The Clone

Author: Lady Liberty
Time to Read:7min
Added Date:8/14/2024
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Tags: Short StoryUltra Woman
        • League of Freedom Members and Associated Supergroups ONLY. Highly Confidential - - - -


Ultra Woman's red and blue boot struck me right in the stomach. The air gushed from my lungs and I was lifted into the air. I flew back until I struck the side of the steel reinforced concrete wall. I bounced off it and fell to the floor while pieces of mortar plinked around and on me.

I quickly got to my feet. The blonde woman in the red, gold and blue costume was coming towards me. I saw her fist coming forward. I saw the dead look in her blue eyes. I saw the lights glinting off the golden U and W on her red bustier.

"BLLNGH!" I grunted when the fist hit my chin. My head wrenched around sending my own blonde hair flying outwards. I spun around and caught the wall with both hands.

"ANNGH!" I cried out arching backwards painfully as her fist hammered into my kidney. Another punch to the kidney made me fall to my knees.

"NNGGH!" I groaned as both heels of her hands slammed into the small of my neck on either side. I pushed myself to my booted feet and turned only to get another punch to the face that made me spin around again until my back was against the wall. An open hand to my nose smashed the back of my head against the concrete wall behind me.

"Yes my pet! Crush Ultra Woman! We will destroy her body in the acid tank and you will take her place!"

That is what I heard Professor Mutos say. He is a scientist that has been twisted by experimenting on himself. He looks like a scientist, except for the green leathery skin. About a week ago one of his mutant creatures had caught me by surprise and captured me. Since then, I had been in a cloning tank and escaped. Now I was in the abandoned army bomb shelter Mutos had turned into his lab, facing down the first of the six clones he had made of me.

She looked exactly like me in almost every detail. The clone had my body, my hair, my skin tone. She even had a duplicate of my costume. The only things she did not have were my tiara, lasso, and bracelets. Sure, they could have taken my tiara and lasso any time, but the bracelets...those would have to be taken off my dead body. Our bracelets are an integral part of an Amazon's spirit. They are placed on us when we are young girls and we grow into them. Without them, we lose all our Amazon physical gifts. They remind us every day of the freedom our Amazon ancenstors fought for, for the chains the Queen and her followers destroyed. Only I can remove them. You will see why I am going on about my bracelets later on.

"UNGH!" I grunted when she brought a knee up into my side. I bent over and was lifted to my toes. She grabbed me by the arm, spun me around, and sent me flying across the room. I hit the opposite wall next to the stairwell and bounced off it to the floor. I heard her leap over the catwalk, duck around the acid tank, and come at me. I looked up to see the heel of her boot.

My head snapped back and I flipped backwards. My entire body wrenched around in midair and flecks of blood sprayed from my mouth.

She waited until I got to my hands and knees then kicked me in the gut. I was lifted into the air and bounced into the stairwell door.

I grabbed the metal bar that served as the latch for the door. I pulled myself up, pushed the bar and rushed down the stairs.

"Go get her, my clone!" Mutos ordered. "Those stairs only go deeper into the complex, there is no escape for Ultra Woman now! Destroy her, bring her back and dump her body into the acid vat, and you will be the new Ultra Woman!"

I leaped over the railing to the stairs below. A few quick steps down and I jumped over the next railing to the landing. I pushed open that door and found myself in an empty room. No exit. I backed into the room as my twin came through the door.

Her blue eyes seemed to narrow. So far she had not said a word but I could sense the violence she wanted to bring upon me.

The blonde woman in the red, gold and blue costume was coming towards me. I saw her fist coming forward. I saw the dead look in her blue eyes. I saw the lights glinting off the golden U and W on her red bustier.


My fist struck her cheek as my other arm came up to block her punch. Her head snapped back in an explosion of blonde hair. I quickly grabbed the front of her bustier and yanked her forward into my fist again.

I pivoted and using the front of the clone's bustier, I hurled her into the wall. She flew ten feet through the air, struck the wall, and fell to the floor as pebbles of mortar and concrete bounced around her.

It was disturbing to see it from this side though, to see my own face taking a punch, to see my body lurching from the blows, to see my uniform on the clone. To see Ultra Woman being beaten down.

She was getting to her feet but I was there first. I grabbed her by the blonde hair. Usually it was my hair being grabbed by some supervillain, instead this time I was using it. If there is anything I have learned from the villains I have met, it is how to use my body, my uniform, and my hair against me.

I pulled her up and brought my knee into her face as I yanked down on her long blonde hair. Once, twice, and a third time until I saw the blood on my knee. I bent her head back by her hair and saw the cracked lip, the bloody nose.

I brought my fist back to finish her, but hesitated. She was a clone, and upstairs I had let her beat on me to make Mutos think I was losing. The clone's dead blue eyes certainly did not have the spark of life that I had. Still, her heart was beating and she was bleeding. She had not said a word, but she was alive. Or was she?

I brought my fist down across her cheek. The fake Ultra Woman spun around and fell to the floor face down. I rolled her over with the toe of my boot. The clone was unconscious.

Quickly I knelt down. I unhooked the lasso from my belt and placed it on her belt. I slipped the tiara from my forehead. I pushed the bloody, mussed hair from her face and placed it on the clone's forehead. Next my bracelets.

I knew there were five more clones upstairs. One clone I could beat, but five might defeat me. I could use my lasso to stop Mutos, but those five were too many. I had to pretend to be this clone until I could figure out how to destroy all five at once.

Only I could remove my bracelets. They completely enclosed my wrists but through the magic I could remove them. That was how I had a secret identity. But without them, I would be a normal woman, not an Amazon.

But I had no choice. I pulled on one bracelet and the metal flowed over my wrist. Then the other. The moment the second one came off, I felt very heavy. I had the strenght of an average woman now.

I took the clone's wrist and let the metal flow over it. I stepped over her prone body and place my other bracelet on her.

I went to pick her up and nearly pitched forward. Normally I could have picked her up like nothing, but now my clone felt like she weighed two tons. With a grunt of effort, I pitched my clone over my shoulder.

"Very good!" Professor Mutos crowed when I came out the door with an Ultra Woman over my shoulder. She felt like a building but I could not let it show.

He waved me over and I carried her to him. He stepped behind me to lift up her hair and look at her bloody face.

"It is a shame to destroy such a subject," Mutos lamented, "but I must replace you with my clone," he told her. "So you, Ultra Woman, have to die."

"Come pet," he said and I silently followed him up the metal stairs to the catwalk. He paused over the vat below with the green acid. The fumes were acrid and burned my nostrils. He lifted the clone's head again to look at her face. "Such a shame."

He let her go and I felt her face bounce against my back. "Toss her in."

I leaned forward and let me hands slide off her satin covered bottom. The fake Ultra Woman fell away from me and tumbled into the vat face down with a splash. I instantly heard the acid sizzle as she sank into the green ichor.

I nearly let out a gasp when Professor Mutos reached over and cupped one of my breasts. "When the acid had disintegrated Ultra Woman's body, we will fish out her tiara, bracelets and lasso."

He took me by the chin and looked at my face. I tried to keep my eyes unfocused like the clone's had been and looked straight ahead. He twisted my head to one side then the other while he inspected me.

"Very good, only slight damage to you. I was pleased to see you destroy Ultra Woman with little damage to yourself."

I stood about six inches over him so looking at my breasts was just about straight ahead for him. He put both of his green leathery hands on my breasts. He licked his dark green lips.

"So firm..." He released my breasts and took me by the hand. "Come along. While dead Ultra Woman's body melts away, let's go back to my room so I may enjoy your delightful body."

As Mutos lead me out of the lab, I passed by the other five clones, all naked but ready. Without my bracelets, any one of them could overpower me. In fact, without them, even Mutos might be able to do that.

He opened the door and inside was his bedroom. "I can be the first to enjoy the body of the new Ultra Woman," he said as he turned to cup my sex. I almost jumped out of my skin...