Pravum, vigilante's end - Part 8.1 Ariel receives a message.

Author: Hemelwijs
Time to Read:15min
Added Date:5/20/2024
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Tags: manipulationmind breakMind Controlorgasm denialPower GirlBdsm

She was almost at one of the elevators, her mindset on finishing her inspection when her data device gave a discrete PING, telling her she had received a new message. The message was brief, and to the point, just as she liked it.

Preparations for the experiment concerning prisoner 284 have been completed and will commence momentarily.

She had forgotten about that. Some of Pravum's scientists had come up with a way to use Prisoner 284's powerful abilities, and it seemed that they were about to begin the first test. Intrigued to see if their plan would work, she ordered the elevator to bring her to the command level. A few minutes later, she stood in front of a door. The softly glowing holographic label read; Comand room 3. The door opened on her approach, recognizing her biometrics as the mistress of the base.

The command room was dimly lit. Various stations were placed throughout the room, all facing the same large wall in the rear. The room was big enough so that at least a dozen operators could work, but now, only two stations were lit up, and only three other people were present.

The first was the operative overseeing the entire experiment. She was a tall slender woman with short spiky red hair. She stood behind the other two women, arms crossed, with a serious no-nonsense expression. The woman had a reputation for being stern and to the point and tolerated little in the way of messing around on the job. But when things got serious, they had no better operative to lead a mission.

The most noticeable feature of the woman operating the left station was her long, waist-length, midnight black hair, that currently hung loose in a smooth carpet of black velvet. She was wearing a less formal and more baggy version of Pravum's uniform. Ariel knew that underneath those loose clothes, she hid a spectacular set of breasts that many women, (Ariel included), envied. She was well-liked, and an absolute master in reading and manipulating social and political situations, but her quiet and timid personality often made her the odd one out. Especially when you knew that her girlfriend was Pravum's most obnoxious and loud-mouthed combat specialist. How the two of them ever got together remained a mystery to this day.

To her right sat a tall woman with long platinum blond hair, worn in a high ponytail reaching the small of her back. A lock of her hair fell to the front, covering one of her eyes. She wore the standard uniform and wore it well if the way it hugged her curves was any indication. As one of Pravum's best psychologists, she was here to oversee the mental aspect of the experiment, ensuring everything went well, and to gauge the effect the experiment had on the test subject.

The large wall that each station faced was divided into four different screens, the two central ones showed different women in different situations, and beside each was a screen displaying their gathered stats and info. Ariel focused on the woman on the left screen, as she was the most important one for this experiment.

She saw a large circular room, bare of any furniture, save for a singular chair secured in the precise centre of the room. The chair was occupied by a blonde-haired woman. She was, of course, completely naked, as well as restrained into her seat. Her arms were secured to the armrests with special force fields around her wrists, elbows, and upper arms. Her legs were spread so they sat alongside the two front legs of the chair, and similar force fields ran around her ankles, knees, and thighs. Rising from the seat was a smooth stainless steel dildo, that was buried almost completely into the woman's pussy. Her chest rose rapidly with each laboured breath she took, and her large breasts bounced or jiggled enticingly whenever her body twitched. Her blonde hair was tied in a tight ponytail and hung loosely over the backrest. A panel gag covered her mouth, and Ariel knew that the fake cock attached to it would fill out her mouth and throat almost completely. Lastly, a black-tinted visor made of delicate crystal and lightweight alloys covered her eyes, leaving the woman in complete darkness.

Turning her head to the side so she could read the left-most screen, Ariel took a moment to familiarize herself with the woman.

*Occupant; Emma frost.

Alias; White Queen.

Place of origin; Earth.

Acquired; 3 months ago.

Known powers; High-level psionic abilities; telepathy, mental shielding, mind manipulation, mind control. Average level telekinesis. Diamond form.

Threat level; High.

Current status; Controlled.

Training progress; Initial testing phase.

Current training regimen; To be determined upon completion of testing.

Purpose of training; Directed psionic attacks.

To the side of the short rundown of the prisoner, another collum of information was used to relay a more specialised set of info.

Pleasure levels; 135.7%.

Orgasm threshold; Crossed.

Orgasm locked via power suppression collar.*

After finishing the brief description, Ariel addressed the operative in charge of the test.

"Alright, refresh my memory, what was it you have planned again."

The slender woman straightened up to present her report to her superior.

"Prisoner 284 has been secured inside a room that was designed to replicate the infamous Cerebro machine. The chair she is restrained in has been configured to provide maximum pleasure, while her collar blocks her ability to reach orgasm, keeping her pleasure high, and slowly growing over time. The mind-enhancing machines inside the room gather all the sexual thoughts and emotions from inside the base and channel them directly into her brain. This keeps her arousal and response to sexual stimulation high, and receptive.

Throughout her captivity, we have conditioned her to direct her psionic powers to whoever we show in front of her. The purpose of the visor is to keep her sight closed off until it is time to use her. An image of the person will then be projected on the visor, triggering her conditioning, and the collar will temporarily lower its power block to allow her to project her own sexual emotions onto the other person.

In theory, this should result in the other person beginning to feel those same emotions and sensations as well, weakening them in the process. Perhaps the effect is strong enough that they are outright incapacitated, but we don't know that for sure, not until we test it."

Ariel nodded in understanding, and pointed at the right screen, displaying a woman with short blonde hair sitting at a round table with other people. It was obvious that this woman was to be the test subject.

"And you figured she was the best place to start?"

"Acquisition came up with that, they reasoned that if it works on a Kryptonian, it should work on anyone."

She had no reply to that, so instead, she made herself comfortable in a nearby chair and waited for the show to start.

On the right screen, a man was speaking on stage, and after finishing his little speech, the woman the screen was focused on, got up from her chair and began to walk towards the main stage.

Four pairs of eyes were glued to the screen at that point. Partially from a professional point of view, but also to get a good look as the woman made her way through the busy hall.

She had short blonde hair that framed her face in smooth layers. Blue eyes that shone with inner strength and determination. And a confident smile on her lips. She wore a red satin dress with a single shoulder strap. The dress clung to her body in ways that should be forbidden, accentuating every curve of her perfect body. The design left one shoulder bare, exposing creamy smooth skin. The design of the dress would inevitably draw the eyes towards her cleavage. A cleavage that seemed to go on forever, as the woman was "blessed" with an enormous pair of breasts. The dress fell to just above her ankles, and the left side had a split that reached to her hips, revealing one of her strong long legs, but just hiding if she was wearing any underwear.

With each step, she radiated power, confidence, and unwavering charisma.

"Uhm... More people are tuning in to the stream. Other sites and television stations are also starting to host the event now. I'm also picking up signals from amateur streamers from all over the world now. Estimates are around ten million people are watching, and growing."

The soft and somewhat insecure voice of the dark-haired woman gave an update on how the event currently underway was progressing.

Right now, Los Angeles hosts the single largest technology event in the world. Designers, developers, manufacturers, consumers, and sellers from every branch of tech were present in the conference hall, and people from all over the world would follow the event to find out what the latest development would be. And right now, the world was watching as Karen Starr walked confidently to the main stage to do her presentation of the night.

Karen Starr, or Kara Zor-L, or Power Girl, was one of the strongest superheroines currently active. Perhaps even the strongest, depending on who you asked. But that mattered not right now. Ariel agreed that she would be a fitting first test subject, and like the rest of the team, she was eager to see how she would react. Halfway towards the stage, the still-standing woman in charge gave a single, simple command.

"Begin the test, 20% intensity."

In the circular room, the black visor covering Emma's eyes cleared, and a viewscreen appeared in front of her showing the same image of Karen walking. At the same time, the info screen on the far left began to display a new line; Partial power release; 20%.

The test had begun, and no one in the world, least of all the mighty Power Girl, was prepared for what was about to happen.

Like she had done many times before, Karen made her way to the main stage to begin her well-prepared presentation. With each confident step she took, she felt the cameras on her, felt the lustful looks of many onlookers. She knew she was pretty, she knew she was lusted after, but she will be damned if she was treated as anything less than the influential businesswoman that she had cultivated for herself. But her confident stride faltered ever so slightly when she suddenly became flush with arousal.

Her entire body was warming up, and she began to feel touches all over her body. Delicate fingers traced the length of her arms and legs. They followed the lines of her muscles almost perfectly, and her stride slowed down ever so slightly when her legs relaxed under the faint massage. The sharp touch of a nail began at the base of her neck and slowly ran down along her spine. Karen shivered as a surge of pleasure radiated from her nerves into her core. When the finger had reached the bottom, stopping just above her ass, it went back up with that same maddeningly pleasant sensation. Two hands wrapped themself around her legendary breasts and began to softly massage them. At the same time, a single fingertip touched the outside of her pussy, and began to stroke it with featherlight touches. A soft, wet sensation brushed against her lips, and she almost parted them to allow entry, when she realised where she was, and what was going on around her.

She took a glance at the large hall, trying to determine if anyone noticed. While she did so, the light assault on her body continued without pause. She felt everything directly on her skin, igniting her body and priming her for sexual activity. But there was no one touching her, she was completely alone. Knowing she could resist this much though, she powered through it and resumed her walk towards the stage.

"Raise intensity to 40%."

The blonde woman operating the second console slid a slider upwards, and the four women continued to observe the effect it had on Karen.

Karen was nearing the stage when the phantom hands increased in strength. The faint touches became stronger, more pronounced. And the result was that her arousal, which had been slowly rising, made a sudden jump up.

More hands began to touch her, this time, she felt a finger slide inside her pussy. Though her actual pussy never parted to give way to the finger, her insides were fingerfucked regardless. She stiffened her back at the new sensation, and could just barely suppress a moan. Fingers began to twist and pinch her nipples, and at the same time, warm mouths enveloped them and began to lick and suck. The mouth that was probing her lips became bolder, and despite her keeping her mouth firmly closed, she felt a warm tongue push past her lips, and engage in some imaginative battle. As she made the final steps towards the small stair leading up, she realised that she had unconsciously begun to use her tongue to mirror the phantom one inside her mouth.

"Raise to 60%."

Karen took the first steps onto the stage, and she saw the myriad of cameras that recorded every second of her presentation. She knew of the powerful directional microphones picking up even the slightest of sounds. Unperturbed by the strange happenings so far, though she vowed to figure out what was happening, she walked towards the centre.

Out of nowhere, the rush intensified again, and this time, the effects became much more prominent. The hands became bolder, gentle touches switching out for more passionate actions. The finger brushing against her pussy was joined by a tongue, and the sudden addition had her shiver in pleasure. the single finger fucking her pussy was joined by a second, and they began to skillfully fuck her pussy, touching every sensitive spot they could find. The mouths around her nipples sucked hard on the little nubs, and a wave of pleasure rushed from them straight towards her already pulsating pussy.

The most noticeable thing though was how her nipples and clit reacted. her nipples became hard as diamonds, but not in the normal way. One second they were soft, though slowly hardening as she began to feel the effects of what was happening. The next, they were instantly rock hard, and extremely sensitive. It was as if someone had spent hours lavishing affection on the two nipples to get them as hard and sensitive as possible, and the result was forced onto her in a fraction of a second. As her heavy breasts swayed with each step, the now overstimulated nipples brushed against the soft fabric of her dress, and she gasped as more pleasure filled her body.

A gasp, that was picked up by the microphones and broadcasted to every watcher in the world.

She took another shaking step, and her clit brushed against the delicate silk of her underwear. It too had become harder and more sensitive than she had ever experienced, and she could not stop the gasp as her entire pussy throbbed around nothing while pleasure continued to overwhelm her.

"raise to 80%."

As Karen reached the centre of the stage, she felt the intensity shoot upwards again. Three fingers were now fucking her completely soaked pussy. Teeth gently nibbled on the pulsating nipples and clit, causing her to moan in pleasure. The familiar vibrations of a bullet vibrator started to resonate through her clit, and her hips jerked slightly from the sensation. The sharp bite of metal nipples clamps stung her nipples, and she felt the sway of the weights attached to them. She looked down at her huge chest, saw how her nipples visibly stood out through the red dress, and for the likes of her couldn't figure out what was happening to her.

The sharp sting of a soft leather riding crop hit one of her breasts, and she made a small jump in shock as a not entirely unpleasant burn radiated out from the spot. Another one hit her on the other breasts, and this time she gave a soft yelp.

A yelp, that once again echoed through the hall.

By now, most in the audience, present and digital had realised something was different, but it looked like no one was going to take action. They were all content to see what was going to happen next.

"Raise to full strength."

As the blonde slid the slider up, the other operator spoke up again.

"The number of people tuning in to the broadcasts is increasing at a rapid pace. More streamers have begun hosting the show as well now. Estimates are now nearing 28 Million viewers"

This was expected, it was obvious what was happening to all who watched, and the sight of such a beautiful woman behaving in such a way was bound to attract more attention.

On the stage, Karen had long since forgotten where she was. The pleasure was wearing down on her resolve at a slow but steady pace. Again the intensity shot up, and this time, she could not hide her reactions. She moaned loudly as the bullet vibrator became stronger. The three fingers inside her now thoroughly drenched pussy were joined by a tongue that began to expertly lick her. At the same time, a large strapon easily slid inside and began to fuck her. The sensation of fingers, a tongue, AND a strapon at the same time was almost too much for Karen to handle. A flogger landed firmly on her shapely behind, and as the warm sting of the leather straps spread out across her skin, her hips instinctively shot forward to get away from the pain.

The sharp pain of the weighted nipple clamps had been replaced with the tingling pulses of vibrating nipple clamps. Despite the tongue still ravaging her mouth, she felt another strapon begin to fill her mouth. She made gagging noises as her mouth filled with imaginary toys, occasionally they would intermingle with moans and wails as the intensity of the sexual assault bore down on Karen's mind and body.

She was seconds away from cumming, only her legendary resolve holding the rush of pleasure back from the final humiliation. For a minute, she writhed in the warm spotlight as the whole world watched her sexual struggle. Then, she heard a voice directly into her brain.

"Cum for me you filthy whore."

And she did.

She had no idea if it was simply too much to keep holding back if she reacted to some long-suppressed submissive fetish, or if it was the voice that promised her punishment beyond anything that she could imagine if she did not obey right now. The result though was that her resistance crumbled in an instant and all the pleasure and sensations exploded outwards in one big orgasm.

Karen screamed in pleasure as every fibre of her body ignited when the orgasm tore through her. She shook violently, and eventually her knees buckled, and she sank to the ground. Her hands had started to maul her massive breasts, causing them to escape from her tight-fitting dress. After long seconds, the orgasm seemed to end, and her heavy panting could be heard throughout the hall, amplified by the sound systems.

And though she had just orgasmed, and hard at that, the mental assault on her body had never stopped, and she already felt another orgasm begin to build inside her. She shakily tried to get up, but the relentless pounding of her pussy by the strapon drove her back to the floor. It took only a minute or two, but she came again. One hand shot towards her pussy, parting the dress and revealing the expensive silk underwear she had chosen to wear. The flimsy piece was completely soaked from her juices, and all the cameras that had a good view focused on her exposed groin. Unable to escape the assault, and no longer fully in control of her body, her hand disappeared into her slit, joining the various fingers and toys that were still fucking her senseless.

In the control room, the four women watched in silent attention as their chosen test subject was helpless to stop the sexual onslaught. The lead operative gave one final command to finish the test and the writhing and spasming Karen.

"Release prisoner 284's orgasm block."

The blonde pressed a button, and on the collar around Emma Frost's neck, a red light switched to green. In an instant, the bound woman began to trash violently inside her bonds as the orgasm that had been held back for so long rushed out in one instant. Muffled screams escaped from around the gag in her mouth. A small trickle of liquid began to flow from her pussy as the smooth metal dildo increased its perfect stimulation to its maximum. Emma's body locked up and the trickle exploded in a strong jet as she squirted her release, soiling the floor around her.

Karen was sprawled out on the stage, shamelessly fucking herself in front of countless people, but she could not stop herself. She had torn apart her underwear so she could better reach her pussy, and her breasts were hanging out of the dress as her free hand continued to maul her tits. Just when she thought she could not be humiliated further, a sudden rush of intense pleasure and orgasmic force battered her mind. Again, she screamed and her hips jerked up from the ground. With an explosive force that mirrored Emma's, she squirted as one powerful orgasm after another tore through her body. Each time her pussy convulsed, another jet of her love juiced was shot out in a small arch. It wouldn't be long before a puddle was beginning to form around her, soiling the remains of her dress.

"I think that is enough for this test. Engage prisoner 284's power blocker. Let her have a few more minutes to enjoy her reward, then have her escorted back to her cell."

The blonde tapped a button, and the collar on Emma turned completely red. On the other screen, they saw how the moment the collar was activated, Karen immediately fell silent. Her hand was still buried deep into her twitching slit, and she made the occasional spasm or twitch as powerful aftershocks continued to batter her body. A few seconds later, the screen went black as the show's tech teams finally recovered enough to cut the cameras.

"They stopped broadcasting the event, final view count was 53 million."

The lead operative turned to look at her superior and waited patiently for her reaction.

"A good showing. I agree that the test was successful, and I can see how this can be beneficial for our acquisition teams. You may continue with additional tests. Keep me up to date on the results, and inform me when the first field use is being scheduled."

Ariel got up, and after giving a final round of praise to the operatives, left the command room.