Green Lantern's Punishment

Author: Redghost
Time to Read:28min
Added Date:7/27/2024
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Tags: Green Lantern

Redghost was in the process of returning to his town home after having persuaded his latest client to fulfill his part of the deal regarding his theft of the nano-scrambler modules from Tyson industries. He hated using the alien data pad in front of humans but wanted to do business again with the unscrupulous dealer again. When dealt with properly, this man paid more generously than others he’s worked for in the past.

He looked around the interior of the Lexus and thinking about the million dollar plus payday verified in his London account, started thinking of something a little more exotic as he pulled to a stop in a mostly deserted industrial area. The coupes engine hummed quietly as he tapped on the leather steering wheel when he hear a brief scream from somewhere in the vicinity.

Reaching into his coat pocket and drawing the data pad out, he felt the gaseous matter solidify in his hand and touched the silken surface of the device, scanning temporal eddies and events in the supposedly abandoned area. Finding the source of the event, he pulled the car around to the rear of an abandoned steel import business, hearing the muffled screaming of some young woman and the subsequent shouting of several men. Even though his line of work was on the unsavory side, he had a soft spot for the damsel in distress scenarios.

He parked the car near a rear entrance, switching the data pad off and concealing it before climbing from the vehicle and phasing to near transparency before slipping inside.

Sylvia Grant was still getting accustomed to her role as a Green Lantern in the Sol sector. She inherited the assignment from a Martian predecessor and had the benefit of acquiring knowledge of the powers now at her disposal with the position. Her first year as a Guardian had been favorable throughout the entire system and many governments had heralded her exploits on earth. She’s had some close calls with a few of the newer super criminals that seemed to be appearing more and more but managed to get past these obstacles with only a few minor scrapes. One villain had nearly taken more than just her pride and now, she was vigilant of those who would use women as victims.

The government had requested her services to catch a thief who’d been active stealing secret technology from private vendors they dealt with. This “Ghost” had supernatural powers and was proving to be more and more difficult to apprehend by their best agents. In fact, several had been gravely injured in their attempts to apprehend him. His latest heist had been some prototype nano-scrambler modules that were being developed by the Tyson group. Several of the tiny devices had tracers purposely introduced into them just in case they were stolen and intelligence had discovered that the Ghost would try to take the items.

She flew over the night sky after receiving word that the theft had indeed taken place. She looked at the tracking device given her by a secret contact and followed the signal to a mostly abandoned industrial site, spying an expensive car parked outside one of the buildings. She landed silently, looking inside the dark car and pinpointed the pilfered technology in a pouch under the passenger seat. She knew the thief, this “Ghost” was somewhere in the building and turned to enter before hearing a woman’s scream and gunshots from inside. Checking the power source in her ring, she quickly took to the air, hoping to surprise the thief from a higher vantage. She had no idea what she was facing but there was a woman obviously in distress and a criminal to be caught. She hoped she would have the patience not to kill him in the process of apprehending the man.

Redghost entered the building, noting it had been used for more unsavory activities since the business had ceased operations. There were fallen beams, and cartons strewn about. Mattresses were strewn about and the stench of old liquor and urine filling the air. He moved like a breeze, his feet barely touching the flooring as he descended a flight of stairs to find a large room in disarray like the rest of the place. A woman was partially bound and three thug types were about to have their way with her when one turned to see him.

“We got company, guys.” The man said, pulling a handgun from his jacket. One of his buddies followed suit while a third was restraining the already beaten woman with lengths of rope. The man squinted in the dim illumination, focusing on the figure standing at the doorway to the room. He trained his weapon on the man as he slowly sauntered in, long duster billowing with his gate, large brimmed hat pulled low over his eyes. “Hold it right there, fu…”

The man was pulling the trigger before he could finish the sentence, watching the man start to move. The ghost had crossed nearly twenty feet in the blink of an eye, like a hiccup in time.

Redghost had the assailant’s hand in a vice grip, tightening and breaking the bones and cartilage as the first bullet pierced his chest. The second bullet passed through his stomach as if it were only smoke before he twisted quickly, shattering the man’s elbow then dislocating his shoulder before casting him aside. Another of the thugs had begun firing, the slugs passing harmlessly through him as he had already moved to take him, shifting his concentration, adjusting the tangibility of his body, a hand phasing one moment then the arm. Shifting his density and mass from one part of his body to another, slipping a smoke like fist into the assailant’s chest then solidifying it, exploding his heart.

He looked to the woman who only stared in disbelief and mouthed for her to close her eyes as he heard footsteps approaching and more gunshots ringing out. He watched the woman cower then turned to the onslaught, taking a deep breath.

The pressure in the large room expanded in an instant, the concussion and force exploding from his body ripping the thugs into pieces, blasting them across the room. Limbs and internals smashed into pipes, columns and walls, smearing and dripping with sick, wet sounds. The explosion of force sounded only like a soft thump in a vacuum but the result was far more devastating.

He approached the woman, kneeling to her and started to undo her bonds when the sight and scent of blood from her mouth and numerous lacerations brought on by the abuse triggered the dark aspect of his being. He felt his teeth sharpening with the overpowering aroma as he tried to console her but felt the beast taking hold in a hurry. He didn’t want to add to her torture and focused on just freeing her and sending her quickly on her way as he spoke.

“Try not to look. Just go. Quickly.”

The woman started to mumble her thanks when she squeezed open one eye and looked upon her savior. Screaming took her again as the beast, which had come to the surface glared back.

Sylvia saw the man over the bloodied woman before noticing the carnage he’d wrought as she floated into the room. She called to the power of her ring and produced as massive, glowing, emerald fist, lashing out and striking the ghost hard across the back, throwing him across the room and into a pile of crates and standing pvc pipes.

She moved to the woman, quickly untying her and whispered. “Run and call for help. I’ll make sure he doesn’t harm you any further.” She hushed the woman as she tried to speak and moved her to flee, turning back and seeing the man or whatever it was remarkably standing from the rubble of his crash from her blow.

Redghost stood from the wreckage, brushing dust from his coat and reaching for the datapad, touching the device and identifying the new arrival. The craving was still on him as he considered the heroine with a slight tilt of his head, slipping the device back inside the duster and advancing slowly.

“Hold it right there. I’m here to take you in to the proper authorities. Seems you have some important, stolen merchandise in your car outside and seeing what you did to that poor girl. I think it would be a good idea if you just surrendered peacefully.” Sylvia said, standing her ground and pointing a fist at him, the rings power glowing brightly.

Redghost looked at the woman, sizing her up then noting her appearance. She stood about five foot six, very well built and sensuous in the jade, black and gold outfit. She was faintly muscled but almost erotic in the skintight costume, long, brown hair billowing about her shoulders as the rings power spread over her body.

“In fact,” The heroine growled. “I’m going to see how you handle yourself against a woman who fights back.” She threw herself across the room with the intent of tackling the man and forcing him through a wall. Her vision went white as she passed though him, crashing unprepared into the concrete wall behind him and slumped to the floor, momentarily stunned.

“A Green Lantern. How quaint. I thought the one assigned to this system was a man.” Ghost said, turning and watching the woman shaking off her attempted attack. He again noted her body, licking his lips as he succumbed to the dark presence. He noted her rapid recovery as she climbed slowly to her feet, adjusting his mass to diamond hardness and his weight accordingly. He moved slowly and cautiously, his smooth, stalking gait belying the near thousand pounds he now weighed in at. “Name is Redghost. Don’t think we’ve been properly introduced.”

He was on the woman in an instant, reaching down and lifting her by the throat, breathing deeply as her taught body brushed up against his, her. He pulled her face inches away from his, almost brushing his lips over hers, taking the fear from her breath as he inhaled. The beast was bursting at his flesh from within as his eyes noted a trickle of blood from the corner of her mouth.

Sylvia felt panic staring into the man’s dark eyes. She swallowed hard against the near choking grip at her throat and slowly fought down the anxiety, focusing her concentration to the power ring on her finger and evaluating the powers this criminal had already exhibited.

She swallowed again and focused her will through the ring, projecting an emerald, fist of energy from the glowing jewel, encasing the man’s body with it and squeezing. She could feel him in the fist as if it was her own and noted that his body was like a heavy block of metal but still gave a little as she applied more pressure. The woman was amazed as she felt his hold at her throat loosen as she was squeezing enough to literally crush any normal human.

Then her clearing vision quickly took in her surroundings and another wave of panic gripped her as she saw the remnants of several other people blasted into the walls and floors and ceilings of the large room. She let a silent gasp escape her lips as she felt pressure rapidly growing in the power fist, as if the atmosphere around the man had begun to expand. It was then she understood what he was attempting to do.

Redghost saw the stern concentration on her face as he summoned the force around his body slowly; loosing the power hold she was holding him with. He glared through the translucent fist again at her body in the skintight costume and felt a lust blend into the rage of his dark essence. He shrugged and expanded the force around his with explosive results, flinging her from him and again, far across the room. He turned and saw the victim yelp in horror and amazement as she stood shakily and started to flee. His hand slipped up into the large sleeve of his coat and reached out, throwing three, marble sized orbs of light connected by glowing, gossamer threads at her stumbling legs. The energy bolas expanded, tethered to his sleeve by a third strand of energy and trapped her ankles, causing her to fall again. He pulled her back toward him watching her scratching at the wood floor with now bloody nails, the screams caught in her throat.

Sylvia picked herself up from the rubble created with his latest escape, considering her combat training and invoked the power of her ring again, encasing her body in a jade skin of armor and climbed back to her feet, hoping that his fighting skill was not on a par with the extraordinary powers he was manifesting.

“Alright, Redghost. Time for the kid gloves to come off.” She said, quickly advancing on the man as he lifted the victim in his grip. She didn’t let his evolving features sway her conviction and understood that the most severe measures would be needed to contain this obviously dangerous being. She watched him turn and cast a menacing glare at her before lifting the woman and knocking her unconscious with a quick, crushing backhand, letting her slump at his feet.

“Bring it then, hero. Was wondering when we’d stop dancing and start fucking.” Ghost growled. He turned to face the emerald warrior and called a power that came with the emergence of this dark side. He let his voice take a peculiar timbre as he spoke, exuding a powerful, alien pheromone from his skin. The scent was not so much an aphrodisiac but a chemical that subdued certain chemical reactions in the brain making one more susceptible to erotic behavior. The subject would not realize the effect or sense it’s presence but the effect would more noticeably cloud judgment. He approached the advancing woman, putting up his hands in mock boxing stance and dancing around a bit as he watched her come closer.

Silvia moved in, feinting a right hand and dropping down in an attempt to sweep the man’s legs from under him then levitated with a spinning back kick. She maintained her balance and composure, instantly thinking ahead to the next frame of her attack and grunting as he dodged, leapt over or blocked each punch or kick she threw. She did manage to land a hard shot to his ribs and felt as if she’d punched a steel wall. She heard him grunt when the blow landed and stagger a bit, taking the moment to throw a round kick to his knee then reverse it up to connect with his jaw. She was breathing heavily as she watched the man finally go down and shake the effects of the blow.

Redghost was impressed by her fighting style and though easily avoiding most of the assault, took the ending blows that landed with some difficulty. He knew this exertion would accelerate the production of the alien pheromone but wasn’t real crazy about the pain involved even with his altered mass.

He then went on an attack of his own, taking a hand out to flip her ankle, grabbing it and lifting her a little too fast, spinning and throwing her across the room. He moved with her after the toss, on her nearly as soon as she roughly landed near a door to another room, lifting her by the shoulders and slamming a head butt to her jaw, a knee lift to her stomach, an elbow strike to the side of her neck then stopped, watching her stagger for a moment then crumple to her knees. He looked down, breathing heavily and noted her nipples large and pressing at the fabric of her costume and her breath coming in harsh gasps.

Sylvia ran her tongue along her teeth and tasted blood as she crouched, lifting an arm up between his legs, attempting a groin shot and lost her balance as he turned intangible the instant the strike would have made contact. She fell on her rear, bumping her head against the wall and sneered, licking her lips. Her thoughts were clouded and she couldn’t understand why this conflict, though painful and intense was making her belly warm. She shifted her thighs and felt a heat at her sex, noting the tender hardness of her nipples pressed inside her tight costume. She feinted a kick to his shin, lifting up to drive a gold boot to his stomach then higher to his chest, making him stagger backward and giving her some room to maneuver. She stood slowly, shaking her head as her concentration wavered. She took a soft stance and considered her next move of attack but the heat at her sex was growing more distracting. She stumbled a bit as her tight outfit pressed and moved at her crotch, arousing her clitoris to unwanted hardness. She looked at the man with a bit of lust then growled, figuring there was another hidden power at work and moved in to try and finish this duel.

Redghost stumbled back and shook a scolding finger at the woman, noting her confusion and after feeling her last few blows softening, knew she was succumbing to the drug more quickly than normal. She was still quite dangerous but at the current pace, it was only a matter of moments before she would slip up unknowingly just to get closer to him.

He set, shifting his mass and density down, watching her move closer. He saw the left hook coming a mile away and grabbed her wrist and pulled her into a sun (groin) punch that doubled her over. He locked the wrist hold and turned her arm, straightening the woman back up and struck with a knife-edge hand blow just below her windpipe. It was not a killing move, as he could now smell her arousal raging. He twisted her arm around her throat, reaching down between her legs and lifted her, feeling her sex burning hot and moist even through the thick fabric of her costume. He smiled for an instant as he felt her body lurch to him, grinning her heat down onto his hand as she was lifted then tossed her again, sending the woman crashing through a second door and sprawling across the floor.

Sylvia cursed as she slid to a stop in the room, more from embarrassment than injury. She rubbed her hips as she sat up, unconsciously moving her hand between her thighs and massaging the heat roiling there. Her eyes widened upon realizing this and she slowly hoisted herself up, watching the man drag the woman bound in glowing gossamer in with him. She watched him lift her as if she weighed nothing and toss her into the room, in her direction. Her reflexes were still quick considering her unwelcome arousal and the confusion the man’s proximity seemed to cause. She caught the unconscious woman, her dead weight making her stumble back and loose her footing. She felt her body react to the contact as the woman’s breasts pressed down on hers and her hips shifted, grinding up into her body.

‘What the hell is he doing to me?’ She thought, setting the woman aside and climbing back to her feet again. She tried to shake her head clear and focus on him as he moved slowly into the room towards her. She studied him closely but her eyes kept moving down over his belly and crotch, noting with moist lips his bulging groin beneath the armor of his own outfit.

“You are only getting yourself in deeper trouble, Redghost.” She said, carefully moving the woman from her, resting her gently to the floor next to her. “You’re already in trouble for the theft of that technology. What you did to this woman has you in deeper shit. Now if you surrender peacefully, I’ll..”

“You’ll do what, Lantern? Ask the court to go easy on me?” He said, turning his dark gaze back to the hole made by his throwing of her into this next room. The blasted hole in the wall began to shimmer as her again removed the data pad. Luminescent yellow lines began to crawl around the lines of the room, obscuring the portal till it faded into solidity. Then the room itself began to shift as if it were an elevator. There was a slight movement that was felt more inside that lasted only a few seconds.

He slowly paced around the two women, coveting the Guardian with is eyes as he watched her again rise to her feet, speaking softly. There was a menacing calmness about his voice as he replaced the datapad.

“You saw what I am capable of out there. Now for your information, what’s left of those goons in there is who did this to the girl or was trying to when I showed up. I’ll clue you in on a little something though, honey, you did come along at the right time.” He strode up to the woman, paralyzing her with his voice and gaze, leaning forward to almost brush his lips over hers, flicking the tip of his tongue over the trickle of blood from the corner of her mouth before swiping her head with a swift head butt, watching her fall stunned at his feet. “I have this lil problem with blood. It kinda kick starts my … appetite for things like her. And you.”

Sylvia fell back on her ass, shaking off the effect of the head butt. She looked up at him, calling up the power of the ring, her eyes darting over the large room and the yellow lines, the filled, blasted space where the hole had been. The room itself grew darker, subdued shapes shifting around her.

“It is not a Guardians place to take a life, Ghost. Let this go now or I don’t know if I would be willing to honor that oath.” She reached up with a punch, feeling pain explode in her fist as it made contact with his rippled stomach. It was as if she’d punched a brick wall only without the benefit of augmented super strength. A cry escaped her lips as she saw his knee rushing toward her face then there was a bright flash of light as it connected.

She awoke to find herself bound. What felt like a thin band of steel was wrapped tightly around her throat and her wrists were affixed at the sides of her throat with the same metal. The restraint had her elbows raised and her breasts thrust painfully forward. The binding was then attached to some structure behind her head. Her body was then positioned where her hard belly was crunched forward and her ass rested on some kind of beam which she rode between her buttocks and her thick, toned thighs was spread, only her toes touching the floor. Her costume had been cut so one breast was exposed and she looked groggily down at her hard nipple, the unwanted arousal from the earlier encounter returning fiercely as she moved on the beam, feeling it rub harshly at her rear.

She shook her hear, feeling the pain from his knee to her jaw apparently then gasped as warm lips took her exposed nipple. Her eyes met those of the woman she’d tried to save and she groaned watching her take her nipple and suckle hard, kneading the bud in her teeth. She looked further and through still blurred vision saw the man behind the woman, slowly thrusting behind her, smiling as he watched her awaken. She groaned helplessly, lifting her hips up and feeling the raging heat in her sex as she watched silently. Her words came in gasping , whispering breaths.

“Poor woman. Stop this, please. It’s this beast. He has some kind of spell on you. We can together overpower him.”

The woman looked up with glazed eyes, taking Sylvia’s ripped costume in her teeth and tearing down, biting down over her body, gnawing at her trembling flesh as she was thrust forward from the subtle pounding the man was inflicting from behind her. She was nude from the waist up and blood smeared her shoulders and breasts and hands and there was a nasty gorge.. a bite high on her shoulder.

“My god. What has he done?” Sylvia gasped, lurching her hips up uncontrollably, feeling her lips move down further, fighting the lust and heat building with the woman’s kiss.

“Oooh. You’re back with us, eh?” Redghost hissed, moving from behind the woman, His cock was a little too long.. too thickly veined and glistening with the juices of the woman as he moved from her. His dark, rippled belly glistened with sweat and again blood as he watched the heroine struggle.

“The lady here is only human and far more susceptible to my wiles than you seem to be. Must be something in that ring but common sense told me how to kind of counteract that. Peculiar properties in this temporal shift. But I see you are still affected somewhat but there’s a lil more fight in you.” He reached down to Sylvia’s costume and ripped it open further, down to the crotch where the woman instantly moved her lips, sucking hungrily at her freed sex, reaching in with her fingers to open her then sucking at her hot cunt.

“You evil man. You beast. Release me. Release us at once and I’ll take her and go. You don’t have to do this.” Sylvia pleaded, grunting as she thrust her hips up, grinding her pussy unwillingly to the woman’s mouth, moaning desperately.

“I know I don’t have to, Guardian. I want to now. You’re a pretty good looker and there are still things I might find out about you. For instance, how did you know I stole those modules and how did you track me to this place?”

“I can’t tell you that. I don’t know who the source is. The contact was kept highly confidential just in case something like this was to happen. Gnnnnn. Oh god. Please end this thing, Ghost. It’s not right. Let us go.” She moaned, feeling the woman’s tongue slip just inside her hot threshold. She cursed herself mentally as her thighs parted to give the probing further access, grinding her clit up against the victim’s teeth.

Redghost chuckled softly, leaning over the heroine and taking her right breast in his lips for a moment, his now sharp teeth tearing softly at Sylvia’s taught flesh, opening tiny lacerations on the mound as his other hand kneaded her left tit harshly.

“Why do I believe you are only saying this to get free?” Ghost purred as he released his grasp of her breast, running his fingers down her quivering belly. His fingertips had become claws with the transformation, the slightest touch of them opening her flesh and bringing forth tiny lines of crimson. His hand came to rest at the back of the victim’s head, taking her by the hair and forcing her face harder into the Guardian’s sex.

“Let me tell you what will happen if I don’t get the information I want, honey. This woman you want so badly to save won’t live long. There are options however. Depending on how cooperative you are with me.” He paused to suck hungrily at her nipple again, his metamorphosis exuding another dose of the pheromone and her nipple spurting milk into his mouth as a result. The victim got a whiff of the scent and gobbled more passionately at her cunt, sucking her clit hard and sliding her tongue deeper. “Like I said before. The chemical that has you all upset has a much more devastating to her. She doesn’t have any super powers or special toys to guard against it.”

“Then let her…” Sylvia groaned and shuddered as a powerful orgasm ripped through her body, lurching her hips up, thrusting her nearly spurting pussy up into the woman’s mouth. Tears were streaming down her cheeks and she swallowed hard at the tight band about her throat, feeling it tighten as her body strained at the support. “Guuuudddd.. Let her go. You don’t have to do this to her. I’m the one you want. Nooo Please. Release her.”

He slapped her hard across the face, smiling as her cheek flushed bright red. “As I was saying, only a lil dose of this is needed for a normal human and it has this pesky way of affecting anyone in the immediate vicinity. Had to use a little more than normal for you and you still are fighting it.” He leaned close to her ear, flicking the tip of his tongue along the cartilage and feeling her shudder and a moan escape her lips. “The affliction is going to have some unsavory results with her and it’s your fault. Should have investigated further before jumping to conclusions. Talked to me before you had her drawn into this. I actually came here to rescue her myself but. ‘sighs’ seems you sealed her fate.”

Sylvia was bucking wildly, fighting the effect of the powerful pheromone with every once of her will as another rolling orgasm swept through her loins, blinding her vision for a moment. “Tell me what you want then. How can I save her and assure you I will not speak of this?”

He moved over her, his hard, thick shaft bobbing near her face, the bulbous head glistening as it brushed against her cheek. He watched her lips part briefly, her tongue begin to snake out to taste his organ before turning her head, gagging as the band about her throat tightened with the slight motion. She rolled her hips up to the victim’s mouth at her cunt and growled, cumming again. “Why don’t you tell me what you want, Guardian. What do you think you can offer me besides your silence and the information I’ve asked you for?”

She glared up into his dark eyes, her gaze glancing again at his huge, rigid member then back to him. Her sex was dripping; hungry to be filled by his massive tool but her morality remained intact. She squealed as the woman reached under her, wetting her fingertip with the outpouring of her juices then probed playfully at her anus, sliding the tip just inside. “I’ll give you a nammmeeee!! Oh god. Anything . Fuck me. Whip me. Just let her goooo!!!”

Redghost glared to the victim, taking the datapad from his coat and touching the gaseous surface then watched the device float just out of her reach, hanging in mid air. Its surface twinkled with tiny dots of light as he set it up for remote operation. He cooed to the girl to release the Guardian, which she reluctantly did after spearing the heroine’s cunt deeply one last time with her tongue. Her eyes were wild as the chemical coursed through her system and her inner thighs glistened with her own release as she took a place at his side, wrapping her arms around his thigh and flicking her tongue over his bobbing shaft.

“First, you give me that name. Tell me if the contact is in the organization that sent you after the modules or if her or she worked for Tyson Industries. Then, I’ll consider something that might benefit you both.

I’ll keep the request in mind though but I would strongly recommend you start with the name”

Sylvia twitched at the restraints as she felt his hand move beneath her hair to the metal band at the back of her throat. Her eyes were glued to the woman as she took his shaft into her mouth, trying to swallow the long member and gagging at the head wedged at the back of her throat. She felt herself borne up and moved to her belly, all the while glued to the sight of the victim and her lust while still fighting in vain to suppress her own longing to feel the thick mass deep inside her.

Redghost touched the band, which had been wrapped around a support post, transferring his power to the metal and lowering the heroine down. He reached beneath her, pulling her ass up and spreading her thighs wide, pressing down at the small of her back as he then lashed her ankles to what appeared to be a table that rose up around the bar she’d been straddling. He pushed her thighs in, lifting her ass higher and parted her thighs roughly further, drawing blood from the insides of them with the feather touches of his nails. He lapped at the brief flow then leaned forward to her sex, taking her labia in his sharp teeth, dipping the tip of his tongue at her entrance and feeling her push back.

“A name, Green Lantern.” He growled, pulling away as she backed up to his lips. He reached out with a hand, taking the woman by her hair and whispered for her to move to the head of the table the heroine was lashed to. The woman did. Scooting up and spreading her own thighs so her cunt was right in Sylvia’s face. She reached out and took her hair, drawing her mouth to her dripping sex and squealing as she paused for a brief moment before taking the victims cunt to her mouth.

“Connnnnnnnnnn.. Oh shit. Suck my cunt hard!” She cried out, surprised and ashamed at her own words as she licked deep into the woman. She lifted her ass as she felt the bulbous head of the man’s shaft slid wet between her labia.. teasing her lust cruelly. “The contacts name is Connor. I don’t know if… god! Please end this torment and fuck my cunt!”

“A name, Guardian.” He growled, pushing the head of his shaft at her engorged clit, nuzzling the bud at the eye of his member. He reached back and slapped her ass sharply, kneading her cheek with the hand, his nails digging into her taught flesh drawing blood.

“Fuck! I don’t know if it’s a man of a woman!” Sylvia screamed, mashing her mouth to the woman’s cunt, licking deeply, gasping for breath and moaning. “They are working for the CIA but planted in Tyson industries. Now please, give me your cock! I need to have it now!”

Redghost grinned menacingly, spreading her cheeks and nudging the thick head at her hot, dripping threshold, distending the small orifice as he twisted the head then popping it just inside her, grunting as she screamed with the invasion.

She had seen him, the girl’s mouth opened wide to accommodate his mass but felt as if it were ripping her apart and still pushed back, wanting more of the thick shaft inside her. She growled for breath as she gobbled the victim’s sex, slurping at her near constant orgasm, feeling his strong hands slick with her blood and sweat kneading her ass as he rolled his head inside her.

Redghost raked her back, shredding the remnants of her costume, his nails lacerating her back, hands moving up to take her hair and pushing slowly, feeling her cunt constrict as it was stretched to take him. Her lapped blood from his fingers, taking her hair tight in one hand and pulling her back, the shaft thickening, growing as he stuffed it slowly deeper. He growled with her tightness, feeling his head slowly penetrate her sex till the head ground deep at her cervix. Only half his length lay snug inside her as he slowly began to roll his hips, letting the thickness retreat and he heard her squealing into the victim’s cunt. He looked up to see the other woman thrashing, bucking her sex up to the heroine’s mouth and began to use her with slow, long deep strokes, reaching around the shaft to torment her hard clitoris with a finger.

The victim lifted Sylvia, sliding under her chest, pinching and twisting her nipples before scooting back, taking her mouth again to her sex and bucking up wildly. Her voice was long ago harsh with the growling and crying of her chemically induced lust and her ass crack was wet with her juices.

Sylvia thrashed back harshly, welcoming the pain of his hardness pounding deep inside her. She screamed as the huge tool slipped nearly from her, only the head still embedded and felt her cunt explode as is squirted hot cum as he drove his shaft back in hard, pounding her faster, fluid spurting out in torrents with each thrust of his shaft. She screamed in despair as he pulled his length from her completely, pleading to be raped further as she felt the head slide wetly up her slit to nuzzle her anus.

Ghost reached down and grasped the base of his thick cock. Gritting his teeth and growling as he released a thick glob of cum as her asshole, stirring the hot cream at her anus, nuzzling the head firmly at the entrance.

“Oh god no! Not there. It’s just too big. Please. I’ve told you what you wanted!” Sylvia cried out, wanting to pull away from the impending intrusion but feeling her body react adversely, lifting up to welcome the head of his massive tool.

“You have told me what I need to know, Green Lantern. You want this to end?” Ghost asked, pushing his head harder at the tiny opening, squeezing the base of his shaft tighter, and feeling the length harden as he felt the orifice start to stretch.

“Yes, please… No.. OH god. Just do it. Fuck my asshole you fiend. Fuck my body all over!” She cried out, tears streaming down her face freely, her body shuddering in a now constant orgasm. She sobbed loudly, totally humiliated by her predicament, her body betraying everything she believed as she pleaded to be raped by this creature.

Redghost lurched, ripping her channel wide as he drove his shaft deep into her, he gripped her hips as she instinctively tried to move from the impalement then shudder, moving slowly back to swallow the thick length. He began to pound her nether place unmercifully, beckoning to the victim with a harsh glance, producing a black, leather covered phallus from a place near the coupling and placing it in her trembling hand.

The woman moved under them, her tongue lapping at his wet sacs, taking his one of his balls in her mouth and sliding the huge tool deep into the heroine’s cunt, driving it in and out fast and hard while reaching down between her thighs and thrusting her fingers into her wet hole. She licked around the tool as Sylvia began to squirt again, her juices running freely down the length of the phallus as she plunged it in harder.

Sylvia grunted and bucked as she came, her voice was a primal gurgle in her throat as she felt the thickness impale her rectum, the tool punishing her sore cunt. She was blind with lust as her body was used and prayed she would pass out from the abuse but something in the pheromone kept her teetering on the edge of unconsciousness but unable to embrace it. All she could feel was her orgasm washing over her psyche, her body welcoming each horrendous wave of release.

Redghost moved from her and produced more of the metallic banding, securing her body further and reaching up to take several chains that dangled over them. One of these had a large hook at its end, which, after she’d been safely secured with the overhead chains, he slid into her anus, lifting her screaming onto the cold, thick metal while he laughed at the victim plunging the phallus brutally into her cunt. He took a control box also dangling from the darkness of the room and pressed a button as he moved around to the front of the Guardian. The table lowered slowly and with the restraints holding her body suspended, the hook firmly in its place, smiled as she swung freely, jerking and twitching as the woman fucked her cunt hard with the phallus. He took her hair in a fist, lifting her face and considered the helpless heroine with a slight tilt of his head. He watched her open her mouth, lips trembling as he moved forward, slipping the head of his shaft between her lips, watching her try to swallow his thick length. He groaned with pleasure as she swung gently, his head filling her mouth, brushing the back of her throat, her mouth clamping down and sucking hard, her cries muffled and tormented. He released her hair and growled, feeling his release rushing on with the vision, heard her tiny, whimpering voice as her lips called for his shaft in something just above a whisper.

“Feed me your cum, Ghost. Please. Do this to me or I shall die. I need it please!”

He chuckled and growled, driving the hard shaft back into her mouth. Stroking the thick length deeper, hearing the woman on her knees cries out, her voice shuddering as her mortal lust reached its peak. He lifted Sylvia’s face, his head throbbing large and painted her face with thick stream of release, spurting more and more over her eyes and in her hair He smeared her cheeks with the jism then plunged the shaft again deep into her mouth, releasing more torrent down her throat, hearing her choke and gag on the profuse ejaculation. He did this for long moments, cumming more and more till her face was a mask of semen before he released her hair, letting her head fall. He watched the warrior convulse in the swinging bondage and looked down to see the victim crawl beneath the hanging heroine. Drops of the Green Lanterns blood began to fall on her mostly nude body as she continued to drill her fingers inside her sex.

“Tell whomever comes to release you that the girl has been afflicted. Any physical contact will bring on orgasm in her. This is your fault, Guardian.” He said, lifting and replacing his pants. “You have never seen me. Your mission was a failure. If you breath a word regarding me, I will leave you as she is now should we meet again. Is this understood?”

Sylvia nodded as she swung, feeling the hook cold and inserted cruelly in her anus, her body tight in the bindings. She forced her head up, seeing the man blurred in her lust driven vision, noticing barely as the yellow corners began to fade from view and the power derived from her ring return but she was still under the pheromone’s influence and physically and emotionally drained from the rape. Through it all, she abhorred the fact that he was leaving her not in the predicament she found herself but she still wanted more of the abuse. Her cunt still oozed with her juices and even the slightest struggle in the restraint signaled the threat of another orgasm.

She watched the man turn and step through the hole he’d thrown her through and hung her head before passing out.

She awoke to a host of agents and medical personnel tending them both and quickly spoke of the victim’s condition. When questioned of the ordeal, she could say nothing but she swore she would get revenge for the humiliation she’d endured. She feared her status as the newly appointed Green Lantern of earth would be in jeopardy when this incident got back to the council but felt a twinge of relief knowing that this thing would not go unpunished.

She would have night sweats of the encounter for years to come and felt they would not end till she could find him again. She trembled thinking of that next encounter.

The end