The Destruction of Wonder Woman - The Beginning

Author: The Prophet
Time to Read:4min
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The Destruction of Wonder Woman - The Beginning

by The Prophet

Something felt wrong. She knew that Riley could be a trifle imaginative, but more often than not he had been a good source of information. As the heroine approached the deserted warehouse that he had described in such vivid detail she felt a twang in her stomach. This was a gut instinct she had come to realise was always worth following. She couldn't explain it but it seemed to be related somehow to the powers of omniscience she had possessed while a goddess on Olympus. Now those abilities had deserted her and she retained only her former powers - as formidable as they are! This gut instinct was now telling her that beyond the doors of this ordinary-looking building was a great danger. But she hadn't become the Amazon champion of justice in man's world by allowing fear to conquer her at every step of her perilous journey. She swallowed hard and carried on. Still, in the back of her mind she prepared herself for whatever lay ahead.

Lithe legs betrayed no sign of nerves as she strode mightily towards the great metal shutter doors of the warehouse. Above was a sign that said " O'Malley's Scrap Services" and the immediate area around the building was strewn with all manner of metal parts from old cars, household appliances and other such machinery. She surveyed the deserted car park behind her once more and reached out to open the doors that strangely had no lock on them. With a gentle creak she slowly wedged an opening, the doors scratching along the floor and resisting her modest efforts. She asserted more of her amazonian strength and forced the door open enough to let herself inside. Using caution because of the uncertainty of whether she should actually be there or not Wonder Woman crept inside into the darkness before her. From her belt she picked out a torch she had brought, suspecting that an empty warehouse would hardly be a hive of activity and therefore lacking light inside. With the light from the torch she would hope to catch a glint of gold from the missing booty from the Federal bank. Around two tons of gold bars had been stolen by devastating force, with reports of a giant smashing through the walls with no kind of weapon evident. This giant, who was clad in some kind of crimson metallic armour, then proceeded to snap the neck of an elderly security officer to make the bank's manager more compliant to the demands of his partner, who from all accounts was a fairly-average looking man with an Irish accent, walking cane, and a thick black beard. Thinking to herself that the giant described must possess strength on a level of some parity with her own the Amazon princess made her way through the darkness and stumbled on a large object by her feet. She had crossed almost halfway across the warehouse floor and now come upon a large batch of rings made from old scrap iron. However, as the heroine bent down to pick one up she noticed a shining glimmer coming from the object in her hand as the torches beam hit upon it. Investigating the iron ring she discovered that it was merely a casing for something else inside. Using her vast strength Wonder Woman applied just enough pressure to crumble the iron from whatever was inside. As the remnants of the iron fell to the ground a gold ring that was now bent out of shape remained in her hand. "Aha, it looks like I have found what I was searching for!", she thought to herself. Picking up several other rings she found that they too contained gold innards. "I must recover all of these rings and return the gold to their rightful place, I can come back for a confrontation with the men responsible for their removal from the bank tomorrow. I must thank Riley for this."

Just as the voluptuous heroine rose from the floor a sharp whistling sound came from behind her and she felt a phenomenal blow on the back of her neck. Wonder Woman dropped her torch and fell to the ground supported only by her great bosom. Groggily she tried to get to her feet, using her left arm to push herself into a standing position. But before she managed to rise a booming voice rang out, " Stay the fuck down you star-spangled bitch!" and this time she heard the wind cutting before a great force crashed into the bridge of her nose. Slowly she started to lose consciousness, totally shocked by the power of her assailant. She could only remember Supergirl hitting that hard before in their previous dispute. But before she could either think or act again the beautiful heroine involuntarily winced in fear as again she heard the wind-cutting sound of another blow coming her way. This time she was struck full on the chin and immediately anxiety and confusion turned into heavy slumber. As Wonder Woman slipped into unconsciousness the lights came on in the warehouse. Standing over the prone beauty was an immense figure. "How the fuck did you find this place girl? Well, suppose it don't matter much now. You must be that Wonder Woman chick I keep hearing about in the news. You're tits're even better than what I thought, if I wasn't such a consumate professional I might have to forget this security guard shit and take some liberties with that fine bod of yours. Mmmm...maybe I can do both, Tim won't be back for another two hours and I got my needs." Reaching down towards the prostrate princess the behemoth picks the limp heroine from the ground with one giant hand and throws her over his shoulder. Heading for the office at the back of the lowly-lit building the man remarks to himself ,"These infra-red goggles that Tom gave me came in handy, even if I could have taken you down without them." Lifting the hanging head of the sleeping Wonder Woman her captor looked at her beaten face,"...and don't be gettin' your blood on my new shirt, Wonder-whore!"

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