The Femforce: The Infernal Affair part 3

Time to Read:43min
Added Date:9/14/2024
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She-Cat was being repeatedly fucked by the biggest cock she had ever seen; it felt like her pussy was stretched beyond endurance to let this monster deep inside to fill her up!! She was on all fours, tied securely to a workbench, with ropes tied underneath. Her pretty ass was sticking up in the air, red costume torn to reveal her succulent asshole and pussy lips, and her tits were banging up and down out of her shredded costume, slapping against her chest with the violent motion of her attacker. She turned her head round to look at the person screwing her, and was not surprised to still see Tara, grown to larger than life size, but with a huge cock sticking out in front of her!! Jess was astounded; she knew that Tara was a lesbian, but that didn't bother her, as she was decidedly bisexual herself, and preferred women anyway; but this was still not real!

Tara was her Femforce team-mate, and this shouldn't be happening.

"What are you doing this for, Tara?" She-Cat snarled at her attacker. For answer, Tara redoubled her tireless efforts to split Jess in half at the crotch, and also poked two fingers into her ass!

"Oh, Jesus, fucking Hell, Tara, you're killing me!!" Jess said in extreme pain. She quite often liked rough sex play, but fuck it, this cock was immense, and it hurt!

"Are you enjoying this, you dirty little alley cat?" said Tara in a booming voice. "I know you like it up the ass. Shall I ram my dick in your ass now?"

"Oh, please no, Tara, it's too big, please don't .... I'll fucking kill you for this!" Jess growled that last out and spat like a cat at Tara.

Jess had reached the Laboratory as directed by Ms. Victory over the radio link. She had scouted around the grounds, and had spotted a partially open window. She was about to enter, when Tara had crept up behind her and made her jump when she said, "Jess, I know a way in."

She-Cat said, "What are you doing here, rich bitch? You'll mess this operation up. Stay away until the pros have had a look first." She then proceeded to slither to the window again, and was completely taken by surprise with a nasty knock on her head, which made her dive into a pitch black pool of ink. When she awoke, she was trussed up like a rapist's turkey with a huge cock pumping in her pussy, screwing her ass off.

The incessant throbbing in her overly-widened pussy was making her juices flow to keep it slippery. Despite herself, now that the initial pain was subsiding a little, as her lips tried to accommodate the monster cock, she was getting extremely turned on. She even tried to wiggle her ass a little to ease the huge members passage to her womb entrance.

Her tits were rock hard and extremely sensitive, and their thrashing was delightful, and the four fingers, now, in her ass were making her very horny. She felt as if she was filled up to her neck, and suddenly let out a huge wailing noise, as her body climaxed in shudderings, and cum slid out of her poor distended pussy.

"There, you dirty whore. You do like it, don't you? You do like to be raped!!" Tara said in a tense, angry voice. "Well, I'm gonna make sure that you remember this fucking like you remember no other!"

Tara, to Jess' intense relief, withdrew her enormous penis, and Jess' swollen and stretched hole, tried to painfully contract. Tara then climbed off the bench, and walked over naked to a worktable in the laboratory. Jess watched the huge cock bounce up and down as Tara walked, entranced despite herself at this amazing physical appendage. It was obvious that Tara was also a complete woman too, judging by the fine ass, sleek, athletic legs, the sight of wet pussy lips beneath the huge member, and the titanic tits, due to her growth being oversize.

Jess tried to turn her head, and struggle at the ropes, but to no avail. Tara had returned to stand behind Jess' ass sticking up in the air.

"Now my pretty, I'm gonna tickle your fancy, so that you'll beg me to stop," Tara said in a mocking tone. Jess felt the sensual light touch of something on her ass, which slid purposefully down to her exposed asshole and tortured pussy, still gaping wide open. Tara gently tapped Jess' sensitive clitoris, and sent electric currents through her body. Then, Tara smacked the fine, leather whip in her hand up, and down onto Jess' exposed ass cheeks with a resounding Thwack! Jess screamed in pain and pleasure, and Tara whipped her repeatedly, until Jess' ass was fiery red and steaming. Jess was in extreme pain, and was past any pleasure, she felt as if she was so hot, she was like numb, dry ice!!! Just as Tara began to smack her pussy lips, Jess cried out in agony, and beyond endurance, passed out into a comforting dark fog.

When she awoke, She-Cat was aware only of the agony in her ass, and the pain in her crotch. She shifted her body to be more comfortable, and found that she was spread-eagled on a bed, chained to the four posts. She was completely naked, covered in sweat and her own, and Tara's cum. The fiery pain had subsided a little, but was still very unpleasant.

"How are you, Jess? Are you feeling all right now?" said a soothing voice that Jess recognized as Ms. Victory.

"Vicky, Oh my God, I'm glad you're here. That bitch Tara, has got a beating to look forward to, I'm gonna rip her from crotch to chin!!" Jess began writhing on the bed in anger, not noticing that Vicky was making no move to free her.

Ms. Victory came into Jess' view from behind, and Jess was struck by her beauty, as she always was. She began to climb on to the bed, and reached over to steady herself, which was when Jess noticed that Vicky had no panties on! She also noticed the long, thick cock hanging down under the micro skirt. Vicky sat between Jess' wide outstretched legs, and said, "I'm sure you will, Jess, but just for now, I'm going to show you something very interesting!"

"What ... what are you talking about?! Get me free of the chains, so I can rip Tara's tits off!!" said an enraged Jess. That's when she noticed that Vicky's cock had grown to huge proportions - not as large as Tara with her growth power, but still a formidable size. Jess was astonished and angry, and cried out in frustration as she saw Vicky push this large cock right into Jess' already tender pussy, still wet from her previous pounding.

Vicky started to slowly, then harder, and faster, fuck Jess with her huge dick. Jess was outraged, and scared. What's happening? she thought. Am I having a nightmare?

But the squelching, and pummeling her pussy was taking, was no dream. Jess began to feel aroused in time, despite herself, as this was not painful, but very shameful, as she felt as if she were being raped by a friend, someone she'd respected. Nevertheless, it was a turn-on, despite the pain, and her very sore ass.

Vicky was slamming her meat into She-Cat's dripping pussy like a locomotive, never tiring, or stopping, or varying the deep thrusting stroke. Very quickly, despite her efforts to resist, Jess was squirming with pleasure, and trying to get the cock deeper inside her. She climaxed violently, and screamed out loud. Vicky also gushed her come deep inside Jess' tunnel, and she could feel the delicious filling up of her hole with the thick cum.

Jess lay exhausted, and in a stupor, whilst Vicky unceremoniously dismounted, and walked off without a word. Jess was confused, battered, humiliated, and deathly tired. The Cat God Sekhmet was not strong enough in her at present to help her to shred the chains, or to otherwise escape. She drifted off into a troubled, exhausted slumber.

Aroused from her daze by water being splashed on her, she opened her eyes to behold a weird sight. She was still tied to the bed, soaked in cum and more sweat, her hair tangled and dirty.

She immediately saw Tara and Vicky standing in front of her, stark naked, one holding a bowl of water. They made a strange sight, with superb women's bodies, with large cocks dangling down between their legs.

"Welcome back to the land of the living, Jess ... well, almost!!" laughed Tara. "You won't be in it for much longer ... will she, Vicky?"

Ms. Victory stood in her famous stance, legs wide apart, proud, jutting breasts, and hands on her hips. The large cock drooping in front was incredibly unnerving!

"She's right, Jess, were all gonna gang-fuck you to death!!!" said Ms. Victory with the most evil voice that Jess had ever heard. ?Then, we're going to find all of the other lesbian superbitches in the Femforce, and gang rape them to death too!! Hah, ha, ha,!!!"

What the Hell is going on here?! This isn't real, it can't be!!! thought Jess in desperation.

She heard a rustle of movement, and turned her head to see the other occupants of the room. There were, to her complete, open-mouthed astonishment, two other Ms. Victorys, two more Taras and three She-Cats!!! All were naked, with huge, stiff cocks, and all were looking at her unprotected pussy with hungry, red-eyed lust!!

"Oh, sweet Jesus, they're fucking androids!! Literally fucking androids, and intent on screwing me to death. I've gotta get outta here!!"

Jess was quite desperate, and she wriggled and tried to tear at the chains holding her captive, but they were too strong. Suddenly though, her cat powers really began to kick in with her adrenaline rush, and she came near to berserk point, but at least managed to tear one of the chain links!

Her freed hand extended her razor-sharp claws, and she immediately had her limbs free, before the startled androids could react. Jess bounded from the bed and attacked the nearest Ms. Victory android; Now is the time to find out if this thing has Vicky's powers! she thought, whilst launching herself snarling, spitting and slashing with her claws.

The android went down under the sudden onslaught, and didn't get up. It became a mess of slashed plastic and wires, smoking and sputtering in it's demise. All right! thought Jess. They aren't super-powered, but still formidable!

The other androids had stood impassively watching the fall of their comrade, and now, without a glance at the destroyed figure; turned and began converging on a cornered She-Cat.

Blazes, thought Jess, I don't know how long I can hold my own with all eight androids, but, here goes!

She ran at the nearest Tara figure, and set upon it in a berserk rage, ripping and slashing with her claws. The android withered under the attack, but Jess was dragged off by two other She-Cats, who began systematically pummeling and slashing at her! She went down in the middle of the group of androids, fighting for her life, while the mostly eerily silent figures of herself and her friends were killing her!!

"Quickly, Ms. Victory, I sense that She-Cat is in mortal danger," said Nightveil. "Head straight for the Laboratory buildings as soon as we reach the coast."

Vicky was in the Femforce quinjet, approaching the Hawaiian coast, with Laura, Synn, Yankee Girl and Tara; having made the long flight from Florida. They had followed Jess as per their original plan, but she had not called in for some hours now, and they were getting really worried. Laura had been trying to establish a mystical connection with She-Cat, but there appeared to be some psychic disturbances in the area which were causing difficulty.

Ms. Victory turned to Tara, who was piloting the fast craft. "I'll fly on ahead with Nightveil, you land the jet at the nearest field and follow to the labs. Synn and Lauren, please follow Laura and me at a safe distance, so that if we run into trouble you won't be affected, and can be a second wave."

Vicky left the jet via the airlock, and Nightveil passed through the aircraft walls.

Somewhere on Oahu

She-Cat felt as if all her limbs had been torn out at the roots. She was standing on top of a pile of six androids, which she had managed to defeat by sheer berserk strength and willpower. Now she was deathly tired, and weary - the Cat-god's power surging in her depleted body meant that she needed respite.

But, the remaining two She-Cat androids weren't about to grant her that respite; they were approaching, as ever, in complete and menacing silence, to attack her once more. That was the unnerving thing about these androids, Jess thought fleetingly, as she waited, her back up against the lab wall; they seem to have some normal personality functions sometimes, but at others, like when fighting, they become eerily silent -perhaps they were a different, earlier batch to the ones that had raped her a while ago.

They had no difficulty in mimicking her friend's voices and personalities! It had taken Jess a long time to defeat the other androids, and apart from her own, labored, gasping breathing, and occasional "fuck you, bastard!" thrown in, the monumental fight had been carried out in silence. Jess admitted to herself that it had unnerved her, as she knew that she was fighting for her life; and now she waited cautiously for the nearest android to reach her.

The android approached Jess in a crouching stance, making its way around the debris of slashed and broken android body parts on the floor. Jess carefully got down onto the floor to meet the android, and just as it was about to attack, Jess stooped down, picked up a discarded android leg, and moving in and under the attackers' jumping body, she swung the leg against the androids head as it passed over her with all her remaining strength. The effect was startling, as the android's head exploded in a shower of sparks, and it's momentum carried it a few feet, until it dropped down like a stone. It lay there, headless, sputtering and sparking for a few seconds, and then became still.

Jess whirled to face the remaining attacker, silently thanking God, and Sekhmet, that the androids thought processes weren't as fast as they could be, and they had some delays in action. Thankfully, Jess pondered, or I'd be dismembered by now!!

She was tired, but stood resolutely in a half-crouch to receive her final attacker, every part of her body ached and throbbed with pain - she wasn't used to fighting for such a sustained period, and with such superior forces. She despaired about being able to even raise her arms to defend herself against her doppelganger, she felt so exhausted.

"So, you bastard, do you want some of your fucking lovers' fate? Well, just come on, then. I'm gonna rip one tit off at a time and shove them in your mouth; you are gonna be one sorry bitch that you messed with me!!" By these taunts, Jess hoped to not just relieve her own pent-up emotions, but to also, hopefully make the thing "angry" - if that was possible. Jess knew from experience, that if you can make an enemy lose their cool in a fight, they lose their "cutting-edge," and their concentration. This gives you a control advantage, which can usually be exploited.

However, the fake She-Cat ignored her taunts and swearing, and continued to advance menacingly, silently, seemingly unaffected by the demise of "her" comrades. All during the battle, the androids had shown little spontaneous emotion or free will towards each other; nor had they, luckily for Jess, shown much conception of teamwork. Otherwise, she knew that she would be dead by now.

The thought gave her little hope, however, as her knees were shaking with exhaustion, and her legs were wobbling unsteadily; she was on the verge of collapse, she knew, but was determined to go down fighting against the odds - just as she had done all her life - it was her code, her sense of honor. She did not often regard herself as a "Hero" - but for all her joking and self-ridicule, she had a strong affinity for justice and fighting oppression - although she wouldn't freely admit it - especially to dilettantes like Tara!!

As she prepared for a feeble defense, knowing that this could be her last stand - as she was unable to hardly keep herself upright, let alone fight; she sensed the android about to spring towards her, claws outstretched, and fangs bared....

Suddenly, Jess was astounded to see a monstrous hand reach into the lab window, and withdraw with the android in it's grasp. Tired as she was, she shuffled to the broken window to witness outside, to her amazement, Garganta, crouching down on one knee and crushing the fake She-Cat in a powerful grip - so that the android literally burst it's metal and synthetic-skin shell, and spewed metal and plastic all over the ground.

"Carol! What the freakin' hell are you doing here?" Jess shouted in some confusion, as she saw Dr. Carol Heisler, aka Garganta - who must be over 50 feet tall, in her green and white bathing suit costume; shaking debris from her hands, and, smiling at a completely open-mouthed and astonished She-Cat, who nearly toppled over backwards, as she followed Carol's face as it rose up into the sky as Garganta slowly and sensuously stood up to her full, mountainous height.

As Carol delicately and playfully ran her hands over her dirigible-sized breasts and impossibly wide sexy hips to wipe off sand and soil, which cascaded in a shower to the ground; she said, "It's a good thing I grabbed the right ... or is it the wrong She-Cat to squeeze, isn't it?"

Garganta then looked down at She-Cat. "Hello, Jess, need a hand-job with anything?" Garganta coyly asked, with a thoroughly wicked and naughty smile on her huge, beautiful face.

Jess couldn't reply, as she had finally passed out, completely exhausted form her recent heroic battle with the androids, and lay collapsed, on the floor just outside the doorway to the building. She wasn't seriously hurt, just Godawful-tired; and her subconscious knew that the Cat-god Sekhmet would reinvigorate and repair her body to be just as good as new in a little while. Outwardly, however, she looked to be seriously injured, if not comatose, and Garganta bent down and gently picked She-Cat up.

Carol cradled Jess in her hands, marveling yet again at her growth powers, and how tiny people could now be in proportion to her mammoth size. She considered reducing in size, but knew that she had to get Jess to medical help - probably at the island of Maui, which she had left earlier today in a large yacht. She therefore needed her great size to hurry to the yacht, and get Jess to safety as soon as possible. She was intent on these thoughts, and how she would explain matters to the crew, who had already become somewhat suspicious, after Carol received a radio message from Tara, asking her to look into Jess' lack of communication. However, she new that the hired, and mostly friendly crew would be okay - their credibility would just be stretched a little more is all!

She therefore didn't notice that behind her, as she pressed Jess against her incredible breasts for safety, that 10 more lifelike androids in the shape of Tara, Synn and Stardust had emerged from a hidden entrance to a cave behind the laboratory building. They were silently, and stealthily approaching the distracted Garganta; who was looking into the distance to see if the yacht was visible.

One of the android "Tara's" watched Carol for the space of a few seconds, registering her power output, calculating options, and calibrating her systems for optimum power to attack; then suddenly began to grow to immense size and creep quietly and eerily towards the hapless heroine! The false Tara increased in size and began to dwarf Garganta - and was at least 90 feet tall! Unfortunately, even though some of the androids seemed to be able to mimic some of the Femforce member's powers a little; they didn't have the Superheroines Spandex costumes - and therefore, the android's meager bikini, promptly burst under incredible strain- leaving the android completely naked! "Her" body was very lifelike - in every way - and her unbelievably gigantic tits were the size of houses!!

The rest of the androids circled around Carol's blind side, but were still some distance away from her, and she hadn't quite noticed them yet. They were being uncannily quiet once more, and were programmed to kill!!!

Garganta, still cradling She-Cat to her gigantic bosom, decided she wouldn't be able to see the yacht from here after all, and turned to moved towards the distant promontory. As she turned, she froze - having spied the silently circling androids, now in plain view. She instinctively took a step backwards in preparation for either flight with a wounded Jess; or to fight, regardless of her encumbrance. Having to protect Jess would make her doubly determined!

However, the step backwards slammed her into a seemingly immovable obstruction, and as she carefully turned to see what it was, whilst still keeping an eye on her enemies, she was shocked to be "face to face" with a beautiful and absolutely enormous naked, shaven pussy!! Looking up, she realized, the pussy belonged to a simply gigantic, nude version of Tara, which was towering over her, at least 100 feet tall, and looking really menacing!

Before she could make any move, the gigantic Tara bent down and grabbed hold of Carol's arms and held her tight enough to be immobile. Carol felt very worried about Jess at this stage, and didn't want to struggle in case she disturbed her comatose friend - but she needn't have been concerned, because just then, Jess opened her eyes with the excessive jiggling of Carol's mammoth mammaries, and said, "Good fucking God, look at the size of that shaven twat!!!!!"

All Hell seemed to break loose just then, as Jess jumped down from Carol's arms just in time, as Garaganta was lifted off her feet by a simply enormous giant Tara android. Carol was helplessly pinned with the androids arms around her own, in a deadly bear hug. Meanwhile, Jess had discovered the other 9 androids, by the simple expedient of them piling on top of her, seemingly bent on her destruction. She managed to grab a leg and an arm, and used her enhanced strength to hurl the owner of the unfortunate limbs as far away from her as she could. The android Synn in question landed heavily some distance away, bounced awkwardly, and lay still, smoke lazily swirling from it's inert body.

"That's what you all need - a bloody good pasting," Jess said as she turned to face the other androids, which were spreading out in an attack formation, trying to encircle her. Garganta, meanwhile, was struggling mightily against her opponent, and trying to grow larger - she could grow much bigger than this, but the giant Tara was squeezing inexorably, and Carol could feel herself becoming light-headed.

I must do something soon, or it'll be all over for my favorite Marine Biologist - namely me! she thought.

"I know," she said to herself. "I'll bet this collection of spare parts isn't ready for this!"

With that thought, Carol, rather than trying to grow bigger, willed herself to shrink back to normal size! As she did so, of course, she slipped out of the giant's clutches, and was free. The giant Tara looked confused for a moment, and then identified Carol far below.

The android looked down and began to move her massive, naked body, with her enormous tits hanging down, casting a shadow over Carol; and raised her foot, intent on squashing her like a bug! Carol was transfixed for an instant, and then adrenaline-fueled panic caused her to leap and roll out of the way - just as a monstrous foot crashed to the ground where she had stood, creating a small-sized crater in the sandy soil. She picked herself up, and saw the giant nude woman slowly turn and face her, massive tits swaying, and long hair whipping around.

Carol was prepared to grow again, to carry the fight to her enemy, but was distracted by grunts and yells from Jess, who was buried under copies of Synn, Tara and Stardust, fighting noisily and desperately for her life. Carol thought, Jess probably hasn't recovered fully yet. I must go and help her.

Suddenly, however, she was unable to move, as what seemed like literally tons of water deluged over her, sending her sprawling and helpless onto the ground - where she slipped and slid in the ground- instantly turned into a muddy morass by the excessive amount of water.

Garganta gasped and tried to look up through he unceasing torrent of water, and saw to her utter disbelief that the giant Tara had squatted down, pulled her pussy lips open, and was pissing unbelievable amounts of water onto her, effectively keeping her helpless!!!

Incongruously, Carol's only thought at this time was: Thank God it's not real piss!!

The air was hot and humid, with a cool breeze but a memory, and both Carol and Jess were sweating with the effort of trying to keep the androids from annihilating them. Neither had much hope at present; as Jess was covered in bruises, was being remorselessly pummeled by tireless android fists, and she was deathly tired. Her costume was in tatters, so that her tits were almost hanging out of her bodice, her panties had been dangerously ripped, and her mask was gone!

Garganta was gasping for breath, exhausted -nearly drowned, crawling in the mud, her beautiful, awesome ass stuck up in the air, huge tits dangling in the muddy soil, as she crawled on all fours. It looked as if the end was near for both of them!!!!!

Carol looked up, expecting to see the fake Tara about to squash her underfoot once and for all, and was amazed - she thought that she must be hallucinating - as she saw two giant Taras, fighting each other! Both she and Jess couldn't hold out any longer, and passed out. The real Tara had emerged from swimming the distance between islands in her giant size, to see Carol's yacht moored at the dock. The stunned sailors had explained that Dr. Heisler was inland exploring a cave formation, and they were waiting for her. Tara thanked them, and ran off, causing the ground to shake, and her enormous tits to sway incredibly in her tiny bikini with her motion. The sailors stood gaping, watching her amazing ass twitching as she ran.

One sailor turned to his equally mesmerized mate and said, "Christ, Bill, can you imagine sucking those nipples, and licking a pussy that size!!??"

"I think I'd like to drown in her pussy juice," said Bill, an awed expression on his face.

Tara had seen her fake counterpart immediately, and not pausing to wonder who or what this was, ran and grappled with her, as she could see that Carol was in danger. Tara had to grow gigantic to be evenly matched with, she now realized, one of the androids that The Femforce had been warned about. The fake was not easily distracted at once, but soon recognized this new menace, and turned to face it.

Jess was unconscious in the midst of eight lethal androids, who wouldn't stop hitting her until their sensors registered her death. Suddenly, the androids were scattered by the appearance of Ms. Victory, who flew straight at the group around Jess and knocked half of them down with her incredible strength. As she whipped round at incredible speed to grapple with the four androids, she rained blows into them at super-speed. The androids were tough though, and stubbornly refused to slow down easily.

Nightveil appeared, floating in mid-air, and mouthing a sacred incantation, caused sheets of fire to shoot from her fingertips- directly at the remaining four androids. They promptly melted into smoking metal slag. Laura gracefully floated to the ground near to Carol and Jess, and began a powerful healing spell in her mind. A purple aura appeared to surround Nightveil, and grew and pulsated stronger as she chanted. The light bathed Garganta and She-Cat in it's healing radiance, and they began to look more peaceful. Laura risked a glance from her intense concentration, at Joan, to see how she was faring.

She needn't have worried, stubborn the androids may be, but they were no match for Ms. Victory's famed muscles. Joan quickly dispatched them all - leaving some in unrecognizable shapes from her fists!!

"How are they, Laura?" asked Ms. Victory; very concerned indeed about they battered state that Jess in particular seemed to be in.

"I will know more in a moment, Joan, but for now, I just need to concentrate. This is a very powerful healing spell, and I need complete concentration, please."

"Okay," said Joan. "I was just worried for Jess. I know we argue a lot, but I care about her, we all do - just don't let the old grouch die, will you?"

"I'll do my very best, you know that - now go, please leave me to this effort." As she spoke, the purple aura intensified, and became almost blinding for a moment or two. Joan looked away, and saw the two giant Taras wrestling on the ground. She was about to go over to help, but realized that she didn't know which was the real Tara! The naked one seemed to have the one in the bikini pinned down, and was trying to rip her panties off and her bra at the same time.

"Oh no you don't," said Tara. "I don't fancy you in the least - and I don't go in for strong-arm domination either!"

That's the real Tara, thought Joan. She could never stand being manhandled when she wasn't in the mood for a bit of rough and tumble. Or should I have said womanhandled? She seems to be holding her own at present, though.

Tara was getting really annoyed, this android seemed to want to sexually molest her. She wondered, were they programmed to rape?! Alarmingly, as she completed the thought, her guess was proved correct, as the android's groin seemed to open up and "grow" a large metal cock, about the size of railroad carriage, just above it's pussy lips!! The android then tried it's best to ram it between Tara's wide open legs, and into her now unprotected pussy!

"Hey, what the fuck are you doing? I don't allow this on a first date with anyone, least of all a mechanized killer," she quipped. She was beginning to get worried as the huge cock started to rotate noisily, like a drill, and drew inexorably nearer to her open twat.

Oh God, I've gotta get this thing off me, or it'll skewer me for good! Tara thought frantically.

With a supreme effort, she managed to wriggle and turn so that she had one leg under her opponent, and thought, This is just no good. I'm gonna have to make an effort here!

With a tremendous surge of power, she brought her knee up into the fake Tara's crotch, and the force of the blow raised the android into the air- only to come crashing down hard on the ground. In a second, Tara was on top, pounding with mammoth fists onto the android. The metal skin could only take so much damage before it eventually caved in a spectacular shower of sparks. The android shrank back to life size, and lay inert and smoldering.

As she dragged herself up, Joan ran to greet her, saying, "Well done, Tara. That must have been unnerving, having to defend your honor from yourself!" Joan deliberately used some grim humor to try to get Tara to get over the shock of that encounter.

"Yeah, it was a bit ... you know, it was like I couldn't get really angry at first, because it seemed to be me!" said Tara, trying unsuccessfully to pull her ripped panties up, and cover her exposed tits. It had been very unnerving, particularly the near-rape episode. Tara felt shaky at the thought of being violently penetrated and impaled by that huge cock - especially when the rapist was herself!!

"I'm sure that was part of the reason for the doubles - that we would hold back, or be confused when fighting our counterparts. It would be disorienting to have to actually fight and harm people we love, or seem to have to kill ourselves. The more I think of it, the more diabolical this case becomes! We mustn't let it faze us!"

They both ran over to where Nightveil was kneeling beside Carol and Jess, no longer bathed in the purple glow. Laura looked tired, but at least their friends were breathing normally, and looking better.

"They'll be fine now, and will recover in a few minutes, fully restored to health. I had forgotten how much that spell would take out of me. Please guard against our enemies for a little while, Joan, whilst I replenish the mystic energies I have spent." So saying, Laura became immobile, and in a kind of trance, sitting in a lotus position on the ground.

"Okay, you take your time, Laura. Good job. Well, it looks like there are no more enemies around here - at least for the time being," said Ms. Victory, scanning the area with her enhanced senses, and finding nothing untoward.

As they waited, Carol and Jess stirred and moaned on the ground, but seemed peaceful enough. Joan was concerned, however. As leader of the Femforce, she realized that they had very little information about their enemy, but she had evidence of their effectiveness in injured friends, and their forces were split up at present. Not a good position to be in, she thought again. Thinking fast, Joan realized that they must regroup, and quickly - and fervently hoped that her beloved Lauren and Synn were okay - she realized with a start that they hadn't heard from them since she and Nightveil had raced ahead of the quinjet!!

"Tara," said Joan urgently, "Where did you leave the jet, and do you know what Lauren and Synn intended to do - they should have been here by now, as backup!"

"Why, I landed the quinjet at the small airport on Maui as you suggested and everything seemed normal. Synn was saying to Lauren that they would follow you right away, and she suggested that I swim over to the Island and met up with Carol, whom we had contacted a while ago, en-route. That seemed like a good plan, and I knew where Carol's yacht would be, so I decided to swim over; Synn and Lauren had just taken to the air when I left."

"Then they are very late - I'm sure something has happened to them - I can feel it!" Joan said miserably, thinking of her fabulous, precious Lauren, possibly in danger!

"They can both take care of themselves, do not be afraid, Joan," said Nightveil, who was standing with a shaky, but invigorated Garganta and She-Cat - all seeming to be quite well again.

"Yeah, the airhead isn't as stupid as she looks - and if you tell her I said so, I'll rip your hair out!" said a distinctly stronger Jess. "And Lauren is a match for nearly anything, as you well know Joan, so stop worrying."

"I guess you're right, but I have a bad feeling about all this. We're here because of the warning from general Strock concerning the androids, possibly alien in origin, who may have overrun their Scientist creators, and ... hey, that reminds me: we haven't seen any sign of the scientists, or the Laboratory. I think we should investigate now ... this all seems to be too well orchestrated for my liking, as if there was a coordinating mind behind these occurrences!"

" I too feel a disturbance in the continuity, Joan," Nightveil said thoughtfully. "I propose that we scan the island for the hidden Laboratory, investigate anything we find - and if our comrades have not shown up by then , to track them down."

"Good thinking Laura, we'll do just that. Okay, group, let's move out and find this nest of vipers!"

Above Maui

Lauren and Synn were floating effortlessly in the clear, bright air above the airport on Maui, watching a giant Tara lumbering away towards the coast. They had agreed that she would swim across to Oahu to meet up with Garganta; and from there to see to Jess' rescue.

"Come on, Lauren, let's try to follow Vicky and Laura. They can't be too far ahead. It'll only take a few minutes to fly over to the island. We'll probably get there before Tara."

Lauren looked fondly at Synn, who seemed eager to be reunited with her soul-mate, and felt a sharp pain in her heart as she thought of Vicky, and that she may be in danger. Don't worry, my love. I'm on my way, she thought to herself.

"Okay, Synn, let's go, I'm eager to get to see the others." So saying, Lauren grasped Synn's hand, and together they banked and headed towards the distant verdant island, shimmering in a sky that was no longer clear and bright, but strangely gray and cloudy above them and the island.

Synn noticed the change in weather, and that a strong wind had appeared suddenly with the gray cloud cover. It was making flying tricky, and she was glad that they had held hands to start the journey, as it was becoming difficult to see now.

"Lauren, can you tell if we're still on the right track?" yelled Synn, gripping Lauren's hand tightly, above the now screaming gale buffeting the lone figures.

"What? I can't hear you," Lauren yelled back. She realized that these freak winds had come from nowhere, and they needed to get above the storm, before they became hopelessly tossed about and possibly hurt. Lauren pulled Synn to her, hugging her friend tightly, and headed up through the clouds.

Synn felt Lauren tug at her hand, and was shocked to be intimately and tightly jammed against her amazingly voluptuous, heavenly body. Lauren's gigantic tits were pressing against Synn's mouth, and, with the wind taking her breath away, it was making her feel light-headed. The delicious aroma from the velvety skin of Yankee Girl's mammoth mounds was making her feel very aroused and not a little delirious. Part of her realized that it was wrong to be affected like this, and strove mightily to resist the overpowering pheromones from Lauren's body, whilst also being acutely aware of their present danger. She thought desperately of Laura, and their deep, incredibly strong love for each other, and managed to regain a semblance of reason the overwhelming power of Lauren's phenomenal allure. She realized, like others before her, that these feelings weren't her own, natural intense attraction to Lauren - but Lauren herself unconsciously exuding unbelievably erotic desire to anyone close to her!!

With this knowledge, Synn could be intellectually distanced, to some degree, from the effect of Lauren's incredible body! It didn't stop Synn from secretly, and shamefully, now that she felt safe in knowing - and wasn't being unfaithful to her darling Laura - to snuggle a little into Lauren's massive mammaries- just for a little thrill!!

Lauren was worried, the cloudbank seemed endless, she should have broken through and be above the cloud cover by now and into clear air above the storm. However, they were still struggling against titanic winds, which were remorselessly buffeting them, making headway almost impossible. Over the power and noise of the whistling winds, Lauren was sure she had heard, once or twice, - eerie, maniacal laughter in the heavens - but thought that she must be imagining things!

Synn realized too that they were in trouble, and reluctantly signaled to Lauren that she didn't need to be carried, and so doing, moved to wrap her arm around Laura's waist, as she flew as an equal beside her. Synn's intellect was rising rapidly, she realized, but could not think, yet, of any means to counteract this intense storm.

It was difficult to breathe, to stay on course, in fact, to do anything except float and let the incredible winds carry them where they would. Both realized that they couldn't make any headway - the noise and power of the winds was inexorable and overpowering. They had no idea where they were, and were carried faster and faster by the powerful gales.

After what seemed a very long time indeed, and as both Lauren and Synn were about exhausted, the wind seemed to be lessening, and suddenly, the air was clear around them - for a space of about ten feet all round - whilst beyond that the gales still reeled, black and forbidding. The clear space seemed to extend to the ground, and Synn and Lauren made no hesitation at taking the implied invitation to descend. In no time at all, they landed, and completely exhausted, lay stretched out on the soft sand of a tropical beach, with the sound of waves crashing nearby.

As they lay near each other, gasping for breath, they could see that above them, the sky had mysteriously cleared of the storm, and was once again, a brilliant, azure, cloudless vista.

Synn recovered a second or two before Lauren, and both struggled to all fours, catching their breaths, while the welcome warmth of the sun healed their exhausted bodies. Synn straightened her dress and panties, which had become disarrayed in the passage through the freak storm, and shook sand out of her bodice, as it was grating on her large breasts. She looked over at Lauren, who was standing, shaking out her glorious, long hair, and thereby causing her immense tits to bounce and jiggle in unbelievable ways!! Standing against the blue sky, Lauren looked magnificent, with her taught ass highlighted in the shining sun, and her impossibly long, luscious legs looking like subtly muscled pillars as she continued to raise her arms to shake the sand out of her long, wavy black hair.

Even though Synn had now understood a little of the effects of Lauren's body, she still felt transfixed, staring at the unconscious erotic display that Lauren was putting on; and nearly passed out, her pussy aflame with forbidden desire. As Lauren bent down, straight-legged to shake her hair out, the sight of Lauren's ass pushed up into the air like that, with her protruding pussy lips pushed out, and visible between the slim material of her thong, was just too much! Then as Lauren was bent over in this unbearably sexy posture, her massive tits looked as if they were about to fall out of the ridiculously tiny strapless bodice she wore. Already, both huge, succulent mounds were overflowing her bra cups - and when Lauren gave her hair a final shake, causing her tits to sway in the air alarmingly, Synn's pussy soaked her tiny panties with girljuice - completely unbidden!!

Lauren stood up again, fingers running through her hair, completely unaware of Synn's distress, and rapid, shallow breathing. Oh God, thought Synn, her bodice must be magically enhanced to allow it to contain those amazing, beautiful, massive TITS!!! I've never, ever, seen anything like them - they are soooooo magnificent!!

Synn's thoughts raced, and she had to stop herself from staring - and in so doing, felt very guilty indeed at being so intensely aroused - she felt as if she was betraying Laura's trust; but cold reason prevailed as she acknowledged that Lauren's body in some way was exerting an unknown, possibly magical - or chemical - influence no one would be able to resist. Still, she felt that in some way her own body had betrayed her, and that she'd been unfaithful to Laura - her one true love.

Synn tore her gaze away, and went to Lauren, saying, "Any idea where we are, Lauren? It seems to me that we may be on Oahu, as we couldn't have been blown that far off course, and there are no other islands nearby."

"It's difficult to tell, what with the confusion created by that storm. We could be thousands of miles from Maui for all we know," said Lauren sadly, yet again thinking of needing to be with Joan.

Synn said thoughtfully, "No, Lauren. I recognize this type of island formation, and the tropical vegetation here - it doesn't seem possible to have been blown so far off course as you suggest; No, I think this is Oahu all right - although why that freak wind appeared is a mystery."

"You seem to be suggesting that the storm was not natural, Synn - what makes you say that?" said Lauren.

"Well, I understand something about the meteorological and stratospheric conditions that can manifest in the creation of such gales or hurricanes as we have just witnessed", said Synn, her expanded intellect showing plainly. "I just don't think that the right conditions were prevalent here to create such an anomaly. Therefore that storm was a freak storm - unnatural, and therefore created - and therefore designed to achieve an objective, and by some human agency who can at the least control the weather at will. That argues a serious menace to us, our friends, and possibly the world!"

"Good God, you're right, of course. I think we need to find the others at once and share our this with them!" said a shocked Lauren, recalling with a start the faintly remembered, but insistent diabolical laughter she had thought she had heard during the storm As she told Synn about that experience, both took to the air in preparation to scan the island for their friends, or other signs of life. They both had a double sense of urgency and impending disaster.

Synn's enhanced senses, and Lauren's far sight spotted Carol's yacht far away on the other coast moored at the small harbor, and both resolved to investigate there first. It was a very long distance, but they took off at great speed, flying through the bright sky like comets, searching for their beloved's, and nothing would stand in their way!!

After a few minutes of top speed travel, both girls were surprised, as they crested a range of small mountains, by the sight of what appeared to be two gigantic Taras wrestling above the line of the horizon!!

"Synn, d'you see that?!" said an excited Lauren. "That's where the action must be, let's head over!"

"Right, but that must be Tara and one of the androids General Strock warned us about. If it can grow like Tara, there must be others who may be able to mimic our powers - so let's be careful!"

They both wheeled in the air as they spoke, and banked towards the struggling giants in the distance, flying straight and at high speed. They were both surprised therefore, when there was a series of loud explosions, and the air around them seemed to be full of smoke, and the sound and sight of multicolored balls of fire!

"We're being fired upon. Let's take a look," said Synn, as she transformed the air around her into a large red flying carpet, which floated her down in a zig zag pattern towards a distinctive rock formation below. Lauren followed carefully, taking note of the source of the colored plasma-type discharges - they seemed to be originating from the large rocky outcrop below. She dove straight down towards it at super speed, and the resulting crash of her hitting the rocks sounded like a sonic boom magnified a hundredfold! Rock debris flew everywhere, and clouds of dust and sand floated up for hundreds of feet into the clear air.

Yankee Girl stood by the crater she had created, hands on her hips, looking at the wreckage revealed in the clearing swirl of dust and dirt, of complex machinery, and unmistakable evidence of weaponry. Also, at the covered entranceway to a tunnel made apparent by the awesome destruction of this powerful Goddess.

Synn shouted over, "Lauren, can you see it - this must be the hole the attackers are hiding in.", from her vantage point in the sky, seated on her improbable magic carpet; she could see that one Tara in the distance, had disappeared.

She said, "Tara looks like she can hold off for a little while - should we go and get us some weasels?"

"Sounds like a good idea, Synn. I never did like being shot at. It ruins my make-up!" laughed Yankee girl. "Let's investigate a little, but I want to find Joan in a few minutes, so I don't want to be long in there!"

So, they both headed into the mysterious tunnel entrance at top speed, flying straight into the black maw....


Dragonfly and Stardust were frantically lifting debris with their super strength and pulverizing large fragments of concrete twisted horribly by the apparent hurricane with blasts of stellar energy. They were panic-stricken to locate their lovers Dyna and Diana who appeared to be buried somewhere under the incredible amount of wreckage that had once been the elegant restaurant conservatory of the exclusive hotel.

The hurricane, rain, blasting winds, and searing explosions - which they still couldn't quite sort out - had had a devastating effect on the scene of their former peaceful evening out. The conservatory, open to the now still night, was filled with the screams and moans of the injured, and with a shock, both girls realized that the amount of wreckage and damage must extend far beyond the restaurant to the surrounding neighborhood. There were the wails of many sirens of approaching emergency vehicles, and the noise of gushing, ruptured, water pipes, and the smell of escaping gas.

There was general mayhem all around, and Nancy and Mara became even more frantic in their efforts to locate their beloveds.

"Look, Nancy, there's the corner of the alcove we were in - concentrate your effort here," said Mara through tears and a growing sense of dread that her gorgeous Diana may be injured or worse beneath this awful mess. How could fate be so cruel? she thought. We had just found our love, and now to have it snatched away is just too much, she silently sobbed, as she rained delicate bolts of starlight towards the wreckage.

Nancy too was distraught with worry about Dyna, and was lifting tons of concrete as if it was paper in her Herculean attempt to find her one love - as she now knew, alive or ... dead.

"Hey, can you help over here, please?" shouted a hoarse and terrified voice. "My daughter is trapped under this block."

Nancy turned to see a middle-aged man desperately trying to lift a block of masonry several tons in weight off a child of about ten, who looked to be unconscious or worse underneath the massive slab.

Nancy hesitated, looked over at Mara, who said, "Go ahead, Nancy, innocents come first. It's our duty ... but don't worry, I'll find them."

With a pain like a dagger in her heart, she left Mara blasting debris away in a search for their dearest darlings, and as tears flowed unrestricted down her lovely face, she raced across the dance floor to help other victims.

She crouched, and press-lifted the slab of concrete as if it was plastic foam, and tossed it aside. The man scooped up his now moaning daughter, mumbled a heartfelt thanks to Nancy as she strode away to assist other helpless innocents. She had lifted, pulverized and smashed dozens of slabs to free others trapped as the sirens and the noises of the crisis was punctuated by a shout.

"Nancy! I've got them!!" The cry was from Mara, and at that moment Nancy was sure most of the victims had been freed, and so rushed over. Sure enough, deep in a hole made by twisted wreckage, Mara and Nancy could see the two most precious people in the Universe to them hugging each other in a confined space - dirty, disheveled, but relatively unhurt.

Nancy used her super insect strength to move the debris and rubble away carefully, all the while unconsciously calling out loud to Dyna, telling her through her tears how much she truly loved her baby Dyna more than life itself, couldn't bear to be apart from her anymore, and would she please marry her right away so that they could be together always, as more hot tears of love, pain and relief cascaded down her cheeks. She was laughing with relief, when Dyna was able to tell her that she was okay, and that now - with a pitiful attempt at humor - that she had publicly declared her lesbian love for her, so she'd better get her new fiancé the Hell out of here before the News team arrived!!

Diana had been stunned to hear Nancy telling Dyna her inmost secrets, declaration of undying love, and public proposal, but she was so relieved to be rescued that she didn't let it faze her. Then she caught sight of Mara's face. The unbelievable sense of pain, desolation and desperation as she looked at Diana, and the overpowering feeling of relief, utter joy, intense, deep love and longing, told Diana all she needed to know - as if she didn't already.

"Mara, my darling," said a very relieved, hoarse, emotional and very much in love Diana, "will you please get me out of here so that I can hold you forever? And, this may not be the right time to ask, but I thought that I'd never see you again, and I realized that I wouldn't want to live without you, so how about making it a double wedding, dearest?"

Mara flew down, and picked up her precious love and floated back to the surface - where, oblivious of the other people milling around in the continuing chaos - took Diana into her arms and kissed her long and hard, and just held on to her for the blessed feeling of being together. Her heart was leaping and turning over with love and relief. She wasn't aware that they were both crying, and then laughing, and then saying that they were also engaged as little jokes to relieve the tension. But all four, now together at last, knew that this had been a "life defining" moment, and that none of them would ever look back again. Their lives had been changed forever by this episode, and they proudly held each other, full of the knowledge that their public pronouncements of unfettered love, may or may not be commented upon - but they were prepared to be resolute. Their love would sustain them forever, and their "engagements" were real, so people just better deal with it!!

It quickly became apparent that the damage caused by whatever freak occurrence, had been pretty widespread over a large area of Honolulu, but centered on this Hotel, strangely enough. That's what the local Police, Fire Chief News reporters and Federal Officials all said to the Femforce ladies over the next few hours during their attempts to both help in the rescue attempts; and assist the Local Authorities in finding the cause of the huge devastation. Their own Federal Commissions, and recognition of their status as Femforce members only hastened the grateful Authorities ability to accept their assistance. This was a major disaster area.

Despite their complete exhaustion, after "suiting-up," all four heroines had pitched in to help with the rescue crews, assisted the injured, and wept with relatives over the dead or dying - for hours and hours - until the dawn shone on an urban battlefield about five miles wide.

"It looks like a kind of impact crater," said the Chief of Police in a hastily arranged planning meeting at the federal Building downtown.

"It sure looks to me like Honolulu was a target of some kind - I mean, this wasn't a natural occurrence. I've double-checked with the weather stations, and they didn't record any atmospheric disturbance immediately before or after the disaster". This was said by Agent White of the FBI to a stunned silence in the room.

"Yeah, I know it sounds crazy, but the available evidence seems to suggest that this city was the target of an unknown outside force. The scale of the death toll, the sudden impact and abrupt vanishing of any indication of a freak weather form confirms this. I don't know why, but to paraphrase my colleague Agent Muldaur, I think we've just had a close encounter!!"

The four Femforce members sat at the large table next to each other, holding hands, as if they couldn't bear to be more than a few inches apart from their beloveds -which they couldn't. They had, during a few minutes respite, said to each other that they should be prepared for any reporters mentioning events in the restaurant - but so far no one had. However, they had resolved with their near-death experience, to be more or less open, but not blatant about their feelings for each other.

They felt in such an emotional whirl that until they could discuss the situation with Ms. Victory and the rest of the Femforce, that they just couldn't bear to try to hide their love for each other at this time, but that they would try to be as discreet as possible. This meant holding hands under the table, and holding on to their lovers like grim death - like the death they had seen too much of in the last six or seven hours.

They all needed to find a new Hotel, get some rest, and think things through. Diana had contacted General Strock during the night - assisted by Agent White's offices, and found that all the current Femforce team members were surprisingly in this part of the Pacific chasing up leads about diabolical androids. But, something that Strock had said whilst she was tired and only half listening suddenly popped into her mind, spurred on by Agent White's conclusion!

"Excuse me gentlemen," Diana said quietly, "but when I spoke to our Federal Liaison Officer earlier today, she mentioned that The Femforce are quite near here, investigating, amongst other matters - the rumored possibility of extra-terrestrial activity! That may tend, if true, to confirm the current suspicions here. If you agree, I would suggest that we try to find our team-mates and learn what they have discovered, so that we can plan more effectively."

"Well said, Ms. Masque," said Agent White. "Gentlemen, I would suggest that we all accept this offer of help from prominent members of the Federal Emergency Mission Force, who have aided this nation many times in the past."

There were strong noises of grateful acknowledgment. "In the meantime, while you are on your way to Maui and the mystery there, I will inform the President of our situation, and all relevant agencies, including S.H.I.E.L.D, and my colleague Agent J. of M.I.B. to move to a possible code red alert status. If this is some form of alien beachhead, we must make sure we can receive them properly!" He said grimly.

Very shortly thereafter, Ms. Masque, Stardust, Dragonfly and Rayda were resting in one of two adjoining suites - double rooms, with one double bed in each, Dyna pointedly remarked - provided by the grateful local authorities in a more or less intact luxury Hotel with most of it's facilities available. This, they felt may the way that the Authorities have discreetly acknowledged both their debt to the Heroines, and their recent public disclosures. They were eating a hurried, cold meal, and discussing the next steps. They all looked tired and disheveled. The Hotel had dry-cleaned and repaired their only costumes as best they could; and after a meal and shower, they planned to head out for Maui.

"Look, I know we're all exhausted," said Diana, who could hardly raise herself from her chair, "and this isn't exactly how I'd planned to spend the happiest occasion of my life." She looked devotedly and tenderly at Mara.

"But we've done all we can here, the local authorities can manage the clean up and restoration now, so we must go and help Tara, Jess and the others. God knows what's happening, I haven't had time to think, but I wouldn't be surprised if our recent disaster isn't connected with events on Maui in some way."

"Here we go again," Mara looked blissful, but tired. "It seems that there's always some threat to our happiness and everybody else's, isn't there? But, that's why we're here. Right, girls?!"

"Yes, of course you're right darling. And to try to decide a course of action, I've called general Strock again," said a desperately tired Diana. "But she hasn't heard from any of the team for hours - she's worried, too. The last information was from Dr. Heisler's yacht crew, who confirmed she received a radio message and headed the yacht into Maui, and then went inland. Shortly after that, they reported seeing a giant Tara emerging from the sea, and following Dr. Heisler; then unconfirmed reports of the crew hearing strange, loud sounds, and the ground shaking at intervals. They didn't investigate, and I can't blame them. They are only a hired crew, but seemed fond of Carol and had radioed this information in to the Coast Guard. The most recent data from them was a possible sighting of Ms. Victory flying over the island at high speed, followed by more mysterious loud noises."

"Sounds like the girls are having a party with some alien nasty doesn't it?" said an almost comatose Dyna, who, being a little younger than the rest was beginning to fall asleep.

"Sure sounds like it to me," said Nancy. "We'd better get over there pronto. Mara and I can carry you both easily, and it'll be quicker than trying to find a plane at this time - besides, all aircraft not flying in relief are grounded, and it'll take some time consuming red-tape cutting to get one."

"So come on sleepyhead," she murmured to her adorable fiancé, as she kissed her on the lips to jolt her awake. "I'm afraid we're going to have to make a move, darling. But I promise you a suitable celebration present - and other things - later," she said in a throaty, sultry voice, leaving a now wide awake Dyna in no doubt as to what her "present" would be!

"Okay, let's all just have a quick shower - alone this time, if you want us to leave quickly!" said Mara, with an attempt at a tired smile.

Somewhere on Oahu

"Oh my God, Lauren, this looks like a set left over from the Bride of Frankenstein movie," said Synn as they flew into an enormous underground cavern, at the end of the tunnel they had spotted outside.

Synn's description was startlingly accurate, but this mad scientists' laboratory was for real! It looked the part of a studio set though, with banks of computers lining two walls, huge and intricate machines whose purpose was unfathomable littered the central area. There were huge electric pylons and massive generators with miles of wire strung between them, occasionally sparking and sending alarming blue flashes along the wires. There were also many, many laboratory tables and benches, some in partitioned rooms and sections, with unspeakably bizarre, colored concoctions bubbling in large glass vats.

Lauren could also see a separate area with assembly benches, and - to her utter horror - lots of spare body parts lying on tables, benches, on the floor, and some headless torsos seeming to be strung up like in a butcher's cold storage!

From their vantage point, aloft near the ceiling of the cavernous, underground lair - they had not yet seen any signs of anybody - and the huge area was almost completely silent, save for the hiss and crackle of the occasional electric spark; or bubble of boiling liquid.

Lauren knew there was someone here - she had a sense of being able to "read" the presence of others. This feeling had happened once or twice lately, and it was almost like being able to register the feeling of people's thoughts - if not any detail. She hesitated - not yet ready to call it a form of telepathy, or ESP - but it was ... certain that something was enhancing her powers. There was a mixed sense of some anxious, terrified emotions, and others who were ... Lauren didn't quite know, but they seemed, odd, cold, distant ... alien!!

Yankee Girl felt driven to investigate the grisly body parts she could see from above, and so landed gracefully beside the series of benches laden with what she believed, was horrific evidence of dismemberment and torture. It soon became apparent to her that the body parts were artificial and manufactured - much to her relief and not a little embarrassment!

"Look, Synn. These bodies are only artificial, but they sure had me fooled for a while there!" Lauren admitted.

"So I see," said Synn, who floated down to join her; and thoughtfully mused, "This must be place where the androids we heard about are either made or assembled. Because that's what they are, Lauren, parts of androids waiting to be assembled and activated."

"Looks like we're on track."

"And, if that's the case," reasoned Synn, "this processing center must be where the missing scientists are, and possibly the unknown link to the advanced/alien technology mentioned by General Strock, that devised these monstrosities. So, we'd better be on our guard - it just seems too quiet around here."

Synn's comment proved to be prophetic, as she and Yankee Girl were bombarded by what appeared to be colored plasma bolts - they looked like pulsating laser weapon discharges, and the first few hurt like the devil! That was until Synn was able to form a synnasthetic construct brick wall to protect herself. Lauren didn't need anything, as she was invulnerable - or nearly so, and hardly felt the blasts.

The girls quickly and professionally went into action, both took to the air - Synn encased in a construct bubble, and Lauren looking like a vengeful Goddess about to strike.

"The blasts came from over there, Lauren," said Synn. "Just behind those large, cabinets. And look!" she continued excitedly. "There's another secret passage behind them!"

The heroines raced over as the blasts had stopped, and examined the black area behind the huge storage cabinets - which was open now, with the cabinets hinged open like a door.

"Oh, my God, Synn, look," said an anguished Yankee Girl. "Look there, just inside the passage - bodies!"

Sure enough, a few yards into the dense, dark passage, the girls could see half a dozen twisted human forms, grotesquely piled in a heap. They were all male, they saw as they threw the door wide open and let some light filter down the passage; and all wore white lab coats.

"These must be the missing scientists we've heard about, Lauren," Synn said sadly. "It looks like who, or what ever was here was holding them prisoner - look, they're all trussed up and gagged."

They seemed lifeless, and the heroines were sick at the thought of such wanton killing, but when they approached the pile of forms, they discovered, happily, that they were alive - but completely comatose, and unable to be revived easily.

"We'll have to leave them here for a while Lauren," said Synn firmly. "I know it's risky, but we've got to go on and find whatever it was that fired at us, kidnapped these men, and maybe then we'll find out what all this is about!"

The End - Chapter 3