The Origin of Powerbabe

Author: MattS
Time to Read:32min
Added Date:10/1/2024
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Tags: Powerbabe

Powerbabe is one of the many heroines who protect the city of Megapolis. We all know that, of course. But where did she come from? How did she get her amazing powers? Well, those who ask these questions and more are about to have them answered.

Powerbabe’s story begins when she was left on someone’s doorstep as an infant. The doorstep in question was at a farmhouse in Littleville, Iowa and belonged to a farming couple, the Stewarts. One night, they heard a knock on their front door and when they opened the door were quite surprised to find a wicker basket with a blanket-wrapped baby in it. Looking around, Mr. Stewart couldn’t see anyone so he brought the basket, and the baby within, inside. Along with the blanket and the baby, they found a note which read “Please take care of her for I cannot.”

Mr. and Mrs. Stewart decided that they would raise the baby girl and named her Martha. They treated her as if she was their real daughter. As an infant, Martha was a mostly unremarkable baby, though she learned to walk a bit sooner than most babies.

As she grew and made friends her own age, Martha and her parents discovered that she was a bit stronger than her peers. Also, she had taken her share of falls as a child but where her peers got skinned knees and other minor injuries, Martha escaped unscathed, not even feeling any pain at all.

By the time she was 10, Martha was stronger than an athletic girl of 16 but she had learned to hide her strength, her parents having noticed her strength and cautioned her that others might not understand. Then Martha hit puberty. Her figure developed quickly, as did her strength. Martha also shot up in height, quickly outstripping like aged girls and boys.

Martha had already been helping her parents with the work on the farm, now with her increased strength, she was able to do more work while being tired less. By the time she was 14, Martha was stronger than the strongest man in Littleville and her figure was the envy of her friends. About that time she also discovered something about herself.

Martha was repairing a broken fence on the backside of the property. She was wearing only a white halter top and shorts, her honey blonde hair trailing down her back. Martha preferred to wear as little as possible and wasn’t bothered much by heat or cold. She also preferred to go barefoot when on the farm.

Martha had a lot on her mind at the time and her mind wasn’t quite on what she was doing. <<Why am I so much stronger than anyone else?>> She wondered as she hammered a nail into the fence post <> Martha missed the nail and hit her thumb with the hammer but didn’t notice and continued hammering the nail. After a while, she hit her thumb and this time saw the hammer hit her thumb. << Huh? I just hit my thumb with the hammer but I didn’t feel a thing.>>

Puzzled by this, Martha hit her thumb with the hammer again, this time on purpose, and again didn’t feel a thing. Intrigued, she spread her hand on the post and hit it with the hammer with all her strength. Martha didn’t feel any pain from a blow that should have shattered her hand. The hammer didn’t fare as well, the head breaking off from the handle. Now curious, Martha took a nail in her hand and pressed the point against her palm. She ended up crushing the nail into a flat piece of iron against her palm, it didn’t even prick her skin.

<> Martha thought <<An ordinary person shouldn’t be able to break a hammer against her hand or crush a nail against her palm.>>

Martha wanted answers from her parents and she wanted them in a hurry. She ran towards the farmhouse as fast as she could. After a few feet, she found herself tumbling through the air, staying in the air for several seconds before crashing to the ground. Martha jumped to her feet unhurt, wondering if she had really just been flying. She reached the farmhouse quickly, not even breathing hard despite the speed which she ran.

“Done with that fence already?” Mr. Stewart asked as his daughter came through the kitchen door, just finishing a sandwich.

“Ma, Pa, we need to talk” Martha said

“About what dear?” Mrs. Stewart asked

“Why I’m so much stronger than everyone else. A minute ago I hit my thumb with the hammer and didn’t feel a thing. Then I intentionally hit my hand with the hammer as hard as I could and the hammer broke.” Mr. and Mrs. Stewart exchanged a look. “And I’m not sure, but I think I might have started to fly a little when I was running here. Did you find me in a rocket or what?”

“No dear, not in a rocket.” Mr. Stewart answered “We found you on our doorstep in a wicker basket, wrapped in a blanket and a note attached asking us to take care of you. But, there was something strange about the blanket, and a few other things in the basket we never told you about.”

Mr. Stewart got up from the table and motioned for his wife and daughter to follow him. They went up to the attic. After a nod from Mr. Stewart, Mrs. Stewart opened up a trunk and pulled out a blue blanket. But it wasn’t really a blanket, it was more like a cape, the assumption backed up by the two gold buckles on one end. Mr. Stewart lit a match and held it so the flame touched the blanket/cape. Martha gasped, not understanding why her father would suddenly want to torch the blanket she had been wrapped in as a baby. Then she realized that the blanket wasn’t burning.

Mr. Stewart put out the match and took out a pair of scissors, attempting to cut the blanket, but failed in this as well. Mrs. Stewart then handed it to Martha.

“Try to rip it dear,” she said, remembering how easy it was for Martha to accidentally tear her clothes since she started getting stronger, and the many times she’d had to repair them.

Martha took a bit of the blanket in each hand and tried to pull it apart. It didn’t give. She pulled harder, the muscles on her arms bulging to incredible size. Martha grunted as she exerted herself as she never had before, before finally giving up, conceding the battle to the strange fabric. Mr. Stewart reached into the trunk and pulled out a pair of blue boots, then he got out a blue bikini, the top had a yellow P on the right side.

“These were in the basket with you as well.” Mr. Stewart said “They’re the same as the blanket, or rather, the cape. Those buckles make it obvious what it really is. They’re all completely indestructible.”

“This is too weird.” Martha said “What does it all mean?”

“We’re not sure dear.” Mrs. Stewart answered “They were in the basket we found you in. You have to decide what they mean, if anything.”

“Man. I really need to think about this.”

“These’ll be here when you make your decision on what to do with them.” Mr. Stewart answered and they put the cape, boots, and bikini back in the trunk.

The Stewarts left the attic, Mrs. Stewart returned to the kitchen, Mr. Stewart went out into the fields, and Martha walked back to the fence she had been mending, stopping at the toolshed to get a new hammer. As she walked, Martha thought about what was happening to her body.

<<Even as a kid, I never got hurt. Now I know why. My skin’s impossibly tough, like those clothes that were in the basket with me. I’m already stronger than anyone in town and I keep getting stronger.>> Martha’s hand trailed along her bustline, feeling the size of her already impressive breasts. <<These’ll probably get bigger too. I’ll probably need all my strength to fend off admirers.>> She giggled at that thought and went back to repairing the fence.

Over the next year, Martha grew considerably stronger, strong enough to lift a tractor over her head, in fact. She also learned to control the flight power she had touched upon the day her parents showed her the indestructible outfit that had been in the same basket as her a decade and a half before. Martha could soar through the air with the greatest of ease, sometimes playing tag with birds in the sky, though she took care not to be seen by others while flying. She shot up to over six feet tall and her breasts also grew larger, overflowing a D-cup, though she didn’t need to wear a bra, her breasts so firm they seemed immune to gravity.

One day, Martha was lying on the roof of the farmhouse, sunbathing in the nude. At 15 she was feeling her hormones and following her instincts. Martha’s hands caressed her large breasts. “Mmm.” She hummed in pleasure, each of her hands moving to cup one of her breasts. Then Martha started experimentally squeezing her breasts, causing her to sigh in pleasure. One hand drifted down between her legs while the other stayed on her breast. She moaned as she stimulated herself, pushing her fingers inside herself and fondling her breast. Her breathing quickened as she came closer to release, her hands moving quicker over her body.

“Ohhh.. Yes!” she screamed in passion as she felt herself explode with orgasm, her body convulsing then quickly settling back to normal as the orgasm faded, leaving Martha gasping.

She gave her breasts one more squeeze, enjoying the feel of the sun on her skin and her hands around her breasts, then climbed back into her bedroom window to get dressed in a halter top and cutoffs. She ran down the steps and out the door, running to the barn for chores. When she got there, she found herself breathing hard and stopped to catch her breath.

<Funny,>> she thought <<I’ve never had to catch my breath after that run before. Course, I never gave myself quite that kind of ‘workout’ before.>> Martha chuckled to herself at that thought.

She walked over to two large hay bales that were almost as tall as she was. Either one was too heavy for her father to lift, but she could easily lift one with each hand. Martha took hold of the cords that held both bales together and moved to lift them but the bales didn’t budge. Puzzled, she braced herself and tried again, with the same results.

<<What the heck?>> Martha wondered <<Why won’t these things budge? Even if some practical joker anchored them, I still shouldn’t have noticed. It’s like something’s happened to my strength.>>

Now worried, Martha walked over to the tractor on the other side of the barn. She got a good grip on the frame and tried to lift it, something she had done a dozen times before. Martha grunted and tried to lift it with all her strength, but it didn’t budge. The determined girl changed her grip, putting her shoulders under the tractor and heaving. It went nowhere. As she shifted her hand, her palm slid over a sharp edge in the metal frame.

“Ouch!” Martha exclaimed, breaking off her efforts as she stared at her hand, which had a small but bloody cut. “This can’t be.” she whispered “Nothing can hurt me. And why can’t I lift stuff that should be a cinch?” Now close to panic, she tried to get herself to float upwards, summoning her flight power but she didn’t move an inch.

Remembering the cut on her hand, Martha grabbed a rag and pressed it against the cut. She then ran out of the barn and to the farmhouse. Coming in the kitchen door, she saw her mother working in the kitchen. Mrs. Stewart turned as her daughter entered.

“Well Martha, that’s a record even for you.” she said, then stopped as she saw Martha holding a rag against her palm. A rag stained with blood. “Oh my! What happened?”

“I... I think...” Martha stammered “My powers... Are gone.” Martha’s eyes were filling with tears. ”I cut my hand trying to lift the tractor.. And I couldn’t.”

“There, there dear.” Mrs. Stewart comforted her “It’s alright. Now let me see that hand.” Martha extended her hand at her mother and Mrs. Stewart removed the rag to take a look. “Oh, it’s not that bad.” she said after looking at the cut “See, it’s already stopped bleeding. And it’s a small one. It’ll heal in no time.”

“It will?” Martha’s tears stopped as she looked at her hand. Indeed, the cut was a small one, hardly anything to get hysterical over. “I never got cut before. It hurt.”

“Happens to everyone, but I suppose I should be worried considering a year ago you crushed a nail against your palm.”

“Oh, Ma! My powers are all gone. I won’t be able to help on the farm as much as before. Will you and Pa still love me?”

“Oh! You silly girl!” Mrs. Stewart pulled her daughter into a hug. “We’d still love you even if you were too weak to even walk! We don’t love your strength, we love you! Ouch!” Mrs. Stewart winced in pain and Martha immediately relaxed her hug. “When I hugged you, I didn’t expect a bearhug back.”

“Huh?” Martha was confused, with the amount of effort she had put into the hug, it shouldn’t have hurt Ma... But if Martha had used that much effort when she had her full strength, Ma would have practically been crushed. “I.. I think my powers are coming back.”

“See dear, you got all worked up over nothing.” Mrs. Stewart grinned

“But what could have caused it? What could zap my powers like that? Something in the barn?” Martha picked up a spoon and squeezed it, smiling as she felt the metal deform in her hand.

“Well, you know better than I what you were doing before you had your little power failure. And stop crushing the silverware, dear.”

“Yes, Ma.” Martha put down the now slightly mangled spoon but the smile stayed on her face.

Martha left the house and headed back to the barn. When she got there, she surveyed the interior, trying to figure out what could have sapped her strength and powers like had happened to her before.

“Well, let’s see here.” Martha mused “I guess I’d best try doing what I did before.”

So saying, she walked over to where the hay bales still sat and took hold of the cord with both hands. With a grunt of effort, she picked up the heavy hay bale and pressed it over her head, her muscles flexing mightily as her strength was channeled through them.

“Yes!” Martha shouted, then she suddenly lost her balance and fell over, ending up under the heavy hay bale. The bale falling on her knocked the wind out of her but she was immediately able to shove it off of her. Martha got up smiling, confident in the knowledge that her strength was fast returning. “OK, now I gotta think. Whatever zapped my powers can’t be here or I wouldn’t have been able to lift that bale like I did.” She thought for a moment then walked back outside and sat down. Martha closed her eyes and slowly floated upwards. Then, as she felt her powers returning even more, a thought occurred to her

<<Wait a sec!>> she thought <<I never get winded, but I was after my run to the barn. That means whatever happened to me happened BEFORE I got to the barn. So... It must be something in the house!>>

Martha extended her legs to once again make contact with the ground and ran back to the house. Rather than go in through the door, Martha made a super leap high in the air, landing on the roof of the house using only a small amount of her flight power. She walked across the roof until she reached the spot where she had been sunbathing and examined that area of the roof.

“Well, nothing strange out here.” Martha finally concluded and went into her room through the window. She surveyed her room, trying to think of any new thing in the room, but came up empty. “I gotta really think here. I don’t have a rock collection. I didn’t eat anything for breakfast I haven’t eaten before. I’ve sunbathed sans swimsuit before. So what could it be!?”

Martha sat floating in mid-air thinking. Then she realized something.

“Waitasec!” she exclaimed “I’ve been assuming that my power loss was caused by something like kryptonite from the comics. But what if it was caused by something in my body. Something I did instead of something I was near? I certainly did something today that I’ve never done before.” Martha thought back to her first real experience with masturbation. Her hand drifted down her body but she suddenly realized something. “Uh oh, I better do my chores before I experiment. I’m not sure how long it’ll take for all my strength to come back.

Martha went back out the window and leaped from the roof, landing on the path, and ran back to the barn. Using both hands, she was able to move the hay bales one at a time and performed her chores. As she progressed, Martha felt more and more of her strength returning. When she was finished, Martha stood before the tractor and got a good grip on the frame. She then lifted the tractor up in the air, a smile on her face, now secure in the knowledge that her powers were back full-force.

Martha then went back to the house and up to her room, where she stripped out of her clothes in preparation for her experiment to find the source of her earlier weakness. She floated up in the air about a foot and moved her hand down between her legs, fingering her pussy. Martha’s fingers went in and out, her pussy becoming damp as it was stimulated. She moaned as her passion rose, her fingers moving faster and faster as she came closer to release.

“Ohh god!” she moaned “OHHH! YES!” she screamed as she came, her body convulsing for a moment until the orgasm subsided. Martha slowly floated back to the floor. “Hmm, I still feel strong.” she commented to no one in particular.

To check, Martha walked over to her heavy dresser and lifted it in the air. To her, it felt light as a feather. She then balanced the dresser on one hand and moved the other to squeeze her breast. Martha hummed in pleasure as she increased the pressure on her breast. Suddenly, she realized that the dresser was getting heavier. She kept up the pressure for a bit longer until the dresser was almost too heavy to hold with one hand, then she let go of her breast and used her hand to hold up the dresser. The piece of furniture got no heavier as Martha put it back down where it was before.

“So that’s it,” Martha mused “I guess it makes sense in a way. I started really getting strong after my breasts started growing, and now it looks like when my breasts are squeezed, I get weaker. It’s like my breasts are the source of my strength and powers. Something to remember.”

And Martha did remember. A good thing for her in later times since it’s a good idea for any superheroine to know what their weakness is, lest it be used against them when they’re not careful.

About a year and a half later, in the weight room at Littleville High School, Mike Mason, a friend of Martha’s since childhood, was working out. It was quite warm in the weight room and Mike’s muscular body was sweating due to the heavy weight he was bench pressing, a weight few in the school could match, so he was wearing only a pair of black trunks as Martha walked in. She was wearing her usual outfit, halter top and shorts, her large breasts quite evident. With a grunt, Mike got the barbell onto the hooks at the end of the weight bench and sat up.

“Hi Martha.” he said

“Hi,” Martha responded “You’re look like you’ve been pumping some heavy iron.” she sauntered over to the weight bench.

“Yeah, you know how I like to stay in shape.” A slight bulge appeared in Mike’s trunks as he gazed at Martha’s voluptuous body.

“Mind if I give it a try?”

“Well, it is a bit...” Martha easily lifted the heavy weight off the hooks with one hand “heavy..” Mike was astonished “How?!” Martha smiled at him as she curled the heavy weight with one hand, an amazing bicep growing from her arm.

“Hmm? Oh. I’m a lot stronger than I look.”

“But... curling that much weight with one hand.. No human can do that.”

“No normal human, but I found out 2 or 3 years ago that I wasn’t normal. My skin’s real tough too.” Martha put the barbell back on the hooks then looked down to see the bulge in Mike’s trunks. “Hmm, you like what you see?” she said in a seductive voice “You think I’m beautiful?”

“Martha, a guy would have to be nuts not to think you’re beautiful.” Mike responded, his gaze traveling to Martha’s generous chest. Martha noticed Mike’s interest and smiled, her hands moving to caress her own breasts.

“You like my breasts?” she asked “How about a better look at them?”

So saying, Martha pulled off her halter top and let it drop to the ground, baring her beautiful breasts. Mike felt his trunks becoming a bit tight as he stared at Martha’s chest, her breasts large and yet at the same time impossibly firm, barely acknowledging the existence of gravity as they jutted straight out from her body.

“They’re beautiful.” Mike breathed “You’re beautiful. Oh Martha, I so want you.”

“I’m glad,” Martha purred “Because I want you too. I need you to do for me what only a man can do: Make me a woman.”

“You mean...?”

“Yes, but there’s something you need to know first. I’m strong and tough all over, even in my nether regions. I once mangled a length of old pipe trying to use it as a dildo,”

“Then how could I manage to...?” Mike gulped “It sounds like you’d need a superman to break your virginity.”

“There is a way for you to do it, and it’s very simple. My breasts are the source of my strength and power. Squeeze them and I weaken and become vulnerable. Please do it now.” Martha smiled at Mike and any resistance he might have had broke down.

Mike strode toward Martha and took hold of her breasts with his hands. He found that Martha’s breasts were far too big to fit in his hands. Mike squeezed Martha’s breasts and she moaned in pleasure even as she began to weaken.

“Ohhhh, yes.” she moaned “Harder. Squeeze me harder.” He did. “Yesss. Make me weak so you can make love to me.”

Mike continued to fondle Martha’s amazing breasts, his erection making his trunks feel very tight. As Martha felt her strength fading, she reached down and slid her shorts over her hips, letting them drop to the floor. By the time her powers were completely depleted, she was tugging at Mike’s trunks, feeling his hardness beneath them.

“Take me Mike.” Martha pleaded “Take me now!”

Mike let go of Martha’s breasts to free his throbbing erection from the confines of his trunks, allowing them to fall to the ground, then lifted her by her ass, turning them around to seat Martha on the weight bench. He spread her legs and positioned his cock to impale Martha’s pussy as she gazed at it.

“Omigod.” she said “They say a man’s strength comes from his cock. No wonder you’re the strongest guy in school!”

With a smile, Mike grabbed Martha’s breasts like handholds and pushed inside her. She moaned in pleasure as he entered her, his cock encountering her maidenhood. With a grunt, Mike pushed against the obstacle and Martha gasped as she felt a tearing sensation inside her.

“Ohhh god.” Martha moaned as she felt a man entering her for the first time. It felt incredible, Mike’s manhood tearing away her virginity, she was no longer a little girl. Mike thrusted powerfully inside her as his hands played with her luscious breasts. “Yes Mike!” she screamed “Fuck my weak body with all your manly strength!”

Mike groaned in pleasure as he felt ready to explode and Martha moaned, close to her release as well. Finally, he could hold it no longer, with a yell, Mike came inside Martha, filling her with his cum. At the same time, Martha screamed in pleasure as her orgasm hit like a freight train, her body bucking under Mike like a bronco. Mike pulled his softening cock out of Martha’s pussy and collapsed on top of her. Martha’s large breasts made a good pillow.

“God, you were incredible.” Mike said.

“You’re a pretty hot stud yourself.” Martha responded.

Mike dragged himself forward until his and Martha’s faces were even and they exchanged a passionate kiss. Mike slowly got up off of Martha and dragged himself over to where their clothes had been left.

“Man, am I wiped.” he sighed.

“Oh, baby. Was I too much for you even in my weakened state?” Martha teased.

“Next time, try me when I haven’t been working out for a few hours and we’ll see who’s too much for who once I squeeze the strength out of your luscious tits.” Mike grinned and Martha grinned back.

The two young lovers got dressed, exchanged another passionate kiss and returned to their respective homes. Their first time together had been incredible and it wouldn’t be their last. Over the next little while, it became common knowledge around Littleville High that Martha and Mike were going steady. However, some of their time alone wasn’t exactly spent how most couples spent it...

One night, Mike was pounding on Martha’s amazing breasts with his fists.

“C’mon Mike, swing harder, I barely felt those.” Martha said

Martha was topless, hands on her hips, as Mike used her breasts like punching bags. Spurred on by his girlfriend’s comment, he swung as hard as he could. The sounds that came from Martha’s mouth were not those of a girl being beaten, but the moans of pleasure.

“Ohh, that’s getting me turned on.” Martha purred “Yesss. Hit me harder. Use the bat on my super tits.” Mike obliged, getting a baseball bat out of the corner, and hit her hard across her breasts. Martha cried out in pleasure. “Think you can hurt me with a puny bat? Hit me in the stomach with it.”

“What?” Mike was confused, his girlfriend, in rapture from her breasts being hit, now wanted to be hit in the belly.

“I gotta know if it can hurt me. Gotta know my limits.”

“If you say so. And here I thought you just wanted to get turned on.”

“A welcome side effect, one you can explore more after this.” she grinned.

Matt swung the bat hard and hit Martha in the abs. It felt like the time he had gotten angry after losing a game and hit the metal backstop with his bat.

“Are you sure you used all your strength with that?” Martha asked “My abs weren’t even flexed.”

“Yeah.” Mike responded.

“OK, now my face.”

“You sure? I’d hate to mess up the piece of art that is your face.”

“You’ve seen how tough I am, and I gotta know for sure.”

“What have you got planned?” Mike was intrigued

“I’m not sure yet, but like I said, I gotta know what can and can’t hurt me.”

Mike nodded and swung the bat at Martha’s angelic face with all his might. Splinters flew as the bat shattered. Martha was smiling as Mike held the broken remnants of the bat. Martha removed her hands from her hips and rubbed her breasts enticingly. Mike needed no more encouraging, dropping the shattered bat handle and cupping Martha’s breasts, one in each hand, eliciting a moan from her. He squeezed her feminine mounds and the moans increased in volume. Soon, they were both on the floor and naked, Martha powerless before her muscular boyfriend.

“Ohh Mike,” she moaned “Impale me on your big, powerful cock.”

“With pleasure, babe.” Mike answered and thrust himself inside her.

He pistoned in and out of Martha, who let out cries of pleasure with each thrust. After several minutes, Mike shot his load inside Martha just as she came, screaming in pleasure, her body convulsing until the orgasm subsided. Mike pulled his softening cock out of Martha and laid his body down on top of her, his weight pinning her to the floor as he started moving his mouth over Martha’s luscious breasts. Martha sighed in pleasure as her boyfriend suckled on her tits. Mike’s tongue moved downward across her taught belly and between her legs, eliciting moans of pleasure. He continued licking and sucking Martha’s pussy as her hands moved over her own breasts, lost in the pleasure. The pleasure continued to build as Mike lapped up her juices until she came hard.

By now, Mike’s cock was hard again and Martha gasped as he rammed it inside her once again, with all his strength, as he held onto her breasts with his hands, keeping her weak. Martha’s massive bosom heaved as her breathing quickened, gasping for breath as Mike fucked her with all his strength.

“Ohhh, Mike!” Martha moaned in ecstacy as he thrust in and out of her.

Martha screamed in pleasure and her body bucked beneath Mike as she came. Mike held onto her tightly as his cock exploded inside her. His manhood spent, Mike pulled out of Martha and collapsed beside her. His hand lazily trailed across his girlfriend’s naked body but Martha spoke out as it reached her breasts.

“Let me get my strength back Mike.” she asked with a tired voice “I’m totally drained, and I don’t just mean my super powers but my sexual powers too.”

“Our first time,” Mike said “You thought you were too much for me but now look who’s flat on her back with her incredible tits heaving.”

“I admit it. Without my powers I’m a wimp.”

“But you’re my wimp.” Mike kissed her on the mouth and both smiled, secure in the knowledge that each loved the other.

Several months after her sixteenth birthday, Martha was in her family’s barn holding her father’s rifle. She was alone. She’d thought about having Mike or her father fire the rifle, but if she was wrong about her skin’s stopping power, things could get ugly that way. Martha held the rifle, a bullet already in the chamber, and aimed it at her own foot. She took in a breath, let it out, and pulled the trigger.

BANG barked the rifle as it fired, the bullet ricocheted off Martha’s foot and embedded itself in a wooden crossbeam across the room. She smiled as she looked at her foot and noted not even a hint of a bruise. Martha ejected the shell from the firing chamber and slotted another bullet. She then placed the rifle on a makeshift construction consisting of some pieces of wood and a clamp. She tied one end of a piece of string to the trigger, and, holding the other end, walked to the middle of the barn, her torso in the rifle’s sights.

<<OK, the bullet bounced off my foot with no harm,>> Martha thought to herself <<So it should bounce off my chest like it would Supergirl. But just in case I’m wrong, I don’t want Pa or Mike pulling the trigger. OK, here we- Oh! I nearly ruined my top. Better take it off before it gets a bullet hole.>>

She took off her top and laid it on the floor before resuming her position before the rifle barrel, string in hand. Martha pulled the string just as she heard the creak of the barn door opening. The rifle fired the bullet with a loud bang. The small metal projectile flew through the air between the rifle barrel and Martha’s chest. It struck her in the right breast, dimpling the flesh momentarily before falling to the ground, its kinetic energy spent. Martha gasped, but not in pain. Surprise rather, at the stimulation of her breast, which was completely unharmed.

“MARTHA!” she heard Pa’s voice from behind her “My god!” Martha turned around to face him.

“I’m OK, Pa.” she said “It bounced right off me.”

“That was a damn fool thing you did girl!” Martha could hear the anger in her father’s voice “What if it turned out you weren’t bulletproof, after all? You could have been killed outright!”

“Pa, I didn’t just rig up the rifle with the string and fire it at my chest. I shot myself in the foot first to make sure there was minimal risk.”

Mr. Stewart’s anger began to abate as he realized that Martha hadn’t simply callously risked her own life but had run a less dangerous test first. As his anger faded, he realized that Martha was topless.

“Put your shirt back on before your mother sees you.” Martha nodded and picked up her halter top, putting it back on. “And why did you feel the need to find out if you could stop bullets with your chest, anyway?”

“Something that’s been bouncing around in my head for a while now.” Martha began “I have these amazing powers. I have a responsibility to use them to help others. When I finish school, I plan to move to the city and become a crimefighter.”

“And you had to know if a gun could hurt you.” Comprehension dawned on Mr. Stewart’s face.

“Right.” Martha answered.

“I guess I should be proud of you, but I don’t want you playing with any dynamite. That’s too much of a risk, even for a girl who can bounce bullets off her body.”

“Alright, Pa.” Martha sighed “I guess your average street punk won’t be packing a grenade.”

Over the next few weeks, Martha’s plan to become a crimefighter took shape. Her choice of costume was obvious. If she wanted to stop bullets and bombs with her body, she’d need a costume that could survive the same lest she be embarrassed in public by her costume disintegrating. Therefore, the only option was the indestructible outfit that had been in the basket with her. The fact that it was a bikini with boots and a cape suited Martha just fine as she liked to show off her perfect body.

However, the lack of a mask would be problematic if she wanted to have a secret identity. After much thought and consultation with her mother, Martha determined that her best chance for keeping her identity secret would be to alter her appearance as Martha Stewart so that she would appear differently than the super strong and super beautiful heroine she would become. Over the next year and a half, Martha slowly altered her everyday appearance. When not doing her chores, she began wearing loose, concealing clothes. She started wearing her hair in a tight bun instead of letting it flow down her back. And, early on, she started wearing glasses she didn’t need, changing the basic appearance of her face.

<<Hey, if it works for Clark Kent in the comics, why not?>> Martha had thought once. These changes were not lost on Mike, who grew curious at his girlfriend’s change in public manner(in private, she was just the same as before, much to Mike’s delight) and, one night, Martha unveiled her superheroic self to Mike.

Approximately six months after Martha’s “bullet test” her folks were away for the weekend, leaving Martha alone in the house. That afternoon, Martha had given Mike instructions to let himself in, lock the door from the inside, and come upstairs.

“Martha?” Mike called.

“Up here Mike, follow my voice.” she answered.

Mike followed Martha’s call to her room and as he opened the door Mike was dumbfounded as he beheld a vision of power and beauty. Martha, clad in the outfit from her baby basket long ago. To say she looked stunning was an understatement. The blue bikini fit her perfectly, showing off her amazing figure, the top showing a generous amount of cleavage. The yellow P over the right breast of the top looked perfect as her large breasts filled the top. The boots came up halfway to her knees, prompting one looking at them to continue their gaze upward along Martha’s sleek legs. The cape was long, going past her knees, and was fastened to the shoulder straps of her bikini top by golden buckles, one attached to each strap.

“What do you think of the world’s newest heroine?” Martha asked, a twinkle in her eye.

“Incredible.” was all Mike could say.

“Get a good look.” Martha turned around and did a double bicep pose, her arm muscles large and well defined. “Doesn’t matter from what angle you come at me. Nothing can hurt me and I’m stronger than any man could ever hope to be.”

Mike started to get the idea, this was a bit of playacting by Martha, and it was obvious what his turn entailed. He took off his shirt and then walked towards Martha, her back still turned, and got close enough that he was breathing on her neck. Then he reached around her body, each hand latching onto one of Martha’s amazingly large breasts, and squeezed. Martha let out an exaggerated gasp as her arms dropped to her sides, her body seeming to wilt.

“What’s.. Happening.. To me?” Martha groaned in mock surprise “Feel so weak.”

Mike held her close, pressing her back against his well muscled chest. Mike’s cock began to stiffen as he felt Martha’s body softening under his embrace. Martha kicked her legs but Mike held tight, crushing her breasts with his hands, draining her strength.

“My powers...” she groaned

Feeling that she was weak enough, Mike released his hold on Martha, letting her move away from him before she turned around to face him.

“Still feel invincible?” Mike taunted, getting into the roll of villain.

“Invincible enough to kick you into orbit!” Martha snarled, charging at him. He caught her wrists with his hands, stopping her charge with his superior strength.

“Face it, without your powers you’re just a beach babe with a cape.”

Mike forced her down on the bed and pulled off her bikini top as she pretended to struggle. He got on top of Martha and kissed her on the mouth as one hand squeezed her breast. Mike’s shorts were feeling rather tight now so he paused to remove them. He then pulled Martha’s bikini bottom off, tossing it to the side with her top and cape. Mike stood over her a moment, she couldn’t help but stare at his cock getting so long and hard. Sensing what he intended, Martha squeezed her legs together, to keep him from getting between them. Mike grabbed hold of both legs, and pried them apart.

In her weakened condition, the strength in Martha’s slim legs was no match for the strength in Mike’s well-muscled arms. Mike pushed his cock inside Martha’s already wet pussy, eliciting a moan from her. He leaned forward, grasping her breasts as he thrust in and out of her with increasing speed.

“Oh yeah.” Mike groaned “Admit it. You love being powerless, babe, so villains like me can fuck your brains out.”

Martha’s eyes lit up as he said it, but whatever she had thought of had to take a back seat to her coming orgasm, ready to hit like a freight train. Her body convulsed as her legs wrapped around Mike’s pelvis, Martha’s mouth open in a silent scream as she came. Mike also came, his seed filling her. He collapsed on the bed next to Martha, his arm around her.

“That was terrific.” Martha said.

“Thanks,” Mike responded “For a sec I wasn’t sure if it was what you wanted, you didn’t exactly give me a lot of explanation this afternoon.”

“You did great. Don’t forget the talent show when we were kids, before I knew I was... Different.”

“I remember, the kids right before us did the same thing we were going to do, so we had to scrap our skit and come up with something on the fly.”

“And we did great. You know, something you said just now, it inspired me.”

“You seemed pretty inspired before.” Mike chuckled.

“I’m serious.” Martha gave him a light slap on the shoulder “I really do intend to become a superheroine. That costume I was wearing was in the baby basket with me and it’s completely indestructible.”

“So, what kind of inspiration did I give you?”

“I’ve been trying and failing to come up with a superheroine name that wasn’t already taken and didn’t sound too corny. But what you said before gave me an idea. I’ll be known as Powerbabe.”

“Not very PC, what about Power-person?” Mike grinned.

“Oh, you varmint you.”

“Seriously, is this heroine thing the reason you’ve started dressing differently lately? Some of the guys at school think you’ve been pigging out and you’re dressing that way to hide it.”

“Hmmph. Who cares what they think? The less correlation there is between Martha Stewart and Powerbabe, the better it’ll be for my secret ID.”

“I see. You know there isn’t much crime here in Littleville?”

“Yeah, I know. I’ve been studying journalism and, once I finish school, I plan to move to the city and get a job at a newspaper.” “What about us? And why a newspaper?”

“Well,” Martha gathered her thoughts “A newspaper would be the best place to hear about where I’m needed as quickly as possible. And as for us... Mike, I’ll always love you. You were my first love. But I’ll have to leave eventually. I have these powers for a reason, I have to use them to help others and to do that, I have to leave Littleville.”

Mike was at a loss for words as his girlfriend professed her intention to eventually leave. After a minute of silence, he spoke.

“Well Martha,” he began “All I have to say is... Bash some baddies for me when you get to the city, I’ll keep an eye on the papers for mention of you, or rather, of Powerbabe.”

Martha beamed as she heard Mike supporting her decision. They shared a kiss and then shared more. Needless to say, both were quite tired and happy when they were finished.

By the time Martha had graduated from Littleville High, her plan to alter her normal appearance was complete. She now had the appearance of a bookworm with her blonde hair kept in a tight bun, glasses on her face, and clothes that hid her amazing figure from prying eyes. After graduation, Martha took journalism courses at Littleville University for two years, getting high marks. By the time she received her Associates Degree in Journalism, she had sent out applications to various big city papers and received an acceptance letter from the Megapolis Times. Soon, the day came when Martha boarded a bus for the great city of Megapolis. Her parents and Mike were there to see her off.

“Good bye.” she said as she gave each a light(for her) hug “I’ll miss you.”

“Take care of yourself, dear.” Mrs. Stewart said.

“And try not to take too many risks.” Mr. Stewart added.

“Aw, Pa.” Martha responded “You know there’s not much I can’t handle.”

“Don’t get overconfident, dear.” he frowned “You don’t know what your limits are, and that can be dangerous.”

“Don’t worry Pa. It’d probably take something powerful enough to level a city block to hurt me.”

“There, see what I mean?”

“Don’t worry, Mr. Stewart.” Mike interrupted “She can take care of herself. She’ll be fine.”

"He’s right, Pa.” Martha said “You’re worrying about nothing.”

“Well, it’s a father’s job to be worried about his daughter.” Mr. Stewart responded

“I understand, Pa. I promise not to try smothering any bombs by swallowing them.” Martha grinned, prompting Mr. Stewart to sigh “Just keep in touch, alright Martha?”

“I’ll write regularly.”

Just then, it was announced that the bus for Megapolis was about to leave. Martha bid her parents and Mike a warm goodbye and climbed aboard the bus that would take her to Megapolis. The trip aboard the bus was uneventful and nothing of import happened to Martha until she arrived at the Megapolis Times building. After admiring the ornate facade, she took the elevator up to the newsroom, and emerged into the organized chaos of a busy newspaper office. From the elevator, Martha could see the Editor’s office and moved towards it, allowing herself to be jostled by rushing workers along the way(it wouldn’t do for people to bump her and feel as though they’d hit a stone statue) Finally, she arrived at the door to the Editor’s office, the nameplate read “Perry Black - Editor.” She knocked on the door.

“Come in!” came a male bellow from within and Martha eased the door open. Seated at a desk within was a man with graying hair and eyes that spoke of seeing much over the years. “And you are?” he asked in a no-nonsense tone as Martha entered.

“My name’s Martha Stewart,” she answered “I’m-”

“The new intern, yes, I know. I got the memo yesterday. Have a seat.” Martha sat down in the chair facing Mr. Black. “Now then, understand from the start to you are low man-er, low woman, on the totem pole. You’ll start off transcribing phoned-in stories and helping the more senior reporters, which includes doing research for them and getting them things like coffee. After a bit to get used to the routine here, you’ll start getting minor pieces. Then, if your work is good enough, you’ll be moved up to doing real stories. Understand?”

“Yes, sir.”

“And there’s another thing. Everyone who works in the newsroom calls me chief.”

“Yes, sir- Ah, I mean, chief.”

“Alright then. The phone-in desk is to your left as you leave my office. It’s clearly marked and easy to find. Tell Jamie I want her to show you the ropes. Understand?”

“Yes, chief.”

“Well, what’re you waiting for? Get going!”

“Yes, chief.”

Martha got up from the chair and went out of the office, closing the door behind her. She then followed Mr. Black’s directions and soon found the phone-in desk. Jamie was very patient with Martha, showing where everything in the newsroom was and quickly introducing her to the rest of the staff, including top reporter Lane Clark. Then, Jamie filled in Martha on what to do when a reporter called in a story and Martha started the tedious job of retyping stories phoned in by reporters in the field. She alternated between this and running errands for the more senior reporters in the newsroom for the rest of the day.

That night, in her new apartment, the blonde woman shed the clothes and glasses of Martha Stewart and released her hair from the tight bun she had kept it in all day, allowing it to flow down her back in a golden cascade. Beneath her clothes was a blue bikini with a yellow P over the right breast and a cape attached to the top’s straps by two golden buckles. She took the blue boots from a hidden pocket in her cape and pulled them on. She gazed at herself in the mirror, hands on her hips.

<> she thought <<Time for Powerbabe’s first patrol.>>

Powerbabe turned off the lights and then opened the window, flying out into the night air. She patrolled the area looking for crime but mostly getting a feel for the geography of the city that was Megapolis. Soon, she heard a scream from below and swooped down, coming upon a mugging in progress. She touched down in the shadows.

“Hold it right there!” Powerbabe shouted. The mugger threw his victim to the ground and pulled a gun as the heroine strode into the light.

“You hold it bitch!” the mugger snarled “I’ll fill you full of holes!”

“I’d like to see you try.” The heroine was confident that her invulnerability would stop anything this thug could fire.

“Don’t say I didn’t warn ya!” The mugger fired three shots, all struck Powerbabe square, all bounced off her incredible body like spitwads.

The mugger tossed away his gun and foolishly rushed the heroine, throwing a punch. But Powerbabe caught the thrown fist in her own hand and squeezed. The thug immediately cried out in pain and fell to his knees. Powerbabe felt something inside the thug’s fist give and suddenly realized she was crushing the bones in his hand. Not having intended to cause lasting harm, she released her grip and let the thug fall to the ground, clutching his injured hand.

“I didn’t mean to crush your hand.” Powerbabe said “But you probably deserve much worse. So think twice before you attack someone again.” She moved over to where the victim had fallen and helped her up. “Are you alright?” Powerbabe asked

“Yes.” the victim, a middle-aged woman, replied “Thank you.”

“Was my pleasure. Excuse me a minute.”

Powerbabe picked up a metal garbage can lid and bent it around the mugger, who had gotten to a sitting position still clutching his hand, pinning his arms.

“You should call the cops,” she said to the victim “And let them to know to pick this guy up.” Powerbabe walked away a few steps and was about to take off when she remembered she had forgotten something and turned to face the victim again. “Tell them the package is courtesy of Powerbabe.”

Powerbabe then leapt skyward to soar over the city, a smile on her lips. She had stopped her first crime tonight, and she would stop many more in the coming days and nights. Powerbabe flew over the city, listening for the sounds of another crime for her to stop.