A Meeting to Remember

Author: Mr. Chain
Time to Read:37min
Added Date:10/8/2024
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Tags: Maiden AmericaMs. Liberty

It had been a sobering experience, but Crystal Starr was finally coming to grips with the reality of her situation. As she sat on the sofa in the living room of her modest apartment dressed only in her bra and panties, her thoughts continued to focus on that fateful night, the night she had decided to end her retirement and return to her duties as the super heroine, the mighty Ms. Liberty. But as she quickly found out, things had changed dramatically from her glory days and so the events of her first night out did not exactly go as planned. So as Crystal sat, remembering back to that humiliating night, the night she had been degraded sexually at the hands of her young, predatory captors, the mere mortal woman felt depressed. The depression eventually drove her to the kitchen, where she grabbed a full package of Oreo cookies before settling back on the sofa.

Crystal re-ran the events of that fateful night in her mind, over and over again. Sitting there, her thoughts were consumed only with the events of that evening as she unknowingly continued to munch on the Oreo cookies. Finally, as if snapping out of a trance, she realized that she had just swallowed the last cookie in the package. She glanced across the room, catching a view of herself in the mirror which hung from the opposite wall.

Staring intently, she could see a mound of black crumbs spread across her cavernous cleavage. They were the crumbs from the now empty package of cookies which sat in her lap. Disgusted with herself, Crystal tossed the empty package across the room as she stood up, the crumbs falling to the floor at her feet. This was the cause of her recent failure. She had lost her will power, her strength of conviction and had become weak of spirit. She tried to suck her gut in as she stared, trying her best to improve the image which looked back at her, but she finally gave up, the round, mound of skin around her midsection falling and bouncing loosely in front of her. As she stood in front of the mirror staring at her full figure, she knew that Crystal Starr needed to make some changes, for the sake of Ms. Liberty. She was embarrassed with herself and knew that if she were truly to once again become a force against crime and corruption in Metro City, then she would need to get herself into shape.... And soon!

On the other side of Metro City, another woman had a contrasting problem. She stood in the extra bedroom of her apartment, a room filled with weights and various exercise machines. A towel was draped over her neck, long beads of sweat dripping down her face and neck and into her red, white and blue bikini top. Her name was Shawnie Rivers and she too longed for the glory days of a super heroine. But unlike Ms. Liberty, who had already tasted the spoils of many years of success, Shawnie was only an aspiring super heroine longing for her shot at glory. She had followed Ms. Liberty's rise to prominence many years ago, and aspired to follow in her footsteps.

But Shawnie Rivers did not have the advantage of a magical costume which provided her with super powers, as did Ms. Liberty. She did not have super strength, she could not fly nor did she possess any other superhuman traits. One thing Shawnie did possess however was a trait which the new Ms. Liberty did not have, an amazingly strong will. Shawnie had admired the mighty Ms. Liberty's hard body and so she spent years in the gym, working hard to hone her body to perfection. Shawnie also admired Ms. Liberty's virtuous and patriotic lifestyle and so she modeled her costume after her mentor's. And so once adorned in her patriotic bikini, Shawnie Rivers the mere mortal became Maiden America the newest super heroine in Metro City.

But despite her efforts, Maiden America had not been able to earn anywhere near the notoriety which Ms. Liberty had achieved. In fact, aside from performing a few minor "good deeds", she had done little to earn a reputation as a super heroine at all. Few in Metro City had ever heard of her, and those who did viewed her as an odd character, not worthy of their admiration. Despite her striking beauty and hard, powerful body, she had gone unnoticed in the crowded metropolis.

So as Shawnie looked started at her rippled abdomen and taut muscles in the mirror after a long, hard workout, she was still not happy. Wearing her Maiden America bikini, she looked like a force to be reckoned with, a hard bodied woman with a mission. But she had yet to earn the respect and admiration she so deeply wanted.

The contrast between the two super heroines was best evidenced by what each woman looked like right at that moment. While Ms. Liberty's corpulent body was covered with the crumbs of her excesses, Shawnie's body was drenched with her own perspiration after a torturous, 3-hour workout. She had spent hours, months and even years working her body into shape and the fruits of her labors were obvious. There was not an ounce of fat on her. Comparatively, Crystal Starr had barely an ounce of muscle on her, her body suffering from years of obvious neglect. Maiden America had also shown an amazing dedication to her aspirations of being a super heroine, studying criminal profiles, reading cases, learning crime-fighting techniques. Yet she had not yet had the chance at a "big break", and so few people had ever heard of her. All of this had left her somewhat bitter at her more famous predecessor. Though she still admired Ms. Liberty for her heroic efforts of the past, her own lack of notoriety had become a thorn which stuck in her side. Maiden America knew that she could accomplish as much as Ms. Liberty had.... if only she had the chance. And with Ms. Liberty long since retired, it was time for her to make sure that Metro City got to know the name.... MAIDEN AMERICA!

Shawnie had been following a particular crime spree very closely, and was about to break things wide open. She had spent weeks following the movements of the criminals involved, done exhaustive searches for information on their background, spent night after night on surveillance outside of their hide-out and day after day plotting her strategy for breaking up the ring. She finally got wind of a big jewel heist which the gang had planned, and prepared anxiously for the night when she would make her name known in Metro City. No longer would she be an unknown, hiding in the shadows of the mighty Ms. Liberty. Upon breaking up this crime ring, surely Metro City would hail her as their new super heroine.

Finally, it all came together and she was able to determine the specific night on which the crime was to take place. Pacing nervously in her apartment, she watched the clock until the time was right. She then slipped into her Maiden America bikini and outfit and headed off into the night to make a name for herself. The super heroine wanna be staked out her position, just a few feet away from the side entrance of the Metro City Museum. She noticed the get away car parked down the end of the alleyway, and saw that the lock on the door had already been jimmied. The criminals were inside, just as she had hoped, and she waited for them to emerge before she would pounce.

The criminals target was an unusual, though incredibly valuable necklace. It was called the All-American Necklace, which consisted of three unusually large and rare stones, a ruby, diamond and sapphire. The three stones were strung together to create a very patriotic, red, white and blue bauble. It was said to be priceless, and the security around it was extremely tight. But this was no group of common criminals and within minutes they were bursting through the side exit as the alarm blared in the background while they ran toward the get away car.

There were four men, one of them carrying a small sack in which the necklace had been placed. As they approached the car however, Maiden America emerged from the darkness and stood directly in front of the car, blocking it from the intended passengers. Her hands were placed defiantly on her hips in the classic super heroine pose, the dim lights glistening off of her washboard stomach. As they ran toward her, she charged at them as well, lifting her arms out to her sides as if she were about to take off.

The two men closest to her were lifted off of their feet as Maiden America landed a double clothesline on both of their throats with her outstretched arms. One of them hit his head on the bumper of the car, knocking him out cold, while the other landed flat on his back, moaning in pain. Just then a third man grabbed her from behind in a choke hold, but the aspiring heroine easily flipped him across her shoulders, sending him crashing onto the trunk of the car before he rolled off and crashed to the pavement.

There was only one criminal left, the one holding the bag of jewels, and he was about to get into the drivers' seat of the car and drive away. But Maiden America grabbed him by the throat and pulled him back out and away from the car. The two then began to struggle, Maiden America trying desperately to grab the bag of jewels from his hand, which she was finally able to do. But as she clutched tightly onto the sack, he wound up and delivered a powerful uppercut into her unprotected abdomen, a mighty blow intended to knock the wind right out of her. But to his amazement, the sound of his fist striking her taut, dimpled abdomen made a soft THUD and Maiden America simply smiled back at him, virtually unaffected by the punch. All of those years of sit-ups had paid off, and the criminal looked up at her with fear in his eyes. Maiden America was beginning to feel good about the situation, realizing that she had things under control, until she heard a loud voice coming from behind her.


Maiden America turned around in shock to find a very fat woman clad in a Ms. Liberty outfit charging right at her. The woman was moving quickly, but as she got to within inches, one of the thieves who had been knocked to the ground earlier reached up and grabbed hold of Ms. Liberty's ankle, causing the bulky heroine to fall forward. Before Maiden America could protect herself, Ms. Liberty fell directly on top of her, knocking her to the floor. The hefty Ms. Liberty's body completely engulfed Maiden America, pressing her to the pavement as her arm stuck out, the bag of jewels still clenched tightly in it. But the thief she had been struggling with was able to stomp down on her wrist, causing the heroine to release her grip. Just then Ms. Liberty rolled onto her side, the bag of jewels trapped beneath her large ass as the criminal tried to pry them free.

Realizing that he could not, the criminal pulled his arm out from under the mound of flesh and jumped into the get away car, as did all three of the criminals, escaping before Ms. Liberty could get to her feet. The two heroines slowly stood up, each coughing as they sucked in the exhaust fumes of the speeding car. Ms. Liberty looked up, considering a chase, but quickly realized it would be fruitless. She then reached down and grabbed the canvas sack, just as a number of policemen emerged from the museum.

Maiden America got to her feet, but was still woozy being knocked to the ground and flattened by the bulky heroine. The police also looked stunned, but quickly noticed the bag in Ms. Liberty's hand, and immediately began to congratulate her on saving the jewels from the hands of the criminals. Maiden America looked on in stunned disbelief as Ms. Liberty was congratulated by the ever-increasing number of cops.

"Could this out of shape woman really be Ms. Liberty?" she thought to herself. "Could this clumsy, fat woman really be the former hard bodied heroine who once patrolled the streets of Metro City?"

Maiden America looked deep into the eyes of the heavy heroine, peering through her mask before she realized that it was in fact, none other than her former idol. But how could this have happened to her? How could she let herself get in such poor shape? How could she parade around in public with her layers of fat protruding from every part of her body? How could her once strong, muscular legs now be mounds of cellulite? How could her once rock hard abdomen now be a big bowl of jelly? How did this happen?

To make matters worse, Ms. Liberty was getting all of the credit for breaking up the crime and Maiden America was being completely ignored. Not one of the police officers had approached her to ask what had happened or congratulate her for her part. They had all just assumed that Ms. Liberty had thwarted the robbery, no one even bothering to ask who she was!

Gradually, as Ms. Liberty began to sign autographs for some of the officers, Maiden America's confusion began to turn to anger. She had planned this night for months.... Done everything right.... Defeated the criminals... Rescued the jewels.... Come within seconds of being proclaimed a hero.... Only to have her glory snatched away by some, fat, bumbling has-been! Suddenly her remaining respect and admiration for Ms. Liberty melted away and all she could see was an overweight, washed up, phony who was stealing her time in the spotlight.

Maiden America looked on for a few more moments, making brief eye contact with Ms. Liberty before turning and slowly walking into the darkness, unnoticed. Ms. Liberty knew that she did not deserve all of the praise being heaped upon her, but she had to admit that it did feel good, especially after her last fiasco. Secretly she admitted to herself that this other new heroine, this young, hard-bodied woman whom she did not know, was the one who should be getting the adulation. But in a rare moment of selfishness, she never admitted it to anyone else. So as Maiden America's silhouette disappeared into the night, Ms. Liberty paused and wondered who she was, and if she would ever see her again. She was not proud of herself for doing this, but perhaps it would all work out in the end.

The next few days were incredible for Ms. Liberty. Her image was splashed across the front pages of all of the Metro City newspapers, proclaiming her success. Though her return was greeted with joy by most citizens of Metro City, others secretly chided the heroine for letting herself get so out of shape. But Ms. Liberty heard none of the criticism, instead continuing to receive praise for rescuing the jewels. In fact, the Metro City politicians were so happy to have her back, that they planned a ceremony to honor the super heroine and present her with the key to the city at a ceremony in the City Square.

Shawnie Rivers sat at home, reading the articles in the newspaper and listening to newscaster after newscaster proclaim Ms. Liberty a hero. As time went on however, she learned to cope with it surprisingly well. In fact, in many ways she began to feel sorry for Ms. Liberty. The Ms. Liberty she had admired from years ago was long gone, replaced by this overweight, out of shape, out of practice version. Gone was the hard body she had modeled herself after, and instead, in her place was a somewhat helpless, vulnerable imitation.

Shawnie soon came to the realization that perhaps Ms. Liberty might even be in over her head. Perhaps this public display of appreciation which Metro City was about to bestow upon her might actually not be such a good idea for Ms. Liberty's sake. After all, if the criminals were to attempt to disrupt the event in some way, Shawnie doubted that Ms. Liberty would even be able to defend herself. So rather than dwelling on the past, Shawnie Rivers changed back into her patriotic bikini.... Again assuming the role of Maiden America and accepting the challenge of protecting her former idol.

The day came quickly and as the massive crowd gathered in the City Square, Ms. Liberty was introduced and began to make her way through the appreciative mass of people and toward the podium to accept the key to the city. The guilt she had been feeling over stealing the glory had caused her to eat even more, and she added another few pounds in just the past week as a result. So as she made her way through the crowd, her bikini struggled to hold her together. The fact was not lost on many of the people in the crowd, some of whom laughed and pointed at her as she walked forward. But this was a proud day for the re-born heroine, and nothing was going to ruin it for her. So although she still felt guilty and embarrassed in the back of her minds, she was able to put those feelings aside and enjoy the pageantry. Maiden America meanwhile had secretly taken her position in the second story office of one of the adjoining buildings, where she was able to see everything clearly and yet still go unnoticed.

As Ms. Liberty made her way to the podium, the fringes on her bikini swaying wildly as she waved to the cheering crowd, Maiden America surveyed the situation. Thousands were on hand to witness the event, a number of news helicopters also hovering overhead, recording the ceremony for television. But as Maiden America looked up, she noticed that one of the helicopters was conspicuously devoid of any station advertisements or markings. In fact, as Ms. Liberty got closer to the podium, the helicopter also began to slowly descend, the two moving in the same direction.

Maiden America watched, aware of what was going on and finally deciding to shift into action. Pulling open the window to the office, she leaped out to the street below, landing in a ring of surprised citizens. The crowd parted for the bikini-clad heroine just as a rope became visible form the door of the helicopter. But Maiden America had created such a stir, that no one paid attention to the helicopter, instead all eyes had turned to look at her. Even Ms. Liberty looked out into the crowd, fixing her eyes on the young heroine who was fighting to get to the podium.

Ms. Liberty finally realized who the woman was just as the rope from the helicopter had been draped around her own body, snaring her within the lasso knot like a stray calf. Maiden American looked on, leaping up onto the podium as the rope tightened around Ms. Liberty, trapping her arms at her sides. There was a look of fear in her pretty eyes as she peered out from beneath her blue mask, an unusual site to see coming from the once fearless heroine. She seemed to almost be begging Maiden America to help her.

Maiden America was up to the task and reached forward just as the helicopter began to pull upward. The sudden movement frightened Ms. Liberty however, causing her to kick her legs forward as they lifted into the air and as a result, ferociously kicked Maiden America in the jaw and knocked her down. Though unintentional, the blow left Maiden America dazed, giving the thugs an opportunity they may not have had otherwise. Maiden America was knocked flat on her back, her legs jutting up into the air as a bench fell below them. The copter criminals took advantage of that by quickly dropping another rope out of the door, which snared Maiden America by her legs, quickly pulling it tightly.

Yanking on the two sets of ropes before tying them to the rails on either side, the helicopter quickly lifted higher, the two heroines dangling below it. Maiden America hung upside down, her arms swinging helplessly below her as she was powerless to prevent the dizzying ride. The rope ripped at the soft skin on her ankles as her taut body spun violently while being lifted higher into the air. Ms. Liberty, though in an upright position, was no better off, her arms clamped tightly at her sides. The ropes dug into the soft, loose skin on her belly which seemed to lap over the rope, almost hiding it from sight. The jerking movements of the copter also forced each of their bodies to swing and sway, occasionally ramming against each other, making the short flight a painful one for each.

As the copter began to disappear into the horizon, the large crowd began to scream and yell in protest as a number of police officers drew their weapons, but held their fire for fear of harming one of the heroines. Suddenly the helicopter veered off and flew away behind one of the buildings, Metro City's two super heroines hanging limply below it.

The flight was short; quick enough to avoid being detected by police searchers as it reached it's destination, within a few feet of landing on a rooftop. The rope holding Maiden America was then cut, causing her to drop headfirst to the roof, her head striking it violently and thereby knocking her out. Ms. Liberty was next, her rope cut as well. With her arms still trapped at her sides, she was unable to break her fall as she tumbled to a rough landing. The mangled heroines were then dragged into the vacant warehouse by several other thugs who had emerged onto the roof from within the building itself, the copter speeding off to avoid being detected.

The red, white and bruised women were then untied and thrown into an empty, dimly lit room, the steel door closed behind them. Maiden America was still unconscious, her body curled into a ball in the far corner of the room as the aching Ms. Liberty glanced wearily across at her. Ms. Liberty looked her up and down before crawling across the room on her hands and knees. She rolled Maiden America onto her back, checking to make sure that she was still breathing.

The muscular heroine's large, firm chest heaved up and down with each heavy breath she took, Ms. Liberty unable to take her eyes off of it as knelt over the unconscious woman. With her legs spread apart below her and her arms spread over her head, Maiden America was virtually on display as she lay unconscious. Ms. Liberty found herself studying each inch of Maiden America's body, longing for the days when she possessed a similar physique.

The veteran heroine thought back to the time when she was a hard body too, when her abs were like a washboard, her legs thick yet shapely, her arms strong and lithe. She stared at each of those body parts on her young counterpart, and couldn't help but wish they could change places.

Just then however, Maiden America began to stir, slowly opening her eyes as she raised her hands to rub them. It took her a few minutes, but eventually she rolled into a seated position, staring across at Ms. Liberty. Neither woman said a word as they each slowly got to their feet, about a yard or two apart.

Ms. Liberty tried her best to hold herself together, sucking her gut in as much as she could, holding her breath to try and make herself look thinner. But as she stared across at her roommate, it quickly became obvious that her attempts were worthless. Ms. Liberty let out a loud sigh, the large rolls around her midsection wobbling free as she caught her breath. Each woman studied the other, their feelings surprisingly similar at first.

Ms. Liberty looked on in admiration and jealousy at the taut, muscular frame of Maiden America. She stared at her strong shoulders, realizing her own were rounded and drooped. She glared at her firm, erect chest which stood proudly forward, her own sagging hopelessly. She watched the dim light bounce off of the dimples in her tummy while her own belly button seemed to swallow the light whole, the area of her tummy too big to be illuminated. Though they wore similar bikinis, Ms. Liberty's was much less visible, covered in part by her own loose skin. She was in awe, and you could see it in her eyes.

But Maiden America was did not look overly confident, at least not at first anyway. Yes, she was stronger, firmer and more erect than her former idol, but she was also intimidated by her. Yes, Ms. Liberty looked grossly out of shape, but she still had a commanding presence. She was taller, her large chest protruding in front of her like two large weapons. And she still had the Ms. Liberty persona, even though it did not show as much as it had in the past. Maiden America knew that she was standing directly across from the woman she had admired for so long, but as she continued to stare, gradually other thoughts entered her mind.

She remembered back to how Ms. Liberty had ruined her first big shot at being a super heroine. Then she also remembered back to just a short time ago. If Ms. Liberty had not panicked and kicked her in the face, she would have gotten them both out of this mess. But now, because this bumbling buffoon had been so inept, they were both trapped.

Gradually Maiden America's expression changed from one of respect... to one of concern... and then suddenly to one of resentment. Finally she found herself unable to control her anger and so she thrust forward, shoving her hands into Ms. Liberty's shoulders.

"What's wrong with you?!?!?! What kind of super heroine are you anyway!?!?!?" she burst out loudly.

Ms. Liberty backed up a few steps, not saying a word and looking very confused. Maiden America aggressively stormed forward again, forcefully pushing Ms. Liberty's shoulders and forcing her to stumble further backward.

"I was fine until you came along.... I had the crooks under control and was about to put them away... and then... all of a sudden... here comes this fat lard.... storming in and ruining everything!"

Maiden America again pushed Ms. Liberty, who was reluctant to resist and sheepishly stumbled backward from the attack.

"And to top it off.... I come today to save your lard ass... even after you stole what was rightfully mine.... and again you ruin it! So now I'm trapped in this warehouse because of you!!!"

The young, hard body glanced up and down at the soft, rounded frame of Ms. Liberty, shaking her head in disgust. "What the hell happened to you anyway?!?!?" she taunted before again pushing Ms. Liberty, this time slamming her back against the wall while standing within an inch or two of her. Ms. Liberty's large breasts pressed up against her own as Maiden America began to taunt the veteran, sticking her finger forcefully into the soft, flabby areas of her belly.

"How could you let yourself get like this?!?!? Don't you know there were people who looked up to you.... Little girls who respected you and wanted to grow up to be just like you?!?!?"

Ms. Liberty tried to block the pokes, which became more forceful and painful, but was unable to stop the aggressive attack. But just then, Maiden America stopped, instead pressing both of her palms onto the spongy skin on Ms. Liberty's midsection and pressing it inward while swishing it back and forth.

"Look at how fat you have become? Don't you have any respect for yourself?!?!?"

Ms. Liberty began to turn red, bowing her head in shame. She felt completely humiliated, but in a strange way, having the youngster run her hands over her body like this was also surprisingly arousing. It was perhaps the strangest sensation she had ever experienced, and it frightened her. All at once she felt completely helpless and degraded, while at the same time sensual and sexy. She did nothing to resist the embarrassing attack either, instead choosing to let it run it's course. And though she tried to hide it, Ms. Liberty's sheepish, pouty expression almost seemed to give her away, a point which was not lost on Maiden America.

The youngster removed her hands and took a step back, leaving Ms. Liberty standing slumped, her back against the wall. It was obvious who was in charge now and Maiden America had worked herself into a frenzy of egotism. Seeing her counterpart cowering in front of her, she then raised her hands and sent a forceful, painful smack into Ms. Liberty's right cheek.

The loud smack echoed through the room, Ms. Liberty's head wrenching to the side from the impact of the blow. Both women then froze for a moment, the side of Ms. Liberty's face slowly turning crimson red. Things quickly changed however, as the smack seemed to jar Ms. Liberty into a more conscious, alert state. Her expression also changed, now mirroring Shawnie's angered glare. Ms. Liberty's placidity evaporated as she raised her hands and attempted to push Maiden America backward, finally showing some sign of life. But the powerful beauty quickly intercepted, interlocking her fingers around those of Ms. Liberty's as they locked hands in a power struggle.

The two bikini clad heroines began to struggle, each of their arms lifted into the air, their fingers wrapped around each other's as they tried with all of their strength to force the other backward. Ms. Liberty had a confident glower spread across her face as she immediately began to move the shorter Maiden America back. "This kid has gone too far!" the veteran heroine thought to herself, "It's time I taught her what a real super heroine is all about!"

The struggle began to pick up intensity and each of them firmly planted their feet on the ground as their backs arched while grunting and groaning. Ms. Liberty had assumed she would easily overpower her opponent, but with each passing second her confidence began to wane, realizing that her superpowers were not what they used to be. Her arrogance of just a moment ago began to drip from her body like the perspiration which began to stream off of her.

Maiden America's arms quivered with exertion, the taut muscles protruding from beneath her skin, displaying her power. Ms. Liberty's arms quivered as well, but the generous portion of loose skin on the underside of each arm flapped wildly, hiding any muscles which might have remained from her glory days. Her confident expression dwindled further as Maiden America's face steamed with exertion as she slowly began to move the mammoth woman. Gradually, Ms. Liberty was forced further backward, inching like a giant sumo wrestler being overcome by a smaller, though more powerful opponent. Her face dropped, evidence of the stunned horror she was feeling at being controlled so easily.

Ms. Liberty's massive chest hung down in front of her, swaying wildly from side to side as she desperately tried to plant her feet for leverage, causing her upper body to pitch further forward. The struggle had gone on for several minutes now, with both women beginning to perspire heavily as a result. Ms. Liberty grew more tired with each passing second, in a state of shock that her super powers had not allowed her to easily overcome her smaller adversary. Finally however, she could not overcome and was instead overcome herself.

Maiden America pinned Ms. Liberty to the wall, pressing her arms up and over her head. A river of sweat dripped from her reddened, right cheek, down her neck and into her generous cleavage as exhaustion began to take over her body. Maiden America's confidence was once again overflowing as she moved menacingly close, peering intently into Ms. Liberty's eyes. She then lowered her arms, allowing Ms. Liberty's to fall to her sides as well as she hunched forward, her shoulders drooping. But Maiden America then cocked her right arm and delivered a devastating uppercut into the exhausted heroine's paunch.

Maiden America's arm disappeared into the soft, pulpy mass of skin, almost as if it had been eaten. It sank deeper and deeper as Ms. Liberty's mouth fell open, but no sound emerging from it. The muscular limb emerged into the pit of Ms. Liberty's tummy all the way to the elbow before it finally was ejected, as if bouncing off of a big rubber ball. Ms. Liberty hunched forward, grasping her belly with both arms, obviously in pain. But Maiden America was not down, instead quickly shoving her right hand between Ms. Liberty's legs while placing her left hand directly between her sweaty, heaving breasts.

With a quick bend of the knees and loud grunt, Maiden America slowly began to hoist the bulky heroine up and over her head. Ms. Liberty could not believe what was happening as the smaller heroine began to press her bulky body up into the air. Finally, after several loud grunts of exertion, Maiden America steadied herself, her muscular arms extended to the max and quivering as she leveled her load and held it steady over head. Her awesome body glistened under the dim lights, intensifying each rippled muscle, all of which were needed to hold the hapless Ms. Liberty overhead.

It was an incredible sight as Ms. Liberty was held in midair, her body parallel to the floor. Maiden America's arms and legs reverberated from the strain of maintaining such a heavy load overhead. Ms. Liberty was completely distraught at having been so easily overcome but such and inexperienced youngster. Looking down, her face blank, she could not believe what was happening to her. She tried to speak, to beg for mercy, but no words would come out.

Contrarily, Maiden America was enjoying her dominance. As if to show off, the young, powerful heroine held her counterpart in midair for over a minute, the strain of holding her up there a strange mix of pleasure and pain. She enjoyed the fact that she had proven her point to Ms. Liberty, and prepared for her dismount.

Having finally had enough, Maiden America suddenly lowered her arms, dropping Ms. Liberty's perspiration soaked body like a boulder. She landed with a loud thud, face down on the floor, the landing causing her skin to jiggle like a large mound of Jell-O, jarring every ounce of her. Her loose skin shook freely for several seconds more from the impact of the landing before she finally came to a rest, Maiden America marching up alongside of her and looking down in triumph. She shook her head at the large, sweaty mass of skin which cowered below her, her chest swelled with pride at her accomplishment.

"Look what you have become!" she whispered intensely to her fallen, fellow heroine before placing her foot beneath Ms. Liberty's side and kicking her over and onto her back. Ms. Liberty rolled sloppily onto her back, her arms falling limply out to her sides. Though her eyes were open, it was easy to see the emotional and physical pain she was in.

But her young conqueror was not done yet, instead placing the sole of her foot down into the middle of Ms. Liberty's gut. Gradually increasing the pressure, her foot sank deeper and deeper into the pit of Ms. Liberty's belly while Maiden America smirked at her triumph, placing her hands on her hips in gratification. Ms. Liberty tried to push on Maiden America's ankle, tried to lift it off of her in anyway she could, but she did not have the strength left. Feeling her belly squashed, her intestines mashed together, was the final insult for the once proud heroine.

Just then, the door to the room opened and about a dozen muscular men marched into the room, circling the two heroines. Once they were in position, another man then entered the room and walked to the middle of the circle, standing within inches of the two heroines.

Maiden America kept her foot planted in Ms. Liberty's stomach, but now focused all of her attention on the man who stood before her, glaring into his eyes. He was a strikingly handsome man, well built and tall with dark hair and dark eyes, dressed all in black. His tee shirt was very tight, accentuating his muscular build, and Maiden America couldn't help but give him the once over with her eyes.

"I see you have exposed the once mighty heroine of Metro City as nothing more than an overweight, out of shape exhibitionist. Good for you. I admire your style," he began, Maiden America staring into his eyes.

"She was not always so pathetic you know. At one time Ms. Liberty possessed the body of a goddess...... not quite as good as yours Maiden America..... but close." He smiled at her sweetly, making sure his compliment did not go undetected.

"But she has become part of the soft, weak element of the world. The part who deserve to be ruled and conquered. Not like you my dear...... you deserve to be worshipped Maiden America.... you should be put on a pedestal."

The compliments did little to bring a smile to the heroine's lips however, instead prompting her to react angrily. "Who are you and what do you want?"

Calmly the man walked forward, placing his hand out and offering it graciously to Maiden America. Suspiciously, she took it, following his lead as he escorted her a few feet away from the fallen Ms. Liberty's body.

"First allow me to take out the trash."

He then snapped his finger and 4 men charged forward, each grabbing one of Ms. Liberty's limbs and lifting her up off of the floor to carry her into another room. She offered little resistance, kicking mildly, but not enough to prevent the men from easily subduing her and carrying her away.

"Where are you taking her?" Maiden America asked, a surprising hint of concern in her voice.

"Don't worry.... We are merely going to conduct an experiment on the human body.... And both of you will be the subjects."

Maiden America instantly reacted, her eyebrows raising from beneath her mask. But before she could physically do anything to protect herself, she was grabbed from behind, a cloth drenched in chloroform placed over her nose and mouth. She struggled valiantly for a few seconds, but then passed out, her body collapsing to the floor. The man laughed out loud before again snapping his fingers, summoning 4 other men to carry her limp, hard body into the other room, along with that of her rival.

It took some time for next phase to be set-up properly, but before long it all came together. Ms. Liberty found herself seated in the corner of a very well lit room, her head muddled and cloudy, like she had been drugged. It took her a few seconds to get her wits about her, but once she did, she stood up, amazed at what she saw in front of her.

The room was square, three flat, white walls with the third wall a two way mirror. Though she could not see through it, she could tell what was on the other side. But much more upsetting was the sight directly in front of her. Strapped to ropes from the four corners of the room, one around each of her ankles and wrists, Maiden America was suspended in the middle of the room. A gag was tied around her mouth to prevent her from speaking, her body pulled tightly into the form of an "X". Ms. Liberty could not believe what she was seeing and immediately ran over to try and untie her rival. But just as she reached up to try and untie one of her ankles, a voice blared over a loudspeaker.

"Now, now Ms. Liberty...... don't do anything foolish!"

Ms. Liberty looked all around, but did not stop her attempt to free Maiden America. But the threatening voice again warned her, this time in a much more ominous tone.

"Last warning!"

But the gallant Ms. Liberty ignored the threat, prompting him to take action. Suddenly each of the four ropes began to tighten, pulling on each of Maiden America's appendages. Her magnificent, muscled limbs were being ripped from her body, her eyes opening widely in fear as she tried to scream from beneath the gag.

Ms. Liberty noticed what was happening and quickly backed off, halting the devious, torturous tactic. She looked to the mirrored wall, trying to see behind it, but was unable to. Jus then, the voice again began to speak, instructing Ms. Liberty as to what to do next.

"If you do not want to see this magnificent, youngsters' hard body be pulled apart before your very eyes... then you will follow my instructions Ms. Liberty. Do you understand?"

"You won't get away with this! I'll find you and stop you!" Ms. Liberty yelled defiantly. But as she did, she could again see the ropes begin to tighten and hear Maiden America's muffled screams.

"YES!!! YES..... I understand.!", she pleaded, hoping to stop the torture.

Though she had no reason to defend the young Maiden America, who had so willingly humiliated her earlier, Ms. Liberty nonetheless was true to her credo as a super heroine. She would not allow someone else to be hurt and agreed to follow the fiends' instructions.

"Go stand in front of Maiden America, and look up at her body!", the voice instructed, to which Ms. Liberty hesitantly followed. She went and stood in front of Maiden America, staring at her tautly spread eagled body. The voice was quiet for the next several minutes, allowing Ms. Liberty some time to think. But rather than trying to devise an escape plan or contemplate her fate at the hands of the devious criminals, Ms. Liberty seemed to become hypnotized by the young, beauty's body and could do nothing but stare.

She gaped at every inch of Maiden America's body, focusing intently on the perfectly muscled frame. Starting with her right, big toe, Ms. Liberty slowly allowed her eyes to rise up Maiden America's pointed foot..... to the curved, hardened muscles on her leg. Ms. Liberty's face seemed to become blank, devoid of emotion as she absorbed the look of soft skin covering hardened muscles on the gorgeous youngster. The heroine then began to compare what she saw to her own, neglected shape. Her blank expression began to slowly change, replaced with a subtle sadness as she glanced up at Maiden America's suspended body.... her eyes now fixated on the dangling heroines', taut, dimpled abdomen.

Ms. Liberty peered into the small, rounded belly button in the center of the rock hard bed of bumps which made up her rival's midsection. Not aware that she was doing it, she glanced down at her own belly while involuntarily cupping her loose skin in both hands and jiggling it slightly. By this time Ms. Liberty had worked herself into a trance-like state, unaware that anyone else was even present. Maiden America looked down at her, shocked at how the veteran heroine was fixated on both bodies, touching herself and then looking up in comparison.

A tear formed in Ms. Liberty's eye as she gently placed her hands beneath the top of her bikini, cupping her mammoth breasts in both hands. She then jiggled them in her hands as if playing with a Slinky tough only able to support a small part of the huge mounds of flesh which danced freely in her hands. Finally releasing them, Ms. Liberty watched as they drooped toward her belly, which also hung over the waistband of her bikini. She then looked up at Maiden America, whose chest was standing proudly out in front of her, not a hint of sagging or drooping anywhere. She then gazed at how the scooped waistband of the youngster's panty was the perfect compliment to her flat, hard abs, again no hint of fat on her.

Ms. Liberty was completely entrenched, her arms falling to her sides as she stared up at the youngster who was now staring back. Ms. Liberty began to feel sorry for herself, longing for the days when she too possessed a hard body.... a body which was admired and revered by others. Just then, their eyes met and as they stared at each other, a strange connection seemed to be made.

Ms. Liberty had not forgotten how she had been treated earlier, and yet she felt a strange attraction to the woman who had just humiliated her. Staring at her sexy, refined body had made an impact on Ms. Liberty, one she was very surprised to discover. Maiden America, though she had lost her respect for the out of shape heroine, seemed strangely attracted to her counterpart as well. Perhaps it the innocence in Ms. Liberty's eyes, or the helplessness which she detected. Either way, there was no denying that there was some sexual tension in the room, and not coming from behind the mirrors either. The moment was incredibly arousing and neither could deny the sexual energy which ran through their bodies at that moment. But almost as if to break up the fantasy, the voice again began to speak as Maiden America's body was automatically lowered to a height within easy reach of Ms. Liberty.

"Now remove your top Ms. Liberty, and begin to massage Maiden America's body. "

Ms. Liberty was shaken from her fantasizing by the unusual request and backed up a couple of steps, still trying to regain her senses. The request did not register as she stood still, her face a little red with embarrassment at her feelings. But her delay proved costly as once again the ropes were tightened, stretching Maiden America's limbs even further.

Reluctantly, Ms. Liberty reached around in back of her and untied her top, allowing it to fall onto the floor at her feet. Though she could not see through the mirror, it was hard to miss the cheers and commotion which originated from behind it, further humiliating the topless heroine. She then began to inch closer, her breasts sagging down toward her belly, though her nipples growing more erect with each second.

Maiden America's face cringed from the pain caused by the ropes, the lithe muscles on her limbs extended to the max and glistening from the bright lights. Ms. Liberty again fixed her eyes upon her rivals', which were now directly in front of her rather than several feet above her as she moved closer, beginning to feel aroused at the impending event.

"Begin at her arms and work your way down her body!", came the order, Ms. Liberty knowing that she could not delay. As she got closer, she could see the strain being placed upon Maiden America's limbs. Still suspended in midair, the involuntary quivering was evidence of the painful strain being placed upon them. So Ms. Liberty lifted her hands and began to rub them down Maiden America's arms, half-heartedly stroking her quacking skin.

Maiden America closed her eyes, almost as if disgusted by what was happening. Ms. Liberty also looked disgusted, not wanting to allow for any form of gratification to her captors. She allowed her hands to slowly work their way down the youngsters arms, her own sweat acting as a lubricant. Neither had a difficult time until Ms. Liberty reached the area just above her rival's armpits.

It is said that the softest skin on a woman's body is the underside of her arm. It is a place that receives little abuse from the sun, wind or other deterrents. So as Ms. Liberty reached that area of her rival's body, she felt her shudder softly, almost as if aroused. Ms. Liberty noticed it, and it sent a shudder through her own body. The skin was as smooth as silk, and the hint of muscles from below it was very sensual to her. So much so, that in fact her massage took on a renewed intensity, which was not lost on Maiden America.

Ms. Liberty moved closer, the tips of her nipples now erect, and softly poking into Maiden America's chest as she inched closer. Moving her hands past the armpits, Ms. Liberty began to circled her fingertips over the sides of Maiden America's firm, rounded breasts, again causing her to shudder. Soon after, the tips of her nipples began to protrude form the skimpy bikini top, as if staring directly at Ms. Liberty's nipples. Trying to move quickly past this part of her body, Ms. Liberty made her way toward her rival's ribs, but was stopped in her tracks.

"Massage her tits!", came the order, to which Ms. Liberty reluctantly obeyed. She slowly ran the palms of her hands back up the dangling woman's ribs and slid them over the top of her bra, gently encircling the outer ridges of her breasts.

"Feel how firm her tits are Ms. Liberty, how erect her small little nipples are. Now look at your own, hanging like two old water balloons which are about to burst. Do you remember when your tits looked like hers Ms. Liberty? Do you remember when they were firm and erect?"

Ms. Liberty listened to his every word, her hands alive with the sensation of Maiden America's tense nipples beneath the palms of her hands. She did in fact remember when her chest was this firm, when it stood erect and didn't hang near her belly like it was doing right now. She found herself fantasizing back to that time, and as a result, her massage became much more sensual. She closed her eyes and stroked her hands more deeply into the taut skin of her rival, who's head fell back with enjoyment. Ms. Liberty felt herself falling victim to the erotic massage, and her crotch began to tingle with excitement.

"Now slide your hands down her body and over her abdomen, feeling the musculature."

Ms. Liberty obeyed, again in a trance-like state as her hands wandered down the bumpy ribcage of her gorgeous subject before pressing into the six pack of her midsection.

"Feel the effects of years of hard work and dedication to perfection. Feel the rigidity of muscles and remember to when you had almost achieved it yourself. Remember how hard you had to work to even get close to this point..... and how easy it was to lose it."

Ms. Liberty began to dip the tips of her fingers into the peaks and valleys of Maiden America's abdominal muscles. She pressed in, trying to delve into the cavity of her stomach, but Maiden America kept her abdomen taut, creating a bumpy yet smooth ride of Ms. Liberty's fingertips.

"Now look at your won belly, round and soft. The only bumps are from the cellulite which encases it. Feel how deep your belly button sinks, almost like a cave into your body. Now feel the small dent of a belly button which a hard body possesses. Do you remember what it was like to be in shape?"

Ms. Liberty kept her eyes closed, still fantasizing about her former body and how good it felt. She loved to touch herself when she was strong, and for a moment, it was almost as if she were able to do it again. She kept running her hands over the entire midsection of Maiden America's torso, caressing each curve with her hands, rolling her fingertips over each peak.

Maiden America's body was completely tense, for a number of reasons. She too had closed her eyes, allowing the sensual massage to engross her, taking her away from the reality of her situation. She tingled with excitement at not only the sensation of the massage, but also the descriptions of her body. The narrative was a humiliation tactic toward Ms. Liberty, but even more so a form of worship to Maiden America.... a form of worship which had completely captivated her.

Ms. Liberty inched closer, no longer needing instructions. Her hands began to slide further down, caressing her rivals' hips and sliding her fingers into the sides of her waistband. The two women were virtually on top of each other now, both lost in the fantasy of the massage. Ms. Liberty inched ever closer, plunging her hands down between Maiden America's legs until she finally, without realizing, dropped each of her breasts down onto the shoulders of her bound rival.

Maiden America began to shake her head back and forth in protest, but Ms. Liberty's massive chest soon engulfed it. The youngster's head was now buried deeply within Ms. Liberty's mounds of flesh and she was helpless to prevent it.

Maiden America breathed deeply, her hot breath steaming Ms. Liberty's breasts even more. She continued to rock her head from side to side, but that only worked to further stimulate the large breasted heroine. Ms. Liberty's head dropped backward as she sighed, the experience a very erotic one for her. In one sense she was aroused at having the favorite part of her body touching her hard bodied rival. In another sense, she was enjoying the feel of having her breasts fondled by the hot breath and soft movements of her face, and was unable to control her emotions. And finally, the warmth of her hands placed between Maiden America's legs and the dampness of her thighs rubbing against them had forced into the early stages of orgasm. The thought of finally being able to achieve a complete orgasm had taken her over and she was completely devoid of reality.

Maiden America, though enjoying the intimacy with her rivals chest at first, slowly began to have difficulty breathing, being smothered by the sweaty mounds of flesh which encased her face and head. As a result, she began to twist and turn her head more violently, which only further aroused Ms. Liberty, whose nipples were now hard and straight. Maiden America, aroused at first, began to panic however, unable to catch her breath. She tried to twist free, but was unable to jar her face from beneath the canyon-like cleavage of her corpulent counterpart. Finally however, Ms. Liberty climaxed, screaming in ecstasy as she backed away and dropped to her knees, allowing Maiden America to catch her breath.

Maiden America's face was bright red and covered with sweat as she panted desperately from beneath her gag. Ms. Liberty was also soaked, literally. She gradually pulled herself together enough to get to her feet, but rather than back away, instead she again moved in and covered her face with her large, wet tits. Ms. Liberty inched closer, this time running her hands down Maiden America's arms as she gyrated the rest of her body up and down as well, rubbing it against her bound rival, almost as if stroking her sexually. Though the experience wasn't at all arousing for Maiden America, Ms. Liberty seemed to be truly enjoying herself.

The site of the large, topless woman in motion also seemed to be having an effect on the criminals, who had been cheering loudly from behind the glass. What they did not realize however, was that while Ms. Liberty was keeping them distracted with her gyrations, she was also untying the knots on Maiden America's wrists.

It took a couple of minutes, but Ms. Liberty was finally able to untie the knot on her rival's right wrist, allowing her arm to fall free. Though all of the men were busy with their won forms of arousal, the site of the youngster's arm being freed, prompted the leader to forcefully yank on the rope which bound Maiden America's left arm, pulling her body tightly apart.

She screamed in pain, but Ms. Liberty jumped into action, grabbing hold of the ropes on her ankles and yanking them free from the wall. Her determination seemed to summon her superpowers, ripping the ropes from their anchors and finally freeing Maiden America who fell to the floor.

Ms. Liberty offered her hand to her rival, helping her to her feet as the two stood eye to eye for a second. It was an awkward moment at first, but they both knew there was no time for discussions right now. They then charged at the mirrored wall, each sending a devastating kick toward it and shattering the glass.

The gang behind the wall scattered like ants, but the heroines were able to round up most of them, using the ropes which bound Maiden America to instead bind the criminals. As they tightened the ropes on their respective bundles however, they both came to the realization that the leader of the group had escaped. They again stared at each other for a moment or two, until Ms. Liberty looked away in embarrassment, finishing the knot on her bundle of criminals.

When she finished and looked up however, Maiden America was standing in front of her, holding her bikini top out and handing it back to her. Ms. Liberty nodded in thanks, and then bowed her head in shame as she slowly tied her top back on. The two exchanging several awkward glances, but said nothing as they cleaned up the mess. Though nothing was spoken between them, something had happened which neither of them could ever forget, or deny. Though they might never admit it, there was a sense of intimacy that occurred which neither had felt before with anyone else. Finally, Ms. Liberty walked forward, standing directly in front of her former rival, and potential new friend.

"It looks like I'm not needed here anymore, so I'll leave you to wrap things up."

Maiden America nodded, a slight smile crossing her lips. With that, Ms. Liberty turned and left the room, zipping off into the night, triumphantly, leaving the hard bodied youngster to get the glory this time.

The End?