Double Life

Author: Lady Liberty
Time to Read:5min
Added Date:9/6/2024
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Tags: Ultra Woman

When I first came to this world, I discovered that many superpowered people had what they called a “secret identity”. I was reluctant at first to do that. It sounded so dishonest. Keeping a secret would be difficult for me or any Amazon, since our society back home is so very open. Everyone knows about everything about everyone else on the island. We are a very transparent people.

I soon came to understand why I needed a secret identity. The first time some supervillain climbs in your bedroom window as you sleep will convince a person. I highly recommend any super to have a secret identity.

I had no idea how to even come up with one. Fortunately in his own secret identity, Captain Liberty has many connections throughout Megapolis. He had heard there was an opening at the Megapolis Metropolitan Museum in the Ancient World section. He and another superhero friend was able to get me a legal identity. Instead of Tania of the Amazons, I was Tania Mazona now. According to the history he came up with, I had been born in some place called Amalon on the Isle of Chios in Greece. My mother Talia was supposedly married to a member of the American consulate there. That is how I am blonde and blue eyed with platinum hair and somehow speak fluent Greek in the false identity he gave me. Mother laughed when I first told her about that.

The curator at the museum was amazed at my knowledge of ancient Greek artifacts, but seemed a little mystified that I knew nothing about medieval or modern Greece. I covered that up by explaining how obsessed I was with the ancient world. I suppose that was partly a lie, but true in many ways. I found all the artifacts fascinating. All had been made by men but it amazed me that my people were still living in a world from thousands of years ago. The Curator was very impressed when I pointed out things that had been a mystery to them.

I got the job.

Three days a week I go to the museum. I also have some gold coins from back home that I occasionally sell. These two cover my income plus I have plenty of free time to do my work as Ultra Woman. I also travel for the museum which also gives me reason to move around and not draw suspicion.

I learned from Cap that the key to keeping a secret identity is to look completely different. That is easy for him. He’s either in a suit or tuxedo in his secret identity, or in a full body suit with cowl as Captain Liberty. When you’re Ultra Woman, you have to dress in the opposite way. I love the freedom of my Ultra Woman uniform. Even though it fits snug to my body, I have my arms and legs free to move any way I wish without the constraints of clothing. When I am in secret identity, I have to go the opposite way.

Usually it starts with either a long thick skirt or loose slacks. That hides my legs which are always on display as Ultra Woman. I always wear sandals or flats, again unlike the boots of Ultra Woman. I always wear long sleeve sweaters or blouses that are also snug around the neck and shoulders. I never wear red or blue in my secret identity. I usually wear black which seems completely opposite the colorful uniform of Ultra Woman and it also disguises the body well if worn loose. I never wear bracelets. I wear a pair of round black glasses with lenses that I can see through but reflect light back to the viewer, to help obscure my eyes. I never take my glasses off. I try to keep my long hair in a bun or braided. At worst I put it in a ponytail. I never want it loose around my face, which is how Ultra Woman has her hair.

Strange. I just said it and barely noticed. I mentioned Ultra Woman in the third person. Sometimes it is like living two lives. I sit here in a pink silk blouse and a black skirt with black stockings and black flats and think of Ultra Woman as a completely different person. Maybe she is. Sometimes it seems like my personality even changes when I change my appearance.

As Ultra Woman I feel strong. I am strong, both physically and emotionally. I feel more decisive and capable. I try to be a leader as Ultra Woman and help guide others. Maybe it is the responsibility, but I do feel different. I fear nothing as Ultra Woman. I have been bound, beaten, raped and worse many times but while in my uniform I never fear it happening again. I know it will. I know some day, I will have some villain force himself upon me and rape me, or violently defeat me, or capture me. It happens to all heroines at some point and I know it will happen again. I do not fear it though.

As Miss Mazona of the museum staff, I feel weaker, both physically and emotionally. I feel more reserved and distant. At first I did that to keep people at arm’s length so there would be fewer questions to answer about my secret identity. Now I wonder, is that part of being physically weaker or is it that I am emotionally weaker without all the eclat that comes with being Ultra Woman?

Without my bracelets on, I have the strength of a normal woman. Almost any man could overpower me if he could get a hold on me. For some reason, the thought of some man or group of men overpowering me and then raping or kidnapping as Tania Mazona scares me. I am an Amazon and very little frightens me, but being powerless and in that situation does. I could change into Ultra Woman in the blink of an eye by simply touching my wrists where my bracelets usually are. Instantly I would be changed completely, from my hair changing to wearing my red and blue boots. But...still...there was that time I never had a chance to change. I fear something like that happening again. Being helpless as a regular woman frightens even this fearless Amazon warrior.

Back home I even have a third identity, that of Tania the Amazon scout, the warrior of a warrior people who is a mother and a daughter and loyal to her Queen. That seems like a distant person, like a person I once was very long ago even though I was that person for the vast majority of my life.

I think I have strayed from discussing my secret identity. The two identities I have in this world of men have developed into two different people. One is reserved, chaste, and almost meek. The other is outgoing, sexual, and strong. It still amazes me how the two lives intersect in a single person. It continues to amaze me every single day I get dressed in the covering dark colors then at night change into the beautiful uniform of Ultra Woman.