Some time later, Ultra Woman's violet eyes blinked, allowing the intense lights to blind her as the four bright spotlights immersed her. As she looked around, she could see nothing past those bright lights at first, but as her pupils adjusted and her brain merged from the gassed fog, she could see Gabrielle behind them talking to more of her goons. Also she could see two sets of cameras. It looked like she was on the set of some television show.
Almost immediately after awakening, Rei began to struggle. "What the!" she tried to exclaim, but found that her words came out as "Mnnnmmnm mmnnnnmmm!!" Also, she couldn't move her arms or legs. She quickly calmed herself and began to run through what her senses were feeding her. Rei assumed that this was the 'auction' that Gabrielle had mentioned to her. "Nice touch Gabrielle...." she thought. The thin woman had spoiled any chance the Amazon might have had to escape before the sale just by using a little gas.
Ultra Woman was manacled in a slightly uncomfortable way. Starting at her feet, a spreader bar of the strange metal kept her legs wide. The frame was hidden behind her as it paralleled her legs until it met at her waist. Around her trim midsection, over her belt, was a rounded ring of the metal that kept her from moving her body at all. From the back of the ring two bars went out to each side, at the end of which was a manacle that trapped her wrist, forcing her hands to curve around each hip. From the back of the ring another thick bar paralleled her spine. In the middle of her back a round spot, with a thin pad on it, pushed into the middle of her back enough to make her chest press forward. Her lush breasts compressed inside her bustier and slightly bulged at the top of the red and gold attire. Finally the bar continued behind her neck where another metal ring held her neck in place. She was trapped and practically immobile.
Only by turning around could she see any of the metal that trapped her. From the front, she knew the only things visible were the crossbar that spread her feet wide, and the metal rings around her neck, waist, and wrists. To finish it, a ball gag she couldn't see was keeping her silent.
Rei couldn't feel the floor through the soles of her boots so she knew that she much be at least several inches in the air. At a level so that the cameras were pointed directly at her breasts. She could also that she was nearly in the classic 'superheroine pose' of hands on hips, legs apart, and breasts out thrust. She herself never used it as she thought it was...well...silly. Many of the other heroines did use it along with giving nice little speeches about 'righting wrongs' and all that drivel. Rei always shook her head at that stuff.
The last touch was the final thing she noticed. Off to one side, standing quietly and stoic, was Tania. She was wearing what appeared to be her own Ultra Woman uniform, down to the magic rope on her hip. She stood like a statue; the only thing that differentiated her from a statue was the way her breasts swelled against the lip of her bustier with her every inhale.
"So Gabrielle is really going to sell her too," Rei thought. "If there was only some way I could awaken her again. Between the two of use, its doubtful they could stop us. Pity the only way to wake her it seems is to make love to her. I don't think I'm the position to do so right now...." Rei settled back to relax as best she could within her bonds.
Rei could see Gabrielle moving around the background, checking equipment talking with her people, insuring everything would go smoothly. Finally she glanced over at Ultra Woman, and saw she was awake. Despite her deep involvement with the camera angles, she stopped what she was doing and approached the manacled heroine.
As she laid there, Rei could feel herself getting rather warm from being under all the intense flood light.
"Good afternoon Rei," she said as she stepped up onto the slightly elevated stage. She stopped in front of the bound heroine so Rei could easily see her. Looking closely, she saw the few dots of perspiration from the intense lights running down the trough created by Ultra Woman's lush breasts.
She looked over her shoulder at the men, wincing in the lights. "Hey, Bruno, kill three of these damned lights! I don't want her getting baked before it starts."
Rei nodded and gave Gabrielle a look that said 'thank you.'
Moments later three of the lights dimmed, leaving Rei able to see the still somewhat silhouetted mobster princess. "I hated to gas you this morning, Rei, but I couldn't take any chances." She reached around Ultra Woman's head and loosened the ball gag enough to pry it out of Ultra Woman's mouth and rest it on her neck. "I'll have to keep this thing in during the auction; I don't take chances."
The Amazon worked her jaw slightly after the discomfort of the gag was removed. "I can tell you don't take chances Gabrielle. Again, my compliments on your planning. Better to plan for situations that never arise then have to deal one on the fly. Pity we never played our game of chess. I expect with a little practice, you could be quite excellent at it."
Gabrielle leaned back to look at Ultra Woman's enforced stance. "The men thought you would look better this way. I thought having you in tighter bondage would be more erotic to my purchasers, but the men preferred this bound pose. I go with what they think, since they have the same urges my purchasers will have. So, you're stuck in this cornball pose until we finish here."
"'Cornball' is another way to say silly, right? I tend to agree with that in regards to this pose. I have never been able to understand why so many of the other heroines use it though," Rei said, shaking her head. "It must be from dealing with the attractions of men all the time."
Gabrielle looked at Rei's stance once more. "I don't know, there's a certain air of confidence that is gives off. I suppose a guy stealing hubcaps would be in a panic if some superheroine stood like that. Most of my guys would just plug her though."
"Plug her in more ways then one I should think with the way men usually reason. With lust rather then sense."
"Tell me, who shall be at this auction and how much am I and Tania worth? Slight case of vanity, I'm afraid. Also I would like to know who I shall be escaping from.," Rei remembered the last time she mentioned escaping and Gabrielle's reaction. "Excuse me Gabrielle, I didn't mean to mention hat word again. However once I'm 'sold' and away from here, its none of your concern anymore. So you shouldn't worry."
"Rei, once you're delivered, you aren't any business of mine any more. In fact," she said, stepping closer to Rei so her men couldn't overhear her, she added, "I'd like to see you escape from your buyer. There's a few reasons too. First, I like you. You're not some doe eyed, big breasted, innocent babe in the woods like Tania over there," she said with a nod of her head towards the blonde Ultra Woman. "You're smart, and I like that. Realistic too."
Rei nodded again in thanks. She wished that she and Gabrielle had more time together as she felt odd about this woman. Gabrielle was, in some ways, more like her then most of her Amazon sisters. Rei doubted she could ever really trust her, but she would like to find that out.
Gabrielle gave Rei a devilish grin, whether in amusement or not was hard to tell. "Also, you could make me more money if you escape, either by allowing me to return you for a reward, or by selling you again."
For the first time since she had been captured, Rei broke out in a serious case of the giggles. "Gabrielle, I would expect no less of you! When I escape expect to get a message from arranging a meeting with you. You still owe me that game of chess and I think I would like a nice long conversation with you. I happen to like you as well. We may be on opposite 'sides' but that doesn't mean we can't like and respect one another."
Gabrielle nodded. "I would like that, assuming you make it back to the city. That really depends on the purchaser. There are four altogether, and two of them I would think someone as smart as you could escape from. The other two..."
"The other two might be a bit more tricky," Rei finished for her. "The difficult I can do immediately. The impossible just takes a little longer. Just leave a few hours open in....oh lets say a few weeks to be on the safe side." Rei smiled at her.
Abruptly one of the goons from behind the cameras spoke up. "Ten minutes, Ms. Verducci."
"Back to work?" the heroine asked.
Reaching down, Gabrielle picked up the gag resting at the base of Ultra Woman's neck. "Sorry to use this Rei, but I can't have you saying anything during the auction. You're to be seen, not heard." She brought the white ball up to Rei's mouth, "Now be good, Rei, and open up. Don't fight, since if you do, it could get ugly. There's so many things I could have Mayhem do to you to get your mouth open..." She paused, with a pointed glance at the blonde Amazon standing like a blank eyed statue, "...or what he could do to her."
Rei sighed and softly smiled. "You need not threaten me any longer because I know what you're capable of. As you know what I'm capable of as well." She opened her mouth to allow Gabrielle to insert the gag again. "Quick question," Rei said just before the ball went in. "Are you interested in woman? For some silly reason, I really like you."
Gabrielle did a double take at Rei at the Amazon's question. She hesitated as she looked into Rei's violet eyes. Finally, without a verbal response, she pushed the ball gag back into Ultra Woman's mouth, and quickly buckled it under the hair at the back of her neck. "Sorry Rei, business to attend to."
Rei nodded in understanding, looking back into Gabrielle's eyes. She wished she had asked this earlier so they could have had a longer conversation. It might have been quite an interesting one...
Quickly, with a little flush to her face, Gabrielle walked away from the bound Amazon. Without another glance back at Ultra Woman, the mobster princess went around the backdrop of the stage and out of sight.
"Well that was interesting," Rei thought as she remembered Gabrielle's reaction to her question. "She didn't say 'hell no' so I would say that she does have a bit of an interest. Least in me..." The heroine smiled as best she could around the gag.
As the half a dozen goons moved around behind the cameras, most couldn't help but look at Ultra Woman, with her body trapped in the uncomfortable pose, at the satin that glistened as it curved between her legs, and at the way her breasts bulged out against her bustier.
Rei breathed a sigh through her nostrils and shook her head as she saw the men ogling her. "Why do men have to be that way?" she wondered. "I would like them much more if they were more like Brian and be respectful but passionate at the same time."
Five minutes later, Gabrielle walks back out, dressed in an outfit much less conservative, with a higher hemline and lower neck. Her face was covered with a black mask outlined in gold, hiding her identity as her hair was combed somewhat forward to finish the obscurement. She gave Rei a quick look, then nodded to Tania.
The heroine's eyes widen a bit as she took in Gabrielle's new outfit. For some reason, the word 'yummy' came to mind. "Down girl..." she thought. "Neither the time nor place for such thoughts..." Rei redirected her attention to the situation at hand but did give Gabrielle's ass a quick look. "Yum...."
The blonde former Ultra Woman walked to the stage. She stopped next to Rei, turned to the cameras, and assumed the same position as her Asian compatriot. She smiled vacantly, like a poster girl. Spreading her legs more, her satin curved down over her pussy, and reflected subtly in the lights. She arched her back as well, just like the other Ultra Woman, making her breasts bulge just as dramatically. Like a statue, she stood, looking doe-eyed into the cameras.
"Gods....." Rei thought as she sighed again. "If I actually look like that, I am SO embarrassed...." Rei had the odd talent of being able to worry about things other then what some people would be concerned about. "Why worry about things you have no power to control," she had once told a sister. "Easy way to become terrified so its better not to worry."
The two cameras zoomed in on the two Amazons, each in similar poses but held in them in much different means. Tania continued to stare absently ahead, the vacant smile on her face making her look so much like a bad poster.
Gabrielle looked past the cameras to one of the smarter goons in her employ. He finally held up ten fingers, and counted them down. When they got to two, he stopped, and the set became completely silent.
"Hmmmm...." Rei thought. "Never been on TV before so this should be interesting..."
Over the nearest of the two cameras a red light energized. The camera seemed to zero in on the two Amazons. First it turned to Rei. Dipping down to her booted feet, it slowly followed her legs until pausing at her blue satin, then on to the rest of her body until it stopped at her face. The other camera then did the same thing to Tania as the red light turned off Rei's camera on Tania's turned on.
Rei looked back into the camera, not wavering her gaze an iota. If the people on the other side of the screen wanted to see attitude, they saw it. This was not a broken Amazon.
Finally one camera backed up, panning out to take in both Amazons, as well as the stage. Gabrielle walked over with a sexual swagger than had yet to be seen yet. "Good morning, afternoon, and evening gentlemen," she said in a subtly seductive voice. She seemed nothing like the Gabrielle that had been talking to Rei only minutes before. Her masked, sexual persona was different, almost to the point of being another person.
"This is interesting..." Rei thought as she watched Gabrielle. "I wonder which is the act. This one or her more 'proper' face. Either way she is quite the interesting woman..."
"I would like to welcome all four of you. Yes, four, only you four have the means to truly bid on the merchandise we have for you today. As I informed all of you, what I have for you today is very special. These aren't standard women, these are not your man on the street. These, gentlemen, are true Amazons."
"I do wish she had told me who these four were. Just so I would have an idea as to what to expect."
She turned, letting the gold laminate skirt flare up to reveal the black lace thong panties, and walked until she was between the two posed superheroines, then turned back, again flaring the skirt purposely. "As you can see, both are in prime condition, without a bruise or mark on their perfect bodies."
Rei didn't hear a word Gabrielle said. Her eyes were still taking in the site of those panties. "Yummmmm..." her mind thought.
"They are both very powerful. To my left is the current Ultra Woman, an Amazon named Rei." She put a gold gloved hand to Rei's cheek with a sexual, almost predatory smile that to the captive heroine seemed so unlike Gabrielle. "As you can see, she is held in place by force. These manacles are capable of holding her, and the gag is to keep her from interrupting our transactions." Gabrielle ran a finger through Rei's silken hair. "She is very fiery, with the will of an Amazon."
Rei looked at Gabrielle in the eyes. "Let me loose my dear and I'll show you fiery. In more ways then one I might add..."
Gabrielle tilted her head towards Rei, but showed little signs of emotion before looking back at the camera. "This Amazon is not as tall, or as voluptuous as the others, but she certainly makes up for it." She took Rei's face in her hands and turned the lovely visage until Rei's profile faced the camera, then she continued. "Ultra Woman here is the only Asian of her kind, a truly unique item."
"Hmmmm..." Rei wondered as allowed her head to be moved. "Did I tell her about sister Ming and how her father was a Chinese emperor? I don't think so..."
Gabrielle twisted to face Rei, a sparkle in her eye but otherwise not a sign of her blatant lie. Her gold hand released Ultra Woman's chin. Her fingers ran down Rei's chest until she cupped the nearest of the heroine's breasts. "As you gentlemen can see, these are real. She is entirely real."
The firm grip caused the satin material to rub against Rei's nipple, causing it to harden. A small peak appeared in her bustier to press against Gabrielle's palm.
She released Rei's breast, allowing it to relax inside the cup of the bustier. She started to move away from Rei, then paused as if suddenly remembering something. "Oh, and gentlemen, we understand this one is a virgin." She paused to let that sink in, then moved on.
Rei raised her eyebrows at that comment which was untrue considering that she had spent a night with Captain Liberty and had a child with Plant Master. She caught Gabrielle's eyes with her own and gave the woman a look that said, "Oh no I'm not."
Gabrielle then turned to Tania, as the camera followed. "This one is known as Tania. She was the Ultra Woman previous to Rei. I am sure many of you know her, and I know at least two of you have enjoyed her pleasures. She is now a vacuous slave, incapable of conscious thought. She is completely subservient and will do anything told of her. If I so wished, she would give every one of my men oral sex without a moment's hesitation. She lives to serve, gentlemen. When she is purchased, I will order her to henceforth follow that man's orders, and she will do that until her death."
"Two who have enjoyed her pleasures?" Rei wondered. "That must mean a couple of her former foes of which there are many. Interesting that Gabrielle didn't tell them that the spell can be broken. Somebody might be in for a bit of a surprise."
Gabrielle stepped just before the two Amazons as the camera again zeroed in on her, with the Ultra Women as a backdrop. "I won't try to prove to you that these are the real articles. They are, and any proof I may give could easily be a trick. My track record speaks for itself. These two are truly Amazons, one a virgin and one a slave. They will both be perfect additions to any man's harem."
"Perfect additions until we escape that is...."
She gathered her hands together, and smiled into the camera. "The bidding begins, gentlemen, at four million pounds."
"Roughly seven million dollars I believe. I'm impressed!"
One of the goons at the control panel, wearing a earpiece, held up a small white panel with, in black ink, the following written on it: "4.5 mil".
"Gentlemen, we have a bid for four and one half million pounds for our two amazons here. Are they worth five million? I certainly believe they are."
"Hmmm.... I should have asked Gabrielle if I could have bought our freedom. I'm quite certain the Queen would have advanced me the gold. Oh well... Opportunity lost."
The board came up again, now stating "4.7 mil".
Gabrielle shook her head coyly. "Now gentlemen, these two are unique, unlike any other women in the world." She glanced back at the two Ultra Woman, their costumes shining brightly in the floodlights. "Then again, perhaps..." she said as she turned back to the cameras with a devious look on her face, "perhaps a demonstration of the passion of an Amazon will entice you, gentlemen."
Rei quickly turned her head to look at Gabrielle with widened eyes. "You can't be serious?!" was what her look said.
She turned to Tania, still posed and glassy eyed. "Tania, I want you to kneel down and please your sister here until she orgasms. I want you to make her cry out within five minutes. Understand, Tania?"
"She is..."
Tania nodded as her hands dropped from her hips and she moved towards Rei. "Yes, mistress," she said blankly.
"Uh oh.... Since I can't prevent her from doing this, do I just give in or do I fight? That is the question..." Rei wondered. "Giving in would end this quickly but fighting would be...well...interesting."
Gabrielle gave Rei a quick, quirky glance before stepping back to let Tania by. "Gentlemen, enjoy, and I will be back as soon as our exhibition is complete." With that, she walked off the stage, and the two cameras zeroed in on the two Amazons.
"Why do I know what you're going to be doing behind that curtain?" Rei thought watching Gabrielle leave. "Am I ever going to bet my revenge for this...."
Tania kneeled down before Rei, without expression, as her hands reached up. She nimbly pulled aside the sleek blue material covering Rei's bush and womanhood. As one camera was moved to get the side view and another was raised to see over Tania's head, the blonde ex-heroine dove in, her tongue immediately sliding down the length of Rei's soft sex.
The Asian-Amazon closed her eyes and gasped in shock. She immediately felt the wonderful pleasures that Tania's talented tongue inflected upon her. The blond knew just where to touch and lick to cause Rei the greatest amount of pleasure. From behind her closed eyes, Rei tried to focus her mind on anything but the feelings Tania was creating. Calculus tended to help but it wasn't easy. She could feel her womanhood creating fluids that coated Tania's face and dribbled down her thighs. "Oh gods she's good...." Rei whimpered in her mind. She wanted to at least bust Gabrielle's five minute deadline.
Perhaps it was a learned skill, perhaps it was a inbred quality in all Amazons, but Tania could pleasure a woman like few beings on the planet. Her tongue knew the location of every nerve ending, every corner of Rei's luscious lipped sex. Her lips pursed to pinch the blossoming clit of the Asian Ultra Woman, pulling at it gently before releasing it to again batter it with her tongue.
Rei's nostrils flared as she panted in passionate need. Her fingers clenching and unclenching as she tried to resist the urges. If it wasn't for the bonds, she would be squirming and twisting her body as well. As it was, Rei squirmed as best she could. "Oh yessss....." Rei moaned from behind the gag. Suddenly from the depths of her passion filled mind she had a thought. The heroine opened her eyes and looked down to see if Tania was awakening at all. Perhaps giving pleasures would do it as well as receiving it.
Ultra Woman couldn't see much of the blonde Amazon driving her deeper into the abyss of passion. Her breasts, shoved out by the pad in her back, blocked her view except for a bobbing glimpse of blonde hair that was visible between those two shimmering mounds of female flesh.
Rei again closed her eyes before the waves of pleasure over took her mind. "Can't...fight....have..too...." she thought frantically. Her body quivering in unreleased need, her limbs pulling at her bonds with all of her considerable strength.
The magical tongue rolled Rei's hard clit around in circles, pausing only to lick at the lower base, pass down the length of her gushing slit and roll back up it, only to again attack her love button. The tongue would dart into the drenched slit of the bound heroine, roll around inside her pussy, then exit only to beat on the clit again mercilessly.
The passion built steadily within her bound body. It wasn't easy to hold back as it had been so long since she had made love to ecstasy with anyone. Let along a sister. The time in the tub the other day had increased the longing even more. Tania was so talented in this and knew just what to do.
As beads of sweat and passion coated Tania's face, making it shine in the bright lights, Rei was further tortured by the sensation of beads of her own passion rolling in long lines down the insides of her quivering thighs until gathering at the blue rim of her boots, turning the soft material a darker color. Drops of the love juice dripped from Tania's chin onto the stage, making a pool of love no other female but an Amazon could ever create.
The odor of the pool caused the henchmen in the room to develop large bulges in their pants. Most shifted on their feet in need to relieve themselves. If it hadn't been for the knowledge of what Gabrielle would do to them, they would have gang raped the two Amazon right then and there!
Back beyond the lights, oblivious to the two Amazons seemingly locked in their sexual contest, a wide board was held up now stating "6.5 mil".
Rei suddenly felt a pair of hands sliding along her upper ribcage from behind. A pair of gold gloved hands cupped and lifted her breasts, then, between finger and thumb, grabbed the nipple of the gasping heroine struggling to keep down the onrushing orgasm. With a twist of the wrists, the gloves pinched and rolled the hard points of her breasts around in a sharp, singular motion, using the points to lift the soft, gasping breasts of the heroine higher.
The heroine's eyes flew open as she felt the hands on her mounds. "Gabrielle??!!" she moaned. Deep down, she had wanted the other woman to touch her like this but hadn't even asked as it wasn't the time or the place for that question. Also, she didn't know the woman well enough, yet.
The touch of the hands broke Rei's concentration and allowed her to lose the war. The orgasm that she had denied exploded in her mind and body. "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!" she moaned in her throat as her body tried to arch with her bonds. A gush of liquid came from her womanhood to cover Tania's face and chest. The orgasm kept going as the blonde continued probing with her magic tongue until every bit of pleasure was drained from the Asian. Rei panted as she tried to regain control of her pleasurably fogged mind...
As the white board jumped up from behind the cameras to announce "10.4 mil", Gabrielle released Rei's hard nipples, allowing the tender nubs to roll back down into her red and gold bustier. The steady sound of dripping came from the amazon cum that fell regularly from Tania's chin and her own her lips. Rei's boots were a much darker color along the inside of her legs and feet from the enormous amount of cum the orgasmic heroine produced.
Rei shivered again from the sensation of the buster rubbing again her sensitive nipples. As she slowed her breathing down to a more normal rate, she took in the heady scent of Amazon lust. Her own this time. "Gods that was so good!" she thought. "Pity it had to take place in this setting."
As Tania stood up, her blue eyes still glazed, her face was coated in the juices that had just exploded from Ultra Woman's pulsating pussy. Tania's blonde hair around her face was dripping and limp from all the cum. It ran down her chin and over her breasts, making her chest glisten under the powerful lights.
"It appears that Tania must be pleasured to break that spell. Oh well.... It was a thought." Rei had an odd thought about how Tania look like a true Amazon sister. Least one that looked like she and another had spent the night in love making. With luck, she and Rei would be able to both look like that after they had escaped from this.
Gabrielle gave Rei a half smirk as she stepped beside the gasping, dazed heroine. "Stand back over here, Tania," she ordered the glassy-eyed blonde with a gesture at the side opposite Rei.
Rei thought looking back at Gabrielle. "Just wait until I do that to you!"
Gabrielle met Rei's gaze with serene calm...although Rei, at this close proximity, could see the raised points of her captors nipples inside her black silk dress.
"I do believe she likes women..."
Waiting until her command was fulfilled, Gabrielle turned back to the camera. "Gentlemen, you can see what has happened to Ultra Woman here," she said, gesturing now towards Ultra Woman's open legs. "No mortal woman could ever produce anything even remotely like that, as each of you certainly know. Now, may we have a bid of fourteen million?"
Rei closed her eyes as concentrated to reorganize her thoughts into something more coherent then the muddled mass they were now. Quickly, the thought patterns smoothed out and she redirected her attention to the physical side. Her heart and breathing returned to a steady, normal rate and when Rei's eyes opened again, her face a a serene look of calmness.
As the last of the Amazon's cum dripped off the inside heel of her red boots, her auctioneer looked past the cameras at the white board that came up.
"23 mil. TWENTY THREE!" it said.
"Impressive. Someone with plenty of money to spend. Not the average villain I should think. Somebody else..."
Even Gabrielle seemed somewhat flabbergasted. She leaned forward slightly as if to get a better look. A broad smile grew on her, like the grinch stealing Christmas. "Gentlemen, unless someone wishes to go over twenty-three million, I believe we have a purchaser."
"I pity the person," she thought. "He has wasted his money as I fully intend to escape with Tania at the earliest opportunity.
There was a long pause as Gabrielle put her hands on her hips to await the answer to her query. The man holding the board shook his head finally.
As the two Amazons, each wet and glistening in different locations, stood posed at either side, Gabrielle put a gloved hand on the shoulder of each. "Gentlemen, we have the sale of two Ultra Women at a rate of eleven-point-five million each. I would like to thank each of you for your time, and I plan on having another auction in four days. We have a wonderful young heroine for sale then. She's no Amazon," Gabrielle said, with a coy look at Rei then down at the puddle between her legs, "but she's powerful and nubile," she finished with a sly smile.
"Well that's over with," Rei thought looking down at Gabrielle directly. "I wonder who the other girl is? No doubt I won't be allow to meet with her."
"Again, gentlemen, thank you."
As the red light over the cameras turned off, Gabrielle's smile changed, from the sultry vixen she had been playing to a smile of success. The mobster princess turned to Rei, almost apologetic. "I had to give them a demonstration, but I doubt they taped the performance. Not to worry, I won't be selling any videotapes, that's would be so crude." She shrugged a little to the gagged heroine. "I try to maintain a certain reputation, and common video tape production wouldn't do."
"Somehow," she thought. "I believe you when you say that. You're more of an 'honorable' villain rather then one who exploits others for pure profit. Must be why I have a respect for you."
She glanced back at one of her men on a telephone, then patted Ultra Woman on the shoulder. "I have business to finish, we'll talk more tonight. I might take you up on that game of chess."
"I hope we see each other later as I have a bit of vengeance to give to you over this...." Rei's mouth smiled a pleasurable smirk as best it could around the gag. She was determined to show Gabrielle a thing or two about many things.
As Gabrielle walked off the stage and to the main communications board behind the cameras, two of her men approached the heroine. To her surprise, one of them was carrying her lasso. Then she saw that the other was carrying a bottle and a large white pad. The two goons acted like Ultra Woman was nothing but a mannequin from the way they acted towards her. One slipped the lasso around her shoulders while the other poured a few drops of a clear liquid onto the pad. As he placed the pad over Rei's face, she could smell the sweet scent of the chemical.
"Chloroform...." she thought as the chemical went to work on her mind.
"Now breath it in, girl," the one holding the lasso ordered. "We ain't got time for no games."
Obeying the command the lasso gave, Rei breathed deeply. Within moments, her eyes drooped closed and she was asleep.
As Ultra Woman woke back up, her head ached from the heavy dosage of chloroform she had been forced to inhale. Her bleary violet eyes were filled with fog that closely matched the one in her head.
"Oh I so HATE that stuff..." Rei mumbled tiredly.
"About time you woke up, Rei, I was starting to think those idiots had killed you," a female voice said.
"Huhhhh?" she groaned as tried to blow away the fuzz inside her brain. She quickly remembered what had happened and where she was.
As the heroine's vision cleared, she could finally see Gabrielle seated next to her. Rei was bolted down to a chair of that strange metal that even her Amazon strength was powerless to bend. Her ankles were manacles to the two front legs, her waist manacled to the back of the chair, and her wrists to the armrests. She was without her uniform, but was wearing a comfortable red kimono that kept her at least mostly clad. She also felt freshly washed, with none of the residue of her experience with Tania left on her tanned, clean skin.
"Hmmmmm..." she thought. "I wonder who changed and bathed me. I don't Gabrielle would trust her men to do it. Also she wouldn't risk Tania awakening again. I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't do it herself."
"I apologize for having that awful stuff used on you, Rei, but I really couldn't take any chances. You'd agreed not to try to escape before the auction, but you hadn't said a thing about afterwards." She held up a glass of red wine to the heroine's lips. "Here, this should wash away the nasty taste."
Rei took a sip of the wine as a taste then a deeper drink. "Excellent vintage," Rei said, savoring the taste. "You must send me a bottle sometime. Again Gabrielle, my compliments for your planning. You are an excellent tactician."
"As much as I'd rather do it differently, this is the best way to deal with you, Rei. You're too smart to be trusted in any way other than unconscious or tightly bound."
"I quite understand Gabrielle. No apologies are needed if you are offering them. In your position I would have done the same."
Ultra Woman found herself in a parlor, for want of a better word. It wasn't an office, it was far too cozy for that, but it wasn't quite a bedroom. Gabrielle was wearing a blue kimono, much like the one Rei was wearing, but it was obvious that Gabrielle had some items on beneath hers, unlike the naked Amazon.
"If this is her quarters," Rei thought. "She does have a fine sense of taste." The soft silk rubbed against the heroine's sensitive nipples causing small peaks to form in the robe. Rei noticed that Gabrielle's eyes had noticed them as well.
"We won't be able to play much chess tonight, Rei. I'm getting your outfit cleaned right now. Your ship leaves in two hours, so that leaves us about thirty minutes before you have to get dressed and we drive yourself and Tania down to the docks."
"Pity," Rei said with a sigh. "I was looking forward to it and a nice long discussion about various things. Oh well, its merely postponed and not canceled," she said with a small smile. "After I escape we'll have our get together. I won't use it to capture you either. I promise."
Gabrielle took a sip of her red wine, and said, "Anything you'd like to ask before you go?"
"Just a repeat of my earlier question: Are you interested in women? If so, perhaps I could show you what it felt like to have Tania pleasure me. If you aren't, forget I ever asked. I did notice however that you were a bit aroused at Tania's and mine 'performance'." Rei decided to go all out and ask, "In simple terms, would like to go to bed with me sometime?"
Gabrielle paused in mid-sip. Her olive cheeks flushed faintly as she hesitated before answering. Finishing her sip, then allowing the blood-red wine to swirl around her mouth, she obviously used the time to regain her typical aplomb.
"Rei, if I did, I'd be no better than those testosterone inhibited idiots that work for me. Each one of them would cut off a ball to spend an hour with you." She looked away for a moment. "I refuse to go to their level."
The heroine nodded in understanding. "I can accept that Gabrielle. You're standards are a touch higher then theirs." Rei sat quietly until the other woman looked at her again. "Please accept my apologies on this matter Gabrielle. We sisters are much on this subject. I keep forgetting that the people out here are quite different in many things. And just so you know, I am usually very choosy as to who I sleep with."
"I shall rephrase my original question: Are you interested in going to bed women period? I'm interested in knowing if I have chance with you. I would like to Gabrielle but only at your time and choosing. After I escape and we get know each other a bit more."
Gabrielle gave Rei a Mona Lisa smile. "If you escape and come back here, we'll discuss it more." With that, she offered Rei another sip of the red wine.
Rei took the offered sip of the fine wine. "When I escape we shall meet in a place of my choosing to discuss it more," Rei countered with a smile. "I swear that I won't use it as a trap or such. Dinner perhaps? I am a fair cook."
Gabrielle smiled gamely. "If you make it back, I might take you up on it, Rei."
Turning back to the trapped Amazon, her face was more serious now. "Anything else? We do have to go soon."
"Just who did buy us? I doubt one of the normal villains in this area has that kind of money to spare. Not just for carnal pleasures!"
"You're right, Rei, no one around here. You and Tania are very visible commodities, especially so in this city. Most villains with any sense know that, so only the ones without much sense offered serious bids, but since they have no sense, they couldn't afford you." Gabrielle laughed softly at her confusing logic. "I'm sure you see my point. Only one or two had both the money and the sense to keep you out of sight."
"That I do Gabrielle," Rei said with a smile. "Much like people who buy stolen art works. You can never show them without risk of arrest. You can only keep them for your personal enjoyment. That doesn't sound like most of the villains I have encountered or have heard about. Except for yourself of course. You're in a class by yourself Gabrielle."
She chewed lightly at the rim of the glass in thought. "I suppose I could give you hints of who your purchaser was, Rei, but I won't tell you everything. Unlike fools like Droid or Archimagus, I won't rattle on about my entire operation just to gratify my ego."
"Pity... That kind of information does help a heroine form plans."
"Your purchaser was a very rich prince. A hundred years ago his family was dirt poor, but when his little island was found to have some of the richest concentrations of oil, they became filthy rich. It helped to have some diplomatic skill also, but with that much money, you can buy allies. Anyway, he's your buyer."
"Hmmmm...." Rei hummed as she thought. "Middle east I should think. A 'harem'?"
She leaned in to Rei as she offered the Amazon another sip of the red wine. "Be careful Rei, he has a very potent bodyguard."
"You mean 'potent' as he's like Mayhem in ways, correct?" Rei asked after taking another sip.
"Something along those lines, Rei, but he's perhaps worse. He's more cold blooded than Mayhem. His name is something like..."
A knock on the door interrupted the conversation. Gabrielle sat back in her chair, looking positively regal as she held up the glass of wine. "Come!"
"This person Gabrielle was mentioning sounds quite dangerous," Rei thought. "Mayhem is brutal but his passions tend to make him vulnerable. Someone who is more controlled is much more dangerous..."
The goon opened the door no more than two feet. "Boss, the box is ready."
"Box?" Rei said quietly. "Oh this sounds like it will be quite uncomfortable...."
"Good," she replied, "get Tania up here."
The goon nodded and closed the door.
Gabrielle set the glass down, and reached under the small tray. "Rei, time to put you to sleep again. I'd rather not, but again, you're too smart to be trusted." She brought up a cloth and a small bottle. "I know you won't make me get the lasso either."
"Quite true Gabrielle," Rei said settling back in her bonds. "It has been most pleasant to converse with you although I wish we could have done it under more pleasant circumstances. Perhaps next time. I won't say goodbye, but till we meet again my love."
Rei closed her eyes and began to breath deeply.
The sweet fumes of the chloroform were becoming very familiar to the bound heroine as she lilted off to sleep..
Ultra Woman awoke to the feeling of a pinprick in her left wrist. Blinking awake, and yet again suffering from the after effects of chloroform, it took her a moment to recognize one of Gabrielle's goons leaning over her.
"OW!" she said or rather, didn't say.
The superheroine was manacled on her back this time. She was indeed lying in a large box, much the size of a coffin. Instead of lying on the wooden box though, Rei was manacled down to a large sheet of metal, with rings around her ankles, waist, neck, and wrists, each one seemingly impossible to bend even with her fantastic Amazon strength. The gag was back, keeping Rei from doing more than moan or groan.
"The 'box' I presume," Rei thought as she looked around. "I really must find out just what this material is that Gabrielle has been using. She certainly seems to have a quantity of it."
The goon had just stabbed a thin needle into her wrist, and was taping it into place. Next to it, past the end of her hand, was a small infusion pump, and a bag lying beyond it.
"It's ready, boss," the goon said before stepping back.
"Hmmm..." the heroine thought as she looked at the set up. "Something to keep me asleep longer then the chloroform I imagine. Least I won't get bored on however long the trip takes."
Gabrielle came into Rei's view, her dark hair fading into the dark sky around its edged. "Rei, it's been very nice to have met you, and in a way I hope we meet again. If I can offer you any advice in your situation, it would be this; make the best of it. You and Tania are going to be joining some other heroines, and from what I hear they're as powerful as you, and they haven't escaped yet."
Rei gave a nod of thanks to Gabrielle for the information. "Hopefully that's just gossip, but with the information she seems to have gathered I wonder..." On that morbid thought, Rei saw her hopefully future bedmate's arm reach into the box.
She reached down and turned on the infusion pump. As it clacked softly into action, Rei could feel the warm chemicals flow into her veins. "Good luck Rei, and have a good life," Gabrielle said, then nodded as the lid to the box was closed. As the drugs took effect, Ultra Woman was unable to tell if the lid, or the drugs, caused the darkness...