The American Angel in My Son in Law

Author: Mr. Chain
Time to Read:28min
Added Date:8/7/2024
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Tags: American Angel

It had been a wonderful, though unexpected family vacation so far, and Josephine was cherishing the opportunity to spend some time away with her daughter, son in-law and two grandkids in an exotic location. Her son in-law had agreed to take his wife and kids with him on a business trip to Sao Paolo, and since he would be working most of the time, invited Josephine as well, to help keep her daughter company. Josephine jumped at the chance to get away from the stresses of being The American Angel, and as the trip was now winding down, she was glad she did. Sitting at poolside on the day before they were to return home, she watched as her daughter Stephanie played happily with her two children, the three of them frolicking in the sparkling water. Basking in the sun, she took a deep breath, thankful for this opportunity.

A few minutes later, Al returned from taking care of his business chores and joined them by the pool. He greeted his wife and children before pulling up a lounge chair next to Josephine, leaning over and giving her a kiss on the cheek. He then stood and exaggeratedly stared her up and down. Josephine was wearing a two-piece, for the first time in decades, her super heroine alter ego granting her the confidence to do so. And that fact was not lost on Al.

"Looking good Mom!", he chided as he nodded his head up and down.

Josephine swatted playfully at him with a towel before the two of them laughed, Al taking his place on the lounge chair next to her.

"You know Al," she began to tell him, "I really appreciate you taking me with you on this trip. It was just what I needed. But even more, I really appreciate how happy you have made my daughter and what a wonderful father you are to my grandchildren. Your mother and father would be proud of you."

Al smiled as he thanked her, expressing his sentiments as well. "You know Mom, since both of my parents passed away so long ago, you're the only real mother I've had in a long time. So that means a lot coming from you."

The two smiled at each other once again before settling back into their respective chairs and soaking up the last remaining rays of sun. Josephine was very fond of son in-law, and it showed. He was a good husband, good father and good provider. Her daughter and grandchildren lived in a very comfortable home and never wanted for anything. But even though she knew a great deal about Al personally, she knew little about what he did for a living. She knew he was involved in the import and export of jewelry, but that was about it. It didn't really matter much to her though, as long as everyone was happy.

The next day was traveling day, and Josephine packed her bags before walking over to the adjoining room and alerting her family that she was ready to do. Al asked her to stay with Stephanie and the kids for a few minutes while he got all of the bags together, starting with hers. Noticing that Josephine was holding her small, carry-on suitcase, he asked her to give it to him so that he could get a final count of all of the bags. She gave it to him, along with the key to her room and once he got it, he grabbed another plastic bag off of the desk and walked out, carrying both bags and headed towards Josephine's room. When he returned, he handed her back her carry-on, the plastic bag he was carrying now gone. Josephine didn't even notice as she began to play with her grandkids while Stephanie struggled to get everything ready to go.

They arrived at the airport a couple of hours later, standing in line to check in. Once they were all set, they sat by the gate, waiting to board the plane. Within a few minutes of boarding however, they began to notice an unusually large police presence starting to gather. Josephine observed the activity anxiously, trying to decipher what was going on.

Al too noticed the police presence, and began to get edgy. His nervousness didn't go unnoticed by Josephine, though again, she didn't pay much attention to it. But then he did something very unusual, catching Josephine off guard. Just as they announced that boarding was to begin for their airplane, Al grabbed Stephanie by the arm and pulled her up.

"Mom, I forgot that I had to show Stephanie something in the gift shop quickly," he said before winking at her. "Can you take the kids and board the plane? We'll be along in a minute." Josephine agreed, assuming that he wanted to get her a gift before leaving the country. So as the couple walked off, Josephine rounded up the two kids, grabbed the carry on luggage and stood in line to board the plane.

Josephine noticed that the bags of all of the passengers ahead of her were being searched, a most unusual occurrence. The delay caused the kids to get impatient and they began to act up, causing Josephine great stress. They waited for an eternity until finally their time came. The officers, seeing Josephine alone with the two young, agitated children, agreed to let her pass without searching her bags. Relieved, she grabbed the children and boarded the plane, her carry-on bag draped across her shoulder.

A few minutes later, Al and Stephanie boarded the plane as well. When Josephine asked her daughter what Al had gotten her, Stephanie smirked. "He wanted to get me a really ugly pendant, but I told him to save his money!", she replied. Josephine smiled half-heartedly before leaning back in her seat. "That was odd", she thought to herself. "Al usually has very good taste in jewelry, and why would he want to buy her jewelry from an airport gift shop when he works in the jewelry business?" But again she didn't dwell on it and settled in for the long flight home.

The flight was uneventful, but as soon as they landed and deplaned, Al once again began to act suspiciously. As Josephine and Stephanie gathered up the kids, Al began to scramble, searching everywhere for an apparently lost item. Josephine asked him what was wrong, and he told her that he lost his wedding ring. He explained that he had taken it off in the bathroom to wash his hands, and thought he had put it in his pocket, but now it was gone. Stephanie got involved in the hunt as well, but not before Al suggested that Josephine take the kids and get off the plane. He suggested that he and Stephanie would meet them by the baggage claim after they had found the ring.

Josephine began to grow suspicious, but followed his instructions, again gathering up the kids and the carry-on bags and leading them off of the plane. The line for Customs moved slowly, every passenger's bags being checked once more. The delay caused the kids to grow agitated, just as before. So when it finally came time for them to clear Customs, the agent saw the older woman with the two young kids, and let them go through, but not before Josephine asked if anything was wrong. The agent leaned over and whispered to her that a very large and very valuable emerald was stolen from Sao Paolo, and that all passengers were being checked to ensure that it was not smuggled out of the country. But he then remarked that she did not exactly look like a jewel thief, and that she appeared to have her hands full, so he winked at her and let her through.

Josephine never suspected that Al's odd behavior might have something to do with the crime, and so she escorted the kids to the baggage claim area, where they waited for Al and Stephanie. A short time later, they arrived, both of them smiling. Al recounted how he had the ring in his pocket the entire time, but didn't realize it. They all had a laugh before grabbing their suitcases and heading home.

Josephine stayed the night with her daughters' family, and soon after getting through the front door, she retired to bed. She went to her room, her suitcase in tow, hoping to quickly slip on a nightgown and climb into bed. But she realized that all of her nightgowns were in her carry-on bags, which was left downstairs. When she reached the family room where she had left it however, it was gone. She called out for Al, who emerged from the basement, asking what was wrong.

"Have you seen my carry-on bag Al?" she asked.

"No.... um.... You know what... maybe I brought it downstairs by accident. Hang on and let me look."

He went back down to the basement and shortly after returned, carrying her bag. "Sorry, I brought it downstairs with our stuff. Here it is."

He handed it over to her, and she thanked him before giving him a kiss on the cheek, thanking him again for the wonderful vacation and heading back up to bed. The whole family slept like logs, and the next morning, they drove Josephine home. Happy to be back in her own house, she spent the day unpacking and getting settled again. But that night, she felt a familiar twinge, which gradually became a more severe pain in her gut. The Marquis was at it again, so it was time for The American Angel to end her vacation and return to her fight against crime.

Running up into the hidden room in the attic of her home, she quickly changed into her American Angel costume, slipping the familiar red, white and blue bikini on. She glanced at herself in the mirror to make sure everything was in place, momentarily admiring her tan before flying off into the night. Her instinct lead to her an abandoned warehouse, a location which felt very familiar to her, but one which she could not remember every visiting.

She circled the perimeter, surveying the buildings exterior before perching on the roof and gazing inside through a skylight. Clearing the dirt from the glass, she noticed three individuals standing in the room, and judging by the pain in her belly, two of them were sure to be The Marquis and Justine. Sure enough, as she set her eyes upon them, she was able to make out their likeness. But the third person remained out of her line of sight, so she continued to carefully watch the events unfold.

The Marquis was having an animated conversation with the other person, whom she was able to determine was a man, based upon his attire. The conversation grew louder and more animated, and before long, The Marquis was inching closer to the man in a menacing fashion, while Justine was sneaking around behind him. Sensing that the man was in danger, The American Angel sprung into action, bursting through the glass and floating gracefully into the room.

She landed directly between The Marquis and the man, but as she turned to face the unknown victim, she was amazed to see that it was none other than her son in-law Al. She was temporarily stunned, but knew that she could not let her arch rival gain the upper hand, so she turned her attention to The Marquis.

"So what do we have here Marquis? Are you and Misses at it again?"

But before the evil villain could reply, Al raced up alongside her.

"American Angel, thank God you're here. This guy and this woman kidnapped me and are babbling about some stolen Emerald. I don't know what they're talking about, but I think they're going to kill me!"

The American Angel furrowed her brow from behind her mask, piecing together the puzzle. With one eye on The Marquis, she turned to Al, trying to hide her true emotions.

"Don't you worry Al.... I mean sir. I won't let The Marquis or Justine harm you."

She then noticed that Al was holding a plastic bag, a bag which looked very familiar. She remembered seeing this bag before, in fact it was the same bag which Al had packed away into her luggage. She quickly surmised that Al wasn't an innocent bystander at all, but he was still her son in-law, so she had to defend him. After all, The Marquis and Justine were evil people, capable of horrendous acts of deviance, and so she stood in front of him, shielding him from the villains.

"Let him go Marquis, and we can work this out between the two of us."

With that, Al ran for the door, the plastic bag clutched tightly in his right hand. Justine ran for him, but The American Angel quickly intercepted her, grabbing her by back of her neck. The super heroine lifted the villainess into the air, but not before The Marquis snuck up behind her, slapping one side of a pair of handcuffs onto her right wrist. The American Angel reacted quickly however, sending a powerful kick straight up between The Marquis' legs. He squealed in pain and doubled over, allowing The American Angel to turn and toss the body of Justine in is direction.

The two tumbled to the ground and rolled toward the corner of the room as The American Angel looked on, wiping her hands together to indicate a job well done. The Marquis and his wife cowered in the corner as The American Angel looked on, satisfied that she had once again defeated them. But before she knew what hit her, All snuck up behind her and shoved the plastic bag over her head, pulling it tightly. The American Angel, surprised by the unexpected attack, raised her hands to try and pry the bag off of her. But with her wrists together and unable to see, Al was able to snare the other handcuff onto her left wrist, trapping her hands together. The Marquis and Justine looked on in delight, The Marquis braking out orders.

"Knock the wind out of her!" he ordered, and Al obeyed, delivering a powerful knee into the heroine's unsuspecting gut. The blow served it's purpose, hurting The American Angel and causing her to stumble forward.

"Pull her top off! She's powerless unless her entire costume remains on her body!" came the next instruction, and Al wasted no time in following it. Reaching forward, he grabbed the blinded and bound heroine's top and ripped it from her body. The America Angel's chest spilled out from behind her top, bouncing wildly as she struggled to get free. But with the plastic bag knotted tightly around her neck, her supply of oxygen began to diminish, and she began to falter. The Marquis and Justine got to their feet as the hooded heroine floundered around the room, trying to pull the bag off of her head, but gradually losing the fight against time.

"She is no longer a threat," The Marquis explained as he walked over to Al, "see for yourself."

Al accepted the challenge, sneaking up behind the hooded heroine and wrapping his arms around her, grabbing her tits in the process. The American Angel was appalled and horrified that her son in-law, her daughters husband, was feeling her up, and there was nothing she could do about it. She tried to resist, but Al easily overpowered her as she dropped to both knees, getting lightheaded before passing out. She feel to the floor, her wrists shackled in front of her, her head covered with the plastic bag.

The Marquis walked up in front of her, checking to see if she was in fact unconscious, giving her a nudge in the ribs with the tip of his boot. He then rolled her onto her back, her tits dropping down either side of her body as she lay motionless. Justine removed the plastic bag from her head before motioning for Al to grab her and carry her downstairs, to the dungeon.

The American Angel's instinct was correct, she was familiar with this place. The building was the home of the Marquis' dungeon, the scene of her vicious rape during their last encounter with The Marquis and Justine. That was when the Marquis used several of the stolen Academy Awards, amongst other items, to viciously rape The American Angel. She would not have remembered it though, since a dildo filled with amnesia fluid was plunged into her cunt before she was released, erasing her memory of the incident.

Though The American Angel successfully captured Justine in the end and had her put behind bars, there was not enough evidence to convict her of a crime and she was eventually set free. But now The American Angel was once again at the mercy of The Marquis and Justine, but this time, her son in-law, not realizing who The American Angel really was, would be taking part in the assault.

The unconscious heroine was stripped of her costume, everything but her mask and her boots, and was strapped to a table, the same one used the last time she abducted. The Marquis, well aware of Al's relationship to the super heroine, offered her up as a reward for retrieving the emerald, and Al was none to happy to accept the gift. Left alone with her, Al waited for the naked heroine to regain consciousness, and was right there when she did.

Peering out form behind her mask, The American Angel quickly realized the predicament she was in. Stripped of her costume, and as such, stripped of her powers, she was helpless to prevent whatever abuse The Marquis had in store for her. But much to her dismay, The Marquis was not the miscreant she had to worry about. No, she had to worry about someone much more disturbing, her own son in-law.

The super heroine debated how to handle the situation, already humiliated that she was stripped naked in front of him. She knew that she could not reveal her identity to him, so instead she tried to reason with him. With Al across the room, she called out to him.

"Please.... Please let me go. At this point, you are an innocent man and can walk away from this!" But her please only seemed to incite Al.

"Innocent? Is that what you think I am?" Al walked closer, holding the large, sparkling emerald in his hand. "You see this? I was the mastermind who stole this priceless emerald and smuggled it out of Brazil. And now, I've sold it to The Marquis, making me a very rich man! So it is wrong to call me innocent."

The American Angel was stunned. Though she had suspected that Al had stolen the emerald, she didn't want to face that reality, but now had no choice. Nevertheless, she still had to try and bargain with him to attain her freedom.

"Okay, so you are the one who stole the emerald. But you can still avoid a long jail sentence. Release me, and together we can capture The Marquis and Justine, turn them over to the authorities and plead your case to them. We can convince them that you were being threatened by The Marquis and had no choice."

Al moved closer still, grabbing the emerald with one hand and placing it between The American Angel's legs. As he began to speak, he slowly rubbed around the perimeter of her twat.

"But I don't want to turn myself in. I don't want to turn The Marquis in. You see we've already gotten away with the crime, and you're the only one who knows about it. You are the only one who can prevent me from pulling off this crime and making me and my family rich! And right now, you are in no position to do anything about that now, are you? In fact, The Marquis has told me that you are a real good fuck, and I intend to find out just how good you really are!"

With that, he began to prod the emerald into the heroine's vaginal cavity, slowly prodding it in before allowing it to eject back out. The muscles on the heroine's inner thighs began to tighten and twitch, and she begged for him to stop. The American Angel couldn't believe that the son in-law she knew, the kind, gentle father of her grandchildren, was capable of such perverted behavior. But the jewel continued to be plunged into her cunt, and she couldn't stop it.

As the heroine writhed, moaned and begged for him to stop, Al continued the molestation. "That's it baby, get it nice and moist. But don't you go having an orgasm just yet, 'cause old Al is on his way in!"

The American Angel shuddered at the thought, but her worst fears came true when Al pulled his pants down and mounted the table. He untied her ankles, grabbing her legs and placing them over each of his shoulders before kneeling between them. With the back of her thighs pressed against his chest, her boots dangling off of each of his shoulders, she was spread wide open for him.

"NO.... PLEASE..... YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME... I'M YOUR.....!" but she stopped short of revealing her true identity to him. "You are my what? My next fuck? Yes ... yes you are!" he replied calmly, before plucking the jewel from her twat and shoving it into her mouth to keep her quiet. "It's nice and lubricated for you now. So how does it taste?"

The American Angel mumbled and groaned, but the emerald was lodged tightly between her lips, keeping her in relative silence. She could taste her own juices, and felt sick to her stomach as Al prepared to penetrate her. She stared down at him, now kneeling upright, his penis erect and pointed directly at her cunt. She tried to pull her legs off of his shoulders, but he grabbed hold, keeping them wrapped tightly around his head. Then, with a swift and powerful thrust, he injected his dick into her cunt and began to rape her.

"NOOOO.... PLEASE.... NOOOO!" she pleased, but her cries were soon overpowered by the smacking sound of sweaty skin striking sweaty skin.

The American Angel was horrified, trying to squirm and wriggle free, but her wrists were bound tightly, her legs held firmly in place by Al's powerful arms. He thrust his pelvis back and forth, driving his dick deeply inside of her, powerfully lunging his body forward. Rolling her head from side to side, The American Angel continued to groan and mumble, though gradually her protests were replaced with mollified moans. The skin slapping noises echoed through the room as Al continued to bore into the heroine. Perspiration began to drip from his forehead as the minutes passed, the intensity building as time went on.

Reaching forward, he then grabbed her sweaty tits with each hand, pinching her erect nipples between his fingers, causing The American Angel's back began to arch, her anguished moans growing louder from beneath the emboweled emerald. As the ravishment continued, The American Angel's eyes opened more widely and she could feel herself losing control. Al's dick grew harder and she could feel it pulsing against the walls of her cunt, stimulating her against her will. She could feel every muscle in her body tightening and she knew that she could no longer prevent the inevitable orgasm.

As she dropped her head back, her spine arched deeply, Al's thrust grew more powerful, a sign that he too was about to cum. Within seconds, each of them reached climax, Al yelling out loud in a primal scream while The American Angel flailed her head from side to side, groveling profusely as her juices began to flow. Al's orgasm lasted for almost a full minute, but as it concluded, he pulled out of the heroine's flowing pussy and pushed her thighs off of his shoulders, allowing them to fall weakly toward the fall. He slowly slid off of the table before refastening the binds on her ankles while watching the stream of bodily fluids drip from between The American Angel's legs.

The American Angel turned her head to the side, a tear flowing from behind her mask and down her cheek. She had just been raped by her daughter's husband, the father of her grandchildren, and felt like she wanted to die. But Al was feeling quite differently. Still unaware of whom he had just degraded, he was not finished yet.

Just then Justine entered the room, and all eyes turned to her. Wearing an erotic, black leather web bikini, she was holding tightly onto the end of a leash which was attached to the collar of an angry looking Doberman Pinscher. The American Angel glanced over toward the dominatrix, fretting what was in store for her next. Al too stood and stared at the sexy woman, who walked over and greeted him.

"I see you've had some fun with our guest." She remarked sarcastically, to which Al replied, "Yes, but not as much fun as if you would have joined us Justine!" The sexy domina smiled, "All in due time Al." She then walked over toward The American Angel and in a soft voice, whispered in her ear. "He's a dear boy isn't he. Almost like a son to me!" she teased before cackling out loud.

The American Angel turned and stared at her in anguished horror, realizing that Justine was well aware of the fact that Al was in fact her own son in law. The deviant couple had arranged the whole incident, and The American Angel was left completely overwhelmed by it all.

The Marquis then entered the room, looking jovial as he strutted toward the bound heroine. "This is becoming quite a familiar pose for you my dear Angel."

"What do you mean by that Marquis. I will not allow you to treat me like this! I demand that you untie me and surrender peacefully!"

"My dear lover, you are in no position to make demands. And anyway, we are not quite done with you yet. After all, our new friend Al is part of my family now too, so I want to make sure he gets to know you better, my dear old friend, on a much more intimate level!"

"How dare you do this to me Marquis. You will pay dearly for this!"

The Marquis then walked over to Al and informed him that he and Justine would need to take care of some business for a short while. "Please keep our guest, the lovely American Angel, entertained, would you?" Justine then walked over and handed him the leash. "This is my pet. His name is Climax, and he is particularly fond of licking the naked bodies of bound women. He is very obedient too. Will you keep an eye on him for me and keep him entertained as well?"

Al snickered while grabbing hold of the leash. "I'm sure I can find something to keep him busy!" With that, The Marquis and his wife left the room, leaving Al, Climax and their captive heroine behind. Al walked over to The American Angel and peered down at the oozing puddle. "My my, you are certainly a mess aren't you. Perhaps this mutt can take care of that."

"Don't you dare let that dog near me or......"

But before she could finish, Al barked the command "LICK!" while pointing up at the bound heroine. Instantly, the ferocious looking dog hopped up onto the table and begin to sniff the heroine's clammy body. The American Angel voiced her protests, but Al quickly silenced her by once again stuffing the large jewel into her mouth. As Climax surveyed the heroine's body, he started with her face, sticking his nose so close that she could hear him breathing and taste the dog breath. He licked her cheek, but then stepped down toward her torso, focusing on her chest.

As if trained to do so, he began to lick her tits, replacing the perspiration with dog saliva as he lapped them up. The dog's long tongue slurped every inch of the heroine's large chest before moving down her body. It took a lick of her stomach, but quickly moved downward before sitting directly between her legs, it's mouth pointed toward the heroine's wet pussy. As if drinking from a dog bowl, Climax began to slurp and lick the entire area around The American Angel's pussy, the dog's tongue delving into the heroine's sexual orifice. His wet nose, perforated her skin, and before long, he was arousing her once again. Try as she may to fight it, within another ten minutes, she was once again reaching climax, this time as the result of a dog lick!

The American Angel squirmed in her binds, groaning loudly in protest as all of the fluids which dripped from between her legs were lapped up by the unusually efficient pooch. Al looked in shock as he watched the spectacle, amazed at what he was seeing. The dog continued to prowl the heroine's crotch for several minutes before finally, and very calmly, jumping off of the table and settling into a corner, licking it's lips before laying it's head on the floor and falling asleep.

"Can you believe that?" he declared, gazing into the defiled heroine's face. "A God Dam dog made you cum ! God you must be one horny bitch! I'll be damned if I'm going to touch you again after that!"

The American Angel continued to writhe on the table, moaning loudly to get his attention. Finally Al walked over and plucked the jewel from her mouth, allowing her to speak.

"Please, you've degraded me in every possible way. Can I at least be given the opportunity to wash myself?"

"Well I guess that can't hurt, in fact, that's a good idea. Clean yourself up good and maybe I can mount you again after all!", and with that, Al undid her binds, allowing her to get up from the table. The Angel was weak, but she had carefully observed the room, noticing her bikini sitting hanging from a hook in the corner, just above where Climax had fallen asleep. If she could just distract Al long enough to get over there and slip it back on, she could regain her powers and free herself.

Standing, although somewhat shakily, she was directed her to the bathroom in the corner. "And just in case you were thinking about it, there are no windows in that bathroom. And keep the door open so I can watch you too !", he demanded

The American Angel hobbled over to the bathroom and slowly pulled off her thigh high red boots, leaving only her mask on. She then hobbled into the shower stall, letting the warm water try to wash away the sediment and saliva which had dried on her body. Grabbing a bar of soap, she diligently washed between her legs, almost as if trying to cleanse herself from the penetration she had been subjected to.

She remained in the shower for a full 20 minutes before finally shutting the water and stepping out. With the door to the bathroom open, she noticed Al sitting in one corner of the room, while Climax remained seated beneath her costume. If she were to get free, she would have to get Climax away from it, while distracting Al long enough to get changed.

She decided to try and entice Climax away from the costume by summoning him into the bathroom, very quietly. It took some doing, but eventually the dog arose and slowly walked toward the bathroom. As he drew near, The American Angel grabbed him by the collar, pulled him, and slammed the door closed. The noise alerted Al, who immediately rushed over and pulled open the door. But the heroine was cleverly waiting for him, and as he ripped the door open, she greeted him with a kick right into his crotch.

The surprised Al doubled over and moaned in pain as the super heroine grabbed him by the hair and yanked him forward, slamming the top of his head into the side of the toilet bowl. The blow knocked Al out cold, allowing the violated heroine to take out her frustrations on him. Pulling his head up the hair, she summarily deposited it into the toilet bowl, stepping down on the back of his head with her boot to push it into the cold water. In a final act of retribution, she then flushed the toilet, watching with vengeance as her son in law was humiliated.

She then rushed over to the opposite corner of the room, grabbing her costume from the hook. She slipped on her panty, water still dripping form her body, but as she grabbed her top, Climax raced over, biting down on the garment and trying to pull it away from her. A struggle ensued with the half-naked heroine desperately pulling against the growling mutt. The struggle continued for several more seconds, the weakened American Angel fearing that either Al would revive or that The Marquis and Justine would return. So she kicked him between his legs, causing the dog to yelp out loud before whimpering away.

The American Angel then slipped on her top and cape, replenishing her super powers in the process. With her complete costume once again intact, she was back to full strength, and ready to punish Al for his evil doings. But first, she grabbed Al's cell phone and called the police, alerting them to the exact location. She then walked into the bathroom, carrying the jewel. With Al still unconscious, she took the jewel, lifted the cover of the toilet tank and placed the stone inside before replacing the cover. She then stood ominously over the wet and bewildered Al, who had just begun to regain consciousness.

"You will pay for your crimes and what you did to me!" she threatened, but as she glared down at him, she noticed a shadow growing larger from behind her. Preparing herself for the sneak attack, she saw the shadows lift it's arm, a blunt object clenched tightly in it's hand. As the arm began to lower for it's attack, she made her move, spinning to the side as The Marquis stumbled forward, The American Angel kicking him in the ass, causing him to fall near Al, and near the toilet bowl.

She then shoved The Marquis' head into the toilet bowl, repeating the same maneuver before flushing it once again. She watched as The Marquis flailed on the floor, his head buried in the porcelain fixture. With her hands on her hips, she stood tall, watching as the two men floundered next to each other on the wet, cold, tile floor.

But before she knew what hit her, The American Angel found herself being choked from behind by Justine, who had wrapped a cord around her throat and was pulling it tightly from behind. The American Angel began to struggle, her face turning a bright red as she gurgled, fighting to breathe. Growing weaker by the second, she finally reached her arm back and over her head, grabbing Justine by the hair and flipping her over her shoulder. Justine crashed to the floor, her back smacking into the hard tile as she moaned in pain.

With all three hoodlums now writhing on the floor in front of her, The American Angel finally could catch her breath. But as she stood up, Climax rushed at her from behind, sinking his teeth into her ass. He bit down hard, causing the super heroine to wail in pain. She tried turning and reaching, but he would not let go. The pain was unbearable, and so in a desperate act, she spun quickly, several times, causing the dog to lift into the air as he spun, steadfastly chomping down on the fleshy area. The American Angel built up speed however, spinning at a furious pace and thereby forcing Climax to lose his grip and tumble away from her.

But it didn't take long before he was back, this time biting at her cape. The American Angel knew that if the dog was able to rip her cape off, she would be powerless once again, so she grabbed it form her shoulders. But alas, the angry dog was too quick, and ripped the cape from her shoulders before the heroine could secure her grip. He raced to the other side of the room with it, relieving The American Angel, once again, of her superpowers. She turned to chase after it, but as she did, Al stuck his foot out, tripping her in the process. She stumbled to the floor, allowing both Al and The Marquis to get to her before she could escape.

The two of them were furious, Al especially, and so he grabbed her by the hair and plucked her onto her feet. The American Angel stood defiantly as he grabbed her face in his hand and whispered threateningly to her.

"You are going to pay for that! I'm going to cum inside you so much that it will be spilling out of your ears before I'm done with you!" With that, he grabbed the Blackjack which The Marquis had been holding earlier and smacked her over the head with it, knocking her out. The super heroine collapsed to the floor at their feet, prompting an angry reaction from The Marquis.

"YOU IDIOT!" he screamed while reaching down to grab the cell phone from the floor. Pressing the call log, he stares into the display as the number 9-1-1 appears. "Can't you see that she has already called the police, and they'll be here any minute?!?!?"

Al looked dumbfounded at first, but then took out his frustrations by landing a powerful kick into the unconscious heroine's ribcage. The Marquis again confronted him, this time in a more frantic fashion.

"Where is the emerald?!" he screamed, but Al looked back with a blank stare.

"WHERE IS IT?!" he screamed again, to which Al sheepishly shrugged his shoulders.

"You idiot! You let her trick you and now she's hidden the emerald somewhere and we'll never find it!"

Al looked back down in anger, landing another kick into the now, semi conscious heroine's ribcage, causing her to roll over and groan helplessly.

Justine then walked over with a large, prickly, dripping vibrator in her hand. She handed it to Al, and explained.

"Take this and shove it into her pussy. It's filled with amnesia fluid so she won't remember anything about this. And hurry, the cops will be here any second!"

With that, The Marquis and Justine left Al alone in the bathroom with the aching American Angel. He pulled her panty down, spreading her legs apart before ramming the large, plastic rod into her pussy. Her entire body recoiled as the appliance began to vibrate, stimulating the heroine's body and causing her to moan uncontrollably.

"The next time we meet, I won't need to use a vibrator!" he warned before pushing it deeper into her pussy and then knocking her on the head one last time, knocking her out once again. He then closed the bathroom door behind her as the three crooks and Climax out a trap door.

Just a few minutes later, police surrounded the building and began to warn the crooks to surrender through a loud bullhorn. Little did they know that the crooks had already escaped, leaving The American Angel behind, the vibrator stimulating her into a conscious state. Her legs were spread wide as it took her a few seconds to realize what had happened. The amnesia fluid had done it's job, and she lay on the floor, her body quivering as her legs lifted in the air, her back pressed against the cold tile floor.

It didn't take long before she reached orgasm, though she didn't fully comprehend why. As she began to relax after the stimulation, she pulled the appliance out from between her legs, looking at it in bewilderment. But before she could ponder the situation, the voice at the other end of the bullhorn warned that they were about to storm the building. The American Angel quickly got up, slipped her costume back on, and tossed the vibrator aside, leaving it to continue vibrating. She then rushed out into the main room, just in time to see the police crash through the door.

Once the all clear signal was given, the mayor marched into the room, confronting the super heroine.

"So.... We meet again Miss.... Um.... American Angel. So tell me, what happened here?"

The American Angel stood proudly in front of the mayor, but had no idea what was going on. The amnesia fluid had wiped away any recollection of the incident. The impatient mayor then noticed the wet spot on the super heroine's panty, and the stream of liquid on each of her inner thighs. Shaking his head in disbelief, he tried to get her to speak.

"Do you know where the emerald is?" he asked, which prompted The American Angel to head toward the bathroom. She wasn't sure why, but something told her to walk into the bathroom and lift the toilet tank cover. Once she did, the mayor looked inside, grabbed the jewel, and pulled it out.

"Well I don't know how... but it looks like you've done it again Miss.... Um.... American Angel. Our intelligence had told us that The Marquis and Justine were the ones responsible for the theft of the emerald, and you've somehow managed to recover it. But where are The Marquis and Justine? Did they escape?"

Trying to look like she knew what she was talking about, the nervous heroine replied, "Yes... um yeah. The Marquis and Justine were able to escape through a trap door before I could apprehend them . But I managed to secure the emerald and make sure they did not get away with it."

The aging mayor looked the super heroine up and down, a twinkle in his eye as he undressed her with his eyes. The naïve heroine did not notice his advances though, instead trying her best to look heroine-like. But the mayor was startled by an annoying, high pitched tone, prompting him to ask, "What the hell is that noise?"

He looked around, and then noticed a plastic rod in the corner of the room, responsible for the irritating intonation. Reaching down, he grabbed it, lifting it closer to face for inspection. He smiled slyly as he clutched the wet vibrator in his hand, inspecting it closely before gazing back at The American Angel. Before he could say anything however, The American Angel addressed the small gathering.

"My work here is done for now. I must now go out and find The Marquis and Justine and bring them back to justice. So Mr. Mayor... if you'll excuse me...."

"Um sure... yes.... please. But perhaps sometime you can come over to the mayor's mansion and I can thank you personally!"

"That would be my honor Mr. Mayor!"

And with that, she strode proudly out of the room and sailed off into the night, completely unaware of what had just transpired.


fans of The American Angel have read this story since April 6, 2001.....