The Femforce: The Infernal Affair part 4

Time to Read:18min
Added Date:9/14/2024
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Honolulu Stardust flew into the dusky sky over Honolulu carefully cradling her irreplaceable and delectable fiancé, Ms. Masque, tightly in her arms. Diana was holding onto her lover's neck with all her might, somewhat terrified to look down. As the wind screamed around her, she humorously thought that she was glad she had left her silly fedora at the Hotel. The wind had also made her micro-mini skirt redundant by continuously blowing it up around her waist, permanently displaying her brief, red thong, and her fabulously long legs.

Mara looked down tenderly at her Honey, Diana, her heart bursting with love and adoration, and gazing into her fiancé's eyes, she could see the complete and utter devotion returned a thousand fold. She couldn't resist therefore, bending her neck to touch her lips gently to Diana's in a loving kiss. Diana responded by pulling her beloved's neck a little further down to more easily reach and returned the blissful kiss with all the love she could muster.

Her heart was beating like a sledgehammer, and she felt so happy and content to be in her strong lover's arms .... and so she was absolutely shocked to feel Mara pulling away so that her arms weren't completely encircling her body. As she looked at Mara, she saw the surprise and horror on her face as she was seemingly pulled away from Diana, leaving her floating free!!!

Diana felt as if she had been snatched by a malevolent wind, as she was buffeted around in a zigzag fashion, rather than fall straight down! She was being carried along by enormously strong winds, held aloft by the sheer force of the air rushing around her. Mara was frantic as, after her initial shock, she flew raggedly after Diana, trying to catch her; but the winds mischievously eluded her!

Diana could feel ghostly hands on her body, her breasts, pulling at her panties, yanking her hair, and she was frightened as she began to accelerate towards the ground at a fantastic rate!! She felt as if she had suddenly been "released" from the grasp of the winds, but the ground was rushing up to meet her; and she knew that she was going to die!

Meanwhile, Stardust, panic-stricken, had dived at super speed after her beloved when she saw that Diana wasn't being held aloft anymore - only to meet an impenetrable force of air that blew her off course, held her, and began to whisk her against her will upwards into the clear sky - away from her fiancé!!!

As she spiraled and twisted erratically in the grip of unseen hands, or forces that carried her ever upwards in an insane dance - her only thoughts were of her gorgeous Diana, and her fate. She struggled mightily, but the force, or whatever it was, held her tightly, and streaked through the stratosphere at a maniacal pace, and soon Dusty was able to dimly see stars, and then the clear, coldness of space. The mad rush had taken its toll, and the usually strong woman, dog-tired, stricken with fear and grief, passed out. An evil, psychotic laugh rang out, even in airless space, and the air-beings that had spun and whirled Dusty into insensibility, became tangible, and carried her now inert body back towards the ground.

Diana, meanwhile, had also passed out from lack of air during her plummeting descent, and so wasn't able to witness the ground rising up a hundred feet or so into the sky like a giant's hand, to gently catch her as she fell, and to then retract the column of earth with Diana crushed inside it, back to the ground, and to continue to be pulled into the earth!! Another weird laugh was heard, and the earth elementals, - for that's what they were, dragged Diana under the ground, and deposited her entombed in a large, dark cavern, after pawing over her luscious body.

Dragonfly, carrying her beloved fiancé Rayda, tenderly in her arms, had also taken off from the Hotel roof flying in Stardust's wake. She and Dyna had been horrified to witness first Ms. Masque plummeting to the ground, and then Stardust hurtling at a fantastic speed up into the heavens!! Both were lost to sight so quickly, that it seemed like the blink of an eye.

Stunned, the two beautiful heroines floated stationary above the beach near to the hotel complex; trying to decide what to do. However, before either lover could voice the terror of seeing their friends carried away - they were themselves besieged.

Without warning, a veritable tsunami - a monstrous tidal wave - appeared out of nowhere in the previously calm sea, and leapt hundreds of feet into the air to engulf both femmes! They were left without any defense, it was so sudden, so powerful - and the force of thousands of tons of water rendered them so weak that Rayda lapsed into unconsciousness, and Dragonfly was stunned and unable to concentrate enough to coherently fight back.

Nancy felt, rather than saw, Dyna being sucked under the tons of water - probably to her death! She was powerless to save her darling, as the pressure of rushing, swirling water was unnatural and extremely powerful - gripping her body and pulling her to the shore - away from Rayda!

After what seemed like long minutes, but was actually only seconds, Rayda had disappeared into the depths, and Dragonfly was groggily coughing up water on the beach - feeling distraught and bedraggled. She summoned all her insect powers however, struggled with all her might to concentrate, and surged upwards into the air towards the water - intent on diving after her Baby and true love. She had only floated a few feet into the air, when a sheet of orange and yellow flame seemed to rise from the bushes lining the beach, and engulf her in a ball of fire!!

Nancy couldn't breath because of the intense heat, and although the fire couldn't really harm her near impervious body, it was still scary and stiflingly hot! She struggled against the fireball, trying to fly and escape, but the fire took vaguely humanoid shape and engulfed her once more - this time cutting off all her air, and she succumbed to the vacuum, and passed out. The fire being triumphantly carried her to the cliffs, and into a cavernous recess, which opened out inside. The hollow laughter rang out once more in the cavern, as Alizarin Crimson appeared in a whoosh of displaced air, to stand with her legs apart, hands on hips and threw her head back and laughed insanely over and over!!!

She was dressed like a Dominatrix from a nightmare, with black leather thigh-length spike heel boots, tiny black leather thong with a an enormous, thick black dildo hanging down; a black leather Basque with support cups that allowed her monstrous tits to be exposed and held up; long black gloves, and bull- whip. With her long, black, flowing hair, and unearthly beauty, she looked like an angel from Hell!

She glanced over to the group of elementals she had brought magically with her from the Limbo Realm -all appearing as vaguely human in outline, but composed of the four elements of earth, air, fire and water. There were dozens of them, and they tittered and giggled madly in tune with their psychotic Mistress; creating a cacophony of madness and auditory hallucinatory noises that reverberated and echoed in the cavern.

"At last, at last, I'll have my revenge on that fucking bitch whore, Nightveil, and the cursed Femforce. They were easily defeated by you, my faithful demons, and now they can face the full power of their rightful Dominatrix - ME! I'll make them pay with their flesh, their minds, their souls, and their so-called love!!! Now that they have declared their pitiful, disgustingly sickening feelings for each other, the agony they face will be all the sweeter. Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!!!!!"

As the laughter reluctantly died away, and even the echoes dwindled, Alizarin Crimson looked down at the lifeless bodies of Dragonfly, Ms. Masque, Rayda and Stardust stretched on the barren earthen floor - powerless and completely vulnerable.

"Now, she said, "It's my turn for sweet, succulent, revenge, and the suffering of the hated, fucking 'Slut Force' can begin in earnest. Oh, how they'll pay for all the ignominies I've suffered, all the agonies I've endured; these femme-whores will have their minds and bodies raped and fucked until their only true love and undying loyalty is to ME!!!!! Ha Ha Ha Ha!!! And we'll take them to Hell to begin their transformation."

She waved to the large group of Elementals, as she began a series of magical incantations and gestures, which produced a dark swirling fog that engulfed everyone, and opened up a portal to what looked, through the haze; like a vision of brimstone-laden Hades!!


As she spoke, Synn floated into the passage, held up her hand, which glowed brightly with a fierce luminescence, and showed the winding path ahead, with the walls of unadorned rock, but roughly circular in construction; and she wondered idly what kind of advanced technology could have cut a passage like this through solid rock so cleanly.

"Okay, let's go then, Synn," said Lauren, and the two beautiful crime-fighters sped off together down the long, forbidding passage.

After a few uneventful, but tense moments, they emerged into a larger, open space - which seemed to be about as large as a fair-sized ballroom; and were fired upon again!

"I can't see who's firing! Can you, Synn?" said Lauren tensely. She was feeling pain in her temples, as waves of malevolent and disturbingly alien thoughts were broadcast through the darkness surrounding them - lit only by Synn's glowing hand -which was not bright enough to illuminate the entire cavern.

"We can now!" said Synn, as she created a series of firework displays in brilliant white light, so as to light up every part of the large open space ahead. "There," she said. "Can you see those pools of blackness in the corner there? They stand out even amid the light!"

Sure enough, Lauren thought, that's where these awful emanations are coming from, and boy are they pissed! She streaked over, with Synn following towards what seemed to be about four or five of the weird, almost shapeless forms, which seemed to be composed of blackness, with what looked like might be eyes. However, they had some form of manipulative appendages to enable them to handle the curious looking weapons they held.

Ignoring the pain caused by the plasma bolts, which was minimal thanks to her near invulnerability; Lauren flew straight at, and tried to grapple with one of the "creatures," who she realized must be the mysterious aliens they were seeking. Immediately, she saw her adversary become vague and intangible, and her grappling hands passed right through the figure. but the effect of having touched even their intangible form was one of intense, frozen agony beyond belief! Quickly landing and looking around, whilst catching her breath and nursing her injured arm and hand, which had seemed momentarily paralyzed; Lauren saw that the other figures had also become insubstantial, and were eluding Synn's attempts to grab them with giant pink synnastrophic pincher constructs.

However, Synn had more tricks up her sleeve, as she concentrated, whilst shouting aside to Lauren, "Close your eyes tight, and don't look 'til I tell you!"

As she saw Lauren obey immediately, much to her relief, she began a spectacular kaleidoscope of swirling, mind-distorting explosive effects that actually warped reality in the cavern. The effects were devastating, and completely disorientating, as up became sideways, or inside; and objects began to dissolve into molten, rainbow puddles, only to reform into cubist reflections of themselves. It was truly a surrealistic pocket- insanity, designed to disorientate and confuse anyone caught in the cacophony of sound and sight distortions. Walls appeared to melt, and the very air seemed to turn itself inside out, creating ectoplasmic visions reminiscent of Salvador Dali's most nightmarish visions!

Synn increased the tempo of her visions of Hell, so that the pulsating, swirling distortions became like true madness-inducing, and irresistible, hypnotic and she could see that the aliens had all fallen to the ground threshing around uncontrollably in their induced psychotic state. When she could see that the aliens had all passed out, or were comatose and unmoving; she allowed reality to correct and adjust itself; and with a stomach-wrenching jolt, things became as they were.

"Okay, Lauren," Synn said a little tiredly. Whilst reality warping did not affect her greatly, it was exceedingly draining. "It's all over now. You can look again."

She glanced over to where Lauren was standing, only to see to the statuesque beauty with her eyes wide open with absolute terror gazing into the infinite distance with a mindless stare.

"Oh, no, Lauren, you must have opened your eyes too soon! I warned you ... oh God, what will I do?! How can I bring her back from this glimpse of the Abyss?!" Synn felt awful and responsible. How could she raise her friend, and Ms. Victory's love from her supine state?

She tried gently shaking her friend by grasping her shoulders, and then very gently slapping her cheek - but got no response. She gently laid Lauren on the ground, so that her limbs wouldn't become stiff with standing immobile for a long while.

As she happened to glance over to the far end of the cavern, as if looking for inspiration, she noted with anger and horror that the aliens had all vanished. She had been so concerned for her friend that she hadn't noticed that her enemies must have recovered quicker than anticipated and taken her distraction as an opportunity to escape!

Still, thought Synn, my first responsibility must be to Yankee Girl - I must restore her to herself before she suffers any permanent brain damage.

She put her considerable intellect through paces to strain her memories of ways to counteract her reality-distorting abilities. She tried to recall escapades whilst she was in Limbo, before her precious Laura had brought her back to the real world to train and restrain her awesome powers. She remembered sadly her encounters with No-Nose Nanette, and her attempts to alter reality to create a nose for her and....

"That's it!" she gleefully exclaimed, as she realized a means of possibly bringing Lauren out of her stupor!!

The trouble was, Synn mused after a moment, and shamefully admitted to herself, "This will require me to betray my love for Laura, and to deceive both Vicky and Lauren, but I can't think of any other way! I only hope that they can all forgive me, as I only want to get Lauren back!! I hope I'll be able to forgive myself too!"

For some reason, Lauren felt that she should remember something awful that was tugging at the edges of her memory and perception. She couldn't quite recall it, just the general feeling of intense panic and overwhelming terror. She thought that she must have had a nightmare, and pushed it to the back of her mind, as she concentrated, a little guiltily, she thought, on the wonderful, intensely erotic sensations in her tits and pussy that her fabulous soul-mate Vicky was producing through her fantastic kisses.

She became more and more conscious of her Sweetie, her naked, beautiful Vicky lying on top of her own incomparable, nude body; lying between her long, luscious legs, which were spread wide apart, with her knees slightly raised to allow Vicky to grind her own pussy on Lauren's.

Oh, God, thought Lauren, as Vicky's lips pressed lovingly against her own in a passionate, yet tender kiss; and her hips bucked against her now tingling groin, causing her to spend a little girl-juice to lubricate the outer lips of her beautiful, shaven pussy.

This is Heaven, thought Lauren, as she put her arms around Vicky and held her tight, causing two sets of massive mammaries to squash against each other in the most delightfully erotic manner; whilst at the same time returning the sensuous kiss, and pushing her hips up to meet the gyrations that were driving her pussy to emit copious amounts of honey!!

Very soon indeed, Lauren, now enormously aroused by her gorgeous, fantastic, and so precious love, was near to a gigantic orgasm. She could feel the build up of passion and the ever-increasing flow of love-juice dripping from her now soaking wet pussy, and she felt as if she was about to explode!! Her lips still pressed tightly to her lover in a deep, French kiss, Lauren's hips threshed and gyrated in the throes of her orgasm, and she shuddered along the length of her fantastic, sweat-soaked body. Her pussy laws literally gushing amazing amounts of girl-cum; just like a small fountain!! This incredible display continued, with unbelievable gushings of lovely cum, just as if she was peeing - until she passed out in a delirious, ecstatic stupor - her limbs falling away and lying limp on the ground.

She looked absolutely adorable, lying there, legs still wide open, a large puddle of her girl-honey on the floor, pussy still dripping juice, and her truly gigantic tits standing to attention with rigid nipples, spilling all over her chest. Her incredibly beautiful face looked to be at peace, with a lovely, satisfied smile on her perfect, angelic features.

Ms. Victory knelt beside her, looking into Lauren's mesmerizing, gorgeous face. She slowly and unexpectedly began to change her shape, and her body and features quickly morphed into a tearful, distraught, but strangely satisfied Synn.

It was Synn of course, who had entered Lauren's mind, and assumed the shape of her lover, Ms. Victory in an attempt to bring Lauren back to reality by allowing her to feel safe and experience excessive pleasure. This, Synn had felt, would be the only way of reaching deep into her psyche and bringing her back. It had worked, as Lauren had assumed she was safe at home, making love to Vicky, whom she treasured above anything else in the world; but Synn felt she had betrayed everyone's trust by making love to Lauren - even though it had only been in Lauren's mind - there hadn't been any physical contact. But Synn still had had to guide the action, and had been just as turned on by Lauren's amazing body as if she'd been humping her herself!!

Despite feeling upset and contrite, Synn reached out delicately with her powerful mind to gently stroke Lauren's consciousness, and make her forget the details of her recent lovemaking, except for a very pleasant, but remote memory. Synn also very, very gently, wiped Lauren's soaking wet pussy, and the pool of honey on the floor with a soft cloth from a lab bench; and caused her costume to reappear.

Now that Lauren's psyche had been recalled and healed by the love and pleasure she felt for her beloved Vicky, Synn was able to implant gentle suggestions into her memory that would allow Yankee Girl to think that she had momentarily blacked out with the force of Synn's distortions, and to forget the horrors she had seen.

Lauren opened her gorgeous eyes wide, saw Synn kneeling over her and said, "Gosh, Synn, I must have passed out for a moment. I remember wanting desperately to see what was happening, but I can't remember anything. Where are the aliens?"

"It's okay, Lauren. Just rest for a second, they've gone - but they won't be far," said Synn wistfully, as she helped Yankee Girl onto her feet.

"I'm all right. Thanks, Synn," said a suddenly blushing and confused Lauren, who was struggling to suppress an intense desire to kiss Synn and feel her beautiful, huge tits!

What's come over me?! I seem attracted to Synn all of a sudden! thought Yankee Girl, who could feel stirrings and tingling in her pussy for a moment. Quickly, however, the feeling passed, and Lauren was left confused and slightly disorientated by the mixture of emotions.

It only took her a few moments, however, to put things into perspective, and envision Vicky as her ONLY true love and life-mate. She realized - or thought she realized - that her passing attraction to Synn was merely an intense feeling of close friendship, exacerbated by the confusion engendered by her passing out.

Synn, however, was feeling very guilty indeed. She had achieved her objective, for the best of reasons, and thought tenderly of Lauren as a friend; but felt acutely miserable about - to her - betraying Nightveil's love and trust by making love to Lauren, even if it was only in their minds. The truth was, that Synn was feeling so awful and guilty because, although it hadn't been a physical coupling - it was an intense psychic connection, that she had enjoyed herself, despite her wishes!

Then, she suddenly realized, that the feelings she had experienced, and were making her feel guilty, may have been - no, will have been - as a result of the intensity of psychic contact with Lauren's mind ... and her power of sexual attraction!!!!!!

Synn had merely succumbed to Lauren's mysterious allure, perhaps considerably enhanced by her newly-displayed telepathic powers; and had not "betrayed" Laura, even in thought! Even though she had in fact enjoyed the sensations, she realized they were, to a large degree anyway, induced by Lauren's power. Synn felt a little better for having worked that out, although there was still a residue of concern, which she resolved to talk over with Laura, even though it might be painful.

Her ruminations were interrupted by a stronger and more confident Lauren saying, "Let's go, Synn, and see if we can catch up to those beings. I don't want them to slip through our fingers now that we're so close."

As she spoke, she took to the air, and followed by a now more rational Synn; they took off together into the corner of the cavern recently vacated by the strange aliens. They found yet another short, dark tunnel, leading out into the lush vegetation of the Island floor.

As the Heroines emerged, they were startled to see the tree canopy in deep shadow, and looking up, could only stand and gaze in awe at an absolutely gigantic Spaceship, with flashing lights, and a purple-colored aura around the entire surface; hovering just above the trees. It hung there for a millisecond, and without any warning, or sound, it just .... left. It had actually accelerated at such a speed as to seem to have vanished; and the two beautiful heroines were caught flat-footed on the ground.

Gamely taking to the air in a vain attempt at pursuit, the two dejected members of Femforce were astonished and delighted to see their lovers, Nightveil and Ms. Victory streaking across the sky towards them.

As they all desperately embraced, and Laura had thoroughly kissed a delighted Synn; and Vicky had tenderly, yet passionately kissed Lauren breathlessly, Vicky said that she and Laura had been scouring the jungle for them, and had caught sight of the immense Spaceship. They had sped over to investigate, but it had vanished too quickly.

Holding Yankee Girl tightly to her perfect, voluptuous body, Vicky whispered to her, "Oh, my Baby, my darling, I was so worried and afraid that you might have been hurt, and I realized that I couldn't EVER bear to lose you. I'm sure you know that I love you darling, but I really, really need to tell you that I love you more than life, and want you to share it with me always, so that we will never be apart. Please, please say that you'll stay beside me and be my partner for life, forever!"

Lauren was astonished, but quickly realized that Ms. Victory, American Icon, was proposing to her!!

"OH LORD, YES, YES, JOAN DARLING, YES, YESSSSS!!!! I have waited all my life to hear you say those words, and I never dreamt that this moment could be so wonderful!" Lauren said whilst passionately kissing her new fiancé!! Her heart was bursting with joy, her soul was soaring, aflame, and the air around her shimmered and glowed with a weird, unearthly crimson fire!

Meanwhile, Synn and Nightveil were also floating, arms entwined around each other, as they lovingly kissed deeply and longingly.

"Laura," said a very tremulous Synn, her voice hoarse with emotion, as she reluctantly disengaged from the embrace of her one true love. "I have to tell you something, even though it may hurt you, as I can't bear not sharing EVERYTHING with you."

Laura held onto her precious and beautiful soul mate, and quietly said, "Hush, my darling angel, I know what occurred with Lauren back there - I am not an "all-powerful sorceress" for nothing!" she smiled lovingly at Synn, who stared open mouthed.

"But how ... what ... how ... could ... oh God, Laura, I'm so sorry ... I really, really love you. I didn't mean to hurt you," she said as the tears came flowing from her luminous eyes, as she buried her face into Laura's shoulder.

Laura said tenderly, "It's okay, Synn. I know that your motives were honorable, and that you did the only thing possible to bring Lauren back. I admire and respect you for doing what you did, do you hear me? It took a great deal of courage and selflessness to go through with something you believed may have jeopardized your relationship with me, for the sake of another human being. There is no more selfless act than you have just achieved. I love and honor you for it."

Laura felt very, very close to Synn, and realized just what a Honey, what a treasure she really was - tender, devoted, completely selfless and loving; a perfect partner in fact. She had a revelation ... she realized that she had just been explaining to herself how utterly and completely she loved Synn, and she knew that Synn returned that burning, shining love a hundredfold. She understood and felt deeply that this love they shared was unending and forever.

Her heart aflame with love, she caressed Synn's amazingly beautiful, innocent face delicately with her hand, and looking deep into her shining gray eyes, reflecting her utter love and devotion; Laura opened her mind completely to Synn, to achieve the ultimate coupling.

Synn gasped with joy, her heart was near to bursting with the incredible strength of love she felt, and knew was returned from Laura. She felt blissful, and eagerly kissed her dearest on her luscious lips. As they kissed passionately, Laura silently asked, and received rapturous agreement for her to join their souls together, and wrap a protective spell that shared and bonded them together forever.

The feeling for both of sharing souls, being in complete rapport, to be utterly open to the other, with nothing held back - an open book for the other to read - to be completely vulnerable to the other and know that there would be no advantage taken, only intense love and trust; was golden, shimmering, explosive, merely indescribable!

Laura and Synn were oblivious to their surroundings, and although the spiritual bonding seemed to have taken at least a year - in reality, it was just seconds. They held each other tightly, huge breasts squashing together, their nipples burning stiff with love and desire; and 'spoke' into the karmic beauty of their shining souls, forever entwined. "Oh, Synn, I love you so much, it hurts! I may be a sorceress, but I need you so much I can't stand to be apart from you, ever. Would you please honor me by consenting to being my life-partner, to stay with me forever - please?!"

Synn's answer was a staggering, overpowering wave of love, emotion and pleasure that threatened to engulf Lauren. Synn was projecting ALL of her love to Laura ... and yelling out loud. "YES, YES, YES, OH GOD, MY DARLING MISTRESS, LAURA, YESSSS!!!!"

Both couples looked at each other at the sound of Synn and Lauren's very LOUD, mutual, joyous, simultaneous, expressions of pleasure; and blushed, and laughed, and flew together and embraced lovingly, tearfully, and joyously. Each realized that they had shared a sublime, unique moment that had changed their lives - forever; and they were doubly glad that the same thing had happened to their friends, and that they had shared the experience together.

As they began to calm down, and take notice of their surroundings once more, Ms. Victory said, "Well, Laura, I don't want to intrude on your happiness, and your betrothal; but I'll be damned if I want to let those bloody aliens get away!"

Nightveil said, "Synn and I thank you deeply, and to you and Lauren too. But it may not be too late if we are swift, as I can still feel the emanations of the alien's brainwaves, and may be able to follow for a while."

So, hand in hand, the four newly betrothed Femforce beauties, promising each other a "proper" celebration later for their engagements; sped off into the blue skies on an invisible trail.

The End - Chapter 4