Star Girl: The Dark Side of the Moon

Author: Knyght
Time to Read:28min
Added Date:9/15/2024
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Tags: Star Girl

Warning: this story contains sex, nudity, bondage and all sorts of other naughtiness that will doubtless lead to the corruption of your morals. If you're under twenty-one or find such material offensive, please spare us all the headache and stop reading now. Thank you. The story here is based on the super-heroine Star Girl, whose exploits have appeared in other stories similar to this. Her powers are close to those of Wonder Woman's, having been transplanted from the amazon in a fiendish lab experiment (tee hee). Her abilities include great strength and stamina, flight, and a pair of bullet-proof bracelets around her wrists. Oh yeah, and she's stunningly gorgeous, too. ;)

The narrative below is intended for entertainment purposes only, and should not be distributed for profit under any circumstances. The darkened room was silent when the woman entered it, the glowing screens on the walls streaming endless data in silence. Her silver boots clicked on the metallic floor as she strode up to the large center console. A man was seated in front of it, staring intently at the information on the screen. She folded her arms and coughed quietly before addressing him. "The preparations have all been made, as you ordered. The tubes are in the storage bay and the lab computers are on stand-by. We're ready to proceed."

The man looked up from his contemplation. "Excellent, my First One." he replied. "Our subject has taken the bait a little sooner than expected; even now she is speeding towards the acquisition site."

She started at the revelation. "Are we. ready for her?" she asked.

"If the lab is set, then yes we are. Return to your post and prepare for her arrival."

The woman nodded her head in assent. "It shall be done, Slaver," she said.

Star Girl flew in a wide arc across the cityscape, her auburn hair flowing in the breeze. The report said that the terrorists were planning to detonate a neutron bomb in the heart of the metropolitan district; it had been unloaded from a ship this morning, and now waited in an abandoned warehouse for its owners to move it. If she hurried, she could stop the bomb and catch the terrorists before anyone was aware of the threat.

She landed softly on the nearby dock, then trotted towards the warehouse her informant had directed her to. The tight white corset and flared skirt highlighted her womanly figure beautifully, while the knee-high boots hugged her calves like a second skin. She was counting on the revealing costume to give her an edge; if there was more than one terrorist, she'd need them properly distracted.

The warehouse appeared deserted as she trotted up to the main doorway. A casual onlooker would think it had been deserted for years, but she was able to spot the tell-tale signs of recent use. The fresh padlock on the door was only the most obvious clue.

There's no need to be subtle about this, she thought to herself. Grasping the lock in her hands, she twisted it apart as if it were paper, and let it drop to the ground.

The inside of the warehouse was dusty and dim, lit only by a few windows near the ceiling. As the heroine entered, she let her eyes adjust to the light, taking in the building's contents. Packing crates were stacked here and there, along with several spools of what looked to be industrial paper. There were no signs of human habitation, terrorist or otherwise.

"Let's see. if I were a bomb, where would I hide?" she asked herself. It didn't take long to find the answer. She snorted derisively as she trotted up to it. "If it had a flashing siren, it couldn't be more obvious."

The bomb stood in the center of the ware, a silver tube some seven feet high. Various wires and pieces of technology were attached to its sides, a few blinking in random patterns. No effort had been made to hide it at all; in fact, the space around it had been cleared of any obstructive materials. Anyone walking in would have immediately noticed it. Putting her hands on her hips, she strode imperiously forward. It should be a simple matter to disarm or disable it.

As she approached it, however, things began to change. It spun slowly in her direction, revealing a clear Plexiglas cover over some sort of chamber inside of it.

That doesn't look like a bomb, she thought, and halted her advance. A light above the Plexiglas flickered on, and a pair of panels on either side of it flew open. Two mechanical tentacles emerged from within.

"Whatever you're selling, I don't want it," she muttered, and spun to make a retreat. Before she could move, however, the tentacles shot out and wrapped themselves around her voluptuous body. With a jerk, they pulled her back towards the tube; the Plexiglas slid open to reveal its internal compartment. Her eyes widened as the tentacles lifted her off her feet and hurled her towards the device.

In an instant, the chamber had slammed shut around her. She was thrown back into a padded bed that seemed tailor-made for the human form. The tentacles retreated and the opening slid shut, trapping her inside. A set of manacles quickly slammed shut around her bracelets, and another on her white boots. A similar collar clamped shut across her neck, and as she twisted, she could hear computer circuitry humming to life around her. The bindings were some sort of strange metal; she twisted and tried to rip them apart, but they remained firmly in place around her. Her great strength was useless.

The collar emitted a low buzzing noise and she could feel something placed against the skin of her neck. At the same time, a great "whoosh" came from below her, and the tube began to lift off the ground. It gained speed and momentum with each passing moment, and had soon broken through the warehouse roof. It shot higher and higher, its beautiful captive watching the dock, then the city, then the Earth itself grow gradually smaller beneath her. The tube sped upward at an incredible rate of speed, now arcing beyond the orbit of the Earth. The machinery encasing her began to glow softly. A low buzzing began in the collar around Star Girl's neck, and she could feel the tiny pin-pricks of. something. connecting to her skin. She tried again to flex her arms and break the restraints containing them but their grip was firm and would not yield. The buzzing around her neck continued unabated.

Suddenly, a soft feminine voice came from a microphone somewhere in the pod. "The restraints are designed to resist all stresses placed on them. Save your strength."

She twisted her body in a vain effort to discover the source of the voice. "Who are you? Where are you taking me?" she demanded.

"You have been acquired by our Harvester for reprogramming and reprocessing," the soothing voice intoned. "The collar being attached to your neck will not harm you or cause pain in any way. Please relax."

I'll do no such thing, the voluptuous redhead said to herself as she continued to vainly pull at her restraints. The pin-pricks continued on the skin of her neck and she could now feel tiny electrical tendrils reaching below the skin. She fought the urge to panic.

Through the window, see could see the rapidly moving pod carrying her farther and farther away from the Earth. The blue marble soon vanished completely, to be replaced by the silver-white disk of the moon. The pod arced in a wide orbit around the lunar surface, granting the bound nymph a spectacular view of the ridges and craters dotting its surface. After several more minutes, the pod crossed the terminator into night, then turned to display a new sight to its beautiful captive.

Above her, just beyond the surface of the moon, was a huge silver ship. It hung against the starlight like a poison jewel, its curves and contours echoing quiet menace. It seemed positioned such to make it impossible to see or detect from the Earth: the moon's shadows enfolded it in a cloak of secrecy. As the pod drew closer to it, the heroine could not repress a shiver. It looked like she was in deeper than she thought.

The containment pod flew closer to the ship, and Star Girl could now see an opening appear in its glistening side. Before she could even blink, her prison had flown inside, its metallic bulk sliding perfectly through the opening. She was suddenly shrouded in blackness, although she could sense the pod moving swiftly through the bowels of the mysterious ship.

Suddenly, the Harvester came to a halt. She could hear some sort of mechanism slam into place, locking her coffin in a set position. With a snap, the restraints released her, and the itching in her neck vanished as suddenly as it had come. Before she could react however, the floor of the pod dropped out from under her. She slid down a strange tube made of a non-friction, glass-like material.

After several minutes of free fall, she finally came to a stop; a set of lights came on to finally give her a sense of where she was. She had slid into another holding tube of some sort, surrounded by a clear plastic material. The short platform she stood on radiated light upward, illuminating her shapely form perfectly. She could not see the top of the tube, nor did she think she could climb it if she could. Tensing, she aimed a kick at the clear sheath, but like the pod before, the material resisted her vast strength. Stymied for the moment, she looked out of her prison and took stock of the room around her.

It was huge, as big as a football stadium back on Earth. The walls and floor were a cold metallic gray, and a huge bank of white lights shone down from the ceiling. In front of her stood a sliding metal door, closed and apparently locked. The area behind her was filled with tubes, each one identical to the one which imprisoned her. They continued, row upon row, numbering in the countless hundreds. All of them were empty, a fact which disturbed her more than she cared to admit. Her jaw dropped at the scope of the sight, and a dark corner of her mind asked her how long it would be until all those empty tubes were filled...

First things first, however. I've got to get out of here, she thought, making another fruitless effort to break the cylinder which held her. After several more attempts, she stopped again, then pounded her fists in frustration against the smooth material. "Damn! Damn! Damn! What's the point of having super strength if I can't break down a simple wall. Have they weakened me somehow?"

She brought her hands to her neck, only to be greeted by a cold metallic sheen. The pod which brought her here had attached some sort of collar to her neck - a smooth shiny ring about half an inch in diameter, which hugged her throat like a second skin. She tried to dig her fingers behind it, to tear it off her body, but it seemed bonded there, much like her magical bracelets.

"It's a control collar," the female voice called in response to her efforts. "It can't be removed so don't even try."

"What's it for?" she queried, half threatening, half curious.

"Allow me to demonstrate."

The collar began to glow with a soft blue light. Instantly, Star Girl felt the tension flow out for the body, like turning off a switch. The tube slid slowly up and as it did so, she could feel her arms move - against her will - to rest akimbo on her hips. They stood there, frozen, and however much she tried, she could not summon the will to move. She could toss her head this way and that, but beyond that, her body was totally paralyzed.

The door in front of her opened with a swish, and a lithe female form strode in. She was young, about twenty-four or so, and shorter than Star Girl by a good six inches. Her dark brown hair hung shoulder-length, framing an imperious looking face and a pair dark, probing eyes. She wore a tight-fitting body suit of pure silver that left her arms and legs bare. It flattered her well-formed figure admirably, from the rounded swell of her breasts to the gentle curves of her womanly hips. A pair of silver boots caressed the muscles of her calves while a similar set of gloves completed the ensemble.

She sauntered slowly up to the immobilized nymph, her hands clasped behind her. Her large brown eyes traveled up and down Jamie's unmoving form. Finally, she smiled - a dark carnal smile that send a shiver down the heroine's spine.

"All these weeks of planning and she's finally arrived!" she exclaimed. "The mighty Star Girl, here in the flesh."

Jamie looked down at the strange woman. "Who are you? Why have you brought me here?" she cried, trying to sound mighty.

"My name is unimportant, but you may call me Mistress," the brunette laughed. "We have gone to great lengths to bring you here, Star Girl. I would think you'd be more polite to your host."

"Polite?!" she scoffed. "You've kidnapped me, imprisoned me in your ship, frozen me like a statue, and you expect me to be grateful for the experience?!"

The Mistress's smile never wavered in the slightest. "Actually, yes. Very few women have experienced what we have in store for you, and those who have experienced it have never regretted it for an instant."

"And what exactly is the purpose of this little kidnapping?"

"Why, your enslavement, of course! Your transformation into a willing servant of evil!"

Jamie snorted. The Mistress responded by reaching up and patting the heroine's inner thigh. Star Girl started at the sensation but her paralyzed form refused to budge.

"I'm quite serious, my dear," the brunette said. "We're an interstellar slaving operation, in the business of training and selling human beings for sale to other races. The human form is quite an anomaly, you see. Physically, we're perfect, among the highest developed species in the universe. The females, in particular are considered quite desirable, and a properly trained human sex slave can fetch truly astronomical prices.

"Our brains, however, are another story. Woefully undeveloped, utilizing a scant ten percent of its mass, the human brain is a stunted dwarf, keeping our race locked in barbarity when we should have reached the stars long ago. Such a combination renders us almost perfect for mind control and servitude. The Slaver has capitalized on these assets for centuries. I myself was captured long ago, and transformed into his servant. Unlike the others, he took a liking to me, and allowed me to reach the potential that humanity has been forever denied. I am forever indebted to him for that.

"We normally harvest some three to five women a year: mostly runaways, prostitutes, people who can easily disappear. We take them and transform them into visions of beauty, implant an insatiable desire to serve others, and then sell them to the highest bidder. It's quite profitable as you might imagine.

"This time, however, is different. This time we did not wish to limit ourselves to an ordinary mortal woman. With the rise in super-powered beings since the end of World War II, Earth has become a more dangerous place. Where we could once harvest our slaves at will, now we have to contend with the possibility that one of you so-called 'super heroes' will discover us and shut us down. That's quite unacceptable, you understand.

"The solution: capture a super-powered being and put them through the reprogramming process. With a slave at our side capable of defeating any threat, we can continue our operations without worrying about some do-gooder crashing the party."

"And you picked me?" Star Girl asked.

"You were the best choice for the job. We researched the super-powered beings of your world relentlessly, searching for the one suited to our needs. The circumstances of your origins made you the best possible candidate for this process, both physically and mentally. You were given your powers by a Professor Malus, who intended to use you as his slave, yes?"

"Yes," she replied. "I destroyed his lab and escaped with Di ... with Wonder Woman."

The Mistress nodded curtly, and fixed Star Girl with a steely gaze. "Malus was a pompous fool who underestimated you from the beginning. But regardless of his incompetence, his technique was sound. He designed it to make you his thrall, and we intend to finish what he began. Make no mistake, however," she reached up and caressed the heroine's bare hip with her free hand, "we are not the imbeciles Malus was. We know how powerful you are, and we know that you would destroy us if you had a chance.

"That's why we attached the collar to you en route," she turned and walked away from the platform. "We couldn't risk placing you in our ship unless you were under some sort of control. The collar is now connected to your nervous system, just below the brain stem. It intercepts messages from your brain to the rest of your body, and replaces it with our commands. If we wished, we could still your heartbeat, or cause your lungs to stop taking in air. On a less forceful note, we can control the muscles in your body, moving you in any way and into any position we see fit."

The auburn-haired heroine gasped at the revelation. "So you can control my actions and force me to serve you!"

"Oh it goes further than that, my buxom beauty. Stress on the mechanism causes damage over time, so we have to augment our control collars with specialized mind control and personality reprogramming. We'll connect you to a supercomputer that reroutes the synapses in your brain, transforming memories, morality - the very foundation of your being - into whatever we desire. It's a delicate process that you'll become quite familiar with, I assure you."

"Oh really?" the frozen vixen retorted, trying to sound braver than she felt. "I hate to break it to you sister, but I've been in worse situations than this."

The Mistress's smile turned slightly sad. "No, my dear," she answered. "You really haven't."

The light from the collar pulsed slightly, and she again felt her body move against her will. She stepped down from the platform, boots clacking on the metallic floor, and began walking towards the doorway. She looked around frantically, trying to will herself back under her control, but it was no use. Her legs continued to move her forward of their own volition, obeying the computerized commands of the collar around her neck.

"Wait!" she cried. "Stop! You can't do this"

"We can and will," the Mistress replied, falling into line behind her. "I wouldn't worry about it, Star Girl. By the time we're done with you, you'll be eager to help us in any way you can..."

They traveled down a series of corridors, all lit by similar florescent lights. Jamie twisted and turned her head, still trying to make her legs obey. She might as well have tried to put out the sun. Her curvaceous body strode purposefully along, her arms swinging naturally at her sides. The Mistress kept up a few feet behind her, obviously enjoying the heroine's frustration.

After a few twists and turns, they arrived at another door which slid open at their presence. Beyond it lay a second room, this one much smaller than the first. A bank of humming computers stood in one corner, while the far wall was dominated by a large silver bed. In front of it stood a tall, well muscled man, clothed in a pair of tight silver legging matching the style of the Mistress's clothing. His arms stood folded over his bare chest as he watched the two women enter, and he grinned evilly at the sight of the frustrated Star Girl moving against her will.

"And here she is!" he beamed. "Our prize at last!"

"Why does everyone around here always seemed happy to see me?" Jamie queried.

The man laughed. "Maintaining your defiance, are you? Good. It will make the reprogramming process all the sweeter. First One?" he asked, shifting his attention to the Mistress. "Are there any problems with the control collar?"

"None, Slaver," the woman replied. "She is ready for the Process whenever we are."

"Excellent! Return to the lab and wait for me there. We'll begin as soon as I've finished playing with our new acquisition."

Star Girl suppressed a shudder as the Mistress nodded and left the room. The man turned back to the heroine, and eyed the voluptuous swelling of her spherical breasts.

"My dear, you are a stunning specimen of humanity," he said. "If I put you on the market, I could probably buy a small planet with the profits."

"I'm flattered Slaver, really I am, but your mad plan will never succeed. I have powerful friends, who will come looking for me."

"Oh, I know," the Slaver retorted. "That's why we've made some special arrangements to keep them at bay. But that shouldn't concern you right now, my puppet."

"What... what do you mean?" she stammered. For the first time, she notice a large bulge in the crotch of his pants.

"Oh, I'm sure you'll get the idea," the villain sneered, loosening his belt and letting his leggings drop to the floor. "Remove your clothes, please."

"Not on your life!" she snarled back, but even as she uttered the words, the collar began to pulse. She stared down horrified as her hands moved of their own volition to the back of her uniform. Her perfect breasts compressed slightly, then rolled free of the fabric of her costume as she slid the zipper open. Her shoulder blades arched as she pulled the white and blue fabric down across her belly, over the luscious curves of her hips, and below her thighs to puddle at the floor. She bent over to unclasp her boots, painfully aware that she was giving the Slaver a magnificent view of her bare ass as she did so. The metal braces on her upper thighs came loose in an instant, and she could feel the velvety warmth of her skin as she pushed them down her legs. Now totally naked save for her metal bracelets and tiara, Star Girl felt the collar order her to stand up. She straightened, revealing her bare body for the Slaver to see.

Despite it all, her gaze remained defiant. "You may have my body, Slaver, but you'll never break me."

"Of course not, my dear," The Slaver replied. "If I wanted you broken, I'd wait until the machines did it for me! It's much more fun when your mind resists what your body embraces..."

He stepped up and wrapped himself around her, catching her mouth in a passionate kiss. Star Girl's hands responded with equal enthusiasm as she ran her fingers through his close cropped hair. Her eyes widened as she felt his penis enlarging against her inner thigh, and was surprised to feel herself responding to it. Her crotch grew moist as she rubbed her bare legs up against his, and she could feel her tongue probing at the recesses of his mouth. Finally, mercifully, he pulled away and let her gaze into his devilish face.

"Don't. don't touch me!" she gasped.

"Touch you?!" he returned in mock horror. "Why, Star Girl, why should I touch you when I can make you do it for me?"

The collar pulsed again and she stepped away from him turning towards the bed. She bounded on with a single bound and spun around like an exotic dancer, now facing her adversary.

"No! N-no!" she shouted as her muscles betrayed her yet again. Kneeling on the soft silver fabric of the bed, she reached down and spread her silky thighs wide for the Slaver to see. Her crotch was lubricating rapidly and she could feel the passion growing within her. As if on cue, the collar sent another order down her spine. Her hands now slid up to knead and caress the twin globes of her chest. She pressed her breasts together into a delightful mountain of cleavage, then relaxed and pulled them apart again. She felt her nipples harden beneath her fingers and caught her breath as she continue to manipulate her ever-sensitizing mammaries.

"Ohhh...," she sighed complacently, her green eyes closed as she rolled her head back: her willpower surrendering for the briefest instant to the sensations cascading through her.

With a leap, the Slaver was on her, pushing her down against the bed. She released her chest and allowed his hands to take over, now caressing her flesh with the same gentle motion she had just used. Her treacherous body leaned back as he pressed downward with his own, his sweat intermingling with her own.

Got to fight this! her mind screamed. Must. free. myself. But even as she battle against him with every fiber of her being, the Slaver's technology and her own animal urges were rapidly getting the better of her.

His member pressed up against her thatch of pubic hair and she spread her legs wide to let him in. Whether the collar had ordered her to or whether she did it of her own volition, she could no longer say. Her muscles clenched shut as he entered her, and she began to thrust and retract as he pumped in and out of her. They remained that way for several minutes, his penis thrusting deeper and deeper into her being. Hey body shuddered in time with his rhythm and she could feel herself rising towards orgasm.

"No... No... ohhh... uh, uh, uh, can't Uh, c-can't do this, Uh, Uh, Ummm... mustn't. mustn't give in. Oh God..." she cried as the stimulus finally overwhelmed her. The orgasm ripped through her enslaved form, causing her to shudder in waves of pleasure. She screamed and grabbed at the Slaver's back while her legs bucked beneath his prodding crotch. He roared with satisfaction, and she was vaguely aware that he was cumming inside her. Her mind had all but blacked out with the intensity of it. She sighed as she collapsed against the bed, only to feel her body rising up again as he continued to ride her. Her eyes flew open and she stared with horror into his grinning face.

"W-wait!" she stammered. "Please, no more."

"Oh no my dear," he puffed. "I mean to see exactly how much this magnificent body of yours can take.

Star Girl suppressed another scream as she felt the desire building again in her loins. Her body was now drenched with sweat, and she could feel her rapist continue to ravish her every pore. Another climax loomed on the horizon and she moaned in anticipation of it. With her powerful strength, she could maintain this activity for hours. Her limbs continued to move in time with him, and her mind clouded with the feelings of pure pleasure that wracked her from. Unable to stop the coming storm, she let conscious thought go and surrendered herself to her desires...

An unknown time later, she awoke, awareness gradually coming back to her. She vaguely recalled being brought to climax multiple times by the Slaver, an ordeal that must have lasted for quite awhile. As she sat up and tested her limbs, she felt surprisingly fresh. Her super strength had allowed her to endure almost constant stimulation, and while she felt a little stiff, she realized that the process might have killed someone without her powers.

She suddenly realized that she was no longer on the bed, but rather lay on the cold metallic floor of another room. With a start, the Slaver loomed over her, his presence overwhelming her vision. He had dressed and bathed in the time since taking her, and seemed none the worse for wear after their below-the-belt calisthenics.

"Excellent, my dear!" he beamed. "I never knew just how much power you were able to wield. I'm happy to report that my plans for you will succeed beyond my wildest expectations."

For once, the heroine seemed at a loss for words. As she struggled to get a grip on the events of the last few hours, she glanced past her captor to get a look at the room she was now in.

It seemed to be a control chamber of some sort, with consoles and machinery designed to monitor the ship and its occupants. A large bank of computer screens dominated the opposite wall, each displaying a different aspect of the ship's function. Three padded chair stood in front of the computers; the Mistress sat in the middle chair, typing commands into a keyboard and occasionally speaking into a microphone.

On the other side of the room stood a strange-looking chair, lit from above by a series of spotlights. Clamps, straps, and other sinister-looking appendages hovered around it, attached by a series of cables to the circuitry in the nearby wall. As the mistress spoke into the microphone, the machinery around the chair hummed to life. Between it and her stood a glowing platform, similar to the one she had found herself on when first arriving here. The Slaver's body blocked the view, but something was apparently floating above the platform.

The computer banks beeped quietly and she turned her attention back to the Mistress. The main screen began flashing a series of scrolling text:





"You're really going to do it," Star Girl whispered at the sight.

"Yes, my dear," the Slaver replied. "I'm afraid so. Don't worry, though. I think you'll enjoy being a villainess." He gestured at the glowing platform behind him, giving her a full view of its contents for the first time. A black leather uniform hung there, suspended in place to match her perfect dimensions. It was a mockery of her old strapless costume, its darkness engulfing her old light. Silver stars glittered across the black surface of the bustier, while the inky boots rose up towards the still-flared skirt. A black tiara hung in place of her white one, the sapphire stone replaced by a white diamond. It looked like a photographic negative of her own costume.

"When we're through reprogramming you, you'll be wearing this instead" he chuckled. "It's more... appropriate to your new role."

Jamie shuddered and stared back at her captor. Submit? Become a will-less agent of evil? Never! Yet at the same time, an unknown longing rose from the depth of her soul. To be stimulated as she had... to taste the pleasures that came with such slavery ... and that new uniform, for all its twisted mockery, seemed strangely ... arousing.

"Never," she said, resisting the siren call. "I'll never submit to you."

"I'm afraid you have no choice in the matter, my dear. The time to embrace your destiny is at hand."

The metal encircling her neck glowed again and she felt her naked body responding to its orders. She stood up and walked purposefully towards the chair, her head shaking back and forth. Against her will, she lay herself down, allowing its metallic contours to hug her bare flesh. A set of restraints slammed home over her ankles and bracelets, while a series of probes and appendages sprang to life around her. Lasers and monitors moved over her bare form, analyzing every inch of her soft flesh and reporting their findings to the computer. Twin diodes, connected by wiring to the wall, attached themselves to her forehead; two more settled on her upper chest above the nipples. She tried to tug at the bonds that held her, even as she realized she could never hope to break them.

A strange device, shaped like a chastity belt, clicked shut around her waist, and she could feel the smooth metal of a mechanical dildo probe up into her sex. She tried to cry out in pain, but before she could do so, the collar pulsed again. Instantly, she relaxed, as the Slaver's circuitry had commanded, and the dildo slid smoothly into place. She felt her struggles slow as the machinery around her continued to analyze and attach itself.

"This machine is designed to change the firing of synapses in her brain, Star Girl, reshaping your thoughts to match the complex pattern in the computer's memory banks," the Slaver called. "Under its ministrations, you heroic personality will vanish, replaced by a sex slave's lust and a slaver's black heart. The process will be masked in a pattern of intense stimulation, which, needless to say, you will find difficult to fight against. Once you reach orgasm, the Star Girl you know will be destroyed, and the Star Girl I desire will rise from her ashes."

"Damn you!" she hissed back at him. "You'll never succeed!"

"Oh I think I will," he grinned, then turned back to the Mistress. "Begin the process!"

The brunette tapped a final series of commands into the console. Instantly, the dildo between Star Girl's legs began pumping up and down, stimulating her vaginal cavity in relentless rhythm. The collar kicked in and she immediately began to move in time with it, her muscles caressing the cold machinery with inhuman strength. The lasers and monitors of the computer moved up and down her body, tracking and gauging the response in her every curve. Her plump buttocks thrust upward as she sent the shaft deeper, each push sending her into heights of ecstasy. Her shapely thighs attempted to slam shut across the device, but the binds on her ankles held fast. She rolled and pitched back and forth, her body thrusting instinctively forward.

At the same time, she felt the diodes on her forehead beginning to send electrical impulses to her cerebral cortex. The pleasure running through her body caused her to drop her concentration, and she soon found her psyche laid wide open to the computer's probes. As each nerve ending became exposed to the machine, as each synapse and brainwave fell under its control, her personality began to alter. The ethics and morality which guided her career as a super hero twisted slowly into something far more sinister. Her sexual appetites increased, the sensations in her body like an addicting drug. And overshadowing it all was the presence of the Slaver, his computerized converter chanting "obey, obey." into every corner of her being. She felt herself slipping away, her dark alter ego only seconds from assuming control. The orgasm loomed large, and she knew that once it claimed her, she would be lost...

A fevered thought gripped her panicked brain, flashing like a light in the encroaching darkness. What if I... She nodded silently, and tensed her body, readying her muscles for one last burst of resistance.

Got to time this right she mouthed silently. Whispering a prayer to whatever god watched over imperiled super heroes, she closed her eyes and let the climax wash over her.

The orgasm exploded and she allowed her limbs to thrash in time with it, moving her body according to its dictates. Her unchecked strength began to take its toll on the machinery, and she could feel it groaning under the pressure.

Just a little more. she thought, angling her legs to take the probe in deeper. With the power of the bondage raising her orgasm to near-godlike proportions, the machinery encasing her began to buckle against it. The clamps around her arms squealed with effort and bent out of shape in response to her aggressive flexing. Even as her mind began to fall, she could feel the restraints weakening ... then cracking.

The Slaver looked over at her, an expression of concern on his face. "Has she been converted yet? She seems to be damaging the..."

With an ear-shattering tear, one of Star Girl's hands broke free. The machinery around her buzzed and shorted out, sending arcs of electricity up and down the room. As she shook her head to clear the cobwebs, she reached over with the free hand and tore the clamp on her other arm loose. The bank beside her began to flash warning lights as more electricity spat out. The probes and diodes fell silent around her, and as she steadied herself on the chair, she could feel the collar around her neck cease humming for the first time since she came on board.

In a flash, she reached up and tore the imprisoning metal free. It came off easily in her hands and she shouted with joy as she felt its muscle-controlling power vanish. With a kick, her legs had come free, and she leapt up from the chair to face her would-be masters. The evil personality inserted by the computer was fading rapidly, and she could feel her old super-heroic self rising to the surface.

At the sight of the freed heroine, the Mistress aimed a deadly-looking laser pistol in her direction and fired. She easily deflected the bolts with her bracelets - the one article of clothing they hadn't seen fit to remove - then launched herself at the snarling vixen. The Mistress dodged away and Star Girl slammed headlong into the computer bank. The glass and metal crumpled like paper under her strength, causing a series of shuddering explosions elsewhere in the ship. Whatever she had done had caused more damage than she thought. She wrenched free of the detritus and bounded back towards the open doorway, where her adversaries were now making an escape.

"You little fool!" the Slaver shouted from the door. "You've ruptured the central core. The whole ship's going to blow!"

"A fitting reward for one such as you, Slaver! You..."

Another explosion shook the room, and a beam from the ceiling collapsed between them. When the dust cleared, she could see no sign of either the Slaver or the Mistress. She bounded over the destruction to the open doorway, hoping she could find them before the whole place went nova. She moved instinctively, nor sure where exactly she was going. As if by magic, her steps led her back to the Slaver's bedchamber. If I were him, I'd have some means of escape close by, she thought, wrenching open the doors.

The room was abandoned, the sheets still rumpled from their earlier intercourse. Her costume lay where she had removed it earlier, and she quickly put it back on. It felt good to cover her nude body again, and the bright blue stars reminded her of who she was. As she straightened her tiara, she moved over to the row of computers. Unlike the machinery in the lab, these remained on-line, and the main screen was flashing a message over and over again:


"You bet your binary ass," she muttered, typing in the commands on the console. With a whir, the bed behind her flipped over; on the opposite site stood a small one-man spacecraft, similar to the Harvester which had brought her, but sporting a series of levers and controls within the compartment. She briefly considered looking for the Slaver and the Mistress, but another explosion below her convinced her otherwise. The ship could go at any time.

Guess they're on their own.

She jumped into the escape pod, and pressed the launch button. The tube sealed shut and the wall behind it slid open, exposing the room to the vacuum of space. She closed her eyes as the accelerators kicked in and drove her away from the doomed ship.

She had cleared the arc of the moon and had just begun to figure out the controls when it went. One moment, the ship just hung there, looking like it could spring after her at any minute. The next, it was gone, replaced by a brilliant flash of white light. She shielded her eyes as she felt the heat wash over her pod and felt the G-forces gently push them away. The light shone for a few more minutes, then slowly faded to nothing. The buxom heroine looked back at the destruction, watching the last few pieces of Slaver's ship melt into the blackness. I wonder if they managed to escape? she asked herself. As she mulled over the question in her mind, she turned the escape pod back towards the blue ball of Earth and engaged the thrusters.

The two sat before the main console, watching the heroine grow smaller and smaller on the screen. The woman looked over at the man and cleared her throat.

"Are you sure it was wise to let her go?" she asked.

"Of course, my best beloved," the Slaver rumbled. "Wise and unfortunately necessary. As she said, she has powerful friends on the planet below, who might come looking for her if she disappeared."

"And they won't now?"

"Not if she thinks we've been incinerated. She'll go back and tell them of her harrowing ordeal: rape, attempted mind control, and a narrow escape before her captor's ship was blown to pieces. The illusion worked, did it not? She really believed that her efforts had damaged something vital. A few well-placed sonic shocks, a power failure here and there, and she was ready to think we were all doomed. Then all we had to do was keep her off balance and point her to the escape pod. She now thinks we're dead, or at least ruined beyond repair. No one will come looking for us: not her, and not anyone else."

The Mistress smiled as his words sunk in. "And meanwhile, we go on our way, with our real objective secured..." she gestured at the monitor in front of them.

It displayed the huge storage bay, where Star Girl had first been placed following her journey here. The tubes remained in place, the platforms glowing with light, but they were no longer empty. A shapely female form stood motionless in each one, their eyes blank and unmoving. All of them looked exactly like Star Girl: from the red hair to the emerald eyes to the smallest inch of lovely skin. A glowing metal collar encircled the necks of each and every one of them - ready to command the motions of hundreds of super heroine clones.

"Her DNA was remarkably easy to extract," the Mistress commented. "Especially after that workout you gave her."

The Slaver smiled and reached over to stroke her shoulder. "With the clones under our command, we have access to a harem beyond reproach. And since each of them has the original Star Girl's super-powers as well, they'll be an army that no one can possibly stand against."

"Indeed," the Mistress replied. "Thanks to Star Girl, our enemies will learn what it means to trifle with us." She leaned in and planted a deep kiss on her lover's grinning lips. As they embraced, the ship controls piloted them away from the Terran solar system, deep into the inky blackness beyond.

The End?