Slaves to Fashion

Author: Glavas K
Time to Read:44min
Added Date:7/4/2024
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Tags: MockingbirdThe Black CatHellcat

WARNING: This story contains scenes of violence, rape, bondage and other sexual situations which are not appropriate for anyone under the age of eighteen. If you are under the age of eighteen, do not read this story. If you are offended by this material, do not read any further.

Hellcat, Mockingbird, the Black Cat and all other characters were created by and are copyrighted by and are property of Marvel Comics and Marvel Entertainment. This story has been written solely to occupy my free time, of which I seem to have a lot. No compensation has been or will be received for this story. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and cannot be redistributed for the purposes of making money or profit.

Any similarity between names, characters, and places in this story and real persons is purely coincidental.



Felicia Hardy slowly rappelled down the side of the building. The rear alley she had chosen was devoid of streetlights and apparently deserted. The young burglar had waited for almost an hour while hidden in shadows, just to observe any activity in the alley. Her skin-tight costume, which made her almost invisible to the eye, was completely black except for white gloves and boots, with white fur around those gloves, boots and the low-cut neckline of her costume. To her joy, there was no activity in the alley at all.

The young woman was using an Aussie-style rappel rig so that she would descend headfirst. When she reached the top floor window, she removed a small, black kit of tools from the black belt that she wore around her waist. That belt was now, however, riding on her breasts due to her upside down position. From the pouch, she produced a suction cup and a glasscutter.

After placing the suction cup on the chosen window, just above the window lock, the girl used the cutter to slice a circle into the pane. She put her pouch back onto her belt. Carefully, Felicia examined the window and the ledge around it, both inside and out, for any type of alarm wires or devices. She smiled when she found none, as she expected, and then reached inside and unlocked the window. She now had access to the top floor janitor’s closet.

A sliding motion removed the small circle of glass from the suction cup. Felicia’s lips curled into a devilish smile and she tossed the piece of glass down into the alley below. As she watched it fall, she knew in her heart that the glass would neither shatter nor make any noise, for that was her gift. An uncanny halo of luck which had always shone throughout her life; her little "bad luck tricks" that made the "numbers" fall her way. She blew the glass circle a kiss as it ended its fall with a landing on some discarded clothing in a Dumpster. It was unharmed and perfectly quiet.

The young woman reached in and unlocked the window. Raising the pane up, she began to free herself from the harness around her body. After one last detail, the securing of the harness to the building with a strand of electrical tape, she hopped through the open window.

And, with that same devilish smile, she exited the janitor’s closet to begin her conquest of the building and all valuable items within, for nothing was safe and all was prey to Felicia Hardy, the Black Cat.

"She’s inside." Patricia Walker was thrilled to be able to finally speak, even if it was just into her two-way headset. She had been staked out on the roof just opposite of the Preston Building in Boston. She was three hours into her assignment when the Black Cat arrived. The Black Cat’s first order of business had been a stake out of her own--directly across from where Patsy Walker was hidden. Patsy’s yellow and blue costume as Hellcat was certainly not as well designed for hiding as the Black Cat’s was, so Hellcat had to remain as still as a statue to stay out of her rival feline’s line of sight.

"It’s definitely the Black Cat," she added into the headset. "But her usual stomping grounds are New York. I don’t know what she’s doing in Boston."

"This isn’t our usual area of patrol, either, Hellcat," a female voice replied over the frequency. "Maybe her job is to steal the Vaughn Diamond, just as ours is to protect it."

"You’re right, Mockingbird," Patsy replied. "Well, I guess we’ll find out soon. She’s heading your way."

"I have that, Hellcat. This ‘bird’ will be ready."

"Are you going to be all right in there alone? Do you want me to come over and give you a hand with her?"

"No, Hellcat. It'll be more important to me if you watch my back and give me a heads-up if someone more dangerous, like say Jack O’Lantern, should come by. Then I’d really appreciate your help. I can handle Black Cat."

"I'll keep my ears on and my eyes open, Mockingbird."

"Thanks, girlfriend."

After a quick stretch and a drink of water from the bottle she had brought up to the roof, Hellcat relaxed into a position that gave her the greatest view of the Preston Building and her own position, so as not to be surprised.

The Black Cat crept through the deserted hallways of the top floor of the Preston Building. All was dark and silent. Clothes, bolts of cloth, hangers and mobile racks littered the hallways and the rooms she had passed.

The tip she had received from a stooge in New York was that a large Indian diamond, named the Vaughn Diamond, was being held in secret in Boston while the details of US tour were being worked out. She had heard nothing of any sort of tour, and had never heard of the Vaughn Diamond, but the stooge was reliable and his story was plausible.

Felicia peeked around a corner and into what appeared to be some sort of sewing room. Mannequins and dress cages stood about the room, waiting for their tailors to return. Bolts of cloth were stacked on tables and chairs. Boxes of what appeared to be sewing kits lay about as well.

Her snitch told her that the Indian prince was young and had just inherited great riches from his father. That was not all the young man had inherited, it seemed. He suffered from some sort of paranoid delusions, as did his father. Only recently had he been convinced by his family to display the diamond on a world tour to be topped off by his coronation in Los Angeles.

The girl crept towards a large room to the front of the building.

Her stooge had explained that to keep a low profile, the prince’s advisors had set up a low-key holding area for the precious stone. There was to be next to no security, but the diamond’s safe was going to be one of the best portable safes on the world market.

Now that the Black Cat was in the heart of the holding area, the safe would be a welcome challenge, a test for New York’s greatest burglar.

Felicia prowled into the room. It was a large room with a huge, multi-paned window facing the street. Light from the moon and the many streetlights poured through, making hundreds of shadow crosses on the hardwood floor. The room was empty save for a waist high box covered with some sort of black cloth.

A sprinkle of baby powder from a container in her pouch revealed many alarm-triggering laser beams, but the beams were high enough off of the floor that the svelte thief could creep under.

When she reached the safe, more shaken powder revealed that the area around the safe was devoid of laser beams. A quick check showed that the cloth covering the safe was not trapped. After removing the cloth, the Black Cat sat cross-legged before the safe to begin cracking.

The first touch of her fingers to the metal somehow released hidden gas jets. Suddenly, the Black Cat was engulfed in a grayish cloud of thick gas. She closed her eyes and began coughing, but she had taken in too much of the gas in the initial blast. She began to feel dizzy.

The girl staggered to her feet in an attempt to get away from the sinister strongbox, but in doing so she tripped the laser beams. To her relief, the beams were not connected to alarms, but to her horror, she could hear more jets releasing gas.

She held her breath and, with squinting eyes, tried to make it to the hallway, but the gas was so thick that she was almost blinded. She could make out only her hands before her as she groped to find the exit. Her chest pounded for air, her lungs lurched. In her desperation, she stumbled and fell to the floor, expelling all the air from her lungs.

Jolted by the fall, Felicia gasped involuntarily for breath, taking in lungfuls of the gas-tainted air. Her head began to swim. What little of the room that she could see began to spin around her. She began panting and her body began to shudder. Rolling onto her back, she tried to catch a glimpse of the skylight. If she could see it, then it would fall victim to her "bad luck tricks", her ability to turn luck against others and for her. Maybe the skylight, or even the windows would crack and shatter, venting the room and removing the powerful gas. The ceiling, however, was lost to her as the gas limited her vision to only the length of her arm.

Felicia panted and gasped on the cold wooden floor. Her chest heaved and her breasts sloshed with the shuddering of her body. She could feel her eyelids growing heavy as her body was giving in to the power of the gas. Finally, with a whimper, the Black Cat slipped into unconsciousness.

Barbara Morse watched as the gas-mask clad pair of men entered the room and disappeared into the cloud of gas. Moments later, the sound of a fan could be heard and the gas slowly began to dissipate. She crouched and gripped her bo stick, ready to spring when the two men emerged from the gas. They finally did emerge, and between them, the men carried the Black Cat’s limp body.

"Let me get a better grip," Bobbi heard one of them say.

The men lowered the Black Cat, none too gently, and shifted their grips. Both men took that opportunity to grope the buxom burglar, grabbing mounds of flesh through the girl’s black spandex. The white-maned thief showed no signs of stirring through the molestation; she breathed unconsciously through slightly parted red lips as she was roughly handled.

Bobbi Morse fumed. She had these guys and their clever trap pegged as security or local PD, but now that she saw their thug-like clothes and their inexcusable actions, she knew that they were just some street trash that needed cleaning. So outraged was she that Bobbi forgot about her partner, Hellcat, outside; forgot to radio any information or any request for back-up. She just wanted a piece of the pair of creeps. As Mockingbird.

As she stood and began to leave her hiding place to encounter the men she forgot one more thing.

To watch her back.

From behind Mockingbird, and off to one side, a huge beefy hand came chopping down on the wrist which held the girl’s bo stick. Her hand went numb and the stick fell to the floor.

Suddenly, the blonde Avenger was scooped off of the floor in a bear hug from behind. The 5’9" heroine’s heels now dangled five inches off of the floor. Two massive arms encircled her chest, pinning her arms in front of her. And before Mockingbird could even really cry out, those massive arms began to squeeze together, crushing her.

Trained to fight by S.H.I.E.L.D., with talents honed by fighting alongside the Avengers, Mockingbird began to resist…but to no avail. Any kicks she could muster to her attacker’s body were just absorbed by the muscle and fat that she found there. Rear headbutts were completely ineffective because the man was so strong and he held her up so high her head never even came close to making contact with his.

Very soon, she was not only fighting his strength, but her need for life-giving oxygen, as well. He was constricting her; with each of her exhales, he was not allowing her to inhale. Soon, her lungs were empty, unable to supply oxygen to her brain and the rest of her body. Her muscles grew weak. Her struggling slowed. White spots began to appear in her vision. Her mouth and peach-colored lips gulped like a fish’s, begging for air that would just not come. Her pink tongue slowly began to force its way through those lips, moist from her saliva. Bubbles popped in her mouth as her tongue came between her chattering teeth. Finally, all of the girl’s muscles sagged. Her head lolled and drooped.

She was dropped to the hardwood floor.

Her flesh jiggled through her black and white spandex from the impact, and she then lay still.

"Is she alive?" Came a throaty female voice from the shadows.

"Hai, Ravanna-san." The giant reported after no more than a glance from where he stood. "She lives."

"Good. Bring her along with the other one. What good fortune. Our show has now just doubled in size." The woman laughed from the shadows as the giant scooped up Mockingbird’s flaccid body and followed the Black Cat’s captors deeper into the sinister building.

Hellcat had waited long enough. There had been no word from Mockingbird since their last communication. There had been no signs of movement in the building since the Black Cat entered. Something was definitely wrong.

She thought about sending out an Avengers’ distress signal, but then thought better of it. She and Mockingbird had been through a lot in their careers, however short. Mockingbird, a respected Avenger, had survived everything from S.H.I.E.L.D. treachery and double agents to the Savage Land. She herself had fought alongside of the Avengers and the Defenders, and had been to Titan, one of the moons of Saturn, to boot. She even spent some time chasing ghosts and goblins with Damien Hellstorm.

Together, they could handle the Black Cat and anything the white-haired bimbo could throw their way.

But "together" was the key. Now they were separated and something was wrong.

Hellcat launched her compressed-gas firing cable claw to a building adjacent to the Preston Building and swung out and over to help her friend.

They didn’t need any help from the Avengers, or anyone. After all, it was just the Black Cat.



The Black Cat slowly began to stir. Through the clearing fuzz in her head, she heard the sounds of grunting, and panting. She tried to open her eyes, but she found that they were blindfolded. She went to remove the blindfold, but her arms would not obey her. They were bound, she realized, her hands and elbows tied together and behind her back.

As her haze cleared, the mysterious sounds became clearer. The grunting was not an animal, as she first believed, but a human. A man, or was it men? They were also…panting? There was some sort of wet slapping sound as well.

Felicia tried to kneel, but found that her legs were bound, as well; at the knees and the ankles. She was lying on a bed of what seemed like pillows. She rolled to her side and grunted through some obstruction in her mouth.

A ball? she thought. Some kind of ball gag; strapped behind my head.

The panting and grunting became more desperate; the wet slapping (flesh?) became more rapid. There was the sound of cloth moving around a lot, as well.

That sounds like the pillows I’m laying on. Silk? Being ground together? What’s going on? Where am I? The haze, almost completely lifted, brought on a horrible realization to Felicia. Oh no! I’m naked!

She moved about on the silk pillows to be sure, but she had been right: someone had stripped her and tied her up after she had been gassed. Blindfolded her--cutting off her luck power.

Felicia struggled against her bonds, grunting with the strain. Now the haze was gone and the truth was revealed to the blindfolded cat burglar. The noises: the grunting, the panting, the sounds of wet flesh slapping wet flesh. The smell; oh, she could smell it too! Someone was having sex on the pillows next to her in the room.

And helpless as she was, she could be next!

The men next to her grunted and wailed with their climaxes. She could hear two of them. She could feel the pillows beneath her move as they spasmed into…someone--a woman, probably.

She stopped moving and grunting, hoping that they would leave her be. But she was too late.

"Hey! The white-haired bitch is awake!" One cheered while breathing heavily.

"Finally! This one was great, but she’s still out cold." The other replied. There was movement on the pillows in the direction of the men’s voices.

"Yeah, this cat-chick ought to be nice and lively!"

There was a great movement and then they were on her. They groped and manhandled her while she struggled in their grasp, squeezing her breasts and buttocks. She squealed through the ball gag as the two men began to lick her arms and back and legs. She felt the limp penis of one of the men as he maneuvered around her body, and she realized that they would continue doing unspeakable things to her until they regained their sexual composure. And then the real horror would begin.

They were all over her.

Patsy Walker silently surveyed the safe room. The lights were on and several ceiling fans were ventilating air in the massive room. The safe itself was still closed, which she believed a good thing because the Vaughn Diamond was probably still in there. If the Black Cat had succeeded, then Patsy figured the costumed thief would not waste time by closing it and fixing the velvet cover so that it lay partially in front of the safe’s door. Or, actually, Mockingbird would not have given her the time to.

But where was Mockingbird? And the Black Cat, for that matter.

She seriously hoped that Bobbi had not taken up chase of the Cat over the rooftops of Boston without calling Patsy first. After sitting up on that roof out back for hours on end, Hellcat needed a good chase to stretch out her legs.

After a complete inspection of the room revealed nothing, Hellcat turned to the hallway and the rest of the building. The hall and the rooms beyond were dark, illuminated only by the light from the safe room, and she had no idea how to turn the rest of the lights on. The sultry superheroine began to get the creeps as she checked out room after room, the light behind her fading as she moved away from the safe room. Shadows shifted and shivered about, making her jump into a fighting stance more than once.

At the end of the hallway, Hellcat came to a metal spiral staircase. She paused at the top, her trained ear seeking out any signs of noise, but she heard nothing. With a shrug, she began to descend.

The trap was set off when Hellcat lowered her foot onto the fifth stair. Instantly, the stairs flattened themselves out, dropping the superheroine to the greatly slanted metal. Patsy struck the back of her head hard on the slick metal chute that the stairs had become. She weakly brought her hand up to her head as her body slid on the smooth metal, banging roughly against the sides as she descended. Then, the dazed crimefighter shot out at the bottom of the chute, tumbling into a lovely, spandex-clad heap on the floor.

She was immediately set upon by several men. One wrenched her arms behind her back, flipping her onto her stomach. One pinned her legs with his own body weight. One clamped a wet rag over her mouth and nose.

The already stunned girl realized she was in real trouble when she recognized that the rag was soaked with chloroform. She tried to double her feeble struggling attempt, but the men, blended with the blow to her head and the chloroform, were too much for her. Their combined muscles and weight almost completely immobilized her. Immediately, Hellcat’s eyes became heavy. The already spinning room spun more rapidly as the anesthetic did its wicked work. With each blink, her blue eyes closed a little more, until Patsy no longer had the strength to keep them open. Her head sagged and she drifted off without a sound.

"Well, it seems that our newest model is finally coming around."

Patsy slowly pried her eyelids open. She lay on her side on a bed of pillows. Her arms were bound behind her at the elbows and wrists, and her wrists were tied to her bound ankles. There was a rubber ball strapped into her mouth.

Next to her, a blindfolded Black Cat knelt. The girl was similarly bound and gagged; her ballgag was white.

Black Cat was dressed in a lacy lingerie version of her costume, with a black teddy and white lace around the low-cut collar. The burglar had a look of revulsion on her face, and she squirmed about slightly. A man behind her held her by the bare shoulders and kept her in check.

On the other side of the Black Cat knelt Hellcat’s friend and partner, Mockingbird. Bobbi was bound and gagged the same way as Hellcat and Black Cat, but her ballgag was bright yellow. The girl was also dressed in a lingerie version of her costume, black and white. Bobbi, however, appeared to be semi-conscious, being supported by the thug behind her.

Patsy looked down at herself. She had yellow lingerie on, and she could barely see that her ballgag was bright red. She figured that the gags were to match their individual hair color. Her blue cowl felt as if it had been removed and replaced with an eye mask, like Mockingbird’s or Black Cat’s, held to her face with spirit gum.

Hands grabbed her from behind and lifted her to a kneeling position. As she struggled, those hands squeezed her bare shoulders like a vise; a silent way to tell her to behave.

Before the three captives was a woman, shorter and slightly heavier than Patsy or her two fellow prisoners. The woman was pretty and appeared to be of Russian or some Baltic descent. She had shoulder length brown hair and piercing blue-gray eyes that kept making eye contact with Patsy. The woman was in the process of removing a red overcoat and fedora and placing them on a modern-styled coat rack at the rear of the room.

Beneath the overcoat, the mysterious woman was dressed in a skin-tight body suit made of black latex, and high-heeled black leather boots. The latex hugged her body and highlighted her averaged-sized breasts.

Standing behind the woman and off to one side, was a giant Japanese man. He stood 6’4" tall and had to weigh at least 300 lbs. He had the appearance of a Sumo wrestler, his arms folded across his massive chest, his face turned into a superior smirk that spoke of confidence. He was dressed in gray slacks and a gray no-collar shirt. His eyes raked Patsy’s body, greedily taking in every inch of her.

The woman spoke.

"Greetings, Hellcat. Had I known you and your blonde friend were coming, I would have prepared something really special, but, to my discredit, I was only expecting the young burglar next to you."

Black Cat squirmed at that comment. Patsy thought she saw a tear run down the beautiful thief’s cheek from underneath the blindfold.

"If you weren’t gagged," the mystery woman with the throaty voice continued, "you would probably demand to know where you were, who I was, and what I was going to do with you.

"Well, you are deep within the Preston Building, and I am called Belladonna."

Belladonna strode over to Patsy and began to rub the redhead’s cheek. Hellcat tried to pull her head away, but the thug behind her clamped his hands on each side of her head.

"You and your friend, in your zeal to right wrongs, I suppose, stumbled upon my little scheme to capture the famed and beautiful Black Cat of New York. I lured her here with false information about a nonexistent diamond so that I could possess her. And now I possess you and your pretty friend here as well."

Hellcat squirmed, but the man held her tight, and actually increased the pressure on her head. She whined in pain and he let up, but still held her tight.

" ‘What are you going to do with us’ you ask?" Belladonna continued, a wicked grin crossing her features. "Well, allow me to explain.

"My interest in the fashion industry, which introduces me to acquaintances all around the world, has recently led me to find quite a large group of international investors who are interested in certain ‘special models’. Over the past few years, I have been running some ‘special fashion shows’ for these investors, who pay top dollar to view the shows and even higher to buy these models."

Patsy’s brow crunched with confusion. She could not really place what Belladonna was getting at, but she did not like the sound of it.

"I see the confusion on your striking features, Hellcat, and I will keep you in the dark no longer. The Black Cat was to be the first celebrity at my ‘special fashion shows’…my slave auctions…"

The Black Cat wailed through her gag and began to struggle. The hoodlum behind her wrapped his arms around her to keep her still, but also began to grope her voluptuous body. The girl’s wails increased.

"…and you, my dear," Belladonna continued with a growing smile, "you and your little bird friend there, will be my second and third celebrities."

Hellcat also began to fight, but the man behind her held her fast with a hug as well. His strong hands molded her breasts through the silky lingerie. She felt his lips and teeth on her neck, kissing and nibbling her soft skin.

"The price that the three of you should bring will allow myself and my men to retire on the French Riviera. We will be sipping exotic drinks on nude beaches while the three of you grovel at the feet of your new masters."

Patsy saw that, on the end, her friend, Bobbi, was receiving the same manhandling that the other two girls were. Mockingbird, however, still appeared to be hardly conscious, and the blonde Avenger did not resist.

"But first," Belladonna went on, "you must be prepared for your new lives as slaves. You must be broken mentally, physically and, most importantly, sexually. I will see to it that every millimeter of your heroic spirits are crushed, like rose petals.

"Take them."

Hellcat’s molester put another rag covered with chloroform over her mouth and nose, sending her into another forced sleep. Before her eyelids fell, Patsy Walker saw that her two companions were sharing the same fate. And then she slumped into her roughneck’s groping arms.

Mockingbird finally, slowly came to. She was lying on her back in a well-lit room. The lights were positioned to shine from the floor up, so the girl did not need to squint. She lay on some sort of padded table with her hands securely bound over her head to a central ring and her feet spread and bound to two separate rings. A rubber ball was strapped into her mouth. To her revulsion, she was naked, save for her eye mask, which she could still feel gummed to her face.

There she lay for what she figured to be one half hour, testing her returning strength against the ropes without success, until the one door in the open-brick walled room opened. In walked a man.

He was naked, as she was, but he wore a black mask over his head. The mask was without any holes. It appeared to be made out of a flexible fabric that would allow easy breathing. Across the face of the mask, written in bold, white letters, were the words "YOU ARE A SLAVE".

The man closed the door and approached Mockingbird’s padded table, his erect penis hanging between his legs.

Mockingbird began screaming through her gag; angry screams to ward off this obvious attacker, but he kept coming and began to climb up on the table. She thrashed her body about, battering him and shaking away from his grasp, but she was bound and prone; there was no way for her to avoid what was coming next.

He mounted her and forced her knees apart as she tried to squeeze them together. Slowly, he moved his crotch closer to hers until she could feel the touch of his member to her vaginal lips.

Then, to her surprise, the man slapped her across the face. The stinging blow jolted her and she stopped struggling for a moment. She just stared at the faceless mask, at the words "YOU ARE A SLAVE", and he apparently stared back. Without warning, he pounced on her, hugging her bound body to his, forcing his penis into her. The blonde Avenger wailed and tried to thrash around, but the man was pinning her with his weight. Soon, he was completely inside of her, thrusting vigorously. Her vagina was hammered by his ramming pelvis, her buttocks were driven into the padded table.

With one arm, he held her neck crooked between his own head and the inside of his elbow; through squinting eyes, she could see his ass rise and fall into her repeatedly. With his other hand, he groped and slapped one of her exposed breasts. Through the gag, now wet with her saliva, Mockingbird screeched.

The rapist let go of her neck and breast, and then held her face in his hands. She stared up at him and, again, he appeared to stare back, although she could not see his eyes. All she could see were the words "YOU ARE A SLAVE" as he thrust up and into her.

Finally pulled out of her and straddled her chest, squashing her breasts with his thighs. His hand rapidly stroked his penis until cum began shooting out and onto her face. She jammed her eyes shut and turned her head to the side. When he was finished ejaculating on her, the faceless thug climbed off of her.

He again grabbed her sticky wet face in his hands and forced her to look at him. After a few moments of staring at the words "YOU ARE A SLAVE", the man slapped her in the face again and left the room. When she heard the door close, Bobbi Morse began to cry. She had been through a lot in her life, especially the intense training she had to endure after she joined S.H.I.E.L.D. It was said that only the Navy SEALS trained with a more intense psychological and physical program. But she had never been raped. Her salty tears mixed with the cum sliding off of her face.

When she heard the door open once more, she stopped crying and held her breath. Looking up over her breasts, she saw another man enter the room. He was also naked, but his faceless black mask said "MASTER" on it. Bobbi began to scream through the rubber ball.

The man closed the door and slowly walked toward her.

The Black Cat sat bound to a wooden chair in a room. She was still blindfolded and gagged. Men circled her and sprayed her down with water from what sounded like plant spray bottles. Her white mane was slowly becoming soaked and was matting to her face, neck and shoulders. Every once in a while, one of the men would caress her naked, wet skin. She struggled, but she was bound too securely.

At random intervals, the men would hiss the word "slave" at her. After her previous rape, she was terrified and her chest heaved with sobs.

From somewhere in front of her, a door opened. The sound of squeaking metal wheels entered the room, followed by the clicking of heels. The sounds stopped to Felicia’s left, and she felt the men around her step away. The young burglar started when a hand began caressing her wet shoulder. A female hand molded Felicia’s skin and massaged her tired muscles.

"Hello, my dear," the throaty voice from earlier began. Belladonna, Felicia remembered.

"I am here to begin your basic training phase," Belladonna continued from outside the Black Cat’s blindfold. "During this phase, you will be broken. This phase will last as long as you let it. For my own piece of mind, I shall leave your gag in. You will answer all questions with a nod for ‘yes’ and a shake of your pretty head for ‘no’. Do you understand?"

Felicia defiantly refused to move her head in any direction.

"As I suspected," Belladonna sighed. "Well, I guess that now is as good a time to start as any."

There were heavy, metallic noises to Felicia’s left. A piece of cool metal was placed on Felicia’s left knee, causing the girl to start with surprise. When an identical piece of metal was placed on her right knee, the Black Cat screeched in agony, her body bolting as straight as the ropes that held her allowed.

Electricity ran from both of her knees and down through the wooden chair and into the floor. Her body shook involuntarily as the electricity breached her wet skin and sent waves of pain to her brain. Through the ballgag, the girl shrieked, clenching her teeth. Then the metal was removed and the cat burglar slumped in the chair.

"Now, I’ll ask you again. Do you understand?"

The Black Cat nodded slightly.

"Good," Belladonna rasped.

From behind her, Felicia felt a man’s hands on her neck and shoulders. His strong fingers began to massage her tired muscles. She began to struggle, but the massage felt good. It was soothing, and after the electric beating she just took, she welcomed it.

"Now for the next question: Are you helpless?" Belladonna asked.

The bound beauty raised her head and defiantly shook her head.

"Wrong answer." Belladonna said. The man removed his hands from Felicia’s neck.

The metal touched Felicia’s bare, wet thighs and the girl jumped in her seat. Her teeth bit deeply into the rubber ballgag and her screams increased. Although blindfolded, she squeezed her eyes shut. Inside of her, she could feel the electricity surge and tingle. Her heart began to beat at an insane pace. Her breasts jiggled as she shook, flinging drops of water and sweat in all directions. And then the metal instruments were removed. She slouched, her chest and breasts heaving. A drop of sweat rolled off her nose and landed on her belly.

"Are you helpless?"

Felicia weakly shook her head. The metal again touched her thighs.

The girl’s tender body seized. Her skin and muscles felt as if they were on fire. Her screams turned into choking gags, and drool seeped from underneath the ballgag and ran down her chin and onto her slender neck. Beneath the blindfold, Felicia’s green eyes flew open and strained to pop out of their sockets. Behind her, her bound hands clenched into fists, her nails digging into her soft palms.

When the metal was removed, the young thief again collapsed in the chair. Her breathing was shallower now. A string of drool hung from her gagged mouth and began to cover her breasts.

"Are you helpless?"

Once again, Felicia shook her head, although the movement was almost imperceptible. Belladonna, however, noticed, and touched the metal to her captive’s thighs once more.

Felicia jerked. Her muscles sizzled. From behind the wet rubber ball, she screamed. Her teeth bit into the rubber and her lips twitched around it. Her breasts bounced as her body spasmed with the electric current. Her chokes and gags began to close her throat up, and she could not get a decent breath. She began to wheeze and snort. Her blindfolded eyes began to roll up in their sockets.

The metal was removed.

Felicia felt someone’s breath on her cheek as the girl sat, slumped and convulsing. Her hands shook. The muscles in her legs and pelvis twitched. Her breathing was just wheezes, barely sucking in air through nostrils almost blocked with snot.

"Are you helpless?"

Felicia began to nod. Tears rolled from her eyes and sobs shook her body because she knew that she was giving in, but she did not think that she could take much more. Her mind told her that the question was minor and meaningless: she was, after all, helpless.

"Good," Belladonna purred heavily into her ear. The man’s hands came back to massage Felicia’s neck. She dropped her head back to rest on his arms, and she sighed.

"Now for the next question: Are you my slave?" Belladonna asked.

Felicia lifted her head up and turned towards the direction of the woman’s throaty voice. The girl knew that there were only two answers to be given and she knew the results of both answers, but the question was too much. She took a deep breath, strengthened her resolve and shook her head.

"Wrong answer." Belladonna hissed.

The man’s hands left Felicia Hardy’s neck.



Patsy Walker awoke on a large futon-like pallet bed. She was still dressed in the yellow lingerie, and still wore her new, blue eye mask, but she was unbound and gag-free. The room was dim, but she could see that it was the same brick-walled, hardwood-floored room that made up the Preston Building. Weakly, she sat up, her head still spinning from the chloroform.

No sooner had the heroine sat up, than the only door in the room opened. Patsy prepared to defend herself as best she could, but groaned in distress as she recognized the man who entered. There was no mistaking him as he closed the door behind him and locked it with one beefy hand.

The Japanese giant stood before Hellcat, smiling. He was wearing a huge silk robe with dragons embroidered on it. His legs and feet were bare.

"I am Mr. G, and Belladonna-san has granted me a great reward today." He said to the poised young woman. "In thanks for my years of faithful service to her, Belladonna has given me the privilege of bedding you before your will is broken; although, she seems to think that our love-making will be a part of your transgression into a slave. For me it will be wholly pleasure." His grin widened.

"You’ll never make love to me!" Hellcat yelled. "I’ll kill you first!" She balled her fists up and stood in a fighting stance on the bed.

The giant shook his head. "First of all, you have no choice in the matter; I will make love to you, my red-haired tiger. Second, you shall never kill me for my power and strength dwarf your own."

"We’ll see about that!" Hellcat launched herself at the man, landing a powerful kick to his stomach and then another to his shoulder. She punched the giant in the solar plexus and then leveled a lethal kick to his face. The Japanese shook his head several times and then grabbed the surprised superheroine by the bicep.

"Amusing," was all he said as he flung her around and onto the bed. Patsy landed heavily, forcing the air from her lungs with a yell so as not to have the wind knocked out of her. As she rose to return to the fight, her eyes opened wide in alarm as a huge shadow loomed over her. Her lithe body was crushed under the weight of Mr. G as he landed on top of her. Her face buried itself in the bed pillows as the sumo maneuvered the both of them. One of his hands kept the girl’s face in the pillow as his other removed his robe, which fell around them. After tearing Patsy’s lingerie off in several violent movements, he grabbed the struggling Defender and hoisted her ass up before him.

Patsy screamed into the pillow as she felt Mr. G’s enormous penis brush against her ass, but she instantly regretted the action because the pillows her face were buried into kept her from taking in another breath. She tried to struggle, but her muscles were completely immobilized by the man’s mass; only her hands were free, but all they could do was grasp and clutch her attacker’s flesh in panicked desperation.

With a grunt, Mr. G assaulted Patsy’s vagina with his penis. After a couple of initial thrusts, he forced himself past her vaginal muscles and into her body. Patsy screamed in revulsion and pain, expelling the remainder of the air from her lungs. Mr. G situated himself, getting a firm handhold with his free hand, and then began to siege Hellcat’s spectacular body. He thrust and rammed several times, but his penis was still only partially into the girl’s vagina.

With each stab, Patsy’s body twitched, but Mr. G noticed that she was no longer grunting. The sumo grabbed her by the shoulders and bent her in a backward arch, forcing air into her lungs. Patsy wheezed, her lungs filling once again. Mr. G shifted her body so that her head was hanging off the bed and then continued to pound the young heroine’s figure.

Patsy grunted through clenched teeth as the assault continued. Her pussy was being stretched far more than it even had been, and the pain was unbearable. Sweat ran off her face and dripped onto the hardwood floor below her. Her muscles reeled at the meaty assault by the giant of a man on top of her. With each thrust, his enormous penis pushed farther and farther into her, conquering her sex centimeter by centimeter. With an animal-like noise, Mr. G finally penetrated Hellcat’s exhausted defenses and entered her completely. His pulsing prick lay throbbing inside her, sliding slightly in the sweaty lubrication they had both built up. He reached up and stroked her red hair with one hand while the other clenched Patsy’s slender wrists beneath her twitching body.

"No," Patsy croaked. "Please, stop."

"My dear," Mr. G whispered lustfully. "All my life I have lusted after gorgeous, red-haired American models. Flame-haired women, such as yourself, have caused me innumerable nights of sexual frustration. My success as a sumo gave me the option of having any woman I wanted in all of Japan, but none of them were the red-haired nymphs I sought. I would have the demure Japanese women and then move on, always finding myself wanting more.

"I once vowed to myself that I would pillage the body of every red-haired American slut that I would ever bed, make every one of them scream until their throats were hoarse…"

He touched his lips to Patsy’s ear.

"And I promised myself that I would take my sexual frustration out on the first one I fucked. She would be made an example to all the ones who followed. She would be ground into sweaty, sexual meat. She is you."

Patsy wailed as the Japanese giant began his main assault. He thrust into her with the zealous fervor of a man possessed, pounding the poor woman with each movement. Soon, her wails became screams of agony as her vaginal walls were scraped beyond their limits once again. She felt his sweat drop on the back of her head as her own sweat matted her gorgeous hair to her skull. Every once in a while, he would lean over and lick her ear or the side of her head, and once, he bit the top of her ear, drawing blood. That blood dripped and mixed with the puddle of sweat that was growing on the wooden floor below her flushed and tortured face.

Soon, her screams became animal grunts and huffs that were synchronized with the giant’s thrusts. She cursed the sweat that ran into her eyes, stinging them. She silently thanked that same sweat, however, as it dripped onto her quivering lips, and she sucked it in greedily.

The pounding was relentless. Her flesh jiggled with the force of each impact. Her impressive muscles strained against her attacker, but to no avail; his sheer power far outclassed the spirited Defender. She fully intended to fight the beast with all her strength and until the end, but to her dismay, Patsy Walker was finding that her formidable reserves of energy were used up and that the end was upon her. With gritted teeth, Hellcat summoned up all of her remaining energy in an attempt to throw off or injure her brutalizer. Her muscles exploded in a fury that would have sent a lesser man flying, but the immense Mr. G barely moved. Vanquished, her body and mind exhausted, her spirit on the verge of breaking, Hellcat collapsed beneath the sumo.

Through her semi-conscious daze, Hellcat gasped as her body was still continuously assaulted. The only lubrication that saved her vagina from crippling friction burns was the mass volume of sweat that the pair was producing in the forced coupling. Every centimeter of Patsy’s body was soaking wet, every crack and fold, every pounded, shuddering piece of tender skin. Over the din of Mr. G’s grunting, she could hear the smack and suck of their two bodies coming together repeatedly. Beneath her crushed form, the mattress was becoming increasingly wet, making squishing sounds as she was driven down into it.

Finally, after an eternity, she felt Mr. G increase his pace and begin to breath more rapidly. Within seconds, the room and the floor before her were just blurs as her body was pounded at a machine gun pace. Then, the sumo ravager grunted and wailed, his body seizing into Patsy’s.

"Please…don’t cum in me…oh please…please, don’t cum in my body…" Patsy begged pitifully, her voice a cracking whimper. Tears rolled down her cheeks and increased the puddle below her.

But the colossal man named G would not have heeded her if he could. Years of sexual frustration, years of lusting for a red-haired American beauty, rushed out of him in gushes. His penis erupted with blasts of cum which quickly began to fill Patsy’s tender vagina. Patsy wailed and bawled as the cum invaded her most sacred place. Her body shuddered with the sumo’s, but hers from repulsion. Her face twisted into a mask of horror as she felt the alien cum ooze from her full pussy and slide down her milky white thighs. Mr. G shuddered again and again as the massive orgasm continued, but he finally gasped with pleasure as his penis squeezed out one more spurt to end the orgasm. He collapsed onto Hellcat’s beaten and defiled body, his satisfied mass crushing her once again into the mattress.

Beneath him, Hellcat’s abused body and mind both shut down to recuperate from the catastrophe that had just befallen her. Her face, wet with tears and sweat, was still pulled into the vision of revulsion. With her vagina, crotch and thighs twitching involuntarily, Patsy Walker gratefully slipped into unconsciousness.

Mockingbird was sucking her master’s cock. Or, rather, sucking the cock of the man with the facemask which read "MASTER".

She was on her knees, the hardwood floor making them ache. Her hands were bound behind her back, and her yellow ballgag hung loosely around her tender throat.

Bobbi’s mind reeled at the number of men who had come in to rape her in the past few hours…hours, days, weeks?

…or at least it had seemed like a lot. "MASTER" and "YOU ARE A SLAVE" had returned many times, but there were also "YOU ARE WORTHLESS" and "GIVE IN" and "THERE IS NO HOPE" and "SURRENDER". They had taken her in a dozen different ways until she was dry and bleeding. And then they brought out the K-Y. And the dildos.

There was one in her then. In her shapely ass, a vibrator hummed constantly. At first, she had tried to remove it, but the effort, coupled with her oral rape, was too much. Besides, she found that she needed to concentrate; concentrate on the man before her and the words on his mask. She told herself that if she kept her eyes glued on the man and his words, that would fuel the fires of…


…hope and freedom within her. She was, after all, Mockingbird; a...


…superhero. She would fight back to the last…


…wouldn’t she?

She had thought the man a fool when he dragged her to the floor and removed the gag to put himself in her mouth. She readied herself to hold him hostage with her teeth, threatening to bite his dick off if he did not free her. For some reason, however, she did not. She took him in her mouth and began to pleasure him. Bobbi told herself that she was just biding time, waiting for the right moment. But her enthusiasm was threatening to make a liar out of her.

She licked and sucked "MASTER"’s shaft, kissing the tip and then diving back over it with her mouth. Every once in a while, "MASTER" would poke Bobbi in the back of the throat, causing her to gag, but instead of pulling away when the gagging fit was over, she would take him back in and continue the service.


…giving in?

…biding my time, Bobbi thought. Waiting to make my move.

When "MASTER" began to gently stroke her hair, Bobbi found herself moaning pleasurably and rubbing against him. She told herself that it was all part of her act. She released his penis and leaned up to kiss his hand momentarily before returning to the fellatio.

Suddenly the room’s only door opened up. She released "MASTER" and found herself whispering for him to stay.

"Don’t go," she softly spoke as she closed her eyes and rubbed her head against his thighs. She felt him pat her head gently, then she felt other bodies around her, patting her head and stroking her hair and massaging her shoulders. She looked up and saw that all of the men were there. "YOU ARE A SLAVE", "SURRENDER", "YOU ARE WORTHLESS", "GIVE IN", "THERE IS NO HOPE", and, of course, "MASTER". Their naked bodies tired and sweaty from having her, their faces still masked. One of them reached down and kissed her on the top of her head, while another slowly removed the vibrating dildo from her ass. She shuddered and gasped as he removed the object, then she collapsed into the six men as an orgasm shook her. She looked up at the men as her body trembled, her eyes wide and her peach-colored lips quivering.

"Take me," she softly asked them. "I’m yours. My body, my sex, they’re yours."

They stroked her hair as she spoke.

"Please," Bobbi Morse begged. "I surrender. I won’t fight. Please take me." Tears rolled down her cheeks, but her eyes remained wide.

Finally, one of the men spoke. It was "YOU ARE A SLAVE".

"What are you?" He asked her.

"I’m yours," she replied, misunderstanding.

"No, what are you? Are you a superhero?"

"No," she found herself saying.

"Then what are you?"

"I…I’m a…slave." She could not believe she was hearing herself say it, but she told herself it was all part of the plan. It had to be…

"Good," "YOU ARE A SLAVE" crooned. He leaned down and kissed Bobbi on the cheek. The other men began to follow suit, kissing Bobbi and showing her their approval with signs of affection. She obviously liked it. Bobbi folded into them and rubbed her body against them.

"Is Mockingbird a superhero?" One of them asked her as he began to untie her hands.

"No," she replied, her hands now free.

"Good," he crooned as he massaged her sore wrists. "But what is Mockingbird?"

She wanted to say ‘an Avenger’ or ‘the woman who’s going to kick the shit out of you’, or something cool before she launched herself into the six of them. She was sure they had no chloroform and she was positive she could take them, but when she opened her mouth, something else escaped her lips.

"Mockingbird is a slave."

"Good," the man crooned. Suddenly, the hands of all the men grabbed her and hoisted her up. Inside Bobbi, her mind screamed at her surrender. Her last spark of freedom was extinguished with the smile that broadened her lips as the six men laid her gently on the bed and began kissing every inch of her tired body.

"Master," she mumbled as a man began to kiss her passionately on her moist lips. She returned the kiss with equal passion, and her surrender was complete.



The Black Cat was on her knees as well. A secure black hood was covering her head down to her eyes, replacing the blindfold she had previously worn. Her hands were secured tightly behind her back, as were Mockingbird’s, but Felicia’s elbows and shoulders were also tightly bound, causing her pert, naked breasts to stick out. Her mouth was not gagged, as it had been, and she breathed heavily beneath it, still exhausted from her previous, electrical ordeal. On each side of her she could feel someone standing, someone who felt like a clothed man. A hand rested on each of her bare shoulders.

She then heard Belladonna speak.

"My dear, you pose an interesting problem. Your ability is very potent and quite detrimental to your new life. Your little ‘bad luck tricks’, as your stooge said you call them, could cause you to easily turn the tables on myself or any master who eventually buys you."

Felicia felt her heart beat with terror at the mention of her future in captivity, but she dared not make any comments for fear of punishment. She knew what Belladonna was capable of, and she also knew that her own body could not take much more physical abuse.

"Your ability is guided by your sight, and I also cannot sell a blind slave, or even one whom has to remain blindfolded constantly. No one would buy you. You would be useless to me."

Felicia’s heart began to race even more. Is she going to kill me? Oh no, she can’t mean to kill me! No!

"Again, your traitorous--and now very rich--little friend, Moe, provided me with information leading to an answer: you are a mutant."

Felicia was confused and startled, but it did make sense. He ability did manifest itself when she was in her early teens.

"It seems that he snuck some of your hair out of a brush and had some tests done on it. Your DNA proves that you are a mutant. He also provided a chemical mutagen he acquired which he was saving for the rainy day in which he would be forced to kill you."

"That son of a bitch!" Felicia cried out. She began to struggle with fury at the betrayal by her supposed "friend". The men held her more tightly and Belladonna chuckled.

"I see there is still some spunk left in you," the evil woman purred. "I’ll see what I can do about that later. Now, however, I have a treat for you."

The men seized the young thief and Felicia felt a hose being forced into her mouth. She tried to fight it, but the men worked together and maneuvered the rubber hose past her teeth and over her tongue. The girl began to gag as the hose crept toward her throat. The progress stopped just in time to allow her to breathe out of her nose.

"Now," Belladonna continued as the Black Cat struggled. "We shall introduce the mutagen into your system and, after you recover, you will be just another human female…and a beautiful slave. Begin!"

Soon, Felicia felt a thick, honey-like substance began to fill the back of her mouth and ooze down her throat. The svelte thief immediately began to choke. She tried whipping her head back and forth in an attempt to get the hose out of her mouth, but the thugs holding her stopped her from doing so. The wicked tasting slime slithered down the girl’s throat and into her esophagus. Her choking and gagging caused a small portion to erupt out of her nose, but the main body of the stuff was easily passing orally into her body. Soon, she felt the horrid weight of the sludge begin to fill her belly.

The Black Cat’s beautiful body began to tremble and lurch at the invasion, but the smooth texture of the mutagen coated her throat and stomach, defeating any attempt by her body to rid herself of the fowl stuff through regurgitation. The ooze kept coming through the tube, filling her belly at an alarming rate. Soon, so much of the slime had been pumped into her that her stomach was actually swelling. When the tube was finally removed from her throat, Felicia felt as though she had just eaten a Thanksgiving meal. The men released her and she slumped to the floor, moaning.

"Now," Belladonna began, "we shall place you in some comfortable bondage while you digest your meal, and then your training shall resume--without the blindfold. Take her away."

A full, sickened, and very weak Black Cat was then lifted off of the floor and removed from the room. Felicia tried to get comfortable in her transporter’s arms, for she suddenly felt especially tired and weak. A thick trail of mutagen slime oozed past her red lips and down the outside of her lovely throat.

Hellcat’s entire body shivered as the water lapped at her naked skin. She was naked and bound, with her hands tied at her crotch and her feet bound together with the flats touching. The ropework was excellent and her feeble attempts at untying the complex knots had proved to be useless. She was not gagged, but that meant nothing because no one could possibly hear her in her metal prison.

How long had it been? An hour? A week? A month? To her, it seemed like a year.

After her violent and merciless rape at the hands of Mr. G, Hellcat had been carried to a sub-basement of the huge Preston Building where she had been placed in a metal sensory depravation chamber. Earphones, which constantly repeated a mantra insisting that she was no longer an individual, but a mindless slave, had been secured to her head. When the hatch closed and the darkness settled in, her world became very small.

She had tried to dislodge the earphones between her attempts at untying the ropes, but she had not met with any success. The earphones stayed secured in her ears and the message continued to play.

"Submit…slave…relax…give in…" the tape played on. "Accept your lot, slave…"

Her body ached from the rape, so the warm water flowing around her and lapping at her exposed skin felt refreshing. Soon, Patsy Walker found herself drifting off, escape almost forgotten.

With a jolt, she shook her senses back to the real world.

"Come on, Patsy," she said aloud. "Hang in there. Concentrate. You have to find a way out of this thing so you can help Bobbi."

Thoughts of her helpless friend spurred some energy in the superheroine, but the sound of her own voice in the metal chamber startled and spooked her. She tried loosening her ropes again, to keep her mind focused.

"Submit…slave…yield your will…everything will be easier…slave…"

When Hellcat tried working the ropes binding her hands and wrists, she could not help but to brush her fingers against her sore pussy. Even though the gentle movements of her hands felt good after such brutal handling by Mr. G, Patsy found herself beginning to become aroused. The position of the ropes, however, made it impossible for her not to touch her pussy, if she wanted to try to free herself. She paused for the time being to try knocking the earphones off again.


Oh, I have to get these earphones off! Hellcat thought. This tape is driving me crazy.

She tried to lash out at the metal egg surrounding her, but due to the ropework that held her, she was only able to squirm. When she relaxed again, she found herself rubbing the mound of red hair between her legs.

No, I can’t do that. It’s what they want.

"Submit…give in…surrender…slave…"

"Somebody help me!" Hellcat desperately shouted. Her voice echoed inside the chamber, fading slowly. Her own echoes were haunting and served only to deflate her will further.

The water lapped at her body, soothing her aching muscles.

Time passed.

"Relax…relax…relax, slave…relax…"

To pass the time, Hellcat found herself trying to count the seconds. She did not know when she had begun, she could not remember, but she doubted the wisdom of the practice. She deliberately stopped counting, and then found out that she was firmly massaging her pussy. She stopped that as well.

I’ve got to break the spell this chamber is having over me. The redheaded superheroine thought. I’ve got to do something that distracts my attention, but doesn’t count off the time in here.

She decided on the multiplication tables, because her mind would be occupied, but yet not counting the seconds.

One times one is one, she began. One times two is two. One times three is three. One times four is…

Time passed.

The water lapped.

The tape droned.

Sometime during the multiples of seven, Hellcat began fingering herself. She did not even notice that she had begun to do so, but after massaging her mound, she slipped a finger deep into herself. A strained moan passed through her wet lips. She gently pressed her clitoris between her thumb and forefinger and began rubbing in circles.

The water around her licked at her skin, reminding her of times soaking in the tub after some adventure or another. She thought of the candles that she would set out around the tub and the incense which she would start burning on the sink and the bath salts which she would mix with the water and the feel of the water as she slipped one of her legs in it and then she would lower herself into the tub and the water would surround her and caress her and she would dunk her head under the surface and then soap up the scrunchie and start washing her arms and the her chest and then her breasts and she would rub them and squeeze them and massage them and…

When Hellcat realized what was happening, she had almost worked herself to orgasm. Two of her fingers were inside of herself, and she was breathing heavily. She shook her head and reluctantly removed her fingers.

"Submit…surrender…give in, slave…" the tape droned on.

Oh, I’ve got to do something, Patsy thought with growing dread. I don’t think I could handle another session like that. I can’t give in… I can’t…but what could it hurt? If I just got it over with, then I could concentrate on getting out of here.

No! She told herself. I can’t give in. I’ve got to get out of here and find Bobbi! I’ve got to do something.

"Help!" She yelled again. "Somebody, anybody, help me!"

Her vain calls again went unanswered, serving only to create those ghostly echoes of her own voice. With great trepidation, Hellcat went back to trying to undo her bonds, even if it meant tempting fate with her lusting body. She knew that if she did not free herself soon, she might never be able to.


Then Patsy Walker, the costumed superheroine known as Hellcat, began to sob.

Time passed.

The water lapped.

The tape droned.

The steam rose.

The body quivered.

When Belladonna’s henchmen opened the sensory deprivation tank, they found not Hellcat, but a brainless zombie.

Patsy had one of her fists completely inside of her pussy, and she was masturbating in a strong and steady manner. Snot and drool hung from her once beautiful face, a face that was now but a twisted mask of mindless pleasure. When she climaxed, the woman uttered shrill squeals which reminded the men of some kind of rat, and which sounded nothing like a human let alone a courageous superheroine.

After the men removed the ropes that bound her, they ordered Hellcat out of the tank. The once fiery redhead immediately complied.

The leader of the henchmen, an old veteran who had formerly served under infamous crimelords such as the Kingpin and Hammerhead, thought a test was in order. He explained to his men that superheroes could be tricky, and it would cost them dearly if Hellcat was only pretending to be a witless slave. The men heartily agreed, conceding to the old veteran’s experience.

Over the next two hours, the zombie formerly know as Hellcat was ordered to have sex with the six men over and over and over. The men only stopped when the veteran voiced his fear that they might just destroy the woman’s body if they continued any further. The veteran concluded the "tests" by ordering Hellcat to allow him to defecate in her mouth.

Much later, after the men had cleaned Hellcat’s body completely, including her mouth, they brought her before Belladonna for inspection.

"Well," Belladonna purred. "That auction was an absolute, smashing success!"

The raven-haired femme fatale strutted into a posh sitting room that sat in the sub-basement of her clothing factory headquarters. She was followed by Mr. G, her henchmen, and three brightly costumed, but completely submissive slaves. The three young women, who were shackled with their hands in front of them, were ordered to kneel on a plush carpet that sat next to an empty leather armchair and a blazing fireplace. They immediately complied with heads lowered.

"Gentlemen," Belladonna spoke after pouring several glasses of brandy and handing them out to the seven men present. "We are now the proud owners of one billion, tax-free dollars! Good job all around and congratulations!"

The men patted each other on the back and toasted their windfall. Mr. G bowed deeply to Belladonna and then returned her handshake. The celebration was short-lived, however, because soon they heard heavy footfalls of metal approaching the room from the long hallway outside. The group quieted and stepped to the sides of the room.

"Here he comes," Belladonna told them all softly.

From out of the darkness in the hallway stepped an armored man dressed in a forest-green hooded cloak. The light from the fireplace gleamed eerily off of his armor, casting wicked reflections. Large, bloodshot eyes glared from behind the armor’s faceplate. The man’s cloak fluttered, even though they were all deep underground and cut off from any wind.

Belladonna nodded.

"Doctor Doom," she greeted, restraining herself from adding ‘I presume’ to the end.

"Belladonna," the dictator returned. His voice was thick and deep with a lulling air to it. "Are my purchases ready?"

"Yes, they are." Belladonna answered, gesturing toward the trio of meek slaves.

The ominous Doom strode over to stand before the former superheroines. The women, dressed in their original costumes, as they had been for the auction, were quaking in fear. Doom ran his metal gauntlet through each of their hair in turn.

"Doctor Doom," Belladonna probed. "May I be so bold as to ask what you intend to do with these young slaves now that you own them. Their teammates and friends will no doubt be coming to look for them soon."

Doom paused at Hellcat. He lifted her face so that he could look in her eyes. He saw no independence there; no fire, just fear and submission.

"I will not be bothered by their foolish friends." The most super of villains explained. "I intend to introduce androids to replace these women. Within weeks, I will have invaded the lives of the Avengers, Spider-Man, Damien Hellstorm, and the Defenders. I will gain information and then I will exploit that information."

He turned his head to meet the gazes of every other person in the room.

"Need I remind you of what will happen if anyone but yourselves comes across this information?" Doom spoke, his voice becoming a graveyard whisper. Belladonna and her seven henchmen all shook their heads and stuttered ‘no sirs’.

"Good," Doom proclaimed as he turned back to Hellcat. He stared deep into her blue eyes, locking her gaze with his own. His metal thumb caressed her slack lower lip.

"Well, my dear," Doom whispered. "Today is the first day of the rest of your long and miserable life."

The wicked laughter of Doctor Doom filled the room, chilling the hearts of all within, and crept ghost-like into the hallways of the dark and sinister building.