Pravum, vigilante's end - Part 7.2 day's later

Author: Hemelwijs
Time to Read:33min
Added Date:5/4/2024
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Tags: blackmailHypnosismanipulationmind breakorgasm denialBdsm

Madripoor, economic district.

It was late at night when a lone figure boldly walked up to the front door of one of the many tall office buildings dominating the Madripoor financial district. Her wavy blond hair swayed with each confident step she took and her black formfitting outfit revealed every curve the woman was generously blessed with. Upon reaching the door, she began fiddling with the control panel nearby, and a moment later, the door silently slid open, allowing the woman entrance.

Normally, doing such a thing would be suicide, as the building's security was top-notch. But the female trespasser had managed to hack the security, and temporarily disable it, as was evident by the cameras that were all missing the iconic red light. She silently made her way through the empty lobby, towards the elevators. As luck would have it, one was already on the ground floor, and she quickly got in and pressed one of the buttons. As she turned around, and the elevator doors began to close, a pair of ice-blue eyes determinedly looked ahead of her. Her mind focused on the task ahead.

Had she been ever so slightly more observant of her surroundings, or perhaps less cocky in her skills, she would have probably noticed the cameras reactivating in the lobby. But she wasn't, so she didn't. And with good reason, for Yelena Belova was on a mission. It had been several weeks now since she last had any contact with her fellow Black Widdow; Natasha Romanova. And while the silence was not unusual, they were both high-level spies, that often would go in deep cover, something about her friend's recent silence worried her. So she painstakingly managed to follow Natasha's trail and discovered where she was. Pravum.

That blasted organisation which had been responsible for reining in many supers throughout the world had her. And she knew enough of the secretive group that rarely bodes well. So she was determined to get her out before it was too late. As the elevator rose higher and higher, she mentally went over what she had to do.

The building was a front company for Pravum from where they coordinated most of their Asian-based operations. The actual office was only four floors combined, the others were all dedicated to maintaining operational integrity during missions in the area. With a soft chime, the elevator stopped on the twelfth floor, and the doors silently slid open. Yelena peeked outside, to ensure there was no one. There shouldn't be on this floor, as it was mainly data storage and well after reasonable working hours, even for Pravum, but it never hurt to be careful. Seeing no one, she went down the hallway, to where she knew her target was. Upon reaching it, she quickly typed in a code and the temporarily put-together authority signature that allowed her to enter the room opened the door for her.

Once inside, she closed the door behind her, noticing how the door automatically fell into its electronic lock. Confident in her ability to get out, she ignored it for now and strode towards the computer sitting on a large desk. As she crossed the room, she could see dozens of memory banks filling a different room, separated only by a reinforced glass window. Once at the computer, she hastily began to work the keyboard quickly going through the many files stored in this server. It took several slow minutes, but she eventually found what she wanted. Natasha had indeed been captured by Pravum during an operation and was now in custody at the main facility. She read that Natasha was undergoing special interrogation and punishment, and a shiver ran down Yelena's spine at the implications. Organisations such as Pravum rarely took it easy in those departments.

She was about to search for her precise location when the screen turned red.

"Unauthorized access detected."

The screen went black, and no amount of effort made the computer respond. At the same time, the bright white light coming from the ceiling lamps turned red, and a warning sound could be heard throughout the floor. She turned towards the door, only to find its electronic lock to be disabled. Her thoughts immediately went to the glass window separating the control room from the server room, but as she turned that way, she saw that a shutter of durable steel had slid over it. She was trapped in this room, with no immediate way out.

A hissing sound drew her attention, and she quickly noticed some form of gas was being pumped into the room. She took a breath, and held it as long as she could, while frantically trying to find a way out. She found none, and eventually, her body's need for air won out over her instincts, and she took a deep breath. Within seconds, her vision was getting blurry, and she was starting to sway on her feet. She leaned against the desk for support, but with every second that passed, she grew weaker. It only took a minute, but her arms holding her up against the desk began to give in, and she slowly sank to her knees, before everything went black as she lost consciousness.

Yelena woke up a short while later in a different room. It was sterile white, with bright white lights coming from the corners. The only two objects in the room were a large full-sized mirror hanging on the ceiling and a sturdy metal contraption in which Yelena was strapped. The contraption was designed to resemble a chair, and it was positioned in such a way that the blonde superspy was reclining back in a comfortable position. Her arms were resting on the armrests, and sturdy steel bands encircled her arms at the elbows and wrists, locking them in place. Her legs were also resting on special supports, with more steel bands around her thighs, knees, and ankles. The leg rests were angled outwards, so her legs were spread apart. exposing her sex in the process.

As Yelena's ice-blue eyes fluttered open, the first thing she saw was her reflection in the mirror positioned above her. She was quick to note that they had removed her clothes, and she was completely naked. She also felt more than saw the big red ballgag they had put in her mouth, making speaking an impossibility. She flexed her arms to test her restraints and quickly found out that they refused to budge even a single inch, and only served to make her breasts jiggle around a bit.

She tried to look around her, only to discover that a similar band was around her neck, keeping her head firmly in place. With no other option available, she waited. And waited. And waited. With no way to tell the time, it was impossible to tell how long she lay there. Thank god that the room was at least warm, so she wasn't that uncomfortable. You know, not counting the whole restrained situation. An electronic whir from behind her startled her, and looking at the mirror above her, she saw that a device moved from underneath the chair towards her head. It looked like a single band of steel, with two circular pads on either end. The object smoothly slid over her ears, and what little sound there was in the room promptly disappeared. After a second, she felt a vibration go through the entire chair, and when she looked in the mirror, her eyes widened in shock.

Coming up from underneath the chair, was a robotic arm, with a big silvery grey metallic dildo attached to its end. She promptly became aware of how vulnerable her position left her, and her fears became true when the arm began to close in on her sex. She tensed the moment the cold metal touched her hot pussy. The arm made a few experimental movements to test her reactions, before withdrawing from her opening. Yelena saw everything through the mirror and shook her head in anger. A cool blue substance was being expulsed through several small openings on the dildo, and the arm resumed its probing actions. This time, the cool lube covering the thick dildo worked, and the arm had no problem pushing the phallic object into her pussy, until she felt it bottom out against her womb. Her pussy was stretched to the limit, and she had to take deep breaths just to be able to work through the slight pain of having such an object inside of her.

It gave her precious few moments to get used to it before it began to withdraw. Yelena was powerless to resist as the arm began to establish a steady pace of thrusting the dildo back and forth. She tried to resist. Tried to escape her restraints. Did everything in her power to not let the mindless machine affect her. But as it turned out, it was all useless. Her bonds were unforgiving in keeping her firmly secured to the chair. And with no way of escaping, the steady fucking of the thick dildo was impossible to ignore. Despite her best efforts, her grunts of anger slowly turned into more lustful sounds, and her eyes remained locked on the mirror, through it, the hypnotizing effect of watching the metallic toy stretched her sex to the limit with each deep trust.

After she had fully gotten used to the steady pace, the machine switched gears and drastically sped up its fucking. At the same time, powerful rotors inside the dildo began to spin, making the metal toy vibrate. Yelena's eyes had rolled back by now, as she was losing herself to the pleasure forced upon her. She was seconds away from cumming, and her entire body tensed and flexed against the steel bands as she was writhing in pleasure. A split second before she would crash into orgasm, a single word came from her earpads, blasting through her mental defences like a hot knife through butter.


And cum she did. Her body shook and twitched as pleasure rolled through her system while the dildo kept up its frantic pace. Her muffled moans filled the room, unheard by herself as her senses slowly came back from the powerful orgasm forced upon her. But if she thought that was it, she was sorely mistaken. Not giving her any time to recover from her orgasm, the machine kicked it up another gear, and the speed of its thrusting, as well as the power of the vibrations, increased. In half the time it just took, Yelena was already approaching the edge as a second orgasm began to build inside of her. And again, a split second before she would explode in orgasm, a single command came from the earpads.


That second orgasm would soon be followed by a third. and a fourth. And more, until she lost count. Or rather, her brain was so overwhelmed by the pleasure, that she lost the ability to count. Or think rationally. Or do anything. All she could do was take it, and each time, a single word preceded her release with cold, uncaring certainty.


And each time she did, whether she wanted to, or not. At one point, the bright lights in the corner were turned off. And her hellish ordeal continued in pitch black. The pleasure, the cumming, the command. It was the only thing she had, and she hoped it would be enough.

Three months later.

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

With the click of a key being turned, a door opened, casting a cone of light into an otherwise dark room. The sharp clicking of heels told of a person walking, and as the sound drifted away from the door, the lights of the room slowly began to brighten, triggered by a motion sensor in the ceiling. The room was a moderately spacious living room, decorated with simple yet stylish furniture. A large window offered a view of the city skyline and being on the tenth floor offered quite an impressive sight.

As the light increased to its full strength, it shone down on the owner walking towards the dining table. It was a young woman in her early twenties. She had long black curly hair that reached the small of her back. She was wearing an extremely tight form-fitting red dress. Calling it a dress would be stretching the definition, as it exposed more of her smooth dark brown skin than it covered. At the front, the fabric stretched and strained to cover her more than ample breasts, and was cut in such a way as to expose enough of her cleavage to arouse onlookers. The skirt stopped just below her firm round butt, and her legs ended in matching red heels.

This was Izabel, the twenty-one-year-old only daughter of an influential politician. Her father was rich, extremely so, and it allowed them to live in luxury. Izabel had never wanted anything in her life, and her parents had always ensured she had gotten everything she wanted. Was she spoiled? Perhaps, but such is the benefit of being born into wealth and power, so why not enjoy it? She placed her purse on the dining table, and with her eyes closed, took a deep breath to appreciate the silence of her apartment after the heavy beats and drones of a club.

Izabel knew she had grown up mostly sheltered, so when she was old enough, she convinced her father to get her an apartment away from the capital of Brasilia so she could experience life on her own. Her parents objected, obviously, but they could never deny their precious daughter. So here she had lived for the past year. Alone, with no one to tell her what to do. Naturally, the first thing she did was check out the nightlife, and she quickly grew to like it. Most nights, she could be found in one club bar or another. Watching the local ladies admiring their bodies. Fantasizing about what she would do with them if she had the chance. A few times she dared to approach one, but they never let to anything beyond some polite conversations. Tonight, though, she felt would be different.

Arms wrapped around her slim waist and pulled her back until she felt the swell of soft breasts press into her back. She opened her eyes, revealing big brown orbs that radiated innocence and looked down. She saw pale white arms move across her body, following her curves with teasingly light touches. She tilted her head back to rest against the other woman's shoulder and allowed her guest to take the lead. She was not disappointed, as she soon felt soft lips begin to press kisses on her naked shoulder.

Hands closed around her breasts, and she gave a shuddering moan as they squeezed. The kisses trailed higher along her shoulder, against her neck, and she turned her head slightly sideways to turn her mouth towards the side. This woman, this Katherine Bishop. Or Kate, as she wanted to be called. She was doing things to her that no one else had so far. There was the physical one as Kate was quite an attractive woman. With deep black hair, generous breasts, and a tight ass, Kate had it all. But the thing that stood out to Izabel was her eyes. Pale, ice-blue eyes that burned with intensity. They spoke of power and confidence. Izabel knew from the moment their eyes met at that bar; that Kate wanted her, and like herself, she was not used to being denied what she wanted. Two drinks and one hour of conversation later, Izabel found herself pushed forcefully against the cold tiles of the bar's toilet, with Kate's tongue already halfway into her mouth.

Kate's hands let go of Izabel's breasts and instead rested on her shoulders. They slid down her naked arms until her hands closed just above her elbows. The grip was just strong enough to be painful, and with some force, her arms were wrenched behind her back. Kate looped one arm around her elbows and applied just enough pressure to pull her arms further back. The result had Izabel arch her back slightly, further straining the already tight-fitting dress against her ample chest. Izabel felt Kate's hot breath against her ear, and the other woman spoke with a low seductive voice that sent shivers down her spine.

"You seem distracted. Am I already that boring to you? I hope not, because YOU are the one who invited ME over, remember?"

Izabel couldn't speak. The shivers down her back. The forceful way Kate had her arms pinned. The apparent helplessness of her situation. It spoke to her on so many levels at the same time, that her young and inexperienced mind couldn't process it all at the same time.

"Not going to answer? I'll take that as a sign to continue."

Izabel felt something against the top of her back, right where she knew the zipper of her dress was. Her heart pounded in her chest as she felt the zipper slowly being lowered. The motion was deliberate, done to draw out the anticipation. To make her fully aware of what was happening. With each passing second, the zipper went lower and lower, meanwhile, Kate kept planting kisses along her shoulder, neck, and a few times, even the corner of her mouth. The fact that Kate was taller than herself only added to the authority the older woman held over her. She squirmed against Kate's hold, feeling her back brush against the other woman's soft breasts. She once tried to pull her arms free but found that Kate's grip was surprisingly effective. The helplessness, the feeling of being used and played with. It awoke things inside the young woman she never dared to give in to. The way Kate controlled the situation, controlled HER, it made her wet in ways few things had so far.

There was a soft chink as the zipper reached the end and separated. For a second, time seemed to stop, and Izabel felt her dress begin to slide across her skin. More of her breasts. Her nipples. All of her breasts. Her stomach. Her firm ass. And finally, the flimsy G-string she wore to cover her pussy. It all became revealed as her dress fluttered to the ground. Kate's hand returned to play with her now bare breasts, and she moaned as pleasure rolled through her at Kate's skilled hands. The arm wrapped around her arms disappeared, and the tension pulling them back eased up. Immediately though, Kate's hand wrapped around her hair, and pulled her head back, fully exposing her neck, and offering her mouth to the taller woman.

Before she could react. Kate had already started another kiss, and much like before, she dominated it with both her tongue and skill. For a full minute, both women were locked into a passionate kiss, and the only sounds were their moans and lips mashing against each other. A subtle push against her shoulder and Izabel turned around, the movement enough to break the kiss. Now facing Kate, the younger woman was pushed back by a firm hand until she hit the dining table with her shapely behind. With another firm push, Izabel slid back until she was sitting on the edge of the table. From there, she watched as Kate took a silent step towards her, intent and lust clear in her ice-blue eyes.

Her dress, a dark purple mini dress with bits of metal weaved through, shimmered hypnotically in the light. Kate took another step, and her hands reached for the bottom of her dress, which in this case was just barely below her butt. In one smooth and well-practised move, she pulled the dress over her head, revealing the black thong she wore. Her breasts jiggled slightly from the action, and Izabel couldn't stop herself as she licked her lips in anticipation of feeling them again. She had chanced a feel when they were in the club's toilet earlier, and she liked the feeling. A lot. With a final step, Kate had reached the table, and leaned down on it, placing both arms on either side of Izabel. The action brought their faces inches away from each other, and she felt herself get lost in the power and control those blue orbs seemed to emit.

"Now, I have tasted your lips quite extensively, and I do love the taste. But let's find out how your other lips taste."

So lost in Kate's presence, she didn't even notice the older woman's hands had reached for either side of her string until she began to pull it down her legs. her heart began to thumb frantically, and her excitement rose as with each second as Kate slowly pulled the string away. She allowed her legs to straighten, and with a final tug, her string was gone. Izabel was completely naked. In front of another woman. For the first time in her sheltered life. Her mind went into overdrive trying to process everything that was happening, trying to commit everything to memory. There was some pressure against her knees, and without hesitation, she spread her legs. She watched as Kate got down on her knees in front of her, and a new wave of anticipation rushed through her as she brought her face closer to her pussy.

It all felt unreal to her. Like some drunken stupor, she would wake up any moment with a terrible hangover, and an aching heart of regret. But the sudden hot breath against her pussy blew those thoughts away. This was real. This was happening. This was...

Further thoughts became impossible for her, as her mind went blank the moment Kate's lips touched her pussy, and she felt the first stroke of her tongue. She threw her head back and opened her mouth as a loud moan of pleasure tore from her mouth. This was nothing like the stories she read. Nothing could have prepared her for this feeling. The second stroke of Kate's tongue, had her shudder in place, and her breathing became ragged as her already tense and pent-up desires flared to new heights. She let out another moan when Kate's tongue began to push into her pussy, and almost lost her balance when she began to move it. Her efforts lasted precious few seconds, as her inexperienced body was unprepared for the rush of sensations. She lost all strength in her arms after a moment and simply allowed herself to lay back on the tabletop, while Kate's tongue was diligently licking both the in and outside of her pussy. Her entire body bent into a tight arch as Kate's skilled tongue pushed her to new levels of ecstasy, every fibre of her body was coiled and tensed, waiting for the final push. it came but a second later, when Kate wrapped her lips around her clit, and sucked hard on it.

Izabel's vision became white as an amount of pleasure she had never experienced by herself drowned out her senses. She faintly heard herself scream in pleasure, and her ass smacked loudly against the table as her hips bucked repeatedly with each orgasmic wave that radiated from her between her legs. Even when the orgasm had ended, the only thing she had the strength for was to take deep breaths, making her big soft breasts rise and fall enticingly.

It took a good while, but eventually, she felt she had recovered enough, and slowly managed to get up. For a moment, her arms shook, and her strength left her, but a pale white hand wrapped around her wrist and pulled her fully upright. Still breathing heavily, she raised her head and was promptly taken into another searing kiss by Kate. This time, the sharp taste of her pussy entered her mouth as Kate's tongue rolled around her own. When the kiss broke, Kate stepped away from the table, not letting go of Izabel's wrist. She allowed herself to be pulled from the table, and with shaking legs, followed the pull of her lover. They crossed the living room, through a short hallway, into the familiar interior of the master bedroom.

Maybe it was the lust coursing through her body. Maybe she was completely lost in finally living out her fantasy. Or perhaps it was some unknown submissive desire that reacted to Kate's commanding presence. Whatever it was, Izabel never once wondered how Kate effortlessly led her to the comfort of her bedroom. Perhaps she would have under normal circumstances. But right now? She didn't. Her eyes locked on the back of the woman in front of her, she allowed herself to be guided to the large bed, and she never resisted as she was pushed down until she was lying on her back on the soft mattress.

Perhaps she should have.

With a soft beep, Izabel's personal computer began its boot-up sequence. Sitting in front of it was Pravum's latest addition to the infiltration and assassination unit; Yelena Belova, or "Kate" as she had called herself for this mission. Ever since that fated day in Madripoor Yelena's life had not been the same. After being captured and confined to that chair, she had been subjected to countless hours of forced mind-blowingly strong orgasms. The force with which they could make her cum weakened her mental and physical state enough that they could imprint certain triggers into her mind. Most were pretty obvious, and she could live with them; Don't question Pravum's orders. Never fight back against her fellow agents. Obey superiors. The standard stuff she had been subjected to before. It was a pain, for sure, but life with Pravum was not all that terrible. She had free reign to do as she pleased, as long as her actions never clashed with her instructions.

Two though were far harder to live with, and they were the main reason she so willingly followed Pravum's commands. The first one was that they had used intense and powerful hypnosis to change the way her entire body could orgasm. Whenever she had one, the bare minimum of pleasure and satisfaction was released from her core. It always left her empty, unsatisfied, and disappointed. Sure, getting enough orgasms in a row fast enough could solve the problem, but the amount she needed to even get close to a normal orgasm was just not feasible.

The second trigger they had planted, was that they could make her orgasm on command. Whenever she heard the word "CUM" spoken in a specific way, she would immediately start to orgasm. There was no gradual buildup, no moment of excited anticipation as the pleasure crested that coveted peak. It was sudden, instant, and completely unstoppable.

They closely guarded the exact techniques they used to modulate their voice correctly, leaving Yelena's orgasms firmly in their hands. The only way she could experience a full orgasm is if she completes her assignments in a satisfactory manner. Which led to her current situation. Pravum had recently become the target of an influential politician, and his fanatical campaign to undermine and restrict the shadowy organisation had reached the point where his voice was gaining traction in the political landscape. Yelena was to either silence him or destroy his reputation to the point that no one would listen to him anymore.

To achieve this, she needs to gain entrance to his mansion and access to his top-of-the-line security system. Unfortunately, getting that information from the company was too obvious. Fortunately, he has a young and naive daughter living in this very apartment. At that exact moment, a high-pitched scream came from further into the apartment. It was filled with pleasure, euphoria, and more than a little desperation. The scream lasted for several seconds before it tapered off into a desperate plea.

"Kate? Kate please, I don't want to cum anymore."

From behind the screen, Yelena scoffed. For over three fucking hours they fucked. Izabel was supposed to be "young" and "Naive" when it came to sex. Well, it turned out that the bitch was fucking insatiable. No matter what she did to the younger woman, she just kept coming back for more. Eventually, realizing she was running out of time, she resorted to drastic measures and snuck off to do what she came here for.

She quickly found the program that managed the family's security systems, and after connecting her phone to the PC, she allowed the hacking tools Pravum gave her to do their magic. While she waited, a familiar ache began to form between her legs. The constant stream of desperate pleas from Izabel, paired with the frequent screams as she came, was fueling the embers of her locked pleasure. She watched the program on the screen go through dozens of actions at blazing speed, while her hands began to wander across her body. Her hand inevitably found its way towards her pussy, and she jerked at the sensitivity. Three months since she had last had a full, satisfying orgasm. Since that time, her arousal and need had slowly been building, up to the point that even Izabel, who had no clue how to pleasure a woman, was able to make her cum.

The sounds coming from the master bedroom, her own skilled hands, and the sheer desperation of her body. It all compounded on each other, and it only took mere moments for her to reach orgasm. She rolled her hips as her fingers slid fully into her pussy, before jerking violently. her pussy convulsed tightly around her fingers as waves of pleasure began to radiate from her pussy. For a fraction of a second, every nerve was alight with blissful pleasure, before it was all sucked back into her core, leaving only a cold emptiness in its place. With a scowl, Yelena yanked her hand free of her twitching pussy, and stared angrily at the screen. A beep from her phone told her that she had all the information she needed. Time to finish this up, and get the hell out.

She removed all traces of her ever being in this room and put her phone in her purse which she had left in the living room when she entered with Izabel. As she made her way towards the master bedroom, she realized that it had become surprisingly quiet. She found out the reason the moment she pushed open the door. Izabel had passed out. She was still exactly as Yelena had left her; Still very much naked, laying on her back, with her arms above her head. Her hands were placed on either side of the iron bars that made up the headboard of her bed, and a silk scarf was used to tie them at the wrists, trapping her in place. A sleeping mask was covering her eyes, which allowed Yelena to simply leave the room without Izabel ever knowing. Using one of Izabel's belts, she had secured the only sex toy the young woman had against one of her thighs; a big, white Hitachi magic wand. It was humming at medium strength, with its bulbous head pressed snugly against her pussy.

Her heavy breasts were rising and falling slowly with each breath she took, and even looking at them stirred the flames between her legs. She smirked as she looked just below the young woman's heavy breasts, and saw the words written with a black permanent marker she found on the nightstand.

"Owned." With two arrows pointing towards the soft breasts. Down her flat stomach, just above her naked pussy she had written another word, "Claimed", with an arrow pointing towards her cunt. It was stupid and silly. But the innocent young woman in front of her had fallen for her so fast and hard, that it somehow felt right to leave a mark of ownership with her. Even if she had no intention whatsoever to ever return to her. She had a purpose, and she served it, now she was as disposable to her as the marker she had used to write those words.

Occasionally, Izabel's hips would twitch, and a quiet moan that was half pain and half pleasure left her mouth. But beyond that, the helplessly bound woman gave no reaction to the stimulation. Yelena glanced at the clock; 05:28. Almost four hours it took, but it seemed her body had finally given in to the exhaustion. She reached for the magic wand, and instead of removing it, she lowered it to its lowest setting. With a tug against the scarf, the knot became undone, releasing Izabel from her silken restraints. Yelena leaned down towards the unresponsive Brazillian and pressed her lips against Izabel's one last time. Despite not being conscious, the brown-skinned woman parted her lips, and her head instinctively turned to allow Yelena better access. For several minutes, Yelena ravaged and dominated the younger woman's mouth. She wasn't lying earlier, she liked the taste of Izabel's lips and was kind of disappointed she had to miss out on that.

Yelena silently walked out on the sleeping woman, closing the door behind her. She picked up her dress, and after putting it on and gathering all her things, left the apartment and headed towards the train station. It wasn't hours later, while preparing her infiltration of the mansion, that the first desperate messages from Izabel started to arrive on her burner phone. She ignored them all, focused on completing her assignment, though she did save and transfer the pictures she received to her phone.

Brasilia. Early evening.

Yelena silently watched the mansion from the shadows of a nearby tree. She had prepared as much as she could, read up on her targets, and memorised both the layout of the mansion and the schedule of both Enrique and Verônica. Everything she had done prepared her for this moment, and although Verônica was supposed to be somewhere inside the house, she was confident that she could take a lonely housewife should it come to a confrontation. Enrique was off at a meeting elsewhere in the country and is not due to return for at least two more days. She waited for several more minutes to observe the patrolling guards, noting their automatic weapons, and bullet-resistant vests. When she was confident everything was as it should be, she took out her phone, (Her official one, not the burner one that was still receiving increasingly more desperate messages from Izabel), and activated the security program.

Her phone connected to the mansion's router, and the program began to use the information and clearance codes she got from Izabel's computer to create a temporary opening in the house's security. While the program did its work, she did a final check on her gear. She wore a black skintight catsuit, over which she wore a thick grey jacket. Wrist and shin guards protected her arms and legs, and thin sheets of metal sewn into the jacket served as light protection from bullets and impacts. A black balaclava covered her head, hiding her pale white skin and now blonde hair, leaving only her ice-blue eyes exposed. A modulator near her mouth would distort her voice to be unrecognizable, and the clothes did an excellent job of obscuring her gender into something vaguely human. A silenced pistol was at her hip, though she doubted she would need it tonight. On her belt, a variety of tools, including a syringe filled with tranquillizer dosed specifically for Verônica just in case.

The program stopped, and with a green confirmation mark, a clock began a one-minute countdown. Yelena sprinted down the branch of the tree she was sitting on with cat-like balance, and with a practised leap, cleared the wrought iron fence surrounding the property. Her timing was perfect as always, and she silently darted across the immaculate lawn towards the nearest window. With forty seconds to spare, she took out a set of lock picks and began to work the lock on the window. With ten seconds left, the window swung open, and Yelena slipped inside. The window closed with a soft click, and a second later, the timer on her phone reached zero.

Yelena wasted no time, and silently made her way through the ground floor towards the entrance hall, and the grand staircase going up. On her way, she passed several rooms, all lavishly decorated in the style only those with far too much money can afford. She climbed the white marble staircase, making sure to stay on the thick red carpet that ran its entire length to muffle her footfalls. Down the hallway, and left at the end brought her into the private wing of the mansion, with the right belonging to guests. Halfway down the hall, she reached the double doors leading into Enrique's study, and quietly opened them. The doors opened into a dark study with large mahogany bookcases covering one entire wall. They were filled with books she was sure the owners never actually read and were only there to show off the owner's wealth and supposed class. A small coffee table with two plush chairs was placed in a different corner, and an expensive tea set was placed on the table. But the centrepiece of the study was the large dark oak desk standing front and centre of the room. Two more chairs were placed in front of it, and a comfortable leather chair was behind it.

She made her way to the desk after closing the doors and turned on the single desk light, followed by the computer. After a quick bootup, she connected her phone to the computer, and let the hacking tools do their thing of getting her administrator access. Once she had it, she set her phone to upload the false evidence Pravum had created, so that with a well-timed investigation, Enrique would be discredited enough to lose all support of his anti-Pravum movement. While the extensive package of files and videos was being transferred to their respective maps, Yelena began to browse through the computer properly. After all, who knows what she may find, what dirty little secrets Enrique and his business have that Pravum did not know about. The majority was some fairly superficial connections to local drug lords and bribery. It could harm him, sure, but it was petty compared to what was being uploaded right now, so she ignored it. After a bit more searching though, she found a program named "internal surveillance". Curios, she opened it and quickly realized she might have hit the jackpot.

The program had a list of camera feeds on the left hand of the screen, each relating to a different camera somewhere in the house. And there were a lot of feeds on that list, if her memory served her well, it was almost every room in the mansion. She selected one, and the screen began showing a feed of the dark and abandoned dining room. Another was an equally dark sitting room. And a fairly large indoor swimming pool. On and on it went, each feed showing a different room. Sometimes, she got a peek at one of the staff doing their job of cleaning or whatever. A few times she saw two members going at it in what looked like one of the guest rooms. But still, nothing groundbreaking so far, if you can consider the utter breach of privacy not groundbreaking. At one point, she found the feed for what looked like a room belonging to a young woman and figured that must have been Izabel's when she was still living there. It was every bit as girlish as she imagined it would be. The next feed she tried showed a big room, with an equally big king-sized bed, and stupidly luxurious furniture. The master bedroom. Using some controls located at the bottom, she found that she could rotate and tilt the camera, showing different parts of the room. There was even a zoom function, that she used to inspect the bed, and closet that was left open. On the bed, not quite hidden, was the distinct sight of a sturdy leather cuff, secured to the bed by a sparkling steel chain. In the closet, she saw the distinct and unmistakable shape of a Sybian.

"Well well, looks like Enrique and Verônica have quite an adventurous sex life. I wonder who is the top in that relationship?"

She moved to the next feed and was greeted with what could only be called perfection.

It was a feed of the en suite bathroom, and from the angle of the camera, she had a perfect view of Verônica as she was taking a shower. Verônica was everything as beautiful as Izabel, and it was clear where the younger woman got her looks from. Very clear. If she thought Izabel had big breasts, those of Verônica were even bigger from the looks of it. And natural as well. If she didn't know better, she might have thought that she was looking at an older version of Izabel, and it may very well be that this was what the daughter would turn into if given the chance. She watched for a few more moments, entranced by the sight of the voluptuous MILF washing with a soft sponge, before moving on. The rest of the feeds were plain boring in comparison, and she went through the feeds with nothing shocking to be used.

At the bottom of the list, she found a folder called, "archived feeds", and opened it. Inside, she found a long, LONG list of videos. Each video had a name on it followed by a date and time. Most were names she recognized from her background research; Fellow politicians, friends, and family. There were business meetings big and small, and much, much more. When she reached the "I", she saw a list of videos with Izabel's name. A LONG list. She opened the latest one, dated to be several days before she would have left for Rio de Janeiro. The screen began to play a recorded feed of Izabel inside her room sitting on her bed. She was stark naked and was using her hands to finger herself. Nothing was shocking about a young woman pleasuring herself in the safety of her bedroom. Unless you knew that Enrique recorded and saved a video of his daughter masturbating.

"Now this is something worth keeping."

She went through the other videos holding Izabel's name. Each showed Izabel in some way that was unbecoming of a father to have. She was at the pool wearing a skimpy bikini. Yelena saved that one to her phone for later. Another one was in her room playing with what looked like a dildo. Slowly, Yelena worked her way through the list, going back in time with each separate video. There was one of a nineteen-year-old Izabel, lying on the bed in a clumsy 69 position with another woman on top of her. She didn't recognize who, but that didn't matter. What mattered was that clearly, Enrique had a hidden lust for his daughter. This they could use. With each consecutive video, Izabel got younger. From nineteen to Eighteen. To seventeen, sixteen, fifteen, all the way to just after her fourteenth birthday. She clicked a random one and was treated to a young and innocent Izabel sitting on her bed next to her mother. She couldn't hear anything, as it was visuals only, but the various books sprawled around the bed, and the clear crimson hue on Izabel's face told her exactly what this was. The dreaded "TALK".

She copied it all to her phone, Intell would have a field day with all this. Going further down in the list, she found an equally long list having Verônica's name attached to it. Opening a random one, she was treated to a video of Verônica tied spread eagle to the bed by the leather cuffs. But it was not Enrique who was walking into view, but rather a muscular man. The discarded clothes on the ground told her all she needed to know; Security. Another video was of Verônica in the private gym, doing her exercises. That was until her female and VERY attractive personal trainer walked in, and using a leather crop, swatted Verônica's ass to correct her posture. Kinky, but nothing shocking. Adultery is almost a given in this world. The last one she tried was much more interesting though. Verônica was walking into the living room, being closely followed by what looked like her personal driver if the uniform was to show. A female driver was nothing sensational in this day and age, so she was about to discard the recording until Verônica pulled her driver into a passionate kiss, that quickly escalated to the two of them naked on the couch. When the driver leaned back and relish the moment Verônica began to lick her pussy, she got into full view of the camera. That driver had a disturbingly similar appearance to Izabel. And Verônica was happily eating her pussy.

It seemed both parents had a thing for their daughter. Was it just a deep sense of narcissism? Or were there genuine incestuous feelings at play here? Either way, she copied it all and disconnected her phone, the program had long finished its task of uploading the fake evidence. She closed the computer, and turned off the light, before silently making her way back towards where she entered. She waited for the guards to run their patrol, before deactivating the security once again. With the same speed and silent grace, she dashed across the lawn, and quickly made her way over the fence, into the shadows of the now-dark night.

Later that night, on the overnight train back towards Rio de Janeiro, Yelena established a secure connection to Pravum and began uploading all the videos she had copied, as well as a short list of feeds that could prove extra useful. Almost an hour later, she received a simple e-mail in return.

"Well done agent, this information will prove extra useful in ensuring the downfall of the target. The evidence you planted will already ensure his reputation is blemished enough that he would lose support, but with this, we can destroy his ambitions and career."

Yelena leaned back, her mission was done, and now all she had to do was wait. Her thoughts drifted back towards Izabel. She had used her as nothing more than a stepping stone towards her goal. But she would be lying if she did not enjoy the short moment of conversation she had with the surprisingly intelligent woman. A proverbial lightbulb went off inside her head. If things go as planned, her comfortable little world would come crashing down. Her father was about to be outed as a corrupt, likely pedophilic monster, and her mother was nothing more than an adulting gold digger. And if the long list of one-sided messages she was getting on her burner phone was anything to go by, Izabel had fallen for her hard. And the feelings of a soon-to-be emotionally unstable woman, with nothing left in this world, were something she could manipulate and turn to her advantage. After all, a pretty little thing like Izabel would make the perfect arm candy when infiltrating parties or events, and she was fairly positive that Izabel was more than happy to follow her out of Brazil and into the wider world. That they would be having frequent sex was of course a given. She had so much to teach that hot young Latina, she got wet just thinking of it.

The sound of her phone ringing caught her off guard, and slightly distracted, picked it up.



Yelena's body reacted long before her brain had time to process what happened. She arched her back to an almost impossible extent and rolled her hips. Her nipples instantly hardened and slightly poked through the thin blouse she had chosen to wear as her civilian outfit. Her eyes rolled back, and her mouth opened. No sound came out though, as the pleasure instantly forced upon her overrode all normal functions. It had been months since her last full orgasm, and the recent night spent with Izabel did not make things easier. The orgasms she had gotten from her only compounded the sensation. In a split second, she went from normal, to cumming. her body jerked and gyrated in the empty air, and her hands clawed at her breast and pussy. Half a minute later, her entire body relaxed as the earth-shattering orgasm ended as suddenly as it started. Yelena lay panting on the bench, barely able to think straight, the phone forgotten in her hand.


Again, the same thing happened, and despite having just orgasmed, she was immediately starting to cum again. Again, the powerful orgasm lasted longer than any normal orgasm had any right to, and it left her exhausted and unable to think properly.


And again, her body reacted instantly. She hated how they could make her cum with but a single word. She also loved the total mind-melting pleasure she would feel when it happened. Her form-fitting denim pants were starting to show a wet spot as her pussy began to gush from the intense orgasms. Good thing she packed spare clothes, cause she would need them after this was over. They made her cum ten more times, each as powerful as the first. By the end, Yelena was completely exhausted and fell asleep the moment her body came down from the last orgasm. She was later woken up by someone from the train company telling her that they had arrived in Rio de Janeiro.

Two days after she infiltrated the mansion, Yelena stood in front of the door leading to Izabel's apartment. Getting into the complex was laughably easy for someone of her skill, and she pressed the bell to get Izabel to open the door. It was early morning, and the reveal of Enrique's scandalous behaviour had just exploded into the news. His reputation had tanked, and both he and his wife were now seeing charges for several cases of indecent behaviour and more than a few of corruption and bribery. The plan went off without a hitch, and now it was time to see how the daughter of the family had reacted to the news of her father's less-than-innocent hobbies.

The sound of a lock turning drew her attention back to the present, and she waited for the door to open. Izabel opened the door, and Yelena took a moment to get a good look at her. Her eyes were red, probably from crying. Her hair was dishevelled. She looked tired and emotionally exhausted. She wore nothing but an oversized t-shirt and baggy boxers, and it made her look all the more ravishing to Yelena. They had intercepted her phone, so she knew exactly why she looked so distraught. Her friends had abandoned her after the scandal came to light. her faith in her parents was shattered by the revelations of what they had done. Her allowance and money, all from her father, had dried up as everything was seized and frozen pending investigation. She had nothing, she had nobody. Nobody, except for a single woman with whom she had just recently shared a passionate night.

The two looked at each other, and after a moment, the dam holding back her emotions broke. Yelena stepped into the apartment and took the younger woman into a hug. Izabel sank into the embrace and simply cried until there was nothing left to cry. Yelena let her, stroking the curls of her hair until she was sobbing silently. When the worst was over, she turned Izabel's face and pressed her lips against hers in a possessive kiss. Izabel was so lost in her emotions that she offered no resistance, and gladly returned the kiss. Yelena pushed her back until Izabel was against the wall of the small entrance hall. With her feet, she kicked the door close, while her hands were already finding their way towards the Latino's generous breasts.

She began to pull the baggy shirt up, and Izabel raised her arms to allow the piece of clothing to be removed. As it moved across her breasts, Yelena saw the faint words and arrows she left that fateful night. "Owned." And that was exactly what the young woman would be from now on. After all, she had nothing left to go back to.