Superheroine Jeopardy. Part 10. Chained Lightening

Author: GW
Time to Read:27min
Added Date:9/17/2024
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Tags: Mary MarvelCatgirlCatwomanBatgirl

Catgirl subdues and imprisons Mary Marvel By GW

This story contains violence, torture, and n/c sexual acts. It is not meant for children, and should only be read by mature adults, over twenty-one.

Synopsis: Catwoman captured, dominated and corrupted Batgirl, and turned her into Catgirl, an evil, younger clone of herself. The renegade crimefighter helped Catwoman capture, and break the spirits of Supergirl, Wonder Woman and Queen Hippolyta, and herself captured and raped Batman's young, crime fighting partner Robin. In her arrogance, Catwoman has conquered Paradise Island, and made herself Queen. Catgirl has succeeded in her first independent assignment. Using Amazon technology, she has beaten Mary Marvel senseless.


Catgirl danced up and down, in delight. "I did it! I did it! I knocked-out Mary Marvel! Now to truss up our sweet, little Mary."

The first restraint Catgirl put on Mary Marvel, was a bracelet, that locked around the superheroine's slim wrist. It was a twin to the one, Catwoman had recently locked on Supergirl's wrist. Catgirl had charged this one, though, with the Divine Lightening drained from Shazam's Thunderbolt. Now, Mary Marvel could not use her incredible strength to break it. It would work as well on Mary Marvel, as it did on Supergirl, neutralizing Mary's flying capability, and keeping her earthbound.

"We don't want our little bird to fly away!" Catgirl smirked to herself. She picked up Wonder Woman's Magic Lasso. Catwoman's Amazon scientists had assured her, that once it absorbed a portion of the power of Shazam's Thunderbolt, it would bind even the mightiest of superheroines. Catwoman had taught her disciple how to truss up a prisoner so neatly, that she'd never get loose. Catgirl started with Mary's arms. She yanked them up behind her back, until she locked her arms together, wrist to elbow, at the level of her shoulder blades. Catgirl, then tied Mary Marvel's legs together at the knees and at the ankles. Then, she tied her ankles to her arms. Mary moaned at the pain, but didn't come to.

"Good! I really knocked the stupid slut into next week! Catgirl, you are terrific!" The smug villainess chortled aloud.

Now for the gag! Catgirl leaned down, and turned Mary's head to reach her mouth. A lock of glossy, brown hair fell across her cheek. Unconscious, the austere lines of mature responsibility and dedication fell away from her face, and Mary Marvel looked incredibly young, a beautiful, teenage, homecoming queen, on prom night. Mary sighed. Her eyelids fluttered. Then, her big brown eyes opened, in astonishment.

"What?" As Mary Marvel opened her mouth in bewilderment, Catgirl thrust a large ball of Amazonium, into her mouth.

"What are you do mmmfffggddg?" Mary gurgled, as she tried to spit the awful thing from her mouth. Catgirl locked it behind her head, with attached clamps. Many people had gagged her as Mary Batson, but never, when she was Mary Marvel. No one ever had the means to do it, before. Even if they had, what would be the point? It was sort of a new experience. Mary Marvel decided, she didn't like being gagged any better this way, then she did as Mary Batson. She tried to bite the metal in two, or spit it out, but found, to her dismay, it wouldn't budge.

"That's funny!" Mary thought. She tried to reach up, to pull the gag out of her mouth. That's when she discovered her hands were tied behind her back, painfully so.

"Well, we'll just see about this! I'll just... " Mary Marvel strained against her bonds. "Holy Moly! I can't break these ropes! What are they made of? What's the matter with me?" This was foreboding! Mary struggled harder, and found her feet tied tight to her wrists. "Holy Moly! I'm tied up just like a piggy going to market!"

As she thrashed around the floor, fighting her bonds, Mary's brief skirt rucked up around her well-rounded hips, exposing the matching, red shorts of her costume.

Catgirl patted Mary Marvel's generously-curved bottom. "Easy there, Sweet Pea! You're not going anywhere. unless I take you!"

"How dare she pat my heiny!" Mary Marvel fumed indignantly. It wasn't nice to take liberties with the World's Mightiest Girl, but for the first time in her career, someone was doing it, without fear of reprisal.

"It just so happens, that, I am taking you somewhere, Sweet Pea. You're going to your new home. You can think of it, as kind of a retirement home for broken-down superheroines. You'll see some of your old friends there."

Mary Marvel seethed. "Oh, if she calls me 'Sweet Pea' one more time, I'll strangle her!" Then she ruefully realized. "Well, I'd strangle her, if I could get my hands loose." Then, forgetting the gag, the bound heroine tried to speak. "Mmfffggg!" She sputtered.

"Oh, Holy Moly!" Mary thought in exasperation. "I forgot! What did she put this darn thing in my mouth for, anyway? Does she think I'm going to scream for help? I sure don't want anybody to see me all trussed up, like this! Oooh, this is so embarrassing!"

Mary really hated to be tied up. Even as Mary Batson, it humiliated her to be so helpless. Then with a feeling of comforting relief, she thought. "Well, even if I am tied up, and gagged, I'll just fly away from her! Once I'm free, I'll wriggle out of these darn ropes! I've wriggled out of ropes lots of times, as Mary Batson. In fact I've gotten pretty darn good at it!"

Mary Marvel prepared to fly, not that she needed preparation. Flying was just like riding a bike, or driving a car. You didn't think about the details, once you learned how. You just thought "fly," and the next thing you knew, you were hundreds of feet in the air, speeding along, at hundreds of miles an hour. Mary Marvel could never forget her first time. It was the most exciting thing she could ever have imagined, but she had to concentrate so hard, that she couldn't enjoy it. The first few months, she was always bumping into things, and landing so hard, her yellow boots would sink into the ground up to their turned-down tops. Then, one day, she just flew without thinking, and knew the feeling of a carefree bird.

"Fly!" Mary Marvel thought. Nothing happened! Mary Marvel felt a flutter of alarm! Something was wrong, terribly wrong! Something was holding her down! Something, as powerful, NO more powerful, than she was! As she exerted all her will, to takeoff, Mary felt the subtle forces gripping her. She was able to pinpoint the force in a few seconds.

"It's coming from my left wrist!" Mary Marvel felt something tight around that wrist. "Holy Moly! That nasty girl put something on my wrist, so I can't fly!" For just a moment, the realization scared Mary Marvel a little.

"Okay, Sweet pea! Time to hit the road!" Catgirl picked Mary Marvel up and easily slung the big, red-clad crimefighter over her shoulder.

Oh! How humiliating that was, for the World's Mightiest Girl! Not to mind the excruciating distress! When Catgirl jammed her bony shoulder into her sore, aching tummy, the pain took Mary Marvel's breath away, bringing home the realization, of how savagely Catgirl had trounced her. Then, that nasty witch clapped her hand on Mary Marvel's big, muscular buttock, with a brazenly possessive grip.

"Mmmmffggg!" Mary Marvel squawked through her gag, in astounded indignation, as Catgirl swaggeringly carried the World's Mightiest Girl into dismaying captivity.

Nothing could long curb the dauntless, high spirits of the World Mightiest Girl, though, no matter how intimidating her predicament might seem. Mary Marvel was ever eager to dare new adventures and overcome fresh challenges.

"She did beat me fair and square, I guess!" Mm thought, always a good sport, and generous-heated competitor. "I suppose, once I get loose, and send the little snot and her boss to jail, for a very long time, this will seem kind of funny! After all, it's not as though they can really hurt me! I'm Mary Marvel!"

A short time later, Catgirl strutted into the presence of her Mistress, Queen Catwoman, carrying the World's Mightiest Girl ignominiously slung across her shoulder, like a hunting trophy. The new Monarch of Paradise Island lounged on a small throne, idly passing time, tormenting the three gorgeous, heroically sized women, cringing at the foot of her throne. Who could believe these three wretched, abused captives were, along with Mary Marvel, herself, the world's most powerful women?

The captives were Supergirl, Wonder Woman, and Wonder Woman's mother, Hippolyta, the rightful Amazon Queen of Paradise Island, ingloriously dethroned in battle, by Catwoman. Catwoman had earlier locked Dickybird, the fourth captive crimefighter, the former Boy Wonder, Robin, in a two-foot cube, punishment cell, for the night. He had spilled a drop of wine on his Royal Mistress's sleeve, while serving her dinner.

Catwoman was so delighted, at sight of Catgirl, victorious, that she jumped from her stolen throne, and cried. "Well done, Catgirl! Well done!"

Catgirl exultantly threw her bound trophy at Catwoman's feet, in homage, a young feline, proudly presenting her kill, for maternal inspection. As she tumbled to the floor, Mary Marvel caught a glimpse of her friend, Supergirl. Having speedily recovered her buoyant, good spirits, the irrepressibly optimistic superheroine was about to grin sheepishly, at her friend, for being caught, too. Then, Mary beheld the tragic, despair in those familiar blue eyes. She averted her eyes, abashed to see her friend so nakedly vulnerable. She spied the other two women, crouching hopelessly at Catwoman's feet.

A queenly woman of incredible beauty and truly heroic proportion, crouched, legs drawn up against her chest, hugging her knees and rocking back and forth, as she wept silently.

"Queen Hippolyta!" Mary Marvel gasped in dismay, behind her gag.

"Oh no, Mary! Not you too?" The tragic Queen sobbed sadly. Her grief, was nearly as great, as that moment, she first saw her own daughter, Diana, in servile bondage to Catwoman. Beside the deposed Queen, Mary Marvel saw her friend Diana. The stalwart, Amazon Champion began to sob, too, as heartbroken by Mary's capture, as her ill-starred, Royal Mother. Wonder Woman flung herself on Mary Marvel's bound form, and embraced her in sisterly sorrow.

"Oh Mary, you were our last hope! Now these devils captured you too!" Wonder Woman sobbed mournfully. Shaken by the older heroine's despair, Mary Marvel ached to pat her comfortingly on the shoulder, but she couldn't move her bound arms an inch. On the trip here, she never ceased to struggle against them, but Catgirl had knotted them with diabolic skill. Now Mary Marvel's arms were numb from her vain struggles.

Seeing her friends and comrades reduced to such hopeless despair, even disheartened Mary Marvel. Lying helplessly bound at Catwoman's feet, Mary shivered apprehensively. If Catwoman and Catgirl could dominate and enslave these three, incredibly powerful heroines, was she any safer? Her heart thumped anxiously in her chest. In shocked dismay, she realized this captivity was no light-hearted adventure. It would be a malignant, life and death struggle for her very soul.

"Well!" Mary Marvel resolved grimly. "They won't break me!" The plucky heroine gritted her teeth and clenched her fists with tenacious resolve.

"Have you brought the Amazon battery, charged with the Wizard's Lightening?" Catwoman asked.

"Yes Mistress!" Catgirl replied proudly. "It's in the cargo hold of Wonder Slut's Invisible Plane. I'll get it, and charge the walls of the Amazonium cell, we prepared. While Catgirl went about her errand, Catwoman examined the newest, captive superheroine. She prodded and poked, while Mary Marvel seethed in impotent fury.

"Mmmmfffgggg!" Mary Marvel snarled, through that odious gag in her mouth.

"Hush, My Dear! Of course, you're honored by my attention! I know that! Now, don't squirm so!" Catwoman chuckled, and pinched Mary Marvel's cheek, as though she was an adorable child.

Catwoman hefted Mary's lush right breast in her hand. "Ah, such big tits! How is it, I wonder, that all of you superheroines, have such spectacular, pectoral endowments? I suppose, it's nature's compensation for your sluggish mental processes!"

Mary glared at the smirking feline, with the fierce, brown eyes of a chained falcon. Once she got free, these two fiends would pay! Catwoman laughed gaily at the heroine's venomous look.

When Catgirl returned, Catwoman said. "You've had a busy night, Catgirl, why don't you lock your new pet up, for the night? You can start training her in the morning, at your leisure. You have done very well, Catgirl!" Catgirl beamed in pleasure at the rare praise from her Queenly Mistress. "I'll have one of the Kittens-in-Training, put these three in their kennels before I retire."

Catgirl picked Mary Marvel up, and carelessly flung her over her shoulder, again. Whistling happily, she carried her captive to the cell Catwoman specially prepared for Mary Marvel. Catgirl threw the bound heroine on the metal floor. Mary Marvel looked about her. The cell was fairly spacious. There was a toilet and sink in one corner, and a pallet in another, but nothing else to break the monotony of the bleak metal walls.

Catgirl rapidly untied her prize. As soon as she felt her bonds fall away, the plucky heroine tried to spring to her feet, for another go at the villainess, but she collapsed in a heap. She discovered her muscular arms and legs were numb and paralyzed, by the frightful battering Catgirl had inflicted, as well as the ensuing long, painful bondage.

By the time, Mary Marvel could get to her feet, Catgirl had stalked from the cell and locked the two serial doors. As she stumbled awkwardly toward the cell door, Mary heard that grating feline laugh echoing in the night.

"Nasty Witch!" Mary thought. "Well, I'll catch up with her later! First thing, I've got to do, is get out of here!" There was no metal cage made, that could hold Mary Marvel! Mary aimed a punch at the locking mechanism, of the inner door, and drove her fist into it, with all her might.

"Agghhh!" Mary Marvel felt the awful pain travel up her arm to the elbow. She glanced at her hand, in shock. Her knuckles were bleeding. There was not the tiniest dent in the door. Mary felt a tremor of grim foreboding. She shivered at thought of being trapped in this small space.

"NO! It can't be! I've got to get out of here!" Mary Marvel thought desperately. She pounded frantically on the door, until both hands were bloody, and she was moaning at the pain. She exhausted herself, and still the only sign, of her supreme effort, was her own smeared blood on the door. She circled the room, frantically searching for some weakness, but there was none. Catwoman had prepared this prison, with feline thoroughness. At last, Mary Marvel groaned despondently, and born down by the gloom of another defeat, stumbled to the corner. She collapsed on the pallet, drained and exhausted. She curled up protectively, in fearful reaction to this awful place.

Yet, the gallant heroine wasn't about to surrender meekly to her captors. "Tomorrow's another day!" Mary told herself, finally summoning back her usually unquenchable optimism, before falling into the fitful sleep, of absolute weariness.

Though she tossed and turned, and moaned frequently in her sleep, Mary Marvel didn't wake till mid-morning. She sat up and looked around the barren cell, with a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach. It was all true! Catgirl had beaten her senseless, and imprisoned her in this horrible metal cage! Her body was stiff and sore, another first, for the World's Mightiest Girl. She groaned, when she stood up. It was painful to move.

With a grimace of distaste, at the necessity, Mary reluctantly used the unscreened toilet, to relieve herself. She prayed, she wasn't observed. Catwoman Enterprises would later market a video of the act, recorded on hidden cameras, and it would be a runaway best seller in certain, anally-fixated corners of the world.

As Mary washed her hands, she saw they were red and swollen. She washed dried blood from her knuckles, with a sniff of distaste. In the tiny mirror, she noticed the bruises on her cheek, and the swollen lump on her forehead. She looked quickly away.

A night of inescapable captivity, following upon the worst defeat, NO, the only defeat of her career, left even Mary Marvel, nervous and apprehensive. She paced the cell anxiously. She'd already come to detest this awful place. Captivity was foreign to her. There was no prison that could hold the World's Mightiest Girl! No prison, before this one! Mary thought of her heroic friends, Wonder Woman, Supergirl, and even the Mighty Queen Hipplyta, pathetically cringing in shamed terror, at Catwoman's feet. She wiped away a tear of sadness at the plight of her friends. Surely, no one could do that to Mary Marvel, could they?

"They won't break ME! I'll never let them" Mary Marvel resolved, furiously. She clenched her fists and grinned eagerly. "Let them come! I'll break them!" Mary Marvel immediately felt better. Now, she strode purposely, back and forth she could hardly wait for her next chance, to bring those horrible felines to justice, and redeem her Superheroine's Honor. She'd pay those two evil villainesses back, for what they'd done to her friends.

Mary Marvel hadn't long to wait for her chance. With a loud clang, the cell door opened, and Catgirl swaggered in, in full feline array.

Mary Marvel started at the sudden clatter. Despite every resolution she had made, Mary felt a little, involuntary thrill of fear, at sight of the vicious red-haired girl, who had beaten her unconscious, with such effortless ease. Irritated, by her own nervous reaction, the heroine put on a bold front.

"You'd better let me out of here, RIGHT NOW, or you'll be sorry, darn sorry!" Mary Marvel stormed. Catgirl listened to her captive's tirade, with a contemptuous smile. Mary's words gradually trailed off. She knew as well as Catgirl did, that her threats were no more than idle bluster. Mary regretted her weakness in making them. Catgirl continued to stare at her, until Mary fidgeted nervously, under that glare. Should she attack the villainess, or wait to see what happened next? Mary Marvel elected to wait and see. A small voice inside, told her she waited out of fear.

"Take off your uniform, Mary!" Catgirl demanded in such a calm, matter-of-fact-voice, that it took a moment, for the outrageous nature of her demand, to penetrate Mary Marvel's conscious.

"I, most certainly, will NOT!" Mary Marvel snapped.

"If you don't, I'll take it off you, myself!" Catgirl smirked.

Mary Marvel seethed indignantly, at Catgirl's brazen demand, and threat. "You just try it, you nasty, little traitoress!" She snapped back. Hands on hips, Mary stood straight and proud, in bold challenge. Catgirl's brazen, perverse demand drove all nervousness and indecision, right out of Mary's mind.

"Oooh! Such a feisty, little superheroine! I'm going to enjoy this!" Catgirl snickered.

Mary Marvel stamped her foot, and, with a pretty toss of her head, that rippled her long, brown hair, she retorted, indignantly. "You don't scare me, any, Catgirl! You may have beat me yesterday, by fighting dirty, but I'm ready for you, today!" Now, she couldn't wait for another chance to even things up with this nasty, young braggart and bully.

Catgirl immediately gave Mary Marvel that chance. Without warning, she slapped the tall, scarlet-clad heroine, across the face. Her gloves were plated with scaled Amazonium, hard enough to inflict severe pain, even on Mary Marvel.

Mary blinked ; her eyes felt hot and swollen. She tentatively touched the spot on her cheek, where Catgirl struck her. It really stung. She felt a little faint. She stood indecisively, and Catgirl smacked her again, on the other cheek, even harder. This time, the slap spun Mary in a half-circle. Her knees felt watery. She turned back, and Catgirl smacked her again on the left cheek. Mary's legs corkscrewed, and she found herself sitting on the floor, looking dazedly up, at the small redhead,

Catgirl's fierce slaps so stung Mary's face, that they brought tears to her big, brown eyes. She angrily wiped the tears away, and jumped up. Overcome with righteous anger, she threw a powerful roundhouse right at Catgirl, but the redhead laughingly ducked. Even so Mary's fist glanced off her cat-eared mask. It was reinforced with Lightening Charged Amazonium.

Arrrrhhhh!" Mary Marvel screamed in shock, It was as bad as hitting the Amazonium wall, the night before, worse even, because now her hands were so bruised and swollen. Mary shook her hand in the air to cool the fiery pain. Catgirl laughed smugly at Mary's pain

"Holy Moly! Darn her! I don't care how much it hurts! It'll be worth it, to wipe the smirk, off that snot's face!" Mary put the pain out of her mind, and swung again. Catgirl avoided the second swing, as easily as the first. Mary Marvel's fist whistled harmlessly over her head. As Catgirl ducked, she sank a deadly left into Mary's belly, followed, a split second later, by an even deadlier right.

Mary Marvel squawked at the devastating pain in her middle. Her aching, abdominal muscles were still sorely strained, from the vicious punishment, yesterday. Her knees started to buckle, but Catgirl caught a fistful of red fabric, above the lightening bolt symbol on her a bosom, and held her up.

"This lightening bolt, between your big, fat tits, makes a convenient handhold!" Catgirl snickered. She smacked Mary's face back and forth several times, until the heroine's ears rang. The fierce slaps brought more tears to Mary's eyes, only this time they flowed down Mary's flushed, burning cheeks, before she could brush them away. Catgirl gave Mary Marvel a contemptuous shove. The dazed crimefighter collapsed on the floor.

Catgirl sneered down a t her fallen foe. "You're a slow learner, Sweet Pea! Didn't I teach you, yesterday, you're no match for me!? On equal terms, against a real woman, you're a pitiful little wuss!" How dare this brazen, young witch speak to Mary Marvel that way?

"Darn her! I'll show her!" Mary fumed.

Mary Marvel jumped up, brown eyes flashing, in righteous wrath. Before she got a chance to even things up, Catgirl grabbed the big superheroine around the waist, clamping her arms to her fabulous body, in a bear-hug.

"I hurt you really good, this way, yesterday, remember?" Catgirl reminded her foe.

"Holy Moly! Let me go, darn you!"

"Make me!" Catgirl retorted, in that sneering tone, Mary Marvel had come to detest. The insolent redhead rubbed her leather-clad breasts against Mary's firmly ridged belly. The World's Mightiest Girl never endured such an indignity before she crossed paths with Catgirl.

"All right, you asked for it!" Mary snapped, defiantly. She flexed her extraordinarily developed body, to escape the hateful embrace. Her back arched powerfully, and the muscles in her upper arms and legs swelled dramatically. With the power of the Specially-charged Amazon Girdle, Catgirl countered the bigger, more spectactularly formed woman's relentless pressure. It didn't matter how hard, Mary Marvel pulled and pushed, Catgirl's grip tightened remorselessly.

Even through the sturdy fabric of her uniform, Mary felt Catgirl's hot, insinuating breath on her high, up-tilted boobs. Somehow, that distressed her more than the excruciating pain in her middle. As Catgirl tightened her grip, she crossed her arms behind Mary's back, then, reaching beneath her short pleated skirt, gripped Mary's big, round buttocks, as though she were picking melons.

"Get your hands off my behind! What, do you think you're doing?" Mary Marvel wailed, indignantly.

Catgirl laughed nastily, and squeezed those big melons even harder. She felt them clench and unclench, nervously. Catgirl's insolence infuriated Mary Marvel, and fueled her frantic struggles. She fought with the hysterical violence of a lioness, entangled in the coils of some demonic snare. Her face flushed, and she panted from exertion, her arms grew numb, and perspiration beaded her forehead, but Catgirl's face remained buried against her fabulous bosom.

It was outrageous! Mary Marvel refused to tolerate such an offensive affront. She arched her strong back, and pressed against her implacable captoress. She strained every nerve and muscle, of her incredible physique. The veins in her forehead stood out, and the tendons of her arms tensed like steel cable. Catgirl felt Mary Marvel's powerful, gluteus muscles tighten like coiled springs. The superheroine's entire body was tense as steel. Mary Marvel did her utmost! Yet, Catgirl grinned up triumphantly, from between her breasts, and squeezed harder.

"Mustn't let her....." Mary groaned desperately. She dug deeper, and loosed an incredible burst of power. Holy Moly! It wasn't enough to budge Catgirl's implacable grip! She may as well have tried to move the Rock of Eternity!

Like a steel spring, wound too tight, Mary Marvel shuddered convulsively, and suddenly snapped. Her spent body collapsed against Catgirl, face lolling in shame on Catgirl's shoulder, big brown eyes glazed, wide red mouth gasping for breath. With a contemptuous laugh Catgirl let her go.

The proud, determined heroine wasn't likely to surrender, though. She stumbled awkwardly away from Catgirl. Her tall, strong body sagged a little, and her long fully curved legs twitched. Nevertheless, Mary Marvel wearily, but defiantly, raised her bloody hands in an amateurish gesture of defense. Her mighty arms trembled, but Mary wouldn't give up! She couldn't! If she lost this battle, there was nothing Catgirl wouldn't inflict on her, and on her friends.

Catgirl attacked immediately. She skillfully drove her left fist deep into Mary's lower belly. Overtaxed by too much punishment, there was little resistance left, in those splendid muscles. Mary Marvel's hands dropped reflexively, to ease the pain. Catgirl grabbed the lightening bolt between Mary's sumptuous, elegant breasts. She jerked the stunned heroine into a murderous, right uppercut to the jaw. Mary's head snapped back, her huge, up-tilted breasts rippling in her distress. Catgirl sent another fist smashing into her face. Mary clapped her hands over her nose, in reaction to the intense, stabbing pain. Catgirl pulled Mary's hands away, to inspect the blood trickling from one nostril.

"You look good, with a bloody nose, Sweet Pea! How about a black eye, to go with it?" Catgirl's fist banged into her left eye, closing it. Mary Marvel's knees knocked together. She was having trouble holding on to consciousness. She shook her head to clear it, and her rich mahogany hair tumbled about her shoulders, in charming disarray. Still dazed, she was easy prey, when Catgirl sent her hurtling to the floor, with a judo toss.

Mary Marvel scrabbled about, trying her best to get up, but first, Catgirl grabbed her neck, pulled her half up, and threw her over her hip. When Mary landed, Catgirl grabbed her right foot, and used her long, muscular leg, as a shapely lever to send her rolling across the floor. Mary Marvel sat up and looked around in confusion. Before she could even think, Catgirl smashed her flat, with an openhanded roundhouse.

Despite her best effort, Mary Marvel couldn't sit up again. Her amazing bosom heaved spasmodically, to suck air into her burning lungs. She hadn't drawn a single breath, when Catgirl knee-dropped straight into her huge, left breast.

There was nothing Mary could do to stop her, as Catgirl squirmed around, and pinned the crimefighter's arms under her knees. She leaned over, and grinned in Mary's face, with nasty arrogance. Oh, how Mary ached to wipe that grin off the nasty witch's face, if only she could! Catgirl bounced up and down, on Mary's huge breasts, until Mary could hardly breath. She struggled to get loose, from the hateful feline, but Catgirl had pinned her decisively.

"C'mon, World's Mightiest Slut, get up, why don't you?"

Mary strained, until her face was crimson with exertion. Her short skirt rode up, baring the brawny shapeliness, of her long, sleek thighs, the chunky muscles bursting with ripe power, as she kicked and bucked. Her long, yellow-booted legs kicked high in the air, for several minutes, until the effort finally wore her out. Fatigue was another new, unpleasant experience for the inexhaustible superheroine. Now, all she could do was lie there, looking up, at that hateful grinning face.

"Now, Sweet Pea, I'm going to make you pay, for defying me! I'm going to strangle you, to death!" Catgirl crowed. As she spoke, the vicious redhead's Amazonium gloved hands circled Mary Marvel's throat. Her thumbs crushed Mary's windpipe, and her steely fingers pinched the nerves on the side of her neck. Mary squawked briefly, but she couldn't breath at all. Her upper arms pinned securely to the floor, she was just able to reach Catgirl's wrists, and claw uselessly at them.

"Uhhnnn!" Uhhnnn!" Uhhnnn!" Mary Marvel could do no more than moan pitifully for mercy, with her last ragged breath. Looking down, Catgirl saw the fear clearly etched in that dauntless face, that never knew fear, before she crossed this remorseless cat's path.

Mary Marvel's huge, brown eyes widened in terror. "Ohh, Holy Moly, is she really going to kill me? Please, NO! I don't want to die, like this!" That terrible pressure on throat and lungs went on endlessly. It was awful! Things were going black. Mary tried to kick her legs again, but they wouldn't move. "Please, don't let me die!" She prayed silently, even as her bulging eyes went blank, and her big body shuddered, then went limp.

Catgirl smiled! Her terrified victim was no longer awake. She released the unconscious girl's bruised throat. Mary Marvel's body shuddered convulsively, again, as she drew air into her starved lungs. She sputtered and blinked in confusion.

"Thank the Gods!" She was still alive! Mary began to weep.

"See how easy it is for me to kill you, Sweetie? You, just remember that next time, you think of giving me backtalk!" Catgirl patted Mary's face, lazily got up.

Mary sat up, still weeping in the aftershock of that awful terror. Even as Mary Batson, she'd never been so scared in her life. She'd really believed, Catgirl was going to kill her. "I never knew I was such a coward!"

"Don't you think you better thank me, for sparing your life, Sweet Pea?" Catgirl demanded.

Mary Marvel looked at the redhead resentfully, but before she could stop herself, she quavered out. "Th-thank you!"

"Thank you, what?"

Mary looked up blankly.

"Thank you Mistress!" Catgirl prompted.

Head bowed in defeat, Mary Marvel mumbled miserably. "Th-thank you Mistress!"

Mary Marvel obediently parroted the phrase, out of the terror she still felt at her near- death ordeal, yet in some frightened, confused corner of her soul, she truly was grateful to Catgirl, for sparing her life. The terrifying, little redhead had inflicted an appalling blow to the superheroine's haughty self-esteem. Catgirl had made Mary Marvel realize her own mortality. Mary knew, she'd never be quite the same person, ever again.

"Now, that's a good girl!" Catgirl smirked patronizingly. "See, that wasn't so hard, was it? I'll have lunch brought for you, now!" Mary nodded despondently.


Blinking back her tears, Mary Marvel gulped at the lump in her throat, and meekly wept. "Y-yes, Mistress! Thank-you!"

Catgirl snapped. "Don't ever forget that, again!".

"No, Mistress. I won't!" As the cell doors clanged shut behind Catgirl, Mary Marvel slunk to a corner on all fours and crouched there, in misery, still weeping.

About fifteen minutes after Catgirl left, two K.I.T.'s reopened the doors, so a very tall, very broad maid, could wheel in, a breakfast cart. The two successive doors were arranged like an airlock. At no time, were both ever open at once. Catwoman knew that Mary Marvel was still the most dangerous of her captives.

Mary cringed, when the doors opened, but she couldn't help noticing the maid. She brushed away her tears, to get a better look. "Wow, that's a big girl!" Mary thought, then did a double take.

"Holy Moly! That's not a girl, it's Dick Grayson! Oh, Dear Heaven, what have they done to him?" Mary realized. Then she murmured. "Dick?"

"Don't look at me, Mary, please?" The young crimefighter implored. He looked at Mary's superb form crouching on the floor, her face battered and bruised, a trickle of blood on her chin. "She beat you too, huh?" He shyly, sympathetically patted her on the shoulder.

Mary looked up and nodded. "She sure did!"

Dick Grayson was still a devastated wreck, eaten by the guilt of the terrible things he'd done to Supergirl, under the influence of Catwoman's drugs. Like everyone else who knew her, Dick was half in love with Mary Marvel. She was so sweet and darling! "Dear God don't let me ever do those things to Mary!" The boy thought despairingly.

"What's the matter, Dick?" Mary asked almost forgetting her own misery, at sight of the boy's troubled expression.

Somehow, under Mary's skillful, sympathetic questioning, Dick blurted out the whole story, telling her first, about the terrible, shameful things, he had done to Supergirl, things he didn't know, if he could ever live with. His stammered in remorse, at being used, as the tool, to steal the power of the Amazons of Paradise Island, and open the way to Catwoman's conquest, of the Island. He'd never forget the screams of the wounded, dying Amazon Maidens, as they were butchered in the Palace Square.

Mary stood up, and gently patted the young crimefighter's hand. Then in a dull monotone, Dick told her, how Batgirl had betrayed and beaten him. He stammered in terror, even now, at the memory. He even whispered out to Mary, the story of the terrible anal rape, with the out-sized dildo. As he finished, he shudderingly collapsed, in tears.

Meanwhile, Catgirl went to report to Catwoman, the results of Mary Marvel's first training session. Catwoman was at ease, on the huge lawn of her stolen estate. Lounging in a luxurious chaise lounge, while sipping a cool drink, and nibbling on a box of imported chocolates, Catwoman was also exercising her pets, as well as supervising her grounds maintenance staff.

Grounds maintenance was performed by a statuesquely, beautiful woman, stark naked, on hands and knees, who was trimming the twelve-acre lawn with a pair of nail clippers, one blade at a time.

Catwoman called out, irascibly. "Careful there, Hyppy! Your big tits are hanging down to the ground, and getting in the way. You're missing some grass! You know what that means, when I inspect your work?"

The woman visibly cringed, and looked back over her shoulder apprehensively. Such was the austere, classical beauty of her haughty features, that the incongruous look of mute terror and appeal, in those big black eyes, seemed blasphemous.

"I'll do better, Mistress! Truly, I will! You'll see!" The heroically proportioned beauty prattled plaintively.

"Perhaps, you'd do better on your belly, Hyppy!" Catwoman suggested, languidly.

"Oh yes, Mistress!" The strikingly beautiful woman replied, with eager servility. She flattened her formidably muscled, excitingly rounded body, and continued her work. Her, olive-hued form undulated sensuously, as she inched along the green grass, on her belly.

Crouching, on all fours, at Catwoman's knee, the woman's daughter sniffed back tears at sight of her proud mother's awful degradation. The mother was, of course, Hippolyta, once the imperious Queen of Paradise Island, and the mightiest of all Amazon Warriors, now a wretched, cringing slave, to Catwoman's fancy. Her unhappy daughter was Princess Diana, better known as the world-renowned Wonder Woman, once the boldest of superheroines, now an equally wretched and persecuted captive.

Catwoman turned her attention back to the two fantastically beautiful women cowering abjectly at her feet, one the fantastically beautiful, raven haired Wonder Woman, the other a magnificent golden blond of incomparable charms. Even without her distinctive blue and crimson costume, the gorgeous blond would be recognized anywhere in the world, as Supergirl.

"All right, Girls! Get ready! Catwoman commanded. The two beautiful superheroines rose up on all fours, poised and ready. Next to her box of chocolates, was a box of dog biscuits. Catwoman carefully selected one of them. Then, she carelessly tossed it across the lawn. The wonderful girdle around her waist gave her incredible strength, and the dog biscuit flew at least a hundred yards.

"Fetch!" Catwoman cried. Even before the biscuit landed, the two naked superheroine-slaves started after it, on all fours, Delicately nibbling another chocolate, Catwoman gloatingly noted her "pet's' progress, as they scurried across the lawn, at her bidding. Both women wore red boots, that emphasized the shapely muscularity of their fantastically gorgeous legs. The boots were the only remnants left, of the proud costumes, Catwoman stripped from their beaten, defenseless bodies, when she defeated them. As they raced, their big-mounded buttocks swished from side to side, in urgent haste. Peeping from between those two pairs of incomparably shaped thighs, twinkled two delightful, little pussies, one fringed in gold, the other in ebony. Catwoman licked the chocolate from her fingers, with rough feline tongue, her eyes glittering.

Supergirl gradually pulled slightly ahead, and reached their objective first. She ducked her head to retrieve it, when Wonder Woman made a desperate, lunging dive and snatched it up in her mouth, right under poor Supergirl's nose. Supergirl's white teeth snapped shut on thin air. Her heart sank in despair.

"You cheated!" Supergirl whispered, fiercely. Wonder Woman looked the other way, ashamed to meet her friend's eyes.

"I tried harder, that's all!" Wonder Woman murmured guiltily. In her heart, she knew, no honorable Amazon would do such a thing, but she hardly remembered her days as a proud Amazon, anymore. Those days had been washed away by Catwoman's cruel conditioning. She defiantly hid her guilt, with a triumphant toss of raven hair, and turned to crawl back to her Mistress, eagerly clutching her guilty prize in her mouth.

When Wonder Woman reached Catwoman's knee, still on all fours, she cocked her head, in canine mien as she'd been taught, and presented the prize to the smirking villainess. Catwoman patted Wonder Woman's raven hair, and scratched her under the chin. "Good doggie, Wondy! So much better than your bad kennel-mate, Soupie!"

Hating herself for it, Wonder Woman felt a secret, little thrill of satisfaction, at the hint of approval in her harsh mistress's voice. If she'd had a tail, she would have wagged it. As it was, her big buttocks wriggled in appreciation. Just then, the beautiful, blond looser crawled reluctantly, to her mistress's knee. Supergirl was almost on her belly, like a dog about to be punished, her head hanging in shame. She sniffled a little at her failure, and the inevitable reward that failure would bring. She gave a sidelong glance of resentful jealousy, at the praise bestowed on her fellow slave.

"The black-haired bitch cheated!" Supergirl thought. "Snotty Amazon bitch still thinks she's better than everyone else, because she's a Princess! Big Deal! Some Amazon Princess! Oh, if I could still fly, I'd show her!" She felt a pang of grief at loss of that wonderful ability, to fly effortlessly through the air. It was worse than having her legs chopped off.

Naturally, Catwoman's glittering, green eyes didn't miss that glare of resentment from her unsuccessful pet. "Superheroines are so competitive! That avid pursuit of excellence! That drive to excel! It won't be long before I have them at each other's throats!"

"All right, Soupy! You know what to do! I'm very disappointed in you!" Supergirl gulped, and crawled around, so that she presented her magnificent behind to Catwoman. She buried her head in her arms, pushing her bottom into even higher prominence. Catwoman picked up her terrible whip. It was made of a length of Wonder Woman's Magic Lasso, impregnated with Kryptonite and supercharged with Shazam's Lightening. It could deal a fearsome cut to any of her captive superheroines, including the invulnerable Mary Marvel.

Now, it was poor Supergirl's turn. Catwoman paused, to nibble a chocolate, prolonging the unfortunate, blond heroine's anticipatory suffering. Then, with the skill of long practice, and the strength of the Amazon Girdle, she snapped the lash in the air, to land unerringly across both those exciting bottom cheeks. Supergirl yelped in shock, at the stinging pain. It was her third punishment, that day, and the welts were beginning to crisscross her creamy flesh. Wonder Woman's own gorgeous behind still stung, from the two lashes she'd received in Catwoman's little game.

"All right, Wondie! You may eat your treat, now!" Catwoman informed her other unfortunate "pet." Wonder Woman gobbled down the dog biscuit. It contained an extremely addictive narcotic, that Wonder Woman and Supergirl were rapidly coming to crave. Of course, Catwoman didn't allow her "pet" to use her hands, so crumbs dribbled down the chin, of the once fastidious Amazon Princess, as she gulped the biscuit. A few yards away, her mother concentrated all her attention on a blade of grass, unable to see it clearly, because of the tears in her eyes.

Just then Catgirl walked up to the little group. "Sit down, Catgirl!" Catwoman invited, looking at her watch. "It's time for lunch. Soupie go tell DickyBird to serve lunch out here!"

"Yes Ma'am!" Supergirl eagerly set off toward the house, on hands and knees, to do her Mistress's bidding, pleased at having been selected, over Wonder Woman.

"Not that way! Get up on your feet, you stupid girl!" Catwoman snapped. "I want lunch now, not next week!"

"Damn her! She's impossible to please!" Supergirl sniffed to herself, as she jumped up, and ran off toward the house, as fast as her red boots would carry her.

Eating lunch, the two vicious felines occasionally tossed a table scrap to the three beautiful women crouched at their feet. Supergirl and Wonder Woman snapped at each other, over ownership of one choice morsel that fell between them. Wonder Woman even shot her beloved mother a resentful glare, when Hippolyta deftly caught a scrap in her mouth, in mid-air. As the three heroines scrounged for crumbs, Catgirl proudly told her mentor, of Mary Marvel's meek submission, after the near strangulation.

"Excellent, Catgirl! You've shown her who's boss! Now, you must teach her absolute terror! She must be petrified of you! It's time for the whip!" Catwoman presented a whip, identical to her own, to her protegee.

"Show the little slut no mercy!"

"Of course, not, Mistress!" Catgirl gloated.

Oh no! Not that cruel whip for our adorable Mary Marvel! How can we bear to see our heroine's lushly-rounded, sweet, white body scarred by the lash? Have the vicious felines no mercy or decency, left?

To be continued in: "Superheroine Jeopardy. Part 11. Feline Scourge." Same Cat Channel! Same Cat Time!