The Femforce: The Infernal Affair part 1

Time to Read:25min
Added Date:9/14/2024
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Nightveil felt as if she was going to explode; her whole body was on fire! She had never experienced any sensations this intense before ... ever!! She had faced the dread Dormammu without fear; she had faced the fatal power of Oblivion; she had felt the unbridled joy of using her awesome magic powers and triumphing against evil; but she had never felt like this!

She felt as if she was floating on a tangible wave of pure ecstasy, and that the air around her was filled with sensual rhythms and colors, wholly attuned to her pleasure, as she convulsed with tremendous waves of orgasmic pleasure. Her whole body was alive to the most incredible erotic stimulus, like electric shocks covering her figure, and centered in her pulsating pussy, which seemed to emit visible tremors of sexually aroused vibrations along her entire naked, sweat- drenched body.

As she became more aware of her surroundings, and the delicious pleasure began to subside. she languidly opened her eyes, she was not surprised to find that she was indeed floating in mid air, surrounded by vibrating psychedelic colors filling the air in her bedchamber. The patterns swirled and eddied around her, caressing and stroking like delicate fingers, along her long, luscious thighs and glorious legs; up towards her swollen pussy mound; and then the multicolored mists seemed to settle around her large, heavy breasts, which had spilled out over her chest, and teased her already hard nipples. She dreamily recalled Synn's hallucinogenic constructs forming the most unbelievable array of dildos; some of which Laura almost fainted at with the delirious memory of their deep and engorging penetration of her pussy and ass.

She recalled, with a long drawn-out satisfied sigh, and a burning sensation in her dripping pussy that the highlight of their marathon lovemaking was when she was filled in every stretched hole, that she and Synn felt as if they wanted huge dicks deep inside them, not just Synn's construct dildos - lovely though they were; and she had had a stupendous idea!!! She concentrated, and whispered an ancient chant, and suddenly, they had both grown huge cocks, and had become hermaphrodites!! Synn squealed in absolute delight, and said how clever Laura was to think of wonderful erotic games; whilst stroking her new, large, thick cock until it was fully erect, and pushed it into Laura's already sopping hole. Her own massive cock was rigid and bouncing on her belly as Synn fucked her like a demon. They had swapped ends and organs, and had the most delirious fun with their temporary cocks; so much so that Synn asked to remain hermaphrodite for a while longer, she was so turned on by it!! Laura suggested that they do this again soon, and she would give Synn a cock again some other time, as they may have to leave fairly soon. Synn pouted good humoredly, and sighed deeply, and promptly drifted off into an exhausted slumber.

Laura opened her eyes further, and slowly, sensuously turned her head to the side, and saw Synn floating beside her, eyes closed, breathing rapid, and looking flushed and very beautiful after their passionate lovemaking.

Synn, of course, was the cause of the swirling mists and colors; which, in her torrid ecstasy, she had conjured up, and was still forming in her erotic bliss-world, stroking her lovers body with fine tendrils of rainbow wisps of ether.

Laura looked at Synn and felt a deep wave of love. She was such an innocent in many ways; although her past had been troubled, she had retained her child-like innocence in many ways. She was a wonderful friend, absolutely honest, loyal and very supportive. She was also one of the most powerful beings on Earth, as well as a fantastic lover, and Laura loved her deeply.

Synn raised her arms in her sensuous delight, wriggled her huge, breasts; and brought her hand floating down to rest on her shaved pussy - engorged with recent finger and wild dildo fucking. Still obviously enthralled in dream-like sensual visions, she began to writhe and moan ever so slightly, and to gently rub her pussy lips; seeking out the erect clitoris - by now red and swollen.

Laura looked down on her friend and her love, and smiled in delight at the response their lengthy coupling had created. It wasn't often that they had any time for love; or any normal things for that matter; so they all tended to make up for lost time.

The Femforce were always on call it seemed, rising to ward off continuous threats from terrorists, or demons, or other-dimensional beings bent on the destruction of their world, their universe. General Strock, and their Federal commissions kept them very busy indeed. Lately, Laura thought, the action had been fast and furious, and she had found no time to retire to her shrine in the Everglades to meditate and find the inner peace that helps to build up her mystical strength. For she was probably THE most powerful being on the planet; although her modesty would not allow her to admit it.

As Laura watched Synn with deepest affection bring herself to her fourth or fifth orgasm by three-finger fucking her pussy so much that the creamy juices sloshed down Synn's gorgeous thighs, and turn into wisps of rainbow confetti that smelled of citrus, she mused that this interlude had been wonderful, but they had, unfortunately to return to Femforce Headquarters for a briefing on a new matter that Ms. Victory had rung her about a few hours ago.

She was about to reluctantly break off Synn's erotic dream, and reached out a hand to caress Synn's cheek, when suddenly, Synn arched her back, with her long, lovely legs wide apart; both hands working her pussy furiously-four fingers now pumping hard into her dripping mound; and let out a delirious moan and Laura saw her lover's cum spurt out of her swollen vagina lips and metamorphose into the most incredible multicolored streamers, swirling around, and coalescing into a misty likeness of herself!!!

Synn had been having an amazing wet dream about her!

Laura was so touched; and, if truth be known, was so turned on by watching her lover cum copiously all over the space around them; that she would have joined in the coupling yet again, if she had not had a will of iron, and recognized the need to meet their destiny elsewhere. As it was, her own pussy was very wet she realized, and she looked tenderly at Synn, who was subsiding in her orgasmic throes, and the air around the bedchamber was becoming calmer, and more restful.

Laura willed herself to float back down to the bed, and gently took hold of Synn's hand as she did so, and tenderly pulled Synn with her. The touch of her beloved's hand caused Synn to awaken, and her enormous green eyes opened, saw Laura and smiled like a languorous cat. She stretched her superb body in an engaging feline manner and reached over to caress Laura's large breast.

"Gosh, Laura, I must have cum a zillion times; I just couldn't stop!!"

"I know," said Laura, "I came at least five or six times myself, especially when you had four fingers right inside me, and your amazing construct dildos were certainly working overtime with me, not to mention that delicious, hard cock!"

"Oh, God, I remember! We must do that again, please, please, please, and soon; it was wonderful to have a cock AND a pussy, - I thought I was in Heaven! Oh, I do love you so Laura," sighed Synn. "I just can't stand not being able to hold and kiss you when we're out in public with the girls in the team. Sometimes I get so overwhelmed by love for you, and so turned on by your body in that outrageous costume, that it's all I can do to stop myself from fondling you in our Femforce meetings!"

Synn enfolded Laura in her arms and offered her lips to be kissed, and Laura wasn't about to refuse such a precious gift!

After they reluctantly broke off, Laura said with a touch of regret in her voice; "I know exactly what you mean Synn, and that's probably partially due to the fact that we hardly get any time to love each other properly, and also because the excitement of our work is sometimes a big turn-on. But, speaking of our work, Vicky called a while ago, and said that we should come to HQ for a briefing tonight on a potential threat that General Strock wants us to investigate."

"Okay," said Synn, "here we go again! Just let me whip up my uniform and synnestrophically shower and do my hair and make-up for you."

Synn closed her eyes, and Laura, who'd seen this sort of thing before, but was still entranced by it, watched. Synn's long, lustrous platinum hair began to act as if it was being brushed, and settled into it's usual simple and effective style; and at the same time, her red micro dress costume was synergising and appearing on her body gradually. Laura was able to delight in her beloved's gorgeous body as she watched the process; Synn was an awesomely beautiful girl, tall, with shapely shoulders, pulled back to show off and support very large, heavy breasts that stood up and had long nipples. Her tiny, muscular waist tapered to superb hips and incredibly long, subtly toned and stunning legs. Laura always felt a sense of awe that this remarkably gorgeous girl was in love with her!

Synn's costume and mask were complete now, with revealing neckline, peep-holes, hem just covering her ass, and tiny red knickers sometimes showing when she walked; and sexily set off by scarlet high-heeled boots. It was then but a moment's thought for the world's most powerful sorceress to instantly clothe herself in her own revealing, and decidedly sexy costume; and her mysterious Cloak of Darkness.

Laura herself was very tall, deceptively supple and muscled - the result of many years of physical training and work as the Blue Bulleteer, the masked crime fighter of the 40's and 50's. Her hair was raven-black, worn long and flowing, and her very beautiful face was accentuated by a domino mask, which set off her luminous, and sometimes disturbing gray eyes. She carried her body like a dancer, and there was grace in her movements. This was evidenced in her regal carriage, shoulders straight to support very large, heavy breasts, that did not seem to sag, but rather to be erect, and were therefore somewhat spectacular! Her waist was tiny in proportion, and showed off her wonderful hips, superb ass, and startlingly long, muscular legs. The whole effect was one of a Queen of regal bearing, who was exquisitely lovely with an almost unearthly beauty.

Laura had designed her costume herself, and remodeled it many times by magical means. She had effected a very revealing and sexy costume when she was the Blue Bulleteer, on the basis, she said, that male - and some female - criminals were often shocked by it, enough so that the momentary distraction thus afforded, allowed her a great advantage of surprise for attacks. This concept had proven itself many, many times over the years; and her Nightveil costume was based on the same premise. The skin-tight halter-neck bodice did little to contain her huge breasts, and the high-cut knickers in the same deep blue material showed off her incredible long legs wonderfully. But it was the four inch heel shoes, deep blue stockings, held up with skull suspenders to match the broach at her throat, and her long gloves reaching beyond the elbow, which gave a heart-stopping sexuality to her appearance. Her long, flowing Cloak of Darkness, with a hood of the same deep blue finished off a bizarre and stunning effect.

Laura had to admit also, that her intentions in having such an outrageously alluring costume as a crimefighter with the Femforce; was also because she knew that it drove men - and women - crazy! Especially Synn, who she was pleased to know, had admitted to her that she has become wet by just gazing at her. Laura was so amazed and turned on by the thought of such a devastatingly gorgeous girl like Synn lusting after her, that she used the sexiness of the costume to it's fullest effect.

There had been a days lull since the Femforce had helped to subdue Garganta, who had unfortunately taken exception to the treatment of dolphins at Miami zoo, and had been assaulted by a rogue warder, who had caused her to lose control for a short while. As a giantess, she had caused considerable damage and panic, and the Femforce had been called to help in calming and capturing her.

Laura and Synn had taken advantage of the break to spend some time together at Laura's palatial home in Fort Lauderdale; being able to indulge their wildest fantasies as a means of both expressing their deep love for each other, and as a sense of release from the almost constant tension in their lives.

It had been a happy interlude, but now, as she and Synn walked hand in hand towards the hall of the huge mansion, Laura wondered what was in store for them now.

She left instructions with the Housekeeper, and led Synn into the Drawing Room, where she embraced and kissed her lover fondly, before saying, "Well, Synn, here we go again. Are you ready to go to HQ in Orlando?"

"I'd rather stay here with you forever Laura," said Synn, "but we have a duty, so let's go!"

Nightveil recalled a spell of transportation, and moving her shapely arms in cabalistic designs, the very air became intangible and suffused with darkness; and so, to the outside eyes, they disappeared; only to materialize suddenly out of thin air in the Femforce HQ meeting room, with a loud "whoosh!" of displaced air

"For God's sake, Laura, can't you knock or something!!?" said She-Cat angrily, who nearly jumped out of her skin when the pair burst into being without warning. She-Cat picked herself up from the floor and righted the chair she had upset in her surprise at Nightveil and Synn's appearance, who stood quietly together holding hands for a moment, before they walked over to take seats together at the large table.

The Briefing Room at Femforce HQ was modernistic, large and with a high ceiling, and one wall was covered in a bewildering array of telecommunications screens. These had been installed and were monitored by Captain Video, who, after the emergence of Heroes from Dr. Weir's Vault, had embraced new computer technology and adapted it for the use of surveillance and communication via satellite links. From this room. Ms. Victory, as leader of the Femforce, could be in instant contact with their Military Liaison - General Roberta Strock - at the Pentagon; or any of the Heroes in the Femforce team, the Sentinels of Justice, or any of the other Vault Heroes, should any emergency threaten the safety of the world.

Seated at the large, oval table in the center of the room were She-Cat and Tara, the Jungle Girl. Tara was indolently leaning back in her chair, with her fetching long legs displayed, and her feet resting on the table top. She wore only an abbreviated striped green bikini with a large and vicious dagger sheathed low on her shapely hip, suspended there by a leather belt. She was an attractive brunette, with a striking, athletic and lean, figure; with fairly large breasts showed to advantage in her tiny top, which emphasized her ample cleavage. She looked bored and irritable.

"Here come the lovebirds at last," said Tara, "How are you both? Well enough to begin the meeting I hope. I've been waiting simply ages for everyone to show up." Her voice betrayed a little of her Rich-Kid spoiled background.

"Aww, are we keeping the little lady waiting, so she can't go shopping at the Mall? What a damn shame," said She-Cat in a very derisory tone. She couldn't resist trying to get a rise out of Tara by reminding her of her "silver-spoon" family background.

She-Cat was an amazing figure, and a very disturbing one too. She was a statuesque redhead, superbly proportioned, but where Synn, for example was subtly muscular under the skin, Jess was a quite a little more overtly muscular and fierce looking, despite her attractive, elfin face. She looked obviously feline and feral, as one befitting the representative of the Cat God Sekhmet, but her lovely, lean body showed a sense of latent power and danger just barely restrained. The eerieness of her appearance was heightened by her cat-like eyes with their vertical, oval pupils! Her scarlet costume matched her long, wild deep red hair, and was simply a strapless leather swimsuit cut very high on her thigh to accentuate her long legs with muscular thighs, and tight ass. The bra cups of the suit seemed to lovingly fondle her ample breasts, but looked as if they could spill out at any time! The costume was completed by sexy high heeled boots, a scarlet mask with long, pointed cat-ears, and she sometimes sported a short leather jacket and gloves to finish the ensemble.

Tara jumped up, glaring at She-Cat, and was about to launch herself across the table at Jess, when the telecommunication wall buzzed into life, displaying the likeness of General Roberta Strock.

Everyone subsided and focused on the screen as the Military Liaison Officer for the Femforce said, "Good evening ladies, thank you for coming. I see that there are only four of you. Does anyone know where Ms. Victory has gotten to? She organized this meeting, and I did impress upon her that it was important; perhaps not an emergency ... yet, but priority nonetheless."

Nightveil said in her calm, but regal manner, "Vicky rang me this afternoon about this gathering, so obviously she planned to be here. I could try an all-seeing spell to locate her if you wish it, General Strock."

She-Cat hurriedly intervened to say, "Don't bother, Laura, I'm sure Vicky will arrive soon. She said that she was going to see Yankee Girl, to ask her help in whatever this new menace was." Jess had a wicked, smirk on her face, and she winked knowingly at Tara, who looked somewhat bewildered.

"Yes, well, I hope she appreciates the seriousness of this situation, and the potential for global disaster!"

"I'm sure she does, General," said Synn quietly but firmly. "Vicky is a wonderful leader, and takes her position very seriously indeed. She is always ready to get into places where she can penetrate successfully, and bring things to a satisfactory climax, especially when .... what's the matter, Jess?"

She-Cat had snorted loudly, and was rocking in her seat, laughing and shaking with glee. "Sorry, Synn ... heh, heh ... it's just something you said," she replied, and winked at Tara again.

"What .... how have I given you cause for mirth? I don't recall saying anything funny." Synn was little incensed, for a side effect of gaining her Lysergic powers, years ago, had caused her intellect to occasionally fluctuate between just below average and child-like; to near-genius. She was currently well higher than average, and resented She-Cat thinking her to be dumb, or an "airhead."

Just then, the large double doors opened, and Ms. Victory stood on the threshold. She stood erect and proud, waiting to gain their attention.

"Sorry I'm a little late everyone, but look, I've persuaded Yankee Girl to join the team."

The entrance was certainly dramatic, and Joan Wayne, known as Vicky - Ms. Victory - had planned it so, for there were one or two of her comrades who may have thought that Lauren Mason, aka Yankee Girl, might be a bit of a lightweight. She wasn't, of course, and Vicky wanted to make sure that everyone knew that she, as Team Leader personally vouched for her. Lauren was fearless and indomitable, but sometimes just lacked confidence in herself in this new era she had awakened into after 50 years in the Vault.

What Vicky didn't realize was that the effect she wanted had paid off, but there were other reasons for the stunned silence which met her gaze.

She just didn't realize the arresting picture she made, standing framed in the doorway, holding hands affectionately with Yankee Girl. Vicky was very tall, and she was strikingly beautiful, with "All-American" long, wavy blonde hair, and deep blue eyes that seemed to radiate power and personality.

It was her figure though that made everyone catch their breath, and her wide-legged stance, hand on hip that was something to see. Her costume was a very brief, micro dress, with an unbelievably deep "V" neckline to below her navel. Her huge breasts were clearly visible in the nonexistent neckline, and they spilled out of the bodice. Her superb figure was statuesque, and her incredibly long, shapely legs were showed off to perfection in high-heeled boots.

She certainly made an impression standing wide-legged and voluptuous, but the other reason for the intakes of breath amongst the girls present was the vision of Lauren Mason, Yankee Girl.

Vicky and Lauren together just made an unbelievably erotic picture; because, most of them hadn't seen Lauren at all since she emerged from the Vault, and although they vaguely remembered that she was supposed to be a stunner, seeing her, here, together holding hands with Ms. Victory, just took their breath away.

For where Vicky was stunning, and a very erotic looking woman, she paled beside Lauren, who, they all thought, was just drop-dead, fucking amazingly gorgeous!!

Nightveil, even though she loved Synn deeply, couldn't help but be highly aroused by the sight of this unbelievable goddess. She felt her nipples harden, and she had to lick her lips, as they seemed to have gone dry. But her pussy had conversely acknowledged Lauren's great beauty by becoming sloshingly wet!

She-Cat also wasn't immune to the power of Yankee Girl's sexual force, and immediately felt intensely turned-on. Good God, she thought, I must be losing my marbles. I can't remember Lauren being this fantastic. Christ, my love juices are seeping out of my suit!!

Jess tried unobtrusively to move her lovely ass on her seat, so that her pussy lips wouldn't be uncomfortable, as she suddenly realized that her vagina had swollen and had become so wet!

Tara was used to the rich and famous, including Supermodels, and was less easily impressed by mere beauty, but even she was very turned-on by Lauren's appearance. My God, what a body! I'd die for a figure like that ... look at those tits. My God, they're immense! I'd give anything to be able to take her in my hand, clothe her in the most exclusive and Goddamnedest, sexiest lingerie, and fuck that fantastic ass right off her!

Tara already had a loving, long-term relationship with Janis Lawson, who was the guardian of Taragonia Island, and whilst they had enjoyed many, many wild sex, and pussy-filling marathons; she just couldn't help being intensely aroused by Yankee Girl's amazing body. She felt guilty, but was immediately sexually attracted to this glorious vision, so that her nipples stood out like stalks, her tits filled out with desire; and her pussy got very hot and soaked with pre-cum. She felt about to pass out, but remembered Janis' lovely face in time, and the initial spell subsided into one of intense, aroused attraction!

Even Synn, who was definitely a one-girl girl, and was utterly devoted and deeply in love with Nightveil, had to catch her breath at Yankee Girl's exquisite and wildly sexual beauty. She felt herself, against her will, becoming very aroused, and her juices were beginning to make her panties quite wet.

She thought, Oh my Lord, I've never seen anyone so intoxicatingly lovely. She radiates sex in waves like a palpable force, but seems to have such a sweet and gentle manner, and so shy, that I'd guess that she's completely unaware of the effect she has on people. It would be fun to find out!

Lauren Mason, known as Yankee Girl, had gained her powers of flight, invulnerability and super strength through a magical encounter with Merlin the Wizard. She was an accidental Superheroine, and therefore a little unsure of herself at times. She stood, framed in the doorway, uncertain, and blissfully unaware of the sensation she was creating. In fact, she began to blush as a result of the open-mouthed stares she was getting from the Femforce members, and thought that the silence and lack of a welcome was a sign of their antipathy towards her becoming a member of the team, which she desperately wanted to be.

Her evident discomfort and shyness only served to make her even more becoming and alluring, and although the Femforce members snapped out of their reverie, and approached and welcomed her warmly; they were all still entranced by her devastating beauty. They all hugged Lauren and, the spell eased somewhat, began to chatter and ask her how she was finding readjustment to the modern world in a kindly manner; but they also wanted to be near her and drink in her loveliness.

Lauren was indeed a vision of breathtakingly sexual beauty. She was a tall woman with very long, lustrous raven-black hair that seemed to shine with black light. Her face was exquisitely perfect, with high cheek bones, full, sensuous lips, and the largest, most startling gray eyes, with long heavy lashes. She seemed to look at you with those hypnotic orbs and steal your will, so deep were they that you felt like you were drowning in her desire.

Her body was what you would imagine a Goddess of love would look like, and was unbelievably sexy. She had wide shoulders, superbly proportioned, tapering down to an amazing, tiny, firm waist and the most erotic ass you could imagine. Her legs were long, long, and seemed to go on forever - firm and deceptively toned and muscled; like the legs of a dancer. It was her breasts however, that arrested attention; they were absolutely immense, and indescribably gorgeous, with enormous, long nipples, and like Nightveil, her breasts were heavy, but did not sag, but stood erect, and were therefore rather spectacular.

Her costume only served to highlight her breathtaking loveliness and visible aura of sexuality. She wore a red and white striped, strapless and backless swimsuit, cut very high on her luscious thighs - nearly to her waist; and which incorporated a thong between her superb and succulent ass cheeks. The bra cups of the costume tapered to points, and seemed only to merely caress, gently fondle and lightly hold her staggering tits; barely restraining, and hardly containing them at all. When she moved, her breasts did unbelievable things, and had often caused men and women to swoon. It was probable that this ridiculously erotic costume was held in place by magical means, as it was so skin-tight and skimpy that it would not have been possible otherwise.

The costume was completed in it's "Yankee" motif by blue gloves, blue four-inch spike heeled, sexy ankle boots; and a long flowing blue cloak with a high collar, and white stars all over it.

She was an erotic vision designed and built for sex, that drove men and women mad with desire; she radiated intense sexual allure, but seemed unaware of this power. In fact her innocence and natural shyness seemed to contrast with the astonishing sexuality of her appearance; but just heightened the effect! Were she aware of all this, and able to shape and control it, Ms. Victory and Nightveil thought simultaneously, then she would be unstoppable!

Both Vicky and Laura and Jess were able to remember Yankee girl from the 40's, and couldn't recall her having this degree of effect on people then; perhaps it was a side-effect on her of slumber in the Vault, or a further manifestation of her magical power, or both? She was undeniably fabulous, and Laura could remember having the crazy hots for her back then; but not to this extent! Ms. Victory mentally shrugged, content that she and this astonishing creature were sharing a deep and passionate love. Nightveil, however, still affected by Lauren's sexual aura, was able to reconcile her aroused feelings, and resolve to look into this phenomenon at a later time.

None of those present had ever seen a girl so unbelievably lovely, so perfect, and who personified their wet-dreams so intensely. They were staggered, and thought that she must be the absolutely most beautiful and sexiest creature in the Universe! None were untouched by her beauty, and all were affected by her presence; alternatively wanting to protect her, be near her, and fuck the ass off her!

Ms. Victory smiled as the others came up to warmly greet Yankee Girl into their ranks, and lead her to a seat at the table; offering coffee, donuts, and generally being attentive to her.

Lauren thought, They do like me ... oh, I'm so relieved. The Femforce are so famous and brave, and I thought that they may feel that I wasn't good enough to join. She uncertainly smiled at her new teammates attentions, and joined in the chatty conversation break, visibly warming to them.

As she chatted with Synn, She-Cat and Tara, Yankee Girl thought, Good Lord, how fabulous these girls are ... Synn is probably the most fantastic, just look at her legs, and those beautiful tits; I don't think I could ever be as gorgeous as that! She instinctively smiled devastatingly at Synn .... who almost passed out, having an instant orgasm that soaked her panties, and she had to excuse herself, and wobbly on her feet, teleport to her room for clean underwear.

When she got back, Nightveil caught her eye, came over, kissed her, and said, "It's okay, Synn. I can feel it too, but don't worry. Our love is very strong and will sustain us."

Synn smiled deeply, much relieved, after feeling guilty and upset about her reaction to Lauren.

Meanwhile, Lauren had been watching Nightveil's slinky walk, and became aroused when she kissed Synn, and thought to herself, Gosh, they are both so sexy! I sure am lucky to be with Vicky. She is even more fantastic ..... why, I even altered my costume to make it more sexy to attract her, never dreaming that she would fancy me. God, she makes me feel so horny!!

As she became more aroused at these thoughts, and her huge nipples swelled in her tight, restricting bodice, and her crotch became hot and tingly, she turned to look longingly at Ms. Victory standing in the doorway, and ran her eyes over Vicky's huge, juicy tits, and let her gaze travel down the superb body to her stunning, long legs, and the teasing glimpse of red panties and full ass under the micro skirt.

Her sultry gaze, eyes wide open with such concentrated desire and passion towards her lover, was so powerful, that Vicky, receiving the full force of Lauren's lusty sexual allure, suddenly felt as if she had been whalloped in the stomach - her knees buckled; her tits swelled with arousal, and her pussy literally gushed cum so that her panties were sopping wet with an instant, unbidden orgasm! She felt like passing out, and stumbled over to grasp the back of a chair for support, until Lauren looked away, distracted in conversation by She-Cat.

Oh, my God, thought Ms. Victory. She's only done that twice, and each time I feel as if her sexual desire was going to swallow me into a pool of ecstasy. What an incredible force!! I must ask Nightveil if she thinks Lauren's very considerable sexual attraction is in some way augmented by some new power.

Ms. Victory knew the devastating effect that Yankee Girl's unearthly erotic beauty would have on the others, and was very pleased with herself for surprising them all with her unparalleled beauty, and was happy that the Femforce would have enhanced power with her present. It was also good for Lauren, she thought, as her confidence was often low since she had wakened from the Vault, assisting the Femforce with all the other Vault Heroes against the Shroud. She had tried to pick up the threads of her life later, but had found that all her family, friends and her considerable fortune had all gone.

She was alone and friendless; and even though General Strock had suggested to her through Vicky, that Femforce lawyers would be able to establish her identity, and access to her inheritance, it would take some time; meanwhile, she just felt bereft and despondent. Strangely enough, her sexual allure wasn't as strong then, it had only seemed to grow over the last month or so, as she had acclimatized to her new world, 50 years into her own future.

She was very vulnerable at this time, and possibly open to exploitation by others, so Ms. Victory, who was sympathetic and also already attracted to her and affected by her great beauty, offered to let Lauren share her apartment. Lauren had gratefully accepted, with a huge sense of relief at being noticed and supported by this staggeringly lovely woman, Ms. Victory. Lauren herself, although down at heart at this time, couldn't help but think Vicky was sex personified!

Inevitably, Lauren fell deeply in love with Vicky, and was beyond happiness when she realized that her love was reciprocated ten times by Ms. Victory; Lauren just could not believe it, she was so overjoyed and overcome. Living in the same apartment, Vicky had full and continuous exposure to Lauren's devastating, but unwitting sexual allure. She was really in love with Lauren though, she was so sweet and gentle, with a very deep, empathetic personality that had surprising strength.

The intoxicating vision of Lauren's body was irresistible, and their first embrace and loving kiss was a memory Vicky would treasure for all time. When she felt Lauren's stupendous tits pressing against her own, her pussy felt like it was on fire with desire! Vicky had been finger-fucking herself for days before this, dreaming of Lauren's amazing body, especially when she accidentally caught just a brief glimpse of Lauren emerging from the shower through a partially open door! Or, once when Lauren had been to the Mall, and had returned with some new underwear; she had told Vicky with a timid little attempt at a wicked smile that she was going to try them on, and no peeking.

Of course, Vicky, aflame with erotic thoughts of Lauren trying on sexy lace panties, suspenders and strapless bras; had peeked, just a little, through the bedroom door left very slightly ajar - by Lauren, hoping fervently that Vicky would peek - and had to lean against the wall whilst her pussy convulsed with gushings of cum, which literally dripped down her thighs. She could only stand there, with her legs wide apart fingering her sloshingly wet panties, and rubbing her swollen pussy lips, as she fleetingly saw Lauren's tits out of her bra for the first time.

Jesus Christ, she thought, they are sooooo succulent, I'd love to hold them and get between them with my tongue. When Lauren had bent over, straight legged, with her fantastic ass in the air, to pick up another of the black lacy thongs which she loved to wear, Vicky's eyes did actually glaze over and go out of focus momentarily with ecstasy, and she had almost slid down the wall!

Before long, they were making love passionately and lovingly in Lauren's bedroom for the first time. They fucked the ass off each other for hours that first day; and both blissfully realized that they had found a lifelong love-mate. But, they were also both superhuman, and their capacity for making love was immense, so, wore out 3 huge strap-on dildos in just a few days. Vicky also found to her delirious delight and amazement that Lauren's clitoris was over 3 inches long, and when very aroused, became erect just like a small cock! They both had loads of joyous fun with this, rubbing clits together, actually letting Lauren fuck and penetrate Vicky's soaking pussy. They felt a delicious sense of erotic naughtiness about this, and it caused the most eruptive orgasms imaginable!

They both experienced the most intense and explosive multiple and continuous orgasms each time, that they knew that their love was very special indeed. Truth to tell, this was THE very first sexual experience that Lauren had ever had, and she was so devoted and deeply in love with Vicky, she felt just blissfully happy. As for Ms. Victory, she had had some experience with being bisexual, but much preferred girls, and had never, ever experienced the intensity and depth of love and desire that she had with Lauren. She could not believe how amazingly beautiful she was, and how lucky she was to be with her!

As all this flashed through her mind, Ms. Victory left Lauren with her fond admirers for a moment, and a little shakily, slipped away to the bathroom to change her underwear. On her return, she went around the table to assume her place at it's head as Leader of the Femforce.

She quickly asserted her dominant personality on to the group, by saying, "My apologies, General Strock, for the delay. I have all the available members of the Femforce assembled here, now including Yankee Girl into the ranks, if everyone agrees."

There were enthusiastic nods and murmurs of full agreement to this suggestion.

"Good, and now can we please come to order. I have sent out messages for Stardust and Ms. Masque, whom I understand, are vacationing with Dragonfly and Rayda at present. They will be in contact as soon as they receive my messages, and we can decide whether to recall them, or any of the other Heroines on call from the Sentinels or the Vault, once we hear what General Strock has to say. Perhaps we should now, belatedly, begin the briefing. Over to you, General."

"What...? Oh, er, yes, thank you Ms. Victory, of course," said General Strock, who was trying to tear her eyes way from Yankee Girl with a visible effort!

"Harumph ..... well, I've asked you all to come here tonight; and a very, very, warm welcome to you, Yankee Girl; we are honored to have you in the team."

Yankee Girl gave such a fetching blush that the General nearly forgot her train of thought again.

"Er ... yes, er..." General Strock stammered. "Well, we're gathered here today because of a potential threat to, well, possibly the whole world."

The End - Chapter 1