Ultra Woman and Ultra Man

Author: Lady Liberty
Time to Read:7min
Added Date:8/5/2024
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Tags: Ultra Woman

Dear Diary,

I have a confession to make. Before I came to the world of men, I would have never imagined I would think or feel this way. When you spend all your time with women, it is not even something you truly consider. But...

Dear Gods, I love having oral sex with men.

It makes me flush just thinking about it. I feel conflicted about it too. Should I be ashamed? I know there are some people here that think that. I know there are sisters back home that would be shocked to hear me to make that admission.

I would never do something like that with just any man. It has to be someone I trust for a couple of reasons. It has to be someone discreet. I do not want the world to know Ultra Woman enjoys such things. It also has to be someone I trust. Because of our Amazon weakness, when the man cums, I orgasm also. Having an orgasm in that way leaves me a little dazed and weakened. Amazons are not supposed to be taken by men, so they gave us great powers. Amazons are not supposed to be tempted by men, so they gave us the Amazon Curse, so that penetration by a man weakens us and having a man orgasm inside us leaves us dazed and weakened. Enough penetration and enough orgasms can leave an Amazon as weak as a baby and so broken that for a short time she is very mentally susceptible.

So knowing and finally admitting to myself that I love oral sex with men makes me feel conflicted. All the history of my people says I should not feel this way. I cannot help it though. Other than being forced by some villain, I really have not done it with too many men. Five actually, that is all. Each time though, I had the most incredible orgasm at the same time as my man. It might be the Curse affecting me. Okay, most of it is I suppose, since I orgasm at the same time he does, but it is such a wonderful feeling.

Last night is why I am finally able to admit this to myself. We had our monthly League of Freedom meeting. Almost all the members were there. When I first attended one of these meetings about nine years ago, I felt I was at a table with gods and goddesses. Now I know they are just as human as I am. We all discuss what supervillains we have met and what kinds of things are going on so we are all on the same page, so information gets out there.

After the meeting is when the real action happens. Cap left right away, he is not the kind for chitchat. Blur and Megagirl went into the back rooms within ten minutes and everyone know Megs was going to get some superspeed sex very soon.

I have to admit, I had my eye on Ultra Man the whole time. I think Maple Leaf did too.

I know I know, Ultra Man is a dog that was probably thrilled to have two superheroines after him. Maybe there were others there after him too, I do not know. I am not too sharp on these subtle social things in Man's World.

As everyone talked and mixed, I got the feeling that he was trying to decide. Amazon heroine or Canadian heroine?

I figured I had won when he came over to talk with me and Morning Star. Once she wandered off, the two of us talked a little more. It was obvious what we both wanted.

"Tania," he finally leaned over and whispered in my ear, "I want to be with you tonight, but I have to be in Uzbekistan in an hour."

I do not know if that was true or not, but I knew what it meant. At the time I was disappointed. I had wanted more time. Yes I know Ultra Man is an egotistical dog. But dear gods when Ultra Man slips himself inside a woman and starts sawing in and out of her, she knows that there will be one mind exploding orgasm coming soon.

"That is okay," I answered trying to hide the disappointment. Also I felt a little bit of shame for being so obvious. "We all have responsibilities and other things we have to d..."

He put a finger to my lips. "That means we have a good thirty minutes." From stopping me from talking, the finger moved along my lips sensually. Ultra Man glanced to my lips, then...down...

Then I understood why he came to me. Maple Leaf seemed to enjoy sex but she was kind of stiff. I really doubt that Maple Leaf would give Ultra Man oral sex like he wanted.

Should I?

I looked at him. He was a few inches taller than me. His blue costume hung on his sculpted body like a second skin. He truly has the body of a god. It is incredible. I looked lower, saw the bulge in his tights and felt a tingle explode from under my own satin panties.

I would.

I insisted we go into the back rooms separately but I do not know who that fooled. I went into the weight room. He came in a minute later, locked the door and turned off the lights. We kissed. His broad shoulders surrounded me. My breasts compressed against his muscular chest. His arms wrapped around me. His powerful hands lifted me to my toes. His bulging manhood pressed against my sex.

We kissed, tongues twisting, hands groping. I know I let out a few soft moans and leaned back to let him kiss my neck when he paused. "I'm sorry Tania, but the time..."

I nodded and smiled in the dim light. As I sank to my knees and sat on my bootheels, he used a burst of his ultraspeed. In a moment, his pants were off and his semi erect shaft bobbed in front of me.

I kissed it. I licked the underside. I placed my lips over him and took his shaft into my mouth. As he moaned happily, I felt pleasure explode from my sex and fill my body with dizzying warmth. Once he was fully erect I started up a rhythm, taking him into my mouth and sliding my lips over as much of him as I could take in.

Both of us moaned each time I suckled him into the back of my mouth and my red lips pressed against his sensitive flesh. I started going faster and faster the more I became aroused by having his manhood inside me. I kept one hand at the base and moved it with my lips. The more I became excited, the sooner I wanted him to cum so I could have my own wonderful orgasm.

Then he put his hands on the back of my head to slow me down. His fingers gathered up some of my long blonde hair and slowed me up until I was running my lips along the length of his shaft slowly.

I am not submissive. No Amazon willingly is submissive to any man. But I have to say, feeling this god of a man placing his hands in my hair, controlling how I was pleasing him, controlling me in this safe, discreet place made me that much more aroused. Another thing to be conflicted about I guess, but that is for another time.

He kept me at the slow pace and maybe it was a good thing. After maybe five or ten minutes though my jaw was starting to ache. Holding your mouth open for that long is not a natural position for the jaw to be in. I was ready for him to let us both cum.

So I did something that I doubt any other Amazon knows. I knew one thing he loved to see so I did it. Slowly I rolled my blue eyes up from the shaft I had been watching to look up at him. I instantly saw his eyes widen and felt his manhood twitch. I have been told that men some men are aroused by that and Ultra Man is one of those apparently.

I felt his fists clench in my hair. A moment later, he came. A moment later, I came with a gurgled, muffled, gagged cry of pleasure that had to vibrate along the length of his manhood. He held me in place but I did not care. My own body was vibrating too trapping me in an incredible orgasm that rocked me from head to toe. I absently swallowed him down with my own saliva. I felt my blue and white star panties getting soaked. My nipples crushed into the inside of my bustier and my hands clenched at empty air.

A few minutes later, he used a burst of ultraspeed and in an instant was back in his full costume. I was on my bottom leaning against the wall with my legs splayed out trying to clear my head. The dim weight room was spinning.

"I'm sorry to run baby but Turkmenistan calls," Ultra Man said. He leaned down to kiss the top of my head. "Baby, you are the best," he said. Then he was gone.

I sat there in the dark for a while. My thighs were quivering. Since it was one orgasm, it did not take long to clear my head, but I knew my Amazon strength would be close to that of a normal woman for a while after that orgasm caused by a man inside me.

At the time I wondered some things and I still wonder. Had I been used?

Had I used him? It had been a wonderful orgasm, my first unforced willing orgasm in weeks. There are few opportunities for a superheroine to have some pleasure like that.

Ultra Man probably thinks he used me for a quickie blow job, but I certainly got something out of it. Honestly I still tingle thinking about having him in my mouth and the effect it has on my body. And no one knows that Ultra Woman and Ultra Man have casual sex like that. I think I know the answer though.

We used each other. And dear gods, I loved it.