In the Devil's Hand

Author: HeroineFall84
Time to Read:3min
Added Date:6/23/2024
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Tags: n/cStargirl

He was inside her.

Stargirl looked up to the mirrored ceiling an saw herself laying limp on the white floor with a robed figure hunched over her. Her suit was shredded, covered in dirt, and blood ran down the many scrapes on her pale skin. Blue. Her suit was blue, the color of the night sky. It was her favorite color, and she felt so confident it in; so powerful. It used to cling to her body as if it were another layer of skin, but now it struggled to hold shape. Blood streaked her golden hair making it tangled and matted. Who was this woman she saw in the mirror? What had she become?

Her head rocked back as the man on top of her trusted into her. She wanted to scream, to fight back, but the gas has made her paralyzed. Her insides ached with every assault, he was too big. For all she knew he was raping her with a baseball bat. She felt tears running down her cheeks. Was she crying because of the pain, or was it from the humiliation?

The man was grunting and cursing as he tore her insides apart.

“Stupid super cunt,” he said, “worthless whore.”

She was not a whore. She had only been with one man her whole life. Jimmy. What will Jimmy think when he finds out what has happened to her? How could she tell him she was the mighty Stargirl?

“Not so tough now bitch!” he said as he continued to rape her lifeless body.

If only she could move, she would stop him. She would show him how strong she really was. She would—


Her head shot to the side and her vision went fuzzy. Had he just puncher her in the face? She was helpless and he was already hurting her, why would he hit her too? She felt his cold hand grip her jaw and suddenly she was looking the at the villain, the rapist. The several mismatched layers of bound leather were sloppily stitched into a mask that covered most of his face; all but the one eye, it was solid white.

“I want you to watch me Stargirl. I want you to see everything I do to you.” he said.

She wanted to defy him, to shut her eyes, but all she could do is look into that one horrifying eye with her mouth propped open.

Her insides burned now and she hopped they would lose feeling soon. He took his time, slow pull out, hard fast thrust in. Maybe the pain would make her pass out? He released her jaw and her head fell back and banged into the floor. He didn’t miss a beat.

“Oh the things I am going to do to you,” he said, “oh the fun times we will share.”

How could she have been so cocky? They tried to warn her. They told her he was insane and too dangerous to face alone, but she didn’t listen. Maybe they would come for her?

Her head jostled as pain surrounded her neck. The villain was choking her and she felt the breath fighting to escape. This was it. He was going to kill her now. No one would rescue her, she would die all alone. This was not how she saw herself going. She always thought she would die a hero, saving people, not at the hands of a mad man. Not for nothing.

The villain growled as his grip grew tighter. She felt her hands and feet starting to tingle. Her vision was going dimmer. At least she would not be in pain any more. Her body wanted to fight, but it could not move. Her lungs began to burn and she felt as if her eyes were going to pop out of her head.

“You are at my mercy you bitch. You live when I say you life, and you die when I say you die,” he said.

The pressure released. Air. Precious air filled her lungs.

“And you don’t get to die yet,” he said, “we have more games to play.”

She felt him slide out of her and her insides throbbed, but felt relief. She looked up into the mirror as the robed villain walked away from her. She wanted to close her legs, to get up and run, but she was still unable to move. He walked towards the far side of the room and pressed on a panel. A door opened and he walked out of the room. If he was gone long enough, maybe the effects of the gas would wear off. She would be strong enough to fight him.

A loud snap echoed in the room and the lights went out. It was completely dark now and Stargirl was left alone with her thoughts. She could not move, she could not see, all she could do is lay there and think about what the madman had in store for her.

The seconds became minutes, the minutes become hours. Was the gas’s effects permanent, or had she died? Was this what death was like, darkness with only your mind left to exist in solitude? No death would be more peaceful. Death would be a release.

The End