Demon Lust 1: Phoenix

Author: Redvenom
Time to Read:15min
Added Date:5/3/2024
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Tags: x-menPsylocke
Series:Demon Lust

Demon Lust 2: PHoenix (ff, anal, oral)


Psylocke struggled awake on damp sheets, feeling strong hands on her shoulders. Her breath came in gasps, and her skin was clammy with sweat. The young woman caught herself before she instinctively launched an attack, recognizing the beautiful face of her fellow X-Man Phoenix above her.

"Beth, what's wrong?" Jean asked, frowning with concern. Her frown deepened when her team mate did not answer.

"I heard you cry out in your sleep. When I knocked, I didn't get a reply and I was worried something had happened." Phoenix continued, sitting down beside her team mate.

Psylocke took a hurried glance at herself, fearful to find marks of her ordeal. She still had on her loose T-shirt she usually wore to bed. Beneath it, her skin was flawless as usual apart from a thin sheen of sweat. She touched a finger to her lips, almost expecting to find dried cum around her mouth, but found nothing. Psylocke took a deep, calming breath before answering.

"A nightmare. Some dumb dream I..." she started, staring at Phoenix.

Jean blushed when she looked down and realized that in her hurry, her nightgown had opened, exposing generous amounts of her cleavage almost to her nipples. "Well, if you're ok, then I'll best get going," she said, straightening her gown hurriedly. As the redhead turned to leave, she felt Psylocke's hand on her arm.

"Jean, will you hold me for a moment?" Psylocke whispered, looking uncharacteristically vulnerable for once.

Phoenix hesitated for a momment, then nodded in understanding, wrapping her arams around her team mate in a motherly hug. As the raven-haired woman burst into tears on her shoulder, Jean held her closer. She noted that Psylocke's hair smelt faintly of cinnamon as she felt their bodies press together in embrace. Concerned at her team-mate's sudden display of emotion, Phoenix held her for long moments, not speaking but sharing the comforting warmth of her body. Psylocke cried out her pent-up horror and humiliation, tears rolling down her pale cheeks and staining the shoulders of Jean's nightgown.

Even as they embraced, Jean was acutely aware of their breasts pressed against each other. She had always admired Beth's terrific breasts and often wondered what it would be like to hold them in her hands, so hot and hanging full. She could feel the stiffened peaks pressing against her own through the thin nightgown, rubbing over her nipples. With a start, Jean brought her mind out of its wandering, berating herself for her lesbian fantasies.

As she tried to break the embrace, she found that Psylocke had locked her strong arms around her. Jean could feel her warm breath on her neck. Wet lips brushing past her ears, then down her soft throat before moving upwards again. Her tongue playing over Jean's red lips, wetting them delicately.

"Mffffff!" Phoenix gasped in surprise and shock as her raven-haired team mate clamped her mouth hungrily around her own. She could feel Beth's tongue pressing past her teeth, twirling around her own. Jean began to struggle, trying to push her team mate away but Psylocke was strong, her superbly toned muscles holding the redhead tight against her. Despite her resistance, Jean could feel her heartbeat hammering in her ear as her excitement increased.

Still straining feebly, Jean was caught by surprise when Psylocke shifted her weight then twisted around before slamming her against the wall. Phoenix gasped as her breath was knocked out of her, leaving her momentarily stunned. With her much better unarmed combat skills, Psylocke pressed her advantage on her hepless team mate. Expertly, she pinned the redhead's left arm with her own while trapping Jean's right arm between her body and the wall.

In their struggling, Jean's nightgown had opened, and Psylocke locked her eyes on Jean's superbly firm, ripe breasts before he head swooped down on them. Jean gasped in sudden pleasure as the she felt her team mate's warm, wet mouth envelop her right breast, tongue flicking busily over the nipple. She moaned as Beth moved over to the other breast, and back again, working over her sensitive nipples until they hardened to stiff little peaks.

"Ohhhh! Ohhhh! Beth, don't do this... Don't.... Ohhhh!" Jean moaned, trying to hold back her arousal as her body began to respond to Psylocke's expert touch. Pinned against the wall, the redhead's mind was in a turmoil, caught between trying to escape from the situation and feeling guilty because the touches felt so good. Oh, God, she thought, she really knows how to do a woman. Moaning, Jean felt a sticky wetness between her legs as she began to lubricate.

[You've been a naughty girl, Jean] Psylocke pulsed to her mentally, not stopping her ministrations. She continued her wet caresses on Jean's trembling body even she taunted her team mate telepathically.

[I know what you really, secretly desire. You've been thinking about it haven't you? Even while you were busy getting fucked by Scott just last week...] she continued.

[Beth! You aren't supposed to pry into the thoughts of your team-mates!] Jean gaped, aghast at what her team mate had done. And more frighteningly, that she knew.

[...Naughty Jean, thinking about lesbian sex with Cyclop's big cock up your tight, little pussy. What, big Scottie doesn't give you enough ride?] Psylocke taunted. She smiled with satisfaction at the slowly growing stain on Jean's gown between her long legs.

[Please....stop... stop this, Beth] Phoenix pleaded, squirming from her team mate's unwanted attentions. She shuderred as she felt Psylocke forcing her thighs apart, and her resolve hardened.

[Psylocke, if you don't stop, I'm going to...] Jean began, gathering her psionic powers.

Beth smiled, then with a swift movement lifted the trapped Phoenix slightly, her hand snaking under Jean's nightgown. Jean gasped as her team mate jerked her filmy silk panties down to her soft thighs with one violent tug. Without pausing, the raven-haired mutant mashed her open mouth against Jean's pussy, her tongue flicking over the engorged clit.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Jean screamed in shock as she felt Psylocke's mouth working on her sensitive flesh, licking and sucking madly. Phoenix sagged against her team mate, her slender hips jerking as Beth's tongue played about the fleshy lips of her pussy before worming its way inside.

"No! Beth, you musn't... Ohhhhhhh! Ohhhhhhh! Ohhhhhhh!" Jean moaned, rendered incoherent by her team mate's increasingly frantic tonguing. Oh God, God, she's good, Jean thought. She had oral sex before with her husband Cyclops, but it was never this good. Never like this.

"Ohhhhhh! NO! NO! NO!" Jean cried helplessly even as she felt her hips moving hungrily of their own accord, jerking in estatic rhythm. She felt her arms come free as Psylocke continued her tongue fucking. Going... going... going... Jean grabbed Psylocke's head with both hands, and then in a move that surprised even her, jammed her team mate's head firmly into her own crotch, increasing the pressure on her clit. Going... going... going...

"Yesssssssssss!" Jean hissed between clenched perfect white teeth as her orgasm burst upon her.

Crying out in her pleasure, her hands tangled in Beth's long dark hair as she kept pushing on Psylocke's head to keep the madenning tongue on her clit. Eyes closed, moaning as her hips bucked and jerked frantically, riding out her climax. Just when she didn't think it could get any better Jean screamed in pain as she felt Psylocke bite her engorged clit. The intensity of the pain and pleasure triggered another orgasm that made Jean claw fiercely at her team mate's head, crying out her sensations. Both women slumped onto the bed in a tangle of arms, breathing heavily.

When she recovered, she saw Psylocke eyeing her with undisguised lust. Psylocke's red lips were still wet with Jean's juices, trickling down her delicate chin. The air was thick with their mingled perfumes, sweat, and sex. Jean felt heated, the blood rushing to her head making her head swim and her heart pound in her ears. She watched entranced as Psylocke raised her arms, pulling off her loose T-shirt. She has terrific breasts, Jean thought. She found her gaze dropping to focus on the neat triangle of dark hair between her team mate's long, well-toned legs.

Then it was Jean's turn. As if unable to move, she sat silent as Psylocke disrobed her as well, pulling at the sash at her waist and sliding the gown off her shoulders. Jean's panties were pulled down to her ankles and she stepped out of them. Jean blushed as her team mate smiled and nodded in appreciation at her nude form. Both women regarded each other for long moments, before Psylocke reached for Jean. Pulling the redhead against her, Psylocke kissed Jean deeply, her tongue twinning around her team mate's. Jean returned the kiss, her mouth working busily over Psylocke's, tasting her own juices on Beth's soft lips.

Jean reached a tentative hand to her team mate's full breasts, caressing the firm globes. Heard Psylocke gasp as her nails brushed past their hardened peaks. Moaning in pleasure as Jean increased the pressure, playing and thumbing the erect nipples. As their mouths parted, Psylocke reached back, opening a drawer on the bedside table. Jean blushed again when she saw that the raven-haired woman had two black plastic dildos in her hands. So, that's what she has been amusing herself with, Jean thought. Unsure of what was about to happen, she watched as her team mate came up beside her on the bed, a slow smile on her face.

[On your knees, Jean] Psylocke ordered.

Jean trembled in anticipation as she allowed herself to be positioned on her hands and knees, her hips raised slightly. Nervously, the redhead watched as Beth moved behind her silently, one of the dildos in hand. Obligingly, Jean bent over, thrusting her buttocks upwards and exposing the puffed open lips of her pussy. She shivered in arousal as she felt the dildo playing about her entrance, the tip just dipping inside the fleshy lips. Teasing her. Soon, the blask plastic tip glistened with her juices.

[Oh, you'll love this, Jean] Psylocke reassured her telepathically.

Jean's eyes were closed as she moaned with pleasure, enjoying the feel of the long, hard length easing slowly into her, gently parting the sensitive walls of her pussy. She shuddered at the delicious feel of slow penetration as Psylocke wormed the dildo into her with consumate care. When it was halfway inside her, Jean began moving her hips impatiently, eager to get the full experience.

[My, my. You like this, don't you?] Psylocke teased. [Make you a deal, Red. There's still one spare cock. I'll do you if you'll do me]

Phoenix looked around, and saw the other dildo lying on the bed behind her. She stared at it, puzzled, then realized what her team mate had in mind. The thought excited her as she pictured what she wanted. The black plastic cock floated off the bed as Jean focused, concentrating her mental powers. Positioned on her knees behind Phoenix, Psylocke spread her supple legs obligingly. Held in Jean's practiced mental control, the dildo floated into position, aiming for the flowered open lips of her team mate's pussy.

Phoenix could feel Psylocke's body tense as the fake cock settled into position, its tip just penetrating the soft fleshy lips. With a mental push, Phoenix sent the fake cock tunneling deeply into the raven-haired young woman and was rewarded with Psylocke's cry of sheer delight. Her team mate's response was immediate, her strong fingers thrusting the glistening dildo into Jean's pussy up to the hilt.

"Oooooooooooooohhhhhh!" Jean screamed, shuddering in delight at the sudden penetration, almost losing control of the dildo.

Both women began to pant as they fucked each other furiously with the fake cocks, their bodies bucking and writhing erratically. Their liquid moans and gasps blended into a chorus of pleasure as their orgasms began to buld. With her mind, Jean sent her wetly glistening dildo sawing in and out of her team mate's engorged pussy. Similarly, Psylocke's dildo was slick with juice as she worked the hard length in and out of Jean's dripping pussy with lewd slurping sounds.

As her pleasure built to new heights she had never before experienced, Jean clawed at the pillows, a trickle of saliva spilling out of the corner of her wide open mouth. Then with a gargled cry, the redhead orgasmed powerfully, her back arching as she flung her head back. As Jean's juices spilled over her hands, Psylocke came as well, her hoarse cries blending into her team mate's wails of pleasure. Trembling uncontrollably, Jean slumped onto the bed as Psylocke collapsed over her, her chest heaving as she panted for breath.

[We're not done yet] Psylocke pulsed to Jean, who was drifting on the edge of slumber. It was obvious that the raven-haired mutant was not quite sated.

Jean moaned as she felt Beth's strong fingers caressing her buttocks, kneading the firm flesh. She inhaled sharply as the questing fingers found the crease bewteen the taut, muscled globes, knowing instinctively what her team mate was seeking. And shuddering as one finger circled the winking entrance, before probing gently inside the tight ring of muscle.

[Has he ever has you there?] Psylocke wanted to know.

Jean blushed, almost imagining the sly smile on her team mate's beautiful face. "No... Never."

[A hard cock inside your ass... You don't know just how good it feels. Once you've had it, you'll always want to be fucked up the bum.] Psylocke intoned as she began to circle Jean's anus with her finger.

[...I'm sure ol' Cyke has dreamed about it. In fact, I'm certain that he can't wait to stick his big cock inside that tight asshole of yours] Psylocke teased, her finger dipping slowly inside Jean's asshole, past the constricting ring of muscle.

The raven-haired mutant watched amused as Jean wriggled her buttocks, moaning softly and thrusting her hips up against her exploring finger. A shiny trail of juice spilled out of her pussy and crawled down her sleek thighs as Phoenix began to lubricate again.

{It feels good, doesn't it? Tell me, Jean] Psylocke demanded.

"It... it feels good" Jean moaned, overcome by the unfamiliar, forbidden pleasure of being penetrated in her most intimate orifice.

[Tell me you want it. Tell me you want me to fuck your tight little asshole]

Jean hesitated, then gasped in delight as her team mate buried her finger up to the knuckle inside her ass, wriggling gently.

"Yessss!" she hissed "Fuck me in the ass, Beth!" As said so, she felt another finger pushing inside her anal passage as Psylocke began to give her what she desired.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhh!" Jean cried as she felt the two fingers twisting around inside her ass, stretching her tight, virgin anus. As she thrust her hips up further, she reached back with her hands, pulling her buttocks apart to give her team mate better access to her asshole.

Pleased at her reaction, Psylocke reached for one of the dildos, still slick with the juices of their previous activity. Jean gasped in sudden disappointment as the fingers slipped out of her ass, then shuddered as she felt the larger shape of the dildo nosing about her anus. Jean wriggled her hips, relaxing her spincter muscles to allow the head to lodge inside her stretched-open asshole. The lewdness of the anal penetration sent thrills racing down her spine and Jean found herself panting.

The redhead took several deep breaths, trying to relax her anal muscles as Psylocke began to worm the hard, slippery length into her ass slowly. The going was hard at first, even with the slick coating of juices. Jean clawed at the sheets beneath her, moaning in pain as she forced herself to relax. As her anal passage began to accept the intrusion, her moans became those of pleasure as her team mate slid the dildo all the way inside her rectum.

Psylocke paused for long moments, savouring the sight of the black plastic cock buried to the base inside the backside of the moaning, writhing Jean Grey. The thought of taking the prim and proper Phoenix in the ass turned her on immensely. The redhead's firm buttocks clenched and relaxed in mesmerizing rhythm as she moved her hips hungrily, eager to have the full experience of the anal sex.

"Go on.... Oh, go on!" Jean pleaded, her eyes closed in rapture.

When she did so, Psylocke slid into position beneath Jean's bent over body. Phoenix found herself facing the spread-open lips of her team mate's dripping pussy and realized what the raven-haired mutant wanted of her.

[Eat me out, Jean. Eat my pussy, and I'll do your bum.] Psylocke pulsed.

Nodding, Jean hesitantly began to lick at Psylocke's engorged sex, her pink tongue playing lightly over the erect clit at the apex of the fleshy lips. As she did so, Psylocke curled her suppple legs around Jean's bobbing head, locking it in place and mashing her mouth against her pussy. At the same time, she took firm hold of the dildo and began to vigorously move the fake cock in and out of Jean's ass.

"Mmmmmmmfffffggggg!" Jean cried, as she inhaled the musky smell of Psylocke's pussy mashed into her face and felt her asshole being reamed deliciously at the same time. As she jammed her buttocks back against the anal intrusion, she drove her tongue deeply into her team mate, licking and sucking madly.

[Link your mind with mine, Jean] Psylocke offered, as her hips began to writhe from Jean's ministrations.

Stretching out her consciousness, Phoenix met her team mate's mind and made the connection, their individual thoughts and sensations swirling aross the mind-link. Jean shuddered as she shared Psylocke's pleasure at the oral sex she was giving her. She could feel her own tongue on Psylocke's clit from Psylocke's perspective. So real was the pleasure that her own pussy began to contract in spasm as her juices ran down her sleek thighs. A totally disorienting sensation that blew her mind.

[Ohhhhhhh! Ohhhhhh! Ohhhhh! Its... Its like fucking myself!] Jean screamed mentally as her pleasure doubled.

Psylocke moaned in agreement as she felt Jean's anal penetration first hand, even as she worked dildo embedded in Jean's backside. The raven-haired mutant intensified her efforts, reaming Jean's asshole frantically. Both women screamed as one from the incredible combination of pain and pleasure. Rocking wildly, the two mutants fucked each other like animals, their sighs, grunts, moans, and choked cries blending incoherently. Jean was the first to come, crying out her passion as she arched her back powerfully. Mind-linked, the redhead's climax hit Psylocke full force. As she felt her body began to spasm, she jammed the dildo as far as it would go into Jean's anal passage before screaming and cumming herself. Sucking madly at Psylocke's gushing pussy, Jean felt her team mate's violent orgasm merge into hers, sending her body out of control at the doubled sensation.

[Oh God! Oh God! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!] Phoenix screamed in incredible pleasure, flailing and bucking wildly.

The two women collapsed onto each other, chests heaving for breath and limbs tangled in sweaty embrance. For long moments the only sound was the heavy breathing as they recovered from the most intense sex either had ever experienced. Jean was the first to stir, moaning as she rolled off the panting Psylocke. Sliding to the side of the bed, she stared off into space, trying to come to terms with what she had just done.

"Oh god..." Jean whispered, realizing that she had just cheated on her husband Cyclops. And with a woman, to boot.

"You can't tell me you didn't enjoy it," Psylocke gloated, reading her mind as she sat up behind her team mate, fingers playing with Jean's flaming red hair. Leaning closer, the raven haired mutant whispered into Jean's ear, "You want more, don't you?"

Jean stiffened when she felt Beth's supple hands reach around cupping her breasts, gently caressing the full, firm globes. Reaching for the nubs at their peaks. At the back of her mind, Jean intended to stop Psylocke, but for some reason she could not explain remained still and silent. As if she was a third party, she watched entranced as the fingers stroked around her nipples in slow circles. She gasped as long nails brushed past her nipples, felt herself blush with shame as they erected. Shuddering as he felt Psylocke's tongue lick wetly over her earlobe, her team mate's breath warm in her ear.

"You'll come up here to my room tonight, won't you?" Psylocke asked, her voice soft. Seductive.

Jean gasped in pain as her team mate bit down on the soft flesh of her shoulder.

"We'll do everything. Everywhere. I'll make you cum until you scream....," the raven-haired mutant promised.

Jean trembled at the thought and knew with a sudden horror that she was going to do it.

Phoenix could hardly keep her mind on her work the whole day as she relived her lesbian encounter with Psylocke in her mind over and over. Sex with Cyclops was perfectly satisfactory and she usually had no trouble suppressing her carnal desires. Now, all she could think of was naked bodies, grunting and wild, frenzied fucking. Twice, she masturbated in her room, taking herself with her hairbrush in her pussy and her finger probing her asshole.

That night, breathing heavily from anticipation, Jean prepared herself carefully for her meeting with Psylocke. First she took a bath, then carefully dried herself and applied her perfume. Her hand trembled as she reached for the tube of KY jelly. It had remained unused since she had bought it soon after her marriage to Cyclops. Now, Jean bent over and squirted a generous amount onto her anus. She was still sore there from the morning's anal episode, but this time she would be fully prepared. The redhead moaned softly as she worked the slippery gel tenderly inside her anal passage.

From her dresser, Jean retrieved her most daring lingerie. Her skin tingled as she put in on, the black silk caressing her body like a gentle breeze. She felt her nipples harden fiercely and visibly under the silk bra. Sheer black stockings completed her dressing. She stared at the mirror for long moments, the unfamiliar look in her eyes making her seem like a stranger to herself. Wrapping a robe around her shoulders, she sneaked to Beth's room, feeling like a whore. And being excited by that thought.

Psylocke opened the door at the first knock. Jean gasped when she saw that her team mate was already naked. A sheen of sweat covered Beth's sweaty body and her nipples were already erect. Her heart hammering fiercely, Jean timidly stepped into the room, all the while feeling Beth's eyes hot on her body. Her hands turning Jean around to face her. Her hands on Jean's shoulders, slipping off the robe. Her mouth on Jean's, kissing her hard and deep, their tongues twirling wetly. Her hands snaking between Jean's thighs, stroking slowly and carefully until the silk panties were damp with Jean's arousal.

Jean gasped in disappointment as Beth broke their kiss suddenly.

"Sit on the bed, Jean," Psylocke ordered.

As Jean complied, she noticed Psylocke holding a small cube in her palm. She could make out intricate designs on its faces, glinting in the low light.

"No questions, Jean. Mind-link with me," Psylocke continued as she sat beside her on the wide bed.

Again, Jean complied, stretching out her thoughts to connect mentally with her team mate. The redhead watched confused as Psylocke began to manipulate the protusions on the cube, twisting and pushing. Jean heard a click and whirr as Psylocke stared back at her with a satisfied smile. Unsure of what Beth had done, Phoenix was on the verge of breaking their mental link when the box hummed and activated, creating the gate to the Plane of Lust. Jean screamed in horror and dread as their linked minds were caught in the swirling vortex.