S.P.A.Y. Cometh

Author: Lady Liberty
Time to Read:32min
Added Date:7/29/2024
Stats: Loading....
Tags: Ultra Womann/c

This story contains adult content. You've been warned.

This story is about the adventures of Ultra Woman, a character from a superhero play-by-email game. This story is not verbatim from the messages exchanged between me and the GM, but it is pretty close to what happened. I had fun roleplaying it, and I hope others enjoy reading about my adventures.

Just to get any readers up to speed: this Ultra Woman, whose given name is Tania, is the fifth to have that title. The first was murdered in her first week, the second, Melania had her mind erased and replaced with computer programming after a year of adventures, and the third disappeared after three weeks and is still unaccounted for and presumed dead. I am the fifth Ultra Woman. Although my adventures were written in the first and second person in the exchange between me and the GM, I did a lot of cut-and-paste, then changed it to third person, and added a lot of stuff. I hope I haven't missed any parts, but I appreciate any understanding for the mistakes I made.

P.S. I think everyone will figure out where the inspiration for this character came from. :)

S.P.A.Y. Cometh

Tania stepped out of the small car that Myst had given her, and pulled up the collar of her coat for protection from the cold autumn rain. She looked up and down the darkened street, but the only motion she saw was the raindrops splashing into the waterlogged potholes. The avenues that were perpendicular to this small side street had occasional traffic, but were sparse, even for a rainy Wednesday night in Zwicken.

Tania trotted through the rain into a darkened doorway. Captain Harker had passed information on to her that an informant wished to meet with Ultra Woman, and give her some information about her Amazon sister, Atalanta, who disappeared less than three weeks after becoming Tania's predecessor as Ultra Woman. The informant demanded that Ultra Woman come alone, and that she be at a certain telephone in the inner city borough of Zwicken. She had arrived around a corner, changed to Ultra Woman, then had answered the phone, while very wary of traps. When the voice on the line ended up being someone sounding very frightened, Tania relaxed, and quickly drove to the old apartment building the informant was staying in.

Trotting across the wet pavement, Tania got into a small space between the building. She looked up and down the alley to make sure she was alone, then raised her wrists up into an 'x', and touched them together. In a flash of light, her clothes disappeared, and in their place with the red, gold and blue costume of Ultra Woman. The rain immediately started to dampen her shining blonde hair and spot the red and blue of her costume, but the gold of the lettering on her bustier, and the natural gold of her tiara, belt, and wristband shined even brighter.

Still thinking that this might be a trap, Ultra Woman peered up into the falling drops at the ledge of the roof. With her Amazon strength and agility, Tania leaped up the three stories and landed easily on the high ledge. She stepped off onto the roof with a clack of her high heels, and pulled a few stray damp hairs from her face.

On the front side of the roof, looking around nervously, was a man. He was grasping and ungrasping his hands, and scanning the street. His face was bristling with an unshaven beard of about three days. A black and white Metros stocking cap covered the top of his head, and his clothing was loose jeans and a brown jacket over a blue t-shirt, all soaked with rain. He paced back and forth, twisting his hands together. The rest of the roof was empty. A door led downstairs into the building, and a large heating unit sat in the center.

Ultra Woman walked towards the back of the rooftop, still wisely wary. Glancing around the rooftop and adjoining roofs, she walked around the entire heating unit. Seeing no one behind it, she walked up behind the nervous young man, planted her feet squarely apart, placed her fists on her hips, and said, loud enough to be heard over the stormy weather, "You called me?"

The man nearly jumped out his skin. A shriek of surprise barked out while he spun on his heels. "Uh, uh, Uhltra W, Woman?" he stuttered.

Ultra Woman watched him flounder. "Yes, I am Ultra Woman. You called me, correct?"

The man looked everywhere but directly at Ultra Woman. His hands continued to grasp and twist, and changed only to push the rainwater from his eyes. "Uh, yeah, that was me." He pulled the stocking hat off his head and twisted it in his hands now. "Oh man, what the fuck am I doing?!" he said to himself as he paced nervously back and forth.

Relenting, Ultra Woman put out a hand to his shoulder. "Be calm, I will not hurt you. Are you in some kind of danger?"

"Oh shit," the man whined, "you don't know how much. Shit!" He stopped his pacing at Ultra Woman's hand came to rest on his shoulder. He stuffed his hand into the baggy pockets of his jacket. "Oh man, what the hell am I doing?"

Ultra Woman did her best to calm him. "Please, relax, you have nothing to fear now. You are perfectly safe, I promise you."

The man looked at Ultra Woman for a long moment, as if contemplating a world shattering decision. "Yeah, I wish I could believe that," he whispered. His hands twisted in his pockets. "Damn," he said in a soft, shaky voice, "I'm sorry."

Ultra Woman was confused. "What?" she said, barely able to make out what the man was saying.

The worried man pulled his hands out his pockets. However, instead of a hat, he was holding a very small aerosol can, about the size of a breath freshener. "What is that?"

The man looked at it, then up at Ultra Woman. "I'm sorry," he said, loud enough to be heard, then jerked it up and sprayed.

A fine mist shot into the surprised face of Ultra Woman. At the same time, a fake panel on the huge heating unit dropped down. As Ultra Woman stumbled backwards with her arms belatedly raised up to defend herself She took three steps backwards, then fought to stay on her feet as the roof started spinning around her. The man watched, horrified at his own actions.

From the false heating unit charged out seven men, all wearing pristine white urban assault body armor with a blue badge over the left part of the chest. Each also wore a helmet, with a polished, reflective faceplate that hid the identity of each. The first three held metal poles, each about six foot in length, with rubberized handles. The following three held short, stubby guns. The last walked out calmly, his hands empty. All the men had white belts supplied with handguns and nightsticks.

Ultra Woman saw the men in the white uniforms as blurs. The gas pulled at her consciousness. She stumbled to one knee as her boot slipped on the wet roof. The six uniformed men charged towards her with trained discipline. The man in the center jabbed at her with the blunted ended pole. Despite her dazed state, Ultra Woman's amazon instincts reacted, and she slapped the pole aside with her wristband.

With a loud clap, a charge of electricity shot through Ultra Woman, starting from her wrist and arcing down the length of her body until leaving her at her knee and foot into the water pooled around her. Ultra Woman was unable to scream in pain as the second and third poles were jabbed at her. Still full of fight, Ultra Woman ducked to the side, but her wet hair sprayed up behind her. The ends of the long, drenched, blonde hair splayed outwards and slapped themselves around the pole. Ultra Woman quaked as the charge clapped deafeningly and shot through her waterlogged hair, passed into her head, and shot the length of her body.

Ultra Woman trembled as the current held her prisoner momentarily. "Uhhhhhnnnhh!"

Stunned and with her arms quaking out to her sides, Ultra Woman was defenseless as the third pole jabbed and struck her squarely between her sopping breasts. The clap of the electrical charge was matched by a blinding flash of sparks. It passed into Ultra Woman's chest and ran the length of her body. Ultra Woman hurled backwards by this last high current shock. Unable to scream in pain, she silently slammed into the ledge of the building with the back of her head.

As the gasping, stunned superheroine tried to make her arms do as she wished, the three polemen stepped back with perfect precision, as the three gunners stepped forward.

Putting her hand to the ledge, Ultra Woman forced herself back to her feet. Looking up through the wet tendrils of her hair, she saw the three men aiming weapons at her. As the first fired, Ultra Woman raised a wristband to deflect it. It struck her wristband and popped with a hiss of escaping gas. "What...?" she mumbled in surprise. The gas continued forward from its momentum and carried into Ultra Woman's face. She jerked back in reaction, but it was too late. Again, the roof around her started to spin.

The second gunman fired, sending a second pellet at Ultra Woman. Dazed, she weakly tried to block it, but with her perception altered by the mind numbing gas, she missed poorly. It struck her on the left collarbone. The pellet stung slightly, but again popped open in a hiss of gas that hit her in the face quickly.

Still gasping for air from the electric shocks, Ultra Woman sucked in the gas. The roof spun around her and darkened. Ultra Woman stumbled to her knees, then fell onto her hands. She forced her head up, just in time to see the last gunman fire. The pellet struck her in the center of her tiara and popped, surrounding her face with the insidious gas.

Ultra Woman fought the effects of the gas, but it was a losing battle. "No...have...to get..up..ooohhhh..." She fell flat onto the roof with a wet splash. A groan came from her as the roof faded to black. With that last sound, Tania went limp. The raindrops plopped heavy around and on her unconscious body.

"Hurry men! The wanton woman must be dealt with quickly!" spoke the seventh man, pulling out and starting a stopwatch.

The two of the three men with poles surrounded Ultra Woman, and watched her warily. The fourth quickly set down his pole, and ran at Ultra Woman.

The three gunmen quickly set their weapons down and ran to the downed superheroine. One man kneeled down over her back and pulled her arms up and behind her. Pulling four twist-ties from his belt, he placed her hands on the opposite elbow, then wrapped the ties around her forearms, and pulled them tightly against one another inside the tie. Grabbing her hands, he pulled on them. Once confident that she was bound tightly, he looked up at the seventh man, the rain bouncing off his reflecting faceplate. "Go," he said, loud enough to be heard over the rain.

At the same time, and with equal quickness, the second pulled a foot long rod, with small rings on either end, from his belt. He pulled it outwards, extending it to three foot, where it locked into place with an audible click. He sat the pole down at Ultra Woman's ankles, then grabbed her feet. The man spread her long, athletic legs until her ankles were at the edge of each pole. Reaching into his belt, he pulled out two leather straps. With practiced skill, he lashed each ankle with the leather strap, then looped it through the ring at either end of the pole. Once snapped tight, he grabbed the pole in the middle and gave a shake. Ultra Woman's lower legs flopped and bounced, securely fastened to the spreader pole. Looking up to the seventh man, he said simply, "Go."

As the first two did their jobs, the third gunman dropped his weapon as well and moved into action. Grabbing a fistful of her soaking wet hair, the man lifted Ultra Woman head up. He pulled a white rubber ball with a hole drilled the length of its center, from his belt, and forced it into Ultra Woman's mouth and past the line of her teeth, stretching her lips wide. Still holding the unconscious woman's head up by her silken hair, he pulled a twist-tie from his belt and threaded it through the hole in the ball. He pushed her head back down into the puddling roof, then pulled the twist-tie tight behind her head, gagging her. "Go."

The fourth and last man dropped to his knees beside Ultra Woman's toned left thigh. Reaching into his belt, he pulled out a white object. It was twelve inches long, about one inch in length, and had a rounded tip at one end. Reaching down with his other hand, he pulled aside the material of her tights, now dark blue from the rain soaking them. He pulled them to the side and lifted up, forcing her hips to arch slightly. Placing the object at the doorway of her femininity, he nudged it inside Ultra Woman. Once sure he had the tip inside, the man jabbed it forward, bringing a gagged moan from the unconscious woman. Immediately Ultra Woman's sex began to lubricate, adding to the rain soaking her. He pushed a small microswitch that started the device humming. The man pulled her stretchy tights out, surrounded the flat end of the object, then released. The elastic material sprang back to form around the knob, forcing it snugly inside the unconscious Amazon. "Go."

The seventh man clicked a button on the stopwatch in his hand. "Excellent. Revive her."

The three men over and behind Ultra Woman jumped up, as the third pulled out a small metal capsule from his belt. Pushing Ultra Woman's head to the side, he put the capsule under her nose, and broke it open. Tossing the capsule aside, he stepped over Ultra Woman's back, grabbed her hair again, and lifted her up with both hands.

As Ultra Woman slowly revived, the seventh man stepped before her. The blonde superheroine hung from the two fists twisted in the hair at either side of her head, with most of her weight on her knees. She blinked as the roof began to come back into form. She squirmed in the grip of the man holding her up, trapped by the ties holding her arms behind her back and the spreader bar forcing her legs apart.

"MMphhh!!" Ultra Woman gasped into the gag. Her sex throbbed as the humming device hammered away at her resistance. Almost immediately she felt her strength ebbing under the Curse of Troy.

The seventh man held up a hand and spoke in a deep and pontifical voice. "Ultra Woman, you have been found guilty of perversion and attempted destruction of the youth of this country through your wanton actions and prostitutional mode of dress and behavior. By the judgment of the Society for the Preservation of America's Youth, you have been judged guilty of these crimes. Your punishment shall be proper treatment as a prostitute of America's cultural purity. Once your punishment has been handed to you, you shall be executed."

Ultra Woman was having trouble making out what the man was saying. She was beginning to get the feeling back in her body as the effects of the gas wore off. However, her strength was fading away as she grew more and more aroused, and the Curse of Troy took its terrible effect on the Amazon. She tried to pull her arms loose, or get her legs free, but she was bound too tightly, and her strength was fading fast. Ultra Woman wiggled her hips to try to get the dildo out, but the only effect was to drive the pulsating device deeper inside her tight sex due to her taut tights.

The leader held out his stopwatch so he could watch it and Ultra Woman at the same time. Her eyes closed as she slipped into the pleasure throbbing through her Amazon body. She knew she couldn't fall to the pleasure, but she couldn't help herself. The Curse was taking her over.

"Observe the prostitute's wanton pleasures, men. She cannot restrain herself, like the simple whore she is," the leader said as if explaining a natural process. "This 'Ultra Woman' is nothing but a whore, just as her attire and actions demonstrate." He paused as Ultra Woman let out a cry of pleasure, most of which was muffled by the gag.

Ultra Woman writhed under the pleasure that was simultaneously ravaging her mind with ecstasy while robbing the helpless superheroine of her fantastic strength. Desperately she tried to pull her legs free from the spreader bar or pull even a single arm free, but she was trapped. She jerked her head, but the man's hold on her hair kept her from moving too far. She bucked and twisted powerlessly. Rain and sweat ran down her face and over her shoulders and chest, forming a small pool of water between her breasts in her bustier. Her body arched backwards, pressing her huge breasts against the tight material, as the pleasure throbbed to a crescendo. With a gagged, garbled scream of pleasure, Ultra Woman orgasmed. Her athletic body tensed as hard as a rock as she quivered like the cover of a drum. The orgasm rocked the voluptuous blonde superheroine to her core. She remained arched like a statue, her teeth leaving gouges in the white rubber ball stuffed in her mouth. Finally, after the orgasm carried her far into pleasure, she slumped weakly, hardly strong enough now to even hold her head up.

"Behold," the leader pontificated again as he clicked the stop button on the watch, "the great Ultra Woman." He gestured down to the superheroine on her knees before him. "The great Ultra Woman falls to her own carnal pleasures in less than two minutes. This is proof for you all. This prostitute is a slave to her carnal pleasures, and truly deserves sanitation." He put the stopwatch in his pocket. "Now, Ultra Woman, it is time for your punishment. Men," he paused for a moment, then said, "punish this prostitute."

The six men, all waiting breathlessly during Ultra Woman's mindnumbing performance, immediately moved on her. The man holding her up released Tania, letting her land heavily upon her breasts and face. Dropping down to his knees, the man snapped open the quick release on the codpiece of his body armor. It bound open, and he quickly tossed it aside, and pulled down the underwear beneath, revealing his hardened cock. Pulling a knife from his belt, he snapped the blade open. With a quick slash, he cut the blue material cutting between Ultra Woman's ass cheeks. It snapped apart away from the dildo, and shrank back to its natural size. Grabbing the few inches of the vibrator not stretching Ultra Woman's vagina, the man jerked it out, and slung it across the roof.

Ultra Woman gasped in erotic panic as the dildo was suddenly pulled from her aching sex. She tried to pull free from the bonds holding her, but her great strength was visibly lessened. Regardless, her will was still strong. She concentrated, and pulled at her arms.

Two of the men grabbed the sides of her belt, and jerked her hips upwards. "Hurry, the fucking cunt's gonna break loose! Fuck her!"

One of the men kicked Ultra Woman in the head with the steel toe of her boot, causing her head to jerk to the side in a spray of water that scattered off her sodden hair. Another ran behind the group of men and stepped on the spreader bar, holding Ultra Woman's boots on the wet roof.

Her hips forced upwards and her head held down by a bootheel planted on her tiara and temple, Ultra Woman's tanned, firm ass reached skywards. The man between her spread thighs grabbed his stout organ, and leaned forward. With her vagina already well lubricated and his cock quickly soaked with rain, the knob pushed her pussy open easily.

Ultra Woman gasped into the gag as the warm flesh of the man's cock suddenly plunged inside her body. The man groaned as her heavenly sex surrounded him, sending a pulse of pleasure that brought a second groan and gasp from the man and woman. The Curse of Troy again began draining Ultra Woman's strength as well as her resistance. The man pulled himself halfway out, the drove inside her aching sex, then withdrew again, and pushed himself even farther. Once as far inside the helpless superheroine as he could get, he started to saw his cock in and out of Ultra Woman.

With each thrust inside her aching sex, Ultra Woman let out a cry of pleasure that stopped at the gag. The man with the boot on the side of her head pulled out his own knife, then leaned down and slid it under the strap holding the gag. A flick of his wrist sent the strap into two different directions, and pieces of Ultra Woman's long, wet blonde hair falling into the puddle under her body. Grabbing one end of the strap, he jerked the gag from between Ultra Woman's teeth, twisting her head violently to the side. Her face was crushed between the hard boot and the tarred roof, with part of her face forced into the rainwater puddle.

Ultra Woman's voice was raw. She spat out the rainwater in the puddle as she tried to speak. "Please...uhnn!!...stop! I..I...annghh!!"

The cries coming from the fucked superheroine were high pitched. Ultra Woman whined with each thrust as the man behind her sped up his pace. His cock rifled in and out of her tightening sex, sending Ultra Woman to the edge. Her bound hands twisted in the ties, her fingers wiggled, then turned into claw shapes as the orgasm grew faster with each wet thrust.

Ultra Woman started to thrash as the roof disappeared from her vision, replaced with a reddish black blur as the blood roared in her ears. "ANNGHHHHH!!!!" screamed the raped superheroine, her cries drowned by the thunder and pelting rain.

Two of the men held her shoulders down as her ass wiggled wildly. The man raping her grabbed her hips, and pushed inside her vagina as far as he could go. As Tania tensed and screamed her rasping cry of pleasure, the man arched his back, his face twisting as much as the helpless woman he was fucking, and came with a roar.

The man's cum shot inside the trapped superheroine's pussy, triggering the Curse, and a second orgasm rocked the prone Ultra Woman. Her penetrating scream echoed off the walls of adjoining buildings, and was finally drowned out by the sound of thunder. The rain pelted the two lovers, one willing, the other unwilling. Rain ran down Ultra Woman's back, centering on her spine, and dribbled off her neck and around her face. As the man's eruption subsided, he pulled out and fell back. The rain drained down between her ass cheeks, forcing the cold rainwater to roll over her anus and pussy.

Ultra Woman's hips sagged to the ground as the men released her. She tried to roll over, but the spreader bar kept her flat on her stomach. Soft moans slipped from Ultra Woman's wet lips. The man between her legs crawled out, his cock already deflating in the chilling rain.

The man with the boot on her head took it off, then he and another leaned down, and roughly flipped Ultra Woman onto her back. Her chest heaved inside her bustier from the raping and three orgasms she had experienced. Her long legs were spread wide, but she was unable to pull them together with the bar between her ankles. Her breasts arched upwards, the smooth curved, bulging surfaces pressing tautly against the wet bustier because of her arms bound in the middle of her back.

Ultra Woman weakly sat up, but before getting halfway a fist struck her in the cheek, spinning her head around in a wave of wet blonde hair, and dropping her back into the puddle with a splash. Two men off to the side popped their own codpieces off, and approached the dazed superheroine. One, with a huge, straining black cock, sat down between her spread legs, and lifted her ass up and slid his legs under her. Another stepped over her chest, reached down, and grabbed two handfuls of dripping hair.

Ultra Woman's torso was hoisted up into the air by her hair and hips. Still with some fight in her, Ultra Woman jerked her head, but her efforts were greatly weakened. She was now no stronger than most any normal woman. The man between her legs held her hips up, aimed carefully, then pulled Ultra Woman down. Her pussy quickly slid down and around his upwards pointing cock. Her athletic, sybaritic body arched in erotic agony as her own body weight and the pulling on her hips forced her aching pussy to engulf the enormous member. She cried out as her sex stretched painfully around the large organ.

As the pain of the entrance made Ultra Woman scream, the man holding her hair suddenly jerked her head forward, ramming his rain soaked cock past her lips and deep into her mouth and throat. The blonde superheroine's scream of erotic pain was gagged on the long shaft while her nose was buried in the pubic hair of her sodomizer. Her head was jerked back by the hair on the sides of her head, then violently pulled back over the cock, slamming into her throat again.

The man underneath the struggling female was grinding his hips upwards as he pulled her wide hips down. While he continued to roll his thick cock around inside her body, the man ran his armored fingers through Ultra Woman's blonde pubic tresses, up over her golden belt and flat stomach, then over her bustier to her sloshing breasts. His wide hands palmed them, then kneaded the soft, heavy glands trapped into fullness of the drenched bustier.

The leader watched the scene with obvious glee. "Yes men, punish the harlot! Make her pay for her crimes!" he barked.

The 'informant', up until now watching in stunned amazement at the rape of the strong and beautiful Ultra Woman, walked over to the leader fearfully. "Uh, wh..what about my sister? I..I gave you Ultra W.." He glanced over at the agonized, erotic heroine being raped senseless, "Ultra Woman. You..you got to give me back my sister."

The leader, in a gruff, angry voice, said, "Over there," pointing towards the stairwell door. When the informant looked, the leader pulled out his pistol, and shot. The informant's head exploded in blood and brains, and his lifeless body slumped to the roof with a small splash.

The group of two men and helpless woman paused for a moment at the sound of the gunshot. "Don't stop men!" barked the leader. "Fuck the whore good! Fulfill her punishment and sentence!"

Instantly Ultra Woman's mouth was again filled with the man's cock. The short, stubby organ plunged in and out, muffling Tania's cries of agony and delight. The huge black cock impaling her twisted inside her shrieking sex, bringing gurgled squeals from the trapped superheroine. Until now still soft, the huge organ was becoming more rigid, forcing it deeper inside Ultra Woman's overstretched cunt.

The woman's hair, normally shiny blonde, was an indistinguishable color from the dirt of the boot that had rested upon her head, the rainwater mixed with the tar of the roof, and the white gauntleted hands holding large sections of it. The remainder swung in long wet tangles as its owner, the powerful Ultra Woman, consumed the glistening wet cock over and over.

The man skewering her released Ultra Woman's bulging breasts, and ran his hands under her thighs, and lifted. Her long silky legs bent up at the knee until the spreader bar met the black man's back. Now free of the impediment of her thighs, Ultra Woman fell the last two inches still outside her pussy punch inside until her pubic bone struck his. Blonde pubic hair mixed with dark black as the man under her was finally fully inserted.

Ultra Woman howled into the member in her mouth. Her face twisted as the Curse consumed her soul and drove her deeper into the passion. Her athletic frame contorted wildly as Ultra Woman wailed while her impaler ground his thick dark cock around the inside her sex. The blonde heroine oozed her sexual lubricants down the penis uncontrollably. The black man lifted her up, then bent his armored fingers around her golden belt and jerked her back down with all his strength.

With a violent contortion of her helpless, bound, and held body, Ultra Woman came again. The climax ripped into her mind. Her sex clamped down around the organ deep within her belly. Her wild gyrations, inhibited only by the plastic ties on her forearms, the bar between her ankles, and the hands holding her head, brought her two rapists near their own orgasm.

Suddenly her head was wrenched upwards, ramming the man's quivering shaft into the back of her throat. With a husky growl, he pulled on Ultra Woman's hair until the rainwater literally dripped from it. The superheroine knew what was about to happen, but could do nothing as she was entrapped in her own orgasmic explosion. The man beneath her arched his ass up, pushing ever single centimeter of his cock inside her. His head rolled back, and his fingers dug into her thighs as his release grew closer.

"Good, men!" the leader applauded hoarsely, "teach the loathsome wench her true role! Show that if she dressed like a trollop, she shall be treated as such!" he yelled, slamming the butt of the pistol into the palm of his hand.

With a loud "Yes!" Ultra Woman's sodomizer twitched, then orgasmed. His hot seed shot into Ultra Woman's mouth, causing her to cough in the middle of her own corked screams of ecstasy. With her pussy clamped around his cock, the black man seized, and came also. With the two men injecting her with their male semen, Ultra Woman nearly exploded. The Curse brought out a second and third orgasm almost instantly. Semen seeped out the corners of her red, wet lips and mixed with the rain as it pelted the threesome. The two men strained to force their rods as deep as possible inside her as they rode out the last of their orgasms.

Between them, like a trapped animal, Ultra Woman rode out the multiple orgasms that ripped through her. Her body jolted furiously, and the two men rode the ravaged superheroine for all she was worth. Her bountiful breasts rolled around her chest, held only by the straining red and gold bustier that barely managed to keep them tamed. Her prolonged scream of release spewed the cum from her lips along the cock still embedded between her outstretched lips. Her rasping voice faded, and her thrashing started to ebb.

Finally, with the fires inside dying down, Ultra Woman sagged in exhaustion, held up only by her long hair. With a contemptuous toss, the man standing over her threw her head down to the ground. The back of her skull bounced off the hard roof with a hollow sound. She gasped for oxygen as the rain pelted her face.

Pushing himself back, the black man sighed with a last sensation of pleasure as his sagging cock popped from Ultra Woman's oozing sex. Unwrapping his legs and hers, he stumbled to his feet, dazed by the intensity of the orgasm that he had just been given by the voluptuous superheroine.

On the wet roof, Ultra Woman groaned and rolled as much as her bound condition allowed. Her mind was spinning.

The leader walked over as the two men gathered the codpieces off the ground and struggled to reattach them. "Men, this is what we are dealing with. A simple harlot, incapable of rational thought when dealt with by a man," he intones as he looked down on the exhausted woman.

Hearing his words, Ultra Woman's anger rose. She was almost too weak to move, but she bent her knees up, and started to sit up. "Uhnnn, no,..no..." she muttered, spitting out traces of semen as she spoke.

The leader grew quiet. "Still have some of your strength, Ultra Whore? Perhaps Mayhem exaggerated when he told us that you Amazon sluts lost your strength when dealt with properly by men. Then again, perhaps he simply has more endurance that us normal men."

Ultra Woman fell back down on her back, too weak to sit up. "M..Mayhem...?" she asked, her voice raw from her screaming.

Ignoring the questioning woman, the leader spoke to the last three armored people. "Men, finish this wanton harlot off. Finish her punishment!"

The three men stumbled over each other to get to Ultra Woman first. She let out a rough cry of anguish, pulling at the twist-ties still holding her arms securely behind her. The first two men each grabbed an ankle, and rudely flipped her over. Leaning down, one grabbed a fistful of her tortured, dripping hair and jerked her to her knees. The third laid down on the ground before her, his bare penis pointing up at her like a loaded gun.

"No, you cannot do this!" Ultra Woman blurted tiredly as she stared down at the cock straining upwards. "I..I am Ultra Woman!"

The two men behind her grabbed her by the shoulders and slid her forward until her knees were across the man's hips. "Yeah, watch us babe," he laughed. He reached up and filled his hands with her luscious breasts, and pulled her down. The tip of his cock nudged inside her.

Ultra Woman was dragged down into a doggie position by her volumnuous breasts. "Stop! Let me go! Take your hands off my breasts!" she barked coarsely. Her damp hair rolled off her wet back and over her shoulders until it slapped up against the man's face plate. She could see her reflection. Her face was filled with anger and despair. Looking down at her breasts being molested in the man's armored hands, she could see between them to the cock pointing up at her vagina. "No, please...not again...you will destroy me..." she rasped at the man.

"Yeah, you'll just be our little fucktoy til we kill you, bitch," he said coldly. Two hands pressed Ultra Woman's hips downwards, forcing the third cock to drive inside her puffy vagina.

A cry of hopelessness gurgled from Ultra Woman. Her body grew heavy, and most of it fell into the two hands on her mountainous breasts. She tried to resist, but she was so weak. The Amazon Curse had stolen almost all her strength, but the rain drenched superheroine tried to lift her aching hips off her impaler anyway.

Her breasts were released and her hips grasped firmly, and Ultra Woman was tugged back down, thrusting the penis even deeper. She let out a cry of unwanted eroticism as her upper body slumped down onto the man's chest. He twisted his hips around, pushing more and more of his length inside her. With a loud grunt, he drove the rest of his point home, embedding the blazing organ

"No, stop, doonnnhhh!!" Ultra Woman cried as her pussy was forced to receive the third cock in minutes. She gritted her teeth as she fought to retain even a small amount of her powers before the Curse stole them all.

The man behind her, seeing Ultra Woman solidly in hand now, knelt down behind her. His rigid cock quivered in excitement. Reaching into his tool belt, he pulled out a small tube, opened it, and squeezed the thick opaque gel inside it into his hand. Tossing aside the empty tube, he gently rubbed the gel over his member until it glistened. After a couple brief strokes to bring it to full life, he slapped Ultra Woman on her firm, bare ass, then rubbed the remaining gel over her anus.

With a flinging of her wet hair, the superheroine's head snapped up. "No!! Not there! You cannot do this to me!" she screamed. "I am Ultra Woman!"

The man underneath the Amazon chuckled. "Today you're Ultra Fuck, bitch." Behind her, the man aimed himself, the leaned forward until the head of his sex pushed inside the fiery heroine. Ignoring the Ultra Woman's cries, he grunted and fought to overcome her resistance.

With the man above holding the struggling heroine's hips, the man below again gripped her breasts. Lifting her back upwards, he kneaded her lush glands. Like two tiny mountains, Ultra Woman's nipples grew large inside the wet buster. The red material stretched out, and the water that drained over her came to a point at her nipples and dripped down onto the man beneath her. Sliding his thumb and fehplay finger over, he pinched each point and rolled them between his fingers.

"Angh!!" Ultra Woman cried out, arching her head upwards with the painful pleasure exploding from her oversized mammaries. With her concentration broken, her body relaxed.

"Yes!" the man in her ass exclaimed as Ultra Woman's resistance ended, followed quickly but his cock plunging deep inside her curved rear. Most of his penis disappeared inside her experienced ass with a wet, squishing sound of gel being squeezed off by the pressure of her anus.

The gurgled scream blasted from her lips. "AUUUGHH!!" Ultra Woman's body stiffened. Her arms trembled helplessly in the twist-ties; her long legs vibrated, held motionless by the spreader bar keeping her ankles far apart. Her scream trailed on and on in a long note as her head bent upwards until the tormented heroine was looking skywards. Her mouth was wide in the middle of her scream, her eyes tightly shut as her body shuddered from the double insertion. She tried to move her hips in any direction, but the man beneath her grabbed her belt, and the two men held the thrashing female in place.

The third man, still watching the tall, athletic body, encased in her high heeled boots and bustier, could hold back no longer. Stepping in front of Ultra Woman, he threaded his fingers in her hair, cupped her head, and brought her down to his groin. His head fell back as her lips surrounded him, and her warm orifice surrounded his wet cock. The change from the wet, cold fall rain to the heated mouth brought a sigh from him.

Ultra Woman tried to yell out as she felt the fingers cup her head, but before she could utter a word she was consuming yet another cock. She tried to pull her head back, tried to lift her hips away from the men lancing her hips, but the sensations were becoming overwhelming. Her mind began to swim in stimulation. The Curse of Troy was slowly winning its battle with the Amazon heroine.

Each man thrust and pulled Ultra Woman in a different direction. All three were wrapped up in their own gratification, heightened by the incomprehensible sobs of the voluptuous superheroine being raped between them. The three cocks pistoned in and out of Ultra Woman mercilessly.

Tania's mind was fading. All the pleasure, the pain, the stimulation, the bondage, and mostly the penetration was burying her spirit in the Curse. She found herself concentrating on each plunge of a penis inside her, whether is be in her mouth, pussy, or ass. She could feel every curve of each member, knew when it reached its deepest, and sensed the moment the organ was retracted. Her full red lips locked around the organ in her mouth, and caressed it, milked it. She impelled her hips downwards, driving the penis even deeper inside her body. She slid her knees wider over the wet roof, giving wider access to her curvaceous ass.

Now with Ultra Woman's cooperation, the three men and single female became a unit, all working towards the same goal. Each man matched the thrusts of the overwhelmed superheroine. Her pendulous breasts shook back and forth on her chest with each lunge of their owner. The two large mammaries bound in her bustier as if it would burst.

"You see men, Mayhem was right!" the leader crowed. "The famous Ultra Woman is truly nothing but a slut, easily overcome by her sexual, perverted needs! Under the domination of powerful men, she..." Suddenly, faint in the distance, came the sound of police sirens. "Damn! Hurry men, finish the last of her strength off, then we must complete her sentence and be on our way!"

The three men, not wanting to lose their chance come inside the most beautiful woman in Megapolis, thrust faster and faster into Ultra Woman. Hands grabbed at her every body part. Her luscious breasts were kneaded and twisted, as a hand circled around and began thumbing her clit.

Her squeals of delight became louder with each plunge inside her body. She sucked and grunted, as if trying desperately to bring on her own defeat. The Curse had completely destroyed her will to resist, and Ultra Woman thrust her shapely hips onto the two organs plowing into her at breakneck speed.

Her tiara slammed into the hard body armor, clanking loudly over and over and adding to the punishment Ultra Woman was taking. The men grunted and groaned as the erotic heroine drove them to the edge.

The corked squeals of the helpless heroine became higher and higher as her own orgasm grew. A tiny part of her mind tried to tell her to stop, but the Curse owned her, and Ultra Woman strove to reach her orgasm.

Suddenly Ultra Woman was rammed forwards with a loud clang of tiara on armor. The cock in her mouth drove down her throat, spasmed, and fired. The man laughed at the superheroine gulping him down.

Under the power of the orgasm, Ultra Woman reached her own climax. Her entire Amazon body seized, stiffened and contorted in a paroxysm of orgasmic pleasure. Unable to scream, even breath, Ultra Woman's mind was broken into a thousand tiny pinpoints of erotic bliss.

As her body tensed, Ultra Woman brought on the orgasms of her rapists. The two men each made a roar of approval and discharged their liquid life into the bowls of the superheroine. While the man under her held himself deep inside her, pumping himself dry into her womb, the man behind her continued to ram himself into her ass with every bit of violence he could give her. His balls slapped against the tiny overstretched space between her anus and vagina, giving Ultra Woman that much more stimulation.

Every tendon, every ligament, every muscle in Ultra Woman's body flexed as two more orgasms instantly wracked her body and mind. Cum rolled out her crack and down her thighs from the third and fourth loads she had absorbed in ten minutes. She remained rooted in that spot like a statue for what seemed to her like forever. Her every cells exploded with an intensity of pleasure that she could not handle. Ultimately she was doomed. As she descended from the heights of her orgasm, she slumped weakly into the hands holding her aloft.

The men consummated their joining with the bound superheroine, and each pulled away. Her head was released, allowing it to drop down until the top of her scalp was brushing the chin of the man below her, her rain soaked hair flared out over his face plate in long wet clumps. The man behind her pulled out of her ass with a faint pop, followed by a small stream of cum that quickly mixed with rain water to trail down her thighs to the rooftop.

"Guess you ain't so tough now, huh Ultra Cunt?" the man below her sneered. He held her sagging, limp body up by her two large, soft breasts. "Fucking you just takes it out of you, huh?"

Ultra Woman barely understood what the man was saying. Her head buzzed and swam. She was too weak to even stop the white, cum-laden drool from rolling out her mouth and roll up her cheek to her golden tiara.

Two of the other men stepped forward, grabbed her by the back of her bustier and shoulders, and lifted her up and out of the grasp on her breasts. "Hurry men," the leader ordered. "The protectors of this perverted culture will arrive soon," he said, his words stressed by the growing sound of the sirens in the distance.

Her chin sank down on her chest, Ultra Woman couldn't even look up. None of her muscles would move. The Curse had taken all her strength, not leaving her enough to even flick a finger.

The man below her crawled out from under her, and he and the other two gathered up their armored codpieces. The two men released Ultra Woman, letting her fall lifelessly onto the rooftop. Walking over to her, the leader knelt down beside her. "Pathetic."

Ultra Woman could barely keep her eyes open. Through thin slits her blue eyes made out the boots of the leader, and the men circled around her helpless bound body.

The leader waited until his men were all dressed again while watching her closely. Once the men gathered again, he stood. "Lift the prostitute up."

Two men again grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her up onto her knees. Her head flopped back onto her chest, forcing the rainwater in her hair to drain down between her breasts and pool up again. The leader led the men behind Ultra Woman.

Once behind her, the leader spoke in his deep, pontifical voice. "Ultra Woman, you have been found guilty of perversion and the attempted destruction of the vitality of the youth of this country through your wanton actions and prostitutional mode of dress and behavior. The penalty as judged by the Society for the Preservation of America's Youth was punishment as proper treatment as a prostitute of American's culture, and that has been followed through. Now for your final sentence. Death."

Ultra Woman tried to move, but she could only move her eyelids. The rainwater rolled into her eyes, making her vision blurry. Her body was numb, with the only sensations being the aftereffects of her multiple orgasms.

The leader seized a fistful of her handy blonde hair, and pulled her head upwards. He reached forward, grabbed her golden tiara, and pulled it from her forehead. The tiara lifted her hair up, her long dirty tresses intertwined with the golden band. With a contemptuous toss, the leader sent the tiara clattering across the rooftop until it came to a rest on its side, glistening in the raindrops.

Tania tried to speak, her voice coming out in gasping whispers. "No...www...wait..you....you can..cannot do...do this. I...I am Uhh..Ultra Woman..." she said, unable to see her assailants, but feeling her hair being tugged back. She could move the tips of her fingers, but her numb, weakened body was still held tightly in her bonds.

The leader dismissed Ultra Woman's words. "You are a prostitute, a slut, as shown by your actions. Ultra Woman, you are guilty, and now you shall be executed for your crimes and as an example for any who might follow in your footsteps."

The voluptuous superheroine could hear the sirens getting closer. "No..wait.."

The leader grabbed the hair at the top of her head and pulled her up straight. Reaching into his belt, he pulled out his pistol, and pressed it to the back of Tania's skull. "Your punishment, slut, is well deserved. You should thank us for ending your miserable existence."

Her head pulled up high, Ultra Woman felt the pistol touch her skin. Her blue, reddened eyes widened. "Oh no, wait..."

The leader fired. The bullet slammed into Ultra Woman. Her head snapped forward, yanking her blonde hair from the leader's hand except for a few stray hairs that were pulled from her skull. Her world exploded in a red veil of pain that quickly succumbed to the darkness.

Before Ultra Woman's bound body could hit the wet roof, the bullet bounced off the armor of one of the men beside the leader. The man yelped in surprise and grabbed his stinging arm. With a splash, the unconscious superheroine landed limply on the roof.

The leader looked down at the supposedly dead heroine. "What, no blood? Invulnerability was not in Mayhem's report!!" The sirens were getting louder, and in the distance could be hear the blades of a helicopter. Ignoring the painful groans of his man, he aimed his pistol at the back of Ultra Woman, and fired.

Tania's body lurched in the rain as the bullet struck her back and bounced off, ricocheting off into the night.

"Sir, we should go. We've run out of time," one of the men said.

"No! The harlot must be executed!" the barked, and fired again. The bullet bounced off the back of Ultra Woman's head, and slammed into one of the men, causing him to drop to the roof in a scream of pain. Ultra Woman lurched again, her unconscious, helpless body forced to take the punishment.

The man screaming broke the leader's single minded intensity. "Damnation! Grab that man, and initiate our escape." He stood over the downed superheroine. "We shall find this prostitute again one day, and fulfill her sentence."

Gathering their injured colleague, the white armored men ran to the heating unit, and disappeared within it. The door was pulled back up, and machinery within could be heard.

Remaining on the roof, alone in the drizzling rain, lay Ultra Woman. She was sprawled on her stomach, prone. Her long legs were wide with the spreader bar between her boots keeping her legs far apart. Her blue tights were shrunken up high, leaving her ass and vagina bare to the elements. Her limp arms were unmoving and bound still in the twist-ties behind her back. Her hair, normally bright and shiny, was dripping wet, dirty, and in long tangles that wound to all sides of her, over her face, down her back, and twisted in her arms. Her breathing was slow, but constant.

The rain continued to fall.