The Return of SPAY

Time to Read:89min
Added Date:8/2/2024
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Tags: Ultra Woman

Disclaimer: This is a work of erotic fiction. It has adult themes and content. If you don't like that, don't read it. But be very aware that there are places in this story that get very, very dark. You have been warned. Again. :)

“You can take Devilina off the wanted list, Cap,” Ultra Woman said as she walked into the Freedom League headquarters. The headquarters was a small mansion with extensive underground rooms out in the middle of Megapolis Bay. Never wanting to endanger innocents, the group of heroes and heroines had built this in the water where any attacks upon it by supervillains would never catch innocent people in the crossfire. Also, it could be a symbol to the people of the city that they could relax knowing that someone was out there fighting against superpowered criminals. Also, it was a mile across the bay from Fear Island Superprison, which helped people worry less over that particular institution.

Captain Liberty nodded from his seat at the monitor board. His cowl was pulled off his head revealing his coppery red hair. “Good, glad to hear that. She’s had a habit recently of turning men into semi-demons, so with her powers trapped inside a force wall at Fear Island, those men will return to normal.”

Cap was a tall, broad shouldered man with a midnight blue costume and cape with dark red gloves and boots. A dark red star was in the middle of his chest. Around his waist he had a dark red belt filled with tiny gadgets and devices he used when fighting crime.

“Incoming,” he said. Ultra Woman followed his eyes to the monitor showing Megagirl about the enter the headquarters.

Pushing some of her blonde hair back over her shoulder, Tania leaned against the monitor board. “Leaving right after your duty here?” she asked.

Cap looked up at the resplendent heroine with all the gold in her costume glittering in a rainbow of colors from the glow of the many monitors. “I thought I might get a workout in before I head back to the city,” he said as he pulled the dark blue cowl back over his face.

Ultra Woman smiled. “Good, I could use one too, then I’m going to get some sleep.”

The door opened and in the room walked Megagirl. She was a youthful woman, shorter than Ultra Woman by half a foot. Very powerful like her older brother Ultra Man, she was still learning about the life of a superheroine. She wore a low cut, long sleeved blue top with a stylized “M” over her left breast. A short red skirt and matching cape and boots finished her costume.

“Hi!” she said brightly. “It’s such a pretty spring day outside, I hate having to come inside and work eight hours here watching this rotten old monitor board.”

As Cap stood up and collected the papers he had been working on from a table, Megagirl slipped off her red boots and her cape and threw them in a corner. “Might as well get comfortable, it’ll be a long day. I wish we had sick days, but I know my brother would get on me for calling in on a day like this.”

Without turning back, Cap muttered, “Form a union,” under his breath.

Ultra Woman knew that with Megagirl’s incredible hearing, she understood what Cap said, so she spoke up quickly. “I know, it’s a beautiful day, but there will be others. We have our duties to perform, don’t we?”

Megagirl nodded after a look at Cap. “I know I know.” She flopped down into the big black chair in front of the monitor board. “I don’t have to like it though.”

Tania smiled again. Megagirl was still very young in many ways, but she would mature while working with older people here.

As Cap gave Megagirl an update of what was happening, Ultra Woman headed downstairs. Each member of the League of Freedom had his or her own quarters. Tania entered hers, leaving the door ajar. She walked past the small living room where pictures of her home, mother and daughter hung. When the Amazon reached her bedroom, she paused and stretched. She actually was tired after she had spent most of the night looking for Devilina. While the fight had left her a little bruised and sore, her Amazon body had mostly healed. But still, she could use some rest and some unwinding. Maybe in the reverse order though.

She heard the door to her quarters open again which made her smile. Time for her to get changed. Tania closed her eyes and touched her bracelets. In a quick, subdued flash of bluish-white light, her dusty, nicked up Ultra Woman costume disappeared. Her hair, which had been a little tangled from the fight, was instantly cleaned and again shiny and perfect. It was very handy to have that little bit of magic.

Her tanned Amazon body was cleaned too, but instead of her famous Ultra Woman uniform, she was now wearing something much different, something that would have shocked her mother and daughter. Most though of Tania as a conservative person, but inside she had many fantasies and desires. Amazons were supposed to be above certain needs and desires, but after years of meeting both interesting and normal people, years of dire sexual and physical perils, and years of adventures, Tania had grown. She was more like a citizen of Megapolis than the innocent Amazon that had left the island seven years earlier.

She waiting in front of her bedroom door as the outer door closed. In the place of her Ultra Woman uniform, Tania was wearing a more sexy, lingerie version. She wore a red lace bra that cupped her already firm breasts with a single red star pinning the twin cups together. From the bra to her waist a weave of red lace twisted over her back and belly. Around her waist was a thin gold chain, but the red see-through lingerie turned into royal blue at her hips with white stars sprinkled over it that spread down between her legs. The blue lace hid very little, leaving her sex and patch of dark blonde visible while it ducked between her legs and turned into a thong in the back. She had a single blue garter on her thigh and red, high heeled pumps on her feet with a single blue stripe over each toe.

Sometimes Tania wondered if the many times she had been captured and sexually and mentally tormented, or even the times she had been bound in her own lasso or mentally controlled and forced to pleasure men, had somehow affected her. She would have never done this when she first came from the island and took her place here as Ultra Woman. But since then she had grown, and now dressing like this for someone she trusted and cared for seemed to excite her very much.

The door to her bedroom creaked softly open and Ultra Woman crossed one foot over the other and waited. Captain Liberty quietly slipped in and Tania was thrilled to see the look in his eye. She had dressed like this for him before, but each time she could see the way he had to catch his breath. That always excited her.

Cap slipped off his cowl and cape and tossed them into a chair. “You look beautiful, like always,” he said simply while his eyes took her in. Stepping up to her, he put his gloved hands on the outside of her shoulders and she placed her hands on the rubberized material over his chest. They were at eye level because of her heels, and their lips met at the same level. Superhero and superheroine kissed passionately. Tania slipped her tongue into his mouth and his fingers moved through her hair to the back of her neck and held her closely to him. Her breasts compressed against his costumed chest. She felt the thrill of excitement when his other hand at the small of her back pulled her tightly against his body.

Finally after that prolonged kiss, he began to kiss her neck. That brought a soft moan of excitement from the Amazon’s red lips. While he held Tania and dropped sweet kisses on the warm flesh of her neck and shoulder, she unlatched the utility belt and let it drop from her fingers to the floor. Next she reached around his back and found the little hidden hooks that kept his rubbery costume in place.

“Wait...” she breathed when the last latch came free. She backed away and Captain Liberty held his arms out. Ultra Woman pulled the costume away from his torso, leaving him bare chested. She tossed it into the chair with his cowl and cape. She noticed a few new bruises on his body that disturbed her. Cap had no superpowers like she had, and Tania worried greatly about him.

Within minutes Captain Liberty was naked and the two were in Ultra Woman’s bed. Both were lying on their sides as Cap slowly unlatched the red star that held the bra over Tania’s breasts. Gently he pushed the Amazon heroine onto her back and let the lace bra fall away from her chest. Her breasts barely moved other than rotating outwards slightly to a more natural position. Gentle kisses and sucklings on her nipples made Ultra Woman moan deeply. Her sex was already alive and she could feel his naked, erect member burning against the inside of her thigh.

The hero took the straps of her bra and pulled them down over her arms. Slowly he removed the red and blue lingerie from her body. “Let’s take this off too,” he said, slipping the golden tiara from her forehead and setting it on the nightstand, “less of the Amazon, more of the woman,” he added quietly as he placed himself over her.

Tania reached down to take his manhood in her hand. Her long legs spread apart and Cap leaned down between them. As he kissed the upper swell of her breasts and her neck, she placed the tip of his cock between the lips of her already blossoming pussy.

For someone with such a fearsome reputation as Cap had in the darker areas of Megapolis, Tania had learned that he was in fact a very gentle person made tough by his self-imposed career. As she guided his manhood into her sex, her mouth opened up in a soft moan and her blue eyes closed. Slowly, Cap let his own body weight sink his shaft into her body. As the moist warmth of an Amazon’s pussy surrounded him, even Cap let out a moan himself.

For an hour, the naked bodies of Ultra Woman and Captain Liberty thrust and humped lustily in the heroine’s bed. At first Tania had been very active, and had even ridden atop of Cap’s hips while his hands cupped and caressed her breasts. But within a few minutes, the penetration of her sex had slowly weakened her. The Curse of the Amazons still affected her, even after years in the world of men.

When the Amazon were given their long life and given their great powers, the Gods had also given them a curse. Any Amazon that was allowed a male organ inside her body, or was penetrated vaginally in any way, would have their powers ebb away. The more powerful the penetration and the less willing the Amazon, the longer the weakness. Having a man orgasm inside an Amazon’s body would force an orgasm upon her, leaving the Amazon dazed and weakened.

After an hour, Tania was so weak and so sexually exhausted that Cap finally unlocked his iron will and let himself orgasm. As he let out a subdued groan of release, but from Tania came a sobbing cry of ecstasy as the last orgasm washed through her. She sank into the bed, so happy and satisfied that she almost wanted to cry. As Cap slid off her sweaty body next to her onto his back, she threw one arm and one leg over him, placed her head on his shoulder. Her head was spinning with pleasure and sexual bliss. If Cap had wanted to, he could have just about ordered her to do most anything. Ultra Woman trusted that he’d never take advantage of her weakness, which is why she was here with him.

For a while the two laid there in bed, satisfied and tired. Tania was asleep on his shoulder, but Cap had more things to do. He had given himself an hour of pleasure, and had given the beautiful Amazon the pleasure and sexually attention that he knew she craved. Captain Liberty knew about her weaknesses and knew about some of the fantasies that boiled inside her, fantasies that because of her being an Amazon and superheroine could only be released with men she absolutely trusted. That she trusted him made Cap care for her that much more.

As the beautiful heroine slept, Cap slipped out of the bed. After cleaning up in her bathroom, he put his costume back on. A kiss on Tania’s cheek brought a smile to her lips. She knew he was leaving, but it was always a quiet parting. Both knew that their sexual meetings, and the mutual caring, could go no further, that this was all they could have.

Taking one last look at the naked Amazon’s shapely body under the sheets and the peaceful, happy expression on her face, Captain Liberty closed the door and headed back to the dirty parts of the city he knew so well.

As Ultra Woman walked into the monitoring room, Megagirl was surfing the internet at the monitoring board. Her heels clicking across the marble floor, the Amazon heroine came in carrying a bottle of water and an apple.

Megagirl turned around looking thrilled to actually have some company. “Hi! Finally wake up?” It had only been seven hours, long enough for Tania to get some sleep and get all her Amazonian strength back. She was back in her regular uniform, although Megagirl still had her red boots and cape in the corner where she had tossed them earlier.

“Yes, I was tired,” Ultra Woman replied and bit into the apple.

Megagirl smirked like a teenager. “I bet.” As Ultra Woman gave her a long look, she turned back to the one monitor with the internet page on it. “These eight hour shifts seem to take forever.”

“Not long now, right? Isn’t Morning Star on the way?”

“She’s in the tube now,” Megagirl replied with a nod of her head towards a monitor. The League had placed a tube under the bay. It went from deep below an innocuous office building that Captain Liberty owned to the League headquarters. For those that couldn’t just fly over, or had trouble changing identities, it was a good way to get here. A member could stay in their secret identity, drive to the office, go inside and pass through the security scans, change into costume in private, and take a quick underground tube ride to the headquarters. It was very handy.

The monitor showed a beautiful woman with very long bright blonde hair. Tania’s hair was shiny and blonde, but it seemed a very subdued tone next to the natural glow of Morning Star’s hair.

Morning Star was actually a goddess, the daughter of Apollo. It made Tania a little uncomfortable to be around her, knowing that her people had derived their powers from the ancient gods, at least back when they had the powers of gods. Morning Star’s true name was Eos, the goddess of the dawn. With the waning of their powers, the gods had retired, but Eos had wanted to move among the mortals below now that she didn’t have to prepare her father’s chariot every morning. She wore a costume that was made of pure sunlight. It had a little bit of a glow to it, much like Tania’s own lasso. It moved like spandex or lycra, hugging her body like regular clothing, but it was as hard as steel and protected Morning Star from injury. It covered her body from her next to her waist, all the way to the tip of her fingers. At her waist it billowed out into a short skirt. She wore thigh boots of the same, solar material, leaving only a little bit of skin of her thighs showing. Around her waist was a belt from which hung a sword and scabbard. The sword had a golden hilt but, when drawn, the blade seemed translucent. The heroine/goddess could make it hard enough to cut through steel, but she could also make it pass through people. It wouldn’t hurt the innocent, but the guilty would be cut. Not in the flesh though, they would be cut in the soul. A thrust of her glowing blade would not physically injure, but psychically. The psychic wounds were not permanent though, so she could use the blade and not worry about killing anyone.

Megagirl literally flew out of the chair when Morning Star appeared in the room. She hovered over her cape and boots for a moment before landing. “I am SO glad to see you!”

Morning Star smiled brightly. In fact, she did everything brightly since faint glow of sunlight always hung around her. “It is nice to be appreciated,” she said with a glance at Ultra Woman.

Tania smiled back. They both knew well that Megagirl was still young and immature. Eos had lived for millennia, albeit in the heights of Mt. Olympus and at the periphery of the excitement there. Tania had lived on her island paradise for a couple hundred years. While Megagirl was a child of her times and only eighteen, she was more knowledgeable and less naive than Morning Star, who had only been in Megapolis a few months. Tania remembered well how naive she had been when she arrived here. In seven years, this Ultra Woman had lost her naivete.

“It’s good to see you Eos,” Ultra Woman said, “are your travels enlightening?”

Megagirl laughs. “Light, ha ha, very funny,” she smirked.

While Ultra Woman shook her head good-naturedly, Morning Star nodded quickly. “Oh yes, this city of mortals is fascinating. Last night, I finally learned what ‘pizza delivery’ means.”

Ultra Woman and Megagirl laughed while the younger heroine slipped on her calf-high red boots. “That is TOO funny!” Megagirl laughing while she slipped her red cape onto her shoulders. “You never had a pizza de...”

A sudden flash of green light filled the room, causing all three heroines to look away from the source. Through the glowing green portal a small black disk, shaped like a hockey puck, bounced into the room.


The disc exploded in a wave of concussive force. It lifted Ultra Woman and Morning Star off their feet and slammed them into the bank of monitoring equipment. The monitors themselves cracked and broke, along with the glass frames that hung on the other walls. In the middle of it, Megagirl’s cape, skirt, and light brown hair flew backwards but the powerful young heroine never moved.

A moment later, three men in blue power armor charged through the portal. Each one held a stubby black weapon of some sort. As Ultra Woman got to one knee and Morning Star pulled herself out of the bank of broken monitors, the men raised their weapons, each one aimed at each of the three superheroines.

Megagirl tossed her hair and smiled confidently at the three men. “If your bomb only messed up my hair, what makes you think those toys will hurt me?” she asked and started towards them.

The three men, each in full helmets that masked their faces, fired the weapons. From the barrels came three different projectiles.

Megagirl was first. A round ball shot towards her chest, right at the point between her breasts. Before the mighty young heroine could move, it struck her sternum and exploded in a purplish cloud of dust that was propelled across her upper body and face. “Whhhuuu...” she mumbled before her brown eyes rolled back into her head. Her knees turned to jelly and she collapsed to the floor in a heap under her red cape.

Morning Star was just pulling herself out of the bank of monitors when one of the men fired another metal ball at her. Before she could move, she was also struck in the chest. Another puff of gas, this time a white mist, encompassed her chest and face. The golden eyes of the dawn goddess rolled up into her head. A soft gasp left her pink lips before she too crumpled to the floor.

Ultra Woman had gotten up to one knee in time to see a small round ball flying towards her, right at her chest where the twin swells of her breasts met. She brought up a bracelet to deflect it but instead at the last second opened her hand and caught the ball. She quickly wrapped her fist around the ball, trapping all the dust and most of the gas. Enough flew from between her fingers and towards her face to make her instantly lightheaded.

“Amazon!” said one of the assailants in a sharp single word. Two more men leaped through the glowing green portal, carrying more strange weapons.

Tania wasn’t going to let them do whatever they were going to do, at least now that she knew about them. A little dazed from the gas and doing her best to keep her dusty hand away from her face, the Amazon rushed towards the three men in front. She could feel the buzzing in her head from the gas. Ultra Woman reached the first man in a second. Before he could defend himself, Ultra Woman’s red boot struck his chest and sent him flying back through the green portal. The man to his left dropped his weapon and swung a fist at the Amazon’s side but Ultra Woman spun around, grabbed his outstretched arm, and threw him across the room and into one of the steel walls. He hit it with tremendous force and fell to the floor.

The other two men that had entered plus the last of the first three finally grabbed at Ultra Woman. Still a little dazed from the whiff of gas, she stumbled back and fell to the floor with the two armored men on top of her. Their suits gave them strength greater than normal men, but nothing like an Amazon’s strength. She didn’t notice another armored man come through the portal. The blonde heroine put a red and blue boot to the belly of one of her attackers and sent him flying, but the other two grabbed at her arms. She wrapped an arm around one man’s neck and held him in place while she struggled to get a grip on the other.

Suddenly she felt the palm of a hand over the mound of her sex. Instantly she moved to kick the hand away but before she could do that, a wave of vibrating energy flowed into her.

“OHHHHAAAANGHH!!” Ultra Woman shrieked in uncontrolled ecstasy. The vibrations hammered into her clit and sex and instantly assaulted her mind. Her fantastic body arched upwards, her breasts crushed tightly against her red bustier. The two men grabbed her arms and pinned them to the floor as the man between her legs held the twisted device to her pussy. Her satin tights over her sex were quickly soaked and turned a darker blue as Ultra Woman was overcome with wave after wave of uncontrollable sexual pleasure.

“Roll the wanton slut over,” a voice commanded over her. Tania couldn’t even think about resisting as four sets of hands rolled her body onto her breasts and stomach while a hand kept the device over her, keeping her trapped in the world of sexual pleasure. A metal collar was slipped around the front of her neck. A hand grabbed a fistful of her long blonde hair and bent her head forward while moving the hair away from the back of her neck. While Ultra Woman quivered helplessly while the device fed orgasm after orgasm into her, the metal collar was locked into place at the back of her neck. She made gurgled cries of pleasure, but each cry of orgasm was cut off by yet another that slammed into her mind.

“Insert the needle and finish this whore,” the voice said. Ultra Woman felt a sharp jab, then small electric charge pass into the back of her neck.

Instantly her body from the neck down collapsed limply against the floor, no longer quivering. Her mind still reeled under the power of the repeated orgasms from the device that fed electrical impulses through her satin panties, through her sex and clit, and into her brain. Only the vulnerability of an Amazon would allow such a thing to work, but Ultra Woman’s body was different enough that she had been completely helpless with the twisted device pressed against her pussy and clit.

“Release the Amazon whore’s mind,” the voice ordered, “and stand her up.”

When the device moved away from her sex, Ultra Woman let out a long quivering moan. She tried to move, but her body wouldn’t listen to her. She could only lay there, and when the fistful of blonde hair was released, her head bounced off the floor.

Armored hands picked up the helpless superheroine. Ultra Woman couldn’t move her muscles from the neck down, but she could feel everything. Each set of hands, one under each armpit and another on her biceps lifted her up. She wasn’t heavy. While she was tall and athletic, she was still a woman, so the men in the powered armor easily pulled Tania off the floor. Her head hung down with her blonde hair hiding her face. She was gasping for air, but she could at least move her eyes and lips. The rest of her body was as helpless as a doll, unable to get any part of her magnificent body to move other than eyes and mouth. The room was spinning around from the forced orgasms, but she was slowly getting her mind back together.

“Pull the whore’s head up, I want to look this slut in the eyes.”

A hand again wrapped around her hair and this time yanked backwards pulling Ultra Woman’s head up. She quickly looked around and could see a similar collar being attached to Morning Star. Two men were using some strange chisel to crack away the sunlight armor around Morning Star’s neck.

A metal-covered hand slapped Ultra Woman’s face. “Look at me, slut!” the voice ordered. Tania did just that, more from anger than submission. The man before her took his helmet off to reveal the face of an elderly man, easily in his seventies. She had seen him before, five years back on a rooftop in Megapolis. She couldn’t remember his name now, but the emblem on the breastplate of his armored suit told her who he represented: SPAY.

The Society for the Protector of America’s Youth was a radical organization dedicated to their own, sick version of male-dominated morality. Initially they had simply been a radical, right wing splinter group that pushed for censorship, dress codes, and the ending of various equality laws. They had moved to assaults on models and fashion designers that created fashions that exposed more flesh than the members of SPAY thought acceptable. When a superheroine broke up a cell in Megapolis, the leader of SPAY decided that they should take on a new set of targets: the world-famous superheroines of Megapolis. The heroines tended to wear tight and revealing clothing, the SPAY leader felt, and the SPAY program of purification of the culture had to start with these resplendent female icons. More than once they had attacked the heroines, and had even killed two. Tania had met them once and only her natural Amazon gifts had saved her life, even though she’d been raped and humiliated.

The SPAY leader saw the recognition in Ultra Woman’s blue eyes. “You know me, don’t you slut?”

Tania’s body hung lifelessly in the arms of the two men. If they had let go, she would have tumbled helplessly to the floor. “I know you,” she said, “and your insane beliefs.” The two-inch wide metal collar made her neck tingle, like static was playing around the base of it. “What do you want with us?” she demanded.

Someone out of Ultra Woman’s vision handed the leader something. “I am gathering up all of the supersluts of this misbegotten city. All of you sluts must be gotten rid of, so the young ones may live in a place of purity.” He nodded to someone behind Tania. Her head was bent farther back until she could mostly see the ceiling. The leader grabbed Ultra Woman’s chin and forced her mouth open and roughly shoved a blue plastic ball in her mouth. Metal mesh straps were pulled around her cheeks as Ultra Woman’s teeth bit into it and her angry words were muffled. The straps snapped into place on the metal collar, leaving Ultra Woman gagged.

“Release her head.” With the hand in her hair opening, Ultra Woman’s head swung back down until her chin was touching her chest. “Look at this slut,” the leader intoned. Ultra Woman could see him only from the waist up, but she did see his hand come forward and rub along her waist. “Such perfection of body,” he said as his hand moved over her flat belly and up to her cupped, flushed breasts, “such wonderful glands,” he added as his fingers squeezed one of her globes, then down her other side to her hips, “such hips, perfect for the creation of children,” he continued as his fingers followed the crease of her hips until his armored fingers cupped her still-wet sex. His middle finger pushed between her swollen pussy lips forcing more of her liquid passion to ooze into the sopping wet satin. “Such a body made for serving men, wasted on this superslut.”

He pulled his fingers away, leaving one of the white stars on her blue satin pushed between her pussy lips. “You can let her go,” the SPAY leader ordered, “and get these three sluts through the portal before it closes.”

One of the two men holding her chuckled under his breath before both men released Ultra Woman’s arms. She collapsed to the ground with a muffled groan when she hit the floor. From where she was at, she could see in only one direction through the long strands of hair in her face, but she could see the face of the gagged Megagirl. The young heroine ‘s eyes were closed from the drug. On the dark olive skin of her chest, Tania could see the purple dust still there. Tania knew what that meant; the SPAY men had mixed Xenonite into the drugs used to knock Megagirl out. A metal collar was around the young heroine’s neck, and Tania could see now that a red light was at the back of Megagirl’s neck and Tania assumed there was a red light at the back of her own neck now. A purple glow shimmered through the steel, meaning they had mixed Xenonite into the metal of the collar. Megagirl, when she woke up from her gassing, would be just as helpless as Tania herself.

Ultra Woman was roughly picked up and thrown over the shoulder of one of the men. They didn’t care when her face bounced against the metal plates covering her captor’s back. He put one hand on her ass and stepped through the portal. Tania felt a strange tingle over her body and a temperature change from the comfortable monitoring room to a chillier room. All she could see from her upside down angle, with her hair hanging down around her, was occasionally glimpses around the man’s waist. She could see the outside of her boot on the opposite side of her captor and an equally limp Morning Star being carried just as she was, including the glowing red light from the back of the metal collar around the blonde goddess’s neck.

The Amazon heroine was carried into another, larger room and abruptly tossed down into a corner. Her boots flipped over her and she landed with a soft grunt on the hard concrete floor. She grunted again when Morning Star was tossed on top of her. Morning Star was draped across Ultra Woman’s chest, their breasts almost interlocked together. The glowing goddess’s very long mane of sunny blonde hair fell across Ultra Woman’s face. Blinking the strands of hair out of her eyes, at the last moment she saw Megagirl being droppep atop both her and Morning Star. She tried to flex her muscles but nothing reacted, so she grunted again when the spunky young heroine was piled on top of them like so much trash. The brunette heroine’s red boot struck the side of Ultra Woman’s head, striking her tiara.

Ultra Woman’s head lolled to the side. Even through all of her own darker blonde and Morning Star’s sunny blonde hair in her eyes, she could see a strange piece of machinery that gave her the shivers. It had two large beams on either side of an open area, with large manacles where a person’s ankles and wrists might go if they were suspended spread eagle. Various black cables hung down from the ceiling. There were a bank of computers in front of this contraption, with a large, A-shaped device under the opening.

“Well done everyone,” the SPAY leader pronounced. He walked over to the pile of three heroines. “Very well done. The portal and the collars worked just as Droid had said. It was well worth the money I paid him.”

Ultra Woman wanted to growl. Only a technological genius could have created those portals, and his use of collars like these was well known. It was unusual for him to sell his technology to others, but to Ultra Woman, he was a villain. Perhaps the man needed money for more of his crimes.

Movement out of the corner of her eye drew her attention. A pair of golden eyes belonging to Morning Star were looking at her. She could see the subdued panic in the goddess’s face. Tania wanted to say something, but the gag prevented her from doing more than trying to look calm, no matter how worried she was. Morning Star’s head was resting at an angle on the floor and her own hair was over her face, but the two heroine could see enough.

“Sir,” one of the armored men said as Tania felt the mound of three heroines move a little as the man put a boot onto Megagirl’s ass, “we have some of those purple bullets, why don’t we just put one of those through this little slut’s head and be done with her?”

Ultra Woman could feel Megagirl’s limp arm against her inner thigh where it had landed. “Men, take a well deserved break and return here in fifteen minutes. Be ready in case Droid double-crossed us, but if all goes as planned, you will see why we haven’t simply killed these three supersluts. Mr. Harold, please stay here to watch over these three.”

While Tania saw the boots of one man walk over to the pile of helpless superheroines, the others left the room. The room went quiet, but then Ultra Woman could hear the muffled sounds of Megagirl trying to say something. Tania noticed that the ballgag in Morning Star’s mouth had some kind of metallic cap or circle in the middle of it, and Tania noticed in her own ballgag that there was a hole in the middle of it on the inside. She tried to push it out with her tongue, but the metal mesh holding in place was too strong for her to move with just her tongue.

“Hey, you jerks!” Megagirl suddenly said. “Let me go or so help me I’m going to rip someone’s head off!” While she had a few weaknesses, Megagirl was incredibly powerful and she did have the strength to break the mesh straps on her gag and had spat it out.

“Code 12 alert!” the lone guard yelled out. Ultra Woman could hear the man fumbling for something in his equipment while she felt a wave of heat then saw red beams shoot across the room and blast into the concrete wall. Apparently Megagirl was firing her heat vision.

Ultra Woman wanted to help her, maybe to aim the heat vision at the red light at the back of Morning Star’s collar, but she could hear the edge of panic in Megagirl’s voice. Tania tried to say something, but with the ballgag trapped between her lips, all that came out were muffled grunts.

As armored men charged into the room, Ultra Woman felt Megagirl move on top of her and Morning Star. “Hey, let go of my hair you assholes! Get this thing off my neck and I’ll tear into you!” The little heroine’s red boots slid over Tania’s head and one fell across her face before being dragged away. She heard more heat vision firing off, but obviously this time it was striking the floor.

Then Ultra Woman heard the hissing of gas. Out of the corner of her eye, over Morning Star’s head, she saw the purple cloud float upwards. “Hey! No more gas! Don’t do that or...I..I’ll...”

The room went quiet again. The men shuffled around some and Ultra Woman and Morning Star’s gazed met. Morning Star was trying to look back over her shoulder to see what was going on, but it was impossible.

“I had hoped for us to break, but this slut will continue to resist. Therefore we must use this machine on her now. Strip her of that whorish costume,” the SPAY leader ordered.

Into Ultra Woman’s vision came Megagirl’s limp, unconscious body. She was dropped to the floor again and the men seemed to enjoy stripping each part of the heroine’s costume away. The men had taken off their helmets and it was plain to see that they were enjoying their job. First came Megagirl’s boots and cape. Another unlatched her yellow belt, which allowed her skirt to be pulled down her legs. The very stretchable top that Megagirl wore was pulled down over her shoulders and down her arms. It took two men to pull it over the small heroine’s hips and down her legs, leaving Megagirl naked except for the collar around her neck.

“Here, place this on the slut,” the leader ordered, handing one of his men a metal and mesh bra and panties. The men rolled Megagirl around on the floor until the bra and panties, gleaming in the bright lights, was on her brown skinned body.

Meanwhile, the SPAY leader had sat down at the console. The manacles were lowered down the round metal posts. The men lifted Megagirl and carried her around the machinery and up a small set of steps. First her bare ankles then her bare wrists were manacled into place, leaving her suspended with her head hanging down.

When the men climbed back down, the leader came up. Ultra Woman could see the SPAY boss holding what looked like a black bag with metal studs on it. He slipped the black hood over Megagirl’s head and face and pulled her head back. He fed her short brown hair through a hole in the back, then pulled the hood down over her chin where it stretched then tightened to form to her head. Clasps locked it into place on the metal collar around her neck. There was three holes in the hood, one over the metal cap on the ballgag and one for each of Megagirl’s closed eyes. Next he fitted a pair of thick, blackened goggles over Megagirl’s eyes.

He began attaching cables. A string of them attached to the metal studs dotting the hood, and another pair attached to the blackened lenses of the goggles. The leader opened the metal cap on Megagirl’s ball gag and slipped a rubber tube into the hole and locked it into place. Two larger cables clicked into place onto the round metals studs on the bra, right over Megagirl’s nipples.

The last part of the perverted machinery to be attached worried Ultra Woman most of all. A thick, oval-shaped metal and black rubber tube was attached to the oval clasp on the black mesh panties on Megagirl’s hips. It locked into place, after which a smaller, two-inch tube was clasped into place where the mesh enclosed Megagirl’s buttocks.

The leader climbed down and took his seat at the console again. Megagirl was lifted back into the air, trailing various cables and tubes all attached to her body. A short, brown ponytail poked out the back of the black hood and there was still some purple dust on her bare chest.

“Now men, if this machine works as it did on that practice whore, in a few hours, this slut will take her place as a meek, attentive, submissive woman, as is her place.”

He typed in a few commands into the computer and a dull hum filled the room. Ultra Woman watched, her nostrils flaring. She glanced at Morning Star atop of her body, since the golden heroine couldn’t see all the things happening to Megagirl.

Ultra Woman heard footsteps, not the metal armored steps, but the light steps of a woman in heels. Into her vision came a long, swishing skirt, so long that it brushed the floor and hid the feet beneath it. The skirt was a very dark gray. “Sir, your drinks,” a woman’s voice said submissively.

Suddenly Megagirl lurched in the machine, which drew Tania’s attention away from the strange woman, followed by a long “Mmmmmnnnghhh..” from the choked mouth of Megagirl which trailed off. Her attention focused on Megagirl, Ultra Woman never noticed the mysterious woman leave.

For the next hour, while SPAY men came and went and the leader sat there watching, Megagirl struggled in the machine. Suspended in the air, sometimes she would moan, sometimes sob, other times let out gagged shrieks of wild, erotic pleasure. She twisted and spasmed in the manacles while her cries filled the room.

Ultra Woman’s heart sank, knowing the erotic visions that had to be filling the young heroine’s mind. When the Megagirl’s hips began to gently thrust against the machine attached to her pussy, the leader let out a laugh of success. “Excellent! Just as Droid said! This slut is broken!”

Ultra Woman could only watch as the men let the machine work on Megagirl for another ten minutes as the SPAY leader made various adjustments at the console. Finally it was shut down and, piece by piece, the cables and tubes were unattached from Megagirl. When the goggles and hood were pulled away, Tania could see the glazed, sleepy eyes of the formerly spunky girl.

She was thrown over the shoulder of one of the armored men and carried away, still wearing the mesh panties, bra, and the nullifying collar around her neck.

The leader stood up and with some of his other men walked over to Morning Star and Ultra Woman. “Take the top one and get her ready.”

Morning Star’s golden eyes widen in panic as the men grabbed her by the arms and pulled her to the middle of the floor. The toes of Morning Star’s boots caught Ultra Woman’s side and rolled her over. Tania ended up on her stomach facing away from the machine and Morning Star with her arms and legs twisted around.

Although now she could only hear what was happening, Ultra Woman knew all the details. Morning Star was stripped out of her sunlight armor and boots and her sword was taken from her. Morning Star let out a cry of alarm when the black hood was placed over her face.

Ultra Woman could only lay there on the cold concrete floor and listen to Morning Star’s struggles. First came the muffled cries of unwanted pleasure, then various gasps, cries, moans, and shrieks from the Olympian’s gagged mouth. A few sobs followed, then more cries of pleasure that lapsed into soft mewls and moans. For Tania it seemed like forever, but it was just a couple of hours.

“Take her to the room and prepare her for me,” the SPAY leader ordered, “and get that last one ready.”

Tania’s blood chilled at the words. Armored hands grabbed at her body while she yelled at them through the gag between her teeth. As they threw her limp, Amazonian body into the middle of the floor onto her stomach, she saw Morning Star over someone’s shoulder and a basket carrying the goddess’s uniform and sword.

Her boots were unzipped and pulled off of her feet first and the golden belt around her waist was unlatched in the back and taken away. Her bustier was zipped down by one set of hands while another pulled her blue satin panties down her tanned legs. She was rolled back over where she saw the many faces of leering men watching her bustier come away to reveal her naked breasts, her nipples erect in the cold room.

“Let’s not forget this,” the old man said as he reached down, took off Ultra Woman’s tiara, and threw it into a corner where her uniform lay.

“Sir, I don’t know how to take these bracelets off,” one of the men said as he tugged at the silvery metal bands on her wrists. It was impossible without cutting off Ultra Woman’s hands, as each young Amazon was given an adult set and grew into the bracelets.

The old leader of SPAY frowned as he tried to think of ways to remove them, but finally gave up. “Forget them, the slut won’t have to ever worry about using them again other than helping us.” A pair of mesh panties was slipped over her feet and pulled up her thighs. Her arms were placed into the mesh and metal bra then Ultra Woman was rolled over again.

She gasped feeling even colder metal pressed against her nipples, but the metal was hollow, allowing her tiny pebbles to slip into a tiny metal sleeve at the tip of the bra. It was latched in the back and Tania was roughly pulled upwards. While one man held her under each armpit and her head hung down, a pair of hands lifted her breasts then let them drop back down into the bra’s cups. The panties were pulled up over her hips and just before it parted her pussy lips, she could see a metal wedge entering her. There was a hollow circle in the middle of the wedge and it inched inside her pussy. Another gasp slipped from her lips when she felt metal wedge parting her back cheeks.

One of the men scooped Ultra Woman up off the floor. She looked around feeling the same sort of panic that she had seen in Morning Star’s eyes. Up the short steps she went over one man’s shoulder again, this time naked before all these men. Manacles were attached to her ankles and wrists and as the machine’s motors whirred, she was pulled into an upright, spread eagle position.

The men climbed down and the SPAY leader stepped up. Tania tried to tell him to stop, but all that came out was more muffled grunts. The black hood with the metal studs came around before her head and was pulled over her face. Her head was pulled back as the hood blinded her. It was pulled down over her chin. It seemed rubbery but it had a spandex quality to it that made it fix every nook of her face. There was a pause while the leader pulled Tania’s blonde hair through a hole in the back, then he pulled the rest of the hood down in the back until the eyeholes came over her eyes, allowing her to see again.

“MMMM?!” she gasped into the gag. Down below her, holding a large tray of cups and mugs was Megagirl. Her short brown hair was pinned up at the crown of her head. She was wearing far more conservative version of her own costume. A high-necked blue top hugged her throat just below her chin. It was long sleeved and ended in blue lace wristlets. Above her left breasts was a small brooch made to look just like the stylized “M” she normally wore over her left breast on her Megagirl costume. A broad yellow lace band was around her narrow waist. Below that was a very long, multilayered red skirt that trailed to the floor. Ultra Woman could see the tip of one boot revealing a red toe of the boot beneath.

Suddenly her ponytail was pulled back yanking Ultra Woman’s vision to the ceiling. “That, slut, is your future. Soon you will be a submissive woman, serving men just as you should. You will cover your lascivious, slutty body in layers by day, and pleasure your man at night wearing anything he demands.”

Tania wanted to jerk away, but the numbing collar around her neck kept her from doing anything but muttered gagged threats at the man. “Once all the supersluts of this city have been properly trained, you will help us destroy the perverted fool that sold me this equipment. You will destroy the so-called Doctor Droid.”

The pair of black goggles came over Ultra Woman’s eyes, locking her into a world devoid of sight. She felt cables being attached to the black hood. When one set of cables was attached, a loud hum filled her ears, taking away the sounds of the men sipping from cups and moving around, as well as the sound of the now-submissive Megagirl leaving the room..

Ultra Woman felt the SPAY leader attaching more cables to her head, then there was a click and she felt the weight of two cables from the tips of her nipples. Her hips were lifted and bent backwards when the large oval tube was attached to the mesh panties around her tanned hips.

She felt a liquid flow out of the hole in the ballgag. She refused to swallow it, even though it made her mouth burn. She had experienced some of Doctor Droid’s chemical concoction before.

Then she felt a tingle in her head, and against her will she swallowed the burning liquid down. She could feel it flow through her and almost immediately her entire body felt very, very warm. She knew what this meant as her sex came alive. She knew that Doctor Droid had discovered that the human mind was usually very defensive, very closed from outside penetration. The only time the mind was defenseless was during orgasm, when the mind absorbed pleasure in such quantities that it was momentarily overwhelmed.

A vibrating, soft, rounded phallus slipped upwards through the metal hole in the wedge parting her pussy lips. Electric tinglings made her nipples painfully erect. She knew that fighting the orgasm only made it more powerful, so she relaxed her mind hoping that by absorbing the oncoming orgasm instead of being overwhelmed by it would allow her to fight off whatever commands would be piggybacked.

She felt the vibrations of her own voice’s gagged moans, but she couldn’t hear them. Ultra Woman tried to relax as the phallus entered her pussy deeply, vibrating as it went. Another, smaller phallus, covered in some kind of warm gel, pushed into her anus.

The trapped superheroine gasped for air through hood as oxygen seemed to be fed through the tube attached to her ballgag. Waves of pleasure washed over her from the repeated slow thrusts of the phallus between her legs. Ultra Woman kept her mind relaxed but it was difficult with all the sensations; the thrusting rubber phalluses penetrating her, the liquid arousal burning through her veins, and the way her naked body was exposed to the cool air of the room.

Suddenly the metal collar around her neck released her body from the numbness in which it had been trapped. The abrupt feeling of movement overwhelmed her as Ultra Woman’s mind exploded in orgasm. She felt the world around her melt away completely, even the sensations of her body as the machine locked her mind into its cold calculations. Ultra Woman’s soul was trapped in the computer, even though she had no idea what was happening.

Ultra Woman held up her bracelets in front of her and gave the pathetic old man the kind of smile you give someone that you feel sorry for. “You should know that shooting a pistol at me is useless.”

The man before her was wearing only a simple business suit. The Amazon superheroine was in a corner office overlooking the city of Megapolis at night. The old man was in his seventies, looking small next to the vibrant, powerful superheroine facing him from across the desk. “Foolish slut, I’m your superior in every way,” the SPAY leader told her. “You cannot defeat me, ever. If you continue, I’ll shoot you and kill you. No one else might be able to shoot you dead, but I can.”

Ultra Woman shook her head. She actually did feel sorry for this poor, deluded man. Not only could she deflect bullets with her bracelets, also as a child she had been dipped into the river Styx, meaning her skin could not be penetrated by any weapon. “We will get you some help,” she said, trying to sound patient and understanding. “Let me help you,” she added and took a step towards the gray haired old man.

His eyes narrowed, he aimed the 9mm pistol at Ultra Woman, and fired.


Ultra Woman’s bracelets flashed just as quickly as they ever would have, nothing slowed her down. She expected the usually sound of metal on metal; instead something struck her in the chest, right under her left shoulder blade, and drove her back. She threw her arms outwards as she bounced against the wall. A wave of weakness flowed through her. She struggled to stay on her feet when the old man aimed the gun again.


She swung her bracelet again and should have hit the bullet. Instead it moved too quickly even for her and plunged into her belly right at the bottom tip of the left side of the golden “W” of her costume. Again Ultra Woman was thrown back into the wall. She looked down and saw her own blood oozing from a hole in her chest above her breast, and from another hole in her costume. Her legs gave way and her boots slipped on the carpet before her. She slid down the wall, leaving a long streak of blood on the wall.

The old man walked over to her and she brought up her bracelets, even though she was getting weaker by the moment. “Still resisting, slut?” the SPAY leader sneered and aimed the pistol at the stricken superheroine.


Ultra Woman tried again to deflect it but this time she actually was too slow. The bullet plunged into the upper part of her right breast making the heroine lurch upwards then sink even farther down. Long strands of blonde hair were stuck in the red streak that followed her down the wall. Her arms were going numb. One fell to the floor and the other went limp on her belly. Her long legs and red and blue boots moved a few inches, but the Amazon couldn’t make them move any farther.

The old man knelt down next to Ultra Woman. She wanted to get up, but she could tell she was dying. “I told you, whore, you can’t resist me. I’m going to kill you, over and over, until you understand that you can’t defeat me.”

Ultra Woman tasted the blood in her mouth and felt it flowing from the two wounds in her chest where it pooled between her breasts under her bustier. “ ca...can’t d..die th..this way...” she sputtered.

The old man pushed the warm barrel against Ultra Woman’s cheek and pushed her head to the side. “Yes, yes you can, whore. This is what happens to those that wear such slutty costumes, showing their bodies to people as you do. Only a good woman, properly submissive to male authority, deserves to live.”

Ultra Woman looked at him out of the corner of her eye as he bent her head to the side with the pistol. “”

The old man’s grin was positively frightening. “We will see. For now though, Ultra Woman, you have to die.”

She could see the muscles in his hand tense. “Noo! NOOO!!” she screamed just before she heard the gun fire. She felt a sharp pain, and everything went black.

Ultra Woman held up her bracelets in front of her and gave the pathetic old man the kind of smile you give someone that you feel sorry for. “You should know that shooting a pistol at me is useless.”

The man before her was wearing only a simple business suit. The Amazon superheroine was in a corner office overlooking the city of Megapolis at night. The old man was in his seventies, looking small next to the youthful, powerful superheroine facing him from across the desk. “Foolish slut, I’m your superior in every way,” the SPAY leader told her. “You cannot defeat me, ever. If you continue, I’ll break you and kill you. No one else might be able to beat you to death, but I can.”

Ultra Woman shook her head. She actually did feel sorry for this poor, deluded man. Not only did she have the reflexes and strength of an Amazon, she also had years and years of training in hand to hand combat. “We will get you some help,” she said, trying to sound patient and understanding. “Let me help you,” she added and took a step towards the gray haired old man.

The old man threw the pistol at Ultra Woman, which she easily deflected. Not worried about how quickly an old man in his seventies could move, she watched the pistol out of the corner of her eye to be sure it did not fire and hurt him.

“WUNNGHH!” Ultra Woman gasped in pain. The old man had somehow leaped across the desk and buried a powerful fist into the superheroine’s belly, doubling her over in pain. He grabbed a fistful of her blonde hair and yanked it down, smashing her beautiful face into his knee. She heard a crack and felt blood spurt from her broken nose. She tried to grab at him but her head was jerked by again by her hair. Before Ultra Woman could bring her hands up to defend herself, the old man smashed his fist into her cheek, twisting the tanned superheroine’s upper body around with blood spraying in a mist from her nose.

Her head was spinning from the concussive force of his blows and the shock at just how powerful this old man was. As she turned back from the first punch, another struck the opposite side of her face. This time she was lifted off her feet from the blow to her mouth and Ultra Woman crashed down onto an office chair and rolled across the floor.

The old man put a single hand on the office chair and hurled it behind him where it shattered through the thick glass and fell towards the ground eighty stories below. Ultra Woman tried to kick up at him but he swatted her boot aside and lifted his ordinary dress shoe.

“AAANNNGHH!!” Ultra Woman shrieked as the heel of his shoe slammed down right into her pussy, hammering her pubic bone and sending a wave of pain through her that blinded Ultra Woman for a second. She was slammed to the floor as the old man leaped on top of the superheroine’s heaving chest and used his knees to pin her shoulders down.

Still numb from the blow to her pussy, Ultra Woman was too dazed and shocked to be able to get him off of her upper arms. His fist struck the side of her mouth like a sledgehammer, wrenching her head to the side. Another blow from the opposite fist struck the opposite cheek, wrenching her head back the other way. Punches rained down on the beautiful face of Ultra Woman, twisted her head back and forth, her hair flurrying around her. Each blow sounded like a mallet striking wood. After a dozen punches, Ultra Woman was barely conscious. He pulled his fist back and gave Ultra Woman one last punch that twisted her head around one last time.

Finally the old man stopped. Ultra Woman lay on the floor semi-conscious, unable to do anything but let her head loll to the side. Slowly the old man got off of her and stood over the prone superheroine. Her arms were spread wide and her legs were flat against the floor. Her head rolled slowly on the floor. Her face and upper chest were sprinkled with her blood from the punches, as more of the crimson life oozed from her battered nose and lips. She could taste the blood in her mouth but Ultra Woman couldn’t get her body to move. Even her thoughts seemed battered.

The old man was still looking very trim and tidy, other than the speckles of Ultra Woman’s blood on his black slacks and hands. Even his neatly trimmed gray hair was in place. “Get up, whore. I told you I was going to kill you, and now it’s time.”

His wrinkled, bloody hands grabbed Ultra Woman by her crimson-speckled blonde hair and lifted her to her feet. One leg gave way but he pulled her back up by her hair. Ultra Woman wobbled, barely able to stand. If he had released her hair, she knew she would have collapsed to the floor again. “” she mumbled through her puffy, bloody lips.

The old man pulled Ultra Woman across the room towards the broken out window. “I told you, whore, that you can’t defeat me. If you continue to oppose me, I will kill you, over and over. You will learn your proper place, submissive and demure before men.”

With his other hand he pulled Ultra Woman’s golden tiara from her forehead so she could see it. “This is your symbol?” he asked as he slowly crushed the titanium-strength golden tiara in his bare head. The point of the tiara would have punctured the skin of most people but for this incredible old man, the point simply bent backwards over the red-jeweled star in the middle of the tiara.

Ultra Woman felt her heart drop seeing her tiara, the symbol of her status as Amazon champion, crushed before her. “W..why are you doing this?” she whispered in a weak, broken tone.

“Because, you are weak and I am strong. You will learn your place, whore,” the old man sneered as he tossed the twisted tiara out the shattered window.

The old men spun her around and shoved the superheroine against the broken window. Pieces of glass broke away and floated downwards towards the city street far below.

“W..wait...” Ultra Woman said, her voice crackling.

The old men slowly pushed Ultra Woman out the broken window. She grabbed at his arms while feeling panic flooding through her. “Goodbye, whore!” he barked as he put a hand to her chest and shoved.

Ultra Woman’s fingernails slid down his arms as she was powerfully hurled out into the night air of Megapolis. She hurtled downwards, the street below approaching quickly. She looked up at the receding figure of the old SPAY leader watching her with a sneer on his face.

With a final, sickening crunch, Ultra Woman struck the pavement and everything went dark.

Ultra Woman held up her bracelets in front of her but noticed that for some reason her hands were shaking. “You should know that shooting a pistol at me is useless.”

The man before her was wearing only a simple business suit. The Amazon superheroine was in a corner office overlooking the city of Megapolis at night. The old man was in his seventies, looking small next to the youthful, powerful superheroine facing him from across the desk. “Foolish slut, I’m your superior in every way,” the SPAY leader told her. “You cannot defeat me, ever. If you continue, I’ll break you and kill you. No one else might be able to kill you with your own weapon, but I can.”

Ultra Woman felt a tremor of fear. She was frightened at the prospect of fighting this poor, deluded man. Still, she could deflect bullets with her bracelets and certainly such an aged, weak man could never threaten her safety. “We will get you some help,” she said, trying to hide the strange trembling in her voice. “Let me help you,” she added and took a hesitant step towards the gray haired old man.

The gray-haired, wrinkled man put a black dress shoe to the edge of the heavy oaken desk and gave it a mighty shove. The desk slammed into the upper part of Ultra Woman ‘s tanned thighs and drove her back. She smashed into the wall with her ass, thighs, back and head making a deep indentation in the thick plaster and wood.

She put her hands down to push the desk away and free herself from the wall. A fist smashed into her chin rocking her head to the side before she could even look up from the desk pinning her. The power of the blow was matched only by the power of AntiMan or Mayhem, not something the Amazon heroine expected from the feeble-looking old man before her. The back of the fist struck her cheek, snapping her face the other way and making Ultra Woman’s knees weak for a moment.

Two hands grabbed Ultra Woman’s hair at the top of her head and with sudden, violent force brought her face plunging down into the heavy oaken top of the desk. The oak desk cracked, like a tree struck by lightning as everything for Ultra Woman went dark for a moment. Her brutal assailant lifted Ultra Woman’s head up by the hair and again drove her face back into the desk.

The old man laughed, obviously enjoying himself as he repeatedly smashed the beautiful heroine’s face into the desktop. The top of the desk cracked and broke. Her blonde hair flew up and around her face wildly as the old man pulled Ultra Woman’s up and brought it down again in another violent collision. Her arms flailed until they seemed lifeless. Her tiara banged into the hardwood, leaving a star-shaped indentation each time her bloody face was hammered down again.

With a last double-handed smash, the old man brought the superheroine’s head down by the hair and crashed her face into the blood-spattered, shattered desk top where she lay, stunned and bleeding.

“As I told you, whore, you are not equal to any man. You will submit or die.”

The office was spinning around Ultra Woman. She lay against the desk, her body bent down at the waist with her lasso curled across the top of it. Her hair was splayed around her head, spattered in places with the blood on the broken desk. Her face rested for a minute through the broken hole in the center of the desk. As the old man watched her with evident disgust on his face, Ultra Woman finally got her hands under her and slowly lifted up her bloody face.

The old man reached across the desk and snatched the lasso from Ultra Woman’s belt. Before the dazed superheroine could react, the old man wrapped two loops around the superheroine’s throat and pulled it crushingly tight against her windpipe.

“GGAHHKK!” Ultra Woman gasped. As the old man lifted her head up by the golden garrote around her throat, she grabbed at the lasso that was cutting into the skin of her neck. Keeping a tight grip on both parts of the lasso, the SPAY leader pulled Ultra Woman from behind the desk. Her boots kicked wildly at the broken top of the desk as she was dragged across it.

Trying desperately to get her fingers underneath her own lasso, Ultra Woman twisted and fought for her life. She was filled with fear and panic now. For some reason, she knew he was going to kill her and there was little she could do about it, but she wouldn’t surrender to him. She tried to put her fingernails under the lasso’s coils, but it was biting deeply into her skin and it was impossible to get it loose while he kept it tight.

“Submit, whore!” the old man said as he pulled his hands apart, digging the lasso even farther into her throat.

Ultra Woman could feel her fingers slowly working their way under the twin coils of her own glowing golden lasso. A moment of hope welled up inside her, as she mouthed the word “no”.

“AANNGHH!” the heroine cried out as the old man buried his foot into her kidney and side, causing her to bend upwards in pain then fall to her knees. Pain laced through Ultra Woman’s body, already oxygen deprived and weakening. She stumbled trying to get up and fell her knees. Her arms were getting heavy and she was having trouble holding them up to pull at the lasso. The old man’s strength was incredible, as the Amazon’s own lasso was slowing killing her.

Her killer gathered up the loose ends of her lasso until it was wrapped around his hands. Ultra Woman tried to speak, to order him to release her, but she could only move her lips. No sound came from them. Tiny black dots filled her vision and finally her arms slumped weakly to her sides. Her powerful, sexy body became slack and bent forward, only held up by the fists holding the lasso to her throat.

Tears filled her blue eyes as she felt the coldness of death, again. For some reason, that word ‘again’ came to her mind and it terrified her. Her head rolled back, as the tears rolled down her cheeks and mixed with the blood from her cut and broken face. She tried to say something, to beg this old man not to do this, again.

The man looked down at the Amazon beauty, whose life was in his hands. He could see the way her breasts shuddered in her bustier and it made him squeeze all the more. “I told you, whore, that you will die at my hands,” he said, jerking the lasso even tighter. She jerked with it, her arms waving limply at her sides, her long hair, trapped under the lasso, brushing around her back and shoulders.

Ultra Woman’s blue tear-filled eyes rolled up and could see the cruel sneer on the old man’s face as her vision became blurry. Her tongue was thick and seemed to fill her mouth. Her tanned face took on a bluish hue and her eyes became blurrier until she couldn’t make anything out.

With a last jerk of the lasso, the old man made her neck bleed. Her body jerked as well one last time. The room slowly went dark. Her head slump to the side as the great heroine died.

Ultra Woman held up her bracelets in front of her and looked at powerful old man with horror in her wide blue eyes. “You should know that..that..shooting that me is u..useless..” she said without much conviction.

The man before her was wearing only a simple business suit. The Amazon superheroine was in a corner office overlooking the city of Megapolis at night. The old man was in his seventies, looking small next to the youthful, powerful superheroine facing him from across the desk. “Foolish slut, I’m your superior in every way,” the SPAY leader told her. “You cannot defeat me, ever. If you continue, I’ll break you and kill you. No one else might be able to defeat you, but I can.”

Ultra Woman literally shook with terror. She actually felt helpless against this powerful, indomitable man. Not only did she feel unable to deflect his bullets with her bracelets, but also she felt that if she fought him, he would mercilessly turn her into a corpse. “I...I don’t want die,” she said, trying to sound brave but utterly failing. “Let me...let me go...” she added and took a step away from the gray haired old man.

The SPAY leader walked around the desk with the pistol aimed at Ultra Woman’s face as she backed up until she bumped into the wall of the office. “I will shoot you dead and there’s nothing you can do about it, correct?” he said, more of a demand than a question.

The terrified Ultra Woman kept her bracelets up but her hands were shaking uncontrollably. Her knees quaked at a horrible fear she had never felt, all centered around this small old man. “Y...yes...”

“Good. Unless you do exactly as you are told, I will kill you. I will make it bloody and brutal, just the way whores should die.”

The great Ultra Woman, champion of the Amazons, meekly nodded, her blue eyes welling up with tears. “O...okay...please...j...just don’t k..k...kill me a..again...” she said, hearing that last word and quivering at the sound.

The old man came forward and placed barrel at a point on her forehead just below the red star on her tiara. “First, you will admit that you are a whore for the way you dress and act.”

Ultra Woman swallowed a lump in her throat. “I...I a whore...” she said, almost sobbing.

“Good,” the old man said, his hard gray eyes watching her closely, “now, say that you are weak, that all women are weak.”

“I...I am weak...all women...are weak...” the formerly proud superheroine sobbed, her words coming out in spurts.

“On your knees, whore.”

Ultra Woman slowly fell to her knees before the old man, her breasts quivering in her bustier from her heaving convulsive sobs.

“Now whore, you will act the part of a whore. Open my pants and pleasure me,” the old man ordered as he placed the barrel against the top of her head.

Her fingers shaking so badly she could barely control herself, Ultra Woman unbuckled the old man’s pants and unbuttoned them. After they fell to the floor, she slowly pulled down the plain white underwear to reveal his small, wrinkled, flaccid member.

It repulsed her. It was nothing like Captain Liberty’s, or Ultra Man’s, or the Night Sentry’s member. She loved to suck those for them, because they cared for her and she enjoyed pleasing them. She looked up at the old man, twisted between disgust at her absolute fear of dying, again, and disgust at what he wanted her to do. She was an Amazon champion; no man could break her!

Suddenly the old man grabbed Ultra Woman by the hair at the side of her head and bent her head back and to the side. The pistol barrel butted against her forehead under her tiara. “I see you still resist your place, whore.”

Ultra Woman never thought about fighting. She saw his finger tense, as she had once before. “No! Please!” she begged. “I don’t want to die, aga...”


The bullet exploded out the back of the superheroine’s head in a shower of blonde and crimson. Her wide, tear-filled blue eyes froze in place and the old man released her hair, the corpse of Ultra Woman slowly fell to the side and collapsed to the floor.

Ultra Woman held up her bracelets in front of her and looked at powerful old man with horror in her wide blue eyes. “Oh gods,” she said her voice already in a panic, “don’t shoot me with that pistol!”

The man before her was wearing only a simple business suit. The Amazon superheroine was in a corner office overlooking the city of Megapolis at night. The old man was in his seventies, looking small next to the youthful, powerful superheroine facing him from across the desk. “Foolish slut, I’m your superior in every way,” the SPAY leader told her. “You cannot defeat me, ever. If you continue, I’ll break you and kill you. No one else might be able to defeat you, but I can.”

Ultra Woman felt so terrified that she dropped to her knees. She actually felt helpless against this powerful, indomitable man. Not only did she feel unable to deflect his bullets with her bracelets, but also she felt that if she fought him, he would mercilessly turn her into a corpse. “I...I don’t want die, again,” she begged. “Don’t hurt me...please...” she said, tears already streaming down her face as she covered her head with her arms.

The old man circled the desk and bumped the barrel of the gun through her blonde hair and against her skull. “You’re a whore, aren’t you?”

The crying Ultra Woman nodded. “Oh yes, I’m a whore. Gods...please...don’t kill me...”

“You’re a whore seeking redemption, correct?”

“Yes, oh yes,” Ultra Woman sobbed uncontrollably, “I...I need to be redeemed...”

The old man finally smiled. “Look up at me, whore.”

Ultra Woman shook violently and tried to say something, but only gasps and sobs came out.

Putting a hand under her chin, the old man pulled Ultra Woman up to face him. Her blue eyes were filled with tears that rolled down her face. Her lips quivered, and her breasts shook from the sobs that she could not stop. “Be calm, if you seek redemption, you shall be cared for. You desire a man to care for you, since you cannot care for yourself, correct?”

“Yes, oh yes,” Ultra Woman said quickly, “I...I am so for me...”

The old man nodded. “Take your tiara off and toss it aside,” he ordered.

Even though her hands shook, Ultra Woman pulled her tiara out of her hair and instantly threw it aside without another thought at its important to her.“I don’t need this pistol, do I?” he asked.

“No no....” Ultra Woman quickly said.

He nodded in agreement. “Very good. You wish to serve me, so that I may care for you, correct? You will do anything I say, since I am now the man that cares for you?”

“Yes, yes, anything,” the superheroine agreed, her sobs calming down when he tossed the pistol onto the desk.

“Good. I want you to pleasure me, to service me with your body. I will care for you, so you must serve my needs,” he told her as his hard gray eyes watched the Amazon closely for any signs of resistance.

Her body shuddered. “I will do anything, anything,” she breathed as Ultra Woman looked up at him with some hope in her eyes.

“Good. Listen, you are not a whore if you submit to me. I will redeem you. When you pleasure me, it will be the greatest sexual experience of your life, understand?”

Ultra Woman nodded quickly. “Oh yes, I know it will be. I can only hope to pleasure you often,” she said plaintively.

“Good, open my pants and give me pleasure.”

Eagerly Ultra Woman unbuckled and unsnapped his pants. She pulled down his plain white underwear. “Oh my..” she gasped in awed happiness seeing his flaccid, wrinkled manhood.

Within a minute of watching the beautiful blonde superheroine working on his cock, the SPAY leader was fully aroused. For most it would be a disappointment, but to Ultra Woman it was the most impressive shaft she had ever seen.

“Very good. Now, stand up and shed these whorish clothes. They belittle you. Strip down to nothing, so your redemption may start,” the leader ordered.

Ultra Woman jumped up and quickly tore off her red and blue boots that she loved, unlatched the golden belt around her waist, then literally ripped away her blue satin panties and her bustier and hurled them away as if they were made of poison. Her small red earrings fell away. She reached for her silver bracelets, but for some reason they seemed to slip away from her wrists, so she threw those away just as quickly.

The great heroine stood before the small old man, her perfect, tanned, fit body naked before him. “Please...” she begged him, “Tell me what I must do next.”

The old man’s erect cock was pointed between her thighs. “You know. You must pleasure me to complete your redemption, then you will no longer be a whore, but a proper, submissive woman.”

He could see the confusion in her eyes, but he expected that. He placed his hands on Ultra Woman’s shoulders, turned her around, and pushed her down atop the desk. Her legs opened up and he moved between them. As his wrinkled hands groped the full, lush breasts of an Amazon, his cock plunged into her tingling, aroused pussy.

“Oh dear Gods!!” Ultra Woman shrieks in overwhelming, powerful joy at the presence and power of the cock that seemed to fill every part of her pussy. Her blue eyes rolled around in her head and she arched her body into the air. She grabbed his wrinkled hands and pulled them tightly against her aching breasts. With each thrust, it felt as if he was plunging the length of her body until the tip of his cock was in her brain. It was the most incredible sexual experience of her life!

“GOOOODDSS!!” she screamed as she wildly thrashed on the desk as the old man thrust in and out of her sex. Ultra Woman threw her head from side to side uncontrollably, her blonde hair flailing over the edge of the wide desk. “OOHhh!! I…Oh Gods..I can’t…take it…” she gasped out, feeling his wonderful shaft shredding her with such wonderful pleasure.

The old man kept thrusting in and out of the spasming Amazon with ease as his fingers massaged and molded her flushed, full breasts. “Release yourself. Become a new woman, not the whore you once were but a loving woman that knows her proper place. Do you know your place?” he asked as he effortlessly fucked the powerful superheroine.

“Yes oh yes!” Ultra Woman cried out, almost purring from the erotic pleasure exploding inside her with his every thrust into her sex, “Oh yes! My place…is at…your side…”

The old man kneaded her breasts, molding them with his fingers. “You will do anything I say, and be submissive towards any man you meet?”

The blonde heroine nodded her head as she squirmed on the desk erotically. “I would never disrespect any man..Ooohhh…godsss…I…I…submit!” the great Ultra Woman said with a squeal of pleasure.

The old man smiled darkly. “Very good. You are not Ultra Woman any longer, since you are not a whore, understand? You need a more feminine name.”

Her tanned, athletic body continued to squirm and twist on the desk under him as her sex oozed passion onto the oaken top. She wanted to cum so badly! “Yes…I...I am not Ultra WooOOHhh..oooman….”

“Yes, that’s right, you are no longer a whore,” the old man said to the naked, fucked superheroine, “from now on, your name is Ulla, understand?”

“Oh yes! me Ulla now,” she begged the old man that was giving her the greatest fucking of her life.

“Very well,” he paused for a moment, and then added, “Ulla. You may orgasm now.”

“Yes, thank yoooOOOONNAAHHH!” Ulla shrieked, her voice rasping as the old man’s cum exploded inside her pussy, filling her every crevice. It was the most wonderful, fulfilling orgasm of Ulla’s life as she moans, cried and sobbed happily on the desk.

The old man let the blonde woman’s orgasm subside before he stepped away from her, letting his little shaft relax and fall out of her sex. The beautiful, naked blonde lay on the desk spread eagled and happily exhausted. The SPAY leader let her lay there for a while so she could catch her breath while he put himself back together.

“Ulla, stand up, I want you to meet two people,” he told her.

As Ulla tiredly sat up, she saw two women entering the office. They both looked exactly like her, although they were dressed. The old man went to the first one. “Ulla, this is what you will look like in private, this is your personality in private with the man you are designated to please, understand?” he said, placing a hand on the bare shoulder of her first twin.

The woman was wearing colorful lingerie. It started with the red ankle boots on her feet, followed by blue sheer stockings. At her thighs the stockings were trimmed in lace and clipped by a blue garters with a golden yellow belt with a single red rose in the front. She wore blue lace panties that left little to the imagination that snapped on at either side of her hips. She had a lace-trimmed, strapless red bra. She had white fingerless lace elbow-length gloves on her forearms, and a yellow lace collar with a single red rose in the middle. Her long blonde hair was brushed around her face and large red hoop earrings poked through her hair.

“This is you, Ulla, when you are pleasing your man, do you understand?” the old man asked.

Ulla sat up on the edge of the desk, not noticing the liquid cum from both of them under her backside. “Oh yes, she…I…look beautiful.”

The lingerie version stood there, one hand on her hip and the other biting at a red fingernail, blue eyes alight with sexual energy.

“Stand up Ulla,” the old man ordered.

The blonde did just as she was told and stood up by the desk. The duplicate in the lingerie walked over to her and turned away, revealing the back of the lace thong that came up the crack of her backside and the back of the garters that bent over her very pert ass.

“Ulla,” the old man said, “step into the new woman you have become.”

Without hesitation, the tall blonde stepped forward and merged with the version in the lingerie. For a moment there was a glimmer, then her blue eyes widened. Ulla felt sexier than she had ever felt before. She wanted to sexually serve the old man and felt her sex tingling all over again. She let out a soft, happy gasp. “Oh my…I want to please you,” Ulla said hungrily, “or anyone you order.”

The old man nodded, as she looked over her tanned body in the snug lingerie. “Ulla, there is someone else here for you.”

The other woman was another duplicate of Ulla, but very different in demeanor. Her long blonde hair had been pulled up into a very tight bun that rested at the back of her head. She had simple red teardrop earrings. Her dressed was very plain, with a red top that was very high necked and trim in simple lace, and long sleeves past the wrist also trimmed in plain red lace. She had a dark gold cloth belt around her waist and a long plain blue skirt that reached the floor hiding her red ankle boots beneath. On her chest, above her left breast, was a golden brooch with the letters “U” and “W” intertwined. The woman had her hands gathered before her and she was looking down demurely, her face placid and submissive.

“You shall be like this in public, submissive and quiet, understand, Ulla?”

Ulla felt her excitement melt away like a snowflake in the desert. “Yes, sir.”

The woman in the skirt walked over and turned around in front of the blonde. Ulla knew what to do. Still in her lingerie, she stepped into the quiet woman in the bun. Instantly she looked down at the floor, her fingers intertwined in front of her hips.

“Now Ulla, close your eyes,” the old man ordered, “and remember that your life is one of servitude. You are weak and need me to care for you, otherwise you would simply die.”

Ulla nodded meekly. “I understand. I live to serve you,” she said as she closed her blue eyes. Slowly she felt herself falling into darkness, engulfing her and pulling her away…

The hood was pulled away from Ultra Woman’s head. Her damp, sweat-soaked hair fell to her shoulders. She dripped with perspiration from her torture in the machine. As she was disconnected and unmanacled, she fell across the shoulder of one of the SPAY men.

“Carry her back with the others. Tomorrow you men will have three of these to enjoy,” the leader said coldly.

To the sounds of chuckles, Ultra Woman was carried away from the machine.

“Hurry up Ulla!” Megan said as she rushed around the room.

“Don’t worry, it’s almost done,” Ulla said as she carefully finished putting the icing on the cake. “Relax Megan, it’ll be ready in time for dessert.”

Starla walked back into the kitchen. Starla was half a foot taller than Ulla, with sun-blonde hair in a tight bun and a bright yellow dress that covered her entire body except for her hands and face. She wore a small gold brooch of a sunburst and had golden eyes. She was carrying a tray of dirty dishes. “The boys were hungry this evening,” she said.

“They had good reason,” Shae said behind Starla, also carrying a tray of dishes. Shae wore a gray dress with a red belt and had her own red hair up in the standard bun. “I saw them earlier carrying some poor, misguided girl into the room.”

The other three girls all nodded knowingly. “Some poor whore,” Ulla intoned to the agreement of the others, “I hope they can help her.”

“I saw her too, I am sure that terrible outfit with that oversized red maple leaf will be gone soon,” Megan added in her chipper way, “but her hair was shorter than mine, she will have trouble putting her hair up.”

Megan wore a dress with blue on the top and a skirt of red with a stylized “M” brooch. She was only five and a half foot tall, but a youthful bundle of energy that the men loved. Of course, the men loved all four of these redeemed women.

“Here,” Ulla said as she shoved the tray of small plates with cake on them into Megan’s hands, “the men need their dessert.”

As chatty as they were in the kitchen, as soon as the two women walked into the dining room, they instantly became quiet with their eyes lowered. Each circled the table, handing out cake to the SPAY men gathered for their meal. Their skirt swished around the floor as they demurely moved around the table and returned to the kitchen.

The four women gathered in the master’s living area. They were standing in line, hands gathered before them with the eyes downcast. It was the usual after-dinner routine. The master walked down the line of four women in his robe. “You all look delightful tonight,” he said, which gave each of them a surge of happiness.

“But, I think tonight Megan and Starla may sleep with me.”

Ulla felt a moment of disappointment at not being able to please their leader this evening, but it quickly faded when he added, “Ulla and Shae, you two go please the men in whatever way they wish.”

As the SPAY leader escorted the smaller Megan and the tall Starla into his private bedroom, Ulla and Shae left and headed to the barracks. Both women were apprehensively excited. They knew what was going to happen, since it happened almost every night. The leader would pick one or two women to join him for the most incredible night of pleasure. The two or three not picked by him would go down and spend the night with the five to seven men in the barracks area. Sometimes the men were not so gentle, but Ulla and Shae had a duty to serve, so they went happy in the knowledge that this was their position in life.

Ulla opened the door and she and Shae stepped inside, eyes downcast. The men looked over at the two beauties that had entered with varying expressions. Some looked at them as if the television had been turned on, while others gave the two women dirty leers.

“Aww fuck!” one of the men spat. “Ever notice he always keeps that little spitfire for himself?”

“Yeah,” another said as he circled the blonde and the redhead, “and that tall one too. You know why, don’t ya?” “Hell yeah!” the first one replied, “because those two can last the longest. He pumps himself full of uberviagra and fucks those bitches all goddamn night. This one,” he said, pointing at the demure redhead, “is really just normal chick with some funky powers, and this cunt,” he said, pointing at Ulla, “is a fuckin’ Amazon that is finished in an hour and you have to holding her up if you want to get your rocks off.”

A large black man came over to the two women. “Okay girls, get those dresses off,” he ordered them. “You guys bitch about these two, but you know you’ll fuck ‘em just the same.”

Ulla and Shae reached behind themselves and unbuttoned their dresses. As usual, Ulla had a strange problem getting her sleeves over her wrists, but she tugged and pulled it over. The leader said she just had bony wrists, to which Ulla naturally agreed, even if her wrists looked the same as the others. Soon both women had their thick dresses on the floor. Just as soon as Ulla’s long skirt fell to the floor leaving her in her red and blue lingerie, she felt a surge of sexual energy, just like she always felt.

A short, stout Latino man came over to Shae and poked at her hips. Shae had on lingerie like Ulla, but all in dark gray with a red sash around her waist. “This one’s been putting on weight, notice that?”

The black man circled around Shae. “Oh yeah, I like that though. More cushion for the pushin’,” he said, bringing a laugh from the others.

“Eh, like you said, Shadowgirl’s just got some weird psychic powers normally, otherwise I think the bitch has to train to stay in shape,” said another. “All she’s been doing is cooking and fucking, not exercising her brains out like she did before I bet.”

“Yeah still,” the first one said as he stepped behind Ulla, “You know why he sends this fuckin’ slut.”

The black man nodded as he circled Ulla. She felt very excited and very sexy here in the presence of these men. Her sex already tingled in anticipation of receiving their loving embraces and the feel of their caring hands on her body.

“Yeah, he sends this cunt because after a few fucks she’s so weak she can’t lift her head. Stupid fuckin’ Amazon cunts, you’d think they’d last longer.”

“Shaddup you guys,” the sixth man said as he put the deck of cards on the table, “you know you’re gonna fuck them as long as they can stand. Yeah, it’s not that little Megagirl that all you perverts want since she’ll fuck you crazy all night, but you ain’t turnin’ down this prime pussy. You all have jacked off thinking about fuckin’ Ultra Woman and Shadowgirl, and now here you are bitchin’ about havin’ to fuck ‘em!”

All six men laughed at that as they gathered around the table.

“Fuck, three of hearts.”

“Eh, not bad, seven.”

“Oh yeah, King!” the black man crowed.

“Jack-off of hearts!” the Latino man said which brought a laugh from the men.

“Shit, a fuckin’ deuce,” one cursed, “great, fuckin’ sloppy leftovers from you pigs.”

“Nine,” the last one said as the six men threw the cards back on the table.

“Yeah,” the black man said pumping his fist. “Come on Shae,” he said grabbing the redheaded former superheroine by her dark gray bra strap, “I love that plump ass you’re gettin’!” he laughed as he left almost dragging Shae behind him.

The other men looked at the stout Latino. “Fuck, you know what I want. Hey, Ultra Cunt, get your ass over here,” he said as he sat down in a chair with his legs apart.

Ulla knew exactly what he wanted and she had done it for him many times in her two weeks here. “Oh yes Juan,” she said excitedly as she almost skipped across the room. The other four men watched her jiggle as she rushed to Juan and knelt down before him. She loved serving these wonderful men in this way and it aroused her so much to even be allowed to kneel before them.

“Hey dumbshit,” one man said as Ulla quickly opened up Juan’s uniform pants and pulled out his arched, still flaccid shaft, “this time don’t fuckin’ cum all over Ultra Woman’s face. Yesterday I got her last and I didn’t even want to look at her after all you fuckin’ pigs had cum all over the slut. She looked like she’d taken a fuckin’ bath in the shit.”

To the sounds of agreement from the other four, Juan replied, “Yeah yeah, I’ll be sure she swalloooohhsss…” Juan moaned and leaned back into his chair.

Ulla had taken his cock into her mouth and a soft moan also slipped from her that echoed down the length of Juan’s shaft. It was short but thick and Ulla loved it, just as she loved to please all men. Her pussy was getting wet just listening to Juan’s excited moans as his cock grew rock hard inside her mouth. Ulla swirled her tongue around the head of it and took it in and out of her lips.

She heard a feminine cry of agony and knew that Shae had just roughly gotten Tyrone’s cock in her ass. Ulla arched her own ass into the air, partly glad and partly jealous that it was Shae and not her that had gotten reamed like that. Ulla suckled and swallowed Juan’s cock over and over, doing everything she could to please him with her mouth.

“Ah fuck, I’m tired,” Juan said as he grabbed Ulla’s head, “Just get me off so I can go to bed, ya dumb fuckin’ slut,” he said as he roughly jerked Ulla up and down the length of his shaft, bringing chuckles from the men around them.

“Goddamn, don’t choke the bitch!” one laughed.

Ulla did her best to breathe as Juan’s member was thrust into the back of her mouth. She had learned from these sessions how to relax her throat and not gag but it wasn’t easy. The sounds of Shae’s cries of agony made Ulla so happy!

Suddenly she felt fingers pushing against the puffy lips of her pussy through her panties. “Hey Juan, mind if I get some of Ultra Woman’s pussy here while you’re gettin’ yer head?”

Juan shook his head negatively while he kept up the pace, thrusting his dick down the blonde’s throat and letting his head rest back while his eyes closed.

Ulla tried to move her tongue around Juan’s cock but it was impossible for her to keep up as he shoved her down, thrusting his thick shaft into her throat and burying her face in his sweaty, smelly crotch. She twisted her hips as the other man’s fingers toyed with her pussy, soaking her lace panties in seconds.

“MMNHH!” Ulla gasped tasting some of the precum that spurted from Juan’s dick. Juan thrust her face down, shoving his cock deeply down her throat and burying her nose and eyes in his thick pubic hair.

“Oh yeah,” Juan groaned, “get ready to cum you cheap fuckin’ slut,” he said, knowing that Ulla would orgasm any time one of the men came inside her.

“MmnhhhnnHHHH!!!” Ulla groaned deeply as Juan’s cum spurted into her mouth setting off her own orgasm. It ripped through her with her own Amazonian cum spurting into her panties soaking them completely. She tried to keep sucking on Juan but her head was spinning, so all she could do was keep her lips tightly wrapped around the base of his cock and swallow.

“Oh yeah…” Juan moaned with satisfaction as he let Ulla move herself again. “Clean it all up, cunt,” he ordered, “then the rest of these sorry sons of bitches can have you.”

Ulla did her best to do just as she was ordered, licking up all the saliva and cum on Juan’s quickly relaxing manhood.

“Goddamn that Ultra Woman gives good head!” Juan crowed as he pushed Ulla back. He put a foot to her chest, right between her breasts, and roughly kicked her to the floor. “I’m done with you, cunt. Go fuck someone else.”

Ulla wasn't happy about being kicked in the floor, but she was happy that Juan had let her please him. “Yes sir,” she said quickly.

As Ulla slowly stood up, her lips brightly flushed from sucking Juan’s manhood, another rushed up to her. “Yeah baby, the last two nights I got your pussy after Tyrone had turned it inside out. Should be nice and tight tonight the way since you’re cunt’s still fresh,” he said as he gave Ulla a rough kiss.

She tried to return it passionately but the man, a tall, lean soldier with a scarred face, grabbed Ulla by the arms and turned her around. “Hey, anyone want to double team this bitch?” he asked with an evil chuckle.

Standing there in front of the men in the lingerie that hid nothing but made her look so much sexier, Ulla didn't like the sound of being double teamed, but she would do what they asked of her. She'd been double teamed more than once in the two weeks she had been here, and both times had left her so weak that she had slept on the bed where they had left her. In the room next door she heard Shae's cries being muffled, so Ulla assumed that Tyrone had gagged her.

The men looked at each other, and one finally spoke up. “Which end you want?”

“Her pussy, like I said dumbshit. Want some back door action?”

The other man, slightly chunky with thinning hair, thought for a moment.

“Turn around and bend over,” the thin man ordered as he spun Ulla around. The former superheroine did as she was told, thrilled that they were looking at her body. The thing strap of blue lace barely hid the small puckered hole underneath.

“Yeah, what the fuck," he said and stood up.

"Come here, Ultra Ulla," the lean solder said stripped away his pants and underwear, leaving him naked and hairy. He laid down on the bed. "Get your hand busy on me, slut."

Ulla nodded and quickly gripped his thin shaft and worked to get him hard as quickly as she could. Behind her the chubby man had moved behind her and was handling things himself. "Oh yeah baby," he said watching Ulla excitedly.

Ulla stradded his thighs and kept getting him harder. She bent down and slipped the knob of his manhood into her mouth which brought a groan from him. The heavy man behind her grabbed her thong and, with a tug, broke loose the snaps and tore the thong away, leaving her pink, wet sex and her smaller hole visible.

"Come on already, fuck me already," the soldier ordered as he grabbed a bra strap and pulled Ulla forward.

The blonde crawled up his body until she had his cock pointing upwards at her sex. Slowly she took him inside her. Both soldier and Amazon let out grunts as they pushed their hips towards each other.

Ulla gasped as she felt a finger, surrounded by warm gel, push into her asshole. He smeared the rest of the gel on her ass and put both hands on the tanned woman.

The soldier under Ulla grabbed both bra straps and pulled her down, helping her bend over and putting her ass into the air. “Come on, mount up!”

As Ulla let out a deep, satisfied groan when the soldier was completely inside her, the man behind put his cock to her ass and thrust himself inside.

“NNNnnnnhh… hurts…” Ulla gasped as the two men worked hard to get themselves completely buried inside the beautiful ex-heroine.

The chubby man mounting Ulla from behind chuckles. “Yeah baby, it’ll get better.”

For the next ten minutes, Ulla was pounded by the two men sandwiching her. It seemed longer to her, since it was as much pain as pleasure. Their thrusts made her squirm and shift, trying to relieve the painful thrusts into her ass and enhance the thrusts into her sex. Her moans filled the room much to the amusement of the men, her own onrushing orgasm swelling up inside her body.

Suddenly, just as the two men were about to cum inside the blonde between them, a claxon began blaring throughout the SPAY complex. Ulla knew that it meant as it sank into her passion-filled mind; one of her redeemed sisters had fallen back into her whorish ways.

“Ohhh..oohhH..OHHHHNNNHHGGAAAHH!!” Ulla screamed as the two men came inside her at the same time. The double orgasm blasted through her psyche, her scream drowned out by the klaxon. The two men finished relieving themselves inside the spasming woman, then the chubby one behind her jumped away and started getting dressed. The one under Ulla roughly shoved her into the floor and grabbed his clothes as well.

Ulla hit the floor and rolled onto her stomach. She groaned and moved slowly on the floor. She was too weak to push herself up off the floor and finally gave up. The barracks room was spinning around her. The Amazon Curse, even while the Amazon didn’t think of herself as one, still overwhelmed her physically and emotionally, leaving her writhing on the floor.

The men rushed from the barracks, leaving Ulla lying on the floor. The klaxon faded into nothing and Ulla remained lying there in her lingerie, used and left behind.

Ulla wasn’t sure how long she lay there until she hear footsteps rush into the room. “Apollo’s Chariot! Tania, what have they done to you?” she heard Starla say.

“Starla…” Ulla said as she tried to focus. Looking up, she saw Starla in her lingerie, but wielding a glowing sword in her hand. “What are you doing with that?” she asked, her voice weak from the Curse.

“Tania!” Starla said as she knelt down next to the weakened Amazon. “Get up, we have to get out of here.”


“It’s me, Eos. Morning Star. You’re not Ulla, you’re Ultra Woman, you’re Tania, champion of the Amazons!”

With Starla’s help, Ulla got up to her knees. “What? You can’t do this, the leader will be upset. Don’t go back to your whorish ways,” Ulla said weakly trying to hold Starla’s arms.

Morning Star shook herself free easily. “Tania, don’t…” she paused, seeing the desperate look on Tania’s face. “I’ll be back for you,” Morning Star said as she headed back to the door.

The door suddenly slammed shut with a heavy slam of a metal latch. Morning Star ran to the steel door and raised her sword, then stumbled back. Ulla watched, but her vision was getting cloudy.

Ulla smiled sleepily. “It’s gas, Starla. Come back and join us,” she said as she slumped back to the floor.

Morning Star stumbled to her knees. She drove the point of her glowing sword through the two inch steel like butter. As she fell to her knees and stumbled forward, she sliced through it. “N…no…” she mumbled as the goddess passed out on the floor.

A minute later, two men in gas masks came in, followed by the leader. “My mistake, I should not have placed her sword on the mantle in my bedroom. Apparently finding something very personal can overwhelm the programming.”

He walked over and nudged the blonde Amazon sleeping on the floor. “Apparently her programming was good enough to resist the influence of friends.” He seemed satisfied with that. “Take this one back to my bedroom, and that one,” he said with a nod towards Morning Star, “put her back into the machine.”

A week passed for Ulla. After a day, Starla returned, her redeemed self again. Ulla was confused by what had driven Starla back to her whorish state, but she didn’t dare ask the leader. He had said that Starla simply needed retraining and that was that.

In that week two more redeemed, ex-superheroines had joined them. One was named Mae. She had short reddish-brown hair and wore a small red maple leaf shaped brooch on her dress. The other was named Kania. She was African with a strange African shield design for a brooch.

For Ulla though it had been a disappointing week. She had happily served the men and the leader, but each evening for pleasure time she had been sent to the barracks. She still had trouble getting her dress over her wrists and the men seemed to be getting rougher with the redeemed women sent to them. By day Ulla would meekly serve meals and clean, by night she would be ravished roughly by groups of men.

A week after Starla’s “moment of weakness”, as the leader called it, all of the girls except Shae were called in. Each of them lined up in a row, eyes downcast with their hands before them, all five former superheroines now meekly awaiting the orders of an old man.

“My daughters,” he said as he entered with two of his men carrying bundles of blue and white cloth, “today is the day that we put an end to that twisted Doctor Droid. He made our redemption machine that helped each of you see the light, but now we have no need of him or his evil, twisted genius.”

He went down the line of women and handed each one a set of the blue and white uniforms. “Strip and put these on.”

Ulla held it up in front of her. It was a lycra version of the SPAY armor that the men wore. It was royal blue with large, geometric sections of white. Written across the front over the left upper part of the chest was “SPAY” with the number three below it, all in white and blue letters.

She did as she was ordered. Ulla stripped away her dress and the lingerie beneath it, with the usual troubles she had getting it over her wrists. In minutes, all five women were dressed head to toe in the body-hugging uniforms that hid very little. Each woman was also dressed in a full mask that hid their entire faces. Their hair was pulled out through a hole in the back of the mask, giving the only hint of their identities.

“Very good!” the SPAY leader said with evident satisfaction. Five of the most powerful superheroines in the world were now standing before him, completely subservient and dressed in his own colors. A near month of servitude and sex had broken what little remained after the machine had destroyed their wills to resist. Ultra Woman, Morning Star, Megagirl, Maple Leaf, and Kenya had been turned into the meek, sex slaves named Ulla, Starla, Megan, Mae, and Kania. Now, they were nothing, just numbers; three, two, one, four and five. Shadowgirl had lost her edge, being an essentially normal woman, and had gained twenty pounds. The leader didn’t care about that; he knew Tyrone liked Shae plump and he liked to keep his men happy.

“Remember your numbers, when we attack the twisted home of Doctor Droid, you will be given your orders by number. You will not stop for fallen comrades, you will continue until you find the man known as Doctor Droid, and you will kill him,” he told the five masked women before him.

Ulla could see through the mask since the material over her eyes was somehow translucent. It was like looking through thin mesh. The leader put a map up on the wall and began giving the five women a briefing on what to do.

All five were loaded onto a truck. Across from them sat the men in their powered armor. Ulla could hear their comments about the skintight costumes the women were wearing. She could also hear men talking to the leader.

“Sir, you know these five aren’t all coming back,” one said, “sending these bitches after him is like sending five mice to catch a cat.

“Goddamn, what camel toe,” another mumbled.

“Yes, I know, but they will be a distraction for us. I know the pervert will concentrate on stopping them, so when we follow up with you men in the second wave, most of his traps and tricks will be already set off.”

The man nodded as others ogled the nipples of the five superheroines sticking out into the costumes. “Yes sir,” he said, grinning, “excellent idea.”

The truck eventually came to a stop and the leader ordered the five ex-superheroines out. “Go inside and split up,” he told them, “and if you find Droid, kill him.”

The five women in the blue and white suits all got out of the back of the panel truck and stepped outside the old water works facility. Ulla stretched for a moment, happy to help the leader destroy such an evil man. Megan smashed the rusty door open, and the five went inside.

It was a plain, old, dilapidated building that used to be part of the old Zwicken water system. “Over here,” number two said as she shouldered open a door that led down a pair of damp brick stairs.

The five went down into the stinking sewer, where it branched three ways. Ulla and number five went one way, one and four another, and two went down the third way. Soon the hall branched, and Ulla was alone.

The tunnel curved around as she followed it, her blue and white boots squishing into the disgusting floor of the sewer. Suddenly, echoing down the tunnel, was a female scream, followed by another, then quiet. A minute later as Ulla stood there listening, she heard female cries of alarm, pain, whining cries, the sounds of flesh being struck.

As the turned, there was a splash behind her. Spinning back around, Ulla found herself face to face with a man. As it sank into her mind that, in the pale yellow light, it was actually a cyborg designed in the shape of a mind, the machine-man smashed a fist into the side of her cheek.

The blonde ponytail sticking out the back of her mask flew upwards as Ulla’s head snapped around. Now it was her turn to let out a cry of shock and pain. Before she could react, the cyborg’s other fist slammed into her belly. Ulla cried out as she was lifted off her boots and left to drop onto her knees in the muck.

She was far from beaten though. As the cyborg grabbed at the blonde ponytail, as he had been trained to do when fighting women, Ulla kicked out at the male cyborg’s legs, sending it tumbling into the muck.

Ulla jumped up and back to get a moment to catch her breath. She was shocked that a punch from a machine with metal fists hadn’t hurt her any more than it did. She had felt a little groggy for a second there, but that was it. Instinctively she had performed a leg-sweep on it and she had moved like lightning. It was all very surprising to her.

“Ungh!” Ulla grunted as the cyborg threw its shoulder into Ulla’s belly and drove her back against the old block wall of the sewer tunnel. She brought a knee up into the cyborg’s chest and heard a crunch, but the machine seemed unbothered. “AAANNGH!” Ulla screamed out as the cyborg wrapped one set of metal fingers around her breast and squeezed.

Pain laced through Ulla. She bent to the side in pain. She grabbed the cyborg’s wrist, but that only allowed it to wrap the fingers of its other hand around her other breast. “AARNNNGH!” Ulla screamed, her voice now echoing down the damp tunnels of the sewer.

She felt almost paralyzed by the power of those fingers crushing down on her plump breasts. Pinned against the wall, she couldn’t break the grip of the malignant cyborg. She thrashed against the damp wall, arms flailing in pain. She was starting to see spots in her vision as her left wrists tinked against a brick.

Ulla quickly sensed a chance. She reached over her head and grabbed the loose brick that she had bumped into. With a single, violent motion, Ulla yanked the brick free and brought it down with all the force she could muster.

The old brick cracked down the middle as the corner of it smashed into the cyborg’s head. With an brief explosion of sparks, the brick crushed the metal plate and broke into the circuitry within. The cyborg made a harsh, jerking motion that Ulla thought would tear her breasts off, then froze in place.

With an effort, Ulla bent the fingers back that were still wrapped around her tender breasts. The cyborg fell back onto the mucky floor of the sewer.

Ulla took a minute to catch her breath. Her hooded mask was torn on one side of her face from the cyborg’s punch, and the material over her breasts was torn in ten distinct places. Other that tenderness in her breasts, Ulla felt fine.

She went off down the tunnel until she reached a dead end, then turned back towards the other four. The blonde wound through the tunnels, passing Mae’s form on the floor with her SPAY uniform in shreds. She found a destroyed cyborg, and Starla’s unconscious body next. Back behind her, she could hear the armored SPAY men now entering the sewers. Past two more destroyed cyborgs lay Megan, her blue costume shredded and her legs lying askew. Then Ulla heard a scream in the distance ahead. She rushed on ahead down the length of the winding sewer tunnels.

Turning a corner she saw Kania on a set of stairs, her arms bound in metal cables as two of the cyborgs were raping her, one in front and one behind her. Kania seemed barely conscious as the two perverted cyborgs ravished the helpless African woman.

Ulla looked around until she found an old, semi-rusted metal bar lying on the floor some ways back. She had to get past the two cyborgs; she had been told to ignore fallen comrades, so the idea of saving Kania never came to her.

She tried to sneak up on the machines, but as one looked up, she hurled the metal bar and charged. The steel bar punched the faceplate of the cyborg ravishing Kania from behind and drove it down in a shower of sparks. As the cyborg abusing Kania’s mouth looked up, Ulla’s blue boot smashed into it, driving it away from Kania and against the stairs. The cyborg’s arm caught the back of Ulla’s knee, knocking her to the stairs as well.

“AUGHH!” the blonde cried out as the cyborg’s metal fist slammed into her lower back sending a wave of pain through her. She arched backwards, allowing the cyborg to get a grip on her blonde ponytail. It bent her back and threw Ulla off balance. She twisted back down the steps over the fallen, unconscious form of Kania.

Ulla’s knees hit the muck-covered floor of the tunnel, still held by the long blonde ponytail. She reached back and grabbed at the wrist holding it and struggled to her feet. She couldn’t stop the other hand of the cyborg behind her, as it balled into a fist.

As the balled fist slammed up between her legs and crashed into her tender sex, Ulla was lifted to her toes. Her eyes went wide and her lips formed into a circle. No sounds came out of the blonde’s mouth, but the shock and pain was evident on the part of her face that was visible. Another blow to her pussy sent another paralyzing shockwave through her lean body. Her hands went down to cover her sex as the fist grabbed the blue material hugging her lower lips and ripped it away, leaving shreds of blue hanging from over her sex and down the inside of her thighs.

With another tug on her ponytail, Ulla was thrown to floor of the tunnel and rolled against the wall. The sewer was spinning around her. She let out a gasp as the cyborg jumped on top of her, forcing its hips between her legs and spread them far apart.

That helped bring Ulla’s head out of the fog. She was still aching but the sudden presence of something wet and hard touching the lips of her now naked sex made her overcome it. The cyborg was quickly poising itself to rape and defeat her as the others littering the sewer.

As the cyborg’s phallus started to push inside her, Ulla looked around frantically. Reaching out, she grabbed the iron bar still protruding from the other cyborg’s head. As the cyborg pushed her sex open and slowly impaled Ulla, her arms trembled and she started to feel the weakness she always felt when she was penetrated.

Ulla was out of time, and she knew it. She pulled the metal bar free and drove it into the skull of the cyborg. It drove into the mechanical man’s head and into his body, sending sparks flying an electrical current flowing through Ulla that made her scream yet again. She shook violently for a few seconds, then slumped against the wet floor.

Still penetrated, Ulla willed her body to move and get the cyborg both off and out of her. With a foot she kicked the cyborg to the side. She was exhausted, but she had a mission. Her blue and white SPAY uniform was filthy and ripped in a dozen places.

Ulla plowed through the metal door at the top of the stairs. She stumbled into a perfectly clean lab. Across the large room was a single man with two more of the cyborgs. Ulla wasn’t sure she could defeat two more as she was; exhausted, weakened, and beaten on.

The single man looked singularly unimposing. He was tall and lean, with a lab coat over plain, non-descript clothing. He had both hands in the large pockets of his lab coat and a pair of greenish goggles over his eyes.

At first the man seemed about to order the two cyborgs to rush over and finish off the woman charging into his lab, but he changed his mind. Ulla noticed him look at her sides and a smirk came over his face.

He dug around in his pockets and with his left hand he pulled out a simple pistol. “I’m so glad to see that my machine worked so well,” he said in a naturally deep voice.

Ulla took a few steps across the large lab towards him. “You must be Doctor Droid. My leader has said that you must die for your perverted crimes.”

Doctor Droid only smirked all the bigger. “So I hear, so I hear. Too bad you won’t do it. You couldn’t kill me before, and I know that you won’t kill me today.”

“Before?” Ulla said in some confusion, but she kept approaching.

“Yes, that’s right,” Droid said as he aimed the pistol at her. “Of course you were dressed differently. I must say that I like the other outfit, my more elegant and sexy than some boring, plain SPAY outfit. I do like all the holes, but all that nastiness takes away from your beauty, Ultra Woman.”

“Enough,” Ulla said as she stopped a ten feet from Droid and his two cyborgs, “will you submit, since you cannot defeat our leader?”

“Actually, I was going to have these boys,” he said with nod to the two robotic men, “rape the living hell out of you, but I think I’ll use you as my revenge on that old fool. Surely he wouldn’t think he could invade one of my labs and catch me unawares.”

Back down the stairs and down the tunnels, the sounds of the approach of the armored SPAY men reached their ears. Ulla smiled. “Strike me down, villain, the leader’s men will finish you off.”

Droid nodded. “So they would, so they would.” He reached into his pocked, pulled out a small cylinder with a button on the end. Pushing the button, Droid opened up a small portal behind him. He stepped halfway through.

“NO!” Ulla yelled and started towards Droid before he could escape. At the same time, the supervillain fired the pistol at Ulla, first once then twice.

Expecting the bullets to strike and kill her, Ulla winced. To her shock, her wrists flew up instinctively, first the left then the right, swatting the bullets aside to the sounds of metal on metal.

Ulla stopped in place, seeing the platinum toned bracelets peeking through the torn sleeves of her SPAY uniform. They were her bracelets. They had no break on them, so she had been wearing them ever since that old bastard had...

Ulla shook her head. The leader was no b...

Tania put a hand to her head. It was all flooding back into her mind. These were her bracelets, the bracelets she had worn since there ceremony during her childhood. She had lived on her island for over a century until the contest. She had been named...Ultra Woman.

Tania was Ultra Woman. It flooded into her mind, making her fall to her knees as waves of memories were freed from the twisted grip of the evil machine and the SPAY leader. She knew who she was, and she knew that SPAY had made her do for the last three weeks. She remembered each night of rapes, each night of forced passion with men that now disgusted her.

“Ahem,” Doctor Droid cleared his throat, “you’re welcome,” he said with that smirk. “But I would offer two pieces of advice.”

Ultra Woman heard the SPAY men approaching closer. She looked up at Droid from her knees. She was in shock, mentally stunned as she realized everything that had happened to her in the last three weeks.

“First, you might wish to dissimulate or otherwise I imagine those men will put you in my wonderful machine again. Second, I would leave her within five minutes, because, dear Ultra Woman, I’m going to blow the living hell out of this lab. I have four others, I can use those, but I wouldn’t want to kill you. You’re way too much fun,” he said with a chuckle. “Good bye, Ultra Woman.”

Stepping through the portal followed by two of his cyborgs, Droid reached the other side, wherever that was. The portal closed again, leaving Tania to sink to the cold, metal floor. Her body was aching from the fighting with the cyborgs and part of her great strength was gone from the brief penetration earlier. But the memories and the thoughts of all she had endured at the hands of SPAY sent her to the floor.

Tania lay there on the cold metal for a minute, her mind struggling to absorb everything. The SPAY men came into the room and circled around, warily aiming weapons around the lab equipment. The blonde Amazon heard them, but she only laid there on the floor with her eyes closed. She needed time to think.

“All clear sir,” one of the men said.

Another nudged Tania with his armored boot. “Looks like the Amazon got the farthest,” the SPAY man said quietly.

The leader came into the lab. “Men, gather up that slut and let’s evacuate. Droid will not let us hold this place.” He headed back out the door as one of the men scooped Tania up and threw her over his shoulder.

Back in the truck, she was tossed onto the floor with the other four superheroines. She lay there, eyes closed, thinking....

The next day was little different than the previous twenty-one days. The five heroines had mostly healed up from their battles of the day before, now they were all back in their meek dresses, preparing the meals and cleaning for the SPAY men.

That evening, all six superheroines, Shae included, were lined up before the leader. Each was wearing their lingerie, a sexy match to the costumes they would have normal worn as superheroines.

“You all look better now, my daughters,” the leader intoned. “,” he said to Megan, “and you,” to Mae, “may stay with me tonight. You other four, you will go serve the other men tonight.”

Like four overly stimulated prostitutes, the remaining women smiled brightly at the thought of serving the men in the barracks. Seconds later, the four sexy women in the colorful lingerie entered the room filled with six men.

“Here’s dessert,” one said, less than excited.

“Yep. Same old sluts, different night. I never would have thought I’d be bored with them.”

“Ya dickless fuckers,” Tyrone boomed, “I could fuck these four all week.”

The cards were brought out and each man cut the deck. As he drew last, Tyrone waved his ace of clubs at the other five. “Fuckin’ aight!” he said throwing the cards to the table. “You know just what I’m dickin’, come here ya fuckin’ big assed whore!” he roared as the men laughed.

Ulla quickly stepped in front of Shae. “Please take me!” she begged. “Take me in the other room and bang me so hard! I missed last night and I want you,” she added as she put her hand over the heavy lump in Tyrone’s pants. “I want your big dick in my ass so badly,” she breathed as she looked up at him.

Tyrone thought for a moment as the others watched with amusement. “Damn, that fuckin’ bitch wants to be bowlegged,” one laughed. Tyrone looked at the redheaded superheroine that he normally had each night, then at Ulla. He grabbed the hair at the back of Ulla’s head and bent it back. “Aight bitch, you want me to make your ass bleed?”

Ulla smiled with her head twisted to one side. “Gods yes, I want you in me deeply.”

Tyrone looked between Shae and Ulla. “Ah fuck it, aight. I can nail fatass any night.” He kept a grip on Ulla’s hair and pulled her to the door, “but Amazon ass is good too!”

As the men laughed and divided up the other three women among them, Tyrone took Ulla into the little side room where he always went. Tyrone threw her into the little room that had only a table, chairs and a blanket on the floor. After kicking his boots and socks off, he pulled down his pants to reveal his python of a penis.

“This what you wanted, huh?” he said as he let the monster dangle down in front of Ulla.

She reached out and gripped it firmly. “Oh yes, I’ve been wanting to get hold of that thing so badly since the last time you raped me,” she said, her voice edgy.

Tyrone reached down for her blonde hair again. “Yeah? Good, cause I’m gonna rape you so badly you ble...MMMPH!”

Suddenly the blonde Amazon on her knees before him grabbed one of his socks, jumped up and shoved it into his mouth before the black man could react. Then she wrapped powerful fingers around his throat as her other hand squeezed the base of his black shaft. “Listen,” she hissed in a whisper up to Tyrone, “and listen closely. If you yell, I’ll rip off your friend here,” she said then slammed the large man into the wall effortlessly. “I’m an Amazon, I can rip steel in half and I’m faster than bullets. I can rip your dick off and break your neck before you can blink. Now, nod if you understand.”

Tyrone glanced down at the red fingernails pinching into his manhood. He nodded.

“Goddamn, lookit that!” one of the men in the barracks said as Ulla walked into the room still wearing her outfit, but carrying a satchel, “Tyrone nailed the bitch and she can still walk!”

A few of the men, the ones not about to orgasm into the helpless women with them, laughed.

Ulla walked up to the one watching Juan getting oral sex from Starla. “I’m not half done,” she said breathlessly. She reached into her bag and pulled out a glowing sword.

“What the fuck!” the man said as Tania grabbed Starla by the shoulder, pulled her back, and shoved the sword into her face. Out of the bag came a uniform, of green and black with the Kenyan symbol on the front. She threw it onto Kania’s belly as one of the man ravished her on the table.

Next came a red sash, the silken sash belonging to Shadowgirl.

As the five men watched, all of them, even the one engaged in sex, paused and gaped at the blonde woman they called Ulla. She backed up to the door and slowly closed it.

“Gentlemen,” she said in a quiet voice that could be heard distinctly in the silent room, “today is going to be the worse day of your life.”

“Ah yes, little daughter,” the old man moaned as Megan’s hips rode up and down over his old, crinkled shaft, “ah yes, yes, very good, yes...”

Lying next to him was Mae, her large, tanned breasts in front of him to toy with. Megan had a tight hold on her own small, pert breasts as they bounced to her motions.

The SPAY leader didn’t hear the door open, but Megan’s superior hearing picked up on it. “Hi...Ulla...” she said between gasps of arousal.

The old man looked up at Megan, then peeked around her. There, standing in their proud uniforms, were Ultra Woman, Kenya, Morning Star, and a plump Shadowgirl. He gaped for a few moments as the four superheroines walked over and circled the bed.

A red and white costume fell across Mae’s hip and her brown eyes went wide. She picked it up, her hands shaking, then quickly rolled away from the old man.

“You bastard, if you don’t get Megagirl off of you in the next five seconds,” Morning Star said as she raised her sword, “I’ll cut your manhood off.”

The SPAY leader looked at the four angry heroines, and the struggling Maple Leaf. “Megan my daughter, stop.” To Megan’s look of confusion, he quickly added, “and destroy these whores!” he barked, pointing at the five heroines.

Megan jumped up, her sex still pink and wet, to face them. Before she could leap at Morning Star, Ultra Woman pulled out a red piece of cloth rolled up. “Megagirl,” she said quietly as she unrolled the cape to reveal the stylized “M” on the back of it.

Megagirl gaped at the cape for a few seconds, then fell in Ultra Woman’s arms, sobbing heavily. Seeing the young heroine crying, the other heroines pushed close to the edge of the bed.

“Don’t you dare touch me, you disgusting sluts!” the leader barked as he pulled a blanket over his hips and sat up against the headboard of the bed. “You are whores that have no right to judge me!”

Morning Star, Shadowgirl, and Kenya stepped onto the bed closer to him.

“Get away! My men will tell everything that happened to you sluts!” he said triumphantly. “My victory is complete! The world will know what happened here, your reputations are ruined!”

Ultra Woman patted Megagirl on the back and handed her to Maple Leaf. “All any of them will remember is that you captured us, and we freed ourselves from your clutches,” the Amazon said as slipped the lasso off her hip.

After Morning Star and Kenya pulled the old man to the foot of the bed, they held him tightly in place. Shadowgirl, her fist glowing with her psychic energy, stood on the bed over him.

“I will still win! You are all sluts! No whores will ever defeat me!!” the old man screamed shrilly.

Ultra Woman stepped up and dropped the lasso over his shoulders. “Whores, no. Superheroines and women, yes.” She nodded up to Shadowgirl, and the old man’s mind exploded.

Two weeks later:

"Very good, my daughters, line up there," the old SPAY leader said. He walked down the line, smiling with satisfaction. "All of you whores are mine, and you'll always be with me here. Isn't that wonderful, my daughters?"

Outside the padded room, two white-uniformed men peeked in at the old man talking to himself. "Poor guy, they say he's a billionaire."

"Yeah," the other replied as he watched the old men pat some invisible person on the cheek, "too bad that can pay for unscrambling his brain."

"How's she doing now?" Ultra Woman asked the tall dark-haired man with the stylized "U" on his broad chest.

Ultra Man shrugged as Captain Liberty listened. "Not well, she's still shell-shocked by everything they did to her. She told me about that machine, how she was killed by Xenonite bullets, hung by a Xenonite rope, and so on. That sick man has disturbed my cousin tremendously."

"I know," Ultra Woman said in acknowledgement, "I know. You both know I've been through so much in this city, I suppose I've grown more resilient. Hopefully Megagirl will open up and be able to talk about it. Could I come visit her tomorrow?"

Ultra Man nodded. "Please Tania, it can't hurt. It's been a week and I can't get her to talk about it at all, maybe she will talk with you now."

There was silence for a bit.

"Morning Star left this morning for her home, wherever that is," Captain Liberty said. "She's going on indefinite leave from the League."

A pause, then, "She was too innocent," Ultra Man said.

"That could be," Ultra Woman said, sadly shaking her head, "too many are innocent until something like this happens. I hope she can overcome it and return."

Another long, uncomfortable silence. "Guys, the League will go on. I won't give up the fight, and we can hope that they will too."

Ultra Woman turned to the doors that led to the private quarters. "I'm tired, I'll see you both later."

As Captain Liberty slipped into the faintly lit room, Tania stood up. Silently the superhero moved over to the superheroine as she let the white robe fall from her shoulders to reveal the white teddy and stockings.

Cap paused for a moment as he took her in, then noticed the concern in her face. She turned away and looked down at the nightstand.

"Something wrong?" he said, placing his hands on her bare shoulders.

Tania wasn't normally like this, but these encounters had become very special for her. "I noticed you pause, and I thought that perhaps the treatment SPAY gave me for all those days, all those forced encounters might have made you think differently about me..." she said softly, her voice trailing off.

Cap firmly turned the blonde heroine around to look her in the eye. "Never." He looked down at her. "You are still a beautiful woman, Tania. I am just surprised at the clothing, after how they made you dress."

Tania rested her head on his chest. "I needed the white, I know how important that color is. It's an important color to my people too. I...I need to feel pure."

The dark hero held the Amazon close. "You are the most pure woman I have ever met."

For Ultra Woman, it was one of the most special nights of her long life.

The End