Supergirl vs. Mortis Part 1

Author: Hakken
Time to Read:20min
Added Date:7/25/2024
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Tags: Supergirl

Supergirl was flying patrol of Metropolis enjoying the late night breeze blowing on her skin. She was about ready to call it a night and head home to relax some before trying to get some sleep. She was still trying to recover from her last adventure, and subsequent capture at the hands of that evil billionairess. As she altered her flight path to make one more circle of the city and then finally to home she heard a call go out on the special radio frequency reserved for her and Superman. "Superman or Supergirl we need your assistance at Metropolis Park. There is a giant running about that our bullets can’t stop and innocent people are getting hurt. Please hurry"

"A giant at Metropolis park?" Supergirl thought to herself. "Well so much for an easy night. Hopefully though it won’t take to long to take care of, after all I am Supergirl and no mortal is a match for me…well, unless they have kryptonite."

Supergirl turned towards Metropolis Park and flew as fast as she could. As she approached she could hear the sounds of several pistols being fired, people screaming, the sounds of bullets ricocheting, and a deep bass voice that sounded like thunder rumbling across the sky yelling out, "Cowardly mage, show yourself! These minions of yours are nothing compared to the might of Mortis De Ath!"

As Supergirl flew in under the tree line and towards the commotion she could see the Metropolis Police Department in a surrounding a gigantic man in what looked to be medieval plate armor, wielding the biggest axe Supergirl had ever seen. She couldn’t make out his face because he was wearing a helm shaped to look like a bull’s head, and she could see to horns protruding from the great helm. The man looked to be easily 8 feet tall, and had arms that looked like tree trunks.

Supergirl landed behind the officer in charge. "Supergirl, thank God you are hear! We can’t do anything to stop that monster. Our bullets just bounce off his armor, and we can’t get into close because he’d cut us to pieces with that axe of his. The only reason none of us has been hurt so far is because he has been yelling for this mage guy to show himself and fight him."

Supergirl nodded as she was briefed on the situation. "Well I don’t know about this mage he is talking about, but I’ll give him a fight he’ll not forgot." Supergirl said cockily as she took off into the air again.

Mortis turned towards the movement he caught in his peripheral vision. He saw a beautiful blond woman flying into the perimeter established by the foul magic user’s men. "Could it be a sorceress that has brought me here." He thought to himself. "So, cowardly sorceress you at last deign to fight me. I shall make your end swift and brutal, or…" Mortis paused as he looked Supergirl up and down admiring how her suit accentuated her full round breasts, and her strong, muscled, and well tanned legs, "maybe if you just lie down on your back and spread your legs I’ll spare your feeble life. Though personally I hope you fight. I like it when my women fight."

Supergirl landed and struck her power pose, a pose long known to put the fear right into evil doers. As she spoke she tried very hard to control her mounting anger at this giant before her. She had to keep her cool. "I don’t know what you are talking about. I am no sorceress. I am Supergirl defender of this city, and I ask that you come quietly or I will make you come."

Mortis laughed at loud as this little wench started to give him orders. "Look wench! I am Mortis De Ath; the blood of Ath runs through my veins. I have trained in the temples of The Great Horned Hunter of the Night. I have been a warrior since before you were born. I have slain giants with my bare hands. Many demons have fallen to the cruel chop of Stone-Cleaver. I think no wench can defeat me. Don’t worry though, I won’t hurt you to much just enough to make sure you cum with me."

Supergirl couldn’t believe the arrogance of this man. His pun about her cumming with him drove her over the line. She flew at him with her fists extended delivering a devastating blow to his midsection. She smiled in satisfaction as she watched this behemoth fly 50 feet through the clearing hitting one tree smashing through it only to be stopped by another tree 25 feet farther back. "That should take care of that." She mused.

Mortis couldn’t believe the strength of her blow as it sent him flying backwards. He slowly rose to his feet; "This might be a good fight after all." He thought to himself as he planted himself firmly on the ground once again. He did a quick body check to make sure no ribs were broken and that his breastplate had not been damaged to severely. To his surprise the god given armor was not even dented. "Now its time to kick some ass!" he confidently told himself.

Supergirl watched in shock as this huge warrior slowly rose to his feet. "Impossible! Nobody could take a hit like that and get back up!" She took to the air once more to try another charge attack. Mortis looked up to see a blue streak coming towards him. He quickly side stepped, and raised his arm back setting his timing for his blow. Supergirl saw her adversary side step but was going to fast to alter her course enough to hit. "I’ll fly by and come back around for another charge." She thought.

As Supergirl streaked by the behemoth, he let loose with his massive fists nailing Supergirl hard in the middle of the back. The force of his blow knocked her off her flight course and sent her angling on a crash course with the ground. The force of Supergirl’s contact with the earth sent out small shockwaves causing a mini-earthquake in the vicinity knocking many of the officers off their foot, and almost unfooting the giant she fought.

Supergirl lye dazed stupor in the crater she had made when she smashed into the ground. "Wha…wha…what hit me?"

Mortis saw that his blow had stunned the maiden of might, and seized upon his advantage. He jumped into the crater cruelly slamming both of his feet into the back of Supergirl’s stunned head driving her face even deeper into the rocky soil. He reached down and grabbed a fistful of long blond hair and lifted a stunned Supergirl nine feet into the air. As she hung there lifeless trying to regain her senses a massive fist slammed into her stomach sending her breath flying out of her lungs.

Repeatedly Mortis rammed his first into Supergirl’s midsection. "Amazing!" he thought, "Any normal person would have had their ribs shattered by now. Shit! A normal human would have probably died in that crash landing I caused." Mortis paused his hammering blows, as he looked the limp princess of power over. "Hardly any signs of battle damage at all. No bruising on the face, no broken nose. Yet, she appears to be unconscious."

Mortis climbed out of the crater dragging the limp Supergirl by her long blond hair. "I’m gonna enjoy screwing this bitch!" he commented to himself.

Supergirl slowly started coming to. She moved her hand to her face trying to steady the spinning world around her. "I underestimated him," she thought, "but that won’t happen again. Already I feel as if I’m at full strength again. I’ll just have to be more careful." Supergirl carefully started to plan her attack.

Mortis was making his way through the shadowy park. He set out at a brisk run dragging the almost now revived Supergirl behind him. He wanted to loose those cowardly warriors that were afraid to fight him earlier. Not that he was afraid of them, Mortis De Ath feared nothing, and he just didn’t want them to interrupt his fun with this beautiful wench.

Mortis got so lost in his thoughts that he wasn’t aware of what Supergirl was doing. As he was running she slowly got her feet underneath of her, and grabbed hold of a tree trunk and hugged it with all her strength.

Mortis bellowed out in pain as his arm was almost yanked out of its socket. He turned in surprise to see his once helpless captive grabbing hold of the wrist that belonged to the hand entrapping her hair. "So! Wench you…oof!" Mortis was cut off as Supergirl landed a hard kick to his gut knocking the wind out of him. In his surprise at the attack Mortis unwilling let go of his strangle hold on Supergirl’s hair.

Having her hair freed, and seeing her adversary momentarily stunned Supergirl took to the offensive. She rushed the small distance between her and the giant and started hammering him with blows that fell like jackhammers riveting the 8 foot tall man backwards with each blow. Luckily for Mortis all of the blows were concentrated in his chest region since Supergirl couldn’t reach his face without taking to the air, and for the fact that his armor was soaking up most of the damage.

Minutes passed as Supergirl kept hammering away at this monstrosity before her. "I can’t believe he is still standing!" Supergirl thought incredulously. What does it take to bring this man down. Supergirl’s punches echoed loudly of the metal breastplate he wore. So loud were the echoes that she did not hear the low guttural growl that started to emit from Mortis’s throat.

As Mortis was rocked back blow by blow he could feel the beast rising from up within him. His head started twisting as a bull’s does when it prepares for a charge. He could feel the rage building up getting ready to be unleashed, as the beast broke free from the dark confines of his mind, no longer was he Mortis De Ath, he had become one with his anger. He had become a berzerker.

Supergirl was stunned as a massive fist slammed down on the top of her head, driving her a few inches into the ground. Before she could recover another fist followed up nailing in the cheek sending her reeling to the side. Another fist came in from the opposite direction sending her to the other side.

There was a brief respite as Mortis let out a deep beastly roar that reverberated throughout the park. Several of the police now miles away pissed their pants as a demonic sounding roar rent the peaceful night. "My, God! What the hell was that?" Officer Barbrady exclaimed.

"I don’t know, but I sure hope Supergirl is alright. That thing was massive." Officer Harry M. Binger responded.

Officer Barbrady looked over to his partner and said, "I don’t know about you, but man I think we should get the hell outta here. Let them super types handle this thing."

"Yeah, I agree." With that said the two officers ran back to their patrol car and fled back into the safety of the city streets. The other officers seeing some of their own run lost their courage as well and started a full-fledged retreat back to the streets of Metropolis.

Supergirl steadied herself as she recovered from the three massive blows. She looked up as the giant let out a roar that rivaled thunder in sheer volume of it. As her face turned upward all she saw was the black silhouette of a gigantic bulls head rapidly descending towards her now upturned face.

Mortis dropped to his knees to add to the already forceful blow of his devastating head butt. Supergirl crumpled to the ground as the powerful head butt connected to the bridge of her nose. The world flickered between blackness and awareness for a few seconds, but Supergirl at least managed to stay conscious, but the force of the blow stunned her.

Mortis unrelenting kneeled down straddling her chest using his huge legs to pin her arms to the earth, and started to hammer away at her face. Each blow bouncing her head off the ground and put and indentation into the dirt. Supergirl struggled to stay conscious, with each hammer blow.

After a minute of hard pounding Mortis rose from his kneeling position to once again gain his feet. He stood over the barely conscious Supergirl, and aimed a kick right at her groin. Supergirl curled into the fetal position crying out in pain as the huge feet smashed into her nether region.

Again Mortis’s foot lashed out kicking Supergirl in the groin. Each kick causing Supergirl to cry out in pain. Mortis kept kicking Supergirl in the crotch for two minutes, but still Supergirl would not relent consciousness.

Supergirl let out a ragged breath as the rain of kicks stopped. She looked up to see Mortis grabbing something from his back. "Must get up, can’t let him beat me." Supergirl slowly got her hands and knees under her and started to rise.

"I don’t think so, bitch!" Mortis stated.

Supergirl glanced up at Mortis as he brought the broadside of his axe towards her face in a classic golf driving swing. The force of the blow caused Supergirl to flip completely over and land on her stomach. Supergirl slowly started to rise again but her arms gave out and she slumped into oblivion.

Mortis hammered the broadside of his great axe, Stone-Cleaver, to the back of Supergirl’s head a few more times just to make sure she stayed down this time. As he stared down at the limp form of this powerful enemy the rage left him, and he slumped back leaning against a tree. "Have to rest a bit, going berserk always drains me. Hopefully I recover before she does."

Mortis rested a few minutes cautiously watching the fallen Supergirl. She still hadn’t moved an inch by the time he felt his strength recover. He climbed to his feet and once again lashed out with Stone-Cleaver hit the back of her head with the broadside of her axe. After making sure she wasn’t going to regain consciousness, he scooped the limp Supergirl into his arms. Put her in a fireman’s carry and took off deeper into the park.

Supergirl moaned quietly as she slowly regained consciousness. At first she was scared that the cruel head butt she had received had made her go blind. Everything was pitch black, but as her eyes adjusted she could make out a very faint light some great distance away. She tried to move a hand to her face, but her arm wouldn’t budge. She tried her other hand but that arm wouldn’t budge either. She could feel something restraining her. She tried to heave with all of her super strength but nothing happened. She did still feel kind of weak. "Maybe I should wait till my strength returns, before I try again." She thought.

She tried to move her fingers to see what restrained her but they wouldn’t budge an inch. It seemed like they were incased in something. It felt like smooth stone. She turned her head to the side to see if her x-ray vision could be of use to help her discern this puzzle. Only when she tried her x-ray vision nothing happened. Supergirl tried her heat vision and nothing happened. "My powers! They’re gone! What has that monster done to me!" Supergirl despaired.

She continued the rest of her body check; her legs were bent at the knees, and spread apart. She tried to move them as well, but they wouldn’t budge. Her waist was free of restraints she discovered when she was trying to move her legs that her waist lifted off whatever she lye on. She could also tell that she was still wearing her suit.

"At least I’m not naked. Though that might not last for long from he was talking. Though my suit is indestructible, so he will have to free me in order to remove it so maybe I’ll have my chance then."

Supergirl waited for what seemed like an eternity. She lost the passage of time, as she would doze off from boredom every once in awhile.

A sniffing sound awakened Supergirl. She looked about trying to catch sight of whatever it was had made the sound. "So!" Supergirl heard a deep rumbling bass voice say, "you are awake now. That is good, because I was getting rather tired of waiting for you to awaken, and was tempted to start the fun without you."

"You won’t get away with this! I’ll find some way to get free and when I do I’ll make you… guff…" Supergirl’s response was cut off as something was shoved into her mouth. It was a cloth of some sort. There was a familiar taste to it, a taste she had not had in a long time. Then it dawned on her what the taste was, and where she had last tasted it. "Cum! Female Cum!" Supergirl thought furiously. She moved to spit the gag out but was to late. Her trying to remember the taste had distracted her as Mortis tied the gag into place.

Supergirl cursed her captor through the gag but the words were lost to incoherent mumbles. She heard her captor’s deep voice call out again, but this time speaking a language she didn’t understand. She made out one word he said, "Photos!" As the last word was uttered Supergirl was blinded as the room was suddenly filled with a bright light.

It took Supergirl a few minutes to clear her eyesight and get a look at her surroundings. She appeared to be in a cave of some sorts. She could see a tunnel heading off in one direction, but she couldn’t see very far because it curved out of site. As she looked about she didn’t see any other exits from the room.

She herself was in the center of the cave on what appeared to be a stone bed or altar. The center of the stone from her mid thigh down to the edge of the slab the center was cut out. There was only enough stone on each side for her wide spread legs to rest on. To her shock she could not see her feet, all she could see was where her ankle met the stone slab. "Are my feet in the stone slab?" she questioned herself. She quickly looked to each of her hands to see that they as well were hidden from her sight. She could see where her wrists met the stone, but then it seemed as if she had no hands after that.

"That is why I can’t move them at all." Supergirl realized. "Though that still doesn’t explain why I’m feeling so weak and have none of my super powers."

Mortis watched his captive survey her surroundings. He grinned beneath his helm. He was going to like breaking this one. She had an extremely strong will; the other women he had captured while she lay imprisoned broke altogether too easily. He could tell she was already trying to plan her escape, but Mortis knew that was never going to happen. He never let a woman he had raped escape him anymore. The only one that ever had found away to get back at him.

He growled at the unpleasant memories, and banished them away as he started to unbuckle his armor. He first removed his leggings and mail skirt showing a blood red kilt underneath and immense muscular legs. Next came his arm greaves, again showing heavily toned and muscled arms. "If he weren’t so damn huge, he might not be bad looking." Supergirl thought to herself. Then he removed his breastplate to show a well defined and muscled chest with a patch of thick red hair that formed a triangle on his chest with point ending at his navel. Finally he started to remove his helm.

Supergirl found his movements odd, instead of lifting it straight off his head he pushed it back a bit then up, then back some more sliding it along some weird path. "That is odd extremely odd." She thought until she got a look at his head. Supergirl looked in shock at the deformed head of the man before her. Mortis looked deep into her fear filled eyes, revealing in the sensations his beastly visage caused.

"That’s right, Supergirl! I’m not a man, but a Minotaur."

Supergirl’s mind reeled in shock disbelief. She had heard of minotaurs before from her friend Wonder Woman, but Wonder Woman had said that the amazons had long ago rid the world of them. Wonder Woman had also said that minotaurs were supposed to be incredibly stupid but this one seemed to be very intelligent.

As her mind reeled trying to adapt to this new situation, Mortis dropped his kilt revealing the hugest cock Supergirl had ever seen. This cock even put the bitch tamers used on her in another adventure to shame. Mortis slowly stroked his cock into an erection. By the time he was done it was fully two feet long and 6 inches wide, bigger than even her arm. Supergirl shrieked in true terror now as the monster approached her with a strange leer on his bull face.

Wonder Woman quickly approached the scene of the battle where Supergirl had disappeared three days ago. She used her expert tracking skills to follow the path that the monster had dragged her off in to find the other battle site. "I don’t know what did this, but it can’t be good for Supergirl. I better find her in a hurry."

Wonder Woman followed the trail for twenty miles before it led to a fissure in a hillside. A normal person would have missed it since bushes and trees surrounded the fissure. Wonder Woman cautiously crept into the hole in the hill, and was glad to find the entrance unguarded. She moved silently but swiftly down the underground tunnel moving ever deeper into the earth. She could only see by the glow of her golden lasso.

Wonder Woman came around a curve to see a light up ahead in the distance. She listened carefully utilizing her keen amazon hearing to detect noise. She could hear something that sounded like slight moaning. Wonder Woman covered her golden lasso and made her way down the tunnel using the light from ahead to make out her path. As she got a look into the room, she was horrified to see naked, bruised and battered women tied with rope. Other than the women she could make out nobody else in the room though she did see several tunnels branching off from this room.

Wonder Woman crept into the room and checked on each of the women. All of them were unconscious, and she couldn’t rouse a single one of them. She could see blood and semen dripping out from their battered pussies. "Raped!" she hissed vehemently. "I’m going to make this bastard pay!" Wonder Woman swore.

She grabbed a torch and moved to examine all the entrances to the side tunnels. She had decided she couldn’t do anything about these women now, she would just have to rescue Supergirl and hope that Supergirl could help her get these women out of here.

Wonder Woman found one tunnel that looked more traveled than the others and headed down it. She traveled five minutes before she could see a light distant up ahead. She doused her torch and made her way towards the new light source.

She came around the bend in the tunnel and saw Supergirl spread-eagled on a stone slab five feet off the ground. From what Wonder Woman could tell her costume was still intact, but her view was obscured by an 8 foot tall heavily muscled naked man. His hands were in front of him in about his groinal region. It looked as if he was getting ready to rape her friend and sometimes partner. As Wonder Woman entered the room she looked up to his head to see the back of a bull’s head.

Wonder Woman stopped in shock for a moment and thought desperately, "A minotaur? Here? I thought my ancestors had wiped all of the dumb beasts out." Wonder Woman recalled all that she could remember about minotaurs. "Incredibly strong, but with my power belt he should be no match for me, but then again he took down Supergirl so I had best be careful. They are incredibly stupid, but do possess an extreme cunning. Also have a ravenous appetite and a strong sex drive. Also possessed of a strong will, but my golden lasso can handle anything."

Wonder Woman distracted by the minotaur didn’t notice the floating ball of light illuminating the room. Maybe if she had she might have taken things differently.

Mortis advanced towards his helpless prey intent on raping this egotistical cunt. So distracted was he by Supergirl that he never noticed the amazon creeping up behind him with a lasso made of gold in hand. Wonder Woman prided herself on her stealth as she slipped her golden lasso around the torso of the unsuspecting minotaur, and then pulled the rope tight pinning his arms to his side.

Supergirl felt a sense of euphoria as she saw Wonder Woman sneak in and slip the golden lasso around Mortis, and heard the amazon command him to sink to his knees and not move tell she told him to.

Mortis was stunned as the rope slipped around his torso. No thoughts of resistance entered his mind until his arms were pinned at his sides. Then he heard a female voice telling him not to resist to sink to his knees and not move tell she told him to do so.

Slowly the mighty minotaur sank to his knees. His whole body was tense as he mustered his will to fight the effects of the Wonder Woman’s magic lasso. Wonder Woman seeing the minotaur submit to her commands moved past him to Supergirl’s side.

Fiery rage worked through Mortis as he recognized an amazon before him. "Those damn cunts!" he thought fiercely. The burning inferno in him fueled his will, and slowly he started to rise to his feet. "I am Mortis De Ath, descendant of Ath and the champion of the Great Horned Hunter of the Night! No amazon bitch is going to defeat me!" Mortis ranted in his mind. As he worked his way to his feet, he loosened the magic lasso, and worked it over his head.

Wonder Woman looked in amazement as she saw that Supergirl was not chained to the stone slab but somehow seemed to have been melded to it. Her hands had been sunk into the stone slab, along with her ankles. "By Hera! What has happened to you Supergirl?" Wonder Woman asked.

Wonder Woman saw Supergirl’s eyes open wide in fright, and she started to ask, "What is the ma…" when she saw a flash of gold before her eyes and then felt her arms being pinned to her sides by what felt like a rope. She started to break the rope when a deep booming voice said, "Stop your struggling, amazon wench!"

Mortis watched pleased as the arrogant amazon stopped trying to break free of the ropes, caught in the spell of her own magic. "Amazon, tell me, do you have to obey all commands I give you while wearing the rope?" Mortis asked.

Wonder Woman’s mind reeled in shock as she felt the command blasting through her mind not to struggle. She tried to resist the magic commands of her own lasso, but its magic was too strong and her struggles ceased. Her mind furiously searched for an answer of how this could be happening but nothing came to her. "How did he escape my lasso? No one can disobey an order from the wielder of the lasso."

She tried to resist giving the Minotaur the answer to his question, but the words forced themselves from her mouth. "Yes, I have to obey your commands while bound by my golden lasso." Her voice sounded dry and monotonous in her own ears.

Mortis let out a deep chuckle as he heard her answer, and moved towards the immobile amazon. "That is very good to hear. I think I shall enjoy this night very much." Mortis gloated as he moved one of his massive paws over one of Wonder Woman’s enormous tits and started to squeeze it roughly, eliciting a gasp from the helpless amazon. His other hand moved down to stroke her pussy through her blue satin tights.

"What are you doing to me?" A frightened amazon asked. "How did you escape from my rope?"

Mortis spun Wonder Woman around forcefully and backhanded her sending her sprawling against the stone slab that Supergirl rested on. "From now on amazon bitch, you are mine to do with as I please." Mortis grabbed the rope in his other hand and spoke again, "From now on you will remain silent unless I order you to speak. Now stand still and do not struggle."

Mortis moved over to the paralyzed amazon and tied the loose end of the rope around her neck. Then he untied the other end and commanded her, "Strip slut!" Wonder Woman hesitated a little bit, but then slowly started removing her clothing against her will. Her cheeks became flushed with the shame she felt, at having this monster see her assets. Her mind thought of some way to escape, she knew she that had to escape and get Supergirl out of here as well. Wonder Woman had heard the horror stories of what happened to the prisoners of minters.

Male prisoners were usually the lucky ones. They usually received death, but female prisoners were always brutally raped, forced into servitude and when their masters tired of them they were eaten.

Mortis watched the emotions flicker across the amazon’s face. He could still see defiance in her eyes, but then from what he had heard amazons were always so much fun to break. He knew he was going to enjoy breaking this one, and her blonde friend. Mortis seeing that the amazon slut had finished stripping ordered her over to a stalagmite then told her to sit down.

"Do not resist me slut, become flexible but hold to any way I position you." With that ordered Mortis put one of the amazon’s hands over a nipple and the other hand over her crotch. He then bound her to the stalagmite give her hands a little slack but not enough to work on getting her free. Then he gave her his final order, "Sit here, do not try to escape, do not move anything except for you hands. With your hands you will play with yourself. The one by your nipple will play with your nipple; the other hand will play with your cunt. If you understand nod your head once."

Wonder Woman nodded her head once, and felt sick with revulsion at being forced to masturbate in front of this monster.

"Good you may begin now, Oh and one more thing you can make sounds of pleasure like moaning, and grunting. You may even speak, but only if it is too express how good masturbating feels."

Wonder Woman’s face had a look of shock as she let out a small moan. Her movements were starting to have an effect on her body. She could feel her pussy juices starting to flow, and her nipples harden.

Mortis gave Wonder Woman her final command, "Feel free to play with yourself. The only actions that you may take are to keep masturbating and to express how good it feels."

Mortis then turned away from the helpless amazon and turned towards Supergirl. "Now where were we?" He asked her with an evil leer on his face….

This is the end of Part I. Stay tuned for part II.