Justice Club Jubilee

Author: Magnus
Time to Read:28min
Added Date:7/26/2024
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Tags: x-menJubilee

Justice Club: Generation X Pt. 1

Thorne was in his office attempting to sort out some problems with the Justice Club. Business was starting to lag, people were starting to fear superheroes and were afraid that if they were caught in a place that mocked superheroines they might get in some trouble.

Thorne was certainly going to have to be more careful with his acquisitions with the Super-robots all over the world and every superhero and superheroine was on guard from the talk of a superhero war.

The Avengers had destroyed several of the robots that had interfered with their battles and hostilities between them and Superman were growing. Something like that would be very bad for business.

Superman had been under the influence of a major villain and he had tried to taked over the world but had failed.

He had considered changing the theme of the club to watching superheroines being humiliated to boost business. He had even thought about staging catfights between the ladies to help businees. The club was in a slow period but he knew it would bounce back, it always did.

They always had been but the main focus had just been seeing them strip and being dominated. But doing that would almost definitely attract unwanted attention.

There was also the problem of getting new "talent". After tonight's acquisitions, the next two on his list, Jean Grey and the Scarlet Witch, could be troublesome.

Grey was constantly in a psionic link with her husband Cyclops. It was possible that he could feel any changes in her mind and get help to rescue her. The Scarlet Witch had become inseparable from Wonder Man since his resurrection.

Thorne's powers didn't always very well work on men so he would have to find a way to deal with them in case he could not affrct them with his mind control poers.

He was attempting something new tonight. Emma Frost was going to be bringing the Generation X girls to the club and rather than simply programing them to work in the club, he was going to make personality changes for different places.

A personality for the public, in private and at the club. If it worked he was going to do it to a few others and see if they could manipulate things to go his way.

He had gotten personality profiles and pictures of the Gen-X girls from Emma, and had already decided upon their roles. Paige Guthrie wanted to be in charge of things but only because of her brother.

She didn't have the personality of a sexual dominant. Combine her personality with her blonde hair and blue eyes and she was a perfect submissive. Monet St. Croix had the personality but was too egotistical.

He felt the need to make her a submissive to knock her down a few notches.

Jubilation Lee didn't take herself very seriously and tried to make sure others didn't either. However, she had taken charge several times in bad situations, so she could control others and be dominant when it became necessary.

Plus, by pairing her with Monet and making Jubilee the dominant he could further M's humiliation.

Everyone could see the hatred bewteen the two girls. He knew that people would pay to see that hatred flair up in the open.

They would all be working at the club for a long time, but as minors connected to several superhero teams he couldn't just have them vanish. When someone like Spiderman or Batgirl disappeared there was no problem. But with the young girls, every person wearing tights would look for them.

Thorne was looking forward to seeing what situations could be come up with using Husk's power. Perhaps having an extra set of tits or something else unusual for some shows.

Jubilee was only sixteen and hadn't yet reached a growth spurt in her chest size. When she did start growing, she might end up larger than quite a few heroines.

Emma Frost told the girls to take a seat while she discussed something with the manager. They did so quickly.

They also hadn't questioned the unexpected trip or rather questionable destination. Weeks of subtle telepathic changes had left them virtually incapable of saying no to or disagreeing with their teacher.

"Hello Thorne," she smiled. "I've been working on the girls like you wanted. Almost all their dreams have been about sex of some sort. I have destroyed most all of their sense of modesty. Yesterday I took control of the boys minds and sent them into the girls shower. They made no attempt to cover themselves and even flaunted their nudity a bit. I could have totally rewritten their personalities for you."

"Yes, but the way you do it would completely destroy their old personalities. I like to have a little bit left of who they really are. You'll be performing tonight, so get into the outfit selected for you."

Thorne probed the girls minds while Emma prepared for her show. They had witnessed several acts without making a sound. Each girl was thinking similar thoughts, 'Why would Miss Frost bring us to a place like this,' and it was instantly rationalized, 'If Miss Frost is fine with it, then there is nothing improper about this.' She had done a good job he realized; all he needed for their private personalities was to increase their sex drive a bit, which he did.

He noticed that Jubilee didn't have the large breasts that most of the females in the club had. He was infatuated with the girl and decided to give her a present.

He got an intense look on his face as he focused his concentration on Jubilation Lee. Thorne probed into her mind and let his power flow into the girl's body.

His eyes glowed a fierce red color as sweat broke out on his brow. Jubilee felt a strange tingling sensation in her chest and it made her feel weird.

Then to her atonishement, her tits began to expand in size and grow larger. Thorne had warped reality and made physical changes to her body to give her bigger tits.

Jubilee was shocked by the sudden expansion of her breasts. She looked over at her two companions but neither of them seemed to notice what was happening to her.

Jubilee's tits were soon 34D in size. Her boobs were tender and soft. Her nipples were hard and extremely sensitve. Her new bosom pressed outward against her top and her clothing grew tight on her.

Thorne made a few more quick adjustments to her mind and relaxed. He made Jubilee comfortable with her new tits and she was pleased to have them.

He had her believe that she had secretly desired larger breasts and was elated to now have them. She did not question how her body had changed. She simply accepted the new tits and was proud to have them. Jubilee sipped her drink and went back to talking with her friends.

Then he prepared to create their club personalities. Just as he was doing so, the new act was introduced.

Emma came stumbling onto the stage as if pushed, dressed totally in white, which wasn't unusual. However, it was unusual that it was totally lace instead of the normal leather.

A lace choker around her neck, a lace bra that barely contained her large breasts, small panties, garter belt and stockings with six inch heeled white shoes.

She was followed by a woman that club patrons recognized as Domina. Emma cowered before her, dropping to her hands and knees, and began to kiss and lick her feet.

Thorne didn't even sense that much shock from the Gen-X girls. They mainly noticed how much Emma seemed to be enjoying herself.

The three girls were seated at a table in the back of the bar, dressed in normal clothes. Several of the men and the occasional woman in the bar looked at the apparently under age 18 children in the establishment, but said nothing.

"It gives me the creeps with them looking at us all the time, almost as if we were like r'bbits," Paige Guthrie said in her West Virginia twang which had yet to fade away in the cold New England State at which she was being schooled.

Page was the younger sister of the X-Man Cannonball, and called herself Husk.

"I am sure you do not need to worry about that," Jubilee said while sipping what she thought was a fruit punch drink. "The White Queen is probably using her telepathy to hide us, so we do not look suspicious.
But I am wondering what we are doing here."

"There is a problem with that," Monet, the proud young Monte Carloan known simply as M, said as she set down the glass of red wine with more than grapes in it.

"One," holding her finger up, "is that if she was using her telepathy, then they would look at us once or not at all being fellow patrons who come to gawk at the girls.

"And two," holding up her second finger, "I would know if she was using her standard telepathy, though I sense something almost sinister around this place."

"What?" Husk exclaimed, as she reached for her neck to rip off her present 'normal' skin to reveal something that could withstand any attack. In her haste, she nearly spilled over the fruit punch which she had specifically ordered to be nonalcoholic.

"Relax," Jubilee replied as she put her feet up on the table while drinking her second 'soda', "what could go wrong? We have a bunch of superheroines in here," she nodded her head over to Wonder Woman who was up on a stage dancing, while most of her costume was lying on the floor.

As if it was fate accepting a challenge, a tap was felt of Jubilee's shoulder.

The young AmerAsian was barely able to get her feet on the ground, prevent all of her drink from falling on the floor, and control her powers from incinerating her two (well, one and a half) friends before looking at the person who snuck up behind her.

She took another quick gulp from her glass of not very tame soda before setting it down.

"Sorry if I startled you," said the lady in black with the cat mask and flaming red hair, "but I need for you to come with me."

"What?" Jubilee sputtered as she tried to get her bearings.

"Ms. Frost wanted to train you here for certain cases in the field, and Mr. Thorne offered to help," the woman in black explained.

"Even though you are a bit young for this club," eliciting a slight Hmph from Monet which interrupted her, "Mr. Thorne agreed, but because of Jubilee looking significantly younger then the other two of you, we need to train her in private."

"Train? As in whips and chains and all that stuff?" Paige's voice was raising higher and higher at that fear.

"If you want, dearry, I can arrange that," Catgirl replied as she gave a sexy purr then a light hearted chuckle. "No, during combat your uniforms may come off or be destroyed. So Emma thought it would be good practice if you were able to move in front of a lot of men...without clenching up."

"I would never clench up," the always efiant M proclaimed.

"Emma thought it was a good idea," Catgirl tried to apologize, "and you do not have to go completely naked, there are some standard swim suits that you could wear and not strip completely naked." A sigh from Paige escaped from her mouth after that statement.

"But you," Catgirl added as she lifted Jubilee up, "are definitely too young looking to try it in front of these men.
We do not want the police to close us down. Instead, you will have to do it in front of some of us girls who have finished for the day."

As Catgirl lead the unusually docile Jubilee to the back room, she turned her head and gave a quick, "Someone will be coming for the two of you later."

"So M," Paige said after swallowing the last of her fruit punch, "do you think you will be able to walk across the stage completely naked?"

"Of course. The question is, will you be able to?" came the haughty reply.

Another fruit drink was put before Paige before she could even ask for it, which she took a long drink from, becoming quite agreeable with the additives to the fruit juices that she'd been drinking.

Jubilation Lee walked back with the dancer known as Catgirl. She walked though a room which was filled with beds that were for the most part unmade.

She was startled by the scent of Lysol that held the room, covering up the sweet and other smells she could not identify.

Two girls were putting on Power Rangers uniforms, for their act later in the evening. Jubilee stared at them for a moment, before scampering after Catgirl who was leading her down a set of stairs.

The lighting and stone walls gave the hallway they came to the appearance of some of the dungeons she had been in during her exploits with Wolverine.

Chains, racks, and unusually small clubs lined the walls of the basement.

"Down here," Catgirl explained, "we practice some of our more wilder dances...and do some special things."

Jubilee turned around with a start to see a raven haired woman dressed in a red jumpsuit with stars coming down the stairs with a bag in her hands.

"Hello there," she said, "I hope you did not start the fun without me?"

"Of course not," Catgirl replied, then introduced the person walking downstairs, "Wonder Girl, meet Jubilee.
Jubilee, this is Wonder Girl, who also goes by the name of Domina."

"Wow...!" Jubilee said as she held out her hand in greeting. "You look just like the real Wonder Girl."

"Thank you," Dru replied. "Mr. Thorne spared no trouble in getting the people who look the closest to the heroines.
He even hired some of the top supermodels."

"Supermodels...?" Jubilee clasped her hands in glee as she turned back towards Catgirl. "You're Mary Jane Watson, the supermodel, aren't you?"

Catgirl took her mask off, shook her hair to give Jubilee a look at her face, and then slid it back on.

"Yes, but I go by the name of Kandy Kyle now. Supermodeling was fun, but all of the travel and everything got to me. Mr. Thorne makes sure that I am happy and this job is just pure pleasure, but first we need to get you ready."

Wonder Girl told Jubilee to take off all her clothes and the teenager complied at once. She didn't even think about why she had stripped naked before these women.

It seemed like the natural thing for her to do. Thorne had lowered her inhibtions when he had scanned their minds earlier that evening. With the work Emma Frost had done on the girls and Thorne's push, Jubilee's inhibitions were very low.

Catgirl took Jubilee to a nearby pole and gently put a black, plastic collar on her. When it snapped shut, Jubilee heard a slight electrical buzzing from the device.

Jubilee looked at the collar in a mirror that hung on one of the walls and saw that there were many wires, an electrical pack. A row of lights slowly turned red to green as the collar slowly became fully activated.

Alarmed, she looked up and said, "Hey, this looks like..."

"A neural collar?" Dru replied, as she started to get out of her Wonder Girl costume and into her Domina costume.
"A good reason for that is because it is. There are two reasons why we had to put it on..."

"One," Catgirl interrupted as she came over with a cat o’nine tails, and lightly swung it at Jubilee’s arm, "because we do not want your powers to go off accidentally and hurting us. The collar nullifies and cancels your mutant powers."

"And two," Domina added, directly looking at Jubilee in the face, "it will make you easier to control and enslave for our master, Mr. Thorne, just like the White Queen."

"Ms. Frost? Enslaved?" Jubilee replied, then looked back to the gentle woman Catgirl, and saw not the cheerful smile, but an evil grin.

"Of course!" Catgirl responded. "And once Mr. Thorne heard about you from her," she continued as she whipped Jubilee with the cat o’nine tails this time on her ass and hard, "He decided that he would have to have you also."

Catgirl gave the whip to Domina and excited the dungeon to watch the scene in private with Thorne. Domina began to whip the young girl, using varying degrees of strikes and rythms. She went from fast to slow as red lines appeared all over Juilee's body. Then after a time, Domina released from the pole.

Domina told Jubilee to put her hands behind her back and the girl complied. Domina then got some rope and mound the teen's hands behind her back. Jubilee still had on the neural collar. It cancelled out her mutant powers and left her like a normal teenage girl.

The neueal collar stayed around her neck, making her a helples 16 year old girl. There were no friends to come over the horizon to save her.

The single attempt she had made to remove the collar had resulted in red lines as the cat's tail grip seemed to go down to the bone.

She was out to break Jubilee and reduce her to a total, whimpering slave before the night was out, as per Thorne's orders.

Domina went to a storage closet and brought a wooden stool. She told Jubilee to stand in front of the stool,which had a long metal pole sticking up the back of the chair.

The young girl did just that. "Sit!" Domina said as though she had issued the command to a pet dog. Jubilee moved back and sat on the hard stool. Domina quickly went to work on the girl.

She looped the rope around Jubilee's neck like a leash and pulled it tight, but not so tight that she could not breath.

She brought the end of the loop down behind to meet the wrists. Then Domina secured the rope and forced Jubilee to sit up tall. She came around the front and lifted one of the girl's legs.

The rope was wrapped slowly around the cold metal pole and her body. The silk pressed her breasts out as it moved further down and was wrapped and tied around her body.

The leg was pushed wide and to the side, around one of the legs of the stool. Domina tied the ankle to make sure the leg was wide and immobile.

Jubilee's legs were pushed wide and apart as each foot was slowlt tied to the pole as the silk wrapped around her legs.

Domina surveyed her work and smiled with a perverse satisfaction at her work.

With what was previously cold and malicious, she abandonded it as she slowly slid her arms around the girl and deeply kissed the stunned young mutant on the lips without saying a word.

When Domina stepped back from the girl, she saw that Jubilee's face was red with embarassment. Jubilee had never kissed a girl before. While the girl was distracted, Domina began to run her hands over Jubilee's newly enlarged tits.

As her wet tounge was removed from the girl, Domina was removed from the kiss, she looked at Jubliee. The superheroine's cheeks were red with embarassment, but her eyes were filled with lust.

Jubliee had only thought of kissing Even, her teammate Synch and a few other fantasies boys that she had seen on TV. But this, the things that were rumored and talked about while she was still in school, before she understood the word, "mutant".

This was something she could not believe, wither it was happening to her or how she was feeling.

Before Jubliee could try and process it anymore, Domina slowly ran her hands over her new enlarged tits, made even more sensative as the rope dug into them.

Jubilee turned her head to the side to avoid Domina's gaze. She was surprised when Domina's hand came up and slapped her across the face. Tears rolled down the teenager's eyes.

Domina returned to massaging her ample breasts. When her hand went to Jubilee's full and sensitive tits, she heard the audible sigh let out by her captive.

"Aaaah." Jubilee moaned as her eyes fixed upon Domina. The girl was ablaze with lust. Domina stepped up her actions on Jubilee's jutting bosom and caused the teenager to squirm and move about on the stool.

The girl's fear, embarassment, and her nervousness disappeared and was slowly replaced with lust that was setting her body ablaze with fire.

Jubilee felt her nipples get worked on by her abuser. Domina squeezed and pinched the swollen tips. She worked them up and down, delighted with the girl's response.

Domina lowered her head and took one of the hard nipples into her mouth. Her tongue slowly pushed against the nub and brushed it lightly. This sent a spasm of delight through the trussed Jubilee.

"Ooohhh!" Jubilee cooed as she twisted against her restraints. Domina's mouth felt delicious on her tits. Domina went from one nipple to the other.

She sucked and licked the jiggling breasts. Within minutes, she had Jubilee undulating in her sitting position. The teen tried to spread her legs further apart than she had already been forced to.

Domina dropped her hand to Jubilee's dark bush and started to stroke her tender pussy. "GGgeeeeze!" Jubilee hissed as she felt Domina dig into her virgin cunt. "What is it?" Domina asked coyly.

"It....feels good." Jubilee muttered under her breath. Domina kept rubbing her tits and then stopped. This caused Jubilee to snap to attention. She wasn't prepared for the withdrawl of her pleasure.

Jubilees struggled hard against the ropes to get closer to Domina, as the former Wonder Girl pulled away.

Domina wanted to see Jubilee squirm in her seat and to come to an orgasm so intense that she wouldn't know what hit her.

Leaving her victim erect and naked on the stool, she went to the toy chest and took out her favorite toy. It was an expensive black vibrator in the shape of a penis.

"Shit!" Jubilee gasped in shock when she saw the tool. Her eyes widened in terror. Surely her tormentor wouldn't use the thing in her.

"You're not going to....mmmmffff....." the girl was not able to finish. Domina had taken the girl's face in her strong hand and forced the tip of the fake cock into Jubilee's mouth.

"Suck it!" Domina ordered. And for some add reason, Jubilee did as she was told. Domina loved the way the inexperienced girl went at it.

Though the young Jubilee lacked skill working at the dildo, Domaina was delighted at the speed and attempt at sucking she displayed as she mouthed the fake cock.

She was being forced to suck the vibrating dildo that was soon to be used on her wet pussy. When Domina finally pulled the dildo out of Jubilee's mouth, it was covered with her saliva.

Domina slowly slid the dildo down Jubilee's stomach , between her big tits and on to the small triangle of hair just above her pussy.

Jubilee's body twitched and jerked as each movement caused ripples of thrills to course through her system.

Domina took the gadget away and turned it on. Jubilee heard the loud ZZZZ of the vibe and watched it move, fascinated.

The girl swallowed hard when she realized she was going to be worked over by the device.

Domina put a hand on Juilee's pussy and spread open her slick nether lips. She had strict orders from Thorne to leave the girl's hymen intact and she knew better than to disobey the Master.

She parted the teen's pussy lips and inserted the device into her hole. Jubilee's head snapped back as she was forcefully violated.

She yelped from the pain and she cried in despair. Domina wasn't able to probe the girl deeply but she still had fun tormenting the young heroine.

Jubilee bucked and kicked against her restraints as she was raped by the vibrator. She let out a loud, piercing scream. "AAAAIIII!!!"

Domina suddenly slapped Jubilee hard across the face and yelled at her to be silent. The girl heeded the warning and whimpered softly as the cock invaded her deeper.

Domina pushed the toy in and out of the girl's virgin pussy and it was soon wet from her nectar. Jubilee's pussy lips clung to the vibe as it slid into her snatch. The vibrations caused Jubilee to shake and kick. The tears streamed down her face.

Domina placed her hand on the girl's back as she manipulated the tool around inside her vagina. The cock moved in and out and up and down in Jubilee's stretched cunt. Domina moved it inside her from side to side and slow and fast, she alternated her patterns to keep the teenager off balance.

Jubilee was worked into a hysterical frenzy. Suddenly, the captured girl threw back her head and shrieked in pleasure as she was made to orgasm for Domina. Jubilee thrashed on the stool and convulsed badly as she climaxed for her ravager.

Seeing her orgasm, Domina pushed the vibe a little further into her sopping pit. She then lowered her lips to Jubilee's engorged clit and sucked the button hard and brutally. This was too much for the Gen-X girl.

Jubilee let out a bellow of abandoned lust and spasmed wildy as she came yet again. Then her head fell forward and she slumped in a dead faint.

Jubilee awakened several minutes later spent and drained. She had had enough for one night. Domina untied her young charge who slumped into her powerful arms. Domina caressed the girl's face and placed a gentle kiss on her lips.

She led Jubilee from the dungeon and took her to one of the bedrooms to get some sleep. The two girls showered together and Jubilee enjoyed Domina's touch as she explored the girl's weak body.

Afterward, she helped Jubilee put on a nightgown and tucked her into bed for the night. Domina kissed Jubilee on the forehead and wished her sweet dreams. The girl fell asleep but her slumber didn't last long.

Jubilee's mind was active all night long. She was haunted by the images of subjugation and humiliation she'd suffered since coming to the blasted Justice Club. She had been made to experience and feel things that were sick and perverted. And the worst thing was that she had enjoyed most of it.

The teenager found herself dreaming about being in the role of the dominatrix and using the tools of trade to make her friends her slaves.

Thorne's deeply implanted commands, that were rooted in her mind, made the slight alterations to Jubilee's personailty to turn her into his new dominatrix apprentice.

The girl would come around to his way of thinking and become eager to learn the ways of bondage and S&M.

She was aroused again and very horny. Thorne had fine tuned her adolescent libidio so that she would constantly be on edge and ready for sex. Jubilee's pussy was wet and her nipples were erect and tender.

Jubilee could feel a cold sweat dripping freely down her body beneath the folds of her nightgown. And between her tightly clenched thighs, she could feel her pussy tingling, quivering in a strange way, like it had never done before.

It was beyond her understanding, her mind, body, every nerve and fiber mesmerized into a state of sensual shock.

It hadn't been like that even on the nights she had succumbed to her own weakness. The dreams were too arousing, beyond all rationality, and reason somehow was not important. As if controlled by an outside force, the 16 year old girl moved automatically, her own intense and demanding physical need all that mattered.

Her left hand began to move down along her body to the narrow curve of her waist and across her stomach to rest on her own swollen pubic mound, then exploring, rubbing back and forth across the soft material of her nightgown and then up underneath it as her fingers searched lewdly between her trembling thighs.

A strange exciting wetness seeped from her cuntal lips, running freely from her lust-inflamed pussy. Her right hand came up to cup one breast, squeezing and kneading the tiny nipple into painful tautness through the restrictive nightgown.

Jubilee gathered up her nightgown, bunching fold upon fold of its silky material in her left hand and drawing it farther and farther up around her firm, white thighs to expose the lightly curling pubic hairs covering her pulsating cunt.

Holding the gown bunched at her waist, she lowered her right hand slowly over her stomach to her hotly steaming pussy and began to massage it as she had done before, knowing it was perverted and wrong, but powerless to stop herself.

Pressing harder and harder, her middle finger sliding wetly along the moist hair-lined slit, she found her clitoris and gently began teasing the erect little nerve-end with her fingernail, feeling waves of all-consuming sensual pleasure ripple through her body.

She dipped her finger still lower, insinuating it into the tight opening of her moist, inflamed cunt, and began pistoning in and out while her thumb rubbed rapturously across her swollen clitoris. "Oooohhh, yesss. Oooohh, ooohh, oooohhh!" came the terrible sounds from her mouth.

The bewildered young teen was caught up in the frenzy of the moment, her entire body trembling with unwanted excitement. She dropped down onto the loor, her glistening thighs splaying wide.

A rush of cool air moved across her steaming cunt, giving her a new thrill of ecstasy, and she squirmed a second finger in next to the one already working there.

The wet sucking noises of her desperate finger-fucking pervaded the bedroom, as her body heaved and jerked in time to the rhythmically moving fingers between her open thighs, and the tight flooding walls of the passage pulled and sucked hungrily at her buried fingers.

She cupped one breast almost brutally, squeezing the supple flesh, pinching the tender nipple with wild, animal-like abandon.

Her whole lust-incensed body was writhing about on the floor in a turbulence of self-induced passion.

Jubilee wanted to scream, to wail in orgasm.
She was near, so near that mysterious peak, delirious with her own sizzling passion. She removed her hand from her breast with conscious intent, and licking her left forefinger, reached around under her smoothly rounded buttocks to probe the tiny puckered ring of her own anus.

She shut out the guilt, the knowledge that she was doing wrong. Her mind was caught up in her own depraved sexual hunger that Thorne had implanted in her head, and she didn't care about anything else.

She wormed her finger slowly into the resisting nether ring, and nearly went out of her mind with the excitement of the entrance. "Can't hold back, uuugghh, I'm going to cummm!" Juilee groaned.

Insanely she plunged her fingers into her wetly heated cunt, rubbing her clitoris with her thumb, the middle finger of her other hand impaled deep in the tight little opening of her anus, buried to the second knuckle. She was going to cum!

Jubilee drove her hand harder and faster, deeper and deeper, her body undulating under the pressure, gasping for imminent release. "Aaagghh!" Jubilee gasped, then her voice rose in pitch. "Oooohhh, ooohhh, now! I'm cuummiinngg!"

It was as if she were controlled by the wild passion he put in her mind and Jubilee felt her own body automatically react. She strained, flaying her legs wide in spasmodic jerks and the floor seemed to rumble beneath her.

Lifting herself up in a convulsive arch, her fingers reaching for maximum depth in her moisture-drenched cunt and burning rectum, she gasped out her own climax.

It's tremendous force, rebounding through her quivering belly, spilled out of her churning cunt around her deeply implanted fingers, flowing down the crevice of her buttocks to where her other finger rotated deep up inside her rectum.

How long it lasted, she didn't know, but suddenly spent and exhausted, the young girl collapsed to the floor, her legs trembling from effort, her breathing ragged.

Stretching out on the bed, she felt the nightgown clinging stickily to her inner thighs, a lewd and obscene reminder of her self debasement.

She sat up abruptly, pulling the garment off over her head, then she slipped between the sheets naked, wanting to sleep, wanting desperately to escape the thoughts that were running wildly through her mind.

The very next evening, Thorne had his new toy make her stripping debut at the Justice Club. The lights dimmed in the room and the young girl sashayed about the room.

Jubilee leaned against the bar and walked over to the Juke Box, her fingers tapped lightly on the controls. She made a selection and stepped toward the bar.

With a bright flash of light, she appeared atop the bar, moving to the rhythmic sound of Foreigner's "Hot Blooded."

Jubilee was clad in a red colored leotard with an X emblem over her left breast. She had on calf-high boots, long yellow gloves which extended above her elbows, and a pink red cape.

The girl danced to the to the drums and base of the music. She pulled the cape over hear head and swirled it around and around three times above her head. Then tossed it into the crowd.

Jubilee moved back and forth down the bar several times and then, still in time with the music, she slowly rolled her long gloves, one at a time, down her arms and tossed them to the audience as well.

The youngster continued to dance to the music, again moving up and down the bar several times. She then reached behind her back and pulld down the zipper to her leotard.

Jubilee shook her body seductively to loosen her leotard and then opened the costume in the back.

The teenager wiggled until the leotard fell down to her ankles. She had on a silk body stocking on under the leotard.

Jubilee blushed as the leotard landed and she kicked the clothing behind the bar.

As beat of the rhythmic sound flowed through the room, Jubilee gave herself to the music and lets it take control as she slinked up and down the bar. She took of her boots and held them in her right hand.

Jubilee hopped onto the floor and glided around the room, moving her hips seductively and grinded her ass at the audience.

She faced away from the crowd and then bent down low so that her head was about knee level. She looked at the crowd from between her legs, her dark hair touching the floor.

She mouthed the words 'fuck me' and suddenly stood up. Jubilee threw her head back with a sudden jerk and flung her her boots backwards at the crowd.

Jubilee spun around to face the audience again and grabbed the front of the body stocking with her hands.

In one quick motion, she ripped the top of the body stocking down the front and her full, round breasts exploded from their confines, leaping into the open!

She wiggled her bosom seductively to the music, and then slowly started to tear the stocking open more and more, exposing her firm tummy. She continued to rip the clothing, lower and lower.

The girl noticed the shocked looks on everyones' faces as she continued to strip off the garment and was soon completely naked beofore the throngs of people.

Jubilee suddenly stopped moving as a familiar figure entered the room, she looked over to see Thorne and her eyes lit up with lust as he approached.

Part of the girl still tried to resist the maniac and she screamed silently as she obeyed his mental commands as they entered her ravaged mind.

Thorne took her hand and led Jubilee to the center of the room. Jubilee followed him against her will. She tried to resist but his mental control over her was very strong.

Thorne moved to the side and brought out a low gynecoligist exam table that sat a few inches off the floor. He made the teenager lay down on it.

Jubilee laid on the table and whimpered in fear. The smooth metal surface was cold against her trembling naked body.

Thorne bound Jubilee's hands to leather cuffs along the sides of the table and placed her legs in a set of stirups.

Jubilee shook and breathed faster. She felt totally humiliated and ashamed. She had never felt so exposed and vulnerable in all her life.

The table frightened the young girl. Thorne stood back for a moment to admire the lovely girl.

Thorne stroked Jubilee's breasts softly. He pinched and pulled on her hard nipples as he examined her to make sure she was tightly secured.

Jubilee moaned and squirmed as his fingers tweaked her delicate nipples. Thorne went to a wooden toy box in the corner and returned with nipple clamps and a medium sized vibrator. Jubilee eyes widened and she struggled unsuccessfully against her bonds.

Thorne massaged first one breast then the other till her nipples hardened under his touch. He clamped the right nipple and then the left. "Gaaahhhhhhhhhh! It HURTS! PLEASE take them off! UuGGHHHh!!" she shrieked as the sharp teeth of the clamps bit into her tits.

She squealed as the pain shot through her nipples. Thorne smiled at her, he enjoyed the look the clamps gave her as he moved between her legs. Jubilee gasped as her chest heaved with each breath.

Thorne softly caresseed her inner thighs and sex with a leather riding crop. He stroked the girl slowly up and down. Then he turned on the vibrator and slipped it inside her.

Jubilee screeched in torment and her body bucked up from the table as the whirring device was inserted into her virginal slit. She was tight and nothing that big had ever gone inside her before.

"Hummmm, I hope you like toys my dear.....most girls do." Thorne chuckled. Jubilee moaned and squirmed as she was filled. "Ooohhhhhh gggggaaaawwwwwdddd! It hurts! Take it out, PLEASE!!"

Jubilee bit her lower lip as her hips thrusted against the mechanical cock. Thorne worked just the head inside at first. He used a circular motion as he worked it deeper inside her.

"Ooh yyeessssssss! Mmmm!" Jubilee groaned before she knew what she had said. The vibrator was already working its magic on her loins, forcing her to respond. Jubilee's hips rotated slowly as she was fucked with the vibe.

Thorne worked it about half way in, then began to use the leather crop to softly caress and, from time to time, gently whip her inner thighs.

"Aahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!" the girl moaned. Her passion built up and her pussy was quite wet.

Thorne watched as her passion increased. He slid the toy into her more and more as her sex opend and became wetter from the foreplay.

Jubilee moaned as her body thrusted up and down to meet the motions of Thorne's hand. "Oh gawd I feel so wet and hot! Mmm! Oh yyyyeess!!" Jubilee confessed. "I feel like such a hot bitch!"

Thorne reached up and caressed her breasts. He let the clamps do their work as well. "SHIT!!" Jubilee grunted in joy. Thorne knew when she was ready to climax and he pulled the toy from her cunt before she could orgasm.

Jubilee was grumbled in frustration. "Oh gaaaawddddd, I need to CUM!!" "Hummmm, not yet my dear.....not yet, but you're quite excited I see." he commented.

Jubilee's hips continued to rotate and sway from side to side. "Oh please!" she pleaded with glazed eyes.

Jubilee trembled with need. Thorne stripped off his clothes and stepped between her splayed legs. Thorne moved down and started to lick Jubilee's cunt.

"Oohhhh!" she gasped wantonly. Jubilee moaned and her head bent back as her eyes rolled up into her head. She pulled helplessly at her bonds.

Thorne reached down and pushed his cock into her vagina. With a single thrust, he mounted her and began to move hard inside the girl. His large organ ripped through the thin membrane of her hymen and Jubilee screamed in pain as her virginity was torn away forever.

Jubilee sobbed and weeped from the forced penetration. But, at once, her hips thrusted up to meet his strokes. "Ooooohhhh gaaaawwddd I am a slut. What's happening to me? ARgghhhh!" she cried out.

Her hips rotated as the big man plunged inside her. "Aaaahhhh!" she responed. Thorne's cock drove home again and again into the bound writhing heroine.

He took her with deeper and deeper strokes. Jubilee squeald as she felt the prick inside her over and over. She gasped as Thorne savagely fucked her. He was relentless as he plunged home again and again.

"Oh, yes!! I am so hot and wet!!" she told him. "Fuck me!! Jubilee moaned as her wetness overflowed and seeped from between her stretched pussy lips.

Thorne reached up between them and started to massage her breasts as he lunged in and out of her twat. Her body quivered as her passion mounted to climatic proportions.

Her pussy tightened on the man's cock as she started to explode. "Aaaaaaahhh!! Soooo goooddd!! Fuck me!!! I nneeddd your cock!!!" she yelled to encourage him.

Thorne watched her thrash about on the table as he took her. He felt himself near a climax and he growled as he came. The huge man heaved above Jubilee as he filled her with cum.

His seed oozed out of her crack. "Oh gawd I am a bitch in heat!!" the girl squawked. His manhood continued to pound her cunt and empty inside her.

Jubilee rode his cock as he hovered over her and rammed her savagely. Thorne moved slower and he licked Jubilee's face from time to time, as he shot his load into her pussy.

Jubilee gasped as she felt the cock explode inside her."I feel so used!! But it's wondeful! UUugggnnnnnhhhh! Cum in me, yess! So goood! Give me your cum!!!"

Thorne freed her legs and Jubilee wrapped them around his back as she pumped her hips up and down on his driving rod. She completely submitted to Thorne, her new master Jubilee's cunt tightened around his organ.

Jubilee squealed pulled him against her. "Oh mmmm!" she called out. Thorne rubbed Jubilee's tits while he gently pulled on the clamps. "Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!" she whimpered from the sweet pain. Jubilee felt veryused and it excited her a lot.

Thorne became excited again started to fuck the teen once more. Jubilee gasped he began to move within her again. "Oooohhh!! I feel like such a whore!!" she said. "I am so hot...fuck me, please!! I need it bad!!"

Jubilee arched her back and wiggled her ass up to counter his movements. "Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!" she panted with desire. Thorne massaged her breasts as he sucked the erect nipples.

From time to time, he gently pulled on the clamps. He moved harder and faster. Jubilee squirmed as her passion built anew. "Oooohhhhh yyyeess!" she groaned. Her body was on fire.

Jubilee moaned softly as she reached up to tug on her burning nipples. Thorne slammed his cock into her cunt ruthlessly.

He thrusted hard and then pulled back. Her body writhed and twitched below him.

He tensed and then rammed into for all he was worth. His cock jerked and he once more blasted his cum into her voracious pussy. Jubilee came with him.

Her hips rotated wildly against Thorne as she screamed out her bliss. "Ooh yyyeeeeeeeessssssss!! F..fuck your bitch!! Mmmmmm!!" she shrieked.

Jubilee convulsed madly as she to exploded into orgasm after orgasm, each being more powerful than the previous one.

"Ooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! YESSSS! Fuck meeee!! CUM in mmeee!!!! Oh gggoodd!! Yyyees!!" she whailed as she came.

The crowd got to its feet and the room erupted with the roars of applause and shouts of 'Encore! Encore!' Thorne had provided his customers with a fanstastic show once again.

After the club closed for the night, they continued to fuck for several more hours and Jubilee was well broken in by the end of her intiation. He left her on the table unconscious.

Thorne had used Jubilee like a cheap slut and she revelled in the debauchery. It was only the beginning of his plans for the girl and her two young friends.