Wonder Woman & Superman's Mission to Mortdith

Author: Flyingboots7
Time to Read:30min
Added Date:5/4/2024
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Tags: SupermanWonder Woman

It was a gathering of the entire JLA less two on duty in the main conference room. Superman introduced Merlin the Wizard to the super heroes and heroines. Things had moved very quickly since the Wizard had arrived from another dimension. It wasn’t that this was unique, very unusual however. The superheroes had battled demons from another dimension before that had entered their time and world. But this was the first time a white wizard had appeared and one coming with a very specific request. The room buzzed with side conversations. Superman asked for their attention and the room quieted down. “As many of you have heard or read Merlin has come to the JLA with a specific request for assistance, I will review it so we are all on the same page,” he said.

Within the world Merlin called Mortdith, good and evil were locked in a similar battle of wits for control. It was a classic struggle of quality vs quantity with white wizards and apprentices facing a large array of demons, witches, warlocks and their minor minions. The quality had held the evil in check but a foretold occurrence could upset the delicate balance so Merlin had come asking for help. He began to explain the situation. The White Queen had given birth to a son, the sacred scrolls had foretold of an event in which a babe of pure heart was sacrificed on the alter of Menzies and used to give the witch Queen a power that good could not overcome. “This he explained although not thought true began to look like a possibility when the birth mark of the Queen’s son matched the lightning bolt birth mark foretold off by the prophecy. She had then given instructions to hide her baby amongst the common folk. Her wet nurse had taken it to her kin. Unfortunately an incompetent demon had killed her torturing the poor lass and now neither side knows where the babe is and a race is on to find the infant.

Wonder Woman looked at Batgirl and whispered, “this sounds like a tale from Walt Disney.” “Yeah but I still don’t get why he is here,” she replied to her busty cohort. “I suppose you are wondering why I need your help,” he asked, noting the heads bobbing up and down? “Well unfortunately the wizards and their apprentices are tied down holding the demons and witches in check which allows the many lesser minions to search out for the lost babe,” he said. “You are probably wondering why your dimension should care, its simple if evil wins they will spuill over into your time and space and attack you, I know they have on occasion come across a portal just as I have.”: Their were nods of agreement, Wonder Woman herself had battled a demon previously. “However as we know where the kinfolks clan live I have devised a clever strategy which should allow us to check the villages quickly with outsiders,” he said. “You see outlanders untainted by significant magic would be ignored by all,” he added. Superman broke in, “two small teams with a hero and heroine are required,” he said. “Do we have agreement to send the team, Superman asked? The JLA voted in favour. Superman as the host showed some vid clips of the JLA members in action. He was most impressed by Wonder Woman as she took down a gang of miscreants on the streets of Gotham city. He had heard about how she had castrated a demon that had ventured into this world with her magic lasso and was quite interested in meeting this buxom woman. He also rather liked the fetching red head with her dark blue grey uniform and interesting tool. When he discovered their backgrounds he was even more pleased. Besides they were easy to look at and perfect for the part he needed them to do.

Superman asked Wonder Woman, Batgirl and Robin to stay behind to discuss operational details, now it was on a need to know basis the rest of the JLA assumed. The Wizard looked over Wonder Woman, Batgirl and then Robin as they gathered in a small planning room. Wonder Woman was used to having men stare at her tits and ignored the Wizard’s glare, men are men, she mused. “Ah just to confirm,” he addressed Diana, “you are an Amazon Princess,” she nodded. He turned to look at Barbara, “and you Miss are the daughter of a Commissioner,” he asked? She bobbed her head in agreement. “I’m sorry for my questions but it is critical to the deception, you see lying is easily discovered in our world through spells and we need two ladies of high standing a Princess and a Commissionaire’s daughter fit perfectly,” he said. Both women were clearly intrigued. “You see in our society which is rather more stratified than yours titles still mean a great deal, but the folks who have them act the part,” he said. “The plan you spoke off,” Batgirl asked? “Oh yes my dear but first some context,” he said “so you understand what I ask of the team.” “You see the key is to get to the babies,” obviously Wonder Woman thought. “Not so easy I’m afraid, but women of noble birth who have born a child go on a week long pilgrimage to villages and share their noble milk with the babies of common folk in the belief that some of the nobility will be transferred to the peasant babies,” he said. “It has been a custom for hundreds of years,” he said. Both of the women starred at him. “You see it is a way for us to get to look at the babies for the birth mark is behind the babies ear on both sides of his head,” Merlin continued. “Interesting tradition”, was all Wonder Woman could say. “Why do the peasant women bring their babies to the noble woman to have her wet nurse them,” Batgirl asked? “Well it is believed that you would call them ‘blue blood’ is transferable and that a babe who injests noble milk could rise to greatness and legends have told of such things, we are a simple society and such beliefs hold powerful grip on the population,” Merlin said. “So how come you haven’t recruited a noble woman who is lactating and executed this plan,” Diana asked? “Well a very good question, you see for me to arrange this I would have to visit select keeps and castles and the demons and their followers keep careful tabs on such folks.” “But the subterfuge of coming here allows me to introduce a pair of noble women from afar, not an unusual occurrence, rare, but not unusual,” he answered.

“So you want us to be noble woman and play wet nurses to village babies, inspect the babies for this lightning bolt, and then once we find it call you,” Wonder Woman asked hands on hips it was outrageous! “Um that’s it,” he said glad she got the plan so quickly even if her body language was unusual. “So we just waltz in parade all the babies, have them suckle our milkless breasts, inspect the tykes and move on if we don’t see the right one,” she asked a hint of anger in her voice. “You don’t seem to understand this is a strong social convention and it has a festival like atmosphere and is announced by heralds in advance and everyone willingly participates, here watch this,” he said. A blue light became a portal showing the arrival of a noble woman at the village square, a gathering of women and their infants awaited her in the square. A gazebo sat in the centre, refreshments were evident. The women chatted gaily. The better dressed one took each babe in turn and publicly breast feed the babe and then passed the baby back to her mother. More chatting occurred, men stood around. The liveried herald supervised and chatted with the fathers. It was just as he’d discussed, completely foreign to anything either women had seen. All Batgirl could think off was do they really wear those cloths? “Is it not any different than your actress Salema Hayek when she nursed the African baby on her last visit to that continent,” Merlin said producing a tabloid magazine from thin air. “Well I guess not,” said Batgirl still taking it all in. “But neither of us is lactating,” Wonder Woman said. “Oh that’s easy to take care off, “Merlin said, “So you agree,” before she could say anything else he said, “commences lactatus,” waved his wand and a blue flash of light radiated from his wand hitting Wonder Woman and Batgirl directly in each of their nipples. Robin had been silent the entire time.

It had taken a great deal more convincing by Superman and Merlin to convince the two heroines it was necessary but they’d agreed finally to the mission. Both now stood in the Batcave with Albert as he adjusted their new cloths. A master tailor he was finishing their local costume. It was a cross between a Bavarian bar maid and a catholic school girls uniform Barbara thought to herself as she stood before Albert and he made marks to make it fit. The pleated skirt seemed a little short by Diana’s standards but Batgirl didn’t seem to mind, both wondered where the undergarments were until Merlin indicated their were none. Albert smiled as he adjusted the lace fittings around Batgirls’ perky C cup, her erect nipples clearly revealed in the dampness of the Batcave much to his delight. It made sense thought, the lacing were easy to undo for breast feeding. He’d already adjusted Wonder Woman’s new costume. He’d taken in the material under her breasts to provide some support, it also enhanced her ample cleavage even more. Diana poured herself some more water, why was she so thirsty? Superman had certainly admired Wonder Woman’s new cloths until his herald, slash body guard uniform had arrived. Well at least he was used to wearing tights bith the ruffled shirt he’d take a pass on, especially after Diana had teased him about how nice he looked. Robin had a hard time not saying anything but if the women had to wear those outfits he could wear a frilly shirt he supposed as he stared at Wonder Woman’s creamy cleavage between her laces, which seemed to be getting tight on her and pulling the fabric hard against her nipples. Diana absent mindedly loosed the strings on her blouse to give herself some comfort. Merlin watched yes indeed the lactus spell was already working.

The devil was in the detail, and everything needed to be rehearsed, both women understood that dictum. But this seemed really odd. Wonder Woman was baring her breast for a child she didn’t know, one Albert had acquired so she could practise nursing in front of them all. She focused on the activity taking the little babe and pressing his lips to her distended nipple. Her tits were drum tight full of milk she now knew, and she wanted the relief. Instinctively she could tell by his wail he was hungry, and it had already stimulated her to begin letting down. He latched on and suckled, she could feel her milk flow, it was nothing like she had ever felt before, ‘Oh Hera’, she said to herself as he began to suckle, now completely oblivious to the three men and woman starring at her as she cooed to the baby. Oh god does that feel, um good she thought. Merlin watched, perfect he thought. Batgirl had a little harder trouble but soon had the little black bugger sucking on her perky tit as well. “Well I guess they pass, eh Robin,” Superman said earning a glare from Wonder Woman as she retied her blouse. Merlin couldn’t help but admire Wonder Woman’s tits, she didn’t seem to be bothered by baring her bosom publicly, he didn’t know that Amazon’s went topless on Paradise Island but it had taken some of her nerve to bare herself before men. Still she’d found that act and then the act off nursing to be quite stimulating. In fact she could feel wetness between her legs, well at leas she didn’t have any panties to get wet. Barbara sighed as she followed Diana’s example and put the little babe over her shoulder to burp him. She gently patted his back and got the desired effect. Albert came over and took the sleeping milk doped baby from her. She retied her blouse strings. Merlin noted the dampness on both their blouses as they both still wept milk, oh forgot that little spell, back home they had lots of little domestic spells to cover such things, he’d fix that now or it would be a dead giveaway.

Barbara and Diana sat sipping coffee. “This is certainly the strangest under cover assignment we have ever undertaken”, Diana said. “Yes it still feels like a Disney porn movie,” Barbara said and Diana giggled. “I couldn’t believe how intense the sensation was when the milk let down,” Wonder Woman said, Batgirl nodded in agreement. “Yeah, actually I’m looking forward to that part, and it certainly seems to have given me fuller boobs,” Barbara said. Diana nodded knowing her friend had always had a bit of an inferiority complex over her chest size. Still she was right. “I’m think of wearing my goldern girdle, just in case,” she said. “Yes I don’t like the idea of not having any weapons and I’m going to have Albert make me a fancy sash or belt I can put a few flash bangs, knock out pills and such from my utility belt. “Do you really believe all the stuff Merlin said,” Barbara asked? Both had just finished what they would call an extensive mission brief gazing into his blue ball that walked them through their castles, the villages, their acquaintances almost as if they were their. It was as good as some 3D animation at the theatre. Both had been amazed but it was certainly a rough and ready rural landscape almost feudal in structure with some demons and such added in. “Did you see Robin trying to ride a horse,” Diana laughed. Horses were a part of life on Paradise Island, and Clark having been raised on a farm was comfortable sitting a horse. Like most well off young ladies Barbara had learned to ride, that left poor Robin who through shear stubbornness had managed to learn not to fall off the damn beast, much to the ladies amusement. Both had purchased several sets of riding breaches however. Neither wanted to ride bare back between villages despite what the locals did.

The first village was the test and Wonder Woman passed with flying colors. The wizards apprentice John had greeted them. Everything had been arranged. It was a small rural village on a brook with thatched cottages and cobblestone lane. In the village square the local ladies and their babies had gathered beside the local tavern to greet the princess and her escort. It had all the airs of a market day. Superman had proclaimed her ladyship, which had been helped with John making the introductions. Diana chatted with the young women about their children and village life. They had soon settled down in animated conversation what Superman soon was calling a ‘stitch and bitch’ based on the discussions topics. A young lad squalled proclaiming his hunger, Diana had simply untied her lace top, bared a full bosom and accepted the child as if it was perfectly normal, which in this culture it was. He greedily glommed onto her hard nipple and quickly began to suckle as her milk let down. She sighed in contentment, and then began to chat again with his mother. She almost forgot to look for the thunderbolt sign behind her ear, but she did and their was none. After six babies, she had suckled, burped and handed back she retied her blouse. Her breasts felt as if they hung down in her top like empty sacks, which they were, was she a cow now? But still it had felt so good, if she could she would have rushed to a private spot and rubbed her g-spot till she got relief. Oh well she sighed as Superman lead her horse around. No baby here, on to the next mission. But first she had to slake her huge thirst.

This nxt village was a timbered affair, unlike the stone and thatched cottages off the last one. Diana noted all the inhabitants were dark, like Africans. She was greeted similarly to the last one, a village wizard’s apprentice leading her and Clark into the square. Superman proclaimed her wish for everyone, then the senior village matron ushered her the noble woman into the local inn and introduced her to al the new mothers. She did a round of introductions and then sat in the designated spot. Her tanned white amazon skin in marked contrast to the dark women and their infants. A baby was offered and she took the fuzzy headed little tyke, undoing her lace and exposing a full white breast for his needs. Diana was amazed she was ready to nurse again after a few hours, this whole lactating thing was so new. Between her power belts rejuvenating ability, and her natural production she was ready for the duty, but their were twice as many this time. She studiously ignored the men who stared at her big white tit, much as she had done on her own world. Although she could see that some of them had bulging members not well disguised in their tights. She herself was getting a little milk doped by her sixth babe, letting her now empty breast hang free as she switched boobs. All around her women were also nursing as she passed them back not fully sated.

They took a break when her breasts ran dry. She let them show her the town. In the centre was a big fancy stone fountain with water gushing from the jugs a pregnant woman was carrying. Their host exclaimed that the fountain produced water guaranteed to enhance a woman’s fertility. Diana smiled at the thought as she accepted a large glass of cool water from the fountain. It tasted sweet, she took another. And a third. The matron explained the legend, “no wonder so many women here have twins,” she said to her host with a big smile. She took another glass as they walked through town. It was hot and she was grateful for their lightweight clothing. Naturally her bosom adjusted her milk production to meet demand, with her double demand, her power belt had adjusted the size of her milk ducts three times faster than normal, her breasts ballooned in the afternoon. As she got bigger, Diana naturally loosened off her ties showing even more cleavage much to her male escorts delight. Especially as she wobbled and bounced as she walked, a hint of dark areole showing.

The session started much as it had earlier. Wonder Woman was nursing, and it was on the third babe she saw a clear white thunderbolt behind her ear. She paused when she saw the lads mark as she ran her fingers through his curly coarse hair, thinking how wonderful it felt, her mind elsewhere. She wasn’t alone looking either. One of the Queen’s minions had been curious about the Princess, after all he did have a fetish for big boobs. The small demon was tolerated in the village, after all he kept the rats down. He had been staring at her tits hungrily from his perch in the tavern rafters when he saw her gently pull his ear back of the first baby at her full tit. He’d continued to watch his demon rod hanging out below his kilt the sole garment he wore. But it was when Wonder Woman reveal the mark on the third child that he was shaken out of his hormone driven stupor of jerking off. He’d almost fallen out of the rafters. He quickly hopped out the upper window to summon help. Oblivious to this Diana couldn’t help herself as she nursed the last of a dozen babies. Clark was enjoying the show as Diana left her tits hang out for the men to enjoy. She was milk doped, her legs spread wide as a creeping wetness had enveloped her sex. Her breasts hung down like empty sacks. Already the matron was cooing her and bringing her refreshing water. She had given Superman the nod that they had agreed on and he had summoned the apprentice already the wheels were in motion to save the child.

Mordeth was pissed. She quickly arrived at the squatty little village, she’d stepped in something disrespectful on landing. Heard out the demon spy who had summoned her to late she had reminded him and then sent him flying into a pigs swill. Well she was a vengeful bitch and before her stood the pair who had caused her to have her little ritual delayed once again. A bit titted princess from some misbegotten kingdom and her rather handsome servant stood in the courtyard’s sunlit centre. Well clever little slut to use the noble milk ritual to examine the babies, get all those ignorant peasant women to bring their brats to her. Well if she wanted to be milked like a cow that could be arranged. She strode purposely towards them. Wonder Woman and Superman saw the caped figure, her black elegance radiating around her, an evil air about, the villagers scuttled away quickly. Doors slammed, bolts closed, dogs barked. “I have heard from my minion that you work for the white side, and you have discovered my child and no doubt whisked her away from me, for that you shall pay, white witch,” she spoke clearly and with authority. Wonder Woman adopted a fighting stance and Superman moved purposely towards the witch. She laughed. “Let me see, yes if you are to be a cow, he should be a bull,” she proclaimed and with a flick of her wrist a crooked stick came out, an incantation mumbled from her lips. The white witch is quick, Mordeth observed to block the spells blast with her metal wrist bracelets, but it didn’t mater. With a flash the dark light enveloped her and Superman, when it cleared a massive bull and a very healthy cow stood in the empty square. “Very nice, a little lesson for you apprentice wherever you are hiding,” she said, and was gone in a flash.

The apprentice scuttled out from under a water trough. “Shit, Merlin will be pissed,” he quickly summoned a messenger pigeon, drafted a message in the air with his wand and set the bird on its way. He had no doubt the cow and bull were for real for the cow had bracelets on its forelegs just as the princess had on. He grabbed a pair of ropes from the hitching rail and then led them on at a time into a empty paddock nearby. He then went for a beer at the tavern to wait for Merlin to arrive, he hoped it wasn’t long, he just didn’t have the power to undo Mordeth’s magic.

The bull could rubbed shoulders with the cow, and received a ‘moooo’, in repy. His smakll animal brain registered the ripe scent of a beast in heat. The bull sensed the cow spread its legs wider as it reared up and with its massive member extended mounted the willing cow. The cows eyes were wide as it received the massive tool, and then the huge load of seed. “MOOOOOoooooooooo”, came from the paddock. No one paid any attention to the bull or the cow as they gathered and talked about the recent events, making references and gestures to what to do about the two animals in the paddock. Being out of sight they didn’t see the multiple moutings the bull made of the cow princess. The apprentice reassure everyone that Merlin the great wizard would be here soon to put things right. Reassured they continued to talk always looking up at the sky when they mentioned Mordeth, and careful not to look at the bastard demon who paced around the paddock. The little bastard raced in and began sucking on the cows udders with his sharp pointed teeth. The cow “Moooed” and tried to shake the little beast of its udders but to no avail. It wasn’t until the apprentice saw the little bastard sucking hard on the princess cow that he zapped the little demon in the ass and sent it streaking away. He rubbed the cows forehead to calm it dowm.

Merlin arrived at dusk. The animals had been lead into a livery stable for the night. He quickly realised he needed to reassure the people of the village. He also realised he didn’t have the ingredients to fully reverse the spell Mordeth had created here. He could reduce its effect however. He also needed to deal with the two animals. He knew he could create a field spell to neutralize the effects but only for a 12 hour period each day, it would take about a week to walk back. So he decided he would make the bull and the cow alternate so when one was back in their human form the other was still an animal, that way the party would always me the same, most demons weren’t that bright. He began his incantations and with a flash Diana was in her human form. Turning away he passed her a cloak and her cloths. He couldn’t help but see her dusky brown triangle of hair and her big bare breasts however. Dressed she quickly thanked him. “Unfortunately my dear it wasn’t a complete fix,” he said and explained the issue. He was pleased to see her stoic response, no doubt buoyed by the fact that he’d gotten her this far but Superman was still a super bull hitched to a tree.

The trio began their trek to Merlin’s. Diana lead the bull on horse back as they travelled the open road. At noon, they rested in a the shade of a glade. Diana looked at Merlin, “Um, now that we have found the babe could you perhaps undo that lactation spell,” she asked quietly. “Oh off course my dear,” he said and quickly went about the business. “I’m afraid I can’t help your present state however, you’ll just have to express your milk,” he said noted how tight her blouse was. “Ah yes,” she said untying the blouse and opening her blouse to bare her big breasts which were obviously full. “It seems a waste to just spill such nectar on the ground,” Merlin found himself saying. Diana looked at him quizzically, “you have a better suggestion, she said with a smile and a raised eyebrow. He snuggled up to her as she cupped her big breast and he began to suckle. She couldn’t help but run her fingers through his hair, as he tugged on her teat, and she felt the now familiar sensation course through her being. “Oh Hera that feels so good,” she cooed. He sucked the first dry and began the other one, this time she had her legs spread and he began to massage her clit as he sucked on her tit and her rich milk gushed into her mouth. She felt her orgasm coming on and as it crested clamped her powerful legs closed trapping his hand. Her eyes closed, “I’ve been wanting that the whole week,” she said. She opened her eyes to see the wizards huge hard cock sprung forth from his tights. She rolled him over on his back and began to suck his cock letting her tits rub against his chest, and letting him fondle and kneed her empty jugs as he sucked him off. Finally she felt his load spurt seed into her mouth, a rich saltiness of man seed. She looked at him, “don’t you tell Clark,” she said. “I think I’m going to enjoy our walk back,” he said and she grinned at him a she retied her blouse.

A couple of hours later Diana, stopped. She leaned over and vomited into the ditch. The nausea had been building for awhile now and she just couldn’t resist it any longer. “Mty dear what’s wrong”, bad food was his first thoughts but they had eaten the same thing, some course bread for lunch. She shook her head in the negative and began walking again. “I’ll be fine,” she said as they resumed the march. She couldn’t believe how thirst she was and drank another swig from the canteen. Well at least it cleaned out the after taste. They found a grove of woods off to the side to make camp for the evening. Soon it would be time for her to change into a cow again. It was then as she stripped off her clothing in preparation that they noticed the small bulge in her belly and the fact that she was still lactating. “That’s strange,” he muttered examining her nipple, and getting milk weeping from it. “That shouldn’t happen,” he said. With that comment she transformed into a cow. Clark came round the tree untying the hitching rope he had around his neck and then reaching for her cloths. “Ah Clark could I get you to milk Diana, “ he asked the hero. “Sur Wiz, any reason she is still giving milk he asked,” innocently? “Probably side effects form the spell,” he lied. Clark sat down beside Wonder cow warmed his hands and with a gourd available gently began milking her teats. Wonder cow mooed contentedly. “Yes they all like having their tits milked don’t they, “ he said. “Yes and I think this one more than most,” he said. “Yeah I think I agree with you their,” Clark said, switching to another teat as the mooing continued. Later he sat before the campfire peering into the blue globular light, he was reviewing time. It was a skill he had acquired and few had, he could go into a persons mind who was at an event and see it through their own eyes. He was in the demons’ eyes now, they had such weak minds. He witnessed the day’s events and then watched the transformation, the lead back into the paddock. “Ah my dear I see why now,” he muttered to himself. The princess had been drinking fertility water all day, dumb apprentice. The effect of the fertility water was to stimulate ovulation. Off course when the princess was a cow she had come into heat and when the bull got her into the paddock he’d mounted her, she was pregnant. Between the massive dose of fertility water, and the spells, changing, and probably her rejuvenator belt her pregnancy was hugely accelerated, the cow was knocked up, which was why she was still lactating. Really rather simple. Now the hard part he decided he’d tell the princess first and not Superman.

The dawn hadn’t quite broke and Superman roused himself to a wet nose nudging him. He looked up into the warm brown eyes, it was Wonder cow. She was gently mooing at him. It reminded him of his child hood at Smallville, and he knew what she wanted. She was full of milk and wanted to be milked. He fashioned a funnel for the skin gourd, propped it up under her and began tugging on her teats alternating with each hand. He couldn’t help himself and tugged a little harder. She gave out a “MOOOoooo,” and whisked her tail at his head. He kept at the pressure, she stomped her foot a couple fo times, and then let out a low, “moooooo.” He smiled, he liked playing with Wonder Woman’s teats even if they were hers as a cow, he couldn’t help but think about doing this to her human form. She obviously liked it. He moved on to her other teats tugging a little harder and getting another deeper ‘Moooing’ in response. “I think you enjoy that as much as she does,” the Wizard said with a grin. He was thinking about his session earlier and then a though occurred this could be some transference between the cow and the human, he’d have to keep an eye on that. Clark finished the milking, “fresh milk for breakfast,” he said drinking down her wholesome milk and passing it to Merlin. “Time to change,” he said stripping off as the sun rose and he began to transform into a bull.

Diana examined her nude form. Her breasts seemed bigger, fuller, her nipples and areole bigger, and her belly bulge bigger than before. She dressed. “My dear I can explain things now,” the Wizard said. Merlin explained what had happened. “So my child could be born as either a calf or a human child depending on what shape I’m in, how long it takes for the pregnancy to reach term and how long it takes to get to your keep,” she summed up her situation. “Yes my dear,” he said not unkindly. “Fuck what a mess,” she said and then puked as her morning sickness was brought on by her agitation. “Sorry,” she said wiping her face clean of spittle. “Its normal,” he said but the glare she gave him made him pull the rest of his words. Obviously she wasn’t particularly impressed with having a bastard in her belly even Superman’s. “You haven’t told Clark have you,” she asked? “Um no I felt it best to discuss it with you first, but it is only a matter of time before he discovers your pregnancy even in your cow form, he seems to know his way around cows,” he said. “Yes he does,” she replied softly adjusting the lacing on her blouse to make her breasts more comfortable as even more cleavage began to show as did a swath of dark brown areole.

The ogre watched the man and woman on horseback leading the bull amble toward his stone bridge. It crossed a deep gorge of swift water. Merlin motioned for them to stop he could detect powerful evil magic around the bridge, far more than a mere ogre could generate. Obviously it was to prevent the baby being taken this way to his keep. “I must reduce the magic, the ogre has protecting him,” Merlin said. Before he could say anything else the ogre addressed them. “Hold, I will allow the wizard to pass for the price of the woman and the meat on the hoof,” he said. Diana had been in a darkening mood when this set her off. How dare the dumb beast. She didn’t care if he was three times her size and green with small ears and a fat had with big drooling lips and a club the size of a tree trunk. “Get out of my way brute,” she said. “No bitch,” he replied, “not even for them big tits of yours, but nice costume,” the brute said. With that she twirled and became Wonder Woman, albeit a rather enhanced breasted and slightly tummy bulged superheroine. “Nice tits, but you still can’t pass except for favours,” he said in a lewd leering manner. She marched toward him, lasso in hand, “Ah Wonder Woman, wait,” Merlin called after her. Diana was feed up with wizards, demons, this world, she wanted to go home and this big smelly idiot was in her way. He just stood their as she walked up a stupid expression on his face. He didn’t have time to react and it was obviously the last thing he expected when she cold cocked him a massive punch that threw him back on his ass with a resounding thud. She calmly walked beside him and kicked him in the head rendering the still stunned ogre completely unconscious. She then bent down squatted and with a grunt dragged his carcass off the road. Merlin just starred at her. She spun back into her disguise and remounted her horse. “What are you looking at, with that stupid grin,” she said as he starred at her jaw still open in amazement.

Diana could feel Merlin’s huge cock ram against her cervix as he fucked her doggy style after milking her tits at their noon stop, she had been so horny she’d practically invited him to fuck her, waving her ass in the air, and not pulling down her skirt when the wind had blown it over her waist exposing her butt and sex. Her face was down as her arms weakened by the multiple orgasms he’d given her let her tits be tickled by the warm grass. “Oh sweet Hera,” she exclaimed quietly as she felt him spurt his seed into her. Soon they would have to stop as her pregnancy quickly advanced, but it felt oh so good. They had found her milk a useful bartering tool in addition to their own consumption. Merlin had noted that the milk quantity she gave as a cow was now identical to that the princess gave, definite transference, he mused. She was being milked three times a day twice as a cow and the noon time break where Merlin was indulging both of them. He couldn’t help but thank the magic enhancement that added another 4 inches to his six she seemed to enjoy his length and girth.

Merlin had finally explained to Superman what had happened when he asked why Wonder cow was pregnant. It had set him on his heels. How was he going to explain that to Lois he kept muttering to himself. But still he was pleased he’d at least bred Wonder Woman even if she’d been a cow and he a bull. He still wasn’t sure how they would explain it all back at JLA headquarters when they arrived with a baby in tow. They were still pondering it beside the flickering fire when the Wonder cow went in to labour. Her bellowing echoed through the night. Clark had helped deliver a few calves back in Smallville so he with Merlin’s help successfully delivered the little fellow. Both were doing fine as the little fellow greedily suckled on the Wonder teat. Merlin was amazed to see the Wonder cows transformation, gone was her huge pregnant belly, even the stretch marks were gone from the Amazon Princess in the morning as she changed and stood before him nude. The calf wasted no time looking for breakfast his wet nose had sniffed out the mother milk and he was desperately looking for his mother teat. Diana gently guided him onto her nipple and let him begin nursing hungrily on her huge breast as if nursing a farm animal was the most natural thing for her to do. Both men stared as she let her calf suckle. Merlin couldn’t help himself but find it highly erotic, what a woman.

Well I guess that makes things less complicated Wonder Woman thought as they rode the final stretch into the courtyard of Merlin’s keep deep in the forest of Mordeth. Neither Clark nor Diana was sure how they would have explained the happenings to the JLA or Lois. The calf had grown rapidly on Diana’s rich milk and friskily pulled at his rope to no avail. She smiled at him. It would be time to feed him soon she noted by the huge swell of her bosom, greedy little bugger. Her blouse was now completely open at the front and on occasion a nipple would poke out as her breasts wobbled to the horses motion, she didn’t mind she liked the warm summer sun’s feel on her big sensitive breasts.

Diana was first to receive Merlin’s change spell. It had taken him all afternoon to prepare it. He needed her to be in human form for the spell to work, which meant she was first. He was glad she had willingly bedded him that night. “Oh great Hera,” she swore as he plunged his manhood once again into her waiting and aroused sex. He felt her spasm in orgasm and clamp her long lean legs around him once again. “oh yes, one more time,” she squealed as she felt his seed boil out of his cock and deep inside her. He spent the night cuddled up to the big Amazon one hand cupping her massive breast thumb and fore finger around the nipple after she had finally exhausted him such that even wizardry couldn’t make him rise to the occasion. She’d managed to get him hard sucking him off a couple of times before he’d needed to resort to magic to satisfy her, Amazon indeed. When he woke up she was gone, but it didn’t take much to figure out where she’d gone. He’d heard the bleating of the calf the moment he’d woken up. Laying in the still warm bed he’d thought about the transference, “I bet she’s in heat, which is why she’s so horny, more transference, animal lust, natural desire to be bred,” he mused out loud feeling his cock getting hard again as he thought about her bearing his child. “Thought I’d find you here,” he said as he entered a stall and saw him nursing her calf. She had the I’m completely milk doped look. Once milk sated the beast had bolted to find some mischief like most youngsters. He’d then dropped his robe to reveal his massive magic enhanced penis for her. She’d grinned, and lay back on the hay, spreading her legs in open invitation as she hiked up her skirt to reveal her waiting sex. The sounds of their love making muffled by the barn yard noses as she accepted his stiff cock into her waiting woman hood, Super bull could wait an hour or a day Merlin thought as he pile drove his cock into the princess. He was thinking she might be fertile again and would soon have his bastard or two in her womb as his seed erupted once again into her fertile garden. She lay in the stall in a post fuck daze, only opening an eye when she felt a wet muzzle poke her breast and then began to nurse on her breast. She began to stoke his fury head.

Superman couldn’t help but grin. He was thrusting his huge rod into Merlin’s scullery maid’s sweet sex. She was moaning and begging him for more, her unlaced bodice allowed her perky tits to wobble and bobble to each thrust. He could feel his seed boil up from his loins and jammed his dick hard into her and held it. She had her legs wrapped tightly around him as his man spunk burst into her ripe womb. He’s sensed she was ovulating and he couldn’t help himself but to take her, not that she for some reason couldn’t resist being taken by this bull of a man. He looked out the window as he held his cock hard against her letting the diminishing spurts continue to plant his seed. He could see Diana bent over a hitching rail letting her calf nurse from her huge hooters. He knew Merlin was banging her. He’d sensed she was ripe as well. Maybe next time he’d get to her first. Won’t Merlin be surprised when he discovered half his Keep staff were knocked up. He could see with his x-ray vision the burgeoning life within their womb’s he’d delivered just as mrs Marry-Anne here would soon discover in a week or two. He could see Wonder Woman’s twins glowing in her belly even if she didn’t know yet. Won’t Lois be surprised when he get back he thought to himself. Merlin would have called in transference but Clark didn’t care, just thinking of Lois was getting him super hard again.


Wonder Woman and Superman resumed their duty at the JLA, their report omitted by mutual agreement much of their experiences. Diana was sad to leave the calf but knew it was in good hands and gave her an excuse to visit Merlin on a regular basis. Off course she just couldn’t bring herself to wean the little guy off her breast milk yet. Her tits had remained their big size, they were certainly eye catching when she was in Wonder Woman uniform, with her huge cleavage and prominent nipple bumps, she was at least a 50FFF now. Her nipples were thick and long almost cow like, she thought. That wasn’t the only thing she hadn’t weaned herself off of in Mordeth. The nausea she had experience a couple of weeks later was what troubled her the most. It was identical to the sensation she had experienced only once before. She knew in her heart what it was; Merlin had gotten her pregnant. She sat their cradling her still flat stomach with both hands where the new life she knew was growing inside her was but had not yet become evident to everyone with a discernable baby bump. Well she sighed at least this one will take longer to become evident so she could ponder her options.

Poison Ivy and Catwoman sat in the super secret criminal lair. Thet couldn’t believe what had happened to them. How would they explain it to the rest of the super villians. Typically Superman had foiled their nefarious plot and they expected to go to jail, be sprung and carry on. However this time he’d taken both of them and fucked the hell out of each. Not that they hadn’t minded being super reamed by his super sized dong. Damn thing belonged on a horse Catwoman had said. Bigger even than black dick Poison Ivy had said. But they’d both urged him to pull out being there fertile time. He’d laughed and said he was reforming them with new responsibility, he knew they were ovulating and he was going to knock them up anyway. Which he did, and ou by the way if they got an abortion they’d disappear. It had been a chilling threat, and now both sat their sipping coffee, telling each other how their boobs were getting bigger and their bellies were beginning to swell. Super babies both were the picture of health if in a black cat suite and green tinged fashion. Catwoman said she;d heard that Lois Lane was also preggers, as was Wonder Woman. “”I wonder Poison Ivy,”said a common theme, “He certainly is the man of steel,”Catwoman quipped. ?”Yeah and I’d like to fel that steel again, ”Poison Ivy replied.

Batgirl and Robin adventure…