The Fall of Ultra Woman, II

Author: Lady Liberty
Time to Read:26min
Added Date:8/1/2024
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Tags: Ultra Woman

"Is this it, Detective Vortelli?" asked the tall, voluptuous Amazon.

"Yeah, dat's it, Ultra Woman," the crumpled policeman answered.

The superheroine picked up the shiny metal plate. Her reflection showed a proud young woman, with tightly curled red hair that bounced around her face and her shoulders, with a golden tiara holding the wild locks out of her eyes. Centered in the tiara was a brilliant ruby that reflected the faint light of the empty warehouse. "I presume it is the same metal as was found at the theft of Telenetics, correct?"

The grizzled man chomped down on the extinguished cigar. "Yeah, I'd says so. Looks just likes it. I'd say dat it's some kinda callin' card."

The voluptuous heroine looked at the metal closely. "There is no writing on it. This is odd for a calling card, but I would trust your judgment on this, Detective."

Vortelli turned around to look the Amazon over. She was a little taller than her predecessor, just under six foot in her three inch heels. The red bustier pushed her heavy breasts upwards, as the stylized 'U' and 'W' glistened on her chest and upper midsection. A wide golden belt hugged her thin waist, while high cut sky blue tights swung around her lithe hips. The boots, red with a blue arrow that shot up the length of them, made her legs look even longer. On each wrist was a shiny band, with an opening on the inside that allowed their removal. To only a few close companions and her sisters, she was known as Melania. To the rest of the world, she was known as Ultra Woman, the second in the real world.

Melania turned to face Vortelli. Her curlets and the glowing golden rope strapped to her belt swung out as she moved. Handing him the piece of metal, she said, "I will leave this with you. I know it is evidence you must retain."

Vortelli looked around, then gave the ravishing heroine a wink. "Yeah, I should, but ifs ya needs it, then gives it to me later on, okay?"

Ultra Woman smiled; enough to take the breath out of any living man. "Thank you, Detective. I have one place to take it, then I will return this to you."

Vortelli took the cigar out of his mouth for a moment. "Yeah, dat's fine. Mebbe youse can tells me where da hell it comes froms anyways."

Melania gave the rough Detective a final nod before turning away. "I will inform you as soon as I know myself."

The oriental woman slid the metal plate under the tip of the electrode. "This will tell us if it is the same, Melania."

Ultra Woman watched Myst curiously. Myst was much smaller than Melania, but her lithe frame, hidden inside the grey bodysuit and cape, was in an obvious heightened state of fitness. "Thank you, Myst. If it is the same, then I will have little choice but to investigate Docod Industries. Normally I would leave this to the police, but the thefts have shown that they have been committed by someone with a great strength, and perhaps other abilities."

Myst started the computer cycle by punching a key, then turned to look up at the Amazon. "Yes, I would analyze, from the damage done to the building at Telenetics, that nothing normally human could do damage like that," she said with an eerie calm.

Ultra Woman nodded. The two superheroines were a disparate combination. Ultra Woman glittered and sparkled from the polished tiara and gold of her costume, to the rubies embedded in her tiara and wristbands, to the rope that glowed on her hip. Even Melania's eyes sparkled with life. The tight curls of her shining red hair were allowed free rein to fall where they would, whether down her back, or over her arms, or down her chest and over her bulging breasts. Her voluptuous, curvaceous body was exposed for all to see in the tight bustier, heeled boots, and high cut tights; however, she showed no signs of discomfort, this mode of dress was natural for her people. To counterpoint this, Myst's dark grey costume seemed to absorb light, making it utterly lifeless and dull. Her costume hid most of her features except for her feet, arms, head, and what little of her thin body that could be seen within the folds of her cape. Her face was emotionless behind the wide mask that hid her identity. Her black hair was straight and long, and held in numerous tight knots of the same material as her costume.

The computer beeped. Myst leaned over to read the screen. "According to this, there seems to be some writing stained into the metal." Her thin lips hardened. "I assume this message is for you, Melania."

Ultra Woman peered over Myst's shoulder to read the words on the monitor. Her brown eyes widened.

I will get you Ultra Woman, for everything you have done to me! the words said.

Myst glanced up at the taller heroine. "The letters were burned on by a high powered laser, and are only visible under a spectroscope. I would assume this person intended only for you to see this, and assumed you would come to me. Also, there are only two places that are registered as having a laser like this on the premises."

Ultra Woman stood back up straight and chewed the inside of her lip thoughtfully. "That makes sense, Myst. Very well, I will let this person try his luck."

"Do you know who it is?"

Melania shook her head. "No, but that does not matter. I have battled so many that it could be any number of people." She picked up the metal plate, and looked at the now invisible lettering.

As Ultra Woman turned to go, Myst placed a gloved hand on the Amazon's arm. "Be wary, Melania. I have misgivings about this."

Ultra Woman gave the smaller woman a confident smile. "What can happen to me? Rape, perhaps get tied up for a short while? I am Ultra Woman, and I have not had many challenges defeat me yet."

As Ultra Woman walked out the door of Myst's secret hideaway, the masked woman frowned.

The warehouse was a two story, brick affair, with a fence topped with barbed wire surrounding it. A side gate in the fence was open, allowing delivery trucks to enter and egress. Ultra Woman calmly walked through the gate and approached the back dock where a half dozen men were busy unloading a truck.

A man wearing a sweat stained white shirt and brown tie smiled as Melania took the steps up the side of the dock. "Why, it's Ultra Woman!" he exclaimed. The other workers stopped what they were doing to admire the superheroine as she sparkled in the noon day sunlight. "It's a real honor to meet you," the man said, approaching her.

Ultra Woman returned his smile. "Thank you. Are you the manager here?"

The man nodded, awed at her presence. "Yes ma'am, I'm Red Nelson, the shift manager. What can I do for you?"

Melania offered up the metal plate. "Do you have lasers capable of inscripting these?"

Red took the plate and looked at the blank surface. "Yes ma'am, we sure do. Come on in, I'll show it to you." The manager stepped in the dock door, followed by the redheaded superheroine, who was followed by most of the dock workers. Inside was a large warehouse, with two workers on forklifts moving various palettes around to prepare for more shipments. Against the far left wall was an enclosed office, with a set of stairs leading downwards. Against the back left wall was a maintenance area with various types of equipment. Toolboxes vied for room with lathes and other equipment. Against the wall was a tarp thrown over a larger piece of equipment. It was in this direction that Ultra Woman was led.

The crowd of workers soon reached a dozen as they followed the attractive superheroine. Red walked over to the tool area, then put his hands on his hips as he looked around. "If that don't beat all, it must have been taken out for repair or something, Ultra Woman. It was here two days ago. That's weird." He turned around to face her and the men behind her. "Any you guys seen the laser?"

From the collected men came a collective negative.

Red reluctantly handed the metal plate back to Melania. "Gee, I'm really sorry about this Ultra Woman, it must be out for repair and no one told me."

Melania was less than convinced. "Of course. When do you think it will be returned from the repair shop?"

Red shrugged. "I honestly couldn't tell you, ma'am. It could be tomorrow, then again it could be next month."

Shaking his hand in thanks, Ultra Woman said, "Thank you anyway, Mister Nelson. I will come back later."

Red smiled, still in some awe. "Gee, thanks for coming by. You're always welcome here, Miss Ultra Woman."

Ultra Woman gave a final smile, then turned and made her way through the collected workers, all of whom watched her figure closely as she left. Her heels clicked on the concrete with each step, although she paused only slightly as she walked out the dock door. Once she stepped off the dock and dropped down to the parking lot, she glanced back once curiously, then continued across the lot and out the gate.

Once Melania walked back out the gate, Red looked to each of his men. In a cold, metallic voice, he said, "Did everyone observe the female target?"

From the grove of trees that lay behind the old warehouse, Melania peered out. The faint moonlight reflected from the gold of her costume with argent hues. The parking lot inside the high fence was well lit, but devoid of movement. Along one side was a row of trucks, but the dock was empty. Ultra Woman waited a few minutes more, then rose from her kneeling position, and stepped out of the treeline.

When she reached the fence, she leaned down, bunched herself up, the leaped into the air. With feminine grace, she arched over the top of the fence, her tight red curls flying behind her. She landed as gracefully as she had taken off, with her long red curls falling in a crash around her shoulders. Rising slowly, she looked around the parking lot. Still seeing no one, she jogged to the dock and jumped up onto the three foot high surface. Knowing from her earlier observation that the dock door was not part of an alarm system, she grabbed the knob. Under her Amazonian strength, the round knob snapped off. She kneeled to quietly set the broken knob down, the pushed open the door.

The warehouse was dark. The half moon's light filtered darkly through high windows stained by the passage of years. Stepping in, her heels tapped on the cold concrete beneath her, as if to point out her movement. Slowly she approached the tool area. Stepping around the shadows, she made her way to the tarpaulin. Clicking on a small worklight, she reached for the tarp, and pulled it away. Beneath was a large device. The plate on the side declared that it was indeed the etching laser. Melania nodded to herself.

Suddenly she heard steps behind her. Walking out of the shadows by the numerous crates and boxes that covered the far wall were the ten workers she has seen early that day. They walked slowly, calmly, their faces completely unemotional, showing no awe or attraction that they had shown previously.

Melania turned to square herself towards them. She took on a ready stance, awaiting whatever these men had planned. They continued to approach, slowly and implacably. They formed a half circle as they got within twenty feet of the surrounded Amazon heroine.

Looking from cold face to cold face, Melania spoke up. "I know that plate was etched here, and this is the laser that did it. If you all surrender now, justice will be much kinder with you."

The men were unmoved. They didn't even blink. The manager, Red, stepped from the group, and approached the voluptuous superheroine. Melania watched him closely. "The master has declared that you will fall this night," he said in a tinny monotone. "We will do his bidding."

Red doubled up his fist and aimed it at Melania's cheek. Amazon combat instincts took over her surprise. Her arm came up, and the fist was deflected to the side by her wrist band with a loud clanging sound.

Melania was stunned. That wasn't the noise she was expecting. Her brown eyes followed the fist. The skin has peeled off after the impact with her band, revealing the metal beneath. An android?

As this thought soaked into Ultra Woman's mind, Red's other hand struck her in her side. She winced in pain, but the blow wasn't powerful enough to do Ultra Woman any real damage. However, the other nine men charged her at that moment.

Melania dodged to the left and sent the first man flying back to clang into the laser, then ducked as the second did the same. Moving as fast as the eye could see, the Amazon heroine jumped up and let the third slide under the laser. Unfortunately, as he went by, his hand grabbed her ankle, sending Ultra Woman flying down onto her knees. She shook the red curls from her face and looked up as the fourth plowed into her chest sending her tumbling back. The fifth piled atop her legs, bearing the long, tanned extremities down as well. The sixth and seventh grabbed at her arms, as the remaining two piled atop her until the beautiful superheroine disappeared under the heap of android-men.

Fists rained down upon the overwhelmed woman. Her braceleted hand raised up, but was dragged back down into the pile. The other three jumped atop her, kicking and punching violently down into every part of the Amazon heroine. Impassively Red watched the vicious struggle. Feminine cries of pain and distress were all that escaped the pile of androids. Ultra Woman's hands tore at the androids, tearing off pieces of ersatz skin until it was obvious what she was battling. As the last three androids leaped atop her, Melania's hands were pulled down and held out to her sides, leaving her vulnerable to the blows that rained down upon her face and breasts.

Suddenly a red boot jabbed out of the pile, sending an android hurtling across the warehouse in a wide arc until he crashed into a crate. A second boot lashed out, sending another android flying. Her left arm lifted an android up, then smashed it into the one sitting across her belly, sending them both tumbling. Her powerful right arm flexed, and sent two more flying. Soon the other three were thrown off her.

Melania jumped to her feet. She was sore from all the punches she had just taken, but now she knew what she was fighting. The androids all were getting to their feet, unbothered by the damage each had already taken. Ultra Woman knew what she had to do.

Her first kick took the head off the nearest android. As the second one jumped at her, she sidestepped it and pushed it into the wall, bulging the bricks outwards and flattening the metal head of the man. The next one punched Melania in the side as she was turning back. She winced in pain, but she grabbed his arm, and jerked him forward as the smashed her knee through his chest and nearly out his backplate. She snatched him up and smashed him into the next android that was charging her, sending both crashing to the floor in a heap of smoking metal and clothing.

As the three she had kicked away charged Melania, she picked up the five ton lathe, and heaved it across the warehouse. It smashed into them all, crushing them under its massive weight. From the side she was finally tackled by another man, sending her sprawling in a pile of legs and her curly red hair. The last android leaped on her, sending his knee crashing into her stomach, bringing a gasp from the superheroine's red lips.

Ignoring that android, Melania grabbed the hair of the man atop her, then drove her fist full force into his nose. With a shriek of metal, his face collapsed upon itself in a shower of sparks. Tossing it aside, she grabbed the last man by the lapel of his coat, lifted him up, placed her high heeled boots in his chest, and kicked outwards.

As the last man arched high into the air until crashing into the roof, then fell to the hard concrete in a cloud of dust and metal bits, Melania jumped to her feet. Still exhibiting no emotion at the destruction of his crew, Red turned tail, and ran for the stairs. As fast as thought, Melania took off after him, only slowed slightly by her battle and beating.

Red spun around the metal pipe bannister and ran down the stairs, with Ultra Woman twenty feet behind him. He descended the concrete steps, and entered a long hallway, lined with metal on all four surfaces. At the end of the thirty foot hallway was a matching metal door. Red came up to a stop at the door and started pushing keys on a numerical pad beside it. When Melania got within five feet, the door finally opened, and Red rushed in, with the valiant Ultra Woman right behind him.

As soon as she entered, the door behind Melania slid back down. She came to a sudden stop as she realized she had charged into a trap.

She was in a large underground lab. Red stopped and turned back to face her, his mechanical body showing no strain from the chase. Flanking Red on either side were two more androids. But these were nothing like him. These two were obviously androids, with metallic bodies that showed their powerful construction. Each was seven foot tall, and towered over the six foot Amazon. In addition to the normal human arms, each has three metallic three inch thick tentacles that waggled out below each arm.

Standing across the room past three long tables containing beakers, mechanical arms, computers, and every other kind of scientific device, was a man, or what appeared to be a man. He stood out, plain against the foreground of the advanced lab. He wore simply brown slacks and a white t-shirt, with stained brown leather loafers on his feet. Over the shirt was a stained white lab coat. His hands were in the pockets of his coat, and a stupid grin was plastered across his face as the vivacious, embattered superheroine entered the lab.

In the moment Melania had to take all this in, the two huge androids came at her. The tentacles reached out towards her. Ducking under the grasping fingers and metal eels, Ultra Woman dropped and rolled under the android to her left, bouncing to her feet behind it just as the metallic behemoth turned to face her again. Two quick blows from her powerful fists struck the android in the back.

"Generous Juno!" she cried in pain as she grabbed her hands together. The metal on the back of the robot was barely dented. Reacting with characteristic Amazon speed, she quickly ducked under the huge fist that flew through her hair, in the place of where her face was moments before. She kicked out at its knee, bending the joint and forcing the android to stumble back from her.

Its twin stepped forward as Ultra Woman got back to her feet. Her knuckles still throbbed from her attempt at punching. "Time to try something different," she thought to herself. She waited until the android swung a fist the size of her breast forward, then ducked back, grabbed the hand, and pulled.

Raising its other hand up to keep its balance, the huge android fell forwards, its fist plowing through the lab table in a blast of formica and wood. Adding all her sizable Amazon strength, Melania gave the monstrosity a push, sending it crashing down onto the table.

Spinning around, Ultra Woman faced down Red, who backed up with in a peculiar act of self-preservation. Of the two giant robots, one was still attempting to stand with a damage knee joint, while the other was struggling in the remains of the table. Seeing her opportunity, Ultra Woman jumped over the end of the table, and circled the others as she locked her eyes onto the other human in the room.

In moments, her chest rising and falling inside her tight bustier from her exertions, Ultra Woman faced the strange man. He remained rooted to the spot, a stupid grin on his face. He seemed unconcerned. With his hands in his coat pockets, he was leaning against a table that lined the back wall.

Ultra Woman glanced at the table to make sure there was nothing on it, then stepped up to him. "Alright, who are you?" She doubled up her fist and pulled back. "Or are you another of these metal monsters?"

The mysterious man's voice was surprisingly deep; she had expected some high pitched, squeaky voice. "I'm human, and if you hit me like you did them," he nodded towards the two robots struggling to their feet, "you'll kill me, Ultra Babe."

This man's calmness, and the name he called her, nearly infuriated Melania. "You will call me Ultra Woman, male," she spat. "Perhaps you will be more respectful when you are in prison."

The strange man only shrugged. "Yeah, whatever you think, babe," he said as he looked down at Melania's heavy breasts. "I'll remember those when I'm wanking off in my cell."

Melania grabbed the lapels of the man's lab coat and jerked him off his feet. "You are making me angry, little man," she growled into his face.

"Oh my, you're making me so scared," he mocked. Suddenly he pulled his hands out of his coat pockets. On them were black gloves, with strange metal pads on the fingertips and in the palms. Before Ultra Woman could react, the man wrapped his hands around her voluptuous breasts.

"EEIIIEEEEE!!" Ultra Woman shrieked as the electricity flowed from the man's power supply through the plates on his hands and into her breasts. The current made the heavy mammaries shudder and shakes as the man gripped them tighter to hold them in place. The amps flowed through them and down the length of Ultra Woman's long body, and through her boots into the floor.

Keeping his hands on her until his fingers dug into the sides of her breasts, the man kept the current burning into her. Ultra Woman tried to get control of herself, but all she could do was twitch helplessly. The bombardment of the electrons through her Amazon body kept her in place.

With a supreme effort of her unconquerable will, Ultra Woman shoved the man away from her. He crashed onto the table with an audible snap of a rib breaking. Momentarily exhausted, Ultra Woman slumped to her knees. Her entire body trembled like a leaf. Her chest heaved as she fought to get back to her feet.

Suddenly a shadow loomed over her. Turning her head around to see who it was, a metallic fist met her cheek with tremendous force. Ultra Woman's face spun around the other way in a spray of spit and red ringlets of hair and a grunt of abrupt pain. With the room spinning around her, Ultra Woman was lifted into the air by her red hair and hurled across the room. Her flailing legs struck beakers as she flew through the air. Across the lab stood the other huge robot. As the Amazon heroine neared it, with a faint hiss of a piston, its fist pushed out, slamming into her back and arching her body painfully backwards around the arm.

Ultra Woman tumbled to the floor at the feet of the behemoth. Her body still twitched from the electricity, and now her back groaned with pain. Again using her hair against her, the robot lifted her into the air. Facing away from it, Melania could make out through the pain and confusion the other android approaching her. She reached up quickly to pull the fingers out of her hair when she felt a tentacle wrap around her legs and quickly pull them apart. At the same time two more metal tentacles ran down the front of her bustier between her breasts, then curved under them and encircled her. With equal speed, the remaining two circled her throat and began to squeeze.

Quickly deciding where the greatest threat lay, Melania started to reach down to grab the tentacles around her windpipe when the other android clamped onto her braceleted wrists. It tried to pull her arms out, but her Amazon strength slowly began to win the battle. She could hear the pistons inside the metallic man hiss as her fingers got closer to the tentacles.

The metallic beast ended it quickly. A sharp blow to the side of her head by its hamfist snapped Melania's face to the side. In that moment, her arms were jerked up and out to the sides.

The other six tentacles struck as Melania fought to breathe. First her golden belt was jerked from her waist and thrown across the room. The belt and attached rope skittered across the smooth lab floor until coming to a rest at the feet of the strange man. Grinning devilishly, he kneeled down to pick up the two items. With the black gloves now off, he ran his hands over the glowing rope. "Finish it," he said, barely suppressing a giggle.

Upon hearing these words, the two huge androids, after pausing for a moment, reattacked the dangling, nearly asphyxiated superheroine. Tentacles tore away her blue tights, revealing her red bush and taut pussy. Her red bustier soon joined the tights on the floor below her as her voluptuous breasts were freed.

Melania vaguely felt the air brushing against her bare flesh, but all she could think of was to get her hands loose and pull away the tentacles around her throat. She hardly noticed as a tentacle wrapped around her waist, from which point she was bent over at a ninety degree angle; her breasts swayed beneath her. Trapped three feet off the ground with her legs spread wide, she couldn't realize how vulnerable she was, even when, with a hiss of a hydraulic piston, the android behind her brought forth from its metallic body a long, thick metallic phallus. The length of the phallus was slightly curved upward, and along its length were tiny gyros and lumpy ball bearings along its three inch diameter.

Ultra Woman gurgled out a gasp of surprise as one of the tentacles sprayed a mist of some kind over her pussy, but she nearly jerked her trapped arms free as the huge phallus' tip pressed against her opening. As her pussy seemed to magically melt under the influence of the chemical mist, the long metal cock pushed inside the magnificent superheroine.

"NNNGKHGKKGGK!!" gurgled Ultra Woman as her pussy was invaded by the massive phallus. She had been entered before, but never by something so immense, so dedicated to pleasure. The ball bearing bumps pressed against her inner walls; the rolling sensation itself was enough to jump start her hormones as her pussy leaped into life. Between the chemical mist and her own body's betrayal, she began to get moist. Her body hugged the phallus as it continued its journey inside her. Melania's head jerked up with a bouncing of her red curls, her teeth clenched tightly together as she fought to resist the flood of sensations hammering into her oxygen deprived mind. "KKGGKG!" she gurgled as the phallus hit the end of her vagina, making her entire body jerk forward.

The phallus retreated, moving slowly so the penetrated Amazon could feel every inch of the bumpy, oozing device inside her sex. More chemicals seeped from the tiny pores of the phallus, tingling inside her. Melania ground her teeth together as each ball bearing, each lump, and the head of the phallus shot shockers of pleasure into her mind. Her Amazon body, vulnerable to this kind of attack, was surrendering. With so little oxygen reaching it, her body was already beginning to surrender to the Curse.

Suddenly the phallus slammed into Ultra Woman, causing her to release a gurgled scream that echoed around the cold laboratory. Her breasts bounded wildly beneath her as her red hair fell across her face. Not willing to give its victim a chance to recover, the android behind her jerked the phallus nearly out before again driving forward to impale Melania.

Her cries echoed throughout the room as the android banged Ultra Woman mercilessly. Over and over the huge phallus slammed into her, driving the enormous metal organ into her very soul. Her shrieks became more hoarse as the impending orgasm neared. She fought to control herself, but the Curse of Troy was swallowing her mind, making Melania arch her shapely, sweaty ass up to allow her rapist better access. Her sexual juices dripped down onto the floor below in an amount only an Amazon could produce.

Ultra Woman's quivering lips formed an O as her body arched erotically. As the orgasm came upon her, the tentacles around her throat tightened. Helplessly trapped in the orgasm that was engulfing her, Melania could do nothing as the oxygen to her body was completely shut off. Every muscle in her body tensed, her fingers and toes pointed straight out, her back bent behind her, her legs showed their magnificent form as her vagina clamped down on the phallus buried deep inside her.

Her silent screams were defeaning in her own mind as the orgasm hammered the beautiful redheaded superheroine. As a veil of red pleasure came over her, Melania slipped into unconsciousness. Her head slumped down, her red curls covering her face and trailing down towards the lab floor. Her arms relaxed and hung limply in the grip of the android. Sweat rolled down her back, slid over her sides, then along her heavy breasts until it formed droplets on her nipples, and fell from her.

The two androids waited another thirty seconds, then the phallus inside Ultra Woman was removed. The tentacles around her throat released, and Melania was unceremoniously dropped. She practically plopped to the cold floor, limp, drenched, and unconscious. Following prior programming, one of the androids' tentacles wrapped around her waist, and lifted her easily into the air. Carrying the limp superheroine over to a table in the back of the room, he pulled her arms and legs straight, then laid her face down on the table.

The man walked over to the table and applied the manacles that would keep her arms over her head, and her legs in place. Once in place, he couldn't resist running his hand over the voluptuous curve of her ass. "Wow!" he giggled. Grabbing her hair, he gathered it into his hand then wrapped a rubber band around it, then pulled it to the side. "Time to get to work, Doc!" he said to no one in particular.

He pulled a blue cloth from an instrument tray rolled out by Red, revealing an assortment of surgical equipment. Swabbing down the back of her neck, the man known as Doctor Droid went to work. With a deft slice, he cut into the spine.

Melania woke up to a world of confusion. She was upright, but her wrists were manacled to her sides. Metal bands were around her forehead, waist, thighs, forearms, wrists, and ankles. Her costume was gone, but that was expected by now, but it still enraged the fiery redhead. Looking around, she could see she was bound to an upright metal table, with her arms and legs spread wide. She was still in the strange lab. To either side of the naked Amazon stood the two huge androids, both rigid and unmoving.

"Whomever this freak is does not want me dead," she thought to herself. Around her machinery hummed. Looking down at her naked body, half in admiration, she noticed there were small white pad attached to her in various places, each one attached to an electrode that trailed to a bank of computers.

The door in the back of the room opened, and out stepped Doctor Droid. He was now dressed in a black bodysuit. He didn't have a great body; he was wiry, but hardly anything that would intimidate a superheroine, and even less so an Amazon.

"Release me this instant!" commanded Melania.

Calmly the Doctor walked up to the computer console, a leering grin on her face that hardly made Melania respect him, but it was something that concerned her.

"Did you hear me, male? I told you to release me this instant, or face my wrath!"

In a near giggle, with a voice that was somehow deep, the Doctor said, "Notice all the electrodes on your body, Ultra Woman?" Seeing her blue eyes flicker down to the pads, he continued, "Did you notice the wired running from behind your head?"

This was a surprise to Melania. She hadn't, but now that he mentioned it Ultra Woman glanced out the corner of her eye. A bundle of wires trailed over her right shoulder and down the upright table until entering the computer bank. It wasn't a single electrode wire like the others, but dozens of tiny wires all wrapped together.

Unwilling to give this cretin any thrills, Melania looked straight ahead and refused to rise to his bait.

"Hey, you're brave, aren't you? That's cool Ultra Woman, I really like brave slaves." He stifled a giggle. "Brave slave, I kill myself!" With that, he typed something into the console.

Melania looked down as, from the base of the table, a hole opened up. Like a cobra, a metal tentacle slid from the hole between her knees and below her.

"What in the name of Juno are you planning, you evil man!?" she demanded.

"What do you think, stupid? I just told you. I'm going to make you my slave, my plaything. My Ultra Slave," he said, rubbing his hands together in anticipation.

"You are a fool! No Amazon would ever be a slave for a man!" she answered, watching the coiled tentacle closely.

Droid giggled. "Oh yeah? You know what those wires are for, Ultra Woman? They are directly linked to your brain. While you were out from your cum-uppance," he said with another surpressed giggle at his terrible pun, "I cut into your spine and rewired it."

Melania was horrified, but her pride would never allow her to show that to this whelp. "You could cut open my heart and I still would never serve you, you pathetic little man."

"Yeah yeah, we'll see, lady. Once you cum again, your brain will be wide open, then you'll do and say anything I want. I want a blow job, you'll suck til your blue. I want you to do one of my androids, you'll fuck til the cows come home."

Melania watched the maniac with growing concern. He was obviously not well balanced, but he was equally obviously very intelligent and capable. "If you release me now, male, you can seek help still. It is not too late."

"Oh yes it is, trust me. I've been to all the shrinks and psychs. Anyway, it's also too late for you. Catch ya on the other side!" With that, he punched a single button on the console.

With a faint hiss of hydraulics, the metal bands around her legs and ankles turned in a semicircle, disappearing into the table, and freeing her lower extremities.

At first exultation filled Melania. Her initial thought was that Droid had pushed the wrong button. Then the realization hit her. She couldn't move her legs. She could sense them, she knew they were there, but she couldn't move them.

"What's wrong, Ultra Woman?" Droid grinned.

Melania had trouble hiding this much concern. "What have you done?"

Droid remained silently grinning at Melania's knees bent upwards, and her long, shapely legs spread wide. She was aghast. Suddenly, with a gasp that escaped her lips, she was aroused. Her pussy began getting moist as urgent need flooded into her body. "What...what have you done?" she gasped.

"I told you, you silly girl, I control you. My computer is sending commands to your body. Everything below your neck I now own. All that's left is your head and mind, and I'll have that in a few minutes."

"Never!!" shouted Melania with rising fear. "I will never submit to you!!"

"Yeah yeah, brave slave," he giggled. "You'll be sucking me dry in about an hour. Once you orgasm and open up your mind to my machine, you'll be toast," he said, and he pushed another button.

Like a striking snake, the tentacle drove upwards into her aching, wet pussy. The two inch metallic snake thrust and twisted inside Melania, causing her to gasp and cry in surprise. She couldn't help herself. Her pussy was flexing and caressing the tentacle inside her, making the pleasure ripple into her mind.

"Stop..this.." she gasped.

"Sure, no problem," he grinned as he tapped another button.

The bands around her arms and wrists released. Melania's body continued to move to the thrusts of the invader, as her hands reached up and cupped her firm heavy breasts. Trapping her own nipples between her fingers, her hands pinched them, sending a surge of pleasure into her mind.

Sloshing in and out of her wet pussy, the tentacles writhed inside Melania, driving her insane with insatiable orgasmic pleasures. Her body arched up to meet each thrust to her horror, as her own hands kneeded and mashed her breasts. With her body completely beyond her control, Ultra Woman could feel her mind also slipping away under the combined assault of the Curse and the computer commands that hammered away at her resistance. She fought, cried, and twisted as the tentacled dildo slammed into her voluptuous body over and over.

"No...nooo..nnnnooo...NNOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Melania screamed wildly as the orgasm shot through her mind, opening her soul up to the computer.

"YES!!" Droid shouted triumphantly as the computer began ripping commands into Ultra Woman's mind while simultaneously pulling her memories and soul from her body. She froze in mid-orgasm as her brain was reprogrammed. The room around her seemed to fade, and she slipped away.

"How do you feel, darling?" Droid asked the voluptuous redhead as she woke up.

"I...I am sleepy, master," she replied softly.

"That's expected. Now stand up like a good girl."

Melania got to her feet. She was dressed now, in a costume of flexible metal like that of the androids. A metal bustier hugged her full, vibrant breasts. A metal thong covered her sex, with a thicker metal belt around her waist. On each wrist was a metal band, matching the metal tiara around her forehead. Twin metal star earrings were in each ear. On her feet were metal, high heeled boots. On her belt was a coil metal rope, looking much like a very thin metal tentacle. Overall, it was a sinister steel-like replica of her costume.

Standing, Melania was a few inches taller than Droid. "Now turn around, and hold up your hair," he ordered.

Gathering her red curly locks in her hand, she held it up. Turning around, she revealed the small, inch square metal connector in the base of her neck. Reaching up, Droid unplugged the cable that had programmed her. "There, now turn around, and let go of your hair."

Doing as ordered, Melania turned to face Droid.

"Now darling, what do you feel like doing," he asked pensively.

"Master, I have a growing urge to suck you dry," she said in a monotone.

A grin shot across his face as he punched the air triumphantly. "YES!! YES yes yes!" The triumph was awesome. "Yeah, Ultra Slave, Melania babe, you can suck me til the cows come home."

Dropping instantly to her knees before her enslaver, Melania unzipped his pants, and within moments began sucking off her new master: Doctor Droid.