Batgirl and Nightwing: The Gratham Estate Affair: Chapter 8

Author: Dark Roles
Time to Read:102min
Added Date:7/11/2024
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Tags: CatwomanNightwingBatgirl


This Story contains scenes of violence, rape, bondage, and other sexual situations, which are not appropriate for anyone under the age of eighteen. If you are under the age of eighteen, do not read this story. If you are offended by this material, do not read any further.

Batgirl, Nightwing, Catwoman, Minx, and all other characters, were created by and are copyrighted by and are property of DC Comics. This story has been written solely to occupy my free time. No compensation has been or will be received for this story. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and cannot be redistributed for the purposes of making money or profit.

Any similarities between names, characters, and places in this story are purely coincidence.


Minx has killed Batgirl and has been rewarded by a triple barbed arrow through her thigh for her efforts. The Greystone family must now figure out a way to bring Batgirl back to the land of the living and keep from killing Minx in the process.

Arriving at the smoke house, Samuel looked at the dent in his Grand Cherokee then noticed a booted leg protruding from just under the front bumper. Stepping around the front of his jeep a second later he gasped, as his eyes widened in horror. There was Batgirl lying on the ground with blood coming from her nose and mouth. William was kneeling beside the young woman and shaking his head slowly as he held his hand on the heroine's slender neck. Samuel stared at the horrific scene for a moment, not really believing what he was seeing, then called for Beth and a stretcher. Beth ran up to the scene moments later with the stretcher bearers in tow behind her. She couldn’t believe what she saw. Batgirl, lying on the ground and not moving. Glancing at her husband, she could see that William had moved off and was placing his arm around a nearly hysterical Huntress, who was crying uncontrollably over Batgirl's death. Nightwing was on the ground and holding Batgirl's lifeless body in his arms even as her blood trickled out of her nose and mouth, staining his costume. Samuel was already working on Batgirl preparing to give CPR, saying he couldn’t find a pulse. Seconds later he yelled for someone, anyone to move the jeep and within moments it was gone. After several minutes, Samuel was replaced by Beth in the giving of air to the young adventuress, and while Samuel rested, he viewed the damage to his new Cherokee. There was a deep dent in the hood and seeing the damage to Batgirl's face, the blood, and the dent in the hood made him madder than he had been in many years. Closing his eyes, Samuel made a promise to himself and his gods that if Batgirl died, so would Catwoman and Minx; very painfully and very very slowly. Taking a deep breath to calm his nerves, Samuel went back to the chaotic scene and knelt down besides the grieving Nightwing; placing his arms around the distressed hero's shoulders seconds later.

"Nightwing. You've got to let her go. We need to work on her."

"She's not dead..., she can't be. I don't want her to die. I..., love her too much."

"Nightwing, please. We need to work on her, if we are to try and save her we need to begin now. Please, let her go."

It took both Samuel and Scott to pull Nightwing away from Batgirl's broken body several seconds later. Telling Scott to stay with him, Samuel went back to Batgirl and took over for Beth as they continued to give Batgirl CPR while someone else massaged her heart. Minutes later, Andrew arrived, carrying the portable defibrillator and the first aid kit. Grabbing the First Aid kit from Abraham, Samuel yelled for Beth to strip Batgirl of her upper costume, as rubber would block the electrical surges going to her heart. By the time he was ready, the paddles were charged and Batgirl's costume had been removed exposing her beautifully rounded breasts. Samuel yelled “clear” as he laid the paddles on her chest seconds before Beth flipped the switch, sending electrical energy through Batgirl chest. For a moment, Batgirl's body arched upwards as the flow of electricity surged through her body, only to fall back to the ground a second later. Removing the paddles, the small group watched the screen to see the effect of their therapy, only to find there hadn't been any change in Batgirl's condition. Beth went back to the CPR as Samuel recharged the defibrillator's again. Moment's later, Samuel yelled out “again” and “clear”, as he laid the paddles back on Batgirl's chest before sending another charge of electricity through her chest, to her heart. Removing the paddles once more, Samuel looked at the screen to see the results, but again, the screen showed nothing but a flat line. Moving frantically, Beth returned to giving Batgirl CPR even as Samuel charged the defibrillator again. Moments later, Samuel returned to paddles to Batgirl's perfectly rounded breasts and delivered another surge of electricity to her mammaries, arching Batgirl's body off the ground as the massive energy surged through her chest. This time her heart responded and began to beat. Batgirl was alive, but still in extreme danger. Discarding the paddles, Samuel allowed Beth to take over as she directed the treatment aimed at bringing the young adventuress back to a safer level of life. Using the satellite uplink built into the first aid kit, Abraham had already been in contact with the local hospital and a helicopter was on its way to take Batgirl to their emergency room, but Beth said she would have nothing of it. As the small group of men stared at her, she opened a cell phone and placed a call to the secure number Nightwing had given her earlier in the day. Beth waited only a couple of seconds before a strange voice answered.

"Yes Master Nightwing. May I be of service?"

"This is Beth Greystone. Nightwing gave me this number and said to call it only in the event of an emergency. I think this constitutes an emergency."

"I see. What has happened Mrs. Greystone? Is Nightwing all right?"

"He's fine for the most part, but under a great deal of stress and we're watching him closely. The problem is Batgirl. She was literally dead only moments ago but we were able to restart her heart by using a portable defibrillator. She's stable but in very serious condition and the men here want to transfer her to our local hospital. I don't think our services are good enough. Should I let them take Batgirl when they arrive?"

"In a word, No, Mrs. Greystone. Allow the medics to looked Miss Batgirl over but by no means allow them to remove her from your compound. Also, be sure to guard her secret identity at all costs. I am notifying our medical services as we speak and I should arrive within the next thirty minutes. and Mrs. Greystone, my name is Alfred."

"I understand, Alfred. Your instructions will be followed."

Several minutes later a small EMS helicopter arrived and settled down slowly in the center of the compound, kicking up a windstorm of dust as it did. The pandemonium that ensued minutes later could only be compared to that of a war zone as the paramedics wanting to take Batgirl immediately ran smack into a very determined Beth Greystone. Appealing to Nightwing for his help was worthless as the young man had all but gone into shock at the sight of his love so near death. Even the Huntress, who still thought Batgirl to be dead, couldn't be counted on to make a sound judgment as she was so devastated by the young woman's condition. Giving up on her attempt to move the critically injured adventuress, the senior medic in charge began to connect the various I.V.'s maintaining Batgirl's life, as they pumped plasma and various drugs into her severely weakened system. Just as she was moving to remove Batgirl's mask, she was grabbed by the strong hands of William Greystone and pulled away from the Dark Angel. Breaking the hold, she began to remove her mask again, but was stopped cold. Frustrated beyond belief, the medic instructed her crew to monitor Batgirl's vital signs while she moved the senior Greystone's aside.

"Look. I can understand you not wanting to move her, but at least let me check to see if she has any head injuries. You said she hit face first into the hood of a jeep. She may have a fractured skull. The mask is simply in the way. I don't care what the slut did, but she's...."

Even before the woman could finish her plea, she found himself being propelled to the ground with a very angry Nightwing landing on top of her. The young hero's mind, overwhelmed with grief and anger, had finally snapped and attacked anything and anyone who he thought might be a threat to Batgirl. He was all over the medic delivering several punishing blows to the woman's face and body before anyone could pull him off and restrain him. Blind with rage, William finally had to place the young crime fighter into a bear hug, pinning his arms to his side as William move him away from the scared paramedic. He even had to hold Nightwing as the angry superhero was sedated moments later. Sitting the drugged man near Batgirl so he could be with her, William walked back to the Huntress's side to see how the woman was holding up. Looking into her face as she stared, unblinking at Batgirl's prone body, William called for his wife and the Huntress was sedated as well. Leaning against the building a minute later, William ran his hands through his hair as he tried to take in the events still unfolding before him. Batgirl lay on the ground in critical condition, still very close to death. Both Nightwing and the Huntress in shock from Batgirl's demise. Catwoman cold cocked and unconscious in the smoke house, and Minx with a nasty leg wound from the Huntress. And then there was the female paramedic. She was now running around and yelling lawsuit at Nightwing, William, Beth, or anyone else who stood in her way. He was just considering whether he should sedate her as well when the sound of several other, much larger helicopters announced their arrival. The medics already on the ground recognized them at once as the private medical unit for Bruce Wayne. Every one in the area knew Bruce Wayne and the Greystone family were close. When the rotors finally came to a stop, literally dozens of people started to pour out of the various machines, filling the entire Greystone compound with what amounted to a small army, with enough supplies to open a field hospital in a combat zone. The female paramedic, momentarily shocked by the shear number of technicians now on the ground, couldn't really believe all this would be placed at the disposal of a couple of stupid kids wearing latex.

"Can you believe this? Bruce Wayne must think he owns the place to spend all this money just for a girl that prances around in latex like a whore."

"In the first place Miss, Mr. Wayne does in fact own a great deal of this land; and in the second place, Batgirl is highly respected by Mr. Wayne as are Nightwing and the Huntress. In his mind, they are very special people. Furthermore, Batgirl is anything but a whore. As for you Miss, you are dismissed."

Alfred Pennyworth said nothing more as he turned his attention to the operation, observing the various groups perform their duties. Though much older, the gentleman seemed to take charge of the whole process as though he was born into it. He didn’t look like a medical person and when the medics were shoved to one side as though they were not important, they started to get irate.

"Just who the hell does the old geezer think he is? He just can't come in here and order us around."

"My name is Alfred Pennyworth, Bruce Wayne’s personal butler. You are on property owned and managed by Wayne Enterprises and as such under his indirect control. Since he is not here personally, I am here to take charge of the situation. Are there any more questions?"

By this time, the guest bedroom was set up as an emergency room and Batgirl’s crippled body was already being carried to it. The best doctors money could buy were in attendance and they said her injuries were serious, though considering how she looked, she was lucky to be alive. Dr. Riker, the Head Surgeon, commented he couldn’t understand why these hero’s did this, why they put their bodies in harm’s way like this. He said he had worked on Batman several times and this was about as bad as it got. Having taken care of Batgirl if only for the moment, Alfred relaxed, his wizened face showing the concern, and began talking to William, then Samuel in turn. They couldn’t believe any of this was happening. Only hours before Batgirl had been fine, though they knew she was weakened from the previous battles with Catwoman and Minx. Pulling Alfred aside for a minute, William directed Alfred's attention to Nightwing, asking him to observe Nightwing's behavior. While Alfred watched Nightwing and the Huntress in turn, William related the incident with the female paramedic, commenting on her lack of professionalism regarding Batgirl, and Nightwing's subsequent attack on her person. He felt that Nightwing's mind had somehow snapped at seeing Batgirl dead and thusly he had decided to sedate him.

"Mr. Greystone. I believe you acted in Master Nightwing's best interest. I gather you sedated Miss Huntress as well? She looks somewhat too calm for the current situation. She and Miss Batgirl are very close. I think we need to watch both of them very carefully for the next few hours, perhaps days. Might I suggest that you allow Master Nightwing into the same room as Miss Batgirl? It may prove to be a better way of subduing the young man. If need be, you can move him to another room later."

"I was about to suggest the same thing Alfred. But, I think Nightwing is hurt more than he lets on. He was beaten severely by Catwoman just before Minx nearly killed Batgirl. He needs to be checked out as well, but he won't let anyone examine him. As for the Huntress, I think she may present a danger. Not to herself but to Minx. She's already shot Minx through the leg with her crossbow. Although at this moment, the Huntress would probably have to wait in line for the chance."

"I have raised that young man since childhood and yes, he is probably putting up a front. Nightwing learned it from the Batman. In fact, if Batgirl is in this type of shape, it would only be because Nightwing had been unable to defend her. He had to be in dire straights himself, otherwise this would not have happened."

Alfred looked off towards the house for several minutes as he thought about the young apprentice. He had seen Nightwing beaten before, but he had never been broken. Seeing Batgirl’s current condition might affect Nightwing's thinking and make him careless. Continuing to ponder Nightwing's mental condition, Alfred absentmindedly stated that the two heroes liked each other a great deal and that given time, they might actually fall in love. Upon hearing the statement William looked into the older man’s eyes and smiled, catching Alfred off guard; a very rare occurrence for the gentleman's gentleman.

"You're behind the times, Alfred. Nightwing expressed his love for her only this morning, as Batgirl did for him. But, I don't think it's the first time. They've been in love for some time and their love has been growing. I don't know what kind of strain this will place on Nightwing, but I am concerned."

Alfred’s face tightened, as he looked first at William, then the house, and finally at the grief stricken hero as he sat near the Huntress. Alfred thought that with all of Nightwing's experiences and training under the careful eye of the Batman, that Nightwing could probably keep his emotions under control. But at the same time, Nightwing had never been in love. Batgirl's situation was already critical and could become worse at any moment. If Nightwing did in fact love the young adventuress, his judgment could become impaired or even reckless. Alfred was very much concerned indeed.

"I think we need to place extra guards on Catwoman and Minx for their protection."

Groaning in pain as she began to move, Catwoman slowly rolled unto her back and looked up at the ceiling. Blinking her eyes to bring them into focus, she brought her aching body up, resting on her upper arms moments later and was abruptly stopped short as an angry looking guard pointed the muzzle of his gun directly at her nose. Seeing the rifle pointed at her, Catwoman quickly backed away; trying to put as much distance between her and the gun. It wasn't long before she found herself falling over the unconscious and bleeding body of her partner. Landing on Minx's legs a moment later, the weight of Catwoman's body sent the triple barbed arrow deeper into Minx's thigh causing the young feline vixen to groan in agony. Catwoman couldn't understand what had happened. She remembered Nightwing knocking her unconscious because of her own stupidity, but she also remembered Minx kicking Batgirl out the door. How had Minx gotten herself shot? Looking at the wound as she thought about the possibilities, she decided Minx had probably made contact with the Huntress and been shot. She was still thinking about the Huntress when her thoughts were interrupted by three doctors as they entered the room.

"It's about time you came to see Minx. She could have bled to death by now."

"As if you really care Catwoman. But for your information, we had to take care of Batgirl first. Her condition is critical whereas this young woman's wounds aren't life threatening. The arrow missed the major arteries and veins."

"Batgirl's condition is critical? What happened to her?"

Working on Minx's leg, the paramedics ignored any further questions or comments from Catwoman, which only made her mad. But even though she was outwardly mad, she was also inwardly happy as she thought about Batgirl being in critical condition. Minx had actually dealt the young heroine a serious blow, perhaps even killing the young woman. Asking for permission to get up, Catwoman began to pace back and forth, stopping only when she thought she was making the guards nervous. Finally, she walked back to the far corner and sat down with her back in the corner, observing the activity before her. Several minutes later, the paramedics completed their work on her partner's leg, securing the bandage with several layers of gauze and tape. They left the room seconds later even as Minx regained consciousness due to the pain.

"Minx. What did you do to Batgirl? That paramedic said her condition is critical."

"Batgirl's critical? She's not dead? She wasn't breathing when that bitch, the Huntress shot me."

Catwoman looked at her injured partner for several minutes before asking for additional information. She needed to know exactly what had become of Batgirl, as it might have a direct effect of Nightwing's mental condition. Catwoman wasn't really worried about the Huntress, as she had already demonstrated her mental condition when she shot Minx.

"Minx darling. I need you to think back and tell me everything you can about Batgirl. You said she wasn't breathing. Anything else?"

“When my boot connected with Batgirl's back I distinctly heard bones snapping. The impact forced her body into a jeep parked outside. I remember Batgirl's face hitting the hood of the Jeep hard, leaving a dent in the metal. When her body fell to the ground I noticed blood coming from both her nose and her mouth. Batgirl's body went into a series of spasms before becoming deathly still. I was about to check her out when the Huntress showed up and got in the way."

Catwoman thought for a few moments, and then summarized the situation in her mind. Batgirl might be dead, but Batgirl always had a way of coming back, so she might be alive. At the very least, she may have serious internal injuries; possibly even a damaged spine. That would end Batgirl's crime fighting career permanently, and any of these possibilities, when combined, could be life threatening as well. Turning her thoughts to Minx's leg wound, Catwoman decided that the people outside probably wanted Minx dead more than alive, and that fact might prove to be an advantage or a disadvantage for her.

As calm as the activity was in the smoke house, the scene in the guest bedroom where Batgirl lay unconscious was chaotic. Doctors and technicians moved about in rapid order, trying to save Batgirl's life as they administered their assorted skills. After many long hours, the head doctor with the Wayne Team came out of the room and grabbed a cup of coffee, signaling for Alfred and William to join him outside. Several anxious minutes later, the three of them sat on the back porch and watched the setting sun as a very cold wind blew in from the north.

"Mr. Pennyworth. I thought we should talk out here, away from most of the others. I wish to talk about all three of these hero's, starting with the Huntress. Physically the young lady's fine but she's suffering from severe shock. I have sedated her mainly because in her present condition, I don't know what she might do to Minx or even Catwoman. I take it that she and Batgirl are close?"

"Yes they are. I assume that since you used the word 'are' concerning Batgirl that she is alive?"

"Yes, but... I'll speak of her later. Let's review Nightwing's condition. The team's checked him over and frankly I'm surprised he was even standing. I've dealt with this young man before and I just can't see how he does this stuff. There isn't a part of his body that isn't sore from these battles with Catwoman and Minx. He passed out from fatigue three times as the examination took place, which actually made it easier to complete it. When he was awake, it took half my team to hold him down. Nightwing's physical condition isn't bad, but that isn't to say he's all right. He has three fractured ribs, one dating back several weeks from the look of the scar tissue which has grown around the fracture. We've wrapped his chest and they should heal properly. He'll be very stiff for awhile, and I strongly suggest he take some time off. My main concern is the throbbing pain he's complaining about in his head. From what I've discovered, he's had several hard blows to the skull. None of them have fractured bone, but together they could spell disaster for the young man. His vision seems to be blurred and at times is doubled. In short, like the Batman, he's over exerted himself again. I've administered heavy sedations for him and he should be out for several days. I've placed a watch on both Nightwing and the Huntress, mainly to make sure they don't try anything."

Finishing the discussion about the Huntress and Nightwing, Dr. Riker went into the kitchen and got another cup of coffee. Returning from the kitchen minutes later, he looked out from the porch at the remnants of the sun as it slid under the distant horizon. Feeling a chill run through his body, he retreated to the old fashioned stove located near the kitchen door, that William had just finished lighting; to give the small group some heat from the cold wind.

"Isn't it sort of late for such a cold wind?"

"Yes it is. My wife, Beth is dealing with it even as we speak. Now, doctor, what of Batgirl? Will she live?"

"Yes she will. But she may wish she hadn't. Her condition is serious. She has a fractured nose from the impact with the jeep. Its been set and shouldn't pose a problem. Like Nightwing, she has fractured ribs. Her entire left side is damaged, with two of them actually being broken. There doesn't appear to be any internal bleeding though, so in that respect she's lucky. There is internal damage in the area of her reproductive system. Her sex has taken a severe beating. We don't know yet whether this will affect her ability to have children. We'll need to watch her for awhile."

Dr. Riker hesitated before going any further. Looking into his coffee, he slowly took another sip before returning his gaze to the darkening skies. He was thinking about the beauty of the area when Alfred asked for more information. Lowering his head, the doctor simply gazed into the older man's face, as though not wanting to say anything else. Finally, he let out an exasperated sigh and continued.

"Batgirl's spine has been injured. Her spine is severely bruised in the area of her lower back, and the resulting trauma is affecting her. In short, Batgirl is paralyzed from her waist down. I've seen this type of trauma before and it may or may not be permanent. The paralysis may last only a few months or it may stay with her for the rest of her life. At the moment I'm not sure, but it doesn't look good. I'm sorry."

William stared at the doctor in disbelief as he described Batgirl's serious condition. The thought of Batgirl being paralyzed and her whole life gone was simply too much to think about. Rising to his feet seconds later, he slowly made his way back into the house to inform the family members. Within moments, comments of disbelief and shock could be heard coming from the interior of the house. Alfred, shocked by the news, had none the less already started to discuss possible ways to enhance Batgirl's chances for a full recovery. His optimistic mood changed to one of pessimism several minutes later when Dr. Riker said there was very little chance of Batgirl ever walking again. He was about to say more when he was interrupted by an unannounced visitor. Both men jumped as they heard the Huntress's voice from behind them. Seeing the young adventuress on her feet surprised Dr. Riker to no end and he was quick to rebuke her for it.

"If Batgirl doesn't walk again, I'll guarantee Minx won't either. After I'm done with that little bitch, there won't be another criminal that will dare treat us like this."

"Huntress! What are you doing out of bed? You shouldn't be up yet."

"I thought you might sedate me doctor so I took the liberty of taking a Bat Anti-drug pill a few minutes before you did. Someone has to be up and about to repay Minx for what she's done to Batgirl. Then I'll go after"

The Huntress never got to finish her sentence as William, sneaking up behind the female heroine, injected her with a concentrated dose of Bat-Sleep. Within seconds, she went limp in his strong arms as her mind was overpowered with the concentrated drug. Picking the Huntress up in his arms, William started to carry her back to her bed, but before he did he completed the Huntress's statement for her.

"We'll all go after Catwoman for her part in all this. Batgirl and Nightwing are loved by this family and we won't rest until both Catwoman and Minx have paid for what they've done to her, and to Nightwing."

As William left the room with the sleeping Huntress in his arms, a very concerned Dr. Riker turned to Alfred and expressed his concerns regarding the safety of Minx and Catwoman. Even though employed by Wayne Enterprises, the doctor believed more in individual rights than he did vigilante law. However, he had learned to keep these thoughts private as Mr. Wayne was well known for his support of Gotham City's superhero's and superheroine's.

"We'd better get Catwoman and Minx out of here fast if we want them to stay alive, Mr. Pennyworth. There's too much hostility around here to guarantee their safety."

"I'm not at all worried about their safety Dr. Riker. William Greystone will not let any harm come to them no matter what he says."

Even as Alfred glared at the concerned doctor while he made the statement, he wasn't at all sure he believed it. Thinking to himself several minutes later, Alfred wasn't sure he wanted Minx and Catwoman to be safe. He too loved Batgirl and Nightwing. When Nightwing found out about Batgirl, he might explode. There was simply no telling how the young man would react and that worried him. A few minutes later, Alfred found himself calling the Batman and seeking advice for the situation.

Several days later, the mood around the Greystone compound was one of despair as Batgirl's conditioned worsened. She was now paralyzed from the neck down as the trauma spread through her body. The doctors feared for her life as her heart, already weakened from the trauma, began to flutter and skip beats. She had yet to regain consciousness and seemed to be falling into a coma, the likes of which the highly skilled doctors had never seen. Every drug they tried was useless as Batgirl's body either rejected them outright or disregarded them as it slipped further and further from their grasp. Her condition had already been upgraded to that of critical and the medical staff was maintaining a twenty-four hour watch on the young heroine, fearing she might die at any moment. They thought of moving Batgirl to Wayne Memorial's Intensive Care unit but it was widely believed the trip would kill her and any thoughts of such action was stopped by Bruce Wayne himself when he check in on the young woman's condition. When Batgirl slipped into a very deep coma a couple of days later, Dr. Riker said it was only a matter of time before Batgirl's weakened heart gave out, ending the Dark Damsel's life.

Meanwhile, Nightwing's physical condition was improving as the young hero's body responded to the various treatments being applied to it. His ribs, though still sore proved to be only a minor hindrance as he worked out to regain his strength. His headaches were getting less severe and the doctors felt that given time, he would recover completely from his wounds. Their only complaint surfaced each time he refused to stay in bed and rest. The Huntress was up and around as well, taking out her frustration on the various medical staff, if any were dumb enough to be caught alone with the ill-tempered heroine. Every chance she got, the Huntress would press the doctors for updated information about Batgirl, but all she got was their usual reply. Neither the Huntress or Nightwing had been told of her real condition, saying Batgirl was resting and improving daily. After several days of this, the Huntress had become suspicious and told Nightwing what she had overheard several days before. A normal person wouldn't have seen Nightwing's reaction to the news, but the Huntress wasn't normal. She could just make out the increased pulsations within the arteries of his neck, and the slight trembling of his hands. The Huntress knew Nightwing was scared. Within minutes, they were making plans to find out the truth.

For several hours each day, the Huntress could be seen working out with Nightwing as they worked to hone their skills. Every morning they would begin their workout with an hour of stretches designed to loosen their muscles from the previous day's workout and the drugs applied to them. After the stretching period, they could be seen moving around the compound, eventually completing five miles as they alternated between walking, jogging and all out running. Next, they would tackle an obstacle coarse of their own design, taking on various challenges until they were satisfied they had completed each one correctly. After taking a short break, the Huntress and Nightwing would attack the various weights assembled in the carport of the Greystone compound. Every facet of the routine was designed to enhance their endurance as they prepared for the upcoming operations; scheduled to take place in three days.

Unknown to the medical staff, the Huntress was carefully watching the daily routine of each technician as they went about their work. With each pass around the compound, she would count off the time required to cross from the smoke house to the main house. During each workout with the weights, the Huntress would note the time required to move from the main room or the kitchen to the guest bedroom where Batgirl was kept. For his part, Nightwing maintained a watch on the various Greystone family members, ascertaining their movements, identifying who was on security watch covering Catwoman and Minx and most importantly, who was watching Batgirl's room and when. They both maintained a close surveillance on Alfred as he was the only one likely to suspect their movements. On the third day of their practice, Nightwing scored a coup as he discovered where their utility belts were being kept. The belts and the lethal weapons contained them were being kept in Nightwing's Lamborghini and Alfred held the keys. As the days passed, the hero's continued their workouts until they really didn't need them anymore. Their minds totally on the tasks at hand, Nightwing and the Huntress concentrated all their efforts on 'Operation Discovery' which was now scheduled to start the next day. The doctors never suspected a thing, thinking the workouts would keep the hero's minds off Batgirl and also keep the two troublesome hero's out of their hair. Alfred on the other hand was getting suspicious and he started to watch the young hero's with a greater amount of detail. Every once in awhile he could just see their glances as they looked at the various security emplacements and the distances between the different buildings and rooms. Alfred knew they were up to something, but unfortunately for him, he was just a little too slow in the uptake. By the time he had figured it all out it had already started.

The element of surprise was an ally and it worked to Nightwing's advantage as he took out the guard covering his room. Dealing with the two guards covering the Huntress's room a minute later, he opened her door and signaled for her to start her part. As the Huntress left to begin the diversionary part of the plan, Nightwing moved to his car and initiated the unlocking procedures. Unknown to Alfred, Nightwing had recently changed the security on his car, adding a voice recognition program that allowed him to bypass the normal keyed sequences to open the car. A minute later Nightwing wore his utility belt and initiated the computer's change-out procedures, effectively blocking Alfred from using the car against him. Taking the Huntress's belt with him, he quietly closed the door and initiated the lock-down procedure, leaving the car mere seconds before William walked by on his normal rounds. Nightwing made his way towards the Huntress waiting very quietly near the smoke house. If all things went as planned, their absence would not be noticed for another 15 minutes, more than enough time to deal with Minx and Catwoman. Nightwing crept as close to the Huntress as he dared and shot her utility belt towards the hidden heroine, using the grappling gum from his belt. Not waiting for her to pick it up, Nightwing made his way back to the main house and headed for the guest bedroom and he hoped to find a sleeping, but healthy Batgirl. Several minutes later William was having a quiet discussion with Alfred about, of all things, Nightwing and the Huntress.

"Alfred. How long do we keep Nightwing from learning about Batgirl? It's getting hard to keep him away from her. They are in love you know. Don't you think his mental condition is about as good as it can get? And then there's the Huntress. Sooner or later, she's going to get mad enough to stop asking questions and take action."

"I believe we still have some time, William. Nightwing is improving, but I don't believe his mind is capable of tackling heavy problems just yet. A few more days perhaps. But..., it's possible that those two children are up to something. I can't quite put my finger on it, but they are taking all this way too easily. I've caught them glancing at the guards and other places. Perhaps we should...."

Alfred's statement was suddenly interrupted as several shots rang out near the smoke house, signaling trouble. William was at a run in an instant, heading for the smoke house even as several other members of his family headed that way to act as support. With every thing that had happened in the past few weeks, the Greystone family wasn't going to take any chances. What they found when they entered the small building simply shocked the living day lights out of them. There stood the Huntress, crossbow armed and pointed at Minx's heart as she held a polite but carefully guarded conversation with the two feline vixens.

"Come on in, William. Minx and I were just getting re-acquainted, weren't we Minx?

Seething with pure hatred for what the Huntress had done to her, Minx bided her time and said nothing, preferring for William or Catwoman or anyone to get the bitch away from her. She barely held her anger in check, knowing there would be another time to even the score with the Huntress. But for now, she knew she was in no position to fight. Minx knew that the Huntress would shoot her if she so much as twitched. Swallowing hard, William tried to talk some sense into the superheroine, even though he wanted Minx dead very badly.

"Huntress. Think what you're doing. You're a superheroine. Even if you kill her, you can't bring Batgirl back. You'll only make matters worse. Please Huntress, lower the weapon. Minx isn't going anywhere. She'll get her day in court."

"Kill her? What made you think I was going to kill her, William? Here take the crossbow. I've done what I needed to do."

"I'll take the utility belt, Huntress. Then you may leave."

"You're more than welcome to try, Mr. Greystone. But, I would advise against it. I'm no longer weak and you can't sneak up on me this time. You may get this belt from me, but I guarantee it will cost you. While you're thinking about it, may I ask you a question? What makes you think I'm acting alone in this? I've succeeded in pulling your entire family away from the house, leaving Batgirl..., and Nightwing..., alone."

Even as the Huntress's words sank into his brain, William realized how stupid he had been. She was nothing more than an elaborate feint to take him away from the main part of the plan. Cursing under his breath, William ordered his brothers to secure the building and allow the Huntress to leave un-molested, as he made his way quickly back to the house.

Nightwing smiled as he heard the gun shots echoing from the other side of the compound. He knew that whatever they were shooting at it wasn't the Huntress. Moving into the house a second later, Nightwing easily made his way into Batgirl's room but when he entered the well equipped medical unit, his heart sank to the lowest it had been in his entire life. There lay his beloved Batgirl. She was hooked up to every conceivable wire and tube known to modern science, but the computerized unit near her bed said it all. Consumed by total shock, Nightwing moved to the side of her bed and slowly sat on the edge as he took in her unmoving, comatose form.

"We thought it best not to tell you about her, Master Nightwing. Perhaps we were in error. Perhaps, I was."


"No. She's in a deep coma and going deeper by the day. When they brought her in she had a broken nose and the entire left side of her rib cage was fractured. But the worst part is that she's paralyzed from the neck down."

"Is it permanent?"

"I don't...."

"Is it permanent????"

"We think it may be. But..., Batgirl's dying Nightwing. There's simply nothing the doctors can do. They've tried, believe me they have, but she just keeps slipping deeper and deeper into this coma. Her heart has even begun to flutter. In fact it has stopped two times already. I'm..., I'm sorry son."

"Sorry? Sorry? Batgirl's dying, you think it best to keep it from me, and all you can say is you're sorry? I love her Alfred. For once in my life, I allowed someone to get close to me, to get past my defenses and love me. Batgirl is everything my heart ever desired and all you can say is you're sorry?"

Although prepared for Nightwing's discovery regarding Batgirl's condition, Alfred was totally unprepared for his physical reaction as the young hero attacked the wizened old gentleman, sending a fury of punches into his chest and face. Alfred had seen this type of reaction before, in the Batman, but even he had been able to fight his own emotions. Falling to the floor in agonizing pain, Alfred realized he had completely misjudged the young man standing above him. For the first time, he realized that Nightwing was not the least bit like the Batman. Batman kept every emotion locked away in his mind, as though they didn't exist. Nightwing allowed them to flourish, to live within him, and at times control him. He was more into the human and less into the bat than his mentor.

Nightwing towered above the old man that he had for such a long time called friend. He knew he was wrong for striking Alfred, but he also knew Alfred was wrong to keep Batgirl's condition from him. Seething with rage over the deception, Nightwing stood above his confidant and flexed his hands, putting them into fists every couple of seconds. It didn't help matters any when William entered the room and decided to attack Nightwing a second later, as he saw Alfred lying on the floor. William attacked without warning, driving Nightwing's body to the far wall. Nightwing hit the wall hard, with his left side taking the brunt of the impact, bruising the fractured ribs once more. Dazed by the sudden attack, Nightwing was an easy target for the punches William delivered into his stomach moments later as the elder Greystone took out his frustration on the young hero. He was just sending a solid punch to Nightwing's face when Nightwing reached up and stopped the punch in mid-strike. William was shocked beyond words as Nightwing forced his hand back and lowered it to William's side before sending a punch of his own into William's mid-section. Doubled over in pain, William soon found out what it meant to fight a fresh Nightwing as the young hero delivered a series of blows to William's stomach, chest, and face. Within minutes, William lay on the ground beside Alfred, moaning in pain as the young man addressed Alfred again.

"Alfred. I've called you a friend for many years and even consider you to be my father at times. But if you ever do this again, I swear I'll kill you. If Batgirl dies, I will kill you."

With that, Nightwing took one last look at Batgirl and left the room, leaving several startled family members in his wake, as he made his way to the out side and the awaiting Huntress. Informing her of Batgirl's condition a moment later, Nightwing and the Huntress turned to make their way to the smoke house, meaning to finish the battle that had started so many months before, but they soon found themselves surrounded by the entire Greystone Clan as each family member pointed their assault rifles at the two hero's. They were just moving into a battle stance with their backs against each other when William walked through the circle and approached the two encircled hero's. Forgetting the fight which ended on moments ago, William made the mistake of moving to close to Nightwing and suddenly found himself lying on the ground with a sore chin, compliments of Nightwing's boot. But any thoughts the young hero might have had of continuing the battle with the elder Greystone was cut short a second later as the sound of bullets being rammed into their chambers brought Nightwing to instant stillness.

"We don't want to fight you, William. We just need five minutes with Minx and Catwoman."

"They are under our protection, Nightwing. As such, we will fight you to safeguard their lives. Any attempt by you or the Huntress to get past us will be met by deadly force. Nightwing..., please listen. I can understand the Huntress's attitude in all this, she's never really followed Batman's guidelines, but you've always lived by them. If you do this now, you'll throw all that away. You'll become just like them."

"Actually William, since the Huntress has joined Batgirl and I in this battle, she has moved ever closer to the restraints placed on us by Batman. She no longer uses deadly force. As for me, I follow some of his guidelines, but not all of them and remember this William. It was Batman's guidelines that put Batgirl in the condition she's in right now. Catwoman follows a set of rules of her own choosing, but Minx doesn't follow any rules. Now, I'm only going to ask you once. Will your family move aside or do the Huntress and I move them?"

Across the compound, the two sentries guarding Catwoman and Minx could be heard talking about the confrontation taking place several hundred feet in front of them. They wanted to move closer and find out more but at the same time they knew it might be safer to stay where they were. They were under strict orders to safe guard the two women locked inside the building and if they thought the situation warranted it, to move Catwoman and Minx to a safer location. Thinking more towards the latter when William went flying to the ground, they unlocked the building and opened the door, to allow for the quickest removal of their prisoners. Wasting little time, Catwoman struck up a conversation with the guards, trying to lower their shields and find out what was happening at the same time.

"What's going on over there? Isn't that Nightwing and the Huntress surrounded by your family?"

"Yes it is. I'll bet Nightwing found out about Batgirl and now he wants Minx."

"What about Batgirl? They haven't told us anything about her. I've heard just bits and pieces, like when William said what the Huntress was doing wouldn't bring Batgirl back. Did Minx really hurt her that bad?"

"From what I've heard Batgirl's paralyzed from the neck down and in a bad coma. But they all think she's dying. Her heart's stopped twice already. If Nightwing knows all this, he'll stop at nothing to get your little partner, Catwoman."

Catwoman continued to pump the sentries for any information she could as she continued to act as though she was the innocent one. With each passing moment, she moved ever so slightly closer to the guards as she kept this act alive, waiting for the chance to make a break for her freedom. Within minutes, she was leaning against one of the guards and looking out beyond the door at the confrontation taking shape before them. When the time came, she would be more than ready to deal with the two idiots standing beside her. Meanwhile, the conflict across the compound was coming to a boiling point as William made his last reply even as he signaled his family to aim their rifles.

"Nightwing, I..., I understand your feelings, but I must protect them. I want Minx to pay as much as you do, as much as anyone here. I..., we all love Batgirl, but they are under our protection. You'll have to fight us to get to them."

"Actually that won't be necessary, William. Tell your clan to lower their weapons. As for you, Nightwing, you and the Huntress need to stand down. We need to talk."

If an atomic bomb had gone off nearby, the effect on the assembled crowd could not have been any more profound, as each person took in the sight before them. There was Batgirl, standing just outside the circle in her costume. She was in her famous pose with her shapely legs spread slightly apart as her hands rested on her svelte hips. Her cape swayed gently across her back as the early evening's breeze blew through the area. Standing as she was, one would never suspect Batgirl had been close to death just moments before as she lay in a deep coma, no one except perhaps for Beth Greystone. The effect of Batgirl's sudden appearance had the same affect on the two sentries guarding Catwoman and Minx as they moved away from the small building, completely forgetting their prisoners. Using the distraction to her advantage, Catwoman wasted no time in knocking their heads together, dazing them enough for her to deliver a series of kicks to their chests and faces, effectively knocking them out several moments later. Placing Minx's arm over her shoulder, Catwoman used the time to make good their escape, grabbing the assault rifles even as Minx called out in dismay that Batgirl was still alive and unhurt.

Hearing Minx's loud voice above the those surrounding them, the Huntress turned and was just able to make out Catwoman as she carried the wounded Minx away from the building. The young heroine was just beginning to go after them, when she was cold cocked by a rifle butt as she approached the circle, sending the Huntress to the hard ground seconds later. Grasping her throbbing head as she groaned in absolute pain from the surprise hit, the Huntress managed to pick herself up, balancing her upper body on her right arm, before falling back to the ground moments later. Seconds before she slipped into blissful unconsciousness, she managed to whisper to Nightwing that Catwoman had escaped. Lowering the Huntress's unconscious body to the ground, Nightwing started to move beyond the circle when he was stopped by two very nervous Greystone family members.

"You still can't have Catwoman or Minx, Nightwing. They will be tried by the law..., the law..., Nightwing. And when we...."

"By the time you get them to trial, if you get them to trial, I'll be retired. In case you haven't noticed, William, they have escaped. The Huntress was trying to go after them, to stop them William; not to kill them. But now they have had time to get away, putting each of us in danger again."

Nightwing gave William a look that would have stopped an invading army in its tracks. Not used to the young man's temper and remembering his ill fated fight against the crime fighter, William put up his hands in surrender and backed away, giving Nightwing the space he needed. A minute later, the Greystone Clan went on high alert as it left the compound to give chase to Catwoman and Minx. Meanwhile, Nightwing and Batgirl attended to the Huntress who was slowly beginning to come around and trying to get to her feet. Picking the weakened superheroine up, Nightwing and Batgirl put the Huntress between them and started to carry her into the house when all hell broke loose around them as assault rifles opened up on them. Caught out in the open and totally off guard, the hero's were easy targets for Catwoman and Minx as they emptied their clips into the defenseless crime fighters. Batgirl was the first to be hit, as two slugs impacted the small of her back bending her backwards in pain a second before a third bullet impacted with the back of her skull, propelling Batgirl to the ground. Her body became deathly still seconds later even as an agonized groan escaped her trembling lips. The Huntress, already weakened by the head wound was the next to feel the pain as three slugs made contact with her upper back, bending her over in pain as she dropped to her knees. The Huntress was still balanced on them as another group of bullets connected with her lower back, driving her body to the ground and painful unconsciousness a moment later. Even as he watched both women go down, Nightwing was moving to protect them from further harm. He had just finished dragging the Huntress's bullet riddled body behind Batgirl's when he was hit in the left arm by the first slug. Grabbing his left side, he became an open target as three more bullets made contact with his stomach and groin. Doubled over in pain from the shots, Nightwing dropped to his knees and fell to the ground moments later. His mind totally engulfed in numbing pain, Nightwing crawled over to Batgirl and managed to climb on top of her prone body, protecting it from further bullets even as another slug hit him in the right leg. Seconds later, lost in mind-boggling pain, he succumbed to a blissful sleep and fell unconscious. Seeing the hero's go down gave Catwoman and Minx the added courage they needed to move from the safety of the woods and approach the defenseless crime fighters, meaning to finish them off once and for all; but as the feline vixens approached their unmoving bodies, assault rifles opened up on them from the house beyond. Dropping the weapons as they ran, the two women made a hasty retreat, escaping into the dense woods moments later. When the dust settled and the coast was deemed clear, members of the Greystone family came out of the house and looked at the horror which lay before them. All three hero's were down, with multiple gunshot wounds to their bodies. It was Beth that assumed control seconds later as she wrestled a headset from one of the younger Greystone brothers.

"William..., William come in. Do you copy?"

"Yes I copy. We heard shots in your direction. What the hell's going on back there?"

"It was the women, William. They doubled back and opened fire on them. They're down, they're all down. Nightwing, the Huntress and Batgirl have been shot several times. The women ran off towards the river, but we need cover here, and help."

"I'm on it..."

Even as the words crackled over the headset, William could be seen running through the woods making a bee line for the house. When he finally came to a stop, he couldn't believe what he saw. It was bad enough when Batgirl lay near death, but now all three could be dying or even dead. And all this because he had protected the very women responsible for the killings. He was just sinking to his knees in near shock when a series of painful moans escaped Batgirl's slightly parted lips as she began to move. Getting back to his feet, William moved the short distance to Batgirl's side in an instant and soon he found himself next to his wife as she gently held the young adventuress down.

"Uuuuuunnnnnnnnhhhhhh..., uuuhhhhhhhhh, uuuunnnnnnnnnnnnn....., Ugnh..., Uuuuunnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn."

"Stay down Batgirl. Don't try to move, you'll be all right."

"I..., I can't...., uuuuhhhhhh..., move my legs."

"You're ok Batgirl. Nightwing's body is on top of yours. Let the technicians move him first ok? You should have seen him, Batgirl. With all the bullets flying around him, he managed to move the Huntress's body behind yours. Even though he was shot soon after that, Nightwing moved to put his body over yours to protect you from any more harm."

"Uuuuuuuhhhhhhhhh..., is he..., is Nightwinnnnnnnnnn"

Batgirl wasn't able to finish her question as her back arched slightly when another intense surge of pain washed through her aching body moments later. Trying to absorb the pain radiating up her spine, Batgirl's pain-drenched mind succumbed to the pain seconds later, as her head fell slowly back to the ground and her body relaxed. The heroine slipped into unconsciousness seconds later, even as William was picking her up to carry her into the house.

Two days later Batgirl found herself lying in bed again but this time there weren't any wires or tubes connected to her. Looking at her body stretched out on the bed, she noticed she was still in her costume and that only her boots, cape, gloves, and utility belt had been removed. As Batgirl scanned the room around her she noticed her missing costume parts lying on the dresser next to those of Nightwing's to her left and Nightwing lying on the bed to her right. Batgirl was already sitting on the edge of the bed and stretching her body when Beth walked into the room and asked her how she was feeling. She was followed very closely by Alfred who carried a tray full of bite sized snacks.

"Batgirl? Are you sure you should be up and about so soon? Do you feel ok?"

"I'm fine. Really, I am Beth; just a little stiff....and sore. Have you seen the Puma lately?"

"Funny you should ask about her before you ask about your friends. But, to answer your question yes, I saw her yesterday. She's much better now. Do we need to talk about what she did to you?"

"I...don't....think so. I..., I think I understand what she did. But..., when I talk to Nightwing, I might..., need you there to help me explain it. Would..., could you be there?"

"I'll be there Batgirl. It can be hard to take if it didn't happen to you. Sometimes its even difficult to understand when it does happen to you. Are you sure you're ok with it?"

"Yes. I'm fine. Honored actually. Beth? My real name is Barbara Gordon. Would you please call me Barbara?"

"I would be honored Miss Gordon. I've know your secret identity since I first laid eyes on you, as I did with Nightwing and the Huntress. I just thought you wanted to keep it a secret, so I didn't call you by your real name. I think it might be best if you don't tell many others though."

"Can I tell William?"

"Ha ha ha. Yes, you can tell him. Now, let's see about waking up these too sleeping heroes shall we?"

"No, not yet. Alfred? We need to talk privately for a few minutes; without Nightwing or the Huntress interfering."

"As you wish Miss Batgirl, but what do we need to discuss?"

"I need some modifications made to my costume. The one I have is fine, and I'll go back to it when this fight is finished; but there are some gadgets I'll need to have that should not be placed in my utility belt."

"I don't understand, Miss Batgirl."

"If I'm captured, the first thing Minx will do is to relieve me of my utility belt. Once she's done that, I may be powerless to escape one of her fiendish traps. I've placed a lock on the belt, but eventually, Minx will defeat the lock. What I require is a belt under a belt, one built into my costume but unnoticeable to the naked eye. Minx has one built into her costume and she uses it to her advantage."

"Yes, I can see what you mean. Sort of a hidden arsenal. By why not tell Nightwing or the Huntress?"

"She may be able to get the information out of them. Besides, this is my fight. I've made a list of the items I wish to have included in the hidden belt. Have duplicates placed in the real one as well so Minx won't get suspicious. Oh, and there's one other thing that needs to added. I need some sort of shield placed in certain areas of the costume, to keep Minx or Catwoman from using my body against me. Alfred, I really need your help here. Please keep this between us, ok?"

"Certainly, Miss Batgirl. I'll leave at once to prepare the new costume. Now if you ladies will excuse me?"

"Anything else Batgirl?"

"No Beth, that's all."

"Then shall we wake up these other two heroes?"

Helping Batgirl with her boots a moment later, Beth helped her off the bed and left the room to wake up the Huntress who was sleeping in the next room. Finding she was alone with Nightwing, Batgirl walked over to the superhero and slowly sat down on his bed. Hesitating for a few minutes before waking him up, Batgirl took in his handsome features as she slowly etched the muscles hidden below his latex costume with her hands. She was amazed at how much she loved this young man and just how intoxicating his presence was to her. Leaning across his masculine body, Batgirl gently laid her head down on his chest and listened to the rhythm of his heart before moving her face up to his. For several minutes Batgirl's face hovered above his as she took in the fine features of his face and his scent even as her hunger for his taste grew in her mind. Before long she couldn't stand it any longer and she slowly lowered her lips to his and gave him a very soft, delicate kiss, barely touching his mouth as she filled her mind with his touch. A minute later she returned to his lips and delivered a stronger, more passionate kiss, gently pushing her tongue into his mouth to explore its inner recesses. Batgirl had only just left his lips and was just about to wake her lover when Nightwing moaned, as he greeted the one he loved.

"God, you're good Minx. Kiss me again."

Hearing the name, Batgirl pulled away. Creasing her eyebrows as if trying to understand what he had said, Batgirl lowered her head and slowly got off the bed, walking silently away a moment later. Making her way to the dresser, Batgirl preceded to don the rest of her costume, making sure to remove all the tracking devices she and Nightwing had secreted in the different areas of her suit. Minutes later, Batgirl had written a short note telling the Greystone's she had gone after Catwoman and Minx and thanking them for their help. She was just about to climb through the window when she remembered something else. Removing her left glove, Batgirl removed the ring Nightwing had given her so many months before and placed it on the note. Seconds later, she reached up and grabbed the upper window support, swung her legs through the window and dropped to the ground. Within seconds she was gone, escaping into the night as she sought her destiny.

"Good evening Nightwing, Batgirl. How are we....Nightwing where's Batgirl?"

Opening his eyes instantly, Nightwing looked around in confusion and shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't know. She was here a few minutes ago kissing me then I guess she left. But why?"

"Did you do something, say anything?"

Even as the Huntress asked the question, she walked over to the dresser where Batgirl's costume had been only seconds earlier and looked at the various items lying in a scattered pile. Picking up the note, the Huntress was abruptly filled with a fear she hadn't felt for several months. Batgirl had gone after Catwoman and Minx alone, putting herself in extreme danger. Seeing the ring, she looked back at Nightwing and asked him the same question again.

"Nightwing. What did you do to her, what did you say?"

"Nothing really. She was kissing me so I decided to play a joke on her, I said she was good and called her Minx. That's all, why?"

Shocked beyond belief, the Huntress didn't reply as she dropped the note and quickly left the room and a very confused Nightwing behind her. Batgirl was heading into danger and the Huntress knew that in her condition, she wouldn't be a match for either of the feline vixens, together or alone. She had to find Beth or William and try to figure out where Batgirl might have gone. A minute later she had found the sachem drinking coffee on the back porch. Pulling up a chair, the Huntress looked into her eyes and sought her advice. Even before she could get an answer from the wise woman, Nightwing came running out and looked at them before walking to the porch's edge to look out into the night. The Huntress could tell he had been crying and she felt he deserved it and much more, but she would deal with him later.

"Beth, I need your help. Batgirl's gone after Catwoman and Minx and I don't think she can handle them alone."

"I know she's gone, Helena, I saw her swing through the window several minutes ago and yes I know your secret identity, but its safe with me. Helena, just before Batgirl left, I sensed extreme joy in her spirit. Then it was suddenly replaced by extreme sorrow and confusion, as though something had been ripped from her heart, leaving nothing but an empty void. Do you know what happened?"

"I think she was kissing Nightwing and he decided to play a joke on her. He called her Minx as he kept his eyes closed."

"I see. That is most unfortunate. Nightwing? Without knowing it, you've attacked the one facet of her life that is most vulnerable right now. Even though she claims to understand what the great Cougar did for her, to her, she is confused. She doesn't really understand everything, only bit and pieces. But she knows that Minx is the one she must face in the upcoming death struggle. I sensed she was trying to reach out to Nightwing and to you Huntress; to get support for the battle. You see Huntress, Batgirl doesn't think she'll survive this fight and she has been quietly preparing to die. Batgirl and I have had several talks on this and she has already prepared a list of things for me to do should she fail. The one thing she was holding onto, the single thread if you will, was your love for her, Nightwing. You may not be aware, but Batgirl is on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Her mind has taken a great deal of stress these past few months, as has her body. Add to that Minx's continual comments about her inadequacies as a crime fighter and a woman, and you have the makings for a very confused and desperate young woman. Nightwing, without knowing it you may have sent Batgirl to her death. If she thinks there is nothing to live for, she may act without regard for her own life. She may take chances she would not other wise take. Nightwing, Batgirl loves you very much but she now thinks you don't love her. In her confused, tormented mind, she thinks her life is over."

"What will happen to her? I mean, will she die?"

"In all likelihood, yes. Batgirl will take the fight to Minx and allow the young woman to kill her. That way she won't be in the way of your love for Minx."

"But I don't love Minx, I love her."

"I know that Nightwing, and perhaps deep down, so does Batgirl. She just needs to hear you say it, and perhaps show it."

"Beth, I need to go after her. She needs help. Where do you think she could be headed?"

"Don't worry about Batgirl, Nightwing. I saw her climb out the back window and I sent William after her. He's tracking her even now. Wait awhile, get some coffee and settle down. We don't need two confused and mentally unstable heroes prancing around in the night. Huntress, you need to calm down as well. When we find out where Batgirl is going Nightwing will go after her. He may well need you to back him up."

Thirty minutes later, William radioed in his position. Looking at the large wall map in the park's office, Beth was able to guess where Batgirl might be leading him. Looking at the possible destination, Beth shook her head, knowing the danger Batgirl was heading into.

"Nightwing? Batgirl's heading for the old saw mill. It's located up in this corner of the park. The mill has been abandoned for several years but it was never torn down. Its an extremely dangerous place, full of pitfalls, and traps. The perfect place for Minx and Catwoman to surprise Batgirl, and kill her. She's traveling by the old mill trail and she should get to the mill in another thirty minutes. I'm surprised she would take that trail. It leads straight in and if the women are there, they will be able to see Batgirl coming. Nightwing, there is a road that runs this way along the river. Its a bit rough but your car should be able to make it. We maintain the road in case we need supplies from the mill. If you leave now you should be able to arrive about ten minutes behind Batgirl."

Nodding his head at the information, Nightwing went back to his room and donned his utility belt. He was just opening the car and looking at Alfred when the Huntress walked up to the car. Thinking she was going to come along, he walked around the car and stopped her as he put his hands on her arms to tell her what he needed.

"Huntress, I need you to stay here to act as backup. I know that's not fair, but it's necessary since we don't really know whether Catwoman and Minx are together, or if they are even up there. I'll try to make it up to you some how."

"Nightwing, sometimes you can be such a dork. I wasn't asking to come along. I just thought you might want to take this ring along. Batgirl forgot it when she left. You may also want a few of these tracking devices, in case you two get separated. Now get your butt in that car and go after her, you idiot."

Nightwing gave the Huntress the biggest smile she had ever seen seconds before placing his hand under her right breast and giving her a soft kiss on her cheek as he caressed her breast. Lost in the moment and thinking she would never get the chance again, the Huntress placed her arms around his neck and returned the kiss with one of her own, not expecting him to do the same in kind. When he finally released her, the Huntress was awash in emotions she had forgotten she had. The Huntress watched Nightwing get in the car and drive off seconds later, as she absentmindedly fondled her right breast. She was still feeling herself and thinking about Nightwing when she suddenly found she wasn't alone. Assuming the best possible innocent look she could muster, the Huntress turned around and found Beth standing scant feet behind her with the most devious look she had ever seen on a woman's face.

"What? What did I do?"

"Nothing Huntress. Absolutely nothing. Come on, lets go inside and get some coffee. I think we need to get better acquainted."

Arriving at the mill just after midnight, Batgirl made her way to the west side of the mill and stopped as she scanned her surroundings, making sure she wasn't being followed. For some time she had had the feeling that she was being watched but every time she turned around there was no one there. Flipping her mask to night vision mode, Batgirl peered around the corner and suddenly found why Minx would choose such a place for a hide out. Everything in the building could be used as a weapon and many of the items could be considered lethal. Taking a deep breath to calm her nerves, Batgirl moved around the corner and walked into the building. With every step, she looked this way and that, as she tried to pick up any movement or discover possible traps. She was just walking to the center of the main room when something off to her right disturbed a group of birds sending them into the night air seconds later. Looking closely, she could just make out what she thought was a large man moving to her left. Batgirl was still looking in his direction when a small steel beam, sliding quietly along on freshly oiled tracks hit her in the back of her skull, sending the young heroine to the floor in excruciating pain seconds later. Rolling onto her stomach a few moments later, Batgirl attempted to get up but fell back to the ground as intense pain overpowered her mind. She was still trying to move when she heard the feint footsteps of a woman approaching her. Batgirl could do very little to resist Minx as she walked up and kicked Batgirl unto her back. Seconds later, Minx knelt beside the stricken heroine, and removed her utility belt, just before sticking a needle into her neck. The last thing Batgirl remembered was the sound of Minx's voice as she walked away.

Hiding in the shadows, William watched as Batgirl went down. He was just about to move in when Catwoman snuck up behind him and placed a needler to his neck, injecting him with a small dose of Catnip. Caught completely off guard, William didn't stand a chance as the chemicals overpowered his mind, sending him to the ground moments later.

"Mr. Greystone. I'm sorry that I never got the chance to thank you for your hospitality while I was a guest at your place. But now that I've got you in my grasp I can make that up to you. Now, what can I do that will be fun yet demoralizing to you?"

Catwoman knelt beside the elder Greystone and felt his muscular body, checking for any hidden weapons while she tried to figure out what she would do with the man. Looking at Batgirl sprawled out on the floor in her latex catsuit gave her an idea within minutes and she smiled. Reaching into the pouch hanging on her svelte hip, Catwoman brought out another needler filled with both her mind control drug and an extra strong dose of her Pheromone drug. A minute later, Catwoman placed the needler next to the elder Greystone's neck and injected him with the two drugs. Now all she had to do was wait.

Twenty minutes later, William regained consciousness and tried to move, but found that he couldn't. He was just trying to figure out what was wrong when he heard Catwoman's voice as she approached him from behind.

"I've injected you with a powerful combination of drugs Mr. Greystone. As you can see, you can't move. That's because I haven't told you to yet. In a few minutes I will tell you exactly what to do, but until then, I want to explain the drugs to you. As I said, I've injected you with some drugs of my own design. The first one is a mind-control drug, which forces you to become attracted and aroused to anyone one I so choose. You followed Batgirl here and I suppose it was to act as backup. As you saw before I knocked you out, Batgirl was lying on the floor in front of you. She's still there, waiting for your touch. She wants you to fuck her William and I know you want to fuck her. And that's exactly what I'm going to have you do. You're going to rape Batgirl and fuck the living shit out of her.

William's eyes went wide as Catwoman described her plans for him and Batgirl. He was already getting aroused just thinking of the young woman as she laid on the ground in her latex outfit. He knew she didn't wear a bra or panties and he remembered catching himself looking at her hot body more than once. He could see her now, lying in the middle of the room as her perfectly rounded breasts rose and fell in gentle rhythms, signaling she was asleep. Catwoman started walking around the large man as she stroked the various parts of his body. Reaching between his legs a moment later, she began rubbing his crotch bringing his member alive in seconds. William tried to resist the sensations running through his mind but soon gave up as he gained an erection, climaxing in his pants a minute later.

Meanwhile, Nightwing had arrived and parked the car several hundred yards away from the mill. Quickly placing the car in lockdown, he flipped his mask to night vision mode and started moving towards the main building. He only hoped he wasn't too late. Nightwing was just in time to see Batgirl begin to move as she tried to get up. Watching closely, he could tell she was hurt as she continued to hold the back of her head as she made it to her feet. Keeping his eyes on Batgirl, he never saw the club as it came down on the back of his head, knocking him unconscious seconds later. Minutes later, Nightwing painfully regained consciousness only to find he was tied up to a pole with his hands tied to a pipe above his head. Looking at the leather straps binding his wrists, he decided he could probably escape given enough time, but he had the feeling he wouldn't be given a chance. Feeling Minx's hands on his maleness a second later confirmed his feelings as she rubbed his member to erection a moment later. Moving around to look in the hero's face a minute later, Minx grabbed the back of Nightwing's head and gave him a rough kiss on his mouth, biting his lip in the process. With blood trickling down his cut lip, Minx lowered her tight body to his groin and began to lick his costume just above his maleness. Nightwing did all he could to resist the sensations traveling up his spine but he knew it was only a matter of time before he climaxed, weakening him as he fell under Minx's spell.

Stunned by the blow to her head, Batgirl slowly got up off the ground and made it to a pillar seconds later. Using the pillar for support she reached for her utility belt but found it wasn't there. Thinking back, she quickly remembered Minx taking it from her as she laid on the ground. Batgirl was trying to figure out why Minx hadn't tied her up or killed her when she heard a familiar voice to her left.

"Batgirl. Can I help you?"

"William? Wh..., what are you doing here?!? You need to get out while you can. This place is too dangerous for you."

"I'm here for you Batgirl. We're alone here and I know you want me."

"What are you talking about William? I never said I wanted you."

"Don't play dumb with me Batgirl. I've watched you prance around in that second skin latex costume for weeks now. I've seen how you've looked at me. You want me bad and I'm here to give you some."

Batgirl was confused as she listened to William. She couldn't quite believe he meant what he was saying, but she didn't really want to find out. William was several inches taller than Nightwing and much larger in build. He could easily break her in half if he wanted to and if he got his hands on her Batgirl knew she would have little chance of breaking free. Backing slowly away from the large man, Batgirl held out her left hand and told him to stop.

"I..., I don't know what you're talking about William, but don't come any closer. This doesn't need to happen, you can turn around and leave. I won't say anything, I promise. William? Stay back, stay away from me, I'm warning you."

"Or else what, Batgirl? You'll hurt me. I don't think so. Now come here."

"William, I can hurt you, but I don't want to. Please, back away and go home. This can end now."

"You think you can hurt me, Batgirl? You're only a woman. You might be able to slow me down, but in the end I'll get you. Now get over here bitch."

"William, please. I don't want this...I don't want you. Please just go home."

"Don't be such a tease, Batgirl. I've watched those perky nipples come alive every time you got excited. They're excited now. And I know you don't wear a bra or panties because there aren't any panty or bra lines showing through the latex. That ultra-tight purple latex catsuit is so tight it looks painted on. With every breath you take, those nipples pop out just a little more. When you get a chill, they pop out a lot. And that zipper, Batgirl. Look how it goes between your legs, dividing your pussy lips and the cheeks of your shapely ass, before it runs up your back. Now enough of this shit, I came here for a piece, and I'm not leaving here until I've fucked your brains out. For the last time Batgirl, get over here and drop to your knees."

Continuing to back away from William, Batgirl thought about what he had said about her costume. Everything he said was true. She had designed it this tight on purpose, to distract the criminal, whether they be man or woman, but again she found herself in trouble because of it. She didn't wear a bra or panties because their lines could be seen through the latex and she didn't like the effect. Looking down at her chest, Batgirl realized her nipples were getting erect, which only helped William's case as she tried to find some way to stop the threat. Scanning the room about her, Batgirl realized she had very little room to maneuver, as she continued to back away. Without knowing it, she had backed herself into a corner with only two ways out, but William blocked both of them. Batgirl was just about to make a mad dash to escape when she felt a wave of dizziness wash through her mind. Stumbling backwards, Batgirl found herself lying on the floor seconds later as stars danced in front of her eyes. Shaking her head to get the cobwebs out of her brain, Batgirl pulled herself up and barely managed to duck under William's grasp as he tried to grab her. An instant later, Batgirl tried to put some distance between William and herself but she stumbled again, allowing the elder Greystone to grab her with his left arm. Placing Batgirl in a one-armed bear hug, William lifted Batgirl off the floor and began to fondle her left breast, bringing the nipple erect seconds later. Batgirl fought the sensations radiating through her left mammary but she knew it would soon be hopeless as her body was already getting aroused. Even as she continued to struggle, Batgirl felt her womanhood getting damp as William's fingers rubbed the latex covering her breasts.

"William. Let me go. LET....ME.....GO!, please. No..., don't do that, don't touch my breast. Please William..., let me go, don'"

Batgirl struggled with all her might to break free of the elder Greystone's grasp, but she wasn't strong enough. With each passing minute she felt herself getting weaker as wave after wave of dizziness washed through her mind. Batgirl knew the dizzy spells weren't being caused by William's attacks, but by whatever drug Minx had injected her with. She also knew that if she didn't break free soon, her body would react to his sexual attacks and start to work against her. Batgirl knew she had very little time. Even as she tried in vain to escape, William slowly moved his free hand down to her stomach then on down to her womanhood, barely hidden below the latex costume between her slightly parted legs. Batgirl's eyes went wide with fear as his hand edged ever closer to her already damp mound, causing her to struggle even more.

"William..., no...., you can't touch me down, no please...God no, don't touch me down there. Please William, I beg you not down.....Aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

Ignoring Batgirl's pleas, William began to rub the latex covering her damp womanhood sending intense sexual energies racing up to her brain. In minutes, Batgirl was losing the fight as her body's sexual desires for pleasure overpowered her mind's ability to reason, sending her ever closer to ecstasy.

"Uuuunnnnnnnn... William, please..., you' Ooooohhhhh. I...don't...want this..., Uuuunnnnhhhhhhh."

While he continued to lick Batgirl's super-aroused breast, William rubbed the latex between her slightly parted legs with his free hand, bringing Batgirl's entire body alive with intense sexual feelings. Her concerted efforts to resist William's attacks on her body dissolved as her mind, overwhelmed with sensations she so desperately wanted, melted into mush seconds after her sex became wet. Feeling Batgirl's "G" spot become warm against his hand as he continued to rub her womanhood only doubled William's efforts as he slowly brought Batgirl to ecstasy. Desperate to escape his grasp, the confused and disoriented superheroine tried to find some way to break his grip on her body. Batgirl knew she was way too weak to pull free and the blows she had sent to his face and chest so far had proven useless. Trying to clear her mind of the pleasurable feelings she was absorbing, Batgirl quickly chose to send hard blows to William's ears. She hoped the sudden slapping would cause him enough pain for him to release her. Moving slowly to reserve her strength, Batgirl cupped her palms as she prepared to deliver the double blow, but just as she was bringing her hands towards his head, William bit down on her aroused left nipple sending massive sexual energies through the mammary to her brain. In seconds she was lost in a sea of passion as the sensations overpowered what was left of her reasoning. Her arms and head fell back, dangling behind her back even as William pulled the latex away from her body. A minute later, he moved his teeth and allowed the nipple to snap back against her breast just before releasing the latex. The resulting impact of the extra tight latex hitting the super-sensitive nipple sent Batgirl into a frenzy as her head snapped forward a second before it fell back again. Unable to fight the sensations building in her body any longer, Batgirl gave in and allowed the first orgasm to flow through her sex.

"Aaaaarrrggggggggghhhhhhhhhh..., Yes..., yes......take me, fuck me please. I...can' more. Do me..., William....., please. Uuuuunnnnn, uuuuunnnnnnnnnnnnn, uuuuhhhhhhhhh, uuuuuunnnnnnnnnnnnnnn."

Batgirl was thrashing about as the orgasm washed through her sex. Frantically trying to grab at anything, she pulled her cowl off, exposing her secret identity as she sought to grab her sweat matted hair. She was moaning in pure ecstasy as William continued to expertly service her body. Watching the sexual scene unfold before him, Nightwing could do very little but squirm as he tried to break his bonds. He could see blood dropping down from above as the tight leather straps cut into his skin, but he didn't care. He knew Batgirl was losing the battle with her own body as William brought her closer and closer to sexual bliss. Seeing Batgirl's body go into a frenzy a few minutes later as she screamed out in pleasure told him she was climaxing and he knew she would be too weak to resist any further attacks. Seeing Batgirl remove her mask, exposing her secret identity a few seconds into the orgasm shocked him as Catwoman was sure to take notice. Without caring about her secret, Batgirl had thrown the mask aside and it had landed only a few feet from Catwoman's feet. She was even now picking the mask up off the floor and gazing at Batgirl's exposed face, trying to remember who the sexually excited woman was.

"It looks like Batgirl is losing the fight, Nightwing. Even now, she's in the first of several orgasms which no doubt will weaken her to no end. Do you enjoy watching Batgirl get raped by William?"

"You know the answer to that, Catwoman. But, something is wrong with her. Batgirl's acting like she's dizzy or something. What did you do to her before William grabbed her?"

"Why nothing, Nightwing. I had you. Minx might have stuck something in her I suppose, like a chemical that clouds her mind, preventing her from reacting to danger quickly. That might explain why she kept falling over minutes before William put her in that bear hug."

"Catwoman, fiend. Why can't you ever give Batgirl a fair chance?"

"Fair chance? Nightwing, sometimes to ask the silliest questions. Batgirl had a fair chance. She could have escaped or she could have beaten up on Mr. Greystone. She chose to do neither. But that's not important. Her secret identity is. I know I've seen her someplace, but I can't put my finger on it. Her face keeps drawing a blank. Minx, do you know her?"

Looking at Minx unexpectedly, Catwoman caught the smirk that Minx always wore on her face when she knew something Catwoman didn't. Seething with anger for not being told, Catwoman lashed out at her partner, connecting with her face. Caught unawares, Minx fell backwards to the floor as the pain radiated to her brain. Catwoman walked up to the young woman only to be kicked between the legs seconds later. Grabbing her abused crotch in pain, Catwoman dropped to her knees in time for Minx to backhand her, sending Catwoman to the floor in agony. In a minute, the two feline vixens were rolling on the floor and fighting it out. Nightwing couldn't believe what he was seeing but he wasted little time as he doubled his efforts to break free.

Batgirl was swimming in ecstasy as she tried to focus her mind. William was still rubbing her costume and nibbling on her breast, but she was slowly gaining her senses, as she fought with her own body. She knew she was close to another orgasm and if she climaxed William would be in total control of her. He wasn't that far away as she felt the surging sexual energies building deep within her. Desperate to get free, Batgirl tried her plan again, bringing her open palms to the side of William's head seconds later. She fell to the floor seconds later, as William released her to grasp his pain filled ears. Scrambling to her feet, Batgirl attempted to put some distance between William and herself, but he was just able to grab the tail of her cape and yank her back. Caught unexpectedly, Batgirl was unable to stop her forward momentum and soon found herself thrown into the air as her cape went taut. Batgirl twisted in mid air as William continued to pull her back and in seconds Batgirl found herself falling to the floor, knocking the wind out of her a moment later. Stunned by the impact, Batgirl groaned as shooting pains traveled through her body. She was too weak to move as William straddled her body seconds later, meaning to punish her for the blows to his ears. Grabbing Batgirl's cape with his right hand, he ripped the cape from her costume, causing Batgirl's back to arch backwards for a long moment as the fittings fought the release of the cape. When they finally tore apart, Batgirl's face was propelled to the ground dazing the heroine as William threw the cape aside. Reaching down to Batgirl's head, William pulled her up by the hair and smashed Batgirl's face into the ground several times, knocking her senseless in the process.

Seeing the fight had gone out of her, William rolled Batgirl onto her back and looked over the smorgasbord lying before him. He softly caressed her breasts, sliding his hand down into the cleavage barely separating her perfectly rounded mammaries. The feel of Batgirl's sweat soaked latex between her heaving breasts excited him even more, and he slowly cupped each breast in turn with his left hand. Laying his left hand against the latex covering her slim stomach a moment later, William felt the coolness of her body as it cooled off in the evening air. Glancing at Batgirl's beautiful face a second later, he moved his hand down to the area between her legs and rested his hand above her womanhood, taking in the warmness of her sex. He couldn't believe he had Batgirl's alluring body at his mercy and he just sat there taking in the delicious feel of the slippery latex in his hands. Moving his hand very slowly across the warmed latex covering her sex, William rubbed the area just above her labia arousing the heroine again as he heard a slight gasp escape her trembling lips. Batgirl was starting to come around as she tried to regain her senses. Even now she was moving her arms as her body writhed in ecstasy from William's continual attention to her body. Regaining her senses a short while later, Batgirl weakly attacked William sending a weakened punch to his throat, but he merely shrugged off the hit as he backhanded the young adventuress, knocking her senseless again. Several minutes later, as she regained her senses once more, Batgirl tried again as she shoved her knee into his unprotected crotch, doubling the large man over in pain.

Seeing her chance, Batgirl delivered a weakened punch to the side of William's neck, knocking him off her body and to the ground a minute later. While William rolled on the ground grasping his abused member in pain, Batgirl rolled onto her stomach and quickly picked herself up, but another wave of dizziness overcame her and forced Batgirl to a nearby table a minute later. Grasping the end of the table, Batgirl fell across it as she temporarily lost consciousness when another wave of dizziness flooded her brain. Lying on the table, Batgirl groaned as she fought to stay awake and regain her strength. Batgirl knew she was very weak from the sexual activity and the drugs affecting her system. She also knew she couldn't take much more as the drug drained her strength. Minutes later, Batgirl found she could barely stand as she tried to focus her mind to continue the fight. Glancing behind her, she saw William as he slowly rose from the ground and made his way to her. She knew this fight wasn't over by a long shot as she moved into a defensive position, with her left leg positioned slightly in front of her right one. With her body facing her attacker sideways Batgirl thought she might be able to deflect at some of his punches, but she knew she couldn't block them all. Feeling a wave of nausea wash through her system, Batgirl staggered momentarily, giving William a chance to move closer, but she was able to recover her stance a minute later as he approached her.

Watching Batgirl stagger about made Nightwing madder than hell. Catwoman and Minx were still fighting to his right and he wasn't sure which one was going to win. Returning his gaze at Batgirl he called out for her to get away, knowing he could do little else as the leather straps held him fast to the overhead pipe. His wrists were bleeding profusely from the tremendous pressure he had been applying on them, but as yet they had not parted. Seeing Batgirl pass out on the table a minute after she got up concerned him greatly. He knew Batgirl was well beyond her limit and he sensed she wouldn't last much longer. He was simply stunned when he saw her move into a battle stance minutes later as she faced an approaching William bent of raping her. Summoning all his strength, Nightwing called out to her, pleading for her to escape, but whether she heard him or not, she didn't move. When she staggered a moment later, he decided she hadn't heard him and he increased his efforts to break his bonds.

Hearing Nightwing's voice to her right, Batgirl glanced in that direction, but quickly looked back at William as he seemed to move faster. Stealing quick glances towards the voice, Batgirl became aware that Nightwing had been captured and was watching her. Just as Batgirl was about to move in his direction William attacked, lunging for the weakened superheroine, meaning to finish her off. Seeing the movement out of the corner of her eye, Batgirl stepped back and placed a solid kick to his stomach, doubling the large man over in pain seconds before she delivered a double punch to his chin. The effort cost her, however, and she fell backwards across the table again as she gasped for breath. Gathering all her remaining strength, Batgirl got to her feet and tried to kick him again but this time William blocked the kick as he grabbed her ankle. Twisting the ankle, Batgirl suddenly found herself off balance and she fell across the table once more knocking the wind out of lungs seconds later. Severely weakened, Batgirl attempted to get back up, but William was faster and Batgirl soon found herself in a strangle hold as William slowly cut the flow of air to her brain. It was over in a matter of moments as Batgirl's struggles slowly came to a halt when the precious air stopped flowing to her brain. Slipping into unconsciousness a moment later, Batgirl's body went limp as William continued to choke the fight out of the superheroine.

Releasing his grip on Batgirl's slender neck, William lowered her unconscious body to the table and turned Batgirl over unto her back. Making sure the young woman was unconscious, he reached between her slightly parted legs and unzipped the costume covering her womanhood, exposing her extremely wet and glistening sex seconds later. Smiling in total delight at the sight before him, William couldn't help but notice as Batgirl's hot juices escaped from the previously closed catsuit, to run down her legs to the table below. Reaching between Batgirl's legs a moment later, William began to finger her pussy lips, sending intense sexual energies to her brain, shocking Batgirl into consciousness a second later.

"Aagghh..., Uuuunnnnnnhhhhhhhh..., uuuuuuuummmmmmmm..., uuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh."

Keeping his fingers deep inside Batgirl's sex, William moved to fondle her breasts sending even more sensations to her brain. He grabbed Batgirl's left nipple and pulled it away from her body before allowing it to snap back to her aroused mammary a second later. Batgirl's head snapped forward as the nipple came back only to snap back to the table again when William released the extra-tight latex, allowing it to impact her left breast seconds later. Lost in the sex, Batgirl could do little else but moan as William continued to work her over.

"Uuuunnnnnnhhhhhhhh..., uuuuuuuummmmmmmm..., uuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh."

"I knew you wanted this Batgirl. You've tormented me long enough, so now I'm going to make sure you put out. By the time I'm through with you, you'll be begging for me to stop."

Batgirl continued to moan in total ecstasy as William rolled her over on her stomach. Finding the cum caked zipper a minute later, he pulled it up to her neck until Batgirl's costume separated, exposing the soft skin of her back. Pushing the tight, sweaty latex down her arms, William turned Batgirl onto her back and started stripping the costume from her body. Within minutes, Batgirl lay naked on the table before him. Her breasts were creamy white and her areolas, though reddened from the torture, were perfectly shaped, being no bigger than three-fourths of an inch. Her nipples, also reddened from the torture were relaxed but perfectly rounded as well. Caressing Batgirl's mammaries for several minutes, William couldn't believe the look and feel of her perfectly rounded breasts as they rose and fell in easy rhythms when she breathed. Leaning forward, William softly touched Batgirl's nipples, tweaking and twisting them in his fingers, bringing them erect within seconds. Continuing to fondle her right breast, William returned his left hand to Batgirl's wet pussy lips, tickling the labia hairs for several seconds. Even unconscious, the Dark Damsel's body responded to his touches as it started moving in gentle, sensual motions. She was moaning again, as he continued to service her body, bringing her alive again as another climax announced it's arrival. Seconds later, Batgirl regained consciousness instantly as he slid his fingers inside her, fingering her ultra-sensitive clit as her hot cum coated his fingers. Unable to resist William's attack on her sex, Batgirl's body began building to another orgasm, sending renewed sensations to her already weakened brain.

Though weakened, Batgirl tried to fight the sensations flooding her mind, but knew it was only a matter of time before she exploded in orgasm, sending intense sexual energies to her brain. Batgirl knew that if she climaxed again, the sensations would overwhelm her mind in seconds, making her an easy target for anything William wanted to do to her. Summoning whatever strength she could find, Batgirl started hitting and kicking William as she tried to back away from his grasp, but her weakened attack only served to make him enraged as he grabbed her hair and delivered a devastating punch to her breasts, propelling her naked body to the table a moment later. Not satisfied, he grabbed Batgirl's hair again and delivered another devastating punch to her face, rendering Batgirl unconscious in an instant.

Nightwing couldn't believe what William had done. He had just given Batgirl two tremendous hits that must have caused damage to her body. Without thinking, Nightwing raised his legs off the floor, putting extreme pressure on his wrists as the took the entire weight of his body within them. Looking up to the leather straps for the hundredth time, he noticed the straps were stretching, becoming looser by the minute. If he could just withstand the pain radiating up his spine before the straps came apart, Nightwing could save Batgirl. Even as he thought this out, the leather binding his left wrist separated sending intense pain through his right wrist as it now bore the entire weight of his body. Concentrating on the remaining strap and Batgirl's predicament, he glanced at the catfight still going on to his right and was just in time to see Minx grab a thick wooden board and swing it into Catwoman's vulnerable crotch. Grabbing her crotch in agonizing pain, Catwoman dropped to her knees a second before Minx took the board in her other hand and brought it down on the back of Catwoman's skull, knocking her near senseless instantly. Dropping the board a second later, Minx dragged Catwoman's wrecked body to another pillar and secured her senseless body to the pole. Finally, she reached into Catwoman's pouch and brought out a needler filled with concentrated Catnip. Placing the small gun near Catwoman's neck, Minx emptied the entire contents into Catwoman's body, rendering her partner unconscious moments later. Now relaxed, Minx strolled over to the captive Nightwing and took in the continuing sexual drama unfolding before them.

"Just look at the two lovers, Nightwing, they're really getting it on."

"Cut the cute and innocent talk Minx, you know they're both drugged. No matter how you look at this it's still rape."

"True, but how do you know Batgirl didn't want it all along? I mean, look at her now. Do you see her putting up a fight or trying to resist in any way? Hell, she's even stripped for the old man. It's just like I said, she's nothing more than a slut. Giving her body to anyone that will turn her on. Whereas I...."

"Whereas you are nothing more than a cheap whore, giving your body to anyone and anything you can get your hands on, including Catwoman, me, and most likely the family dog. I've heard it a thousand times, Minx, and it still doesn't wash. You still have to drug Batgirl to defeat her."

"Well of course. Where would the fun be if you couldn't control the events?"

Furious that Batgirl and William were being manipulated, Nightwing summoned his remaining strength and pulled down on the leather straps with all his might. Screaming out as the leather dug deeper into his raw skin, Nightwing was finally able to break the remaining strap, freeing himself seconds later as he dropped to the ground. Drained by the continual strain on his body, Nightwing was too weak to put up much of a fight and soon found himself on the defensive against a much fresher Minx as she tried to capture him again.

As Nightwing and Minx fought it out on the sidelines, Batgirl found herself in deep trouble. She had barely regained consciousness when she saw William unzip his pants, exposing his huge member a moment later. Seeing the size of his cock, sent chills of intense fear to her brain as she knew it was way too large for her hole. If William managed to penetrate her sex, his massive member would do severe damage to her womanhood, possibly destroying it all together. Still weakened by drugs and William's beating, Batgirl knew she didn't stand a chance of defeating him in her present condition since he was twice her size and still aroused. She also knew Catwoman's drugs increased his sexual desires which also increased his strength. Thinking fast as he continued to move towards her, Batgirl decided the only possible thing to do was to kick William between the legs and hope it knocked him out. She knew her timing would need to be perfect and she knew she would have only one chance. As William approached her, Batgirl drew her leg back and then kicked out with all her strength, connecting with his maleness seconds later. Grabbing his abused member a second later, William fell across the table and screamed out in pain a second before he punched Batgirl between her own legs, flooding her brain with debilitating pain from the sharp blow. Crying out in excruciating pain, Batgirl grabbed her crotch and rolled over, falling from the table to land on the ground a moment later. Still crying out, Batgirl rolled around as she tried to absorb the pain, but gave up minutes later as her mind, overwhelmed with the intense pain radiating through her sex, began to shut down. Within minutes Batgirl fell unconscious, leaving her open for whatever an enraged and vengeful William was planning for her.

Batgirl's agonizing scream abruptly stopped the fight between Minx and Nightwing as both looked in Batgirl's direction. Neither of them knew what had happened but they could easily see William grasping his manhood between his hands. Thinking quickly, Nightwing surmised that Batgirl had somehow injured the larger man and William must have retaliated, delivering a blow of his own to Batgirl's sensitive groin. Turning to face Batgirl, Nightwing opened himself up for an attack from behind. He never saw Minx as she picked up the same board she had used to defeat Catwoman. Seconds later, he found himself falling to the ground as she delivered a sharp blow to the back of his skull, knocking the young hero unconscious instantly.

Recovering from Batgirl's latest kick, William got off the table and went to the young heroine's side. Bending over, he grabbed Batgirl by her sweat matted hair and pulled her comatose body from the floor a minute before throwing her onto the table again. Rolling her onto her back, William looked around and soon found a length of rope lying nearby. Tying Batgirl's right wrist with the rope, William pulled her arm above her head and tied it off to the table leg. He wrapped the rest of the rope around the next table leg and then tied Batgirl's left wrist above her head as well. Throwing the rope under the table a minute later, he tied her ankles to the two remaining table legs and secured the rope across her stomach, tying it off near the first table leg. When he was finished, Batgirl was bound and helpless in a classic spread eagle tie, with her body restrained on the table. As if meaning to cause Batgirl pain, William rammed two of his fingers into her wet sex and roughly fingered her pussy, bringing Batgirl's body alive within moments. Batgirl was slowly regaining consciousness, groaning in total pain as he pulled his cum caked fingers from her sex, seconds before mounting her body. As his weight settled down across Batgirl's helplessly bound body, her eyes went wide as she realized what was about to happen to her. A minute later, she felt his huge cock slide into her and she snapped her head back as she tried to absorb the intense pain. Her entire body trembled as he began to move his member back and forth deep inside her, rubbing his massive head against her ultra-sensitive clitoris within moments. Batgirl knew she couldn't hope to fight the sensations building within her womanhood and she soon felt a particularly powerful climax begin to announce its arrival. Seconds later, Batgirl exploded as the orgasm flooded her entire body with sensations she had only dreamed of ever having. Her body jerked as the passion continued to flow through her, sending her hot cum to William's body seconds before it trickled down her open thighs. Batgirl barely had time to catch her breath before a second powerful orgasm washed through her weakened body, turning her mind to jello a minute later.

William couldn't believe how tight Batgirl was as he continued to ram his throbbing cock deep inside her. In the back of his mind he felt he might be doing serious damage to her sex, but he didn't care as the powerful Pheromone drug blocked any ability to reason on her behalf. With his throbbing member still implanted deep within Batgirl's sex, William leaned forward and bit down on her aroused and extremely sore right nipple, bringing cries of pain and pleasure from Batgirl's trembling lips. Sliding his member out of her wet vagina a moment later, William went around and cut the ropes binding her body to the table. Moving quickly so as not to give Batgirl a chance of escaping, if she even could, William reentered her love canal and rammed the head home against her extra-sensitive clit, sending massive sexual energies to her brain. Batgirl climaxed within minutes and found herself slipping into unconsciousness from the strain. Wanting something new, William reached behind the superheroine and slowly brought her sexually weakened body up, until she was sitting on his thick, pulsating shaft. Awakened almost instantly, Batgirl could do little else but moan as he moved her sweaty body up and down upon his member, forcing his thick member in and out of her sex with each passing minute. Her mind totally lost to the passions flowing through her, Batgirl slowly succumbed to Williams continued attack, as her brain, overpowered by the intense sexual energies, began to lose all control over her body. Several minutes later, Batgirl collapsed as an earth shattering orgasm announced it's arrival sending her hot cum down William's thick, pulsating shaft, to form a small pool of the juices at the base of his cock.

Nightwing painfully regained consciousness only to find he was tied up again. He was still lying on the floor, but his body was stretched out, allowing for someone to climb on top of him if they wanted to. Considering who had won the fight, this fact didn't surprise him. Looking at his hands as he tried to find a way to escape, he noticed Minx had bandaged his wrists to prevent him from bleeding too much. Feeling Minx's hands on the latex costume just above his maleness a second later brought his attention back to Minx as she rubbed his member to an erection a moment later. Moving around to look in the hero's face, Minx grabbed the back of Nightwing's head and gave him a rough kiss on his mouth, biting his lip in the process. With blood trickling down his cut lip, Minx lowered her tight body to his, laying on top of him as he laid on the ground. Leaning forward, she rested her arms on Nightwing's chest and moved in for a more delicate kiss. Her face close to his, she never saw the Huntress as she moved to stand behind the young feline. Minx was just lowering her face to his when she felt a sharp pain at the back of her head. Minx barely had time to look around before she fell unconscious, rolling off Nightwing's body a minute later. Checking to make sure Minx was out, the Huntress knelt down beside Nightwing and started to untie him.

"Huntress, forget about me. I can get out of these. Go check on Batgirl, please. I'm not sure of her condition but William just raped her. Oh, and Huntress, take it easy on William, ok?"

Allowing Batgirl's devastated body to slowly fall back to the table, William slid his still throbbing cock from inside the heroine's wet sex and dismounted Batgirl. He had just finished zipping his pants back up when he suddenly felt someone's hand on his shoulder. Hesitating for only a second, he sent his elbow into the face of his would be attacker, driving the Huntress to the ground in pain a moment later. Shaking her head to remove the cobwebs in her mind, she stumbled back against a precariously stacked pile of wood and soon found herself trapped by the falling boards, and unable to move. William couldn't believe his eyes. He had just finished fucking Batgirl and here was the Huntress. He had been looking at her fine body for some time also, and even though he knew she wore a bra and panties, he was sure she could put out as much if not more than Batgirl. Reaching down to the trapped superheroine, William grabbed the Huntress by the front of her costume and pulled her body from under the heavy boards. Finding herself free, the Huntress delivered a swift punch to William's face, but to her surprise he blocked it and pulled her towards him a minute before sending a hard punch to her temple. Knocked senseless by the sudden blow to her head, the Huntress was helpless to resist William as he dragged her towards Batgirl's prone body.

A minute later she felt her body being bent forward across the table and opened her eyes just in time to see her face being lowered to Batgirl's wet sex. Throwing her arms out to the table, the dazed Huntress tried to keep from being shoved down to Batgirl's unconscious body, but William was just too strong. Getting mad, he delivered a slight cusp to the back of the heroine's head, knocking her senseless again as he lowered her face into Batgirl's soaking wet pussy. Inhaling Batgirl's hot cum seconds later, the Huntress soon found herself getting turned on as her body responded to the oral sex. Her nipples were getting hard and she could feel her own sex getting damp as her body reacted to the experience. Soon, the Huntress's mind was overpowered as her body, overwhelmed by Batgirl's naked body and hot juices, succumbed to the feeling of ecstasy seconds before she experienced a mind-numbing orgasm. Her body went limp, as she swam in the relaxed feelings of afterglow, her body writhing in pleasure. Seeing that the Huntress was no longer a threat, William pulled her cum coated face from Batgirl's sex and laid her out on the table. Wasting little time, he removed her utility belt and unzipped the latex covering her aroused breasts and her glistening sex. The Huntress was already moaning in pleasure as he began to fondle her mammaries, sending intense sexual energies to her already weakened mind. Her body writhed in the total feeling of ecstasy as he shoved his hand in between her tightly closed legs a minute later, causing the Huntress to get even wetter. Moving her legs apart, he found her womanhood even more inviting than Batgirl's. The Huntress's mound was thicker than Batgirl's and her love canal seemed larger. William knew she would pleasure him to no end as he started fondling her nipples, bringing them erect within seconds. She was slowly coming around and it looked like she might pose a threat once more as she reached for his arm, so William quickly shoved two fingers into her pussy, fingering her ultra-sensitive clitoris seconds later. Overpowered by the sudden penetration, the Huntress fell back to the table and groaned in pleasure as her hot juices coated William's hand.

Meanwhile, Batgirl was slowly beginning to move as she began to recover from the ordeal. Picking her sexually spent body up, she rested on her fore-arms as she tried to focus her mind. Seeing the Huntress lying next to her and being sexually assaulted, Batgirl quickly regained her senses and attacked William, but she was still too weak to offer much resistance. William simply removed his cum soaked fingers from inside the Huntress and shoved them into Batgirl's open and inviting mouth, forcing her to lick and swallow the Huntress's juices. The sudden and unexpected move sent raw sexual energies through her ravaged brain. Within moments, Batgirl was totally senseless as her body succumbed to the sex once more. Unable to resist the sensations overwhelming her weakened mind, Batgirl slowly fell back to the table seconds before William shoved his fingers deep into her sex, bringing her body alive as he fingered her clitoris. In a matter of minutes, Batgirl's body was building to another climax. Even as she fought to resist William's latest attack on her body, a massive mind-numbing orgasm flowed through her raw sex, rendering Batgirl senseless in a moment.

Nightwing had just managed to untie himself and was getting to his feet when he witnessed Batgirl's latest climax. Her entire body, supported only by her head and heels arched upwards off the table for a couple of seconds before falling back to the table. He stood transfixed, as he took in the scene developing before his eyes. Batgirl was naked and literally out of her mind as she groaned in complete surrender, even as her body moved sensually on the table. Nightwing could tell her body was no longer under her control as her sexually weakened mind swam in an ocean of sexual bliss. He was just turning his attention to the Huntress when he saw Batgirl finger herself to keep her body excited. Shocked beyond belief, he watched as she removed her fingers from her hot cunt and brought them up to her mouth a second later. Watching Batgirl lick her own cum juices off her fingers sent chills down his spine in seconds. He had never seen her do this and it excited him a great deal. A minute later, he swallowed hard as he felt his member grow hard under his costume. Blinking his eyes for a moment, Nightwing took a deep breath and turned his attention to the Huntress who was writhing in ecstasy as William worked her over, bringing the heroine ever closer to a climax of her own. William had just slid his fingers back into her and was obviously fingering her sex as the Huntress screamed out in absolute pleasure. Before Nightwing could even move, William leaned forward and bit down on her right nipple, sending the young adventuress into a sexual frenzy within moments. Unable to fight the sensations flooding her devastated mind, the Huntress gave in to the passions building deep inside her body and exploded as an extremely powerful orgasm washed through her sex. She was pulling her hair as her body rocked back and forth in the excited throws of passion. Minutes later, she collapsed, gasping for breath as sweat trickled down her body. Nightwing stood by as a feeling of helplessness edged into his mind. He didn't want to hurt William, but he knew he had to act if he was to rescue Batgirl and the Huntress. As his anger grew, Nightwing glared at the elder Greystone, determined to end the torture, both to the heroines and to himself.

Seething with anger, Nightwing reached for his Bat-A-Rang and threw it at William's head, but the weapon passed over the elder Greystone's head as he leaned over to bite the Huntress's left nipple. Hearing the swishing sound of the Bat-A-Rang as it flew over, William stopped his torment of the Huntress and walked around the table to stand near Batgirl's writhing body, before he turned to face the young hero.

"Nightwing. I wondered when you'd show up. The ladies and I were just getting acquainted. I can see why you like Batgirl so much. I have to admit, she's is a good lay. The Huntress isn't bad either. They're both good fucks."

"William, I don't want to fight you, but this needs to stop right now. They don't want this, not from you."

"If you're not here to fight, then leave, boy. I've got the Huntress and Batgirl just where I want them, and I'm not about to stop just because a jealous teenager gets mad. You are jealous..., aren't you? Or are you just mad that I fucked their brains out before you got the chance to. For that matter, do you even know how to bang a woman?"

"I'm not here to discuss my abilities in sexual intercourse William. I'm here to stop you from doing any more harm to Batgirl and the Huntress. I know you're drugged and therefore not responsible for your actions, but it needs to stop here and now."

Nightwing's anger grew with each passing moment as he talked to the elder Greystone. He knew the older man was trying to set him up and get him angry and Nightwing thought he was doing a good job. The young hero knew that anger was an enemy and should he start to fight William, the anger would work against him as he got careless. Nightwing knew William was still under the influence of the Pheromone drug but he wasn't too sure about other possible drugs affecting his system. Thinking to himself, Nightwing knew the older man had defeated both Batgirl and the Huntress, even if they were both weakened, so William must still be strong enough to take him on as well. Nightwing was just moving into a battle stance when William grabbed Batgirl's labia and yanked hard, pulling out several of the glistening wet hairs seconds later. Batgirl screamed out in excruciating pain as her womanhood was torn apart. Grabbing her abused sex, Batgirl rolled into a fetal position seconds before falling to the ground. She attempted to get up, grabbing the edge of the table for support when a wave of intense pain overpowered her fragile mind and she staggered, falling into William's arms moments later. Doubling over with intense pain Batgirl collapsed a minute later as a painful groan left her parched lips. Stunned beyond words by William's ruthless attack on Batgirl's glistening sex, Nightwing lowered his guard and slowly moved towards the superheroine, forgetting about William all together. He was just reaching out for the unconscious woman when William picked Batgirl's pain wracked body above his head and threw her at Nightwing, hoping to knock them both unconscious by the impact.

Nightwing reacted faster than William thought he would and caught Batgirl before she fell to the ground but her dead weight forced him to his knees. Placing Batgirl's pain-drenched body on the ground a second later, Nightwing quickly moved into a defensive position as William moved in. A minute later, the elder Greystone doubled over in pain as Nightwing delivered a strong punch to his mid-section, followed by a stronger cusp to the back of his neck, forcing the larger man to the ground. Wasting little time, Nightwing picked up Batgirl's body and moved her to what he hoped would be a safer place, laying her next to the Huntress; who was just starting to wake up from her sexual stupor.

Turning back to face the elder Greystone as the large man got to his feet, Nightwing advanced, closing the distance between in minutes. Nightwing knew that for him to win he would have to put William down fast. William was easily four inches taller and close to eighty pounds heavier than he was, and Nightwing had already witnessed his stamina. Nightwing was also concerned with the heroine's safety as he slowly approached his foe. if he was to fail or be defeated, there wouldn't be anyone to defend the Huntress of Batgirl. Watching Nightwing from the corner of his eye, William acted as though he was hurt more than he was, hoping to draw the young hero in. His plan was working as Nightwing slowly approached, meaning to end the fight. At the last possible instant, William attacked and caught Nightwing completely off guard. Sending a solid right to Nightwing's stomach, William followed through with a series of punches to the hero's upper chest and face, pushing the young man back to the table with every blow. Dazed by the ferocious attack, Nightwing could do little more than try to block as many punches as he could. He was able to block most of them but a few got through his defenses, causing major damage with each blow. Nightwing couldn't believe how strong the older man was, but then he remembered what William had said a few weeks back. He had gone to college with Bruce. If this was true, then perhaps William had spared with Bruce in the past. Nightwing was just raising his left hand to block a punch to his face when William sent a jab to his neck, knocking the young man back on the table in pain. Unable to fight the pain traveling up his spine, Nightwing blacked out, leaving himself open for William's wrath.

William walked up to tower over the young hero as he took in Nightwing's unconscious form. Glancing at the two hot women lying on the table before him, he decided to ignore the young man, pulling his comatose body off the table moments later. It was his first mistake as Nightwing woke up minutes later and started to move. Lying on his stomach, Nightwing thought about the fight he had just lost. That he lost fights wasn't new, you won some and you lost some; but there was something familiar about this one. The moves William made and the sequence of punches reminded Nightwing of somebody; he just couldn't place where. Getting to his feet, Nightwing was just in time to see William backhand the Huntress, knocking her senseless before grabbing her sore breasts. She was groaning in both pain and pleasure as he attacked her body again, sending erotic sensations through the young heroine's mind. Batgirl was coming around as well and had managed to prop herself up on her left arm as she held her head in her right hand. A minute later, she looked William squarely in the eye and pleaded for the Huntress.

"William, let her go, please. I know you can hear me. You need to fight the drugs in your system. They should be weaker by now. Please William, it was bad enough that you fucked me, let her go."

"Still the bitch, huh Batgirl? I haven't fucked the Huntress yet. I only did you because Catwoman said you wanted me, but that was a lie, wasn't it? You only want your boy toy, Nightwing, don't you?"

"Yes, I do. I want him more than life itself. I want him...."

Batgirl never got to finish her statement as William backhanded her across the breasts, propelling the young adventuress to the table in pain a minute later. Without a moments hesitation, he reached for Batgirl's throat and started choking the life out of her even as he fingered the Huntress's tight pussy. Lost in the passions running through her brain, the Huntress could only watch her tormentor choke the life out of her friend. She knew Batgirl couldn't last long as the heroine's eyes were painfully fluttering to a close with the loss of the precious airflow to her brain.

"William, THIS....STOPS....NOW. Let Batgirl go and back away from the table. Don't try anything funny or so help me God, you'll regret it."

"What the hell are you talking about boy? You aren't seriously making a threat to me are you? I took mercy on you the last time because you're a man, but don't push your luck. Now get out of here."

"William, this is your last warning. If you don't do as I say, you will regret it. Now, Back off."

Seething with indignation for being treated like a school boy, William turned to face Nightwing. Nightwing could easily see the anger in his eyes, and he kept a close watch on his face as he knew it was the key to his aggression. In the last few moments, Nightwing had finally figured out just where he'd seen the fighting techniques used to defeat him only minutes before. The Batman used the very same techniques early in his career, and Nightwing had had to develop counter techniques to deal with it. Nightwing was sure that given time, and the proper attack, he could easily defeat William in close combat. He was still watching William's eyes when the elder Greystone moved his hand behind him and reached for Batgirl's right breast, but before he could even touch her mammary, Nightwing's second Bat-A-Rang connected with his hand snapping several bones upon contact. Howling in shear pain, William attacked, sending several kicks and punches to Nightwing's face and chest, but the young hero was able to block each one and deliver several punches of his own. Seething with pure rage, William attacked again, as he delivered several lightening kicks aimed at knocking Nightwing out, but again Nightwing was able to either block or dodge them, as he placed several kicks of his own into the elder Greystone's stomach and chest. Moments later, William decided to try trickery. Faking dizziness from the effort, William pretended to collapse as he slowly sank to his knees in surrender, but as Nightwing went to Batgirl's aid he jumped back up and tried to deliver a bone smashing punch to the back of Nightwing's skull. Sensing the attack, Nightwing ducked sideways and under the punch, then turned and threw a punch into William's stomach with both hands, doubling the older man over in pain. Reaching into his utility belt a second later, Nightwing sprayed a liberal amount of Bat-Sleep into William's face rendering him unconscious within seconds.

Staggering over to the table, a very tired and concerned Nightwing touched Batgirl's shoulder, then turned his attention to the Huntress. She was already sitting up and shaking her head as she returned Nightwing's gaze. Seeing her begin to move from the table, he quickly went to her side, stumbling over the table leg in the process and helped her stand as she found herself a little shaky from the sexual tortures. Using Nightwing's strong arms for support, the Huntress reached between her legs and searched for the zipper, pulling it up to close her latex catsuit a minute later. Her body trembled as the latex made contact with her extra-sensitive and extremely sore nipples and she almost fainted when she moved, as the zipper dug into her raw sex a minute later. Seeing the weakness in her eyes, Nightwing continued to hold onto the Huntress, making sure she was safe until she had regained her strength. When she finally nodded her head, Nightwing released her and allowed the Huntress to work on Batgirl. Moving to William's unconscious body, Nightwing recovered the headset his family used to communicate with and placed a call to the Greystone compound. Considering the late hour, he thought he would have to wait some time for an answer, but Beth returned the link almost instantly.

"Nightwing? What in the name of the gods is going on up there? We sent the Huntress up to find you hours ago and haven't heard from her since. Are you all right?"

"Yes Beth, I'm fine..., just a...little tired. If..., if it isn't too much to ask, send someone up to help us out?"


"We..., had a problem..., but it's calm now. We might..., might need...some med..., med...."

As Nightwing continued to speak into the headset stars began to appear in front of his face. Soon he was shaking his head as he tried to focus his thoughts on the conversation. Nightwing had fought the entire fight on adrenaline and it was now wearing off, leaving an exhausted Nightwing in its wake. His wrists were bleeding again and the fatigue, coupled with the loss of blood only exasperated his condition, causing him to get dizzy seconds later. Before he got the next sentence out of his mouth, he staggered, and fell forward to the table, but at the last moment, he managed to put his hands in front of him; preventing his weakened body from landing on top of Batgirl as he tried to control his movements. He was breathing heavily as his head hung below his shoulders while he tried to rest and regain his strength. The Huntress looked up instantly and moved to his side only to catch the young hero as he slowly sank to the ground. A minute later, she lowered his body to the ground, making sure to lay his head softly down and took the headset from his trembling hand. Keying the mike, she made an urgent call for assistance, not caring who or what answered the call.

"The is the Huntress. If anyone is out there, we need emergency units at this location..., now."

"Huntress? What's wrong? Where's Nightwing? I was just talking to him. Is he ok?"

"Beth? I don't have much time. I'm the only one standing here and that isn't saying much. Nightwing just collapsed from fatigue. William is unconscious as well, but I can't say what his injuries might be. Batgirl is simply a wreck and I'm not much better. We have both...wait. Damn. Scratch that, we have Catwoman in custody but Minx is still at large so I've got to go. There's no telling where that little bitch might be."

Dropping the headset, the Huntress moved into a crouching position and flipped her mask to night-vision mode, scanning the room for possible danger. She kept very still as she tried to listen for any sound which might trip up Minx and alert her to an attack. The Huntress knew Minx could be very quiet if she wanted to be and she was well adept at attacking without warning. Reaching for her crossbow, the Huntress suddenly discovered it was missing and this concerned her. If Minx found the weapon, she might bring it to bear against her or even Nightwing and Batgirl. Moving cautiously the Huntress turned around and thought she heard a small noise, just like the sound her crossbow made seconds before the arrow released to go find it's target. Thinking quickly, the Huntress dove for cover as an arrow tore through her cape seconds later. Her worst fears confirmed, the young heroine laid on her stomach and tried to figure out where the arrow had come from. Scanning the right side of the room brought nothing so the Huntress turned to look to her left. Scanning the left side, she finally found Minx as the young woman crept along the wall, trying to get a better angle on her prey. The Huntress also located her utility belt and quickly grabbed for the valuable item. Taking a chance, the Huntress rose to he knees and placed the belt around her slender waist, closing the buckle just as a second arrow found its mark, in her left side. Bending sideways as she grasped her side in pain, the Huntress dropped to the floor, but managed to roll onto her stomach a minute later; as she scanned the areas behind her. Massaging her sore ribs, the young heroine looked towards Nightwing, and silently thanked him for insisting on the improved Kevlar for her costume.

"We can keep this cat and mouse game up all night, Huntress. But, I'm sure we won't need to. By now you should have lost quite a bit of blood from the arrow in your side."

"I hate to disappoint you, but the Kevlar stopped the arrow. You'll have to..."

Her statement cut in half by a third arrow as it impacted the side of her head, the Huntress rolled over in absolute pain, while she held her head. Cursing herself for being so stupid and letting Minx know where she was, the Huntress scrambled behind the table and slowly rose to her knees, trying to reach for one of the powerful pain blockers in her utility belt. Popping one of them in her mouth an instant later, she was about to move back to the floor when Batgirl let out a long moan. The young woman was painfully regaining consciousness and the Huntress knew if Batgirl didn't remain quiet she would put herself in danger since the young adventuress wasn't wearing her Kevlar reinforced costume. Becoming instantly alert, the Huntress moved to Batgirl's side, as she tried to keep the weakened superheroine quiet. Placing her hand over Batgirl's mouth, the Huntress whispered into the Dark Damsel's ear and told her of the situation, asking if she understood a minute later. Batgirl painfully nodded her head in response to the question and tried to remain still, but another wave of pain washed through her body a moment later, causing her to moan again. The Huntress knew Batgirl would not be able to fight the pain flowing through her weakened body and hearing the distinct sound of her crossbow an instant later told her Minx had heard the moan as well and was taking aim at the stricken heroine. Moving quickly, the Huntress fell across Batgirl's body trying to protect her as an arrow impacted the top of the table, barely missing Batgirl's head as another moan escaped her parted lips. Staring at the arrow sticking out of the table, the Huntress swallowed hard, knowing it would only be a matter of time before Minx found her target; and did major damage to Batgirl's naked body. The heroine knew she needed to do something, but the Huntress didn't really know what. She knew she was on the defensive and that Minx had the advantage as the feline vixen had had time to explore the building long before the any of them had arrived. Thinking fast, she looked at Nightwing as he laid on the floor near a large piece of plywood. Looking back at Batgirl, the Huntress carefully lifted her weakened body off the table and laid the superheroine on the ground near Nightwing a minute later. Rolling Nightwing's body over Batgirl's the Huntress moved the plywood, propping it against a pole moments later, to protect their bodies. Looking around her, she quietly moved away from the two hero's, seeking to take the fight to Minx.

Moving to Catwoman's bound body, the Huntress checked to make sure she wasn't going anywhere then moved on to find Minx. The Huntress used anything she could find as cover as she made her way to the western side of the room, the area where she thought the last two arrows had come from, only to find that Minx wasn't there. Leaning against a door frame which led to the inner office the Huntress scanned the various crooks and crannies, searching for the woman she had grown to hate. Whispering to herself, she took in Batgirl and Nightwing, making sure they were all right as she tried to think where the little bitch might be.

"Where did you get off to Minx? You have to be in here somewhere. But wher..Aaaagggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

"I'm right here Huntress. You didn't think I'd leave you, did you?"

The Huntress's head exploded in pain as a heavy steel pipe came crashing down on the her skull. Stunned by the impact, the heroine dropped to her knees, but managed to hold on to the wall for support as she held her throbbing head. Seeing the Huntress still up, Minx took another shot, hitting the young adventuress in the back of her head again. The Huntress fell to the ground instantly, as her mind was overpowered with pain. She was groaning heavily as Minx knelt beside her and turned the young superheroine onto her back. The Huntress's body trembled as she tried to fight the pain cursing through her brain, but Minx could tell she was still conscious.

"What does it take to knock you out, Huntress? I've given you two good blows to your head, and while I can see you're really hurt, you aren't out. Do you hero's put padded Kevlar in your cowls and masks?"

"Wh..., what...are....yu...,you"

"I was going to kill you, and I still might, but now...? Killing you would be too fast. You hurt me, bitch, and I'm going to make you hurt, like you've never hurt before. Then, I'll kill you. For now, lets remove this utility belt. It has too many weapons in it, and by the way, I simply love your gas powered crossbow. Did you know you have Teflon tipped arrows? I hear Teflon goes right through Kevlar. But, where are my manners? Here I am doing all the talking. Do you have anything to say?"

Minx leaned across the Huntress and started to remove her utility belt, but found she couldn't. Grabbing the pesky belt in both hands, she tried to wrestle it from the young heroine's body but found it was locked tight. Getting mad, Minx let go of the buckle and cursed the Huntress. Looking up into the heroine's face, Minx suddenly noticed the young woman had her night vision activated and Minx decided to take it instead. Placing her hands on either side of the Huntress's face, Minx started to lift the mask from the stricken superheroine's face but to her utter surprise, the mask remained glued to the woman's face.

"Damn you, Huntress. What have you done to your costume? It must be glued to you. You put a lock on the belt. Unlock it now, or you'll be sorry."

"If....I..., I do..., I..., I'll be...even....more helpless."

"If you don't, you'll be unlock it bitch!"

"Fuck you!"

Seething with rage for the Huntress's continued resolve, Minx stared off into the distance as she tried to find something that could make the Huntress do as she wanted. Looking to her left, she finally saw something that would be even more delicious.

"Ok, Huntress. Keep the stupid belt and your secret identity. You've just sealed Nightwing and Batgirl's fate. You're in no condition to help them, let alone move and your arrow cartridge still has enough arrows to do the job. But..., I think I want to give you something to remember me by. Let see now, what to give you? Every time I take a step, my leg hurts like hell. I need to give you pain, even more pain than you have now, and I know just the place to give it to you, Bitch."

As Minx described her plans for Nightwing and Batgirl, she rested her hands on the Huntress's body. Thinking about the Huntress again, she began to trace the outline to the young heroine's right breast, sending intense sensations through the mammary as it came alive with feeling. Soon, Minx moved her hand to cover the Huntress's breast, a second before tweaking the nipple hidden just below the latex, bringing it alive in seconds. The Huntress, still weakened by the blows to her head, could do little else but bite her lip as she tried to fight the feelings, but her mind was soon overwhelmed as she found it hurt to think. Closing her eyes to fight the feelings, she never saw Minx bring her right hand back seconds before bringing it down to slap the latex covering her womanhood. Caught unawares by the sudden slap, the Huntress's head snapped back, hitting the hard ground and knocking her senseless instantly as the excruciating pain flooded her devastated mind. Her body arched slightly as a long gravel-sounding groan escaped her lips a minute before Minx unzipped the latex covering her womanhood, exposing her glistening sex a minute later. Reaching into the pouch hanging on her slim waist, Minx brought out a miniature vibrator, thumbed up the power to full, and slid it into the Huntress's wet sex, making sure the heroine's pussy enclosed completely around the little humming monster. Placing a kiss to her hand, she touched the Huntress's labia a minute before zipping her costume closed, sealing the vibrator deep inside the young heroine's body. As a final thought, Minx locked the zipper in place, preventing anyone from opening the costume and removing the vibrator.

"That should keep you occupied for a while Huntress. Before long, that little monster will overpower your already weakened mind, tormenting you to no end as it excites your sex. This little thing has ravaged Batgirl's mind in the past, sending orgasm after debilitating orgasm through her body. The last time I used it on her, she almost went insane. I wish I could be here to watch it, but as the saying goes, 'so many people to kill, so little time'. See you around, Huntress."

Leaving the Huntress to her own delicious torments, Minx rose and walked away to deal with Nightwing and Batgirl. Watching her leave, the Huntress slowly, painfully turned over and attempted to get up, only to fall back down as the buried vibrator rubbed against her ultra-sensitive clitoris; sending powerful sensations through her body. Grasping the area between her legs, the excited superheroine fell to the ground moaning in both pain and pleasure as the first orgasm flowed through her body, leaving her even weaker than before. The Huntress knew it was impossible to fight the sensations flooding her mind, but she also knew she had to get up and try to help the heroes. Thinking fast, the Huntress was trying to figure out someway in which to deal with the monster stuck inside her body, when she suddenly realized that Minx had made a mistake. The vibrator was buzzing away deep inside her and it was certainly keeping her excited, but as long as the gizmo stayed from her sensitive clitoris, she could control the amount of pleasure she was getting. She knew if she could control her movements, she might be able to keep from getting too excited and climaxing again. Slowly rising to her knees, the Huntress carefully reached up and grabbed a piece of metal sticking out of the wall and slowly picked herself up. The Huntress was moving very slowly trying not to set off the tiny monster buried deep inside her, knowing it would drive her back to her knees if she did. Resting for a couple of moments, the Huntress took a step towards the center of the room when she suddenly heard the unmistakable sound of multiple arrows impacting the hard ground several yards in front of her. Panicking, the superheroine quickly moved towards the sound only to stumble over several pieces of wood and collapse to the ground as the vibrator rubbed her clit again, sending intense feelings of pleasure through her sex. Grasping the latex between her slightly parted legs, the Huntress rolled around on the ground, moaning in total pleasure, as another, more powerful orgasm washed through her body, overwhelming her brain in minutes. The Huntress tried to absorb the feelings, fighting to stay conscious, but soon found herself slipping into blissful unconsciousness, even as another orgasm flooded her mind, leaving the Huntress open and vulnerable as Minx walked up to her. An hour later, a severely weakened Huntress found herself lying next to Nightwing and Batgirl, totally surrounded by arrows with her gas powered crossbow lying on her stomach. Getting to her feet, she soon discovered the vibrator was gone as were Minx and William.

Keeping a watchful eye on her surroundings in case Minx returned, the Huntress knelt beside Nightwing and felt for a pulse. Finding one, she moved to Batgirl and found she also was alive. She was surprised that Minx had left them both alive and unharmed, but the vixen did have William, and that would cause Batgirl to come after her. Locating Batgirl's costume a short while later, the Huntress started to pull it onto Batgirl's legs, when she noticed something was wrong. They were still alone. The Greystone clan had not arrived and it was almost morning. Finding the headset she had discarded earlier, the Huntress keyed the mike and waited for a reply. It came instantly as a very excited voice came back, demanding to know where they were.

"Huntress? Where the hell are you? We've been looking all over the place for you guys."

"We're still at the mill. Why haven't you brought help?"

"You called back and said not too. You radioed in that you had recaptured Minx and were bringing her in. Did you capture her or not?"

"No, she got me. She's escaped..., and she has William. Beth, Please get someone up here soon. Nightwing is still out of it, and I'm not sure about Batgirl. She was raped repeatedly and she has to be in bad shape. I still need to dress her before she wakes up."

"Raped? By who? Besides Nightwing, there wasn't another man up there except for....

....William.. No, not him, tell me William didn't rape Batgirl."

"I've got to go Beth. Please tell them to hurry, and I'm sorry."

Slowly laying the headset on the table, a saddened Huntress moved back to Batgirl and finished the process of pulling the ultra-tight, purple latex catsuit onto Batgirl's sleeping body. Finding the cape, she fastened it around Batgirl's slender neck, a minute before pulling on Batgirl's gloves and boots. Locating Batgirl's mask took some time, but the Huntress finally found it below Catwoman's body. Placing Batgirl's utility belt around her slender waist completed the look and the Huntress stopped to look at her two sleeping friends. Reaching into her utility belt, the Huntress pulled out two Ammonia tablets and moved over to Nightwing's body. Placing one of the tablets near the hero's face, she snapped the capsule and allowed the fumes to rise into his nostrils as he took in a breath. In moments, Nightwing regained consciousness and sleepily look up at the Huntress.

"How are you feeling Nightwing?"

"Better. How long have I been out?"

"About four hours I think. Its almost morning now. We still have Catwoman but Minx escaped, taking William with her."

"And Batgirl? How is she?"

"Still unconscious. I was about to wake her up, but I thought you should be awake when she comes around. She's lying here next to you. When you're ready, I'll pop a capsule near her nose."

Nodding his head, Nightwing rolled over to face Batgirl, moving to a sitting position as he took in the heroine's sleeping form. Even asleep, he thought Batgirl was incredibly beautiful as he placed his hand on her arm. Lightly touching Batgirl's right breast a moment later caused her body to jerk slightly, letting Nightwing know Batgirl's body was still extremely sensitive. Glancing at the Huntress to let her know he was ready, Nightwing picked up Batgirl's body and held her in strong arms, while the Huntress snapped the Ammonia under her nose. Within seconds, Batgirl began to regain consciousness as she moved almost sensually in Nightwing's strong grasp. Coming fully awake a minute later, Batgirl started thrashing her arms about as if to defend herself.

"Batgirl, stop. It's all right..., you're safe..., you are safe. Stop please..., I'm here. ok?"

Batgirl tried to focus her eyes on Nightwing's face while she slowly calmed down. Moments later she was looking at his features as if seeing him for the first time. Nightwing smiled at her but he could tell something was very wrong with the young adventuress. Batgirl wasn't exactly looking at him as much as to him and that concerned the young hero. Nightwing had seen the signs before and he could tell Batgirl was nearly in shock as her mind tried to deal with the pain William had forced upon her. Wrapping Batgirl's cape around her body to keep her warm, Nightwing held her in his strong arms and talked to her. He knew if he could keep Batgirl talking, he might be able to keep her from going further into shock. He knew Batgirl needed immediate medical attention, and he wondered where the Greystone's were. Reaching for the headset a moment later, the Huntress looked at a very concerned Nightwing and nodded her head.

"I've already called them Nightwing. They should be here any moment, but what Batgirl needs now is just what you're giving her; your attention, your understanding, and your love."

"Thank you. Huntress? Why does Batgirl always have to get hurt? Why can't I protect her? I..., love her so much, but I can't seem to be there when she needs me."

"She's Batgirl, Nightwing. She was patrolling the streets before you two met. As Alfred said, what she does is inherently dangerous. She has enemies, just as you and I do. Don't get down on yourself, I wasn't there either. But, the next time..."


"The next time I won't take it easy on William."

Nightwing smiled before he returned his gaze to the woman he loved. He was still thinking about his ability to protect Batgirl, but he knew the Huntress was right. There would always be times when he would not be able to protect Batgirl, and there would always be times when she wasn't there for him. Blinking his eyes, Nightwing allowed a tear to trickle down his cheek as he took in the beautiful angel lying in his arms. A second later, Batgirl reached up to softly touch Nightwing's face while she looked in his eyes. She could see tears forming in his eyes and she tried to understand why he would be crying. Wiping the tears away, she slowly lowered her hand as she turned to face away from the man she knew she loved, but also knew she'd shamed. Several minutes later, Nightwing was softly caressing Batgirl's arm and biting his lip when he heard what he thought was a whisper. Looking down at Batgirl, he saw her lips move as the young heroine repeated the statement. Her intense blue eyes were flooded with tears of her own and he could tell she was trying to tell him something. Pulling her splendid body closer to his, Nightwing listened to her words, repeated for a third time.

"I'm sorry for being such a nuisance Nightwing. I..., I promise not to make any trouble for you..., and Minx. I can move aside."

Confused by her words, Nightwing lowered his head and fought to keep from crying. His efforts were in vain as several more tears trickled down his cheeks to drip on Batgirl's right breast seconds later. Seeing the tears, Batgirl shakily moved her hand back up to touch his cheek, when he grabbed her arm to give her support. Still crying, Nightwing held Batgirl's hand by his cheek as he shook his head.

"Batgirl. I love you very, very much, and you'll never be a nuisance. I..., I was making a joke earlier, pretending you were Minx. I could never love her. I didn't know how stressed you were. I'm sorry, Batgirl..., I'm so, so sorry to have hurt you. Maybe someday you will be able to find it in your heart to forgive me. But, Batgirl, I could never love anyone else. If you were to die right now, a part of me would die as well, because I love you in a way I really can't explain."

" me? How can you? It's my fault that William assaulted and raped me tonight. William was right, this damn costume fits me too tight. I'm nothing but a whore and a slut. You can't want me?"

"Batgirl. This may be hard for you to hear, but you need to know it. It wasn't your fault for what happened here tonight, anymore than it was William's. Catwoman drugged him with a double dose of her Pheromone drug. Minx also drugged you, with a drug that kept you from reacting quickly, Your mind was confused and clouded by a drug making it easier for an aroused William to get you. Also, I personally think that costume fits you just fine; and you are not a whore or a slut. I never want to hear you call yourself those names again."

"William..., was drugged? Then he wasn't responsible for his actions. Thank you Nightwing. That makes me feel better. Is he ok?"

"We don't know. Minx took him with her when she escaped. I don't think she'll kill him. She needs him to lure us to where ever she's taken him."

"Nightwing, there's something you both should know. When I woke up, I was lying next to the two of you. I fell unconscious over there, but Minx put me here. She could easily have killed us tonight, and if you look at all these arrows, you can see what I mean. So the unanswered question is, why didn't she kill us?"

"I don't know, but knowing Minx there has to be a reason. Perhaps, it wouldn't have been fun."

A few minutes later, the medical teams arrived and began working on the hero's. The Huntress checked out fine, though the doctors insisted on monitoring her for awhile just to be sure the blows to her head wouldn't create any complications. Nightwing told the doctors she would be fine and to look for the pipe. He was sure the pipe was broken after hitting her hard head. Nightwing's wrists were tended to by a very disgruntled nurse which thought he had tried to commit suicide, a thought which set the Huntress and Nightwing off on a laughing fit just after the Huntress hit Nightwing in the shoulder for the hard head remark. When the medics tried to remove Batgirl from Nightwing's hold a few minutes later, they suddenly found themselves lying on the floor, recipients of a well placed kick delivered by Batgirl. Rising to their feet a moment later, they headed off to find the Huntress, trying to reason with her that Batgirl's condition needed to be explored. The Huntress returned a few minutes later with the concerned medics in tow, only to find Nightwing and Batgirl locked in a loving embrace. Nightwing held Batgirl in his arms and was giving her a very hungry, passionate kiss. Batgirl's arms were wrapped around his neck and returning the kiss, moaning in deep pleasure as he attacked her mouth with his. The Huntress was sure that their tongue's were dancing inside each other's mouths as they continued the kiss, showing their love for one another.

"Gentlemen. It looks to me as though Batgirl's condition is being fully explored already. I don't think you have anything to worry about, unless they stop breathing. Leave them alone."