The Femforce: The Infernal Affair part 2

Time to Read:23min
Added Date:9/14/2024
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"We may be being invaded by Aliens," said General Strock. "I say may, because we aren't quite sure yet of the accuracy of the information from our sources." "What is going on?!" said Ms. Victory. "Surely, the sophisticated communication and espionage systems available to you can do better than 'maybe!' "

"You would think so, wouldn't you?" said General Strock rather crossly, "Please let me try to explain the situation, and then we can discuss strategies for dealing with this threat, if it is indeed a threat."

"Of course, General, my apologies for interrupting," Ms. Victory said a little guiltily; as she was thinking mainly of the safety of her team before she knew what the menace was that they may have to face.

"Thank you," General Strock responded. "You may not know, but some of our most eminent research scientists have been working on the development of artificial intelligence, and further; with the application of this intelligence onto humanoid constructs. These are what are commonly known as "androids. Over recent months, the research team have had some extraordinary successes and breakthroughs in their work."

"But isn't that a good thing?" asked She-Cat, "I mean, that they are making progress?"

"Well, I don't think it's a good thing at all!" Tara said angrily. "It is against the forces of nature, and, it amounts to trying to creating artificial life. It's abominable!!" Tara was pretty angry at what she'd heard, and unconsciously began to use her growth power. She soon swelled in size, and dwarfed the others.

"Calm down, Tara," Ms. Victory said soothingly, "I'm sure General Strock will enlighten us about this amazing situation."

Tara, once she realized she had grown, took control and reduced her size once more, but remained acutely concerned.

"I started off this briefing by saying that I thought we may have a potential global threat; that was because in the scenario I have just described, no one can explain how or why the unexpected leaps in understanding and applied knowledge came from!! Each of the scientists believed the other s were responsible, but the leader of the team, Dr. Tomorrow, is convinced that additional data appeared in their computer files from an unknown source."

"But how can that be a threat?" said Synn. "It is mysterious, but not dangerous, surely?"

"I also said at the beginning, that we may be being invaded by aliens; this is because Dr. Tomorrow fervently believes that the necessary breakthroughs did not come from his team, but from some outside intelligence. The team built a prototype android, which was given the task of updating and collating all the team's work and applying it to the numerous other prototypes under production. This first android now seems to have made quantum leaps, and is equipping and shaping the others at an astonishing rate, and has surpassed the expectations of the team so much that none now have any idea of the complexity of the completed androids!"

"In fact," General Strock continued in the hushed silence of the Briefing Room, "The first android quickly developed systems so sophisticated that she was able to create and refine her own form, and has now advanced the process so much that she has artificial skin and hair and the like, so lifelike as to fool most people. This android has now begun to apply this to all the others too. Oh yes, I almost forgot, the team tried to stop her of course, but found that she was amazingly strong, and had other remarkable cybernetic powers, too."

"Good Lord, General," Ms. Victory said with a touch of awe, "Do you mean that these scientists have created a potential army of super-powered and lifelike androids? And that they may pass for human? How would we ever find them? But to what purpose? I cannot understand this!"

"The point, Ms. Victory," said Strock, "Is that the team DIDN'T create the beings, or so they avow. They claim that such vastly superior intellect to create these humanoids, must originate from outside the Earth. It is our job to see if their claims may be true, and devise a way to both stop this "invasion," and locate the source so as to possibly forestall a real invasion."

"I told you that this was an abomination, and it looks like I was right," Tara said vehemently. "We must put a stop to this wickedness at once!!"

"This will take some thinking and planning , General," Nightveil said in her most soothing voice. "I would suggest that we all discuss this calmly, and you can tell us everything that you know about these androids. But first, how imminent do you think the danger is?"

"That's just it," said Strock, in an exasperated tone, "nothing threatening has happened of late, once the team let the female android get on with her work, she has been no bother to anyone. She is just, so ... so .... lifelike, it's amazing! She started wearing clothes the other day, and talking to the staff, just as if she were, well .... normal! Dr. Tomorrow feels that she is building up her knowledge of human interactions, and that everything she does is calculated to improve her ability to - he strongly believes - pass as human. He also reckons that she is an advanced guard, sent her like a computer virus to contaminate the world, and make it ready for conquest by the androids acting as a strike force for a super-alien civilization!!"

"Okay," said She-Cat, letting her long, razor-sharp claws spring from her fingers. "Let's go kick some android ass!!"

"I suggest that we need to make a reconnaissance first, to see what the current extent of danger would be," said Synn. "Why don't I go and have a look? She won't be able to hurt me!"

"The idea is a good one," said Ms. Victory thoughtfully, "but I think it should be She-Cat who goes, if she is willing; as she is experienced in espionage techniques."

"Yesss!!!" said She-Cat. "I know just how to infiltrate this situation. I'll take off now, general, and you can fill me in with any further details on route. Where am I going, by the way?!"

She-Cat stood up, and was preparing to leave, when General Strock said, "Hawaii, Jess. Pack your lotion!"

As a delighted Jess left the room for their private jet on the roof-park of the building, Synn asked, "You kept referring to the android as she, General. Isn't it unusual to have a female android? How did this come about?"

Strock looked a little embarrassed, and said, "Well, you see, the research team were all men, and have been closeted up for a long time, have no wives .... and.."

"And what, General?" said Tara, when the hesitation became very noticeable. "What do men think of when together without female colleagues or friends? I'll tell you what they think of: sex. I'll bet that's why the android is in female form!!"

"Well, almost," said Strock hesitantly. "Yes, like all men, they think with their dicks, but whilst they had a vague, slightly naughty idea - for them - to make the first model a female; something happened."

"What...." said Yankee Girl, entranced and alarmed by this strange story, "what happened General?"

"The team had a healthy, liking for ... well, for ... women who were ..... rather ...... well endowed, and...."

"Oh, for God's sake, General, spit it out," said Ms. Victory. "Are you trying to tell us that these "men" on the team wanted to create a bimbo with big tits like the ones they saw in magazines!!? How pathetic!!"

"Not quite, " said Strock. "They wanted to create the androids in the image of their heroines .... the Femforce!!!"

This met with a stunned silence from the group. What a thought, amazing androids so lifelike that they could pass as human, and made to look like the Femforce members!! They just had to know what was going on, how many androids had been completed, who they looked like, and whether any of them had left the laboratory to venture into the unsuspecting world!


Stardust looked out at the stars in the clear night sky from the balcony of her Hotel apartment in Honolulu and sighed. Gazing out at the beautiful tropical, mountain scenery of Hawaii, and the aromatic evening breeze, she made a lovely, romantic picture, standing against the rail, strikingly nude, except for a wisp of very short, sheer, negligée, which did absolutely nothing at all to hide her considerable physical attributes. And, outlined against the bright moonlight, her superb body made a heart-stopping sight.

She was millions of Light Years from her home-world of Rur, and sometimes felt a little lonely and homesick. But, she thought, I do not wish to return to Rur with cruel Proxima as Regent, so I will be content with my new life here, with my new friends in The Femforce.

She found Earth customs strange still, even though she had been here for some time, and was glad of the counsel of her friends. On Rur, it was a completely Matriarchal society, with no men at all, and therefore, usually peaceful and serene; until Proxima began insurrection!

Meeting Captain Paragon, and the other male Sentinels of Justice had prepared her for the revelation of the male gender some time ago. Subsequently, men had told her that they found her beautiful, exotic, alluring, and had wanted to 'mate' with her! She had been taken aback, and was not sure how to respond without hurting their feelings.

For, she was like all others of her race, unashamedly, undeniably and overwhelmingly female, and only ever attracted to other females. Also, as with all of the voluptuous women of her race, she was truly hermaphroditic, having both male and female sex organs; although she had managed to hide her cock from her team-mates easily because her alien body had evolved a kind of skin sheath that covered it when soft so completely that it was almost unnoticeable. She could, however, release it at will to become a large member. All of her fellow Rurians had this ability to a large degree, as some preferred to be dominant and display their dual sexuality, and others sought to hide it, whilst most, like Mara, tended to be adept at concealment until required.

She had found it hard to therefore be in the Femforce, and be surrounded with such beautiful and fabulous-looking women, and not show her true feelings. It had been extremely awkward to hide her cock at times, like when the team had sunbathing sessions round the pool at HQ. Mara found it quite tricky sometimes to prevent her cock from becoming erect at the sight of a host of deliciously sexy, and sometimes decidedly horny, females!

She thought that they would be shocked, and shun her. She had become friends, for example, with Jennifer Burke's ex-husband, David, but both he and Jennifer mistook her companionship and the need to learn about male views as something a lot more than she was able or willing to give. And so, it had all ended rather acrimoniously, much to Mara's - Stardust's - regret, at not being used to handle such situations. She had thus felt cut off from everyone's feelings, as if they all blamed her for the final break up between Jennifer and her husband.

For this reason, she had been a little aloof to the other members of the team, and was therefore both startled and very happy that she was invited by Ms. Masque, Dragonfly and Rayda to come for a few days with them, on a girls-only vacation to Hawaii!

More than happy, she was secretly hoping that there may be opportunities to be friendly with Diana Adams - Ms. Masque - particularly, whom Mara thought was very, very desirable! She was therefore hesitantly hopeful when Diana, taking charge of the arrangements, had suggested room sharing as a way of economizing; and had insisted Stardust - Mara, sometimes nicknamed 'Dusty' - be with her.

Diana, thought Mara, was seeming to cope pretty well with emergence from the slumber in Dr. Weir's Vault with so many of her fellow costumed Heroes and Heroines of the 1940's and 50's. It had been a little easier for her, as she was previously rich, had invested her fortune, and had left instructions with lawyers against the day she may re-emerge. She was now fabulously wealthy with inherited funds, and could indulge her whims ... perhaps, mused Mara, perhaps like this holiday.

Diana had seemed very capable, confident and friendly, and Dusty had been attracted to her very strongly from the first. But, she had seemed to be more than friendly with Roger Wright, The Avenger, and Nightveil's brother; so that Mara had despaired. She had concluded that Diana was not in love with girls, and therefore there was no chance for her.

This, if she was truthful, had been the real reason for her feeling low the past weeks, following the Shroud War, and the Vault Heroes emergence, and Mara's first sight of the delectable Ms. Masque. She had had no opportunity or reason to think that Diana may feel anything for her. She could only hope against all odds that this vacation was a sign of ... something, and try not to be too optimistic!

She moved to lean against the side wall of the balcony, resting her hip fetchingly against the rail, and thought dreamily of Diana. She was, Mara thought, just perfect; her gorgeous long, flowing blonde hair, exquisite face with red, full kissable, lips; and - Wow! - her superb body!! Mara recalled her Ms. Masque costume, and how it sexily accentuated Diana's full figure. The very short, micro red dress was skin-tight, showing off every juicy curve of her big-breasted figure. Her tits seemed to be very large, and stretching the material of her dress, which contrasted with the small waist, voluptuous hips, and the most fantastic ass contained in the tiny, swirling skirt of the dress. This teeny piece of material often showed her red panties when she walked, with the thong between her luscious cheeks, and also showed off her incredibly, long legs!! Her outfit was completed by a red domino face mask, high heel shoes, gloves, cape; and a slightly silly fedora hat!

But Mara thought that she was dreamy, and could feel her breasts swell with desire for Diana even now. She realized with a start that she had unconsciously began to sway with her erotic thoughts, and had brought her hands down to caress her aching tits and hot pussy, in public!

However, it was night, and it did feel so good, so naughty too, that she wanted to carry on. She was alone at present, Diana having gone to see Dragonfly and Rayda in their room to discuss her plans for tomorrow, she had said. Her cock was stirring, and her pussy was tingly and quite wet as she thought dreamily, eyes closed, of what it would be like to be kissing Diana passionately, and running her hands over her wonderful body. She began to feel the pre-cum sliding out of her pussy lips, and brought her hand down to rub her clitoris gently, whilst softly caressing her breasts and hardening nipples.

Meanwhile, Diana had returned from talking to Nancy and Dyna - Dragonfly and Rayda - having planned some of tomorrow's itinerary, and feeling that they wanted to be left alone; judging by the constant touching, brushing up against each other they did; and trying to be unobtrusive in front of her. She had come into the apartment quietly, thinking that Stardust may be resting, and had heard slight noise outside, and had silently peeked round the corner, to be greeted with the most deliciously amazing sight of Mara fingering herself!

Diana had a real bad case of lust and love struck feelings for Mara, and was beyond belief to see the object of her intense desire and hopeful affection fucking herself. Feeling guilty as sin, but very turned-on too, she gazed, as she had many times, longingly at Dusty's splendid body. The flowing platinum hair, the delectable, elfin, strangely pointed face, which was, to her gorgeous; and the pointed ears of a Rurian. The tall, voluptuous, figure with prominent breasts with absolutely enormous nipples!

She drooled over Dusty's taut, flat stomach, and prominent, rounded crotch, superb, tight ass, and those muscular thighs on lovely long, long legs, drove her wild. She felt her own tits harden, and a hot feeling of desire began to creep up from between her legs. She watched in motionless fascination, as Mara fondled her breasts, and started to rub her pussy mound through the sheer negligee. God, what a woman, if only it could be me fondling those delicious breasts!

Stardust had leaned back against the wall for support, and so that she could open her legs wider, and have easier access to her wet pussy, when suddenly, Diana emerged onto the balcony from the apartment.

Mara was so startled and completely caught by surprise by Diana's appearance, that she had instinctively tried to move her hand from her crotch, but was frozen in mid action, legs wide apart, hands on her tits and between her legs. She flushed a deep crimson, and tried to move, and offer a feeble excuse, when Diana said, "Well, Mara, what a picture; don't you look utterly fuckable. Are you going to let me watch, or should I finish you off?"

Mara was speechless, and stood with open mouth at the vision of her dream lover, looking absolutely stunning in an abbreviated red local sarong that ended at the top of her thighs; was tied over one shoulder, and did little to cover her thrusting breasts. The thought that Diana had caught her masturbating was mortifying, but as Mara awoke from her stupefaction, she just became aware of what she had said.

"Wha ... whaa ... what did you say?" asked a confused Mara, in a disbelieving and horrified voice.

"I meant, Dusty," said Diana, walking up, hips swaying enticingly and standing close to Stardust. "that you looked so wonderfully fuckable that I can't contain myself any longer. I've wanted you to notice me for ages, but you seemed so distant, I wasn't sure you would be interested. You never seemed to notice me, and then your interest in David Burke filled me with despair. I've wanted you for ages, Mara, and this trip, wangling sharing a room with you was my way of forcing a situation where it would be make or break. I think I love you, Mara, and I would like to show you how much I can feel for you."

Diana tentatively reached out to caress Mara's cheek. "There, I've said it now. If you can't feel love for a woman, I'm sorry if I may have embarrassed you, but I couldn't contain myself any longer. Please forgive me."

"You ... you feel affection for me?" Mara said in an incredulous tone.

"Not just affection, Mara. I think that I'm in love with you," said Diana in her simple and direct manner. "I have been watching you from inside the apartment for a little while, and was getting just as horny as you seemed to be, and I just couldn't wait any longer."

Being a very direct and open person, Diana figured that as she had showed her hand, she may as well go for broke, and gently reached up to put her arms around Stardust's neck, and drew her down towards her waiting, hungry lips.

Mara was still a little in a trance, but was aware of Diana's intention, and let herself be guided down to meet those precious and lovely lips. She couldn't believe any of this!! She had just been dreaming of a moment like this, and it seemed to be the fulfillment of all her desires. Her lips met Diana's, and they both felt electric tingles of desire and joy spread through their bodies, Diana brought Mara closer, until their breasts and hips were touching, pushing against each other in a fierce embrace; whilst their tongues felt each other and danced inside each other's mouths.

As they embraced, breast to breast, their kiss became more passionate, and their hands began to caress each other's bodies ever more feverishly; and gripping each other's ass and trying to push into each other's body!

Mara was deliriously happy, and sooo turned on! Diana couldn't believe her luck; and each was determined to consummate this passion NOW!! The mound in Mara's crotch was pushing against Diana's pussy, and sending fabulous waves of desire through her body. Diana couldn't wait, she was impulsive to a fault, and reluctantly disengaged from the increasingly erotic kiss and clinch, to take Mara's hand and gently lead her to the bed.

Mara hardly knew what she was doing at that moment, so intent was she on Diana's beautiful face and the obvious and delicious mix of love and lust she could read there. She knew however, that Diana was taking the lead, and was content for the time, and eagerly went with her to the bed and lay down with her beloved!!

They began making love, gently, sensuously, and then with increasing passion. Mara asserted herself a little, and slid down Diana's delectable body, now naked, much to her delight; and started to furiously lick Diana's pussy. She tongued her mercilessly, until Diana began to moan loudly, and Mara could taste and feel initial gushings of lots of pre-cum oozing out of Diana's lovely lips!!

Diana was writhing now, and pushing her hips up to be fucked, her swollen pussy soaked with love juices. Mara's cock was erect now, and unknown to Diana, was facing her invitingly open pussy.

Mara said in a teasing, lover's throaty voice, "My love, are you really horny, and would you like me to fuck your dripping pussy now?"

"Oh, God, yes, yesss ... PLEASE FUCK MEEEE!!" Diana said, nearly going over the edge into ecstasy . Mara bore down and ground her hips and crotch into Diana's, rubbing the sensitive clitoral area.

Diana screamed in joy, and just when she thought that this couldn't get better, her eyes and mouth flew wide open in surprise, and looked down as Mara pushed the whole length of her big cock between Diana's legs spread wide apart, past the stretched lips, and right into her already dripping pussy.

"OH ... MY ... GOOOOODDDDD!!!!!!" screamed Diana at the top of her voice, "JESUS CHRIST ... push it all the way in ... all the way in ... Oh God, OH GOD ... FUCK MEEE!!!!! FUCK, FUCK ME, FUCK MEE!!!" Diana was holding on to her lover for dear life, whilst bucking her hips to Mara, opening her legs as wide as she could to encourage deeper penetration. She was rhythmically and frantically pushing against Mara as if her life depended on it.

Mara was so horny, that she was fucking Diana with complete abandon, and pounding her huge cock into Diana's overstretched and swollen pussy.

They both felt the waves of ecstasy explode outward from their crotches, and Mara gushed her cum deep inside Diana, who screeched and howled loudly with absolute delight and overwhelming joy, and delivered an abnormal gushing of her own cum down her widespread thighs. They lay, still coupled, lying in a pool of their love juices, and kissed passionately for a long time. Diana kept wriggling her ass to get Mara's cock to keep moving in her pussy, as if she didn't want to stop, which just excited Mara again, and her cock stiffened fully again, to fill Diana's hole completely once more.

Diana moaned deep within her being, and turned them both over, so that she straddled Mara, looked lovingly into her eyes, began to ride Mara's cock in and out, and said, "God, Mara, I love You, I love you, I LOVE YOU!!!"

The sight of her desirable and delectable Diana, huge tits bouncing before her eyes, her beautiful face flushed with sex; her hair flying, the feel of her sleek thighs and succulent ass pounding up and down on her cock, made Mara spurt again deep inside Mara. Her lover's eyes glazed over, and her tits were dancing like dervishes, and Mara could feel Diana's cum gush over her cock to soak her already glistening thighs.

Without a word, Diana passed out, and collapsed on top of Mara, who smiled satisfyingly, disengaged from her lover's dripping pussy, and lay, arms enfolding her love, and drifted off into a restful slumber.

When they awoke together next morning, they made love again, Diana desperate to see Mara's cock, how it could be concealed, and squealed with delight, and begged Mara to push it into her again. Diana didn't neglect Mara either, finger fucking, lapping her pussy, lovingly sucking her cock, and grinding her lover to several soaking climaxes. After a quick breakfast delivered to the room, which they ate together naked, Diana walked to her closet, Mara watched her fantastic hips swaying invitingly, and gazing at the play of muscles in her gorgeous legs.

She emerged from the walk-in closet, and posed at the door, looking incredibly sexy with her hair disarrayed, high heels, hold-up stockings, and; a huge strap-on dildo!! "I thought I may repay you for the unbelievable fucking you gave me last night. Now, get on that bed!" she said in a mock, stern voice, and came fetchingly over, cock swaying as she walked, to take Mara's hand and lead her to the bed.

She made Mara crouch on all fours, legs wide apart, and rubbed her clit until she moaned, and then shoved the huge, nobbly dildo deep into Mara's gaping hole! Mara bucked, and tried to push back to take more cock so hard, that she almost toppled Diana over.

Diana fucked Mara's pussy for ages, pulled out and pushed the dildo right up Mara's asshole, then back into her soaked pussy, Mara's large cock had become erect, and was bouncing underneath her belly, and her tits were jiggling so much they were slapping her stomach! The feeling was so intense, Mara felt as if she couldn't take any more, but just had to have more cock!! Diana was gripping Mara's ass, slapping her hard now and again, causing Mara to squeal, and push back deeper and faster. Diana reached under Mara's thighs to rub her clit, and Mara's limbs just convulsed in a series of exploding orgasms, which left her drained, and she weakly slipped down onto the bed, spread-eagled, and spent. Diana withdrew her dildo, and sat back, and masturbated it with one hand, and with the other, pushed three fingers up her soaking pussy with a lovely squelching sound and fucked herself to a resounding climax.

Much later, they showered together, and ate lunch on the balcony, having ordered by room service, and also put off Dragonfly and Rayda for a while with a headache excuse, but they would meet them later for dinner and a night out. They both were blissfully happy, and wanted to show their obvious love for each other constantly. They stood, holding hands and kissing, looking out over the fantastic landscape of the Hawaiian Islands, and thought that nothing could spoil this perfect time.

Meanwhile, Nancy Arazello - Dragonfly - was lying on her back on the bed in her room down the hall, watching Dyna Morisi - Rayda - bouncing up and down on the huge black strap-on dildo she was wearing, and watching in some amazement at Rayda's enormous tits bouncing in different directions, and almost whacking her in the face. Dyna was about to explode cum all over Nancy's belly, and was frenziedly riding her lover's stiff appendage, all ten inches of it up to the hilt, deep inside her pussy, like it was nothing. This was a little surprising, as Dyna was just past being a teenager, tall, lean and very pretty, with flowing auburn hair, Mediterranean looks; and blessed with a very sexy body with huge tits, superb legs, and a fuckable ass.

Dyna was moaning and yelling quite loudly, and as her eyes began to glaze a little, she reached her third climax, which sent enormous currents of desire and joy from her hot crotch all over her body. She loved the feel of the huge dildo deep inside her pussy, and although it felt like what she imagined a man would, the knowledge that it was her beautiful lover Nancy was enough to send extra waves of orgasmic pleasure shooting up her body. She came violently, and screamed out loud for her lover.

"Oh Christ, Nancy ... Nancy, I'm cummming!!!!" She said as she, discharged an enormous quantity of cum down her thighs and onto Nancy's belly.

She reluctantly got herself tenderly off the dildo, and lay down to give Nancy a long, loving kiss. Nancy was still turned on by her mate's climax, and was stroking Dyna's breast, whist fingering her own sopping pussy. Dyna recognized this, and although a little tired, reached over to disengage the huge black dildo from Nancy's straps. She began kissing, fondling and caressing Nancy; going down to drink in and taste the lovely juices she had discharged whist fucking Dyna. Nancy began moaning softly and pulling on her large tits, plucking the rock-hard nipples between her fingers.

Dyna inserted three fingers into Nancy's quim, as her love squealed in pleasure and tried to raise her ass in the air , and spread her gorgeous , long legs wider to allow Dyna to have full access to her love-hole. Dyna pushed in and out accompanying Nancy's rhythmic squeals of delight. She then pushed her whole five fingers into Nancy's stretched and dripping pussy, and fist-fucked her lover with joy. Nancy had screamed in ecstasy when Dyna's hand went completely inside, and she was tickling her womb!! It was an awesome feeling, and she was about to explode with pleasure.

Then the little vixen withdrew her pulsating hand from Nancy's throbbing quim and shoved the huge dildo right up Nancy's widened pussy, so far that Nancy felt as if the beautiful dick was right up to her throat!

Nancy was getting the fucking of her life from her mischievous lover, who was always so inventive and gorgeously naughty, which is one of the reasons Nancy loved her deeply; and was loving it!!

"Oh Jesus Christ, Dyna, shove it further in, Fuck me Fuck me, FUCK MEEEE!!!" Nancy convulsed and threw her lovely limbs in all directions, trying to grab Dyna and push the dildo further inside her as she climaxed in a series of violent shuddering spasms that wracked her whole body. Her love juices spurted around the dildo stuck inside her, and when Dyna pulled it out, much to Nancy's regret, the juices kept on coming, and spread in a small pool between her legs!!!

"God, Dyna, that was fantastic, you naughty Girl," she said, whilst giving her mate a resounding slap on her lovely ass.

"Ouch, Nancy, you pervert, that hurt!" Dyna squealed.

"But not enough. I guess I'll have to do better that that," said Nancy with a wicked smile on her face.

Dyna looked down at her lover and thought to herself, God, this is the super-powerful Dragonfly! The Superheroine of the Femforce, and she's my lover!!! I can hardly believe it, I've had the real hots for her ever since I first saw her, and did not even hope she would fancy me. Look at her, lying there flushed and just fucked, she is so gorgeous.

Dyna regarded Nancy with deep love and her eyes played over the splendid body of her lover. Her luscious, long, toned legs were stilled splayed fetchingly wide apart; her strong thighs parted to display her shaven pussy, lips still swollen and glistening with cum. Her wide hips were at rest, which emphasized her tiny waist, rising up her superb chest to display her enormous breasts, which were spilling over her upper torso. Her lovely wide shoulders set off her beautiful face, and the long, lustrous platinum hair, disarrayed in love. Dyna loved her with a deep and joyous feeling, and smiled in memory of Nancy's fear that Dyna would be repulsed with her many-faceted, green, insect-like eyes. Of course she hadn't been, but before long anyhow, Nancy had learned how to control her physiognomy, and could reproduce human eyes at will. The power of the Insect God from which Nancy derived her powers, was full of surprises, and nobody, least of all Nancy, seemed to know the full extent of her power.

As they both drifted off for a little snooze, they wrapped themselves in each other's arms, and dreamt naughty and deliciously wicked thoughts of kinky additions to their loveplay.

Later that evening, they joined Dusty and Diana in the exclusive, open-air dining room for dinner. It was a magnificent setting, with palm trees, colorful exotic plants, with a ceiling of the star-filled sky and warm tropic breezes. The dining room was quite full, with people in formal gowns and evening clothes, and waiters hurried here and there with orders, and there was a pleasant hubbub of conversation, and a subtle background of jazz music played by the resident band.

Dusty and Diana had arrived a little while ago to a mild sensation, as the two stunning women entered the room arm in arm, looking like royalty. Dusty was resplendent in a white satin, form-fitting long dress, which emphasized her large breasts, and the slit up to the top of her thigh, showed off her wonderful legs. Diana was captivating, in a skin-tight red silk dress, which was backless and strapless,, flowed to the floor, and slit up both sides to the top of her thigh. She looked fabulous, with red four inch spike heels, a red flower in her blonde hair, and massive breasts moving wonderfully as she walked sensuously over to their table. Dusty was enraptured with Diana, and thought that she must be the sexiest woman alive!

When Nancy and Dyna arrived, the other patrons had had time to settle down, but were startled again by two more amazing females entering the room, and frankly stared and gaped. Nancy's long platinum hair contrasted effectively with a simple, skin-tight, black micro dress, the hem of which ended just below her ass, and showed to stunning effect her luscious, long, shapely legs. The dress had long sleeves, and accentuated her large - breasted figure, and was finished with black high heels. She moved like a model; and arm in arm with Dyna, flowed towards Dusty's table. Dyna, was stunning also in a Hawaiian sarong, that outlined her fantastic, full-breasted figure to perfection. Her long auburn hair was braided, and hung far down her back, and her long, splendidly muscular legs, could be seen through the large slit up one side. Sexy high-heeled sandals, and a purple flower in her hair completed the exotic picture.

As they were four astonishingly beautiful women, they drew many admiring and lustful stares, from men and women, and had to politely rebuff a number of advances by wolves and amorous males. Sitting together, in an alcove, they occasionally touched and showed little tokens of affection, but did not overtly show their love for each other. They all recognized that the world was not yet ready for public demonstrations of lesbian love; especially lesbian superheroines! So they kept their feelings in check as much as possible for the evening, but each promising her lover a night of passion!

They all still had a great time, and a wonderful meal, and each could see the love and desire reflected in her partner's eyes. They all felt so happy, none more so than Dusty who was walking on air!

This is so perfect, she thought. Nothing could spoil it.

Just then, after these prophetic words, there were loud crashes and booming, and a 'Whoosh!' of displaced air, signaling an explosion of some kind. The palms, tables and customers were strewn about the floor with the force of the blast - or whatever it was. Dragonfly and Stardust, due to their alien physiognomy, were immediately able to alter their molecular structure to form their costumes on their bodies; and now stood, warrior's stance, feet wide apart, hands on hips, ready to face whatever menace had disturbed their idyll.

The End - Chapter 2