SheHulk Revisited

Author: Redghost
Time to Read:21min
Added Date:7/28/2024
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Tags: SheHulk

The following is a continued embellishment of a scene started by Ghost and She Hulk dated on or about 7/27/03. The forwarding portion of the scene was in development by us and the following is noted in the script. This story is dedicated to her and the concept.

Actual log transcript will be noted in italics.

Redghost entered the SHiD cantina that he had come to frequent to rest after a long nights work. He entered the place, nodding to some of the handful of patrons before taking a seat. He'd helped himself to a beer, as the service had been shoddy of late to say the least and opened the morning edition of the newspaper, hoping to see something that would call for his services. He looked up to sees on of the rare regulars like himself saunter in. A near eight-foot goddess sumptuously built considering the heavily muscled frame. She strode into the place arrogantly as she always did, clad in a loud, purple, spandex bra that barely covered her nipples and a recently made pair of daisy duke blue jean shorts. Her emerald green skin had sheen to it and her hair flowed loose and shoulder length over her broad shoulders.

He watched her with a bit of a scowl as she took a seat at the counter, noting her exaggerated femininity as she crossed long, muscled legs and cast a glance about for the sparse service while keeping an eye for any goons who might be present.

Standing from the table and sauntering to the counter, he peered behind the bar, taking in an obvious eyeful of the woman and spoke non-chalantly. "Mornin, She-Hulk."

The woman turned and stared at him for a moment, a bit of recognition bringing on a lift of one eyebrow. She'd seen the man before and had suspected him to be playing for the wrong team but noted that he kept a real low profile for the most part. Always a little too quiet, he was.

"You didn't look too happy to see me when I walked in. Good morning."

"Just keeping in character, hon. Have noticed you in arrogant mode here in the past. One night when you were antagonizing some of the patrons regarding the tournament Wicked Wanda n Keldarr have been running. Thought about calling your curvy green ass out."

She-Hulk started at the confidence in this man, looking him slowly up and down. "Smashing bad guys takes a lot of my concentration and attention. I only follow the games from time to time."

"Smashing bad guys." Ghost said with a chuckle. "Surprised you haven't tried to but into my business. Not like I don't bring bait in here. The mysterious package.. Newspaper with interesting story regarding some high-tech theft. I've gotten a few biters from time to time. Thought though that heroines were supposed to be the nosey type."

"Like I said, I hardly have the time to be nosey." She snapped, rolling her eyes at him before again looking off for some kind of service. "Besides, I only come around when someone assaults or pisses off my alter ego."

"And who might that be?" He asked. His eyes were glued to her huge breasts straining at the tight spandex of her bra.

She patted him on the head, chuckling. "Heh. Nice try."

"Awww. You're telling me I have to forgo that one and piss off the big girl herself?" Redghost sneered, adjusting his molecular structure to that of smoke, letting her well manicured green hand pass though his head as he turned, stepping through the giantess and the chair she was seated on. He solidified once clearing the matter and slapped her on the ass playfully. "Very cute." She growled.

He continued to observe the woman, taking the alien datapad from his coat, touching the gaseous square and having it solidify in his hand, touching places on its face. Temporal eddies began to open around the room as time-lines trembled with the powerful manipulation at his control. "Listenin to you the other night.. watching you talk waaay too much trash, I got to thinking. I would have a pretty good chance at taking you in that tournament even without phasing. Loser would have a bit to sacrifice form what I've seen. I bet you could look even hotter with a lil sweat glistenin off that unusual pigment."

She-Hulk pushed him away, growling. "You flatter yourself too much!"

Ghost shook his head, stumbling from the strong shove. "So. You're gonna make me do this the hard way? Ooooookay.

Looks like Jenny Craig works for you. Got any issues with guys trying to guess your weight?" He replaced the datapad inside his coat, again shifting his mass and density up. Eight hundred pounds and iron hardness in an eye blink unnoticeable in his 6'-1" frame. He grinned mischievously, noticing the rise he was getting out of her. "Don't take that the wrong way, sugah. I still think you're smoking hot. Must be a chore finding the right size in clothes though." She hulk spun on the chair with surprising speed, grabbing him by the throat and attempting to lift him off his feet. She was briefly awed by the heaviness of such a small guy but adjusted quickly, lifting him a few inches and spitting the words out. "You want to make fun of my weight? I'm 650 pounds and all womanly muscle, creep!"

Redghost smiled, feeling the strength and pressure of her grip. His body slid up against hers. Her firm, taught breasts pressed against his chest as he felt her struggle for a moment with the unexpected weight. "That's Mr. Creep to you, darlin." He kicked in one of his powers, a halon effect that sucks the oxygen from the area around him. It was not enough to immediately incapacitate the heroine but enough to show her she was getting into more than she thought. With another thought, he took her shoulders and transferred another of his powers through her, making both intangible and guiding her, falling through the floor into first a sub-basement then taking flight with the woman, out of the establishment and into an abandoned office structure next door. He held her as they phased through the solid matter of buildings and streets till they arrived in a room in the other building. He noticed her breasts heaving from the transference to this new location and the thinner air brought on with the halon effect.

She Hulk looked stunned at the quick movement.. the display of this mans various powers. She realized the phasing effect had expired upon their arrival in this place and took the lead, placing her hand on his stomach and trying again to lift him over her head, grunting with the effort. "And you talk about my weight. You should lay off the krispy kremes, punk."

Redghost was actually impressed at the woman's strength and determination as he shifted his mass a little more, going up to an even thousand pounds, kicking in the halon effect a little more and sucking more oxygen from the area around them. "I think you might want to put the nice man down, honey. Would make it hard for me to climb ya and repel back down."

She Hulk releases the man, gasping as her hands move to her throat, her breathing becoming more labored. Her voice came in labored gasps. "Air is too thin in here." She panted, starting to stagger back.

Redghost floated to the floor, reaching out and taking her shoulders in his hands, lifting and spinning, slamming the green heroine into a wall behind them, the masonry crumbling with the devastating impact. He grinned seeing one, hard nipple fall from the tight confines of the spandex. "De-f'n-lightful." He laughed, taking a step back as watching the woman stumble.

She picked herself up out of the rubble, staggering to her feet and taking a trembling breath back, noting the air becoming easier to breath with the distance.

Ghost watched the giantess, moving cautiously.. methodically through the collapsed wall after her, the effect following him into the adjacent room. The power expanded out around him as he again closed the distance between them. He knew the air around her would grow heavy in her lungs as he moved faster, closing the distance and delivering an uppercut to beneath her jaw, lifting her again through the air to crash into a stack of crates in the dim room. She Hulk lay there in the debris, her chest rising and falling slowly, fighting for one deep breath. "Auugghh... Must get up. Get away." She panted with labored breaths.

Redghost slips a hand into a deep pocket of the duster, throwing bolas... marble sized balls of yellow light connected by hair thin, glowing gossamer threads. The tool is thrown almost as an after thought, encircling She Hulk's ankles as she move to avoid his next moves. He watches the big woman stumble and fall trying to avoid the trap.

He licked his lips and laughed softly at the woman. "Don't go away mad, Hulkess. In fact, don't go away at all."

She hulk felt the weapon as she fell again, rolling as it entangled her ankles, trying to spread her legs apart.

Redghost watches the powerful woman straining at the restraint, the balls of light in constant motion, the gossamer so close to slicing through her flesh if any wrong move were made. He smiles, spying a glimpse of her sex peeking from the tight and now sweat + soaked daisy dukes.

She Hulk sat up, reaching for the man who'd been too confident, gotten too close. Her other hand streaked to the bolas, pulling hard.

He starts to approach her thick, parting thighs.. get a closer look then pauses, dark eyes widening as the thread began to impossibly stretch.

Though groggy and disoriented from the lack of oxygen, the woman reverts; her gamma infused cells reacting like her male counterpart. With a shrug, a movement that seemed too fast for one so big, the gossamer snaps. Her legs freed, she swings both upward, her bare feet crashing into his face.

The thief was backing away from the assault but still took one hell of a shot, being flung back with tremendous force. Using the momentum of the blow's impact, he shifts his mass form the super dense thousand pounds again to that feather lightness, taking to the air, a graceful back flip as if in slow motion then landing to one knee. He scowled, eyes seeming to smoke with fury as he wiped a bit of black blood from the corner of his mouth.

She Hulk watched the fiend closely, picking herself up and covering her exposed tit with her bra. She notes the air-sucking trick must have run it's course as her wits and breathing became normal and the rage strength ran like a drug in her powerful sinews.

Ghost stood, becoming solid but there was something more, the air around him began to glow black. Growling, he reached into the coat with hands crossed, pulling two .50 cal. Pistols from the billowing darkness of the duster. He fired off two... four... twelve rounds total at the recovering giantess. Sighed gruffly as the heavy slugs bounced off her taught skin. He frowned as she ignored the onslaught and covered her tit. The man shook his head, chuckling and cast the useless weapons away.

She Hulk growls as the slugs hit and bounce comically off her breasts. She charges with bad intentions, trying to not just deliver the blow, but drive him right through the wall behind him. If she judged the style of this guy right, he'd have to phase to something solid. She liked to hit solid things. The man tensed, again shifting his mass, underestimating the quickness of such a big woman. He still feels the wind crashed from his lungs as she connects, a flash in his vision as his back explodes the reinforced wall behind him. He comes to rest among the rubble with the woman straddling him. He paused only a moment, staring at the heroine, then reached up in an instant, his hands just appearing in her hair. He pulls down hard, driving a hard head butt to her nose, something that would annoy the woman and perhaps buy him a moment to breathe.

She licks her lip, feeling a trickle of green blood drip down over it. Straddling him in the rubble. She reaches out and takes his wrists, pinning them over his head.

"Not so dominant now, huh?" She Hulk panted.

Redghost tried to lift his hips, felt the heat from between her thighs. He growled, looking up into her eyes as he stirred at that place. Smiling at the time bought, the brief instant, he shifts beneath the woman, rising up through her like a ghost, solidifying behind her and slipping long, sinewy arms around her throat and under her arm pit, shifting the sleeper hold to iron hardness. Adding insult to injury, he calls the halon effect, sapping the air hard from around them.

"I still think so, sugah. Now take a deep breath. If you can." He purred, tightening the hold.

She hulk gasps, feeling the oxygen again thinning, prying away one of his arms then turns, slamming a fist up into his stomach with everything she had. This was a bad power this guy had. She thought quickly, noting again the halon effects influence wane with each blow landed.

The man grunts, reaching out with what are now more claws, raking at her as the blow casts him away, so quickly that one nail does catch her nipple, slicing through the bra to free it. With a quick shift, he landed only ten or so feet away, cursing more to himself than the heroine.

The woman struggled quickly to her feet, choosing to retreat so she could think about how to deal with him. And it seemed like a good idea. She bent her powerful knees and leapt upward toward a skylight in what now appeared to be a vast storeroom. In her hurry to flee, she missed the opening by a teeny bit, sending a great deal of roofing crashing down on him.

Part II: Captured

Redghost roared, the dark essence flooding his psyche with the scent of the powerful blood brought on with the earlier head but. He shrugged off the falling debris and took to the air himself in pursuit. He normally abhorred this gift as he never really got a comfortable command of the talent but when the dark lust was upon him, he was like a bystander, watching his body.. his physical self do things he would have thought twice or six times before doing. He quickly gained on the woman, reaching out and taking her ankle in the midst of her leap, lifting himself hand over hand up her thick, shapely thigh, accelerating the mode of their flight with his own power.

She Hulk let a gasp escape her lips, feeling his claws scratch into her muscular calves then her thighs, turning and driving powerful blows down onto the mans head and shoulders as he climbed her. She felt the gamma rage start to surge again, wondering what other tricks this villain had up his sleeve. It was then she noticed the change as she looked down, watching him scramble up her larger frame as they hurtled through the air. She growled feeling his claws scrape at her skin, noting his reddish brown pigment had darkened. He looked noticeably bigger as well and his eyes blazed with a smoke like energy. The large brimmed hat had fallen away and there was only a shield of brown hair on his scalp. His teeth were bared and all dagger sharp like a mouth full of vampire fangs. She could leap and hurl herself miles at a tome with each bound but felt herself borne aloft by his power as she swung and pummeled at the man. She could not maneuver enough to stop him from encircling his powerful arms around under and around her massive shoulders, linking them around her throat from behind and felt his fight path change, sending them spiraling back down toward the earth. She continued her struggling all the way down, feeling him close on her back, his snarling now close by her ear and felt his angry arousal pressing at her ass crack as his leg wrapped around hers.

They rocketed down toward a sparsely developed industrial area, crashing through the roof of a large building then again through two more floors before coming to rest in a storeroom where an assortment of furniture and sex related items lay prepped for display and or delivery. He'd released his hold on the large woman after they'd punched a large hole through to this landing and shifted his matter, vanishing through that floor after She Hulk annihilated a leather bondage wear display and had skidded to a stop right beneath a life like male sex doll, its semi-stiff penis thwapping her annoyingly on her head. She looked around for the assailant; breathing heavily and feeling the gamma rage begin to wane then climbed slowly to her feet. Her eyes came to rest on a peculiar structure of heavy pipes welded and tied almost web-like together. There were links and catches at various points around the bizarre structure and she shuddered, guessing the purpose of such an item before looking about some more. She picked up what looked like a modified straight jacket, holes designed to restrain a woman obviously, leaving her bound but her breasts free. "How cute." She grumbled, casting the garment aside and calling out. "Alright, Casper. Seems you have forced me to take you out. You're too much the menace to be running around unsupervised so get it out here and I won't smash you up too bad."

She Hulk looked around, focusing on a dark corner where a collection of whips and floggers of varying lengths began to swing softly, watching the man step more through the tools than parting them physically. There were unsavory intentions in his dark, smoldering eyes as he stopped and cast off the long duster. She noted that he had indeed grown a little taller, his musculature and mass a good deal heavier as he approached.

"You talk about smashing, Shulky. Tell you what. No phasing. No halon effect now. You into give and take? Let's dance." He hissed, again baring a mouthful of sharp teeth and lunging with almost impossible speed toward the heroine, catching her with a shoulder spear to her stomach and sending her hurtling backward and into the rack like structure. He noted that the thing held its integrity through the massive impact, only falling over and to that little thought to memory. If he moved right, he might have a use for it before this was done.

The woman had not even gotten the first part of her reply out when she was hit hard with the tackle, the speed and force of the attack knocking the wind from her as she was thrown back, feeling the immovable structure hit her in the small of the back. He was apparently undergoing another metamorphosis she noted, rolling away after the fall and climbing to her feet. She watched the man slowly stand again, flexing with each seemingly labored breath and clenching his fists at his sides. She advanced warily and without breaking her stride, dropped to slam a green fist to the floor before her, sending a shock tremor in his direction. Dust and silt exploded from cracks throughout the room as the shock wave slithered through the floor, upending Ghost and making him stumble before loosing his footing. She was then on him in an instant, reaching to pummel him with her fists.

Redghost shifted his head and felt the brush of wind as the heroine's fist drove into the floor next to his head. He felt stupid; knowing this attack was a trademark of hers and had been more concerned with avoiding the crushing blow than where her attack had gone. He squirmed as her big thighs pressed at his shoulders, pinning his arms and shifted his head again, avoiding another powerful blow. He looked up to her with dark, smoldering eyes and bared the feral teeth again; leaning up and biting into her thigh, feeling gamma-empowered blood flood his mouth and senses. A surge of raw power raced through his sinews and he felt his body adjust to accommodate it. His skin grew tight as his musculature expanded.

"You son of a bitch!" She Hulk wailed, lifting herself from the man and taking his throat, picking him up and glaring menacingly into his eyes. She felt his throat expand in her grip and his weight increase, reaching back and driving a fist into his face. The punch would have crushed a normal human's skull but it was obvious that he was a lot more than normal. She winced at the pain that rang through her fist but ignored it, punching again and again. She felt him lurching from the impact of the blows and her eyes widened, seeing him actually begin to smile, her blood still wet around his mouth.

"As one of your fellow super types would say. Its clobberin time, sugar." Redghost laughed, slipping an arm up between hers, slapping a thumb to her eye then striking as her grip gave way, driving a hook across her jaw and sending her sprawling again. "Thanks for the juice. You're a lot more powerful than I thought. Let's see if you CAN take it as well as you dish it out."

She Hulk was amazed. His blows hurt before as they had the effect of iron fists and feet slamming into her but this last blow was raw power on a par with her own as she crashed into a concrete reinforced wall. She peered to the bite at her thigh and saw it finish healing miraculously. Only a dark green smear of blood stained the spot. Again, she felt her sex go wet and her nipples harden beneath the tight spandex bra. It was a different sensation than the unseen encounter he'd assaulted her senses with before. There must have been an increased potency of the thing in his bite she pondered as she stood and move to attack again. The gamma rage simmering in her veins anew.

Redghost shuddered, feeling her power in his swollen muscles as he stalked her again, peeking to his left and, moving with unbelievable speed, grabbed a piece of machinery. Some kind of motor operator, which weighed in the neighborhood of close to a thousand pounds. He lifted it as if it were a bulky piece of styrofoam and hurled it at the woman, snarling as she swatted it away effortlessly. He was again moving as he tossed the equipment; driving a fist into her chest, then stomach then her chest again. Powerful blows with blinding speed, which caught her again off guard.

She Hulk saw the heavy machine part coming and managed to swat it away at the last moment but grunted at the following blows, amazed at the speed the man possessed. She coughed as the shot took her stomach, feeling her anger rising with the punch. She took the following blows with unusual discomfort, feeling her libido flare with each one. She lashed out blindly, connecting with a kick that stopped him in his tracks. She felt the hardness of his bigger body and moved as fast as she could, copying his technique and landing a series of her own crushing blows.

The two behemoths traded punches, both growing stronger with every one they took. She Hulk was good at what she did but had never been formally trained as a fighter or martial artist where Redghost had had some degree of this combat training and with that fact he maintained the upper hand. Countering most of her assault with parries and counterpunches. She found it was getting harder and harder to concentrate as the sex venom seemed to grow more potent with the more exertion her exhibited. Her daisy dukes were soaked with perspiration and juices from her raging sex. She had managed to get him in a bear hug and was squeezing his back and ribs with mammoth force but the proximity of him.. his arousal obvious in his costume further distracted her and she found herself grinding against him as she squeezed her nipples painfully hard as they mashed into his massive chest.

Redghost was starting to feel more of the effect her blood had infused in him as he fought. The dark beast was raging, boiling with her scent and fueled with the gamma rage of her blood. He freed his arms and clapped them at her ears, breaking the bear hug then lifted a quick knee to her stomach, following it with an elbow uppercut while sweeping her legs from under her. He pounced instantly, taking her hair in one fist, swiping a powerful elbow across her jaw then back. He clawed at her breast, ripping the purple bra from her then squeezed the tit till blood appeared at his fingertips. He howled as her thighs came up to hold his body in a tight, iron vice and felt his altered hardness press in at her hot crotch.

She Hulk saw stars from the elbow shots, lifting her hips up to grind at his arousal and snarling as she wrapped her big thighs tighter around him. She felt his hand grab her wrist and pin it to the floor and unconsciously arched her back, bringing her hard, tortured nipple close to his lips, not considering the mouth full of razor sharp teeth. She felt him throb between her thighs and pulled him in tighter with her thighs, taking a page from his own book and lifting, driving a head but to his chest then reaching out, connecting with a right hook that spun him. She rolled with the force and momentum of the blow till she was straddling him on top, unconsciously grinding her hot sex back and forth over his long hardness, almost bucking on top of him as she struck again, another hook to his jaw.

She scowled. A tiny hint of shame in her glare as she struck down again, her hips grinding at his hardness.. aching for the huge tool as she tried to pummel him. She gasped and griped his shoulders, feeling his cock swell and throb against her. She caught a glimmer of reason through the rage and lust. The man or creatures bite had directed some kind of powerful aphrodisiac similar to the one felt at the beginning of their encounter only a hundred times stronger. It had eaten right past her super human strength and immune system. It altered her thought patterns while stimulating sex centers in the brain itself. Reason was still there only the off switch to the stimulant wasn't.

Redghost moved, shifting up to his knees under her, feeling her hips gyrate on him.. her powerful thighs flexing about his waist as he took her in one now massive arm. He shifted between her thighs, pressing his hardness in time with her thrusts. He moved his head. Swiping her softly across the mouth and saw another trace.. a trickle of the dark green blood and furrowed his brow. "Let's see what we can see, She Hulk." He growled, setting her to her feet before him. She was still near two feet taller than he was but his corrupted mass with the dark energy still made him as formidable looking as the heroine. She Hulk was breathing heavily, the pheromone having saturated her nervous system. Her gamma rage was still flaring and acted as if on instinct, ignoring the fire that burned through her loins, the primal, feral need to feel him inside her. She struck a mighty blow, feeling her fist stop dead against his rippled stomach. Her fist exploded in pain as he's pulled the heavy trick again only a lot worse. She was one of the most powerful beings on earth but even she had limits. She gripped her hand and looked down into his eyes. She saw his hands begin to move and braced for the worst.

Redghost had indeed shifted his mass to around four thousand pounds. It was like trying to hit a steel wall, twenty-five feet thick. Some contaminant in her blood had done more than add to his latent powers, it had corrupted them and he found it a struggle and at the same time, too easy to exert their use. He was back down to around three hundred pounds when he threw the first punch. A twisting, straight left to her nose, which brought stars and a stab of, hot pain.. a substantial stutter in consciousness. A straight right zeroing in on her solar plexus then a twisting left to her groin. He'd moved in close with his speed and her stammer to grip the damaged hand the blows were aimed more behind her. He watched the big woman rock in place as he threw the series of punches again, each pass flowing into her and buckling her in place. When he stopped a few seconds later and watched her swaying, he'd thrown over 40 hard punches. She Hulk saw the first punch coming and felt the second when it landed. The third one to her groin screamed in her belly like a dagger and she was being hit again while she agonized with the pummeling. She didn't remember it stopping. She heard nothing as she slumped to her knees before the man. He wavered in her vision, two of him then three, then one. She watched him moving again, speechless and capable of only watching him start to turn and crouch, spinning, the foot coming in fast then, nothing.

Redghost stared down at the woman, the warm trickle of blood from her nose and mouth pooling at her cheek on the floor. He calmed the power and the dark energy as he knelt next to her, brushing long, green hair from her face. His eyes moved down over her body and he smiled, thinking what an amazing piece of ass she was when he looked closer. The woman was shrinking. Her unconscious body was changing slowly. He considered this thing with a tilt of his head, glancing for a moment to his fallen coat, the datapad appearing from it like a mist, gliding across the room and solidifying in his hand. He looked at the woman again and noted her pigments beginning to lighten with the transformation as he entered this event into the device.

He narrowed his dark, simmering eyes and stood, gathering the woman up in one arm, retrieving his coat then looking around the room at the carnage their dance had wrought. He looked at the still intact rack and grinned. He looked into her eyes as they started to flicker open. She was not She Hulk but someone else. The alter ego she'd egged him on with originally. The woman was topless and the bra, which would have been grossly big for her, had been lost in the battle. The spandex daisy dukes had shrunk down with the transformation and were wet with the arousal of her alter ego. He knew the pheromone was still swimming in her body and hoped the change also triggered its potency of the woman before him would literally cum to death upon regaining consciousness.

He put a finger to her lips and spoke quickly, softly into her ear. "You are bound in something special. I would suggest you hold off on hulking out, darling. This stuff here in pressure sensitive and set to hold someone about your size. I know cause I tied ya up and set the parameters. If your body expands, the cilium thread binding you will begin to heat up. The more pressure, the more heat. Greenie is a whole lot bigger than you, girl." The woman was bound on the pipe structure. Her wrists were raised over her head and lashed to a vertical pipe with something that felt like thin guitar string and if what he was saying were true, the stuff would be cutting her hands off halfway through the transformation. More of the gossamer was wrapped taught around her throat and again to the pipe. The thread criss crossed over her still impressive breasts, which were lifted with her chest on the structure. She was not seated as much as affixed to it with the wire, her thighs pressed at two support beams and stretched painfully. Her calves were again wrapped with the cable hand more of the thread looped her stomach and hips. It was as if she'd been caught in a deadly spider's web.

It was then she shuddered, feeling a heat at her sex and she strained reservedly in the tight bonds. She did feel the thread grow noticeably warmer in the places her body placed the most pressure. Quite uncomfortably in a couple of areas. With wide eyes, she stared at the man standing over her. Her eyes slowly traveled his body and she felt heat flare between her painfully spread thighs. "Not so dominant now, are we?" He asked sarcastically, taking a finger between her thighs, pulling the brief, now soaked crotch of the daisy dukes aside and touching her softly. "So what do you supposed W/we do with you?"

To be continued?