Ultra Woman - Anchored!

Author: Lady Liberty
Time to Read:11min
Added Date:8/4/2024
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Tags: Ultra Woman

I sat with my bare feet toying with the surf as it lapped across the smooth boulders that littered the rocky section of shoreline. My boots were behind me an another rock as I waited. Soft sea foam rose and fell with the tide, up and down my feet and calves.

Then I saw him. He came out of the water like a dark shadow breaking the gleaming surface of the ocean as it reflected the moonlight back toward the heavens. He was tall and lean with silvery light bathing his broad, wet shoulders. He wore only a pair of green trunks that hugged his powerful body. His skin had a faint, greenish tinge to it. His eyebrows were swept upwards, his ears were pointed and if a person looked closely they could notice webbing between his toes.

I picked up my boots and stood up. Two quick hops from rock to rock and I landed on the sandy beach. I walked towards him. The surf washed away my footprints while lapping over my feet.

When we were twenty feet apart, he stopped. “One should bow,” he intoned, “before a Lord of Atlantis.”

I stopped also and tossed my boots away from the surging surf. “An Amazon bows before no man.”

He raised an eyebrow and starting walking at me. “Perhaps, Amazon, you need to be taught a lesson.”

I crossed my arms under my breasts and leaned onto one leg. “What lesson could Atlantis teach to a daughter of the Gods?” I inquired.

“Atlantis breathed air before there were Amazons,” he said still approaching. “You could learn many things from the ruler of Atlantis.”

As he came to a stop a foot from me with beads of water running down his gleaming rippled skin, I could not help but notice the bulge in his trunks although his blue-green eyes stayed glued to mine. “You know, mighty Atlantean,” I said as I slowly circled him and he turned his head to follow, “you would be surprised of the things an Amazon could teach you.”

“What could an Amazon teach a Lord of Atlaaoof!!”

The moment I was to his side, I quickly dropped down and brought my bare foot in a circling motion to strike the back of his heels. His feet flew into the air and he landed with a grunt onto his back into the wet sand.

“You see, I can teyaah!”

Before I could jump up, his own foot snapped out and kicked my feet to the side. I landed on my back right as the surf washed over me. It soaked my hair and rushed over my chest and face. It also covered my eyes for a second, which was long enough for him.

I felt a hand on my shoulder push me into the sand. As I cleared the seawater from my eyes, he was on top of me. His hand gripped the front of my bustier between my breasts.

I was lurched upwards for a moment before the bustier broke free. He tore it away from my body and tossed it aside. My nipples were wet, erect and alive as my breasts shimmied and moved to a more natural position on my chest.

“Perhaps that is a move new to you, Amazon.”

A smile creeped across my face as I looked up at him. He put his other hand to my opposite shoulder to keep me pinned down to the beach. His eyes flickered towards my tanned bare breasts, gleaming damply in the moonlight.

I did not fight against him, which I think surprised my opponent. Instead I reached down to grip the top of his trunks. He frowned for a second in confusion before feeling my bare feet on either side of his neck. He tried to stiffen his body but it was too late.

My legs came down and took his upper body with them. He flipped backwards tumbling away from the ocean and sending a spray and sand outwards.

I brought my legs up then kicked myself into a standing position. He quickly rolled into a crouch.

“Mighty Lord, did you forget something?” I smirked as I held up the scaly green trunks. I have to admit though, I had to catch my breath when he stood up straight. His manhood was semi-erect now that it was freed of the restraining trunks. An electric shock exploded in my sex and rocketed into my breasts and then into my head. I thought I was going to swoon for a moment.

Yes, it had been too long.

By the time I heard the sound of the grenade, it exploded. Gas billowed around me, enveloping my body in a bluish white cloud. I took two steps towards the door and even turned the knob before my knees gave out. I stumbled onto the deck of the boat. With the marina spinning around, I fought to stay awake.

A man in a gas mask stepped in front of me. “Goodbye, Ultra Woman,” he said before bringing down the butt of his rifle to my temple. The gas was taking me, but he finished me off. My head lurched to the side, darkness took me, and I flopped to the wooden deck.

Two other men came up also in masks. One of them pushed the barrel of a gun against the back of my head. “Yeah, goodbye bitch!”

“Stop!” the first one ordered. “Idiot, you can’t shoot her. Go get those chains. That gas worked, meaning she has to breath. So, I have better way of permanently dealing with Ultra Woman.

An hour later, the three drug runners were out in the ocean off Megapolis. My wrists were chained behind my back. I was still unconscious from the gas but I let out a soft moan. Everything was spinning and I vaguely made out the boat rising and falling on the tide.

“She’s ready,” one of the men said.

The leader of the three knelt down over me. He grabbed me by the hair and bent my head to the side. “I hear she’s a great fuck, but we don’t have time for that. Too bad for you Ultra Woman, ‘cause that would give you another few hours of life.”

My blue eyes flickered. I was trying to fight off the gas but I couldn’t clear my head. He let go of my hair and nodded to one of the men. “Okay, toss it.”

With a pull of a lever, one of the ship’s anchors plunged into the blue water. With a deep sounding splash, it disappeared. The ten feet of chain quickly went taut. The end of it was tied to my ankles and in the blink of an eye I slipped across the deck and hurtled into the water.

The cool ocean water hit me like a hammer. I gasped and released a flurry of air bubbles. The anchor pulled me every deeper. My arms felt limp but my brain was starting to come alive. In a vague sort of way I pulled at the chains that were around my wrists and waist, keeping my arms pulled back.

The water was soon crushing against me. All my efforts to get free were disjointed. My head was still spinning. Bubbles still escaped from my lips and the various parts of my costume where air could pocket. The water seemed a blur, like everything else with the gas still in my system.

Suddenly the anchor hit bottom. My boots struck the silty ocean floor a few hundred feet below the surface, then I bobbed back up at the end of the ten foot of chain. I pulled and tugged but my body seemed to not react like normal. My arms and legs felt as heavy as the anchor that was holding me in the deep, dark water.

My lungs were burning. I started to see spots before my eyes. I could feel the ocean trying to crush me with water, and pull the remaining air from my lungs. I tried to calm myself, to make the oxygen in my body last a little longer while I tried to squirm free of the chains, but I was not sure I would make it.

Then I saw him. Darting like a fish through the water, in a blur of motion, he stopped in front of me. He looked me over for a moment, as if wondering how a woman had come to be this deep and survived. He swam behind me and pulled at the thick chains. I sort of heard his grunt of effort but the chains would not give. They had been welded in place there apparently.

I felt the ocean calling me, and things were going dark. My eyes closed.

Suddenly I felt lips against mine. Air slipped into my mouth and I greedily took it into my lungs. Then another. I opened my eyes and the man was giving me the life giving oxygen I needed. He stopped long enough to see that I was not doing to asphyxiate, then went to my feet. The smugglers had only tied the chain to the anchor. He worked quickly to pull the chain free. I started to float up but very slowly with all the chains on me.

He kissed me again and against I inhaled the air he gave me. He gripped my shoulders and we went upwards. Every so often we could pause and I would feel his lips again. His broad shoulders enveloped me and one arm wrapped around my waist with his other hand powering his upwards movement.

I let out a loud gasp as we reached the surface. As the oxygen flooded into me, I began to break the grip the knockout gas had on my body.

He watched me for a few seconds. I tensed my shoulders and felt the chains slowly starting to bend. With a violent snap of metal, my wrists came free. I grabbed the chain wrapped around my waist and in another few seconds I had snapped a link in it. I let it fall from me and return into the depths of the ocean.

He was looking at me in amazement as the tide made us bob on the ocean’s surface.His eyes were a piercing blue-green color and he had a sharp look to him. Partly that was his unflinching gaze, but partly his upswept eyebrows and his pointed ears.

“Who are you?” I asked.

He looked surprised. I was fortunate that my tiara is not only a symbol, but also magical. It allows me to understand any language and allows others to understand what I say. “I am an Atlantean.”

I learned that he was, like me, from an isolated world lost to the modern world. No one was allowed to leave the watery depths of Atlantis, which has lived on beneath the waves for three thousand years. After all those years, Atlantis was dying. He had left his home to seek a bride, to rejuvenate the dying blood of his people. For leaving Atlantis, he had broken their sacred laws and had become an outcast. He was a brave warrior and noble man, only seeking to help a people that do not want help from outsiders. So instead, he plies the oceans of the world, helping people in need. He is a stranger in a strange land. Like me.

“Inter...mmmm...interesting maneuver, Amazon,” he groaned.

I pressed myself down over him, allowing his shaft to sink into my sex. I kept my hands on his shoulders. I was stronger than him, but our training was equal. Eventually I would pin him, but I knew that he expected that to happen. So his hands were on my bare breasts, holding them firmly in his strong grip and kneading them against my chest. Both of us naked in the surging surf which washed over our lovemaking, I thrust my hips up and down his shaft and felt myself edging towards the explosion.

“I..oohhh...” I sighed on the downwards thrust, “I thought you might...ohhh...submit....mnhh...to it...” I slowly bobbed up and down his shaft with my legs straddling his hips, coming down until my backside met his thighs and our pubic bones bumped, then rose upwards slowly along the cock’s length. It felt fantastic. When the warm summer surf washed over us, I felt his cock twitch each time the water surged between our legs.

My breath became faster and shorter and my thrusts were sharper. I sank myself down taking him inside as deeply as possible. I arched my body, pressing my breasts into his palms and letting my wet hair brush against my lower back. The orgasm started slowly but spread through me like a rolling wave of lava that engulfed every part of my body. My deep, erotic moan of pleasure was drowned out by the crashing ocean surf.

As my strength seeped away because of the orgasm and penetration, I relaxed. Suddenly he released my breasts, grabbed the outside of my shoulders, and forced me to the side. He rolled over on top with his rock hard cock still buried inside me.

With my long legs spread wide, he pinned me down for the second time this evening. With his shaft inside me and one orgasm still tingling through me, my strength was only that of a normal woman. He began to drive his hips into me, thrusting his cock over and over into my pussy.

“In..interesting ma...maneuver...” I groaned as he forcefully took me. I grabbed at his body, grasping his corded shoulders, his broad chest, his powerful biceps, feeling every part of him. He drove down into me and I could feel the wet sand forming around my body and crawling up between my buttocks.

When I tried to say something else, nothing came out but warm cries of pleasure that gurgled to my lips. He released my shoulders and I finally pulled him down, or he let himself be pulled down, over me. His chest pressed down against my breasts and his thrusts kneaded them up and down my chest. My aching, hard nipples rolled against the muscles of his chest adding to the pleasures assaulting me. I wrapped my arms around his chest and he wrapped his under my arms and gripped my shoulders. With his hands holding my shoulders, he drove himself into me with heavy, powerful thrusts that made me cry out each time. He would slowly pulled out, drawing out every drop of pleasure from me, before driving himself back in.

It was like being in a vise that squeezed the ecstacy from me. As the second orgasm rose up inside me, he could see it in my face. His thrusts became faster, less thrusts for my pleasure than for his. His cock seesawed in and out, banging away at my pussy as he arched upwards. Harder and faster came his thrusts, driving my ass into the wet sand even as the surf washed out the crater I was forming in the beach. His breaths became harsh and I moved my hips to match his rhythm.

He thrust one last time and let out a deep rumbling groan. I screamed out my own pounding orgasm that might have even been louder than the pounding surf that bathed us. As he came, it made my own pleasure double and I saw spots before my eyes.

He fell over to the side in exhaustion. I rolled out of the sandy crated and threw an arm over his chest and nestled my head on his chest. He wrapped an arm around my shoulders. I lay over his side, one leg over his with my breasts pressing into his side.

Two hours later, I had recovered enough of my strength to be able to go home on my own. Weak from the double penetrating orgasm, I only had the strength of a child but he had to return to the sea. The water was his air and he could stay out of the water only for short durations before he began to weaken and falter. I knew he had to return. As I sat up on the beach, he gazed down at me. Wordlessly, he touched my cheek then turned away. I watched every step as the surf slowly swallowed him. As a wave approached him, he gracefully dove over it and disappeared into the ocean’s depths.

I still cannot help but wonder, if I could have a child, would he want me to return with him to his ocean home?

Would I go with him?