Fighting the Law with the Law - part 2

Author: Testcase
Time to Read:14min
364 100

Fighting the Law with the Law Part 2

Chapter 2

This will make a lot more sense if you read Part One Here

By Testcase

Warning, this work of fiction contains a LOT of sick stuff nobody should ever attempt at home! Please treat our Super Heroines with respect! It is for entertainment purposes only and may not be reproduced without my permission. I hope you enjoy, I took some liberty with some familiar characters and their origins, settings and relationships. Send comments by clicking on my name above.

Also many of these characters are property of someone else, don't be spreading this around Wonder Woman, Wonder Girl, and other characters, are owned and copyrighted by DC Comics. Any similarity between characters, names, places or events is purely coincidental. This story and all its material is a work of fan fiction. It is written purely for the purpose fun and entertainment, not profit.

Warning: The following story is rated X and should only be read by those who are 18 years old or older. If you are not of legal age or do not enjoy reading erotic stories, then do not read this story, as it contains strong sexual content and adult themes of a mature nature.



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Queen Hippolyte of the Amazons did not receive the news of her eldest daughters arrest well at all! The tall statuesque blond Amazon went into a rage, "HOW DARE THEY!" she fumed. "Princess Diana is Royalty! All she has done is save that country several times over! Captain of the Guard, prepare an escort, we will be traveling this afternoon, I will not have my Daughter treated this way!"

"Your Highness, perhaps we should wait until we see what develops" a red headed Amazon council to the Queen advised.

"I know you have studied their laws Tyra" the Queen proclaimed, "But I do not trust the world of man to treat my daughter as she should be treated! You will come with me and twenty other escorts to free Diana!"

"Perhaps my Queen twenty may be seen as a threat?' Tyra countered.

"I do not care!" Hippolyte exclaimed, "let them be threatened, do not let them think they may treat one of us as a common criminal!"

"But your highness, might I suggest we try with a smaller retinue first, then if needed show more threat" the red head counseled. "Perhaps we can reach an agreement without violence! We can always call upon reinforcements if needed!"

"Perhaps you are right Tyra!" the Queen acquiesced. "We will take only six plus yourself!" Still seeing doubt on her trusted advisors face she amended her decree, "Perhaps four plus you Tyra and of course Drusilla will join us."

"Very well my Queen, I will make the arrangements" Tyra declared.

Hippolyte marveled at the young red heads efficiency and thought to her self, "So wise at such an early age, when I was her age all I wanted to do was hunt and make war! She has already experienced a lifetime of learning and she is the same age as my youngest daughter… Ahh Hippolyte you're getting old!"

Diana Prince stood in the dock before Judge Christine Justice anger clear on her perfect features. "Your honor, why have I been dragged from my job at the Pentagon, I have important work to complete today!"

"MS Prince you stand accused of being a vigilante, the vigilante known as Wonder Woman. This Wonder Woman is accused of hundreds of acts of illegal activities as defined in the World Vigilante Court laws, how do you plead to these charges?" the Judge demanded.

"Wonder Woman is no "vigilante" your honor!" Diana declared firmly, "She is a paragon of justice for all women and men alike for that matter!"

"MS Prince, it is not up to you to decide what is or is not a crime, which is the purview of this court and those like it set up around the world to reign in the uncontrolled vigilantism that was prevalent ant so destructive in our society!" the Judge admonished her. "We do not let bank robbers or rapist decide what is or is not legal, is that clear?"

Diana sensed she was in deep trouble, "Am I entitled to a lawyer? I would like to make a phone call!"

"Your rights have been read to you!" the corrupt jurist snapped, "You have no phone call coming! However do to the special nature of this court we have appointed a lawyer that is licensed to practice here. She is also a vigilante serving time; I believe you know Ann Anders, also known as Aqua Girl? Will she be sufficient for you?"

Dian did indeed know Ann and had been impressed with her keen mind and indomitable spirit. She had heard Ann had been incarcerated along with Supergirl and Batgirl and had not seen her in months, but it seemed like her only option. "Yes I believe Ms Ander would serve nicely!" she answered the Judge.

"Very well, I will allow an hour recess for you to meet your lawyer and discuss your case!" the Judge ordered and Diana was led to an interview room where she was reunited with her former colleague in crime fighting.

Diana was shocked at the sight of her friend, she looked totally defeated as she sat across from the Amazon her eyes unable to meet Diana's. "Ann, are you all right?"

"Yes, of course, I am well treated here" the diminutive Aquatic heroine answered in a mechanical tone.

When Ann didn't say anything else Diana went on, "Ann, what is going on here?"

"This is where criminal vigilantes are brought to justice" the heroine turned jail house lawyer answered in monotone.

"Ann, you know that isn't true! Diana exclaimed. "What have they done with you?"

"I am well treated here" Ann repeated, "We had better discuss your case Diana, we are limited on time."

"I suppose you know best" Diana replied, not convinced. "Have you seen their evidence?"

"yes I have, and in their eyes it is damning Diana!" Ann retorted. "I won't lie to you, it is very bad, they have a one hundred percent conviction rate in that court!" then Diana saw a flash of fear cross her lawyer's face, "But of course you will receive a fair and just trial!"

Puzzled by her friends sudden change in demeanor Diana asked "So what happens now?"

"The prosecution has agreed to a bail hearing, provided you agree to certain conditions." Ann advised. "I have a copy of the agreement for you to sign."

The lawyer slid a contract to Diana for her to read and waited silently for the Amazon in disguise to examine the document. When she finished Diana spouted "this is absurd! I am not going to agree to this!"

"Diana, trust me, you must, and you have to get out of here!" Ann whispered. "If you do not you will never get another chance, you have to believe me!"

Something in the urgent way Ann was implored her case touched an alarm bell in Diana. Still she hesitated, "I would be putting up everything I own, including my very person? What the Hades does THAT mean?'

"It means you need to get out of here at ANY cost!" Aqua girl repeated just as I entered the room.

"Time is up MS prince, you and your lawyer are required to enter your plea to Judge Justice and agree on terms for bail.

I led them back to the court room and showed them where to stand in front of the judge who bluntly opened the proceedings, "How do you plead?"

We plead not guilty your honor!" Ann proclaimed, "And we seek bail for my client!"

"Very well counselor has your client read the bail agreement and does she understand it?'

"I have read it your honor!" Diana proclaimed, "but I think it is harsh and unjust!"

"Do you agree to its terms" the Judge asked. "And remember, you are swearing an oath that binds you and any other names you may be known by!"

"No, I do not!" the dark haired defendant proclaimed.

"Then you will be handed over to the bailiff until your trial in six to eight months!" the Judge ordered.

"Diana, don't" Aqua warned under her breath, "You need to get out of here now!"

Diana reconsidered, "judge, I accept your terms, I would like to be released on bail!"

"Judge Justice ordered. "The court will accept your word you will appear for your trial MS Prince; do you freely give your solemn vow it and understand you are subject to all the conditions described in the bail agreement regardless of your real name or any name you might use?"

"Yes your honor?" she replied.

Very well then, please see the Warden and sign the papers." A disappointed Judge decreed. We both really wanted her to decline the bail; I couldn't wait to get my hands on that cunt! But it turned out for the better in the end.

"As a condition of your bail MS Prince you will be required to wear a tracking monitor and disabling system and you are limited to your home and place of employment" the Judge advised. "Any attempt to leave the city will prompt an immediate arrest warrant that is enforceable around the world. If it is tampered with or you try to remove it, it will trigger an injection into your leg that will disable you; if you attempt to leave the boundaries I have prescribed it will trigger the injection. Do you understand?"

"I understand you honor." Diana snarled back.

"Also, anyone attempting to aid you to escape will be arrested and subject to harsh penalties!" the Judge added. "Warden, you may install the restraint and release the prisoner until her trial date."

Diana was led to my office where I pointed to a metal stand sticking up from the floor. "Put you leg on that stand!" I commanded. When I hit a button and a wall slid back revealing a huge Aquarium with Aqua girl swimming nude in it the Amazon's jaw dropped. "Your lawyer should witness your tracking restraint being installed" I advised her. I positioned her slender ankle over the stand and pressed a button. Two metal bands emerged from the top of the stand and tightly encircled her ankle. I tested the device to make sure it was working then told her, "your other leg MS Prince"

"Why?" she demanded.

"We are installing a back up system, you might be able to get one off before you are taken down, but no way will you be able to remove two instantly and simultaneously. We will also be placing one around your neck!"

"M…my neck?" Diana stammered.

"Yes, it is part of the agreement you signed, otherwise you will be awaiting your trial here instead!" I informed her.

When held up the metal collar I could see she was about to rebel against it, but then decided she needed to get out of here and since we had already applied the ankle restraints this didn't make much difference. A few humiliating moments later she was led away and released to go home.

As she left I hit another button and another panel slid open on the wall, it hid a small cage that contained Supergirl! I opened the door of the cage and she crawled to me on her hands and knees then assumed the classic slave position kneeling in front of me. While the maid of might sucked my cock I tortured Aqua girl by electrifying the water she was swimming in. "You tried to warn the Amazon didn't you guppy? Bad little sardine, now you will have to be punished!"

I could see her mouth forming the words "NNNNNOOOO!!!" as the electricity tore at her body….. She was still twitching violently as a shot a wad of cum down Supergirl's throat.

I made the blond heroine lick me clean as a familiar trio entered my office; it was judge justice followed by police Commissioner Gordon and his son Bryan Gordon, a prosecutor, in fact the prosecutor that we used in our little court.

These two corrupt politicians were in our pocket, long since bought with cash and other favors, favors of a very sick perverse nature. I had never met two sicker perverts in my life, well short of myself anyway.

The duo enjoyed raping and torturing poor batgirl at least once a week, what they didn't know was batgirl was the commissioners' daughter and prosecutors' sister! Part of the rules for their sick visits were that batgirl was to be kept blindfolded as well as gagged. A new mask had been built that replicated her Batgirl mask only there were no eye holes.

The two twisted city officials fucked her every which way they could imagine, both having no idea they were committing incest. They got regular letters from Barbra who they thought was living in Europe for the last year and had even spoken to what they thought was her on the phone. But now my two pet politicians were thinking they were entitled to more…

"Look Tull, we are the public end of this deal, we take a lot of grief from the public and risk!" the Commissioner proclaimed.

"Are asses are on the line!" added the prosecutor, "We think we deserve more!"

Drawing myself up to my full six foot six I glowered at them, "just what do you think it is you're entitled too?"

"More money and more access to the women!" declared the elder Gordon as his son nodded in agreement.

"And if I decide not to give you more?' I asked, "What are you prepared to do?" The corrupt Judge Christine Justice was wide enough to see the anger in my eyes and she separated herself a bit from the other two. "Let's not get carried away!" she declared.

"We could expose you!" the prosecutor exploded, "ruin your whole operation here!"

I remained silent and pushed a button on my desk as judge Justice suppressed a t smirk at the two men, knowing they might never leave this building alive. A huge monitor came to life with a picture of batgirl being raped by the two men.

"We can claim that was faked!" the father proclaimed, "it happens all the time, and we are upstanding citizens, no one would believe you over us! Besides we have powerful friends like the governor! Plus, you will go down with us!"

Remaining silent I pushed another button and another screen flared, this one had the Governor as the star, ass fucking a young boy! Laughing I said, "I don't think the governor will be much help gentlemen. Plus there is one other thing that might convince you that you are rich enough and should continue our arrangement as is. Or maybe I should have you paying me…"

"There is nothing that could do that!" declared Bryan the prosecutor.

"Don't be so sure until after you see what I am going to show you next!" I warned.

The first screen changed and Bryan's young daughter appeared and she was hanging with a Latino gang on a street corner. "Now Bryan, these men have orders to not molest your daughter, or your wife unless they don't hear from me. By the way, she has been asking to buy certain drugs, FYI."

"You rotten son of a bitch!" the prosecutor flung himself at me, "If anyone touches that girl I will… SSSMMMAACCK!" He ran face first into my fist and was instantly dropped to his knees, his nose broken.

"You will what fuck wad, beat up my knuckles with your nose!" I laughed. "Besides there is more you need to worry about. Your wife is sleeping with that black gardener of yours, have you noticed how stretched her cunt is getting?"

I went on, "but that isn't even the best part you sick little fuck! Bring batgirl in here!" The once proud caped crusader was lead in on her hands and knees wearing a mockery of her black rubber crime fighting costume that exposed her erotic areas. But this one had a twist, there was a cut out around her mid section and it was clear that she was several months pregnant!

"That can't be mine!" both Gordon's exclaimed at once. "I am to old the Commissioner proclaimed. "And I had a vasectomy!" the younger one declared.

"Well, let me tell you a secret" I chuckled. Bryanyour doctor lied to you, he works for us. By the way your wife is pregnant too, although I don't know if it is yours or Tyrone's. Be that as it may, Commissioner you have been taking fertility drugs since the first day you came here in your water and in the ice cubes in your Scotch. Actually you both have. That cake in the oven over there is one of you twos for certain. And it is about time you met the mommy of your children, she is carrying twins I understand."

"Christine, would you be kind enough to remove Batgirl's mask?" I asked nicely.

The cruel Judge laughed as she pulled away the black mockery of Batgirl's crime fighting mask to revel her face to her two rapists!

"OH GOD ITS BARBRA FATHER!" Bryanscreamed, "We have been fucking Barbra!

The old man turned sickly pale as the identity of his victim was revealed, he was struggling not to vomit when Barbra called out like a little girl, "Daddy? Bryan, how could you have done this to me?"

"Barbra, I am so sorry Bryanstarted crying over and over again, but his father's reaction was quit different.

"YOU STUPID LITTLE BITCH!" he screamed at his daughter, "I gave you everything you ever asked for! All you had to do was stay in the fucking Library or travel abroad! But NO, you had to become a vigilante! God damn you, you stupid fucking cunt, now we all all ruined because of YOU!"

"BUT DADDY!" Barbra cried wretchedly, "I wasn't a bad girl daddy, I swear…"

"Don't you daddy me you sorry little cunt!" he screamed louder this time, "I don't have a daughter! You are nothing but a fucking vigilante whore! Nothing more than a god damn piece of worthless fuck meat now!"

"DAD, that's Barbra!" Bryanexclaimed, "How can we have done this to her?"

"She did it to herself!" the Commissioner declared, "I don't give a fuck what happens to her now! Do you want your whole life ruined because she decided to play dress up and get caught by the very court you serve? Can you imagine the rest of your life if this gets out? I am not going to let it ruin mine and if you think clearly you won't either! You have too much to lose!"

"Bryan, please get me out of here, please!" Barbra begged, "Please make this nightmare stop!"

"I am afraid father is right Barbra, you made you choice with out asking us, and I am not ready to give up all I have worked for because you were so fucking stupid!"

"P…please, daddy, Warden Tull, please just let me go home, please" Batgirl begged pitifully to anyone she thought would listen. "Please Bryan, I know you liked to fuck me, we can still do that, daddy, and you liked it when I sucked your cock! I can still do that, please get me out of here!"

Both the male Gordon's were shocked at what the once proud independent woman had become, she was no better than the whores they had arrested and prosecuted over the years.

I could read the revulsion etched on both the men's faces as she begged them, offering herself like a cheap whore, but I saw another emotion as well, undisguised lust!

"On your knees whore!" demanded the elder Gordon, "Beg with your mouth full of cock! Barbra Gordon is dead to me; you may serve me as a whore!"

The broken heroine could not resist, she knew the punishment that would follow if she disobeyed a man, any man. She crawled to her father and took his cock deep in this throat as the younger man positioned himself behind her and raped her ass as they had done a hundred times before.

Bryan exclaimed, "That whore wife of mine never let me fuck her ass father! Di d mother let you?"

"Fuck no!" declared the old man. "No blow jobs either! This whore looks just like your mom when she was young, this is like pay back!"

When the two perverts drained themselves into their daughter and sibling I had her dragged crying back to her cell. "Please daddy, please, save me, please love the love of god, I am carrying your grandchildren….please!"

"Actually, it would be your children, but what ever" I laughed. "Now here is the deal, we can continue as before with you two having exclusive access to Batgirl and of course a ten percent increase in cash or I can kill you two here and now along with Barbra and make it look like a family tragedy! If you two sick fucks ever threaten me again you will never draw another breath! So which way is it boys? Do the cops find your bodies in a compromising position, or do we go on with our arrangement?'

"I think I can speak for the both of us" Commissioner Gordon spoke first. "I think our new arrangement suits us just fine!"

Prosecutor Gordon curt him off, "Well there is one thing, Batgirl is about fucked out and pregnant, could we be given access to another fuck toy like Supergirl or even Tammy, your driver, she is smoking hot!"

"Supergirl is my private reserve gentlemen, and Tammy is off limits to you sick fucks. Lois Lane is promised exclusively to Perry White over at the daily planet as well. I will allow you access to the other heroines however if that is agreeable."

"DONE!" both men declared at once.

"Well what about me?" Christine chimed in, "What do I get?"

"I will give you the raise as well, and you have the same access as the boys there, I know you are a cougar dyke anyway!" I laughed. "Is everybody happy because if you aren't satisfied there is going to be hell to pay?"

The three seemed happy enough and now realized how close they had come to death so they all headed off to the cell block for another round of debauchery and perversion. I could hear Bryan telling his father what he was going to do to his unfaithful wife as he went off to fuck a helpless heroine.

That's when I call the call from Washington DC.