Batgirl and Nightwing: The Gratham Estate Affair: Chapter 7

Author: Dark Roles
Time to Read:118min
Added Date:7/11/2024
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Tags: CatwomanNightwingBatgirl


This Story contains scenes of violence, rape, bondage, and other sexual situations, which are not appropriate for anyone under the age of eighteen. If you are under the age of eighteen, do not read this story. If you are offended by this material, do not read any further.

Batgirl, Nightwing, Catwoman, Minx, the Huntress and all other characters, were created by and are copyrighted by and are property of DC Comics. This story has been written solely to occupy my free time. No compensation has been or will be received for this story. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and cannot be redistributed for the purposes of making money or profit.

Any similarities between names, characters, and places in this story are purely coincidence.


Minx has taken a life and Batgirl has been told by a spirit-god, that she will face, must face a battle to the death, but she doesn't know if she can.

It was difficult to see in the swirling mist, but Nightwing could just pick out several of the toms lying on the ground from gunshot wounds. He couldn't understand what had happened. One minute they were the targets of Catwoman's men and the next, her men were falling like flies. Looking around for Batgirl he was shocked to see her running across the open ground as she headed for the glen's entrance several yards away. Yelling for her to stay low, Nightwing moved to Michael Greystone's body and used his own body to protect the young boy. Nightwing couldn't help but watch Batgirl as she made her way across the glen. Glancing around him at the various tomcats above, he couldn't help but think she would be hit by one of them soon. Minutes later, as the first bullet hit her, Nightwing jumped and he almost went to her, but seeing her get back up calmed him down. Seeing the second bullet hit her head, Nightwing fought with himself to go to her aid. He knew she needed help but he also knew the young Greystone deserved his protection. Cursing himself for not running after her in the first place, Nightwing bit his lip as he watched her stagger a minute later before she fell to the ground. Tears were starting to appear near the corner of his eyes as Michael Greystone looked at him.

"Nightwing..., Go after her. I'll be ok."


"Just go..., You love her and she needs you now more than I do. I'll see about calling in some help. Now go!"

Looking at Nightwing for a long moment, the young Greystone nodded his head as a smile appeared on his face. Moving into action, he switched his headset to voice mode and began to sing out the requests for assistance in broken Iroquois, updating his brothers as to his condition and the deadly peril facing Batgirl. Almost instantly, the noise of battle shifted towards the far end of the glen where a helpless and completely exposed Batgirl lay unconscious. Making his way to the fallen heroine, Nightwing had to keep dodging the flying bullets coming from both parties as he slowly inched towards an unmoving Batgirl. After several tiring minutes, he managed to touch her hand, but as he moved in for a closer look, his body was unexpectedly hit by rapid automatic fire, knocking him back towards the cliff face moments later. Fighting to stay on his feet, Nightwing's Kevlar reinforced costume continued to absorb the onslaught until his body couldn't take anymore punishment, and he gave up. Extremely dizzy from the attack, Nightwing slowly slid down the side of the cliff and to the pile of rubble below. Breathing heavily as the excruciating pain washed through his body and mind, Nightwing clawed his way to Batgirl, moving on top of her seconds later, as much to protect her as to keep her from going into possible shock. Cautiously checking her over, he gradually saw the area of greatest concern. The second bullet had managed to slide up, under her cowl and impact with the side of her head, possibly burning off the side of her scalp. With the cowl still in place, he couldn't tell how much damage had actually been done, but he wasn't about to take any chances. Feeling the back of her cowl with extreme caution, Nightwing found out that the bullet had never gone through the back of Batgirl's cowl, meaning it was still under the cowl someplace and sending mind-boggling pain to Batgirl's head. She had only one chance to survive, but the hail of bullets still flying in all directions kept him pinned down. Thinking fast, Nightwing thumbed up the volume of his head set and yelled out for William. William's excited voice came back through the din of battle like a hot knife through butter, giving Nightwing an instant headache. Moving the volume back down, Nightwing called out again, seeking his friend. William came back almost instantly, thanking the gods that Nightwing and Batgirl were safe. When Nightwing started yelling at him though, William decided something wasn't right and told Nightwing to flip to the lower channel. The noise on the lower channel was much lower and as William keyed on, he asked Nightwing about the young Greystone. Taking a deep breath, Nightwing calmed his nerves as he looked back at the fallen Greystone.

Looking behind him mere seconds later, Nightwing was astounded to see the young man on his feet and advancing to his position. Watching with amazement as the youngest of the Greystone clan attacked, Nightwing returned to his conversation with the elder Greystone and reported that the young man was fine, if not a bit stupid. Seconds later, Michael broke in and scolded his uncle for not laying down enough support to cover Batgirl's attack on Catwoman and the subsequent movements by Nightwing to render her aid. Hearing the young man's voice on the headset, Nightwing could tell Michael was furious as he described how he had watched first Batgirl then Nightwing go down as a result of the gun fire. Yelling into his headpiece at his brothers, he got up and ran the short distance to their bodies, firing his own weapon as he went. Puffs of dust sprang up with every step and as he got closer to the stricken hero's the level of fire got worse. Dropping to the ground behind a series of small rocks a minute later, he reported in to his brothers again, asking what they were all doing. Trying to interject a calmer atmosphere amidst all the chaos, Nightwing went back to his report with William Greystone.

"Uh, William? Michael has been shot in the shoulder, but as you can probably tell, it isn't life threatening. The bullet entered his...damn...."

"What?..., what is it?"

"Nothing, another bullet hit close. Probably just a straaa....Nnggggghhhh."

"Nightwing? Are you all right? Nightwing?? Scott, can you get to the cliff from your side. I'm pinned down and can't move yet."

"Back at you in a minute William. What do you need?"

"Check the action down below and keep me posted. Stay low, these guys aren't done yet."

"William? William its me, Nightwing...are you there?"

"Thank the gods. What happened?"

"Got hit by a bullet in the back. Not much damage, just hurt like hell. William, we have a problem. The tomcats are wearing Kevlar and they have laser scopes on the rifles. They might have night vision systems as well."

"Great. Anything more good news?"

"Well, Batgirl's been hit twice, with one doing damage to her head, and there's a fog moving in."

"Sorry I asked. How's Batgirl?"

Whatever reply William was expecting never came as another bullet impacted with the side of Nightwing's head. The only thing that saved him from certain death was the radio headset which took the brunt of the bullet. From his vantage point at the edge of the cliff, Scott could see just about the entire glen. Looking below, he could easily see young Michael as he hid behind the rocks, returning fire to where the sniper was believed to be. Batgirl was on her back and unconscious, while Nightwing lay on top of her. From the looks of it, he'd been shot many times as well. Scott was just returning his gaze to Michael when he saw the headset explode near Nightwing's head, propelling the young hero to the side and off of Batgirl's body. As he looked on, another poof, barely visible in the rising mist, popped up between Batgirl's open legs, signaling a miss. But where were these shots coming from. Counting off tomcats in his head as he looked, Scott came up with all seven before he lost bodies.

"William. It's not good. Michael is hurt but still fighting, and Batgirl has been shot at least once. Nightwing was on top of her acting as a shield I think, but that last shot blew the radio to pieces. Now he's lying next to her, making them both easy targets. I don't see any blood....wait, yes I do. Batgirl's bleeding slightly from the right side of her head. I think we also have a possible sniper."

"Sniper? From where? Can you get a bead on him?"

"Not from here no. It's coming from my far left. I can see the rifle barrel but that's all. They have clear shots to the glen though, so we have to take them out, and fast."

Closing the link for a minute, Scott attempted to move, but a sudden hail of bullets put the young man back to the ground. The fight wasn't going to plan but he knew that eventually their advanced systems would overpower the tomcats, forcing them to either surrender or die. Nightwing had been right about the fog though. One was indeed coming in and this would make it even more difficult to continue the battle. Scott was just about signal William with an idea when he saw a small red pin-point of light appear near Batgirl's open legs, just above her womanhood. Before he could even think, Batgirl grabbed at her groin as a bullet made contact with the latex material, ricocheting harmlessly to the side seconds later. He could see she was in great pain as she rolled around on the ground, but she was virtually helpless. With the head wound, she couldn't hope to escape, let alone defend herself. He was still thinking about her when he caught a movement out of the corner of his eye. Enhancing the view on his night-vision system, Scott saw Michael moving, crawling on top of Batgirl's trembling body to protect her.

"She's been shot. Batgirl's been shot again, William. Michael's up but in deadly danger. Batgirl got hit by the sniper in the groin and now he's moved on top of her. We've got to get that Sniper. I have an idea, William. Lets lose these rifles and go hand-to-hand, like the old ways. We'll have the advantage over these city folks."

"Good idea. I'll pass it on. Keep an eye on Michael and the group below. As for the sniper??"

"As for the sniper, Mr. Greystone is it?, you should have killed me back at the house. Now I'm going to kill the bitch and her protectors down below. And there's nothing you can do to stop it."

"Minx! I'd forgotten about her. Scott, can you see her?"

"No. But I think she's about to have a little company coming her way. The hunter is about to become the hunted."


"Minx has company on her six, in the form of a very angry looking and determined Huntress."

Even as Minx listened to the Greystone brothers discuss her incoming company, the Huntress reached down and grabbed the sniper rifle, throwing it to the glen far below. She made the mistake however, of standing above Minx with her legs spread, giving Minx an inviting target for her boot. Grabbing her crotch in pain, the Huntress fell to the ground seconds before Minx landed on top of her. Driving her knee into the Huntress's already abused groin, she started to pummel the heroine senseless. It was over minutes later, as a semiconscious Huntress groaned in agonizing pain, lying on the ground and helpless before Minx.

"Huntress, you and Batgirl are so much alike that it's pitiful. You really expect to win fights when you can't even stand a little pain? Two kicks to the groin and you're helpless. What a bitch. For once, I'd like to meet just one superheroine that had enough fight in her to give me some competition. But as long as they keep sending people like you and Batgirl to fight me, all I'll get is fun while watching you grope your privates in pain. Huntress, you and Batgirl are nothing but second rate heroines."

Thinking through the pain, the Huntress reached into her utility belt and produced two pain-blocking pills. Popping them into her mouth seconds later, the Huntress fought the pain coursing through her body, as she listened to Minx's prattle about Batgirl's and her inadequacies as superheroines. The pain was subsiding quickly and she knew that given time, she would be able to take the fight back to Minx. Her first kick had been a lucky shot, even though the Huntress knew she had been stupid for standing in that position. Thinking that Batgirl got kicked in the crotch more times when she stood that way caused Huntress to wonder why Batgirl liked that position so much. Perhaps she liked getting kicked in her crotch. Shaking her head to clear any remaining cobwebs, Huntress decided she would ask Batgirl about that when she had taken care of the bitch now standing above her, in exactly the same position. Stupid. Deciding to act more hurt than she was, Huntress replied to Minx's continued oratory with a great deal of contempt.

"Uuuuhhhhhhh..., Minx. Has anyone..., aaaahhhhhhh, ever told you, uuuhhh, uuuhhhhhh, that you talk to much and about...nothing important. If Batgirl...were here she'd.."

"But she's not here Huntress. She's lying on the ground down below with at least two bullets in that sleazy excuse for a body. One shot and she went down in pain. And I thought you people wore Kevlar in those costumes. It's like I said, Huntress, you two can't take the pai......Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeee."

The Huntress had already figured out that Minx was no smarter than she or Batgirl and seeing her step closer to assume Batgirl's exact pose of defiance proved it even more. As Minx was delivering her insults to what she thought was a weakened Huntress, the Huntress delivered a response of her own, sending the heel of her boot up and into Minx's exposed and vulnerable groin. Minx grabbed her abused groin and dropped to her knees in indescribable pain. She was still there groaning in agony when the Huntress delivered an open-palmed slam to the base of Minx's chin, propelling the feline vixen to the ground. Picking Minx up by the front of her costume. The Huntress slammed a fist into the young woman's stomach, doubling her over in pain even as her air was forced from her lungs. The Huntress continued to attack Minx, sending punches and jabs at her torso, with an occasional kick to her legs and groin. After several untiring minutes of abuse, the Huntress started asking Minx questions about endurance and pain.

"Minx? Tell me when you start feeling pain ok? I mean, Batgirl and I are weaklings, since we can't stand any pain. But you, well it sure looks like you can take it. So when we get close to your thresh hold of pain, let me know ok?"

Meanwhile Michael Greystone, noticing the sniper fire from above had ceased for a moment, began to check Batgirl over. Without thinking of her secret identity, he removed Batgirl's cowl and started to look at the bullet wound on the side of her head. Looking down at a trembling Batgirl seconds later, he blinked his eye and told it wasn't serious at all, just a slight graze.

"You'll be fine Batgirl. The bullet didn't do any real damage. Batgirl? Batgirl, is there something else?"

"No...Michael, I've..., just never been shot before. I was so scared when the first one hit me, that I froze. That's when the second hit me on my right breast and ricocheted under my cowl. They both hurt like hell, but not as much as the one that nailed me below. I'm too scared to look down there."

"Where were you hit Batgirl? In the leg or...oh my God no. I..., I see where you got it. I can't even imagine the pain of a bullet hitting you down there. Um, if it will help, the bullet didn't penetrate your costume."

"It does help. Thanks, Michael. How's Nightwing?

"He'll be fine. just a little sore like you, I guess. Hell, like me."

Back at the top of the cliff, Minx was taking a beating at the hands of a rather peeved Huntress. Caught off guard by the Huntress's attack, Minx found herself an easy target for the series of blows and kicks being given her by the heroine. Letting her hands dangle at her sides, Minx slowly reached behind her and retrieved the brass knuckles from the secreted pouch within her costume. Placing these on her hands, Minx unexpectedly rammed her right fist into the Huntress's lower abdomen as the woman was pulling back her hand to deliver yet another punch. The wind knocked out of her, the Huntress doubled over as she grasped her stomach in pain even as Minx gave her a solid punch to her right chin with her left hand. The succession of blows sent the superheroine to her knees moments later, allowing Minx to kick her in the chest, sending the weakened Huntress to the cliff's edge seconds later. Looking at her fallen prey, Minx strolled up to the Huntress and rolled her body over the edge, with the thought of sending her to the glen's floor below. At the last possible instant, the Huntress was able to grab onto the lip of the cliff and hold on. Smiling at the heroine's precarious situation, Minx began to apply pressure to the Huntress's fingers, causing intense pain to shoot up the suspended woman's arm. Her mind racked with pain from the brass-knuckled assault, Huntress could do little to stop Minx from finishing her off as she desperately thought of some means by which to fight back. Thinking fast, she fumbled with her utility belt and fished out her grappling gun. Aiming the weapon at Minx's chin, the Huntress pulled the trigger and sent the grappling hook flying at her adversary seconds later, releasing the pressure on her cramped fingers when Minx fell over backwards to the ground above. Minutes later, a weary Huntress climbed back over the ledge, falling onto the top of the ledge as she rested from her ordeal. Glancing to Minx, she could see the feline vixen would recover before she would and the Huntress started crawling away from the cliff to relative safety of the rocks.

Sensing danger from behind, the Huntress turned in time to avoid being hit from behind by a large rock, which would almost certainly have killed her. Rolling over on to her back, she managed to kick Minx in her knees sending the young woman to the ground in pain. Seconds later, the Huntress landed on top of Minx and the two women started rolling around on the ground exchanging punches, jabs, and kicks. After several agonizing minutes of battle, Minx found her mind totally engulfed in searing pain, as she tried to respond to Huntress's continual attack. Minx knew she couldn't take much more punishment, but she sensed that the Huntress was growing tired by the long fight. Feigning a punch to the right side, Minx delivered a solid jab to the heroine's left temple dazing the young woman as she fell onto Minx's hot body. Rolling the semi-conscious superheroine off her body seconds later, Minx got up and straddled the Huntress as she started to batter the woman's face and chest. Thinking the Huntress was totally helpless as she groaned in mind-numbing pain, Minx grabbed the front of her costume picking the heroine up, and pulled back her brass-knuckled fist. Smiling down at her would be adversary, Minx let go with a solid punch aimed at the Huntress's face, but the Huntress was able to meet the punch with her hand, stopping the punch in mid air. Even with excruciating pain traveling up her arm, the Huntress was able to deliver a punch of her own to Minx's open crotch, doubling the young woman over in pain. But as the Huntress moved to gain the upper hand, Minx sprayed a liberal amount of catnip in the young woman's mask, rendering her unconscious as she fell to the ground.

What would one day be called the "Fight of the Glen" was starting to wind down as the Greystone Iroquois Clan, fighting a blood feud against the tomcats for shooting Michael Greystone; began to defeat and capture the members of Catwoman's gang. Watching as the last of her henchmen surrendered, Catwoman retreated to the relative safety of the main compound to gather the loot and make her get away. Seeing Catwoman depart seconds later, Batgirl got to her feet and started after her, intent on catching the woman and ending Catwoman's criminal career, but two things stopped her in her tracks. Nightwing calling out asking her to stop and Michael catching her to give her back her Batgirl mask. Accepting the mask as she placed it back on her face, Batgirl knelt beside the prone body of her lover and checked him out.

"Nightwing? Are you all right? You're not hit are you?"

"Only my pride is hurt, Batgirl. I tried to protect you by laying on top of your body, only to be shot back off by a stray bullet."

"It wasn't a stray Nightwing. Those shots were too accurate to be strays. There was a sniper back over there some place, but he seems to have been silenced now. And what of you, young Greystone? What do you have to say for yourself? Why did you climb on top of me?"

"To protect you of course, Batgirl. And to, well, I mean, why should Nightwing here have all the fun and get to climb on top of a totally bodacious hot babe such as yourself. And that shiny, ultra-tight purple latex catsuit doesn't help you know. I'm only nineteen years old, not nearly as old as Nightwing. He must be in his mid thirties."

Young Greystone's comment set Batgirl off into a giggling fit again and as she looked at Nightwing with his lower lip thrust out in sympathy her giggles turned to all out laughter. By the time the elder Greystone arrived, all three of them were laughing it up, and talking about their various battle wounds. William made his grand entrance ten minutes later carrying a flag that looked like it came from a cat food sack.

"We have met the enemy on the field and they are ours. I've always wanted to say that. Well, that takes care of that, except for Catwoman of course. You'll find Minx up by the main house, tied up prettier than a deer in hunting season. Her gang has been rounded up and we've contacted the state police to take them away. Michael? Let's see this wound. Huuumm, it's not so bad. Yeah, you'll live, unless you continue to make comments about Batgirl's entirely hot body in front of her boyfriend that is. You need to remember to turn off the headset my boy. I'm sure your mother even heard you say that."

Thinking about what his Mother would do or say about his indiscretions, Michael walked away even as his face turned a bright shade of red. He wound up just below the face of the cliff and was about to offer some retort when all hell broke lose above his head, where the sniper had been. Looking in that direction, the small group was able to see the Huntress, lying on her back as her body rested in Minx's hands held aloft, above Minx's head. Minx was standing at the edge of the short cliff with every intention of throwing the unconscious heroine off the side when Batgirl got her attention.

"Minx stop! Don't do it. That's the Huntress. It's me you want, not her. Put her down and I'll come up there to take her place."

"Batgirl you can't. She'll kill you."

"She's been trying to kill me for sometime Nightwing. Besides, this will give you some time to move in behind her. Minx? What do you say? Is it a deal?"

"Yesssss, It's a deal Batgirl. Remove your utility belt and walk over here. And no tricks. The rest of you stay where you are. And no talking Greystone, or the Huntress becomes a pancake, a..., messy pancake."

Batgirl removed her utility belt and walked towards Minx with her hands raised away from her sides. She knew that once there, Minx would throw the Huntress off the cliff anyway, but she thought she might be able to catch the unconscious woman before she landed. Batgirl knew it would be risky as the Huntress's body colliding with her own around all the jagged rocks could and probably would cause damage, but there was simply no other choice; not if she was to save the Huntress from almost certain death. Seeing movement out of the top of her cowl seconds later confirmed her suspicions as Minx threw the Huntress into the air and over the side of the cliff. Running the short distance, Batgirl got into position and prepared to catch the heroine, just as Michael Greystone moved into position, pushing Batgirl out of the way. Falling to the ground, Batgirl knew there wasn't enough time to get back up and help Michael as his body took the brunt of Huntress's weight, sending the young man to the jagged rocks below.

As Minx made her get away, Batgirl moved over to the fallen Greystone and held him in her arms. She was weeping by the time William arrived to take him from her and as she moved off Batgirl could just make out the silhouette of the great cat as it watched the events unfold in the mist. Trying to move, Batgirl called out to Nightwing for support and the young crime fighter arrived moments later, wrapping his arms around her shoulders. Fumbling with a utility belt that wasn't there, Batgirl tried to walk over to the Huntress but her knees buckled under her and she fell to the ground moments later, with her head hitting a large rock. Trying to get back up moments later, she feinted away from the strain. Nightwing didn't know what to do as he took in the various injuries lying about on the ground. Seeing his confusion, William told him to help Batgirl and the Huntress and not worry about them. Nightwing slowly, carefully turned Batgirl over, resting her upper body in his arms as he took in her beautiful, unconscious form. She wasn't really hurt, just bruised by the impact with the ground as her cowl had absorbed most of the fall. Laying her down, he went to the Huntress and looked her over. She had already started to come around but she was confused at seeing Nightwing.

"Nightwing?? How..., did you get up here? Where's..., Minx? Is... Batgirl ok?"

"Try to stay quiet Huntress. You've had a hard day. I'll see if I can explain things, ok?"

The Huntress was nodding her head slowly even as her back arched as a sudden surge of pain washed through her body. Seeing the movement all too often in Batgirl when she was severely injured, Nightwing produced a pain-blocker pill from his utility belt and shoved it inside Huntress's quivering lips. Laying her body down moments later, Nightwing began to check her over even as he decided she was headed into shock.

"Huntress, you're on the ground in the glen. Minx somehow overpowered you and threw you off the cliff above you. Batgirl was alright for the most part, receiving a grazing shot in the head during the fire fight. She had agreed to exchange herself for you to keep Minx from throwing you off the cliff and she...."

"Batgirl did what??? Why? She's more important than me. She has you. What ever what that woman thinking of??"

"She was thinking of your life Huntress. You're very special to her. She's even told me so. She loves..., she loves you in a way she can't explain. But anyway, Batgirl got into position just in time to see Minx throw you down anyway and she tried to catch you, but Michael Greystone pushed her out of the way and broke your fall instead. I think young Greystone is dead, or soon will be. Huntress. Do you know how Minx overpowered you?"

"Yes, catnip in my mask, just when I had her too. Is Batgirl...will"

"Yes, I will Huntress. It is not time for me to die yet; and Michael? William? How is he?"

"Dead I'm afraid. Nightwing?...Batgirl? Promise me you'll get Minx and Catwoman, and lock them away for a long time. Now go, get them. I'll stay with the Huntress."

Batgirl and Nightwing made their way to the compound's main barn and waited for the feline vixens to arrive. They did so a short while later, entering the barn in their attempt to get away. As Catwoman turned the key to start the car she found out it wouldn't start. Catwoman couldn’t understand until she saw Nightwing standing in front of the car. Instantly alert, Minx looked around for Batgirl and saw her standing behind the car a few seconds later. As Catwoman thought over her options she saw Nightwing holding his bat-a-rang and decided she should give it up. There was no way she wanted to go up against that thing again. Raising her hands in surrender, Catwoman exited the car and stood near it. Following his orders seconds later, Catwoman very slowly leaned over the car with her hands on the top and waited for Nightwing to frisk her for weapons. Now it was Batgirl's turn. Walking up to the passenger side of the car, she ordered Minx to get out. Seeing her whole life flash before her, Minx just sat there fuming. After a few minutes, Batgirl stepped over to open the door and found herself falling forwards as the door hit her in the legs. Her face and arms hitting the top of the car seconds later. Dazed, Batgirl struggled to get up, but was momentarily senseless from the impact with the car. Seeing Batgirl was helpless, Catwoman grabbed her wrists and yelled for Minx to attack. Taking the opportunity to act, Minx delivered a hard punch upwards into Batgirl's unprotected groin. The punch lifted Batgirl's body unto the top of the car, leaving her legs dangling down the side. Stunned, Batgirl attempted to raise her head just as Catwoman reached for her cowl and slammed her head back down into the car once more. It was over before Nightwing could do anything to stop it. As he advanced, Catwoman told him to freeze unless he wanted to see more harm come to his precious Batgirl. Nightwing froze in mid-stride.

Minx got out of the car a short while later and stood besides Batgirl’s now vulnerable body as it laid stretched out on top of the car. Resting one hand on the heroine's shapely ass, Minx made sure she didn’t try anything while Catwoman walked up to Nightwing and delivered a strong backhanded slap to his face. Caught totally off guard by the back handed slap, the blow propelled Nightwing's body face first into a steel pole. Seconds later, his body bounced off the pole and fell to the ground unconscious. Seeing Nightwing go down, Minx pulled Batgirl’s body off the top of the car and turned her around until they were facing each other. Batgirl could barely stand, supported only by Minx, her eyes fluttering as she fought to stay conscious. Smiling, Minx pulled Batgirl close and gave her a warm kiss on her lips seconds before she sent her knee into Batgirl’s already tender groin, doubling the superheroine over in pain while she fell into Minx's waiting arms. Standing Batgirl back up once more, Minx delivered a swift punch to her face knocking Batgirl backwards into a stack of empty boxes and certain unconsciousness, seconds later as a long low groan escaped her parted lips.

Acting quickly, Catwoman stuffed their bodies into the back of Batgirl’s Lamborghini, loaded the jewels, and left a note for the Greystone's to find, describing the capture of Minx and Catwoman. Making sure all was correct, Catwoman gunned the car and drove out of the compound to escape capture. Parking the car on a side road, Minx and Catwoman quietly returned to a spot near the compound waited to see what would happen next. They didn't have long to wait as a series of flashlights began to appear in the compound. Catwoman counted several men and saw one take the note and call out to the rest. Making sure the house was locked up, the men marched the former cat gang off towards the park. After several minutes of watching, Catwoman sent Minx to follow the party and see where they would go. Catwoman then turned the car around and drove back to the house. Getting out of the car, she began to think what they should do. They could stay another night and leave in the morning, or leave now, dumping the bodies in the river on the way back. Or, they could have one last bit of fun before leaving for the city. Considering the latter plan, Catwoman stashed the car behind the house and carried Nightwing and Batgirl to the barn, securing them to overhead beams a few minutes later. Looking at her two captives, Catwoman began to think about the two costumed crime fighters, how they were always spoiling her plans, her fun, her capers. She became more and more furious with each passing moment. Whatever she did, it would have to be something new, even for her sexually deviant mind. She walked over to Nightwing, raising his head and looking into his eyes. Totally out of it. Seeing Batgirl was in the same condition gave her a splendid idea which she presently yelled out loud.

“Yes, mind control. Mind control, but with a sinister with a twist”.

Minx arrived about an hour later and filled Catwoman in on the situation. The state police had arrived and taken the tomcats back to Gotham and the Greystone's had shown the note to the officers as well. They were left to bury their kin, and would not be a threat any time soon. Hearing this, Catwoman told Minx of her plans for Nightwing and Batgirl. Nodding in excited agreement, Minx helped Catwoman prepare Nightwing for his torturous treatments. Removing his body from the overhead beam, Minx removed Nightwing's utility belt and helped Catwoman carry his sleeping body to the back lot. Their feet sinking into the soft soil as they walked, Minx and Catwoman placed Nightwing's body in the center of the yard and started to tie his wrists and ankles to the four different corner posts surrounding the lot. Connecting two hoses to water faucets, Minx turned on the water and watched as the water began to flow across the small earthen lot, surrounding Nightwing as he lay, unconscious on the ground. With Nightwing secured, Catwoman knelt beside the unsuspecting hero and injected his body with a series of drugs aimed at removing any defenses he might be able to erect as he regained consciousness. Next, she took out an as yet untested mind control drug and injected this into his neck as well. Leaving the hero to his fate, Catwoman re-entered the barn and explained the new drug to a very excited and horny Minx.

"I've injected Nightwing with two different drugs Minx. The first one is designed to block any attempts by his mind to place roadblocks when you are attacking him, whether the attack is by physical, mental or emotional means. It will leave him totally susceptible to any suggestion or command you wish to play with. It's the same drug I shot into Batgirl a few days ago, but she had somehow managed to fight it. I don't think Nightwing will be able to fight anything soon. This second drug is totally new and untested. If it works, Nightwing will make and be totally in love with who ever he sets eyes on first. In this case, you. If you tell him you're Batgirl he'll see only Batgirl before him, even if she's standing to his side. Once he sees you and hears you're Batgirl, he do anything to protect you from the real Batgirl. He'll even kill her if you so desire."

"But he'll be loving Batgirl and not me. What's the point in that?"

"Whatever you wish to tell him will affect his mind Minx. You can tell him you're good and Batgirl is bad and he'll accept it out of hand. You can tell him you're Minx and that he's always loved you and hated Batgirl with a passion, and he'll accept that as well. You see Minx, the possibilities are endless. The point is, you're going to do all this and have sex with him too right in front of the real Batgirl. It will destroy her faith in him and her will to live. It will eventually leave her open for my ultimate make her a mindless, totally obedient, sex slave, willing to do my bidding, even going so far as to kill the Batman himself. This morning's gun fight has given me a headache Minx. I need to lay down for a few hours so I think I'll leave Batgirl's preparation to you. You seem to understand her desires and sexual limits better than I do anyway. I'll help you get Batgirl ready if you wish, then I'm gone. I'll be back in a few hours. Have fun."

With Nightwing drugged and unconscious, and slipping ever deeper under her control, Minx turned her attention to Batgirl. Taking Batgirl's body down from the beam, Minx laid the young heroine flat on her face. Next, she attached leather wrist and ankle straps to Batgirl's body. Finally, she attached a leather belt strap around Batgirl’s slim waist and with the help of Catwoman, hoisted her body upwards until it was suspended about four feet off the ground. She had Catwoman raise Batgirl's wrists and ankles to the same height allowing Batgirl's body to be suspended horizontally off the ground, with the heroine's head hanging down. Unzipping Batgirl's costume, Minx re-applied the mini-vibrator patches to Batgirl's breasts and pussy, making sure to insert the specially designed fiber-optic dildo into her sex. Once activated, the vibrators would send Batgirl into a sexual frenzy, making her a raving lunatic in minutes, completely unable to fight the continual sensations surging within her. Batgirl's mind, totally consumed in sexual pleasures, would be unable to resist the sexual feelings of ecstasy as Batgirl's body was constantly kept on the edge of sexual bliss; as she achieved orgasm after debilitating orgasm. Eventually, Batgirl’s mind would turn to mush and would be totally open to any suggestion. Total mind control. Batgirl would cease to exist, replaced by Catwoman's newest accomplice, Cat Girl.

With a final thought about Batgirl's future torments, Minx turned on the switch and activated the ultra-thin vibrators, immediately sending intense sexual energies through Batgirl's suspended and hopelessly bound body. Minutes later, Batgirl looked like a mechanical bull without a rider, as her body jerked and jumped, while she tried to fight the massive energies cursing through her sex. Awakened almost instantly by the renewed sensations, Batgirl fought to maintain control over her mind even though she knew it was hopeless.

Several hours later, Nightwing regained consciousness to find he was floating in 6 inches of warm mud. He was tied down to the ground with Minx and Catwoman standing on either side of him. Nightwing looked beyond them and saw Batgirl trying in vain to get loose from her bonds. Suspended spread eagle horizontally, her movements looked very erotic and the movements of the attempted escapes could only be turning her on even more. It was diabolical.

"Hello Nightwing, it's good of you to join us. I see your checking out Batgirl over there. Even though it was Minx's idea, I'll take the liberty of explaining the bondage. Batgirl has been tied horizontally with spreader bars between her wrists and ankles, preventing her from pulling either her wrists or ankles into her body. Minx has re-applied those devious little monsters to Batgirl's nipples and womanhood again, along with that devilish fiber-optic dildo. You see Nightwing, unlike the last time when she could grab herself and relieve some of the pressure on her body, this time the more Batgirl moves, the more they stimulate her body, and the more she gets turned on, forcing her to move; getting even more stimulated, and turned on even more; forcing her to move....well, you get the idea. Before long, Batgirl's mind will be so overloaded with sexual stimulation signals that it will scream out for relief, but finding none it will become more and more confused, eventually accepting the feelings as a normal part of her life, shutting out all other stimulations, such as reasoning, will power, individuality, and most importantly, her persona as Batgirl. Batgirl's mind will be mine for the taking, to do with what I please."

"What do you plan for Batgirl, you fiend?"

"Oh, the possibilities are endless, Nightwing. A mindless sex slave, a new criminal mastermind, a master assassin, the killer of Batman....they are simply endless."

"You won't get away with this, Catwoman. I'll get out of this mud and..."

"And do what Nightwing? I've injected drugs into your system already. All I have to do is suggest something and you'll completely forget about Batgirl's dilemma. You won't be able to help her any more than you can help yourself. No Nightwing, you're going to be too busy making love to your new lover, Minx. You love her very much, always have."

"You're crazy, Catwoman. If you think...."

"I said you love Minx very much, always have."

"I love Minx, always have."

Repeating the words Catwoman told him, Nightwing found he couldn't fight the suggestions made to him by Catwoman. Realizing what he just said and accepting it as truth, he looked up at Catwoman with absolute fear showing in his eyes. He knew he was in deep trouble as the knowledge that Catwoman now had total control of his mind, and more importantly his memories sank in. Struggling with all his strength to get away, Nightwing yelled out for Batgirl to help him even though he knew she was helpless, and in deadly peril as well. Before Nightwing knew what was happening, Minx stepped across his body and knelt down on both knees as she straddled his hopelessly bound body. Slowly, she lowered herself down on top of Nightwing, until she was sitting on his hips. Leaning forward, Minx softly stroked the bound hero's heaving chest as she gave him an ever so soft kiss, barely touching his trembling lips with hers. She continued to give these small delicate kisses until she couldn’t stand it any longer. Filled with sexual desires long denied, Minx attacked Nightwing's lips and mouth with hers, using her tongue to explore the inner recesses his mouth. Reeling in the attack, Nightwing's mind was overwhelmed as he gave in to her attacks and returned the kisses with a vigor that surprised even Minx. The sensually hungry kisses seemed to go on forever until at last, Minx raised her face to where it was just inches above his. Looking into Nightwing's deep brown eyes, she softly caressed his cheek, before playing with the corner of his mask.

“I love you Nightwing. I've loved you for a long time. I want you."

Hearing her name, Batgirl slowly raised her head to find Minx sitting on Nightwing. Her mind clouded with the sexual torments running rampant through her body; Batgirl tried to focus her thoughts on what was happening in front of her eyes. She could see Minx as she stroked Nightwing's chest with her hands, and attacked Nightwing's mouth with hers; Batgirl even thought she heard Minx tell Nightwing that she loved him. Batgirl was confident that Nightwing loved her and would tell Minx so. Feeling an oncoming surge of sexual energy as it flowed up her spine, Batgirl lost control of her thoughts for a moment and allowed her head to sink back down. She was concentrating with all her mind to control her body's arousal and when Nightwing's reply came at last. The effect devastated her confused mind, burning her feelings to the core.

"I..., I love you Minx and I want you more than anything in the world."

Just as her mind took in Nightwing's comment, the devious little shaft started to explode deep within her, filling her body, her mind with intense sexual feelings she couldn't hope to fight. Achieving a massive orgasm seconds later, Batgirl raised her trembling head to see an unbound Nightwing reach up and kiss Minx on the mouth, just before he rolled her body over in the mud to sexually attack her some more. Fighting another oncoming climax, Batgirl tried to call out to him, but couldn't as the little monster inside her exploded again, rocking her body as it rubbed against her ultra-sensitive clitoris. Gasping as the powerful orgasm washed through her body, Batgirl dropped her head again as she fought to maintain her emotions. She couldn't believe Nightwing could have forgotten her and given his love over to Minx. The idea filled her mind with despair as the thought sank in that she had lost the one thing that kept her going and made her strong. Her disoriented mind accepting the loss minutes later, Batgirl allowed her mind to succumb to the ongoing assault being waged deep inside her body. Yet something..., a distant, stray thought; buried deep in her subconscious kept nagging at her memory, telling her that Nightwing still loved her, and only her, and that he was not in control of his emotions nor of his mind. Her mind lost someplace beyond reason, Batgirl couldn't decide if the thought was real or imaginary as she continued to wage the war being fought in her mind.

Even as Batgirl fought her own emotions, Nightwing's mind slipped further into the drug, as he slowly lost all memory of Batgirl. The woman below him was seductively beautiful and as he took in her fabulous body he couldn't help but be drawn to her. Lowering his face to hers seconds later, Nightwing took in the scent of her perfume as he touched her inviting and sensually seductive lips, giving her a passionate kiss moments later. Their hot tongues dancing in their mouths, Minx and Nightwing were lost in the moment as they explored each others mouths and feelings for one another. Looking down into her beautiful grey-blue eyes a minute later, Nightwing was about to tell Minx he loved her once again when his head suddenly snapped back as some overpowering force sliced through his brain moments later. Getting to his knees, Nightwing grabbed his head as the mind-splitting pain ripped through his brain sending him to the wet ground seconds later, screaming at the top of his lungs as he fell. Minx couldn't understand what was happening as he rolled around in the mud holding onto his head and yelling out in agony. Thinking something was wrong with the drugs, Minx grabbed his body and attempted to calm him down, but Nightwing back handed the feline vixen and she fell to the ground dazed.

Catwoman was just walking back from the house and her cat nap when she heard the screams of pain from Nightwing. Running to the barn she was just in time to see him hit Minx across the face sending the young woman to the mud a minute later. Catwoman watched in total confusion as Nightwing rolled around in the mud even as Minx got to her knees only to fall back down seconds later. Catwoman was still watching the perplexing scene unfold when she caught a slight movement out of the corner of her eye. Glancing off to her left, Catwoman beheld the most beautiful Cougar she had ever seen. The large creature was just sitting near a tree and seemed to be watching her. Moving off to one side to get a better angle on the animal, Catwoman gave out a purring sound meant to attract the large cat and it was then that she noticed it. The Cougar wasn't looking at her. It wasn't paying her any attention at all, but was looking off towards....Batgirl? Stopping in mid-stride, Catwoman looked back at Batgirl and Nightwing, wondering why the cat would be looking at them instead of her. Thinking she was imagining things, Catwoman simply walked towards the animal, purring softly at she went. Without even giving Catwoman a second thought, the Cougar got off her haunches and meandered away. Catwoman couldn't believe it. This was the first cat of any kind that didn't come to her when she called out. It was strange, but not as strange as the other thought that suddenly filled her consciousness as she walked back into the barn. As the great cat wandered off, Nightwing's screaming had abruptly ceased.

Batgirl knew she desperately needed to find some way to fight the feelings which were now devastating her mind and body. She knew if she couldn't find some way to stop the sensations coursing through her, she would lose any hope of keeping her sanity, becoming a mindless zombie, willing to do anything for Catwoman and Minx. Batgirl was even now on the verge of losing what little control she had managed to maintain over her body, keeping her body's jerks and spasms to a minimum; and thereby keeping the climaxes to a minimum, but Batgirl knew it was only a matter of time before fatigue overcame her and she lost the battle all together. Reaching deep into her memory, Batgirl searched the mental files she knew were there when she had researched the mighty Bat computer's files pertaining to mind control tortures. Finding the file she wanted in her subconscious, Batgirl formulated an idea. She knew it was a desperate plan, dangerous to say the least; it might even kill her, but there was no other choice. Taking a deep breath, Batgirl closed her eyes and concentrated will all her remaining energies, as she took hold of her confused mind. Several minutes later, her body seemed to relax as it fell quiet in the bondage, barely moving as she hung in the air. Totally unprepared for the sudden change of events, Catwoman placed her hand on Batgirl's back and noticed with much delight that Batgirl's breathing had slowed to an almost imperceptible rate. She knew exactly what was happening to Batgirl. She was losing all control over her mind and slipping into a deep coma. For all practical purposes, Batgirl was hers.

Minx was furious as she rose from the mud. Just when she thought she had Nightwing right where she wanted him, he goes berserk, attacks her and falls to the ground unconscious. Turning his body over to check on his condition, Minx sees that he is definitely out of it, but breathing regularly. Leaving Nightwing in the warming mud a minute later, she walked back to the barn and hosed herself off. Minx was just entering the barn and looking for a towel when she witnessed Batgirl's entrance into the coma-like condition.

"Well Catwoman. At least you got what you wanted. Batgirl's mind. But look at Nightwing."

"What exactly happened with Nightwing, Minx? When I got here he was rolling in the mud, grasping his head, and yelling out in pain. Did you do something to him?"

"No way. We had just kissed again, and he was going to tell me something when his head suddenly snapped back and he fell over, yelling out in pain. That's all that happened. Honest."

"Was the cat here when this attack hit Nightwing?"

"What cat? I haven't seen a cat since we left Gotham City."

"When I got here a few moments ago there was a great cat, a Cougar, sitting about forty feet away from you two. It was just sitting there watching Nightwing..., and Batgirl. Humm, I don't like this. I don't like it one bit."

"Since when don't you like a cat, Catwoman?"

"Since one ignored me and kept looking at Nightwing and Batgirl. Since the presence of the great cat coincided with both Nightwing's sudden fit and Batgirl's abrupt collapse. Since this cat has made it's presence known, but not to me. That's when. We need to examine Nightwing and find out if he is still under the control of the drugs. Maybe he has had some reaction to them or, that's not possible."

"What's not possible?"

Lost in thought, Catwoman ignored Minx's question as she looked at both Batgirl and Nightwing. She had heard of telepathy, even believed in it, but she had never actually seen it in action with a human, much less a cat. But cats had been used a messengers in ages past, or at least that's what she had read someplace. Dismissing that train of thought from her mind all together, Catwoman looked at Minx and motioned towards Nightwing's mud encrusted body.

"I want to check Nightwing over Minx. You say he suddenly popped his head back and fell to the ground and you didn't do anything to start the process, right?"


"I think he's had some adverse reaction to the drug. I need to get some samples from his body to be sure, but I know I can correct the problem and you'll have your little boy-toy again."

Catwoman walked out of the barn and into the drying mud minutes later. Barely dry after dousing herself with the cold water, Minx was in no great hurry to get filthy again, but Catwoman was determined to get to the bottom of things. Picking Nightwing up, they carried his unconscious body to a work table located near the barn and hosed him off. Catwoman started taking blood and tissue samples, leaving Minx with nothing to do, so she went inside the barn to check on Batgirl. Lowering herself on her haunches moments later, she discovered Batgirl was slowly regaining consciousness, coming out of whatever stupor she had fallen into minutes earlier.

"Catwoman! Batgirl's waking up. What do you want me to do with her?"

"Nothing. Take these samples to the lab and start the process on them. I want to question Batgirl here for awhile then I'll join you. Now go. How do you feel, Batgirl?"

"Why do you want to know Catwoman? You planning some tortures for me if I feel fine? Now, I'm going to ask you just once, Catwoman. What have you done with Nightwing?"

"No. I just wanted to see if your metal capacities were hindered by the torture. I can tell they weren't. I'm going to tell you something Batgirl and I want you to listen very carefully. Your name is no longer Batgirl but Cat Girl. You are now my assistant, and I want you to kill Minx. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Catwoman, I understand. You want me to change a perfectly good name like Batgirl into a stupid one like Cat Girl, and kill your current partner Minx. Why would I want to do that? Unless of course she's done something to Nightwing? I'm only going to ask you one more time, Catwoman. What have you done to Nightwing? I saw him making love to Minx. He even said he loved her, but I know he loves me, not her. So where is he? Where is Nightwing, Bitch?"

"Humm. I thought your mind was under my control Batgirl. Obviously I was mistaken. I saw your body go limp. By the way, hasn't anybody ever told you not to call a cat....bitch?"

"That's what you are isn't it, Catwoman?"

“You'll regret calling me that Batgirl. But, I'll tell you about your little playmate. While you were unconscious, I injected him with a couple of drugs that erase his ability to resist my other, more powerful drugs. Then I stuck him with a drug that can be used to take over his mind. It makes the person under its control think they are making love to the person of their greatest desire. I had an idea that Nightwing lusted after you, but now..., something has happened to him. He suddenly collapsed to the ground screaming in pain as he held his head. I'm taking tissue and blood samples so I can isolate the problem, then I'll just inject him again and he'll become Minx's little playmate instead of yours. Speaking of playmates. How’s your little playthings coming along?”

Batgirl tensed up as she listened to what Catwoman had to say. She knew all to well what Catwoman's drugs did to a person and Nightwing was no different. That something had happened to him as a result, causing him severe pain and possibly serious injuries did little to calm Batgirl down. Batgirl slowly flexed her hands, pulling her fingers back and forth into fists. She knew she had to be careful as to how much movement she could make, otherwise the vibrators would activate again and send her mind into a frenzy once more. Batgirl had an intense look on her face, a look of pure hatred; when she replied to Catwoman's question. She was so consumed with hate that she didn't stop to think before she spoke, regretting her comments almost instantly as Catwoman took action.

“I remembered a seldom used technique that, if done properly, will break the rhythm of a persons body. You can keep me like this forever if you want Catwoman, as long as I remain still, the devious little devices won’t work, and sooner or later I'll figure out a way to escape, Catwoman."

Hearing this, Catwoman reached into the pouch hanging on her svelte hip and brought out the Catnip spray. Spraying Batgirl's mask, Catwoman watched with a certain degree of satisfaction, while the young heroine passed out. Within seconds, Batgirl's body went limp, as she succumbed to the drugs.

“If that’s the case Batgirl, I’ll just have to make it more difficult for you to resist, and I think I have the perfect thing for you."

It had been several days since William Greystone had heard from either Nightwing or Batgirl and he was getting worried. In the note they had found at the Gratham Ranch, Nightwing had told him he would contact the Greystone family and find out about any arrangements for Michael's funeral. But since that day back in the glen, no one had heard from the two hero's. Normally he would have had no cause for alarm, but there had not been any mention of Catwoman's capture and subsequent return to Stonegate prison in the days following the Battle of the Glen. Deciding to put his mind at rest, William called his younger brother Andrew, who had been stationed at the front gate of the ranch and asked him about the matter. Andrew picked up the phone minutes later and was surprised by William's question.

"Andrew, I need to know something. What time did Nightwing and Batgirl leave the Gratham Ranch with Catwoman and Minx? I haven't heard from them for days and we still need to get the funeral taken care of."

"They didn't. No left the gate that night. I thought you knew."

"No one drove out? Not Nightwing? Not Batgirl? No one?"

"No one, William. When you didn't ask, I figured you knew. As far as I know they're still at the ranch, unless they went out another gate."

"There isn't one. I don't understand..., The note said......"

"The note said what William? William? Hey, are you still there?"

"Yeah..., I'm here..., and so is the Puma. If the great cat is still here, then Batgirl is here as well..., and in great danger. Call the brothers and tell them the problem didn't go away. Meet here..., ok?"

William didn't wait to hear his brother's reply. Instead he let the receiver drop to the floor and walked out of the house stopping on the porch moments later. He knew the Puma was there for a reason, but he couldn't tell what it was. He could communicate with the spirit beings if he really needed to, but it always gave him such a headache. Looking back into the house, William called Beth, the Sachem and asked her to come outside. Complaining to her husband about interrupting the dinner, Beth suddenly spied the great Cougar and instantly fell silent. Wiping her hands with a towel, she slowly, reverently walked to the beautiful creature and sat down beside her. Looking on from a respectful distance, William quietly listened as the spirit-god told the Sachem what was happening. William was so intent on their conversation that he didn't even realize his brother Scott and the Huntress had come up to stand beside him until they asked what was happening. Even then, William's only reply was to hold up his hand signaling silence until the great Puma was finished. An hour later, the Cougar got up and left, ignoring the other people standing around William, Scott, and the Huntress. The entire Greystone clan had arrived.

Meanwhile, Catwoman was busy dealing with Batgirl. Catwoman had lowered her body to the ground and untied her, before dragging her body over to a table covered in latex sheeting. Picking Batgirl up, she laid her on it and began to remove various part of Batgirl's costume; anything that might serve as a weapon or a tool. She made sure to remove Batgirl's utility belt, as it was the most dangerous item found on the young heroine. But Catwoman also removed her boots, gloves and cape, making sure the end result was a perfectly smooth surface with out any air pockets. Opening a bottle of latex cleaner, Catwoman proceeded to clean Batgirl's costume of any residues, oils, and grime. That way whatever she applied to the costume would stick like glue. Finally, she placed a latex sheet on top of her body and sealed the edges. Using a vacuum pump, Catwoman removed all the remaining air from the latex sheets, completely sealing Batgirl's unconscious body with the tight latex sheeting. Catwoman had always wanted to use the Vac Bed and now she would get to see it’s use in action. Batgirl was totally helpless as she regained consciousness again. Not able to move even her fingers, she looked at Catwoman with absolute fear as Catwoman thumbed up the controls on the hidden vibrators still attached to Batgirl' nipples and womanhood. If Batgirl could have moved, it would have been in jerks, but her body was totally encased in latex from head to toe, with only a breathing tube stuck in her mouth and another tiny tube running to her ear for her to hear what was being said. As it was, Batgirl didn’t want to hear what Catwoman was saying as this only increased her fear. There was absolutely no way to fight her way out. For the first time in her life, she knew she was in real trouble. She had been sexually molested before; it went with the territory. The world was full of sexually deviant criminals. It was that reason that she had decided to design her costume out of second-skin black latex. Criminals; men and women alike, would see her hot body and become distracted, giving her an edge. But there were times when it worked against her as well. This was one of those times. But in each of those times, she had been able to find a way out; a way to defeat her captors and get the upper hand. This time was different. She couldn’t move, couldn’t talk her way out, couldn’t do anything. She was totally helpless. At Catwoman’s mercy and she wasn’t know to have any.

Seeing that Batgirl was awake, Catwoman reached up and pulled down two heavy cables, attaching them to the corners of the latex sheeting on Batgirl's right side. Watching Catwoman as she walked to the far wall, Batgirl could just see her flip a switch which pulled the cables up to pulleys located near the ceiling, picking up the right side of the latex sheeting minutes later. Batgirl's body was now hanging sideways from the two attached cables. Looking at her captor again, Batgirl could just see Catwoman pull down two more cables and attach them behind her back, to the left corners of the latex sheeting. Listening as Catwoman walked to the far wall, Batgirl could hear her flip another switch which raised the left side of the latex sheeting. Getting dizzy as she rose in the air, Batgirl closed her eyes as she fought to maintain her composure, opening them moments later as her body slowed to a halt. She could see she was looking straight down as she had been before, but this time her latex encased body was suspended over thirty feet from the floor. Batgirl had no idea what Catwoman had in store for her, but she knew she wouldn't want to find out. As Batgirl continued to think about her dilemma, she watched as Catwoman began erecting some form of machine below and around her. It was a combination of wires, clamps, pulleys, and a motor. Completed, Catwoman stepped back and looked it over. She turned it on and watched as the machine went through the motions with the clamps moving back and forth. Batgirl tried to think what the machine was for, knowing it wouldn’t good, but her mind drew a blank. Catwoman turned the machine off minutes later and walked back to the wall, flipping the switches which controlled the cables holding her latex prison aloft. Slowly, Batgirl's hopelessly bound body began to descend ever closer to the gadget with all the wires and clamps. As Batgirl moved ever closer to the machine she tried to identify the purposes for the various items Catwoman had attached, but no matter how she tried she just couldn't come up with anything that made sense.

As Batgirl's downward progress slowed to a halt mere inches from the clamps, Catwoman began to attach feathers to each clamp. She adjusted the feathers to where they would just come into contact with Batgirl's body at the most dangerous areas, her breasts and her groin. If a bullet was about to hit Batgirl in the face, you wouldn’t have seen any more fear in her eyes, as the purpose of the machine became more than evident. There were three brushes within each clamp below her breasts, with the one in the middle being slightly shorter than the other two. The third clamp, located just below her crotch, had the middle feather slightly longer than the other two.

"Ha ha ha ha. I see you've finally deduced the purpose of this devious machine, Batgirl. When last we talked you said that as long as you remained perfectly still the little vibrators and the fiber-optic dildo under your costume would not activate. Well, with this machine I can guarantee you won't be staying still. Let me explain. As you can see, I have attached three feathers to each of the three clamps located below you. Two of these clamps are located directly below your perfectly rounded and I must say, ample breasts; while the third clamp is situated between your slightly open legs, near your sex. The feathers located near your breasts will brush the outer edges of each breast, with the middle one tickling your nipples. The clamped feathers near your already damp crotch will brush your very sensitive inner thighs, while the middle one will tickle your sensitive pussy. I don't think you've seen this anywhere, Batgirl, as its relatively new. I found it on this little bondage site located in the UK."

Looking up at Batgirl’s face, behind the transparent latex of the Vac Bed, Catwoman switched the machine on and was instantly pleased at the results. When in motion, each feather brushed lightly against Batgirl’s body just as she thought they would. The feathers made contact with her body once every 15 seconds bringing her to the point of ecstasy each time. If it was possible, Batgirl's nipples seemed to grow harder still as her body attempted to resist the intense feelings being forced upon it. The latex was so tight Batgirl couldn’t move to protect her over-sensitive body, she couldn’t even bite her lip. Batgirl was, for all purposes, totally under Catwoman’s power; totally at the mercy of this devious machine. Batgirl knew she wouldn’t be able to fight this for long and was even now beginning to lose the battle as her mind, overloaded with intense sexual emotions began to shut down, her defenses collapsing as one after another powerful orgasms announced its arrival, exploding within her costume. As the unbelievably intense pain washed through Batgirl's already weakened mind, she screamed, but with the tight latex sheeting totally enclosing her body, there was no one to hear her. Desperate to save herself, Batgirl frantically tried to repeat the technique she had used to escape her previous dilemma, but her mind was already too far gone and she started slipping into a void of total darkness. Panic stricken Batgirl grabbed for any escape no matter what the cost to her humanity and seconds later she had a rudimentary, if not extremely dangerous plan.

Reaching into what passed for her memory at the moment, Batgirl sought to escape her pain by using an ancient mind control discipline she had read about in the Batman's personal files. Batgirl had never attempted this discipline before and she wasn't sure it would work now, as it took every bit of concentration just to enter the void in the right way. One slip up, one mistake and she could be lost for all eternity, forced to forever walk in a realm of darkness someplace between the conscious and unconscious mind. Batgirl knew it would probably kill her but the thought of life under Catwoman's control was worse. The only thing she wished for was to see Nightwing one last time, to tell him she loved him, but Batgirl knew her time was limited as her brain neared a total shutdown. Thinking quickly, Batgirl repeated the chant required to escape the conscious world and enter the discipline, but just as she was about to enter the subconscious world a particularly powerful orgasm washed through her super aroused body, sending passionate and extremely pleasurable sensations to her brain, flooding it moments later in the total feeling of ecstasy. Her mind instantly awash with unimaginable feelings of pleasure, Batgirl was suddenly unable to correct the chant, or fight the powerful forces they had unleashed. As she rapidly slipped into the realm between the subconscious and conscious mind, Batgirl tried to think of a statement to trigger her return to the conscious world, but in her disoriented and confused state, she wasn't sure she had made one in the chant. Her Batgirl persona becoming a blur, it soon disappeared altogether, as her tortured mind wavered and then fell victim to a world of total, deathly silence. Moments later, her mind shut down, and Batgirl was lost in the black void of sexual bliss. Her body jerked violently for several minutes and then became deathly still, without so much as a twitch. Catwoman knew she had won. Batgirl was hers to do with whatever she wanted.

Back at the Greystone compound, Beth stood up and watched as the great creature made its way very quickly back to the Gratham ranch and the danger it knew lay ahead. Looking to the sky above her, Beth waved her hand at the lone eagle circling their compound and motioned for the majestic bird to follow the Cougar and report back to her as quickly as possible. Turning the assembled crowd, she walked back and looked each of them in the eye. Seeing the Sachem's look on them, each man in turn lowered his head for fear of getting the elder woman mad.

"What is it Mrs. Greystone? Is there a problem? I mean, that Cougar was here to protect Batgirl, wasn't she? But Batgirl and Nightwing are gone....aren't they?"

"No, they aren't, and they are both in grave, peril Huntress. The Cougar felt Batgirl's pain just before she lost contact with Batgirl. Sensing danger, she went to Batgirl's side and found her hanging from the ceiling as if she were floating, with her arms and legs separated by some bars. She was jerking all over the place as if her body was under attack but the creature couldn't see anything attacking her. What could it be?"

"My guess would be spreader bars to keep Batgirl from closing her legs, but the bars separating her hands? No. I think Catwoman or Minx has put something under Batgirl's costume, maybe those paper thin vibrators to keep her sexually excited and the bars keep her from grabbing herself to remove them. Batgirl could also be drugged, which is normal for Catwoman. You said the Cougar lost contact with her?"

"Yes. The Cougar was trying to ease her pain like she did Nightwing's but Batgirl kept blocking her attempts, kept blocking everything that attempted to get into her mind. But the Cougar said Batgirl's mind was in great pain."

"That would be drugs. Catwoman is well known for using mind altering drugs on people, especially Batgirl and Nightwing. Wait, you said the Cougar eased Nightwing's pain? How?"

"When the Cougar arrived in her quest to find Batgirl, she saw Nightwing making love to the lethal one, Minx. She could tell his mind was not his own, but he couldn't fight the drugs flowing through his body. As for how he was healed, the cat simply reached into his mind and purged the drugs from his system. Huntress, we must help Batgirl. The great Puma said...."

All of a sudden the Sachem screamed out in agonizing pain as she grabbed at her stomach, doubling over in with the pain. She dropped to her knees seconds later as her face turned a ghostly shade of white. Breathing heavily, the elder woman tried to relax as the unexpected sensation washed through her mind. When it was over seconds later, she sat on the ground shaking, as if the world had suddenly ripped itself apart. William moved as fast as he could but he was too late as the Huntress caught the woman in her arms. Holding Beth in her arms, Huntress asked what was wrong. For several long minutes, Beth said nothing as her eyes, glazed over from the experience, stared up at the heavens. When she finally returned to normal, she looked at William and the Huntress in turn before telling what she felt in her mind.

"Its.....Batgirl. Something..., has happened to her. Whatever it is caused more pain than Batgirl has ever felt in her life. The overwhelming force of this pain overpowered Batgirl's mind almost instantly as it raced through her body. What you just saw was only a part of Batgirl's pain as it flowed through to me. William..., you must send Andrew to check on the Puma. I received these feelings through her. She is alive, but hurt. William, I..., can't...feel Batgirl at all."

"What do you mean you can't feel Batgirl?"

"I mean just that, Huntress. I get no thoughts from Batgirl at all. No feelings, no emotions, nothing. It's as though she simply vanished from this plane of existence. Whatever did this to Batgirl, has hurt her beyond any thing I have ever felt. If she's still alive, we must get to her and quickly."

Nodding her head in agreement, the Huntress went into the house and disappeared into the shadows shortly afterwards. Moments later, she returned, fastening her utility belt around her slim waist as she strolled out into the back yard. Looking into the distance, the Huntress thought about what she had to do as she absentmindedly fingered the cross hanging around her neck. She and Batgirl had saved each other's lives on countless occasions and the Huntress was pretty sure Batgirl was one up on her, even though neither one of the heroines were actually keeping count. Huntress's greatest concern was whether or not she was ready to face Catwoman and Minx alone, so soon after her tortures at the hands of the two costumed vixens, but she knew she really didn't have any choice. Batgirl would do the same for her. Still thinking about the villainesses and what she had to do, the Huntress gradually became aware of William's arm resting on her shoulder. Cocking her head to look up at him, she raised her left eyebrow as if asking what he wanted.

"What's the plan Huntress? Do we go in there and kick their feline butts, rescue Batgirl and Nightwing, and come home; or what?"

"You're asking me, William? This is your turf, not mine. I don't even know if I can face them alone again so soon."

"You won't be alone Huntress. The Greystone clan still has a score to settle with these women. It's was bad enough when they killed Michael, but to torture Nightwing and Batgirl, that's going too far. But their greatest evil was when they some how destroyed Batgirl's spirit, separating it from her body. We can not allow that to go unchecked."

"William, I thank you for your help and the care you've given me these last few days, but this is something that your family should not be involved in. It,s simply too dangerous."

Looking at the elder Greystone, the Huntress knew she was fighting a battle she could never hope to win. Minx had killed his youngest brother, and that had started a blood feud. Knowing her own family's history as she did, a blood feud once started could only be ended once the revenge had been attained. That Batgirl and Nightwing were not a part of this family didn't matter in the least. They had saved William and his wife and that meant the Greystone clan owed them a debt. Listening to William as he continued to heap reason upon reason as to why his family should be involved, the Huntress began to formulate her own plan; one totally separate and independent of the Greystone family. What she needed most was a diversion, something to keep the brother's occupied, allowing her to leave undetected. That diversion occurred moments later as Andrew arrived, carrying the beautiful Puma in his hands. The great cat didn't look to be all that hurt, but the Huntress wasn't going to stick around and find out. Slipping behind a row of bushes scant moments later, she cautiously moved further and further away from the compound, and ever closer to the Gratham ranch. No one noticed as the Huntress made good her escape as they were all preoccupied with the beautiful creature supported in Andrew's arms. No one saw her as she climbed into her Lamborghini and drove away minutes later, leaving a small cloud of dust in her wake. No one noticed her at all.....except for the great Puma.

Thirty minutes later, the Huntress was laying on the ground near the edge of the Gratham Ranch's main compound and scanning the grounds through her binoculars, when she picked out the shapes of Catwoman and Minx as they discussed something located deeper into the open barn. Moving to get a better angle on the open doors, she made her way towards the barn and was soon able to see what looked like a body hanging limp from the rafters in the barn. Focusing the lenses, she was instantly shocked to see Batgirl's body, totally enclosed in a what looked like a latex vacuum bed. She was hanging from the ceiling face down in a classic spread-eagle tie. Watching Batgirl's body through the tight latex sheeting, the Huntress could just see Batgirl's chest rise and fall ever so slightly, in the extremely tight latex bed. Knowing she had to get closer, the Huntress put the binoculars back in a compartment of her utility belt and started to move towards the right side of the barn using trees and bushes to cover her advance. She was just moving around a large rock when Minx suddenly popped out of the barn as if checking on something outside. Dropping instantly to avoid detection, the Huntress never saw the deadly rattlesnake as it lay in a crevice of the rock seeking protection from heat of the mid-day Sun. Before she knew what was happening the lethal snake had bitten her twice on her wrist and arm, sending its deadly poison into her bloodstream. Recoiling from the attack, the Huntress rolled away from the rock and onto the open ground, making herself an easy target for Minx; but to her surprise the feline vixen never looked her way as she re-entered the barn. Forgetting about her security, the Huntress moved quickly to remove her utility belt as she began locating the emergency medical supplies she always carried with her. Finding the kit minutes later, she started to apply the drugs necessary to counteract the deadly venom racing through her body, numbing her senses as it attacked her nervous system. Within minutes, the Huntress had managed to suck out most of the poison but she felt nauseous and she knew her effectiveness as a crime fighter was all but gone. Crawling back to the cover of the rocks, she succumbed to the poison's weakening power and collapsed to the ground, unaware that her medical kit still lay open on the ground behind her.

Even as the Huntress fell victim to the deadly venom, Nightwing regained consciousness. Not realizing where he was, he rolled over and suddenly found himself falling to the ground, knocking the wind out of him seconds later. Groaning in pain from the unexpected fall, he slowly got to his feet, using the table for support and staggered to the barn, resting against the side of the building as he tried to clear his clouded mind. Shaking his head to clear the cobwebs, he instantly regretted the action as his head exploded in searing pain; dropping him to the ground yet again, even as he grabbed his throbbing head. Cursing himself for being so stupid, Nightwing slowly rolled onto his stomach and began the long, tiring process of picking his wrecked body off the ground again. Taking in his surroundings as he rested, Nightwing noticed he was just outside what looked like the barn where he and Batgirl..., Batgirl!! The thought of Batgirl caused Nightwing to become instantly alert as he remembered where he was and why they were here. Searching his clouded memory, he remembered Minx subduing Batgirl earlier just before Catwoman knocked him unconscious. But where was Batgirl now and what devious ploys had Catwoman and Minx perpetrated on her. Touching his throbbing head again, he continued to search his memories when he abruptly remembered making love to Minx in the court yard near the mud. He had seen Batgirl then, hanging horizontally from the ceiling of the barn as her body jerked. But then everything went blank. Something..., or perhaps someone had ripped his mind in half. It felt as though some force had reached into his brain and pulled it out by the roots, sending excruciatingly powerful surges of pain through his entire body; even thinking about it hurt.

Slowly, Nightwing's mind began to focus, allowing the young hero to consider his options. He knew he was in no condition to fight and his utility belt had been taken by Catwoman. Batgirl was captured and perhaps dead. The Huntress was.... Scanning the open yard as he collected his thoughts, Nightwing gradually noticed he was looking at what appeared to be a Bat medical unit; lying open on the ground. Looking around him for possible signs of danger, he slowly made his way to the kit, kneeling beside it moments later. Looking at the outside he could see it belonged to the Huntress and it had been used very recently. Scanning the immediate area he found her laying behind an outcropping of rocks just twenty feet away. Moving to her side he began to check her out, unaware of the danger he faced as he turned her unconscious body over. He was just moving the Huntress when the unmistakable sound of a Timber Rattler sounded as the deadly snake announced its presence. Freezing, Nightwing slowly moved his eyes trying to find the deadly creature, but he couldn't find any trace of it. Relaxing moments later, he concentrated, trying to hear where the rattling sound was coming from and it was then that he decided it was coming from under the Huntress's body.

Nightwing knew if he moved the Huntress the snake would bite her, as it would perceive her movement as the threat. Trying to think of a possible solution, he reached for her utility belt and started pulling the various weapons out of the different compartments. Seconds later, he found the powerful pain-blockers and a small can of concentrated Bat Sleep gas. But would sleeping gas work on a snake? He didn't know as he sprayed the areas under and around the Huntress's prone body. Allowing the gas to do its work, Nightwing sat back and swallowed two of the pain pills, instantly thankful as they eased the pain still creating havoc in his brain. Nudging her body minutes later, Nightwing was pleasantly surprised to hear nothing but a soft moan as it escaped her fine lips. Cautiously rolling the Huntress onto her back, he found that the snake, though still coiled and ready to strike, moved sluggishly, as it's confused brain tried to comprehend what was happening to it. Throwing the deadly creature away, he quickly started working on the Huntress as he tried to locate the wounds he knew he would find. It didn't take long to find them as he quickly noticed her swollen arm seconds after he began to check her out. Grabbing the her utility belt again he was shocked to see the compartments which would have held them, empty.

Thinking fast, Nightwing opened the back of her utility belt and quickly keyed in the code activating the tiny emergency signaling beacon. With any luck, someone at the Greystone compound would see the flashing light on the dashboard of his Lamborghini and notify William. Deciding to leave a message, he carefully keyed in a second code and waited for the computer in his car to respond, which it did seconds later.

"William. Nightwing here. I don't know how much time but I need your help. I have found the Huntress on the east side of the Gratham barn, and she's hurt. There was a Timber Rattler under her body and her right arm is swollen from two snake bites. She attempted to remove some of the poison but she's still very sick. I think she's running a fever. William..., I'm desperate. I'm alone here. I..., I don't know about Batgirl..., I haven't found her yet, but, I'm very concerned. I'm going to run a diversion to pull Catwoman and Minx away from the Huntress. I don't know how long I can keep it up but I'll try to keep it going until you get someone here. Please hurry."

Keeping low, Nightwing moved back to the barn, reaching the side moments later. Edging along the wall, he slowly moved towards the end and the open doors when all of a sudden he heard Minx's voice as she walked to the end of the barn. Pressing his body against the side of the barn and hoping she didn't see him, he waited until Minx walked past him before he moved; sneaking up behind her seconds later.

"Hello Minx. Did you miss me?"

"Actually, yes I did. But now that you're awake, perhaps we can continue our fun."

"I'm going to have fun kicking your but, Minx."

Reacting instantly, Minx turned as she dropped to one knee before she kicked back with her other one. Expecting the kick, Nightwing grabbed her ankle and pulled backwards, pulling her to the ground seconds later. Rolling onto her back an instant later, she jumped to her feet and attacked again, sending a kick to his mid-section, but Nightwing merely side stepped the kick and delivered a sharp cusp to the back of her skull, knocking Minx to the ground senseless a minute later. Getting cocky, he knelt down on one knee and picked Minx up by the front of her costume as he began to talk down to her.

"Are you having fun yet, Minx? I can tell you I am. Now, I'm only going to ask this once; what have you done with Batgirl?"

Becoming instantly angry at the sound of Batgirl's name, Minx punched Nightwing in the stomach catching the hero completely off guard. Grabbing his mid-section, he released Minx and fell to the side, landing just at her feet. Seeing the opportunity, she pulled her foot back and delivered a kick with the heel of her boot, knocking him senseless seconds later. Groaning in pain, Nightwing fought to stay conscious as Minx climbed on top of him. Cursing himself for getting careless, Nightwing attempted to throw Minx off of his body but a series of punches to his face ended that thought moments later when he slipped into unconsciousness.

William was in the process of updating the brothers on the situation across the river when Beth walked into the room. Waiting patiently for a break in the discussion, she relaxed and listened to their comments and the plans they were about to initiate. Finally bored with the plans, Beth cleared her throat, giving William an indifferent look in the process. William, none too happy with being interrupted looked up to his wife with an exasperated look and waited.

"Well? What is it? We're in the middle of important things here."

"I am so sorry for interrupting you my dear, but Nightwing's emergency beacon is flashing in his car. I just thought you'd like to know."

Suddenly alert, William gave his wife another look meant to put fear in her mind as he ran out of the house. Opening the car a minute later, he keyed in the code Nightwing had given him and listened to the message. Even before it had cycled through, he was barking out orders and putting their plans into fast forward, as the situation had suddenly become worse. The Greystone compound became a beehive of activity as family members started running around and grabbing various pieces of equipment. Thirty minutes later, everything was assembled and ready to go.

Minx looked down at Nightwing's body moments after he fell unconscious, satisfied that she had beaten the young hero and avenged an earlier defeat at his hands. Climbing off his body moments later, she grabbed his hands and started to pull his heavy body towards the barn doors. After only a few feet however, Minx decided he was too heavy and dropped his arms, going after Catwoman for help. As his arms fell to the ground, Nightwing started to move, rolling his body onto his side a minute later. Stretching like a cat to get the kinks out of his body, he slowly raised his wary bones off the ground and started to make his way to the barn. Several agonizing moments later he had made his way into the barn. In all his years as a crime fighter, Nightwing had seen many shocking sights, but there was simply nothing in the many years of experience which could have prepared him for the sight which met him as he entered the barn. There was Batgirl, hanging horizontally from the ceiling in a spread eagle tie. Her rigid body was totally encased in clear skin-tight latex from head to toe, with only a single opening near her mouth for her to breath. Stunned beyond comprehension by the sight, Nightwing staggered as he slowly made his way to her, dropping to his knees seconds later. Waving his hand in front of the superheroine's face a moment later, Nightwing was terrorized as he noticed Batgirl didn't respond to the wave. He couldn't understand what was going on. Batgirl was breathing, that much he could tell, and her eyes were wide open as was her mouth, but her eyes didn't blink, nor did her tongue move. It was as though she was in heavy shock from some traumatic experience.

Working feverishly Nightwing knocked over the fiendish looking tickling machine still operating under Batgirl's suspended body. Moving to the wall a minute later, he lowered the cables holding her body aloft and disconnected them from the latex vac bed. Nightwing wasted little time as he simply cut the latex sheeting's in two, allowing him access to Batgirl's parallelized body. Checking her over very carefully, Nightwing concluded she was breathing, but at a very slowed rate. Her pulse was weak and her reflexes were all but non-existent. He knew she was in some form of trance, perhaps under some mind-control drug, but he needed to find out how deeply she was under. Picking her up in his arms, Nightwing carried Batgirl's comatose form to a nearby table and gently placed her upon it. Moments later, he lowered his face to hers and softly spoke her name.

"Batgirl, it's Nightwing? Can you hear me? Batgirl??"

Getting no response from his question, Nightwing bit his lip and slapped Batgirl across the face, watching for any response, but again there wasn't one. Nightwing was starting to get concerned. He knew Catwoman was capable of mind-control as she had demonstrated many times in the past, the most recent being her Arousal Mist; but even with that drug, Batgirl had responded to something. Thinking quickly, Nightwing cupped Batgirl's right breast, and began to slowly rub the right nipple trying to bring it alive, but nothing happened with the perfectly rounded mammary, nor did her breathing change. His level of concern rising, Nightwing finally moved his hand to the area between Batgirl's slightly parted legs and started rubbing the latex covering her usually very sensitive womanhood. When that didn't elicit any response from the unconscious heroine, Nightwing pushed two of his fingers into her love canal and moved them around inside, making contact with the still pulsating fiber-optic dildo, buried deep inside her. Instantly shocked at the idea that Batgirl or any woman could be so drugged; or out of it as to ignore sexual stimulations; Nightwing removed his hand and simply stared at Batgirl's beautifully exquisite body in the purple skin-tight latex. Minutes later, Nightwing came to the conclusion that for him to save her, he had to get Batgirl to William Greystone, no matter what the cost. Picking the young woman up in his arms, he began walking to the barn's opening only to be stopped by Catwoman seconds later as she moved to stand in his way.

"Stay where you are Nightwing. I don't want to have to hurt you. Put Batgirl down, now."

"Catwoman, a truce, please. Batgirl's hurt and really needs help. Let me get her to some medical attention and I promise I'll come back as your prisoner. I'll surrender."

"You really expect me to believe that, Nightwing?"

"Catwoman, Please! I promise I'll come back and there will be no tricks. Batgirl's really hurt. I don't know what's wrong with her."

"What's wrong with Batgirl you simple-minded clod is my newest form of mind-control. She won't respond to anything except my voice when I address her. Now, put the bitch down and raise your hands."

"No Catwoman, I'm leaving and I'm taking Batgirl with me. If you know what's..., uuuuuhhhhh..., what's...good for you..., uuuuuhhhhh."

Nightwing had forgotten all about Minx as he continued talking to Catwoman. Sneaking up behind the pre-occupied superhero, Minx took out a needler filled with a stronger dose of the arousal drug, coupled with a slight amount of catnip. Placing the small gun to his neck, she pulled the trigger back and injected the full dose into his system, sending renewed sensations of confusion up to his brain. Within seconds, Nightwing had dropped Batgirl's parallelized body to the ground and fallen on top of the superheroine, landing with his face buried in the cleavage of her breasts.

Catwoman smiled when she saw where Nightwing's face landed especially since Batgirl didn't respond to the action in any way. Using her foot, she kicked the young man onto his back and started laughing even as she helped Minx carry him to a bondage cross they had made earlier. Fastening his unconscious body to the cross, they went back over to Batgirl and knelt down beside the Dark Damsel.

"Catwoman. What did you do to Batgirl? I mean, She's supposed to respond to your voice and I don't think she's responding to anything, let alone your voice. Besides, this doesn't look like it did with the others you tried it on."

"I don't know what happened, Minx. This wasn't done by me. I've tried to snap Batgirl out of whatever she's in, but I can't get any reaction from her. Personally, I think she's had a reaction to the drugs and the tortures causing something to pop in her brain. I think she's..., well, brain dead. I also think we should get rid of her before anyone else gets here. We need to dump her someplace where no one will find her."

"Yeah, I'm up for that, and I know just the place to entomb the little Batslut. The mud pit down by the river. Her body will sink and no one will ever find it. I'll take care of it while you get Nightwing ready here.

William had divided his brothers into three groups. The first group was to reinforce Andrew at the gate. If these women were capable of dealing this kind of surprise attack on Nightwing and Batgirl, then he wanted to be sure the rest of his family was protected. The second group would form a parameter around the ranch compound, preventing any possible escape or possible reinforcements from getting there. His group would storm the compound and attempt to rescue the hero’s, if they were still alive. Following Nightwing's instructions, William's small band arrived at the Gratham compound from the east side, using the natural vegetation to cover their arrival. Finding the Huntress moments later, he turned her over and started checking her out. Switching the headset to a secondary channel, he related her condition to his wife.

"Beth. We've found the Huntress. Yes, she's just where he said she'd be. Ok. She has two wounds in her right arm, which is slightly swollen. It looks like she has taken steps to remove as much of the poison as possible and, what? repeat that? Ok, I'll check. Huntress, can you hear me? Huntress."

"Uuuunnnnn, William...? Is...that you? wha..., what are you doing here?"

"Nightwing called us and said you were hurt, Huntress. Now, if you're up to it, I need to know what you did to counteract the poison and I need to know how you feel?"

"I feel awful and stupid. I didn't see the snake until it bit me, I was able to take out some of the poison but I think I waited to long. Minx came out just as I was about to deal with the wounds and then she came back out seconds later to check again. I think it may have cost me some valuable time."

"Well, at least you're alive young lady. How long did you wait before you got to the wounds? It's important?"

"I...don't know, maybe about fifteen minutes. I was already numb by the time I started working on the arm, but the drugs we have in our utility belts are very strong, much more than any over the counter stuff."

"Well, anyway. Beth is almost here and she'll have you fixed up in no time."

William reported in to Beth and conveyed the information to her. Minutes later the Sachem was kneeling next to the superheroine and working the young woman over, sticking her with all sorts of things she had never seen before and chanting some sort of weird words over her while passing things across her body. The last thing the Huntress remembered was a feeling of total blissful peace as she slipped into unconsciousness seconds later. Looking over at the sleeping heroine, William smiled as he blinked to his wife before giving her a questioning look.

"She'll be fine William, but we almost waited too long. If Nightwing hadn't called us in she'd be dead. The Huntress is sleeping right now, probably better than she has in several weeks, and by the time she wakes up she'll be right as rain."

"When will the Huntress wake up Beth? We may need her."

"She should be out for about two hours, but she has a strong, vibrant will, so it may be shorter. But, in the meantime, the Huntress will be vulnerable and helpless. Someone should stay here with her."

"No problem. Pick one of the gang here and tell them what you need. They can also act as the observer for our different groups."

Leaving David with the Huntress, William made his way further to the left of the barn, looking into the south end minutes later. Using the binoculars, he was able to see Nightwing hanging on some sort of a cross, with his wrists and ankles bound spread eagle. His head was moving from side to side and he looked as though he was drunk. Deciding Nightwing was drugged instead of drunk, he was about to order the men to move in when Catwoman abruptly walked up to the young hero, grabbed his head and planted a kiss on his lips. Several minutes later, William sat behind the rock, amazed as he watched Catwoman move all over Nightwing's body as she attacked every inch of the hero's hopelessly bound body. William was so engrossed in the Catwoman's moves that he didn't hear his wife's calls until she snuck up behind him and tapped William on the shoulder. Embarrassed that his wife caught him having fun, William shrugged his shoulders and ordered his group to move in five minutes.

Nightwing was becoming less concerned with Batgirl's condition as he slipped farther and farther into the drug. His pent up desires for Batgirl, for Barbara, for her luscious body were finally finding escape. She was totally his, and she was unbelievable, as she was able to give him exactly what he wanted. His mind, floating somewhere between reality and imagination was taking all that she could give him and wanting more. She kissed him, sucked him, caressed him, grabbed him, and even bit him. She was awesome. She was the hottest babe he had ever been with, and he was ready to make her a part of him. But, something wasn’t right. It was the things she said, the costume she wore, and the sight of another woman, dressed in purple just beyond her that kept nagging at his consciousness. Closing his eyes, Nightwing tried to ignore the pleasurable feelings he felt on his body and made a concerted effort to clear the cobwebs from his mind; trying to make sense of it. The woman pleasuring him said she was his lover; said she was Batgirl. She said she was better than Minx could ever be. The costume, though tight in all the right places was grey, not purple; and the bat symbol..., was it there on her chest? No..., it wasn’t. There was a symbol, but it looked more like a cat than a bat. Of the woman beyond, she wore a tight costume as well and it was purple. She had on yellow gloves, yellow boots, hair? The symbol on her chest; he couldn’t see it clearly from his position, but it looked yellow as well, and it looked like it had wings. Yes..., it did have wings. There was another woman standing near her, wearing a black costume, talking about the woman in purple. What was she saying? He couldn’t tell, but the woman in purple was………unconscious? She was being tied up by the second woman. But Why? And the woman in purple, seemed to be wide awake, but senseless. She didn't say anything or try to resist the second woman as she tied her up with chains. But now the woman wearing the tight black costume was packing the purple costumed woman in the back of a four-wheeler. Trying to scan his tormented mind's memory, Nightwing tried to remember the people he knew and counted on for friendship. He could picture the Batman, and Alfred; even the Huntress in her purple and black latex catsuit, the Oracle, and Batgirl in her ultra skin-tight..., Batgirl, wait. Shaking the final cobwebs from his mind, he realized that Batgirl was his partner and she wore a dark-purple latex catsuit. She also had red hair. As Nightwing's thoughts cleared enough for him to realize that the bound woman was Batgirl, William's group stormed to building, capturing Catwoman while she was planting her face in Nightwing's groin.

William's group entered the barn with guns drawn, catching Catwoman by surprise and on her knees with her face just in front of Nightwing's throbbing member, barely hidden beneath his latex costume. Seeing she was cornered, and literally in no position to fight she gave up and was led away. Minx was captured several minutes later as she exited the main house on her way back to the barn. Seeing she was taken, William walked over to Nightwing and watched as his brothers took the barely conscious young man down from the bondage cross.

"William, there's something wrong with Batgirl. I don't know what it is, but she seems heavily drugged or something. I couldn't get any response from her. Not in anyway."

"We know. Beth felt it when Batgirl did whatever she did to herself. There aren't any waves coming from her at all, not any vibes as you younger people would put it. It's as though...."

"What William? It's as though what?"

"It's as though Batgirl's spirit, her soul has been ripped from her body, leaving only the hulk behind. I know you're worried son, so am I, but there's nothing we can do until we get Batgirl back to our compound. Oh, we found the Huntress and she should be fine in a little while. Beth put her to sleep awhile back. But I wouldn't suggest she over exert herself for a few days. Snake bites can be unpredictable."

Though barely conscious, Nightwing moved about the small barn and continued the conversation with William. He watched as the Greystone family picked up anything they thought could be used against Catwoman and Minx, making sure to tag and bag things as they went. When he heard about the Huntress minutes later, he only nodded his head as he leaned against the bondage cross, holding his aching head in his hand. When he finally released the grip on the cross to face William, his knees buckled sending him to the ground. He was unconscious before he even hit the dirt of the barn. Several days later, Nightwing regained consciousness and slowly looked around the room. Looking at the level of the sun's rays against the wall, he decided it was mid-morning and that he should get up. But out of no where came a pair of strong hands pushing him back to the sheets, along with a strong voice. Looking up at the now familiar face of William Greystone, Nightwing relaxed and allowed the man to take control of him.

“Later, Nightwing. When you’ve rested some more. But I guess I should update you on things. Batgirl is alive, that much we know, but that's all we know. It's like I feared. Batgirl is breathing but her spirit is gone. It's..., it's like she has nothing to live for so she just backed up into a hole and closed the door. Batgirl's not exactly dead Nightwing; its just that...well, her body doesn’t respond to anything. You can ask her a question and she just stares off into space. Batgirl doesn't respond to anything..., to anyone..., period. It’s like her mind has been wiped clean."

"That's certainly possible William. Catwoman is certainly capable of it. She's controlled our minds before, but..., I don't think this is the work of Catwoman. William? Can..., can Beth rejoin Batgirl's spirit with her body? Can this be done? I would be willing to exchange my life for hers if that's needed. Batgirl's life is more important than mine.

"You're both special Nightwing. and I know you would be willing to give up your life for her. That's a sign of deep, devoted love, Nightwing. But it's not that simple. Batgirl has placed some sort of barrier between her mind and the pain it was being subjected to. It's like she's on another plane of existence. She's here..., but not here. Three nights ago, Beth told me the Cougar had communicated to her that what Batgirl is suffering from is an ancient discipline gone wrong. Whatever that means."

"Ancient discipline? You mean like Karate or Judo?"

"Yes, just like those. The Cougar communicated that some of the ancient disciplines were extremely powerful in scope, and if used properly they could restore peace and tranquility to a person's mind. But, they had to be entered with extreme care. They took total concentration. One slip up, one at all, and the person entering the discipline might go in sideways, upside down, unconscious, or even dead."

"Humm. So..., if Batgirl was going into such a discipline she would need to have absolute concentration. Is that what you're saying?"

"I think so..., yes."

"She would also need to have total control of her body and mind, right?"

"Yes...., she would. What are you getting at, Nightwing?"

"And she would need to have extensive knowledge of the discipline itself, right?"

"That would be better, yes. Nightwing? Do you know something we don't?"

"Maybe. Batgirl might have been trying to enter such a discipline. Batman has some listed on the Bat Computer and I think I saw Batgirl reviewing some of them. If Batgirl was trying to enter a discipline, it's possible..., just possible that at the crucial moment when her concentration was needed most her body overrode that concentration as she orgasmed, sending her into the discipline in... Is the Huntress up and around yet, William?"

"Yes she is. I'll go get her, but you stay put. You hear me?"

Several minutes later the Huntress entered the room, followed closely by William and Beth. Nightwing didn't miss the look of concern on their faces as they watched the Huntress sit down next to him. He also noticed that the young heroine didn't take her eyes off the Greystone's. Nightwing looked William in his eyes and signaled he wanted to be alone with the Huntress. Understanding the look, William started shoving Beth from the room and closed the door moments later.

"Huntress..., what about Batgirl?"

"No word yet. I can't figure out what Catwoman did to her."

"Huntress, Batgirl was dealing with extreme pain and pleasure. More than I think she's ever dealt with. If you had seen what Catwoman had rigged up under her body, the way the feathers made contact with Batgirl's genitalia, then you would understand. Not only that but she couldn't do anything about it, she couldn't move in any way. You wouldn't believe it. I think she was desperate to escape that. Huntress, I need for you to contact Alfred. Have him search the Bat Computer for files related to ancient mind control disciplines. Batgirl was reviewing one in particular and I think that's what's happened to her."

"Mind control disciplines? You think Batgirl entered some discipline to escape the tortures Catwoman was giving her? That's a little far fetched, isn't it Nightwing? I mean Batgirl doesn't even know any."

"I know. But it would explain what's happened. Please Huntress..., Helena."

"Ok Nightwing. May I have access to your Lamborghini's computer link-up. Mine would work but it will be faster using yours."

"Yeah right. You just like the rich black leather seats. But yes, go ahead. The codes 'Batgirl'. Speaking of Batgirl, Huntress, I've got to see her. I've got to be with her."

Nightwing started to get out of the bed and get up, even though he could barely move. With every move he had to grab onto something to keep from blacking out or falling over. Despite several warnings and even a couple of threats from the Huntress, he continued to get up. Knowing Nightwing was going to go at all costs, the Huntress reached into her utility belt and produced a can of Bat-sleep spray. Calling Nightwing's name, she sprayed a liberal amount of the misty sleep gas in his masked face knocking him unconscious almost instantly. If she hadn't been there to catch him, Nightwing would have fallen to the floor and possibly hurt something else as well. Seconds later, Huntress laid the valiant hero on the bed, making sure to cover him up and asking for his forgiveness. She was surprised by Beth's voice.

"It was the best thing you could have done for him Huntress. Nightwing's been through hell these past few days, as have you. I don't even want to think about Batgirl."

"Beth. Has anyone questioned Catwoman or Minx yet? We need to ask them what they did to Batgirl."

"William and Scott have talked to them, but they keep denying they did anything to her."

"Let me at them for awhile, I'll make them talk."

"Huntress. You're not in any condition to do that. Those snake bites almost killed you and they have weakened you a great deal. All you need is to go in there and get into a fight. Nightwing would kill me. Also, I don't think I want to know how you would ask them. But I'm not here to fight with you, I'm here to help you. Did Nightwing say anything that might help us find a cure for Batgirl?"

"I think so. We were talking about getting some outside help."

The Huntress went on explaining what Nightwing had told her about Batgirl's condition and the possible reasons for her problem. She had walked back to Nightwing's bed and was standing at the footboard looking across the bed at the sleeping hero when she suddenly found a damp cloth soaked with chloroform over her mouth and nose. Caught off guard by the unexpected and sudden attack, the Huntress inhaled the toxic fumes before she realized what was happening to her. Within seconds her energy was sapped as she succumbed to the sleeping effects of the drug, falling limp to the floor. Beth had him place the Huntress's sleeping body in a bed next to Nightwing's and walked out of the room.

Several hours later, Nightwing began to move. Sitting up, he managed to swing his legs around to where he was

sitting when he noticed the Huntress asleep in the next bed. Seeing her, he remembered the trick the Huntress had played on him earlier and he moved to her side. Shaking Huntress's body he abruptly became aware that she was drugged. Concern edging his brow as to the possible reasons for her condition, Nightwing donned his costume and very cautiously made his way to the kitchen prepared for anything, but he wasn't prepared for the reception he received as he entered the room. Nightwing entered the kitchen in a defensive battle stance, eyeing everyone with extreme caution.

"I suggest every one stand perfectly still. I want to ask you some questions. What has happened to the Huntress?"

"She was bent on going after Catwoman and Minx to get them to talk Nightwing. She wasn't in any condition to confront them yet. If she got herself in a scrap and got herself injured, or worse captured; you'd never let me hear the end of it. So Beth here put her to sleep for awhile."

"I see. What was the reply from Alfred?"

Even before William could find an answer to the strange question, the Huntress could be heard coming down the hall. From the sound of her progress the group could tell she was still pretty much out of it. Entering the room moments later, the Huntress almost fell down and had to hold on to Nightwing to keep from doing so. Seeing she was in no condition to stand, he motioned for Scott Greystone to move aside and Nightwing placed the Huntress's trembling body down in a chair.

"Huntress? What was Alfred's response to the message?"

"I..., I never..., uuuunnnnnn, had the chance, uuuuhhhhhh, to send it. Beth chloroformed me before I could."


"I thought it was best Nightwing. The Huntress was going to confront Catwoman and Minx and she's simply not in the condition to do so. Those snake bites could have killed her and I didn't want any of the remaining poison to get mixed into her blood again. Besides, if she went there and got into a fight; got herself captured or killed, you'd never let me forget it Nightwing. I know you love Batgirl, but you're also very fond of the Huntress; whether you will admit it or not."

"Yes I am. I guess you did the best thing under the circumstances, but it may have cost us some time. I wanted her to contact a friend. I also want to see Batgirl."

"You mentioned the name Alfred? Is that as in Alfred Pennyworth, Bruce Wayne's butler, Nightwing?"

"Yes William it is and..., wait. How do you know that name?

"Where do you think we get all these high-tech weapons and gadgets from, Nightwing? I've known Mr. Wayne for a long time. He and I go way back, even before he...."

"William? I want to see Batgirl and I want to see her now."

"It isn't a good time Nightwing. Batgirl hasn't changed since we brought her here."

"Mr. Greystone. Nightwing loves that woman lying in there. You've kept them apart for days now just because Batgirl's condition hasn't improved. You've made me mad because of this and now he's getting mad. Do you really think you want both of us pissed off at you?"

"Ok Nightwing. I'll take you too her."

A minute later Nightwing entered the room where Batgirl lay in the comatose state she had been in for several days. Seeing her unchanged expression, Nightwing hesitated but soon he slowly walked to her. Sitting down beside the superheroine, he picked up her left hand and wrapped it in both of his as he took in her unblinking eyes. The only part of her which still showed any life at all was in her chest as it slowly, steadily rose and fell with each breath she took. Batgirl's hand felt warm to the touch, so Nightwing knew there wasn’t anything physically wrong; but what had Catwoman done to her mind? For several moments, he looked intently into the deep blue eyes which had captivated his heart so many months before and soon tears filled my own. Leaning over her, Nightwing softly caressed Batgirl's parched lips with his finger, as he took in her intoxicating scent; even as distant memories filled his brain with a longing for her touch. Hesitating for only a second, Nightwing lowered his face to hers as he barely touched Batgirl's before moving to kiss her. Softly at first, his mouth on hers, he gave Batgirl a very delicate, but passionate kiss. When Nightwing finished the kiss, his eyes were filled to overflowing with tears. He couldn’t believe Batgirl was gone. Couldn’t believe this beautiful young woman’s life was over. Nightwing knew his life was over as well as the woman of his dreams was lost forever. Unable to cope with the loss any longer, Nightwing fell across Barbara’s chest and began crying. There simply wasn’t anything else to do. After a bit, William put his hands on Nightwing's shoulders and pulled him away from her. With a final look to the woman of his desires, Nightwing cleared his throat.

"I..., I love you Batgirl. I love you."

Nightwing turned to leave, walking the short distance to the door seconds later. Stopping near the door, he looked at William and asked about Catwoman's where-a-bouts.

"We've had them locked up in the smoke house since their capture. The State Police should be here soon and then we'll turn them over."

"I want to see them. Can you arrange it, William?"

William nodded his head and left to make the arrangements. Nightwing waited for several moments as he took one last look at Batgirl lying so still on the bed. Lowering his head with fresh tears trickling down his cheeks, Nightwing ever so slowly reached for the door to close it as he left; but at the last possible instant a very soft voice, almost a whisper, called out. Shocked by the sudden sound, Nightwing looked back into the room hoping against all hope that what he heard was his beloved. a second later, Batgirl repeated the words.

“Nightwing, please...for the love of God don’t leave me!”

Frozen to the floor, Nightwing tried to move towards the bed and a suddenly alive Batgirl. He was too stunned to move as he tried to take in her words. Seconds later, as tears streamed down Batgirl's cheeks, she called out to him once more.

“Nightwing..., Dick please, oh, God, please, don’t leave me here. I..., I love you. I need you. Please...hold me, please.”

Nightwing was moving towards her before he could even think. Calling out to Beth as he reached Batgirl's side, he fell to her and held on to Batgirl's shivering body, as they comforted each other. Entering the room a minute later, Beth took in the view of a breathing, crying Batgirl and barked out a series of orders; sending the Greystone family into a frenzy. It was a flurry of activity after that as various family members came into the room and worked on Batgirl. The only tense moment came when one of the brothers' wives told Nightwing to leave so they could strip Batgirl, but Beth countermanded the order and said he would stay. Standing at the foot of the bed, his eyes held hers and no matter what they did to her, they never broke eye contact. Nightwing could see the side glances aimed at him and Batgirl but the hero's continued to look at each other. When the women were finally finished, Beth pushed them out of the room and said it was ok to move closer. Moving cautiously as if Batgirl was made of fine china, Nightwing sat on the edge of the bed and looked into her beautiful eyes. For her part, Batgirl returned the look with a longing that she had so often shown when she looked into his eyes. For several minutes they just stayed there, taking in each other's view as if seeing the other for the first time. Minutes later, Batgirl lowered her head and started to cry uncontrollably as she tried to tell Nightwing what she had done.

"Shush, Batgirl. You don't have to explain anything. The important thing is that you're safe. But, please don't do that again, ok?"

Touching her face, Nightwing wiped the away the tears before pulling Batgirl to him, holding her in a delicate embrace. But moments later, she pulled her face away from his chest and began to speak. Moving quickly, Nightwing placed his fingers on her lips to keep her quiet even as Batgirl grabbed the fingers. Holding the strong fingers in her hand, she kissed them ever so gently. Finally, he couldn’t take it anymore. Nightwing had to talk to her.

"Batgirl, I couldn't help it. I thought Minx was you. She said she was. It was some kind of new mind control drug. I love you more that I can explain or express. I thought, I thought I lost you, and now I don’t know, I should have been there to protect you, to fight for you, but I couldn’t even protect myself. I know I love you, but I let you down, betrayed your love. I can’t....”

Batgirl reached up to touch his face, caressing it as she wiped away his tears. Smiling as she shook her head slowly in understanding, Batgirl shushed him to quietness. She looked at Nightwing for a long time before moving her gentle hand to his chin, picking up his face to look into his teary eyes. Moments later Batgirl looked deeply into Nightwing's eyes and asked.

“How could you have lost me, Nightwing? Catwoman told me about the drug, that it made you think whoever was with you was the object of your desires. I knew I loved you, knew I wanted to spend my life with you; but I never dreamed I could be the object of your desires. Nightwing, Richard, I love you with all my heart, all my soul, and with all my mind.”

Batgirl inhaled deeply before going on. Her entire body shook like a leaf as she placed her arms around Nightwing's neck and held his gaze for several seconds before she continued. Holding her in his arms, Nightwing could tell that Batgirl was extremely weakened from her experience and he began to reply but she shook her head again. Moments later, she looked back into his eyes and continued to speak.

“Nightwing. I have loved you ever since we met. I think I loved you even before that. It was just the thought of you that I loved. How could you ever lose me?”

Pulling Batgirl close to him, Nightwing lowered his lips to hers and gave Batgirl another kiss, a stronger, more desperate kiss; as he renewed his love for her. Batgirl submitted to his attack on her lips and returned the kiss, reaching into his warm mouth with her hot tongue. Their tongues dancing together in the dance of love, the hero's were lost in the moment and continued to make passionate love for several minutes until Batgirl couldn't stand any more. Moaning in absolute pleasure, Batgirl allowed her head to fall to her back away from Nightwing's face as he expertly serviced her hot body. Laying Batgirl down on the sheets, he looked her over, as if seeing her nakedness for the first time. Moments later, he attacked Batgirl's body, gently kissing her neck several times before moving down to her perfectly rounded breasts. Kissing her already awakened nipples, Nightwing kissed each one in turn, bringing them erect even more as Batgirl groaned in ecstasy. He continued to kiss her ample mammaries even as Batgirl grabbed his hair and pushed his face even lower to her body. Seconds after Batgirl grabbed his head, Nightwing switched his attack from merely kissing her nipples to licking and nibbling them, sending Batgirl into a fit of sexual passion. Batgirl was breathing rapidly as the sensual feelings of pleasure washed through her body overloading her brain with intense pleasure. Flailing her arms above her head, she finally managed to grab on to the bed's headboard and pull her aroused body upward against Nightwing's onslaught. Choosing the right nipple over the left, Nightwing started to switch between nibbling and sucking the right breast, bringing Batgirl to an even higher level of sexual alertness. Yelling out in total pleasure, Batgirl succumbed to Nightwing's attack on her super aroused body and temporarily lost all control as the first feelings of dampness washed through her sex. Almost as fast, she fell limp to the sheets as she momentarily slipped into unconsciousness from the strain on her body and mind.

Minutes later, Batgirl was instantly awakened when Nightwing planted his face in her womanhood and used his tongue to explore the inner depths of her love canal as he fondled her aroused breasts with his hands. Her body was trembling from the incredible feelings and she abruptly found it difficult to breath when Nightwing's tongue made the initial contact with her ultra-sensitive clitoris; sending heightened feelings of rapture to her brain. The irresistibly awesome feelings soon overpowered her weakened mind and she lost control again, becoming a wild animal as the second orgasm surged through her sex, flooding her mind with feelings of pure, unadulterated pleasure. Returning to Batgirl's lips seconds later, Nightwing kissed her slightly parted lips sending renewed feelings of sexual bliss through her senseless mind. Batgirl was barely conscious as Nightwing continued to attack her extremely aroused body. Gasping for breath, she brought her wishes to the surface as she softly stated her desires.

"Uuuunnnnnhhhhhhhhhh...Nightwing....please take me. Do me now..., please. I...can't...take it...any longer. Please, Nightwing...have mercy. Fuck me....please...fuck me....Uuuunnnnnhhhhhhhhhh."

"Batgirl, Barbara. Are you sure you want this now? I mean, what we're doing is putting enough strain on your body and I'm not sure you can take any more."

"Nightwing..., Richard, please. I want this more that anything else in the world. Please, while we have the chance, fill me with your manhood..., please."

Totally understanding Batgirl's desires, Nightwing mounted her body and rammed his throbbing member deep inside her glistening sex, sending incredibly intense sensations through her body. Her mind, already reeling from the previous sexual activities, exploded in mind-numbing ecstasy as a particularly powerful orgasm announced its arrival; rocking her body back and forth even as Nightwing climaxed deep inside her. Laying his face against her rock hard nipples once more, Nightwing delivered several more kisses to the hardened nipples before suddenly switching again to biting them. Her eyes unfocused, Batgirl was totally unprepared for Nightwing's next assault as he used his teeth to pull her aroused right nipple away from her breast before allowing it to snap back into place seconds later. Biting her upper lip to keep from yelling out in pleasure again, Batgirl planted her fingernails deep into Nightwing's back, breaking the skin as small droplets of blood appeared on his back. Moments later, Nightwing climaxed again sending his hot cum into her body to mix with her own love juices. When Batgirl climaxed for a fourth time minutes later, her scream could be heard through-out the house, alerting every member of the Greystone family to her ordeal. Physically and mentally spent from the sexual attacks on her aroused body, Batgirl fell back to the sheets writhing in total, unimaginable ecstasy even as she brought her legs together. Lost to the feelings of afterglow, Batgirl let her hands drop from Nightwing's body as she succumbed to blissful unconsciousness again.

Twenty minutes later, as Nightwing regained his strength from the sexual intercourse, he raised his body from that of Batgirl's and left the bed. Viewing the intoxicatingly beautiful body laying before him, he hesitated for several moments as he took in Batgirl's stunning body laid out before him. Covering her exposed and naked body with the damp sheets, he donned his Nightwing costume and left the room to begin his own interrogation of Catwoman and Minx. Exiting the room the family was surprised to see him walk out as Nightwing. Asking about Batgirl, Nightwing ignored the question and addressed William.

"Where's this smokehouse, William?"

William led Nightwing to the smoke house and told the guards to open the door. As Nightwing stepped inside, Minx advanced upon the hero but she was met with a strong back-handed punch; which sent her back to the wall. Minx cursed Nightwing as she stood up again, but Catwoman's raised hand stopped Minx in her tracks. Nightwing's eyes never left those of Catwoman’s as they stood there sizing each other up.

“How are you doing...Dick?”

“The names Nightwing, Catwoman. And just fine thank you.”

"Where's your little tart? Where's Batgirl?"

"I'm not here to discuss Batgirl, Catwoman. I'm here to discuss your future. Where are the jewels you stole?"

Catwoman walked up to the young hero fully aware of the guards standing behind him and traced her finger on his chest. Looking up into his narrowed eyes, Catwoman cocked her head to the left and gave Nightwing a smile of pure mischief before turning to walk away. Seconds later, she abruptly turned around to face him again.

“It will always be Dick to me, though I know you can erase my memory with the Bat Amnesia spray. But no matter what you do now, you’ll always know it was I that defeated your precious Batgirl. Her mind is gone Nightwing, she’s a vegetable; and there’s nothing you can do about that, my dear.”

"That’s right Nightwing, your precious little Batgirl can’t even feed herself, let alone become Batgirl again. And no matter what you do to me, you’ll always remember that it was me that made love to you last. The Bat bitch is gone, and I say good riddance."

Having said their piece, Catwoman and Minx turned and walked towards the back of the room to look out the barred window. Seething with rage barely held in check, Nightwing turned to the two guards and told them to leave the room. The guards hesitated as if not really wanting to leave Nightwing alone with the two dangerous women, but when Nightwing insisted they left, exchanging carefully guarded glances as they shut the door. Catwoman was pleased to see the guards leave the room, knowing Nightwing was finally alone. Catwoman knew that by himself, Nightwing would be more than a match for both she and Minx, but Catwoman also knew he wasn't normal. His feelings for Batgirl had been clouding his judgment for some time and with her present condition fresh in his confused mind he couldn't possibly take them both on. Taking advantage of the situation, Catwoman turned around very slowly, caressing her breasts and groin as she did, so Nightwing could take in every facet of her splendid body. Seeing the hero's reaction to her self fondling, Catwoman slowly walked towards the disoriented hero meaning to suddenly attack him before he had the chance to defend himself.

"You shouldn't have dismissed the guards Nightwing, but I'm glad you did. It will give us a chance to discuss old memories."

"There aren't any memories I wish to discuss with you Catwoman. Nor with you bitch."

"Nightwing. I've told you before never to call a cat a bitch. Since you're alone, I would have thought you'd know better."

"Who ever said he was alone, Catwoman?"

Batgirl made her entrance and assumed her famous pose seconds later with her legs slightly spread apart with her hands resting on her shapely hips. Her cape flowing gently behind her tantalizing body as she came to a stop, Batgirl stood in all her glory as she looked first at Catwoman and then at Minx. Minx stood there speechless, but Catwoman was actually stunned. Nightwing's reaction was one of concern as he took in his partner's abrupt appearance. He knew Batgirl wasn't in any shape to defend herself and if a fight should erupt her presence would make any fight difficult as he would have to assume a defensive posture. Even as Catwoman expressed her shock at Batgirl's sudden appearance, Nightwing pulled Batgirl aside and tried to talk sense into her. Whispering to her as he continued to glance at Catwoman and Minx, Nightwing

“Batgirl!! How did you get out of the mind control machine alive?”

"Batgirl. You shouldn't be here. You're too weak from the last few days and in no condition to defend yourself. Please darling, go back to bed."

"Nightwing, I know I shouldn't be up yet, but I wanted to have the satisfaction of seeing Catwoman's face when I came in. We can't let them know they succeeded in their fiendish plans to destroy me. Please just let me explain to Catwoman how I escaped her diabolical trap, then I'll go back and rest, ok?"

Seeing Nightwing's cautious nod, Batgirl turned to face Catwoman. Making as if to pull her gloves further up her arms, Batgirl began walking around the room, explaining as she went. Nightwing didn't like Batgirl being in the room and watching her walk even closer to the dangerous women sent chills up his spine. He knew it wouldn't take much to weaken or even kill Batgirl and he tensed just about every muscle in his body in anticipation of a possible attack.

“Your machine, Catwoman, though diabolical, had a flaw which I was able to use to my advantage. I knew there was no way to fight the sexual sensations cursing through my body; so I decided to apply the basic training of Jot-man-do, an ancient mind control discipline, which if used properly, will place a shield between the conscious and unconscious mind. I slipped out of my body and into this area of peace. I was able to accomplish this just as my body began to jerk. The resulting stillness was the evidence of my success.”

"No way, Batgirl. You were delirious, screaming in pain just before you fell into the trap. I saw you collapse."

“Yes I was screaming, Catwoman, and yes I was delirious. Your machine ravished my mind. It tore my very being from me, trying to destroy not only Batgirl but, Barbara Gordon as well, and it almost killed me.”

Turning to leave the room, Batgirl became an easy target for the attack Nightwing knew might erupt. Taking advantage of Batgirl's blind spot, Minx delivered a sharp jab to the base of Batgirl's skull, knocking the superheroine to the floor and certain unconsciousness almost instantly. Taking advantage of the sudden confusion, Catwoman wasted no time in sending a kick to Nightwing's throat, preventing him from calling for help, as he clutched his throat. Nightwing knew he was in deep trouble as he picked up Batgirl’s prone body and dragged it to the side and he hoped, out of danger. Checking Batgirl over to ascertain her condition, he was relieved to find she was still breathing and not seriously wounded. A moment later he returned to the center of the room and faced the villains. Standing his ground, Nightwing watched as Catwoman moved to his right side even as Minx walked to his left, hoping to encircle the hero before they attacked. As if on cue they attacked, running towards the surrounded crime fighter, but at the last possible instant Nightwing jumped out of the way causing Catwoman and Minx to collide in the middle of the room, knocking them both to the floor a second later.

Furious, Catwoman got up and attacked again, running straight for Nightwing even before he could recover from his jump. The resulting collision sent both of them to the far wall with Nightwing's body taking the brunt of the impact. Knocked senseless by the sudden impact, Catwoman wasted little time in pressing her advantage, delivering an elbow to his chin seconds before shoving her knee into Nightwing's groin. Even as the young hero tried to remain standing, Catwoman punched him twice in the face, forcing stars to appear before his eyes. Nightwing now knew it had been a mistake to dismiss the guards. He could barely stand when Catwoman delivered a solid punch across his chin, propelling him to the bedpost and the waiting arms of Minx. A minute later Minx grabbed his arms and held them behind the bedpost, using the solid wooden post as a sort of bondage support. Nightwing was now pinned and too weak to escape. A moment later, Catwoman sauntered up, preparing to finish him off, when a sound distracted her. Turning around to face a possible new threat she saw Batgirl as she tried to get up, using the wall to support her weakened body. Slapping Nightwing's face to keep him off balance, she walked over to the still struggling Batgirl and picked her up like a rag doll. Slamming Batgirl's body against the wall, Catwoman punched her in the stomach, followed by a quick open-palmed punch to the chin. A second later Batgirl dropped to her knees, barely conscious as she begged Catwoman to stop hurting her. Ignoring the heroine's pleas, Catwoman delivered a kick to Batgirl’s unprotected chest, driving her head back into the wall and certain unconsciousness once again.

With out so much as a glance back to Batgirl's unconscious body, Catwoman returned to Nightwing and prepared to send the final punch. Still weakened from her assault, Nightwing knew he couldn’t take another hit. Thinking fast he summoned all his strength and sent both feet into Catwoman's breasts forcing her backwards to the floor, knocking her senseless upon impact; seconds before Minx delivered a swift blow to Nightwing's head sending him to the floor as well. Fighting unconsciousness, Nightwing pretended to be hurt more than he actually was, hoping Minx would get careless and move in for the kill. A minute later he managed to grab her foot forcing her unbalanced body back to the bed's railing and sending a glancing blow to her head; but it wasn't good enough and she was able to bounce back landing on top of Nightwing's body. Glancing back, Minx saw Catwoman roll over unto her stomach still out of it from Nightwing's wrongful attack on her ample mammaries. Straddling his body, Minx picked up Nightwing's head and began smashing his face to the floor. After three hits, he was virtually senseless as he moaned in indescribable pain. Moving off his body, Minx turned the fallen hero unto his back and observed her handiwork. Nightwing's face was a bloody mess with blood oozing from his mouth and nose. His left eye was blackened and his head seemed to be swollen from the three face smashes to the floor. Satisfied, she walked over to Catwoman and began to help her up.

Minx managed to pull Catwoman to her feet when she suddenly heard the distinctive sound of keys chambering through a lock. The guards, hearing the sounds of a possible battle had become suspicious and were returning to investigate. Running at a full stride, Minx leaped into the air to deliver a frontal kick with the heel of her boot. The unsuspecting guards never knew what hit them as they opened the door and were met by the unexpected kick to their faces, propelling them backwards to a parked truck. Any thought Minx had of escaping through the opened door quickly vanished a minute later when one of the guards accidentally fired off his weapon, alerting the entire compound to the trouble. Finding her escape cut off by the guard's shot, Minx closed and bolted the door from the inside trapping both herself, Catwoman, and the helpless hero's.

Watching Minx lock the door, Catwoman moved to Batgirl's prone body and knelt down beside the fallen heroine, scanning Batgirl's body for possible life. A minute later she picked up Batgirl's head by her cowl and looked into the young crime fightress' face to see if she was awake but as Batgirl's mouth fell open Catwoman saw that Batgirl was still out of it. She was no threat. Dropping Batgirl's head to the floor, Catwoman turned to look at Minx who was pointing in the direction of Nightwing's unconscious body, only Catwoman noticed he wasn't there. Nightwing had used the distraction from the guards to pick himself up and was supporting myself against the bedpost.

"Don't you people ever stay down, Nightwing?"

Minx closed the distance between Nightwing and herself in seconds while attempting to send a hard punch to his head, but Nightwing was able to move aside while still holding onto the bed's post. Surprised by the unexpected move Minx found herself punching the wooden post instead of Nightwing's face, sending bone chilling pain up her arm. Grabbing her hand in pain, Minx left herself open for a counter attack. It came in the form of a double punch, made famous by Batgirl several weeks earlier. Nightwing sent his knee to Minx's chin, while he delivered a two-fisted punch to the back of her skull. A moment later Minx stood unconscious on her feet until Nightwing pushed her over, allowing her to fall on the bed instead of the floor leaving Catwoman and Nightwing alone. Glancing over to Batgirl, he could tell she was still senseless and limp on the floor.

"Its just you and me now, Catwoman. I'd suggest you give it up. The guards are aware of what's going on in here and they will get you."

"Perhaps they will, Nightwing but it's you that needs to give it up. I'm closer to Batgirl than you are and if the guards could get through that door, they would have by now."

"You're forgetting I have Minx, Catwoman."

"I'm not forgetting anything Nightwing. I could care less about that slut who calls herself my partner; where as you care a great deal about Batgirl. I know it and you know it. One false move on your part and I'll finish Batgirl off."

Even as Catwoman replied to Nightwing's latest challenge, she seemed to find a weakness, attacking him almost instantly. A minute later she was giving Nightwing everything she had as she delivered a series of swift punches to his face, chest, and stomach. Caught totally off guard by the ferocity of Catwoman's attack, Nightwing found himself on the defensive and unable to get a punch in on his own. Nightwing was able to deflect most of Catwoman's hits but some of them got through, causing harm to his already tired and weakened body. Finally, Catwoman was able to connect

with a punch to Nightwing's vulnerable crotch, sending the young hero to his knees with excruciating pain. Grasping his abused member in mind-boggling pain, Nightwing fully expected Catwoman to finish him off but instead she took a step back. Even as Nightwing was trying to figure out why, she moved behind him and opened a pouch on his utility belt retrieving a weapon, before returning to face him. Smiling broadly, Catwoman knelt down in front of the confused hero and sprayed a liberal amount of a new gas into his masked face at point blank range. Choking on the gas, Nightwing knew that in seconds he would be helpless and under the influence Bat Subdue Gas. It was a special gas, formulated to subdue, but not knock out the victim. A minute later Nightwing's eyes rolled into the top of his head as he lost his balance and fell to the floor.

“So much for you, Nightwing. Now all I have to do is finish the job by killing you. Then I'll finish Batgirl.”

Meanwhile, the activity outside the smoke house had gone from one of relaxed quietness to one which resembled a war zone. As the two would be guards rose to their feet, the rest of the assembled Greystone clan rushed to the small building and tried to figure out what had gone wrong. Silencing everyone with his raised hand a minute later, William crossed his arms on his chest and gave his younger brothers, the guards, a look that would sent the entire Mohawk Indian Tribe fleeing in panic years before. For their part, the two brothers wished they had been someplace else as they began to melt under William's scrutiny.

"Well. I'm waiting. What has happened? Andrew, why don't you tell me?"

"Um, William, we didn't want to leave but Nightwing insisted. Batgirl didn't look so.."

"Batgirl!! Is she in there? You two let her go inside? With Catwoman and Minx? In her condition? What in the name of the gods were you two thinking? Don't answer weren't thinking, period. Ok. So what else has happened Andrew?"

"I'm not sure you want to know. At least I'm sure I don't want to tell you."

"Ok, What about you Adam? Are you man enough to tell me what's going down in there?"

"Um, yeah, I guess so. We heard what sounded like a fight a few minutes ago, so we decided to check it out. When we opened the door, the younger one, Minx kicked Andrew in the face throwing him back to me, sending us both out of the room. She was about to escape but my misfire stopped her."

"And what pray tell, did you see while you were in the room? Anything?"

"They were beating up on Nightwing, using the bedpost to keep his body up as they held his arms behind it. Batgirl was on the floor to our left. She wasn't moving, but I think she was breathing."

"Fine. You two go get yourselves checked out. Then disappear for awhile. Scott, you stay here and watch that damn door. If Minx or Catwoman try to escape shoot them."

Even as William barked out the new orders, he wondered if the White man's influence on his family had finally ruined it. Thinking he had the makings for another Little Big Horn on his plate, he stood there and tried to figure out what they could do. The smoke house had always been used as a sort of jail because of the way it had been built. It had been a storage bin for munitions during the first and second world wars, with walls four feet thick; built of reinforced concrete and steel. The only door was solid oak, every bit as hard as the famous Revolutionary warship "Old Iron Sides". The small window at the back could be used to see in, but it too was impregnable, originally built out of glass, the glass had been replaced recently and the window now sported a one-inch thick plexus-glass pane. Even the floor was three feet thick, reinforced with steel. William was shaking his head in dismay at why they had never removed the interior locks when the Huntress walked up to him in full battle gear.

"They won't try to escape William, at least not yet. They have Nightwing and Batgirl as their hostages; and if I know Catwoman, she'll want to have some fun first. Is there a way we can see what's going on in there?"

"By fun, I suppose you mean torture?"

"Yes, unfortunately I do. And with Batgirl in there, it won't be pretty. She should have stayed in bed.

"Yeah, she should have. There's a small window at the rear of the building, Huntress. Come on, I'll show you."

William and the Huntress made their way to the back of the small smoke house and were just able to see Nightwing subdued by one of his own weapons. As the Huntress looked around the small interior, William looked at the window pane, trying to find a way to take it out. The Huntress could just make out Minx's body as she lay on the bed unmoving. But is was Batgirl's body which concerned her the most. Batgirl was moving very slowly, as if trying to get up. The Huntress could see Batgirl was very weak and quite possibly fighting to stay conscious as she continued to pick herself off the floor. Looking to her left, Huntress could see Catwoman choking Nightwing into unconsciousness, totally oblivious to Batgirl's movements across the room. Nightwing was just about to submit to her hold and fall unconscious when Batgirl made her presence know. The window's thickness prevented any sound from escaping the room, but by reading Batgirl's lips and body language, the Huntress could tell what Batgirl was saying.

Inside the room, Catwoman put the can of subdue spray in the pouch hanging on her waist and had moved behind the helpless Nightwing, placing him in a choke hold to finish him off when an all too familiar voice sounded off across the room. Looking up in dismay, Catwoman looked at a very shaky Batgirl, as she tried to take control of the situation. Catwoman knew she was in for more fun.

"Stop Catwoman. Move away from Nightwing and raise your hands. You don't want me to use this thing, but I will if I have too."

Somehow, Batgirl had managed to recover long enough to come to Nightwing's aid. But even with his eyes glassed over, Nightwing could tell Batgirl was in no condition to fight; she was barely able to stand. Her entire body trembled slightly and it seemed she had trouble just holding her Bat-A-Rang up in her hand. Nightwing knew if Catwoman found out, Batgirl would be in way over her head and in grave danger. Looking at Batgirl, he could tell Batgirl knew this, so why was she doing it? Her reason hit Nightwing seconds later when Batgirl repeated her demands to Catwoman.

"I said move away from him Catwoman. Nightwing's had enough for one day, besides it's me you want. Now let Nightwing go and move away from him slowly.

Throwing Nightwing to the floor, Catwoman complied with Batgirl's order, rising to her feet a second later. She moved a few feet away from the weakened hero, but made no move to raise her hands. Laying on the floor, Nightwing was able to pull his head up and watch as the verbal battle continued above him. Catwoman was up to something. He knew she didn't give up this easily and was even now slowly moving closer to Batgirl. Looking across the room at Batgirl, he could see she hadn't so much as moved a muscle since stating her demands. Batgirl was unconscious on her feet and Nightwing knew it wouldn't take much to put Batgirl down again. She was putting herself in this danger just to give him time to recover and regain his strength. Knowing Batgirl couldn't last long, Nightwing tried to gather what strength he could find and concentrate on getting up. He knew he had to act fast as both he and Batgirl were on the defensive. It wouldn’t take much to subdue both Batgirl and himself or to even kill them. Thinking fast, he quickly reached for the ever trustful utility belt and the energy pills stored within, popping two of them in his mouth a moment later. Now, if Batgirl could buy him some time, he would take the fight to Catwoman and finish it, once and for all. Using the bed as support, Nightwing managed to get to his knees. Resting for several moments to catch his breath, he glanced at Catwoman to see what the feline vixen was up too. Catwoman was still moving almost imperceptivity towards an unsuspecting Batgirl with her arms at her sides, hiding the can of Subdue Gas. She had already closed the distance between them by half the distance when Catwoman suddenly stopped. Looking intently at the superheroine before her, Catwoman suddenly noticed that Batgirl was still standing in the attack position she had been when Batgirl told her to move away from Nightwing. Batgirl was still looking where Catwoman had been, not where she was now, several feet to Batgirl's right. Catwoman figured it all out in a second. Batgirl was faking it and Catwoman could now tell that the heroine's whole body was shaking like a leaf. Deciding to test her theory, Catwoman snuck up to the Batgirl and whispered in the superheroine's ear.

"Why don't you sit down before you fall down, Batgirl?"

Totally caught off guard by Catwoman's point blank question, Batgirl moved to her left and tried to assume a defensive position once more, but in the process she collided with the wall behind her causing her to lose her balance and fall to one knee. Batgirl was back up almost as fast, but Nightwing could tell the sudden movement had cost her some valuable energy. She was blinking her eyes as she tried to concentrate on Catwoman who was now standing only ten feet away from her. That Catwoman made no move to take advantage of Batgirl's weakness surprised Nightwing. But he knew Catwoman's moment of mercy wouldn't last long and he was prepared to take some action to help Batgirl. A second later, Catwoman smiled at Nightwing as she once again moved towards Batgirl's unsteady position with her hands still behind her back. Batgirl was virtually out of it and didn’t suspect a thing.

"Batgirl, look out! Catwoman has a can of Bat subdue spray. Don't let her get close to your face."

"Hisssssssss....Nightwing, you....!"

Yelling out in frustration as yet another perfectly planned trap was foiled by Nightwing, Catwoman lunged for the seemingly helpless Batgirl, meaning to subdue her as Catwoman had Nightwing only minutes before. But Batgirl had become instantly alert, backing up and going into a better defensive stance just before she delivered a hard kick to Catwoman's hand effectively knocking the subdue gas from Catwoman's sore hand. Suddenly getting dizzy from the effort, Batgirl fell to her knees a second later, making her an inviting target for the angry Catwoman. Seeing Batgirl go down, Catwoman took advantage of the situation and kicked Batgirl in her stomach. Grabbing her abused midsection in pain, Batgirl suddenly found herself on the defensive in a battle she knew she had no hope of winning. Batgirl had just managed to raise her body to her knees when Catwoman connected with a double fisted punch to the small of her back, sending excruciating pain up her spine to her brain. Batgirl doubled over in mind-boggling pain as she fell to the floor semiconscious, groaning in total agony as she fought to stay awake. Seeing Batgirl was totally helpless, Catwoman decided to teach her a lesson as she dropped onto the superheroine, straddling the heroine's body a minute later. Leaning forward, Catwoman placed Batgirl in a chokehold, blocking off the flow of precious air to Batgirl's brain even as she pulled Batgirl's body backwards off the floor. The intense pain radiating up Batgirl's spine was almost too much to bear as Catwoman continued to pull the young heroine backward, placing tremendous strains on the already abused spine. Batgirl began gasping for air, clawing at Catwoman’s face and hair. After several seconds of the intense torture, Batgirl was able to bring her knees forward under her body, relieving some of the strain on her back. Seeing the movement, Catwoman increased her efforts to subdue the heroine by tightening the hold around Batgirl's neck when Batgirl suddenly flipped forward throwing a surprised Catwoman over her and to the floor. Wasting little time, Batgirl delivered a weak karate hit to Catwoman's head knocking the criminal momentarily senseless moments before Batgirl sank to the floor, sucking in as much air as she could and moaning in absolute pain as she grasped her aching back.

Even as Batgirl sank to the floor, Nightwing was moving, getting to his feet a minute later. Without thinking he quickly started to move to Batgirl's side only to have stars appear in front of his face from the exertion placed on his body. Moving slower, he made it Batgirl's side and knelt beside her, placing a hand on her shoulder to let Batgirl know he was there to give her support. She was breathing rapidly and trying to stay conscious as she slowly lifted her face to look at Nightwing. A moment later she collapsed to the floor and painfully turned over onto her back to look up into Nightwing's concerned face. He knew she wouldn’t last much longer as she was even now slipping into unconsciousness. Hearing a feint sound from his right, Nightwing looked around and finally saw the Huntress as she looked through the window. He was just moving to the door to let William and his brothers in when the lights went out for a minute. With Nightwing's concentration resting solely on the battle between Catwoman and Batgirl, Minx had been able to regain consciousness and had just delivered a blow to his face using the sole chair in the room. The impact of the chair hitting Nightwing's face propelled him back to the wall, knocking him senseless for only a minute, but it was all the time Minx needed as she joined the battle. Weakened by from her encounter with Catwoman, Batgirl was still fighting to remain conscious when she saw Nightwing slammed back into the wall. She knew she was totally helpless against Minx and soon found the young vixen coming her way. Walking up to the defenseless heroine, Minx picked Batgirl up by the front of her costume and threw her to the far wall minutes later. Too out of it, Batgirl could do nothing to keep from hitting the wall and did so, face first, with her breasts and face taking the brunt of the impact. Even as Batgirl began to slowly slide down the wall's face, Minx was there to add to the punishment. Turning Batgirl around, Minx began sending punch after punch into the heroine's vulnerable body, driving Batgirl closer and closer to the point unconsciousness.

Nightwing knew he had to go to Batgirl’s aid. She was totally defenseless now, as Minx had backed her up against the wall and was pounding her with blow after debilitating blow. Nightwing had had enough. Acting on pure rage, he walked over and grabbed Minx by the back of her neck, pulling her off the the beaten and bleeding body of his partner. Furious at being interrupted, Minx turned around and delivered a punch to his face and was shocked when the punch had no effect on him what so ever. Looking at Minx through narrowed eyes, Nightwing turned her around and sent a hard kick to Minx's solar plexus propelling the young feline to the floor as she screamed in absolute pain. Even as Minx fell to the floor, Nightwing rushed to Batgirl and lowered her abused body to the floor, laying her head down softly. Returning his attention to Minx, Nightwing grabbed her hair and pulled the woman up. Swinging Minx around to face him, he drove a punch into her stomach doubling Minx over in pain. Picking her up again, Nightwing followed through with a punch to Minx's left breast, sending the feline vixen reeling to the back wall a minute later. Minx hit the wall even harder than Batgirl had minutes before and quickly sank to the floor. Blood could be seen coming from the corner of her mouth to drop down on her latex covered right breast as she lay limp against the wall. Glancing at Batgirl, Nightwing could see she had come too and was trying to get up again. Backing up to her, Nightwing asked her to stay down, but she wouldn’t listen. She knew he would need help when Catwoman came too. Nightwing stole a glance at Catwoman and noticed she was moving and trying to get up as well. Batgirl might be able to beat Catwoman up to a standing position, but he knew Batgirl was still too weak to fight. Walking back over to Minx, Nightwing reached down and picked her up by her costume lifting Minx's body just off the floor, before slamming her back down again. Nightwing had just pulled his fist back to deliver a final blow, not caring if it was lethal, when he felt an incredibly sharp pain between his legs.

Catwoman had moved faster than he thought she would and had just delivered a kick with the point of her boot into Nightwing's exposed crotch, sending excruciating pain through his groin and up to his brain. Dropping Minx, he grabbed his burning groin and cried out in pain, while he attempted to meet the new threat, but he was helpless as Catwoman dropped down upon him, smashing his hands into his already throbbing member as her weight settled down upon his body. Reaching forward as she had with Batgirl minutes before, Catwoman grabbed Nightwing by his hair and smashed his face to the floor. When she heard a slight moan escape his lips she repeated the process, pushing his face into the cold floor even harder, knocking the young crime fighter unconscious a second later. Satisfied that Nightwing was no longer a threat, Catwoman turned her attention to Batgirl, who was even now using the wall for support as she tried rising to her feet. Seeing that Batgirl's back was turned to her, Catwoman wasted little time in sneaking up to the weakened superheroine, but before Catwoman could strike a blow; Batgirl lost her hold on the wall and fell to the floor and certain unconsciousness again. Catwoman knew she had won. Both Nightwing and Batgirl were now at her mercy, to be used as bargaining chips for their release. Contemplating her freedom, Catwoman glanced out the window and was suddenly shocked into realization that her freedom would never come. At the window stood the Huntress, with a deadly and determined look on her face. Catwoman knew all too well that the Huntress rarely followed the Batman's rules and seeing her comrades fall before her would make her even more ruthless. This fight wasn't over yet.

Moving from the window to escape the distressing view, the Huntress stopped near the side of the building and allowed herself a moment of quiet reflection. She had just seen her two closest friends go down in defeat at the hands of the Catwoman. She didn't want to think what Catwoman and Minx would do to Nightwing and Batgirl now that they had them in their clutches. Lowering her head, the Huntress suddenly found she was crying as she thought about her friends; but she realized she was thinking more about Batgirl than Nightwing. Batgirl was the only woman she could talk to and they had each confided with each other during the past few months. Feeling a sudden rush of grief for what might one day come, the Huntress sank to her knees and continued to cry. She really couldn't understand why she was crying but she somehow felt she needed to. She was still crying uncontrollably when she some how realized she was not alone. Cautiously looking around as she tried to get her emotions under control, she noticed a pair of legs wearing olive green slacks. William had somehow managed to move near her virtually undetected and he was now reaching down to pick her up. Laying the distressed young woman's head on his broad shoulder, William held on to her and tried to comfort her.

"You young children face too much violence, Huntress. I don't know how you can take this much pain and suffering. I suppose you're reacting to what's happening in there now, aren't you?"

"...Yes..., I am. They're..., both down. Both unconscious. Batgirl looked so..., so dead. I know she's suffering a lot, but she won't stay down. She keeps trying to get up and help Nightwing. Why can't she just stay down?

"That would mean giving up and I don't think you would want that. If you were in her place, or even if I was, and you knew your partner needed your help, you wouldn't stay down either; would you!?!"

"No, I wouldn't. But, she's in so much pain. William, we need to get in there. We need to stop this now, if we can; before something terrible happens."

"That's easier said than done, young lady. You know how that building was built. It would take explosives just to...explosives. We have explosives, if you count C4 as an explosive. Humm, yeah, about two or three cakes should do the trick. Thank you Huntress."

"William? Where on earth did your family get C4? That's military stuff."

"From the Foundation of course. I'll explain later. Will you be all right now?"

"Yes. Thanks, William."

William gave the Huntress a light peck on her forehead and ran off towards the house. He had to contact a "friend" of his about some renovations which he was sure the historical society wouldn't agree to; but that was their tough luck. Wiping the few remaining tears from her face, the Huntress went back to the window to check on the progress of Catwoman's captives. Catwoman had already revived Minx and placed her on the edge of the bed to watch her partner as she checked the young crime fighter over; looking for any hidden weapons. Rolling Nightwing onto his back, Catwoman tied his wrists together using the leather straps she had become so found of. She attached another leather rope to the space between his bound wrists and hoisted Nightwing's body upwards seconds later, placing a tremendous strain on his wrists as his body's weight pulled down on them. Groaning in shear agony from the pain, Nightwing allowed his head to fall back between his arms as he tried to absorb the pain. Seconds later, as his weight settled on the meat hook, his head fell forward to rest on his chest, just before he passed out from the strain. Even as Nightwing slipped into unconsciousness, Catwoman tied his ankles together with another leather rope, making sure to wrap the strap between the bound ankles for extra tightness. Looking beyond the young hero, the Huntress could see Batgirl lying on her back near the front wall. Catwoman had apparently turned her over to be sure she was out this time and that she would not present a threat. Batgirl was so still that the Huntress thought she might be dead, until she saw a slight movement, as Batgirl inhaled a breath of air.

Rolling Nightwing onto his back, Catwoman tied his wrists together using the leather straps she had become so found of. She attached another leather rope to the space between his bound wrists and hoisted Nightwing's body upwards seconds later, placing a tremendous strain on his wrists as his body's weight pulled down on them. Groaning in shear agony from the pain, Nightwing allowed his head to fall back between his open arms as he tried to absorb the pain. Seconds later, as his weight settled on the meat hook, his head fell forward to rest on his chest, just before he passed out from the strain. Even as Nightwing slipped into unconsciousness, Catwoman tied his ankles together with another leather rope, making sure to wrap the strap between the bound ankles for extra tightness. She then began a deliberate assault compiled of several punches and kicks to Nightwing's mid-section, designed to end his crime fighting career once and for all. Already unconscious, there was nothing he could do as Catwoman continued to deliver the punishment, causing major damage each time she connected with the hero's suspended body.

Thinking Catwoman was having all the fun, Minx got up from the bed and joined in the beating, punching Nightwing in the ribs a minute later. They were so absorbed in the fun that they failed to see Batgirl as she slowly turned over to rest on her stomach, before rising to her knees. Moving very slowly to make action count, Batgirl rose to her feet and leaned against the wall as she caught her breath. Batgirl wanted desperately to rescue Nightwing, but she knew she was in too weakened a condition to do him any good. She needed to escape and bring help back if she could. Moving with extreme caution, Batgirl began to slide along the wall, edging ever closer to the oak door and freedom. Not wanting to draw attention to herself, Batgirl maintained eye contact with both Catwoman and Minx as she moved, stealing side glances at the door to gauge her progress. She was only four feet from the door when she accidentally kicked the discarded can of Subdue Gas with her right foot, sending the aluminum can skidding across the floor to bounce off another wall. The sound alerted both Catwoman and Minx a second later, and Minx turned to attack.

Minx caught up with Batgirl just as she was about to turn the handle. Pulling Batgirl back away from the door, Minx turned the groggy superheroine around and rammed her fist into Batgirl's left breast sending intense pain through her mammary as her body slammed against the wall. Knocked senseless from the abrupt impact and weakened by the earlier assaults on her body, Batgirl could do little else but hold onto her abused breast as she moaned in mind-boggling pain. Cupping the perfectly rounded mammary with her right hand, Batgirl placed her left hand out in front of her face with the palm opened at Minx.

"Minx..., please, stop. I've had enough. I...can't..., can't take any more pain. Please..., I Don't hurt me anymore. I'll stay here. I'll..., do what ask. Just no more pain..., please."

Minx's reply, though non-verbal, spoke volumes as she pulled Batgirl's right hand away from the heroine's sore breast seconds before grabbing it with her own right hand. Smiling at Batgirl, Minx applied all the pressure she could to Batgirl's left breast, sending renewed pain through her body and up to her brain. Batgirl quickly grabbed Minx's arms as she tried to dislodge the vixen's hold on her throbbing breast, but all she managed to do was allow Minx to pull back on Batgirl's super-hard nipple, releasing it to snap back to the abused breast scant seconds before Minx released the super-tight latex to snap back in place on top of the abused nipple. Screaming out in excruciating pain, Batgirl held onto the breast as Minx brought her knee up into Batgirl’s unprotected groin, sending spasms of pain through Batgirl's entire body. Batgirl screamed in agony again as her body became rigid from the sheer amount of abuse. Moments later, Minx released her, letting Batgirl drop to the floor, but just as Batgirl's head passed in front of the feline criminal, Minx delivered a double-fisted clobber punch to the back of the heroine's head, sending her to the floor senseless. Looking at Catwoman for approval before she continued with Batgirl's punishment, Minx dropped down to settle on top of the moaning superheroine, straddling Batgirl as she began to send send blow after blow into Batgirl's body. Even if Batgirl had been in perfect shape and fresh in the battle, she would not have been able to defend herself from such a ferocious attack. Minx would punch Batgirl in her upper body and face for several minutes only to stop and listen for a sound from the totally defenseless heroine. If a moan escaped Batgirl's lips, Minx would start over, sending more punches into Batgirl's abused body. Several minutes later, Minx would stop again and listen for another sound. If she was still conscious, Batgirl would involuntarily emit another moan of pain and this would set Minx off again, to send even more punches into Batgirl's battered body. After several torturous minutes of debilitating punches, Batgirl lay still, barely breathing as blood trickled from the corner of her swollen mouth. Looking down at the unconscious woman, Minx reached into the back of costume and pulled out her weapon of choice a moment later.

"I gave you a chance to quit several weeks ago, Batgirl. You said you would, but here you are pretending to be a crime fighter. I should have killed you then. It's a mistake I'm going to correct right now."

Minx knew Batgirl was finished when she placed the brass knuckles on her right hand. Pulling the heroine's wrecked body off the floor a moment later by the front of her costume, Minx pulled her hand back and delivered a devastating blow to the side of Batgirl's head. The force of the impact sent Batgirl's destroyed body into a fit of spasms as the pain traveled down her spine. Several minutes later, as her body fell deathly quiet, Batgirl's eyes fluttered slightly as she tried to regain some form of consciousness again. Batgirl was finally able to open her pain-drenched eyes and weakly look up at Minx just as the female vixen was drawing her right hand back to deliver another devastating blow. As Minx was bringing her brass knuckle fist down to meet Batgirl's nose, Catwoman yelled out for her to stop, but it was already too late as Minx's momentum shoved her fist towards Batgirl's head. At the last possible instant, Batgirl was able to move her head slightly, taking her face out of the path of the lethal blow, but the fist connected with her head again, sending renewed pain through her head and her body. In seconds it was over as Batgirl's head fell back and dangled behind the superheroine's tortured body.

"You asked for mercy once before Batgirl. I thought my answer then would have taught you a lesson, but apparently I was wrong. Not that I'm complaining mind you. I enjoy beating you up. The last time you were lucky. The Huntress came to your rescue, but this time your luck has run out. There's no one here to help you and even if the idiots outside get to us, I'll be able to kill you first."

Having said her piece, Minx turned to walk towards Catwoman who was still having fun at Nightwing's expense. But just as Minx began to move away from Batgirl's prone body, Minx turned back around and delivered a solid kick to Batgirl's vulnerable crotch, sending the toe of her steel-toed boot deep into Batgirl's wet mound. Even unconscious, Batgirl's body responded to the sudden attack on her sex as Batgirl abruptly moved into a fetal position, with her arms covering her sore and abused womanhood. Leaving Batgirl to lay in her own blood, Minx returned to Catwoman's side and watched as Catwoman finished up on Nightwing. The hero was almost in as bad a shape as Batgirl, but at least he was still conscious, as a series of deep groans left his mouth. Taking in Catwoman's nod towards the rope holding Nightwing aloft, Minx walked over and untied the knot holding him up. Seconds later Nightwing's tortured body fell to the floor sending pain up his spine, overwhelming his confused mind. Kneeling down beside the fallen hero, Catwoman and Minx began to untie the leather straps binding his wrists and ankles making sure he still the circulation returned to his limbs.

"What do we do now Catwoman? Batgirl's worthless for any type of bargaining chip, and Nightwing can't even stand."

"Batgirl may be virtually dead, Minx; but the people on the outside don't know that. I want the Huntress and I think we can make a trade. Batgirl for the Huntress. Once we have the Huntress in our grasp, there won't be anyone left to stop us."

Waking up to find himself on the floor, Nightwing slowly began to move towards what he thought was Batgirl. She was slowly moving as well, trying to grasp the table positioned near her in the attempt to get to her feet. Nightwing knew if either Catwoman or Minx saw Batgirl moving they would attack the young superheroine, meaning to finish her once and for all. His body wracked with excruciating pain, Nightwing grabbed the bed post and slowly brought his body to a standing position. Glancing across the room, Nightwing could see Batgirl had managed to grab the table and was even now leaning across it as she laid on her stomach. Stealing a look at Catwoman, he knew it was only a matter of time before she of Minx turned around to look at them. Thinking fast, Nightwing decided to pull Catwoman's attention towards himself, giving Batgirl time to escape to safety.

"Before you start talking about escaping Catwoman, you'd had better make sure I'm out of action."

Upon hearing Nightwing's voice, Catwoman and Minx turned to face the hero, bent on taking him out permanently. Even as they turned, Nightwing moved to his left, effectively putting himself in the corner and a definite disadvantage to the two women, but he also managed to draw their attention away from Batgirl as she continued to stagger towards the door. Concentrating on the two felines before him, Nightwing made sure not to look beyond Catwoman, so as not to give Batgirl's action away; an action which could easily spell her doom. Moments later, Nightwing had backed himself up against the wall, using it for support as he faced Catwoman and Minx, in an ever tightening circle of death.

"Before you two even attempt to leave this room Catwoman, you will need to take me out, and after what you've done to Batgirl, I can assure you it won't be easy."

"I don't think you'll be a problem Nightwing. You can barely stand and you've just managed to put yourself in a corner, making our...."

Catwoman never finished her sentence as she suddenly saw Nightwing steal a slight glance beyond and behind her. Hesitating for a couple of seconds, she slowly backed away and moved to where she could see both Nightwing and Batgirl. Seeing Batgirl's hand on the door handle as the superheroine used the nearby wall for support made every thing that Nightwing had done crystal clear in Catwoman's mind. He had used them. He had gained their attention and moved in such a way so as to keep their attention on him, effectively drawing them away from a virtually helpless Batgirl as she tired to make her escape. And it had almost worked. Yelling for Minx to get her, Catwoman returned to face Nightwing seconds before lunging at him. Though weakened, Nightwing was able to move aside causing Catwoman to hit the wall face first, knocking the wind and the fight out of her as she did. It was over a few seconds later, as he delivered a concerted punch to the back of Catwoman's skull knocking her unconscious. Even as Catwoman slumped to the floor, Nightwing was moving for Minx. He knew he wouldn't be able to reach her before she got to Batgirl but he thought he might be able to disable the feline with his Bat-A-Rang. Reaching for the uncanny weapon, Nightwing threw it just as Minx jumped into the air in a classic judo move, aimed at the back of Batgirl's skull. Helpless to do anything more, Nightwing watched as the two air born weapons, Minx's foot and his Bat-A-Rang moved ever closer together.

Minx’s kick though accurate, was just a couple of seconds too late, connecting with Batgirl’s lower back, just as she was opening the door to seek help. The impact propelled Batgirl’s body out the door and unto the hood of a parked jeep, slamming her face into the hard metal and blissful unconsciousness, even as the jeep's alarm went off alerting the Greystone family. Standing in the doorway of the small room, Minx watched with satisfaction as Batgirl’s broken body slowly slid down the face of the jeep and unto the ground moments later, leaving a trail of blood on the jeep's hood as she fell. Trickles of blood could be seen escaping from Batgirl's nose and mouth as the heroine's body went into a series of spasms, before coming to rest just below the front of the jeep. Risking capture, Minx went outside to drag Batgirl's comatose body back into the smoke house when she suddenly saw the Huntress. The heroine had moved to stand above Batgirl's deathly quiet body and was even now brandishing her new gas-powered cross-bow, aiming it straight at Minx's face.

"Surrender Minx, or so help me God, I'll kill you here and now."

"You're a superheroine Huntress. You're not allowed to kill. And you won't shoot, not with Nightwing still inside and Batgirl dying below you. If you want to save her you have to let me go. It's your move woman, shoot me or save Batgirl?"

Without so much as a moment's hesitation the Huntress chose to do both as she abruptly aimed the lethal weapon at Minx's upper left thigh and pulled the trigger, sending the triple-barbed arrow straight into the feline vixen's leg. Screaming out from the excruciating pain, Minx grabbed her leg and began to back into the the smoke house, slamming the door seconds later as she yelled out obscenities at the Huntress. Lowering the crossbow a second later, the Huntress dropped to her knees and began to check Batgirl over as she felt the young woman for broken bones. Concern edging into her mind, she was shocked to find Batgirl wasn't breathing and quickly moved her hand to the young heroine's neck, as she tried to locate the artery sending oxygen to Batgirl's brain. A moment later, an extremely quiet Huntress sank to the ground with the realization that her colleague, her companion, and even her friend was gone. Rising to her feet sometime later, the Huntress staggered over to the building's corner and dropped to her knees again crying uncontrollably at the loss of Batgirl.

William arrived at the scene mere minutes after hearing the alarm sound. Taking in the horrible scene before him, he slowly lowered his body to Batgirl's and checked for a pulse. Not finding one, he simply looked towards the Huntress trying to find something to say as the door to the smoke house flew open to reveal a very haggard looking hero. Nightwing was at Batgirl's side in an instant, picking up her lifeless body, embracing the woman of his dreams for one last time......