at him and Nightwing knew William suspected what he was thinking. Sure enough, William explained that as well.

"My wife, Beth, said we should not remove them. But we did take your costumes off and cleaned them. They were a mess inside. People that will do that to another person should be locked away forever.”

Nightwing nodded his head slowly as he began to get up. William was at his side almost instantly, offering support as he knew Nightwing would still be very weak. Putting on the robe supplied to him, Nightwing was helped to the kitchen and the sound of women's voices. When he entered the room seconds later he saw them. There they sat, two women that looked like they had known each other for a lifetime, discussing of all things, “men”. Upon Nightwing's entrance, Batgirl’s eyes widened as a smile came to her face. Getting up from the table, she placed her arms around Nightwing's neck and delivered a hungry, passionate, kiss that virtually sent him back to the floor. Dazed, Nightwing sank into the chair as those around him chuckled at his reaction. Several minutes later, he ate breakfast while keeping a watchful eye on Batgirl, and feeling much better overall. After breakfast, William walked Nightwing to the back porch and sat the young man down. Looking at the floor for several minutes, William slowly looked up at Nightwing and began to ask questions. He could tell that Batgirl and Nightwing had had a rough go of it and William wanted to know the details.

"Nightwing. I need to know what happened to you and Batgirl. You're both strong individuals, capable of taking care of yourselves, but both of you were in pretty bad shape when you arrived the other day. If you don't mind my asking, just what did Catwoman and Minx do you?"

"I really can't say, sir. I..., I don't want to talk about it."

"I understand. The only reason I asked is because you had several bad nightmares while you were out. So did Batgirl. Batgirl's first one had us worried. It was bad, but the next few were even worse. I can still hear her screams."

"I know sir....I heard them first hand. But, It's..., well it's..., I..., can't talk about it."

"Nightwing. Keeping the pain bottled up inside you can only make it worse. You need to talk about it. So does Batgirl. Talking about it will help you deal with it. Otherwise you may eventually crack."

"What they do is bad, sir, bordering on the unspeakable. Every thing involves torture and sex, usually combined. There's only so much a person can take. I..., I really worry about her."

"That's only natural. You love Batgirl don't you?"

"More than life itself. More than anything. If something were to happen to her, I'd..., I don't know."

"Then you need to let it out, Nightwing. You both do. Nightwing, listen to me for a moment. You and Batgirl have something very special. You both have found someone you can be with..., to trust. To love. In today's world that is extremely rare. But, you both have something else that is equally special. You both have the warrior spirit. It lives in you, is a part of you, and protects you when needed."

"A warrior spirit? What do you mean, sir?"

"When you face crime and the criminals that create it, your human spirits fade behind another, stronger spirit. We Iroquois call this the warrior spirit. My ancestors had it. My brothers have it. I have it. And so do you. Batgirl has one as well, which is even more special. Women do not normally have this spirit."

"I understand. I think. I just never looked at it that way. So..., this warrior spirit protects us when we fight?"

"As much as possible, yes. But this spirit can be hurt, perhaps even killed. That's why you should discuss this with Bat...."

William suddenly fell silent as he saw Batgirl approach the door, walking out to the porch seconds later. Suddenly becoming suspicious at the sound of her name, she looked first at William then at Nightwing. Since neither one of them continued their discussion, she started asking questions but they just sat there looking at the floor. She knew something was wrong and these suspicions were heightened as she saw tears trickling down Nightwing's cheek.

"What's wrong? Is it something I did? Nightwing? Mr. Greystone? Somebody tell me, please."

Her eyes suddenly swelling with tears of her own, Batgirl turned to walk back into the house when Nightwing suddenly went to her side. Holding her shoulders as he stood behind her, Nightwing returned Batgirl to the porch and sat her down on the bench next to him. Batgirl was crying uncontrollably when Nightwing placed her head on his shoulder.

"You've done nothing wrong Batgirl. Nothing at all. I'm sorry for not answering you. William and I were talking about what happens when we go up against Catwoman and Minx. We was just trying to protect you, that's all."

"I was telling Nightwing that he shouldn't keep this pain bottled up inside him, Batgirl. Neither should you. It may eventually hurt you even more. I..., you're both special people; but, you need help to control and perhaps channel this pain. I guess it's really none of my business."

"No William, you're right. We should talk about it. I'm just scared that's all. I've wanted to speak to Nightwing about it, but just didn't know where to start. I'm not strong enough."

"That's not what I've seen, Batgirl. Your warrior spirit is very strong."

"Yes..., it is at times. But at others it's....."

Batgirl looked at William for several minutes before returning her gaze to Nightwing. Looking into Nightwing's dark eyes, Batgirl reached up to touch his face, wiping away the errant tear that remained on his skin. Laying her head on his shoulder again, she looked out from the porch and watched as a lone Eagle flew across the sky. Batgirl was thinking about a warrior spirit when one suddenly appeared in a clearing not thirty feet away. Nightwing continued to embrace her, stroking her left arm with his hand as he stared at William. That Batgirl had acknowledged her warrior spirit surprised Nightwing. He had never really considered he had one, but Batgirl somehow had.

William was the first to notice Batgirl's gaze to the outside and saw her as she pulled away from Nightwing's embrace to stand and look beyond the porch. Turning his gaze to the outside, William smiled as he walked up to Batgirl, placing his arm on her shoulder when he reached her. Not acknowledging the touch, Batgirl took two steps off the porch and seemed to look intently at the beautiful animal. Looking beyond Batgirl, Nightwing finally saw it, an adult lion, sitting very close to the house and looking at...Batgirl?

"My God. It's a lion. William is that animal yours?"

"Its not a lion, Nightwing. It's a Puma. It's real name is 'Felis Concolor Cougar', or Cougar, but I've always called them by the Indian name of Puma. Odd I should think of that now."

"That's still a lion, Batgirl."

"No Nightwing. Batgirl is correct. It is a Cougar, or Puma. Batgirl?, you don't seem to be scared by this animal. Have you seen it before?"

"Not this one, not here. But...., when I was very young..., I was camping in the Adirondacks with my father when I suddenly walked away from the campsite. I don't know why I did it, but I eventually wound up near a small stream and just sat down. After several minutes I heard a small cry to my left and there it was, a small, well, I thought it was a Tiger cub, no bigger than a puppy. The little thing walked right up to me and sat in my lap. It purred so gently in my lap that I couldn't help but stroke its fur. I..., don't know how long she was there, but I suddenly turned around and saw the mother cat, not twelve inches away. She was just lying there watching me as she flipped her tail. Beautiful creature, mystical..., powerful..., but beautiful. I heard my father calling and got up to go back and when I turned around they were gone."

"She has been with you ever since Batgirl. She is your totem, your warrior spirit."

"I know..., some how..., I've always known."

Batgirl looked at William for a few moments, wondering about his comments before returning her gaze to the Puma. William could tell Batgirl was mesmerized by the creature and knew without the slightest hint of error that this creature was in fact her protector. Nightwing, on the other hand, had a hard time accepting any of it. Looking away from the animal and Batgirl, Nightwing looked William in the eye and started arguing the finer points about spirits and protectors and other mystical things. William for his part defended the notions and concepts with the full weight of his ancestors on his side. Nightwing was so intent on the argument that he never saw Batgirl as she left the porch to walk up to the Puma minutes later. Reaching the great Puma within moments, Batgirl slowly knelt down on both knees and stared at the beautiful animal as she listened to it's mesmerizing purrs. Nightwing's first realization that she had even moved from the porch came as William corrected and rebuked him for insulting the Greystone family.

"William, surely you know that all this spirit stuff is just silly superstition thought up by ignorant people."

"Nightwing. I thank you for saving my family's life the other day; but you are a guest of my house and I will not have you insulting my ancestors. To the Iroquois, the warrior spirit is very important. It's also part of our religion and part of our life."

"I'm sorry William. I didn't mean to insult your family. It's just that Batgirl isn't part of....oh my God..., Batgirl!!!!"

"Leave her alone Nightwing. Batgirl is in no danger. If she were, the great Puma would have attacked her by now. No, she is in no danger...they are kindred spirits. That explains much."

"Explains much? What do you mean?"

"To see the great Puma in this area is rare. They are scarce and because of the white man have become private creatures. This one I have never seen before. It showed up only the other day when you brought Batgirl here to be treated. She has stayed by Batgirl's bedroom window the entire time, guarding her as she slept."

"But, this cat could belong to Catwoman. It could be as a spy."

Nightwing was startled by Batgirl's voice as she softly spoke to him. She was standing right behind him as she looked at William, as if sensing he had known about the cat for some time. Nightwing hadn't seen her walk up to him and as he thought about it he hadn't heard her either. Looking down at her feet moments later, Nightwing saw she still wore her Batgirl boots, which were not known for being quiet. What Batgirl said moments later sent chills down his spine even as her words filled his heart with dread.

"She belongs to no one Nightwing, and certainly not to Catwoman; and she is a Puma, not an 'it'. It's..., hard to believe, but she is the same one I saw so many years ago, so many miles away. You knew..., didn't you William?"

"I suspected..., yes. My wife knew. Beth is a Sachem; a medicine woman to you. She is very connected to these spirit-gods and the creatures they choose to communicate to us with. You are very lucky Batgirl. The spirits do not usually accept or adopt women as warriors. They must see something very special in you. As do I. Now, if you both will excuse me for I moment, I must talk to Beth."

"Batgirl. We still need to deal with Catwoman and Minx. I think we...."

Batgirl didn't answer Nightwing as she lowered her eyes to the floor. Thinking to herself, she slowly turned to walk away, oblivious of anything else around her as she made her way to the far end of the porch. Leaning against the wall, she turned her gaze to the distant hills and the setting sun. Batgirl took in its beauty as she continued to think things through. Glancing back at the great cat for only a moment, Batgirl nodded her head very slowly before the large Puma got up to leave, disappearing into the woods as though it had never been there. Returning to look at the last remnants of the sun's majesty, Batgirl turned and started to walk into the house, only to be stopped by a very concerned Nightwing moments later. By this time William had returned and was holding a small box in his hand.

"Batgirl? What's wrong? Are you all right?"

"Batgirl. The Puma..., she talked to you didn't she? She gave you a warning."

"Yes William..., she did. She said I'm in grave danger by the beings that pretend to be cats, but pervert the memory of her descendents. She..., she said the younger is the more dangerous, as she is planning my death; a death I will face, must face, very soon."

Batgirl didn't say another word as she entered the house, disappearing into the shadows moments later. William looked on after her for several seconds before walking to the far end of the porch to see the encroaching darkness. A sudden wind sent chills down his spine as he looked to the heavens as if seeking guidance from the gods. Lowering his head, he softly spoke something that Nightwing barely heard and didn't understand. Returning to sit near Nightwing moments later, he listened to the distant sound of a wolf as it howled in the night.

Batgirl returned to the porch minutes later, fully dressed in her costume and filled with a resolve that scared Nightwing to no end. Looking first at William and then Nightwing, she shivered as the cool wind hit her body, sending chills down her spine even as she spoke of the future battles to be fought. Seeing the chilled wind affect Batgirl, William took the opportunity to tell her about the wind and its meanings to his people. He also presented her with the simple box. The box had several layers of dust on it as though it had been in his family for years. Upon seeing the thick dust, Batgirl turned her face to William:

"My people called it Tani-Mara or lonely wind. It always comes from the north and usually precedes a battle of death. That it comes now is an omen, as it is so early in the season. This death you must face Batgirl, is approaching. It is very close. Perhaps that is why the great one has been here these past few days. Batgirl, my..., wife, the Sachem told me to give this to you. It has been in my family for many years. My father and I are decedents of the last great Iroquois Chiefs. He said he was told to make it after he saw a vision, when I was but a boy. My father said I was to keep it and give it to the chosen one of the Puma. It is a totem Batgirl. A symbol of the Puma which has chosen you to be it's warrior on earth. Please accept it and put it in your utility belt. It will protect you where ever you go, giving you the strength you need to battle the death.

"Thank you William. I..., I am honored, and the Puma does me honor by choosing me to be it's warrior on earth. I will keep it with me...always."

Placing the totem in her utility belt, Batgirl bowed to William and walked towards the outside, stepping off the porch moments later. Nightwing watched as she made her way to the small clearing where the great cat had appeared only hours before. As she stood in the spot, Batgirl could hear the cry of the distant wolves as they sounded the approach of something they were not wanting to see, but knew they could not stop. Lowering her head as tears swelled up in her eyes, Batgirl dropped to her knees and cried for several minutes, thinking of the lives to be lost and the loves not to be shared. When at last Batgirl returned to the porch, it was very late. She was still sobbing as she sought not Nightwing, but William. Batgirl had changed somehow. Nightwing couldn't understand the change, but William did as he put his arm around her, to comfort her for the coming battle. Several minutes later, her emotions under control once more, Batgirl looked at Nightwing and began to discuss the future.

"Nightwing? You said something about Catwoman and Minx?

"I said we still need to deal with them, Batgirl. I don't know how, but we must take them down."

"Yes we do. We need to stop them and break up their gang."

"But how can we get to Catwoman and Minx with all the tomcats around, Batgirl?"

"We'll just have to deal with them as well, Nightwing. Why don't you get dressed while William and I talk awhile, ok?"

"About me?"

"No, silly. About Catwoman and Minx. Who cares about you?"

Moving into her famous position seconds later, Batgirl stood in front of Nightwing as if daring him to speak. She was standing so close to Nightwing that her beautiful chest made contact with his each time she inhaled, sending intense sensations through his mind. Nightwing was about to challenge her authority when William cleared his cleared his throat, got up, and told Nightwing to get dressed. Watching the young man walk away, William walked to the porch steps and thought over ways in which to help his new found friends. He was still thinking to himself when Batgirl placed her arm around his waist, giving him a hug of thanks. Putting his arm around the heroine's shoulders, William returned the hug, telling Batgirl not to tell his wife. This set Batgirl off as she started to giggle. Looking into his face seconds later, Batgirl's giggles turned to an all out laugh as she grabbed her midsection, doubling over in glee. By the time the moment was over, Batgirl knew she and William would be life long friends. Several minutes later, Nightwing returned to find Batgirl's arm hooked under William's as they discussed the upcoming fight. Now it was Nightwing's turn to give Batgirl the look, meant to stop her in her tracks. Instead, Batgirl started laughing again as she took in Nightwing's expression. When William joined in moments later, Nightwing gave up the fight and started laughing as well. Twenty minutes later, William suggested they all settle down and discuss the problems at hand.

"The way I see it, you have two problems. You have Catwoman and Minx, and you have the men who support them. There are simply too many for the two of you to handle. But, my question is, can you handle Catwoman and Minx? Batgirl? Nightwing? I mean, they always seem to get the upper hand in your fights. Why's that?

"We fight by a set of rules William. They don't. When we called in the local sheriff's department the other day to take them in, we were captured instead. Her gang had intercepted the police and killed them. We didn't know this until it was too late."

"You're telling me the sheriff and his staff are dead??? I'm sorry to hear that. We were good friends. But tell me, what are you planning to do?"

Nightwing sat down and began relating his ideas to William. For his part, William dove into the discussion and started identifying possible problems for each idea expressed by the young hero. Leaving the men to their discussion, Batgirl entered the kitchen and came back with coffee several minutes later. Thanking her for the coffee, the men went on with their discussion. Shortly, Batgirl sat down beside Nightwing and wrapped her arms around his chest. She listened intently, as Nightwing summed up his overall plan. Batgirl knew the plan was risky, as it had several inherent flaws; but there was simply no other way to do it. They had to go back in there, capture Catwoman and Minx, break up the gang, and return the jewels. But it wouldn’t be easy. When Batgirl interrupted with a idea of her own, William excused himself for a moment and went to use the phone, saying he had an idea.

Finding themselves alone for a few minutes, Batgirl and Nightwing continued to talk about the plan until their eyes locked moments later. Batgirl was the first to stop talking as she gazed into Nightwing's dark eyes, longing for his touch on her skin. As if sensing her desires, Nightwing reached up to caress her cheek even as he moved his face closer to hers. Their faces mere inches apart, Nightwing and Batgirl breathed in each other's scents, until Nightwing moved closer to give Batgirl a tender, passionate kiss. Giving in to her heart's desires, Batgirl closed her eyes and returned the kiss, moving her tongue to touch Nightwing's as they danced inside their mouths. Minutes later, they separated and took in each other's glances again. Nightwing still couldn't believe how intoxicatingly beautiful Batgirl was, as he softly leaned down to kiss her tender neck. Succumbing to his advances on her body, Batgirl grew dizzy as her head fell backwards, even as her mouth fell open to emit a series of soft, sensual moans.

"Nightwing..., uuuummmm... Are you..., uuuhhhhh, sure this..., aaaahhhhhh, is the right...time for ooooohhhhh, this? uuuuuuuummmmmmmm"

Understanding Batgirl's meaning, Nightwing slowly ceased his attacks on her neck and lips. As he pulled away from the woman of his dreams, Nightwing became aware that William had been watching them and seeing his expression, Nightwing's face turned a bright shade of red. Placing her arms around Nightwing's neck for support, Batgirl peered around Nightwing and received an ever so devious look from William, which set her off into a fit of giggles again.

Watching Batgirl as she began to fall into laughter, William smiled, until a voice answered the phone on the other end of the line. He began speaking in a language that Batgirl thought was beautiful. She had heard the language before while viewing a documentary in the library and looking at Nightwing told him that William was conversing in the native Iroquois tongue. Looking back to William she could tell he was very serious and could just pick out a few words like “brothers” and “here” and “this evening”. Hanging up the phone, William returned to the porch, with his wife Beth by his side.

“I just called my brother Scott and told him the situation. He lives about 50 miles down the road at another park. He will get the other brothers and we will all meet here this afternoon to help you. We are all law enforcement; we know this area like the backs of our hands, and there are five of us. With Michael, my youngest, we could even put six in the field. That should even the odds. We will take care of the men, allowing you two to deal with the women."

"Are you sure you want to do this William? These people are very dangerous. I don't want any of your people to get hurt."

"We aren't planning on getting hurt, Nightwing. But seriously, you and Batgirl are very special to us. Beth and I don't want any harm to come to you. Also, I have been told to watch over her."

"But..., what if..."

"Nightwing, my husband has told you his decision, and that settles it."

Still trying to find some reason why the Greystone's should not get involved, Nightwing looked at Batgirl as if asking for her opinion in the matter, sure in his mind that she would support him. Taken aback by his look, Batgirl started giggling again as she returned the look at William and Beth. Her actual reply was so comical, that the entire group fell into laughter seconds after she made it.

"Greystone's woman say they go...."

Finding he was surrounded by the enemy, Nightwing gave in and accepted William's help shortly thereafter, even as he tickled Batgirl into submission. The next morning, Batgirl was sitting in the Lamborghini and dealing with the start-up procedures as Nightwing walked up to the car. Waving at the Greystone Clan, he took William's hand in friendship and opened the door.

"William? Why use the Iroquois language on the phone?"

"The phone system around here is antiquated. We have party lines and other people can, and often do listen in. We don’t want the enemy to hear our plans now do we? Since my brothers and I are Iroquois Indians, I thought we should speak in a language very few could understand. It’s a language one must be born with, as it is not written”.

"William. One other question. This warrior spirit of Batgirl's. Will it help her?...protect her? or simply get her killed? This stuff scares me William. I don't want to lose her."

"We of this world can not control the creatures of the spirit world Nightwing. Batgirl has been chosen by this spirit to protect and guide her as she travels in life battling death. Beth believes and therefore so do I, that the spirit dwelling in this great Puma will protect Batgirl. But then, we can not fully understand the paths the Puma or Batgirl must take to end this battle."

"You said you were told to watch over her, by your wife?"

"No, by my guardian spirit....the wolf. Now you'd better get going. Puma's aren't know for their patience."

Still concerned by the sudden change of events, Nightwing smiled as he entered the car. Waving again, they drove off, on their way to do battle with Catwoman and Minx. Watching the hero's drive off to their destiny's, William hesitated only seconds before signaling his brothers to start the operation. Waving for his second youngest, William sent Andrew to watch the ranch's front gate and report any movement in or out of the compound.

Getting close to the compound minutes later, Nightwing decided to stash the car in a small canyon and walk the rest of the way in. Using the brush as cover, they crept to within 200 feet of the outer buildings, watching for any sign of life. Looking toward the garage, Batgirl could just see the back of the Whisker, Catwoman’s car and she reported the find to Nightwing. Donning their gas-masks, they decided to split up and attack the women from two directions, causing as much confusion as possible. Batgirl proceeded to move around to the side of the main house, taking special care to watch for any of the gang as she walked. With Nightwing moving to the other side, Batgirl didn't bother to watch her back, a mistake that would cost her dearly as he had already been captured by the tomcats. Keeping a watchful eye on the house, Batgirl made her way to a side window and attempted to open it up. Hearing a feint sound behind her, Batgirl whirled around, dropping to a crouching defense position as she did. She expected to see one or two of the toms, but not all seven of them and certainly not with Nightwing in their grasp. Seeing she was out numbered and trapped, Batgirl decided to surrender, raising her hands moments later. Seconds later, one of the toms walked up to her and sprayed her face with a liberal amount of Catnip.

Smiling from behind the gas mask, Batgirl never suspected the danger she was in until she tried to move; finding herself paralyzed almost instantly. Looking at Nightwing, she suddenly understood how he could have been captured so easily. She was still trying to move when Catwoman walked into the circle of toms and smiled at her. Glancing at Nightwing, Catwoman told Batgirl to take off her gas mask and put it back in her utility belt. Without hesitation, Batgirl did what she was told. Next, Catwoman told her to remove her mask and soon, it was gone as well. Shocked into understanding, Batgirl tried to fight the drug's effect on her mind and break the spell, but she knew it was hopeless. She had been under the drug's influence before and Batgirl knew there was virtually no way to resist it's power. Fear edging into her mind, Batgirl tried with all her might to fight the control, but she soon gave up and accepted her fate. Looking at Batgirl's exposed face, Catwoman tried to remember where she had seen her but Catwoman's mind was still a blur. Getting an idea moments later, Catwoman looked at the helpless young heroine.

"Batgirl. What is your real name? Your secret identity?"

"My..., real Bat....."

"No. Not Batgirl. Your real name!!!!"


Even as Catwoman demanded her to reveal her own identity, Batgirl fought to gain so sort of control on her mind. She had been able to do it before, but she found she was having a harder time doing it now. Realizing Catwoman had somehow managed to perfect the drug, Batgirl concentrated with all of her energies as she fought to drug's influence. Batgirl knew if she couldn't resist the drug now, that dire consequences would soon envelop her as Catwoman sought more and more information out of her. Batgirl also knew that she was leaving herself wide open for some other form of attack, as she fought the battle over the drug. Catwoman was getting frustrated at Batgirl for not obeying her commands. Her laughing had stopped a few moments ago and her smile was fading fast.

"Your real name Batgirl?"

"Arrrrrrrggggghhhhhh..., Ba ba bat....uuuuuuuuuuuuuuunnnnnnn,"

Batgirl was doing it. She was winning the battle over the drug, but the pain in her head was excruciating. Her entire head trembled as she continued to resist Catwoman's strengthened drug. Several minutes later, Batgirl was close to unconsciousness as she continued the fight. She knew she couldn't last much longer as her whole body shivered from the effort. Her only strength in the fight was through Nightwing's eyes as she focused hers on his. Nightwing could tell Batgirl was on the verge of passing out all together, as she continued her Herculean struggle; but he urged her on. For her part, Catwoman wasn't going to give Batgirl the chance to simply pass out. Seething with rage over Batgirl's ability to fight her drug, Catwoman lost all control of her own body and started thrashing out at Batgirl.

Yelling at the top of her lungs, Catwoman delivered a sharp punch to Batgirl's midsection, doubling the heroine over in unbearable pain. Even before Batgirl could recover from the blow, Catwoman delivered another to Batgirl's spine, knocking her to the ground. Kicking Batgirl over on her back, Catwoman sat down and straddled the adventuress as she began to pummel the heroine into the earth. Nightwing could do nothing as the one sided beating continued. Watching in total horror, he could see Batgirl's body jerk of it took the punishment being given it. After several torturous minutes of beating, Catwoman grabbed Batgirl's costume just above her breasts and pulled the semi-conscious superheroine up to her face. Even as she did, Catwoman could see Batgirl was in no condition to talk as her head fell limp behind her body. Throwing Batgirl's body to the ground in disgust, Catwoman got up and ordered the tomcats to drag Batgirl into the house. The toms complied and even dragged Nightwing along for extra measure.

"Place Batgirl in the restraints I had the Huntress in, and be sure to secure the straps tight. I don't want any more surprises from the bitch."

"Yes Catwoman. Should we strip her of the costume?"

"No...leave it on. I want to peel it off of her myself; one delicious strip at a time. Put Nightwing in that chair over there and tie him up."

The tomcats moved quickly to comply with the Catwoman's orders. They had seen her in this mood before and they didn't want to be on the punishment end of her mood. Finishing up on Batgirl, they went to work on Nightwing, removing his utility in the process. Minutes later, both crime fighters were secured and at Catwoman's mercy.

"Well Batgirl. Since you seem to have found some way to resist my drugs, I'll just have to inject more of it into your system. I'll find out your secrets, Batgirl. Then I'll destroy what's left of your puny mind. I've waited a long time to see you like this. But, what to do with Nightwing? It has to be something fun, for the both of you."

Even as Catwoman walked about the room, deciding what games to play with the costumed clowns, Minx made her entrance. She sported several bruises on her face and neck, remnants of her earlier beating at the hands of Nightwing. Seeing him in front of her, Minx sent a powerful kick to his defenseless body, connecting with his chest. Unable to defend himself, Nightwing was an easy target for her sudden attack, and suddenly found himself flying back to the floor. The only thing that stopped her from giving Nightwing more pain was Catwoman's sharp rebuke, which surprised Minx. Turning to face Catwoman, Minx flexed her claws as she approached the older Catwoman. Seconds later, Minx was sent to the floor herself as she attempted to slash Catwoman's face with her sharpened claws. Furious, Minx was about to get up when she suddenly came face to face with one of Catwoman's extra long claws, the tip of which rested just inside Minx's nostril.

"I'm not in the mood Minx. I know you want your revenge and you'll get it, but not now. Batgirl has found some way of resisting the new drug we made. Nightwing seems to be under its influence but I want to know why Batgirl can resist it. I also want to know who Batgirl is?"

Minx relaxed at the sight of Catwoman's sharp claw up her nose. She knew that in her fury, she almost caused herself a lot of pain. Minx wanted revenge all right, on Nightwing and Batgirl surely; but on Catwoman as well. That she knew Batgirl's secret identity while Catwoman did not gave her immense pleasure. Minx surrendered for the moment, getting up off the floor seconds later. Seeing Batgirl in the corner, Minx walked over to the hopelessly bound heroine and started to torment her. Catwoman took in Batgirl's renewed torture with glee and suddenly came up with just the right game.

"I have just the perrrrfect game to play Batgirl. Today starts the hunting season for this area. When we took over this ranch, we found all sorts of hunting rifles. We're going on a hunt, with Nightwing as the prey. It will be our skills at killing against his skills at survival. The hunt will start in five minutes Batgirl. If you want to see your precious Nightwing alive again, you'll tell me what I want to know. You have five minutes to think about it. Understand?"

Batgirl understood all too well. She knew Catwoman had no intention of letting Nightwing escape from this hunt alive, even if she did cooperate. To Catwoman, escape was not an option, it never was, nor was playing a game by the rules. Once established, they could and would be changed to suit her whims. Glancing at Nightwing with her eyes, Batgirl could tell he had already come to the same conclusion. Watching his eye lids closely, Batgirl suddenly noticed he was trying to signal her through Morse code, by blinking his eye lids at her. Batgirl knew she was rusty on the code, having not seen it since high school days, but if given time she could make out enough of the words to form a basic understanding. They needed some sort of diversion. Fortunately for them, one of the tomcats provided one seconds later.

"Catwoman. I've got some more of that strange language coming off the recorders again. I can't make any sense of it. It sounds sort of like some foreign language or maybe even Indian, but it makes no sense."

"Well, keep recording it anyway. It has to be something. Sooner or later I'll figure it out."

Nearly senseless from the mental and physical attacks, Batgirl tried to concentrate on Nightwing's eyes. With the continued presence of the drug in her mind, she could only make out every other word blinked at her, as she fought to keep the drug at bay. Batgirl missed several word completely as Minx grabbed her shapely ass from behind and squeezed the cheeks together. Shaking her head, Batgirl returned her gaze to Nightwing and tried once more to make sense out of his message. As far as Batgirl could make out, Nightwing was saying to hold on and fight it, but just as Nightwing was starting to blink the next word, Minx walked up to her, grabbed her ass again, and planted her face in Batgirl's vulnerable groin. Minx immediately began to lick the latex covering Batgirl's womanhood, sending intense sexual energy through her body even as Minx squeezed Batgirl's latex covered ass again. Forgetting Nightwing, Batgirl concentrated her energies on Minx's attacks. Batgirl knew her weakened mind couldn't hope to resist Minx's sexual attacks while it fought to resist Catwoman's drug induced one. Something had to give, and Batgirl fought to make sure she didn't get too aroused. Arousal here would leave her mind totally open to the drug, rendering her helpless before its affects. It was just luck that Minx decided to stop her assault on Batgirl's sex as Catwoman announced the start of the game. As Catwoman looked on at Batgirl's discomfort, Nightwing was untied moments later and led away.

"Well, I tried to give you a chance Batgirl. But, you wouldn't cooperate. I'm going to leave you here to dream about your mistake and Nightwing's demise. I'll be back in, say two hours, to start on you. But to keep you you occupied, I have something for you. I noticed that you had trouble fighting the sensations when Minx planted her face against your groin. It's just possible that a sexual attack on your body might weaken your resolve to fight the drug attacking your mind; so I think I'll leave you something to remember me by. You remember the dildo I stuck up the Huntress's love canal don't you? Well, I'll put it in you for the next two hours. By the time I get back, your mind should be mush, open to any command, and suggestion I give it. Now lets see. First I'll open your legs with this spreader bar. Do you have anything to say?"

"You won't...get away with this..., Catwoman. Nightwing....has..., friends. I'll get..., free..., and put a stop...., to...your..., plannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn......Uuuuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm."

Even as Batgirl answered Catwoman, Catwoman fastened her legs to a spreader bar, preventing Batgirl from closing her legs. Next, she unzipped the latex between Batgirl's open legs and rammed the wide dildo into Batgirl's damp sex. Adjusting the unit so the dildo would move up and down, rubbing against Batgirl's ultra-sensitive clitoris, Catwoman stepped back to observe the wand's progress. Slowly, Batgirl's body responded to the penetration as it moved in rhythm with the dildo. Catwoman watched as Batgirl's beautiful mound, already glistening from Minx's momentary tongue attack, became even wetter as Batgirl's cum trickled down the moving shaft. Stepping closer to the helpless superheroine, Catwoman flipped a switch, instantly activating the wand's pulsating head. Batgirl's head snapped back as the pulsating rubber pressed against her already super-sensitive and aroused clit, sending intense sexual sensations up to Batgirl's flooded mind. Swimming in total ecstasy, Batgirl soon began to lose control of her mind, allowing the drug to take over, sealing her doom. Moments before Batgirl achieved her first orgasm, Catwoman placed one of her needlers next to Batgirl's neck and injected the young heroine with a concentrated dose of catnip. Her clouded mind already well beyond hope, Batgirl quickly succumbed to the drug's effects and slipped into unconsciousness seconds later, just as the massive climax washed through her. Seeing that Batgirl was finally out of it, Catwoman left Batgirl to simmer in her own love juices and left the room to have her fun with Nightwing in the season's fist hunt.

Catwoman caught up with her hunting party several minutes later. Instructing the tomcats to release Nightwing, she walked up to the drugged hero and injected his body with the antidote for the drug. Within minutes, Nightwing was coming out of his stupor as he took in his surroundings. He was just about to say something when Catwoman, wanting his attention, backhanded him with her brass knuckled glove.

"Nightwing. Let me fill you in on your situation. You're out in the middle of the woods, alone and in danger. Shortly, I'm going to release my tomcats and they are going to position themselves in various parts of the ranch, to await your presence. Your task is to get through them to rescue Batgirl back at the house. I'll give you your utility belt with all the weapons inside, so that should just about even the playing field. Your only problem will be in figuring out where my toms are. As you can see, they each carry a high-powered rifle equipped with a powerful scope. They also have at their disposal night vision glasses, should you be able to evade them during the day. Now I told Batgirl this little game would last only two hours, but she'll never know the difference."

"What have you done to her Catwoman? If you've hurt her in any way, so help me I'll....."

"Oh shut up Nightwing. I'm getting awfully tired of you and Batgirl making these silly threats. You never carry them out you know."

"Tell that to Minx. Just remember my words Catwoman. If you hurt Batgirl, you'll live to regret it. If you kill her, you'll bring down the Batman's wrath as well. There won't be a place on earth you can hide. You have My word on that."

"Be that as it may, Nightwing. You won't be alive long enough to carry out your threat. Now, I'm going to have you put to sleep for the next few hours. That should give my toms the time they need to get into place. Oh, and Nightwing, to answer your question about Batgirl? I've put her in the same torture you found the Huntress in several days ago. With Batgirl's mind already clouded in my new drug, it won't be long before she falls totally under my control. In fact, she should have achieved her fifth orgasm by now."

Signaling one of the main tomcats standing just behind Nightwing to act, the tomcat reached up behind Nightwing and injected his body with catnip. The drug took effect almost instantly, sending the hero to the ground and certain unconsciousness shortly thereafter. Dismissing the tomcats to their assigned positions, Catwoman dropped Nightwing's utility belt and left to join the commanding tomcat. Minutes later, as the woods fell silent, a lone figure stepped out from behind a tree and slowly crept to Nightwing's side. Kneeling beside the fallen hero, the figure thumbed up the volume on his headset and softly spoke into the mouth piece. Using the language of a warrior race long thought dead, the figure radioed in his position and situation, asking for the head of the clan and the medical kit. Twenty minutes later, as dusk fell on the land, William was administering aid to the stricken hero, and wondering about the where abouts of Batgirl.

Slowly at first, Nightwing regained consciousness and took in his surroundings. Seeing two darkened figures by his side with rifles caused him to suddenly become alert. Before he even knew who they were, Nightwing attacked, sending one of them to the ground in pain. The other simply pointed his rifle at Nightwing's head and softly told him to stop.

"Well, if this is how you treat your friends Nightwing, I sure don't want to see how you deal with your enemies. That hurt."

"William. I'm sorry, I thought you were one of the tomcats. They have rifles also. But, how'd you find me?"

"Nightwing, meet Scott, Scott Nightwing. Scott is my second oldest brother, the one I called on the phone. He was sent to locate you and keep an eye on you, just in case. Nightwing. Where's Batgirl?"

"Oh my God, Batgirl. We have to rescue her, William, she's in grave danger."

"Hold on Nightwing. This Catwoman has her men all over the place, right? If any of them find out you went for Batgirl, she'll go there as well. It's better if we keep her men separated for the moment. Tell me, what's this woman up to?"

"She's on a hunt with me as the prey. The hunt will start soon and my 'task' is to get past her men and rescue Batgirl. But I don't think Catwoman will abide by her own rules. She'll change them when it suits her. Her men have high powered rifles with them. They have scopes on the rifles and night vision glasses as well."

"Weeeoooooow! This bitch means business. But, it should give my brothers some fun as well. Ok, I'll tell you what we'll do Nightwing. I want you to start moving about the woods, angling towards the house, but not too fast, understand? That should keep her men busy as they watch you. Scott, radio the clan that phase two has begun. Bring them up to par on the situation and the weaponry we face. The toms are using the Gratham's hunting rifles, which if I remember are thirty-ought six's. Their scopes should be around the nine-power version, and the night glasses are army surplus. In other words, their weapons aren't any where near as state of the art as ours. Got that Scott? Get on it.

Nightwing? As soon as Scott radios in I want you to go. Keep low and loose. You may be a warrior born, but this is our type of war. I'll go after Batgirl and bring her to the glen we agreed upon, ok? Oh, one more thing, Nightwing. Take this headset. It will keep you in contact with the clan. If you need to talk, well...don't talk. Now go."

Nightwing smiled as he started to leave. Wondering where regular park rangers could get their hands on sophisticated weaponry and radios, he made his way slowly towards the main compound, choosing to move up behind the main barn a short while later. Hearing a click off to his right, Nightwing froze in his tracks and dropped to the ground. Peering around a small rock, he could just make out the barrel of a rifle, pointing at his head. Moving quickly, he ducked back behind the rock, just as the bullet ricocheted off its side, sending rock fragments to hit his cheek, as the bullet flew harmlessly away. Taking a deep breath to calm his nerves, Nightwing decided he had better move before the tom moved in for the kill, but he was too late as the muzzle of a gun touched his shoulder seconds later. In a near whisper-like voice, the dark figure spoke out, instantly alarming Nightwing in the process.

"William told you to keep low Nightwing. Its a good thing he told me to shadow you or you'd have a splitting headache by now. You ok?"

"Yeah, sort of..., I think. I don't know which is scarier, the toms or you."

"Us by a long shot. Now get your butt in gear and move it."

Nightwing turned to tell the figure thanks, but he was already gone. There was nothing left but a mist as the early evening's fog began to announce its presence. Feeling totally unsure of himself, Nightwing started moving again, crawling at first before he broke out in a jog. His first mistake had been to move straight towards the barn, making him an easy target for the tomcats. His second mistake came scant seconds after he began to jog through the woods, as he ran smack into a large tree. Lying on the ground dazed, Nightwing decided he had better put on his own night vision system, before he killed himself, saving the toms the trouble. Seconds later, as he got up, he heard a bullet whiz by his head just before the distant rifle report. Hearing a different sounding rifle report seconds later as it responded to the first, Nightwing smiled and went on his way, zig zagging through the woods. The hunt was on.

Moving slowly, using the natural vegetation and landscape for cover, William made his way to the main house, where he hoped to find Batgirl captive but unharmed. Crouching behind a rock, he could see the outlines of the house, but he could also see the outlines of a human, standing just under the eave. Looking closely, William decided the figure was too small to be a man, so he adjusted his tranquilizer gun for a woman and fired one shot, hitting the figure in the chest moments later. Creeping closer to the prone body, he was surprised to find the woman called Minx lying on her back with a dart protruding from her right breast. Thinking he should have aimed lower, he leaned over and pulled the now empty dart from her breast. Checking her over for hidden weapons, William found several and put them in his belt. As he tied her up, he noticed her eyes were still open and looking up at him. But he knew she would be too weak to offer any kind of resistance for several hours. Leaving her there, he made his way to a window and peered inside. What he saw disturbed him to no end. Batgirl was there all right, but she was being used as a pop cycle, with a large dildo ramming itself into her womanhood. Seething with righteous fury, William entered the house moments later, and checked it for any other people. Finding none, he went to Batgirl's side and turned off the fiendish device. Untying her hands from the overhead ropes, William had to lift her weakened body off the cum-soaked dildo to free her. Releasing her legs from the spreader bar, he found the virtually hidden zipper, caked in her sweet smelling love juices and closed her costume minutes later. Picking the unconscious superheroine up to gaze at her face, he could tell Batgirl was totally out of it. Radioing for support, William then moved her to a safer spot, just outside the main house. Within ten minutes, two of his brothers arrived and covered the retreat as they made their way to the glen, located a short distance away.

Arriving at the secluded glen. William placed Batgirl's unmoving body down on a soft bed of grass and started to work on her. He could tell she was in pretty bad shape, and in desperate need of help. Checking her over, William decided her only real problem was between her legs. William was about to re-open her costume when Nightwing showed up to offer his assistance.

"Nightwing. Thank the gods you're here. Batgirl needs help, but, I don't know if I should be the one doing it. She needs attention below her waist but I just don't feel comfortable feeling around down there."

"I understand William. Batgirl and I are..., well, I can do it. Any else to tell me?"

"I ran into the woman called Minx at the house. She won't cause any trouble for awhile. Next time though, I need to aim a little lower. I hit her in her right breast."

"Knowing Minx, William, she probably enjoyed it. She's a kinky little devil."

Even as Nightwing talked to William, he unzipped Batgirl's costume and started to check out the damage. Her crotch was extremely sore, even raw in some places, but that was to be expected. Accepting the antiseptic wipes offered by William, Nightwing proceeded to clean Batgirl's body and costume of all the residual cum, cleaning her costume to a squeaky clean condition in no time. Reaching into his utility belt, Nightwing produced the quick healing lotion and rubbed it into Batgirl's groin, even as soft sensual moans escaped Batgirl's slightly parted lips. Taken aback, William could only watch in amazement as Nightwing serviced her fine body. Sealing the costume minutes later, Nightwing reached into his belt again and gave Batgirl specially designed pills; one for energy, and one to fight the drugs still in her system.

"Ok. I've cleaned her up and given her two special Bat pills. One of them will increase her energy by several times, while the other will hopefully fight off the drugs Catwoman injected her with."

"What kind of drugs, Nightwing?"

"One is a sleeping drug; which is probably why Batgirl is still partially out of it. The other is many times more dangerous. It's a combination arousal and mind control drug. It keeps a person's body on the point of sexual bliss while at the same time allows Catwoman to make any suggestion, any command of the victim. With it, Catwoman almost found out Batgirl's secret identity."

"I see. Hey, when I captured Minx, I found several weapons on her. I kept them just in case. Can you use any of these?"

Looking over the assorted weapons, Nightwing suddenly focused on one particular pill case. Opening it seconds later, he smiled through his teeth as he recognized the little yellow pills found inside. Offering one to William, Nightwing swallowed one just before giving one to a barely conscious Batgirl.

"These are Catwoman's antidote pills William. They counter act her drugs affects on her chosen victims. She keeps them in case she is accidentally injected with her own drugs. This should help Batgirl more than anything I have."

"William. Scott is reporting in. He says they've lost several of the tomcats and he wants to know what he should do now?"

"Tell him to find them damn it, what else?"

Leaving Batgirl in the soft grass to recover, William and Nightwing started to erect a makeshift prison, which was really nothing more that a set of ropes hanging from trees located on the low cliffs above. Seeing that everything was nearly ready, William instructed Nightwing to get back to Batgirl and help her up. By the time William had returned, Batgirl was standing on her own and kissing Nightwing, thanking him for the rescue.

"Don't you hero's ever think about anything other than sex?"

"Oh William. I was just thanking Nightwing for rescuing me back at the house."

"He didn't. That was me. Nightwing was jogging about the woods, and running head long into trees."

Seeing Nightwing's face turn a slight shade of pink at William's tree comment, Batgirl decided she needed to find out more about it at a later time. But for now, she needed to thank the proper person for the rescue. Before William could even think about reacting to her attack, Batgirl's tongue found its way deep into his shocked mouth even as she wrapped her arms around her would be hero. Batgirl pressed the attack as she slowly raised her right leg, rubbing it against William's unprotected crotch seconds later. Seeing he was trapped, William was more than able to defend himself as he suddenly returned the passionate kiss, moving his tongue deep inside her waiting mouth allowing his tongue to dance with hers. Within seconds, Batgirl's attack had been overpowered as William took control of the moment, swooning Batgirl in his left arm as he continued to ravage her mouth. Seconds later, her eyes widened in momentary shocked as his right hand found it's way to her left breast, caressing the perfectly rounded mammary with his expert fingers. By the time he was finished, Batgirl was reduced to a quivering mound of jello, barely able to stand, as she leaned on William's chest, moaning in pure joy.

"Unnnnmmmmm..., Uuuuuhhhhhhhh. William!! You sure know how to kiss. I have never been kissed like that. It was so overwhelming, so powerful. Don't you think so Nightwing?"

"I...wouldn't...know, Batgirl! And I'm not about to find out!!!"

Looking at Nightwing's face for the first time since the immortal kiss, Batgirl began to giggle as his frustrated expression set her off. She hadn't thought not to ask him about William's expert knowledge of kissing. Seeing the reddening look of jealousy on his face only caused her to laugh even more, even though she knew better. It was just too much fun to see him like that. Moments later, Nightwing walked off to cool down before he did something he would regret, like punch the lights out of William or yell at Batgirl.

"I think you made him mad Batgirl. I think we both did. Would you like me to go talk to him?"

"No William. It's my fault. I shouldn't have made fun of him. Besides, I think you need to explain things to your brothers. I don't think they've taken a breath since we embraced. Oh back in a minute.

As Batgirl left to soothed Nightwing's ruffled feathers, William turned around to look at the gaping mouths of his brothers. His stern look along with his coy excuse, closed them moments later as the brothers nodded their heads in agreement, even as the began laughing their heads off.

"Hey guys, what would have me do? I'm the oldest of the Greystone Clan and I was being attacked. I had to defend the family honor didn't I? But do me a favor, ok? Don't tell Beth."

Dismissing his brothers to return to their posts, William looked over at the young lovers and decided Batgirl had everything under control as she lay on the ground with Nightwing's body on top of hers. He was just lowering his head to give her another kiss, which she readily accepted seconds later. William's thoughts had just turned to Beth when his head set crackled on.

"William. Scott here. I've found one of the toms and he appears to be heading towards the house. He's talking to the other tomcats about some sort of trap but I'm not close enough to hear everything. I think I need help here as he may be leading me into this trap."

"We're on our way. You can tell me your location as we approach. As soon as Michael gets here to cover the kids I'll leave. I've already sent the others. Ok?"

"Sounds good. Michael should be there any minute. I can tell you I don't like this William. Something's not right about it. It's like I've seen it before but I can't remember where?"

Michael arrived in the glen minutes later and listened carefully as William gave him the instructions. Nodding his head in total understanding seconds later, he moved over to stand guard over Nightwing and Batgirl until William returned. Thirty minutes later the three of them were talking about all the action when a single shot rang out from above impacting the back of Michael's left shoulder and knocking the young man to the ground in agonizing pain. Nightwing was at his side in an instant as he tried to comfort the trembling young man, even as Batgirl moved to a defensive position, facing the attackers. The sudden sound of bullets jacketing into chambers was loud and menacing and totally unmistakable, as both Nightwing and Batgirl turned their eyes to the cliff tops above. There, standing in a rising fog, were all of the tomcats, pointing their rifles at the two hero's below. Looking around them, they could see that they were completely surrounded, with no means of escape. Stealing a glance at Batgirl, Nightwing could see her beautiful chest as it rose and fell in rapid succession, reflecting several red colored laser points as she controlled the fear within her bosom. Thumbing the control switch of his headset to the speaking position as he rose to his feet, Nightwing moved to stand beside Batgirl as he offered his hand to hers. Without hesitation, Batgirl took the offered hand and held on tight, as she continued to look at the toms and almost certain death.

"Have you every been really scared Batgirl?"

"Yes. Up to and including now, Nightwing."

"Hummmp. You watch too many John Wayne movies Batgirl."

"He reminds me of you Nightwing. He dashing, independent, reckless, but lovable."

"Nightwing...I love you."

"I love you too, Batgirl. I love you too."

The two hero's continued to speak softly to each other as they waited for the final call, signaling their imminent deaths as a fury of bullets ripped through their beings. They knew that even with the Kevlar in their costumes, this many bullets, shot at such a close range, would do lethal damage to their bodies. As the young man at their feet lay helpless and gasping for breath, Catwoman announced her presence as her voice rang out, echoing through the small canyon.

"Ah Nightwing and Batgirl. Such an unpleasant surprise. I'm getting so tired of you two escaping my fiendishly planned traps."

"Catwoman. There was no need to shoot Michael Greystone. He's just a boy and no threat to you."

"Wrong, Batgirl. Any one that stands up to me is a threat. You and Nightwing are a threat. A threat I'm about to end."

Seeing Catwoman raise her whip in the air, Batgirl turned to embrace Nightwing for one last time, too afraid to face the death soon to come their way. Nightwing held Batgirl close to him as she cried, comforting her as he glared in total defiance at Catwoman smiling above him.

"Ok men."

Seconds later, as the sound of bullets rang out through the canyons of the area, Batgirl pushed Nightwing down to the ground landing on top of him moments later. Puffs of dust and rock sprang up around them even as Batgirl got to her feet and started to run towards the small opening at the far end of the glen, seeking to pull the fight away from the injured Greystone and to Catwoman. Batgirl was almost to the opening when a bullet impacted with her stomach, knocking her to the ground in agonizing pain. Getting to her feet seconds later, she attempted to climb over the small rocks of the passage when a million to one shot ricocheted off her breast and slid under her cowl, sending indescribable burning pain to her brain. Staggering, Batgirl lost her balance and fell over onto the rocks as she grasped her throbbing head. Fighting the pain, she managed to bring herself to her knees before unconsciousness over took her minutes later.