Supergirl Subdued

Author: Redghost
Time to Read:36min
Added Date:7/28/2024
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Tags: SupergirlRedghost

Forward : The following fiction is based in the bio of Supergirl/Kara In-Zee. The story takes place some years after the Bio was posted. (Ghost is funny that way) Being there are a variations of the character listed, it would be known that this particular incarnation would be used. This is, of course a work of fiction which depicts rape and torture and is intended for adults.

I've been reading a little more of the fiction that has already been posted and think the disclaimer is a good idea so... The name of Supergirl is trade marked by DC comics. Though the name is used in this story, the character make up is the sole responsibility of the person who has chosen to play the role. This persons characterization is being used for this story.

The character of Redghost (See spelling) is to the best of my knowledge still public domain but for SHiD purposes, is registered to moi. Any similarities to any other such named character is purely incidental.

Supergirl swooped silently down on the warehouse, spying the two police cruisers sitting silent outside the place. There were three figures at the door to the place as the light from inside silhouetted them against the glare. She hovered for a moment, using her super hearing to pick up the details of this emergency. The police were acting on a tip intercepting the transfer of some stolen military technology. They were to have waited for backup but acted impulsively and paid the ultimate price for their impatience. The men were discussing the finalities of the transfer. The equipment had been delivered and these were only the transfer goons. They spoke in whispers to a fourth man, hidden from her normal sight but with a thought, she spied him as well.

The three goons were just that, only heavily armed and clad in typical black goon garb. The fourth was different; he wore a long, smoke red duster and a large brimmed hat. Beneath the coat, he was clad in a battle suit of sorts, form fitting and accentuating hard musculature. He was speaking to the men and manipulating something her x-ray or super vision could not perceive. All she saw was a small, gaseous square. She focused more on this fourth man. Her supervision could not penetrate the duster or the hat. Lead lined perhaps. Just in case.

"Holey moley, it's Redghost." She whispered to herself, shuddering with the recognition. She'd faced him before to a standstill. Well, he got away. She'd had enough with the encounter as it stood. There was a fear of where he'd escaped. Something in the core of her being told her not to follow him. Kara reconsidered her plan of attack. With him being there, whatever the goons were shipping had to be bigger than what was the C.I.A. had told her. He was also, a very dangerous man to deal with.

Gliding down a little closer to the warehouse, she focused her heat vision on the tires of the truck, which sat just inside with the engine running. Then her breath caught in her throat as she saw Redghost turn and look up. She'd been projecting the beam and her vision through the roof of the structure and to her knowledge, from the last encounter anyway, she didn't remember him having x-ray vision. He certainly couldn't hear her hovering. Yep. A very dangerous man indeed. She watched him alert the men, producing the mysterious datapad from his coat and flash a code into it then growled as the walls to the warehouse obscured her vision and the heat beam she'd tried to disable the truck with. Seeing the moment begin to slip, she charged the building, crashing through the roof and right into the path of a sonic burst from the super criminal. She felt as if she'd flown into a hurricane wind as she was lofted from her flight path, across the vast enclosure, crumbling into an arrangement of old, and abandoned trucks at one side.

Redghost squinted with dark, smoldering eyes then scowled upon recognizing the heroine. He lowered the large hat onto his head and turned to the last of the three contacts as he was scrambling into the truck. "Go go go!" He shouted, pushing the man into the drivers seat and slamming the door. "I've only dealt with her once. I can keep her off your tail but not for long. Tell Luthor Thanks for the business. I'll have my service call his service and we'll do breakfast, lunch, dinner."

Supergirl recovered quickly, swooping down to block the path of the truck and speaking in a commanding voice. "Alright, fellas. Shut it down and climb out of the truck. The authorities will be here shortly. Make it easy instead of hard, okay?"

She was again blasted with a narrow, directed wall of force, which blew her from the vehicle's path. The momentum sent her crashing into a far wall where she looked up to see the truck screeching away, the super criminal standing in its place. A sneer of repulsion came to her lips as she stood, recalling the last encounter she'd had with him.

"You just don't quit, Ghost, do you?"

"We didn't get a chance to finish that last dance, honey." He chuckled, reaching into his coat and again pulling the alien device. The square became translucent as he touched the face then floated up out of his hands and into the rafters. Kara took to the air, charging the man who stood his ground with an almost bored expression on his face. His dark eyes began to smolder as he shifted his stance only a little. She was ready for him she thought, stopping just before passing through his intangible body and grinned. It took only a moment then she lashed out, knowing he'd probably go solid almost instantly. The punch landed as she'd hoped, hard and ferocious. It sent the man reeling nearly forty feet, crashing into an industrial crane support. She watched him flail against the iron column like a rag doll then lay motionless for a long moment. He started to stir as she made her approach to him, clenching her fists as he stood. She watched him brush unseen dust from his coat and remove the large brimmed hat, casting it aside. Redghost increased his mass and weight unnoticeably as he shifted from one foot to the other, watching the world-class heroine approach. There were many weapons and powers he had at his disposal but none would really make much difference in a conflict with the Argonian. He would stalemate her as best he could and use the one ace he had up his sleeve should she fall for it unlike the last time they dueled.

He licked his lips nervously, looking the woman up and down, admiring her femininity and deceivingly demure stature. He noted the part between her toned thighs that vanished beneath the short, blue mini-skirt and wondered what kind of bra held her breasts so enticingly uplifted under the white top with that annoying red and yellow symbol. He mentally readied the datapad for his one, sure weapon when the time came and hope she had the gullibility to fall for the trap this time.

Moving with ominous speed that indeed rivaled her own, he struck, feinting a side step and driving a round kick to her ribs. He'd shifted his mass to that of the iron column she'd punched him into and watched the blow knock the wind out of her momentarily. He kept moving, spinning a hard back fist to her face and turning it into a successive elbow to her chin before dropping and sweeping her legs out from beneath her. He stopped, watching her loose balance and fall to the concrete floor, swiping his hands together in a display of arrogance. He knew she would recover almost instantly but already had his next attack planned. His dark eyes widened as her brief skirt lifted as she sat up, exposing a brief glimpse of her blue covered crotch between those near perfect thighs. "Ooooh. Up-skirt. Can I take a picture? I'll cut you in on the profit."

"You freak." Kara said, climbing slowly to her feet, adjusting her uniform and advancing. "Why doesn't that remark surprise me coming from you? I heard what you did to the Green Lantern a few weeks back. She wasn't as prepared for your underhandedness as I." She reached out with super speed, grabbing the lapels of his duster and spinning him, trying to drive his back again into the column. She was and wasn't surprised as his weight streaked from over a thousand pounds down to two or three and felt foolish as her momentum accelerated the move, spinning more than she'd intended and feeling her own back hit and significantly bend the almost ton of steel.

The thief chuckled as she hit the beam then went intangible, darting upward and out of her grasp. He ripped a support rod from the cranes structure as if it were made of clay, dropping back down and swinging it like a bat to her stomach, doubling the woman over then with continuous lightning speed, caught her under the jaw like he was hitting a home run. He watched her lurch from the spot and sail across the room, crashing into an earth moving truck and toppling it. "It should be.. It could be.. It is! A home run.

Oh yea. That guardian is your buddy. Are you jealous that she liked what she got? I'd be more than happy to give you a ride as well, sweet cheeks." Supergirl screamed with rage, lifting the heavy truck and lofting it across the room, watching it slide through the apparition and explode into the crane behind him. The structure began to slowly collapse the roaring of taxed steel bending as it lost its integrity. She was up and charging at the man as he shifted through the falling debris, solidifying strategically, enough to modify his mass, heave a mammoth piece of shrapnel at her. She batted the iron and steel refuse away as she advanced, watching him shift among the conflagration, readying himself for attack instead of retreating.

"Sweet cheeks?" She stammered, barely avoiding a heavy shard of metal armor plating. "Thought you could do better than that, Ghost. Need to do some serious work on your rap, son."

Redghost had tossed a substantial amount of carnage at her and saw her reactions coming two.. three steps ahead now. He retreated only a little, letting her think she was getting the better then phased, falling through the asphalt and concrete floor seeing her ten feet from him, sliding back up through the earth, timing her approach to the fraction of a second. He took her in a tight hug and went airborne with the woman, chuckling at her surprise and catching the briefest bit of a blush as her ample bosom was crushed to his chest. He wrapped her in iron hard arms, squeezing quickly before she could catch a moment's concentration, the pressure driving the air from her lungs and startling her for a brief moment. He turned sharply and tackled her downward, from thirty feet to ground impact in less than two seconds. The floor exploded with the impact and he smiled at her dazed expression. His moves were unpredictable and made with temporally augmented speed.

Supergirl was dazed by the sheer power of his assault. He did things she didn't expect and was quickly succumbing to the strategy he was employing. She was still a bad ass but not on a par with Kal-El. The blows and impacts would and were having an effect on her. Stars filled her vision each time he'd attack then blind her again as the aggression hit a second later. He moved faster than should be possible and his mass and density was in a constant state of phasing as he attacked and counter attacked.

She shook her head, as she was shoulder thrown with super strength back onto the crater he'd made with the diving tackle. She felt him roll over her and reach under her brief skirt, an arm encircling her throat, her shoulder, a hand clutching her breast as the others fingers caressed her crotch as she was lifted.

"Cup Cake, Pop Tart. You tell me what'll get them lil panties wet and I'll only call you that, Angel." He purred, tightening his grip, shifting his hand from her breast and under her arm. Redghost spun and flung the surprised woman into the tangle of fallen steel from the overhead crane. He lifted the fingers he'd groped the heroine with to his nose, taking her musky scent then peered to the hovering datapad, watching it streak from its place and solidify in his hands. He touched in something on the face and reached down to gather up his hat, touching the surface quickly.

Supergirl shuddered, realizing with a blush of shame that her nipples had gone hard and were now prominent under her top. Her pussy was warm from the touch and she parted her thighs a little wider as she climbed to her feet from the rubble, noting his attention to her as she slowly stood, tossing heavy girders aside like big matchsticks.

"That'll be just about enough of that, Redghost. You are already in a world of trouble. Now I wanted to perhaps try and talking you in but seems you're more dangerous than anyone expected. My orders are to bring you in using whatever I have to." She brushed dust from the upheaval from her costume and stood among the wreckage, hands on her shapely hips, blond hair painted gently over her face from the sweat the conflict had brought and her own anxiety.

Redghost placed the datapad away, casually glaring down to the Rolex on his wrist. He figured the radiant transfer rods were well on their way to the buyer now and planned his next move. Her skin was nigh invulnerable but her pores were still privy to an introduction of some chemical. He'd spilled a heavy, concentrated dose of his pheromone at her crotch as he'd thrown her. His fingertips had slid under the elastic of her panties and slid just between her labia. The dose was successful but she was every bit her name and he'd expected only enough of a reaction to it to disorient her for a few minutes, enough, he hoped to get her to fall for the trap he'd just laid on the data pad.

He saw the temporal portal splitting the fabric of time and space a dozen feet to his left from the corner of his vision but appeared to be mesmerized by the sight of the girls breasts heaving, her nipples taught beneath the tight blue top. "I'd love to keep up this exquisite foreplay, darlin but I have places to go, things to steal."

Kara felt the temporal rip before she saw it, then blushed as she focused briefly on her chest, instinctively lifting an arm to cover herself then realizing he was making a getaway. She got the same, bad feeling watching the portal open as she did the last time they'd fought. It was stronger and every fiber of her being told her it would be a bad idea but she braced and launched herself at the portal just as the man did. Just as before, his arms were through the dimensional rift as she caught him. Unlike before, this time she grabbed his legs and held tightly as he slid into the portal with her in tow. Her body sizzled with a brilliant, searing heat as she passed through and felt herself falling on the other side, loosing her grip on the man.


Supergirl released her grip at Redghost's calves after they'd fully passed the doorway. Her intent was to take to the air of where ever the portal lead but instead, she felt herself thrown to another concrete floor. She rolled, bewildered at the loss of her power of flight and felt the floor tear at the flesh on her knee, skinning it pretty bad. A brief flash of pain blurred her vision but she recovered quickly, standing again to her feet and searching the dark, cavernous room. There were rows of boarded windows and skylights and plastic and metal looking tables with exotic equipment strewn about.

She searched about for the man frantically; feeling herself flushed and stumbled for an instant when she spotted him charging from the shadows. She stood her ground, knowing she had and could take a punch from him while she gathered her bearings. Her vision exploded as the left hook connected. She felt herself borne up with the shot and hurled into a bank of wooden packing crates, the heavy lumber imploding with the contact. Though her body crushed through the lumber, she felt the pain of the impact far more than she should have and actually lay immobile for several seconds before trying to move. She ached in several places and she noted the arm of her top was torn. Even more impossible a long cut seeped blood from her fore arm. Panic gripped her like a fist as she looked to see the criminal right on top of her again.

Redghost took the heroine by the clasps that held her cape to her top, lifting her to her feet then into the air, smiling with a slight tilt of his head as he looked into her eyes. His did not glow or smolder now and there was a constant feel to his body. He'd stopped phasing his mass and density because he'd taken her to a dimension where they'd be more evenly matched. He would let her discover for herself, how evenly matched they now were.

He pulled her to him and in an unexpected instant, kissed her deeply, watching her eyes go wide and for an instant, move into the kiss. That moment was long enough for him to take her lip in his teeth and puncture it, sending a smaller dose of his pheromone into her system. That being done in the blink of an eye, he reared back and slammed a head butt to her nose, feeling her jerk in his grasp. He slammed her again and felt her slump in his arms then felt the searing pain as she'd reached between his thighs and grabbed, squeezing at the protective cup built into his armor.

Supergirl held onto his crotch as she fought to maintain consciousness, hold on to it after the two, blinding head butts. She prayed her nose wasn't broken and licked her lips, tasting the very foreign scent of her own blood. She felt the kiss still on her lips, a warmth flowing from it through her body. Her nipples ached with hardness and her sex blossomed with warmth that sent a shiver through her. She recovered seconds later in a way. She was hurt from the blows and her head was still foggy but she maintained the hold at his crotch, lifting him with whatever was left of her super strength and tossing him away from her before he could react. She grunted with the toss, feeling his weight even more and felt a sharp pain at her back.

Redghost felt not enough of a kick to his phasing as he crashed into a row of metal industrial shelving, still bending the beams as if they were made from clay. The place he'd taken them did indeed make the conflict more even. He felt the drain in his distribution of power. It was no matter in this case as he wasn't crazy about the whole levitation/flying thing anyway. He still felt the impact from the landing as he stood slowly, watching for the venom to start its work.

"Feeling a little tired, sugar?" He said, reaching into his coat and pulling out a heavy caliber pistol. .50 0r .70 cal if anything. He lowered the barrel to her, squinting one dark eye then pointed the big gun upward, firing off six quick shots. A brilliant, high noonish red sum blared its light into the room. Kara looked up; shielding her eyes from the brilliance that flooded the room, which she saw, was much larger than she'd thought. Her heart sank as she realized her dilemma. The portal was bad news after all as though not being from Krypton itself; her world was also bathed in the radiation of a red sun. Earth's yellow star gave both of them their powers. Under this glow, she was as vulnerable as any normal human. She did take notice through the growing heat in her loins that her powers were still considerable. "Alright, time out." She stuttered, relaxing her stance only a little, pulling the brief blue mini down over her thighs then the top as well, trying as she might to cover her exposed, hard belly. "Obviously, it would be so uncool to leave me here. Let's talk deal, Ghostie."

He watched the girl smile nervously, her eyes darting around the room, glowing as she stored up power for an optic blast or something equally nasty. His eyes crawled slowly down her body, then back up. He met her nervous glare and winked. "You have been on me for a long time, Sg. I like ya. You have shown you're pretty good at the business."

Kara became a little self conscious, shifting and closing her thighs together, feeling her sex tingling as she moved. Her arms reached to embrace her shoulders, covering her taught nipples and only exciting them more with the contact and pressure. She licked the inside of her lip and a panicked realization came to her. The green Lantern and the girl had had traces of some chemical in their blood streams. It had dissipated at the labs before it could be analyzed but they did discover A.) It was not from earth and B.) it was some kind of powerful pheromone. Both women had been in the throes of climax when they were found.

"Like I said, Redghost. I will fight ya here if that's what it'll take. If we go through this enough times, I might one day decide to go out on a real date." Kara smiled. She clenched her fists, knowing he wasn't going to play nice. She hoped that in some small way his powers would be compromised in this other dimension as well as hers.

She watched him slowly remove his hat and hang it from a torn pipe then removed his duster. His build was powerful and just around him, outlining his figure, a soft, grayness shown. It was his halon effect. He'd tried to use it last time and remembered she didn't need air to function. Under a red sun, that might prove to be more of a problem. Her vision spun as the aphrodisiac washed through her nervous system and she felt the crotch at her panties ooze hot wetness. "You know what, Sg? I have read and seen enough about you and big boy. How you two as well as a bunch of the other good guys have something that is rare. You actually trust these human beings. I on the other hand am not stranded in that time line so I could really care less. That also means I don't trust anyone. Even though you might be genuinely honorable about letting me get away should I get you back to earth, you may honor it once but if we met again, I wouldn't have this opportunity to get you out of my hair for good again.

"Point made, Ghost." Kara watched him approaching, nearly nose to nose with her. Her eyes slid down his muscular body accentuated by the molded armor. She reached up slowly, her fingertip touching a place at his throat where the armor started. It came undone like a zipper as she slid the fingertip down the center of his chest, peeling from his body like wet latex. She gasped as her hard nipples brushed then pressed against his hard flesh. She looked into his exposed chest, eyes suddenly blazing with energy. "But like I said, If I have to stay here, I'll make sure you won't be going anywhere either. I may have Superman's powers to a degree, but I am not above making sure you don't leave."

Redghost howled as the heat blast caught him dead in the chest, blowing him up and across the room, cratering a concrete wall before falling to the floor. He was thankful the halon effect took a lot off the punch, dissipating the intense heat of the blast before it could sear him. He groaned, climbing to his feet and moving again. The speed was still there as he was on her in an eye blink, catching her left handed punch with his right hand. There was a deep thunder as the punches met and power was displaced. The room thrummed with it as the discharge threw both combatants away from each other.

"Hey. Your kung fu is pretty good." Redghost chuckled from where he'd landed. He spoke in a parody version of every bad karate movie he'd seen. He rubbed his fist thinking almost broken as he watched her stand across the room. The force of the blow had shredded her top and supple curve of her breast was evident. The blue skirt had also taken a beating. He knew this costume was in honor of the one Kryptonian and not of the same fabric. Still modified in some way he thought, but subject to universal laws of physics. It was still only fabric. "I'll make you a deal." Kara said, slowly advancing and feeling a bit of hope figuring the man might have been telling the truth about the place. Perhaps she could out fight him. After all, he'd never stuck around long enough to finish the conflict twice before and she did feel the upper hand was hers. "I'm listenin." Ghost smiled, standing from the wreckage brought with his landing. His eyes darted to his coat and the datapad across the room. Noting her eyes, he blatantly shifted his gaze to her legs, the red boots were singed and her blue mini was also shredded. Licking his lips did the trick he saw in her eyes, she hadn't seen him locate the weapon.

"I'll make you a deal. This place looks big enough and I'm assuming its private, right?" Kara stood proudly before the adversary hands on her hips, confident in her abilities as she watched him ogle her lustfully. "I'm not going to say I wouldn't take you in again but I can make it a point to not aggressively look for you. I'll submit to other heroes to deal with you.

Redghost looked down at the woman as she stood defiantly, dictating terms. "You've obviously done your home work. You have me at a disadvantage but you see I'm still more than capable of taking care of myself. I'm not into the little games you played with the Green Lantern. Your venom works, just not on me." Kara narrowed her eyes, brilliantly concealing the fact that even though her powers were limited in the other dimensional environment, the venom had indeed done its work. She fought the urge to approach closer, the need to consume his body with her eyes. Her sex was hot for him and thoughts of the condition of the heroine and captive made her flesh goose bumpy and her nipples lurch to hardness under the scarce top of her costume.

"Yep. Seems it didn't. But seeing that we're both a long way from home and that I do have you captive here. I don't see what I'm getting out of your little deal. What's in it for me not knowing if you could leak information on me to one of your super buddies? Can you guarantee that?"

Supergirl grabbed him by the throat, lifting the villain off his feet and held him. Her belly quivered as he swung in her hold, the substantial bulge at the crotch of his armor brushing firmly against her, his belly shifting against her nipples. She tightened the grip at his throat and felt him swallow. "I figure I'm stuck here till you open whatever door you used to lure me here. Now you can pop it and get us both back to earth so we can head our separate ways or I'll just beat on you till you do." She whispered the last words softly, trying to sound sexy as she lowered him back to his feet.

Redghost looked into her eyes, the whites of them in particular, noting tiny amber flecks as big as pinpoints dancing about. She was lying in regard to the pheromone having not effect on her but hid it well, kinda. He could smell her arousal, feel her temperature elevated as the dark venom washed through her. He moved with blinding speed, taking the pinkie and ring fingers of her grasp and turning them back, releasing the hold and lifting her elbow as she winced in pain from the simple yet so unexpected move. He turned a little, letting the pressure of his hold on her fingers lead her where he wished. It looked like some comical dance as he twisted one way then the other, watching her almost dance in the guided direction to relieve the annoying pressure. He lashed out with a snap kick to her knee, dropping her while still keeping the painful grip at her hand. "You'll beat on me. Promise?" Ghost growled, lifting a knee to her chin and sending her flying up and a few feet back. "Gosh. I have to remember to start carrying a camera."

Supergirl fell on her ass, closing her thighs at the remark. Her cheeks flushed with rage and embarrassment as she stood again and moved against him with still surprising speed. She had expected him to move or phase but was shocked as he stood his ground, the first contact of punch and parry revealed he'd phased into that pliant, super hardness again. She turned her head, moving her jaw out of the rushing elbow he threw, turned her shoulder back to avoid the claw strike, feeling more of her top ripped and a sharp pain as one of his nails bit in across the top of her breast. She set and drove a knee deep into his stomach, following it with an elbow strike down to the back of his neck as he doubled over. "Beat on you a lot, son." She lifted him over her head and tossed him again, watching him collapse stacks of wooden palettes.

She wiped her hands at the sides of her mini skirt, moving one unconsciously over her mound and grinding against the pressure. She lifted her chin, closing her eyes to the pressure, and gasped at the unwelcome lust that flushed her cheek. She shook her head and glared at the creature, clenching her fists. "Let's rethink the deal then, Sg. You don't beat on me, keep your mouth shut and avoid me like the plague should I feel generous enough to send you back, and I won't mess up those looks too severely. I'll keep the bruising confined to your bod." Redghost chuckled, reaching out and taking up his duster, standing and slipping it on quickly. His hand emerged from a sleeve with something in it and he watched the girl move, almost laughing out loud as she fell on her face, attempting to take flight. He felt the energy bolas charge as the marble sized balls fell into his hand then tossed them as the woman quickly recovered. He scowled a bit, noting her speed and reflexes were still quite formidable as the bolas reached out to their target and only caught one ankle, wrapping about it quickly, the gossamer threads glowing softly as they hardened. He pulled, quickly watching the girl scramble against the trap. A smile came to his lips as he drew her toward him, spying her little red panties as her skirt rode up on her hips.

"You know something, Sg? You would be surprised how much the Company or who ever put you up to this DOES know about me. Why do you think they put you up to try and nab me?"

Kara watched the man slowly stride up to her, a menacing confidence in his swagger as he spoke softly. She was frozen like a deer in headlights as she reached down and felt the thin wire white hot to even her still augmented touch. "I've dealt with a host of heroes like yourself over the centuries. On so many worlds. I'm actually a good guy be nature." He said, reaching down and taking the heroine by what remained of the collar of her top, lifting and flinging the woman across the room where she landed hard again. He moved the halon effect like a dim finger, the element slithering across the space separating them and circling the young woman's face then closing in, dark tendrils seeping up into her nostrils.. the miniscule space between molecules at her lips and into her throat. He knew she could survive without air but the discomfort of the foreign element in her lungs would bring on a sure panic.

Supergirl was helpless, gasping for breath on instinct. The dead air was painful as it invaded her super senses and her reaction was to choke at the invasion. She clenched at her throat, trying to cough the no-matter from her lungs and felt his hands on her, tearing at the remnants of her top, tossing the clasps of her cape aside and ripping the top from her breasts. She watched him as he approached, kneeling between her spread thighs and bending to her breast, sucking her hard nipples. She cursed silently, putting up only a minimum of existence. Not that she could do much more.

"I've been doin this way too long. I know right from wrong and have found myself one more than a few occasions duking it out on the right side. But that does get boring after a few thousand years." He hissed, leaning to her breast and sucking the nipple and areola deeply. He tasted a thick sweetness as her breast lifted to his lips, her hands at his shoulders, trying to push him from her. He scratched her areola with sharp teeth, slipping a dose of his pheromone into her weakened blood stream. "Let me tell you something, slave. I'm real good at what I do and I have a tendency to keep certain item I collect. I'm not as stupid as I think and I have a few connections who, with a little help from still other sources at my disposal, could make the world a little worse than it already is. Governments are easier to manipulate than you think."

Kara felt her arms trembling as she lay back. She'd cocked an eye for a brief instant when he'd called her a slave. She was frozen by some chemical he'd possibly slipped her as she glared over his body. Her voice felt like heavy gas as she spoke. "Which is why it's up to people like Green Lantern and myself to see you don't get those opportunities. We're only doing out jobs now let's just end this now. I will let you go this time. It's all I can promise, Redghost. You don't have to do this."

Redghost took up her leg in one arm, linking it around his thigh and took a finger tip up the inside of her thigh. The glove melted around his hand, the tip elongating to a claw as he touched a long, slow cut along the pink flesh, red blood trickling down under her thigh. The laceration healed an instant after it opened. A combination of mingled healing properties the two had. "Yes. Doing your job. There isn't much of a market for super heroines in these parts. In fact, not much need for anything but food for the critters that hop around." He took his glove/clawed hand and slid it up beneath her skirt, the mutated claws slicing through her panties with a touch, reverting back to fingers as they slid between her labia. His other hand was at her throat. He watched her eyes widen as talons slipped out on the back of his hand and again, opened and closed cuts were painfully felt along the feral grip.

"Tell me what you want. I'll back off, pass the word around to let you go for a while." Kara hissed, struggling in vain to keep her body from betraying her. She lifted her hips to his fingers, oblivious to the mutilation the talons might cause. She gasped as the claws faded and thick fingers slid into her wet sex. "Don't do this, Redghost. You said you had been on the right side. Do that now." "Right side doesn't pay the bills. Been at it waay too long and conditions aren't favorable to it lately. Have you taken a look at the economy? It reeks.!" He reached up to her hair, hearing her gasp for breath as he eased the halon effect. Her blood moved faster now and with it, the venom of his dark essence. The pheromone jumped on her like a staving dog to a meat truck.

"Uuuugggnnnnn.. My god.. What is happeninggg???" Kara growled. Her vision went white as her cunt gushed over his fingers still driving deep into her. She reached p and took the man around the neck, pulling him to her and kissing him hungrily. She held him tightly, biting at his lips as she lurched in against his hand. She reached to his crotch and tore at the clasps at his armor, freeing his hardness and squeezing tightly, stroking the long, thick meat.. She growled feeling the venom override her morality and common sense. It was as if she were an observer as her body ached to be touched and filled by the criminal. "I'm gonna need more than your word and a lot more guarantee than letting me slide once or three times. I've got something coming up that I might need your help in. Not the actual job but keeping interlopers such as your hot little self out of my way while I'm doing It.." He said, touching her face, watching the orange fill swim over the whites of her eyes. He groaned softly feeling her strong grip stroking his shaft, pulling the swollen head to slide between her wet labia.

"And judging from your state, I would say leaving you here would be better than killing you or sending you back. You shouldn't fight it, sugah. Do what I say and it could be weeks before we cross paths again. All I'm asking is that you keep your eyes open. I can leak something to you regarding the thing I would have you mask my presence from. You are one of them honorable types. Can I take you at your word?"

Supergirl hissed, feeling his hips resist, the head of his cock just at her entrance, his cold, clawed hands moving along her body. She pulled as hard as she could, trying to get more of him inside her. Her hips lurched up as his head slid up, grating slick and firmly at her clitoris. She slid under him more and spread her thighs, her breaths coming in panicked gasps as the venom raged through her, clouding her judgment. "Oh god, please! I'll do anything. Just..." She could not believe nor stop the next words from leaving her lips. Lurching her hips up to his groin and feeling his head stretch then pop into her hot sex. She whispered, whimpered softly. "Just fuck me, ghost. Let me take it all. I need your hard cock you fiend. Anything you want."

Redghost smiled, lifting her thighs high, draping them over his broad shoulders. He shuddered at her hot tightness, holding back so only his head was clenched by her hungry, venom enraged cunt. He growled in return, feeling her sex suck at him, squeeze his shaft as he let a bit more be taken . "I told ya, cup cake. I'm not a bad guy. I don't threaten the lives of innocents. It's a business I'm into. Lil things like this are most delightful perks.

You're a tight one. And very ready but I don't know. I can stop this and we can discuss terms of your return a little more." He chuckled, seeing the venom affect her more than he'd thought. There must have been a lot of pent up sexual frustration in her he thought, feeling her hands move to his ass, her nails clawing at his cheeks as she pulled at him hard.

"Oh please! Don't stop. Do it! I'll watch your back. I'll let you do your crimes. Just don't torture me like this. Fuck my hot pussy, Ghost. Fuck it hard, pleeeease!" Kara was enraged with her primal lust. As she pulled at the man, feeling her walls expand with his slow, torturous penetration. She bucked her hips up and back on his thickening cock, feeling the length fill her deeper with each lift of her hips. She tried to turn away from him in shame, cursing herself for following him to this planet or dimension. She growled, laughing softly as she felt his arms wrap around her waist and her body borne up into his lap. She wailed as gravity worked its magic, her body sliding down, his hard, thick cock splitting her sex as it lifted deep into her.

"That's what I'm talking about! Ride my big cock you little slut!" Redghost hissed, tightening his hold around the young girl's waist and pulling her to him hard. He felt her squirm just a bit as his swollen head ground into her cervix and her juices ran hot down the still un-inserted length of his shaft and over his balls.. He lifted her to him, taking her breast in his mouth and rolling her nipple along his sharp teeth. He reached down behind the girl and slip a long finger up into her anus, feeling her grind into his harder, bucking softly at first then increasing the tempo.

"All In It Hard!" Kara grunted, jumping up and down on the steel hard shaft. She growled and bit at his shoulder as his tool pounded her deepest limits. She wriggled her ass onto his one finger, ground down harder as a second digit was added. She felt like a whore, pleading to be used more, grinding her hips down into his lap then bouncing furiously. "Oh god! Yes! Harder! Cumming NOWWWW!!!!!!!" She screamed, thrashing on the man. She felt her insides clench up as her release erupted. She could feel hot gushes of cum exploding from deep inside her ravaged cunt. "Fuck me Like a whore! Harder!. In my ass. Shove your fingers in my ass please! Oh.. Help help.. cuummmmiing!!!"

Redghost speared the girl with his hardness, feeling his huge cock swell as her walls gripped the thrusting shaft. He reached around Kara tighter, slipping three then four fingers up into her anus, feeling his thick rod driving in and out deeply. Feeling his balls start to tighten, he slowed her gyrations and lifted the frantic girl by her hips, chuckling as she beat and clawed his shoulders. The environment and physical aspect of both super powered beings had changed but the potency of the venom had not. He was somewhat thankful that the essence of her argonian biology kept the pheromone from doing any serious physical damage to her body. Her mind was warped by its effect however and the whites of her eyes were nearly all orange as she cursed him.

A place deep in Kara's mind screamed out to end this abuse, to fight the man and make him pay for the vile treachery but her body had succumbed to the drug in her system. She writhed in his grasp, feeling his hands at her hips, turning and lifting her from the floor to her knees. They were near the last wall she'd been thrown into and her hands reached out to it, planting her knees beneath her as her ass was hoisted up. She parted her thighs wide, emitting a low, animal growl as she felt his weight move into her back, felt the fat head of his hard cock again at her entrance. She started, yelping loudly as a heavy strap was slipped over her head and tightened at her throat with a sharp yank.

"You are very hot, Pop-Tart." Redghost hissed, taking the strap and pulling at the clasp, tightening it around her throat as he reached beneath the girl, pulling her ass up and splaying her wet pussy wide with his fingers. The head of his cock slid between her dripping labia, nuzzling her entrance and feeling her snatch almost suck at the glans. "You would rather be fucked anyway. All you heroines are just whores with too much pride to admit it. You hide behind the guise wanting to be used."

He took the end of the strap in one hand, a fist full of the girl's golden mane in the other and pulled back on both as he rammed his thick shaft deep, feeling her tight walls ripple along the length as it was squeezed in. His cock thrummed to greater hardness hearing her cry out as he filled her, grinding the head of his swollen member into her cervix, her sopping wet pussy gripping the length like an oiled fist.

Kara shrieked, holding herself at the wall with one hand, the other reaching back around the coupling, taking his ass cheek in the other, clawing at the unusually cool flesh and rolling his hips to her. She tossed her head, feeling the strap strain at her throat, his grip pull harshly at her hair. His cock was too big but she welcomed the pain his hammering thrusts brought. She screamed each time his head pounded her end, feeling as if he would shatter the inner flesh and surely impale her body. Every fiber of her being told her to escape but her cunt tightened around the girth, her arm pushing against the wall, her hand clawing at him, driving him harder into her. She came with a long, low growl, her juices squishing out as his cock displaced the space inside her. She fucked back harder, feeling her hot cum stream down the insides of her painfully parted thighs.

Redghost rode her hard, lifting her ass up with the sheer force of his thrusts. He felt her feet and calves slide up against his, linking tight around his ankles as he drove her. There were gasps and choking coming from her lips as she spat curses and pleading at him. He fucked her harder, triggering the halon effect and she began to convulse wildly on his cock, the constriction of her tight walls driving him to use her harsher still. He could feel the spurting hot cum wash over his groin as he ground his length at her then, feeling her begin to slip, ended the dual asphyxiation. He let loose the strap and ended the effect, hearing her take deep, loud gulps of air.

"Please! Stop it! I can't cum anymore. I'll do what ever..." Kara started, feeling her cunt clench his throbbing tool and another vicious orgasm rage through her body. "Aaggnnnnnnn.. please... "

"Shall I end this then, Super tramp?" He cooed, holding motionless behind the young woman, his cock thick and pulsing deep inside her. He shuddered feeling her walls expand only a bit then clench tight around the weapon. A wet warmth bathed his groin and he again, slowly began to pull from her." Kara hissed, gasping for air. "Please... Please." Her voice fell to a trembling whisper, drugged by the feral poison the beast had introduced, helpless to fight it. "Please cum in me.. On me."

Redghost pulled the heroine back from the wall, her knees scraping along the hard floor and lifted her. He brought her body up his, her thighs resting on his shoulders and felt her tiny mouth consume his hardness as he lifted her sopping cunt to his lips and drank her lust. "That's a good whore. I've always wanted a precious, noble little piece to say that. But again, I bet you say that to all the guys."

He climbed to his feet with the girl locked onto his swollen cock and moved across the room to a table that had been hidden in the shadows. He lay her down on it, her head hanging over the edge and plunged his cock down her throat, grinding the head into her windpipe as she sucked between gasps of air. Kneading her breasts roughly, he shoved the thick meat into her throat with bad intentions, chuckling as she gagged but somehow try to suck him harder. He reach down between her spread thighs and slide two fingers into her wet cunt, curling the tips up against her inner flesh, his thumb pressing and rolling over her engorged clit harshly.. faster.

Kara sucked on the seemingly growing cock ravenously, her vision gone with the lust brought on with the venom. She found that she could barely accommodate his girth but opened her mouth wide, inhaling the head to the back of her throat. She was incensed with the rape, reaching out and taking the thick cock in her hand, stroking it as she sucked faster. She was disgraced, pulling it from her mouth and moaning, wetting her face with it before sucking down again. She began to growl, bucking her hips up, grinding her cunt at his fingers, lifting her clit to his expert touch. She screamed around the cock as her cunt began to squirt.

Ghost adjusted his touch, applying pressure just inside her pussy and growled, feeling his cock stiffen as her cum was spit from her cunt over his hand, splashing at the table's surface. He rubbed her harder with each gush, feeling his balls tighten again as he used her mouth. He pulled away from her, taking her now wet blond hair and throwing her to her stomach on the low table. He held her head back, watching her mouth, her tongue extended, the tip cradling the base of his head.

Kara, squealed as she was tossed about, near crazed with lust as she found the beast's cock just away from her lips. She touched it with the tip of her tongue, not aware of her hand reaching down, under her quivering belly, the fingers dancing about her folds then driving into her wet cunt. She shoved the digits in and out with the reduced super speed, touching the head of his cock with her tongue. Tears were at her eyes and she whispered.. "Cum in my mouth, drown me in it. Help.. help meeee! Cummmmmmm!" She cursed, feeling her hand splashed with another gut wrenching orgasm.

Redghost clenched the base of his cock and roared as thick spunk oozed from his head onto the girl's trembling tongue. "Swallow it, bitch, Drink it all up." He spat, shuddering as he spilled a huge amount onto her wet, teasing tongue. He growled, looking down and watching her swallow, licking her lips then touch again. He grimaced and hissed as a large thick jet exploded from her head as her mouth opened wide, the torrent hitting the back of her throat and making her cough as he squeezed his throbbing cock. Another massive eruption splattered her face as she briefly closed her mouth to swallow the spunk then opened again, taking his load like she was gulping from a water fountain..

Kara swallowed as fast as she could, choking on the sheer volume of semen that seemed to keep erupting from the huge cock. She mewled loudly as spurt after thick spurt of cum painted her face, shot up in the air to arc down over her hair and eyes. She cringed and groaned as one spurt shot up her nose then gobbled the cock back up, feeling the back of her throat flooded with yet another deluge. She felt his grip tighten and then herself lifted, spun on the table top. She hissed at the man as he positioned her at the edge of the table, her thighs lifted high and wide. She scowled as his cock spat more cum, painting the insides of her thighs and kneaded her tits roughly as she watched his fingers move down, opening her pussy. He clit was painfully hard and she screamed as he placed the head of his cock just away from the splayed, wet surface of her pussy then blast it with another wave of cream. She howled and lurched as the impact was as if her cunt had been hit with a paint ball gun. Ghost was in full dark mode as his body rebelled at the power of the running orgasm, blasting her cunt with powerful release then plunging the tool again deep and hard into her hole. He banged her savagely, filling her with the waning but still plentiful ejaculate. Slumping onto her and sinking himself in. He heard the woman purring and sobbing as her thighs wrapped around his waist and her hips lurched slowly, her whole body shuddering.

After several minutes, he lifted from her, watching the defeated heroine hold her knees up to her chest, going fetal. He watched her with a strange curiousness as he replaced his armor and coat, taking the alien data pad and touching the semi-solid surface.

"What are you going to do with me now?" Supergirl sobbed, her insides wracked from the rape, the presence of his spunk overwhelming her senses. She shuddered as tiny orgasms rolled through her body like the aftershocks of an earthquake. "Right now, Pop-Tart, I'm going to decide if you go back to earth." He watched the girl start to scream as he opened a temporal portal and start to step through.

"No! You promised! You can't leave me here!" Kara screamed, somehow finding the strength to sit up on the table. She wailed as the portal began to close behind him, fell from the table hard as she crawled to catch him. The scream she gave as she watched the portal seal was deafening. Redghost chuckled as he emerged back in the warehouse on earth. He'd set the pad to deposit him in an alley just off a major street that was lined with department stores and night light type entertainment. He walked into a bar and took a seat after ordering a beer and looked down to his watch. He motioned the bartender again and asked for him to switch the channel to the evening news for a moment. He glanced to his watch as the male and female anchors read a story about a rash of conflicts between heroes and bad guys. The story revolved around the damage control that these conflicts brought with them. He shouted to the house that the next round was on him and gathered much of the appreciative crowds attention to the televisions, a smile slowly creeping to his face as he sipped his beer and slapped three hundred dollar bills on the counter.

He stood and started for the door as a place over the anchors began to glow then a ring of gray light lowered to the desk. Supergirl appeared out of the glowing portal on her back. Her hips were lifted and her fingers were driving harshly into her hot cunt, gushing a spurting orgasm over the top of the anchor desk, pooling between her parted and trembling thighs as he left the bar. He didn't see that her emergence back on earth had also wiped the effect of the venom and her weakness from the red sun of the place he'd used her. He also missed the surprise of the anchors and crew as she realized the ultimate humiliation. He did hear the bar patrons erupt in a chorus of whoops and howls as her ultimate humiliation was broadcast to more than a million sets tuned to the spectacle as he walked down the street and into the dark.

The End