Part Two: Monkey Business

Author: JR
Time to Read:30min
Added Date:12/28/2023
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Tags: Wonder GirlTeen Titans

Based upon the comic book story by Marv Wolfman and George Perez published in The New Teen Titans Vol.1 issues #13 thru #15. Told now without any damn censoring.

DISCLAIMER: The following story is an adult-themed parody of the DC Comics's Teen Titans comic book. The Teen Titans and all related characters are property of DC Comics, a Time Warner Company. No copyright infringement is intended. The author received no payment for this story and no money is to be earned by its distribution. I have no dough to get sued off anyway.

WARNING: The following story contains adult themes, explicit descriptions of extreme sexual events, and some really lousy attempts at humor. NO MINOR SHOULD READ THIS. Hell, most so-called adults shouldn't either. If you are below your country's age of legal majority, kindly bugger off. Go find some Pokemon instead. No animals or household objects were hurt or damaged during the writing of this story, except for a monkey that may have been spanked.

"Fine. I can do that," said Starfire, brushing aside from her lovely face a thick strand of soft curly hair. She paused a second, and then added: "The big, hairy one. I will have him."

"Uh? Pardon?" asked the one whose body was a metal canister and a glass dome.

"Your big, hairy companion. You want me to have sex, no? So, I will do it with him," Starfire explained.

The large fur-covered humanoid creature standing next to the bodiless one, stared speechless for a couple of seconds at the nude, voluptuous heroine facing him, before turning to address his companion in a language that Starfire could not understand.

They seemed surprised, noticed Starfire. She wondered why. They had asked her to have sex with one of them, and she had agreed. Wasn't that what they had expected? If they had not thought she would agree, then why ask her at all?

Earthlings are truly strange, the young Princess of Tamaran thought. Even ones as peculiar-looking as these.

She had been furious at first, as she had regained consciousness to find herself chained. Chains were old foes of her and not to be tolerated, and she had bloodied her wrists attempting to slip off her shackles, even as the voice of the bodiless one had tried to dissuade her. The hairy one had then stopped her with his surprising strength, and they had offered an alliance against the scum who had defeated and imprisoned the Titans.

Starfire immediately accepted. Using the enemies of your enemy to ensure your own victory was a principle of strategy old when Okaara had been young. When they had asked for either sex or information in order to seal the agreement, she had of course chosen sex. Such things were not unusual in Tamaran. These beings surely had ulterior motives and were not to be trusted, so the temporary use of her body was the safest option. After all, sex was over after a while, but information had power beyond the here and now.

She did not like much the idea of having again to couple with someone for necessity instead of true desire, but it was a small price to pay for rescuing Richard and the other Titans.

She had not had any good sex with a male in over a week, anyway.

Perhaps she could even get some pleasure from performing the obligation, Starfire thought. At least the big, hairy one looked promising. She had seen Garfield use a similar shape at times, and was curious about it. She had not known that planet Earth held more than one humanoid sentient species, and this one certainly looked quite impressive. His massive, powerful physique made him resemble the Citadel's Branx warriors, with whom she had always enjoyed coupling, even when in unpleasant circumstances. Hopefully he was equally well built elsewhere, she thought.

"Is there any problem?" she asked, crossing her arms over her large bare breasts, and cocking her head to a side in slight puzzlement.

"Excusez-moi... Did you say you would want to -um, have sex with me?" the intelligent gorilla called Mallah asked, approaching her timidly.

"Yes, I did," she replied, placing her hands on her hips, worried. Had she broken some social ritual by asking herself? Was she supposed to have waited for him to make the offer? The idiotic male-centered sexism in Earth's customs really exasperated her. If she had to couple with someone, why shouldn't she choose her partner herself?

Mallah looked at the young heroine with disbelief. Was she mocking him? She stood casually in the middle of the room, bare feet set apart firmly, hands in hips, apparently unconcerned by her nudity. Her glorious golden-skinned shape, with the long muscular legs, the slim, toned waist, and the quite impressive large bust, seemed purposely framed by the amazing mane of luxurious hair falling well below her shapely buttocks. Despite the lush voluptuousness of her tall figure, she was easily dwarfed by Mallah's massive body, yet he was the one appearing hesitant to approach her.

"Do you really...?" he started.

"For X'Hal's sake, I want you to fuck me. Do you have any objection to doing it?" she asked, frowning.

"Hell, no," answered Mallah, gazing into her bright green eyes. "It is a dirty job but someone has to do it," he muttered to himself in French with a smile.

The door closed noiselessly behind the Brain, as the mechanical set of wheels of his small artificial body carried him down the corridor.

It was of course, best to leave them alone. Mallah preferred a certain degree of privacy for these matters, even if he knew they were being videotaped. He was always bashful that way. The Brain could watch it directly through the live video feed anyway, as his mobile module had direct access to the complete computer network, and his interfaces decoded all visual input equally.

The match was indeed quite interesting. The young alien girl was certainly one spectacular creature, almost like some character come alive from an old Metal Hurlant magazine. Her nonchalance in accepting the terms of the deal as well as her initiative in asking for Mallah as partner, were quite surprising. He had intended all along to have Mallah do the two Titan girls, both having turned out to be quite beautiful, as the perfect scenario of embarrassing depravation he sought, and as a way to cheer up Mallah from his latest depression. He had expected to convince the young heroines to accept the unassailable logic of the situation, but never with so little effort.

He had needed to do practically no convincing at all, he realized. Amazing. In the old days it took a lot of discussion and cajoling to get a superheroine to fuck any animal or mutated monster.

The Brain accessed the video system and chose a camera angle. Mallah was leaning forward, his wide simian mouth meeting that of the girl, while her hands were on his broad shoulders. The girl's delicate mouth was quite open, apparently accepting Mallah's tongue deep inside. They both moved their heads slowly, seeming to savor the kiss. The girl seemed to lean more and more into it as the caress progressed, the Brain noticed, zooming in on them, as her arms embraced Mallah's powerful shoulders and neck with much less reluctance.

She seemed truly shamelessly enthusiastic, the Brain mused with some astonishment. The heroines nowadays have really come a long way.

Balancing himself on one arm, knuckles on the floor, Mallah reached with one free hand for the girl's legs, sliding his thick, leathery fingers over shapely calf, thigh, and curved hip, moving up towards the torso. With a finesse that would have surprised any who may judge as clumsy his big, rough hands, Mallah ran his fingertips delicately over the full curve of a breast, beginning to trace a spiraling path that ended on the hardening nipple. The massive index finger began to draw more concentric circles on the stiffening bud, and began to retreat, reversing the spiraling caresses, until the extended fingers closed again, this time grabbing the complete fullness of the trembling teat, a feat well beyond the grasp of a human-sized hand. Slowly squeezing the globe of firm flesh, Mallah began to press, pull and knead, massaging the teat with increasing strength while the shared kiss became more and more frantic.

The breast appears natural in consistency, the Brain observed, despite the unusual firmness for such size. No silicone.

With a clanging noise, the Brain bumped into a wall.

The module's internal gyroscopic system fought for a couple of seconds to maintain balance while the Brain cursed loudly his own idiocy. He knew he should never concentrate on remote input too much while being mobile. A simple fall would not damage the highly reinforced dome of his braincase, but he would have looked ridiculous as hell if he had fallen down. When you happened to be a disembodied brain, maintaining some measure of dignity was a high priority.

The scene was really quite distracting, the Brain told himself, as he regained his composure. Standing motionless to avoid further mishaps, he now saw the girl fully embracing Mallah, pressing herself against him rather aggressively, their kiss still uninterrupted, while Mallah cupped her round, muscular buttocks. Lifting her up with ease with one handhold on her behind, while she held on to his head, Mallah placed her on her back over the mattress. Mallah's huge hulking form loomed massively over her as his mouth went from mouth, to neck, to breasts, and finally settled between her spread legs.

It would be better to review it all later at his leisure, the Brain decided, when he could concentrate on it. And perhaps fast-forward through certain parts, too. The Brain found depictions of oral sex somewhat boring. Although the way this heroine moved about, while Mallah serviced her, was quite energetic and erotic. She seemed to enjoy it a lot more than what he could have expected.

The Brain enabled the audio for a moment and could clearly hear the loud slurping sounds of Mallah's tongue at work, combined with the girl's soft moans and cries.

Ooooh... Oh, yes! Yes!! It is so good... YES!!!<< the heroine's voice cried out in pleasure.>>

Regretfully, the Brain cut off the link. He had other urgent matters to attend.

Quite a soundtrack. Great sound quality, too, he thought.

As he thrust powerfully into the tight sex of the luscious beauty moaning and squirming beneath his quite considerable weight, Mallah smiled in truly blissful satisfaction. Moments like this were what it was all about, he thought, as he shifted his position, to take again in his wide mouth the tempting flesh of the large teats dancing before him to the rhythm of their combined motions.

The voluptuous member of the Teen Titan called Starfire whimpered erotically as Mallah's teeth bit on her golden-skinned flesh, his powerful tongue attacking her erect nipples with gusto. Her strong shapely legs wrapped themselves tightly around his thick waist, pulling him in with renewed fervor.

"Harder! X'Hal! Fuck me harder! -Oh, yes! YES!" the young girl pleaded, her voice going from moans to cries, back and forth.

Mallah complied happily, grunting as he pumped with savage glee into the girl's drenched depths. Although an ape's gluteus muscles were proportionally less developed than a human's, Mallah's overall superior strength ensured that he gave the lovely heroine the mighty fucking she both wanted and deserved.

Ironically, the beautiful young Titan, with her astounding mass of wildly curling hair, her exotic feline green eyes and spectacularly voluptuous figure, seemed much more human-like, despite her alien origin, that what an Earth-born gorilla like Mallah did. Still, Mallah cherished the difference in species as he thrust deep into her with all his might. No human woman could have matched his enormous strength with such wanton passion.

Damn, I needed this! Mallah thought. A tasty morsel like this was enough to banish any feelings of depression in man or beast, he mused.

It had been quite a while since Mallah had been able to really let loose during sex, unleashing the full frenzy of his heritage without fear of injuring or even crushing to death his partner. The curvaceous alien girl, however, had proved strong enough to match his strength and even demand more. Such astounding resilience and stamina in so delicate-looking a creature were quite welcome after the last long months of abstinence and the many mediocre and unsatisfying couplings that had come before, which had driven Mallah into another of his morose, dark moods, and to doubt the meaning of his existence.

The Brain's mutagenic experiments, which had given Mallah superior intelligence, had made him a freak, out of place among both humanity and his original kind. It had also made him very sexually frustrated. Though he had learned to appreciate the delicate aesthetics of human females over the crude call of those of his species, Mallah had been unable to find any satisfying sexual relationships among the humans.

Despite his appearance, Mallah had coupled with many attractive women, including even some highly desired celebrities. The Brain's considerable wealth and the perverse desire for the different among the rich and famous had brought well-known actresses and supermodels to his bed, all for sadly disappointing results. Even the most hardy bodybuilders had proved too fragile for truly uninhibited sex. The most he could expect to actually enjoy was fellatio, and even then his strong instinctive lusts urged him to fuck savagely those lovely and frail bodies. And for someone with a genius IQ of 178 and the benefits of extensive education, the idea of sex with the dumb, brutish females of his own kind was intellectually repugnant. The fashion models had been brainless enough.

Thus, between the options of what seemed almost like atavistic bestiality, or the frustration of holding himself back into unsatisfying passivity, Mallah had been almost ready to give up sex.

Until now.

Mallah had never enjoyed as delectable a lover as the young so-called superheroine whose cries of delight and feverish motions now led him towards his third climax. Besides the girl's lovely features and spectacular body, and her physical strength and resilience, Mallah was amazed by her unrestrained sexual enthusiasm and skill. As he drove his penis again and again with all his might into the soft, warm depths of her amazing sex, the girl pushed back against him with equal power and fervor, hungry for the joining of flesh. No woman or female ape had ever fucked him back with such wild abandon and honest lust.

Even in the bored rich socialites who had sought Mallah's touch with the thrill-seeker's lust for the forbidden, Mallah had sensed reluctance, fear, or even disgust during the matings. Such disgust actually seemed what fueled their pleasures. But Mallah's acute perception sensed none of that in the heroine called Starfire. She seemed to be completely immersed in their coitus, oblivious to anything besides their shared pleasure.

Such commitment could actually be frightening, Mallah realized for an instant, before forgetting such thoughts in the joys of the girl's magnificent body.

She was actually wearing him down, he realized in astonishment, feeling his hairy body plastered with sweat. His mouth then abandoned the glistening, saliva-coated round teats and the coral-red nipples, and silenced her complaining whimper with a hard, deep kiss. Her sweet delicate tongue met his with unfeigned passion, just as her hips rocked in rhythm to his thrusts.

Mallah felt his climax growing too close already, so leaning back, he relinquished her embrace, and pulling out from her momentarily, he grabbed her slender waist in his powerful arms, lifting her with ease, and turned her around, facing down and away from him.

The girl began to voice a protest, only to stop and smile as she realized Mallah's intention. Placing her hands and knees on the bed, she opened her legs and lifted her rear towards him, inviting him in with a playful wiggle of her shapely bottom, her sensual voice whispering unknown words in her alien language.

Needing no encouragement, Mallah's enormous hands caressed her firm, muscular buttocks, and coming to rest on her shapely hips, they pulled the girl backwards to meet his expertly aimed thrust. His thick member sank with ease into her wet sex, her muscles clenching him instantly, as if welcoming a long-awaited visitor.

Damn! This cannot get any better, Mallah thought as he pumped savagely into the girl's tight sex, his sharp teeth bared to the air as he groaned his delight, while the girl's torso tossed and turned amidst cries and moans, her long, wild mane of dancing hair covering her face, while her big, round breasts shook to the pace of his thrusting.

"Ra'r xa k'hul!" she then cried out in a husky voice, between high-pitched gasps.


"In the ass, -oh, yes!- f-fuck me in the ass", she added. "Fuck my ass, now!"

Mallah opened his eyes wide in amazement.

It had been a good choice, Koriand'r told herself with a smile as she felt Mallah's big, strong hands spread her sweat-covered, muscular cheeks to expose her anus. If Mallah was representative, his hairy species could certainly fuck a lot better than the humans, even if he was a bit lacking in other areas. Having been misled by his very impressive body size, Kory had been disappointed by his endowment. Still, the strong hands with its big, thick fingers, and the powerful tongue had been more than adequate, as her strong orgasms had proved. Also, while Mallah's cock was not as big as she would have liked, it would be just perfect for her ass.

Had she again surprised him by asking for anal penetration? she wondered. He had already teased her there several times with his nice, thick fingers during the previous mating, and she was growing impatient. As Tamaranians had developed photosynthetic abilities, enabling them to absorb sunlight directly, their digestive systems had become less important, and the anus had grown more into another pleasure zone.

Koriand'r squealed with pleasure as Mallah used first one thick finger to spread some of her own fluids over her anus, and then followed it with his own cock, well coated with their combined juices. She closed her eyes tight as the shaft slid slowly into her anus, enjoying the delicious mixture of pain and pleasure.

From what she had gathered from Donna's reactions during their two recent instances of lovemaking, Kory had begun to suspect that the anal sensitivity of Earthlings was very limited. That made her feel truly sorry for her friend. As if having the clitoris so strangely displaced from the edge of the vaginal entrance was not enough of a liability.

"Oh, yes!"

Feeling Mallah began to pump with increased power, his member forcing itself deeper into her, Kory lowered her torso down, bracing against one forearm. With her full breasts pressed against the bed, hard nipples rubbing against the soft silk, she reached back with her free hand between her legs, to slid her own fingers into her tender sex, caressing the pleasure nub just inside the rim.

"OH, YES!!!"

She was so glad of not being an Earthling.

"Well, you were the ones who blew it", said Wonder Girl, annoyed, her still heavy breathing the only sign of her recent orgasm.

It had been barely a couple of minutes since Wonder Girl had climaxed from the stimulation of Houngan's techno- voodoo and the surprise of seeing Kory in the arms of the Brotherhood's gorilla. She was again on her feet, her arms crossed over her breasts, without any other consideration for her nudity, while she looked sideways at the screen.

Kory is still fucking that, that -thing.

"Oui, oui. I know. But the footage is still too tame. Like cable, non? Not explicit enough. Perhaps if you had cried out, used expletives, or touched yourself..." said the Brain. "But we need something more compromising. Dépravé, even. Not just slightly indiscreet. Otherwise a vibrator, or some vegetable would have been enough."

Though she had at first tried not keep from staring too obviously, Donna's sight was now riveted to the sight of Kory and the ape engaged in frantic sex. It was now entering her from behind, she saw. The wrong way, too. Donna did not know how to feel towards the act she was witnessing.

How can Kory do it? she thought. It is so obscene! So dirty!

"Perhaps masturbation, yes, but with some unusual objects?"

She really seems to enjoy it, too, Wonder Girl thought, biting her lower lip while Koriand'r began to flail about onscreen. The sound was muted, yet it was clear that Kory was being very vocal. Her lovely eyes were closed, her beautiful face full of lust, her big breasts shaking wildly while she rocked back and forth, being possessed by that horribly repulsive hairy beast.

With a soundless roar the ape collapsed on top of Koriand'r, even as the girl's legs stiffened and her hands reached out to tear the mattress's material in her clenching grip. Rhea, she is coming, Donna realized, her lip now bleeding slightly as she bit herself harder. She came with that thing in her. How could she?

"Well, you seem to enjoy the show, I see," the Brain interjected.

Wonder Girl immediately looked away, embarrassed, becoming even more flustered as she realized that she had been touching herself. She jerked her hand away from her pubis, now fully aware of the warm wetness that once again had grown there. It could not be, she told herself. Surely that couldn't have excited her.

"Stop doing this to me! Tell Houngan to stop!" she said, red-faced.

"Houngan has done nothing, ma chérie," said the Brain, his casing spinning, as he exchanged looks with the smiling man. "It seems like Mallah is quite a success among you filles, eh?"

"No! I would never do something like that!", she said, feeling a turbulent mixture of anger and desire. It was unthinkable. Seeing Kory mating with that beast had been disgusting. She had hated seen it. She hated to think that her friend had done it, that she had enjoyed such a thing, without her...

Gaea help me... she thought, acknowledging with sudden realization her strong conflicting emotions. I am actually feeling jealous! she recognized, blushing.

Was she jealous of her friend's pleasure, even under those repulsive circumstances? Or was she angry that Kory was making love to someone besides her? She had yet to really acknowledge her feelings towards her friend. They had made love, yes. Twice. And it had been wonderful. But she had never considered herself a lesbian. Was she really falling in love with Kory?

I do envy Kory. Her abandon, her ability to give in so freely to her feelings. I could never...

Could she really let that animal possess her?

"Perhaps I-I could, uh-I," Donna stammered, looking at the floor, her face feeling red hot with embarrassment. "Maybe... I could join them," she completed, in almost a whisper.

"Comment? Join them? You tell me that now? Now?" the Brain said, his small metal body almost visibly trembling.

"I would prefer to have my friend with me, if I am to -do this sort of thing."

"Mallah looks like he just wrestled the Superhomme himself, and now you want a ménage a trois? Ah! I would tear my hair off if I still had any!" the Brain shouted, turning around to address Houngan in furious French.

Donna looked up at the screen with a mixture of shame and disappointment. The ape had indeed collapsed after his apparent climax, and Kory was playfully trying to rouse him again, with little results. His simian face was apparently smiling, but he seemed to be out cold.

If Kory cannot get him up, nothing could, Donna thought with a little private smile.

"Couldn't Houngan, well, help?" Donna asked, feeling more daring by the minute.

"Allez? You want Mallah dead?" the Brain replied. "That alien girl alone was already too much! I knew we should have kept the shackles on."

"You wanted so badly to get me laid, and now you cannot get it done?" Donna asked, becoming irritated. "Can't you arrange something? You are the evil genius scientist, are you not?"

"Stupéfiant. Fantastique," Mallah muttered. "I can die a content gorille, now."

Koriand'r fondled Mallah's testicles playfully, her abundant curly hair and her own curvy shape spread over the prone ape's hairy body. "Once more? Please?" she asked, stretching sensuously, literally purring.

"I wish I could, Princess," sighed Mallah, his eyes closed, his limbs stretched out. "I am afraid I am too out of shape. You do not meet the right people for this kind of thing everyday."

"Perhaps you need more regular exercise, then?", she asked with a smile.

"Uh, excuse me...?" interrupted a voice behind them.

Turning and sitting up, Starfire saw a small man by the door. He wore a yellow costume and a neatly trimmed beard, and was the kind of person who proved without doubt that skinny legs and skintight spandex should never go together. He seemed to be deeply embarrassed to be there, Kory noticed.

"Warp, I am busy. Or was, actually. But it is not the best moment, you see?" said Mallah, sitting up with a tired groan.

"I apologize for the intrusion, Mallah. But Monsieur Cerveau needs to see the demoiselle -Starfire, is it?" the man called Warp said, trying to direct his eyes anywhere but at the battered bed.

"Ah! Perhaps we can go rescue Richard now!" Starfire exclaimed, rising up in one graceful bound, her long hair swinging at her back. She picked up daintily the small pieces of her bikini-like metal armor, sat back on the bed and put on her knee-high metallic boots. Standing up again, she slid on the metal-mesh thong-like bottom, and covered with some difficulty her ample bosom with the metal-cupped top. Leaning down then over Mallah, she kissed briefly his wide simian mouth.

"Thanks, I really enjoyed it," she added. "Was a pleasure to do business with you."

"Uh -likewise, Princess," Mallah replied.

"Call me Kory", she said with a charming smile, before walking out the door.

Mallah fell back limply on the bed. "Diable, que énergie...!" he muttered.

The door opened again and Koriand'r walked in, as if nothing had happened. Her hair was still partially damp from her past exertions, Wonder Girl noticed, feeling her stomach churn with nervousness. How could she propose -explain it all to Kory?

"Donna!" Kory called out, her face brightening as she saw Wonder Girl. The beautiful alien princess rushed to her with a smile, embracing her warmly. "When I saw you fall, I was so scared! I wanted to kill every single one of those butchers! You are not hurt, right? They said you were alright."

"Wonder Girl, remember," Donna whispered, feeling stupid and trivial, with the secret identity nonsense, while hugging Kory back, as if the concern for worldly matters somehow tarnished Kory's sincere emotions. "I am not hurt, thanks. I was glad to see you -to see that you were fine, too. What happened to your wrists?"

"Oh, they had manacles on me. I just had to take them off. It is nothing."

Donna nodded. She knew how Kory's past as a slave in Vega made her feel about chains. How could she breach the subject? Donna wondered, feeling tongue-tied and ridiculous.

Kory stepped back and looked at Donna with a smile. "So, you had sex already? How was it? Why are still bound? You preferred it that way?"

"No! Yes... Well, not really." Donna stammered, looking down at her bare feet. "I - I am supposed to do that, if we want these people's aid, but..." She sighed. "It is not that easy for me. We need to save the team, yes, but.. These are villains!"

"Oh, yes, I thought so," Kory said. "They are nice, though. You should see what scumbags I have had to deal with in the past. Gordanians are the worst. So! Who do you want to do it with? The guy with the glasses looks cute."

"We haven't agreed on that...," Donna continued. "Kory, I really don't like having to do this..."

"Yeah, of course. But is only sex, you know."

"Uh, yes, but..." Donna looked up at Kory's bright green eyes. "I don't think I can do it without you."

"Oh, Donna..." Kory whispered. After a silent instant of uncharacteristic shyness, Kory's hand slowly raised and gently touched Donna's cheek. Then she closed in and their lips met in a slow, tender kiss.

Houngan raised his eyebrows and adjusted his glasses, leaning back in his chair with a smile. Things were really getting better.

As the two beautiful heroines kissed, their lips dancing slowly on each other, hands lost among lengths of hair, or gliding over expanses of smooth-skinned backs, the door to the room opened again.

"If you want something done right, you must do it yourself. That is a truism." said the Brain's voice, his domed receptacle now part of a complex arrangement of cybernetic parts and hydraulic pistons over a sturdy framework of silvery steel rods. Sectioned robotic limbs allowed it movement, the somewhat jerky and clumsy motions, and the cluttered look of the many cylindrically-shaped extendable implements attached to a lower central core, evidenced clearly its hasty assemblage.

The improvised mechanical construction halted as the two embracing young women came within its visual array.

"Aha! Just in time, I see."

Phobia wrinkled her nose in disgust as Plasmus walked into the lounge, his presence as usual accompanied by a foul chemical stench. A small robotic drone followed him closely, cleaning the bubbling residue left on the floor with each od his footsteps.

"Is that them?" asked Plasmus in his guttural voice, pointing at the array of video screens filling up one wall of the lounge. The many screens showed various angles of the same scene, featuring two young nude girls and a large spider-like mechanical contraption.

Phobia ignored him, as always. While still human, Plasmus had been a mineworker, and Phobia apparently deemed it below her station to address him. Fuck you, stuck-up bitch, Plasmus thought in his native German. His body of boiling protoplasm was almost invulnerable to most physical harm, but Phobia's fear-inducing powers could still affect his mind, otherwise he would have already taught her a lesson or two.

"You mean the so-called superheroines, Otto?" asked Warp from behind the bar on the far side of the room. "Yes, they are our Titan allies, indeed. Our leader is busy negotiating, as you can see."

Plasmus squinted at the screen now inches away from the amorphous mass of his head. "Ja. Tasty little cunts, they are. Ach, he is going to fuck them himself?"

Warp sighed, returning to examine the meager wine inventory. No Moet-Chandon. Chardonnay? From California? Ape or not, Mallah was a disgrace to French culture. Of course, the Brain actually had to drink none of this piss, otherwise he would have Mallah get something decent.

"Why can't I have one?* Plasmus complained out loud, his anger making his speech almost gibberish. *Herr Brain cannot feel shit anyway! He gets cunts for Mallah, nein? Why not for me?"

"Maybe even superheroines would burn to death if you touch them, Otto. Like all others do," said Warp, with a look of resignation as he opened a can of Coke. "We need allies that do hang around a bit, no?"

"Ha! A hot fuck! That I would give them, Emil!" grunted Plasmus. "What else are cunts for?". He turned around and shambled out of the room, muttering what Warp supposed were obscenities in German. The clean-up drone attempted to keep up.

It was hard for Otto, Warp knew. Since anything organic perished in contact with the unstable protoplasm of his body, he was denied almost all physical pleasures, even those of simple food and drink. And he had none of the intellectual interests that the Brain could turn to. Quite tragic, really, he thought.

"Are you jealous, too, Warp?" asked Phobia from her place in the couch, not bothering to look at her teammate. Her gaze was fixed on the images of the two nude heroines in the screen. "Would you have preferred to save another Titan instead of those two sweet nubile girls? That delicious boy with the shorts, perhaps?"

Warp decided against replying. There was nothing to win in arguing with Phobia, and much to lose. No need to get personal here, as his private life was best kept private. With a shrug of indifference he started for the door, sipping his Coke. As he walked by the couch where Phobia languidly sat, Warp could see her left hand moving between her spread legs. She was touching herself through the thin layer of spandex of her costume, while watching the Brain and the two Titan girls, he noticed.

Warp quickly looked away. The aura of unease Phobia radiated could make even Plasmus blanch. Who knows what she is thinking about, he thought, exiting the room. Surely something involving chains, whips, and lots of pain. Those girls should be thankful for only having to deal with apes and robotic constructs.

He sighed as he walked down the corridor. Working for the Brain was financially very rewarding, but the workplace environment really left a lot to be desired.

"Um, now?" asked the Brain, with some hesitation.

"Yes, now," answered Starfire breathlessly , her mouth leaving Wonder Girl's damp sex, fragrant love juices still dripping from her lips and tongue, while her fingers continued to skillfully caress the soft folds of her friend's sensitive flesh. She then gently helped to guide the metal rod into position.

Wonder Girl was on her back on the room's large mattress, with Koriand'r above her, on knees and elbows, in what Roy had usually called a "sixty-nine", as each one had kissed, licked and fingered the other's most private parts, their bodies pressed tightly together as they had exchanged pleasure.

Looming over their entwined bodies was the Brain's spider-like contraption, sectioned extendable robotic legs surrounding them like a cage, as it proceeded to insert an hydraulically driven dildo-like implement into Wonder Girl's sex.

Donna gasped in sudden shock, her mouth losing contact with Starfire's own succulent sex, as she felt the contact of cold metal. Touching her. Entering her.

It hurt like hell.

"OOOWWW!" Wonder Girl cried out in pain as she felt her sensitive vagina being penetrated by the cold, hard, massive piece of lifeless metal.

"It hurts! DAMN! IT HURTS!!!" she complained, as the thick intruder slid deeper inside her, stretching her tender flesh painfully. How big was that thing? she asked herself in an instant of brief panic, as she fought to catch her breath. It felt huge! Kory had almost licked and fingered her to orgasm already, and she had thought she was wet enough to take whatever the machine mounting her could use, but she had been wrong. Very wrong. Just what the hell was the Brain trying to ram inside her?

"OUCH! DAMN! Can't you use anything smaller?" the young heroine groaned with a grimace, her hands grabbing onto Starfire's muscular legs, with barely restrained strength, as she felt the oversized intrusion attempt again to force itself deeper inside her.

"Uh- Ah, it is actually the smallest of the ahem, tools I adapted for this, pardon," replied the Brain's synthesized voice. "It is really too big?"

"YES! Take it out, DAMN IT!"

"But I thought size was a desirable factor. That bigger always meant better," said the Brain with apparent embarrassment, slowly withdrawing the invading rod. "Isn't that how-?"

"What kind of stupid cliché is that?"

"Perhaps with eh, some stimulation at the -um, you know..." said uncomfortably the Brain, who had never in his life managed to locate a clitoris.

"Oh, come on. It isn't that big," Starfire interrupted, eyeing with expert appreciation the thick length of metal cylinder still partially inserted in her friend's vagina, mere inches below her face. "You are just too tense," she added, caressing with her fingers the moist rosy labia. "Relax a bit."

"Relax a bit?", asked Wonder Girl in disbelief, "It feels like a baseball bat is being shoved inside me down there!" She had no idea of just what that metal rod was, and was sure she did not really want to know.

"I will help you," said Starfire, lowering her mouth again, her tongue extending to lick the swollen flesh around the sunken shaft, expert fingers caressing, awakening desire in the fear-tensed tissue. She found the erect clitoris and began to tease it, making Donna gasp at the sudden influx of pleasure.

"Withdraw a bit more," Starfire instructed the Brain, letting her tongue taste for an instant the female secretion coating the retreating metal rod.

Wonder Girl winced as the makeshift dildo began to slide out, the pain fading slowly, replaced by the soft pleasure from Kory's loving touch. She sighed in relief. But she knew that even with Kory's caresses there was no way that she could take that monster all the way inside. Yet she had to.

"Just shove it back in, and let's end this fast. I can take the pain, if I am ready for it," said Wonder Girl.

"Eh, Perhaps Houngan can again-," started the Brain, making Houngan fumble with his opened pants as he sought his other tools after an instant of startled nonreaction.

"You just need more lubrication," Starfire said, fluidly rising and repositioning herself face to face over Wonder Girl, kneeling in a wide spread position within her friend's open legs. She pushed forward, her mouth seeking Wonder Girl's, kissing her while reaching down to continue caressing her sex.

"I may find some oils around..." began the Brain.

"Enter me instead," Starfire said, glancing back once before returning to kiss her surprised friend.

Not one to debate unnecessarily, the Brain withdrew fully from Wonder Girl's sex, and aiming the improvised dildo higher, he positioned it to enter the beautiful alien heroine as she offered her rear temptingly. With a precise motion the powerful hydraulics drove it in.

Starfire gave out a short cry as the shaft slid forcefully into her. She was still wet from Donna's caresses, but the rod was indeed quite large. The pain of intrusion had almost equaled her pleasure.

"Ow! Stop there!" she gasped. "Now retreat slightly and move back in... Oooh! Yes, like that. Don't try to drive it all at once. Mmm... Just the tip at first, yes. Again. Aaah..." Starfire continued. "And again... Yes.. Go deeper each time... Yes... Like that..."

Starfire's mouth returned again hungrily to kiss Wonder Girl, her tongue a living flame inside Donna's mouth, while her fingers probed daringly in her friend's wet slit. Meanwhile the metal dildo slid in and out of her rhythmically, gradually entering deeper with each stroke.

Donna soon overcame her uneasy concern for Kory's well-being, as she realized that the alien beauty above her was clearly enjoying being impaled by that monstrous thing. She surrendered then to her kisses and caresses, eagerly seeking to return them equally. Her hands slid over the shapely Tamarian hips, grabbing tightly the round, hard, buttocks, joining thus in the rhythm of the thrusting.

Starfire wildly kissed and licked Wonder Girl's face, neck and breasts, as she buckled in time with the pistoning device entering her with increased speed and power. Wonder Girl tried to keep up, feeling her passion grow almost in equal pace. Then, with a sharp whimper, Starfire's buttocks clenched powerfully, and she breathed furiously in fast, hard gasps for over a minute, before finally collapsing limply over her fellow Titan's body.

"You came?" Donna asked, caressing Kory's face, feeling incredibly stupid for the question.

"Yes," smiled Starfire. "Now it's your turn."

Taking the cue, the Brain withdrew his device from Starfire's vagina, its length dripping copiously with the abundant love juices of the alien heroine, positioning it then to enter Wonder Girl's own damp sex, parting the swollen labia.

"Wait-" Wonder Girl began before Starfire placed a finger over her lips.

"Just relax," Koriand'r said, smiling as she kissed Donna's erect nipples. She moved forward and whispered in her ear. "It will fine. Trigon was a lot bigger, you know."

Wonder Girl barely began to blush in embarrassed surprise before she gasped, her eyes opening widely, as she felt her core being invaded anew, her vaginal opening stretched by the now well lubricated metal rod entering her, its length still warm from the heat of Starfire's depths. The pain of penetration lasted an instant before the thick shaft slid back, to then thrust back in again. The Brain had clearly learned well Kory's lesson, as the pistoning implement began to gain inch after inch with slow, relentless thrusts.

Wonder Girl began to moan softly, as pain began to turn to pleasure. It felt a lot better than what she had ever expected. Kory nibbled on her ear playfully while inch after inch of hard metal sank into her depths.

The Brain regulated carefully the power of his tool, increasing the tempo slowly in an exponential curve. The dark-haired, classier beauty seemed to be enjoying it now, he noticed with smug satisfaction. Of course, he felt no physically sensation himself while his cybernetic tools penetrated the young women, nor was his consciousness affected by body-released hormones. Yet, he felt truly excited as he implemented directly the possession of the two delectable heroines. He supposed that those who exchanged pornographic images and stories through the growing networks of connected computers at universities, laboratories, and workplaces felt the same thrill while reviewing such material in places where actual body stimulation was not viable.

Lust, he concluded. Is more than just a physical drive. It is a state of mind.

The girl called Wonder Girl, he noticed, despite her initial protests, was now taking in well over half of the thick implement he had deployed for her, to rather obvious delight. Typical, he thought. He wondered if he would be able to use some of the other options he had prepared. It would be a pitiful waste of both time and inspired improvisation to let them remain idle.

If the Brain had possessed a mouth, he would have smiled, as he then realized that he needed not worry that his efforts could be wasted. Another mechanical appendage extended from his vessel's midsection, bearing a large cylinder covered irregularly with stud-like protrusions. It easily dwarfed the one servicing Wonder Girl.

Starfire turned her head abruptly, her teeth leaving Donna's nipples, dark eyebrows arching in surprise over her bright green eyes, as she felt something big and cold slide between her legs, and graze her still inflamed folds. As she realized the nature of the object, she smiled and nodded towards the machine's core, arching her back so as to present her rear more easily.

The new dildo-like tool slid decisively into the alien heroine's sex, a large stud rubbing by chance against the swollen clitoris located in the vaginal rim. Starfire moaned loudly as she felt the pleasure flood her core.

The Brain coordinated his robotic appendages to thrust in equal but alternating rhythm. Each shaft drove forward when the other drew back, pistoning in and out, out of phase by an exact half-cycle. He increased the speed and power gradually, as the girl's responses grew, until the two rods were pumping into the young heroines with a quite inhuman pace, making them cry out in an overlapping cacophony of moans, groans, and exclamations.

Concentrating in achieving perfect coordination, the Brain then deployed, with barely a missed beat, an additional appendage, wielding a massive, ridged shaft, ending in a huge bulbous head, akin to an oversized screw bolt. This new implement drove forward just as the one pumping in Starfire's sex pulled out with a sloshing sound, replacing it in a powerful single deep thrust, making Starfire cry out in surprise. The tool thus freed then moved down and thrust mightily into Wonder Girl, a fraction of a second after her sex had been vacated by the rod previously entering her. This first rod, coated 3with the fluids of both heroines, went up, to push against Starfire's anal sphincter.

Wonder Girl's breathing grew more labored as the larger, studded dildo began to pump powerfully into her, making her tremble with the sharp rise in the intensity of her stimulation. She embraced Kory tighter, pressing her mouth hungrily against one full breast, biting hard on the rock-hard nipple, trying to keep from crying out loud her excitement.

Starfire bothered not with such self-restrain. As she felt the probing dildo thrust forcefully into her anus, sliding deep into her ass, while the other one pumped even harder and deeper into her sex, she arched her back, tossing her head and wild mane of curls from side to side as she screamed with sheer pleasure.


Where the hell had Kory learned to use that kind of language? wondered Wonder Girl, astounded by her friend's loud vocalizations, even as she felt her own orgasm approach inexorably, the thick rod inside her thrusting harder, faster, and deeper, its studded surface stimulating all the right places. She had never before experienced a vaginal orgasm and had once doubted that they really existed, but she could not deny now the rising pleasure beginning to overload her senses.


The Brain would have been open-mouthed if he had a mouth. Certainly they didn't make heroines like THAT in the old days.

"FUCK ME!!! HARDER!! DEEPER!!! OH-FUCK! FUCK ME!! YES-YES-YES-YES!!!" Koriand'r practically howled as the pistoning of the devices in both of them reached a manic pace.

"OH -YESS!!! AAAAAAAAIIIIIEEEEE...!!!!" screamed the beautiful alien princess, shuddering as she reached an overwhelming orgasm. As Koriand'r convulsed in her embrace, Wonder Girl's felt her own climax overpower her, a flood of all-consuming bliss sweeping like a burning wave through her boy. Donna clenched her teeth, her nails raking red trails on Kory's hips as she was seized by the undeniable pleasure, feeling wet warmth on her lips as Kory's nipple bled in her mouth.

Nothing like good resource management, thought the Brain, contentedly.

To be continued in THE TRUCE PART 3: TORTURE Please send comments or criticism to