Violet's capture

Author: Hellion666
Time to Read:12min
Added Date:9/28/2024
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Tags: n/cViolet

Hey Super Guy. This Hellion666. You can call this Violet's capture. The description can be " What really happened when rebels caught Violet" Please leave the below sentences there. Hello readers. For you Legion fans this is my take on what happened to Violet when Imskian rebels captured her. I don't think it was exactly established when she was kidnapped, so I made it up. That, and I am a little hazy on the details. Do you think that they would just lock her in a sensory deprivation tank for months? For those of you who don't know about the Legion of Super Heroes, lets just say that they are a bunch of kids from the future. Shrinking Violet is a young short brunette with small breasts. Before this happened, she was very timid. Technically, you can't say this didn't happen in the pre-crisis reality or post-crisis reality or Glorith reality or insult the intelligence of the reader and client by ignoring 30 years plus of history reality. (God knows every writer wanted to torture the Legion in some way. If I ever became a member of the Legion, I would have killed myself with a spoon. It would have been a lot faster and a whole lot less painful. ) Salu Digby looked around the room in confusion. She had come home for a visit and was preparing to head back to Earth. Before she could power up her ship for the journey, she suddenly felt sleepy and passed out. Now she was gods knows where, restrained in a chair and all the guards had the same powers as her.

"Where am I? What do you want?" she asked when she regained her wits. She didn't care that her captors had the upper hand, in her time in the Legion; she had been in worse situations. She tried to move but couldn't.

A red headed man stepped forward. Violet recognized him as Micro Lad, a fellow Imskian that had tried to take her place in the Legion. She had beaten him and he vowed revenge.

" We are known as the Right*. We intend to have Imsk break away from the United Planets. For that, we need any information that you have." Micro Lad said.

Violet breathed a sigh of relief. All the information that the Legion needed was provided on a need to know basis. While the Legion had access to almost anything they needed, they certainly didn't nose thru classified reports for fun. There was nothing she could give him nothing that he didn't already know. Also, no one in the Legion had a secret identity, so she couldn't betray that.

" You won't get anything out of me. When the Legion discovers that I am gone, they will turn Imsk and the entire galaxy upside down looking for me. Cut yourself some slack and just release me." She said defiantly. She knew that no matter how prepared these "rebels" were, they couldn't beat the Legion on their best day.

" The Legion doesn't know that you are gone. We replaced you with someone. How stupid do you think we are? I'm afraid that you will be with us for some time." Micro Lad stated.

Violet's heart sank. If no one had realized that she was gone, then no one come to her rescue. She cursed herself so being so dependant on the Legion, on others.

" Come with me." Micro Lad said. Violet noticed that she could now move but stayed seated. Micro Lad walked over to her and backhanded her. Violet fell hard on the floor.

" Look bitch, when I give you an order, you will obey it or else." He growled. He grabbed the blouse she was wearing and in one pull, ripped it off. Violet blushed and tried to cover herself with her hands.

He forcefully pulled her to her feet and led her into another room. Violet predictably struggled but Micro Lad easily restrained her. Once her was thru the door, Violet had a chance to look around the room. It was filled with dozens of obscene torture devices. She recognized some of them. They had been used at one time or another to intimidate her but she always escaped. She had a feeling that now there was no escape. In the middle of room was a table with straps in the corners. Next to the table were two well built men.

" Take her and restrain her face down on the table. Leave her ass out." he ordered. The men did as they were told. Violet quickly found herself strapped face down on the table with her ass over the edge at waist height.

" Now Violet, I will as you this only once. What are the access codes for the Science Police main computers?" Micro Lad asked. He hoped to sell the secret information contained in the computers to various crime lords. They would pay handsomely to know who in their organization was a cop and who wasn't. In turn, this information would help fund the rebels. They also wanted to break Violet, and have her "join"** their cause. With the most famous imskian on their side, they would have huge political influence.

" I don't know, and I wouldn't tell you if I did!" she said defiantly.

" Have it your way, then." Micro Lad said coldly. He walked over to a cabinet and pulled out a u shaped device. Violet immediately recognized it as a dildo.

" They wouldn't dare." She thought to herself. She nevertheless struggled in her bonds, to no avail. Micro Lad walked over to her and in one fluid movement, pushed the 12-inch long one-inch thick dildo straight into her cunt and anus. Violet screamed at the top of her lungs.

" Please stop!" she pleaded. It felt like someone was forcing a branch up her ass. The friction made in even worse, though the blood from her broken hymen*** made it a little easier. The dildo filled her to the hilt and caused immense pain before her body started to respond with her juices. Micro Lad used short and brutal thrusts and her muscles clenched the device, making it even worse. Micro Lad waited until he caused her to orgasm three times before he stopped.

" So bitch, how is it to lose your virginity to toy?" He mocked. Violet just laid there and cried. Not only had her first ever orgasm been induced by rape but also she couldn't believe what had just happened. Legionnaires weren't raped, were they?

" One last chance. Tell us the codes." Micro Lad said.

" After what you have just done to me, I will never help you." She sobbed. Surely they couldn't do any worse to her that they just had.

" Have it your way then." Micro Lad said. He took off his pants and walked over to Violet. Although Violet couldn't see it, his cock had been surgically augmented. It was an inch and a half thick and eleven inches long, with metal studs surrounding it. Violet tensed as she felt the tip off his cock on her anus.

" You wouldn't dare! The Legion will kill you!" she cried. She couldn't believe that after enduring that humiliating punishment that he was going to do even worse to her.

" The Legion doesn't kill, remember?" He spat. He started to push inside of her but found that her body resisted. He grabbed the sides of her hips and thrust into the small opening.

" Ahh!. Noo, please don't." She weakly cried. It felt like he was driving a branch into her, not a cock. Even though the dildo had prepared her some, his cock still tore at the fragile membranes in her ass.

" Maybe you should have let me take your place in the Legion, huh?" Micro Lad mocked. He was now half way in and took a moment to enjoy the heat and tightness of the anus. He had raped others before but nothing compared to this tight fuck. The fact that she was a virgin and part of the snooty Legion that rejected him only made this better. He pushed his cock in, inch by inch. Violet begged him to stop but that openly made it more pleasurable for him. He made sure that she felt every inch of his penetration into her tight passage.

Once he was fully in her, he made rapid, vicious thrusts with his hips into her tight ass. He couldn't tell if the moisture that he felt was her blood or cum, but didn't care. He grabbed her hair and taunted her.

" Where is your precious Legion now? Not much of a hero if you can't save yourself, are you?"

Violet barely heard him over her own screams. It felt like a burning log was being forced up her ass, not a cock. Tears streamed down her face as she realized that no one would come to her rescue, and knew that she had been to dependant on the Legion. She begged him to stop in-between her screams but he just ignored her. If she had known anything, she would have told them then and there.

Micro Lad jackhammered in and out of her so hard that she was pushed forward a few inches on the table. After what seemed like an eternity to Violet, he finally came.

" Thanks for the ride." He mocked and slapped her on the ass.

" It's over. Finally." she thought to herself. It had been Hell but at least it was over.

" I know what your thinking. That it is over. Wrong. Every one here is just dying to meet you."

Violet just started to cry as she heard another man drop his pants. Once she had serviced forty men, they locked her in a sensory deprivation tank to recover. After a day, she was taken out and gang raped again. After the third time, she lost the strength to fight back. After a while, Violet barely had the strength to stand. Violet started to cry as she heard footsteps coming near the tank they kept her in. They only came into the room to torture her.

" What are they going to do to me now?" she thought to herself. She squinted her eyes as they opened the tank. After a few seconds, her eyes adjusted and she saw Micro Lad and another man.

" We have a little surprise for you." Micro Lad smirked.

Violet felt a chill go down her spine when he said that. She was certain now that no matter how bad it got, he was determined to make it worse. He grabbed her and dragged her to a room she didn't recognize. The room was empty expect for a large metal globe covered with studs.

" This little toy is used by certain races to study the sexual endurance of certain species. We have decided to see its effects on you." Micro Lad said. Violet started to cry as he dropped her on the floor and left the room. She was to weak to stand and she was afraid that if she shrank, she wouldn't have the strength to return to her normal size.

-Click- The machine came to life and started to hover a few inches of the ground for a minute. A small lens emerged from the top of it and it scanned the room. Once it saw Violet, tentacles started to come out from the side. Four of them shot out of the orb and grabbed her by the wrists and ankles.

"Aaah! No please." she cried.

Violet tensed as she felt the tip of one tentacle parting her cuntlips. It entered her slowly; stretch her vagina to the limit. She squeezed her cunt muscles, hoping to deny it entry. She was so focused on the tentacle in her cunt that she barely noticed another one aiming for her anus. Once it there, it violently shot up into her, not caring for the pain it caused her. Her body was responding now, producing her love juices, but the friction still hurt terribly. As another one forcefully pushed itself down her throat, Violet found she couldn't cry. She could no longer distinguish between pain and pleasure.

" Dear gods, just let in end." She prayed.

Violet struggled as she felt the tell tale signs of an orgasm. The tentacles not only filled her completely but were now pumping her in a fast and steady rhythm. The thought of being forcefully orgasmed by a machine, again, filled her with shame. "Ggggooooddddsss," she moaned as the orgasm over took her, " Arrgghh!" she screamed as electricity ripped thru her body. She was struck seconds before she climaxed, and left unfulfilled and in extreme pain. She barely heard Micro Lad's voice over the speaker.

" I see you have experience the 'improvement' we added. It is programmed to electrocute before you climax. Don't worry about the voltage, it isn't where near enough to kill you, but as far as pain goes, there will enough of that."

Violet found that she hadn't lost the ability to cry, but she resigned herself to this fate as she felt another orgasm build. Micro Lad programmed the main computer to send all the sounds in the chamber that she was in into his room. He dozed off to sleep with the sounds of Violet's rape and torture filling his room. Needless to say, his dreams were a little different than normal.

The machine had stopped after a total of five hours spent violating Violet. When a single guard came in to collect her she was in a fetal position. The guard walked over to her and kneeled down beside her.

" Let me help you up." He said. Violet responded with an elbow to the face. She was so weak however that the guard was more surprised than hurt. He easily restrained her as she flailed in his arms.

" Haven't you bastards helped me enough!!" she yelled, desperate to escape. Her strength only allowed her stand for a few moments before she collapsed on the floor.

" Just rape me or kill me, just get it over with." She cried.

" I intend to do neither. I am to help you." He said. Violet's heart skipped a beat for a moment before she realized that he probable meant that he had another form of torture. She closed her eyes when he left the room, expecting for him to come back with some device to torture her. She was surprised when she felt a warm blanket over her. He gently picked her up and carried her out of the room. He walked down the corridor and came to another room. In the room was some food and a bed. The guard placed her gently on the bed and rolled a food tray over to her.

" What are you going to do now?" Violet asked, expecting more torture.

" My name is Rom and I am assigned to feed you." The guard replied. Rom handed her some Kono juice but she was to weak to grasp it. When Rom noticed this, he gently brought the cup to her lips and allowed her to drink some.

" Thanks." She replied. She was surprised when she saw him fixing some more food.

-This is weird- she thought to herself, -first they torture me, and then they act all nice. I don't recognize this 'rebel' though I might with his cock in me-. Violet held back the tears from the memories of the gang rapes. Suddenly it hit her, what they were trying to do. They were trying to brainwash her. She remembered the lecture that Brainiac 5 had given on old fashion brainwashing. He said that first they torture their victim, make their victim dependant on them and have random acts of kindness to create a bond between the captor and captive. The victim helps create the bond unconsciously as a means of self- preservation. They couldn't use any other means because Saturn Girl might pick it up.

-Nass- she thought-his name is a remix of Orm's, my boyfriend! - As he fed her, "Rom" went on to say how the United Planets impeded the sovereignty of Imsk. What he didn't realize was that Violet had almost perfectly predicted his arguments. When he was done feeding her, she just spit in his face.

" I know what your game is, and it won't work on me! You can probable do what ever you want to be but don't think you can insult my intelligence!" she yelled at him. She could barely raise her arm but she still gave him a look of defiance.

" As you wish." Rom said. He summoned the guards to take her back to the tank.

After that incident they left her in the tank for a week, giving her nutrients thru an IV. When they came for her again, she was too weak to resist. They raped her for hours before putting her back. Long from breaking her, the rapes made her more determined to be self reliant when she escaped and she knew that they wouldn't have her forever. The Legion didn't get as far as they did on power alone.

When the Legion finally found her, only Saturn Girl, Chameleon Boy and Brainiac 5 knew the full story. Violet didn't want anyone's pity and rape was barely a misdemeanor on Imsk. That was one of the problems with living on a world that is so aggressive in war. So Saturn Girl, besides wiping out the memories of the rapes from the rebels minds, put another mental block in their minds. For twenty years, they would never be able to sustain an erection for more than ten seconds. Since Saturn Girl was the most powerful psi ever known, it was a safe bet that the block would stay. The Legion pulled some strings that made sure that they were given cells in the bad part of Takron-Galtos where they would have a similar experience to Violets with members of the same sex. Things were never the same for Violet though. Even though she over came the physical trauma, she couldn't come to terms with the emotional trauma. She could kick the crap out of almost any species, she was afraid to be intimate with a man but also found that she wanted a man. She was overcome with terror and rage whenever anyone even mentioned male/female sex. It brought back in full force the memory of her ordeals. She could never realize her secret crush on Garth, but Alya, his female twin, . she was close enough in Violet's mind.

  • I don't know what the rebels called themselves so I made it up
  • Way I see it, Violet is an old fashioned kind of girl, meaning no sex until marriage
  • You would be surprise how little it takes to turn a kidnap victim to your side. To date, I don't know of anyone that was brainwashed when they were briefed on the process.