Ms. Liberty Returns

Author: Mr. Chain
Time to Read:31min
Added Date:10/8/2024
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Tags: Ms. Liberty

Crystal Starr was a mild mannered, history teacher at a high school in one of the rougher neighborhoods in Metro City. She loved teaching and was passionate in her quest to instill the virtues of the American way of life into her students. But although she loved the subject she taught, her classroom tended to be an unruly environment, as was the neighborhood in which she lived. But even though she was outraged at the environment in which she lived and worked, the shy Miss Starr did not have the courage to change it. Though she desperately wanted to make a difference, she ultimately chose to instead fade into the background, unnoticed.

Though an attractive woman who wanted to do more with her life, her conservative attire and withdrawn personality forced her to live in relative obscurity. As a result, she spend most of her time toiling on her computer and further enhancing her already impressive, technical prowess.

Unfortunately for Miss Starr, Metro City's moral fiber seemed to deteriorate further each passing month until finally reaching a dangerous level. Miss Starr grew more frustrated at the environment surrounding her, but instead of doing something about it, she simply withdrew further into her computer. Finally, one day, after the students in her class had staged a walk out in the middle of one of her lessons, Miss Starr arrived home, even more dispirited than usual. Climbing the steps to her walk up apartment however, she found a package waiting on her doorstep. Suspicious, she picked the package up and took it inside, opening it cautiously and with a great deal of suspicion.

Inside she found a plastic bag which contained several garments. Warily, she pulled each garment out of the bag, slowly looking them over. The first was a blue mask, which was obviously designed to hide her identity. The next piece was a skimpy, red, white and blue, fringed bikini top. The third was a matching bikini panty. Next was a pair of low cut, red boots, and finally, the largest piece of fabric, was a long, red, white and blue cape. Stunned at the contents of the package, she looked for a return address, a note... anything to help identify the sender or the purpose. But alas, there was none.

After sitting for quite some time, staring at the individual garments, she finally decided to try them on. She had never worn anything nearly as risqué, but was amazed at the power she felt upon being adorning each one of the garments individually. Her body responded differently to each piece of the costume as she adorned her body with them, and it soon became obvious to her that each had it's own purpose. As she finished completely adorning herself in the costume, she felt her energy level increase and her strength too! Without even knowing it, she had been transformed into a super heroine, possessing super powers... all of which emanated from the mysterious, patriotic garb.

In the following days and weeks, she rushed home from school to try and find out the origin of the mysterious outfit. She would slip it on and then spend hours upon hours in front of her computer, researching the various possibilities. Finally, after spending weeks at the task, she came upon a series of old newspaper articles from a small city on the other side of the country. The articles talked about a woman of heroine-like strength.... of undeniable virtue...... and of incredible heart. A woman who gave of herself.... who sacrificed everything to help transform the once troubled metropolis into a shining example of the All American City. That woman was The Mighty MS. LIBERTY!

Miss Starr read the articles with great interest until finally coming across a picture of the super heroine, printed on the front page of the newspaper. Her heart skipped a beat as she saw the Mighty Ms. Liberty wearing the exact same costume which was now draped over her own body! This revelation made Crystal Starr realize that she had been given the outfit for a reason. She had been chosen to transform Metro City from the pitiful, denizen of crime and iniquity... into a shining example of the American Spirit.

In the years that followed, Crystal Starr dedicated her life to the needs of the citizens of Metro City and to living the role of a super heroine. In order to do that she needed to be in the best physical shape possible, so whenever she wasn't teaching her students or fighting crime, she spent in the gym, toning her body to achieve peak performance. It took a number of years to accomplish the task, but the Mighty Ms. Liberty was finally able to accomplish the goal she had set out to do. Metro City was gradually transformed from the poster child for urban plight into a shining example of what an American City should be.... and Ms. Liberty was solely responsible for that.

Though proud of her accomplishment, it had come at quite a price to her personal life. Crystal Starr the person had virtually faded away, with the exception of her teaching career, and been replaced by Ms. Liberty. All of her free time had been spent either working out or fighting crime and restoring order to Metro City. So now that the battle had been won, it was time for Crystal Starr to enjoy a much needed rest.

But this was not the same Crystal Starr. Years of being a super heroine, winning the adulation of a city and achieving a killer body had boosted her self-confidence to new levels, and she was finally able to enjoy herself. In fact, with so much free time on her hands, she enjoyed herself immensely. Her workout regimen slowly decreased over the next couple of years, replaced with a newfound desire to enjoy Metro City's entertaining nightlife. Her life was gradually transformed to where she would teach by day, sleep for a few hours and then spend the rest of the night partying. Her whole personality was transformed... and eventually so was her body.

She ignored the signs of complacency, having the time of her life instead..... and Metro City seemed to follow her lead. Slowly the city's morals began to deteriorate as crime inched it's way back into it's day to day life. A number of years passed without the citizens of Metro City witnessing even one appearance by Ms. Liberty, many of the city's younger generation never even hearing of her exploits. The heroine's mysterious bikini now hung in the back of her closet, out of action and merely collecting dust, while Metro City's leaders began to wonder what had happened to the heroine.

Crystal Starr had just about forgotten about her alter ego too, forgotten about her triumphs in restoring Metro City's pride. Her memory did not revert back to how bad things were, instead focused on where the next party would be held. She was having too much fun to notice how things had gradually begun to sink back to their former state, how the crime rate had increased and how civic pride and citizenship had taken a back seat to lewdness, vanity and criminal behavior. But being a high school teacher, Crystal Starr could not help but be confronted by the changes around her. It took her awhile to notice, but eventually she realized how bad things had become.

On the first day of school in the new school year however, she was awakened to the realities of what Metro City had become. As she walked to her classroom, she noticed that most of the students now wore the colors of violence, the majority now belonging to gangs. She stared in horror at the once spiffy school facilities which were now littered with graffiti and in a state of disrepair. It seemed to hit her all at once as she walked into her first class, the decay of not only the school building, but also the moral decay of her students.

She struggled for almost 10 minutes to gain control of her class, never fully accomplishing that goal. She looked around at the young woman, many dressed in skimpy, gang colored attire, and the young men, most with gang paraphernalia incorporated onto their clothing as well. Even some of the kids who used to be her best students had digressed into the gang world, no longer showing the eagerness to learn that they had before.

Crystal Starr struggled to make it through the day, but once she arrived home, she knew that she needed to devise a plan of action. Lying in bed with a bag full of cookies in her lap, she flipped through the channels on her television set as she began to gather her thoughts. It was dinnertime, time for the evening newscasts, and each one was more disturbing that the next. Crime after crime flashed across the screen as she watched in amazement. Had she really been so out of touch? Could everything have deteriorated so badly right before her eyes?

It was then that she got up, brushed the cookie crumbs from her lap and walked toward the closet. Reaching in, she grabbed the hanger on which Ms. Liberty's bikini hung and pulled it out. Crystal stared at it for several minutes, her breathing getting heavier as she gradually came out of trance like state. It was time for Ms. Liberty to make her reappearance, but first she had some work to do.

Slipping her clothes off, Crystal stood naked in front of the mirror, staring at her bare body. Things had changed from the last time she wore this outfit, and not for the better. Years of complacency and partying had a huge impact on her once hard body, which now showed the signs of neglect. Though still an attractive woman, Crystal had gained a considerable amount of weight, much of it without even noticing. And just as she had been earlier in the day at school, she was now faced with the reality of how things had changed.

But her will was strong, her desire unwavering as she changed into the costume. As she draped each piece onto the appropriate part of her body, she began to feel that familiar feeling. Her energy level increased dramatically, her strength increasing many times over. Finally, as she reached up and tied the mask behind her head, her large chest swelled with pride. Though many years had passed and many things had changed, she was nonetheless once again transformed into.... The Mighty MS. LIBERTY!

But Ms. Liberty knew that she could not just fly off into the night. She needed to do some research, to find out where Metro City's real problems lied and how best to address them. So for the next several nights she worked feverishly on her computer, searching the police files and gathering information. Finally she narrowed down her first objective to solving the youth gang problem.

There were two gangs in particular that seemed to be extremely well organized, but also extremely malevolent. Each had a long history of criminal activity as well as a reputation for being sexually predatory, even though each had both male and female members. But even more disturbing was that fact that most of the gang members were of high school age!

Ms. Liberty spent the next several days finding out everything she could about them. She secretly listened into the conversations of her students at school and discovered that one of the gangs even had it's own website. She logged into it that night and was shocked at what she saw. Though most of it was in a secret code, Ms. Liberty was able to break it and decode the messages. The site bragged of the gang's criminal accomplishments and even listed a schedule of future "events". Though no crimes were specifically mentioned, it was easy to read through the lines. The next major "event", according to the website, seemed to be scheduled for Friday night, just two nights away, so Ms. Liberty had her work cut out for her.

First and most importantly, was to find out where the gang's headquarters were located. All of the activities of the gang seemed to begin and end at their headquarters so if she could find out where that was, she could stop the crime before it started. But the website provided no clues to its' location so Ms. Liberty needed to do some legwork on her own.

Deciding it would be safer and less conspicuous to proceed as Crystal Starr, she decided to follow some of the suspected gang members from her own school. She then secretly followed them after school as they drove to an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of town. She parked across the street, scouting the warehouse from the outside, but not wanting to take a chance at being discovered. She did notice several other suspected members of the gang drive up and enter the warehouse though, which was all the evidence she needed. "This had to be the gang's headquarters!" she thought before driving off. Crystal Starr's work was now done and it was now time for the Mighty Ms. Liberty to take over.

Friday arrived, and Crystal Starr was on pins and needles all day. Her nerves got the better of her a number of times during the day; loud noises making her jump and yelling students making her perspire nervously. But finally the school day ended and she quickly retreated back home, where she immediately stripped and changed into her Ms. Liberty outfit. Immediately her nervousness was replaced with confidence, her fears replaced with conviction as the powers of the bikini seeped into her body.

She spent several hours doing her final research and plotting her entry into the gang's headquarters before finally heading off into the late night. She made sure to arrive at the gangs headquarters late enough so that all of the members had already arrived at the abandoned warehouse, but not so late that they would have left yet to start the crime spree.

Reaching the location, she immediately snuck into a back entrance and climbed several flights of stairs in order to reach the roof. Her research had revealed that several large skylights on the roof would allow her the opportunity to review the situation below, as well as make an unexpected entrance. She charged up the first two flights of steps with unbridled energy, her red, white and blue cape flowing gracefully behind her as she ascended the stairway. But by the time she reached the third flight, she was surprisingly out of breath, her pace slowed substantially.

Ms. Liberty tried to brush aside her sudden exhaustion, but it was difficult to ignore the reality that she was no longer in super heroine condition. Nevertheless she trudged onward and upward until she finally pushed open the door leading to the roof. Breathing heavily and beginning to perspire, she plodded over to the nearest skylight and carefully gazed down into the room below.

With her large chest heaving up and down, she noticed most of the gang members scattered about. It was one large, open room, sparsely lit, but bright enough to see what was going on. Ms. Liberty counted about ten or twelve gang members, mostly male, but a couple of females as well. She then surveyed the structure to determine her best possible entry. There were a series of sizeable, exposed beams which across the room from one end to the other, but none of them blocked her entrance through the skylight. She took one final look around the room, a deep breath, and then leaped up into the air, jumping directly toward the skylight.

Her feet came crashing through the thick glass as she gracefully descended down into the center of the room, shards of glass cascading down all around her. Her arms were lifted up and over her head as her cape blew upwards in dramatic fashion. The loud crash startled the gang members who all seemed to freeze as they watched Ms. Liberty adeptly glide downward before landing on her feet. She bent her knees upon landing to absorb the shock as her cape settled around her. She then abruptly stood up, placing her hands on her hips as she defiantly addressed the young gang.

"I am the Mighty Ms. Liberty... and I am here to put an end to your criminal activities. So please put your hands in the air and surrender peacefully!"

She looked around, realizing that there were actually many more gang members present than she was able to see from the roof, at least twice as many. As she surveyed the room, the gang members also sized up Ms. Liberty, that is once they got over the initial shock of experiencing the bikini clad heroine's entrance. But as they stood with their mouth's open, Ms. Liberty took the opportunity to try and reason with them, noticing that most of them were only of high school age.

"I'm not here to hurt you kids. I'm just here to restore peace and order to Metro City. If you cooperate... I'll make sure that the police will be treat you fairly. Just put your hands in the air and no one will get hurt."

But it quickly became obvious that the crowd of youngsters was not going to cooperate. They began to move slowly and menacingly towards her, forming a giant circle around the heroine who stood defiantly in the center of the room with her hands planted on her hips. Ms. Liberty turned her head from side to side and watched as the swarm of teenagers began to surround her, and she crouched into a defensive stance, ready for battle. She tensed her muscles, preparing herself for a confrontation which she still hoped to avoid, offering a final warning to the gang.

"That's far enough kids. Let's not make this harder than it has to be. Now put your hands in the air and stop right where you are."

But then, suddenly a deep voice fired back at her as the circle of gang members parted and a strong, young Puerto Rican man strutted up in front of her.

"Who you calling kids?"

Ms. Liberty stared into the eyes of the man as he approached her, the two now face to face. He was obviously the leader of the gang, Ms. Liberty glaring back defiantly at his icy cold stare. She looked deep into his eyes, and soon realized much to her amazement that he was one of the students in her high school. Though shaken at the revelation, Ms. Liberty did not back down, instead standing proudly as he continued to inch closer.

"We ain't no kids lady, and we ain't surrendering to no one..... especially not to some chick in a bikini. Who the hell are you anyway?"

By this time the two were literally inches apart, Ms. Liberty able to feel his breath as he spoke. The other gang members had also moved closer, forming a tight circle around the full figured heroine. But despite the peril of the situation, Ms. Liberty stood proudly, speaking a clear voice.

"I am the mighty Ms. Liberty and I am here to restore law and order to Metro City. I know you kids have been involved in some criminal activity and I am here to put a stop to it. So if you surrender peacefully, no one will get hurt.... I promise you that."

Ms. Liberty was trying to reason with the gang members so that she would not be forced to hurt anyone, but it soon became obvious they were not interested in surrendering to her. Just then one of them shoved her from behind, Ms. Liberty quickly turning, but not able to catch the culprit. Another one then shoved her from behind again, Ms. Liberty turning quickly as her cape sailed through the air from her quick motion. But again she was too slow to see who had done it. There were a few more shoves until finally Ms. Liberty realized that they were making a fool of her and thrust her right arm in the air, facing the leader of the gang. Looking him right in the eye, she spoke loudly and sternly.

"Stop that right now! You are all hereby under arrest!"

But as soon as the words left her mouth, Ms. Liberty was greeted with a stiff uppercut into her midsection by one of the tough looking young women who flanked the gang leader. Doubling over from the blow, the heroine clutched her soft midsection as the youngsters jeered her mercilessly. The proud heroine however quickly gathered herself and stood upright, only to receive a hard shove from directly in front of her. The gang leader had pushed both of his hands forward, shoving Ms. Liberty's shoulders and knocking her backwards. She stumbled, not realizing that two of the gang members had crept up behind her and crouched down behind the back of her legs. As a result, Ms. Liberty was knocked onto her back, her legs soaring up into the air as she landed.

Two of the other gang members reacted quickly, charging in from each side of her. One of them pulled down on a thick, gnarly rope which hung from the ceiling, which was tied into a noose, while the other pushed Ms. Liberty's legs together. They then quickly placed the noose over her feet, tightening it around her ankles before several other members began to hoist on the end of the ropes. The knots tightened around Ms. Liberty's ankles as her legs were quickly lifted into the air, the thorny ropes digging into her red boots.

The rope had been draped over one of the large ceiling beams, acting as a hoist to trap Ms. Liberty with. Her legs were soon pulled up in the air as her arms and head fell back down towards the floor, her cape providing a backdrop for them. In just a matter of seconds, the young hoodlums had tricked Ms. Liberty, ambushing her in the sinister trap and highlighting how out of practice and out of shape she really was. They continued to hoist her legs further in the air until the upended Ms. Liberty's face was once again staring into the gang leaders' eyes, though from a quite different perspective!

Her face grew increasingly red as the blood rushed to her head, though the embarrassment she felt at having been captured by a gang of high school kids was just as much to blame. The gang leader moved closer, and while Ms. Liberty stared helplessly into his eyes, he signaled for other members to react. They immediately obeyed, abruptly placing similarly knotted ropes over each of her wrists and pulling them tight. Her arms were then yanked out to either side of her body, which now formed the shape of an upended letter "Y" as it dangled several feet in the air.

Ms. Liberty was so overcome by the quickness of the trap that she was speechless. The gang leader was especially gratified however, as she sauntered forward, moving his face directly in front of the upended heroine's. Placing a hand on either side of her face, he then began to whisper softly though menacingly to her.

"I've heard of you Ms. Liberty... heard the stories of how your great you were.... heard how you single-handedly stopped crime and restored order to Metro City. But now there is a new breed of criminal in Metro City..... unlike any you have ever experienced before. You see... you might have been the Mighty Ms. Liberty a long time ago.... but things have changed since then."

He paused, raising his voice in a more menacing tone.

"The Mighty Ms. Liberty I had heard of was a real babe...... they said she had nice, big titties and a killer body. I can see that you're still fine looking from behind that mask.... and your titties are the biggest I have EVER seen.... but you've been eating too many doughnuts over these past few years.... and you ain't no match for us no more!!!!"

The gang members chuckled, especially the women, as the gang leader removed his hands from her face, and instead began to gently stroke her large, sagging breasts. MS. Liberty's face grew even redder as she felt his hands massaging her chest, and she was mortified at the development.

"You see Ms. Liberty ... the criminals aren't the same like they used to be. We're not so soft now..... not as soft as you!"

Again the gang chuckled as he continued to disgrace the hapless, heroine, rubbing her breasts with more passion.

"And we criminals like to have more fun than the ones you are used to. You'll see what I mean in a minute. But right now.... we're going out to rob stuff. So I'll leave you with some of my boys and girls who will teach you have to have some fun.... and I'll see ya when we get back."

With that, he leaned closer and shoved his tongue violently into her mouth, swirling it forcefully around the edges of her lips and mouth as he began to slowly squeeze her nipples between his fingers. Ms. Liberty squirmed from her ropes, breathing heavily and moaning angrily, even though her mouth was covered by his. He continued to angrily kiss and rub the heroine for a few more moments until finally pulling his tongue out of her mouth and backing away.

Ms. Liberty was shocked and outraged at the molestation, though she was helpless to resist. She also began to feel great pain as the ropes began to dig into the skin on her wrists. But she was determined to show her displeasure and disdain for the attack, and so she turned her head to the side and spit before bellowing loudly.

"You cannot touch the mighty Ms. Liberty like that! You won't get away with this! When I get free I'll....."

But before she could finish the sentence, the gang leader raised his arm while staring back at her.

"Oh... so you want to be free? Okay!"

And with that, he lowered his arm, signaling to the gang members who were holding the ropes which bound her ankles. They immediately released the rope, thereby dropping Ms. Liberty several feet, directly onto the top of her head.

The landing was a rough one, and the mighty heroine was knocked senseless by it. Again the rest of the gang laughed out loud as Ms. Liberty slumped to the floor, her eyes rolling in her head. They then tossed the ropes which bound her wrists overhead before pulling on them, thereby again yanking the dizzied and bound Ms. Liberty into the air. This time however, her arms were pulled over head before each wrist was also bound and pulled apart. Eventually her body dangled in mid air, this time upright and forming the shape of the letter "X". The gang leader then marched up to her, planting another soft kiss on her cheek before turning and marching out of the warehouse, most of the gang following him.

Ms. Liberty's full figure swayed slightly as it dangled in mid air, her head still ringing from the blow it had taken. A handful of gang members had stayed behind, but she was unable to fully focus enough to make them all out. Stunned by the events and dizzied by the blows taken, she had not yet fully regained her thoughts enough to comprehend the dire situation she was in.

Her body quivered from the events which had just taken place as she gradually regained her composure, but the remaining gang members seemed only to be amused by consciousness. As her large body swayed from the mid-air rope trap, things were about to get worse as about a dozen or so of the remaining gang members slowly swaggered up in front of her.

Ms. Liberty peered out at them from beneath her blue mask, sizing up the situation. There were about 7 or 8 males and about 4 or 5 females in the pack, all of them whispering and laughing as they approached her. Though the mighty heroine tried to develop a plan of defense, the truth was, she was at their mercy. The group then began to separate into two camps, and it became obvious to Ms. Liberty that some of them were established gang members while others appeared to be new to the gang. One of the males who was an obvious member then walked right up in Ms. Liberty's face, two of the female gang members flanking him.

Ms. Liberty stared back at him with disdain, waiting to see what he would do. Not wasting time, he quickly reached forward and clutched onto her breasts with both hands, squeezing them firmly with each hand.

"Will you look at the size of these melons..... DAMN!!!"

The youngster cupped his hands beneath Ms. Liberty's drooping breasts, playing with the bouncy mounds of flesh as if they were a Slinky. Ms. Liberty's eyes widened as a look of stunned disbelief spread across her face. She could not believe that she had become the victim of this sexual ridicule, and quickly protested.

"Let go of my breasts! No one touches Ms. Liberty in that way!"

But the young man defiantly replied to the heroine.

"Maybe that's your problem bitch.... No one touches you! That's why you're so uptight!"

The two young women standing on either side of him began to giggle as he reached behind Ms. Liberty and slowly untied her red, white and blue top, allowing her substantial breasts to break free as the skimpy garment fell to the floor. The two masses of flesh also sank down toward the floor, as did Ms. Liberty's mouth from the shock of what was happening.


The heroine pleaded for mercy, but the youngster's eyes were open so wide that he was obvious to her words. He looked like a kid in a candy store as he gawked at Ms. Liberty's succulent chest, which continued to bob gently in front of him.

"SON OF A BITCH! Look at the size of those things!"

All of the males from the group moved closer, staring at the topless Ms. Liberty in awe. But the females were much less amused, actually growing irritated at the attention the heroine's chest was receiving. Finally, the largest, toughest looking of the girls pushed them aside, confronting the dangling, topless heroine. Another moved alongside, and then another, pushing the guys out of the way. With the three girls now confronting Ms. Liberty, the tough one began to speak.

"Look at this bitch.....", she stated angrily before she began to poke her finger into Ms. Liberty's soft, thick belly. "No wonder she got big tits..... she's big EVERYWHERE!"

One of the others then walked up in front of her as well and began to rub her hand over the spongy, yielding skin of the heroine's midsection. "Does that feel good Ms. Liberty? Do you like when someone rubs your belly?"

Ms. Liberty tried to hide it, but she could not help but emit a soft moan, evidence of the ecstasy she was feeling at that moment. She squirmed some more from beneath her ropes as the first youngster continued to softly poke the yielding skin on the heroine's belly while the other continued to rub it. The young women enjoyed humiliating the stout heroine, who was obviously enjoying the activity, until the men began to protest. The young woman on the left side then stepped back, addressing the frenzied men.

"Is this what you think looks good?!?!? She ain't ALL THAT!!!! She's just an out of shape bitch with big tits. Now this here....." The young woman then pulled her T-shirt up and over her head to reveal her own bare chest, "this is ALL THAT!!!"

The young woman stuck her chest out proudly, flaunting it for all the men to see. Her chest was large, though not nearly as large as Ms. Liberty's. But her breasts were firm and erect, a claim which Ms. Liberty could not make. The young woman then turned to face Ms. Liberty, sticking her chest proudly into the face of the heroine.

Ms. Liberty tried to turn her head away, doing her best to avoid being suffocated by the young woman's breasts, but she could not. The young women shoved her breasts directly between Ms. Liberty's face, pushing them tightly around it on either side. Ms. Liberty tried to shake her head to get free as the on-lookers laughed out loud, but to no avail. Her face was completely engulfed by the young women's breasts, cutting off her oxygen supply. Finally, the young women backed off, leaving Ms. Liberty to gasp for air before trying to lecture the youngster.

"Don't allow these men to judge you by the size of your chest! Be proud of who you are, not what you look like!"

But just as Ms. Liberty finished the brief lecture, the young man who had started this stepped forward once again, this time very angered at the heroine's words. With his bare hand he swiftly slapped the side of Ms. Liberty's left tit. She whined loudly as her chest bounced wildly from the slap. He then gave the other side of her right tit a hard smack, the loud SLPA of skin striking skin filling the vacant warehouse. Two, large red hand imprints quickly formed on the heroine's breasts as he began to speak.

"Enough of your lectures bitch! You ain't my Momma! Shit..... you probably ain't ever even had an orgasm... so don't be telling no one else how to live!"

He then reached down and grabbed her bikini top and forcefully shoved it into the heroine's mouth, using it as a gag. Ms. Liberty began to thrust her head form side to side in protest, but she could not get free, nor could she eject the garment from her mouth. Her muffled yells were evidence of that. To make matters worse, she had now incited the young men and women even further, and they were about to take their anger out on her. The young leader then turned and grabbed one of the two youngsters from the back of the gathering, pulling him forward.

"Okay kid.... So you want to be in our gang huh? Well I'll tell you what..... your first test is to make this bitch cum.... You got it? I want to see her panties moist... got it?!"

Ms. Liberty's eyes once again opened wide as the youngster nodded his head, accepting the challenge. Ms. Liberty looked straight ahead as he moved forward, and though in shock from the situation, was still able to recognize his face. He was one of the students from her high school class!

Ms. Liberty felt her heart skip a beat as she stared into his eyes, praying he would not recognize her. He was a quiet kid who usually sat in the back of the class and said nothing. He was never in trouble, in fact she never even knew he was there most of the time. As she looked into his eyes, she tried her best to look as despondent as she could, hoping he would sympathize with her and resist the order. But as the rest of the gang backed away, he stepped forward, ready to accept the challenge.

He wore a fedora with a long, peacock feather sticking out of the side, and as he moved forward, he took the hat off and pulled the feather out of the side. Turning backward, he looked for approval before beginning to run the plume of the feather slowly through his closed hand. He then turned to face Ms. Liberty, a shy, frightened smile on his face as he moved closer.

Standing within inches of her, he began to rub the feather softly over her large nipples, gently encircling them before softly stroking them. Ms. Liberty began to cringe, her legs trembling as she tried to keep her emotions intact. The youngster masterfully glided the feather form breast to breast, softly whisking it over her now hardened and erect nipples. Ms. Liberty's head dropped backward as she closed her eyes, trying not to get aroused, but unable to prevent it. Her soft moans echoed through the large warehouse as the gathering looked on silently.

He then began to run the feather beneath each of the large mounds of flesh, softly stroking the bottom of each before circling back up toward the nipple and softly, playfully swiping it over each.... Time and time again. The rest of the gang was fairly quiet, listening to the agonized moans of the heroine, and occasionally yelling encouragement to the wanna-be member.

Ms. Liberty's body shifted from stiffness to slackness over and over, as she desperately tried to fight the ecstasy which her body was enjoying. After several minutes of serenading her breasts with the feather, the young man knew that he had to the step up the attack if her were to be successful. So he slowly slid the feather between her breasts, slowly sliding it down the middle of her belly, over her belly button and down between her legs.

Ms. Liberty's eyes opened widely from beneath her blue mask, though she was unable to protest verbally from the gag still stuffed in her mouth. While it was obvious at first that she was against the sensual attack, her tune gradually changed as the feather worked it's magic.

Softly he slid the smooth plumes up the inside of her left thigh, her right leg quivering from the arousal she felt. Reaching her crotch, he quickly lifted the feather up and placed it on the inside of her right knee before s-l-o-w-l-y running it down the inside of her right thigh, tenderly fondling her soft skin with the long feather. Ms. Liberty's left leg began to jerk uncontrollably, obviously aroused as her head fell backward even further and she continued to moan in anguish. The jerking motion tightened the rope around her ankles, but she did not even notice, her mind now a million miles away.

This kept up for several more minutes until finally several of the gang members began to lose their patience. Though the mighty Ms. Liberty had been turned into a mound of mush at the hands of the erotic feather, she still had not ejaculated, which was the goal of the exercise. Finally, the one who had started it all reached forward, pulling the youngster away from the heroine.

Ms. Liberty breathed a sigh of relief at having been spared the humiliation of having an orgasm in front of these kids, though she still felt humiliated. The teen-aged youngster whom had sat in the back of her classroom all year, the one she had paid so little attention to, had aroused her like she hadn't been in years. But thankfully that was over as Ms. Liberty tried to control her emotions.

Before she could however, the second potential gang member was pulled up to the front of the group, and stood before Ms. Liberty. She gradually lifted her head enough to look into his eyes, and suddenly felt a chill run down her spine.

This was another of the boys from her class, but while she did not know the first very well, she knew this one quite well. His name was Julio, and he had often occupied the time and thoughts of Crystal Starr, Ms. Liberty's alter ego.

Julio was a strikingly handsome Latin boy, with a chiseled body, strong jawline and gorgeous blue eyes. He had been a very good kid, easily her favorite student, as well as her favorite fantasy. Though Crystal Starr knew she could never let it happen in reality, she often fantasized about having a relationship with the boy, a relationship based on sex.

Aside from his strong, boyish good looks, he was also very sweet. He often brought in flowers from his father's bodega, very innocently, but leaving a lasting impression on her. He was always there to help her lift things, or help keep an ornery student in line, or whatever else he could to help. But aside form his generous and caring personality, he was also gorgeous.

Well developed for a boy of 16, Julio was very stylish, without being trendy. His clothes always seemed to Highlight his best features, and Crystal often found herself daydreaming about him in the middle of class. She would find herself staring at him during tests, running the fantasy through her mind in the quiet of the crowded classroom.

But now her fantasy had become a reality.... Or to be more precise..... her worst nightmare. She didn't know how he had gotten mixed up with the gang, but he obviously had. And as she hung before him, he had a look of quiet determination as he inched closer to her.

Reaching forward, he grabbed the bikini top which had been stuffed into her mouth and gently pulled it out. But before she could say anything, he opened his mouth and placed it over hers, slowly gliding his tongue across the inner edge of her lips.

Ms. Liberty jerked her head at first, but he simply placed his hand on the back of her head, softly stroking her hair to clam her. Ms. Liberty was instantly transformed to another time and another place, gratefully returning his kiss as she squeezed her mouth tightly over his.

The other gang members began to whoop and cheer as he slowly pulled his mouth away while licking his lips, Ms. Liberty's eyes closed, a hint of a smile on her face. He then lowered his head and cupped his mouth over her right nipple, softly massaging it with his wet tongue. Ms. Liberty began to moan loudly, her head rolling in front of her as Julio masterfully saturated her right breast before going to work on her left.

He slowly ran the tip of his tongue over her erect nipple before raising his hand and caressing her other breast softly at first, but building momentum as time went on. Ms. Liberty's large, brown nipples quickly became hardened and erect as Julio tasted the salty sweetness of her skin. Ms. Liberty was now openly moaning, her head dropped back and rolling on her neck as Julio softly molested her chest. But after a few more minutes, he stepped back and reached down to the ground.

Laying on the floor was a large cooler filled with ice and bottles of beer and wine. Julio reached in and grabbed an ice cube, the water dripping form beneath his fingers as he raised it closer to Ms. Liberty's heaving chest. She stared at him from behind her mask, her eyes half closed as she breathed heavily, her heart racing from the excitement she felt. She no longer remembered being bound and that others were watching. Instead she quivered as the cold ice cube touched her right nipple, shrinking it into an even more hardened state.

Julio ran the cold cube over her breast, causing small goose bumps to form all over Ms. Liberty's body. As the cube melted into a small pit, he gently raised to her mouth, waiting for her to moan before softly placing it between her lips and grabbing another. Ms. Liberty was in ecstasy, her body soon dripping from the wetness of the melted ice and her perspiration which had mixed together. Her body glistened under the dim lights as Julio once again placed a melted ice cube in her mouth. But after he did, Ms. Liberty knew she couldn't take much more.

Julio reached for another cube, but this time he placed on the inside of her right knee, s-l-o-w-l-y rubbing it up the inside of her thigh, saturating her skin in the process. Finally Ms. Liberty could take no more, and dropped her head as she let out a loud, groveling moan. Julio smiled as he stepped back, realizing what that sound meant.

Everyone's attention turned to Ms. Liberty's last remaining garment, and watched as the juices of her womanhood saturated it. For the moment she was in complete ecstasy, her mind a million miles away as she orgasmed for quite some time before her head fell limply in front of her. Julio had been successful, and though in too much of an aroused state to realize it just yet, Ms. Liberty had just helped him get into the gang.

The rest of the gang cheered for the accomplishment, slapping Julio on the back before retreating to the back of the warehouse to have a few celebratory drinks. Julio joined them, leaving Ms. Liberty to hang freely, her head still dangling in front of her as she began to regain her senses, starting to understand the ramifications of it all.

Just then Julio walked up in front of her alone, as Ms. Liberty began to sob softly. Ms. Liberty had never let anyone see this side of her before, but the events had been so emotional that she could no longer control herself. Julio looked on before reaching down and grabbing her bikini top, tying it back onto her body. He then walked in front of her, reaching up and cupping her chin in his hand. He then gave her a soft kiss on the cheek before turning and walking back to join the party.

Ms. Liberty continued to sob, though at the same time desperately trying to formulate an escape plan. As she did however, she heard a cell phone ring, and one of the gang members answer it. Within a few minutes, all of them had gotten up, taken all of their stuff, and left the empty building, leaving Ms. Liberty by herself, tied and helpless.

She hung from the ropes, her wrists now red and swollen, her body drenched from head to toe. She tired to jerk back and forth, her large body swaying from side to side, but only tightening the ropes on her limbs. Just then, she heard sirens coming in the distance. Her first reaction was one of relief, hoping the police were on their way to free her. But then she began to think about it some more, and her feelings of relief turned to dread.

If the police were to find her like this, she would lose all of her credibility and become the laughing stock of the city. All of those years spent saving the city and earning her reputation would be worthless if she were to be found like this. As the sirens drew closer, her heart began to race even more. But suddenly, out of the open doorway, she saw Julio sneak back into the warehouse.

She looked over at him, but he did not look back, almost as if ashamed of his actions. He then took a knife and cut her ropes before scurrying off into the darkness. Ms. Liberty fell to the floor, her body completely drained of all energy. She watched Julio run away, thinking of chasing after him, but finally deciding to let him go. She then heard the screeching of tires just outside the warehouse, prompting her to run and hide in a dark corner closet, hoping not to be found.

The police entered the warehouse, but found nothing... nothing other than the dangling ropes from which Ms. Liberty was bound. They looked them over, each officer coming up with a different theories as to what they had been used for. But after a while more, they could find no further evidence, and eventually left the building. Ms. Liberty sat in the darkened closet for quite awhile more, contemplating the events of the evening.

It had been an evening which would change her life forever, and one which would define the rest of her life as a super heroine. In which ways was yet to be seen as she dashed off into the night to the safety of her home.

The End?